|b{Hermann_M._Flasdieck,_} |b{Mittelenglische_Originalurkunden_(1405__1430),} |b{Heidelberg,_Carl_Winter's_} |b{Universit„tsbuchhandlung,_1926.} |b{Note:_Some_of_the_remarks_had_to_be_unbybed_in_order_to_avoid |b{confusion_of_WCruncher.} |p31 |rI. [British_Museum._Additional_Charter_40673] [Dat._Dunwich,_E._Suffolk;_24_April_1405.] |r1 This endenture made at Donewyche, the sonday next after the fest of seynt George Martyr, the ¨eer of the Kyng Henre the fourte after the con_queste the sexte ¨eer, be twene sir Roger of Swyllyng_ton, Knyth, Lord of Bli_burgh and Walberswyk, |r2 on * that on partie, And Baillies, Burgeis and Comuners of the town of Donewych, on that other partie, of certeyn debates be twene the forsaide sir Roger and his tenauntz of Bliburgh and Walberswyk, and the Baillies, Burgeis |r3 and Comuners of the * towne of Donewych: That is for to sain: there the forsaid sir Roger suyt assis a ¨eyne John Bagger and other of the forsaide towne of Donewych, of a mersch wit appurtenauntz in |p32 Bliburgh, Neuertheles the forsaide sir Roger, for to |r4 stable and make * gode loue and gode a corde be twene hym and hys tenauntz of Bliburgh and Walberswyk and the forsaide Baillies, Burgeis and Comuners, He wil and grauntit that after the recouerere of the assis of nouell diss, the qwych schal pasen |r5 be assent of both * parties, or elles be ony other maner wey so, that it may be made most seker to the forsaid sir Roger and to his heires, that than the forsaide sir Roger schal graunte to the forsaide Bail_lies and Burgeis and Comu_ners, and to here heires and to here successours, * |r6 al the Mersch, Stones and Sond, that lien, or shul lien, fro the Eld hauen of Donewych to the newe hauen at Walberswyk, that now is, be the coste of the see on the est partye, and the streeme of the water, that comyth fro the forsaid * |r7 newe hauen to the towne of Donewych on the west partye, wyth al maner of profitez and easementz, That is to seyn: costumz of pedders, wreke of the see, ankerage, pykage |p33 wit pasturyng of her bestes, and al other maner of pro_fitz, |r8 in the * forsaide Mersch, Stones and Sond on the south partie of the newe hauen, ¨eldyng there fore be ¨ere to the forsaid sir Roger and to his heires, at the festes of pasch and myghelmesse be euen por_cyons, iij. schillynges and iiij. d. for alle maner of |r9 seruyce.* And the forsaid sir Roger schal relese and for ¨efe to the forsaide John Bagger and other Baillies, Burgeis and Comuners, al the damagez, that be re_couered be the same assis; for qwych graunte and ease_mentz, the forsaide Baillies, |r10 Burgeis and Comu*ners shul graunte, for hem and for her heires and for here suc_cessours, to the forsaide sir Roger, to his heirs and to alle his reseauntz of Bli_burgh and Walbreswyk, and to here heires and in speciall to Piers Helmeth of Bli_burgh, sitter on the fee |r11 of forsaide * sir Roger on the place, that was sumtyme Robertes of Bacham of Bli_burgh, and al tho, that shul sytte on the for_saide place in tyme comyng, |p34 and on al his other feez, qwhere so it be, in the forsaid townes of Bli_burgh and Walberwyke, čat |r12 thei shul * bene quyte of al maner of Custumez, An_kerage, Lastage, Pikage, Dryyng of nettes, in beying and sellyng of here owen wesseles, and of here owen merchaundys, comyng in here owen vesseles, wyth jnne the hauen of the for_said towne of Donewych:* |r13 That is for to say: fro the mouthe of the newe hauen, čat now is, at Walberswyk, wyth al the streemes, čat longyt čerto, jn to the Eld hauen of Donewych, čat summe tyme was, als wele on the gronde, the Stones and Sond of the forsaid |r14 mersch, * as in the stremes a forsaide, from this tyme forward, wyth outen any thyng paiyng. And also the forsaid sir Roger wil and grauntit: čat če forsaid Baillies, Burgeys and Comu_ners ne shul no bene lettyd be hym, ne be his |r15 heirs ne be his mynys*ters ne be hys tenauntz, for to take here due custumez, longyng to the forsaide towne of Donewych, from this tyme |p35 forward, in the streemez or in the water of this for_said hauen, that now is, or shal bene, als far, as the |r16 lawe wyl ¨efe be * vertue of her charters grauntyd be kyngges, of al maner of strangers and foreyns, al weye out taken the rese_auntz of the forsaide sir Roger aboof said, or of his heirs. Also the forsaid Baillies, Burgeys and Comu_ners shul graunt for hem and for here heirs and * |r17 here successours: čat thei shul no cleyme ne chalange ne no debate maken in the Mersch and the cost of the see, fro the newe hauen at Walberswyk, that now is, jn to South_woldlond, ne of no maner of thyng on the grounde, beyng out taken Ankerage, |r18 Py*kage, Lastage, Dreyyng of nettys, Beyyng and Sellyng, wyth outen thyng pay_yng. Also bothe partyes graunten: čat, ¨if it so be falle, čat the forsaide newe hauen, čat now is, be stop_pyd be rage of the see, or be ony other auenture, and |r19 breke vp on au*ther partie, čat thann the place, |p36 ther the forsaid newe hauen is at Walberswyk, čat now is, shal bene afulbonde for euer more be twen bothe parties, for the forsaide annuell rent paiyng. Also the forsaide Baillies, Burgeys and Comuners shul graunte * |r20 to the forsaid sir Roger, that thei shul pursue as moche, as in hem is, at her owen costages, to the kynges concell and to his courtes for the proce_dendo of the assis, and also for the trauers of an office, čat was fonden and taken a forn John of |r21 Stauerton and * Richard Bowett, Escheatoure of Suff čat tyme, touchyng the Mersch, Stones and Sond abuf said, and touchyng the custumez of the reseauntz of Bliburgh and Walbers_wyk aforsaide. And after čat procedendo and trauers |r22 aforsaid grauntyd, * čat then alle the remanauntz of the costagez shul lyen on the forsayd sir onelych, so čat always the forsaid sir Roger, or his councell, shul pursue on |p37 his partye the forsaid pro_cedendo and the trauers . And thei to be redy there forto forthere it at here |r23 owen * costagez propyre. Also in the same maner it is accorded čat al maner of costagez, čat shul be made abouten the Mersch, Stones and Sond aforsaid, for to make to the forsaide Baillies, Burgeis and Comuners, here heyres and to here succes_sours, sekyre, čat thei shul * |r24 be done atte the costagez of the forsaide Baillies and Burgeis and Comuners, als wele of mortificac[i]oun, ¨if it nede, as ony thyng. And also če forsayd sir Roger shal graunt, čat, ¨if ony wrek falle vp on his soyle, čat is for to seye of Bliburgh or Walberswyk |r25 - from * the forsaide newe hauen at Walberswyk, čat now is, jn to Southwoldland - of the forsaide Baillies, Burgeis or Comuners, ¨if thei prouen it here propyr gode, than thei shul haue it wyth outen ony thyng paiyng. And on the same * |p38 |r26 maner the forsaide Baillies, Burgeys and Comuners shul graunte to the forsaid sir Roger, to his heirs and to his reseauntz a forsaid, in the forsaid Mersch, Stones, and Sond and frauncheyse of Donewich. And čat that proue be done with * |r27 jnne a moneth next folo_wyng on eythere partie. Also the forsaid sir Roger shal graunt, for hym and for his heyrs, that, ¨if ony ffysch, or ony other thyng, come vp on the londe be twene če newe hauen at Walberwyk |r28 and South * woldlond as wrek, that be of the valewe of vj s and viij d, or lesse, and be fyrst fonden be ony of the Burgeis or Comuners of the forsaid town of Done_wych, he, that fyndes swych thynges so fonden, shal preisen the same |r29 thynges in * the same place, there as thei arn founden, And vp onthat, če mynisters of the forsaid sir Roger and of his heirs, at here will, shul haue the thynges so preised, to the profytz of the forsaid sir Roger, or of |p39 his heirs. And thei shul |r30 ¨yfe * half the prise to the fynders, at the wille of the forsaid sir Roger, his heirs or his ministers. And in the same maner, the forsaid sir Roger shal graunte, for hym and for his heirs, that, ¨if ony Burgeis or |r31 ony Comunere of the * for_saide towne of Donewych fyrst fynde ony wrek in the place aforsaid, that is for to seye: fro the newe hauen at Walberswyk vnto Southwoldlond, that paseth the valewe of vj. s. and viij. d. jn to xx. s., the fyndere |r32 shal haue * the vte parte of the value paide to hym, be the handes of the forsaide ministers of the forsaid sir Roger or of his heirs, for his tranayle. And also the forsaid sir Roger shal graunte, for hym and for his heirs, |r33 ¨if ony Burgeis or Co*mu_ners of the forsaid towne of Donewych fyrst fynde and holych saue ony thyng of wrek of the see, that paseth the value of xxti. s., in the place aforsaid - čat is (for) to seyen: fro the newe hauen at Walberswik to |r34 South*woldland - the |p40 ministres of the forsaid sir Roger, or of his heirs, shal ¨effe to hem, čat fynden and sauen the forsayd thyng, of eche xxti. s. so founden, .ij. s., And ¨if wrek of the see ouer the value of xxti |r35 .s. be fonden and saued * in the same place aforsaide - čat is to seyn: fro the newe hauen at Walberswyk vn to South_woldlond - be the forsaid Burgeis or Comuners, or ony of hem, and the tenauntes of the forsaid sir Roger, and his heirs, of |r36 Bliburgh and * Walberswyk, or be ony of hem, that čen thei of the forsaid towne of Donewych shul be paide of eche xxti. s. xij d, for here trauayle, be the handes of the ministers of the forsaide sir Roger, or |r37 his heirs, so that no ma_*ner of wrek, qwat so euer it be, shal no be caryed ne born a way out of the place, qwhere that it is founden, wyth outen accorde or assent of the forsaid sir Roger and his heirs and his ministres. And also the |r38 forsaide Baillies, * Burgeis and Comuners shul graunte, for hem and for here heyrs |p41 and here successours, to the forsaid sir Roger, to his heyrs and to alle his rese_auntz of the forsaid townes of Bliburgh and Walberswyk, that čei shul haue the |r39 same * pryse or payment for here fyndyng of ony maner wrek, that fallit on the grounde be twene the newe hauen at Walbers_wyk and the Eld hauen of Donewych, be the handes of the Baillies of Donewych |r40 or here * ministers, in the same forme as the forsaid sir Roger hath graunted to the forsaid Baillies, Burgeis and Comuners, so that no maner of wrek be remewed of nowthere partye out of the place, that it is founden |r41 jnne, * wyth outen assent of forsaid sir Roger, of his heirs or of his mini_sters, on his partye afor_said, ne wyth outen assent of the forsaid Baillies of Donewych or here mini_sters, on here partie afor_saide, And qwho so do |r42 the contrarye, * shal forfet his parte or profytz abuf said, be it more or lesse, after the quantite askit of qwhich partie so it be, And also answere be comune lawe to hym, that the for_said gode longit to be weye of wrek, ¨if he wil pursu |r43 it. * Also it is acorded be |p42 twen bothe partyes aforsaid: that al this poyntz and couenauntz with jnne wre_ten, as wele on that o partie as on that other, shullen be pleynlychest trewly per_formed, as the lawe will, wit outen fraude or |r44 male * engyne, be twen t[h]e date of this enden_ture and the fest of Pasch nex comyng. And in case, čat it be falle - as godd defende - čat če poyntz and couenauntz aforsaid ne mow noght be performed on bothe parties, as it is aforsaid, |r45 čat then * thes forsaid en_denturs stond voyde, and be holden for none, as wele on that o partie als on that othere. In wyttenesse of qwhych thynges, to that one party of this endenture, dwellyng to the forsaid |r46 Baillies, Burgeis and * Comu_ners, the forsayd sir Roger has set to his seal; To če othere partye of this enden_ture, dwellyng to če forsaid sir Roger, the forsaid Bail_lies, Burgeys and Comuners here comon seal han set to; ¨euen day, ¨ere, and place a*forsaid. |p49 |rII. [British_Museum._Cart._Harl._112._F._1.] [Dat._Harewood,_W.R._Yorkshire;_20_Nov._1412.] |r1 Be it knawen vn tyll, all men, yat thys is the wyll off Adam of the Wode and Margeret, hys wyfe: |r2 yat thayre feffes, yat are infeffed in all the * Burgages |p50 and landys and yenges with the appurtena[u]nce, yat thay hade with in the towne and ye meres of Harre_wode, |r3 yat thay enfeffe agayne thys * forsayde Adam and Margeret, hys wyfe, for the terme of thayre lyfe, and the reuersyoun after thayre decesse remandyre to sir |r4 Richard Redman * and tyll hys ayres and hys assygnes; On condicyoun yat the forsayde sir Richard or hys ayres or hys assygnes mary Jonet, the doghter of ye forsayde * |r5 Adam and Margeret, with in xvj iere or xviij at the ferryst, tyll aman of xx markes worthe of lande by iere; And yat thay see and ordayne, yat |r6 thys * forsayde doghter be enfeffed at ye begynnyng, to hyr and to ye ayres of hyr and hyr husbande, in als mekyll valu of hys lande yat sall be hyr husband *, |r7 as thys forsayde Adam and Mergeret hade in Harrewode in dowere or in feffement. And yf it so be, yat thys |r8 doghter Jonet dee, noght maryede, then * it is the wyll of Adam and Margaret: yat the forsayde sir Richard, h[y]s ayres or hys assygnes, sall gyfe to ye forsayde |r9 Adam and hys wyfe Margeret * x.li in hande; and other x li efter the decesse of Adam and Mergeret sall be done tyll a nonest prest to synge for thayre sawles |r10 and for thayre * auncesters. And ouer yat it is the wyll of Adam and Margeret: yat dame Elizabeth Redman hafe yis doghter forsayde in hyr kepyng and gouernyng, * |r11 tyll scho be maryede. And in testmonde of thys wyll endentyd, we hafe set howre selys. wretyn at |r12 Harrewode, in the fest of saynt Edmunde, * the holy kyng, The iere of kynge Henry the fawrte after the conquest xiiij. |p52 |rIII. [British_Museum._Cart._Lansd._627.] [Dated_at_Wottone,_in_Weredalle_(Witton-le-] [Wear,_Durham),_13_Feb._3_Hen._V.,_1416.] |r1 éis endenture made at Wotton in Weredall, ye xiij day of ffefir¨ere, in če ¨ere of kyng Henre ye |r2 fyfte * ye thred ¨ere, wittnes yat Sir Rawfe of Eure, Knyght, deliuered to Thomas, ye son of Thomas of * |r3 Merkyngfelde, x li of golde, vn to ye be hufe and huse of |r4 my maister sir John Nevyle, ye son * of my lorde of Westemerland; ye qwilk x li ye forsayde Thomas, son of |r5 Thomas of Merkyngfeld, * has vndretakyn to be payed agayn to ye forsayde sir Rawfe or to his assignes, wyth |r6 in xiiij dayes * eftre pasche nexte folowyng eftre ye makyng of yis endenture. |p53 |rIV. [British_Museum._Additional_Charter_36_522.] [Dat._Brenchley_near_Tunbridge_Wells*Kent,_Easter_1416.] |p54 |r1 [Knowen b]e hit to all Cristen: that we, Thomas of Hylles, Nicholas of Hylles, Gentilmen, Thomas |r2 [..]get, Thomas atte Hale, Thomas Watte, * [...........]ll, sufficiant comyners all of če parysshe of Brenchesle, we beynge of the age, the leeste of vs, of thre skore |r3 wynter and, * [.......]f vs, iiij. skore wynter, we knoynge and neghtbours beyinge to the londes and teny_mentes |r4 atte Elmehirste, wyche tenymentes * [............] Walters of Elmehirste, wyche tenementes with many moo beth holdynge, and ever haue be owte of myende |r5 with sev=te= * [......] a[.] other appurtenaunces, rentes and seruices to the Courte of Beanecrouche, wyche in olde |r6 tyme was sir Johns of Leneham * [.............] Richard atte Wealde, and so downe to sir Thomas Col_peper that nowe is; to the whiche courte of Benecrouche |r7 many of vs VL=ti= * wynter to gedir haue ben tena[u]ntes and sevtours of Court, and ¨it be, and in the same |r8 Courte take owre charges in j[urres] be twey * partie, and partie releued, and payed owre rente, owre aun_cetours and we, with owte tyme of myende; And we |r9 newer knewe ne herde * tell, ne never was cleymed this vij. skore wynter, more of the tenementes of Benecrouche |r10 and Hese but x.s - as [she]weth be a * custumare of the Bysshoppis of Rouchester - gedered ones a ¨ere atte Midlenton Sonundaye: .x. s to be paied to the |r11 Bysshopp of * Rouchester, wyche .x. s, for ese of the lordeshipp, was parcelled owte be sir John of Leneham |p55 |r12 and other that were lordes of Bene*crouche, that every man knewe, what he shulde bere to the porc[i]on of this x.s; The Courte holde, heriettes and relieffes, |r13 and the * leve of x. s with all the hole lordeshipe to sir Thomas Colpeper and auncetours; And never |r14 no Bysshopp of Rouchester ther in * put cleyme but this nowe late , with owte euydence shewynge, but be evill procurment. And that thes poyntes be |r15 trewe * all sume, we seyne, so helpe vs gode and halydome, as we wil answere before gode atte daye of |r16 doome, and for mede of owre * soles; in discheyinge of a mannes ryght, we make this testimone in owre |r17 lives, because we ben men of grete age; We be * owre oone will with owte corarcturr[e] haue touched the booke. In wittenessynge of thes thynges, we haue sette |r18 to owre * seales. Writen in the feste of Ester, the ¨ere of the regne of owre lorde kynge Henre the .V. after |r19 the conquest * of Englond the iiijte. |p58 |rV. [British_Museum._Additional_Charter_36_527.] [Dat._Benecrouch_in_Pembury*Kent.;_8_July_1416.] |r1 Knowen be hit to all Cristen: that y, Geffrey Bussh, beynge of the age of .iij. skore wynter and .x., haue |r2 goode knowynge and memorie, * and bere wittenesse, as y wil answere before gode: that y was dwellynge xxxti, wynter in the landes and tenementes that were * |r3 s[u]mtyme Walteres of Elmehirst, as y that had weddid Agnes, the wyffe sumtyme of Walter of Elmehirste, |r4 doghter and heire of * Edm[u]nd Waryn; and y, the forsaide Gefferey, didde my sewte and seruice to sir |r5 Thomas Colpeper, to his Courte of Benecrouche, * and paied my rent for the same landis and tenementes - |r6 as that that is hoole with inne the * ffee and lordeshipp |p59 of sir Thomas, - to his Courte of Benecrouch; and herof y haue goode mynde that y and Agnes, my wyffe, |r7 paiden for owre parcell viij d, * wiche was parcell of the rente of če .x. s, that sir Thomas and his tenantis paieden on Midlenton Sonndaye to the Byssh * |r8 opp of Rouchestre; and other vj d was paied be Johne, doghter of Walter of Elmehirst, for the landis that fel |r9 hire for hire * purparte, wiche vj. d were tributorie to če same x s; And also ij s j d was borne owte |r10 of all če hole tenenement, atte Ester and * Michelmesse to sir Thomas Colpeper to his Court of Benecrouche. And as y that never knewe ne herde tell but čat hit * |r11 was his lordeshipp and ffee, thes poyntes y wittenesse be myne halydome vp the holy evangelistis. In the witte_nesse |r12 * of thes poyntes, y haue sette to my seale. And y, John Michell of Benecrouche, bere wittenesse of |r13 thes poyntes, as y * that haue dwellid vp the same lordeship this iiij skore winter, and gedered the same |r14 rent longe tyme, And that y * never knewe other lordeshipp ne ffee, So helpe me gode and halidome. And also in |r15 the wittenesse of thes poyntes, y * haue sette to my seale. Writen the viij. daye of Juyll, the ¨ere of the regne of Henre the .v. iiijt. |p61 |rVI. [British_Museum._Cart._Harl._43._B._29.] [Asschedon,_Berks.;_21_Jun._1422.] |r1 Ryght worchepeful and reuerend Maystres, j recom_maunde me to ¨ow; please it yow and perfytly to |r2 vndyrstonde: yat William Clopton, * the sone of Ead_mond Clopton, sente aftyr me in to his manyr of Newenham in Asschedon, whan be schulde gon ouer |r3 the * se to ye wynnyng of Harflw, and yere he schewde a dede of feffement, mad be him to William Clopton of |r4 Melford * and to oyyr serteyn personys of Suff, to me and to Joh Colston of Asschedon, of ye manyr of |r5 Newenham in Asschedon, and yer, * with inne yat same manyr, yat dede was red, and a cordaunt to yat dede, |r6 he openly deleuyryd me sesyn be yat same dede, * and j tok sesyn yere be yat dede, in the name of all myn felas and of me. And aftyr yat, ye tenauntes attur_nedyn |r7 * to me. And aftyr yat, he made a wyl indentyd: yat his feffes, if he happede to dye, scholde make an |r8 estate * to William Clopton of Melford, to him and to his heyres, of yis afor seyd, and yat yis forsayd William |r9 Clopton * of Melford scholde paye to ye chyrche of Asschedon and hundred mark, to ye freres of Sudbery |r10 a noyyr * hundred mark; And a certeyn sume of gold for to do in almesse, as ye wyl makyth mencion. |r11 Where of the to party * of his wyl, as he seyde, dwelte with William Clopton of Melford, and ye toyyr |r12 party of his wyl encelyd be browgh * to me and to ye parychones of Asshedon, and yer, on a halyday, he |p62 dede me rede it openely in ye chyrche, and preyde vs * |r13 to recorde hys wyl, if nede were. And yat same wyl he bad kepe stille a mong vs. And in to yis day yet we |r14 haut. * Al yis is soth, as wele answere a for godd. Wherfor, worchepeful maysteres, j prey yow, and j |r15 hap to dye, yat ¨e wyl * recorde yis same. In wytnesse of wyche yyng, j sette to my seal. Wretyn at Assche_don, |r16 the xxjte day of juny, The * tenthe yere of kyng Herry ye fyfthe. |r17 P Will[iam] Maryoth, person of ye chyrche of Asschedon. |r18 *[Auf_der_Rckseite_die_Adresse:] To my worchepeful and reuerend * maystres Joh Tyrell, John * Steward, Richard Baynard, and * Robert Darsy -. |p64 |rVII. [British_Museum._Cart._Harl._56._B._17.] [Ashdone*Berks,_24_April_1426.] |r1 I, John Shymmyng of Walden, beyng at Clare, the wednesday neest affter the ffeste of Saynt George, |r2 the yeer of the * reigne of kyng Herry the sexte the feerthe, in the presence of Thomas Berham, Styward |r3 of Clare forsaid, Hugon ffraunceys *, constabyl of Clare forsaid, Thomas Mylde, John Ansty, Thomas Berham |r4 the yunger, Wyllyam Coggeshale, John Cange, * Nycholas Wychyngham, Herry Warner and other, sey and wytnesse: |r5 that Wyllyam Clopton, the sone of Edmond Clopton, * yaf and graunted and be his chartre confermed to John |p65 Howard, Knyght, Walter Clopton, Knyght, Wyllyam |r6 Clopton, the sone * of Thomas Clopton, Knyght, John Waryn, Squyer, John Grene and to me, John Shymmyng |r7 forsaid, his maner of Newenham * in Asshdon with the purtenantz; be vertu of which dede the same Wyllyam, |r8 sone of Edmond, yaf me seisyn, and ther I took * openly seisyn in the name of me and alle my felas, be that tokene that the sayd Wyllyam, sone of Edmond, sente |r9 to the * Alehows for ale, and ther was noon; and than I seyde, it was the dryest seysyn that euer I was at, and |r10 that dede was * made in Kyng Herryes tyme the feerthe; and affterward, in Kyng Herryes tyme the fyfte, I herde |r11 seyne that the said Wyllyam, * sone of Edmond, made a conferment to Wyllyam Clopton, the sone of Thomas |r12 Clopton, Knyght, and to other, as the dede * maketh mencyon, and than, whan Wyllyam Clopton, the sone of Edmond, shulde gon ouer the see, I herde seyne, he |r13 made * a wylle, the which was endented, and the ton part he took to the Person of Asshdon forsaid, and |r14 openly on an halyday, * in the Cherche of Asshdon, in the pulpet be for the paryssh, he dede the Person |r15 rede it; in the which wylle was * comprehended that, if the seyde Wyllyam Clopton, sone of Edmond, happed |r16 to deye er he come a geyn ouer the see, that * his feffes in the maner forsaid shuld graunte and yef the said maner to the seyde Wyllyam Clopton of Melford |r17 and to * his heyres and to his assignes, and he to paye a certeyn summe of good, as the wylle maketh mencyon; |r18 and than it fortuned * so, that this seyd Wyllyam, sone of Edmond, deyed be yonde the see, and affter that, the |r19 seyd Wyllyam Clopton of Melford * desired to haue of me a reles to hym and to the person of Asshdon for_seyd and to other certeyn persones, and ther I made * |r20 the reles, and so dede John Grene and John Waryn. Al this is sothe, as is it rehersed beforn. In wytnesse |r21 of which * thyng, to this present I, the forsaid Shymmyng, sette my seal. And the forsaid Thomas |r22 Berham, Hugon, Thomas Mylde, * John Ansty, Thomas Berham, Wyllyam Coggeshale, John Cange, Nycholas |r23 and Herry wytnessen: that they herdyn the * said John Shymmyng, at the day and place forsaid, seyne and |p66 wytnessen all this rehersed and comprehended in this * |r24 present script. In wytnesse of which thyng, they settyn to her sealys. Wretyn day, yeer, and place forsaid. |p68 |rVIII. [British_Museum._Additional_Charter_33_999.] [Childerley,_S._Cambs.,_5_May_1427.] |r1 This endenture berith wytnesse: that John Hore of Childerley, yn the shire of Canter, Squier, hath enfeffed |r2 John Wodehows, Squier, William * Lassels, John Burdet, Thomas Pulter, Clerkes, Robert Large, and John Eyr, yn the manere of Miche Rauele, wyth the appurtenauncez, |r3 thre acres * of medewe yn the town of Sawtre, with the patronage of the thridde partie of the chirche of Alle Halewe yn Sawetre ; |r4 And also that the * seide John Hore hath g[r]aunted to the seid John Wodehows, William, John Burdet, Thomas, Robert, and John Eyr fourthy shillynges of rent, * |r5 issyng owt of the manere of Sawetre; and also the reuerc[i]oun of certeyn londes, that Roger Banastre |r6 holdith yn Miche Rauele terme of his lif. * To haue and to holde the seid manere, thre acres of medewe, the patronage, fourty shillynges of rent, and reuerc[i]oun |r7 forseid, to hem, here heires, * and here assignes for euere_more, vp on this condicioun: that they shullen performe, , the wille of the seid John Hore, |r8 and fulfille yt, as yt is * conteyned and comprehended yn a paire endentures, mad be thwene John, be the sufferaunce of God abbot of Ramesey, and the Couent * |r9 of the same place on that on partie, and the seid John Hore on that other partie. In witnesse of wich, the |r10 parties forseid haue sette to * here seles. Wreten at Rauele, the fifethe day of the moneth of may, the ¨ere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the sixthe after the con_quest |r11 * the fivethe. |p70 |rIX. [British_Museum._Cart._Harl._54._I._37.] [Barham_and_Middleton,_W._Sussex;_27_Nov._1427.] |r1 This endenture, made the xxvIje day of Nouember, the sixte yere of Kyng Harry the vj.e, bi twene Hugh Ponynges, Knyght, sone of Thomas Ponynges, Lord of |r2 Seint John, on that oon partie, and * John Paulet, Squyer, on that other partie, witnesseth: that the said parties been accorded in the fourme that siwith, that is to sey: ffirst: that mariage shal be made betwene |r3 the said * John Paulet and Custance, the doughter of the said Hugh, a fore Septuagisine next comyng, at the costes and ordenaunce of the said Hugh, And that the |r4 same Hugh shal make * sufficeant estate of land of |p71 verray value of xl li yeerly over the reprise, with oute fraude or male engyne, to the same John and |r5 Custance for the terme of her bothe lives, * with oute enpechement of waste with in the first quarter of a yeer after the day, that the same Hugh hath lyueree |r6 in the Chauncerie of so mych lande, or * hath so mych land by entre, recouerer, or any othir title lawefull aftir the dethe of the saide Thomas, over the land, |r7 whiche he is nowe possessioned in, And * the same Hugh shal not discontinue nor aliene in fee sympil nor in fee taille no land, the whiche shal descende or falle vn |r8 to hym by any title in tyme comyng. * Also: that the astate, title, possession, and reuersion, that dame Alianore, wife to the said Hugh, hath in the manoirs of Bern_ham, |r9 Middilton, Bridham, in Sussex, Chanton * and Shir_burn Seynt John, in Suthamptonshire, of the whiche the Reuersion of the same Manoirs, after the dethe of |r10 the saide Alianore, beth vn to the heyres * of the body of the same Hugh bigetyn, shal not be interupt, im_pugned, nor disturbed by the same John ne his heirs, |r11 in parcel nor in al, duryng the life of * the same dame Alianore. Also: the same Hugh shal fynde the for_said John and Custance and two men with hym in the |r12 first yere after the mariage abovesaide, as * in mete drynke, and herburgh, yf the same John wil dwelle or abide or suffre the said Custance abide in the household |r13 or with the forsaid Hugh. And the forsaid * John shal do be made asufficeant astate of land of the value of XL li yeerly over the reprise vn to the same John |r14 and Custance and to the heires of thair * bothe bodyes lawefully be goten, be fore Ester next comyng, with oute fraude or malengyne, And the same John shall |r15 do hym self to have a soole * astate, in fee sympil or in fee taille, generall of al the landes and tenementes, whiche Wauter, Lord Hungerford, stant feffid jn, soole |r16 or ioyntly with other, * to the vse of the same John. ffurthermore: the same John, after that he and the seide Custance haue resceyvid the full purpartie, the whiche |r17 shal falle to * thair part in the right of the saide Custance, by the dethe of the forsaide Thomas and Hugh, of the |r18 lifelode of the same Thomas and Hugh, with oute * fraude |p72 or malengyne, shal suffre the cooparcioners of the same Custance to have thair purpartie of the forsaide |r19 XL li worth lande by yeere, whiche * the same John and Custance shal have of the yefte of the forsaide Hugh, jn like fourme, as thai shulde haue had, if no |r20 yefte of the same landes had * be made to the said John and Custance, So that the forsaid Cooparcioners dis_tourbe no lette the said John and Custance, by no |r21 yefte, astate to hem * made, nor to be made, nor non other cause, to haue their purpartie of al the landes and tenementes, which weren or beth the right of the saide |r |r22 Thomas and Hugh. In witnes wher of, the saide parties to thees endentures entrechangeably, the day and yeer abovesaide, haue set her seales. |r[Rechts_unten_in_der_Ecke:_Couper.] |p74 |rX. [British_Museum._Cart._Harl._80._I._57.] [Kent;_18_July_1429.] |r1 This entendure, maide be twene . Richart Wy_deuill ., esquyere, of če Counte of Kent, . one . če tone |r2 parte., and . William Haute ., esquyere * of če said Counte ., on če točer parte . berith . wittenesse . : čat . če said . Richart and . William . bene . accordet jn če forme čat |r3 foloweth; * čat is to . saye . : čat če said William . shall . haue . and .wyth če grace . of . gode . wedde to . wyffe . |r4 Jahn . Wydeuill ., the * doughtre . of če saide . Richart ., jn . če forme . and opon če couanantez . čat folowen . |r5 here aftre . : * ffirst: čat če foresaide . William . shall make |p75 gyffen . jn . joynture . to . hym . and to če foresaide Jahn, |r6 and to če heyrez * of . hym ., landez . or . rentez to . če valewe . of . an . C . marke . čerly . ; če whech . he . saith . |r7 he . haith . jn . feesymple . * Also: as touchyng če landez čat bene entailet to če foresaid . William . and to Mer_grete, |r8 his . wyffe, čat wasse, and to če * heyrez of her . bodez . lafully . begoten .and of any . očer landez . čat bene entailet to . hym in any . wyse ., he čermit_tith |r9 * and shall . discontinue or make discontinue . and . defeet . or . make . defeet - be warantie or waran_tise |r10 . collaterale * or . jn . any očer wyse . - če foresaid, taile or tailez ., as . lafully . and in als strangge |r11 wyse ., as če councell of če foresaid Richart * can best . deuyse and gyff hym . jnformacion ., except, čat . he shall . not be desiret to make his |r12 doughtre . a . woman of religion. * Also če said . Wil_liam . gyff . or . make gyffen to če said Jahn ., jn . name of douere terme of hir lyue ., landez or rentez to |r13 če * valewe of . XL . li . čerly .of če best . and če suer_est čat če said William haith . ; to be choseyn by |r14 če deuyse of če * foresaid . Richart Wyeduill . and be his |r15 councell. * Wherfore če foresaid Richart . Wydeuill . graun_teith , to če foresaid . William Haute .jn mariage of če |r16 foresaid Jahn, his * doughtre . IIII C marke, to . be payet . at . če day of če said feefement . aftre če . deuyse and če |r17 councell . of both . če parties. * Also: če foresaid Richart . shall make and paye . all maner of costez . of če day . of |r18 mariage betwene če said William and Jahn, * če doughtre |r19 of če said . Richart, ate . Caleys *. Also: če said Richart shall gyffen to če fore said William and to Jahn, his |r20 doughtre ., hir chambre ., as . a . gentlewoman * aught, for to . haue ., and aftre če astaete . of če foresaid Richart |r21 Wydeuill. * And jn . wyttenesse of ye whech . thyngez ., če parties a . fore said to čese present jndenturez haue |r22 set to čeyre * seeles . writen . če xviij. day of ye mo_neth of . jull .,če čere of . Kyng Henre ye Vj . aftre če |r23 conquest of * Ynglond če . vij. |p76-77{commentary} |p78 |rXI. [British_Museum._Additional_Charter_1782.] [York;_1429-30]. |r1 Yis endenture made be Richard ffayrfax, scwhyer, on tyme lorde of Walton, witnes yat: qwhar j, ye sayd Richard, hase enfeffid be my dede enselyd, symply, |p79 |r2 with outyn * any condic[i]on, maistir Brian ffayrfax, clerk, my neue, Gy ffayrfax, John ffayrfax, Thomas ffayrfax, my brethir, and Edmund Wodcok, in ye manirs |r3 of Walton, folifayt, and on a * nanuell rent of fyffe marc Gangyng out of ye milnys of Thorpparch, and in all ye landys and tenementys yat j had in Walton, ffolifayt, |r4 Thorpparch, Nunmunkton, Kerby, and * sex schilyn grent in Petrigate in Yorke; and qwhar ye saydys maistir Brian, Gy, John, Thomas and Edmund Wodcok is sesyd |r5 of ye manir of Acastir Malbys of ye Gyffit and * of ye fefment of Thomas Garton, person of ye kyrk of Scalton, and William Lynton of Walton - ye qwhilk manir ye saydys Thomas, person, and William had of |r6 ye Gyffit and of * ye fefment e mang othir of ye sayd Edmund Wodcok, and ye qwilk manir of Acastir Malbys ye sayd Edmund had with othir of ye Gyffit and of ye |r7 fefment of ye sayd * Richard ffayrfax, with outyn any condic[i]on -; and qwhar yat j haffe graunt ye re_uersion of all ye landys and tenementys, yat dam Cu_stance |r8 Bigot haldys terme of hir life * in Yorke, to ye saydys maistir Brian, Gy, Joh, Thomas ffayrfax and Edmund Wodcok, yair ayrs and yair assignys: Neuir ye les, ye saydys maistir Brian, Gy, John, Thomas * |r9 ffayrfax and Edmund Wodcok has graunt and hyght me, be ye ffayth of yair bodys, to do with ye manirs, landys, rentys, reuersions and seruys a for sayd like as |r10 j, ye * sayd Richard, will de clar be my wyll: Knaw all folk, yat yis is my will: yat all ye jschwys, rentys and ye profettys of ye saidys manirs, landys, tenementys, ren_tys |r11 and seruys * be rereryd and tane be ye saydys feffys to ye tym be, yat my dettys be qwyt, yat j awe day of my deyng, and yat to be payd be a |r12 vyse of my setturs and ye * saydys feffys; and to tak vp of ye same landys C C li and fyfty marc to ye mariage of my doghtyrs, yat is forto say: to Margret, |r13 my doghtir, CC marc, and to * Annas, my doghtir, C li, ye qwhilk j will be maryde be avise of my wyffe and ye saydys feffys, and if Margret dee, or scho be |r14 marid, j will yat fyffty marc * of ye CC marc, yat fell to Margret, be payd to ye mariage of Annas, if scho be vn marid, and yen ye remland, yat Margret onle haffe |p80 |r15 had, be distribud be avise * of my wiffe and my feffys, and if Annas dee vn marid, j will, yat fyfty marc of hir part be payd to ye mariage of Margret, if scho be |r16 vn marid, and * yen ye remland of Annas part be distribud be avise of my wiffe and my feffys, and j will, yat my |r17 doghtir Elan be made Nun in ye house of Nun * munkton, and yat my saydys feffis graunt a nanuell rent of fourty schilyng, gangyng out of ye manirs of folifayt and |r18 Acastir Malbys, with a clause of * distrys to Gy ffayr_fax, Richard ffayrfax, brethir of ye sayd Elan, Thomas fulthorp of Barnacastell, and Thomas Kyllum, schwyers, |r19 to haffe and to hald ye sayd * rent of XL s terme of ye liffe of ye sayd Elan, to ye vys and ye profet of ye sayd Elan, and yat ye sayd XL s, eftir ye desesse |r20 of me, ye sayd * Richard, be payd to ye fyndyng of ye sayd Elan to ye tym be, at scho be a Nun, and j will yat my feffys and my setturs pay xx marc for ye |r21 makyng * of ye sayd Elan Nun, and if scho will be no Nun, j will, my wyffe, my feffys and my setturs mariar hir be yair discression with ye profettys of ye saydys * |r22 landys and my gudes, and j will yat, eftyr ye deses of dam Custance Bigot and me, yat ye saydys feffys mak |r23 a state of ye thirde part of ye landys, rentys, * and tene_mentys of ye sayd Custance in Yorke to Eustace, my wyffe, term of hir liffe, and yat yai mak a state of ye |r24 thwa partys with ye reuersion of ye thyrd * part to Brian ffayrfax and Gy ffayrfax, my sonys, and to ye ayrs of yair body be gettyn, and yat state to be made |r25 to ye saydys Brian and Gy * juntly or seuerly, be ye avyse of ye saydys feffis, and for defaut of jschw of yair body be gettyn, remayn to William ffayrfax, ye son |r26 of ye * sayd Richard, and to ye ayrs of his body be gettyn male, and if ye sayd William dee with outyn ayr |r27 of his body be gettyn male, ye sayd land * remayn to Richard, ye brothir of ye sayd William, and to ye ayrs of his body be gettyn male, and for defaut of jschw of |r28 his body be gettyn * male, remayn to Nicholas, ye brothir of ye sayd Richard, and to the ayrs of his body be gettyn |r29 male, and for de faut of jschw of his body * be gettyn male, remayn to Mils, ye brothir of ye sayd Nicholas, and to ye ayrs of his body be gettyn male, and if he |p81 |r30 dee with outyn * ayr of his body be gettyn male, remayn to ye ryght ayrs of me, ye sayd Richard, and yair ayrs |r31 for euir mor, and in case be, yat my * wyffe dee, or scho mak hir landys sur, eftir hir desese and myn, to Richard ffayrfax, Nicholas ffayrfax, Mils ffayrfax, my |r32 sonys and * hyrs, and to ye ayrs of yair body be get_tyn, qwhilk landys and tenementys war hir modyrs and |r33 hir auntys, and yen my nayr will * noght mak a state to ye saydys sonys in ye fourn yat ye modir suld haffe |r34 done, yen j will, yat ye saydys feffys gyff as * mykyll of ye landys, yat was my nawn, to ye saydys Richard, Nicholas, and Mils, in ye fourn abown sayd, juntly and |r35 seuerly * be ye avise of ye saydys feffis, and j will, yat ye saydys feffis, eftir my dettys payd and my doghtirs |r36 marid and my will eftir * my ded fulfillid, yat yai mak a state of ye manirs of Walton, folifayt, and Acas_tir Malbys, ye landys and tenementys in Thorpparch, * |r37 Kerby, and ye reuersion of ye manir of Scalton to Wil_liam ffayrfax, my nayr, and to ye ayrs of his body be |r38 gettyn male, and * for de faut of jschw of his body be_gettyn male, remayn to Brian, his brothir, and to ye |r39 ayrs of his body be gettyn male, * and for defaut of jschw male of his body, remayn to Gy, his brothir, and to ye |r40 ayrs of his body be gettyn male, and for * defaut of jschw male of his body, remayn to Richard, his brothir, and |r41 to ye ayrs of his body be gettyn male, and for defaut * of jschw male of his body, remayn to Nicholas, his brothir, and to ye ayrs of his body be gettyn male, and for de |r42 faut of jschw male of his body, remayn to Mils, his brothir, and to ye ayrs of his body be gettyn male, and |r43 if he dee with outyn * ayr of his body be gettyn male, remayn to my ryght ayr for euir mor. jn ye witnes of |r44 qwhilk thyng, to yis present writyng * endentyd, j haffe put to my sele; of ye qwhilk endenturs j will o part abyde in my kepeyng, and ye tothir part in ye feffys * |r45 kepeyng. Made at York, ye ¨er of ye rene of kyng Henry ye sext eftir ye conquest of jngland octauo. |p85 |rXII. [British_Museum._Additional_Charter_40_050.] [Farley-Hungerford,_Som.;_24_Aug._1430.] |r1 This is thacord made atte ffarley Hungerford the xxiiijte day of August the viije yere of Kyng Harry |p86 |r2 the vjte bytwene Walter, lorde Hungerford and of * Hom_met, on that one partie, and Robert Leuersegge on that other partie: that is to say: that ther as Nicholas Ed_mond |r3 hath lete certayn landis and tenementis in * ffelt_ham to John Shepherd and Agnes, his wiff, for terme of her lyuys, the remayndere therof to William and John, |r4 ther sonys, for terme of her * lyuys, wich Agnes, John, and William, the sonys, after the decese of the saide John, the ffader, haue graunte all her astatis |r5 in the same landis and * tenementis to William West_bury, Richard ffiton, John Westbury the yonger, William Rous, and Philipp Loryng, to the vse of the forsaid |r6 Robert; And afterward * the saide Nicholas haue yeue and graunted to Richard Neuton, seriant of lawe, and other, in fee all his landis, tenementis, reuersions, and |r7 seruicis in * ffeltham and ffrome, to the vse of the saide lord: The saide Robert shall make the forsaide William, Richard ffiton, John Westbury, William, and Philipp * |r8 to attorn and surrende all here estate in the saide landis and tenementis in ffeltham, to the saide Richard |r9 Neuton and his cofeffeys, also suerly as the * councell of the saide lord will devise. And ouer that, they shall delyuer to the saide lorde aswell the dede made to ham |r10 by the saide Agnes, John, and * William, hir sonys, as the dede made to the same Agnes, John, and William by the forsaide Nicholas; Saue that the saide Robert shall |r11 occupie and take * the profites of all the saide landis and tenementis and seruicis, wich were the saide Nicholas in ffeltham and ffrome, into Mighelmas next comyng. |r12 ffor * the wich surrendre and delyueraunce of dedis forsaide, the saide lord shall paye to the forsaid |r13 Robert xxti mark, deductyng and abatyng in the * pay_ment of the same xxti mark also moche monay, as atte the saide feste of Mighelmas shulde haue be due to |r14 Thomas Bamfeld or to the saide * Nicholas, sithen Mighelmas last past, for the saide landis, tenementis and seruicis in ffeltham and ffrome, if no feffement hadde |r15 be made therof to the * forsaide Richard Neuton and his cofeffees by the same Nicholas. In witnes werof to this accord endentid the parties forsaide haue enterchaunge * |r16 ablement sette here seallis; Wytnessyng William West_bury, |p87 Robert Longe, John Hody, John ffortescu, and other. Yeve the day and place abouesaide. |p93 |rXIII. [British_Museum._Cart._Harl._54._I._9.] [Yorkshire_et_al.;_12_Oct._1430.] |r1 Thys endenture, made the xii day of Octobre the nyneth ¨ere of Kyng Harry the syxthe, by twene Sire William de la Pole, Erle of Suff, John Shardelow, Knyght, Thomas Hoo, Esquier, and John Roys, on the |r2 to partie, and Thomas Chaucer, * Esquier, on the other partie, witnesseth: that the seid Erle and Robert Bolton, Clerk, Robert Bolton, Esquier, Herry Merston, Clerk, and John Morley, Chapeleyn, shall make and do make to the seides John Shardelow, Thomas Hoo, and John |r3 Roys, * and John Golafre, Esquier, Richard Wyot, An_drew Sperlyng, and Robert Danvers haue estat, to hem and to here heirs imperpetuite, yn and of all the castels, maners, londes, tenementes, rentes, seruices, liber_tees, |r4 warennes, fees and aduowsons with here * appur_tenances, that weren sumtyme to the ffader and aiell of the seid Erle, or any of hem, or to other enfeffed to here vse, or any of hem, yn Kyngeston vpon Hull, Miton, Rymeswell, Beaugham, Norton vnder Hampden, Ramrugge, Connok le Ile, * |r5 Braddebury, Preston vpon Skyrn, Mochell Chilton, ffoxden, Stylyngton, ffyshebourne, and Belom yn the Euechee of Durham; Westwode, Stannford, and Blyburght yn the counte of Lincoln; Burle yn the counte of Norht; |r6 Gresthorp, Normanton, Sutton and Clyfton * yn the counte of Notingh; Wyngefeld, Stradbroke, Saxmondeham, Sterneffeld, Benhale, Orforde, Beklyng, ffresyngfeld, Snape and Silham yn the counte of Suff; Costeseye and Sax_lyngham |p94 yn the counte of Norff; with all other londes |r7 and tenementes, rentes and seruices * with reuersions, ¨if eny be, yn Esbam, Weybred, Mendham, Hoxne, Kelshale, fflotemanton, Carleton, Rendham, Swyftelyng, ffarnham, Litill Glemham, ffreston, Knoteshale, Brokedyssh, and Harleston yn the seid countees of Norff and Suff, and |r8 of the maner * of Veysyes with appurtenances, and all other londes and tenementes, rentes and seruices, fees and aduowsons yn Stratford yn the seid counte of Suff; entent of the which feffement is and shall be this: that, after |r9 such estat and dedes therof made and to the * parties delyuered of the seid castels, maners, londes, tenementes, rentes, seruices, libertees, warennes, fees, and aduowsons, the seid feffees, by here dedes ensealed and delyuered with yn a¨ere thei be required by the seid Thomas Chaucer, |r10 or his heirs, after * the espouselles solempnized by twene the seid Erle and Alice, Countesse of Sar[es] and doughter to the seid Thomas Chaucer, shall enfeffe the seides Erle and Countesse yn and of all the seid castels, maners, londes, tenementes, rentes, seruices, libertees, |r11 warennes, * fees, and aduowsons, with all here appur_tenancez, To haue and to holde the seid castels, maners, londes, tenementes, rentes, seruices, libertees, warennes, fees and aduowsons, with here appurtenances, yn and of the seid maners of Burley, Costeseye, Westwode, Snape, * |r12 Stradbroke, ffrysyngfeld, Wyngefeld and Silham, with here membres and here appurtenances, and yn and of the seid londes and tenementes yn Stannford and Orford to the seid Erle and Countesse, and to the heirs of here |r13 too bodyes comyng, faylyng heirs of * here bodyes comyng, the remayndre of hem to the rightfull heirs of the seid Erle, and the residue of the seid castels, maners, londes, tenementes, rentes, seruices, libertees, warennes, fees, and aduowsons, with here appurtenances, |r14 to the seid Erle and Countesse and to the heirs * males of here too bodyes comyng, faylyng heirs males of here too bodyes comyng, the remayndre of hem to the seid Erle and to heirs for ever, provyded ever, that, ¨if it better plese the seid Thomas Chaucer to haue the seid |r15 estate of the seid * castels, maners, londes, tenementes, |p95 rentes, seruices, libertees, warennes, fees, and aduowsons to be made to the seid Erle and Countesse by other per_sones rather then by the seid feffees, that then, when so ever the seid feffees be required by the seid Thomas |r16 Chaucer * or his heirs, thei shall enfeffe other persones, of the nomination of the seid Thomas Chaucer, To haue and to holde to hem and to here heirs for ever, with such entent: that, when thei be required by the seid |r17 Thomas Chaucer or his heirs, thei shall * enfeffe the seid Erle and Countesse of the seid castels, maners, londes, tenementes, rentes, seruices, libertees, warennes, fees and aduowsons, yn the fourme aboue writen, or ell, ¨if it better plese the seid Thomas Chaucer to haue the seid |r18 estat yn and of the seid * castels, maners, londes, tene_mentes, rentes, seruices, libertees, warennes, fees, and ad_uowsons to be made to the seid Erle and Countesse by_other persones rather then by the seid seconde feffees, that then, when so ever the seid seounde feffees be re_quired |r19 by the seid * Thomas Chaucer or his heirs, thei shall enfeffe other persones, of the nomination of the seid Thomas Chaucer, To haue and to holde to hem and to here heirs for ever, with such entent that: when thei be |r20 required by the seid Thomas Chaucer or his * heirs, thei shall enfeffe the seid Erle and Countesse of the seid castels, maners, londes, tenementes, rentes, seruices, libertees, warennes, fees, and aduowsons yn the fourme and of estate to hem aboue writen, provyded ever, that the |r21 seid ffirst feffees be not * bounde to make estate of the seid maners of Norton vnder Hampden, Ramrugge, Connok Mershe and Grafton, as hit is aboue writen, but of that, that is demene, yn demene, and that, that is yn reuer_cion, |r22 yn reuersion and ffurther more, thowgh hit * be so, that the seid Erle, John Shardelow and Thomas Hoo be bounden by here escript obligatorie to the seid Thomas Chaucer yn X M li to be paied at the fest of criste_masse next comyng, neuertheles the seid Thomas Chaucer |r23 graunteth be * this endenture that, ¨ef the seid Erle, John Shardelow, and Thomas Hoo for here owne partie, whan thei be required by the seid Thomas Chaucer , well and trewly fulfill all the couenantes |r24 aboue writen, than the seid obligacion be of no * value, |p96 and ell stonde yn his strengthe, provyded also that, ¨ef the seid Erle, John Shardelow and Thomas Hoo, or any of hem, plede any acquitaunce or relees yn barre of act[i]on of the seid obligacion yn any court to be made |r25 yn any other * shire, but only yn the shire of Oxon, that thenne the seid acquitaunce or relees be voyde and of no value, provyded ever that, when the seid estates be made to the seid Erle and Countesse, , as it is aboue writen, that then the seid obligacion |r26 shall * be reliuered to the seid Erle, John Shardelow and Thomas Hoo, or her executours, and also, thowgh it be so, that the seid John Golafre, Richard Wyot, Andrew and Robert Danveys woll not make estate, as |r27 it is aboue writen, when thei be required, * for that cause the seid Erle, John Shardelow, and Thomas Hoo forfet not here obligacion. In witnesse of the which, to this endentures the parties beforeseid haue sette to here seales. The date is the day and ¨ere beforeseid. ...|r[Links_unten_die_Unterschrift:_Suffolk] |p99 |rXIV. [British_Museum._Additional_Charter_17_227.] [Dat._Pont_de_larche,_Normandy,_8_Jan._1430.] |r1 Right trusty and welbeloued frende, we grete yow wel vvith al oure hert. And for asmuche as for the greet plaisirs and kyndenesses, good and notable |r2 seruices, * and frendeshippes, whiche oure brother, Sire William Oldhalle, and Margarite, oure suster, his wyf, |r3 haue doon and shevved vs in tyme passed, and yit do daily in diuers vvyses, and for the greet and notable sommes , whiche oure saide brother Oldhalle |r4 hath lent vnto vs and payed for vs out * of his pourse at oure nede, the whiche vve owe hym yit in trevve dette for monnoye lent, and for noo nočer cause, We, |r5 jn recompense of the saide * seruices, and in acquittement of the saide dette, haue yeven vnto oure said brother Oldhalle and Margarite, his vvyff, an annuite and pen_sion |r6 * of xxvi. marc by yere, duryng thaire lyffe and the lenger lyuyng of thaym bothe, for to bee taken and raysed |r7 by thaym yerely vpon * certaine landes, lordships, and tenementes of oures, withynne Northfolk and Suffolk, jn the whiche ye stande by vs feffed vnto oure behooue; * |r8 liche as by the lettres, deedes and endentures, vvhiche vve haue doo make čerevppon vnto oure said brother Oldhalle and Margarite, * his vvyff, ye shal more clerely see. We pray and require yovv right hertily, and as |r10 oure faithful trust is in yovv in this matere, and * also vve charge yovv, as ye vvol ansvvere čerefore before god and also vnto vs, that after the fourme, teneur, con_tenue, |r11 and effette * of the deedes, lettres, and enden_tures maad and passed čerevppon, and after oure vvil |r12 and entent in this matere, ye make ful and plain * estat vnto oure said brother Oldhalle and Margarite, his vvyff, duryng thaire lyffe and of the lenger lyuyng of thaym, |r13 of the * saide annuite and pension of xxxj. marc yerely, |p100 in the landes and tenementes declared, named and speci_fied |r14 in the saide deedes, lettres and * endentures, withynne the contees of Northfolk and of Suffolk abouuesaide. And |r15 čat ye faille not hereof in noo vvise, as euere ye * desire to doo čing for vs, and as oure ful trust is in yow, for thees oure lettres shal bee vnto yow čerefore suffisant |r16 vvarant and * discharge at alle tymes and in alle places, vvhere hit apperteneth. And that ye seelle the same |r17 deede endented, whiche vve send * yovv vvith thees oure lettres. Writen vndir oure seel at Pontdelarche, the viij. day of Januier, the yere of oure lord M.CCCC. |r18 and xxx., And of * the regne of oure souuerain, lord King Henry vj.=the=, after the conqueste the ix=the=. Wylughby Robert Lord Willughby. And of Beaumesnil -. |r[Adresse_auf_der_Rckseite:] To oure right trusty and welbeloued frend * William Paston Squier. |p101 |rXV. [British_Museum._Cart._Harl._78._D._3.] [Chartham,_E._Kent;_ca._end_of_1371.] |p102 I knawe it is to alle men: čat i, Thomas Gylys, com and by suitte to Robart * Wanstallen, čat he ssolde lene Thomas Gylys two mark of seluer to * lenyn to ¨er, and sesydde Robart atte Wanstalle ij ¨er, as vor lone * of ij mark. atte nende of ij ¨er, Thomas Gylys payde Robart * atte Wanstalle a ¨en is to mark; and Robart atte Wanstalle feffydde * a ¨en Thomas Gylys with achartere simple with čylke same ij * acres a ¨en, ase Thomas adde feffydde furst Robart; Robart * feffyd him a ¨on with chartere symple. and vo[r] * ase moche [a]se Robart held čat land ij. ¨er, * Robart londe hym a ¨en a bussel of * bare of [če] prys of xxij. d, * and a toluet of hwet iče * prys of XV. d, and londe hym * a ¨[en] iiij d and ob, which * |p103 [Th(o)mas bor¨de with Robart], * and če dayis iurnay * of a nors iče * prys of iij d - ** which čat workede with Thomas atte lynyne -, and of bussel of bare * and a toluet of w[et]e - Thomas Hay_lysbere wes Thomas Gylys * bor¨ of če bare and of če hwet, čat blefde vn payd -, and also ij * car chenys i če prys of a peny. with čat Jon Peper wes bor¨ of * which čat bleffde vn payd. with čat Thomas Gylys wyf veched[e] * a bussel of bare of Robart Wan_stallys w[y]f [y]čeof prys vij d, * and iiij d boč vn payd; which yspan alf a ¨ern vor iij d * and ij beč to payne. vor he hedde ij. acres alčys * alonč, vor če ij. acres woryn in is hand ij * ¨er, a ij ¨er ende, iče d[ate] of seynt * Symon and iude, Th[om]as feffyd * Robart atte Wansta[lle] a¨on * with chartere symple, efter * če ij. ¨er, by wytnesse * of contre.