|b[A_LITIL_TRETYS_ON_THE_SEVEN_DEADLY_SINS] |b[by_RICHARD_LAVYNHAM,_O._CARM.] |b[ed._Dr._J.P.W.M._Van_Zutphen] |b[Rome:_Institutum_Carmelitanum,_1956._pp._1-25.] Pryde. |r[f.35r] |r CRist č=t= deyde vp on če crosse for sauacion of mankynde Grawnt vs grace so to a skapyn č=e= sley ensaylingis of č=e= fende That we be not for synne lost in owr last ende Too thingys y haue purposyd čorwh goddis grace to don in čis litil |r5 tretys. Fyrst to schewe schortly če comoun condicionys of če seuene dedly synnys as be figure & ensample in general. And afterward to reherse be proces & be ordre what bronchis & bowys growyn owt of hem in specyal. As towching če ferst mateer an holy man wrytith in hys book. & est Sanctus Thomas secundum quosdam vel Albertus |r10 secundum alios in compendio theologie libro 3=o=. The seuene dedly synnys he sayth be lyknyd to seuene sundry bestis. as Pryde to če lyon. Couetyse to če vrchoun. Wrathe to če wolf. Enuye to č=e= hound. Slowthe to če asse. Glotonye to a bere. & Lecherye to a swyn. Of whiche figuris & ensamplis y thenke to towche in ech of |r15 če seuene dedly synnys be hem self./ |r PRyde is not ellys but a badde desyr of hey worschyp. as seynt Austyn writyth. & est libro 14 de ciuitate dei. c=o= 13=o=. Therfor y likne a prowd man to a lyon. for ry¨t as če lyon lokyth č=t= alle očer bestis scholde hym worschipe. hym drede. & to him bowe;; Ry¨t so a |r20 prowd man čenkyth č=t= alle očer men scholde hym worschipe. hym drede. & to hym lowte. & čerfor it may wel be seyd of a prowd man as it is wrytyn in holy wryt Ecce quasi leo ascendet de superbia. Jeremie. 49. Loo now seyth če prophete & tak hede how he schal as a lyon risyn vp of hys pride. This is a synne č=t= distroyth alle |r25 vertewis & most greuyth god of alle očer vicys. In toknyng wher of. Lucifer č=t= was sumtyme če fayrest angyl in heuene. is now for hys pride becomyn če fowlist fend in helle. And ¨if čou wilt knowe wherinne he schewyd hys pride;; I answere če & say in čis č=t= he desyrede for his fayrhed to haue be peer w=t= god. for as y seyde be |r30 forhande Pride is not ellis but a badde desyr of hy worschyp. And čis maner of desyr may neuer mor a risyn in a mannys herte but be encheson of čese čre. Or it is for če ¨iftis of keende. or for če ¨iftis of fortune. or ellis for če ¨iftis of grace. The ¨iftis of keende ben Nobilnesse of kynrede. Gentilnesse of blod. Plente of chyldryn. a_Vauncement |r35 be erytage. Strengthe. Bewte. & comelyhed of persone. The ¨iftis of fortune ben Londys. Rentis. Gold. Syluer. Tresowr. Catell. Clothyng. Hors. Harneys. Jewelys. Lordschyp. Worschyp & |p2 Freendschip. The ¨iftis of grace be sundry vertewys č=t= god ¨euyth a man. as Eloquence in spekyng. Curyouste of craft in syngynge. & swyche očer. These čre |r[f.35v] maner of ¨iftis be only cause why a man wexith prowd čer hym owyth to be meek. & čerfor his synne is |r5 wel če more. Seynt Gregory seyth & est libro 34 moralium prope finem. Pride he seyth is rote of alle vicys for čis skile. For ryth as ne were če rote of če tre hyd in če erthe čer scholde no bronche growe owt of it. Ry¨t so ner pride ferst rotyd in mannys herte čer scholde no bronche of synne springyn owt of hym. Owt of Pride |r10 growyn ey¨te bronchys. Whiche čat ben here entitlid be name. as Presumpcyon ł Presumpcyon is whan a man puttith hym silf Veynglorie ł furtherforč in prees in presence of peple čan an Vnbuxhumhed ł očer man doth. Which č=t= is as good as he. lokynge Boldnesse ł after werschip & reuerence. to syttyn aboue. to |r15 Ypocrysie ł speke fyrst. & to take worschip of če world pass_yng Indignacyon ł alle očer. demyng hym self perauenture Schamleshed ł strenger & mor hardyer. wyser & mor wittyer. Sturdinesse ł or ellis mor better & morworthy čan eny očer. Of čis bronche of pride spekyth seynt Austyn & est libro 14 de |r20 ciuitate dei c=o= 13. wher he seyth č=t= it is for če better č=t= god suffryth oftetyme a prowd man č=t= is presumptuows of hym silf to fallyn in to sum gret opyn synne. & če skyle is čis/ for č=t= same man scholde če sunner se his owne seknesse. & be če račer euyl payd w=t= hym silf an očer tyme č=t= he was so presumptuows./ & seynt Austin puttyth |r25 her of ensaumple in če same place & seyth čus. The cause he seyč č=t= crist suffrede Petyr to forsakyn hym was for no čing ellis. but for če gret presumpcion č=t= peter schewde a fornhande. whan he seyde čese wordis to crist. Et si omnes scandalizati fuerint in te. ego nunquam scandalizabor. Et si oportuerit me mori tecum non te negabo. |r30 M=t= 26. They alle očer apostlis be sclawndrid be enchesyn of če. y schal neuer so sclaundrid be. And čey it falle me to deye w=t= če. y schal čy person neuer for sake. Her seynt peter presumede to ferforth of him silf. for he demyd him silf mor trewe & moor trusty. beter hertyd. mor hardy čan eny of hys felaschyp.// |r35 Vaynglorie is whan a man bostith of hym silf gretly. or ellis reioyschith hym whan očer men magnyfyen his persone mor čan wer worthy. louyng flatererys & gloserys č=t= ofte wilyn reherse hys commendable dedis. & hatyng al čo č=t= in a mendement of alle hys defawtis tellyn |p3 him č=e= sothe. |r[f.36r] This bronche of pride crist tawchte his folwerys to fle. be ensample in če gospel M=t=. 9 c=o=. Wher it is rehersid č=t= whan crist had helyd too blynde men. & ¨ouyn hem bodily sy¨te. he bad hem č=t= čey scholde kepyn č=t= thyng priuy & speke to no man čerof. 5 & ¨et čese men wente & tolde it alle abowte in če contre as čey ¨ede. Now as clerkys seyn če skyle why č=t= crist for bad čo men č=t= čey scholde not telle it out what he had don to hem. Was to ¨euyn ensample to alle his folwerys to fleen vaynglorie & to schewyn č=t= a good cristenman ou¨t not for lesyng of heuyn mede lokyn to be |r10 preysid heere of his good dede. Vnbuxhamhed is whan a man w=t= stondith če hestis of god & of holycherche./ če byddyng of fader or of modyr. / če lawis of hys kyng. / če ordynawnce of his souerayn temperal or spiritual. / wil_fully lettyng č=t= is comawndid/ & doyng č=t= is defendid/ & wilfullych |r15 hauyng no reward to resoun. ne to če payne č=t= is lymytid in če lawe. This bronche of pride is ful greuous as it semyth be ensamplis of holy writ. For god bad in če olde lawe č=t= ho so were rebel & vnbuxham to če prest č=t= was goddis mynyster he scholde be ded čerfor. as če bible rehersyth deuteronomij. 17. Also what man were rebel & |r20 vnbuxham to če byddyng of fader or of moder. če fader or če moder scholde go playne vp on hym to če doom. & a noon he schold be stonyd to če deth. as it is rehersid in če same bok. deuteronomij 21 c=o=. Also č=t= it is perlows a man to w=t= stondyn or to a rysen a ¨en his souerayn temperel or spirituel. it semyth be holy wryt. Numerorum |r25 16 c=o=. wher it is rehersid č=t= čer weryn čre certayn men. č=t= is to seyn. Chore. Dathan & Abyron. & for čey w=t= on a sent a rysyn a ¨en Moyses & aaron. čerfor god in punyssching of her pride made če erthe to opene & swelwyn hem in alle qwik. And her of spekyth Dauid in če sawter bok & seyth čus. Et irritauerunt Moysen in |r30 castris aaron sanctum domini. aperta est terra & deglutiuit dathan. & operuit super congregacionem abiron. They angrede he seyth Moyses & aaron č=t= holy man in her leggyngis. & čerfor če erthe was openyd & swelwid in č=t= ilke man dathan. & helyd also hem č=t= weren gadryd w=t= Abyron. This knewe seynt poul whan he wrot to če iewis. & seyde |r35 čus. Obedite prepositis vestris. ad hebreos 13=o=. Obey¨e ¨ow to ¨owr soueraynys.//. Boldnesse is whan a man trespacith vp trust of goddis mercy. čenkyng |p4 č=t= čer is but litil perel in his lif as long as očer men doth as euel as he. or wers. dredyng neyčer veniownce here. ne peyne in helle. but alle wey doyng his lust in hope for to a skape. This bronche of pride is perlows. as it semyth wel be ensample. For seynt Jerom seyth |r[f.36v] |r5 & his wordis be rehersid in party in če lawe of holicherche de peniten_tia distinctione 3.  de Niniuitis. Tho men he seyth of če Cyte of Niniue at če prechyng of če prophete lonas dedyn penawnce for her synnys. & god tok the cyte to his mercy & to his grace. but after_ward čey turnede a ¨en to here olde synnys. trowyng perauenture |r10 č=t= če mercy of god was gret. & č=t= čey scholde a skape as wel after_ward as čey dede a forhande. & a noon čorwh če wreche of god č=t= same cyte was distroyd w=t= bodely enmyis. & so če boldnesse of her synne was cause of her owyn destruccyon. The cyte of Niniue was solempne & ryal. so gret & so howgy č=t= it was of čre days Jorney |r15 w=t=inne. And čer wer inne mo čan an hundrid skore čowsand ot peple. as če bible recordyth. Jone 3=o= & 4=o= capitutis./ Ipocrisye is whan a man schewith hym self moor holyer. trewer. & beter. owtward čan he is inward. spekyng of chastite & of clennesse. tretyng of deuocion & of holynesse. to hydyn his owyn euyl lyf čorw lackyng |r20 & despisyng of synne. ¨euyng almesse. fastyng. doyng penawnce in presence of men. in tent to be hold good & to be preysid of če peple. And of swiche folk spekyth seynt Gregor libro 8. moralium c=o= 36. wher he liknyth an ypocrit or a popholy man to an ereyne. For ry¨t as an ereyne whan he hath sore trauaylid abowte če weuyng of hys |r25 web. čan comyth a litil puf of wynd & blowyth a wey al to gydere. Ry¨t so whan an ypocrite hath trauaylid his body w=t= penawnce. čan comyth čer a litil wynd owt of a mannys mowth č=t= is not ellis but preysyng & čankyng & blowyth a wey alle his mede. And of swiche blastis it wer wel do to be war. čerfor seyth crist in če gospel. |r30 Attendite ne iusticiam vestram &c. & Cum ieiunatis nolite fieri sicut ypocrite tristes. Mathei 6. Indignacion is whan a man hath disdayn & despit of simple folk & lest not to speke to his pouer euyncristyn but ¨if it be skornfullyche. & ¨et euermor he faryth fowle w=t= his seruawntis & his soietis. & |r35 hariowsly takyth on w=t= cristis pore peple. This bronche of pride is ofte cause of gret myschef. as it may be schewid be proces of če bible. & est 2=o= Regum c=o= 21. Wher it is rehersid č=t= in če days of kyng dauid čer was an hoyge hungur in če lond of israel. če which endurede čre ¨er to gydere contynueliche. & čan went kyng dauid & enquirid |r40 of god why čis hungur was tallyn in če lond. & god almy¨ty ans_werede a ¨en & seyde č=t= če cause was for č=t= kyng saul & men of |p5 his houshold had go of her indignacyon & oppressyd and slayn pore men č=t= wer seruauntis in če land. which č=t= were clepid gabonitis. & whan dauid če kyng herd her of. he wente & dede remedye čer a ¨ens. These gabonitis wer folk of a certayn contray č=t= comyn |r[f.37r] |r5 & ¨eldyn hem self to če iewys. & weryn mad comyn laborerys & seruauntis a mongis hem. & ¨et many of če iewis hadde of hem gret disdayn & gret dispyt. as če bible rehersith Josue 9 c=o=. & so čese pouer men which č=t= for disdayn were oppressyd my¨t haue wel seyd če wordis č=t= ben writyn in če sawter bok. Quia multum repleta est |r10 anima nostra opprobrium habundantibus & despeccio superbis. For our lit is ful of mochil wo. čerfor we arn repreef to hem čat ben plentewos & despyt to (hem) men čat ben prowde. Schameleshed is whan a man a vowtyth hym selt of his harlotrie & dislityth hym to speke of synne & of wrecchydnesse in audience of |r15 očer men. sparyng neyčer for schame of če world. ne for drede of god. And to ech man č=t= čus doth it may be seyd in refraynyng of hys synne. Quid gloriaris in malicia qui potens es iniquitate. Why art čou glad in čy schrewdnesse č=t= art my¨ty in wickidnesse. And seynt poul seyth also in his pistil. Non nominetur inquit in vobis turpitudo |r20 aut stuttiloquium aut scurilitas. ad ephesios 5. c=o=. Let not he seyth fylthe or spekyng of folye or harlotrye be nempnyd a mong ¨ow.//. Sturdynesse is whan a man doth opynlyche amys & excusith his defawte. & wil not bowen & be undyrnymen čerof of hys souerayn. & čis is on of če werste bronchis of pride. as seynt Austyn seyth |r25 & est libro 4=to= de ciuitate dei c=o= 13. vbi sic inquit augustinus. Peior dampnabiliorque superbia est qua in peccatis manifestis suffugium excusacionis exquiritur. hec ille. Ho čan čat wile bey¨en him blis;; & also sowle bote ly¨tly borwe;; These bronchis brekyn he mot y wis;; for pride is če ferst seed of sorwe./ |r30 |r COuetyse is not ellys but a mysted loue to če catet of če world pt comely groweth in man of an vntrust pt he hath to god for drede of pouert./ & čerfor a couetous man is liknyd to an vrchon. For ryth as experience schewyth in dede če vrchon goth w=t= his scharp prickis & gadryth to gydere a gret hord of applis in če erthe. gessyng perauenture č=t= |r35 his lyuyng schold faylyn hym but he hadde so gret an hep gaderid to gydere at onys. Ry¨t so a couetous man gooth w=t= many sley¨tis & sotiltees & gadryth an hoord of erthely catel to gydere. wenyng |p6 čat god & če world wol faylyn hym;; but he hadde a gret summe of catel redelyche gadrid to gydere at onys/ & swiche hoordis of erthely catel č=t= he gadrid to gidere in čis maner be perauenture in če fendis lordschip. & to him čo couetous men č=t= ben gadererys čerof ben |r5 seruauntis. For ry¨t as čey č=t= be lordis tenawntis for če lond č=t= čey holdyn of hym don hym certayn seruyses in če ¨er. Ry¨t so couetous men for če good čat čey holde of če fend. don hym a certayn seruyce./ as it semyth be a clerkis sawe. & est Cestrensis in poticronica libro 7. wher a certayn |r[f.37v] fend was a knowe č=t= he was chef kepere & lord |r10 of al kyng Rychardys tresour which č=t= he hadde gadrid to gydere. And herfor spekyč crist in če gospel & seyth čus. Nolite thesaurizare vobis thesauros in terra. & intra. Non potestis deo seruire & mam_mone. M 6. Be ¨e not of wil seyth crist to gadere tresowris to gydere in če erthe to ¨our self. for ¨e mow not he seyth serue boče at onys |r15 god & če deuyl of rychesse. Vp on whiche wordis seyth seynt gre_gory č=t= Mamona is a certayn fendis name č=t= hath lordschip ouer erthly catel & ouer rychesse of če world. Also seynt poul seyth čus in his pistil. Nichil enim intulimus in hunc mundum aut dubium. quod nec auferre quid possimus. habentes atimenta & indumenta |r20 quibus tegamur hijs contenti sumus. Nam qui volunt divites fieri in_cidunt in temptacionem & laqueos diaboli & desideria multa invtilia & nociua. Radix omnium malorum est cupiditas. prima ad thimoth 6. c=o=. Now¨t he seyth brow¨t we in to čis world. & dowtles nou¨t mow we beryn hennys. čerfor haue we our liflode & our cločing |r25 hold we vs a payd čerw=t=. For čo č=t= willyn & wysschyn to be mad ryche fallyn in to temptacion & snaris of če fend & in to many desiris č=t= be vnprofitable. & greuows vn to če sowle. For če rote he seyth of alle euelys in čis world is couetyse. But her may be askyd a demawnde whečer it be laful & leful to a cristyn man to gadere |r30 erthely tresour to gydere. To čis questyon answerith a gret clerk. & est sanctus Thomas secundum quosdam vel Albertus secundum alios in compendio theologie. libro 3=o=. c=o= de auaricia. where he seyth č=t= a man may gadre tresour to gydere on too maner wyse. On is for to haue hys likynge čer inne onliche & not vpon entent for to releuyn hym |r35 silf & očer men in her nede. & čis maner is not lawtul. An očer maner is for to ben holpyn afterward w=t= hys owne good. & for to helpyn also očer men č=t= be nedy. & čis maner is boče lawful & leful. For seynt austyn seyth as it is rehersid in če lawe of holycherche. 12 questione prima. habebat dominus. That crist had pursis w=t= money which he |r40 made Judas for to kepyn to helpyn čerwt pouer men. Out of couetyse springith viij bronchys of oo kende. Which ben her entitlid as |p7 Mawmetrie of Money ł Mawmetrie of money is whan a man settyth Ambycyon ł mor his herte vp on his erthely catel. čan he Nygardschyp ł doth vp on č=t= ilke lord č=t= alle hath lent & Tresown ł sent. & sumtyme is mor willy to don & to |r5 Vsure ł trauaylyn |r[f.38r] for mede of money & for goldis Symonye ł loue čan for mede of sowle & for goddis Rauayn or thefte ł loue. & hath a likynge to se his catel. to Sacrylegye ł handle it. to telle it & to schewe it. or to maken hys bost čerof to očer men. for to be holde ryche & ryal. |r10 And her of spekyth če apostle & seyth čus. Avaricia est ydolorum servitus. Ad Eph 5 c=o=. Couetyse he seyč is seruage of mawmetis. Vp on whiche wordis če glose seyč čus. A couetous man makyth gold hys god. This bronche of couetyse is perlous. not only to če sowle. but also to če body. for čis skyle. For ry¨t as kyng Ezechie for č=e= |r15 grete likynge č=t= he hadde to schewe his gold & his tresowr to če men of babilonye for to be holde ryche & ryal. čerfor he les afterward alle to gydere. For god in chastisment of č=t= synne sutfrede men of babilonye to come & to bere a wey alle č=t= richesse as če bible re_hersith. ysaye 38 c=o=. & čerw=t= a cordyth a gret clerk/ & est ysidorus |r20 de summo bono. libro 3=o=. c=o= 23. Ry¨t so god almy¨ty sofryth many a ryche man in čis world to be robbyd of alle his good for če grete likyng č=t= he hath čerinne & če bost č=t= he blowith čerof to očer men. & čerfor seyth če prophete in če sauter bok: Diuicie si affluant nolite cor apponere. Thowh rychesses fallyn plentewosly to ¨ow. be |r25 not in wil to sette ¨our herte čer vp on. Ambicyon is whan a man vsyth sley¨tes & sotiltes to maken hym self ryche. ryal. & solempne. ¨euyng smale ¨eftis to receyue gret_tere. plesyng lordis lowlich. to be a vancyd če heyer. flateryng & plesyng hem č=t= mowe maken hym gret. seruyng & trauelyng for |r30 loue & lordschyp as it semyth. & čis is al only his entent to haue a gret reward at če last ende. In čis vice fallyn also alle č=o= men č=t= be rauayne & extorcyonys. or ellys be eny očer fals colour or trewe maken hem selt ryal & riche of očer mennys godis. Of čis branche of couetyse spekyth seynt gregory & seyth čus. & est libro 20 |r35 moralium super illum textum Qui rodebant in sotitudine. Duo inquit sunt genera hominum ambicioni sue seruientium. vnum videlicet quod semper ad auariciam blandimentis utitur lingue. aliud quod aperta vi intendit rapine. hec doctor. Ther ben he seyth too maner of men č=t= folwyn če synne of ambycion. On č=t= vsith alwey to glosyn fayre |p8 w=t= če tunge for couetyse of čing perauenture č=t= is but veyn. An očer č=t= besy¨eth w=t= opyn strengthe to makyn hem self ryche. be extorcyonys and rauayne.//. Nygardschip is whan a man hač y nowh & sparyth natheles. he holt |r5 harde. he spendyth lytil. he partyth not w=t= hys symple kyn. hath no pyte vp on hys pouer euyncristyn & ful litil or ellis ry¨t no¨t wil do for če loue of god. And her of spekith Salomon |r[f.38v] & seyth čus. Viro cupido & tenaci sine ratione est substantia. ecclesiastici 14. c=o=. A couetous man he sayth & a negard čerw=t=. hath good w=t= owtyn |r10 resown. for it profitith neyčer hym ne noon očer man č=t= lyuyth be syde hym. Thys bronche of couetyse tobie taw¨te his sone to fle whan he seyde čese wordys. Ex substantia tua fac elemosinam & noli auertere faciem tuam ab vllo paupere. ita enim fiet vt nec a te auertatur facies domini. quomodo potueris ita esto misericors. si mul_tum |r15 tibi fuerit;; habundanter tribue. si exiguum tibi fuerit;; exiguum libenter impertire. Thobie. 4=to=. Of thy good do čyn almesse & turne čou neuer čy face a wey fro no pouer man. for čan it schal so be č=t= god schal not turne a wey his face fro če. as čou my¨t;; so be mercyful. ¨it čou haue moche;; ¨if plentewosly čerof. ¨if čou haue lityl;; parte |r20 gladly & ¨if litil. Tresown is whan a man is fals to hym. to whom he ow¨te to be trewe for wynnyng of money or getyng of mede. In čis bronche of couetyse trespacyd Judas č=t= solde crist his owne lord to če Jewys for couetyse of xxx pans. as it is rehersid in če gospel. Mt 26. And če holy man |r25 Bede seyth č=t= his folweris be alle čo men č=t= for eny meede beryn fals witnesse in doom a ¨ens her euyncristyn as če lawe of holy cherche rehersith. xj. q~. 3. Abiit iudas. & če skile is čis. for swiche men for loue of če money sellyn če trewthe. & god him self is trewthe./ Vsure is whan a man lenyth for wynnyng be couenownt priuely or |r30 opynly. or ellis in entent to take ¨iftis or presentis because of č=t= lenyng. bey¨ing or sellyng če derrer for drecchyng of če payment. or makyng eny newe cheuesawnce. towchyng hous or lond or eny meble catel in entent to be payd of more čan he lenyth. And dredles če beyere & če sellere če borwere & če lenere be bothe a cursid. |r35 This bronche of couetyse is a ¨ens Moyses lawe. a ¨en cristis lawe. & a ¨en če lawe of his spowse č=t= is holycherche. Fyrst it is a ¨en Moyses lawe. for čus seyč Moyses lawe. Fratri tuo absque vsura id quo indiget commodabis. deuteronomij 23. To thy brother w=t= owtyn vsure čou schalt lenyn what hym nedyth. Also it is a ¨en cristis |r40 lawe. for čus seyč cristis lawe. Mutuum date nichil inde sperantes. luce 6. c=o=. Leene ¨e. hopynge now¨t to haue čerfor. Also it is a ¨en če |p9 lawe of holicherche. For čus seyth če lawe. extra de vsuris Quia in omnibus. č=t= opin vsureris schold not be howslyd. ne bery¨ed in cristyn beryelys. & what cristyn man affermeth č=t= vsure is no synne. owith to be punschid as an heretik as če lawe of holy cherche 5 rehersith. extra de vsuris in clementinis. An heretik is he č=t= bringeth vp or ellis folwith eny newe opynyon a ¨en če feyth of holycherche.//. Symonye is whan a man takyth or ¨euyth eyčer be opyn bargayn. or be priuy entent eny erthely good for thyng č=t= is gostly. as |r[f.39r] gold syluer. hows. lond catel. seruyse. or bodelych prayeris of frendis for |r10 bisschoprychis. prouendris personagis or eny očer benefys. or ellys for schryuyng or howslynge. Weddyng or ordris ¨euyng or eny očer sacrament of holycherche. For owt takyn only tythys & offringis č=t= longyn to holycherche be lawe;; ellis al č=t= is be couenownt calen_gyd for eny sacrament or bunfys. it is boče in če ¨euer & in če taker |r15 symonye & synne. This colour of couetyse is clepid symonye for čis skyle. For symon magus be gan it in če newe lawe. as holy writ rehersith. actuum 8. This bronche of couetyse is perlous boče to če body & to če sowle. Ensample in holy scripture. & est 3=o= Regum c=o= 13. Wher it is rehersid č=t= certayn men keme to kyng Jeroboam |r20 & ¨euyn hym ¨iftis to ben his prestis. & for he was redy to take čo ¨iftis of hem. čerfor it was cause of his vndoyng & of čo č=t= langede to hym. Also 4=to= Regum 5=to= c=o=. it is rehersid č=t= Gyesi če which was seruaunt to heliseu če prophete was smyte w=t= a foul meseldrie for swich takyng of ¨iftis. |r25 Rauayn is whan a man takyth an očer mannys god a gayn his wil & his leeue. In čis vice fallen alle tyrauntis & extorsioneris in cuntre & bringerys vp of newe customys. of taskys & talyagis. They also č=t= be fals colowris of trewče puttyn men owt of her hows. her lond & her herytage. This bronche of couetyse is ful myscheuous as it |r30 semyth be ensample of holy wryt. & est 3=o= Regum c=o= 21. Wher it is rehersid č=t= kyng Acab coueytede a pouer mannys vyne¨art č=t= hy¨t Naboth. & for he my¨t nou¨t haue it w=t= če pouer mannys wil. he wax a greuyd w=t= hym. and cast sleyhtis to haue it a ¨en his wil. & anoon čorwh če consayl of Jesabel kyng acab is wif čer was formyd |r35 a fals playnt to če doom vp on čis pouer man. & čorwh a fals queste & men č=t= bar fals witnesse čis pouer man was demyd to če deth. & čus gat kyng acab če vine¨ard. But a noon as čis was don god almy¨ty sente to kyng acab bode be če prophete helye č=t= he & his |p10 wif scholde haue a schamful ende for če couetyse of če pouer mannys good & fals dede č=t= čey hadde hym don.//. Sacrilegye is whan a man stelith eny thyng owt of holy place as če lawe canon beryth witnesse. xvij=a=. q~. iiij=a=. In this braunche of |r5 couetyse falle many men. Alle čo č=t= ben atte sent that chyrchis or chapelys preestis clerkys or eny man of holy cherche or eny očer holy place is robbid. or eny thyng čat is halwyd. as chalys vestment or eny iewel bere a wey or relik. alle tho men č=t= robbyn holycherche of hyre good or ben assent čer to opynly. čey ben acursyd be če |r10 lawe canown xvij=a=. questio iiij=a=. Omnes raptores ecclesie.//. |r[f.39v] |r WRathče is a werchynge of wreche or a desyr of veniaunce. & čerfor a man č=t= is comely wroth & angry. ffel & malicyous is liknyd to če wolf & č=t= for too skelys. On is čis for ry¨t as če mayster of propirtees rehersith & est Bartholomeus libro 18. čat harpe is not in |r15 good twne č=t= hath wolfys strengis & scheepis strengys meynt boče to gydre. for če contrariowste of kendis be twene boče. Ry¨t so č=t= company leuyth not comely in good pees wher ry¨tful men & gode_men. malicyous men & angry be boče to gydere conuersawnt. For čowh če ry¨tful men & če goode men wolde haue pees on her syde;; |r20 ¨et če malicious men & če angri men wil noon haue on her syde. For holywrit seyč čus. Vir iracundus suscitat rixas. Prouerbiorum 26. A man he seyth č=t= is angry & felle areryth debat. An očer skyle is čis. če wolf is a best č=t= is perlous to greue for drede of his malice. For he wil a waytyn his tyme to be a vengyd on hym č=t= hym hath |r25 greuyd. Ry¨t so it is perlous to greue č=t= man č=t= is felle & malicious of hym silf. for swyche a man seketh hym leyser to wrekyn hys tene. Seyn austyn expownyng če wordis of če gospel M=t= 5. Qui irascitur fratri suo reus erit iudicio. Ry¨t as čer ben sundry degrees of synne. Ry¨t so čer be sundry degrees in payne. Ther ben he sayč iij sundry |r30 degrees of wrathče. & ech of hem is moor greuows čan očer. On čat restith in če herte. An očer č=t= is schewyd w=t= če mowthe. And če črydde č=t= is schewid in če dede doyng. The ferste may be clepid hate of herte. The seconde malys of mowče. And če thridde werchyng of wreche. For če ferste maner of wrethče is a man worthy to be |r35 sompnyd to pere a for če Justyce č=t= is god hym self. & as a man č=t= is gilty to stondyn to če doom & č=t= is dredful. For če seconde maner of wrethe is man worthy to haue če sentence of če doom |r[f.40r] & ¨et is č=t= moor dredful. But for če črydde maner of wrathče is a |p11 man worthy to go to če fer of helle č=t= is endles. & č=t= is most dredful. But her may be askyd a demawnde & is čis / whečer a man be be holde to for ¨eue č=t= an očer man hath trespacyd a ¨en hym. To čis questyon answerith a gret clerk. & est Sanctus Thomas secundum |r5 quosdam vel Albertus secundum alios in compendio theologie libro 3=o= c=o= de ira. Wher he seyth č=t= a man may for ¨eue an očer man his trespas on too manerys. On is for to puttyn a wey če wrethče & če heuynesse of herte č=t= he hadde a gayn hym. An očer is to fallyn a wey fro če querel & če accyon č=t= he hadde a gayn hym. As to če |r10 ferste is euery cristyn man bownde be če lawe of charyte. for crist seyč čus in če gospel: Si non dimiseritis hominibus peccata eorum. nec pater celestis dimitet vobis. M=t= 6. ¨if ¨e for ¨if not men her trespas. če fader of heuene schal not for ¨eue ¨ow ¨our trespace. But to če seconde is not a cristyn man bownde. but ¨if he wil hym self for to |r15 schewen če more perfeccion. As crist for to schewe če more per_feccion of charyte for ¨af hem vtterly his deth č=t= slowyn him & seynt steuene dede če same. Owt of wračče springin vij bronchis. which ben here entitlid as Hate of herte ł |r20 Malys of mowč ł werchyng of wreche ł Hastynesse or fershed ł Manslawhtre ł Vnpacyence ł |r25 Blasfemye ł Hate of herte is whan a man spekyth litil & menyth moche malyce. a bydyng tyme til he may wrechyn his teene. lowryng & chaungyng chere. eschewyng če company č=t= he hatyth. & waytyng be lawe or be lordschip. or ellis be strengče of euyl company to hyndrin & to |r30 harmyn his euyncristyn in persone or in goodis. leef to plete & to strife. looč to a coorde. & at če laste w=t= a iudas kesse schewith a loue y fayned. This bronche of wračče is contrarious to charite & to če loue of god. For seynt John seyth čus in his pistil. Si quis dixerit quoniam diligo deum & fratrem suum odit mendax est. prima |r35 johannis 4=to=. Ho so euer seyth č=t= he louyth god & hatith his bročer he is a gabbere. |p12 Malyce of mowče is whan a man is dispitous of hys tunge & rekenyth vp in his hastynesse alle če euyl č=t= he kan of a man chonchynge colour in cheer. & scheetyng forth wordis of skorn. in schamyng & schenschyp of č=t= mannys persone. And her a ¨en spekith če apostil |r5 & seyth čus. Omnis sermo matus ex ore vestro non procedat. ad ephe_sios 4=to= c=o=. /. Nullus sermo malus ex ore vestro procedat per equi_pollenciam. Let not euyl word he seyč goon owt of ¨owr mowth. Werchyng of wreche is whan a man hač no mercy. but doth alle |r[f.40v] hys besynesse to schewyn his cruelte. & to parforme his wickide wil. |r10 And herof spekyth salomon & seyč čus. Qui wlt vindicari a domino inueniet vindictam. Relinque proximo tuo nocenti te & tunc deprecanti tibi peccata soluentur ecclesiastici 28. He čat wil be a vengid he sayč schall tyndin a¨enward veniawnce comyng fro owr lord god. Therfor for ¨eue čy neyhebor če harm č=t= he hač če doon & čan schall čy |r15 prayer be herd & čou schalt go qwyt of čy synnys. Hastynesse & fershed is whan a man in če hete of his wračče & w=t=_owtyn a vysement takyth veniawnce on hym č=t= he is a greuyd w=t=. in smytynge or harmynge oo wyse or očer. And čis bronche of yre & wračče is perlous. for it makith a man to do many fowl excesses. |r20 as če lawe canon rehersith xi. q~. 3. Cum autem thessalonicam. of če emperowr of Rome Theodosye če which was onys so hasty & so feers for on of his kny¨tis was slayn in a rore of če peple č=t= he went a noon & w=t= owtyn eny proces of lawe or of doom dede sle nerhande vi čowsand of če peple. & herfor as če story of holy cherche makyth |r25 mynde & habetur in historia tripartita libro 14. Seynt Ambrese dede cursyn čis emperowr solemlyche & wolde not suffre hym to come w=t=inne če cherche dore til he hadde don certayn penawnce č=t= he hadde enioyned hym. A gayn čis bronche of synne spekyth če apostil seynt Jame & seyč čus. Sit omnis homo velox ad audiendum. |r30 tardus ad loquendum & tardus ad iram. Jacobi 4=to=. Let ech man be ly¨t to heere. slowh to spekyn & slowh to wraththe. Manslawhtre is whan a man reuyth an očer of his lif w=t=owtyn auct_orite of god. or leue of lord. & of lawe or ellis a sentownt čer to. In čis vice fallyn all čo bodyly č=t= ben mordereris of men priuely or |r35 opynly. castyng or waytyng how čey mowe bringe a man to his bodely deth. as be enpesunnyng. be fals apelyng or be fals witnes in questis. And in čis vice fallyn alle čey gostly č=t= w=t= strok of her wickyd tongis sleen & quenchyn če gode loos of her euyncristyn. |p13 as seynt Austyn schewith be ensample of če gospel in čis maner. & his wordis be rehersid in če lawe canon de penitentia d prima. c=o= Periculose. O gospel seyth č=t= crist was do to če deth at vndern An očer gospel seyč č=t= crist was do to če deth at mydday. And what |r5 may čis variacion mene. not ellis as seynt Austyn seyč. but č=t= Jewis slow crist at vndern w=t= here tungis. & če kny¨tis slowh hym at mydday w=t= here handis.//. Vnpacyence is whan a man grucchith a ¨en če resonable chastysynge of his souerayn. & a ¨en če vndernomyng of hys defawtis. čenkyng |r10 č=t= alle is wrong č=t= is a ¨en his wil. A ¨en čis spekyth če apostil & seyč |r[f.41r] čus. Seruum dei non oporteat litigare sed mansuetum esse ad omnes. docibilem pacientem cum modestia. 2=a= ad thimotheum 2=o=. Hit behouyth not him č=t= is goddis seruawnt to makyn debat but for to be buxham to alle. & redy to take te(u)chyng pacyent & softe of |r15 maneris & of beryng. Blasfemye is whan a man spekyth & grucchith a ¨ens god in tri_bulacion or in dissese or in seknesse. & čenkyth č=t= god is vnmy¨tful or vnri¨tful for he grawntith not him his wil a noon. demyng č=t= he sent him moor wo. & lasse wele čan he holt him self worthy. he |r20 set no prys be pilgremagis. to corsayntis ne to holy ymagis. he hath no trust in prayeris & in suffragijs of holycherche for as moche as he is not lessid of his dissese as hastely as he wolde. A ¨ens čis vice spekyth seynt powl & seyč čus. Omnis amaritudo & ira & indignacio & blasfemia tollatur a vobis. ad eph 4=to=. Let al |r25 heuynesse & wrathče indygnacyon & blasfemye be put a wey fro ¨ow. |r ENuye is če sorwe which pt oo creature hač č=t= a nočer farith well. or če gladnesse č=t= he farith euele. Therfor is če enuyous man lykned to če hownd. For ry¨t as it greuyth če hownd č=t= a man gooth be |r30 če way čowh č=t= man do hym noon harm & ellis wolde he not berken vp on hym;; Ry¨t so it greuyth an enuyous man č=t= a nočer go be syden hym čowh he č=t= goč be sydyn him do him noon harm. & ellys wold not če enuyous man bakbityn his neyh¨ebour & spekyn euyl of hys euyn cristyn. Ther is sum hond of čis condicyon. he wil |r35 whil a man is present fawnyn vp on hym w=t= hys tayl. but a noon as č=t= man turnyth his bak;; č=t= same hound wil bityn hym be če hele. Ry¨t so a enuyous man in presence of him č=t= he hatith wil speke fayre w=t= če tunge. but a noon as č=t= same man turnyth bak;; če enuy_ous |p14 man is redy to bakbityn him & to spekyn euyl of him in his absence. & čerfor it is alwey good to fle če company of če enuyous man. as Salomon consaylith in his bok of prouerbis & sayč čus. Non commedas cum homine inuido & ne desideres cibos illius. prouer_biorum |r5 23. Ete čou nou¨t w=t= če enuyous man. ne desyre not his metis. But heer may be asked a demawnde how a man my¨te so schape hys lif. č=t= no man scholde haue enuye w=t= hym. This same askyde Plato of his Mayster Socrates as a clerk rehersith. & est petrus blesensis. epistula. 69. And Socrates answerede & seyde a ¨en to |r10 hys dysciple. Esto inquit miser quia sota miseria caret inuidia. ¨if čou wilt leuyn he seyč w=t= owtyn enuye be a wrechche. for čer leuyth no man w=t= owtyn envye but only če wrechche. Owt of enuye springeth iiij bronchys če which ben her entitlid. as Gladnesse of an nočer mannys myschef ł |r15 Heuynesse of his bonchef ł Bakbytyng ł Sowyng of discord ł Gladnesse of a nočer mannys myschef is whan a man seeth his bročer |r[f.41v] lesyn his good. for gon his frendis. fallyn in seknesse or in |r20 dongeer of lordschip. in pouerte. in disclawndre or in eny očer dissese. & is čer of glad & ioyful in his herte. Of č=t= man spekyth Salomon & seyč čus. Qui in ruina alterius letatur non erit impunitus prouerbiorum 18. Ho č=t= is glad č=t= a nočer man fallyth in myschef schal not a scape č=t= he ne schal be punschid čerfor. This bronche |r25 of enuye hač a condicion contraryous to charyte. For it farith be čo men č=t= louyn hem to gydere & a cordyn in charyte as it doth be če strengis in če harpe č=t= a cordyn to gydere in twne. For seynt Gregory seyth čus & est in prologo moralium č=t= whan če harpe is wel set in twne let oo streng be towchyd čerof. & a noon schal a |r30 nočer streng č=t= is his consonawnt & a cordyng w=t= him in twne steryn. & be meuyd at če towch of his felawe. Ry¨t so it faryth gostly Let oo good cristyn man be towchid w=t= seknesse bodely or w=t= eny očer myschef. a noon is čer anočer good cristyn man čerby steryd & hath čer of rewče & pyte in his herte. Thus ferde seynt |r35 powl whan he seyde čus. Quis infirmatur & ego non infirmor. 2=a= ad corinth xj. Ho is seek he seyth & y am not seek also. / & čis maner of perfeccion he taw¨te očer men whan he seyde čus. Gaudete cum |p15 gaudentibus & flete cum flentibus. ad Romanos 12. Be ¨e glad w=t= hem č=t= ben glad & ioyful. & wepe ¨e w=t= hem č=t= wepyn & ben soryful.//. Heuynesse of a mannys bonchef is whan a man seeth his bročer encresyn in vertu. in rychesse. in good loos. in getyng of good loue. |r5 in wynnyng of worschip or in eny očer good hap & is heuy in his herte čerof. & castyth cawtelys to hyndryn him & to a peyryn his name. of čis bronche of pride spekyth če wise man Socrates. & ponitur in prouerbijs philosophorum & seyč čus. So wolde god čat enuyous men haddyn her ey¨en & her erys in alle grete cytees & |r10 townys č=t= here hertis my¨te če moore be dissesid & če more ful of kare čorwh seynge & herynge of očer mennys welfare. Bakbityng is whan a man a peyrith his bročer bewey of disclawndre be it soth be it fals. feynynge falce talys & berynge fals tidynges a bowte. discurynge consayl č=t= schold be hyd. & hydynge če trewče |r15 č=t= scholde be knowe. preysyng him č=t= is vicyous & lackyng him č=t= is vertuows. turnyng ech good word & ech good dede of him č=t= he hatith to če worst entent. Of čis bronche of enuye č=t= is ful comyn a mongis worldly men towchith če lawe canon. vi=a=. q. p=a= Deteriores. Wher it is seyd č=t= a bakbitere is werse čan a čef or a robbere of |r20 mennys good. & če skyle is. For it is wors to be nome a mannys good loos čan his catel & his good. For Salomon seyč čus in his bok. Melius est inquit nomen bonum quam diuicie multe. prouerbiorum 22. Betere is a good name čan many rychessys. Sowyng of discord is whan a man goth & maketh hem at če debat |r25 č=t= haue be felawis or frendis be tellyng of talys for pryuy enuye |r[f.42r] & enmyte to some of če partyes. Of čis maner of enuye spekith Salomon in če bok of his prouerbis. & est prouerbiorum 6. Wher he seyth č=t= after alle očer wickid men č=t= god hatith. he lothyč gretly & hatith specialy č=t= man če which sowith discord a mong his brečeryn. What |r30 man čerfore so sowith če seed of dissencyon he is če fendis child dowtlees. for why he is contrarious to crist prince of pes. which č=t= sayč čus in če gospel. Beati pacifici quoniam filij dei vocabuntur. Mt 5. Blessyd be čey seyč crist č=t= been makeris of pees. for čey schul be clepid godis chyldryn for her goodnesse.//. |r35 |r SLowthe is a vice which is rotyd in hym č=t= is vnlusty of him sylf to serue god or če world desyryng noon očer blisse but only eese. That man which is ¨ouyn to čis vice is liknyd to če asse. for čis skile. For ry¨t as če asse louyth wel his ese & he is ry¨t loth to trauayle but |p16 he be constrayned čer to. & ¨et onis more he is a best č=t= goth a slowh paas. as če Maister of propirtees rehersith. & est bartholomeus libro 18. Ry¨t so faryč man č=t= folwith moche če synne of slowče he louyth wel bodely eese. he is looth to trauayle for his liflode but |r5 če gretter nede make it. ¨if he go to cherche. he goth a slowh pas. he hač as leef come to late as to rathe. he hač as leef to heere no masse as eny. but ¨if it be only to eschewe schame of če world. Owt of slowče springyn viij bronchys which be heer entitlid as Sluggynesse |r10 Tendyrheed ł Sluggynesse is whan a man castyth him to slepe Idilnesse ł mochil. to lygge longe a bedde. late comynge to Rechileshed ł če seruyse of god. hauyng no sauyr in bedis byddyng. Dylayng ł ne no deuocion in matynys heryng & masse. Thys Arwnesse ł vice destroyeth deuocyon & drawith a man a wey |r15 Wanhope ł fro god holly. & no wonder. for če wyse man seyde Heuynesse ł čus to hys sone. Plus vigila semper ne sompno deditus esto. Nam diuturna quies vicijs alimenta ministrat. Sone he seyth loke č=t= čou a wake & ¨yue če not to sleep & sluggynesse. For cild or man longe reste to take fedith mochil wickidnesse. |r20 Tendyrhed is whan a man delitith him in softe cločynge. in nessche beddyng. he moste ofte be wassche. ofte be bathid. & ofte be kempt. he cherschith so tenderlyche his flesch č=t= he may no scharpnesse sofre. ne nočyng č=t= is hard. As is goyng barfot. Welleward. leuynge be hard mete & drinke. lyggynge on hard lyteris. owt of lynnyn |r25 cločis. knelyng on če bare grownd. suffryng cold in handis & feet. & tak scharp disciplynys for če loue of god. He č=t= chersith so his body & hys flesch č=t= he may no swich čing suffre fallyth in čis vice. This vice folwith |r[f.42v] most čo men which č=t= ben nursschid vp in kyngis courtis as it semyth be cristis wordis in če gospel. luce 7. |r30 wher he seyč čus. Qui in veste preciosa sunt & in delicijs in domibus regum sunt. Tho men seyth crist č=t= be gay in vesture & in delicys. haue her leuyng in kyngis howsis & čer ben her dwellyngis. This vice is wel perlous as it semyth be če wordis of seynt Jerom & est in epistula centesima xvij=a= ad Julianum. Wher he seyč čus. Difficile |r35 est & impossibile vt quis moriturus de delicijs transiat ad delicias. It is hard he seyč & as čyng č=t= is impossible č=t= he č=t= deyeth in delytis scholde passen fro delitys to delitys a ¨en.//. Idilnesse is whan a man louyth noon occupacyon but vanyte and werk w=t= owte profite. as pleyng at če tables. at če chesse. at če dees. |p17 & alle očer game č=t= no profyte is inne. če whiche ho so vsith it out of mesure & in vntyme. leuyng čerfor a beter occupacion he fallyth in čis (synne) vice. In čis vice trespacen al čo lewid & leryd č=t= whan čey scholde serue god byn idil. or ellis occupi¨ed a bowte čing č=t= is |r5 lasse worth boče to če body & to če sowle. Of čis vice spekyth god almy¨ti be če prophete e¨echiel. & seyč čus. Hec fuit iniquitas sodome. superbia. saturitas panis & ocium ipsius. E¨echiel 16. Of sodome čis was če wickidnesse. pride. welfare of mete & drinke & ydilnesse. This vice was odyous to če wyse men of če paynemys lawe. & moche |r10 more odious it owith be to če wyse men of cristis lawe. for why če poete ouidie which č=t= was a paynym seyč čus & est in libello de remedio amoris. Ocia si tottas periere cupidinis artes. ¨if čou he seyč do ydilnesse awey as it is nedful čan perschyn če craftis of loue č=t= is vnlefful. And čerfor seynt Jerom seyth čus in on of his pistlis. |r15 Semper aliquid boni operis facito vt diabolus te inueniat occupatum. non enim facititer capi potest a diabolo qui bono vacat exercicio. Do čou he seyč alwey sum good dede č=t= če fend may finde če besy. For č=t= man may not ly¨tly be cawth of če deuyl in his temptacyon. which č=t= ¨euyth him besely to good occupacyon. |r20 Reckeleshed is whan a man doč not his diligence to godward ne to hys euyncristyn. as čus. he takyth noon hede whečer he go to cherche or go not to cherche. Whečer he here matynys or noon. Whečer he here masse or no masse. Also he doth not his deuer to wetyn how his pouer euen cristyn fare be sydyn hym. be čey sek be čey not |r25 seek. be čey nedy be čey not nedy. fare čey wel fare čey not wel. he makyč no fors but hač an ey¨e alwey to him silf & to no body ellys. & swich a man loueth not his god ne dredith not his god. for why Salomon seyth čus in his bok. Qui timet deum nichil necgligit. eccle_siastici 12. Ho č=t= dredith god almy¨ty he dispisith no čing č=t= made |r30 is to his worschip. |r[f.43r] Dylaynge is not ellis but a tary¨ing č=t= a man makyth whan he lyth long in hys synne. & a bydyth long in his synne er he wil be schryue & repentyn him of his mys dede. trowyng č=t= čer is but litil perel or noon in late repentawnce. Herof spekyth Salomon in his book & |r35 seyth čus. Ne tardes conuerti ad dominum & ne differas de die in diem. subito enim veniet ira eius. ecclesiastici 5. Tary čou not to be turnyd a ¨en to our lord god ne differre not fro day to day. for sodeynliche schal his wrethče come. In čis vice fallyn alle čo men č=t= contynuyn her synne fro ¨er to ¨er. fro day to day. fro woke to |p18 woke. čenkyng č=t= it is no gret perel to hem ¨if čey mowe haue hosel & schrifte & repentaunce in her ende. but in čat čey put hem self in gret perel. as schewyn wel če wordis of seynt Austyn & čey ben rehersid in če lawe canon de penitentia. d. vij.. . Wher seynt Austyn 5 seyč č=t= he dar not be hotyn č=t= man sikernesse for to be sauyd čowh he take sacramentis & dey¨e w=t= a repentawnce. Which č=t= hač con_tynued hys synne as longe as he my¨te & wolde neuer leue it. til č=t= seknesse of deth fil vp on hym. čerfor seyč seynt Austyn čou č=t= art a synful man repente če of čy mysdede & do čy penawnce čerfore |r10 whil čou hast čy bodyly helče. For ¨if čou repente če what tyme čou my¨t no lengur synne. čy synnys haue forsake če & not čou čy synnys. Arwnesse is whan a man leuyth his good purpos for drede of perelys č=t= mowe falle. as čus. Som man čenkyth č=t= it were nedful to hym |r15 to go certayn pilgremagis. but afterward če same castyth č=t= he my¨te ly¨tly fallyn in to sundry seknesses or deyn in his pilgremagis goyng. Wherfor he wil not čerof but fallyth awey from his purpos for drede of perelis. Also sum man purposith & čenkyth in his herte to ¨yuen certayn almesse to pouer men for to make hem to pray |r20 for hym. but afterward če same čenkyth č=t= če world is hard & č=t= he may lithly be come pouer hym self. Wherfor he fallyč a wey from če ferst purpos. Of čys vyce spekyth Salomon & seyč čus. Noti esse pusillanimis in animo tuo & facere elemosinam non despicias. ecclesias_tici 7. c=o=. Wil čou not ben arw in čyn herte. & haue čou not despit |r25 of pouer to do hem čyn almesse.//. Wanhope is whan a man holdith hym self so wickyd č=t= he may not be a mendyd. čenkyng č=t= his frayelte & his febilnesse is so gret č=t= he may w=t= stonde no temptacionys. & čerfor he let če fend werche & folwith če wil also of če flesch as ofte as he is temptyd. he cry¨eth |r30 after noon help of god. he ordeyneth hym silf to w=t= stonde no temp_tacion. but euer he demyth him silf worthy to be dampnyd. he wil not schryuyn hym of his euyl lif. ne repente him of his synne. letyng č=t= it is vnpossibil a ¨en če ry¨twisnesse of god to ¨euyn grace |r[f.43v] & mercy to pray or to faste čerfor. or to don eny almesse he ne |r35 holt it but a folye. & swich a man is ofte temptyd to sleen hym silf. Of čis vice spekyth seint Jerom & seyth čus & est super psalmum 108. Judas he seyč trespacyd more whan he hyng him silf. čan whan he be trayde crist. & če skele is. For ne hadde he fallyn in wanhope |p19 he schold neuer haue hangid him silf. Now endeles wanhope is če most synne č=t= is. for it is so gret a synne č=t= as crist recordit in če gospel M=t= 12 & luce 12. it schal neuer be for ¨ouyn in čis world ne in č=t= očer. |r5 Heuynesse is whan a man hač no likynge to seruyn his god a ry¨t. & čey he sey many bedis ¨et he hath čerw=t= no deuocion. Of swich men spekith seynt Jerom & seyth čus. & ponitur in canone de con_secratione. d 5. Non mediocriter. Melor est inquit septem psalmorum decantacio cum cordis puritate & spiritual hillaritate quam vnius |r10 psalterij modulacio cum anxietate cordis atque tristicia. Beter is he seyč če seyng of seuene psalmis w=t= clennesse of herte & a gostly gladnesse čerwt. čan če seyng of an hool sawter w=t= heuynesse of herte & care. Therfor seyth če prophete čus. Detectare in domino & dabit tibi peticiones cordis tui. Haue čy likinge in our lord god. & |r15 he schal ¨eue če čyn askynge of čyn herte./ |r GLotonye is a talent w=t=owtyn temperure & mesure to mete or to drinke. A glotown is liknyd to če bere for too skelys. On is čis. The bere alwey hač a maner of talent in his tunge to certayn metis which č=t= he louyth. & č=t= makyth him ofte to likken hys tunge. as |r20 experyence schewith wel at ey¨e. Ry¨t so a gloton hač al wey a maner of talent in his tonge to laste metis č=t= be deynte. Anočer skile is čis. če bere hač so gret delyt to če hony. č=t= he wil come to č=t= place wher he gessyč to fynde a swarm of been & likkyn a wey her hony. Which čey haue trauaylid abowte as če Maister of propir_tees |r25 rehersith. & est Bartholomeus libro 18. Ry¨t so a gloton delityth him so gretly in swete metis & delicious drinkis č=t= he is not a schamyd to go wher he may sunnyst fynde swete musselis & deuowre č=t= očer men haue sore trauaylid fore. But heer may be askid a demawnde. & is čis. Whečer it be ony synne to a cristyn man to ete deynte metis |r30 & drinke delycious drinkis. To čis questyon answerith seynt Gregory & est libro xxx moralium. & seyč nay. for why he sayth. čus do we many a tyme w=t= owtyn synne. & ¨if čer be eny trespas as towchyng čis mateer it lyth neyčer in če mete ne in če drinke but in če appetit & in talent of hym č=t= delityth hym to mochel in swich metis & |r35 swich drinkis. And seynt Gregory specifyeth in če same place fyue manerys wherby a man may fallyn in to glotonye. The ferste is ¨if a man abide not resonable tyme but sunner etič čan he scholde. The secunde is. ¨if a man couayte to mochil for to haue metis č=t= be deynte. |r[f.44r] |p20 The čridde is ¨if a man ordeyne č=t= his mete be ouerdeliciously dy¨t. The fourthe is ¨if he be to gredy in his etyng. The fifte is ¨it he passe mesure in mete takyng. And čese fyue manerys mowe be brou¨t & comprehendid in fowre bronchis čat growyn owt of glotonye. 5 which ben heer entitlid be name as Gredynesse ł Lustyhed ł Surfet in etyng & drinkyng ł And of curye curyowshed ł |r10 Gredynesse is whan a man etyth & drinkyth ouer hastly & mesurith not wel him silf. In čis vice fallyn čey č=t= on fastyng days wil not abydin če owr of noon. & sittyn lengur at če mete. & etyn moore at če meel čan čey woldyn ellys. Sumtyme čey engruytyn hem silf ouer euyn for drede of hungur on če morwyn. & brekyn če fastis |r15 č=t= ow¨tyn to ben holde. As apostelis euenys. vigilijs. embryng days. & al če fridays in če ¨er. če aduent. & če lenton. They also quenchyn her hungyr w=t= spycis & confeccionys. or ellys w=t= crustyng of bred & ouer moche drinke. Whan čey scholde faste. A¨ens čis vice spekith Salomon & seyth čus. Noti auidus esse in omni epulacione. ecclesias_tici |r20 37. Wil čou now¨t be gredy in euery meel. Lustihed is whan a man settyth his herte alle to gydere in delicys & hač noo ioye but whan he may spekyn of welfare. & be seruyd w=t= deynte metis. w=t= delicious drinkis. karyng at ech meel how lusti_liche he may fare at če nyxte. sparyng for no coost. & letyng no |r25 good so wel dispendid as on good mete & good drinke. Hit faryth be čo men č=t= ¨yuen hem to lustyhed as it dede be a certayn secte of philosofris. Seynt Austyn tellyth. & est in quodam sermone de verbis domini & apostoli č=t= čer were to sectis of philosofris in če cyte of athenis. be twene whom was a gret altercacion & debat for |r30 diuersyng of opynyonys. če ferste were clepid Stoycy. č=t= očer were clepid Epicurei. Tho men Stoyci seyden č=t= če moste souerayn blisse č=t= a man my¨te haue is for to delityn him hollyche in vertewis & in nočing ellis. But če epicureys seyde č=t= če moste souerayn blisse č=t= a man may haue. is for to delytin him hollyche in lustis of če |r35 flesch. Whiles čese philosofris stryuyn čus to gydere in opynyonys cam seynt poul in to če same cyte & diuersede fro hem boče. & seyde. č=t= sočeliche če moste souerayn blisse č=t= eny man may haue is to leuyn in clennesse of sowle & to delityn him in hys god. Ry¨t so it farith now in partye čer be some of č=t= oo secte. & some of č=t= |r40 očer. Alle čo men č=t= ben vertewous in cunnyng & not in leuyng. be folwerys of če ferste secte. But čer ben očer č=t= delityn hem in metis |p21 & drinkys & welfare. & č=t= ben of epicuryys secte. And of hem spekith seynt poul |r[f.44v] & seyth čus. Quorum deus venter est & gloria in con_fusione. ad philippenses 3=o=. Her bely is here god & here ioy schal turne in to confusyon.//. |r5 Surfet in etyng or drenkyng is whan a man pamprith so his bely with mete & w=t= drynke č=t= he may not browke it w=t= hele. so č=t= he lesyth his sy¨te & alle his wit. & če weeldynge of hys lemys. he ianglith. he bostič. he profrith to werke maystries. & čer he wenyth to sey weel. he spekyth a ¨en reson. In čis vice fallyn čey č=t= in ryot & in |r10 rere soperis wastyth more čan nedith owt of tyme & owt of mesure. distroyng vitaylis & cristynmennys liflode be če which many a pouer man my¨te be refreschschyd. Of čis vice spekith crisostomus. & ponitur in de consecratione. d. 5. Nichil enim. & seyč čus. Excessus inquit ciborum consumit & putrefacit corpus humanum & macerat |r15 egritudine diuturna. & tunc morte crudeti consumit. Surfet of metis wastyth & rotyth a mannys body & pryuyth it w=t= long seknesse & afterward bringith it to a foul deth. And čerfor consaylith vs če apostil for če beter & seyth čus. Sicut in die honeste ambulemus non in commesacionibus & ebrietatibus. ad Romanos 12. Walke we |r20 now as in če day honestly leuyng & not in surfetis of mete and drynke./ Curyouste of curye is če ferthe branche of glotonye. čis is whan a man kan not holdyn hym payd w=t= esy fare & meene maner of seruyse. but ordeyneth many curious metis ech diuers fro očer. moor for to |r25 encrecyn his appetyt čan for to quenchyn his hungur. In čis vyce fallyn alle čo men. Which wastyn a wey alle her good in etyng & drynking & grete festis makyng. Of čis vice spekyth a clerk in his bok. & est Innocencius in libello de miseria condicionis humane. Wher he seyth čus. Contempnitur inquit mediocritas & superfluitas affecta_tur. |r30 In diuersitate ciborum & varietate saporum auiditas nescit modum. & voracitas excedit mensuram. sed & inde grauatur stomacus. turbatur sensus. opprimitur intellectus. inde non satus & sanitas sed morbus et mors. Audi inquit super hoc inquit sentenciam sapientis. & est ecclesiastici 37. Noti auidus esse in omni eputacione & non te effundas |r35 super omnem escam. in multis enim escis est infirmitas & multi propter crapulam obierunt. hec ille. This clerk reprouyth swich wast in metys & seyth čus. Meene maner he seyth in seruyse of metys is dispysid. & surfet is coueytid. & brow¨t inne. In dyuersyte of metis & gret |p22 variacion of smellis & sauorys gredynesse can no mesure. Herfor it is he seyth č=t= če stomak is dissesid. witte disturblid. & vnderstanding is oppressyd. her of he seyth comyth noon helthe. but soor seknesse & deth. Therfor seyde Salomon čus. Be čou not gredy in ech meel. |r5 ne sched not owt čy silf vp on ech mete čat čow seest. for many metis schul be cause of many seknessis. and for swich surfetys many haue deyd be for čis tyme.//. |r[f.45r] |r LEcherye is an vnleful lust č=t= comyth of če frayelte of če flesch & defoylith če sowle which č=t= is čer to y knet. A lecherous man is |r10 liknyd to an hog or to a swyn. For ry¨t as če hog is a best č=t= louyth wel for to be in a foul place;; Ry¨t so a lecherous man louyth for to ben w=t= company č=t= is dishonest & in badde place wher he may fulfelle his fowle lust. Therfor it is rehersid in če bok of philofris prouerbys. č=t= čer was a lecherous man which č=t= spak to če filosofre |r15 Pictagoras & seyde č=t= him čow¨te meryer to be conuersawnt w=t= wymmen čan w=t= clerkis & philosophris. And če gode man answerede a ¨en ful wisly & seyde in čis maner. This is he seyč to me no wonder. For a sowe or a swyn hač leuer to walwyn in a foul sloo;; čan to waschyn hym in a fayr ryuer. Owt of lecherye springyn ey¨te brown_chis |r20 which ben heer entitlyd be name. as Symple fornicacion ł Spowsbreche ł Incest ł Rauyssching of woman ł Be War |r25 Vyolacyon of mayndenhod ł Abusyon ł Pollucyon ł Synne a ¨en keende ł Symple fornicacion is trespace be twyx sengle man & sengle womman. |r30 & čow čis be če lest bronche of lecherye. ¨it it owith to be eschewid for čis skyle. For as a certayn clerk seyč. & est Petrus lumbardus in glosa super illud prime ad corinth. 6. Omne peccatum quodcumque fecerit homo extra corpus est. qui autem fornicatur in corpus suum peccat. Alle očer synnys he seyč defoylyn bote a mannys sowle only. |r35 but fornicacion & lecherye hač of him self boče to defoyle body & sowle. Spowsbreche is a trespace in če weddid man č=t= takyth an očer čan hys owne wif. or ellis in a weddid womman č=t= gooč & takyth an |p23 očer čan here owne hosbonde. This bronche of lecherye is greuous. for as moche as god made wedlok aboue an hy in paradys. whan he schoop če womman & made here of on of če mannys rybbis. & knettyng čer a knotte which č=t= he wold not eftsonys vnknettyn. |r5 Than is it a perlous čing to brekyn č=t= ilke knotte če whiche god made hym silf & wolde neuer haue it vnknet. Of čis bronche of lecherye y fynde a dredful word. & it is put in če lawe canon. d 56. Diuulgatum est wher it rehersid čat bonifas če pope martyr. Wrot to če kyng of yngelond & seyde čus. It is pubplyschyd to vs in |r10 frawnce be maner of prophecye č=t= ¨it englysch men breke če knotte of wedlok & folwe hordom & lecherye čat čer schal springe of hem a wickid seed in tyme č=t= is comynge. |r[f.45v] The seed schal not ellis be but childrin which čey schul bringe forth in lecherye. this seed schal multiplie so ferforth in če lond č=t= če peple schal not be streng |r15 in batayle ne stable in če fayth of holycherche. & so čey schul haue no worschip of name to če worldward. & also god schal hatyn hem & not louyn. as it schal be schewid be wreche č=t= is comynge. Incest is trespace be twene hem č=t= be flescly be sibbe. as fader & dowhter. moder & sone. bročer & suster. cosyn & cosyn. or in eny |r20 maner kynrede aly¨ed w=t= inne če fowrthe degre of sibbrede. The same synne is also vndyrstande in ech degre of gostly sibbrede. As be twyx godfader & goddow¨ter. godsone & godmoder. or eny of her childrin. In čese for seyd bronchis of lecherye may a man or a woman trespacyn in two manerys. On is in wil. An očer is in |r25 dede. In wil trespacyth he or sche dedly č=t= sore settyč his herte vp on loue č=t= is vnlawful. & sumtyme for loue waxith seek makyng songis of paramowris. / writyng letteris/. sendyng ¨iftis./ wowyng w=t= fayr wordis/. downsyng & syngyng & makyng cheer in gay appareyl. & in quynte disgysynge to seme plesawnt & amyable. |r30 Also ¨if a womman make her self čorwh coryous a teer. & be craft to seme fayr & fresscher čan kynde hath grawntyd. w=t= nyce cheer of lokynge of goyng & delectable wordis. drawynge mennys hertis to folye & to synne. In dede men trespacyn whan če lust is fulfillyd. & so it semyth & soth it is. č=t= če wil & če wisschyng/. če speche |r35 & če lokynge/ clippynge & kyssynge/ halsyng & handlyng/ talkynge and towchynge/ & nyce cheer makynge/ in entent of lecherye may make boče man & womman worthy to be dampnyd as for a dedly synne. Rauysschyng is whan a man ledith a wey anočer mannys dow¨ter |r40 w=t=owtyn his wil & his wityng. For swich defawte he is worthy to be ded as be če lawe emperyal. Neyčeles holycherche may hym |p24 saue fro če deth as če lawe canon rehersith. 36. q. p=a=. Illa lex. And her of spekyth če byble genesi 34. Wher it is rehersyd č=t= a certayn man čat hy¨te Sychem. caste his loue to Lyes dow¨ter & for he rauysched here & trespacyde w=t= here. god suffrede hym to be slawe |r5 & be ded čerfore. Vyolacion of maydenhod is whan a man be nomyth a womman če flowr of her maydenhed be sche secler or regler. & čis is a gret synne as be godis lawe. For why seynt Austyn seyth in libro de sancta virginitate. čat če stat of wedlock is good. če staat of wedeweschip |r10 is better. but če staat of mayndenhed is altherbest. This |r[f.46r] loore is is |r{sic!} growndid vpon če apostil wher he seyth čus. Qui matrimonio iungit virginem suam. benefacit & qui non iungit metius facit. & postea toquens de nuptis & viduis. Mulier inquit alligata est viro quanto tempore viuit. quod si dormierit vir eius. liberata est a lege viri. cui |r15 wlt nubat beacior autem erit si sic permanserit secundum concilium meum. č=e= ad chorinth 7. He č=t= maryeth his dow¨ter č=t= is a mayde he doth wel. & he č=t= maryeč not doth beter. And čan spekyng of wyuys & widewys he seyč čus. A womman is bownde to her hosbonde as longe as he leeuyth. but whan he is ded čan is sche fre fro če |r20 lawe of wedlook. ¨if sche wil be weddid a ¨en. wel is. but sche he seyth schal be worthy moor blisse to dwelle stylle a wodewe after my consayl. Abusyon is knowyng of womman in maner čat is a ¨en če kours čat is limytid in če lawe of keende. & in če lawe of god. As ¨if a |r25 man vse his wif as sche were his concubine. Or ¨it sche entyce če man as he were her lemman owt of kendely maner or passyng skilful maner. moor to parforme lust čan for to multeplye froyt & in en_cresynge če freelte of če flesch to lykyng w=t= hote metis & drynkis. w=t= spicys & medicynys. w=t= ydelnesse & eese. towching & kyssyng. |r30 & makyng cheer č=t= is vnchast. Also ¨if č=t= ilke lust be not for bore in tyme of naturel seknesse. & fro če child quyking to če purifica_cion. & swyche day¨es & ny¨tis as owyn to be fastid or halwid be če lawe. In čese manerys & many mo may a man wič his wif boče dedly & venyally fallyn in to synne.//. |r35 Pollucion is dremyng illusyon of lecherye č=t= fallyth on a man or woman slepyng w=t= an leful likyng. as čey it were in dede. Of čis synne spekyth bede libro primo de gestis anglorum. & če same is put in če lawe of holycherche d 6. Testamentum. Wher it is rehersid how |p25 č=t= seynt Austyn če apostil of ynggelond sente to seynt Gregory for to be enformyd of čis perlous synne. & seynt Gregory wrot to hym čis sentence. č=t= Illusyon which č=t= comyth to a man dremynge. comyth sumtyme of superfluyte of mateer. or of seknesse. & čan |r5 is not for to drede for it is čanne no synne Somtyme it fallyth of če deuelys deceyt for enuye č=t= he hath to a chast man or woman. & čan it is a venyal synne. And sumtyme it comyth of to mochil mete & drinke & of to moche sleep & eese. & čan it is a dedly synne. & of alle čese a man |r[f.46v] may haue euydence. & knowynge. after tyme |r10 č=t= he is a wakyd ¨if he wolde wel ransakyn hym silf. Synne a ¨en keende is schortly alle maner lecherye č=t= womman doth w=t= owtyn man. or man w=t= owtyn womman. of čese čre laste synnys spekyth seynt Austyn & seyth. č=t= čei be so fowl & so horrible č=t= crist him self for schame čerof was in poynt to haue left his incarna_cion. |r15 neuer to haue take flesch & blood in sauacyon of mankeende. Also seynt Jerom super illud Lux orta est eis. seyth čat on cristemasse ny¨t al čo čat were infectyd in čis maner of synne. Were distroyed čorwh out alle če world. For čis synne a ¨en keende were fyue grete cytees distroyed w=t= stynkyng brenston & wildefeer. as če bible |r20 rehersith genesi 18. wherfor če wyse man Innocencius de miseria condicionis humane. towchith č=t= same// processe & seyth č=t= god wolde not commyttyn power to his awngelis to a vengyn čis synne. but conseruede čat power specially to hym silf. & dede hym self execucion to schewe če greuoushed of čis horrible synne. A ¨en čis synne č=t= |r25 stynketh as brenston in če sy¨te of god spekyth a gret clerk. & est Alanus de planctu nature. wher he schewith čat euery creature scholde kendely hatyn čis fowle synne. for it is a ¨en alle če ordre of keende.//. Fro če seed of sorwe čat is synne god schyld vs čorwh his mercy & grawnt vs his grace. That we// mowe after our hennys wendyng |r30 come to heuene č=t= blisful place. Amen.//. Explicit Tractatus De Septem Peccatis Mortalibus. Ouem Composuit Reuerendus Magister Frater Ricardus Lauynham. Ordinis Beatis_sime _ DeiGenitricis Marie De Monte Carmeli.//.