|b{James_Hogg,_ed.} |b{The_Rewyll_of_Seynt_Sauioure,_Volume_4:} |b{The_Syon_Additions_for_the_Sisters} |b{from_the_British_Library_Ms._Arundel_146.} |b{Salzburg:_Institut_fr_Anglistik_und_Amerikanistik} |b{der_Universit„t_Salzburg,_1980.} |p1 |r[2] |r[THE_SYON_ADDITIONS_FOR_THE_SISTERS] |r[f.1c] religion. 4. If the ebdomadary, or any other of the quyer sustres čat synge, come not so longe tyme before the begynnyng of dyuyne seruyse, as the Pater noster and Aue maria, |r5 may be tretably seyde. Of the hoole habite. 5. If any come to dyuyne seruyse, or to Indulgete, seuen psalmes, confession, procession, comonyng, chap_ter, De profundis, or collacion, or generally to any |r10 conuentual acte vsed in the monastery, withoute her hoole habite. 6. If any haue oughte assygned vnto her for to rede or synge, and doeth not se it afore, or fulfylleth it not attendably. |r15 7. If sche that hath the kepyng of the bo*kes |r[f.1d], be_cause thorowe her negligence, that any boke lakke that schulde be occupyed in syngyng or redyng in the quyer, freytour, or chapter. 8. If any be neglygente in dyuyne seruyse, or be lyght |r20 of lokynge aboute, or be any vnreligious demenynge of hede, eygh, hande, or fote, schew there any lyghtnes of chere, or sluggeschly slepe, or be slomry in any conuen_tual acte. 9. If any in the quyer in tyme of dyvyne seruyse, or |r25 in tyme of the chapter or collacion, or in the freytour in tyme of redyng, conuentual refeccion, or drynkyng, or in the dortour in tyme of reste, make any noyse of |p2 |r[2] vnreste. 10. If any suster in |r[f.2a] the rere dortour other wyse callyd če house of esemente, behaue her vnwomanly or vnreligiously, schewynge any parte bare that nedeth |r5 not, whyle they stonde or sytte there. 11. If any mystrete the ornamentes of the auter, or any thynge of the quyer or chirche, vessel or other, or els lese any vstelment of če monastery, vessel, instrument or other. |r10 12. If any come not in dewe tyme, to comen obseruaunces, that is to say, yf they come to the chapter, after tyme the beneson is ¨ouen, or De profundis bygonne before the collacion, whan it is seyd for any persone late decesed, or els come to |r[f.2b] the freytour whan grace |r15 is begon before mete, supper, or drynkynge. 13. If any defoyle any boke in any place, or trete it vnhonestly. 14. If any lightly breke her sylence. 15. If any speke in a lowde voyce. |r20 16. If any be ¨ouen to ydelnes or to veyn speche, or to moche speche, or els of neglygence sayeth aught wherby other be hurte. 17. If any fynde any thynge not heres, and taketh it not to her, to whom perteyneth the vse therof, or to |r25 her office, or elles leyeth it not in suche a place, where as suche thynges be assygned by the abbes, to be leyde. |p3 |r[2] 18. If any take any |r[f.2c] thynge oute of očers office withoute leve, or go in to any sustres celle, except her own withoute a resonable cause, or els into any place that is forboden to entyr. 5 19. If any be founde negligent in ther office or mynystracion. 20. If any behaue them in the chapter, other wyse than is expressed in thees addicions. 21. If any lyghtly afferme any thyng with any othe, |r10 or in lyke wyse denye it, thof it be trewe that sche denyeth or affermeth [.] 22. If any myskepe her thynges, clothes or other, or els rente them, or breke them, or bren them. 23. If any dissolutly laugh, or styr any other by |r15 worde or by dede, to do the same. |r[f.2d] 24. If any go vnconfessyd seuen days togyder, withoute a resonable impedyment, known and allowed by her gostly fader. 25. If any wasche not, or take not her clothes to |r20 waschyng, in dewe tyme, nor in dewe tyme chaungeth them, lyke as če comen custom and honeste of the religion wylle. 26. If any suster speke vnreuerently to other, or in [skorne] calle or name other by ther proper name with_oute |r25 thys worde put before, Suster, or any suche other worde accordyng to her state and degre. 27. If any hurte or kette her hande or fynger, or spyl any lycour vpon the table wherby the cloth is |p4 |r[2] defoyled, or elles |r[f.3a] take any mete or drinke, withoute blyssyng or sayng of grace, or els taketh it oute of dewe tyme, openly in the syght of other, or oute of dewe place. |r5 28. If any suster loke or besyly caste her eyen into the brethres quyer gasynge vpon them, excepte the tyme of comenynge and leuacions of the sacrament of the auter, and other tymes permyttyd by the rewle. 29. If any suster not beyng in office, offer herselfe |r10 wylfully and withoute licence, to the speche or syghte of seculers, whan any of tho be within the clausure. Penaunce. For these and suche other lyght defautes, to them that wylfully take ther veyne and |r[f.3b] proclame them_selfe, |r15 is to be enioyned če seuen psalmes, or če comen letany, or če psalmes of the passion, or a parte of our lady sauter, or some other thyng acordyng therto, after the discrecion of the presydente. Another penaunce. |r20 But to them that proclame not themself wylfully, but be proclamyd of other, the penaunce schal be the gretter. And forsothe, yf suche defautes be had in custom, bodyly disciplyne is to be ¨oven. For than they be not to be called lyght defautes, but in a |r25 maner greuous. Of bodyly discipline. Therfor, whan the defaute of any suster is suche, that by reguler sentence, sche de*serueth |r[f.3c] a disci_plyne the suster commaunded to make her redy čerto, |p5 |r[2] schal stonde vp in the same place, where as sche knelyd before the abbes, doyng of her mantel, and late it fal down behynde her. And than sche vnder her cowle, shal take the hynder extremytees therof, |r5 and ley al honestly in her nekke, drawyng her armes oute of her sleues, to the elbowes at ferdest, and baryng the scholdres of her bakke as ferre, vnto the bare skyn; and so knelyng a¨ene in če seyd place, and also enclynynge, with alle mekenes schal |r10 take her disciplyne. Whyche sche or they schal ¨eve, whom the abbes byddeth; whiche ¨et schal be none of them that proclamed |r[f.3d] her, but another suster or sustres. And whylst any disciplyne is in ¨euyng for correccion, alle the sustres, excepte the abbes |r15 or presidente, and the ¨euer or ¨euers čerof, schal not beholde her, or them that be disciplyned, but caste downe ther hedes and syght towarde the erth, as yf they scholde beholde it at ther fete, hauyng compassion of her suster or sustres. And whylst any |r20 is disciplyned, sche schal nothyng say butte Mea culpa, I wyll amende. Whiche sche schal reherse thykke and many tymes, and none other schal speke at that tyme. Whan the abbes sayeth It suffyseth, sche or they that ¨eve the disciplyne, schal cese forthwith, at če |r[f.4a] |r25 seyd worde. Ther shal not be ¨ouen for the disciplyne |p6 |r[2] but fyue lasches, but yf the defaute be of the more greuous defautes, or els that sche or they schewe any token of rebellyon. For than the discyplyners shal not cese, tyl the abbes chargeth them to cese. And |r5 the lassches in disciplynes, owe not to be to softe or to esy, but moderatly scharpe, after the commaundment of če abbes. And whan the disciplyne is doon, sche schal clothe herself a¨ene, with the helpe of her, or one of them, that ¨ave her če disciplyne. But she schal not |r10 remoue from the same place, tylle sche haue her ful iugement, and tyl the abbes haue seyd to her: Go to ¨our placa. |r[f.4b] Suche that may not wele for age, or for any other cause resonable take disciplyne, they schal be sette to say in recompense therof, fytene |r15 pater nostres and fyftene Auees, or the seuen psalmes alone, or the letany alone, or some other thynge after če discrecion of the presidente. And it is gretly to take hede, that amonge lyghte defautes, be comprehendyd lyghter, and moste lyghte. Wherfor the president nedeth |r20 to have suche discrecion, that sche kan discerne betwene lyghte defautes, lyghter and lyghteste. |p7 |r[3] |r[f.4c] Thryd chapter. Of greuous defautes. It is a grevous defaute, yf any suster, officer or other, licensed to speke with any brother or breth_ren at any place, haue or mynyster, any debatous or |r5 frowarde wordes vnto them at any tyme. And the same is to be obserued and kepte to alle2 other3, specially to outward straungers. 2. If any bere false witnes a¨enste another, or be take with a lesynge made wylfully and of purpos, or |r10 with any foule worde, or els hreketh her sylence, or swereth horribly be criste, or by any parte of hys blyssed body, or unreuerently speketh of god or of any saynte, and namely of our blys*sed |r[f.4d] lady. 3. If any despyse če comen doctryne sette of holy |r15 faders, and ¨euen to them4 of ther souereynes for to be kepte, or be to negligente to kepe them. 4. If any defende or maynten her own defaute, or the defaute of any other in the chapter, or in any other place or tyme. |r20 s. If any repreue another of her defautes for the whiche she was corrected, or els maliciously or skorn_fully, reherseth it after the correccion. 6. If any say any thretynge, cursynge, or vnreligious wordes, to her, or of her, of whom sche was proclamed. |r25 7. If any suster say any wordes of despyte, reprefe, schame, or vylony, to any sus*ter |r[f.5a] or brother. |p8 |r[3] 8. If any of malyce caste oute or schew oute, the euelles, čat any suster or brother hath doon. 9. If any put dedly synne, vpon any suster or brother, which sche may not preve by sufficient recorde or wit_nes. |r5 10. If any lye in a wayte or in a spye, or els besyly and curyously serche, what other sustres or brethren speke betwene themselfe, that they afterwardes may re_uele or schewe, the saynge of the spekers, to ther |r10 grete hurte. 11. If any sowe dyscorde amonge the sustres and brethren. 12. If any be founde a preuy rowner or bakbyter. 13. If any vnresonably grudge for mete |r[f.5b] or drynke, |r15 or for any other thynge, and namely yf they stere očer to do the same. 14. If any, safe suster to suster, and excepte the kepers of the wheyles, grates, gates or entres into če clausures, and ¨et not they but ther offices only, |r20 be founde to speke alone, confession only vnyuersally excepte. Or els yf any whan they haue leue to speke, take any other with them, than suche and the same whom the souereyne assygneth. 15. If any bryng in any tydynges withoute leue of |r25 the souereyne. 16. If any go vnconfessed fourtene days, thorowgh ther own defaute. |p9 |r[3] 17. If any suster in the dayes of precepte |r[f.5c] by the rewle withdrawe herself than from comenynge, withoute licence or forbedyng of her dayly confessour or of the general confessoure, or els for resonable cause ex_pressed |r5 to one of them, and allowed by hym, to whom the cause is expressyd. 18. If any suster be comened, any other day than the dayes of precepte or saturdayes, withoute lycence of the generall confessoure. |r10 l9. If any breke če fastes of the religion, withoute leue of the souereyne; or els the fastes of the chirche, withoute leue and dispensacion of the generall confes_soure. 20. If any withoute leue of the sovereyne, go into |r15 očers |r[f.5d] celle whan it is no nede, or receyue any thynge, of any that hath not the cure of mynystracion of če same thynge, and also sche that ¨eueth it so withoute leue. 21. If any hauyng mynystracion of thynges necessary, |r20 and have sufficiently in čer office to mynyster to the nedy, and do not dewly and charitably, mynyster the necessaryes that be asked in dewe tyme and dewe places. 22. If any commaundyngly, or maneschynge, or vnrest_fully, aske ther necessaryes, or els oute of dew tyme |r25 or dewe place, whan they ther nede myght forbere, and also yf any, whan they receyue newe thynges, wyl not delyver ther olde. |r[f.6a] 23. If any hauynge charge of the ¨ates and dores of |p10 |r[3] the clausure, leue them vnschette, withoute some keper of the same, eyther within or withoute or bothe. 24. If any be a customable faller into lyghte defautes. Penaunce. |r5 For these, and suche other defautes, to them that wylfully proclame themself, schal be ¨oven streyte cor_reccion of disciplyne, with the seven psalmes and letany, or oure lady sawter, and sylence of one day at leste. Other penaunce. |r10 But to them that wyl not proclame themselfe, but be proclamed of other shal be ¨ouen two discyplynes, with sylence of two dayes atte |r[f.6b] leste. The unresonable grudgers schall absteyne them from that kende of mete and drynke, or of any other |r15 thynge that they grudge a¨enste, after that the presi_dente semeth it for to be doon. And yf they may not withoute notable hurte bere thys penaunce, they moste be ponessched other wyse, after the discrecion of the presidente. |p11 |r[4] Fourte chapter. Of more greuovs defautes. It is a more greuous defaute, yf any of pryde, or of open rebellyon, |r[f.6c] be inobedient to her souereyne by one hole day, or els malapertly stryve with her as sche |r5 wer egal to her, or malycyously say any euel of her. 2. If any say any wordes of iniurye to her sovereyne, or to any of the serches. 3. If any suster sowe discorde betwene any sustres or brečren, and namely betwene the abbes and generall con_fessoure. 10 4. If any afferme the reuelacions of saynte birgitte as dremes, or els detracte them. 5. If any whan čei fal a chydyng or stryuyng togyder, yf the souereyne, or priores, or any serche, say čus: |r15 Sit nomen domini benedictum, wyl not cese, knokkyng themselfe vpon ther brestes, an*swerynge |r[f.6d], and saynge mekly and with a softe spyryte: Mea culpa, or els: Ex hoc nunc et vsque in seculum, and so vtterly cese. 6. If any be founde in any suspecte place, spekyng |r20 with any brother, or with any seculer persone man or woman. 7. If any publysch or reuele, the secretes of the religion, to any outwarde persone. 8. If any do any dedly synne openly, excepte lechery |r25 and the synne a¨enst nature, whiche is sette amonge moste greuous defautes. 9. If any putte any cryme, upon anočer, that is to say dedly synne, whiche sche may not proue by suffi |p12 |r[4] cient witnes, or elles bere false witnes to the profe therof. |r[f.7b] 10. If any, not required of her sovereyne swere any grete othe, in what case that euer it be. As yf they |r5 swere be the sacramente, or be the body of cryste, or be hys passion, or be hys crosse. or be any boke, or be any other thynge lyke; or els be conuicte of per_iurye. 11. If any manesch by chere or wordes to smyte |r10 another at any tyme, or for to auenge her own iniury, or els by vngodly wordes repreue another of her contre or kynrede, or of any other sclaunderous fortune or chaunse, fallen at any tyme. 12. If any do any thefte or sacrilege. |r15 13. If any withoute licence and knowlage of her souer_eyne, sende oute or receyue |r[f.7b] in from withoute, any letter or 3efte. 14. If any make confession to any other preste, than is assygned her by the general confessour. For sche |r20 that lurkyngly, fleeth her proper prelate or curate schryvynge her to another not hauyng ful power to assoyle her, wyte sche wele for trouth, that suche confession schal not avayle her, nor the penaunce therfor enioyned her. |r25 15. If any of contempte breke the fastes or absty_nences of the chirche or of the religion. 16. If any use sorsery or witchecrafte. l7. If any withoute knowlage and licence of the souereyne lat in, or bryng within the clausure, any |p13 |r[4] outewarde persone, ¨e thof če |r[f.7c] persone be not suspecte. 18. If any, to the defence of her own trespace or of any other, reherse lawes, or alledge them, or induce any other therto, or 3eue any fauour to synne. |r5 19. If any appele from reguler correccion, but yf sche openly če nexte chapter after go utterly from her appele. 20. If any with violence breke up any dore, or lokke, or with any sotel crafte open it, withoute licence and com_maundmente of the sovereyne. |r10 2l. If any be impression in waxe, or in any other im_pressable matyre, counterfete or make any seal or key. 22. If any be a customable doer of gre*uous |r[f.7d] defautes. Penaunce. For these defautes and suche other, they čat be de_fauty |r15 and wylfully proclame themself, schal bere thys penaunce seuen days. Twyes in that wyke at leste, they schal take bodyly disciplyne, in suche tyme as the abbes wyl assigne. And the monday and wensday, they shal be serued and contente with one maner of potage, |r20 and one maner of flesch or fysche and smalle ale, but yf it be double feste. For than they schal be serued as other be, excepte pytaunce, wyne, and frute; and the fryday they schal haue but brede and smal ale, and one maner of potage. Neuertheles, in alle more double |r25 festes |r[f.8a] lyke to cristmas day and suche other, they schal be serued altogyder as other be, and they schal fulfylle the fryday penaunce, the wensday before or |p14 |r[4] after. Sonday, tuesdaye, thursday, and saturday, they schal be serued as in smale dowble festes, withoute pytaunce, wyne, and frute as it is seyd before, and all these seuen dayes, they schal kepe streyte silence, |r5 loweste place in ther order in all conuentuall actes. And al thys tyme they schal not be comened, nor mynyster in the chirche nor come into the quyer, with_oute special leue or commaundemente of the souereyne. And 3et suche leue is not to be graunted withoute grete |r10 nede and resona*ble |r[f.8b] cause; for al thys tyme, they stonde in maner of censures of the religion, into tyme they haue performed ther penaunce. Očer penaunce. To them that wyll not proclame themselfe, but be |r15 proclamed of other, the seyd penaunce schal be encresyd in every partye after the discrecion of the souereyne. If any apele from reguler correccion, they schal besyde the seyd penaunce be put into pryson, wnto the nexte visitacion of the buschop, berynge in the mene |r20 tyme the penaunce of most grevous defautes. |p15 |r[5] |r[f.8c] Fyfte chapter. Of most greuous defautes. It is a most greuous defaute, yf any be conuycte of properte, for the whiche, penaunce is taxed in the rewle. Whiche penaunce, yf any propertary refuse to |r5 do, sche schal be put into pryson. 2. If any forsake obstynatly, to accepte and fulfyl the penaunce enioyned her of the presidente. 3. If any go away in apostasy, or elles attempte or assay, to go ouer the walles of the clausure. |r10 4. If any stonde vnobedient and rebelle to her souer_eyne, two hoole dayes. 5. If any conspire a3enste her souereyne, or be con_federyd, or els werke to the subuersion of the order, or |r[f.8d] to the destruccion of the pryuyleges, constitu_cions, |r15 addicions, statutes, ordinary iniunccions; or els of ambicion, rankour or hate, labour to the pri_uacion of the pryores, serches, or of any officer of the order. 6. If any diffame or sclaunder the abbes or confes_sour, |r20 suster or brother of any cryme, al yf they were defauty in the same. 7. If any stele or destroy any comen register, or any comen euydence, or els put oute or sette in any thynge in the comen registyrs or comen bokes, with_oute |r25 the comen deliberacion and assente. 8. If any sende oute lettres of lewde affeccion, or of sclaunder of any persone, or čerto make bylles |p16 |r[5] or ry*mes |r[f.9a], inwarde or outewarde. 9. If any ley vyolente hande vpon her sovereyne, or spituosly smyte or wownde her or any suster, thof sche reyse no blode of them; or elles make any profer to |r5 smyte be sygne or token, leftyng vp her fest, stykke, staffe, stone, or any other wepen what ever it be; or els schofte, pusche, or sperne, any suster from her with armes or sholders, handes, or fete, violently, in wrekyng of her own wreth. |r10 10. If any do kylle, or mayme another. 11. If any fal openly into fleschly syn, kyndly or vnkyndly[.] 12. If any do open sacrilege or thefte. 13. If any in her madnes or drunke*nesse |r[f.9b], blaspheme |r15 horrybly, god, or our lady, or any of hys sayntes. 14. If any be founde so moche vncorrigyble, that neyther she dredeth to do trespase, neyther fulfylleth če penaunce that is enioyned her for her defautes, or els openly refuseth to do her penaunce. Suche a per_sone |r20 moste algates be conmytted to pryson, leste one skabbed schepe infecte al the flokke. Penaunce. What houre therfor of the day, that any is founde or take in any of the seyd defautes, or in any suche |r25 other lyke, and dewe correccion or poneschmente, may not wele be deferryd tyl the houre of the chapter on the morne, lykly withoute hurte, for |r[f.9c] ofte sythes taryeng enduceth perell, the chapter belle schal be |p17 |r[5] ronge, or els some other wyse, the couent schal be callyd togyder to the chapter. And by the commaundment of the president, sche schal put from her, her gyrdel and knyves, nedels and pynnes, cowle, mantel, crown and |r5 veyle, and remayne in her rewle cote, as it scheweth in the seuente chapter of čis boke, leuynge al togyder at the presidentes fete. To whom the presydent schal say to her forthwith, in čis wyse: For thys trespace, expressyng it, I enioyne ¨owe the peyne of prysonemente. And anone |r10 as the sentence is ¨ouen, the gylty schal with sufficient garde assygned by the president, |r[f.9d] be led to the pryson, in the whiche sche shal abyde, tyl sche be very repentaun_te. Ande whylst sche is so led, the chapter schal be ended after the comen vse. |r15 Other penaunce. Neuertheles yf so be that the gylty, of her own fre_dom meke herselfe, before alle, and trewly knowlage her defautes, behotynge amendes, so ¨et, that sche haue not in custom to fal in suche defautes, sche schall be par_doned |r20 of prisonmente, and fulfyl the penaunce that is sett and expressed in the seyd seuenthe chapter, for them that aren delyveryd oute of prison. Saue conspiratours, sclaunderers, mankyllers, violent smytyrs, incontynente lyuers or brekers of chastite, and apostata*es |r[f.10a], and |r25 they that be vncorrigible, schal be excepte euermore, from any pardon of prisonmente. Moreouer, yf any suche be, that by the felynge and dome of the souereyne, and of the more and holer parte of the congregacion, may not be sufferyd in the seyd con |p18 |r[5] gregacion, withoute grete perele of sowles or of bodyes, than schal suche be schette vp in pryson, or in some other stronge place. But wylful mankyllers, schal be put to perpetual prison. |r5 And sche that schal be prysoned, or is in pryson, schal be vnder the kepynge of suche, that kanne and may suerly kepe her, mynystrynge to her, as the souereyn byd_deth. |p19 |r[6] |r[f.10b] Sexte chapter. Of apostates. She that after open apostasye, turneth home a¨ene wylfully, schal be receyued in thys forme. Fyrst, sche schal come openly in the same habyte and clothyng |r5 that sche used in her apostasy, wheyther it wer seculer or religious. And at the dore of the chirche of the brethren clausure, than openyd, sche schal fal downe prostrate, before the confessour and hys brethren ther presente, the seculer peple seynge thys and beholdynge, |r10 and so lyeng prostrate, sche schal aske leue to |r[f.10c] speke. And leve graunted, sche than knelynge čere, schal knowlage before alle, the gretenes and the enor_myte of her synne, concernynge only her apostasy, com_myttyng herself lowly to al reguler correccion therfore, |r15 and be goddes grace amendemente of lyuyng and stable purpos of abydynge euerafter. Whiche doon, the con_fessour schal take her in withoute ¨evyng of holy water, and so forthwith delyuer her to the abbes and couent, abydynge at ther dore of entre. Whom the |r20 abbes than schal lede by the hande into ther comenynge hows, and there a3ene sche schal openly confesse to the abbes and couente, the synne of her apostasy, be_hotyn |r[f.10d] ge amendment, and perpetual stablenes of aby_dynge. And than forthwyth in če same place, by the |r25 commaundment of the abbes, two serches schal ¨eue her disciplyne, the couente in the mene tyme, distynctly and openly, quyer to quyer knelynge with the abbes, sayng thys psalme: Miserere mei deus, with Gloria patri, Kyryeleyson, Christeleyson, Kyryeleyson, Pater |p20 |r[6] noster, Aue maria. And whyle pater noster and aue maria is in saynge, they that ¨eue the disciplyne schal cese, begynnyng a¨ene and contynuynge, wylst the abbes sayth thys preces folowyng [:] Et ne nos. Domine non secun_dum |r5 peccata nostra facias nobis. Domine exaudi oracio_nem meam. Oremus. |r[f.11a] Presta quesumus domine huic famule tue, dignum penitencie fructum peragere, vt que ab ecclesie tue integritate deuiauit apostatando, commis_sorum veniam consequendo, reddatur innoxa. Per christum |r10 dominum nostrum. Amen. And al thys schall be seyd with so open voyce, that it may be herde both of sustres and brethren. Ande than the confessour syttyng at the seyd place, schal ¨eue absolucion in thys wyse: Within če comenynge |r15 wyndowe, schall hange a cloth that may exclude hys syghte vtterly, and the syght of al that be with hym from the seyd persone and from al the sustres. And sche lyeng prostrate, and the two roddes with the which sche |r[f.11b] was dyscyplyned, lyeng upon her naked bakke, the confessour |r20 schal say thus[:] Auctoritate dei patris omnipotentis et domini nostri ihesu christi, et cetera. And thys doon, the abbes schal ¨eve her holy water, and a rewle cote, yf sche haue lefte it before, and than |r25 the belle schal be ronge, and al schal go to chapter, where as sche schal take the sentence of prysonmente. And after a fewe dayes, sche schal be delyveryd oute therof, but yf so be that sche have fallen in apostasy before, or čat none euydence of truste appere in her |r30 of stablenes. Ande whan sche is thus come oute of pryson, če abbes schal assygne her a sadde maystres, |p21 |r[6] with discrete iniunc*cions |r[f.11c] for a tyme, more or lasse, after the disposicion and behauynge of the persone, so late correctyd and so late delyveryd. Another penaunce. |r5 If any suche apostata be, that is broughte home with stronge hande, but ¨ette wylfully submytteth her to reguler correccion, sche schal be receyued in the forme aboue expressyd, but her penaunce schal be more encresed. |r10 Anočer penaunce. But any suche so broughte home, and wyl not submytte themself to reguler correccion, they schal be take in, openly be another dore, and go to pryson forthwyth, with other holsome straytnes, into tyme |r15 that they repente them of al ther herte |r[f.11d] and sorowe for ther syn, and ofte tymes and with moche instaunce, offer themself mekly, to al maner of reguler correc_cion. And also make menes to other to pray for them, that they maye be admytted čerto, and that to suche, |r20 as they suppose schal be herde and spede. And than any suche schal be brought forth with her chaynes into the comenynge howse, there to be assoyled of her apostasy, after the forme before expressyd, in thys same chapter. Whiche doon, sche schal be had to |r25 prison a¨ene, ther to be ponesched and tretyd in the maner aboue seyde, with some encrese after the discre_cion of the souereyne and of the quantite |r[f.12a] of her |p22 |r[6] trespase. Another penaunce. Whan the apostasy is preuy and not open, sche schal be take in prevyly by some other dore, and be ponesched |r5 and entretyd, after the forme before expressed. Seuenth chapter. Of prysoners and of ther delyueraunce. The reclused in pryson, schal not go thens, tylle sche repente of alle her herte. And in al thynges sche shal be treted after her demerytes, as the hody may |r10 bere withoute notable hurte, hauyng no mantel |r[f.12b] nor cowle, veyle, nor crowne, tyl sche be delyuered from pryson. To whom, none schal speke nor go to nor ¨eue, nor sende, nor any schal take aughte of her, but only by the precepte or lycence of the souereyne. Whoso |r15 doeth the contrarye, schal bere the poneschemente, dewe for a more greuous defaute: And yf any brynge, or sende any instrumente, or any thynge els, by the whiche sche myght escape theueschly oute of pryson, she schal be put in pryson herselfe. |r20 Euery day whylst any is in pryson, her prebende schal be broughte before the presidente, inmediatly after that the freytour is serued of be*comen |r[f.12c] pre_bende, but yf the abbes commaunde otherwyse, that the presidente after her discrecion make it more or lasse, |r25 or els sende it forthe as it is. |p23 |r[7] How prisoners schal be visitte. The sovereyne goeth neuer to any that is in pry_sone, but in tyme of grete nede. But other sustres, of the eldest, rypest, and saddest of the religion, be |r5 licence of the sovereyne, two or thre togyder, nowe these, now čei, owe of pyte and compassion, amonge to visitte suche prysoners, that they be not ouercome with to grete heuynes. Examynyng and preuyng ther inwarde labours, and enducynge them as nede re*quyreth |r[f.12d], to |r10 be veray repentaunte, and that they take not to heuyly, the rodde of dewe correccion, syth it is a very token, of the grete mercy of god, whan he spareth not synners in thys lyfe. And thus and better as it falleth to ther mendes for the tyme, they owe to com_forte |r15 hem with benygne and holsom wordes. If so be, that none suche sustres offer themselfe to suche visi_tacion, than schal the souereyne styrre suche, nowe these, nowe them, to execute suche werkes of pyte. And thof so be čat such prysoners may be confessyd |r20 of ther synnes leste they for¨ete hem, ¨et they schal not receyue sacramental abso*lucion |r[f.13a], like as they schal not receyve če sacramente, nor holy brede, nor holy water, nor any suche other sacramentales withoute special licence of the general confessour, because |r25 they scholde the more attendably, study and werke the more spedyly, aboute tho čynges, that myghte cause and haste ther delyueraunce, but yf so be that ther pry_sonmente be perpetual. For in suche case, they may be as ofte assoyled sacramentaly, as they be confessyd. |r30 Saue they shal not be comened but at the feste of |p24 |r[7] ester, and in the artykle of dethe. And whan they be comened they schal come oute of pryson, as for čat day, and at euen, |r[f.13b] go or be brought to pryson a¨ene. Suche as falle into grete evydente sekenes, |r5 schal be broughte into the fermery, there for to be treted charitably, as the sekenes requyreth, and also in case of vttermest nede, to receyue al nedeful sacra_mentes. But yf čei rekeuer, they schal go a¨ene to pryson and ther performe the resydewe of ther reguler |r10 penaunce. Of delyueraunce oute of pryson. Whan sufficiente prefe is had by be general con_fessour, or by her kepers, or by them čat visitt any suche, čat any of hem hač very contricion and repen_taunce |r15 of her transgression, and is in ful wyl to amende, and neuer aftyr by |r[f.13c] our lordes grace to fal a¨ene into any suche defaute, thys ought to be noty_fyed to the souereyn. Whiche gretly reioysyng therof, and meuyd to mercy and pyte, schal lymytt a conuenient |r20 day and tyme, for the delyueraunce of suche a suster. And the seyd day come, one of her kepers schal brynge her forthe into the chapter, havyng in eyther hande a rodde, and in her entre sche schal enclyne to če mageste: Ande whan sche cometh nygh to the presydent, |r25 sche schal enclyne a¨ene, leyng downe the rodde, that sche hath in her ryght hande, vpon the lefte syde of the presidente, and that |r[f.13d] other rodde vpon the ryght syde of če president, fallyng downe prostrate forthwith, and askyng leue to speke as al other be wonte. And |p25 |r[7] whan sche hathe leue to speke, she ther knelynge schal knowlage her defautes openly, and committe herself to al reguler correccion, promyttynge be the mercy of god to amende her maners. And than forthwith at the |r5 commaundmente of the president, sche schal make her redy to disciplyne. Whiche two serches or two other sustres assygned by the presidente schal ¨eue, not scharply but in a mene, the presydent and the couente knelyng and saynge distinctly in the me*ne |r[f.14a] whyle, |r10 quyer to quyer thys psalme: Miserere mei deus with Gloria patri, Kyrieleyson, Christeleyson, Kyrieleyson. And whilst the Pater noster and Aue maria is in saynge, they that ¨eue the disciplyne schal cese, begynnyng a¨ene and contynewyng, whilst the president sayth thys |r15 preces folowynge, whiche is to be seyd with so open voyce that it may be herde of alle: Et ne nos. Domine non secundum peccata nostra facias nobis. Domine exaudi oracionem meam. Oremus. Deus cui proprium est misereri semper et parcere, suscipe deprecacionem nostram, et |r20 hanc famulam tuam quam delictorum cathena constringit, miseracio tue pietatis absol*uat |r[f.14b]. Per christum dominum nostrum, Amen[.] Thys doon, sche schal clothe herselfe a¨ene, with the helpe of them that ¨ave the disciplyne, and than |r25 sche schal lye downe prostrate a¨ene before the pre_sydente . To whom the presidente schal say thus: What say ¨e. And she lyenge prostrate, schal answer thus: I aske the mercy of god and ¨owres, that I may be delyueryd fro my bondes of pryson. The presidente |r30 schal say: Ryse vp. And whan sche is rysen, the |p26 |r[7] president schal declare to her, knelyng before her, the gretenes of her trespase, and the payne that she hath deseruyd therby, sayng thus in sentence: Doughter the gretenes and gre*uousnes |r[f.14c] of so grete |r5 a defaute, asketh čat ¨e scholde haue byde lenger in prysone. Neuertheles, what for ¨our repentaunce, and for the pyte that I haue of ¨ow, what for the manyfolde and charitable besechynges of ¨oure sustres, ouercomen, I muste nedes schew some mercy to ¨ow. I |r10 assoyle ¨owe from the bonde of pryson. And whan sche hereth thys, anone sche schal fal downe prostrate at the fete of the president, offeryng herselfe to kesse them. But če presidente in no wyse schal suffer that, but rather put downe her ryght hande that sche may |r15 kesse it. And than there knelynge, sche schal thanke al the sustres |r[f.14d] than beyng in the chapter, begynnyng fyrst at the ryghte syde, and after at če lefte. Thys doon, the presidente schal enioyne to her the penaunce of a more greuous defaute for a tyme, |r20 that is to say, eghte dayes at leste, of the whiche one schal be in brede and water, on the flore in the myddes of the freytoure. Whiche day, at euery con_uentual entrynge into the chirche and comynge oute from dyvyne seruyse, or at the leste at grace, after |r25 mete and suppere, sche schal lye prostratt at the chirche dore, sayng in a lowe voyce mornyngly to the sustres that come in or oute, ofte rehersyng the same, thus: Goode sustres pray for me; goode sustres |r[f.15a] pray for me. Ande eche suster, outetake whan they |r30 enter in with graces, schall answer thus a¨ene in |p27 |r[7] lyke voyce thof it be silence tyme: Almyghty god haue mercy vpon ¨ow. And eche day that sche taketh disci_plyne sche schal fal downe prostrat before the presi_dente, askynge some relese of her penaunce. And the |r5 president schal remitte now a parte and čan a parte after her discrecion, but no grete činge in če be_gynnyng, nor any tyme al, outake at ende, or in case of nede ineuitable; for all suche thynges ar to be doon, be conuenient processe. And as ofte as |r10 any is relesed of any thynge, sche schal fal downe prostrat and thanke |r[f.15b] the president and al the con_gregacion as it is seyd before. But as touchyng to them, that be openly knowen for acursed, ther schal no penaunce be enioyned hem, |r15 tyl they be fyrst assoyled of the general confessour after the forme of holy chirche, expressed in the sexte chapter. |p28 |r[8] Eghte chapter. Of the presidente. By thys name Presidente, is vnderstonde every per_sone, that amonge the couente gaderyd togyder in any conuentual acte, hath there the rewle |r[f.15c] of the religion, |r5 atte leste for that ceson. For they that be so gadered, be neuer withoute a presidente. The souereyne is president in euery place. And sche absente, the priores is presidente. Sche absente, the eldeste serche. Al these thre absente, the secunde serche, |r10 and so descendynge by al the serches. Whiche al ab_sente, the eldest suster of hem there present, is presidente. The presidente who ever it be, in če absence of the souereyne schal do that the sovereyn scholde do |r15 yf sche wer there presente, excepte in cases specially and only reserued to the souereyne. Ande who that ever be presidente, be it so |r[f.15d] ver_eyne or other, in hir iugementes aboute čem čat trespas and fal into defautes, she oweth to have grete besynes |r20 and warnes, knowyng wele, that the physicion is not nedeful to them čat be hole, but to them that be seke and euell at ese. Wherfor sche oweth to consyder discretly, and to ponder wyseiy, the gretenes of the trespas, withal the circumstaunces therof, and also |r25 the dispocions of the persones that do it, and there after to enioyne, the penaunce, taxed in the secunde, thryd, fourth, and fyfte chaptres of these addicions, whiche penaunce in case sche may make more or lasse after her discrecion. But in nowyse sche oweth to |r30 leue |r[f.16a] behynde the doctryne of the holy apostle saynte |p29 |r[8] paule, whiche techeth al souereynes how they schal behaue them to ther subiectes saynge thus: Repreue scharply; Beseche hertly; Blame wrothly. i. She repreveth trespasers scharply, whan sche |r5 before other persones, ¨eueth monicion to suche as be vnrestful, or kepe not ther religion, or be neg_4 lygent in many thynges, chargynge them in al wyse that they amende hemself. ii. Sche besecheth hertly, whan sche goodly exhor_teth |r10 them that of infyrmyte fal and synne, that they haue more warnes to kepe themselfe from suche falles, and to make them stronge, čat they he not so lyght |r[f.16b] to falle. Or els, whan sche prayeth them čat be obediente, mylde, and paciente, to perseuer and con_tynewe, |r15 and to encrese therin. iii. But sche blameth wrothly, whan sche wrothely repreueth, or moderatly chydeth them that synne and trespas of purpose and of certayne malice, or of contempte, or of longe roted custom. |r20 Neuertheles al thys is to be done mesurably and somwhat in the spirit of softenes, leste that the gylty thorough to moche suche blamynge, be so gretly chaufed and trobled, that sche wyl not gladly admytte the holsom penaunce that is enioyned her for |r25 her defautes. Wherfor the porte of the presidente, is to be manerly, meke, |r[f.16c] and sadde, and the sounde of her voyce, somwhat lowe. Ande sche oweth to be vnyver |p30 |r[8] sal to al and not parcial; and in as moche as in her is, sche oweth to wynne al to god. And thof so be some tyme, dewe correccion is to be differryd into another tyme, for the grete trouble of her that deserueth |r5 scharply to be blamed, ¨et the seyd correccion, is neuer to be buryed, and that for two causes. One cause is, for yf so be that the gylty wyl not amende herselfe, sche is to be arted and constreyned therto by peynes, into tyme sche cese to synne. For |r10 holy scripture sayth: a fole is neuer chastysed by wordes. And therfor it is ne*cessary |r[f.16d] that suche be chastysed by peynes to the delyueraunce of ther sowles. Another cause is, for thof so be the gylty, be vncorrigible, ¨et by dewe poneschmente, it is prouyded |r15 for the comen wele. For whan the couente seeth that the order of iustice is kepte, they owe not to be the werse by the euel ensample of any suche; but rather they owe to refreyne themselfe, and be the more aferde for to do evell. |r20 The president hath nede to be wyse, ware, and paciente, that in the execucion of reguler correccion and disciplyne, sche maye reduce the infecte schepe and the mysrewled into reguler and holy conuersacion, and hurte not them, that |r[f.17a] be hole and wele rewled. |r25 The sovereyn only, ¨eueth sentence and iugemente, both in more greuous and moste greuous defautes, but |p31 |r[8] yf sche committe openly before witnes, that power to anočer presidente. So that another presidente than the souereyne, yf suche defautes come before her, sche oweth to reserue čem to the dome of the souer_eyne. |r5 Withoute whos counsel and precepte, knowen also to some other sustres sche schal not determyn any grete thynge, nor sette any newe thynge; but al suche matyrs sche schal assigne to the dome of the souereyn. Nor sche schal in any place take the souereynes sete, |r10 but in the chapter, and at |r[f.17b] the collacion, and in the freytour, sche shal kepe her own syde, syttynge at the ende of the same benche vpon the whiche the sovereyne hath her sete. But in the quyer sche schal kepe her owne stalle, as sche scholde do yf sche wer not presi_dente; |r15 outake at graces in the absence of the abbes. For čan sche schal stonde aboue alle in her own syde, both in the freytour and in the chirche, and so sche schal go to the chirche and come a¨ene to waschynge of handes, thof sche be the ¨ongeste of alle the order. |r20 Of admyttyng of brothren and sustres of the chapter. Any man or woman, mekly, deuoutly with instaunce, and in the wey of |r[f.17c] charite, askynge to be admytted and receyued, to be a brother or suster of our chapter, graunte asked and had ones for euer, of the hole con_gregacion |r25 of sustres and brethren in special or in general, the abbes beyng at the grate, may say alone or with any there presente čis psalme: Deus misere |p32 |r[8] atur nostri, or els čis psalme: Ad te leuaui, with Gloria patri, Kyrieleyson, Christeleyson, Kyrieleyson, Pater noster, Aue maria Et ne nos, Ostende nobis, Oremus pro fratribus et sororibus nostris, Domine exaudi, Oremus. Acciones nostras quesumus domine aspirando pre_ueni, et adiuuando prosequere, vt cuncta nostra oracio et operacio, a te semper incipiat, et per te cepta |r[f.17d] finiatur. Per christum dominum nostrum. Amen. This |r10 doon, sche may exorte hem thus yf sche thynke it ex_pedient, or očer wyse lyke: In the name of our lorde ihesu criste, and of hys blissed moder our lady saynt marye, ande of our holy moder saynte birgitte, and of al sayntes, and in the |r15 name of al the hole congregacion of sustres and breth_ren, and in myne owen name, consideryng the loue that ¨e haue to vs and to our order, and feruente deuocion, by the whiche ¨e desire the suffrages of our congre_gacion, I admytte and receyue ¨ow to be partener of |r20 al spiritual subsidies of oure monastery. That is to say, of prayers, fastynges, disciplynes, and of al other gode de*des |r[f.18a], whiche it pleseth our lorde ihesu of hys grace and mercy to werke by vs and our suc_cessours . Grauntyng ¨ow as ferforth as we may with |r25 hys plesure, in lyfe and in deth, ful and perpetual participation of al the premysses. Addynge to more ouer, čat whan any knowlage of ¨our decese cometh to vs or to our successours, the same suffrages schal be done for ¨owe, that from the begynnyng of our |r30 religion haue be wonte to be done for brethren and |p33 |r[8] sustres of our chapter. Contynueth therfore in ¨our goode wyl to vs warde, and whan ¨e perceyue that any hurte is lykly to come to our monastery, yf ¨e may, lette it. Or els do vs to wyte, that |r[f.18b] we may eschewe |r5 our harmes, and haue cause to loue ¨ow and pray for ¨owe the more hertly. Or els thus: In the name of our lord ihesu criste and of hys moste blissed moder, our lady saynt mary, I admitte |r10 ¨ow to be partener of al spiritual subsidyes of thys monastery. In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. Amen. Ande afterwarde the names of suche persons arn to be sette in the boke of the fraternite, whiche is |r15 named Codex catitatis. And yf they of čer own mocion and fre wyl, do any benefete of notable substaunce to the monastery, čis oweth to be wryten with ther names, and they schal be rekened among the bene_factours . |r20 Oure own carnal faders |r[f.18c] and moders, brethren and sustres, and other of our nygh kynrede, be breth_ren and sustres by our entres into thys religion, and schal haue the same suffrages that other haue, thof they neuer aske by themselfe, for to be of our frater_nite. |r25 |p34 |r[9] Nyenth chapter. Of the dede, how they shal be buryed. Whan any suster is dede, the dede body schal be leyde bare, al possible honeste saued and kepte, vpon a bare borde, ordeyned therfor, couered with lede yf |r5 nede be. And there sche schal be wasche with |r[f.18d] warme water by čem that have the cure of the fermery, and by other sad persones, suche as the souereyne wyl aasygne therto. Whiche done, they schal clothe the body with |r10 stamen, cowle, and mantel, wymple, veyle, and crowne, withoute rewle cote, but with hosen and schone tanned, and with a gyrdel, whiche al schal be of the vileste gere, and in al these, excepte the mantel, sche shal be buryed. |r15 After čat the body is thus arayed, it schal be leyed vpon the bere, and couered with a cheste, made in maner of a wyde latyce, that the body may be seen, and so it schal be brought in to the sustres quyer, chapter, cloyster, or into some other more conueniente |r20 |r[f.19a] place. And the body schal neuer be withoute two sustres at leste, prayeng for the sowle, saynge ther psauter, or dirige, or any other prayers, tyl it be had to chirche; nor it schal be lefte alone, at any tyme, |r25 tyl it be buryed. What tyme the body schal be had to chirche, or to sepulture, that is reserued, to the discrecion of |p35 |r[9] the confessour and hys brethren, counsel had of the abbes in thys party, as for the sustres. Before that the coorse be buryed schal be seyde a masse of requiem, for the soule, but yf it be so corrupte, čat it may mot |r5 so longe be kepte2 aboue erthe, withoute infeccion of other. Other obseruances about the dede, be sette in the |r[f.19b] fyftenth, seuententh, and two and twenty chaptres of our sauiours rewle. |r10 Of suffrages to be seyd for the dede. Neuertheles, whan any suster or bročer is passed, eche day, thretty dayes togyder, at graces after mete and supper, schal be seyd for them, thys orison Deus cui proprium, the lesse, before, Absolue quesumus do_mine. |r15 And euery suster, eche of tho thritty dayes, in our lady masse tyme, schal say thre pater nostres and thre aues. One, whilste the preste saythe the fyrst collectes of the seyd masse, another before the pre_face, and be thryd, whyle he sayth the laste collectes. |r20 Or els yf they wylle, it schal be leful to čem to say the seyd suffrages, any day within the |r[f.19c] monthe day, whiche draweth to an hundereth pater nostres and aues save tenne. Also besyde this, eche suster schal say for euery |r25 suster and brother so passed, dauid psauter thryes, and sex dirigeys, thre in the quyer, and thre withoute; |p36 |r[9] and ther obites schal be red euery ¨ere, as they falle in the martilage. Moreouer yf any dye before the fyrst masse in the mornynge, the same day schal begynne the rekenynge, of the fyrst day, of the seyd thritty dayes. |r5 If they passe after the fyrste masse, the rekenynge schal begynne on the morne folowynge, but the xxxti day schal euer kepe hys course. Whan therfore the body of any |r[f.19d] suster schal be had to chirche, ther bel shal be ronge, and al schal |r10 stonde in ther cloyster procession wyse, the abbes and eldeste sustres nexte the bere. And so they schal folowe the corse to the chirche, the brethren syngynge, and they devoutly prayenge for the sowle. Of dirige for a corse presente. |r15 Before dirige schal be lyght two tapers at leste in the sustres quyer, to bren into the begynnynge of commendacions or to če ende. And while the brethren synge ther dirige, the sustres, syde for syde, distinct_ly and deuoutly, schal say the same dirige withoute |r20 note, with commendacions. In the which dirige for euery corse presente, |r[f.20a] the abbes schal execute the office, sayng the orisons, and redynge the laste les_son . But other lessons shal be red of other sustres, warned and assygned therto by the chauntres; ester |r25 tyme and other, and on the morne, al the houres schal be seyd before hygh masse of requiem. Of differrynge of diriges. If any corse presente, fal on cristemas eues eue, or from thens into če vtas of saynte steuen, or from |r30 saturday in passion wyke, into the monday, after the |p37 |r[9] vtas of ester, or els from the fryday before wit sonday, into the morne after trinite sonday, or any other tyme like, čan |r[f.20b] the solempne dirige schal be differryd into suche a tyme, where as it may be moste conuenient_ly |r5 had with note, after the disposicion of če general confessour, and the same tyme, če sustres schal haue ther fyrst dirige. Saue than, two sustres atte leste, assygned by the abbes, schal say dirige togyder by the corse, yf |r10 it be a suster, or in the sustres quyer yf it be a brother, tofore the corse be buryed yf it may be. Moreouer it is to be knowen, that how be it, the fyrst dirige may be differred as it is seyd before; ¨et the xxxti day, and ¨eres day schal neuer be dif_ferred, |r15 but yf the more soden case fall[.] Neuertheles they may |r[f.20c] for double festes, and for many other causes resonable contingent, be ryght wele and conueniently anteferryd, after the discrecion of the general confessour. |r20 In al diriges therfor, for any corse presente, and for the monthe day, and ¨ere day of buschops, kynges, lordes, abbesses, general confessours and suche other, the abbes schal execute the dirige, on her own syde. But al other diriges, schal be exe_cuted |r25 by the ebdomadaryes of the same wyke. So that the sustres in sayng of any diriges, cotidian, and other, be bounde by ther own ordinal, to say them after the vse of ther cathedral chirche. Wherfor it is expediente to them to take coun*sel |r[f.20d] |p38 |r[9] amonge of there brethren prestys, and folowe the forme somdele, expressed in the foure and fourty chapter of thys boke. |p39 |r[10] Tenthe chapter. Of the visitacion of the buschoppe. The buschop visiteth eche thre ¨ere yf he wyll, suche tyme as he visiteth hys diocese. But he schal neuer visitte here, but in hys proper persone, hauynge |r5 with hym two, or thre sad and honest persones. Of the whiche, one schal be a religious manne of the order of benett or bernarde, chosen by the abbes and gene*ral |r[f.21a] confessour, with the counsel of sexe the elder and holer of eyther party separatly of sustres and brethe_ren, |r10 yf they thynke it expedient. But no lay man nor wedded man schal euer entre with the buschop in hys visitacion, but yf he be callyd by the seyd sustres and brethres consente togyder with the buschop, for some special cause, which may not be discussed utter_ly, |r15 withoute če counsel of suche a man. Whan therfor the buschop schal visitte, he moste sende before, hys lettres of citacion, as the maner and custom is. Ande whan he cometh to visitte, he schal be receyued worchipfully with ryngynge of belles |r20 and procession. |r[f.21b] And whan the oryson is seyd ouer hym at hygh auter, the blessyng ¨oven, and be sermon ended, yf čer be any, he schal go to the sustres dore be be gydyng of the general confessour. Whiche dore |r25 opened, the abbes with the couente schal receyue hym reuerently, goyny processionally before hym withoute songe or redyng into ther chapeter hows. Whom the buschop with hys clerkes schal folowe, and whan he cometh into the chapter, čei schal knele to hym, as |r30 he goeth-before them[.] And whan he hath take hys |p40 [10] sete, he shal make the abbes to sytte on hys ryghte hande and commaunde al other to sytte, hys klerkes syttyng before hym on a tapette. |r[f.21c] Thys done, the buschop schal say: Benedicite |r5 and the couente schal answer: Dominus. Than he schal publisch the cause of hys comynge as the custom is, and after that he schal purpose vnto them thre thynges to be kepte of alle. Fyrste, that none depose to hym, or to any that |r10 cometh with hym, any thynge čat is corrected to fore and amended. Secunde, that none say any greuous thyng of the abbes or confessour, suster or brother, wherof they haue not charitably be warned tofore, nor that they |r15 depose aughte or accuse any, but only of suche thynges that have be done syth the laste visitacion. |r[f.21d] Thridde, that none of wikkednes or of evel wyll, differre any thynge, whiche they knowe to be amended, and reserue it to the comynge of the visitour, to the |r20 more sclaunder of the doers. For al defautes arn to be proclamed and corrected in dewe tyme as they falle. Wherfor they that do the contrary, schal be greuosly corrected by the buschop, that al other be afferd to do so at any tyme. |r25 After this the buschop schal say in thys wyse to them: We commaunde ¨ow in the vertu of holy obedience, that ¨e telle vs trouthe, of al tho thynges that we haue to examen and aske ¨owe of. These be the articles |r[f.22a] that the buschop schal examen |r30 of in hys visitacion yf he wyll. |p41 |r[10] Firste, yf the reguler nowmbre of sustres and brethren be complete. And yf it be not, what is the cause therof. 2. Also yf dyuyne seruyse be dewly done after the |r5 religion and deuoutly; and yf the sustres that be not seke, here dayly her masse. 3. If it be ronge in dewe and competente tyme to the seyd seruyse, and yf al come therto that may. 4. If ther be hadde sufficient bokes to do dyuyne |r10 seruise with[.] 5. If the chirche be serued with lyghtes and honeste ornamentes, as the religion wylle. 6. If the sacramentes be dewly and chari*tably |r[f.22b] mynystred to the seke and hole that deuoutly aske hem. |r15 7. If the sustres be comenyd as the rewle wylle and the constitucions of če order. 8. If the ¨ere day of the founders, and other diriges for sustres and brethren decesed, be dewly obserued whan they falle. |r20 9. If reguler fastes and abstinences, silence, and other obseruaunces of the order be dewly kepte in tymes and places ordeyned therto. 10. How sustres be occupyed, whan they be not atte dyuyne seruyse, nor at other conuentualle obseruances. |r25 11. If ther be any discorde or contraversy betwene the sustres amonge themself, or els betwene |r[f.22c] the sustres and brečren and how and of whom it rose, and by whom it is noresched. 12. If any be diffamed of incontinence, or of properte, |r30 or of conspiracy a¨ens the souereynes, or serches, or |p42 |r[10] a¨enste any suster or brother. 13. If any diffame other of any notable defaute, that they kan not preue. 14. If any publicacion be made to any of the seculers, |r5 of the preuytees of če chapter, or of the monasterye, and by whom. 15. If any be, that have been in apostasy, and how they were receyued whan they came a¨ene. 16. If ther be a pryson or prysones for suche as de_serue |r10 it. 17. If any detracte the abbes or confes*sour |r[f.22d], or any suster or brother, to any outewarde persone. 18. If ther be an inuentory or register of the bokes of the library, and how they, and other bokes of study |r15 be kepte and repayred. 19. If the chapter be dewly holde after the rewle, and other tymes whan nede is, and reguler correccions had therin. Or yf any be founde rebelle and inobedient to be abbes or to če general confessour, or refuse to |r20 take correccions, and how suche be punesched. 20. If the abbes and confessour, and al očer presi_dentes and serches, trete religiously, and charitably her susteres and brethren, as they owe to do. 21. If the abbes or confessour be defa*med |r[f.23a] of any |r25 cryme, or of dilapidacion of the godes of the monastery, a¨enste the prohibicion of če pope, in the xiite article of the bulle. |p43 |r[10] 22. If the abbes make alienacion of vnmouable goodes, or of any other thynges a¨ens the popes prohibicion. 23. If al reguler clothynge, both to the bed and body, and al očer necessaryes, be dewly mynystred by |r5 the abbes or by her officers, to the brethren and sustres, after ther nede, as the pope hath ordeyned. 24. If the sustres and brethren be serued charitably, and with a goode wyll, in dewe and conuenient tymes, of ther necessaryes. |r10 25. How the munymentes of the mo*nastery |r[f.23b] and the comen seeles be kepte, and by whome, or yf any selynge be made with any comen seele, withoute certayne know_lage and assente of the couente, or of the more holer parte of sustres and brethren as the pope hath ordeyned. |r15 26. How the fermery is kepte, and howe the seke be entreted, and yf they be serued competently withoute grudgynge[.] 27. If dewe distribucion of the releues and broken mete, be made to the poer in dewe tyme. |r20 28. If that after sufficient endowment and byldyng of the chirche and monastery, če necessary expenses of the ¨ere presente and of the ¨ere nexte to come rekenedde, |r[f.23c] al that remayneth ouer, be deled euery ¨ere to the pooere as the rewle wyll. |r25 The seyd examynacion made, the buschop schal pro_cede to the acte of the visitacion, after the power ¨ouen to hym by the rewle and by the pope. |p44 |r[10] And it is to be knowen that in thre maner wyses, he may procede in hys visitacion. That is to say: By wey of accusacion, by wey of denunciacion, and by wey of inquisicion. |r5 The accuser schal neuer be herde, but yf sche fyrst bynde herselfe to the same payne, yf sche fayle in her prefe, that sche, whom sche accuseth scholde haue, yf sche were founde gylty. Ande these |r[f.23d] ar to be reiecte and not to be admytted to accuse other. |r10 That is to say, stelers of holy chirche godes, theves, robbers, manquellers, forsworn, they that fal to in_ceste, cursed, wode, madde, despisers of the chirche, noysed of cryme, oute of feyth and of goode name and fame, enmyes, scismatykes, heretykes, symonyers, |r15 traytours, hurtyrs of the kynges coyne, and suche other. Afore denunciacion, ther oughte euermore to go charitable warnynge. For denunciacion intendeth and werketh for correccion. And therfor yf charitable |r20 admonicion go not tofore, the denouncer is not to be herde, but to be repulsed. And they that be ou*te |r[f.24a] of gode name and fame, and be enmyes, be also to be reiecte from denunciacion. But as to inquisicion, ther ought to precede a |r25 comen clamour of grete mysrewle, not ones but ofte, and thys of gode persones and sadde. And than in suche case, he schal enquyre, of whom the seyd cla_mour and infamye sprange firste. Neuertheles, yf so be, that it be answered of al |r30 to the buschop, that al thynges be wele, he oweth to |p45 |r[10] ioy therof gretly and to thanke god, and so to blysse them al and goo oute as he came in. If ther answer be other wyse, he schall procede forth in hys acte of visitacion, herynge attentyfly, what is seyd |r5 to hym |r[f.24b] or to any of hys clerkes. Of the buschops iniunccions and correccions after his visitacion[.] And whan alle be herde that wyl come, he schal schewe and publysche suche defautes as be to be cor_rected, |r10 in suche wyse as he semeth beste. But če correccions, penaunces, and peynes, that be to be sette and enioyned to the trespasers, he schal com_mitte the execucion therof to the abbes or to the sadder parte of the sustres, as the pope hath ordeyned. |r15 Wyche ordinauncis be to be red in alle wyse amonge the susters in the day tofore the byschopes visitacion as it standeth in the xi chapter of these addicions. So than al thynges ryghtly done after če rewle, priuileges, and |r[f.24c] ordynaunces of the pope, the |r20 buschoppe schal enioyne the abbes, in the vertu of holy obedience, that sche haue none of her sustres in hate, nor pursewe them, nor the lasse charitably trete hem, for any thynge they haue deposed or seyd a¨ens her in the visitacion. And also he schal enioyne the |r25 sustres in lyke wyse, that they loue not the abbes the lasse, nor withdrawe from her dewe obedience and |p46 |r[10] reuerence in anythynge, and that no suster repreue other, or reuenge her vpon other, or greue or manesch other, for anythynge that was seyd or deposed in the visitacion. |r5 If any suche matyrs be or falle, that may not sone |r[f.24d] be determyned and fynysched than, they schal be dyfferred and fynysched another tyme, at the grates withoute, or els within, yf the mater requyre it. So that the buschop abyde not at the monastery ouer thre |r10 dayes. |p47 |r[11] Enleuenth chapter. For what cases the buschop, or any other persone, schal entre into the monastery. Martinus episcopus, seruus seruorum dei, et cetera. For a perpetual memory, we wylle and commaunde, |r5 that če buschops of the diocyses, in whos citees or|r[f.25a] diocyses, suche maner of monasteryes and places be sette, or in tyme to come may be sette and bylded in the reme of ynglande, that they do in al wyse ther or_dynary offices, after the power, that the rewle and con_stitucions, |r10 of the same order graunteth hem. By the which rewle and constitucions it is ordeyned and dis_posed, that the buschops of the same diocyses schal be faders and iuges in al cases and causes, that toche the sustres or brethren, and also visitours and proc_tours |r15 of the seyd monasteryes, to that ende čat the rewle be kepte. Neuertheles we wyll that the seyd buschops in nowyse, ¨eue oute any maner of sentence of cursynge, suspension, or interdiccion, |r[f.25b] general or special, |r20 vpon any persones of the seyd monasteryes, withoute commission and special commaundmente of our see. Nor that they aske any costes of them, nor vexe čem vn_dewly, nor troble them in any wyse vnlefully, vnder payne of cursynge, yf they be warned to cese and wyl |r25 not. Whiche buschops ¨et, by oure sovereyne auctorite, we straytly bydde, and commaunde, that they se the rewle and statutes be kepte of the order, inuiolably in euery parte, as it is seyd before. |p48 |r[11] And also we ordeyne, that whan čei visytte only personally, it schal be leful to them for to entre into the monastery, with other two or čre sadde men and honeste, and so to exercyse čer |r[f.25c] office of visitacion, |r5 as wele amonge sustres as brethren, in dewe maner and in dewe place, after the lawe and dewe exigence of the rewle. To whom also it be lefulle in dowty cases of religion, to aske counsell of wele named and famed per_sons, professed monkes of the order of saynte benett, |r10 or of saynt bernarde, and so for to visitte. And that only from thre ¨ere to thre ¨ere, but yf he be klepyd afore the thridde ¨ere, for an euident and profitable necessary cause, of the abbes with the sadder party of the sustres, or of the sadder party of the sustres, |r15 withoute the abbes. Or els of the general confessour, with če sadder party of the |r[f.25d] brethren, or of the sad_der party of the brethren, withoute the confessour. For than be it leful to hym, to come and visitte in the maner aforeseyde. |r20 Or els yf it happe as god forbede it, that suche trespases, and defautes, soo encrese in the monastery, that it breke oute, into če grete sclaunder, and in_famy of the monastery, and the abbes and general con_fessour considerynge the defautes, dissymule feynyngly |r25 for to correcte hem, be it in hemselfe or in any očer, than be it leful to the foreseyd buschops of the dio_cyses, thof they be not kleped afore the thryd ¨ere, kepyng the condicions of the rewle, as for al other thyn*ges |r[f.26a], for to visitte, and with dewe destresse to |r30 correcte that oweč to be corrected and reformed, as |p49 |r[11] ought as it nedeth, in suche and other like cases, as it is rehersed tofore. Wyllyng neuertheles, that the seyd diocesanes, or any other by ther leue, or ¨et in other wyse than it is |r5 rehersed, takyng vp on them the office of visitacion, owen, and ther to be bounden, for to committe the cor_reccions, penaunces, and paynes, enioyned by them, to hem, čat haue so trespased in the monastery, to če abbes as for če sustres, and to the general confessour |r10 as for če brethren, yf they maye profitably by čem be executed. Or els than, to the sustres as for the sustres, and |r[f.26b] to the brethren as for the brethren, or to če sadder party of euery eyther, as it may be exe_cuted by them; so that in nowyse they schal committe |r15 the execucion of suche correccions, sentences, and paynes, to any očer. And whan any buschop is kleped to visitte, he schal entyr and visitte that party only and no mo, of the which he was kleped. |r20 Noon other schal entyr the clausure, but yf hys entre be very necessary, as phisicians, werkmen, labourers, and suche other. And whan čei entyr, they schal entyr with some outewarde prudente persone of the housolde yf nede be, outetake phisicians, that |r25 the sustres be not greved, nor trobled by them. |r[f.26c] And yf it may be, that they be seen of none, excepte of čo sustres, that schall schew them suche činges, that moste be made or repayred, and of tho that schal receyue medycynes or mynyster any medycynes to |r30 the seke. Ande namely they moste beware, that they |p50 |r[11] be not in če gardyn, whiles werkemen or laboureres be there, thof they speke not to them; and thys for dyuers and preuy temptacions. But none of them that entreth in če clausure, in nowyse schal abyde within |r5 all nyghte, what case čat euer happen. Also the buschop entreth, for ¨evyng of holy orders to če brečren, čat schal be orderyd, and to halowe ther chirches, |r[f.26d] chirch¨erdes, and chapelles, and for consecracions of abbesses, and makyng of pro_fessions, |r10 or for any other ordynary acte to be done in če monastery only of a buschop. Of the consecracion and installacion of the abbesse. And as for the consecracion and instillacion of the abbes, in the day of her consecracion, all the |r15 howres of sustres and brethren schal be ended before hygh masse. To the which masse, al the belles rongen, the buschop in hys pontifical araymente, schal conferme the abbes late chosen by hys lettres patent, at the |r20 grate of her eleccion, in the presence of certayne sustres, confessour, and of čo two prestes with other persones |r[f.27a] that wer presente at the same eleccion, as it schewith in če xiite chapter of thes addicions, more expresly. |r25 Neuertheles yf sche be confermed tofore, he schal not come at the seyd grate, but he schal go streght into the monastery, be gydyng of the general confessour, to the dore only and no ferther, havyng with hym thre sad clerkes honeste men, for to assiste |r30 hym. |p51 |r[11] Of the whiche one schal rede the epistle, another the gosbel, and the iiide beyng in a cope, schal attende vpon the myter, so that one of hem be a notary. Wherfor the seyd dore opened, the pryores with |r5 another suster schall lede the buschop and hys clerkes into the sustres quyer, the bre*thren |r[f.27b] than begyn_nynge, and procedynge solemply with masse of če an_nunciacion of our lady. And sche that is sexteyne, moste ordeyn that the |r10 awter in the sustres quyer be honestly arayed, and that the lectrons be redyly sette forth, wherevpon the epistle and gosbel schal be redde, of the seyd clerkes as it is seyd before, whiche schallen attende to nothyng but to če buschop. |r15 The sustres as many as may, after the discrecion of the priores and saddeste sustres, schal be togyder in ther quyer, nothynge syngynge, but deuoutly praynge, behauynge them honestly as the religion asketh. Of the whiche two or thre at the leste assygned |r20 by the priores, schal attende |r[f.27c] aboute the abbes all the masse tyme. The abbes schall knele in her prayers atte a forme, honestly arayed with tapettes and cuschenes, as it is accordynge, kepyng suche maner obseruaunces |r25 in prostracions, knelynges, examynacions, makyng of obedience, subscription, or crosse, with suche other, as sche is assygned and enformed by the buschop and hys clerkes. And whan the offertory is bygon, sche schal offer |r30 to the buschops hand, as the maner is, and go a¨ene to |p52 |r[11] her place, tyl sche be kleped after masse, to receyve the sacrament, and therfor sche moste be fastyng. And after, the buschop schal install her sayng [:) Accipe potestatem, et cetera. And |r[f.27d] whan he begynneth |r5 Te deum laudamus, the brethren schal procede with the same, all the belles ryngnge. And in the mene tyme, the sustres procedynge two and two togyder, schal kysse the abbes knelynge, sche syttynge in her stalle. Thys done with če preces folowynge, the buschop |r10 with hys clerkes, by the gydyng of the priores and of another suster, schal lede the abbes into ther chapter: Where he schal do her to sytte on hys ryght hande; other sustres than stondyng in ther order. Ande the abbes hauynge the boke of the rewles, and constitucions |r15 in her lappe, al the sustres schal make ther obedience to her, yf they haue not do it before, leynge ther ryghte |r[f.28a] handes vpon the seyd boke, the priores be_gynnynge yf ther be any, sayng thus eche after other. The wordes of obedience makynge. |r20 In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. Amen. I suster, expressyng her own name and syr name, byhote to the abbes of thys monastery, me for to kepe obedience, after the rewle of saynte austyn, |r25 and constitucions of saynte birgitte. To whom the abbes than, taking the sustres handes ioyned togyder, betwene her handes, schal answer in thys wyse: And I admitte thyne obedience. In nomine pat_ris |r30 et filii, et spiritus sancti Amen. And after |p53 |r[11] thys schal come another suster and do the same wyse. |r[f.28b] And whan al have done, the buschop with hys clerkes schal goo oute like as he came in, and by the same dore, the sustres folowynge hym processionally, |r5 to the seyd dore, ther takyng hys blyssyng, so that he do of hys pontifical aray wičouteforth. And thus the abbes schall be confermed, conse_crate, and installed, by the buschop, with če same blyssynges, čat an abbes of saynte benettes rewle is |r10 blissed, excepte the staffe and the rynge, whiche rynge is blyssed tofore in her profession. On the morne folowynge, or another day more conuenyente, the confessour with hys brethren is wonte to speke with the abbes, to her comforte, |r15 weschynge čat |r[f.28c] sche may longe contynewe in her office in helth and prosperite, to če worschyp of god and wele of al the monasterye. An artikle to be red the day before euery eleccion[.] |r20 Whansoeuer any abbes or general confessour, decese or resygne ther office, in any of tho monasteryes or places in ynglande, as wel nowe beyng, or in tyme to come for to be, ther schal none abbes, in none of tho monasteryes and places of the |r25 same order, be made by sotel wyles, or violence, or in any other wyse be take vp to be abbes, but suche one as al the couente of the same monasteryes or places, by comen assente, or by the more party of |p54 |r[11] the |r[f.28d] same sustres in nomber, and the sadder party after the drede of god, and the rewle of saynte sauiour, chese into ther abbes. Whom also the buschop schal conferme, yf sche be lawfully chosen, as it is |r5 rehersed. Also ther schal none be take vp to be general confessour, but suche one, into whom the abbes, with al the congregacion, bothe of sustres and brethren consent and chese after the drede of god, and the |r10 same rewle of saynte sauiour. And the same so chosen, če buschop schal conferme after the rewle, into the general confessour. To whom also schal be graunted of the same buschop, ful power and auctorite to bynde and vn_bynde, |r15 to correcte and reforme, |r[f.29a] notwithstondynge any maner constitucions from the courte and očer schewynge the contrary, what euer they be. |p55 |r[12] TweIfte chapter. Of the forme of chesynge of the abbes and general confessour. Syth by our lordes rewle, and by the ordynaunce of pope martyn the fyfte, it is sufficiently prouyded, as |r5 it is expressed in the laste ende of the xite chapter of čes addicions, what persones haue entres in the eleccion of the abbes and general confessour, ther re_mayneth nothyng to be added therto, but the forme of the eleccion, |r[f.29b] and the obseruaunces theraboute, and |r10 that in tyme of vacacion, the monastery catche no hurte. Whan therfor any abbes or general confessour re_signe or decese, and the body of her or of hym after the custom is buryed, they schal within thre the |r15 nexte dayes folowyng yf it may be in any wyse, go to the eleccion of a newe abbes or confessour, prefixing the day of the eleccion before. And the sustres, like as they by themselfe, procede to the eleccion of the abbes and chese her, so they schal by themselfe |r20 prefixe the day, that čei schal procede to the eleccion. But as for če eleccion of the confessour, bothe sustres and brethren schal prefixe the day of hys elecci*on |r[f.29c], by cause that hys eleccion perteyneth bothe to the sustres and brethren. |r25 Whan therfor it falleth čat the office of the abbes is voyde, the priores with the counsel and assente of eghte sustres, elder, and holer in sadnes, chosen by če seyd priores and also of the serches, |p56 |r[12] schal depute a sadde suster, experte in temporal rewle and gouernaunce, for to assiste the tresouresses, in suche thynges that moste be done outwarde, and may not be delayd to the confirmacion of the nexte abbes. |r5 The priores and the serches schal intende in_warde, in al thynges, pertynynge to the religion and kepyng therof, seyng that al officers inwarde, execute dew*ly |r[f.29d] ther ministracions as they dede before, tyl the new abbes be chosen and confermyd, nothyng addynge |r10 nor lessynge to the governaunce vsed before. The keys of the comen seales, and of alle other thynges, wherof the kepyng perteyne to the abbes, the chauntres or another suster chosen by the priores and the seyd eght sustres, schal haue in kepyng in the |r15 mene tyme. Whiche tyme ¨et, ther schal nothyng be sealed with any comen seall, but only the letter certifica_tory of the eleccion of the abbes to če buschop. Alle other činges that the dede abbes hadde, schal |r20 remayne vnder suer warde and kepynge, tyl the newe abbes be confermed, excepte suche |r[f.30a] thynges, that by the rewle, owe with al godely spede, to be deled to the pore and nedy[.] Nevertheles, yf če olde abbes, wylfully and frely resygne her office, al the for_seyde |r25 thynges schal remayne in her handes, tyl the newe abbes be confermed. Whan the day of the eleccion is com, and dyuyne seruyse that belongeth to them for to performe afore none is ended, the brethren immediatly schal synge |r30 masse of the holy gost solemply in stede of hygh |p57 |r[12] masse, in solempne aray, as the tyme asketh. Whiche ended, the chauntres with another suster whom sche wyl take to her, schal begynne solempnly the ympn Ueni creator spiritus. Whiche schal be songe |r[f.30b] to |r5 the ende, quyer to quyer of the sustres. Whiche doon, the priores in a lowe voyce with note, schal say thys versicle: Emitte spiritum tuum, and thes two collectes: Deus qui corda, and Acciones nostras, with: Per christum dominum nostrum. Amen, both vnder one. And |r10 whyles the sustres synge thys, the confessour with hys brethren schal say the same, with the seyd versicle and collectes. Thys done, the brethren schal begynne ther sexte, and the sustres chapter belle ronge forthwith, they |r15 schal spedely come to the crates of the eleccion, where as they may speke with the brečren and seculers togyder. To the whiche crates also schal come the general confessour, with two of hys bre*thren |r[f.30c] confessours to |r20 the sustres, suche as he wyl take with hym, for to assiste, and be čere than as witnesses only, and not for to haue any voyce in the eleccion. And whan al be come, the xxiiiiti article of the bulle of pape martyn the fyfte schal be redde, whiche begynneth thus: |r25 Obeuntibus vero, vel cedentibus et cetera. And this article also is to be red amonge the sustres the day |p58 |r[12] before euery eleccion, as it is expressed in the xite chapter of these addicions. After thys, the constitucions of the thre formes of eleccion schal be declared in englysch, by some |r5 wele lerned manne in the lawe of holy chirche, beyng withoute at the seyd cra*tes |r[f.30d], and a notary with hym. That is to say the wey of the holy goste, the wey of scrutyny, and the wey of compromys. And yf it plese the sustres to accepte and preferre če wey of the |r10 holy goste, than the priores or any other suster may say thus: What seme ¨e of suche a suster .N. expres_synge her proper name and syrname. Me semeth that sche is an able persone to thys office. And yf al answer it pleseth them for to haue her abbes, or |r15 ¨eue any other answer hauynge the strengthe of ful consente, thys wey is well spedde, yf so be ther were no trety nor no menes made before to chese her abbes, so that sche be of sufficient age and born |r[f.31a] in wedlok. Nor it hurteth not thys eleccion, thof sche |r20 so chosen assente not to her nominacion. But yf any other do it, or yf any trety or compacte be made to_fore for to chese her, čan is čis wey al to squatte. If the wey of the holy gostel prevayle, the pryores schal say in thys wyse: In nomine patris et filii |r25 et spiritus sancti. Amen. I suster N. N. priores of čis monastery of saynt sauiour, and of seyntes mary the |p59 |r[12] virgyn and birgitte of syon, of the order of saynte austyn kleped of saynte sauiour, of the diocyse of london. In the name and byhalue of al vs chesers, werkyng with vs the grace of the holy goste before |r5 inwardly callyd and bysoughte, che*se |r[f.31b] suche a suster .N. N. expressyng her proper name and her by name, expresly professed in this monastery, begynge of sufficicate and lauful age, fre of birth and borne in wedlock, wyse and discrete, into the abbes of thys |r10 our monastery. Of the wey of scrutyny[.] If it happe by the demerites of the chesers, that it pleseth not god to enspire them the wey of the holy goste, than they schal go to the wey of |r15 scrutyny, whiche is the ordynary wey. To the lauful execucion wherof, alle the sustres moste name thre sustres, for to serche and knowe the wylles of all. Whyche sustres so named, in nowyse schal lette any suster, be sygne or worde, or be any |r20 other me*ne |r[f.31c], that sche may not say and frely name whom sche wyll; nor reuele to any what other say, or whom any of hem name to be abbesse. And al her wylles and nominacions herde in the presence of the general confessour and of hys two seyd brethren, of the lerned |r25 man of lawe and of če seyde notary, the same notary forthwič schal putte in wrytynge as they come, whom every suster nameth to the abbes. And sche than in če forme that foloweth schal be chosen into the abbes, whom al the couente, or elles the more and and sadder |p60 |r[12] party haue named čerto, so that the persone so named be eligible. And yf it so fall that for the dyuersite of voyces, dyuersly dy*recte |r[f.31d] into dyuers persones, none suche persone ¨et is founde, than schal they haue re_course |r5 to a newe scrutyny, and neuer cese of suche recourse, tyl the more and holer party of them, haue directe ther voyces, into a certayn persone able to be chosen into the abbes. This done and publysched in general, one of tho |r10 thre serches whom čei wyll assigne among themselfe, schal pronounce and chese that persone, into whom the couente, or če more and holer party haue consentyd, sayng čus: In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti Amen. |r15 I .N. N. suche a suster professyd in thys monastery of seynte sauyour, and of sayntes mary the virgyn and birgitte of syon, of |r[f.32a] the order of saynte austyn named of seynte sauyour, of če dyocyse of london, one of the serches taken and made in the acte of thys presente |r20 eleccion, in al that I haue power as in thys acte, and in the same power of that other two serches, and in ther name, and in the name of al our sustres of thys seyd monastery, chese in comen suche a suster .N. N. of čis monastery, expresly professed, beyng in suffi_cient |r25 and lawful age, borne in matrimony, fre, wyse, and discrete, into oure abbes, of thys oure seyd monasterye. |p61 |r[12] Whiche eleccion čus execute and fynysched, eyther be če weye of compromys, or be the weye of the holy |r[f.32b] goste, the chauntres solempnly schal begyn forthwith thys psalme[:] Te deum laudamus[.] Whiche psalme the |r5 sustres schal performe with songe quyer to quyer to the ende. And the electe to be abbes, schal be borne or led after the couente by the elder sustres into ther quyer, and ther sche schal lye prostrate before the awter in the longe veyne, tyl the oryson folowyng be |r10 endede. For whan the seyde psalme is done, the sustres knelyng in ther stalles schal say withoute note: Kyri_eleyson, Christeleyson, Kyrieleyson, Pater noster, Aue maria[.] And than the priores, or els the chauntres yf the priores be electe, shal say in a softe voyce |r15 with note[:] Et ne nos. Con*firma |r[f.32c] hoc deus quod operatus es in nobis [.] A templo tuo in ierusalem tibi offerent reges munera. Domine exaudi. Oremus. Omnipotens sempiterne deus, miserere huic famule tue, et dirige eam secundum clemenciam tuam, in viam salu_tis |r20 eterne, vt te donante, tibi placita cupiat, et tota virtute perficiat. Per christum dominum nostrum. Amen. Thys done, the electe schal ryse; and whiles this is in doyng amonge the sustres, the confessour |r25 with hys brethren schall say the same withoute note in ther quyer, al the belles ryngyng in the mene tyme. And tham the confessour or another brother preste, requiryd by the prioresse, schal publysch the e*leccion |r[f.32d] and persone that is chosen, to al the peple |p62 |r[12] there presente, and forthwith after this, the electe schal come with the couente to the crates of her elec_cion, and there schal be requyred than her consente. And sche so requyred, schal aske no longe auysemente |r5 but ¨et in case sche may aske respite tyl after mete. Whan her consente is had, than is the eleccion in goodly haste to be notifyed to the buschop diocesan, or to hys vicar general, vnder open writyng, sealyd with the comen seale. Whiche eleccion, the ordynary oweth |r10 after the reguler institutes and the popes ordynaunce to conferme, withoute any lenger delay, examynacion, discussion, or |r[f.33a] solempnite. Ande to the electe so confermed, thof sche be not ¨et consecratt, al če sustres schal make obedience. |r15 But sche schal in nowyse attempte for to do aughte, nor meddle of the abbes office, nor associate herselfe to the couente, tyl sche be confermed. Wherfore yf it may be, sche schal be confermed, sacred, and stalled, in one day, and so in the presence of the buschop, al |r20 the sustres schal make obedience to her, after the forme expressyd in the xite chapter of these addicions. Of the eleccion of the general confessour. And whan the office of the confessour is voyde, ther schal no chaunge be made of vnder confessours, |r25 nor of any |r[f.33b] persone fyrst assygned to them, tyl the newe general confessour be chosen and confermed. Saue |p63 |r[12] the sustres čat wer dayly with the confessour decesed, or for hys demerites deposed, schal make čer confession for a tyme to some of the seyde vnder confessoures. But yf it happe that the office of the general confes_sour |r5 be voyde be resignacion, than al the sustres and brethren that were with hym dayly before, schal abyde with hym tyl a newe general confessour be chosen and confermed. For whos and in whos eleccion, al thynges schal |r10 be obserued as it is expressed before aboute the elec_cion of the abbes. Excepte, that the prefyxyng or set_tyng of the day of hys elec*cion |r[f.33c], schal be done by the brethren and the sustres, as it is seyd in če be_gynnyng of thys chapter, and the masse of če holy |r15 goste schal be after al dyuyne seruyse of sustres and brečren. Also Veni creator and Te deum laudamus schal be songe by the brethern and seyd by če sustres, with the seyd preces, and thys eleccion schal be made at the same crates where the eleccion of the abbes is |r20 wonte to be made. Ande yf the eleccion procede by scrutyny, than schal al the sustres and brethren, chese two sustres and two brečren prestes, for to serche and here the voyces of al the sustres and brethren. And that |r25 preste that is eligible, schal be assumpte into če general confessour |r[f.33d] of the monastery, into whom the more, and the sadder party of sustres and brečren with the abbes togyder consente, and the abbes and |p64 |r[12] none other persone, schal pronounce the wordes of hys eleccion. And the ryngyng of belles, with the pub_lyschyng to the peple, and certificacion to the bus_chop with al other obseruaunces, schal be done as it is |r5 expressed before of the abbes, the electe nothyng takynge vpon hymselfe, perteynyng only to the office of the general confessour, tyl he be confermed. The buschop, wher that euer he be, may be hys lettres patent, conferme the electe, and in the same |r10 lettres graunte hym fulle power and auctorite |r[f.34a] to bynde and vnbynde, correcte and reforme, and also com_mitte fulle power to one of the brethren a preste, for to stalle hym and sette hym in hys dewe place, both in the chirch and in the chapter hows. Neuertheles, yf |r15 he wyl do al thys in hys own persone, he schal con_ferme hym atte the crates where he was chosen, execu_tynge al other thynges in thys acte as it pleseth hym. If it fal so that the monastery be voyde at ones of an abbes and general confessour, the abbes is fyrst |r20 to be chosen and confermed, and than the general con_fessour withoute delay, yf it may be. |p65 |r[13] |r[f.34b] Thrittenth chapter[.] How officers schal be put in and take oute. For religious persones be called officers, not only for they vnder ther souereynes, haue cure and charge of |r5 temporal thynges, but also of spiritual cures, and for the minstracion of al necessaryes, longe principally to the abbes as to the couent and congregacion of čis monastery, and it passeth her power to do alle alone; therfor amonge the sustres thes officers ar to be hadde: |r10 That is to say a pryores, the serches, the chauntres, and subchauntresses, the sexteyne, and vndersexteyn, the treseres, and vndertreseres, the chambres, and vnder chambresse, the celeres, the fermeres, the keper of the |r[f.34c] waschyng howse, the keper of the garden and of the |r15 frutes čerof, the keper of the butry and of the frey_tour, the keper of the whele, the keper of the grates, the keper of the reuelacion gate, the keper of the cloyster and dortour dores, with al suche other officers. Whom, how be it the abbes may chaunge every ¨ere, or |r20 as ofte as sche feleth it expedient; ¨et no suster schal be put into any office, or be dischaurged vtterly of any office, but in the comen chapter; but yf any grete cause or soden case, arte her to do other wyse. And eche officer yf nede be, shal haue one suster or |r25 mo, depute to her for to helpe her in her office, after the discrecion of the abbesse. |r[f.34d] Whan therfor the abbes wyll put any suster into any office or oute, sche muste calle a chapter, and |p66 |r[13] than fyrst of al, telle the cause of the callynge, and after calle her by name, whom sche purposeth to put in or oute. Ande the suster callyd, anone sche schal ryse and come tofore the abbes. To whom the abbes, yf sche |r5 purpose to put her in office, schal say thus: suster . N. N. I assigne ¨ow this ministracion or occupacion, expressyng it by name. And whan the suster hereth this, sche schal lye downe prostrate at the abbes fete. To whom the abbes schal say thus: What say ¨e? Sche |r10 schal answer thus: I aske grace and licen*ce |r[f.35a] to speke. The abbes schal say to her a¨ene: Ryseth vp. And than the suster schal ryse, and mekly say in suche wyse vnder fewe wordes knelyng[:] Moder, ¨e knowe ryght wele myne vndiscrecion and vnhabilite, to execute |r15 thys chargeful occupacion[.] I beseche ¨ow therfor that ¨e put not thys charge vpon me, but that in al_wyse, I may be excused therof and some other suster, endoweth with discrecion and experience may be charged therwith. |r20 To whom the abbes, yf sche be utterly determyned to haue her in the seyd office, schal than say thus: Notwithstondyng ¨our excuse that ¨e make or schal make herein, I wyll that ¨e accepte obediently |r[f.35b] thys charge, and to ¨our power and kunnynge fulfyl it |r25 effectuelly. Wherfor presume ¨e no more to excuse ¨ow herein, but go to ¨our place. Nevertheles yf ther longe any keys to that office, the abbes schal delyuer hem to her openly, or sche go from her. And whan sche |p67 |r[13] is boden go to her place, sche schal fyrste enclyne, and so go to her own place as sche is wonte, but yf it be a newe priores, as it is expressed in the lvti chapter of thys boke. |r5 The sustres that schal be discharged, schal be called forth as it is seyd before, and to her that hath wele fulfylled her obedience and occupacion, the abbesse schal say in such wyse[:] Suster .N. N. I |r[f.35c] thanke ¨owe hertly, that ¨e haue so diligently and so l0 effectually, fulfylled the mynystracion, that I com_mytted to ¨ow to execute. But for certeyn causes mouynge me, I wylle preue other in the same, how diligent čei wyl be, and what habilite they haue, and therfor, I discharge ¨owe therof. |r15 Sche herynge thys, anone sche schal fal down prostrate at the abbes fete, offryng herselfe to kesse them. Whiche the abbes in nowyse schal suffer, but rather put down her ryght hande, that sche may kesse that. And yf sche had any keys, perteynynge to |r20 her office, sche schal there openly delyver them to the abbes. Whiche done, |r[f.35d] sche schal by the conmaunde_mente of the abbes take her own place, dewe to her reguler profession thof sche had be priores in office. And whan the abbes hathe dyscharged a suster |r25 of any office čat keys longe to, sche schal not comen_ly enter into suche an office, withoute the presence and assistence, both of her that is discharged, and of her that is newly charged, therwith, that it may trewly and veryly beknowen, in what state it is de_lyuered |r30 and taken. And ¨et for the more certeynte, |p68 |r[13] the abbes schal take with her some other sustres that haue moste experience in suche occupacions, for to bere witnes. If |r[f.36a] any suster be discharged of her office, for |r5 open negligence, če abbes schal say to her in suche wyse: Suster .N. N. I put ¨ow into suche an occupa_cion of grete truste, and ¨e haue had ¨ow negligently and euel therin; and therfor nowe I dyscharge ¨owe therof, purposyng by goddes grace, to prouyde to the |r10 comente of a better. Sche heryng thys, anone sche schal fal down prostrat at the abbes fete. And whan sche is com_maunded to ryse, sche schal openly, and mekly, knel_yng, knowlage her negligence and unprofitable deme_nynges, |r15 and forthwith aske mercy and for¨euenes of the abbes, and of al the sustres, čan to be punysched as be |r[f.36b] trespas asketh. How officers owe to be disposed in euery office. None schal be sette in any office or occupacion |r29 of charge, but suche as the abbes may suerly truste, that čei kan, and may, and wyl do, and kepe the charge that is leyd upon them. Which euerichone owe to be of goode name and fame amonge her sustres and brethren, and of laudable lyfe and conuersacion. Swete and |r25 gentel in wordes, softe and prudente in answers, besy and pacient in labours, sad and honeste in maners, not drunklewe nor wastres, not wrethful nor troblous, |p69 |r[13] not lyght and veyne in wordes, nor over grete spekers, but sober, demewre, and chereful to speke to, discrete, pesyble, wyse, sad, cir*cumspect |r[f.36c] and wele auysed in ¨euynge and takynge of answers, knowyng to whom, what, |r5 how moche, and how, they delyuer or receyue any čing inwarde or owtwarde and of whom. Whos sadnes is not wonte to suffer them notably to square, in čer de_menynge . In distribucion of necessaryes to the sustres and |r10 brethren, they shal not serue one, all of the beste, another al of the werste, nor for any fauour, ¨eue one to moche, another to lytel, but they shal delyuer to eche after ther nede, withoute grudgynge and accepcion of persones, consyderyng and ponderyng more the infir_mite |r15 and nede, than the fauour of any person, |r[f.36d] so ¨et that the eldest of eche degre, be euer serued of the beste. Whan they haue not redy atte hande that is asked, they owe to excuse them goodly and honestly, promyttyng |r20 to puruey for it as sone as čei may, in al goodly haste. They that nede any thyng, they owe not to aske it commaundyngly, or with thretynges, but goodly, with a maner reuerence prayng to haue that is nedeful to them, with other circumstaunces expressed tofore in the |r25 thryd chapter of čis boke. And thof they haue not forthwith that they aske, or yf it be denyed hem, ¨et they owe not to take thys greuosly, but suffer pacient_ly, for |r[f.37a] as sayth seynte austyn, it is better to nede somwhat, than to haue more than nedeth, and seynte |p70 [13] paule had a grete ioy to be vexed with hunger, thyrste, colde, and nakednes. Unresonable, or euell askers, or yf any aske any thynge not to be asked, the officers schal not make them sory, but they may answer thus to |r5 them curteysly: Suster or brother, yf I scholde take ¨ou that ¨e aske, I trowe I scholde offende in the de_lyueraunce therof, and ¨e in the receyuynge. Neuerthe_les, late the souereyne say and ¨e schal haue with a goode wyll that ¨e desire. And so by suche demenynge |r10 and sufferaunce, eche per*sone |r[f.37b] schal be in pece, and eche officer kepe her office withoute grete offence. Aboute če seke also, they owe to be euer atten_daunte and diligente, and do ther deuers, that the goodes of the monastery be not spended in waste, nor |r15 deuoured and loste, wherby almes to the poer and nedy, myght be withdrawen or abated, thorough ther negly_gence . Knowyng for certeyn, that ther is not the leste threde in the clothe, nor the lest crom in the lofe, nor the ferdyng in the tylle, nor the droppe in |r20 the vesselle, but that they schal accuse the oweners at the day of dome, yf they be mysspended. Wherfor čei owe not to receyue, nor pay, nor spende |r[f.37c] any thynge outwarde or inwarde unprofitably, withoute special or general licence, assygnemente commaunde_mente |r25 or sufferaunce of the abbes, wytyngly and ex_presly made. Hauyng a besy warnes, that whan they be kalled to rekenyng, they be not to seke for to answer |p71 |r[13] to euery thyng, clerly withoute any colour and feyth_fully, that hath be taken to them, how it is spended. And therfor it is nedeful to čem, that they kepe wele ther scrowes and bylles indented, leste any thyng go |r5 oute of mende. Forthermore they owe to haue grete warnes that they neuer speke alone, other wyse than the rewle suf_freth, and this vnder the perel of čer sowles. Neuer_theles |r[f.37d] whan they may gete no suster to here them, |r10 and the mater is suche, that it may not conueniently be taryed withoute hurte of the monastery, than in suche cases the abbes may licence them to speke as the mater requyreth in softe and fewe wordes, alone in tho thynges only, that concerne the wele and honeste of |r15 the place. But none schal than enquyre after tydynges how the worlde goeth, or how he or sche fareth, or any suche other thyng, concernyng in any wyse ther own solace and comforte, withoute one herer at the leste, after the forme of the rewle, and as it expressed in |r20 the thyrd chapter of thes addicions, confermed by |r[f.38a] the buschops iniunccions. |p72 |r[14] Fourtenth chapter. Of the places wherin silence is streytly to be kepte. In the chirche, quyer, freytour, cloyster, dortour, and in the howse of secrete nede, silence is euer to be |r5 kepte. Nevertheles, whan case cometh of very nede, the souereyne may dispense with that silence, in any of the seyde places, and that only after the mater requyreth and no ferčer. Also silence after some conuenience, is to be kepte |r10 in the lybrary, whyls any |r[f.38b] suster is there alone in recordyng of her redynge. Also in če waschyng howse in tyme of waschynge, but yf it be in a stylle voyce for thynges necessary to be spoken, or for to be asked or had. Also in the chapter, after the begynnyng of the |r15 seconde pele to the collacion, but yf it be also in a stylle voyce, for a thynge necessary, honeste, and pro_fitable, and in al place nygh to the chirche. And therfor, whan anythynge is to be asked, or spoken, notyfyed, or charged, in tyme or place of |r20 strayte silence, this schal be done by sygnes end not by wordes, yf it may be expressed with any vsual sygne. If it may not be so expressed, nor the place chaunged, where |r[f.38c] it falleth, than it may be expressed in a stylle voyce and fewe wordes, as it is seyd before. |r25 Of styldes. Forthermore, for ther schal be asked a streyte rekenynge of euery ydel worde; therfor moche speche is to be fled of alle, namely after meles, for čan lyghtly the tunge fyndeth mater to speke and trespas. And for 73 72[14] sylence dewly kepte, is a synguler worchyppe to god, it is ryght, that not only greuous speche be kytte away, but also that the tunge be restreyned with the brydel of taci_turnite or stylnes, whan it is leful to speke, for the |r5 grete profite of silence, thof the speche be goode. For they that kanne moder ther tunges beste, be moste wyse.|r[f.38d] Wherfor the speche of alle, schal be meke and lowe, softe and demewre, swete andd trewe, euer of spiritual thynges, and of very necessaryes after the rewle, delytynge euer, |r10 rather to here and be stylle, than to speke; and not vse to answer but to thynges asked. And whan the sustres and brethren come to speke togyder atte crates, they schal euer be lycensed and associat after the rewle on eyther party: And čey schal speke sadly and reli_giously |r15 that is to be spoken, not multyplyeng vnprofit_able wordes nothyng to purpos, nor dissolutly crye oute with a loude voyce; but softly, soberly, and with a quyet schortenes, they schal say that is to be seyde; and sone take ther leue and go ther weyes. |r[f.39a] |r20 Whan the sustres in conuenient tymes and places, speke any to other, they schal haue ther handes within ther cowle sleues, or els, honestly, and religiously, ioyned togyder, holde hem before čem. None of hyghnesse schal thou another in spekynge, but eche schal speke |r25 reuerently to other, the ¨onger namely to the elder. Nor none in comen speche, schal say, thys is myne, but thys is owres. Saue eche oweth to say of hys carnal frendes, thys is my fader or my moder, or my cosen, and of hys synne, thys is my synne. |r30 Whan they speke to outewarde persone or persones, |p74 |r[14) they schal behaue čem as it is seyd of spekynge inwarde to sustres or brethren, but with |r[f.39b] moche more warenes[.] Not medlynge ther speche with seculer fables and fryuoles, nor ¨et gladly here no suche thynges. But yf any frov_tles |r5 thynge be spoken, they schal be stylle, dyssymulyng as yf they herde it not, and eyther they schal speke of thynges more profitable, or els sone bydde them farewele and go from them. If they here any scurilite or any other worldly vanyte, they moste haue grete warnes that |r10 they telle not čis to other sustres, butte schewe forth with, that they disdeyne and lothe to here suche thynges. Schewyng themselfe in al ther wordes, gestes, and maners, that they be the very spowses of criste, thynkyng that they be euer in hys gracious presence, |r[f.39c] and haue drede |r15 to offende hys benignyte čat is presente ouerall. Of sygnes vsed instede of speche. Also they schal haue warnes in alwyse that they speke not with ther fyngers, whan they schewe anythyng, čat is, čat they exercise none inordinate sygne of vn_stablenes. |r20 For how be it that sygnes be necessaryly ordeyned, for to exclude occasion of ydel, vayne, superflue, and vnprofitable speche, ¨et it is neuer leful to vse them withoute some reson and profitable nede. For oftetyme more hurteth an euel sygne, than |r25 an euel worde, and more offence it may be to god. The grete festes that the sustres may speke into the seculers, be al tho fes*tes |r[f.39d] of sayntes, ordeyned by the chirche to be kepte as hygh as the sonday. Of openyng of the wyndow and syght of seculers. |r30 If any sustres frendes, desire to se her, če |p75 |r[14] abbes schal not ly¨tly graunte thys but seldom in the ¨ere, but yf če same suster haue a wyll to be seen, of her dere and honeste frendes. And it is gode, that the abbes take counsell of the general confessour, and know |r5 by hym whan she schal open če wyndowe; for he is con_seruatour of the order, and oweth to take hede that al poyntes of the rewle be kepte. Whan any sustres schal be seen, the abbes schal warne them, that namely than, they behaue them godely and religiously, in countynaunce, |r10 in chere, and |r[f.40a] in al ther meuynges. Neuertheles, yf they wyl make themselfe a grete crowne in heuen, late other se them, and they see none. For so it is redde in the lyues of holy faders, that whan the moder of one, came to se her sone, he ¨ede oute to her wynkyng |r15 that sche scholde see hym; but forsothe he wolde nott see her in any wyse. And it is seyd in our sauiours rewle, that yf the wyndowe be not opened, so moche the more plenteuous rewarde, is promysed to čem in tyme to come. |r20 Of bodely behauoure Moreouer, for by the outewarde bodyly meuyng, is ofte knowen the inward disposicion of be sowle, they owe to moderate al ther bodyly |r[f.40b] behauour in such wyse, that they neuer excede the bowndes of honeste, neyther |r25 in laughyng, stondyng, syttyng, nor goyng. For as sayth če wyse man, the arayment of the body, dissolute laughynge, and the entres of a person, schewe what he is. And salomon sayth, the apostata, goeth frownyng with the mowthe, trampleth and fydleth with the fete, |r30 twynkleth with the eyen, and speketh with hys fyngers. |p76 |r[14] Of la¨hhynge. None therfor schal vse presumptuosly to laugh ouer moche, or oute of mesure dissolutly[.] But whan the souereyne, or any of the elder sustres begyn to laughe |r5 vpon any other suster or sustres, by wey of recreacion, curtesy wyll and very |r[f.40c] loue and charite, that they smyle or laugh a¨ene soberly. Of stondyng. Whersoeuer they stonde, namely in diuyne seruyse |r10 in the chirche, they schal not stonde vpon oo fote alone holdyng up čat other, nor one ouer another, nor ¨et holde ther chynnes or chekes in ther handes, lenynge notably with ther bakkes or armes, nor caste oute ther armes or handes, nor schrugge with the |r15 scholders, but they schal stonde vpryghte, holdyng ther handes before them honestly, within čer manteles or cowle sleues vnnethes lenynge to the stalles, but yf nede compelle them to do other wyse. Of syttynge regulerly[.] |r20 Also whersomeuer they sytte, they schal |r[f.40d] sytte vp ryght, gaderynge the extremyteys of ther mantels and cowles aboute hem that they flete nott abrode, holdyng ther handes within ther cowle sleues in places of si_lence, and not stretche oute ther legges to ferre, nor |r25 ley one kne ouer another, but couer ther fete honestly vnder ther clothes, and not sytte fydlynge with hem. |p77 |r[14] And whan they sytte betwene two sustres, they shal sytte so ordinatly and so directly, that neyther they haue ther faces to that one, nor ther bakkes turned any dele to that očer, nor ¨et caste lyghtly ther hedes aboute, |r5 nor lene to one syde more than to anočer. Of goyng and sy¨t kepyng. In ther goynge also, all moste behaue |r[f.41a] them so regulerly and honestly that they go no more on the ryght syde than on the lefte. Not to faste nor to |r10 softe, withoute rennyng and harde goynge, withoute gettyng and meuynge of the scholders, withoute swyng_lynge of armes or of handes, not stretchyng oute the nekke nor loke aboute to besyly, nor holde to ryght vp the hede, but somwhat down to the ¨erth and go forth |r15 symply, schewynge ouer alle the sygnes of mekenes, remembrynge the meke publican, that durste not lefte vp hys eyes to heuen, but he kepte hys syght downe, and smytyng hys breste seyd inwardly: Deus propicius esto michi peccatori. And so in al ther meuynges |r[f.41b] |r20 after the rewle of saynte austyn, they be bounde to schewe čer gode conuersacion effectually. Moreover, none schal go from thys monastery to another, thof it be of thys same order, but yf ther be another, or mo monasteryes of thys same order, in |r25 thys reame only of ynglande bylded, founded, and suf_ficiently endowed. For than they may go to any of tho |p78 |r[14] monasteryes, after the forme expressed in the bulle of pope martyn the fyfte, and not elles. Neuertheles, yf the monastery as god forbede it, fal on fyre, or be assayled of enmys sodenly, or by verye lyklynes and |r5 certeynte, any suche perell is to falle, than they may auoyde the mo*nastery |r[f.41c] yf nede be for a whyle, and turne home a¨ene, whan suche perel is passed. |p79 |r[15] Fyftenth chapter. Of the ¨ere of profe and renouncyng therof. If any aske this religion in če way of charite, the abbes stondynge, or syttyng in a chayre at the |r5 crates, with the hole couente, in ther hole habite, stondyng aboute her, eche in ther order, religiously, the wyndowe open, schal bydde her telle her desyre, before alle the couente. Which herde, yf the nombre be fulle, sche schal say: We may re*ceyue |r[f.41d] none ouer the |r10 nombre, lymytt in our lordes rewle. If it be voyde, or in schorte tyme lykly to be voyde, sche schal say: none may be professed in thys religion, before an hole ¨ere, of sufficiente probacion outwarde, nor after ther profession, go to another religion. |r15 If sche than ¨et desyre to be admytted to the 3ere of profe, the abbes fyrst schal examen her, how longe sche hath stonde in her purpose towarde thys religion, and wheyther sche be meued therto of her selfe, or of any other persone. |r20 Seconde, yf sche be fre of all worldly bondes, that is to say oute of dette, borowage, seruyse, bon_dage, sentence of cursynge, wedlokke, con*tracte, |r[f.42a] vowes, infamy, executry, heresy, and suche other. Also yf sche desyre thys religion principally for god, or |r25 for her own ese, or for any preuy sekenes or impotency, or els, yf schame or payne of worldly aduersite, or any suche other thynge compelleth her therto. And after thys, for the thyrd thynge, she schal |p80 |r[15] telle her of the dures of the religion[.] That is to say, contempte of the worlde, for¨etyng of fader and moder, and of al worldly frendschyp, but as the rewle suffreth, and če chirche determyneth, moche fastynge, |r5 many water dayes, grete watche, erly rysynge, longe seruyse, dayly labour, streyte sylence, loweste place, harde commaundemen*tes |r[f.42b] of the souereyne, redy obedi_ence, forsakynge of proper wyll, pacience in aduersite, sufferaunce of alle, scharpe correcciones, and many |r10 suche other. Whiche may lyghtly be suffred for a whyle, but for to contynewe for terme of lyfe, it is harde werke to some. To the whiche thynges, yf sche be not agreable, the abbesse schal honestly auoyde her. |r15 If the abbes thynke her disposed to thys re_ligion, she shal here her habilite in voyce, syngynge and redynge. Whiche known, sche schal byd her abyde vpon an answer, into another conuenyent tyme, tylle sche haue had communycacion with her sustres. From |r20 whom in thys case, sche may hyde nočyng, for fauour or drede, or |r[f.42c] for thretenyng of any persone, of what power or dignite čat euer he be. After thys, the conuente syttynge in the chapter howse, the abbes shal aske of eche suster in order by |r25 name, begynnynge at the eldeste, wheyther they wyll haue her admytted, to the ¨ere of profe or no. And yf the more sadder party answer nay, tellyng resonable causes why, the abbes before all the couente, or a parte of them, schal ¨eue here a goodly answer and |r30 late her goo. And than the chauntres schal do thys |p81 |r[15] to be wryten, that no suche be admytted in tyme to come, but yf the sadder parte of če couente, be other wyse auysed. Whiche also is to be obserued of |r[f.42d] hem, that wyll not renounce ther ¨ere of profe, whan they be |r5 requyred regulerly, and also of them, that haue habilite to religion, but ¨et ther entres into thys religion is not expedient. If the more holer and sadder party, graunte to haue her admyttyd to the ¨ere of profe, the abbes schal |r10 haue suche maner wordes to the seyd persone: Doughter, ¨e haue cause to ¨elde preysynges to god. I haue comenyd with my sustres, and I fynde hem ryght glad of ¨our holy purpose, and agreable to and ¨oure desire. And than sche schal say čus, be ther one, be ther many |r15 of them: In the name of oure lorde ihesu criste, and of hys moste holy moder, oure la*dy |r[f.43a] saynte mary, of saynte birgitte, saynt austyn, and of alle sayntes, and in the name of the hole congregacion of sustres and brethren, |r20 and in myne own name, I admitte ¨owe to ¨our ¨ere of profe, after the tenour of the rewle of saynte sauyour. Procedeth therfor and assay ¨ourselfe, how ¨e may accorde with some maner obseruaunces of the seyd holy rewle, and thys ¨ere. And after a thre monthes come |r25 a¨ene vnto vs, and in the mene tyme, we schal take a more deliberacion of ¨ow. Sche heryng thys, schal ¨eue thankyngges to god, and to al the congregacion, ande after thys go with a lowe hede, and forehede couered, lyuyng vnder the |r[f.43b] |r30 obedience of the abbes. And it schal be seyd to her, |p82 |r[15] that sche kepe the tymes sette, of comyng a¨ene, and also sche muste be enformed, how sche schal demene and preue herself in the seyd ¨ere, with some obseruaunce acordyng to the rewle. Also sche must be counseled |r5 to speke with the general confessour amonge, for helth of her sowle; and the abbes shal haue to her, wordes and commaundementes, some tyme of scharpnes, to preue her pacience and obedience; and also the rewle and statutes, arn to be redde to her, in tho poyntes only, |r10 that concerne her persone, that sche may knowe wherto sche cometh. Forthermore, the abbes in the mene whyle, may en_quyre, or do to be enqui*red, |r[f.43c] more diligently of other persones čat know her, of her lyfe and conuersacion, |r15 desyrynge yf nede be, lettres of testymony thervpon, so that the day of her admyttynge and month with the ¨ere of oure lorde, be putte in wrytynge by the chauntresse. Whan sche cometh a¨ene the secunde tyme, the abbes schal examen her, and say to her, as it is expressyd in |r20 the rewle. Ande so sche schal do, whan sche cometh a¨ene the thrydde tyme, rehersynge to her a¨ene, yf nede be, the dures and scharpenes of the order. Neuertheles, the seyde secunde and thryd comynges |p83 |r[15] a¨en, ar not to be vnderstonde, of eche person admytted to the ¨ere of profe, but of them |r[f.43d] that dwelle fer from the monastery, and kepe not the seyd ¨ere in the courte withoute. And of them moste of alle, of whos |r5 habilite, lyfe, and conuersacion, the couente ¨et douteth, wherof they owe to be certyfyed in alwyse, or euer they fullych consente into any persone, for in thys hangeth alle the weght of the ¨ere of probacion. Whiche whan it schal begyn or whan it schall ende, thys |r10 is lefte to the arbyterment of the abbes. If any kepe her ¨ere of profe in the courte with outeforth, and be not of power by no mene to pay for her borde, skole, and other costes, perteynyng to her profession, sche oweth to be founde of the monastery. |r15 If sche or els |r[f.44a] her frendes, be of power to fynde her, it is reson that čei pay for alle her necessaryes, and for alle the costes, in the day of her profession, purueyng for her bokes, beddynge, profession rynge, dyner, offerynge, and suche očer. Whyche may be done |r20 lawfully, withoute preiudice of the rewle, so that it come of ther own fre wylle, withoute any couinaunte made tofore a¨enste the rewle. But ¨et, be they ryche, be they pore, that schal entre into thys religion, čer reguler habyte schal be ordeyned of the couente, of the |r25 costes of the place. Of the instruccion of the novyce before the profession. Whan the tyme is come that the |r[f.44b] abbes and couente, be fullyche determyned of the day of profession of any sustre or sustres, the abbes in conueniente tyme before, |p84 |r[15] schal assygne a sad suster, that longe hathe be experte in reguler obseruances, for to enforme them how they schal behaue them, in the day of ther profession. Assygnyng also another sad suster, for to stonde by |r5 and see, and here only, but not to speke but ryght lytel, withoute special licence of the abbes. Fyrste, they ar to be enformed, how they schal come to the chirche dore bare fote, but yf the abbes in tyme of grete colde, commaunde otherwyse; |r10 and there to byde the buschop, reuerently knelyng to hym |r[f.44c] whan he cometh, so to pronounce distynctly and openly, the wordes of ther professyon, tofore wryten in a skrowe. Secunde, how they also reuerently and deuoutly, |r15 knelynge, schall beholde the rede baner, how they schal make the sygne of a crosse, in ther skrowes and receyue her rynges; how they schal make ther offryng, att the auter, enclynynge both before and after, and turne re_ligiously to ther former places a¨ene. |r20 Thryd, how they schal spedyly do of ther seculer cločes, and withoute any taryeng, do on ther reguler habite, knelyng whan they take it, and stondyng whylste they do it vpon them[.] Fourth, how they schal festen ther crow*nes |r[f.44d] vpon |r25 ther veyles. Fyfte, how they shal take ther longe veynes, and lyeng prostrat say ther Confiteor, whan the buschop assygneth hem, with oo voyce togyder, and how they schal ryse and receyue our lorde, of the buschops hande, |p85 |r[15] and knele there stylle, tyl Veni creator spiritus be ended. Sexte, how they shal folow the buschop to če dore, where they schal entre, and how they schal knele down, |r5 and take hys blyssynge, whan he hath delyvered hem into the abbes handes. Seuenth, how they schal folow the abbes, into the chapter, and receyue the sygne of pece, and how they shal behaue them in the freytour, at the table and |r10 other places. Also prouision is to be made or they come in, |r[f.45a] what syde they schall kepe, in the chirche, chapter, freytour, dortour, and in al other places, that they fynde noo thynge, wherof they myght take any euel ensample. |r15 Of renauncynge of če ¨ere of profe Noo renouncynge of the ¨ere of profe, nor any bonde of any party to other, is to be made in any wyse, but the day goyng before the profession day, or els in the selfe profession day, which is moste syker for |r20 dyuers casuelteys, that myghte falle in the mene tyme. For after the renouncynge of both partys regulerly, they may aske ther fyndyng of the monastery, laufully as longe as they lyue, thof they be neuer professed therin. Whiche be longe processe, myght tur*ne |r[f.45b] to |r25 importable charge to the monastery. They therfor enformed of the maner of renoun_cynge, and suerte had of the buschops comynge, the abbes and couente schal go to če crates in a tyme moste |p86 |r[15] conueniente. And they, that schal be professed, knelyng at the wyndowe, than beyng open, the abbes schal say to them, be ther many, or be ther but one of them, thus: What aske ¨e? |r5 The fyrst of them schal answer, saynge in thys wyse: I aske in the wey of charite, that I may be receyued to lyue with ¨owe in thys holy congregacion, alle the dayes of my lyfe. And than yf ther be mo, eche of čem schal say thus: |r10 I aske the same for |r[f.45c] myne own parte. And than the abbes yf nede be, may reherse com_pendiously, what hathe be seyde to them, from the be_gynnynge of the ¨ere of profe, concludyng thus at the laste ende: |r15 Doughtres, ¨e moste knowlage ¨owe dewly admitted to ¨our ¨ere of profe, and sufficiently proued in the same, and that ¨e holde ¨owe fullyche content therwyth. Renouncynge it and al other ¨eres of profe, whiche be wonte to be had in other religions, within the |r20 monastery, for entres into thys religion, after the tenour of the rewle of saynt sauyour. Promytting, for to abyde the day of ¨our profession, and for to accepte with*oute |r[f.45d] contradiccion, suche a day as we schal assigne ¨owe. And mekly for to obey after ¨our |r25 power, to the seyd rewle, addicions, and statutes, alle and som, lyke as ¨our predecessours haue done to fore ¨owe. Than sche, or any other suster for her at her prayer, schal answer thus, after her skrowe: |r30 In nomine patris et filii, et spiritus sancti |p87 |r[15] Amen. I. N. N. moued and styrred I hope of god, per_petually to serue hym in holy religion, and specially in thys religion of saynt sauyour. After my manyfolde desyres, and often prayers, to ¨our ryght deuoute and |r5 honorable ladyschyp, and to the grete haboundante charite of alle my ladyes ¨our sustres |r[f.46a] knowlage me of ¨our grete graces, dewly admytted into the ¨ere of profe, suche a day of suche a month and suche a ¨ere of our lorde, and sufficiently proued in the same after |r10 the rewle of saynte sauyour and statutes of thys monastery. Whiche ¨ere whiche moreouer now passed, yf it plese ¨owe to do the same, I accepte for a ¨ere of sufficiente probacion, and renounce all and eche other probacion, for entres into thys religion, not_withstondyng |r15 that any costom in other religion, or comen lawe, sownde or be into the contrary. And wher ¨our reuerent ladyschyp desyreth that I schall withoute contradiccion accepte and abyde suche a day as ¨e wyl |r[f.46b] assygne me for my profession, with goddys |r20 grace and ¨our supportacion, I accepte it with al myne herte, and promytte to abyde it to my power. Also reuerent lady, I purposyng to be a childe of obedience, promytte veryly to obey and obserue the seyd rewle, |p88 |r[15] awtentyk declaracion and interpretacion of the same, or of any parte therof, addicions, pryuyleges, ordy_nary iniunccions, local statutes, and all other or_dynaunces, wylfully admytted and resonably approued, |r5 by the comen consente of sustres and brethren pro_fessed to fore me, wylst I lyue, as ferre as my powers wyl stretche. Into wytnes of alle and eche of the seyd premisses, I haue made my sygne manuell |r[f.46c] in thys presente wrytynge: |r[sign here] |r1O Whiche sygne may be made to fore, for lettyng of tyme. And yf ther be mo than one, eche of them schal say as it is expressed in other writynges aboute the renounsyng of the ¨ere of profe. And after thys, the abbes schal renounce also |r15 the seyd ¨ere for her parte sayng thus as wele to one as to alle: Almyghty godde whyche is endytour of our rewle, conferme ¨ow in thys holy purpos. Ande I in the name, of oure lord ihesu criste and of hys moste holy moder, our |r20 lady saynte |r[f.46d] mary, and in the name of the hole con_gregacion of sustres and brethren, and in myne own name, renounce also the seyd 3ere, and consente into |p89 |r[15] ¨ow, for to receyue ¨ou to be professyd in thys mona_stery to morne, but yf any lauful cause of lettynge, fal in the mene whyle. To the whiche wordes, al the couente schal |r5 enclyne, in token that they consente to the same. But noo suster schal presume to speke ther moche, withoute special licence of the abbes. This done, one of them schal say in thys wyse: I ¨elde thankynges to god, and to hys blyssed |r1O moder mary alway virgyn, to saynt birgitte, and to ¨oure ryght reuerent ladyschyp, and to the hole con_*gregacion, |r[f.47a] of thys monastery. And thys grace by ¨ow schewed to me, I mekly accepte. If ther be mo, other by and by schal say thus: |r15 I do the same for myne owne parte. And after thys, they schal kesse the scrowe, and with ther own handes, delyuer it into the abes handes. |p90 |r[16] Sextenth chapter. Of the obseruaunce aboute, and in the day of profession. Moreouer the sexteynes schal ordeyne before the profession, the bere wič fayre newe erth, and make a |r5 crosse thervpon, with a smoth lath |r[f.47b] or with some other instrumente made therfor of purpos, čat it may wele be seyn fer of. And thys bere sche schal sette forth at the dore, that it may be borne oute in conuenient tyme. |r10 Also it is gode, that eche person be professed in ther own arayment that they vsed in the worlde, and not in borowed gere. Neuertheles, thys is left to the discrecion of če abbes and general confessour, both for the sustres and brethren. |r15 Of clyppyng of hedes. Forthermore, to fore any be presented to the buschop, for to be consecrate, čei shal be klypped the here by the abbes, after the maner of other monyales, vnder thys forme. The abbes and couent as |r20 many as |r[f.47c] may, folowyng her, schal go to the crates the day tofore the profession, after our lady masse, or after complen or any other tyme, moste conueniente. Wher they schal stonde in order religiously, with al maner of sadnes, withoute grete sterynge or noyse, |r25 that other be edyfyed by ther religious behauynge. So that the abbes be in the myddes of the wyndowe, and the elder sustres nexte her on every syde. The sexteyn schalle brynge forth holy water and a fayre |p91 |r[16] kerchef, with a klene payre of scheres or scisoures. And the wyndowe opened, and ther here dressed honestly behynde ther hedes, the abbes schal sprynge holy water vpon ther hedes, sayng thus, be |r[f.47d] ther |r5 many or be ther but one: Aqua benedicta sit vobis salus et vita. In no_mine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. The couente schall answer: Amen. And than the abbes schal say eftesones: |r10 Almghty god to whom ¨e shal nowe be spoused, moyster ¨owr sowles with the dewe of hys holy spirite, and marke ¨ow with the token of hys swete brennyng loue . The couente schal answer: Amen. |r15 And than whylste the abbes clyppeth čer hedes, the couent shal say syde for syde thys ympne: Veni creator spiritus, tretably and distynctly. Whiche ended and ther hedes alle clypped, the abbes and couente schal say thys preces folowynge: |r[f.48a] The |r20 abbes: Emitte spiritum tuum et creabuntur. The couente: Et renouabis faciem terre. The abbesse: Saluam (as) fac ancillam (as) tuam (as). The couente: Deus meus sperantem (tes) in te. The abbes: Domine exaudi. |r25 The couent[:] Et clamor. The abbes: Oremus. Deus qui corda fidelium sancti spiritus illustra_cione docuisti, da nobis in eodem spiritu recta sapere, et de eius semper consolacione gaudere. Per christum |p92 |r[16] dominum nostrum. Amen. In the day of profession, all the howres schal be doon before hygh masse. Ande whan the buschop is entred into the brethres quyer, foure sustres assygned |r5 by če abbes, schal brynge oute religiously betwe*ne |r[f.48b] them in ther handes, the seyd bere, a lytel lefte vp from the erth, two before, and two behynde, and sett it downe fayre and esyly, before the newe professed sustres. Ande inclynacion made towarde the hygh |r10 auter, they schal turne a¨ene into the monastery, the dore to be schet after them. And after the same forme they schal brynge it in a¨ene after masse whan the seyd sustres be comyned, or whan thys ympne Veni creator is bygon and in syngyng. |r15 Whiche ended, the abbes schal see that če seyd dore be sette open to the buschop a¨enst he schal come to the same dore, sche stondyng there with al the couent process_ion wyse, the eldeste nexte the dore. And the sustres take |r[f.48c] in and the dore schette, the chauntres schal |r20 begyn thys ympne: Sponse iungendo filio. And than all schal go to the chapter, procession wyse, the ¨ongest before, and the abbes after, with the newe professed sustres folowyng her, the chauntres assygnyng them where they |r25 schal knele before the abbes in myddes of the chapter. And the seyd ympn wyth the response Regnum mundi, and antem: O iocundissimam ended, the abbes turnyng to mageste with al the couente, schal say thys preces folowyng in a softe voyce with note: Saluam (as) |p93 |r[16] fac domine ancillam (as) tuam. Deus meus sperantem (tes) in te. Mitte ei (eis) domine auxilium de sancto. |r[f.48d] Et de syon tuere eam (eas)[.] Domine exaudi |r5 oracionem meam. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. Oremus. Deus qui famulam (as) tuam (as) a seculi vanitate conuersam (as), ad superne vocacionis accendis amorem, pectori (bus) illius (arum) purificando illabere, et graciam qua in te perseueret (rent) |r10 infunde, vt proteccionis tue munita (te) presidio, quod te donante promisit (erunt), te iuuante im_plere valeat (ant), et sue (arum) promissionis (num) executrix (ces) effecta (te), ad ea que perseuerantibus in te, dignatus es promittere, |r15 pertingere mereatur (antur). Per christum dominum nostrum. Amen. Thys done and al the couente sette, the abbes may say to them what sche wyll. And than the chauntres |r[f.49a] schall lede them to če abbes to take the |r20 token of pees or kysse of charite, and afterwarde to the pryores and to al other sustres, fyrst at one syde and than at other, and after make them to knele a¨ene where they kneled to fore. So that bothe the ¨evers and takers of the seyd token of pece, schal take eche |r25 other by the handes, a lytle enclynyng ther hedes eche to other, but to the abbes, they schal knele down to |p94 |r[16] the grounde. Noo speeche is to be had there but of the souereyne, outake thes wordes: ¨e be wellcome; and: |r5 I thanke ¨owe. Of an exortacion to them. Neuertheles, yf če tyme wyll suffise it, the abbes before the seyd kysse of pece, or |r[f.49b] els after, may exorte them in thys wyse, saynge thus: |r10 Loo doughtres, nowe remembreth what ¨e haue take vpon ¨owe, and see, that lyke as ¨e haue chaunged ¨our seculer habite, so ¨e nowe chaunge worldly maners and customs into exercise of spiritual vertues, castynge away the olde garment of synne, and doynge |r15 vpon ¨ow the habite of mire lord ihesu christe. And principally labour ¨e to come to the begynnyng of our lordes rewle, that is very mekenes, pure chastyte, and wylful pouerte, as it schal be tolde vnto ¨owe by our lordes grace more expresly, another tyme. |r20 Whyche rewle wyll, that thes eghte dayes, ¨e schal not be arted to |r[f.49c] any streytnes of the order, but that ¨e in the quyer stonde loweste. Whiche I wyl čat ¨e lowly obserue, and čat ¨e sytte lowest in the freytour, and kepe silence to alle, excepte to me |r25 and to the suster, vnder whos gouernaunce ¨e schal be assygned to be, but yf I ¨eue ¨owe special licence to speke. And thys is ordeyned to be kepte among vs, that ¨e scholde the more bysyly study to lerne ¨our reguler obseruaunces, wherto ¨e muste be streytly |r30 bounde, after the eght days of ¨our profession. Be |p95 |r[16] ¨e čerfor, the gode discipules, of our lord ihesu christe, meke, softe, paciente and obediente, čat so ¨e may fele the swetnes of religion, and be confermed in all gode werkes. Amen. |r[f.49d] |r5 After thys, the abbes schal assygne them to suche a maystres or maystresses, that by ensample of gode lyfe, kan and may enforme them and teche them the order to the helth of ther sowles, by thes eght dayes and after, into tyme they be discharged of them a¨ene in |r10 the ful chapter. Whiche, withoute any contradiccion or excusacion schal mekly obey to the precepte of ther souereyne, and thes eght dayes they schal stonde by ther discipulesses in the chirche, and sytte by them at the table, and go with hem or nygh them in pro_cessions. |r15 So that eche of them schal enforme suche as be assygned to them in reguler obseruaunces and holy disciplynes and doctrynes, charitably and tendably, as it |r[f.50a] is accordyng to euery persone, and as nede re_quyreth, after the commaundement of the souereyne. |r20 Neuertheles al thes viiite dayes, they may be vnder the rewle of one maystres yf the abbes wyl it so be. |p96 |r[17] Seuententh chapter. How the nouyces schal be astricte to kepe the order after the eght day. Eghte dayes fullyche complete, of euery profession, the chapter bell schal be ronge, and the chapter holde |r5 as it is wonte yf it be thursday. Or els, after the ryngynge of the seyd bel*le, |r[f.50b] al the couente gadered togyder in the chapter, the sustres newe professyd at če commaundmente of the abbes, schal be brought in, by one of ther maystresses before the abbes, fyrst in_clynyng |r10 to her, and than knelynge before her in the myddes, as they be taught and assygned by ther gyde. To whom the abbes schal say thus: Doughtres, ¨e schal vnderstonde, it is vsed amonge vs of longe and laudable custom, and also |r15 ordeynd and streytly enioyned by our diocesan buschop of london, that euery professe, the eght day after the day of ther profession, schal make obedience to ther souereyne, promyttynge to obey feythfully to her in al thyng after |r[f.50c] the rewle, and to kepe če |r20 statutes of the place and al other thynges, as ther predecessours haue done tofore them. They heryng thys, the fyrst of them, or some other suster in her name, schal open the register and make her obedience in suche maner of wyse as folowith, |r25 or any other lyke maner: In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti Amen. I. N. N. after the fyrst profession suche a |p97 |r[17] suster in nomber, professed in the order of saynte sauyour, suche a day of suche a monthe, suche a ¨ere of our lorde, and suche a profession after the fyrste, by suche a buschop or suffrigan, knowlage me dewly |r5 admytted to the ¨ere of profe, and solempnly professed after lauful renoun*cynge |r[f.50d] of the seyd ¨ere, after the rewle of saynte sauyour, and statutes of thys monastery. Therfor I holdynge me fullich contente of al the pre_mysses, promytte to the abbes of this monastery, and |r10 to thy successours, me to kepe obedience after the rewle of saynt austyn and constitucions of saynte bir_gitte. Acceptyng, allowyng, and also admittynge, the popes letters or bulles, and namely that bulle, whiche amonge vs is kleped Bulla reformatoria with other |r15 autentyk wrytynges not discrepante nor discordynge to the seyd bulle[.] Acceptynge also, allowyng and admyttynge, the addicions addyd to the seyd rewle, priuyleges, ordynary iniunccions, |r[f.51a] local statutes, laudable customes, decrees, and al other ordinaunces |r20 after the forme expressyd in the fourtenth lefe of thys register, wylfully admytted, and resonably ap_roued, by the comen consent of sustres and brethren |p98 |r[17] professed tofore me. Bryndynge myselfe wylfully and not constryned, veryly to obserue all the seyd pre-, mysses to my power to the dethe. Into the witnesse wherof, I delyuer and betake to ¨our reuerent moderhode, thys |r5 wrytyng, writen at myne instaunce in thys comen registre, and marked with my sygne manuell, the viiite day after the day of my profession, in the ¨ere of our lorde aboue seyde: And her sygne made |r[f.51b] in the seyde register, sche schal |r10 kesse the boke and ley it open in the abbes lappe with bothe handes. To whom the abbes, havyng that sustres handes ioyned togyder betwene her handes, schal say thus: And I admytte thyne obedience In nomine patris et |r15 filii, et spiritus sancti Amen. And than that suster schal fal down to kysse the abbes fete, whiche in nowyse sche schal suffer, but rather put down her ryght hande, that sche may kesse that. |r20 If ther be mo, eche of them schal say as it is writen in the register, and do as dyd the fyrst suster, eche after other, alone by themselfe. Of an exhortacion. Whan they all haue made ther obedience, they |r25 schal knele a¨ene before the abbes, and |r[f.51c] than the abbes or elles another suster at her commaundement, schal say thys lytle exhortacion folowynge: |p99 |r[17] Ryght dere sustres, for as moche, as ¨e be now astricte to the obseruaunce and kepyng of the order and rewle, as other sustres professed before ¨owe, ¨e schal vnderstonde, that the begynnyng of our sauyours |r5 rewle, is veray mekenes, pure chastite, and wylful pouerte. Very mekenes, is to drede god euery howre, and not to loue proper wylle. To subdew ¨ou to the obedience of ¨our eldres for god, and not to grudge |r10 a¨enste contrarious thynges, thof they be commaunded. To hyde none euel thougtes nor euell dedes, but to confesse them to ¨our gostly fa*ders |r[f.51d] yf they be preuy, and also proclame them in dewe place and tyme, yf they be open. Also to be contente with vylenes and |r15 abieccion, and to holde ¨ow more viler and lower than other, not only with the tunge, but also to beleue the same veryly, inwarde in the sowle. To do nothyng, but that the comen rewle commaundeth, or that the gode ensample of ¨our eldres enformeč ¨owe. Lernyng of one |r20 mekenes, of anočer pacience, of another deuocion, of another discrete abstinence, of another contynence, of another to kepe streyte sylence. Also, to be stylle, tyl ¨e be asked to speke, and to speke fewe wordes wič sadnes, and not to be lyght of laughter, but that ¨e |r25 schew lowlynes |r[f.52a] in worde and dede, and thynke in al places that ¨e schal be presented to the dome of god, sayng with the meke publycan: Non sum dignus oculos |p100 |r[17] leuare in celum. I am not wordy to lefte vp myne eyn to heuen. Pure chastite stondeth not only in body but also in sowle. For sche is not chaste in the syghte of |r5 god, čat hath that one withoute that other, nor the chastyte of suche one is plesaunte to god. Wylfull pouerte also stondeth not only in forsakyng of worldly riches, but also un forsakyng of wyll to haue any worldly riches, worchyppes or digny_teys, |r10 a¨enst the wyll of god and ordynaunce of the rewle. Moreouer, for ¨e be nowe admytted to |r[f.52b] knowe the secrecyes of our chapter, ¨e shal vnderstonde, that če chapter is an howse of counsell and confession, |r15 where the secrets of the monastery and of the chapter arn to be treted, and defautes proclamed and corrected, lyke as the trespas asketh. Haue ¨e warenes therfor, that ¨e comen nothyng that is seyde or done here, or in any other place of the monastery by wey of counsell, |r20 to any other, seculer or religious, but only to ¨our sustres professed, or to ¨our confessoures yf it longe to ¨our consciences. And that ¨ette ryght warely, leste ¨e deme ¨owre souereyne, and haply cause other to grudge a¨enst her by ¨our speche. |r25 Wherfor late the drede of god be ¨our gyde, in alle |r[f.52c] ¨our wordes and dedes, for yf it be preuyd čat any open the secrecyes of the chapter, she is to be sequestred čerfrom, tyl we thynke her wordy to be kalled a¨ene, besyde očer paynes. Our lorde ihesu |p101 |r[17] therfor, ¨eue ¨ow grace to eschew al perelles. Amen. After thys the abbes schal assygne hem a maystres or maystresses, after the forme expressed tofore in the sextenth chapter of thys boke; and than the |r5 chauntres at the byddyng of če abbes, schal sette ech of them in ther order in the chapter, chirch and other places, after the precepte of the rewle. Neuertheles, neyther the abbes, nor none other suster schal be bound to say the seyd exhor*tacion |r[f.52d] |r10 always, but after ther discrecion and disposicion, and after the tyme ¨eueth, and mater requyreth. |p102 |r[18] Eghtenth chapter. Of dyvyne seruyse and obseruaunces therin. Seth euery religion is therfor ordeyned princi_pally, that dyuyne seruyse schold be dewly contynued |r5 in holy chirche, therfor it is acordyng, that it be performed in suche wyse, that not only the doers therof, but also the herers be edyfyed therby. Wherfor pat dyuyne seruyse may be contynued in čis religion, after a dewe |r[f.53a] order and forme, the sustres schal haue ther |r10 matens after the brethres matens, ther euensong after če brethres euensonge, complen after complen, so that nerhande, čer be neuer cesynge. Ther songe schal be sadde, sober, ande symple, without brekyng of notes and gay relesynge, with alle mekenes and deuocion; but |r15 organs schal čei neuer haue none. Ther psalmody schal be dystyncte and open; and al thynge schal be mesured and moderyd after discrecion. In the quyer, all schall be as angels, enclynge togyder, rysynge togyder, knelyng togyder, stondynge, turnynge, and syttyng togyder, al |r20 after oo forme, goynge and comynge togyder. |r[f.53b] In openyng also, and schettyng of bokes, turnyng of leues, leftynge vp and puttynge down of stalles, sayng of ther bedes or deuocions, and in al other suche thynges doynge, they schal haue warenes of any grete sounde or noyse |r25 makynge, by whisperyng, syghyng, or sobbyng, or ratlynge of bedes. Wherby any other myght be unrested and resonably take occasion for to deme them of ypocrisy or of any vnsadnes. Ther syght also, sylence, and |p103 |r[18] sygnes, they shal kepe moste of all there, and not go oute tyl the seruyse be ended, withoute a resonable cause not feyned, end by licence or commaundement of her that is president there for the tyme. There also |r5 none shal vse to spytte ouer the |r[f.53c] stalles, nor in any other place wher any suster is wonte to pray, but yf it anone be done oute, for defoylyng of ther clothes[.] If any fall gretly into coughynge or bledynge, or habounde with flewme, sche shal go oute be licence of |r10 the presidente, and the passion cesed, and place made clene, come a¨ene. So that none feyne any cause to go oute, nor make no lenger taryeng withoute than very nede requireth. To dyuyne seruise, none schal come withoute her |r15 hole habite honestly vpon her, as it is expressyd tofore in the secunde chapter, her mantel buttened with a butten of tre after the rewle, nor ¨et to the speche of seculers withoute or within, |r[f.53d] Of inclynacions. |r20 As ofte as they enter the quyer, they schal deuoutly enclyne, in the place therto assygned. Not bekkyng with the hede and lyghtly sterte forth; but sadly be leyser with dewe reuerence and worchyp, gadryng togyder the sydes of ther mantelles before |r25 them with bothe handes, that they fle not abrode, hauyng the ryghte hande in crosse wyse ouer the lefte. Not bowyng ther bakkes rownde, lyke a bowe bente, but hauynge ther scholdres and lendes euen streght and playne oute, enclynynge so lowe, that ther handes |p104 |r[18] withoute violent stretchyng oute, may towche both knees. Whiche is to be obserued whansoeuer they enclyne in ther man*telles, |r[f.54a] so that yf ther be two togyder, they schal enclyne togyder and turne face to face as ofte as |r5 they turne bakwarde after ther inclinacion. Ande so they schal do whan they enclyne withoute mantelles, saue than they schal kepe ther handes crosse wyse in čer cowle sleues. And thes be the tymes and places that čei schal |r10 enclyne inne, and the thynges wherto čei schal enclyne. That is to say, in če chirche, chapter, and freytour, as ofte as they come in or oute, namely before and after conuentual actes; and in the quyer, as ofte as they come in, or go oute of ther stalles, and also |r15 they schal enclyne in the myddes, whan they go from one syde to |r[f.54b] another of any of če seyd places. Also they schal enclyne profoundly to the hygh auter, by cause of the sacramente beynge there, and to our lady auter, and to the crucifixe, and to the ymage of our |r20 lady, as ofte as they passe by, namely in the chirche; and also to the names of ihesu and maria, as ofte as they here čem pronounced any whereamonge the couent with all devocion and reuerence, sytte čei, stonde they, or which wey that ever they turne. |r25 Also whan they haue made ther inclinacion in the quyer to the este, they schal turne them and enclyne to the abbes, both inwarde and outwarde the quyer. Also whan any suster goeth before another in the quyer, or in |r[f.54c] any other streyte place, sche schal |r30 bowe the hede and lefte vp the hande, in maner askyng |p105 |r[18] leue to go by her. To whom other schall bowe ther hedes a¨ene, in token of grauntyng of leve. Of late comers to the quyer And for dyuyne seruyse is to be preferred before |r5 al other thyng, therfor whan they here the ryngyng therto, they schal come to chirche betymes, that they mow make redy ther hertes to god before the begynnynge as they mow če more dewly prayse hym. If any come after Deus in adiutorium is bygonne, sche schal enclyne |r10 and go to her place. If Gloria patri be bygonne, sche schal enclyne tyl sicut erat, and čan go to her stalle, withoute sygne of the president. |r[f.54d] If any come whan če ympne is bygonne or after, sche schal enclyne, tyl the president make a sygne to ryse, and than go to her stall |r15 or to another place, wher none other suster be lette of her office. Whiche is to be obserued also, yf the office of our lady masse be bygon, so that all suche must proclame and telle the causes of ther late comynge, in dewe place and tyme[.] Suche as ofte come late |r20 withoute resonable cause, schal be more scharply cor_rected [.] Neuertheles, come any neuer so late, whan ther is litel helpe in the quier, they schal enclyne and lyghtly go to ther place, thof the president make no sygne, helpyng forth what they may, and after that |r25 seruyse or houre, they schal |r[f.55a] say to the place wher they began, and proclame and confesse ther late comynge, whan they se ther tyme. So ¨et that after če thryd psalme is ended of any of the smale howres, none schall enter into the stalles but in tyme of grete nede. |p106 |r[18] Of faylers in dyuyne seruyse. If any fayle in redyng or syngynge in the quyer, sche schal as ofte as it is perseyved of other, knele down towarde the auter, whilst they synge at other syde, |r5 namely in psalmody, toche the grounde with her hande, knokke herselfe on the breste, rise and enclyne also to the auter, and than synge forth as sche dyd before, havyng alway a warenes, that the knelyng down for one defaute |r[f.55b] be not cause of mo. Whiche ¨et defautes |r10 also, sche most proclame whan tyme cometh, and take correccion for them, namely yf the defaute be so grete, that al the quyer is distracte therby[.] But none schal knele down at lectrones tylle the lesson or verse be ended, nor in any procession goynge. Sche that wyl |r15 not knele downe whan sche fayleth, seynt benette sayth sche is to proude, for sche wyl not meke herself in the presence of other, wherfor sche is to be chastysed the more scharply in the chapter. Neuertheles, aged and very feble, schal do in thys |r20 obseruaunce and other lyke as the abbes assygneth hem, the causes fyrst known, openly in the chapter, that none oc*casion |r[f.55c] of euel be mynystred to other. |p107 |r[19] Nyententh chapter Of obseruaunce at matens and laudes. Aboute the laste ende of the brethres matens če tapers lyght, the abbes or priores in her absence, or els the ebdomadary in bothe ther absence, schal make |r5 the termynacion, smytyng her ryght hande vpon the deske or a boke, not ouer harde, but in suche a mene as al the quyer may here it. At the whyche sygne, al the quyer schal knele down and stylly say one pater |r[f.55d] noster, one Aue maria, and oo crede, eche by themselfe |r10 alone. And whan sche maketh another sygne with her hande, as sche dyd tofore, alle must ryse and stonde turned to the este, enclynyng and makyng the sygne of the crosse of ihesu in ther forehedes and brestes, prayng hym inwardly, that ther seruyse may be accep_table |r15 to hym and to hys blyssed moder[.] And thys is to be obserued before euery houre, outake the sayng of the crede, which is not seyd comenly but before matens. As sone therfor as the brethren, cese of syngynge, the ebdomadary schall begynne: Dignare me laudare te, |r20 turnyng to the este with all the quyer, answe*ryng |r[f.56a] to the same, and to Domine labia, and Deus in adiutorium. At Gloria patri, al schal enclyne face to face, as ofte as it is had, outake in processions, rysyng vp a¨ene at Sicut erat and thanne stonde quyer to quyer |r25 tylle Alleluia. Saue whyls they synge Laus tibi domine, they schal enclyne to the ende therof, quyer to quyer. From the begynnyng of the Inuitatory, into Gloria patri after Venite, they schal stonde turned to the este, and than they schall turne quyer to quyer into |r30 the laste verse of the ympne, than enclynyng face to |p108 [19] face, stondyng vp and turnynge to the este, at Amen[.] Whiche is to be obserued at the laste verse of euery ympne in |r[f.56b] the ¨ere. The secunde, and thryd, antemes at matens, schal |r5 be bygon of them that be tabled vnto them. But the fyrst antem, and al other antems at laudes, prime and houres euensonge and complen, schal be bygon by the ebdomadary. Sche that begynneth any antem, schal turne to the este, and enclyne the same wey whan sche hath |r10 done, but če quyer schal stonde face to face. Saue whan the ebdomadary begynneth her antems, al schal turne to the este as sche doeth. At the entunyng of euery psalme, the quyer schal stonde face to face, outake be bygynners in hygh dowble |r15 festes. In the psalmody, the quyer schal sytte one psalme and stonde another, |r[f.56c] begynnynge ever with the fyrst psalme. So that the fyrst psalme entuned to the myddes of the fyrst verse, they schal sytte down, rysyng a¨ene |r20 at Gloria patri, and inclynyng as it is seyd before, and stondyng quyer to quyer whylst they synge the antemes after the psalmes. Aboute the myddes of the thryd antem, the sustres that schal synge the versicle, schal go oute of ther |r25 stalles religiously, turnyng to the este, with al the quyer, whylst they synge it at the deske, enclynynge both before and after. Whiche also is to be obserued of all sustres as ofte as they synge or rede any thynge at the deske or lettryne. |p109 |r[19] The answer of the versycle ended, |r[f.56d] al the quyer schal enclyne to the este, like as they stonde in the answer of the versicle. And than they schal turne quyer to quyer and say Pater noster and Aue maria |r5 enclynynge. Whyche done, the ebdomadary, schall stonde vpryght wyth al the quyer, and turnynge all to the este, sche schal begynne Et ne nos, with Precibus et meritis, as it scheweth in the ordynall. If the |r10 abbes be presente, al must conforme to her. They that schal rede the lessons at the lettryne, schal after Iube domine benedicere enclyne to the este, tyl the benediccion be endyd. And the quyer answeryng Amen, before the first lesson, anone they must sytte |r15 down withoute |r[f.57a] any taryeng, or euer the lesson begynne, that the reder may so moche the better be herde of alle. Ande they muste sytte styll, tyl Gloria patri of the last response. Neuertheles, tho sustres that schal synge the |r20 verses of the responses at the lettrin, schal go oute of ther stalles religiously, aboute the myyddes of euery response. And for they may not enclyne with the quyer whyle they synge Gloria patri of the thryd response, they schal enclyne before, while če quyer |r25 syngeth the repete. Whiche is to be obserued in all other responses that be songen with Gloria patri, and in al other thynges wherof the syngers may not con_ueniently enclyne with the quyer. |p110 |r[19] Atte begyn*nynge |r[f.57b] of Te deum laudamus, al the quyer schal stonde to the este with the ebdomadary that begynneth it. And at Te eternum patrem, they schal stonde quyer to quyer, into the laste ende of |r5 the psalme. Saue at Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, dominus deus sabaoth, and at Non horruisti virginis vterum, and in thys verse Te ergo quesumus, al schal enclyne face to face, and atte thys worde In eternum they schal turne to the este, and so stonde tylle Gloria |r10 patri after Deus in adiutorium at laudes. Whan Te deum is not had, they schal in stede therof synge thys psalme: Miserere mei deus knelynge quyer to quyer, as it is specifyed in the ordynall. Atte laudes, alle thynge schal folowe the obser_uances |r15 ex*pressed |r[f.57c] at euensonge in the xxiiiiti chapter of thys boke. Saue in the laste ende of thys psalme, Benedicite, they schal enclyne quyer to quyer, while they synge thys verse: Benedicamus patrem, rysyng vp a¨ene, at Benedictus es domine. |r20 And whan če sustres haue ended čer matens, the brečren schal begyn ther prime. |p111 |r[20] Twentyeth chapter[.] Of pryme, lady masse, and houre of teer. Whan the brethren haue ended ther houre of teer, the sustres schall begynne ther pryme, |r[f.57d] outake wyt_sonday, |r5 kepyng ther obseruances as they dyd in lyke thynges at matens. So that the executrice of the seruyse, schall begynne the antems at pryme and howres; and they that synge the versicles of the same day, schal synge Ihesu criste, and responses of the |r10 seyd howres atte the lettryn, turnyng to the este with the quyer. After pryme, schal folowe masse of our lady. At the begynnynge wherof, alle schal stonde quyer to quyer, saue att thes wordes: Salue sancta parens, all |r15 schal knele downe and deuoutly enclyne, at bothe tymes, doyng worschyp and reuerence to the moder of god, rysynge vp a¨ene att Enixa puerpera. The two begynners that be*gynne |r[f.58a] masse, or any thyng els in myddes of the quyer, schall at eche inclynacion enclyne |r20 to the este, and sytte to the este, whiche way that euer the quyer stonde, sytte or enclyne, kepynge čer inclynacion before Gloria patri, as it is seyde before at matens. Also the quyer shal stonde quyer to quyer whyls |r25 they synge the Kyrye; and atte begynnyng of Gloria in excelsis, they shal turne to the este, and a¨ene quyer to quyer at Et in terra, so enclynynge at Adoramus te, and at Suscipe deprecationem nostram. Saue whyles they synge Amen, and as ofte as they |r30 say Et cum spiritu tuo, or answer the preste or dekon |p112 |r[20] of any other thynge in the mas*se, |r[f.58b] they schal turne to the este. Att the fyrst collectes they schal enclyne quyer to quyer, stondynge vp a¨ene to the este at Qui tecum |r5 viuit; but in the memoryes they schal knele down lenyng to ther deskes, and stondyng vp at Qui tecum as it is seyd before. From the begynnynge of the pystle into the se_quence be ended, they schal sytte in ther stalles, |r10 saue the sustres that schal synge the verse of the grael and verse of Alleluia, schal synge them stondynge at the lettren. Also from septuagesym into ester, thys tracte Gaude maria schal be songe at lettren, and čis prose |r15 Inuiolata in the quyer, syde for syde syttynge. But at thes wordes: O, |r[f.58c] maria, O benigna, O maria, al muste knele down, syttyng vp a¨ene at Que sola. The prose, or sequence ended, they schal turne to the auter, so enclynyng at Gloria tibi domine whan the |r20 preste enclyneth, makyng a token of the crosse in čer forhedes and vpon ther brestes as the maner is. Whan credo in vnum deum is bygonne, they schal turne a¨ene quyer to quyer, so knelyng down at thes wordes Et incarnatus, and rysyng vp a¨ene at Et |r25 resurrexit. The offertory they schal synge quyer to quyer stondyng, and knele down after, lenynge to ther deskes[.] But from Per omnia into Sanctus, they schal stonde to the este, so enclynyng at thes |r[f.58d] |r30 wordes Gracias agamus domino deo nostro. |p113 |r[20] From the ende of the preface into Benedictus, they schal stonde quyer to quyer, enclynyng so at the fyrst Sanctus, wherof the begynners schal enclyne before they begynne it. And the fyrst Osanna in excelsis ended, |r5 they schal knele down, into Pater noster, begynnyng Benedictus euermore at the leuacion of če sacramente. Saue whan it is sine regimine chori amonge the brethren, they schal synge it forth immediatly with the Sanctus, turnyng to be este, and not abyde the seyd leuacion. |r10 As in al feries and festes of thre lessons, outake the thre commemoracions, and certeyn festes in ester tyme. At the begynnyng of |r[f.59a] the pater noster, they schal ryse, and enclyne quyer to quyer; but they schal synge Sed libera nos a malo, stondyng to the este. |r15 Also, they schal synge the thre Agnus quyer to quyer, turnynge to the este a¨ene at the ende of če thryd, and face to face whyls they synge če comen. At the laste colectes they shal kepe the same obseruaunces they dyd at the fyrst colectes, saue at |r20 the laste colecte of alle, the terminacion schal be made, that the sustres may say ther Pater noster before ther howre of teer, stondynge to the este at Qui tecum viuit as it is seyd before. But after Deo gracias, they schal knele down a¨ene, into the blyssyng |r25 of mas*se |r[f.59b] be ¨ouen, and seynte iohn gosbel ended, saynge .iii. pater noster and iii. Aues for the pees, towarde the este. After the seyd gosbel is ended, they schal anone |p114 |r[20] forčwith, outake on saturdayes, begynne ther howre of teer, and procede with dewe obseruaunce expressed tofore at pryme. Of comenyng |r5 Whan any shal be comenyd, they schal come togyder religiously, and at the assignement of the preste, say ther Confiteor togyder ones, for as many as schal be comened at one ceson, be it in, or after any masse. And the absolucion ¨ouen, they schal ryse and knele at |r10 the comenyng wyndowe togyder as many as may religiously, enclynyng bothe before and after ther co*menyng |r[f.59c]. The houre of teer ended, čei schal make ther in_clynacions, and go in procession wyse to the graue, two and two togyder the ¨ongest before. And the abbes, |r15 or priores, or president in her absence, stondyng at the graue, and eldest sustres nexte vnto her on euery syde, sche schal with two fyngres take oute a lytel erth, begynnyng thys psalme: De profundis, her own syde sayng with her, and that očer syde answeryng face |r20 to face, so enclynyng at Gloria patri and whyle the abbes sayth the collecte: Domine sancte pater, with In nomine patris. After thys če abbes schal say: Benedicite. The couente schal answer: Dominus. And than če chaun*{_}tres |r[f.59d] |r25 schal rede the obites, yf ther be any in the martilage on the morne. Whiche redde, the abbes say thus: Anima eius, or anime eorum or earum, et anime |p115 |r[20] omnium fidelium defunctorum, per misericordiam ihesu christi in pace requiescant. The couente schal answer Amen[.] And than silence is lowsed and the sustres may take ther veynes, and proclame čer defautes, or |r5 els by lycence of the abbes or president go take čer myxstom. |p116 |r[21] Capitulum xxi. Of the seuen psalmes it schal be schewed in the nyen and twenty chapter of thys boke. Whan the brethren haue ended ther houre of sexte, the sustres |r5 schal go forth with theres; and whan the sustres haue ended ther houre of sexte, the brečren |r[f.60a] schal begyn hygh masse. |p117 |r[22-23] Capitulum xxii, xxiii. The obseruaunces at the autyrs longeth to the brethren and not to the sustres. Moreouer, whan the couente is in any conuentual |r5 acte, none schal presume of her own hede to go oute to se any sacrynge at any auter; but they schal kepe ther wonte obseruaunce, or els knele down yf it be in the quyer, and se our lorde in ther sowles, lokynge vpon ther bokes, that no defaute be made, in redyng, or |r10 syngynge[.] For god loueth more to be worchypped and seyn with the eyen of the soule, than with the eyen of the body, sayng our lorde: veri adoratores, adorabunt deum in spiritu et veritate. After the |r[f.60b] brethres houre of none, the sustres |r15 schal procede with theres, and withoute any longe taryeng after čat, all schal go to mete. Of bodyly disciplines. Euery fryday in the ¨ere, whan it is sine regimine chori amonge the brečren, outake cristemas eue, and |r20 from thens into če vtas of purificacion of our lady, and from estren into če vtas of corpes christi, and euery wensday of lente whan the brethren say of the fery, ande after the passage of any suster or brother, and on al soule day and other tymes accostomed or |r25 assygned by the abbes, the dortour bell schal be tolled, and the sustres schal take bodyly dysciplyne in dewe tyme and place, after the forme expres*syd |r[f.60c] before in the secunde chapter, eche knelyng arewe in ther order. And in the tyme of disciplyne, the eb_domadary |r30 or another suster, schal say this preces |p118 |r[22] folowyng, the couente answerynge: Psalmus: Miserere mei deus. Psalmus: Deus misereatur. Psalmus: De Profundis. So that eche psalme be seyd with Gloria patri, and Aue maria. And after the laste, they |r5 schal say thys antem Ne reminiscaris, with Kyrieleyson, Christeleyson, Kyrieleison. Pater noster. Aue maria. Et ne nos. Ostende nobis. Ora pro nobis sancta dei genetrix. Peccauimus cum patribus. Domine non secun_dum. Ne memineris iniquitatum[.] Adiuua nos deus[.] |r10 Oremus pro fratribus. Pro cuncto populo. |r[f.60d] Anime fundatorum. Domine exaudi oracionem meam. Oremus. Exaudi quesumus domine supplicium preces. Deus qui proprium est misereri semper et parcere, suscipe deprecacionem. Deus qui caritatis[.] Fidelium deus |r15 omnium[.] Anime fundatorum nostrorum[.] And they that ¨eue the disciplyne schal cese at pater noster and say it knelyng as it is sette before in the seuenth chapter, begynnynge a¨ene at Et ne nos. Ande they muste moder be disciplyne in suche wyse, that |r20 they may go ones aboute before the Pater noster and ones after. If any suster for any cause resonable, may not take her disciplyne, she schal say the seyd preces alone or with a felawe wher sche wyll. |r[f.61a] But whan |r25 the abbes, in tyme of grete colde, or for any other resonable cause, wyl pardon the sustres of ther discyplynes that they schal none take, ¨et they schal say the seyd preces vnder the schorte veyne togyder in the chapter, but they schal not bare ther scholdres. |p119 |r[24] Foure and twentyeth chapter. Of obseruaunce at euen_song. Aboute the last ende of the brethres euensonge, če sustres schal make ther termynacion, and say ther |r5 Pater noster and Aue maria as čei |r[f.61b] dyd before matens, but withoute a Crede. And alle stondyng vp quyer to quier, the ryght syde schal fyrst enclyne profoundly to that other, saynge Aue maria and Indulgete nobis. And in the mene tyme, the lefte syde stondynge vp |r10 ri¨te, schal ¨eue devoute audience to the ryghte syde; and so muste the ryght syde do, afterwarde to če lefte. Thys doon, and the brethres euensonge all ended, they schal begynne ther euensonge, as ther ordynall scheweth, turnynge to the este at ende of |r15 the antem after the psalmes. And the chapter ended wyth Deo gracias, they schal turne quyer to quyer, so stondynge whyle they synge če |r[f.61c] response whan ther is any. But whyle the verse is in syngynge, they schall sytte, kepynge ther |r20 obseruaunce at Gloria patri, at ympne, and at the versicle, as it is expressed tofore at matens. At magnificat, they schall turne quyer to quyer, stondyng vpryghte, lytel or nothyng lenyng with ther bakkes or armes to the stalles. And so they owe to |r25 do at Nunc dimittis, Te deum, and Benedictus. From the ende of the antems after the seyd psalmes into the ende of euensonge and complen, matens, and laudes, they schal stonde to the este, but yf it be in the orysones or collectes. For than |r30 they schal enclyne quyer to quy*er |r[f.61d], stondynge to |p120 |r[24] the este a¨ene at Qui tecum viuit, whiche is to be obserued in all orysons seyd in the quyer thorow the ¨ere with note. Neuertheles, sche that executeth the seruise, |r5 schal stonde styl in her stall to the este, saue atte begynnynge of thys antem: Aue maria, and from thens into the laste ende of euery houre in the ¨ere, al moste reverently and deuoutly knele down, enclynyng also to čis name Maria. |r10 Also after evensonge, matens, and after euery houre, the abbes, or the ebdomadary in her absence, schal say thys litel prayer: Anime fundatorum nostrorum et anime famulorum famularumque tuarum, et omnium fidelium defunctorum, |r[f.62a] per misericordiam |r15 ihesu christi in pace requiescant. The couente schal answer Amen, also without note. And than after even_songe, the priores or another serche in absence of the abbes, after the space of čis psalme Deus misere_atur nostri, schal smyte with her hande, as sche dyd |r20 before evensonge. And than al schal ryse and enclyne religiously before če deske, towarde the auter; and so go ther weyes. So ¨et that none go to any other place, than even forthe down to the freytour, with_oute special leue, asked and had of the presidente. |r25 But the ebdomadarye schal entende the chyme, as it is expressed in the fyftyeth chapter of thes |r[f.62b] presente addicions. |p121 |r[25] |r25[.] Of obseruaunce at the collacion and complen. Whan they here the secunde pele to the collacion, they schal come togyder and sytte in order in če chapter, kepyng čer sylence as it is seyd before in |r5 the xiiiite chapter of thys boke[.] And whan the president at laste ende of the pele, goeth to her place, all muste stonde vp, but not enclyne, saue only to the abbes. And whan sche hath enclyned to the mageste and take her sete, the couente also at |r10 her assygnemente schal sytte downe a¨ene. And than yf ther be any brother or suster of the chapter late passed to god, the presidente schall open it to the couen*te [f.62c]. Whiche anone, stondyng to the mageste, schal syde for syde say De |r15 profundis for the soule, with the suffrages and dewe reguler obseruaunce, ordeyned therfore, and than sytte downe a¨ene. And alle thynges tretyd than to be tretyd, that is to say, tho thynges that may not congrously be |r20 deferryd into another tyme, the legister at the byddynge of the presydente, schal say: Iube domine, after the forme expressyd in be fyrst chapter tofore. To whom the presidente schal answer thus: Noctem quietam et vitam beatam, tribuat nobis omnipotens |r25 pater, pius et misericors dominus. The couente schal answer Amen. And than |r[f.62d] the legister schal rede what somever the abbes assygneth, after the |p122 |r[25] forme expressyd in the seyd chapter. And Deo gracias ended, the couente schal ryse, and turne to the mageste, the presidente saynge with lowe inclynacion: Adiutorium nostrum, and the couente in lyke wyse answeryng with |r5 note, al under oo tune Qui fecit celum et terram. And after thys, they schal go to the quyer pro_cession wyse, the ¨ongest before, and aboute the laste ende of the brethres complen, the president or the ebdomadary in her absence, schal make če termynacions |r10 both before and after Pater noster, and they schal kepe the same obseruaunces at complen, as be expressed tofore in lyke čin*ges |r[f.63a] at matens prime and houres, begynnyng whan the brethren haue ended ther oryson, after the antem of our lady. |r15 Saue after the laste Deo gracias, the ebdomadary schal say thys versicle Aue maria, enclynyng. So that from the begynnyng of če antem of our lady into the ende of seruyse, all schal knele, excepte tho sustres čat schal synge the versicle whyle they synge it, and |r20 tho sustres that be tabled or assygned by the chauntres to synge the verses of Salue regina, or Regina celi. Whiche schal be songen standyng at the deske. And whan the laste collecte is ended, alle schal putte downe ther veyles, and so kepe them into the mor*ne |r[f.63b]. |r25 Of verses at complen in lenton. In lenton after Nunc dimittis, thys antem: O mitissime, schal be songe with verses, the quyer knelyng at these wordes O benigne creator, and O pie redemptor, but at O mitissime triumphator, all schal |p123 |r[25] stonde vp a¨ene. So ¨et, that the sustres that schal synge the verses, stonde at the lectren whyle they synge them. Of holy water after complen |r5 Alle seruyse ended with Anime fundatorum, they schal echone turne vp into ther stalles, and say eche of hem knelynge fyftene Aues, softly, not abydyng the Aue belle. But the presidente only, may lene to the forme or deske and knele[.] And whan sche maketh a |r10 sygne, with |r[f.63c] her hande, they schal ryse and go pro_cessionally to take holy water, the eldest goynge before. And as they take it two and two togyder the eldeste fyrste, they schal enclyne to the president that ¨eueth it, namely yf it be the abbesse, that |r15 ¨eueth it, and after thys they schal go to the dortour, as it scheweth in the thre and fyfty chapter of čis boke. |p124 |r[26] Sex and twentyeth chapter[.] Of the maner of doyng of dyuyne seruise et cetera. In alle principal and hygh festes, |r[f.63d] the abbes stalle is to be arayed more honestly than other tymes. |r5 And the chauntres with one of her felawes, in al suche festes schal kepe the myddes of the quyer, al seruyse tyme, occupyeng the office of the rectrices, or two begynners, begynnynge alle thynge towarde če este, saue at Indulgete they schal conforme them to |r10 the quyer. All maner of chaptres at evensonge, complen, matens, pryme and howres, schal euer be seyd in a lowe sober voyce. Also in all hygh festes, the chauntres schal |r15 assygne one of the eldest sustres, to rede the fyrste lesson at matens, the pryores to the secunde, and the abbes |r[f.64a] to the thrydde, and foure at the lefte of the eldest sustres, beste disposed in ther brestes, to synge če verse of the response at the fyrst euensonge, |r20 and the thrydde verse at matens, and Alleluia at masse, and Benedicite at euensonges in festes of oure lady. In all other double festes and dayes, sche schall assygne other sustres to do the seyd thynges, and al |r25 other, after the feste or day is. So that on sondayes and festes of nyen lessons, or of the strength of nyen lessons, as seynt Iohn portlatyn, Inuitatorium triplex. and suche other, sche schal assygne another suster to synge the venite with the sustres čat be tabled therto. |p125 |r[26] |r[f.64b] And so sche schal do to če thryd response at matens and Alleluia at masse, but in double festes, foure at leste schal synge the Venite. Of makynge of the table. |r5 Wherfor, that the more certeynte be had in our lordes seruyse, in the chirche, chapter, and freytour, the chauntres schal euery fryday make the table, and sette it in suche a place of the quyer, that all the sustres may loke červpon and se what they schal do. |r10 Hauynge a besy attendaunce, that no sustres be tabled to any thynge, but suche as haue habilite and suffi_cience to kepe it in euery place, in redynge and syngynge, wyke by wyke, as they be in order after ther pro*fession |r[f.64c]. And ¨et for the more sykernes, sche |r15 schal aske of tho sustres, whom sche is purposed to table, wheyther they may kepe ther wykes or no. So that yf they be notte disposed to kepe ther tymes, sche may puruey and make a chaunge with some other susters, eche kepynge for other as ther course cometh |r20 aboute, what syde that euer they be of. But none schal be ouer skypped in any wyse for any suche chaunge, withoute a very resonable cause knowen to the couente, and allowed by the abbes. Also it is to be marked, that in the table schal |r25 neuer be sette past two sustres to any thynge, nor no mo schal synge it, but yf they be as*sygned |r[f.64d] by the abbes or chauntres. |p126 |r[27] Of prayer in stede of sensyng. Capitulum xxvii. Also for as moche as the sustres, vse no sensyng, it is acordyng that in stede of encense they vse deuoute prayer, sayng with the prophete: Dirigatur |r5 domine ad te oratio mea sicut incensum in conspectu tuo. And therfor seynte benet sayth in hys rewle, that the sondayes namely and holy dayes, al the couente scholde be occupyed in devoute prayers and holy redyngges. Wherfor yf any befounde mysoccupyed, |r10 as with ydelnes or vayne tales, suche one is vnpro_fitable, not only to herselfe, but also sche hyndreth other. Ande therfor he commaundeth, that yf any |r[f.65a] suche befounde in če congregacion, they schal after certeyne monycions to leue, and wyll not amende, be |r5 scharply corrected, openly in the chapter. By thys worde correccion, after seynte benettes rewle, is vnderstonde evermore a disciplyne. Suche also more_ouer, as may be at the seruyse of the day, namely be holy dayes, withoute preiudice of ther own seruyse, |r20 it is accordynge that čei stonde vp, at Magnificat, Nunc dimittis, Te deum, Benedictus gosbelles, and suche other, conformynge themself as moche as they may, to če comen ordynaunce of al holy chirche. Capitulum xxviii. |r25 Also for holy water is re*newed |r[f.65b] euery sonday, it is accordyng that they take no bodyly mete, tyl |p127 |r[28] they haue take holy water and holy brede deuoutly and with reuerence of the abbes or priores or ebdomadaryes handes. For therto euery crysten man and woman is bounde by the lawe outetake comenyng dayes. |p128 |r[29] Capitulum xxix. Of processiones. As for processions whan the sustres haue any, they schall kepe thys forme. The response, or antem, or Salue festa dies, bygonne, the crosse schal go before, |r5 or els holy water, as in the rogacion dayes, as it scheweth in the fourtyeth chapter. And in al hygh, and principal festes the sextayn, or another suster at here assygnement, schal bere an ymage of our lady after the crosse, and two torches schal be born on euery |r[f.65c] |r10 syde a lytle before be ymage. After them schal folowe the sustres that synge not, and after them the hole quyer, the ¨ongest before, and the abbes comynge be_hynde, in the ende of the procession, al beyng in ther hole reguler habite. And they muste take hede čat ther |r15 pace be not to faste neyther to softe and that two and two go ever togyder as moche as they may, none scholdryng other, and that ther be euer two or thre fete space, betwene hem čat go before and hem that folowe after, that eche may here other and beware of |r20 discorde[.] And as they passe oute by the abbes, čei schal enclyne to her, and whan they come in a¨ene, they schal |r[f.65d] enclyne before the deske, and a¨ene whan they take ther stalles. And thes be the dayes that the sustres schal haue |r25 procession. That is to say, in the feste of circum_cision, translacion of seynt birgitt and seynt iohn baptist, whan ther festes fal on the sonday and not |p129 |r[29] elles. Also on palme sonday, seynt markes day, rogacion days, peter and paule, saynt anne day, mykelmasday and in al the festes of our lady, and principal or hygh double festes of the ¨ere, kepyng the same tyme that |r5 the brethren do. So that the brethren go forth with masse after ther procession, and neuer tary for če sustres. Of wykly suffrages amonge |r[f.66a] the sustres. Euery sonday the sustres schal say matens and |r10 houres of the holy goste. Euery monday, tuesday and wensday, dirige with thre lessons, after the use of the cathedral chirche; and euery thursday thes thre psalmes: Confitebor tibi domine the firste; Diligam te domine, and Deus deus meus respice. |r15 Also eche fryday comenly after ther matens, they schal say the seuen psalmes and comen letany, for ther synnes and others, and after čat take a disciplyne, yf it be a disciplyne day. From the whiche obseruaunce, none schal absente herself withoute special licence. |r20 Wherfore they that |r[f.66b] be not at matens schal dyspose hem to come betymes perto, that they mowe go in pro_cession with ther sustres aboute the cloyster, the crosse goyng before. And whan al be come in a¨ene into ther stalles, the crosse schal go hys way, and the |r25 ebdomadari schal rede the letany in suche a place assygned to her by the abbesse, wher sche may be herde of al the quyer. And whan čer is any suster or brother |p130 |r[29] passed, sche shal say thys colecte Deus cui proprium the lasse, tofore Fidelium, all the thrytty dayes. Also eche saturday for the ryghtwes, they schal say thes thre psalmes[:] |r5 Attendite popule |r[f.66c] meus; Misericordias domini, and, Confitemini, the secunde. |p131 |r[30-32] Capitulum xxx. In aduente, ther is no chaunge of obseruaunces. Saue on cristmas eue, al seruise is wonte to be done by tenne of če clokke afore none, and the sustres com_plen |r5 by fyue. Capitulum xxxi. On cristemas day, our lady mas schal be Lux ful_gebit. Whiche is not wonte to be sunge ouer longe, but of a sadde and goodly mene mesure, and two torches |r10 schalle bren at our lady auter al the masse tyme[.] Capitulum xxxii. In the feste of the purificacion, the abbes is to be serued of her taper fyrst amonge the sustres, and after her the priores. Ande |r[f.66d] after them, the elder |r15 sustres as they be in order, and at laste the ¨ongeste. |p132 |r[33] Thre and thyrtyeth chapter. Of aschwensday. On aschwensday and so forth that wyke outake fryday, the sustres schal haue Te deum at matens. And eche wensday and fryday from thens into ester, |r5 they schal take a disciplyne, excepte the vtas of our ladyes festes, double festes, and cathedra sancti petri. Also eche suster alone or with a felawe, before takyng of asches or after, shal knele and say deuoutly in the quyer, the |r[f.67a] seuen psalmes and the |r10 letany, that they may be the more abyl to be general absolucion. And whan the asches be halowed and in ¨euyng to the brethren, they schal come downe barefoted pro_cession wyse, the eldeste folowynge the abbes goynge |r15 before, to če comenyng wyndows. And ther the abbes and the priores schall take ther asches togyder, but all other sustres schal take hem, as many togyder, as may religiously knele at the seyd wyndowes, after the forme of comenynge, from the eldeste into the |r20 ¨ongeste. And they schal not go from dyuyne seruyse tyl hygh masse be ended, praynge to our lorde deuou*tli |r[f.67b] for remission of ther own synnes and of others. |p133 |r[34-35] Capitulum xxxiiii. Of lenton, et cetera. In lenton, the verses at complen, schal be songen after the forme expressed tofore, in the fyue and twenty chapter. And whan the brethren haue Dirige in |r5 the sustres euensonge tyme, čei schal not make ther termynacion to Pater noster, tylle allyn with the tollynge after, be fullyche cesed. Capitulum xxxv. On palme sonday, the sustres schal haue procession, before the whyche, the palme schal be |r10 distribute after the forme of distribucion of tapers on candelmasse day or purificacion of our lady. Ande thys wyke, all schal ¨eue hemself to deuoute prayer, remem*bryng |r[f.67c] our lordes passion, and that he prayed for synners in the crosse. |p134 |r[36] Capitulum xxxvi[.] Of schyrthursday. A schirthursday the sustres schal say the seuen psalmes as they dyd on aschwensday. And that day al schal be comened at hyghmasse, and none at our lady |r5 masse, withoute special licence of the general con_fessoure. A¨enst that day the pryores schall warne the sustres, that hote water be redy for the couente, that they may wasche ther fete and come honestly to the maundy, for whoso cometh otherwise, schal be |r10 corrected. And the sextayne schal ordeyn for two towels and two basens at leste of warme water, čat |r[f.67d] nothynge be to seke whan it schal be sette a werke. Also, from the begynnyng of euensonge on schyrthursday, into euensonge on ester eue, the |r15 sustres schal synge ther seruyse more lower, and more devoutly, in reverence of our lordes passion, with a maner of mornyng, not to lowe, nor to styll, but in a mene as it is moste accordyng. Of the mawndy. |r20 Forthermore, for our lord ihesu criste, souer_eyne mayster of al mekenes, of hys inestymable and profounde mekenesse, fyrste and principally, began and taught, vnto hys dere and welbyloved disciplys, in tyme of that moste worthy feste and laste supper |r25 on schirthurs*day |r[f.68a], the moste excellente and singuler obseruaunce of hys mawndy to be kepte, therfor the abbes pretendyng by office after her degre, hys astate, oweth to folowe the steppes of hym, in all that sche may, in kepyng and fulfyllynge of the seyd |r30 obseruaunce, waschynge and wypynge the fete of al |p135 |r[36] her gostly doughtres and disciplesses, lyke as it is kepte for a perpetual memory and ensample, in other places of religion. In what maner it is to be ob_serued, our lord scheweth hymselfe, in that he dyd |r5 water into the basen, and broughte it also and sette it down by the fete of hys disciplys, and full mekly and lowly, wič |r[f.68b] an inwarde feruent charite, knelynge, and bowynge down hys moste holy body and swettest handes to čer fete, wasched them personally, and |r10 wyped them louyngly, as of hys moste familiar and special chosen mayne, withoute any maner obsequye or mynystrynge of other. Neuertheles, consideryng how insufficient and vnworthy we be, to the perfeccion of hym, and also |r15 beholdyng and obeyng to the olde vsages and customs of holy faders of religion, this forme is and ought to be kepte in thys monastery foreuermore. The sustres euensonge ended on schirthursday, al schal go processionally to the chapter hows, in čer |r20 hole habite, the ¨on*geste |r[f.68c] before, and ther take ther places ordinatly withoute any taryenge. So that the syngers sytte togyder syde to syde, lesse any discorde be made in ther syngynge. And whilst the abbes doeth of her mantel, and tyeth vp her sleues |r25 of her cowle, and arayeth her by helpe of her sustres, the couente schal bare čer fete to waschynge, and so sytte and shew the former parte of ther toes bare that all may se hem. |p136 |r[36] And whan the abbesse cometh in atte the dore, with two sustres folowyng her in ther cowles, and beryng two basens of warme water after her, no suster schal than aryse, nor enclyne to her, for sche |r[f.68d] cometh than as a |r5 mynyster, but the chauntres anone schal begyn thys an_tem: Dominus ihesus. Whiche antem, with all other thynges folowynge, is to be songe of suche a mesure that nothynge be ouerskypped, and that they cese not of syngyng tyl the priores be come in a¨ene, after the |r10 waschyng of the abbes fete. First therfor the abbes schal go to če priores, or to her čat is president for that tyme. And knelynge down with alle mekenes and inwarde deuocion, sche schal take her ryght fote in her lefte hande, and |r15 pouryng water thervpon thryes, with her ryght hande, wasche it, and wič the towel aboute her |r[f.69a] myddes wype it, and with her mouth kysse it, the suster that is so wasche, somdele holdyng vp her fote to the abbes, that sche may the more esyly do her office of mekenes. |r20 Whiche done, sche schal leue the ryght fote, and do the same wyse to the lefte fote. And than bothe risyng and enclynyng eche to other, sche that is wasche schal say to the abbes: Misereatur vestri omnipotens deus. To whom the abbes schal answer: |r25 Et dimittat vobis peccata vestra. And after thys, sche that is wasche schal sytte downe a¨ene, and the abbes schal serue al other sustres the same wyse and after the same forme, begynnyng with the eldeste first |r[f.69b] on the ryght syde, and that syde al |r30 serued, sche schal turne ouer to the lefte syde, and |p137 |r[36] do as sche dyd to the ryghte, enclynynge religiously in the myddes whan sche turneth ouer. And whan sche hath wasche bothe sydes, sche schal wasche the fete of her mynystres, other two sustres |r5 holdynge the basens to her in the mene whyle, and than sche schal enclyne a¨ene in be middes and do of her towel withoute, and anone come in a¨ene in her hole reguler habite, and dresse her own fete to be wasch[.] |r10 Whan therfor the abbes cometh in a¨ene, the couente schal ryse and enclyne to her as they be wonte, syttyng a¨ene whan sche is sette. |r[f.69c] And than the priores or presidente schal enclyne and go oute and aray her with another longe towel |r15 aboute her myddes aboue her coule, and so come in and wasch the abbes fete, by the ministracion of the seyd two sustres folowynge her that mynystred to the abbesse. And whan sche hathe done, sche schall en_clyne a¨ene and go oute with the seyde sustres, and |r20 doynge of her towel they schal withoute any taryenge come in a¨ene in ther hole reguler habite, enclyne, and take ther places, and than the couent shal cese of syngynge and no erste. Whiche done, the abbes schal ryse with al the |r25 sustres, and turnynge to the mageste, they |r[f.69d] schal say the preces with note, as it scheweth in ther processionales[.] And al thynge ended, they schal enclyne and go ther weys, and than the ebdomadary schal make the fyrst sygne to the potacion of charite. |r30 Atte the whiche al owe to be both seke and hole yf |p138 |r[37] they may, for the sollempnyte of če holy maundy of our lord ihesu criste. Capitulum xxxvii. On godefriday, it is the custom to kepe silence |r5 tyl after mete, but yf it be in a case of nede, and to be occupyed only in devote prayers and sayng of dauid sawter. That day schal be no masse of our lady but after the brečers teer, the sustres schal synge ther prime and teer, and after the brethres none, they shal |r10 |r[f.70a] do ther sexte and none. And forthwith čei schal go in procession with the seuen psalmes, barfote al the couent excepte the seke and suche as be licensed by the abbes. The letany is to be red of the abbes in the myddes of be quyer, al the covent lyeng prostrat |r15 aboute her. Also it is to be take hede, that čer prostracions in worchyppynge of the crosse, be religiously and ordynatly done, two, and two togyder, as čei be in order, echone barfote. Saue the abbes schal be alone, |r20 and after her the priores with an elder suster. The sexteyn also, moste take hede čat the crosse be redy with tapettes and cuschens, and with a taper brennyng vpon a can*delstyk |r[f.70b] on the syde of the crosse. And sche schal sytte and kepe it, and ¨eve |r25 it to the worschippers therof, čat they may kysse it. Saue whilst sche worchippeth it, another suster schal holde it and ¨eue it to her, and whan sche hath done, sche schal kepe it a¨ene as sche dyd firste. |p139 |r[38-39] Capitulum xxxviii. On ester eue, the sustres schal synge ther euen_songe solemply as they be wonte in hygh festes. Capitulum xxxix[.] |r5 Also on ester day after the resurreccion they schal worschyp the crosse with prostracions barfote, as čei dyd on gode fryday. |p140 |r[40] |r[f.70c] Fourtyeth chapter Of seynt marke, and of če rogacion dayes. Seynt marke fallyng in ester wyke, or vpon any sonday, he shal neyther haue faste nor procession |r5 that ¨ere. Alle other tymes, and also the rogacion dayes, hyghe masse al ended, the chauntres anone after the brethren, schal begyn thys antem Exurge domine. Secunde antem on seynte marke day, and rogacion mon_day, |r10 schal be Surgite sancti. Tuesday De ierusalem, and Wensday In nomine domini. The thryd antem schal be what the abbes, or chauntres in her abcense wyll, or els a response for pece, or for the weder, or for the cesyng of pestilence or of |r[f.70d] anyother skorges of |r15 god or incommodytees, as nede requyreth. The fyrste antem al ended in the quyer with Gloria patri and repeticion, the procession schal go forth after the forme expressed tofore, in če nyen and twenty chapter. Saue thes four procession dayes |r20 at leste, the holy water schal go before, castynge holy water before her and on euery syde as sche goeth, and the baner and ymage of our lady schal folowe. And whan the seyd antems or responses be ended, two sustres schal synge one of the letanyes |r25 stondyng in ther processionalles in order, as they be assygned. And the chauntres muste take hede, that |p141 |r[40] they turne home a¨ene |r[f.71a] be tymes, that they haue none nede, to adde to mo seyntes than be expressed in čer bokes. At the entres into the quyer they schal synge: |r5 Ab inimicis nostris, or Regina celi, or what they wyl els; and the abbes schal say the versicle and collecte folowynge. Whan they haue any procession, any other tymes of the ¨ere, for any nedeful thynge, yf the hygh mas be |r10 bygon, they schall synge Ab inimicis altogyder saue the laste verse, withoute the chirche, for stonyeng of the preste at auter. |p142 |r[41] Capitulum.xli. On witsonday, the sustres schal begyn ther pryme, after the brethres pryme, bycause of the solempne obser*uaunce |r[f.71b] to be hadde that day, after our lady |r5 masse, before če brethers teer. From the whiche obseruaunce, none schal presume to absente hemselfe, withoute special licence of the abbes for a grete resonable cause. But all in the mene tyme, schal ¨eue hemselfe swetly to prayer, and with hertly and |r10 inwarde deuocion, aske grace, and comforte of the holy goste, sayng stylly eche of them alone thys holy ympne: Veni creator spiritus, and thys antem Veni sancte spiritus, and versicle Emitte spiritum tuum, with čes two collectes: Deus qui corda, and |r15 Deus cui omne cor patet, knelyng al the whyle in ther stalles, or in some other place more conueniente. |r[f.71c] On relike sonday, the relikes schal be born aboute in procession, with alle dewe worchip and reuerence. Not bare, but couered with golde or |r20 syluer after the rewle, or at leste with clothe of gold or sylke. |p143 |r[42-44] Capitulum xlii. [Capitulum] xliii. [Capitulum] xliiii. Of al sowle day. Al sowle day the sustres schal haue Te deum at ther matens, aand a disciplyne at the brečers pryme. |r5 And that day al schal kepe silence but yf it be for a nedeful thyng, occupyeng themself in saynge of dauid sauter and diriges with other prayers and deuocions. Neuertheles after mete they may speke, such as haue ended ther dewte, and none els. |r[f.71d] |r10 That day ther schal be seyd no mo colectes at placebo and laudes, pryme and houres, thof ther be a corse present, but thys colecte: Fidelium deus. The iiide and vite responses shal be seyd a¨ene after the repete of the verses. And so they shal be in diriges |r15 for al corses presente, and for all buschops and kynges. After the ixte response Libera me domine, the verses schal be: Dies illa[,] Quando celi mouendi sunt et terra, Ardentes anime, Dum veneris iudicare seculum per ignem, Creator omnium, Dum |r20 veneris. And than the response schal be seyd a¨ene to the verses. Alle other tymes the verses schal be Dies illa, Quando celi, |r[f.72a] Quid ergo, Dum veneris, Nunc christe, Libera me. Neuertheles, for euery corse presente, and for buschops, kynges, lordes, |r25 abbes, aand confessours, after Nunc christe is to be seyd Dum veneris; and than the response schal be seyde a¨ene, with Requiescant in pace and laudes folowyng. Saue from al sowle day into the wensday |p144 |r[42-44] tofore ester Exaltabo with hys orisons, schal be seyd before laudes, and Voce mea after laudes. Of očer notabiliteys for sayng of diriges. In al diriges after al soule day, schal be seyd |r5 euermore at Placebo, foure collectes and as many at laudes, and neuer mo in the quier. And ¨et one of hem schal be Adiuua nos for the founders |r[f.72b] and her frendes, or els Deus cui proprium the lasse, with this addicion propiciare animabus fundatorum nostrorum et animabus famulorum, famularumque tuarum, et omnia eorum peccata dimitte. So that the collectes for the buschops be lefte unseyde, but whan the buschops and founder may be had togyder, withoute excesse of the nomber of foure, as it scheweth in the comen bokes |r15 ordeyned for saynge of diriges, in če quyer. In cotidian diriges with thre lessons oute of the quyer, thes schal be the four collectes: Ad placebo: Adiuua nos deus[.] Deus qui inter. Deus venie lar_gitor. |r20 Fidelium deus. Ad laudes. Ascendant ad te. |r[f.72c] Deus cuius misericordie. Inclina domine. Animabus quas domine. Neuertheles within the tryntal of euery suster and brother, the fyrst |r25 schal be for the tryntal, secunde for the founders and none for the buschops, iiide and iiiite as it is seyde before. The versicle before the lessons, schal be Com_placeat tibi domine vt eruas, and the ixte respons |r30 Libera me domine de viis inferni. |p145 |r[42-44] Saue in ester tyme al the antems schal be seyd with ther psalmes at Placebo, Dirige, and laudes, and with ther own versicles before euery nocturne, and the iiide respons after euery nocturne, schal be |r5 Libera me domine de morte eterna. Moreouer, the firste dirige that |r[f.72d] is seyd in the quyer after the vtas of ester, it schal be seyd with the psalmes, antems, versicle and lessons of the fyrste nocturne what day that euer it be, and so it |r10 schal be for euery corse present, and for buschops, and kynges, al efter tyme. But after that wyke, on the monday schal be seyd the .iide nocturne[.] Tuesday, the thryd. Wensday, the firste. Thursday če secunde. Fryday, the thryd, with Libera me domine |r15 in euery nocturne, as it is seyde before. Other obseruaunces schew before in the nyenth chapter of thys boke. |p146 |r[45] |r[f.73a] Fyue and fourtyeth chapter. Of the orderyng of the quyer. In the entres of the quyer on the ryghte syde at the weste ende schal be the abbes stalle, and on the |r5 lefte syde the priores. Other sustres schal stonde, the eldeste nexte the abbes and priores, halfe at oo syde, halfe at other as they be in order of profession. Not al the weke ¨et togyder, but so egaly departed, that eche syde be lyke in byggenes of voyce and kun_nyng. |r10 But at our lady masse, the abbes and priores and elder sustres, may stonde at este ende, and the ¨onger sustres after them. Of the office of the abbes. In al principal |r[f.73b] festes, the abbes shal execute |r15 the seruyse, syngynge the verse and benedicite at euensonge, and the thrydde verse at matens, and alle_luia, or the laste verse of the tracte at our lady masse. Also sche schal rede the trydde lesson in al principal festes, and so sche may in alle other festes |r20 whateuer they be, and syng any thyng at euensonge, matens, and masse, whan sche feleth herselfe disposed[.] Also sche schal make al the terminacions in the chirche, ¨eue the thrid blyssynge at matens, whan sche redeth not the lesson, and al other blyssynges |r25 in the quyer, chapter, and freytour; say Anima regis, and Domine sancte pater, and ¨eve holy |r[f.73c] water after complen[.] Also it lyeth in her charge, to se that al reguler obseruaunces be dewly kepte in the quyer and in al other places, conformynge herself to the same |r30 in al poyntes, and to admitte seculer women to the |p147 |r[45] religion, as it is seyd before in the fyftenth chapter, or into sustres and brethren of the chapter, suche as deuoutly aske it of her, after the forme expressed in the eght chapter, with many other thynges, here end |r5 there in thys boke sette oute. If sche be absente from the quyer, or vndisposed to synge, če priores or the ebdomadaryes schal fulfyl her stede, as it is most accordynge. Of the office of the chauntres. |r10 The chauntres and |r[f.73d] subchauntresses euerychone, owe to be cunnyng and perfyte, in redyng and syngynge, hauynge experience of the ordinal and makyng of the table for the quyer, with habilite of voyce. Of the whyche, one, whom the abbes assygneth, schal be the |r15 chefe chauntresse. To whos charge principally, it belongeth for to haue besy attendaunce aboute dyuyne seruyse, that al thynge be done in goode rewle, and that nothyng be omytted, thorough her negligence, or of any other to |r20 her power. Also to sette the songe euen, and mesurably, neyther to hygh nor to lowe, neyther to faste, nor to slowe, but sadly and deuoutly after the solennyte |r[f.74a] of the feste or day, and after the lengthe of both seruyses of sustres and brethren, and |r25 after the disposicion of ther brestes. For to syng so hygh oo day that čey may no more, or to longe and lowe, that they enwery and brynge a slepe both them_self and the herers, thys wanteth discrecion, and |p148 |r[45] doctryne of our lord, whiche techeth in hys holy rewle, čat al thynge scholde be done resonably. Therfor it is accordyng, that sche haue alwey two or thre, or atte leste one note before al other, in settyng of |r5 euery thyng, that they may the better vnderstonde what heght, and mesure they schal kepe. Sche also muste haue a grete war*nes |r[f.74b], that no defautes be made in dyuyne seruyse, so that whan any suster, in syngyng or redynge, happeth to make any |r10 defaute, notably perceyued of other, and doeth not amende it forthwith, sche schal fayre end esyly amende the defaute. But yf sche perceyue, that it may not be mended withoute grete disturbaunce, or taryeng of the quyer, than in al suche cases, it is better to |r15 procede, and latt eche suster, preuyly by herself amende the defaute, in awnter the herers be rather hurte čan edyfyed by suche vnwonte gerrynges, and the chauntres whan sche seeth her tyme schal proclame suche a defaute, for če why*le |r[f.74c] dissimuled. |r20 Also it is her parte to se that the quyer be euen on euery syde in nowmber, voyce, and kunnyng, by kallyng ouer from oo syde to another, as ofte as nede is, and this in most conuenient tyme sche may, that the quyer be not distracte therby; and to rewle the |r25 processions et cetera. Also to entune to the abbes softly, all the antems that sche is to begyn, in double festes and other, and to remembre her whan |p149 |r[45] sche shal rede any lesson, or synge any verse yf nede be, or do any other činge in any conuentual acte. Also to write or make to be writen, all the names of sustres that aske the religion, expressyng |r5 the day with the ¨ere |r[f.74d] of our lord, whan they be admytted to the ¨ere of profe, and to ordeyn for the skrowes of ther renouncyng and of ther obedience makyng, yf sche haue the charge of them, and also to sette in the names of sustres and brethren professed, |r10 in the register of the chapter and in the martilage whan they decese, with the day and ¨ere of our lorde; and ¨erly to rede ther obites after de profundis after the houre of teer, as čer ¨eres come aboute; and to warne the sustres of diriges, trintals, and ¨er dayes, |r15 and of al other thynges nygh to falle; and to se that the rewles, addicions, iniunccions, and al other thynges be dewly redde so that nothyng of any statute or custom |r[f.75a] be ouerpassed concernyng diuyne seruyse. Also it is her charge to haue alle the bokes in |r20 kepyng that longe to dyuyne seruyse, chapter, and freytour, and to se čat they be corrected, and made of one accorde and also to correcte the reders, so that wičoute her knowlage, nothyng be corrected in any of če seyd bokes, nor chaunged in the ordynal, |r25 withoute the consente of the abbes, and assente of al the couente, by the counsel of the general con_fessour in that party as tochyng to the chaunge of |p150 [45] the ordynalle. Also to haue the fyrst proclamacions in the chapter, of al defautes made openly anywhere in dyuyne seruyse, and |r[f.75b] therfor sche oweth to beware, that sche |r5 do nothyng troblesly or commaundyngly, and that sche be not to importune in her assignacions, nor sette anythyng hygher or lower, lenger or schorter, but yf it be veray nede, doyng al thynge quietly, pesybly, religiously, and charitably, with goodly wordes or |r10 sygnes, and with maner of a mylde besechyng, that the sustres haue a ioy to do anythyng after her. For oftentymes, statly and vnreligious porte, causeč mur_mur and grudgynge, to other, and excludeth grace from both partyes. |r15 None therfor schal presumptuosly, take any note before her, but to her settyng hygher or lower, lenger or schorter, tabu*lyng |r[f.75c] and assygnementes, all owe redyly to obey, as in dyuyne seruyse. Suche as do the contrary, to the disturbaunce and lettyng of goddes |r20 seruyse, they schal be corrected as they that do more grevous defautes. Of the subchauntresses. The office of the chefe subchauntres is for to assiste the chauntres in myddes of the quyer in hygh |r25 festes, and for to fulfyl her office in al places, as ofte as she is absente or hathe any impedimente, and also to sette the table, after the forme expressed tofore in the sex and twentyeth chapter[.] |p151 [46] |r[f.75d] Sex and fourtyeth chapter. Of the alternacion of the quyer and of the ebdomadaryes. Euery other wyke the quyer schal vary, so that it be on the abbesse syde oo wyke, and on the priores syde |r5 another wyke, begynnynge euermore the saturday at eue_songe. Neuertheles in al principal festes it schal be on the ryght syde as for čat day, so that yf the ebdom_ary be than of that other syde, sche schal come ouer in the absence of the abbes, and fulfyl her office on the |r10 abbes syde, as for that day only and nomore. And so sche schal do also, the abbes beyng presente, and not disposed to synge, but yf the abbes ordeyne other |r[f.76a] wyse. Of če ebdomadary. |r15 The ebdomary is bounde euermore to be one of če fyrst in the quyer, and to absteyne and withdrawe her_self from alle thynges that wyke, that myght lette her to performe her office. Ande whan the abbes executeth not the seruyse, sche schal begyn the Inuitatory and |r20 ¨eue the thrydde blyssyng whan the abbes redeth the thrydde lesson, and also fulfyl the office of the abbes in principal festes as it is seyd before, excepte in suche thynges as belonge to the priores or serges, as it scheweth in dyuers places of thes addicions and in |r25 the ordynalle. Of the begynners[.] |r[f.76b] The rectours or če two begynners of masse or of any očer thynge by the wyke, schal begyn the ympnes, psalmes, antemes and responses in ther stalles, but at |r30 masse they schalle do ther office in myddes of the |p152 |r[46-47] quyer, stondyng, syttyng, and enclynyng alway to the este, saue at matens they schal conforme them to the quyer as moche as they may, as it scheweth of the sex and twenty chapter. |r5 Capitulum xlvii. Of the versiculers for če wyke. The two sustres that be tabled to synge the ver_sicles, schal synge the venite and the first verse at matens, and also the smale responses at pryme, houres, and complen, with al |r[f.76c] the Benedicamus, euer togyder |r10 and neuer alone. Of če seruise of sustres vnlettred et cetera. Sustres that be not lettred, or synge not for a tyme, schal not occupye the stalles, withoute special dispensacion of the abbes. But they wič other officers, |r15 schal stonde before the stalles, eche in ther order and in ther hole habite, kepyng the same obseruaunces čat the quyer doeth. Saue after Indulgete, they schal do as the abbes assigneth hem[.] They that kan not rede, schal say dayly in stede |r20 of matens, fourty Pater nostres with as many Aues and oo crede; and for eche euesonge as many. For pryme, teer, sexte, none, and complen, for eche of čem |r[f.76a] tenne Pater nostres with as many Aues and oo Crede. For our lady masse, fyftene Pater nostres with as many |r25 Aues and oo Crede. Euery sonday, instede of matens of the holy goste, seuen Pater nostres, with seuen Aues and oo Crede. For pryme, teer, sexte, none, and complen, for eche of them, oo Pater with one Aue and a Crede, and for euen_songe, |r30 thre Pater nostres with thre Aues and oo Crede. |p153 |r[47] Euery monday, tuesday and wensday, in stede of Dirige, thrytty Pater and with as many Aues and oo Crede. Butte whan the sustres haue Dirige in the quyer, they schal say our lady sauter. |r5 Euery thursday, in stede of the thre psalmes for synners, |r[f.77a] fyue Pater nostres, with fyue Aues and a Crede[.] Euery fryday in stede of the seuen psalmes and letany, seuen Pater, with seuen Aues and thre Credes[.] |r10 And eche saturday in stede of the thre psalmes for the ryghtwes, seuen Pater nostre with seuen Aues and oo Crede. Also for euery sustre and brother aneled, eche day nyen days togyder, butt yf they decese in the |r15 mene whyle, they schal say, nyen Pater nostres with nyen Aues and a Crede. But whan they be passed, in stede of eche sawter, an hundreth and fyfty pater nostres with as many Aues, and a crede, after eche fyfty, besyde other suffrages expressed in the |r20 nyenth chapter. Neuertheles, su*che |r[f.77b] as kan say our lady matens after seculer vse, they by the assygnemente of the abbes and general confessour, in stede of the seyd Pater nostres Aues and Credes, schal say our lady |r25 seruyse, seuen psalmes and letany, dirige, and suche other prayers that they kan say. And yf they kan not say dauyd psauter, they schal say the seuen psalmes and letany, ten tymes in stede therof, or els the seyde Pater nostres and Aues. |p154 |r[48-47] Of ¨onge sustres ¨onge sustres schal haue the elder in dewe reuerence, and ¨elde hemself seruisable to čem, at all tymes in all places, ¨euyng them way to go wher_euer |r5 they mete hem, and puttyng to ther handes to helpe them, |r[f.77c] in beryng of hevy bokes or of any očer grete berdons, and in all other thynges assygned them by the abbes. Also čo sustres that be with maystres, owe to |r10 behaue them vnto hem reuerently, and take hede dili_gently what is taught hem. For as they be taughte nowe, so they may teche other in tyme to come. Capitulum xlviii. Of the office of the sexteyne. To the sextayne it belongeth, to haue al the |r15 ornamentes of the chirche in kepynge, that be not occupyed amonge the brethren, as chalices, cruettes, basens, and suche očer, with al the copes, iewelles, and relikes. And that sche hathe in her kepyng, |r[f.77d] sche oweth to kepe it hole and sownde, fayre, clene, |r20 and honeste, and to repayre it and chaunge it, as ofte as nede requyreč so that sche brynge vp no newe thynge, nor do any grete vnwonte thynge, withoute knowlage and licence of the abbes. Also sche oweth to se, that the awter clothes, awbes, and towelles, |r25 and also sudaryes, longyng to the awtres, be klene wasche, and take to the brečren, as ofte as nede requyreth. Also, whan the sexteyn of the brether syde, hath wasch the corporas ones, sche with help of her |r30 sustres schal wasche them, sterche them, drye them, |p155 |r[48-49] folde them vp, end delyuer them in a¨ene |r[f.78a] to the seyd brother. So that no suster wasche, nor touche any halowed corporas, with her bare handes, withoute lynnen gloves, therto ardeyned, nor sterche hem but |r5 with sterche made of herbes only. If they do the contrary, they be straytly bounde to telle it to če seyde sextayn of the brečer syde, that they may be newe wasche, and halowed a¨ene. Also to her it longeth to haue the kepyng of |r10 waxe, lampes, oyle, and of al očer thynges longynge to the chirche; and also to puruey for syngynge brede and commenyng brede, sudaryes, wexe candell, talow candell, waxe rolles, tapers, torches, mattes, nattes, and roundlettes for the chirch; |r[f.78b] and for penners, |r15 pennes, ynke, ynke hornes, tables, and suche other, as the abbesse assygneth her. Also to open and schet the dores and wyndowes, of the sustres quyer and comenyng places, and to lyghte and quenche the tapers and candels, and snoffe |r20 them in suche wyse and in suche tyme, čat the sustres be not greued with the sauour. xlix. Of ryngynge of the dortour belle. Also to the sexteyn it belongeth to rynge the dortour belle, after the forme that sche is assygned |r25 by her souereyne. Očer thynges longynge to her office, |p156 |r[49] schewe before in the sextenč chapter, in the begyn_nyng therof, and in other dyuers places of thes pre*_sente |r[f.78c] addicions. |p157 |r[50] Fyftyeth chapter. Of takyng of myxtom and sayng of graces. Aged sustres and seke, and also ¨onge and hole, that for labour, or for any feyntnes or feblenes, or |r5 for any other resonable cause, may not abyde fastyng tyl the couent goeč to mete, they may on the fastyng dayes, outake water dayes, take brede and drynke in the freytour, after De profundis at graue, be licence of the abbes or presidente. |r10 On suppynge dayes, they may take an egge or |r[f.78d] two, or any other thynge ordeyned for them by the officers after the tyme askeč. But none schal take any potage nor flesche mete but in the fermery or par_lour, and thys with special licence of the abbes. |r15 For in her power and moderacion it is, whan the sustres schal take any recreacion in the parlour or fermery, as whan they be latte blode, or for any suche other cause. Neuertheles, the legister and seruitours, euery |r20 day before mete, fastyng dayes and other, whan they take not ther myxtom after De profundis, may take a messe of potage in the freytour, or any other thyng assygned by the abbes, and ordeyned by the cele*_res, |r[f.79a] or by other officers as it is seyd before, and |r25 thys in suche a seson, as they may make an ende therof by the secunde chyme. So ¨et, that none take ther myxtom twyes a day, nor any mete or drynke, |p158 |r[50] outake spyces, saue only in the freytour, parlour, or fermery, withoute special licence of the abbes, but yf any sodeyne case fall of vnwonte nede. Of če chyme smytyng |r5 Moreouer, whan al seruyse is ended, the celeres schal se, that ther be no longe taryeng from mete, but as sone as če kokes be redy, sche schal smyte the fyrst stroke vpon the chyme, and warne the brethren to do the same on ther syde. And |r[f.79b] after the space |r10 of oo miserere whyle, the ebdomadary shal smyte two strokes, and čan the couent muste drawe to the frey_tour. And after the space a¨ene of another miserere whyle, the abbes or president schal smyte thre strokes for allyn, so that betwene eche stroke be the |r15 space of one Aue maria. Neuertheles, the two fyrst smytynges before supper and conuentual drynkynges, schal be done by the ebdomadary, but the thryd as it was before mete. Of sayng of graces. |r20 Whylst therfor the president smyteth allyn, the couente schal stonde in the freytour, in ther places, withoute the tables, before ther setes, towarde the mageste. |r[f.79c] And whan sche cometh into the freytour, they schal stonde face to face, hauyng ther handes in |r25 crosse wyse in čer cowel sleves. And as sche passeth by them by the myddes of the freytour, they schal turne a¨ene to the mageste, but not enclyne, but to the abbes, as sche passeč before them. Than the president stondyng vpon the gre of the |r30 freytour, schal rynge the belle one Aue whyle, en_clynyng |p159 |r[50] to the mageste, both before and after, and than go and stonde aboue al, byneth če gre, on her owen syde. And al enclynyng and stondyng to the mageste, the chauntres or subchauntres in her |r[f.79d] |r5 absence, withoute any chaungyng of sydes euermore, schal begyn graces with note in a sober voyce sayng thus: Benedicite. The presidente schal answer withoute note: Dominus. And than the couente schal procede |r10 the graces with note as the chauntres began, in thys wyse on fastynge dayes generally: Edent pauperes, et cetera. If it be a suppyng day, they schal say thus: Oculi omnium in te sperant domine, so procedyng |r15 al the graces vnder oo tune. Whiche is to be obserued |r[f.80a] euermore, both before mete and supper and after, and before alle conuentual drynkynges, so that the chauntres sette the tune and rewle be mesure. At Gloria patri and whylst they say Pater noster |r20 and Aue maria, they schal enclyne, face to face, as they be wonte, and at Sicut erat to kyrieleyson, they schal ryse a¨ene and stonde as they dyd before. But from Pater noster, into the grace is all ended, they schal stonde toward the mageste. |r25 Whan the ebdomadary sayth Et ne nos, the abbes, |p160 |r[50] or president schall go to her place and take her sete, and the ebdomadary at Benedic domine nos et dona tua schal blysse ones before her with her ry¨t hande, hauynge the |r[f.80b] rynge of her profession vpon her fynger. |r5 Not stretchynge oute her arme, nor beryng her hande aboute the freytour, nowe to oo syde, now to another, but dressyng her mende to god, sche oweth to pray hym in her sowle, čat he wyll by the seyd blyssyng, blysse all thynge sette, or to be sette before them for ther |r10 bodyly sustynaunce, for that seson. Of the legister. In the mene whyle, the legister schal go to the gre, and enclynynge in the myddes tofore the ymage of our lady, say: |r15 Iube domine, benedicere. To whom the president syttynge atte the table, schal answer thus on fastyn*_ge |r[f.80c] dayes generally: Cibo spiritualis alimonie, reficiat nos rex eterne glorie. The couente schal answer thus Amen[.] |r20 On suppyng days, the president schal say thys bene_diccion: Mense celestis participes, faciat nos rex eterne glorie. The couente Amen. And than al enclynyng reli_giously, eche schal go take ther setes as they be in |r25 order, but the legister schal go to the redyng place, and the seruitours to bryng in mete. |p161 |r[50] And whan al be sette, anone the legister schal begyn to rede, distynctly and o*penly |r[f.80d], that al may vnderstonde it. And sche muste rede suche mater, as the abbes or chauntres assigneth, to the edyfyeng |r5 of sowles. So that none meddel with the correccion of the reder, nor make her turne a¨ene, whan any desyreth be sygne to here any mater a¨ene, saue only the presidente and chauntres. Ones euery wyke, schal be redde the rewles of |r10 seynt sauyour, and of seynt austyn, hoole, and also a parte of thes addicions, after the forme sette in the laste endynge of thys boke. At the laste ende of mete and soper, whan the presidente sayth: tu autem, anone withoute any delay, |r15 the legis*ter |r[f.81a] schal answer čus: Tu autem domine, miserere nostri. The couente schal answer in a sober voyce, the chauntres takynge the fyrste note att the leste: Deo gracias. And than the presidente schal |r20 rynge the bell, and the couente schal ryse and stonde before the tables, lyke as they dyd before mete, enclynyng reuerently to the mageste, whan they take ther places. And whan the presidente is in her place, the chauntres schal say |r25 Memoriam fecit mi*rabilium |r[f.81b] suorum. Or els yf it be a suppynge day: |p162 |r[50] Confiteantur tibi domine omnia opera tua. The couente schall answer in čis wyse: Et sancti tui benedicant tibi. kepyng the same tune, vnder oo voyce, into the antem of our lady. At |r5 Gloria patri they schal enclyne face to face, and at Sicut erat, rise and turne a¨ene to the mageste. And whan the ebdomedary hath seyd Agimus tibi gracias, and the couente hath answerd Amen, the chauntres schal entune thys psalme čus: |r[f.81c] |r10 Miserere mei deus. And than the couente en_clynynge to če mageste, schal procede with the seyd psalme to the chirche, syde for syde, processionally, the ¨ongest before, al vnder oo tune not descendynge to ny, the syde of the ebdomadary sayng thus: |r15 secundum magnam misericordiam tuam [.] That očer syde schal answer thus: Et secundum multi tudinem miseracionem tuarum, dele iniquitatem meam. And whan they |r[f.81d] come into the quyer, they schal |r20 enclyne as they be wonte, at če deske, in ther stalles, and at Gloria patri, and after kyryeleyson, they schal knele down tyl grace is al ended, with a Pater noster after, and Aue maria. So that the antem of our lady with the preces folowyng and De profundis, be seyd |p163 |r[50] wyčoute note. And whan the abbes or president maketh the sygne to ryse, smytyng with her hande as it is wonte, al schal ryse and enclyne to the este and at the deske, |r5 and so go forth processionally, the ¨ongest before, down towarde the lauatory. Saue or they wasche čer handes, the abbes or president schal say Benedicite. The |r[f.82a] couent, also withoute note, |r10 schal answer: Dominus. The abbes: Adiutorium nostrum in nomine domini. The couente than enclynynge: Qui fecit celum et terram. After thys they schal wasch ther handes ordynatly, as many as mowe togyder at the lauatory, begynnyng |r15 from the abbes or presidente and elder sustres to the ¨ongest. Whiche done and oo stroke smyte upon the chyme, silence is lowsed and the sustres may departe and not before, withoute special licence of the pre_sidente. |r20 At supper, graces schal euer be Edent pauperes, and the blyssyng vpon the legister: Ad cenam vite eterne, perducat nos rex glorie. Amen. |r[f.82b] After supper, the chauntres schal begyn: Memoriam fecit and the ebdomadary Benedictus deus in donis suis. |r25 And the same obseruaunces arn to be kepte in al poyntes, bothe before supper and after, in waschynge of handes and all očer thynges, as it is seyd before |p164 |r[50] of mete. Forthermore, on fastynge days and water days, before conuentuall drynkynges, the chauntres schal say with note: Benedicite, the presidente withoute note: |r5 Dominus, and the ebdomadary blissyng the drynke with note: Rex angelorum, benedicat potum ancillarum suarum. The couente schal answer with note Amen. And than the legister saynge Iube domine, the president syttyng in her |r[f.82c] place schal say thys blyssyng with note: Sapiencia |r10 dei patris, nos celestibus instruat disciplinis. The couent schal answer Amen, and enclyne and go to ther places. And whan al be sette, the president schal make a sygne to the legister for to rede. And whan sche seeth that al haue dronke, sche shal smyte two strokes upon the |r15 bell, and čan the legister schal cese, and the couent schall say fyue Aues, and other fyue Aues, whan sche smyteth a¨ene. Thys done, the presidente schall say withoute note Benedicite. The couent schal answer: Do_minus. And than al schal ryse and enclyne and go ther |r20 weys religiously. And the |r[f.82d] same wyse, saue withoute note, graces schal be seyd in the fermerye, and in the parlour. |p165 |r[51] One and fyftyeth chapter[.] Of late comers to graces in če freytour. If any come late to graces in the freytour or in any other place, yf sche come after Gloria patri, sche |r5 schal stonde laste, and lowest of al, and say her graces tyl sche haue ouertake the couente; but yf Gloria patri be not ended, she schal go to her place. Neuertheles the ebdomadary schal euer go to her place, but yf sche come in after |r[f.83a] Et ne nos. |r10 If any come in whan grace is ended, sche shal mekly go to the gre of the freytour by the myddes. And licence asked of the presidente, and graunted by sygnes for to say grace, sche schal say it altogyder enclynynge, in the myddes, that sche lette not the |r15 seruitours, and than aske leue a¨ene to ete or drynke by sygnes, and so go to her place. And čis is to be obserued of al, notwithstondyng that any haue leue to be from grace. If any come in aboute myddes of mete or supper, |r20 or of conuentual drynkynges, or whan they begyn to take vp, sche schal be licence of the presidente refresche with the |r[f.83b] legister and seruytours. And yf sche be wonte, ofte to come late, sche schal lese a parte of her prebende, and be corrected in the |r25 chapter. Of obseruaunce and norture at the table. In the freytour, at eche ende, or els in the myddes of the hygh table, schal hange a belle and the abbes sete shal be in the myddes, honestly |r30 arayed vnder the ymage of our lady, wher she shal |p166 |r[51] sytte alone, so that none felyschyp with her in any place, nor at any tyme take her sete. Other sustres schal sytte at the syde tables, in ther order as they be professed, two and two togyder at oo messe. Saue |r5 the pryores schal sytte in the lefte syde abo*ue |r[f.83c] alle, alone, at oo messe, but yf the abbes dispose očer wyse. None therfor schal absente herselfe from grace, as moche as sche may, nor none schal vse to go from |r10 the couente, tyl after the wasschyng of handes. Also syttyng at the table, al schal kepe hygh sylence, and ther syghte from wanderyng aboute, and none schal stretche her handes to receyue and bodyly fode, tyl the soule be refresched with spiritual fode. Wherfor |r15 whan they be sette, they schal holde ther handes in crosse wyse in ther cowle sleues; and whan the legister hath redde a clause, or any thyng edifica_tory to the sowle, the space of oo Pater noster whyle, they schal |r[f.83d] tye vp ther sleues aboute ther |r20 armes, and take ther bodyly sustynaunce, soberly and discretly, with reuerent fere and thankynges to god. Ande thryes in mete whyle, and thryes at supper, and twyes at eche conuentual drynkyng, whan the president smyteth two strokes vpon the belle, they schal cese |r25 of etynge. And at eche tyme, ioynyng ther handes togyder, and leyng them openly upon the table, and than eche besyde other in ther lappes, foldyng in ther fyngers endes, they schal say with al reuerence |p167 |r[51] and inward deuocion, fyue Aues, in worchyp of the blody wondes of our lorde ihesu criste, and of the sorowes of our blyssed lady, hys mo*der |r[f.84a]. None schal loke upon other but seldom, whyle they |r5 ete, nor aspye what is sette before other, but thanke god of that is sette before them. Ther handes they schal haue vpon the table or godely before them, ther eres to če legister, and ther hertes to heuen, and charites to ther euen cristen. Also they schal sytte |r10 vp ryght and not to moche bowyng down, nor they schal notte spytte ouer the table, nor lene thervpon, with ther armes or elbowes, nor holde ther handes vnder čer chynnes or ouer čer faces; nor stretche čer handes out inordynatly, for to sytt so, it is a token of |r15 agony or of immoderate study. Therfor kepe they al ther membres |r[f.84b] with sadnes and tranquyllyte, kytte they ther brede fayre, and ete they ther mete honestly and religiosly. Holde they the cuppe with the ryght hande, whan they drynke, and stay it with the first |r20 fynger of the lefte hande. Take they ther mete and drynke to ther nede, and not to voluptuosite, after the doctrine of seynte paule, al curiosite and grud_gynge put away. No singularite of metes and drynkes, be had in |r25 če freytour, withoute special dispensacion of the sovereyne; but be they ware echone of surfettes, for ther is nothyng more contrary to the helth of the body, than is superfluite of metes and drynkes. |p168 |r[51 ] Suche as kanne absteyne themselfe |r[f.84c] wysely for god, they schal haue a special rewarde in tyme to come. For amonge dayntes, may be deserued a grete martyrdom withoute swerde. Neuertheles none schal take any |r5 synguler abstynence vpon her, withoute licence of the abbes, in awnter god take it for a veyne glory. In the power of the abbes it is, for to dyspense with the sustres, of reguler fastynges, in tyme of nede, and for a resonable and evydent cause; but |r10 with the fastes of the chirche, none may dispense but the general confessour. If anythyng sente from any persone, be sette before any suster, other than the comente hath, anone sche schal sende it to the |r[f.84d] presidente for to take |r15 therof, yf it be of any grete substaunce. If sche wyl not nor do not, sche schal be corrected for the note of syngularite. Forthermore, whan the president sendeth anythyng to any suster or sustres, they schal not leue it untoched in any wyse of frowardenes, |r20 desire they neuer somoche to absteyne them. But they shall take therof reuerently and curteysly, en_clynyng to her a lytle with the body, but to the souereyne they schal ryse a lytle and enclyne. And they may ¨eue parte therof, to ther sustres that sytte |r25 next hem on euery syde, aboue or beneth, and no ferther but seldom, for distraccion of ther mendes from the redynge. |r[f.85a] Wherfor yf any wyl sende anythynge fer_ther, or ouer to that other syde, thys shal not be |p169 |r[51] done withoute licence of the president, asked by one of the seruitours, čat schal bere it ouer. None schal make any notable sygne, or caste her syght openly, or throwe any thyng with her hande, from |r5 that oo syde of the freytour to that other, or from table to table, nor ¨et to any that sytteth besyde her; but they schal conteyne themself, from al tokens of vnsadnes, and haue warnes that no trobles noyse be made, that myghte disturbe the reder or |r10 herers, askynge be sygne that they wyl haue, and not by worde, so that al thynge |r[f.85b] in the freytour be in pece. And therfor the seruitours must haue warnes, that they speke not whylst they mynyster, nor make any grete noyse, in settynge down or taking vp, or |r15 remouynge of dysches, plateres, pottes, trenchours, and suche other. Forthermore whan they haue any nottes, they schal not crakke them with her tethe; but they schal open them softly, with ther knyues or knypettes, and beware of sownde. |r20 Moreouer, they schal whype ther knyues and spones with ther napkens, and kepe the bordclothes klene, from al spottes and hurtes, as moche as they may. They that wyl not or do not obserue the seyd ordynaunces, but make immoderate |r[f.85c] noyse or be cause |r25 čerof, or els kytte ther fyngers or handes, or spylle any lycour upon the clothe or hurte it, al thes shal be proclamed and corrected in dewe tyme and place; |p170 |r[51] and the cloth is to be made klene of her, that de_foyleth it, or of the buttler or seruytours of that wyke. Howe longe they schal sytte at mete or supper, |r5 or at conuentual drynkynges, thys stondeth in the moderacion of the souereyn or president, after the day and tyme requireth. Also ther cuppes and spones, they schal put into ther coffynes, honeste and klene, and kepe them vnder the table, or in some other place |r10 therto depute, and ordeyned by the abbes |r[f.85d] ther souereyne. |p171 |r[52] Two and fyftyeth chapter[.] Of the seruitours at the table. Graces ended before mete and supper, and the inclynacion made to the mageste, the seruytours schal |r5 go oute, and brynge in the seruyse, as the tyme asketh. And fyrste the abbes or president schal be serued, than the pryores, and afterwarde the couente, as they sytte in order, begynnyng at eldest after the pryores, so goyng down to the ¨ongest as it is accordyng to the |r10 rewle. And whan |r[f.86a] they serue the abbes or president of anythyng, they schal euer enclyne at the gre of the freytour, begynnyng Aue maria softly, to the mageste or ymage of our lady, and goyng forth to the table, say it vp or ever they sett any thyng downe |r15 before her, and than enclyne a¨ene and go čer weys. If it be the souereyn, they schal uncouer it and couer it a¨ene, that sche may se what it is, and than enclyne and go thens. To other sustres syttyng at the syde tables, they schal not say Aue, nor en_clyne |r20 in the begynnynge, but they schal serue them reuerently with an inclynacion at ende only. To whom eche suster as they be serued, schall |r[f.86b] enclyne a¨ene, as ofte as they receyue any seruyse of them, so that none be serued couered whateuer they be, |r25 outake the abbes and general confessour. Moreouer, whan ther be two dyuers potages, eche of them schal in euery hande bere a messe of eche, that euery suster may chese that moste pleseth her. And the same wyse afterwarde, they schal brynge in |r30 the prebende, honestly before ther brestes, two |p172 |r[52] messe togyder and no mo, begynnynge with the eldeste, on euery syde, after the priores. These therfor, schal serue čer sustres withoute grudgynge, charitably, honestly, reverently, cherefully, |r5 and indifferently, gladly, meryly, paciently, and me |r[f.86c] kly, withoute chaungynge of messes for fauour of any person; rostyng, sethynge, buttryng, and hetyng ther necessaryes, so that none be compelled to ryse from the table, or to compleyne of vncharitable seruyse. |r10 If anythyng be asked of them by sygne, or by a stylle worde, yf ther be no sygne for it, anone they schal enclyne, and bryng that is asked, yf it may be goten. If they may not gete it, they shal excuse them godely, by another softe and honeste sygne. Neuerthe_les, |r15 none oweth to be to importune or ouer hasty, in askynge of anythyng of any seruytour, namely whilst they be in seruyng of other, nor to grudge |r[f.86d] withoute a iuste cause. Also one of them schal euer be presente, and se |r20 diligently aboute, that the sustres lakke no činge of ther dewte. And whan any go from oo syde to another, they schal enclyne in the myddes to the mageste or ymage of our lady, but yf they bere anythyng, that letteth hem to enclyne in goyng ouer. |r25 Of the pytaunce. The pytaunce schal fyrst be brought before the president, that sche may take therof fyrst. And than at her sygne, the seruitour schal bere it rownde abowte the freytour that euery suster may take |r30 therof, begynnyng at eldest on euery syde. Ande |r[f.87a] |p173 |r[52] whan they be alle serued, it schal be sette a¨ene before the president, yf any leue. They that take to large therof, schal be spoken to for to amende. What maner of mete the congregacion schal be |r5 serued with, it schal be expressed in the celeres office. Of takyng vp of meles. Aboute the ende of meles and conuentual dryn_kynges, the couent schal sette al thyng fro them; |r10 towarde the vtter syde of the table before them, swepynge togyder with ther napkens, the crommes, that the seruytours may the more sonner take vp and bere away, after the doctryne of our lorde ihesu, sayng to hys seruytours at |r[f.87b] ende of hys feste |r15 Colligite fragmenta ne pereant. Gadreth togyder the broken metes, that they be not loste. So that whan the president maketh a sygne to take vp, they schal do as they be commaunded and bere the metes to the seruyng howse, or to another place therto assygned, |r20 begynnyng from the ¨ongest to the eldest. After thys they schal take vp the remnaunte, that is to say, fyrst, drynke, than the garnapes, that they sette on ther pottes or cruses; after thys, brede, hole, kytte, cantelles, ande crommes; and laste of alle |r25 salte, endyng euermore with the abbes or president, and enclynyng to eche suster as they take them vp, and they a¨ene |r[f.87c] to them, as it is seyde before, so |p174 |r[52] that releues be delte to the poer peple by outwarde seruauntes, after the tenour of the rewle. Neuerthe_les on suppyng dayes, the salte schal stonde vpon the tables tyl after supper. |r5 Of the latter meles Whan the couente goeth forth with graces to the chirche, the legister and seruytours schal enclyne to them religiously there, or els wher euer they mete hem. And whan they be passed, they schal sytte down |r10 and take ther bodyly sustynaunce, as the couent dyd, kepynge ther silence and the same obseruaunce, ex_cepte the redynge. Saue they schal be serued of the sustres that kepe the seruyng |r[f.87d] howse, and after ther mete and supper say čer graces withoute note, goynge |r15 to če chirche, procession wyse, like the couent, the ¨ongest before, stondyng and knelyng withoute the quyer, before the stalles. And whan they haue wasche ther handes, at the comen lauour, than they may speke and no erste. |r20 Forthermore, the first pele ronge to euensonge, the buttler schal ordeyne for drynke, and than suche as haue nede, may drynke euery day in the ¨ere, outake water dayes. For than none schal drynke but water, withoute special licence of the abbes. And the same |r25 is to be obserued, whan the fyrst pele is rongen to the collacion. |r[f.88a] For than by licence, of ther souer_eyne, they may take potum caritatis on water dayes. Moreouer, on fastyng dayes, after the sustres euensonge, both water dayes and other, the buttler |r30 schal ordeyn for drynke for alle the couente. Whiche |p175 |r[52] than schal come togyder conuentually, after the forme expressed tofore, in the fyftyeth chapter. Saue on water dayes, oo cuppe of water schal be borne rownde aboute the freytour, and profered with brede to euery |r5 suster for the maners sake, thof they take none therof, and thof they dranke ale at mete. And than after the fyrst pele to collacion, they may by licence of |r[f.88b] the abbes take potum caritatis, as it is seyd before. That is to say, a lytel draught of ale yf |r10 nede be and not elles. For suche as may forbere it withoute grete notable hurte, ther charite is beste disposed, so that it be done with discrecion and after če wylle of the souereyne, for els ther charite is cruelte. |p176 |r[53] |r[f.88c] Thre and fytyeth chapter. Of the obseruaunces in če dortour In the dortour none schal beholde other, nor make sygne to other withoute a resonable cause; but all |r5 schal there kepe hygh silence. There also non shal enclyne to other, čof it be the abbes that passeth by them; but al schal go forth mekly with ther veyles down ouer ther eyn: There, none schal iutte vpon other wylfully; nor spyt vpon the stayres, goyng vp |r10 or down; nor in none other place repreuably, but yf they trede it oute forthwyth. Nor any schal make any noyse there of vnreste, aboute makyng of ther beddes, or schakyng of clothes, |r[f.88d] or remouynge of strawe; or of any other thynge, from curfewe bell into ther |r15 pryme; neyther from mete, into it be thre of the clokke after none. And čerfor to suche as gretly rowte, or make any vnrestful noyse in ther sleppe, or at the leste to suche as may not suffer suche vn_quyetnes, schal be purueyd another place. Wher they |r20 may slepe withoute vnrestyng of other. Ther beddes schal be made of bordes faste nayled togyder and stuffed wič strawe, and they |p177 |r[53] schal haue as many clothes vpon them as nede requyreth after the discrecion of the souereyne, whiche oweth to se that none haue mo*re |r[f.89a], than nedeth, nor lasse, and that two lye not togyder in oo bedde. |r5 Ther lyenge schal be in ther stamens gyrde aboute hem with a lyste, and in ther hosen; and vpon ther hedes, they may haue a nyght kerchyf, and a nyght cappe. If any haue desire to lygh in her cowle, none schal presume thys, withoute special licence of the abbes, |r10 that so ther rewarde may be the more in the syght of god, and not taken of hym for vayne glory, yf čei do otherwyse. In ther beddes, they schal sytte, and ¨eue thankynges to god, with some special, but no longe prayers or they slepe. And after thys, |r[f.89b] they schal |r15 blysse čemself with In nomine patris, and slepe with sylence in pece. And the same wyse they schal do, whan they ryse to matens, čat so they may say with the prophete: Si memor fui tui super stratum meum, in matutinis meditabor in te, quia fuisti adiutor meus. |r20 Alle therfor schal be in the dortour in dewe tyme after complen, and none schal lyghe oute therof, nor go oute, withoute special licence of the souer_eyne or serches. And the officers muste take hede, that the dores be schette, suerly al aboute or they |r25 go to bedde, and the serches, that če sustres be in ther celles, and lyghtes quenched, as it schal be |r[f.89c] expressed in the fyue and fyftyeth chapter. |p178 |r[53] Neuertheles, in the dortour, schall be lyght euer brennynge, in suer plices, wynter and somer, from goyng down, into the sonne rysynge. Whan they go in the nyght tale, they schal neuer bere lyght withoute |r5 skonses; and whan they mete togyder, eche schal turne ther lyght from others faces. But yf any desire lyght, they schal gently ¨eue it hem, yf they may abyde therto, hauynge a grete warnes euermore and a grete fere, how they bere it aboute, and a grete sykernes |r10 that it be suerly quenched whan they put it oute. For a lytle sperkle may sette a grete |r[f.89d] wode on fyre. Moreouer, none schal go in to others celle, withoute special licence of the souereyne, outake them that be assygned to serche the dortour euery nyght, and them |r15 that haue other vnder čer governaunce. Neuertheles, yf any sodenly falle seke in the nyght in the dortour, than sche may knokke, or calle some suster to her, into her celle, as softly as sche kan for to helpe her. And yf any be importune of |r20 cryeng or makyng of noyse, sche is to be had to the fermery for vnrestyng of other. If sche may abyde ther, and not unrest other into the morne, than a suster or two or mo, may comforte any suche |r[f.90a] with mete and drynke, yf nede be, and with softe and stylle |r25 speche sadly by cause of sylence, all iapynge wordes leyd aparte; and therfor ther celles schal be withoute lokkes and keys. |p179 |r[53] Of the cloyster et cetera. In the cloyster also, al muste kepe sylence and behaue čem religiously, sadly, and soberly, and not go to faste nor dissolutly. And whan they mete togyder |r5 there, or in any other place, oute of the dortour, eche schal enclyne to other, a lytel bowynge ther hedes, the ¨onger namely to the elder, eche hauynge other in reuerence[.] Whiche also is to be obserued, whan bey ¨eue or receyue anythyng, or any seruyse of |r10 other, thynk*ynge |r[f.90b] veryly, that al suche obsequy is done to god. But to the abbes whereuer they mete her, or passe by her, or sche by them, excepte be dortour as it is seyde before, or reredortour, they schal turne to her and mekly enclyne with al the body. For |r15 love wičoute reuerence, is but a chyldesch loue. Also none schall iutte vpon other whan they wasche ther handes conuentually, or otherwyse, nor spytte in the lauatory or aboute it, but yf they anone forthwith do it oute. Nor any schal presume to go |r20 withoute her veyle and crown vpon her hede, nor to be seen bare hede, openly amonge the couente. Butt in |r[f.90c] ther celles, waschyng hows, and in suche očer places, they may do as nede and honeste requyreth. Also, not ferre from the chirche, they schall |r25 haue a fyre howse, or chawfyng hows, wher they may warme them in wynter[.] And there, in that howse, they schal euer kepe sylence, excepte cristemas tyme, or els speke passyng softe, hauyng warnes euermore, that they falle not oute, into wordes of stryfe. |p180 |r[54] .liiii. Of silence and taciturnite, and how the sustres schal behaue them in euery place, both inwarde and outewarde, in ther speche, chere, countynaunce, ston_dyng[,] |r5 syttynge, goynge, and suche other, thys |r[f.90d] is sufficiently expressed, in the fourtenth chapter, of thes addicions, which begynneth thus: In the chirche, quyer, freytour, et cetera. |p181 |r[55] |r[f.91a] Fyue and fyftyeth chapter. Of the priores office and of the serches[.] Whan the office of the priores is voyde, the abbes by the counsell of the general confessour, and |r5 by the auyse of some of the elder or sadder sustres, hauyng the drede of god, schal ordeyne for another. Which al, condescendynge, and consentyng into one suster professed, able, wyse, discrete, and of gode name and fame, the abbes schal sette her, on her |r10 lefte syde in the chapter howse, at the ende of the same benche, she is wonte to sytte on herselfe. Ande than to all the couent syttyng, the abbes schal say thus: Loo sustres, se and take hede, that / in |r[f.91b] our absence, ¨e all obey to our suster here, whom I |r15 haue ordeyned, to be priores of our monastery. And I wyll that ¨e obey to her in alle thynges longynge to the kepyng of the order, like as ¨e wolde do to me, yf I wer presente. To the whiche wordes, all schal enclyne, in |r20 token of consente. And after thys, yf it be chapter day, the chapter ended with the preces folowynge, the couent schal go vp streght into ther quyer pro_cessionally the ¨ongest before, and the abbes behynde, ledyng the priores on her lefte syde. Ande al |r25 stondyng in ther stalles, quyer to quyer, the abbes schall take another suster to her, and stalle the |r[f.91c] priores, settyng her down in the fyrste stalle of the lefte syde of the quyer, and than go to her own stalle. And than all the couent outake the priores, |p182 |r[55] schal knele down quyer to quyer, and say a Pater noster deuoutly and an Aue maria. Whiche ended, and a sygne made by the abbes, all schal ryse and enclyne to the este, and soberly go ther weyes, |r5 doyng what they wyll. Ande it is to be marked, that the priores, in the quyer, chapter, and freytour, and in all other places, schal kepe the lefte syde, stondyng and syt_tyng aboue al other sustres, thof sche be ¨ongeste |r10 of al in the order, goyng in processions with the elde*ste |r[f.91d] suster of the righte syde, or els behynde all, whan the nomber is odde, in absence of the abbes, as it scheweth before of če eghte chapter. Forthermore, as longe as sche standeth priores, |r15 sche schal not be kalled by her proper name, but by the name of her office, that is to say, suster priores. Ande yf sche be founde vicious, or prowde in her office, or a despiser of the holy rewles or statutes of the monastery, the abbes, after certayn preuy |r20 warnynges, schal warne her openly before the general confessour thryes, in the presence of all or of two or thre of the elder and sadder sustres. And yf sche wyl not amen*de |r[f.92a] by thys mene, sche schal put her oute of her office, and disciplyne, and correcte her, |r25 after the gretenes of her trespas. And after thys, sche schal sytte in her order as other sustres do, and be called by her proper name, neuer to receyue office of worchyp after, but yf sche chaunge, and veryly amende her olde condicions, and evel maners |p183 |r[55] effectually. Moreouer, in the absence of če abbes, the priores schal fulfylle al her spiritual offices, outake thynges that concerne the ebdomadaryes office, so that in al hygh principal festes, sche schal rede |r5 the secunde lesson atte matens. Forthermore, in the presen*ce |r[f.92b] of the abbes, sche schal nothyng do aboute correccions of defautes, but at her com_maundemente or sufferaunce. Also it is to be noted, that amonge the sustres, |r10 schal euer be, foure serches at leste, of the whiche the priores schal euer be chefe by her office; and sche schal neuer chaunge her office withoute a grete resonable cause, as it is seyd before in thys same chapter. But al other officers, may be chaunged |r15 eche ¨ere, or more oftener, as the abbes seeth it expedyent, by the auyse of the more sadder party of her sustres, after the forme expressed before, in the thryttenth chapter of thes addicions. |r[f.92c] And thes, therfor schal be, and owe to be kalled Serches; for |r20 to them principally, and namely to the priores, it belongeth to haue a gode eye aboute, and to serche diligently, yf the sustres behaue them religiously in euery place, and in al tymes and sesons; and how reguler obseruaunces, the order, and silence is kepte; |r25 and to proclame suche in the chapter, as they fynde |p184 |r[55] culpable of any defaute. Wherfor the abbes schal not sette euery suster in thys office generally, chesynge them oute by order; but sche schal chese oute suche, as be of sadde maners and condicions, of gode lyfe and |r5 gode ensamples, suche as longe haue stonde in reguler ob*seruauce |r[f.92d], and kanne wysely teche other; suche as haue a ¨ele to kepe iustise wič godly charite; suche as wyl for no drede, hate, nor loue, spare the trowth; but be besy in al that they kan and may, to |r10 kepe the commaundementes of god, and preceptes of ther souereyne; and suche as sche may suerly truste, to ley parte of her charge vpon them, be they of the ¨ongest, or of the eldeste in religion. Of the whiche serches, one atte leste, depute by |r15 the abbes, schal euery nyghte serche and se, sone after complen, whan they schal ryse erly on the morne, or about eght of the clokke at vtmeste, whan ther is none |r[f.93a] erly rysynge, yf the sustres be in ther celles, and wheyther they be alone, and how |r20 they be occupyed; or yf any be oute of ther celles at the houre assygned by the abbes; and what is the cause; and whether čer lyghtes be quenched[.] But no serche schal serche any sustres celle, nor any place of office, withoute special commaundemente of |r25 the abbes. Thes therfor owe to be as veray myrrours of gode ensample and religious behauyng to other, pro_clamynge ther own defautes, moste mekly, and moste |p185 |r[55] obediently take ther correccions, knowyng for certayne, that they stonde in more perell than other, yf |r[f.93b] they negligently, falle and trespas a¨enste če rewles or statutes, whyle the abbes putteth her synguler trust |r5 in them, to se that gode rewle be kepte in her absence. Wherfor they owe to be herde reuerently in ther ad_monicions and proclamacions of other. For to stryue ungodely with them or a¨enste hem, it is taken for a more greuous defaute; and for to labour of enuy, or |r10 of rankour or malyce, for to depryue any of them of ther office, it is taken, for a moste greuous defaute, as it scheweth before, in the fourth and fyfte chaptres of thys boke. Neuertheles, thes be neuer wonte to be disciplyned for ther defautes whyle they stonde in |r[f.93c] |r15 the office of serches; but the abbes may discharge any suster of that office, and commaunde her to take a disciplyne, and afterwarde charge her with the same office a¨ene, or with another, as sche seeth it ex_pedient. |p186 |r[56] Sex and fyftyeth chapter. Of the tresowres office et cetera. Under the kepyng of the tresoures and of her felawe, schal be put al the minymentes |r[f.93d] of the |r5 monastery and temporal godes, in golde and syluer and očer ¨eftes. And yf it happe the abbes, for any cause resonable, that sche may not be aboute direccion of outewarde matyrs of the monastery, than thes two, in her stede, and in her name, schal be atte suche |r10 matyrs, for to here, and answer, intende, and entro_met, or meddel, of suche matyrs, like as the abbes schold do it herselfe, outake in tyme of vacacion, as it is seyd in the xiite chapter. In the tresoury hows, schal be a grete cheste |r15 with two dyuers lokkes and keyes, the tresoures kepyng that one, and her felawe that other, so that none of hem may |r[f.94a] open it, nor oweth to open it, nor brynge in, or take oute, ¨eue or receyue anythynge, withoute knowlage of that other, for the more trewe |r20 wyttenes to be had, and for to put away al affeccion of couetyse, and al occasion of suspicion of euell. Ande as ofte as any proctor, or receyver, or any fermer or other, brynge home any golde or syluer, čes in the presence of the abbes schal receyue it, |r25 by tayles or bylles endented with sufficient writynge, and put it vp in the seyd cheste to be kepte. And of thys money, they schal delyuer, also by bylles en_dented and sufficient writyng, to euery officer in |p187 |r[56] |r[f.94b] warde and outwarde, as the office requyreth, after the conmaundement and assygnement of the abbes, so that they be not negligente of anythynge nor haue wordes of excusacion, makynge delay of any payment |r5 whan they may pay forthwith. Also, thes schal prouyde and pay for medycyns, spices, powdres, and suche other, after če disposicion of the abbes. Of the sexteynes office, it is spoken of before, in the xiviiiti chapter. |r10 Of če chambres office. The chaumbres schal haue al the clothes in her warde, that perteyne to če bodyly araymente of sustres and brečren, nyght and day, in ther celles and fermery, as |r[f.94c] wel of lynnen as of wollen, |r15 schapynge, sewynge, makyng, repayryng, and kepyng them from wormes, schakyng them by če helpe of cer_tayne sustres depute to her, that they be not deuoured and consumed of moughtes. So that sche schal puruey for canuas for beddyng, fryses, blan_kettes, |r20 schetes, bolsters, pelowes, couerlites, cuschens, basens, stamens, rewle cotes, cowles, mantelles, wymples, veyles, crownes, pynnes, cappes, nyght kerchyfes, pylches, mantel furres, cuffes, gloues, hoses, schoes, botes, soles, sokkes, mug_dors, |r25 gyrdelles, purses, knyues, laces, poyntes, nedelles, threde, waschyng bolles, and sope; and for al suche other necessa*ryes |r[f.94d] after the disposicion |p188 |r[56] of the abbes. Whiche in nowyse schal be ouer curyous, but playne and homly, withoute weuynge of any straunge coloures of sylke, golde, or syluer, havyng al thynge of honeste and profyte, and nothyng of vanyte, after |r5 če rewle; ther knyves vnpoynted, and purses beyng double of lynnen cloth, and not of sylke. Of the celeres office. The celeres schal puruey for mete and drynke for seke and hole, and for mete and drynke, clothe and |r10 wages, for seruauntes of housholde outewarde. And sche schal haue all the vessel and stuffe of housholde, vnder her kepynge and rewle, kepynge it klene, ho*le |r[f.95a], and honeste. So čat whan sche receyueč newe, sche moste restore the olde to the abbes. Ordeynyng for |r15 all necessaryes longynge to al houses of offices, concernyng the bodyly fode of man, in the bakhows, brewhouse, kychen, buttry, pantry, celer, freytour, fermery, parlour, and suche other, both outwarde and inwarde, for straungers and dwellers, attendyng dili_gently |r20 that the napry, and al other thynge in her office, be honest, profitable, and plesaunte to al, after her power, as sche is commaunded by her souer_eyne. Ande as for the sustres, and brethren, sche shal |r25 euery day for the more parte, ordeyn |r[f.95b] for two maner of potages, or els at leste for one gode, and that is best of alle. If čer be two, that one may be sewe, of flesch or of fysch, after the day is, and that other of wortes or herbes, or of any other čing that groweth |r30 of the ¨erth holsom to the body, as whete, ryse, ote_mele, |p189 [56] peson, and suche other. Also sche schal ordeyne for two sundry metes, of flesche or of fysch, one fresche, another powdred, boyled, or rosted, or other wyse dyght, after her discrecion, aand after the day, |r5 tyme, and nede requyreč, as the market and purse wyll stretche. Ande thys schal stonde for the prebende, which is a pounde of brede, well weyed, with a potel of ale, and a |r[f.95c] messe of mete. Also besyde al thys, she schal ordeyne for a pytaunce, and take gode hede, |r10 that all be holsom and well sesonned, tender and goode; and that it be honestly serued forth, al hote, or other wyse as the mete requyreth, in dewe mesure, both in qualite and in quantite. If the prebende be symple, it is to be restored |r15 with če pytaunce. If it be goode and sufficiente, to go rownde aboute, than no fors what the pytaunce be. On fysch dayes, sche schal ordeyn for whyte metes yf any may be hadde after the rewle, besyde fysch |r20 metes, as it is before seyd. Also, ones a wyke at the leste, sche shal |r[f.95d] ordeyne that the sustres and brethren be serued with newe brede, namely on water dayes; but neuer with newe ale, nor palled or ouer sowre, as moche as sche may. |r25 For supper, sche schal ordeyn for som lytel sowpyng, and for fysch and whyte mete, or for any očer thynge suffred by the rewle, lyght of dygestyon, |p190 |r[56] equyualente and as gode to the bodyly helthe, after the discrecion of the souereynes, that the seruauntes of god may strongly contynewe in hys seruyse. On water dayes, sche schal ordeyne for bonnes, |r5 or newe brede, water growel, albreys, and for two maner of froytes at leste yf |r[f.96a] it may be. That is to say, apples, peres, or nuttes, plummes, chiryes, benes, peson or any suche other; and thys in com_petent mesure, rosted or sothen, or other wyse dyght |r10 to the bodyly helth. And sche must se, that the water be sothen with brown brede in maner of a tysan, or with barly brede, for coldenes and feblenes of nature, more thys dayes, than in dayes passed regnynge. |r15 Of the kepers of the wheyles and gates or crates et cetera. At the wheyle for to kepe it, schal be ordeyned two sustres by the abbes. Whyche by the same whele, schal take, and delyuer oute, or in, al thynges |r20 necessary to the bre*thren |r[f.96b]. Whiche none other schal do but they, and certayn officers, as the tresoures, sextayn, chambres, celeres, and suche očer, withoute speciall licence of the abbes. Thes therfor owe to haue bysy attendaunce, that as ofte as they |r25 here any ryngynge or knokkyng atte whele, nyghte or day, anone they hygh them thyder, at leste one of them, to wyte what the brethren wyll, and to ¨eve them an answer, in sylence tyme and other, withoute multyplyeng of wordes, or tellyng of tales and fables |r30 nothyng to purpose; but ther cause knowen and the |p191 |r[56] answer in fewe wordes ¨ouen, they schal schett the whele and go ther |r[f.96c] weyes. Also they muste haue warenes of moche speche there, and of moche ryngyng withoute a nedeful cause. |r5 For outake only for ther office, they owe to speke ther, no more than other sustres; nor ¨et with the keper of the same whele on the brether syde withoute special licence of the abbes. Withoute whos counsell and licence, they schal do no message to any suster |r10 or brother, nor receyve, or delyuer anythynge, small nor grete, for hemself, or for any očer. Alle other sustres schal kepe ther silence there, outake če forseyde officers for ther office. Saue whan they wyl spe*ke |r[f.96d] with any of the brethren, |r15 they schal kepe the forme expressed tofore in če fourtenth chapter, ¨evyng, nor takyng any ¨eftes of other withoute knowlage and leue of ther souereynes, asked of themselfe, or by the seyd kepers of the wheyle. |r20 And after the seyd forme, all other officers schal kepe ther offices at the grates, gates, and in al other places[.] So that no gate, nor dore, be opened outewarde, whyle other sustres be presente, that they be not seen of seculers; and that they be |r25 honeste and klenly in ther offices, doynge nothyng wytyngly a¨enst the wyll of ther souereyne, or of the serches, assyg*ned |r[f.97a] by be abbes to haue ouer |p192 |r[56] syght of euery suche office as ofte as and as longe as sche seeth it expedient. Also, she that schal schet the garden gate, schal knokke myghtly thervpon or sche schet it, that no |r5 suster lye in the garden al nyghte. |p193 |r[57] Seuen and fyftyeth chapter. Of the fermerye, parloure and of the fermeres[.] Seth our lorde ihesu criste, taketh that is done to the seke, as yf it wer done to hymselfe, the abbes |r5 oweth to haue grete |r[f.97b] tendernes ouer čem, that they be not forslewed of ther kepers[.] Wherfor like as čer be dyuers infirmitees, so ther owen to be dyuers howses to kepe hem in. One for al maner sekenes, as is the comen fermery; another for them that be in recouer_ynge, |r10 as is če comen parlour; another for them that be distracte of ther mendes; another for lepres, stondyng fer from al other, so ¨et that the sustres may come to them and comforte hem. If any suster be so seke, that sche may not be |r15 couered, withoute medycyne, sche schal be brought to the crates to the phisician. So that the phisician come not in |r[f.97c] to the monastery in any wyse, but for a very necessary cause. To kepynge of the seke in če fermery, schal be |r20 depute suche a suster by the abbes, that dredeth god, hauyng a diligence aboute hem for hys loue, and kan skylle for to do seruyse to them. Stronge and myghty to lefte them vp, and lede them from place to place. Whan nede is, to the chirche or fermery chapel; and |r25 kan exhorte, styrre, and comforte them, to be con_fessed, and receyue the sacramentes of holy chirche. Ofte chaunge ther beddes and clothes, ¨eue them medycynes, ley to ther plastres, and mynyster to them mete and drynke, fyre and water, and |r[f.97d] al other |r30 necessaryes, nyght and day, as nede requyreth; after |p194 |r[57] counsel of the phisicians, and precepte of the souer_eyne. Not squaymes to wasch them and wype them, or auoyde hem; not angry nor hasty, or vnpacient, thof one haue the vomet, another the fluxe, another the |r5 frensy, whiche nowe syngeth, nowe cryeth, nowe lawgheth, now wepeth, nowe chydeth, nowe fyghteth, nowe is wroth, now wel apayde. For čer be some sekenesses vexynge the seke so gretly and prouokynge them to ire that the mater drawen vp to the brayne, |r10 alyenth ther mendes. And čerfor they owe to haue moche pacience |r[f.98a] with suche, that they may therby, gete them an euerlastynge crowne. A¨enewarde, the seke owe not to be to importune vpon ther kepers; nor to prouoke them to vnpacience; |r15 nor make them sory, desyrynge nowe one thynge, nowe another. Thynkynge inwardly, čat yf they paciently suffer ther bodily sekenes in thys presente lyfe, it schal stonde for ther purgatory in tyme to come. And for a lytel payne here esyly suffred, they schal |r20 gete them euerlastyng blysse. Forthermore, suche čat for sekenes, may not ly¨e in ther stamens, may by lycence of the souer_eyn |r[f.98b] lygh in lynnen, or in schetes. And čey may some tyme be born into the garden, for to take open |r25 eyre; but none shal speke to them nor come wher they be, withoute leue of če abbes outake her kepers, but yf they be kalled of the seke, namely whan they wyll take ther rest, or receyue any medycyns or mete. So |p195 |r[57] ¨et that they viset them amonge in dewe tyme, thynkyng on our lordes saynge: I was seke, and ¨e dyd visitte me. Moreouer, the sustres that be in the fermery, |r5 schal kepe the same obseruaunce in saynge of graces and kepynge of sylence with suche očer, as the couente doeth in the freytour, but |r[f.98c] yf the sekenes be če gretter, or that the abbes ¨eue licence to speke, to the comforte of the seke. Saue than before mete on |r10 sowpynge dayes, they schall say: Deus caritas. On fastynge days Gracia domini nostri; but in lenton: Frange esurienti. At supper, they schal euer say: Gracia domini nostri. Also after they be sette down, one of hem schal |r15 rede some gode lesson, or euer they begyn to ete; or els kepe ther silence, tyl če president sayeth Bene_dicite. For than they schal answer Dominus; and than they may speke in styl wordes, so that they excede not čer boundes nor tyme of syttynge; nor ¨et speke |r20 any sclaunde*rous |r[f.98d], or euel worde of any person. Ande the same obseruaunce and forme, schal be kepte in the parlour. Of the anelynge of the seke, et cetera. Forthermore, whan any suster is to be aneled, the |r25 fermeres schal ordeyn for seuen balles of tough in a kuppe that may be brente, by the aduyse of the sexten, on the brethre syde; and sche schal neuer be withoute |p196 |r[57] crosse, holy water and holy candel in the fermery. Also sche schal ordeyne for salte and bran in two sawcers, and for a basen and ewer of warme water, with a towel, alle beyng vpon a stedfaste table, |r5 couered with a fayre borde clothe, and not vpon a totrynge stole. |r[f.99a] They that be anelyd, schal aske for¨euenes of the abbes and of al the sustres in conueniente tyme, of al euel ensamples by them schewed; and from that they be |r10 aneled, into they departe, or els recouer, they shal haue two sustres at leste, depute by the abbes to tende vpon them day and nyghte. Of preces for čem čat be aneled. And nyne dayes togyder after any suster or brother |r15 is aneled, yf they lyue so longe, the sustres schal say conuentually, knelyng in čer quyer, syde by syde withoute note, čis preces folowyng: Miserere mei deus with Gloria patri. Kyrieleison. Christeeleison. Kyrieleison. Pater noster. Aue |r20 maria. Et |r[f.99b] ne nos. Ostende nobis, et cetera. Oremus. Omnipotens sempiterne deus, salus eterna. If they schal passe, than say thys collecte: Omnipotens sempi_terne deus conseruator animarum. Neuertheles, suche sustres as kan not say the seyd preces, schal eche day |r25 say in stede čerof, nyen Pater nostres, and nyen Aues and a Crede, as it scheweth in the seuen and fourtyeth chapter before[.] Of them that lygh in passynge. Whan any suster or brother lygheth in passynge, |r30 the grete bell schal be tolled on the brether syde. |p197 |r[57] And than the couente schal come togyder and say the letany and suffrages that longen therto, knelynge besyde the body or els in the chirche, yf it be a bročer. |r[f.99c] And after thys, yf the sowle be passed, |r5 they schal say De profundis with Deus cui proprium the lasse, and Fidelium deus; and than they schal take a disciplyne in ther chapter, what day or tyme it be, in the ¨ere. Neuertheles, yf any passe whyle the couente is |r10 in dyuyne seruyse, the abbes schall commaunde certayn sustres to say the seyd suffrages; and afterwarde, other sustres that haue not seyd it, schall say it alone, or with a felawe; or in the comente; for thys is an obseruaunce, that al be bounde to be atte, |r15 to ther power. Of the suffrages to be seyd within thrytty dayes, for euery suster and |r[f.99d] brother, after the tyme of ther passage, thys scheweth before, in the nyenč chapter, and in the seuen and fourtyeth chapter of |r20 thes addicions. |p198 |r[58] Eght and fyftyeth chapter. Of the abbes and confessour, how čei schal behaue them. The abbes and general confessour, owe to be as fader and moder, to the hole congregacion of sustres |r5 and brethren. Of gode / name and fame, of honeste |r[f.100a] lyfe and holy conuersacion, sadde in maners, prudent and wakyr. No mysdemers, nor suspicious, no sur_fetours, nor to delicious, no ianglers, nor to grete spekers. But sober, chaste, mylde and meke, benygne, |r10 and pesyble, dreders of god, and hym euer hauynge before ther eyen; louynge none, more than another, but suche as they fynde better in gode dedes and / meke obedience. And ¨et they schal not suffer them to be more cherysched than očer, but yf sekenes or age, or |r15 els very nede requyre it. And for the confessour is conseruatour of the order, he schal |r[f.100b] attende wysely, that the rewle be kepte in al poyntes, as wel amonge the sustres as amonge the brethren; ande feythfully assiste the abbes in the same, as for her parte, |r20 conseruacion of the gode state and godes of the monastery. Ande for the abbes is hede and lady of the monastery, and is to be counseled of the dis_posicion of the godes therof, sche schal haue grete warnes, that sche use not to take ouer moche counsel |r25 of seculers, withoute the counsel and knowlage of the general confessour. For many relygious haue suffred many tribulacions, by cause they haue re*ueled |r[f.100c] the secrecies of ther monasteries to outwarde seculers. |p199 |r[58] If therfor any harde case begyn to growe to the monastery, comen prayers schal fyrst be had. Ande than before suche matyrs go outewarde, the abbes and confessour schal trete togyder with some of the moste |r5 discrete sustres and brethren, or with the holer and sadder parte of the congregacion, therto called and requyred, yf it be expedient; or els with all the hole congregacion, for to eschewe the murmur and grudgyng of alle. |r10 Neuertheles, čei schal haue warnes, that they meddle not with seculer |r[f.100d] iurisdiccion, that con_cerneth the kynges or any buschops lawes; nor of the bondes or prisons of any seculers, očer wyse than they be premunyte by special pryuyleges; and that |r15 ther be no thynge seled with the comen sele, nor with any other sele or synett, other wyse than the pope hath ordeyned. Also they schal haue grete warenes that they mysvse not ther fre power, nor delyte hem in the synne of properte; nor to appere more notable |r20 than očer,in ther habite; nor do more delicate metes and drynkes to be made for čem, than the comente hathe, but yf any special sekenes, or |r[f.101a] feblenes, or any očer resonable cause requyre it. For the hygher they stonde aboue other in prelacy, the more čei be |r25 bownde to obserue the preceptes of the rewle. Of če seke they owe to haue grete cure, that of ther kepers, they be not serued neglygently. And they |p200 |r[58] schal not for¨ete to dispense amonge with the hole, to ther comforte and recreacion, after če forme expressed in the fyftyeth and one and fyftyeth chapters of thys boke. But them schal suffer no |r5 dogges, nor bestes, bryddes, nor fowles, to be kepte and norysched within the clausures; nor none other wondres that |r[f.101b] myghte styrre them to lyghtnes and vnsadnes; or cause any vice to growe and encrese. Thes also may speke togyder in sylence tyme in al |r10 places, so that it be of the very necessaryes of the monastery; and also licence other to do če same. Also the abbes, schal serche the sustres celles and other places, ones in če ¨ere, or more, or |r15 lesse, to se that eche suster haue her necessaryes and no more. And therfor they schal ley ther gere togyder so openly, yf they kan vnderstonde whan sche wyl serche; whiche sche is not bounde to telle, but of her fre choyce; that it may be redyly seyne at |r20 the |r[f.101c] fyrste syghte, wičoute any fraude. For whoso wytyngly, hyde and činge from ther souereyne, or from any assygned by her to serche, sche schal yf it be openly proued, be corrected as a propretary, but yf sche mekly knowlage her own trespas[.] |r25 Moreouer, for če abbes hathe to entende to činges, and may not euery houre be amonge the couente, she schal haue a congrue hows, or a lytel celle or chamber, wherin both wynter and somer, sche may reken wyth her sustres, and trete of matyrs of the monastery. |p201 |r[58] And ther sche may ete and drynke and slepe, as ofte as sche may |r[f.101d] not conueniently come in dewe tyme to the freytour or dortour. To whom, two sustres, honeste, pesible, and trusty, suche as sche wyll chese, |r5 or atte leste one, schal attende contynually nyght and day, mynistryng to her diligently and obediently, of al her necessaryes, as it is accordynge for sugettes to do to ther souereyne. Forthermore, to the general confessour and neuer |r10 to none other withoute hys graunte, sche schal make her confession. To whom also al the professes be bounde, to open čer hertes in confessyon, thryes in the ¨ere at leste. In če whiche ¨et, they be not bounde to telle |r[f.102a] ther synnes confessed tofore, but |r15 yf it be suche synnes, čat he hath reserued the ab_solucion of them only to hymselfe. Saue they owe to telle, what greuous temptacions they be wonte to fele, and ther affeccions, and what difficulte they haue, in kepynge of the order. Neuertheles, yf they wyl con_fesse |r20 al ther synnes that they kan remembre they haue done from ther byrth, it schal be to ther more meryte and hygher crowne in heuen. Therfor, the abbes and confessour remembryng that they be freyl, made of slyme of the erth, owe |r25 to be merciful to hem that be freyl. And for they be sett in souereynte, they |r[f.102b] owe to revolue ofte in mende, that the more is commytted to them, the more schal be asked of čem. Knowyng wel, čat they haue |p202 |r[58] take an harde thynge vpon them, for to rewle sowles, and conforme them to the maners of many. Thynke they therfor, what grete charge they haue take vpon them, and to whom they muste ¨elde a rekenynge; and that it |r5 byhoueth to see, how they may profite, more than to stonde in souereynte, exaltyng mercy in al ther iuge_mentes, as they may gete the mercy of god to them_selfe. Hate they vices, and loue they ther sugettes, werkyng prudently aboute |r[f.102c] hem, in correccion of de_fautes. |r10 Haue they euermore, čer own freylte suspecte, and thynke that the brosed rede is not to be broken. Neuertheles, they schal suffer no vice to sprynge, but prudently and with charyte kytte it of, studyeng more to be loued, than to be dredde. |r15 Moreouer, in thes cases, the buschop visitour, may correcte, or depryue the abbes or general confes_sour of ther offices. 1. Fyrste, yf the abbes selle, alyen, or ley to weddes; or els leue, or chaunge the godes of če |r20 monastery, ryghtwysly goten, for goodes of the whiche it is dowteful, wheyther they be ri¨twysly go_ten |r[f.102d] or no, sche is depryued in the same dede, do sche it wič the consente, or withoute the consente of sustres and brečren. |r25 2. Also yf the abbes, or confessour, or any suster or brother, or any other persone of the monastery, by any maner colour, ¨eue anythynge to the buschop, excepte mete and drynke, for any visitacion, or for any ordynary office, by hym to be done in the |r30 monasterye. For the whiche besyde pryuacion of čer |p203 |r[58] offices, they schal be sette in pryson, viiite dayes, and ones disciplyned et cetera. 3. Also yf the abbes or any suster, occupyeng her stede, after thryes warnynge, puruey not |r[f.103a] for |r5 necessaryes to sustres and brethren, they ar depryued in the self dede, neuer to be promoted to any office after. 4. Also, yf the abbes or confessour, or any suster or brother, purchas, or attempte to purchas, |r10 anythynge a¨enste the rewle, in the self dede they be depryued of all maner offices, and be vnable to the office of the abbes, pryores, general confessour, and herynge of confessions, inwarde and outwarde, for_euermore. |r15 5. Also, yf the abbes or confessour, dissymyll for to correcte defautes or trespas, in themselfe or other, wherby infamy groweth to the monaste*ry |r[f.103b], they schal be dewly corrected by the buschop. 6. Also yf they be so aged, that they may not |r20 perfytly or sufficiently performe ther office. Or els be laboured with uncurable sekenes, or be im_potente[.] Or els haue more ¨ele to ther carnall frendes, than to god and to sowles, into če hurte of the rewle. Or els be despysers of the holy rewle, |r25 and of the helth of ther sustres and brethren. 7. Also yf that they be dissipatours of the godes of the monastery. Or yf they be negligente |p204 |r[58] or repreuable in čer offices, and by no monycyon wylle amende them. For the whiche and other lyke cases, ex*pres_sed |r[f.103c] in party tofore in the tenthe chapter, yf it be |r5 the abbes, she schal be warned secretly twyes or thryes, by the confessour and elder or sadder sustres and brethren, with charite and dewe reuerence. If it be če confessour, by the abbes and sustres and breth_ren in lyke wyse. And yf they wyl not here them, |r10 they schal be spoken to openly before al the sustres and brethren, and prayd with dewe reuerence for to amende. If they wyl not cese be thys, the buschop schal admonysche them. And yf they amende not by none of thes menes, the buschop schal depose them, |r15 after to be entreted as the buschop with the ho_le |r[f.103d] congregacion thynke it beste, the worschyp of the religion saued and kepte. Thys alway provyded, that yf any of them for age, or impotency, or for vncurable sekenes as it is |r20 seyd before, or for any other cause alowable, frely ¨eue vp hys office, suche one from thens forwarde, schall be taken for the eldest in order, lyuyng vnder the obedience of hys souereyn. So that yf it were the abbes, sche schalle stonde, and sytte, and |r25 go aboue al other outake the presidente, euer to be had in dewe reuerence, and worchyp of alle. And sche schal haue oo suster atte leste, to tende vpon her, and to mynyster |r[f.104a] to her of al her necessaryes |p205 |r[58] charitably as longe as se lyueč[.] And the same is to be vnderstonde, of the general confessour amonge the brethren. Of keyes. |r5 Moreouer in če monasterye schal be two strong chestes, eche hauyng thre lytel keyes, none lyke another. In the whiche chestes, schal be two grete keyes, also none lyke another, of the profession dore goynge into the sustres clausure. Oo cheste |r10 with hys key, schal stonde on the sustres syde, vnder the kepynge of the abbes, and of očer two sustres that haue drede of god, eche of them kepynge one of the lytel keyes, and the abbes be |r[f.104b] thrydde. That other cheste with hys key schal stonde on the |r15 brethren syde, vnder the warde of the general con_fessour and of two brethren in lyke wyse. So that none of hem, open any of the seyd chestes at any tyme withoute knowlage of other; that so al occasion of sclaunder, be vtterly take away, both outwarde and |r20 inwarde. Očer keyes schal be vnder kepynge of the officers, so that the abbes haue a key of euery office, yf sche wylle. Of the charge in expenses. The charge of the monastery in expenses, stondeth |r25 in tne expenses aboute mete and drynke and clothe, wages, fees, lyueryes, ¨eftes, |r[f.104c] rewardes. |p206 |r[58] |r[from_Aungier,_op._cit.,_p._403] **** physyk **** professional **** rynges **** bokes, belles, chalices **** any suche other thynge longynge to the monastery, whiche al recyted, rekoned, and, leyed togyder as wel of the ¨ere to come as of the ¨ere passed with al **** of losses, and the **** is superflus, and therefore it schal be feythfully distributed to the pore and nedy uppon al soule day, after that **** 0f the general accountes, et caetera. Wher *** the abbes besyde the dayly or wykly accountes wonte to be made schal receyve a general accounte before the feste of al halowen of all the godes of the monastery clerly and *** by *** al other officers *** to her accountable, outewarde and inwarde, before some of the other or sadder sustres. And the general confessour under_stondyng by the abbes **** and by the seyd **** that al the seyd accounte is trewly and **** made he schal make relation thereof to hys brethren ****** the brethrem **** to **********