|b{Mittelenglische_Originalurkunden_} |b{von_der_Chaucer-Zeit} |b{bis_zur_Mitte_des_XV._Jahrhunderts,_} |b{ed._Lorenz_Morsbach._Alt-_und} |b{mittelhochdeutsche_Texte_10.} |b{Heidelberg:_Carl_Winter's_} |b{Universit„tsbuchhandlung,_1923.} |p1 |r[INHALT.] |rUrk__I_1376__Wiltshire_______________________________________1 |rUrk__II_1381__Dorsetshire_bzw__Wiltshire_____________________3 |rUrk__III_1420__Lancashire____________________________________6 |rUrk__IV_1421__Yorkshire______________________________________8 |rUrk__V_1424/25__Northamptonshire____________________________10 |rUrk__VI_1426__Suffolk_______________________________________13 |rUrk__VII_1434__Sussex_bezw__Kent____________________________15 |rUrk__VIII_1439__Derbyshire__________________________________17 |rUrk__IX_vor_1439__Yorkshire_bezw__Northumberland____________19 |rUrk__X_1440__Yorkshire______________________________________21 |rUrk__XI_1446__Yorkshire_____________________________________22 |rUrk__XII_1446__Yorkshire____________________________________25 |rUrk__XIII_1441__Norfolk_bezw__Suffolk_______________________26 |rUrk__XIV_zwischen_1438_und_1444__Northamptonshire___________28 |rUrk__XV_1445__Cheshire______________________________________30 |rUrk__XVI_1446__Norfolk______________________________________31 |rUrk__XVII_1446__Staffordshire_______________________________33 |rUrk__XVIII_1450__Cheshire___________________________________34 |rUrk__XIX_1446__Staffordshire________________________________36 |rUrk__XX_1448__Staffordshire_________________________________38 |rUrk__XXI_1447__Staffordshire_bezw__Derbyshire_______________39 |rUrk__XXII_1448__Warwickshire________________________________42 |rUrk__XXIII_1449__Norfolk____________________________________44 |rUrk__XXIV_1452__Surrey______________________________________46 |rUrk__XXV_1453__Yorkshire____________________________________48 |rUrk__XXVI_1459__Staffordshire_______________________________49 |rI. |r[British_Museum._Harley_Charter_45_A_37.] Hit is to vnderstondinge čat sir Renaud of Remmes_bury čurchacede certayn londes in Portone to him and his heires . wuche londes če foreseide Renaud ¨af to john ffolyot and jhone, his wyf, cosyne to če forseide Renaud, and to here heires trweliche of čulke jhone by_¨ute. and in cas čat hit so by-ful, čat non heires ne com by-twuxte če forseide john and jhone, če forseide londes turne agayn to sir Renaud of Remmebury, and to his heires, for euermore. Afterward če forseide john foliot by-gat čre douteres in če forseide jhone his wyf. of wuche čre douteres čat on was a munechon; čat oučer weddede Roger Paynes fader, wuch heit margerie, |p2 of wuch margerie com Roger and Nichol. če čridde souster weddede Henry Dun, wuch heyt [....], of wuch [....] com water Dun and john. afterward če forseide Roger Payn weddede marione, čat was water Dunes soster, wuch marione was bastard. of wuche Roger and marione com Roberd treweliche by-gete in spoushod. and also com of če forseide Roger and marione twey douteres bastardes, letisse and alisse, wuch were longe tyme ibore and by-gete, er če forseide Roger and marione were iwedded. Afterward com john janequin and spousede če forseide letise bastard, of woche letise com ansteise and mold. Of čes forseiden Roger and Roberd, wuche were rystfol heires, deyde with-oute heires. warčorw če forsede londes fulle in-to water Dunes hond and his heires, and in pes held he terme of his lif, and his heires after him, with-oute chalenges of any man. če forseide water weddede margerie, wuch čat ¨ut lyueth. of wuch water and margerie com Roberd. and in cas čat če forseide Roberd deye with-oute eires of his body treweliche by-¨ete, če forsede londes turneth to sir Renaud of Remsbury and his heires for euermore. Of alle čes forseide matere margerie čat ¨ut lyueth, čat was če for_seide wateres wif, witnysseth, and wytnissy wole, to_fore god and man, čat hit is triwe and non oučer, and čat he wol do in alle degre čat a triwe womman auste for to do. |r{17_lines_of_Latin_text.} |p3 |rII. |r[British_Museum._Harley_Charter_55_B_45.] |p4 Mangerton and melplaisch. This endenture witnisseth čat john Remmesbury, simondessone, of Remmesbury hath deliuered to william Hunte, baillif of mangertoun and melplaisch, če son-day to-fore cristesmasse-day, če V=te= ¨ier of če Regne Kinges Richard če secunde, čat is to wytinge: IV mares, XVII oxen wič če bole, also IV kyn and lI hefren and II calues, wharof čat on is a bole-calf and čat oučer an hefre of o¨ier; Also at melplaisch C wethers; and Also a[t] mangertoun IV {superscript}XX and VlI Ewen and VII Rames and XLVII hogges; jtem V sowes, VII bores and XXV swun_hogges and XVI soukinge pigges; jtem VI broudgees and [....] olde Gandres and XXI ¨onge gees; jtem XIX [en]ede[s] and maulardes; jtem XX poues, XIV hennes and III cokkes; jtem at melplaisch II soles wič all če apparaill of ire-gar; jtem a goud irebounde wen; jtem a dong-pike and a schouele; jtem a[t] mang[er]toun an old wen; jtem a goud ire-bounde cart; jtem II olde swunes and a ¨ong; and jtem IV wilde ges, III paukockes and pohennes; jtem Il wilies for bere [h]om; jtem II [ire]_bounde bossheles feble and II peckes of stre; jtem a wynneschute almost nywe; jtem V crokkes and a posnet of bras, warof on is colmam; jtem V pannes and alitel panne; jtem II aundires and a brandire; jtem a melsuue and a renge and lV oučer siues and a Rid_dern; jtem amorter and pistel and an old dressing_knyf; jtem a long laddre; also II stoppes for melk ewen; jtem lI Nippingires; jtem a friing-panne and a nywe Gerdil; jtem a tonne and a pipe of sider; jtem a bouren and an houk; jtem IV mede-pikes; jtem II harwen wič iren [...]ndes wič če apparail; jtem VIII |p5 maces and a moche suue; jtem III tobbes; jtem VI barelles, III opstonders and II flakettes; jtem a dong_pik, a schouele and a spade; jtem an old sive; jtem lI carmpottes; jtem lII mete-tables; jtem a nywe peire sokkes; jtem a gret howe for če quarer; jtem a sem_sadel, a cartsadel and II grete panieres. |p6 |rIII. |r[British_Museum._Additional_Charter_17692.] Thys endenture berus wyttenes: čat john of Lang_ton, of hyndeley, has leton to ferme to Thurstan, of athirton, and to hys ayres and his assignes, če place čat was adam atkynson, and če Newe market-lande in hyndely-ffelde in če towne of hyndely, to terme of lyf, of če forsayd john of langton, ¨elding be ¨ere XLVIII s. and lV d., čat is to witte: XII s. and 1 d. at če fest of Crystonmasse next sewing če day making of thes en_denturs, and XII s. and 1 d. at mydenlenton next sewing čat, and XII s. and 1 d. at če fest of myssomer next sewing čat, and XII s. 1 d. at če fest of saynt michaell če archangll next sewing čat. and so paying |p7 XII s. and 1 d. at faure tymes of če ¨ere, jwyl XLVIII s. and IV d. be payut for all maner sewtus, seruis, pre_sentus, frerentus, customes falling čer-to, safing XLIII s. and IV d. be ¨ere, as hit is be-forsayd. and all-so če forsayd john of langton grauntes to če forsayd Thurstan comyne pasture tourboure, with all maner of essemen_tus čat ane tenaunt or charterere has, with-in če towne of hyndeley. and alle-so če forsayd john of langton grauntes to če forsayd Thurstan: čat if ane mon dis_tresse če forsayd Thurstan, for ane maner of rych or tytull, claymyng in čat place, safing če forsayd john of langton, or hys ayres or hys assignes, for XLVIII s. and lV d. be ¨ere, as hit is be-forsayd, for alle maner sewtus or seruis faling čer-to, čen čat če forsayd john of langton schall ju če forsayd Thurstan [or] hys eires agayne, or elles če valewe čer-of, so čat če for-sayd Thurstan haue noe harme čer-bye. and all-so če forsayd john of langton grauntes če forsayd Thurstan to enture into če place at martin-masse next after če day making of čes endenturs. jn wyttynnysing of čes endenturs we haue sette oure seals. wrethun opon če monday next be-for če Natiuite of oure lady, anno regni Regis henricii quinti post conquestum anglie octauo. |p8 |rIV. |r[Northallerton,_Arncliff_Hall._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Douglas Brown_Esq.] éis jndenture (made) of a Eschaunge made be-twene sir Thomas merkyngfeld, lorde of merkyngfeld, knyght, and William Newbond at Wallay, taliour of yorke, čat |p9 es to say: čat če forsaide sir Thomas, knyght, sall hafe a place of če forsaid William čat es called če legh, with all če profites, medews, landes, with očer pertinaunce, čat liges in če bisshoprige of doreham, opon če watir of Were, in Wolsyngham Parisch, to him and to his hers for euer-more. and če forsaide sir. T. sall hafe a-visement twenty dais to loke, if him like; And čat es če forsaide William boun, be trouth of his body. And forsaid William sall hafe of če forsaide sir Thomas, knyght, a place čat liges in saynt Michell kirkgarth, in Connyngstret in ¨orke, als it abowndes, to him and to his hers with-outen ende. jn wytnes of če whilk thyng, če partyce be-forsaide to čer presence hafe set to čar selez befor Witnes. Geuen in Vigill of saynt Petronell Virgyn, če ¨er kynge Henre fift efter če conquest of jngland če neuent (L. S.) And also sir Thomas Merkyngfeld sall hafe all če arre_rage of če landes and če tonementes forsaid in Wol_syngham Parisch forsaide, pertynand to če forsaide William Neubond, and full acsyon and entres for reparacion, wast, and trespace don with-in če forsaide lande and tene_mentes. and če same William sall hafe če same of če tenement in yorke, quilk pertenece to sir Thomas Merkyngfeld forsaide. |p10 |rV. [British_Museum._Additional_Charter_22265.] |p11 To alle trewe men in god, to wham čese wrytyng schall come, Richard ynge, john Rogger, and Thomas Eyr, of Draughton, senduth gretyng in owre lord god, hauyng in gret reputacioun čat hit ys a gret almes-dede to bere weteness of trewth. čer-for be hit knowe to ¨our vnderstondyng čat we, če forsayd Richard, john, and Thomas, nat compellyd neder constrenyd, nečer for love nečer for auwe, but only in wyrschipe of god and declaracioun of trewče, and puttyng a-wey all Dowte čat mhyte be any vntrewe ymaginacioun be conceyved in čis mater in tyme to come, we bere wetenesse of fayth and trewth up-onne owre halydome: čat we were present at Draughton, at če callyng and preyur of on Emayne Eleyne, of Draughton, in here veray wydewhed, by vertu of a dede endentud, čat sche schewed and let be rad čere, were-in was contened čat sche mhyte entre in a place and land with če purtenawnce, če weche wylyam Clypston now holdeyt as tenawnt, for fawte of payment of an annuyte of sevene nobles. and so čere sche, for nownpayment of če for-seyd annuyte, in čat place and land with all če purtenawnce laufully entred, and put owt on john Eleyne, čanne holder and ower of če same place and land. and after, with-owt any stat ¨evyng a¨en to če same john Eleyne, stondyng in here verey wydewhed, če for-seyd Emayne sold hyt to on john mallore, squyere, and hym ¨af lawful stat. and after |p12 če same john mallore ¨af hit to Raf Belleres, and to lau_rence Barry, clerke, with odere, to če be-hove of john seyton, squyere, as we vnderstond. jnto če wetenes of all če for-seyd čynge, for če more credens to be had to čese present wrytynge, we han put to owre seales, and offere vs, when we are required of trewth, čere hit may stonde to furčeryng of trewth and wirschipe of god in helthe of owre sowles, to swere and make oth vp-on a boc be-for any juge Spiritual or temporal. the whech wete_nesynge and recordynge a-bove seyd vp-on a tyme we, streytely and indyfferently examynyd, recordede at če request of alexander Boron of Hoththorpe, squyer, and john warnar, of Naseby at maydewell, be-for john Seyton, squyer, and laurence Barry, clerke, and odere beyng pre_sent. če same john Eleyne knowlechyng čere čat čer was neuer seyson nočer dysseyson, as in forme above_seyd, but in presence afor-seyd of vs, Richard, john, and Thomas. Done at maydewell če ¨ere of owre Lord the kynge Henry če sexte after če conquest če theryd. and j, Rogger Balhed, beyng present, wan če forsayd Emayne entered in če forsayd land and place with all here por_tenaunce, and vtterly pyt out jon Eleyne and all hyss, for nowne-payment of če annuite abovesayd, with-out any seyson, or stat a¨eyn ¨evyng, or deleuery makyng, to če same jon Eleyne, in-to wyttnes of če wych thyng to čese present wrytyng, in declaracioun of trowth, have put to my seal. |p13 |rVI. |r[British_Museum._Additional_charter_17634.] |p14 This bille endentyd Witnessith that on the tewesday next after the feste of seynt mathie apostle, the fourte ¨eere of Kyng henry the sexte, a comenaunt was maked by-twyn Thomas Bangot, Thomas Wolfard, William Am_brynghale, and Thomas Pellyng, of the town of Walbures_wyk, on the one partye, And Richard Russel of Donewich and Adam Powle of Blythtburgh, masons, on the othere partye, that is to seyne: that the fornseid Richard and Adam schal make, or do make a stepel, joyned to the cherche of Walbureswyk fornseid, With foure botraas, and one vice, and tqwelfe foote Wyde and sexe foote thikke the walles, the wallyng, the tabellyng and the orbyng sewtly after the stepil of Dunstale, Well and trewely and competently; a dore in the West, also good as the dore in the stepel of Halesworth; and a wyndowe of foure dayes aboue the dore, sewtly after the wyndowe of thre dayes of Halesworth; and thre wyndowes atte nethire solere, and eche wyndowe of two dayes; and foure wyndowes atte ouerere solere, the wyndowe of thre dayes, sewtly after Halesworth. The fornseid Richard and Adam shal werke, or doo werke on the stepel fornseid two termes in the ¨eere, saf the ferste ¨eere, ¨eerly in the tyme of werkyng, of setting and leying, that is to say bitwixen the festes of the annuncyacioun of oure lady and seynt mychel archaungel, but if it be othere manere consentyd on bothe partyes. and the fornsaid Thomas Bangot, Thomas, William, and Thomas schal fynde alle manere of mattere to the stepel fornsaid, that is to say: free stoon, lyme and calyoun, water and soond, and alle manere thyngge that nedith to stagyng and wyndyng; and schouellis, and alle maner vessel that is nedeful to [the] stepel fornseid ; and an hows to werke jnne, to ete and drynke and to lygge jnne, and to make mete |p15 jnne, and that be hadde by the place of werkyng. The fornsaid Richard and adam schal take of the fornsaid Thomas Bangot, Thomas, William, and Thomas for the yarde-werkyng XLty scheelynges of laughfull money of jnglond; and a cade of full-heryng, eche ¨eer in tyme of werkyng; and eche of hem a gowne of leuere ones in the tyme of werkyng, so that they scholden be gode men and trewe to the werk fornsaid. |rVII. |r[British_Museum._Additional_Charter_20020.] |p16 This endenture witnessith: that william ffynch of Nethirfeld, Squyer, hath betakyn, and to ferme yletyn, vnto john herry and to john atte hope, of the parissh of wighttersham, VI. parcellis of land, of wodis, and arable_land, ycald Cukkowis, and če oldelond liggingge in wighttersham, upon če den of pesyndene, from če feste of če purificacioun of oure lady last passid into če same feste, be če terme of VII yer next suyngge, payengge čerfore yerly atte festis of seynt john če Baptist and seynt mighhell, be evene porciouns, VII s [of] lawful monye of jngelond. And če seyde john and john to kepe če shettis, withoute stripe or wast, be če terme [a]_foreseyd; and duryngge the terme of IlII of če laste yeris, the seyde landis to be pasturid, and not ysowe. and yef it happe, the forseyde ferme to be behynde, in partye or in al, [a]tt ony of če festis aforewretyn, or ellis be VII dayes aftir, that čanne it mote be leefful to če seyde william, or his attournes, in če seyde landis to distreyne, and če distressis to kepe and witholde vnto tyme that čat če forseyde ferme, togedris with če harmys and scathis čerfore yhad, fully be payd and satefyed. jnto witnes of wheche čing, če parties afore_seyd to čese present endenturis chaungingly haue putto here seillis. in če day of seynte Blase, The yer of če regne of Kyng herry če sixte after če conquest of inge_lond če XlI yer. |p17 |rII. |r[British_Museum._Wolley_Charter_III_56.] |p18 Thys indenture made be-twene jon of schagh, ye son of Richard of schagh, of brampton, of yat on party, and on yat oder parti margere of ye dale, wyfe of Robert of ye dale, and Richard ye son of ye forseyd margere: ye forseyd margere and Richard schal hafe, for ye terme of yer lyfes, and whedersneuer lyffes lenger, half ye landes yat ye forseyd jon purchest of jon henreson of chestrefeld, ye whych landes were sumtyme old jon of ye dale, wyth wodes, medos, and any odyr fredam, with-owton any geynseyng, or any pechement of wast, of ye seyd jon, or hys eyrys, or hys assygnes, or any odyr in hys name. and ye seyd margere and Richard, and whedersneuer lyffes lenger, sal pey to ye seyd jon, and to hys eyres, apeny of rent ¨herele, yat is for to sey: ahalpeny at ye fest of whysondey next cumyng after yis wrytyng, and at ye fest of sent-marten next foloying ahalpeny, and so forth fro ¨here to ¨here, duryng yer lyfes. and yen ye seyd landes, after ye desese of margere and Richard, schal turn to ye seyd jon, and to hys eyrys, and hys assygnes, for euer-more. the seyd jon and margere and Richard are acorded at ye wrytyng of ye indenture: yat ye seyd jon schall hafe to hys vse, and to hys eyres, and to hys assygnes, all ye barn, with aparcell of ye ¨herd, os it lygges dalt to hyt. The seyd margere and Richard schall pey at ye rent-deys for haldyng of ye land to ye chefe lordes obuf, yat it is halden of, parcel of ye rent, os ye part cumes to. jn-to ye testement of ye whych thyng, to ye present wrytyng eueredyr parte hafe set to yer seeles. These wytnes: jon lynacure, Thomas cavse, jon schagh de somersall, wyllyam greyfes, wyllyam asch, and mony odyr. wryton at Brampton, in ye fest of ye pure_ficacion of owre lady, ye ¨here of ye reynyng of kyng |p19 henre ye sext after ye conquest of england ye seyventente. |r[Das_endorsement_tr„gt_die_Namen: Jon Shaw de Somersall und margeri dale.] |rIX. [Northallerton,_Arncliff_Hall._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Douglas Brown_Esq.] |p20 This bill indentid Witnesse that William Maleverer, knyght, and William ffencotes, Squyer, has departid diuerse maneres, that is to sey: the Maner of Arnclyff with the toun of jngilby vnder Arnclyff, the Maner of Daletoun in blakamore, the Maner of Siggeston, in the Counte of York; the Maner of Bodill and Spyndilston, in the Counte of Northumbreland, with all thair appur_tenaunce, ffor to haue to the seyd William Maleverer, knyght, johnet his wife, and to the heyres of thair two bodyes lawfully begetyn. Also the Maneres of Heslarton and lutton, the maner of Themylby and West Rownton, in the Counte of York, with all thair appurtenaunce, ffor to have to the seyd William ffencotes jsabell his wyfe, and to the heyres of the seyd jsabell of hir body lawfully begetyn. jn witnesse where-of, to this bill indented the seyd William ffencotes has sett to his sele. |r[Das_stark_verblaáte_endorsement_lautet: Particion of Colvils landes betwixte Malleverer and ffencotes, son to Wan_desforthe.] |p21 |rX. |r[Northallerton,_Arncliff_Hall._Privatbesitz_von_Douglas Brown_Esq.] |r{12_lines_of_Latin_text} Dorso. Condicion of this obligacion is this: that if within -wretyn William ffencotes stand to the ordenaunce of Robert Maleverer and john of Thwaytes, as for makyng sure, in fourme of lawe, certeyn maneres, rentes and |p22 seruices, with the appurtenaunce, whilk er departed bytwene the forseyd William and sir William Maleverer, knyght, lyke as apperes in a peire billes indentid bitwene thaim made, whilk maneres, rentes and seruices thai haue be the right of thair wyfes: yat yen yis obligacion bere no strength. and als it bere vertu and in cas be, that the seyd Robert Maleverer and John of Thwaytes will noght take opon yaim to make this mater sure, yat yen the same William to stand to oyer two men like to yaim. |rXI. |r[Northallerton,_Arncliff_Hall._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Douglas Brown_Esq.] |p23 This indenture beris wittenes: that sir john Colvyle deyed seisyd of certayns Maneres, landes, tenementz, rentz, and seruis, wyth thare appurtenaunts, in ye Countez of Yorke and Northumberland, That is to say, of ye manerez of heslerton, lutton, Thymelby, West-Rowngton, Arneclyff wyth ye towne of jngylby, Dale in Blakamore, Sygeston with ye appurtenaunces, in ye counte of Yorke; And ye manerez of Bodyll and Spyndelstone, in ye counte of Northumbirland. Efter whose dede these saidz manerz, landez, rentz and seruices, wyth ye appourten[au]ncz, dissendyd to jsabell and jonet, sisters and heirs to ye sayd sir john. The particion of ye saydes manerz, landez, tenementz, rentz and seruicez, with thare appourtenaunce, be assent and grement of William ffencotz and ye sayd jsabell, his wyfe, tone of ye hers of ye sayd john, And of William Mauleuerer Chv. and jonet, his wyfe, tother of ye hers of ye sayd sir john, is put in award and ordenauce and jugement of john Thwaytes and Robert Mauleuerer, als it apperes be ane obligacion, that ye sayd William ffencotes is bondon in to the sayd sir William Mauleuerere in C. marces, beryng date XX day of De_cembre, the ¨here of kyng Henry ye VI=te= efter ye con_quest ye XVIIIe. And in sembleable wyse ye seyd sir William is bondon by his obligacion to ye sayd William ffencotez in C. marces, beryng date beforsayd. The |p24 saydez john Thw[a]ytes and Robert is agreyd ordin[au]ncez and awardez, be assent of ye parties beforsayd, and as it apperis be jndentures by the sayd parties, the sayd par_ticion to be hade in ye fourme sayng: That is to knawe to all maner of people, that ye sayd William ffencotez and jsabell, his wyfe, sall hafe and holde ye manerez of heslerton and lutton, ye manerez of Thymelby and West_Rowngton, wyth thare appourtenaunce, to ye saydez William ffencotez and jsabell, and to ye hers of hir body begettyn. And ye saydes sir William Mauleuerer and jonet, his wyfe, sall hafe and holde ye manerez of Arne_clyff wyth ye towne of jngilby, yo manere of Dale-towne in Blakamoure, the manere Sygeston wyth yare appour_tenaunce in ye counte of Yorke, and ye manerez of Bodyll and Spyndelstone wyth ye appourtenaunce in ye counte of Northumbirland, to ye saydes sir William Mauleuerer and jonet, and to ye hers of hir body begettyn. And in fulfillyng of this awarde trewly to be keppyd, the saydez john and Robert awardez, ordanauncez and demez, that ye sayd sir William sall sewe a witt de partiscione faciend[a], at ye costez of ye saydez parties. And this sayd particion to be made be the force of ye sayd writt, lyke als ye lawe will, the next terme efter ye date of this awarde. And to ye wittenes of these indentures, the saydez john and Robert hafe seuerally sette to yer seales. Wryttyn at Ripon, ye IIII=te= day of May, ye ¨here of kyng Henry sext efter conquest XVIIIe. |r25 |rXII. |r[Northallerton,_Arncliffe_Hall._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Douglas Brown_Esq.] This indenture made at Ernecliffe, in ye XI day of Septembre, in ye ¨eer of [ye] Reyne of kyeng Henry [ye] sext aftir the conquest of Inglande XXVte, betwix sir William Mauleuerer, knyght, on that one part, And Robert Mauleuerer, his son, on that other part, Wittenes_seth : that ye seid sir William hath graunted and to ferme lettyn to ye seid Robert, his son, and to his heiris, the manere of Wodosom, with the appurtenaunce, to haue and to holde ye seid manere to ye seid Robert, and his heiris, for terme of lyue of the seid sir William, Payng yerely to dame Elizabeth Mauleuerer, moder to the seid sir William, the ferme of VIII marces, which the seid sir William afore to hir payed, And also beryng the charge of suytes and othour labures that belongeth in defence of the seid manere. And on that it is agreed: that yen the seid sir William sall suffer the seid Robert, his son, |p26 to take the profettes and fermes of the landis [and] tenementes, in Siggeston and Dale, for terme of two ¨eer next foloyng, Payng ¨eerly owt of the landes and tenementes to William Mauleuerer, son to the seid sir William [and] brother to the seid Robert, VII marces ¨eerly, at two festis of the ¨eer, that is to say Martynmes and Whissonday, be even porcions, duryng the tyme the seid landes and tenementes in Siggeston and Dale [are] in his handis. And after the terme of two ¨eer so fynesshed, the seid sir William to entre and ocupie the seid landes and tenementes in Siggeston and Dale. And ower that hit is agreed: that wheer the seid Robert hath and perceywith one annuell rente [of] IIII marces ¨eerly of the house of Ryvaux, that when hit, by the grace of godd, sall happyn the seid Robert to take a wife and be weddid, then the seid William to haue and perceyue the seid annuell rente of IIII marces. jn-to witteness of which, from one to on-otheer we ower seales has putte. |rXIII. |r[British_Museum._Campbell_Charter._LFC_VIII._4.] |p27 Be it knowen to all maner men by this present bille endented: that j, henry Goodwyn, Bailif of henry Inglose, knyght, resseyuere of the castell-warde perteynyng to the maner of horsford, which seid maner the seid henry jnglose holdeth by the ryght of Anne, his wyff, haue resseyued, the day of the makyng of this present bille, of john wodehous, Esquyer, VI d. ob[olus] for horsewold in Crowefeld, hamlett of Codenham, in the counte of Suffolk, that is to seye for the terme of the Anunciacioun of oure lady seynt marie virgyn last past by-forn the date of this bill. of the which VII d. ob[olus], for the seid terme, j, the forseid henry Goodwyn, in the name of the seid henry jnglose, knoulache me wel and trewly to be payed, and the seid john wodehous, his heyres and his executoures, ther-of to be quyte by this present bill. jn witnesse of which thyng, the seid henry Goodwyn and john wodehous iche to other han sette to her seales. youyn the XII day of October in the XX=tieth= ¨er of kyng henry the sexte. |p28 |rXIV. |r[British_Museum._Additional_Charter_21535.] To my right gracyous lord the Erle of Bokyngham, Hereford, Stafford, North[am]t[oun], and Perche. Bysechyth mekely youre gracyouse lordischip your pore tenaunt and seruaunt Thomas Seyton, sone and heyer to John Seyton: that wher, for diuers causes, the maner of Draughton was sesyd yn-to your hanndys, and other londys and tenementez yn the same towne, callyd Bestons, wer sesyd yn-to the hanndys of the full gracyous Princes |p29 my lady, your Moder, whom god assoile, claymyng thaym as her dower, for tho wiche hys sayde fader yn hys lyfe sued to youre good lordshyp by petycioun, that hyt plesyd youre grace, by the avyse of your conseill lernyd, to se hys evydennce and title of rygh in če seyd maner, londes and tenementes, and ther-vppon to demene the sayd mater, as good feyth and consienns required: the wiche ye, graciously consyderyd, comaundyd your counseill lernyd to examyne dewly the sayde mater and make reporte to you; the wiche so don, ye, of your good grace, by the avyse of your discrete counseill, conceyvyd the title and right of hys seyde fader yn the sayde maner, lond and tenementez, as hyt apperyd by hys evydens, restoryd hym a-yen to hys possession of the seide maner, and, for the more suerte, by your dede vnder your grete seall, confermyd hys astate ther-yn. and as for the lond, callyd bestons, for as moche as hyt was in my seyde lady, youre modyrs, possession, ye said, ye myght make no restitucioun ther-of yn here lyf. wherfore please hyt your noble grace to concyder these premisses, and how ye, my most gracyous lord, occupie the sayde lond, callyd Bestons, asto the deces of my sayde lady, your moder, to restore your sayde bysecher to the sayde lond, as sone and heyer to hys sayde fader. and he shall pray to god for you. |p30 |rXV. |r[G”ttingen._Im_Privatbesitz_von_L._Morsbach.] To all trwe men of cryste, to whom these presentz heres come to segh or to here, john Roope of Stapeley, john maisterson, Thomas the son of henry of Wetenhale, William Smyth, john Ryuynton, Richard Wryght, Thomas Wryght, Robert Hyde, john Beche, Raulyn Daykyn, Thomas Tayleour, john of Crwe, Robert of lathom, Thomas Dauson, john the son of Richard Wryght, William Colfox, Richard Wyldebore, William Barker Hugh of Grayley, Roofe Lufkyn, And Agnes mayre sende euer-lastyng gretyng in oure lorde iesus. And for alsmykell as hit is medefull and merytorie to bere wytenes to truthe, We notyfie to yow by thes presentz: that we neuer attournet to william lorotte as attourney to james lefeson, sir Robert hue, sir Richard Waters, clerkes, nye to none other persone in thaire name, but onely to sir Sampson meverell, knyght, as son and heyre to jankyn meverell, his fader. And in Witenes that this oure recorde above-writon is gode and trwe, to |p31 these presentz we haue sette to oure seales. Gyfe at the namptwyche the IX day of Octobre, The yere of the regne of kyng henry the sext after the conquest the XXIIII=tieth.= |rXVI. |r[British_Museum._Additional_Charter_19336.] This endenture mad the teen day of Nouembre če yeer of če regne of kyng henry če sex=te= XXVti, Be-twen Anneys, late the wyff of william Paston, on the ton parte, |p32 and william Palmer, of trunche, on the tothir parte, witnessyth: čat če seyd anneys hathe grauntyd and lete to ferme to če seyd william Palmer a pece of londe, oute_take če medwe in and of če same pece, conteynyng be estimacion IX acres in all, lyyng in trunche-feld, to haue and to hold če seyd pece, outetake če seyd medwe, to hym, his heires and hys assyngnes, fro the fest of allehalwyn nowh last paste on-to the terme of teen yeer čan nexte folwyng fully endyd, payyng yeerly there-fore to the lordys of the fee the rentys, seruys and custumys, taxes and talagys of all the holl forseyd pece, duryng the terme be-foreseyde. and the seyd william Palnere schall felle and dite the medwe, and bringe home all the heie, and stakke it in seche an hous, in če maner of the forseyd anneys in paston, os sche or her debite wyll assyng hym. and yf sche kepe houssold there, he schall dyne or suppe there, at če bryngyng home. and the seyd anneys schall warent the lond clere to the seyd william palmer on-to če daye of če makyng of thise endenture. and yf the forseyd medwe be not dite in good tyme of če yere, but appeyred or lost, throwh če defaute of če forseyd palmer, čat čan it be lawfull to the seyd anneys, or her assyngnes, to distreyne op-on the holl forseyd pece of lond, on-till the seyd anneys be satysfyed of the valew of the heye, yf it had well a-be dite. jn witnesse where-of, eche of them to othirs parte haue set her selys. youe če day and če yeer a-boue seyd. |p33 |rXVII. |r[G”ttingen._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Lorenz_Morsbach.] |p34 Be hyt knowen to all men that thys present writynge shal come to, that y, john knyght, sumtyme seruaunt to john meverell, Squyer, was with my seyd mastyr at Stapeley in Chestyr-Shyre in the house of john Rope, Squyer, and ther my seyd mastyr was so visited with goddys visitacion, that he was in poynte of deth. at wheche tyme the seyd john Rope take fro my seyd mastyr in his sekenes hys purse, in the wheche purse was the Seal of my mastyrs Armes. the wheche purse and Seal, when that my mastyr was reuerted, was broughte to hym a-geyn by the seyd john Rope, and the Seal was enbrowed with reed wax, as they had seled there-with. and, more-over, y herd my seyd mastyr sey in hys good lyve, as y shal onswere by-fore god and man, mony tymes and ofte, that he neuere seled dede ny non odyr thynge to the seyd john Rope, save only an endenture, made betwen hem terme of yeres. jn-to witnes her-of, y, the seyd john knyght, haue put to my Seal. wreton at woluernehampton, the thursday in the fest of seynt Edward, the yere of the Reigne of kynge harry the VIte XXVti. |r[Das_endorsement_lautet: wytnes of john meuerelles seruaunt for takyng of his maysteres purse and seal.] |rXVIII. |r[G”ttingen._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Lorenz_Morsbach.] |p35 Be it knowen to al men yat yis present wryttynge shal see or here, yat j, laurence chirke, sum-tyme seruaunt to my maistre john meuerell, Squier, was with my said maistre at Staplay in chestur-shire in ye house of john Rope, Squier, and yere my said maistre meuerell was so visett with goddis visitacioun, yat was he in point of deth. at ye woche tyme ye said john Rope towke fro my said maistre john meuerell in his secnesse his purse, in ye woche purse was his Seal of my said maistre armes. ye woche purse and seal, wen my maistre reuerted, was broght to hym agayn be ye said john Rope, and ye seal |p36 was enbrowed with red wax, ase yai had seled yerwith. and, more-ouer, j herd my said maistre say in his prosperite and wil-faire, and ose shal onswere be-for god and men, mony tymes and oft, yat my said maistre neuer seled deed ne nothir rit to ye said john Rope, saue onle a nendentre, mad be-twen hem terme ¨eres. in-to wittnese of yis record, j, ye said laurence, to yis present record j haue sett to my seal. wryton at Colsill-m[aner] arderne, ye seturday next be-fore ye fest of ye natiuite of our lady, in ¨ere of our lord ye kyng henre ye sext XXIX. |r[Das_endorsement_lautet:_a_testemoneall_for_takynge his_seall,_Stapely.] |rXIX. |r[G”ttingen._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Lorenz_Morsbach.] |p37 Knowen be hit to all men that, for as meche as one john Roppe, of Chestre-Shire, gentelman, pretendith to haue a ryght tytle and astate by john meuerell, off woluernehampton, Squyere, of parcell off the manor of Stapley in the said counte of Chestre: wherfore we, william leueson and james leueson, Squyere, william Salford and Nicholas leueson, Gentilmen, Robert lyne and Thomas Pym, prestes, Raynald Tolle, Nich[ol]us Vnderhyll, john ffysshere, john Newport, william Cook, john clerk, john Skryven, william Taylour, henre Grasseley, and william lorotte say expressely, as the said john meuerell sayd in his last dayes, and at all tymes said in his lyue, that he neuer enfeffed, ne relesched, ne sealled no maner of wryting to the sayd john Roope vff no parcell of the said manere of Stapeley, saff onely an jndenture, off the which the said john Roope toke parcell of the said john meuerell, parte of the said maner of Stapeley, to terme of yeres, as hit apereth by the jndenture. And the said john meuerell said he was neuer holdon to hym, all yff they were Cosyns, ffor his lyuelod off the said Stapeley wes sore distressed, wasted, and aneyntised by the menes of the said john Roope and his evill will. jnto the wytnes of this oure record testymonyall we haue put to oure sealles. writon at wolluernehampton, on ffryday next after the ffest of the Natiuite of oure lady, the yere of oure souerayne lord the kyng henre the sext after the conquest XXV. |r[Das_endorsement_lautet:] of Staplay. |p38 |rXX. [G”ttingen._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Lorenz_Morsbach.] Knowen be hyt to alle men that, for als meche as on john Roope, of Chestreshyre, Gentylman, pretendyth to have a ryght tytle and astate by john meuerell, Squyere, of the manere of Stapeley in the sayde Counte of Chestre: Wherefore we, wyllyam leueson, Squyere, james leueson, Squyere, wyllyam Saliford, Gentylman, Nicholas leueson, Gentylman, Robert lyne, prest, Thomas pym prest, Reynold Tolle, Nicholas vndurhull, john ffyssher, john Newport, wyllyam Cook, john clerk, john Skryven, wyllyam Tayllour, henre Graseley, and wyllyam lorette say expressely, to oure knowlache, as the sayde john meuerell in his laste dayes sayde, and atte alle dayes sayde in his lyve, that he neuer enfeffed, relesed, ny seled no maner of wrytyng to the sayde john Rope of the maner of Stapeley, save an |p39 endenture, by the whyche he toke hyt terme. for he sayde he was neuer holde to hym, al yf they cosyns, for his lyuelod of Stapeley was destryed, wasted, and sore aneyntysed by the menes of the sayde john Rope and his euell wylle. jn-to wyttnes of this oure recorde testimonial we have put to oure Seales. Wryte atte woluernehampton, the ffryday next afture the Natiuite of oure lady, The yere of oure Souerayne lorde the kyng henre the VI afture the conquest XXVII. [Das Endorsement lautet:] of the manor of Stapley. |rXXI. |r[G”ttingen._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Lorenz_Morsbach.] |p40 This indenture made by-twene Sampson meuerell, Knyth, on that on party, and Nicholas monntgomery squiere, on that odyr party, beyris wyttenes of certayne covena[n]des, that is to wyt: če sayd Sampsone has mared Thomas, his son, to Elizabeth, doghtur of the sayd Nicholas, a-pon the condicions vnder-wryton, that is to wyt: that the forsayd Nicholas schall pay or do to be peyed to the forsayd Sampson, or to his certayne attorney, too hundreth marc of lafful mony of jnglond. of the whych forsothe somme the sayd Nicholas schall pay or do to be payed to the sayd Sampson, or to his certayne attorney, in the dey of the makyng of the esposels of the sayd Thomas and Elizabeth, twenty pounde of laful money of jnglond, and at the fest of the Natiuite of saint john Baptyst then next suing ten pounde, and at the fest of saint martine in wyntur čen next suing ten pounde of gud and laful mony of jnglond, by euene porcions; and so forth fro yere to yere, vnto the sayde somme of too hundreth marc be fulle ron vp. Also the forsayd Nicholas schall fynde the forsayd Thomas and Elizabeth of his awne propur costes, duryng the terme of sex yer next suing, the dey of the esposels of the forsayde Thomas and Elizabeth fulle be fulfilled. also the sayd Nicholas schall pay or do to be payed to the forsayd Thomas and Elizabeth, or to on of home, or to hor certayne attorney, euer a yer a hundreth schelyng, duryng the terme of sex yer beforsayde, at too tymes of the yer, by euene porcions, that is to wyt: at the fest of the Natiuite of saint john Baptist and saint martine in wintur. also the forsayd Nicholas schall make all maner costes of the forsayd esposeles of hys awne propur cost. also the for_sayd Sampson schall make or do to be made a state of the maner of ffroddeswall, with the appurtenaunce in coton and mylwych, in tayll to the forsayd Thomas and Elizabeth. also the sayd S. schall make no alionacion |p41 of no parcell of lond, bot leve all his londe to the forsayd Thomas in tayll aftur his deses. also the forsayd Sampson schall take the forsayd maner of ffroddeswall in ferme, duryng the terme of sex yer beforsayd, for euer a yere ten pounde, so that, the sayd terme of VI yer fynycht and fulle ended, the sayd Sampson schall be contente and payed of thre skore pounde, and the sayd Nicholas ther-of to be quit, that is to wyt of the sayd somme of too hundreth marc. also the sayd Sampson schall make a state taill to the forsayd Thomas and Elizabeth of all hys londes, tenementes, rentes, and seruis, with the apurtenance, in Spondon, in the counte of Derb[y], and V marc more in a-nother place, as the forsayd Sampson and Nicholas thinke resonable by ther counsell. also the sayd Nicholas schall make a state taill to the forsayd Thomas and Elizabeth of hys maner of makley, wyth the appurtenance, in tho counte of Derb[y], aftur the deses of Dame margaret monntgomery of Sudbury. also the seyd Nicholas schall gyfe to the sayd Sampson a gowne, and to Dame jsabell a-nother. and to thes co_venance beforsayd, of euer other party to be fulfilled, the partes be-forsayd ether to othur haue set to hor seals. geyue tho tusday next aftur če fest of the decol_lacion of saint john Baptist, in če yer of the regne of kyng henre the sext twenty and sex. |r[Das_endorsement_(mit_anderer_Tinte_und_sp„ter)_lautet:] Couvenantz of maridge. |r[Das_šbrige_ist_von_noch_sp„terer Hand.] |rXXII. |r[G”ttingen._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Lorenz_Morsbach.] This endenture made at couentre, tho monday next after the fest of seynt hillare, the yere of the reign of kyng herry the sixt after the conquest XXVlti, be-twix sir Sampson meverell, knyght, of the on party, and Nicolas mongomery, Squier, on the oder partye, witnesseth: that where-soeuer appoyntmentz, accordes and couenauntz waren had be-twix hem, as hit apperith be endentures |p43 made the tewsday next after the fest of the Decolacion of seynt john baptist, the yere of kyng herry the sext XXVI: for the performyng of whiche matere the seid parties assembled at couentre the forseyd monday, a-cor_dyng to theire assurance made be theire endentures a-forseid, there vtterly to haue concluded the seid ap_poyntmentz, whiche as yit neither on the partye of seid sir Sampson nor on the party of the seid Nicolas be not fully performed. in whiche seid endentures a-mong other hit was appoynted, that the seid Nicolas shulde fynde Thomas, Son of the seid sir Sampson, and Elizabeth his wyfe, duryng six yere next after theire espousels, at his cost, and pay to them euery yere, duryng the seid terme, c s. at midsomer and at martilmas, be evene porcions. of whiche fyndyng and payment of the c s. the seid parties nowe be thus accorded, that hit shall be at the eleccion of the seid Nicolas, whether he woll make the seid payment and fyndyng, or elles yerly to pay to the seid Sampson X li., yf so be that Thomas, son of the seid sir Sampson, woll agre, that his seid fader holde the maner of ffroddeswall, with the appurtenaunce in coton and milwiche, for VI yere, in content of III {superscript} XX li. con_teyned in the seid first endentures. And the seid Nicolas woll and graunteth be theis presentz that, yf the seid sir Sampson performe, full-fill and execute all the seid ap_poyntmentz, accordes and couenauntz in the seid furst endenture, on his part to be performed, accordyng to the same endentures, be the fest of Estur next comyng: that then an obligacion of cc li., made to the seid Nicolas be the seyd sir Sampson tho forseid monday, be voide. also he graunteth be theis presentz, that he then ony accion a-¨eynst hym, vppon the seid endentures, woll not sue nor attame. And the seid sir Sampson woll and graunteth also be theis presentz that, yf the seid Nicolas performe, full-fill and execute all the seid ap_poyntmentz, accordes and couenauntz in the seid furst |p44 endentures, on his part to be performed acordyng to the same endentures be Estur next comyng: that then an obligacion of cc li., made to the seid Sir Sampson be the seid Nicolas the forseid monday, be voyde. and also he graunteth be theis presentz, that then he ony accion a-geynst the seid Nicolas, vppon the seid endentures, woll not sue nor attame. and the seid parties graunten be theis presentes either to other that, yf hit fortune ony variaunce to fall be-twix them, touchyng any of the premisses, that then thei woll a-byde the reformacion of theire bothe councels, so that theire councell be theire labur assemble and make reformacion be-twix them, with-in a moneth next folowyng the seid fest of Estur. jn witnes of whiche thynges, iche of the said parties to theise endentures either to other theire seales han set, at couentre, the monday and the yere a-bouen seid. |rXXIII. |r[British_Museum._Additional_Charter_19861.] |p45 To alle that this wrytyng shal here or se maut, wyf of john Bakon, Esquyre, doughter of Sir Thomas Bedyng_feld, knyght, sende duwe reuerence and gretyng. Syn it is meritorye to recorde and certifye the truthe, in savyng of ryght and wronges to be esshuwed and voydid, wher_fore in as meche as j am, for the truthe in goddis part, duwely requirid to witnesse and notifye: that j have herd seid and reportid for truthe, as of the issu of Sir Richard moundevyle, sumtime of Okynhill, the yingere knyght, wheche weddid dam maut Bedyngfeld, modir to myn ayel, of wheche truli j have pleynli herd reporte of truwe and credible persones for certeyn, that the same dam maut had bi the seid sir Richard, be-for the espousel betwix hem, II doughter in bast, but, as of ony issu, melery had betwixe hem, aftir espouseles, truly and in good feith, j neuere knewe ne herd speke of for truthe, as j dar take charge be-for god. And to witnesse of this, to this present wrytyng j haue pit my seal. The date at Norwych the X day of septembre, the yer of the regne of oure souerayn lord kyng herry the sixte after the conquest the XXVlII. |p46 |rXXIV. |r[British_Museum._Additional_Charter_23173.] This endenture ymade the XXVIIl day jn the monthe of september, the yere of the reygne of kyng harry the VI the XXXIte, bytwene Nichollas carew, esquyer, jn that one partye, and william accland, on that other partye, beryth wytnesse: that the seide Nichollas hath demysid and lette to ferme alle his game jn the north-syde of his maner of Bedyngtoun vn-to the seide william, with all the game beyng jn pollardishill and the fryth, and the North_gate howse, to haffe and to holde and to ocupye alle the seide game jn the Northside of the maner aforseide, with the game jn pollardyshille and the fryth, and the north_gate howse to dwelle and lye ther-jnne, to kepe the game |p47 to the seide william or his asignours, fro the day and the date of this present wrytyng vn-to the terme of VII yere thennes nyxte folowyng, and fully to be full-filde, yeldyng ther-for yerly to the seide Nichollas, his heyrys or his asignours, IIII li of gode and lawfull money, to be payde atte II termes of the yere be even porciouns, that ys to sey, atte the fest of syn mychell and owre lady day in lente. and yf hit so be that the seide rente be byhynde, jn partye or jn all, thanne be hit lawfull to the seide Nichollas, his heyrys and his asignours, jn the seide game with pollardys-hill and the fryth with the northgate howse to entre and to holde this present endenture nothing with-stondyng. also the seide william shall leve the same game as gode as he fyndyth hit or beter, atte the ende of his terme. and the s[e]ide Nichollas shall ffynde william and his man mete and drynke, and all maner stuffe for to pleshe and to hele his borewys, for to norshe his game, duryng the terme a-forseide. to all thes kovenauntes, well and truly to be kept on william partye, the seide william byndyth hym to the seide Nichollas jn a obligacioun of X li, whos date ys the XXVIII day of september. jn-to wytnesse here-of eche of them to other seuerally to thes endentures hath put to ther seles. jyeve atte Bedyngtoun the day and yere a-for-seide. |p48 |rXXV. |r[Northallerton,_Arncliff_Hall._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Douglas Brown,_Esq.] M[emoran]d[um], yat, ye X day of ffeuer¨eer, ye ¨eer of Reyn kynge Henry sext sith ye conquest XXXI, it is agreyd and accorded betweyn sir William Mauleuerer, knyght, and Richard Wyman, esquier, yat is to say: yat ye said sir William hath grauntid his will to ye said Richard to haue his doghtour Beatrix to his wyfe. And yat he sall pay, or make to be payd, to ye said Richard, or his assignez, XL li. in mariage with his said doghtour, and hir chaumbre, That is to say: first, yat mylady sir William wyfe sall pay yer-of X marces. And ye said Richard sall haue of ye said sir William ffee at Kirkby Moresheed of Martynmes last past c. s., and of Whisson_day next cummyng an-oyer c. s. And at ye day of mariage X marces, and at Martynmesse next cummyng X marces, and at Martynmesse cummyng a twelmonth X li. of his ffee at kirkby Moresheed beforesaid. And if it lappe, yat ye said sir William dye with-in ye day of ye last payment, or afore it, yat yen ye seid Richard schull be payd by sich personez, as are bounden to hym by two obligacionez. And, more-ouer, ye said Richard sall make a feffement to ye said Beatrix, terme of hir lyve, in two |p49 placis of his with-in Yorke, yat is to say: oone on ye payment in ye holdyng of Brownflett, And an oyer in Mekillgate in ye holdyng of Sparowe. And yat ye said Richard shall wedd ye said Beatrix afore ye fest of ye jnuencioun of haly Crosse next cummyng, or with-in X days aftir. And yat yeiz appoyntementes to be fulfillid on ayther partye, with-owt fraude or cosyn, ye said sir William byndys hym, his heirs and his executourz, in c. li. to be payd to ye said Richard, or his assignez, for his party. And, in ye same fourom, ye said Richard byndys hym to ye said sir William in c. li. to be paid to ye said William, or his assignez. And yis for to be doon by ye advice of councell of lernyd men, by both ye partiez chosen. jn wittenesse whereoff, [ayther] to othour party of theez indenturez enterch[a]ungeablye thayre sealx has putt, ye ¨eer and day above-seid. |rXXVI. |r[G”ttingen._Im_Privatbesitz_von_Lorenz_Morsbach.] |p50 Humfrey, Duke of Bukyngham, Erle of Herford, Staff[ord], and North[amtoun] and john, Erle of Shrousbury, to all that this present Writyng endented shall se or here gretyng in our lord euerlastyng. for as meche as dyuersis contrauercyes, variance and debates haue byn hade [and] meued, and long tyme contynued, be-twyx Thomas meuerell, squyer, his seruauntes and tenauntz on the on party, and Will[iam] Basset, squyer, his seruauntes and tenauntz on the other party, for wheche contrauercyes, variance and debates to be cessed and.. s. d, ayther of the saides Thomas and Will[iam], and other with theym, byn seuerally bounden by theyr obligacions in II C. marc, that they and eyther of theym, theyr [heirs and execu_tours] shall stonde, obey and performe the award, ordi_naunce and domo of vs, the saides Duke [an]d Erle of Shrousbury, as well of and in the [pre]myss as of [the] other accions, trespas, offences, appelles, debates and demaundes hade and meued be-twene the partyes aboue-said, as in the said obligacions more pleynely apereth: We, the saides Duke and Erle of Shrousbury, for the weyle of peasse and reformacion of iniuries and wronges hade and done betwene the said partyes, haue takn vppon vs the labur and charge to arbitur in the premyss, and cald to-fore vs the the said partyes, and all |p51 theyr compleyntes, quereles, greuaunce and causes to vs in writyng articled and the vnsweres and replicacions to theym made diligently and by gud deliberacion haue herd examend and well vderstonden. Wherefore We, the saides Duke and Erle of Shrousbury, award, ordeyne and deme in maner and forme that foloweth: ffurst, we award, ordeyne and deme that the saides Thomas and Will[iam] shall be ful frendes and of fryndely deylyng and pardon, and ley apart all maner rancour and greuaunce. Also, we award, ordeyne and deme that the said Will[iam] shall pey to the said Thomas XX li. of lafull money of Englond, that is to say: in the fest of the Nat[iuite] of our lord next comyng c s., and in the fest of saynt john Bapt[ist] then next foloyng c s., and in the fest of the Nat[iuite] of our lord then next foloyng c s., and in the fest of saynt john Bapt[ist] then next fo_loyng _c s. Also, we award, ordeyne and deme that the said Will[iam], his seruauntes and his tenauntz, and euer-iche of theym, shall be nonsute, or ellus discontynue all maner accions personell and appell that they haue, or ony of theym hase, agaynes the said Thomas, his seruauntes and tenauntz, or ony of theym. Also we award, ordeyne and deme that nother the said Will[iam], his seruauntes ner tenauntz, ner non of theym, ner non other comprehendet within theyr articles by-fore vs named, shall sue ony accion personell or appell agaynes the said Thomas, his seruauntes or tenauntz, nor non of theym, for non offence, trespas, ner cause afore this day don, meued, ner shewed. Also, we award, ordeyne and deme that the said Will[iam], ner no nother, by his procuryng ner assent, shall let ner disturbe the said Thomas, his seruauntz ner his tenauntz, to haue theyr deliuerance or aquitell of ony enditement, that they or ony of theym be endited at the makyng of this award. |p52 Also, we award, ordeyne and deme that the said Thomas, his seruauntes and his tenauntz, and euer-iche of theym, shall be nonsute, or ellus discontynue all maner accions personell and apell that they haue, or ony of theym hase, agaynes the said Will[iam], his seruauntes and tenauntz, or ony of theym. Also we award, ordeyne and deme that nother the said Thomas, his seruauntes ner tenauntz, ner non of theym, ner non other comprehendet within theyr articles be-f[or]e vs named, shall sue ony accion personell or appell agaynes the said Will[iam], his seruauntes or tenauntz, nor non of theym, for non offence, trespas, ner cause afore this day don, meued, ner shewed. Also, we award, ordeyne and deme that the said Thomas, ner no nother, by his procuryng ner assent, shall lett ner disturbe the said Will[iam], his seruauntes ner his tenauntz, to haue theyr deliuerance or acquitell of ony enditement, that they or ony of theym be endited at the makeyng of this award. jn Wittenes whereof, to this present writyng We, the saides Duke and Erle of Shrousbury, haue put to our sealles. yeven at Burton, the X day of Juny, in the yer of tho regne of kyng henre the sext aftur the conquest XXXVII. |r[Das_endorsement_(in_anderer_und_sp„terer_Hand) lautet:] the award of the Duke of Buckingham and the Earle of Shrewesbury betwix Basset and Meuerell. |r[Die_beiden_Siegel_sind_nicht_mehr_vorhanden.]