|b_The_Fifty_Earliest_English_Wills_in_the_Court_of_Probate,_London. |b_A._D._1387-1439;_with_a_Priest's_of_1454,_copied_and_edited_from_the |b_Original_Registers_in_Somerset_House,_ed._Frederick_J._Furnivall, |b_London:_Oxford_University_Press,_1964,_pp._1-134. |rC_O_N_T_E_N_T_S. |rPAGE |rDEDICATION_to_Mr._J._Challenor_Smith____________..._..._..._..._..._viii |rFOREWORDS_____________..._..._..._..._..._..._..._..._..._..._..._..._xi |rWills. |rNO._AD. |r1.__1387._Robert_CORN,_Citizen_of_London___________..._..._..._..._..._1 |r2.__1392._John_PYNCHEON,_Citizen_and_Jeweller_of_London____________..._3 |r3.__1395._Lady_Alice_WEST,_of_Hinton_Marcel,_Hampshire_(Codi- |r____________cil,_p._9)_____________________________..._..._..._..._..._4 |r4.__1402._John_GIRDELER_of_Harefield,_near_Uxbridge,_Middlesex________10 |r5.__1406._Richard_Roos_of_London,_?_once_of_Beverley,_Yorkshire_______12 |r6.__1408._John_PLOT_(alias_Rouwenhole_or_Rouwenhale),_Citizen |r____________and_Maltman_of_London_________________________..._..._..._14 |r7.__1410._Robert_AVERAY_of_the_Cordwainers'_Company,_London___________16 |r8.__1411._Sir_William_LANGEFORD,_Knight,_of_Bradfield,_near |r____________Reading,_Berks____________________________..._..._..._..._18 |r9.__1413._Richard_YONGE_ofLondon,_Brewer______________________..._..._21 |r10._1415._Thomas_WALWAYN,_Esq.,_of_Much_Marcle,_Herefordshire_________22 |r11._1417._Thomas_BROKE,_Landowner,_of_Holditch,Thornecombe, |r____________Devonshire____________________________..._..._..._..._..._26 |r12._1418._John_SOLAS,_of_Southwark,_Surrey________________..._..._..._28 |r13._1418._John_CHELMYSWYK,_of_Shropshire__________________..._..._..._30 |r14._1418._Thomas_TVOKY,_Esquire_______________________..._..._..._..._36 |r15._1417-18._Stephen_THOMAs,_of_Lee,_Essex_(Codicil_made_at |r____________Rouen,_p._40)_____________________________..._..._..._..._37 |r16._1419-20._John_ROGERYSSON,_of_London___________________..._..._..._41 |r17._1418,_1920._John_BROUNE,_of_Henry_V.'s_Chamber,_and_of |r____________Fulham,_Middlesex._(Will_in_the_3rd_Person:_"he |r____________will,"_&c.)___________________________..._..._..._..._..._43 |r18._1420._Thomas_BATHE,_of_Bristol________________________..._..._..._45 |r19._1420._John_OLNEY,_of_Weston,_Buckinghamshire______________..._..._47 |r20._1422._Lady_Peryne_CLANBOWE,_of_Yasor,_Herefordshire___________..._49 |r21._1420._Sir_Roger_SALWAYN,_Knight,_of_York__________________..._..._52 |r22._1424-5._Roger_FLORE,_Landowner,_of_Okeham,_Rutlandshire_______..._55 |r23._1425._William_NEWLAND_of_London_(and_Normandy),_going |r____________on_a_Journey______________________________..._..._..._..._65 |r24._1426._William_DAVY,_Citizen_and_Fishmonger_of_London__________..._67 |r25._1426._William_HANYNGFELD,_of_Bikinacre,_Essex_____________..._..._68 |r26._1426._John_CREDY,_Esq.,_of_London_(and_Devonshire,_&c.)_______..._73 |r27._1428._John_TOKER,_Citizen_and_Vintner_of_London,_owner_of |r____________"The_Mermair"_in_Bread_St.,_Cheapside_________________..._77 |r28._1428._Robert_SCHAPMAN,_of_Haringay,_Hornsey,_Middlesex________..._80 |r29._1428._Richard_WHYTEMAN,Citizen_and_Waxchandler_of_London__________81 |r30._1428._Walter_NEWENT,_?_of_St._Pancras,_London_____________..._..._83 |r31._1430._Haryvan_SANDWYK,_ofSt.Clements,_East_Cheap,_London__________84 |r32._1430._Alys_CHIRCHE,_Widow,_of_St._Mary_Hill,_London___________..._85 |r33._1430._Richard_GRAVELEY,_of_London,_Grocer_________________..._..._86 |r34._1431._William_FITZ-HARRY,_of_Cosin_Lane,_London_______________..._87 |r35._1431._Richard_TYRELL,_?_of_Stoke-Dabernon,_Surrey_____________..._89 |r36._1431-2.Isabel_GREGORY,_of_Hackney,_Middlesex______________..._..._91 |r37._1432-3.Richard_GRAY,_of_St._Bartholomews,_London______________..._92 |r38._1433._John_BARNET,_Citizen_and_Draper_of_London_______________..._93 |r39._1433._Walter_MANGEARD_Citizen_and_Cook_of_London,_and |r____________Hurstpierpoint,_Sussex________________________..._..._..._94 |r40._1434._Margarete_ASSHCOMBE_(once_BLONCIT),_Widow,_of |r____________London________________________________..._..._..._..._..._96 |r41._1434._Roger_BORTON,_of_Hackney,_Middlesex_________________..._..._98 |r42._1434._Rauf_HETH,_of_Hackney,_Middlesex____________________..._..._99 |r43._1434._Roger_ELMESLEY,_of_London,_once_a_Waxchandler's |r____________Servant______________________________..._..._..._..._..._100 |r44._1434-5._Isabelle_DOVE,_wife_of_Thomas_DOVE,_Citizen_of_London, |r____________then_beyond_the_Sea_____________________..._..._..._...._103 |r45._1436._Richard_BOKELAND,_Esq.,_of_All_Hallows_the_Greater, |r____________Thames_St.,_London_______________________..._..._..._..._104 |r46._1438._Richard_DIXTON,_Esq.,_of_Siscetre_(Cirencester),_Gloster- |r____________shire________________________________..._..._..._..._..._108 |r47._1439._Nicholas_CHARLETON,_Citizen_and_Skinner_of_London__________112 |r48._1439._Isabel,_Countess_of_WARWICK,_Mother-in-law_of_the |r____________'King-Maker'_____________________________..._..._..._..._116 |r49._1439._Sir_Ralph_ROCHEFORT,_of_Lincolnshire._(English_Wills, |r____________p._121,_&c.,_in_the_3rd_Person,_"he_will,"_&c.)______..._120 |r50._1438-9._Sir_Thomas_BROOX,_Knight,_of_Cobham_Hall,_Kent_______..._129 |r____________(Other_English_Wills_in_Register_Luffenam,_p.130) |r51._1454._Nicholas_STURGEON,_Priest______________________..._..._..._131 |r____________(Note_of_other_English_Wills_in_Register_Rous,_p._134) |p1 |r1387._Robert_Corn. |rI._Commissary_Court_of_London,_Courtney_(A.D:_1374-1400),_f.198v) |r IN the name of god, Amen, the thorsday Befor the feste of seint laurence, the ¨er of the incarnacion of our lord, Millesimo CCC=mo= lxxxvij, the reyne of the kynge Richard the Secund after |r4 the conquest the x., I, Robert Corn, Ceteseyn of london, be-quethe my sowle to god, to lygge in the chirch of our lady of abbechirch. Also y be-quethe my goodes in twey partyes, that ys for [to] seie, half to me, and the tother haluyndel to Watkyn my sone and to |r8 Kateryne my Dowter, and also, or my godes be to-partyd, y will that my dettes be payd in alle places that rythful ys. Also y be-quethe genet my dowter xl. s. Also to the werkes of our lady of Abbechirch xx. s. Also to the Brethered of our lady of Abbechirch |r12 xx. s. Also to eueri prest that ys of this chirch, ij. s. Also to the twey clerkes that bene in the chirch. euerich of hem, ij. s. Also y be-quethe x. s. to the most nedful men & women čat ben in the parche of our lady of abbechirch. Also y be-quethe iij. li to |p2 bringe me on erthe. Also y be-quethe Bartilmewe neue the bed of tree, with the cheste atte the foot, weche they haue of myn, & the lauour of peuter with the basyn of led. Also y wille and ordene |r4 čat alle the godes weche y haue be-quethe Katerine, čat it be in kepynge of my too executours, here for to take as sche had ned. Also y be-quethe to the werkes of poulys vj s. viij d. And also wat godes čat leuet to-ward me, y will čat it be do of massys and |r8 of almes dedys čere most nedful ys. And here-to I ordeine Watkyn my sone, secutour, & Bartilmewe newe čat očer; & vp-on this y will čat Bartilmewe neue haue for hys traueal, after čat he seruit. Also y will čat Iohn Edmund [haue] al č=e= led čat light in č=e= stuys, |r12 & č=e= sesterne čat longeč to the stuys, and č=e= bordes & č=e= gaudroun in č=e= kechyn čat stont in forneys, he to paie čer-for as it ys worthy, for-be ony otherman. |r[xxij._129._199] Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram nobis, |r16 Presidente Consistorij londonie, vna cum codicillo eidem annexo, ij=e= Idus Marcij, Anno domini Millesimo CCC=mo= lxxxix=no=. Et commissa est administracio omnium bonorum, dictum defunctum & ipsius testamentum concernencium, Waltero Corn, executori in dicto testa_mento |r20 nominato, in forma iuris, & per eundem admissa, Bartholomeo Neue, coexecutore interius in eodem testamento nominato, onus administracionis huiusmodi coram nobis expresse admittere recu_sante. In cuius rei testimonium, sigillum officialitatis londonie, |r24 presentibus duximus apponendum. Datum Londonie, Die & anno Domini supradictis. |p3 JN. PYNCHEON, 1392. |r[xiij.264.194_f.l.19] Gives his lands in the county of Essex to be sold, and the money dispozed of as follows: "Ieo volle que la moneye soit despendu, cestassauoir, to č=e= pore Men čat han ben Men |r4 be-fore of god conuersacion, som man .xx.s, ant som ij Marc, and som xl. s., aftyr čat here stat hat ben be-fore. and čat čey be of č=e= same Parche, and Of Petris and Cristoforys, or of očere next čer by; & where me may wetyn eny powre lame, ore powre Blynde, in Ani |r8 plache in č=e= Towne, čat čey han Cločys to hele hem fro colde, & Schetys to čam čat han nede. And to č=e= presonis of newgate, a serteyn by če weke duryng on ¨ere; & to č=e= Powre Mesellis a certeyn A weke duryng on ¨ere; & čat č=e= hows be ysold, and č=e= |r12 Almes yi-do in č=e= worst ¨ere. And where men may a-spye eny powre man of religion, Monke, Chanon, or Frere, čat čay han of my god č=e= gode, And ben powre, eche Man.vj. s. viij. d. čat ben Prestys." (Proved, with Codicil annext, Oct. 9, l392.) |p4 LADY ALICE WEST, OF HAMPSHIRE, 1395. |r[Rous._(Prerogative_Court)_sheet_4,_l.29v] Tenor vero dicti testamenti sequitur in hec verba: In dei nomine, Amen. On thursday, that is to sey, the xv day of the moneth of July, In the yer of the incarnacioun of our lord |r4 ihesu crist, a thousand and thre hundred and foure score and fiftene, .I. Alice West, lady of Hynton Marccl, in hool estat of my body, and in good mynde beynge, make my testament in the maner as hit folweth here after. In the begynnyng', I bequethe my soule to god |r8 almyghty and to his moder seynt Marie, and to al the seyntis of heuene, and my body to be beryed in Crischerch in the Priorie of the Chanones in Hamptschire, by the Newe forest, where-as myne Auncestres liggeth. Also I deuyse to Thomas my sone, a bed of |r12 tapicers werk, with alle the tapites of sute, red of colour, ypouthered with chapes and scochons, in the corners, of myn Auncestres armes. with that .I. bequethe to the same Thomas, the stoffe longyng' therto, that is to seye, my beste fetherbed, and a blu caneuas, and a |r16 materas, and twey blankettys, and a peyre schetes of Reynes, with the heued shete of the same, and sex of my best pilwes, wich that he wol chese, and a bleu couertour of menyuer, and a keuerlet of red sendel ypouthered with Cheuerons. . Also .I. bequethe to the same Thomas |p5 my sone, an Halle, with docere, costers and bankers, of sute of that forseyde bed. Also y bequethe to the same Thomas my sone, a peyre Matyns bookis, and a peire bedes, and a rynge with which y |r4 was yspoused to god, which were my lordes his faderes. Also .I. deuyse to Iohane my doughter, my sone-is wyf, a bed paled blak' and whit, with the tapites of sute, and the stoffe of the bed, that is to seye, my secunde best fetherbed, with caneuas materas, twey |r8 blanketes, a peyre shetis of Reynes, with the heued shete of the same, and a blu couertour of grys, and .iij. the beste pilwes after choys of the forseyde Thomas my sone. Also .I. bequethe to the same Iohane a basyn of siluer with boses apon the brerdes, and a chaufour |r12 of siluer longyng' ther-to. Also .I. bequethe to the same Iohane, a masse book, and alle the bokes that .I. haue of latyn, englisch, and frensch, out-tak the forsayd matyns bookis that is bequethe to Thomas my sone / Also I bequethe to the same Iohane alle my |r16 vestymentz of my chapell, with the towailes longynge to the auter, and my tapites whit and rede paled, and blu and red paled, with alle my grene tapites that longeth to my chapell forsayd, and with the frontels of the forsayd auter, and with alle the rydelles and trussynge |r20 cofres, and alle other apparaile that longeth to my chapelle forsayd. Also to the same Iohane my doughter .I. bequethe a chales and a paxbred, and an haliwater pot, with the sprengls, twey cruetis, twey chaundelers, twey siluer basyns for the auter, with scochons of |r24 myne auncestres armes, and a sacrynge belle, and alle of seluer, Also a tablet depeynt of tre. Also .I. bequethe to the same Iohane, my chare, and that I haue longyng therto; Also a chariot with twey standardes heled with lether, which that serueth for myn harneys. |r28 Also .I. bequethe to Sir Nichol Cliston knyght, and to Alianore his wif, my doughter, and to Thomas Cliston here sone, Cxx li, euenliche to be departed betwix ham thre. And if Thomas here sone forsayd dyeth or he haue age of discrecioun, to ordeyne of his |r32 part of that moneye, I. wol that it torne to profet of his fader and his moder. Also .I. deuyse to the same Alianore my doughter, a tawne bed of silk', with hool celure and four curtyns of sute, and a |p6 keuerlit of selk ypoynet in that on side tawne, and in that other side blu; and the stoffe of the bed ther-wyth. that is to seye, my thridde beste fetherbed, with caneuas materas, twey blankettes, a |r4 payre shites of reynes, with an heuedshite of sute, and iij pilwes. Also I deuyse to the same Alienore, a round bassin of siluer, which hath a scochon of my lordes armys and of myn Iparted. Also I deuyse to my suster dame luce fitz-Herberd, Priorisse of Shaftebury, |r8 .xl. li. Also .I. bequethe to my suster Thomase Blount, Menchon of Romeseye, xl Marc. Also I deuyse to Margerie Salford xx. li. Also I bequethe to Beatrice Wareyn xl Marc, and a bed couenable for a gentel womman. Also I bequethe to Alison Hynton |r12 l2 x li, and a bed couenable for her estat. Also .I. bequethe to litel Perrot .x. Marc, and a bed couenable to the same perrot. Also I. bequethe to Idkyne my chambrer, xx. li. and a bed couenable for her estat. Also I bequethe to Thomme of the warderobe .C. s'. Also I |r16 bequethe to litel Reignold xl. s. and a bed couenable for his estat. Also .I. bequethe xl. li. to be departed among alle my seruantz, men and wommen of myn houshold, as to thilke that ben entendant for Thomas my sone, as for me, and as wel to hem that I haue eny |r20 thyng bequethe to in this testament, as to hem that I haue nothyng bequethe to: and I wole that it be departed trewely to euery man and womman, after his degre. Also .I. bequethe xl. li. to be departed among my pouere tenauntes oueral where I haue lordschipe, that is |r24 to seye, to hem that haue most nede. Also I bequethe xviij li. and .x. s for to synge and seye MMMM=llll= and CCCC Masses for my lord sir Thomas West-is soule, and for myn, and for alle cristene soules, in the most hast that it may be do, withynne xiiij nyght next after my |r28 deces. Also .I. bequethe xl. li to do make a vestiment, after deuys of my forsayd sone, to the cops of the hows of Crischerche wher my body schal ligge, to bidde, and to rede and synge for my lordes soule forsayd, and myn, and for alle cristene soules while the world schal |r32 laste. and .I. wol that the same vestiment be mad and deliuered to the same hows of Crischerche withynne twelf moneth next after my |p7 deces. Also .I. bequethe to the Religiouse wommen, the Nonnes of the hows of seynt Eleynes of london, and to the prestes that longeth to the same Hows. C. s'. to be departid among hem by euene porcion, |r4 for to synge and rede diuine seruice, and to praye for my lordes soule, Sir Thomas West, and for myn, and for alle cristene soules, and for the estat of Thomas my sone, and Iohane his wif, and for her childern. Also I. bequethe to the Religiouse Wommen the |r8 Menouresses dwellyngge withoute algate of london, C. s. to be departed amonge [hem] by euene porcion, for to synge and rede and to praye diuine seruice for my lordes soule Sir Thomas West, and myn, and for alle cristene soules, and for the estates of Thomas my |r12 sone, and Iohane his wyf, and for her children. Also .I. bequethe to the Religiouse Wommen, Menchouns of the Hows of Shaftebury, and to the prestes longynge to the same Hows, C. s. to be departed amonge hem by euene porcion, for to synge and rede diuine seruice, |r16 and to preye for my lordes soule Sir Thomas West, and for myn, and for alle cristene soules, and for the estatz of Thomas my sone & Iohane his wif, and her children. Also .I. bequethe to the Religiouse wommen, the Menchouns of the Hows of Romeseye, and to the |r20 prestes longynge to the same Hows .C. s. . . . [Here follow like bequests of l00 s. each to "the Religiouse wommen, Menchons of the Hows of Wilton" and its priests; "to the Freres Menours within Newegate of london"; "to the freres prechours withynne ludgate of |r24 london"; "to the freres carmes in Fletstret of london"; "to the freres Augusteyns withynne Bisshopesg.ate of london~"; "to the freres prechours of Wynchestre"; "to the freres Menours of Wynchestre"; "the freres Menours of Southampton"; "the freres |r28 prechours of Salesbury"; "the freres Menours of Salesbury"; "the freres Menours of Bristowe"; "the freres prechours of Bristowe," all to pray for the Souls of Sir T. West, the testatrix, all Christians, and her Son and his family.] Also I. bequethe to the Reclus frere |r32 Thomas, atte seynt Iames in the Holte .xl. s. for to preye for my lordes soule forsayd, and myn, and for alle cristine soules, and for thestat of my sone forsayd, and Iohane his wif, and her children~. Also .I. bequeth to the Hospital of seynt Marie |p8 Maudeleyne aboue Wynchestre xl. s. to preye for my lordes soule forseyd, and myn, and for alle cristene soules, and for the stat of my sone forseid, and Iohane his wif, and her childern. |r4 Also .I. bequethe xl. li to do make ther-with my forseyd lordes tombe, Sir Thomas West, and myn also. Also I bequethe to Elizabeth Rogers wif Newe, which that was my seruaunt somtyme .C. s'. Also I bequethe to Iuliane Arny, and to Iohn Arny her |r8 hosebonde, of dudlynton~ .C. s. Also .I. bequethe to Richard Forstrer, which is a blynd man dwellynge in Hanefeld, that was somtyme seruaunt with my forsed lord Sir Thomas West, xx Marc. Also I bequethe to Roger, my parkere, of Ewhurst .C. s. Also I bequethe to |r12 Iohn Smart that was somtyme my forseyd lordes baillif, Sir Thomas West, atte Hempston .C. s. Also .I. bequethe to Iohn Smyth, my Reue of Trestwode .C. s. Also I. bequethe to the vicar of the Cherch of Newenton Valance that now is .xl. s. to preye for my |r16 lordes soule Sir Thomas West, and myn, and for alle cristene soules, and for thestatz of Thomas my sone and Iohane his wif, and her children~. An al the residue of my godes, after the dettys that I owe, ben quyt, and after my testament is parfourned .I. bequethe to the |r20 forsayd Thomas my sone. Also I wol and deuyse that, ware that euer I deye, my body be caried to the forsayd Priorie of Crischerch, pryuelich and with right litel cost, and ther-to beried att the ferst masse, with a taper of v pound of wax stondyng and brennyng att |r24 my heued, and another taper of .v. pound brennyng atte my fet, with-out any other cost or solempnite ydo afterward. This is myn hool wil, that this be parfourned as hit is writen her-before. An ther-to .I. make my chef executor, Thomas my sone forsayd, and |r28 executrice Iohane his wif. Mo executoris to hem I make Sir Iohn Colman, prest, Thomas Remys, steward to the lady Bemond, and Iohn Thurston~. Also .I. wol and ordeyne that myn executours be rewarded after the helpe that they doth of this which that is my |r32 testament, and after the goode discrecion of the forsayd Thomas my sone, and after that they travaille diligently with her gode wille, to helpe fulfelle thes present testament; and therto .I. charge my sone Thomas forsaid vpon my blessyng to parfourne holelich and trewlich |r36 this present testament which that is my laste wil. In witnesse of |p9 which thyng, to this testament ich haue set my sel. This was yeve and writen in the lordes In of Cherlton withoute Newgate, in the parosch of seynt sepulcre in the suburbe of london~, in the day and |r4 the yer before ysayd. More forthere, in the same day and in the yer of the Incarnacioun of our lord ihesu crist bifore sayd. .I. Alice West, lady of Hynton Marccl befornemed, hool of my body and in good mynde, beynge mor folly avised to dispose of this |r8 testament and my laste wil, .I. wol that, if it so be that Thomas my sone forseyd, and Iohane his wif, wolle noght take the charge to be myne executors, and to parfourne the administracion of this testa_ment, which is [my] laste wil, as it is wrete her-before, thanne .I. wole |r12 that alle the godis which that .I. haue deuysed to the forseyd Thomas my sone and Iohane his wif in this testament, be solde by myn executours which wol take the charge herof, and trewely ydo to charitable werkes for my lordes soule, Sir Thomas West, and for |r16 myn, and for al cristene soules. Also my wil is, that if eny of myne other executours forsaid, that is to saye, sir Iohn Colman~, Thomas Remys, and Iohn~ Thurston~, wol take the charge, and be myn executour by hem self, to parfourne this testament, if so be that non |r20 of myne other executours wol take the charge with hem, thanne .I. wole, that after Thomas my sone forseyd, and Iohane his wif haue forsake to be myn executours, that he that taketh the charge to be myn executour, haue .xx.li for his orwene trauayle; and if tweye of |r24 hem that ben myne executours forseyd wol take the charge to-gederes of executours to parforn trewely this testament, thanne .I. wol that after Thomas my sone and Iohane his wif haue forsake to be myne executours, that they tweye that taketh the charge to be myne trewe |r28 executours, have xx Marc for her trauaylle, that is [to] seye, eyther of hem x Marc. And if so be that sir Iohn~ Colman, Thomas Remys |p10 and Iohn Thurston~, myne executours forseyd, wolle take charge to-gederes to administre and to parfourne trewly this testament as hit is writen here before / thanne .I. wole that after Thomas my sone |r4 forsayd and Iohane his wif haue forsake to be myne executours, that the forseyd Sir Iohn Colman, Thomas Remys, and Iohn Thurston~, haue .xx. li for her trauaille, that is to seye, euerych of hem x Marc. Also, for hit was for-yete byfore in this testament, .I. bequethe to the |r8 Reclus of Shirbourn, whos Surname is Arthour, xl. s. for to do and to preye as othere Reclus forseyd Shulleth don and preye. Accepta sunt hec, coram dicto Reuerendissimo presidente & domino Archiepis_copo, & per eum prout suprascribuntur & recitantur. Anno, In_dictione, |r12 pontiticatu, Mense, die & loco, predictis. Presentibus venerabilibis & discretis viris, Magistris Adam de Mottrun, Archidia_cono Cantuarensi in decretis, & Waltero Gybbes in legibus licenciatis, testibus ad premissa vocatis specialiter & rogatis. JOHN GIRDELER, 1402. |r[Brown_1400-1418._2_Commissary_Court_at_London,_f.21v] |r16 In the name of god, Amen. č=e= xxv day of Iuyll in č=e= reigne of Kyng Henry, iij ¨er .I. Iohn Girdeler of Harfeld, in god mynde and saf memorye, make my testement. Ferst my soule to Almyghty |p11 god, my body for to rest in the Chirche of Synt pietres at West_menstre, where as č=e= Abbot wol asyne. And y bequethe to č=e= werk of Synt powles of london vj s. viij d. Also y bequethe to če Couent |r4 of Westmenstre x mark. Also y bequethe for vj torchis of wax for to serue atte awter of Synt pieter in č=e= worschipe of god xl .s. Also y bequethe to č=e= parich chirche of Harfeld xx .s. Also y bequethe to če heye awter of č=e= forseyd chirch, ij torchis of wax. for to serue in |r8 the worschip of god xiij s iiij d. Also y bequethe atte day of my terment in Harfeld, to an .C. pouere men and wommen, for č=e= loue of god, euerych I.d. Also y ¨eue to č=e= parich prest of Harfeld x .s. Also y ¨eue to č=e= clerk of č=e= chirch of Harfeld xij d, And to č=e= |r12 sexsteyn xij d. Also y bequethe to č=e= parich chirch of Ikenham xiij s. iiij d. Also ij. torchis of wax for to serue in č=e= forseyd chirche in the worschip of god xiij s. iiij d. Also y bequeth to č=e= parich chirch of Ryslepe in most worchip of god vj s. viij d Also to č=e= |r16 forseyd chirche y ¨eue for to serue atte heye awter and in othir places of č=e= chirche in č=e= most worschip of god ij torchis of wax, pris xiij s. iiij d &c. Also y bequethe to č=e= parish chirche of Helmdon in most worschip of god, vj s. viij d. Also to č=e= forseyd Chirch y ¨eue |r20 for to serue atte č=e= heye Awter and in othir place of the chirche in the most worschipe of god ij torchis of wax, pris xiij s. iiij .d. Also y bequeth to č=e= Mendyng of č=e= heye way be-twen Hillindon and Akton, xl .s. Also y bequethe- to vj=xx=. pouere Bedrede men & |r24 wommen where as čey may be founde č=e= day of my terment atte Westmenstre, or Hastelich after, euerych man and womman, for č=e= loue of god, iiij d. My seketours, William Kyllet of Essex, John Mendam of London, Thomas Tornom of Ikenham; John Cosyn of |r28 London, ouerseer, čat my wylle be fulfylyd in č=e= worschip of god. Probatum est hoc testamentum coram nobis, presidente Consistorii Londonie, vj=to= Idus Augusti, A=o= domini Millesimo CCCC=mo= secundo &c. Et commissa est administracio bonorum Executoribus in dicto |r32 testamento nominatis. |p12 RICHARD ROOS, 1406. |r[Brown_1400-1418._2_Commissary_Court_at_London,_f.75v] In Dei nomine, Amen. I Richard Roos, in gode hele & mynde, Blessed be god / The Ferst day of June the [vij] yere of Kyngye Harry the fourth. y wyt my body to be beryd whare that |r4 god wyll of his Grace dyyspose hyt / And at the day of my beryng, y wyll haue sayde for my sowle xiij Messez; & ther for y wyt Euery prest iiij d. Summa .iiij s, iiij d / & also y wyt to xxvj. pouere men & wymmen, euery of hem ij d, summa iiij s. iiij d / & Also y wyt to |r8 the person of my paryssh vj s. viij d / Also y wyt Euery prest of the same Kyrk xij d / Also y wyt to the clerkys of the same Kyrk ij s. Also y wyt to Iohn Wodcok my mayster, for neclygent seruyse that y dyd to hym in the tyme of my prentyshode, ¨yf he wyl take hyt, |r12 v li. & ¨yf he wyl nougth take hyt, y wyt hyt to my sone Thomas. Also y wyt to Iohan Dyrwyn a rynge of xx s. Also y wyt to Richard Medrose a rynge of vj s. viij d. Also y wyt to Iohan Talbot a Cuppe, pryse of xxvj s. viij d / Also y wyt Thomas Roos |r16 my brothyr, my Habyryon, & my schort swerd, & my best baselard. Also y wyt to euery prest of seynt mary Kyrk of Beuerley, for to pray for me, iiij d / Also y wyt to the vekery of the same Kyrke xij d. Also y wyt to the same Kyrke work xl. d / Also |r20 y wyt to foure clerkys of the same Kyrke xvj d. Also y wyt to xxiiij pouer men & wymmen of the same paryssh in Beuerley, iiij s. Also y wyt euery prest & Frere in Beuerley, ij d. Also y wyt to seynt gylys spetyll in Beuerley, to the pouer folk ij s'. Also y wyt to the |p13 spetyll of Richard of Beuerley, xij d. Also y wyt to the seruauntys of Iohan Wodcok in hys hous xx s'. at the wyll of myne Executouris. Also y wyt to Iohan Watley, Richard Gy, Martyn Killum, Nicholas |r4 Walsyngham, Iohan Bele, Thomas Halle, Iohan Grene, Thomas Scheddysford, Iohan Wellys, Robard Kemp, Marigeri Walsyngham, Agnes Bele, Ionet Denerston, Mawde Denton, Margarete Strauston, Alson talbot, Laurans Hampton & eius vxori, Richard Euerard & |r8 eius vxori, Thomas Waddon, Iohan Typpop, Robard Myddylton, ylk man & woman of hem in sute a rynge of xl d. Also y wyt to Mawde my wyfe .L. li. Also y wyt to Thomas my son .l. li.; & ¨yf my son dye, than y wyll that my wyfe haue xx li: & the xx Mark over, y |r12 wyll that hyt be dysposyd at the wyll of Thomas Roos to owre Susterys Chyldryn. Also y wyt syr perys Geneyn a cuppe of xx s'., or xx s'.|r[leaf_76,_iij_f.] Also y wyt to Iohan Whyte the yongger, & to hys wyfe, a pipe of wyne, prys of xl s'. Also y wyt to the |r16 seruauntys in the hous of Iohan Whyte, that ys for to say, prentyse Lowys & othyr seruauntys, at the Dysposyng of Thomas Roos, xx s'. Also y wyt to Robard Rechemond my Cosyn, xl s. worth of harneys, or xl s. And all the remenauntys of my godys, y wyll they be |r20 preysyd & parttyd in thre: on part for to be don for my soule, & that other part to my wyfe / & the threde to my son or to my children; & ¨yf my son die, than y wyll that hys part of the remenauntys be partyd in thre, on part for hys soule, & on part to |r24 his modyr, & the thyrde part to my kyn that pouer men wymmen or chyldryn ben / at the dysposicion of myn Executours. Wretyn at London the ¨ere & the Day for-sayde; Thomas Roos, Maude Roos my wyfe, & Iohan Talbot, myne Executorys / In gode tyme also y |r28 wyll that my son be at gouernaunce, wyth that Gode that he has, at the wyll of Thomas Roos be-fore All othyr men or wymmen that leuyn, & yef outgh come to Thomas Roos, than y pray Iohan Wodcok to se to my son, that he be nat lost. Also y wyt to Thomas |r32 Steuenes, A baselard, or x s'. Also y wyt to Elyse Dauy v. li / Also y wyt to Robard Torre, xl s'. Also y wyt to the maryage of Avys Garton, x Mark. Item othyr seruauntys [in] my hous xiij s. iiij d / probatum fuit hoc testamentum coram nobis, presidente Consistorii |r36 londonie, sede vacante, iiij idus Junij, Anno domini Millesimo CCCC=mo= |p14 sexto. Et comissa est administracio &c Matildi, Relicte & Executrici, in dicto testamento superius nominata, et admissa per eandem in forma iuris prestito, primitus &c. Facultate committenda |r4 consimilem administracionem bonorum huius Thome Roos et Iohanni Talbot / coexecutoribus eciam in dicto testamenento nominatis, cum eam venerunt admissuris nobis specialiter reseruata / [laterr] Adueniente vero iiij=to= kalendarum Augusti, Anno domini |r8 Millesimo CCCC=mo= nono, Commissa fuit Administracio &c Thome Roos, Executori supra nominato, per Magistrum Jacobum Gale, Com_missarium londonie. Et per eundem admissa in forma iuris &c, presentibus Margreta Roberto Esebach, & laurencio Hampton, & |r12 Alijs. JOHN PLOT (or ROUWENHOLE, or ROUWENHALE), 1408. |r[Brown_1400-1418._2_Commissary_Court_at_London,_f.138r] In the name of god, Amen. And Also y, Iohn plot, Citaysyn and Maltman of london, beynge In gode Mende, In the day of translacion of seynt Martyn Byshoppe, the ¨ere of Owre lord god |r16 M=o= CCCC=o= & viij / And the ¨ere of the Reygne of Kyng henre the iiij=e= aftir the conquest ix=e=. My wyll ys thys, that Robert pygeon, Citaysyn & draper of london, Somtyme Cosyn to Alys my wyue,-- that god haue Mercy on her sowle & on all Cristyn sowlys,--that he |r20 take ful Charge & ful ministracion of al my godys, In whos handys & kepyng where they been / And Also the same Robert fulfelle alle my wylle a-fore the date of thys / And Also my wyll ys thys. that he |p15 & his Executours, other hys assyngnes, haue gouernance of my prest / & for to paye to the same prest for the terme of thre ¨ere After my deses, ¨yf he be of good conuersacion, & Cunne devyne seruyse, xx. |r4 li. And ¨yf hit so be the contrarie, y wil that he be put owte of hys seruice, & take yn A betyr be the Same Robert Pygeon, & be his Executours, othir be hys assyngnys / And thys ys my wyll. And Also my wyll ys, that the Same Robert pygeon, hys Executours & |r8 his assygnys haue gouernans & rewlyng of my obytis, that ys for to sayn, my ¨erys mynde, xx wynter Af[t]er my deses / And my wyl ys, for to be do for my sowle, & for the Sowle of Alys my wyue, & for all Cristyn sowlys, with solempne seruise, that ys for to sayn, |r12 wyth Belle Ryngyng, deryge be note, & Masse of requiem be note. & y wyll that the person of the same Churche as for that tyme, haue iiij d, & euery prest and clerkys haue ij d. & Also my wyl ys that there be delyd that Same Daye to the pouer peple xl d, And Also |r16 payde for brede & Ale to Spende atte my dyryge, xl. d. And Also my wyl ys thys, that Iohn White, Alys Kamerwell / Mavde White, Margarete Herelowe, |r[leaf_138,_back] Wedue, have A-¨ens the day of my terment, gownes of russet, with hodys of the same clothe. And |r20 also my wyll ys thys, that Alys, the seruaunt of Mawde White, haue a bras pot for her gode seruices / Also my wyl ys, that Mawde White be rewardyd for Here gode kepyng, & for the gode loue that Sche hath Schewyd to me, be the discrescion of Robert pygeon, myn |r24 Executour & ouerseer of my testament & of my last wyll / Also my wyll ys, that Iohn Walgraue, seruaunt of Wyllyam fondour, haue of my gode iij s'. iiij d / Also my wyll ys, that Maydenys of gode name & of gode fame haue x Marc of my gode to here Mariage, atte the |r28 dysposicion of Robert pygeon / Also my wyl ys, that thyr be Spendyth among my Nyebourus in Mete & in drynke A-bowte the. riche, & on the pouere of my[n]de, iij=li=. And Also hit ys my wyl that hit be, be the wyll & be the devyce of Robert pygeon; & that y |r32 wyl that he haue for hys labour more than he ys nemnyd a-fore the date of thys, xx s'. And that he do be me, as he wolde y dede by hym, As he wyl Answere atte day of dome. And thys ys my last wyl, y-wrete In the day & ¨ere A-bovyn y-sayde. Also my wyl ys thys, |r36 that [ther] be yspendyth betweue London and ware, of fowle weys, of |p16 my good, there most nede ys, C s'.: & thys ys my wyll Record on Mawd White And Margarete Herlowe, wedewe. Probatus fuit iste codicillus coram nobis, Jacobo Gale, clerico Reuerendo in christo patris |r4 & domini &c, Commissario generali, per Matildem White & Mar_garetam Herlowe, Mulieres testes in hac parte productos, & in forma iuris iuratas & diligenter examinatas in presencia Iohannis Conyesburgh, vnius Executorum testamenti, siue vltimis [so] volun_tatis |r8 domini (Iohn Rouwenhole alias) Iohannis Rouwenhale alias dicti plot, maltman, dicentis se, nichil dicente contra dictum codicillum nec huiusmodi testes, & reputantur ipsos fore veros, xiij kalendarum Ianuarii, Anno domini M=o= CCCC=mo= Octauo. Et commissa est Admin_istracio |r12 omnium bonorum, di tum defu[n]ctum & ipsius presentis codicillum concernencium, Roberto pygeon, Executori in dicto codicillo interius nominato, & Admissa per eundem in forma iuris. ROBERT AUERAY, 1410. |r[Brown_1400-1418._2_Commissary_Court_at_London,_f=o=.xxxvj=o=,_f.199v] |r In dei nomine, Amen. I, Roberd Aueray: Ferst y be-queče my |r16 soule to god and to our lady, and to All the companye of heuen, and my body to ben~ y-beryed in the Cherch of seynt Clementis wythowtyn Templebarr at London. Also y bo-queče to the werk of the same Church xij. d. Also y be-queče to William Begelon a grene Gowne |r20 and a hoyd percyd wyth Ray, of the Cordywynerys leueray / y be_queče to Freres Carmes off London .ij.s.vj.d, And čat they sey a |p17 diryge for my soule in the Church of Seynt Clementis, and syngge for me also / y be-queče to the freres pr.echoures with-yn ludgate / ij s'. vj d in če same manere for to seyn a deryge in seynt Clementis |r4 Cherch / Al-so y be-queče to the frere menoures ij. s'. vij. d for to seyn a deryge for me in seynt Dunstanes Church in če West, and to syngge for me al-so / y be-queče the Frere Austynes ij s' vj d for to seyn for me a dirige in seynt Dunstones Church in the west, and |r8 for to syng for me / Also y be-queče to Johon Wyot a gowne and a hoyd of č=e= Cordewaneres leueray of .ij. Coloures, and also a postnet čat y lent hym / Also y be-queče to herry Cole, a blewe gownne and peyr of Rede hosyn / Also y be-queče al če Resydue of my godys to |r12 Ione my wyff, for to beyn myn Executorice Cheff, and Iohn Robert of london / for to ben Executour wyth her / & y be-queče to the same Iohn Robert / iij. s. iiij d for hys trauayl, doyng for me as he wyll ansuere by-fore god / Also y be-queče xl. penyworth bred, & I |r16 kylderkyn of ale, to be spended At my dirige in sent element church, & xl. d worth bred & a kylderkyn of ale, to seint Dunstones in č=e= same maner. I-wreten at london č=e= ferst day of may in č=e= ¨er of oure kyng, xij. In wytnesse of čis dede, I. haue set čerto me sel. |r20 Also I wele čat Herry cole, taylour, duellyng wyt-outen temple barre, be on of myne executours, & I be-queče to hym, če same herry cole, for hys trauayle .iij. s. iiij d. -Probatum.--iij Kln Junij, Anno domini M=o= CCCC=o= xj . . . Executoribus . . . Et ij=e= Idus Iulij |r24 . . . Iohanne Executrice . . . |p18 SIR WM. LANGEFORD, KNIGHT, 1411. |rBook_March,_f._187r_(in_quire_24)._Prerogative_Court. In dei nomine Amen, vicesimo quarto die Mensis Augusti, Anno domini M=o=. CCCC=mo=. xj=mo=. Anno regni Regis Henrici quarti post conquestum, duodecimo. Ego, Willelmus Langeford, Miles, compos |r4 mentis quamuis egrotus corpore, condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis lego animam meam deo, corpus que meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia de Bradfeld, videlicet in Capella sancti Andree. Item lego fabrice ecclesie Cathedralis Sarum .vj. s. viij d. |r8 Item lego ad reparacionem Capelle pr.edicte quadraginta solidos. Also y be-qweythe to lucye my wyfe, alle my store and catall quykk and ded in Bradfeld and Compton, with alle č=e= vtensyl of myn hows, čat ys to say, in halle, in Chambre, in Pantrie and Botrie, in larder and |r12 Kechyn, with alle hire apparure, čat ys to say, in cločing, rynges, and alle očer ornamentes, what so čey be, with alle č=e= hay and corn of čis ¨here growyng, reseruynge č=e= hold greynys to myn executours to performe my wylle. Also y be-queythe a cofere with če godes čer-in |r16 in warde of laurens dru in Southcote, to če forseyd lucie my wyfe, |p19 vn-to hire propre vse. Also y be-queythe to Robert, myn heldest son~, a reed bedde of worsteyd, with costers čat langyth čere-to, enbrawde with whyte fete, with a canvase, a materas, a pare of |r4 Blankettes .ij. pare of schetys; Also a basynet with a ventaile, a pare of vambrace and rerebrace, a pare of legge herneys, an holle brest_plate, a paunce of stele, a pare glovis of plate white. Also to Elyzabeth, wyfe of če forseyd Robert, a boorde cloče with .ij. |r8 towelles of deuaunt of oo sute. Also y be-queyth to William my son, an aburioun of stele with a pallette couerte with reede velwette, a pare of glovys of plate blacke. Also to Henre my son, an aburioun, a ketil Hatte. Also y be-queyth to ysabell my dowter, an |r12 .C. pounde to hir mariage, of whiche somme ys owynge to me, to be payd, an .C. Mark by č=e= handes of my lady louell, and by the handes of William Tanner of Ersgarston~ .xxvj. Mark. vj .s'. viij d-, and č=e= remnaund to be payid of my godes čat lenyth. Also y wylle čat be |r16 gevon to pore men, in almes, to pray for me, .iiij. Mark, and in emendynge of weys lyand a-howt če manere of Bradfeld, .ij. Marc. Also y be-queyth to Thomas Eyre my sernaunde .vj. s'. viij. d. Henre .Soon .xl. [d]. William Hereward .ij. s,. Iohn Oxerd .xl. d. |r20 Peris Smyth če yongar, .xl. d. Iohn Sceperd .v. s'. Iohn of če Kechyn .xl. d. Robert Cokenell .ij. s,. Iohn Goky .xx. d. William Chesc .ij. s'. Robert of če Stabul .xx. d. Huge Parmay .xl. d. Iohn Turnour, Carter .v. s'. Iohn hayward .vj. s'. viij. d. William Burgeys |r24 and ys wyfe .xl. s'. Thomas Boteler .vj. s'. viij. d. Wylliam of Chestir_shire .v. s'. Thomas Capenter .xl. d. Mawde my seruaunt, to hire mariage.xx. s'. Iohon. Oxerd. xl. d. Beatrice my seruaunde.vj. s. viij.d. Also y wille čat alle č=e= londes and tenementes in Schyffeld, Burfeld, |r28 Sulhamstade Abbis, with če mede clepyd Tybbeney in Oston, of my purchas, stondynge in feffies handes, be sold, and č=e= Siluer čere-of spendyd to če avauncement of lucie, my dowter, and yf she be conably a-vaunsyd with les somme, y wille čat č=e= surplus be don for |r32 my soule. Also y wille čat č=e= forseyd sale of my londes and tenementes in Scheffeld. Burfeld. and Sulhamstade Abbis, be made principaly to my wyfe and myne heiris, geuynge čer-fore os an očer man wille. Also y wille čat William myn~ son haue če maner of |r36 Chale, with alle če purtenaunce beyr ge in fefyes handes, with |p20 a-vowson~ of če Chyrche in če Ile of Wyght, to him & to hys heirs of ys body lawfully be goton~; and yf he deie wyth-owte heire lawfully of ys body begeton~, čanne wille y če forseyd maner with |r4 appurtenaunce, remayne to Henre ys bročer, and to če heirs of ys body lawfully goton~; and yf če forseyd Henre deie with-owt issue leful of ys body goton~, thanne wille y čat če forseyd maner with appurtenauns, remayne to me and myne heirs. Also y wille čat |r8 Henre my sone have .x. Marcis worth londe ¨hely to hym and to ys heirs leful of ys body, of če londes and če rentes in če Counte of deuon-schire, beynge in fefees handes, with a-vowsoune of č=e= chirche of Mounkcocamton~; and for defawt of issue comynge of č=e= forseyd |r12 henre, y wille čat yt remayne to william ys bročer, and to ys heirs of ys body. And for defawte of issue of če forseyd William, y wille čat če remaynder be to my ryte heirs. I pray yow also čat ben my Feffees, čat ¨e make estate vn-to my forseyd chyldre, lucie, henre, and |r16 william, lyke as my wylle ys be-fore conteynyd. Also y wille čat Thomas Rawfe, my seruaund, haue .ij. Marces ¨hely durynge ys lyfe, takynge yt of če londes and rentes in deuen-schyre beynge in fefees handes, takynge a distresse in defawte of payment. Also my |r20 wille ys, čat yf my wyfe or my chyldre askun~ here resnable part of my godes aftur cours of lawe, čan wille y čat čey be excludyd of alle če avauntage of če ordinauns of my wylle above y-seyd. Also my wille ys, čat če siluer čat schal be reseyvyd for če londes & |r24 tenementes čat y haue be-fore asyngnyd for če avaunscement of lucie my dowter, čat hyt a-byde in če handes of myn executours to fulfyl my wille. Also y wille, tochaunde če londes če weche y hane asynyd to william my sone, čat lucie my wyf have gouernauns čer-of, |r28 and če profete, vn-to če forseyd william be of age .xviij. ¨here. And also of če londes čat ben assyngnyd to henre, čat my wyfe have č=e= governauns and če profyte of, vn-to če forseyd henre be of age .xviij. ¨here. Also y wylle čat če .C. li. wyche y have assyngnyd for |r32 ysabell my dowter, to hire a-vaunsement, and it falle čat sche deie or scheo be a-vauncyd, čan wille y čat če forseyd .C. li. be don for my sowle. č=e= residue of alle my godes, my dettes furst payd, and my wille holly fulfyllid as ys by-fore wreton, y wylle čat yt remayne to če |p21 forseyd lucie my wyfe. and y pray alle ¨ow čat bene enfeffeed in my londes forseyd by me, čat ¨e fulfylle my forseyd wylle os ¨e wylle answere a-fore god. Ad execucionem vero huius testamenti mei |r4 faciendam, ordino et constituo executores meos, laurencium dru, willelmum Stookes, Robertum Clerke, Rectorem ecclesie de Bradfeld, et Iohannem Iacob. Datum die et Anno supradictis. probatum fuit hoc precedens testamentum coram Magistro |r8 Iohanne perche, Commissario &c primo die Mensis Octobris, Anno domini M=o= CCC. xj. et quibuseunque, probacione &c, per dominum Robertum Sarum Episcopum cassata &c, et commissa est administracio omnium bonorum dicti defuncti, quibusdam Roberto Clerk, Rectori |r12 ecclesie parrochiane de Bradfeld, Sarum diocese, & Iohanni Iacob, Executoribus &c. laurencio dru, Executori eciam in ipso testamento nominato, coram dicto Commissario personaliter comparenti, onus administracionis &c expresse recusavit &c Reseruata potestate cuidam |r16 willelmo Stokes &c Et subsequenter, viz. x die Mensis decembris A=o= domini predicto, prefatus Commissarius acquietavit prefatos Robertum Clerk & Iohannem Iacob, &c. RICHARD YONGE, BREWER, OF LONDON, 1413. |r[Brown_1400-1418._2_Commissary_Court_at_London,_f.263r] In the name of god, Amen. Millesimo CCCC xiij, I, Richard |r20 ¨onge, Brewer of London, be-set my testament in thys maner: fyrst, I be-quethe my Soule to God al-my¨ty, an tho our lady seynt Mary, an to al the fayr company of heuene; an my body tho be byret in the chirche ¨erd of Seynt Donstones in the West. al-so y be-quethe |r24 to the hye Auter of the same churche, for oblacions for-etyn, xij d. al-so y be-quethe to the sayd churche warkis, vj s. viij d. al-so y |p22 be-quethe to the prestes an the Clerkys that mynystre in the for-sayd churche, by euen porcyon a-mong hem, iij s. iiij d. al-so, yf ther may be spared so. moche of my gode after my dedtis an rement of my |r4 testament be fulfyllyt, y wyl that my moder haue xx=s=. Al-so [y] wyl that Ion, my prentys, haue a reles of to ¨er of hys hol termys, of thys condicyon, that he be gode an trewe to my wyf. al-so y be-quethe to the for-sede Ion, I graners, an a flot, an a planer. al-so y be-quethe |r8 tho William my sone, a new bras pot, an a panne, an a bedde, an a potel pot of peuwter. the residue of my gode, y be-quethe tho Amys my wyf, an my son, to kepe hem boč wyt. al-so y make |r[lf._263_back] Richard Roos, Glouer, & Jon~ man, Corwaner, myn executou[r]s; |r12 & ayder of hem to haue for ther trayuayll, a gode bow. Probatum est hoc testamentum coram nobis. Testm &c ij=e= kln Octobris, Anno supra dicto. Et commissa est administracio omnium bonorum &c Executoribus supra dictis. THOS. WALWAYN, ESQ., OF MUCH MARCLE, HEREFORDSHIRE, 14l5. |rBook_'March'_(Prerog._Court),_f.253. |r IN dei nomine Amen, &c Ego, Thomas Walwayn, condo testa_mentum in hunc modum: In primis, lego animam meam deo omni_potenti, corpus-que meum ad sepeliendnm in ecclesia de Michel Marcle, retro patrem & matrem meos. Item lego ecclesie Cathedrali. |p23 Herefordensi .C. s'. Item volo quod Capellanus Canterie, per feoffatos meos fundate, statim celebret cotidie in ecclesia predicta pro anima mea & animabus patris [&] matris meorum, & animabus Antecessorum |r4 meorum. Item volo quod tercia pars monete that may be hade of Dene and Chalford be sette by myn executours vppon the makyng of the stepell of the chirche of Marcle; the second parte of the same goud, I wolle that hit helpe nede men oute of pryson, by the |r8 dysposicion of myn Executours, čer most nede is; č=e= remenant y wolle hit be parted on tweyne: halfe to the pores nedy folk that bun yn Marcle paryssh, Kempeley, Dymmok, Ledbury, Aylton, Preston, Putley, Wolfhope, Solershope, and Howecapell; And čat |r12 other half be ¨eiti to the maryage of yonge pore wommen yn the same parysshes by the disposicion of myn executours / and I wolle that ther be .x. M. masses Isayde for me of gode prestes with all hast, and my dette payed, and restitucion made ther eny wronge may |r16 be Ifounde be donn, (as I trust to god but litull,) by myn executours. And I woll that Isabell my wyfe haue all the necessaries, clothes, braas, and other instrumentes of all myn honshold, And all cloue-fote bestes that I haue, And all my corne growyng and yn bernes atte |r20 Mercle and atte Massyngton, oute t ake xl. quarters of wete reserued to fullfell with my wille, And an .C. mark of money. And I woll that my enterement be holde with oute pompe, whyche may not profyt myn soule. And I woll that Richard my son haue tweyne |r24 my best hors, And .xl. pounde. Also I. wolle that Cristian my doughter haue to here mariage an .C. li of the profites of longeford; Maclun and William, euerychon of hem .xx mark. Item lego priori Magne Maluerne .xl. li. Item lego Willelmo Walwayn, fratri meo |p24 .xx li. [Here follow other bequests, the appointment of executors - his wife Isabella (chief), John Walwayn of Stoke, testator's nephew Thomas, son of his said brother William Walwayn, John Prat, |r4 chaplain, Richard Pecok, chaplain, & John Bullok - &c. all in Latin.] Datum die martis in festo sancti Gregorii pape, Anno domini Millesimo Quadringentesimo quartodecimo. The Wille of Thomas Walwayn to his feoffes of his londes yn |r8 eueri place yn Engelond, qwyche the forsaide Thomas requyreth his feoffes that they perforne as they wolle ansswere a-fore god atte the day of dome. And for all the trust that he hath yn hem, ffurst I. wolle that ¨e make Isabelle, my weyf, goud estat of the londes rentes |r12 that ¨e bun feoffed In, yn Marcle paryssh, Ledebury paryssh, and Estnore, to holde hit to terme of here lyue; the remayndre, after her deces, of the londes in Marcle and Marcle paryssh, to Richard my son, and to hers of his body frelych be-gotun for euermore; pour |r16 defaut of issu, to the hers of the body of the forsaide Thomas Walwayn be-getun; And for de-faut of issu of Thomas, to William Walwayn, brother of the forsayd Thomas Walwayn, and to hers of his body frelych be-getun for euermore. the remayndre of the londes |r20 yn ledebury and ledbury paryssh. and Estnore, to Maclun my sone, and the hers of his body frelych be-gete; for defaut of issu of Maclun, to William my sone, and to the hers of his body frelych |p25 be-gete for euermore; and for defaut of issu of the forsaid W. my sone, remayndre to the hers of my body frelych be-gete &c vt supra. Also I wolle that his feoffes enfeofe Richard his sone, and |r4 clemens his wyfe, yn Kynegespeawyn, hyde, Byllyngeslond yn Rwaren, the rent that he boght atte Horcle, to haue to hem, and to the hers bytwex hem tweyn frelych be-gete, for euermore; for defaut of issu by-twex hem be-gete, the remayndre to the hers of Thomas |r8 Walwaynes body be-gete, &c, vt sup ra. Also I wolle that my feoffes, ¨e geuyn Braynesplace and Coycellesplace Bevlmulle (?), the lond atte Dymmokeschastell, yn-to a chaunterie yn marclechyrch, by the dysposicion of my executours, for a prest to seynge ther perpetually. |r12 Also I. wolle that my feoffes mak estat to Maclun my sone, of Thatteley and Farley, to hym and to the hers of his body; for defaut of the forsaide Maclun, to William my sone, and to the hers of his body frelyeh be-gete; for de-faut of issn, &c, vt supra. Also I |r16 wolle that my forsaid feoffes make estat of Butterley and of the fenne, to William my sone, and to the hers of his body frelych be-gete; for defaut of issu of William, to Maclun and to the hers, &c, vt supra, Remanere. Also I. wolle that my feofffes kepun Longeford yn |r20 here honde thys .xx. ¨eres, delyueryng the protites ther-of to my executours to fultille-wyth my testament. And after the .xx. ¨eres termined, I. wolle that Isabelle my weyf [haue] it to terme of her lyue wyth-oute empeschement of wast; the remayndre, after deces of |r24 herc, to Wylliam my sone, and to hers of his body frelych be-getun; for defaut of William my sone, to maclun and to the hers of his body frelych be-getun: for defaut of issu of maclun, &c', vt supra. Also I wolle that of my londe of Dene and Chalford, I wolle hit be |p26 sholde by myn executours to fulle tille wyth my testament. Also Aylton remayneth to Richard my sone. Memorandum, quod Thomas Walwayn. Armiger, de Comitatu |r4 Hereford, compos mentis, decimo nono die mensis maij, Anno domini Millesimo .CCCC. quintodecimo, recitans se nuper fecisse et condidisse suum testamentum super disposicione bonorum suorum, ad idem testamentum, per viam Codicilli, superaddebat & voluit quod |r8 [&c. appoints his son Richard one of his executors, &c.]. (Testament, Will & Codicil, proved by Isabella the widow, & Richard the son, on May 20, 1416; " and afterwards on 21 May a Commission was directed to the Prior of Great Malvern to make a |r12 Grant to the other Executors.--(Folio 32 Marche, C. P. C.)." THOMAS BROKE, LANDOWNER, OF HOLDITCH, THORNCOMBE, DEVONSHIRE, 1417. |r[March,_f.316v,_Prerog._Court.] |r In the name of the Lorde of all Lordes, the allmy¨ty ymmortal Trinite, I, wrichyd Synner, Thomas Broke, in gode Mynde, and out of Sekenesse, make my testament, ¨yf it be the will of god, in this |r16 maner, prayng him, of his hye yndelesse mercy, fouchesafe to receyue my wreched vnclene soule in-to his mercy, and kepe hyt fram dampnacion, for the meke passyoun and deth that his debonure sonne, oure lord Ihesu Crist, Soffred on the Crosse for Cherite & pety |r20 of mankynd. And my wyll is, that my body be Beryed in the Chirchhey of the Paryshchurch of Thornecombe, as men goth ouer |p27 in-to če church at če South Syde, ry¨te as they mowe stappe on me / and a flat playne stone, saue my name ygraued čar-In, that men mowe the rather haue mynde on me, and pray for me. And |r4 nether wheche, ne leede, to be leyde in / bote a grete Clothe to hely my foule Caryin; and of Torches, bote .iij., and .iij. taprys; Ande no fest nočer terment yhold, bot .iij., Masses atte my buryyng, saue CCC poure men schullen haue mete & drynke ynowe, and |r8 euery man and woman of ham .iij. d, & euery chyld of .CCC. Childerne .I. [d], yf čer be so many Childerne / and .xiij. poure men clothed in Russett ylyned witt white, and euery of ham to haue .viij d / and I bequethe to my poure tenauntes of Holdych, Hotham, |r12 Cherd, Cotteleygh, & Wycrofte, that haueth y¨eue to me Capouns & bederpes and Plouwys, ¨ou¨e čey be nou¨te my tenauntes, I will čat myn executours do her gre by god discr.ecion atte če value of xx li amonge hame / and if any očer man or woman be, that Cane Pleyne |r16 hym čat ieh haue oppressed hym, or do wrange to him, očer yete with my bestys his Corne očer his grase, and nou¨te amendits hit to hym; to amende such trespasses, I bequethe x. li.: and I bequethe to all my pourest tenauntes, where čat čey be, excepte ham čat I haue |r20 ynemned in čis bok to-for, C. li in mony / and I bequethe to Poure men blynd and lame .C. li, and to sum trew man, by good discrecyon to do party the mony forseyd / and namelych iff ych haue do wronge to eny of my tenauntes or mys tak hir good, I will čat it be restored |r24 to ham, whether it be Man or woman, be avysement of myn Executours, as čey will aunswere to-for god at če dome / and če resyduwe of all my goodys and Catell, in this my testament nou¨te |p28 bequethede, ych ¨eue Holelych, and bequethe, to Iohane my wyfe, reseruynge alweys to me volle power to chaunge čis testament, očer to mak hit more, očer to amenusy hit, očer to vndo hit all, as ofte as |r4 me Lusteth, or whanne čat me lyketh, duryng my Lyfe. and to do good and trewe execucion of čis my testament, ych ordeyne and mak myne Executours, Iohane my wyfe, William Brerdon, sir Iohn Dey, parsone of Bageworthe, Raufe Perceuale, sir Edward Osbourne, vicary |r8 of Thornecombe. This testament is my volle & hole wille če day of če date of čis my testament, the date in my Manour of Holdech, on Setrysday in če vygyle of če Holy Trynyte, the ¨ere of grace & of če incarnacyoun of oure Lorde Ihesu Criste, M=l=, CCCC.=mo= xv=o=. Thys |r12 twey Lynis I wrete almeste with myn owne Hond. Probatum fuit hoc testamentum coram Magistro Iohanne Estcourt &c. v=o=. die Februarij, anno domini Millesimo CCCC .xvij=o= &c, & commissa administracio bonorum domino Edward Osbourne, vicario |r16 ecclesie parochiane de Thornecombe &c. Reseruata potestate &c. & habent diem ad exhibendum Inuentarium primo die iuridico post sanctum Pasche proximum in futuro &c, & subsequenter acquietancia fuit dicto exccutori &c. JOHN SOLAS, OF SOUTHWARK, SURREY, 1418. |r[March,_quire_42,_f.337.] |r20 |r[f.337r] In the name of the fader and the sone and the holy-gost, atte hye reuerens of oure lord Ihesu Criste, and of ys blessed moder seynte Marie, and of seynt Iohan the Ewangelist and al other holy seyntes of heuene, I, Ion Solas of Southwerk, in good mynde and good |r24 deliberacion, my testament I make yn thys forme: atte begynnyng I be-quethe my soule to our lord Ihesu Crist and to oure lady seynte |p29 Marie, and to alle aleves of heuene / And my body to be beret in the northpart of the Churche of seynt Gorge of Soutwerke / Also I be-quethe to that same Churchewerk C s'. Al-so I be-quethe to the |r4 hye auter I Marc / Also I be-quethe to euery preste that ther syngyth the day of my berynge / iiij d / Also I be.quethe the Clerk of the same Churche xl. d. Al-so I be-quethe to Ion Euenwode iiij nobls, and a goune newe of blak. al-so I be.quethe to Thomas Elyot |r8 xx s' [&] a goune of blak. Al-so I. be-quethe to Ion Costert my seruaunt, x s' and a goune . . Also I be-quethe to Richard my seruaunt I. noble, and a goune and a doblet. Al-so .y be-quethe to Ione Batesey, xl d and a goune / Al-so y wole that my wyfe and al my |r12 chyldren be atte my berynge, yn case they leue. Also I for-¨eue Edeyn Veel / V Marc / of here rente for an alfyere, yn case I deye. Al-so I be-quethe to Ion Bryxhyll a goune. al-so I be-quethe to Thomas Wade a goune. Al-so I be-quethe to William- Mymmes a |r16 goune, and to Anneys ys wyfe a goune. Also sI be-quethe to Ion Archer a goune. Also I be-quethe to Adam Rigge a goune / The remenaunt of my godys that be not be-quethe ne ¨euen, I be-quethe to Ione my wyfe, for to do and ordeyne as sche thyngyth best, and as |r20 sche wole answere atte hey day of Iugement / To thys testament to ordeyne and parforme, I make myn executours, my wyfe a-boue seyd, Robert Bromesbury and William Horton. In the wytnesse of the wyche thynge, I haue set to my sele. I-¨euen~ atte South-werk |r24 in the parsche of seynt Gorges, the xij day of Iuly, the ¨ere of our lord Ihesu Crist M=l= CCCC xviij. Probatum fuit testamentum coram Magistro Iohanne Estcourt, Comissario &c, vicesimo secundo die Mensis Iulij, anno domini M=o= CCCC=mo= xviij=mo=. Et comissa fuit |r28 ad=l=ninistracio Iohanne, Vxori & Executrici dicti defuncti, &c. Reseruata potestate &c. |p30 JOHN CHELMYSWYK, ESQ., SHROPSHIRE, 1418. |r[March,_f.335v,_P.C.] |r[f.335v] In the name of God, Amen, the iiij=e= day of the monthe of Aprill, The ¨ere of god a M=l= CCCC xviij=e=, and tl=l=e ¨ere of the regne of kyng Henry the V=e= after the conquest, vj=e=. I. Iohn Chelmyswyk, squier |r4 of Shropshire, hole of mynde & in my gode memorie beyng, ordeyne & make my present testament of my last wille in this manere / ffirst I recommende my saule to almyghty god, to oure lady seint marie virgine hys moder, & to alle the Seintes in heuene, and |r8 my body for to be heryed where god . of his mercy for me wolle dispose. Also I bequethe to the werkis of the body of the Parysshchirche of Seint Marie Magdaleyn of Quatford in Shropeshire, |p31 & to ordeyne vestmentis & ornamentis in tl=l=e same Chirche nedefull, after the discrecioun of my Executours, so that my soule be recommended in Goddys seruice there, C s'. Item I be-quethe to the |r4 freres Menours of Bryggenorth, to do singe for my soule, and for the soules of my fader & moder, Thomas my sone, Elyanore late my wyf, Ionet Chelmeswyk my Graundame, and alle my god fryndys soules, & for alle cristene soules, the hole Seint Gregories Trentall, & |r8 to praye -deuotely for my soule & the soules aforsayde, xl s'. Item I bequethe in the same manere and condicioun to the ffreres of Wodehouse xl s'. Item I be-quethe in the same manere and con_dicioun to eueryche of the thre Ordres of freres in Shrovesbury xl s'. |r12 Item I be-quethe in the same manere and condicioun to eueryche of the twey Ordres of ffreres in ludlowe xl s'. Item I be-quethe, to fynde Twey honestes prestes to singe goddys seruice for my soule, & for the soules aforsaid, in the Chaunterie of the Chirche of Seint |r16 Leonarde in Brigge-north be vij ¨ere next folwyng after my desese, lxx li of sterlinges, that ys to wete, euery preste takyng for hys salarie be ¨ere, C s'. Item I be-quethe to the mendyng of the feble & foule weye beside Portmannes Crosse fast by Briggenorth, xl s'. |r20 Item I be-quethe to eueryche of the iiij Ordres of ffreres in č=e= Citee of London, that ys to wethe, Prechours, Menours, Austyns, & Carmes, xl .s'., so that eueryche of č=e= forsaide iiij Ordres do singe for my soule, and for the soules a-forsaide, the hole seint Gregories Trentall, |r24 and pray for my soule and for the soules a-forsaide. Item I be.quethe viij s' iiij d to do singe for me Soule, & for de Soules aforsaide, C masses in oo day. Item I be-quethe to the prisoners of Ludgate in London, to pray for my soule & for de soules a-forsaide, |r28 xx s'. Item I be-quethe, vp č=e= same condicioun, to č=e= prisoners of Newgate in London, xl. s'. Item I bequethe, vp č=e= same condicioun, to the prisoners of the Marschalsie, xx s'. Item I bequethe to č=e= pore hospitales, that is to say, Seint Marie spitell with-oute Bis_shoppesgate, |p32 Bedlem, Seint Thomas in Southwerk, Seint Antonies Elsyng spitell, Seint Bartil-mewes in Smythfeld in London, Seint Gyles beside Holbourne, that is to wete, to eueryche hospitall, |r4 to parte s-monge pore folk there, xx s'. to pray for my soule & de soules aforsaide. Item I bequethe to do ordeyne & bye ij vestmentis to serue to the forsaide ij Prestes that shull singe for me in the forsaide Chaunterie in the Chirche of seint Leonarde in Briggenorth, |r8 xl. s,. Also I wille that after the forsayde ij Prestes haue fultilled here vij ¨ere seruice aforsaide, that than the forsaide ij. vestmentes shull remayne & duclle still alwey in the forsaide Chaunterie to serue the prestes of the same Chaunterie, to the worshipe of God, as so |r12 longe as th[e]y may endure. Al-so y bequcthe to do make & holde my Mynde euery ¨ere duryng vij ¨ere next folwyng after my desese, in the forsaide Chirche of Seint Leonarde honestliche, & to do recommende my soule & č=e= soules aforsaide in č=e= same mynde, vij li, |r16 that is to wete, to spende atte euery mynde, xx s'. Item I bequethe other vij li to ¨eve to poremen in the same vij ¨ere, that is to sey, atte euery mynde xx s', for to be delet in Briggenorth after the discrecioun of myne Executours, for to pray for my soule & for the |r20 soules aforsaide / Item I bequethe to Ionet my wyfe, in the name of here Dowerye & of here parte belonging to here of al my godes mobles, xl. li of sterlinges, and all my beddynge & naperie, and alle myne arraye & necessaries in my chambre, and alle othere meuable |r24 Godes ther-in beyng, and alle manere apparaillement & necessaries longynge to the body of the same Ionet, Outake Golde & syluer, & myne owne werynge clothes, ij peire of my best shetes, & vj disshes & vj Sawcers of seluer. The wyche shetes .I. bequeth, that is to |r28 say, a peire to Sire William Lochard, And the tother peire to Maister Ion Marchall, Dene of Briggenorth. Item I bequethe the |p33 forsaide vj sawcers, to do make there-of Twey Chalices to serue the forsaide Twey prestes in č=o= forsaide Chaunterie duryng the forsaide vij ¨ere. And After the vij ¨ere be fulfellet, I wolle that tl=l=e same |r4 Twey Chalices shull Abyde in the same Chaunterie to the worshipe of god for euere more. Item I bequethe to the same Ionet my wyf =l=ny Maner of Staverton with the appurtenaunces, in the shire of Gloucestre, to haue & to holde, terme of here lyfe, doynge to the |r8 Cl=l=ief lordes of čat fee the Seruice ther-of due, & of rygh[t] Cus_tume / Vp condicioun that the same Ionet suffre Emot, here moder, to reioise peisibly, & to haue & to holde, terme of the lyf of the same Emot, the Maner of Aspleye with the appurtenaunces; And al-so vp |r12 condicioun that č=e= same Ionet saue and kepe harmeles myn heirs & executours a-¨ens Iohn Roe that hath wedded the forsaide Emot, of a Obligaciouns of CCCC li that I. am bounde to hym, vp condicioun that the same Emot shal holde & occupie peisible, terme of her lyfe, |r16 the forsaide maner with the appurtenaunces, with-oute distourbaunee of me or of Ionet my wyf, oure heires or assynes. And I wille that after the decese of Ionet my wyf, the forsaide manere of Staverton with the appurtenaunces, duelle & remayne to the heires of my body |r20 lawfully be-gete, & to here heires & assignes for euere more, doyng to č=e= chieff lordes of č=e= fee, č=e= seruice there-of due & of right custume. And ¨if I dye with-oute heires of my body lawfully begete, than I wolle that, after the decese of the same Ionet my wif, the forsaide |r24 Manere of Staverton with the appurtenaunces be solde be my ffeffes & my Executours in the best manere that they may, and that the money that cometh there-of be disposet in werkes of charite, & in masses to be songe for my saule & for the soules aforsaide, after |r28 the discrecioun of the forsaide sillers. And ¨if so be that [the] forsaide Jonet my wyf put oute the forsaide Emet here modir, in here lyf of the forsait Manere of Aspleye with the appurtenaunces, & čat may be recorded be Trewe men, than y wille that the same |r32 Ionet be vtterliche excluded & voyded fro the forsaide Manere of Staverton with the appurtenaunces, & čat she haue no profet |p34 čer-of, terme of here lyf. But than that č=e= same Manere of Stauerton, whyt appurtenaunces, remayne to myn heirs of my body frely begete & lawfully, ant to here heirs & assignes for euere more; |r4 and ¨if čat I dey with-oute heire of my body lawfully be-gete, than I wolle čat č=e= same manere with č=e= appurtenaunces be solde, and the mony there-of comynge, to be disposed in werkes of cherite, & in masses to be songe for my soule & č=e= soules aforsaid. Item |r8 I bequethe to sille after my decese be myne Executours, ¨if I dey whyt-oute heire of my body lawfully begete, my Maners of the Haye & Tasseleye with here appurtenaunces, & my partie of the place of Lynches, & my tenement with č=e= appurtenaunces in Halgot |r12 in Shropeshire, & alle my other londes and tenementes with here appurtenaunces in the same shire; and that the mony ther-of comyng, be disposed in workes of cherite & in masses to be songe be ordinaunces of myne Executours for my soule and for č=e= soules |r16 aforsaid. Item I wille that ¨if Ionet my wif kepe here soole, with_oute husbonde, Twelf-monthe after my dccese, than she ffounde be of my goddes durynge čat ¨ere in alle here eostes, after č=e= same honeste and degre as she is founde č=e= day of makynge of this testa_ment |r20 . Item I bequethe to the same Ionet, my ffurre of Calabre, my best Cheyne of Gold, a doseyn spones of siluer, and a pece of siluer. Item I bequethe to Iohn Yate, myn vncle, vp condicioun that he be one of myn Executours, & take ministracioun of thys testament, vj |r24 dysshes of siluer, & my best Girdill of siluer. Item I bequethe, vp the same condicion, to Iohn Page of Oxenbolde, x li of sterlinges. Item I bequethe, vp the same condicioun, to Iohn Lemman, Citezein & Skynner of London, x li of sterlinges, & my worstede Goune with |r28 č=e= ffurre, & my Baselard harneysed with siluer. Item I be-quethe, vp the same condicioun, to Iohn Baldok, Citezein & Waxchaundeler of London, x marc, & my furre of Fycheux . Item I be-quethe to the |p35 wyf of č=e= forsaide Iohn Lemman, my litill Cheyne of Gold that serueth for myne arms. Item I bequethe to Symond Wrencl=l=in, Skynner, my Bastard Swerd . The Residue of alle my Godes & my |r4 Catallys mebles, where euere that they be, after my dettis payde and my questes fulfilled, & my sepulcure made, I bequethe to myn Executours, to dispose hit for my soule & for the soules aforsaid, in werkes of Charite, and in masses to be songe, as they se most |r8 plesaunce to god, & hele to my soule & to the soules aforsaide. Of this testament I make & ordeyne myn Executours, that is to sey, the forsaide Iohn ate, Iohn Page, Iohn Lemman, & Iohn Baldok, that they trewly ffultille my last wille as I trust in hem. In wetenesse of |r12 wheche thing, to thys Testament I haue put my sele: the date is the day & the ¨ere aforsaide. Item I bequethe to the werkis of the body of the Parisshe Chirche of Tasseley in Shropeshire, & to ordeyne vestmentes & ornamentes in the same Chirche nedeful, after the |r16 discrecion of myne Executours, so that my soule be recommendid There in goddys seruice, C s. Item I wolle that sire Iohn Hogenes, person of Tasseley, & Richard Crowder, haue and reioise alle the hustilmentis of Beddyng, hallyng, pottys & pannes, & |r20 peauter vessell čat I left in kepyng atte hay & Briggenorth, To haue & holde for here Rewarde that I am holde to hem. Probatum fuit hoc coram Magistro Iohanne Estcourt, Comissario, xiij=mo= die Mensis Nouembris anno domini M=l= CCCC=mo= xviij=o=, et commissa est adminis_tracio |r24 Executoribus in eodem testamento nominatis, & habent diem ad exhibendum Inuentorium & c': et sextodecimo die dicti Mensis Nouembris, acquietati sunt Executores per finem .xx. s./ |p36 THOMAS TVOKY, ESQUIRE, 1418. |r[March,_f.336v] |r In the name of če fader and če sone and če holy goost, almyghty god. I. Thomas Tvoky, čorow godis grace esquier, make my testa_ment in čis wyse. first I. be-queče my sowle to almyghty god, and to |r4 his moder & mayden Marie, and to all če Seyntes of Heuen / also my body to Holy erthe, wher that godys wil is, to be buried; also al myn Harneys, čat is to say, a bed of Lyn wit a hool silour and Couerlet of če same wroght wit mapil leues and fret of .iij. foill, & iij. |r8 nettes of Silk grene for quirtayns for the same bed / also a bed of red and grene dimi Selour wit .iij. quirtayns of worsted; also čat on in warde of Anneys Elyngton, and a paire of schetes, .ij. paire of Blancketes, .ij. paire of schetes, .j. pylow of Doun, lengh of a yerd, .ij. |r12 Pylows of doun, lengh euerych of half a ¨erd; also .vj. rcof quisshens of worsted, .iiij. in ward of če same Anneys; also a Materas for a bed; also a gowne of Sch[a]rlet wit brod sleues furred with gray; also a gowne of blew worsted furred wit črotes and polles of |r16 Martrons; Also a gowne of gray russet furred wit Ionetis and |p37 wylde Catis; also a gowne of grene frese, in ward, & c, furryd with blak Lambe; also in ward &c, a furre of beuer and oter medled; also a Hewk of grene and other melly parted; also a Doubeled of defence |r4 couered with red Lečer; also ij. remenauntz of the Lynne bed; [al]so xij. quysshons; also a Cloke of Blake russet; Also a Dobelet couered with Blak gote Lečer; also a bordcloth the Lenghe of .v. ¨erdes of werk; also a towayl of werk, Lenghe .xj. ¨erdes. STEPHEN THOMAS, OF LEE, ESSEX, 1417-18. |r[March_(P.P.C.),_f.358.] |r8 |r IN dei nomine Amen. Mensis Maij, die octauo, anno domini Millesimo CCCC=mo= xvij=mo=, Ego Stephanus Thomas, de la Lye in Comitatu Essexie, meum condo testamentum in hunc modum. In primis, lego animam meam omnipotenti deo, & beate Marie Virgini, ac |r12 omnibus sanctis; corpus que meum ad sepeliendum in noua Ela coram summo altar[i] ecclesie dicte ville. Item Iego summo altari eiusdem ecclesie, xx s'. Item lego ad habendum vnum Capellanum ydoneum diuina in dicta ecclesia per vnum annum integrum |r16 celebratura pro anima mea, & animabus omnium benefactorum meorum, & omnium fidelium defunctorum. Item lego cuilibet |p38 pauperi, tam homini quam mulieri, in predicta villa moranti, xij d. Item lego cuilibet capellano ad exequias, & ad missam altam venienti, xij d. Item lego clerico parochiali ecclesie predicte, xij d. Item |r4 lego cuilibet clerico ad dictas exequias & missam venientem, vj d. Residuum vero omnium bonorum & catallorum meorum, do & lego Matilde, vxori mee, Iacobo Triche & Iohanni Camp. Ipsos-que Matildam, Iacobum & Iohannem, facio executores meos, dicta bona & |r8 catalla ad disponendum prout anime mee salubrius sciuerint expedire. Item lego vtrique [? MS.] executorum meorum prelictorum, xx s'. In cuius rei testimonium, presentibus sigillum meum apposui. datum die, loco & anno prescriptis. |r12 Knowe al]e men, čat .I. Stephyn Thomas of č=e= Lee, make čus my testament and my laste wyll: ferste, I. be-quethe my saule to gode and to our lady seynt mary, and to all č=e= Company of Heuene, and my body to be bered were .čat god wyll. fordermore syn, čes men of |r16 č=e= Lee .I. make my seketowrs, ferst, Iacobbe Tryche, Ion Campe, and my wyff [&] Thomas Aluowe; and y pray hem čat čey be well wyllet and forderyng to here; and al-so I charge hem all čat čey do for me as čey wolde čat I dede for hem, and as čey wolle answere |r20 to-for god; and čer-to yt ys my wylle čat euer-echeon of hem schele haue xx s' for her labor & for her besynesse; and eny goude čat schele be solde, yt ys my wyll čat Wyllyam Aluowe haue it, passynge eny očer man, and Thomas hys broder, and ¨yfe čer-for |r24 lyke as a nočer man wyll; and next hem, čat Pole may be a beyer, saue Ellys čat y will čat Iacobbe Treche haue be-for all očer men, so čat he wyll ¨eve as a noder man wyll; and it is my wyll čat all č=e= goud čat is Reysed, or Ellis, čat it go to č=e= Lee Cherche, to č=e= Eyle, |r28 and tos all očer nessessarie thynge; and also it is my wyll čat my wyff schele haue č=e= place čat sche dwelythe in, terme of her lyff, and all sayrys and all čat euer longethe čat to, durynge her lyf tyme. and ¨yf čat I passe Rather čan sche, it ys my [wyll] čat all |r32 spengold & ffysscherys & bowdens be sold a-non forthe-with; and |p39 also it ys my wyll čat č=e= plase čat sche dwelythe in, and all sayres, ant all čat euer longeth čer-to, and all čat sche sehele haue, after č=e= sesse of her, čat it be sold and do for owre sawles and for all owre |r4 ffrende. and ¨yf čat y passe rather čan~ scho, čat it is my wyll čat I haue a prest syngynge a-non after č=e= terme of iij ¨ere & more, ¨yf ¨e may, in č=e= Cherehe of č=e= Lee. and ¨yf čer be eny man or woman čat wil say čat I howght hem eny goud, and swere vppon a boke by |r8 record of goud men, y wyl čat dey be payd. and also it is my wyll čat euere porc man of č=e= Lee, & woman, schal haue xij d; and al-so ¨yf čat y haue eny goude mysty det, it ys my wyll čat heye auter haue xx s', and euere preste čat syngethe čat day for me, .I. wyl čat |r12 euery man of hem haue xij d. and I. wyl čat Iankyn clerk haue xij d, and euere clerk čat syngethe čat day for me In č=e= cherche vj d. and also it is my will čat Hadley chirche haue xl s', and euere pore man of č=e= toune iiij d, and čat č=e= chirche of Estwode |r16 schel haue xiij s' iiij d. and also it ys my will čat Larance my nees,e, & Annote her suster, haue xl s'. and al-so it is my wyl čat Ione my Broder schel haue x. markes. and it is my will čat Iorge my Cosyn schel haue očer x. markes; and euere godchyld čat y |r20 haue in the Lee schele haue xij d. and also it is my wyll čat Thomas Alvowe haue .v. marces, and William Alvowe očer .v. marces. and also I will čat Annote Hadley čat es with me, haue .xl s'.; and all the Ostelmentes schele be sold, and čat all čat goud and all očer čat |r24 schulde beleue in ¨our Haunde, čat it be do so os may be moste mede for her saules // Also čes beth če dette¨ čat I howe. xv. li to Eyon, to be paid at Esteren next commyng, for I Howe Him at all bot .xxv. li, and čer-of he schele Haue, as I sayde čer-a-fore .xv. li. |r28 at Esteren next, and .x. li. at Esteren come twelmonthe, and čan es he all paid. And also I Howe to Iamys Skynner of Bemflet, at Mychaylemesse, for Colys doun -- vj. marces, and čan es he all payd. and I Howe to Hopkyn Crestyndom at London for |r32 Richard Row -- vij s'. vj d; and also I Howe Iohn Campe of the Lee .xl. s'; and also I Howe to a man of Burdeux xlvj. s'. viij d, His name is Peter de Lobered. and also čis es the dettis čat |p40 es Howynge to me: Rychard Haddoke of the Lee .vij. li to be Paid at Esteren, and also Water Burnam an .C. s'. that schuld Haue be Paid at Esteren; and William Hylbyll .xx. s'. and Her-to I sett my |r4 Sele, wytnessynge, Stephen Ellys, Thomas Chesse, William Ellyot, Lytell Iohn Spotell, Richard Smythyot, and očer gode men I-now./ I-wret at Sandwyche, the .vij. day of may, če Reynge of Kynge Harry če .v. ye anno quinto. [1417 A.D.] |r8  And also I will čat my wyll be fulfillyd lyk als I ordeynd when I went from home, and all čat es contend in this Codicill / that es to say, my will es, to haue a Trentale of masses ¨ef that I dyd er čane I come home / and also I pray ¨ou čat ¨e wald Brewe .x. |r12 buschellys of malt forto ¨ef pore men of my paryche; and also that ¨e wald bake .vj. buschellys of whete of smale Halpeney Loves, and ¨efe euere man and woman a Love =l= and a galon of ale, als fer als it will go. and also I pray ¨ou and charge ¨ou in goddes name that ¨e |r16 gar send a man to the Holy priour of Brydlyngton to offer for me, and for any thing, that this way to Bridlington, and the Trentale, be do both be-for Estren, ¨yf y dye ore y come home. and also y do ¨ow to wyt čat yt is my will čat Thomas Chesse scheI haue me ¨yf |r20 čat y dey in hys bote with hym; and also čat he schel haue my best gowen of č=e= kynges liuere čat is at home at my hous, and my golde rynge and my whystell. and also I do ¨ow to wyt čat yt is my will čat Thomas Albwe schel haue če best gowen next čat is at home after |r24 čat, and a houd. and also y do ¨ow wyt čat it is my will čat George Thomas my Cousyn schel haue all če gude and č=e= harnesse čat y haue att Hampton in č=e= chippe, and be-syde; and čis čat is of če see with me att Roon he schel haue, all to-gedyr, saue čat Rychard |r28 Smytheot schel haue my Russet gowen čat y wered, and my blac houd, and a nold bassenet. More wryt y nogh[t] vnto yow, bot če holy trinite kepe ¨ow now, dere and trusty wyf. here I make an |p41 hende. wer-for I pray ¨ow, as my trust es hely in ¨ow, ouer alle očere creatures, čat this last will be fulfyllet, and all odere that I ordeynd atte home, for all če loue čat euer was be-twen man and woman. |r4 y-wrete atte Roon če Sonday next to-fore č=e= fest of purificacioun of oure laydy. |r[february_2,_?_1418-19.] Probata fuerunt supradictum testamentum & Codicillum coram Magistro Iohanne Estcourt xx=mo= die Mensis Iulij, anno domini M=o= |r8 CCCC=mo= xix=no=. Et comissa est administracio omnium bonorum &c dictum testamentum & codicillum concernencium, Matilde relicte & Execntrici dicti defuncti / Iacobo Triche & Iohanne Campe, execu_toribus in dicto testamento nominatis, administracionem supradictam |r12 coram dicto domino Comissario expresse recusantibus, ac xxvj=to= die eiusdem Mensis acquieta fuit, et c. JOHN ROGERYS SON, OF LONDON, 1419-20. |r[More,_3_Com._Court_of_London,_f.50v] THes beth the godes that y, Iohn Rogerysson, leve in a chyste in the hous of Roberd Leget dwellyng in the parysh of seynt Benet |r16 Fynk // And čis ys my wylle yf čat y dye, that Anneys Tukkys_worthe have č=e= beste bedbere, and Richard Gery č=e= nyxte, and Roberd Legat ij payre of schetis, and to č=e= same Roberd my Blewe gowne and my hode of Rede and Blak; And to Thomas Pykot my |r20 whit Ray gowne, and my rede Hode; and to Anneys Tukkysworth my best bordclothe, and the Towayle; and Rychard Gery the nexte bordclothe And Towayle; and Robard Legat iij quarters of white and Isabell hys wyf a bordcloth and a towayle; and to Wyllyam |r24 Pertnale, A payre schetis and a red doblet, and a keverlet of Blewe; |p42 And to Anneys Tukkysworth iiij noblis and the forseyd Cheste; And to Thomas Pertenall a peyre of shetis, and a dagger, and a Bowe wyth-owte pecis, and a payre hosen of grene; and to Anneys Tukkys_worth |r4 the beste purse, and Thomas Pertnale the nyxte, and Isabell Leget the Thridde, and Alson Okenden the fourč=e=. And alle-so y bequethe to č=e= Church of seynt Benet a cope. And alle-so Wyllyam Rote and Iohn Skelton owen to me xiiij s,. the whiche Symmykyn |r8 Eyre shall reseyve of them at Esterne nyxte comynge; and y will čat Rychard Gery reseyve hit of the forseyd Symkyn; and vj s viij d of čat mony .I. bequethe to č=e= Churche Clerk of Seynt Benet; & vj s' viij d to Iohn Cley, and viij d for my sowle. and alleso |r12 Roberd Leget owyth to me xv s', and alle thyng a-counted by-twene vs, of the whiche y forgyf hym vj s' viij d; and č=e= remenaunt of čat Mony, Y will hyt be do for my sowle. And alle-so Rychard Gery oweth me viij s', and alle thyng a-counted by-twene |r16 vs bothe; of the whiche viij s' y be-qweth iiij s' to Thomas Pertnale, And iiij s' to Wyllyam Pertnale. And y beqwethe to Rychard Gery vj s' viij d, to be payd of that he fyndeth in the forseyd Cheste; And to Anneys Tnkkysworth A Sylure Spon; and |r20 my Sylvryn Gyrdyll to Thomas Pertnale; and to Robard Leget my pesid Bowe And the overe-plus of alle thys, y will hit be dysposed for my sowle. And, blessyd be god, y owe no thyng. And y Ordeyne č=e= forseyd Rychard Gery & Robard Leget myne executors |r24 to full-fill alle thyng.ys a-bove wretyn, As they wille [answere] a.fore god at č=e= Dome. And to Thomas Pertnale my dagger / And alle-so y wille that yf Anneys of the Countour cleyme of me or of my executours a pursse and xx s'. or eny maner good ellys, čat thenne |r28 č=e= godes in the bille be rekeuered of her; And yf sche make no cleyme, Stonde hit for no dette, but on for a-nother. Probatum est hoc testamentum coram nobis Iohanne Bodeman clerico, Reuer_endo &c Commissario generali. Primo die Mensis Februarii, Anno |r32 domini Millesimo CCCC=mo= xix=no=. Et comissa est administracio omnium bonorum & c Executoribus in dic.to testamento interius nominatis & c. |p43 JOHN BROUNE, OF HEN. V.'S CHAMBER, AND OF FULHAM, MI DDX., 1418. (PROOVD, 1420.) |r[More,_3_Com._Court_of_London,_f.73v] |r[f.73v] This ys the appoyntement of the wil and gouernauns of Iohn Broune, of č=e= chambre of oure- lord the kyng, made the ix dav of October, the vj yere of his regne. [A.D. 1418] |r4 In the ferste, he wille that his wif be in the gouernauns of here fadir and here moder, vnto the tyme of his commyng hom in to Englond. Also he will that she haue the money čat is reised in Lyncolne |r8 Shire be his patent, to fynde hir with. Also he will that Richard his brother haue his place at Herdyngton yn gouernauns, and fynde his fadir, and his modir, and his sister, with the profit¨ of the place, as ferre as they wille |r12 strecche, vnto the tyme of the commyng of the forsaid Iohn Broun. And that Iohn Brond see the reckenyng atte yere Inde. Also he will that, ¨if it like to his fadir and to his moder, to be atte Hardyngton~, and see the husbandery, and occupie hym čer as |r16 long as them lest for čere owne Ese and disport. Also he will, čat ¨if it like not his fadir forto be čere, or ellys whan quan hem lest to remeve čens, That thanne čei be in sum place nerhande holic.hyrche, č=e= whiche is an honest place to serue god yn~, |r20 and there forto abide, and be gouerned & foundyn with the proffittes of his place, as is before seid. |p44 Also he will that Elene his Suster be put in sum honest place, and also be founde of the place be-fore seid, vnto the tyme of commynge of the forseid Iohn, or elles [MS. ell] čat she be maried. |r4 Also he will that Iohn Fray be payd .xv li. of če money č=e= qweche Oliuer hath in his hand, be če handys of Iohn Brond. Also he will that the money če qwiche is resseyued of his patent in Oxenford Shire be kepid to-gider. |r8 Also he will čat the xl. li čat Margrete Stranstone hath, čat it be kepid to-gider be č=e= sight of the forsaid Iohn Brond, and čat he haue ouersi¨te of all manere thynges. Also he will čat the ii=xijx= [= 80] mark č=e= whiche is in Thomas |r12 Harwodes hand, be paid vnto če forseid Iohn Brond, and also that it be put in a bagge, & asselid, and safly kepid. Also he will that Iohn Spyke be agreed with resonabli for his Iabour and travaille. |r16 Also he will čat the obligacions the whiche čat his wife hath in kepyng, that they be reised be če avise of his counseill, with all če remenaunt of his dettes, in all the haste they may be. Also he will that William Tropnell, & Iohn Brond, & Richard his |r20 brother, be the ouersighte of William Oliuer, ben his executours to dispose and ordeyne for his soule In maner and forme as is com_prehendyd In his laste wil. Into witnesse of the which, the forseid Iohn Broune hath put his seal. Wrete atte Rone če yere & če day |r24 before seid. Memorandum quod Probatum fuit testamentum Iohannis atte Grove de Fulham, coram nobis &c c Commissario generali, Quarto, Non Marcij, Anno domini M=o= CCCC=mo= XX=mo= Et commissa est |r28 administracio &c c Cristine, Relicte dicti defuncti, et Thome Atte Grove, Executoribus &c c. [In margin:] Fulham. T Iohannis at Grove. habent acquietan_ciam. |p45 THOMAS BATHE, OF BRISTOL, 1420. |r[March,_f.408v] |r In dei nomine Amen. die Sabati in festo sancti Albani Martiris, [June 22] Anno domini Millesimo CCCC=m=o= xx=mo=, Ego, Iohannes Bathe, burgensis ville Bristollie, compos mentis, condo testamentum |r4 meum in hunc modum. Thys endenture makyth mencion of č=e= goodes čat I, Iohn Bathe of Bristow, ¨yve to sertayn personis: fryst, I ¨cwe to Iohn Forster my godsonne a becure of seluer y-keueryd, čat weyyth xxv ounsus |r8 I quarter, & č=e= cnap of č=e= couercle ys an-amylyd with blewe. Also I ¨eue to č=e= forsayd Iohn Forster a gurdill of blake sylke y-linyde with rede lether, with a gode bokyll & a pendaunt, & in č=e= same pendaunt an ymage of seynt Christofre: in č=e= gurdill bey xlvj stodys of seluer. |r12 Also I ¨eve to č=e= same Iohn Forster halfe a dosyn~ off siluer sponys with acharnus ouerguld, čat weyyth .v. ounsus I quarter and halfe. Also I ¨eve to č=e= forsayd Iohn~ Forster a peyr of auundyruss, č=e= bes čat I haue // Also I ¨eve to Kateryne Lewys my seruaunt .x li. |r16 sterlingus, and a bolle cuppe I-keueryd of syluer čat weyyth xvj. ounsus iij quarter. Also I ¨eve to č=e= same Katerine a becure of seluer I-keueryd, and a branche of č=e= couercle y-broke away, |p46 čat weyyth xvj ounsus. Also a spyce disshe of seluer, & ouerguld, čat weyyth xj ounsus & .I. quarter; Also halfe a dosen sponys of seluer čat weyyth vj ounsus I quarter & halfe; Also a bolle pece čat |r4 weyyth vij ouunsus & halfe, and halfe a quarter; Also a nother bolle pece čat weyyth vj ounsus & halfe a quarter; Also .I. bord mausure with a bond of seluer, & ouerguld, wyth a prent in č=e= myddylle, and a grypp amyde, and a narow plat be č=e= syddys, with iij. lyonis of |r8 syluer, and ouerguld. Also a gurdyll of č=e= old werke of seluer, & ouerguld, with a bocull and a pendaunt and xxxiij. stodys of syluer and ouerguld. Also I ¨eve to č=e= same Kateryne aneyuer gurdil of selke, of blake and grene and rede, with a bocull and a pendaunt, & |r12 a cheyne in č=e= pendant, with a cnapp; & in č=e= gurdill bey xxiij stodys, & all of seluer. Also I ¨eve to č=e= same Kateryne .iij. gode brasyn pottes, Also .iiij. gode pannis, Also iij basc[i]nus, č=e= best čat I haue, with .ij. lauerus. Also .iiij. gode golde rynges, Also ij |r16 pankyns & a posnet of a potell, also a posnet of a potell, and a posnet of a quarte, Also a peyr of Aundyrus, & ij. č=e= best of yren broches, & a chafur, Also a dosen of peutre vessell performyds, Also iiij. candelstykkys of laton of č=e= best. Also I ¨eve to the forsad |r20 Kateryne al my bankerus & my quyssonus, and a dosur of tamsery werke with and hert in č=e= myddyll. Also I ¨eve to William Rodeley a stondyng cuppe of seluer y-clepyd a chales cuppe, with č=e= couercle & my merke y-made in č=e= cnappe, čat weyyth xvij ounsus & halfe |r24 quarter. Also to č=e= sam William, a tastour of seluer with myn owne merke ymade in č=e= bottom; Also halfe a dosen sponys of seluer with acharnus ouerguld, čat weyyth v. ounsus I quarter & halfe. Also I ¨eve to č=e= sam William a beme čat y weye čer-with, and ij leuys, also |r28 iij.=C= of ledyn wy¨tis. Also I ¨eue to Kateryne Lewys my seruaunt iij. Curteynis of blew, č=e= best čat I haue to hang a-bout a bede; Item I petit brase morter, I pestell de ferro. Item dimidium č=e= zieren and wolle that is in this house č=e= day of his dying, and all č=e= cloth |p47 whyte &c čat is redy with-in č=e= hous att tyme of č=e= makyng of thys. Item I maserum ligatum cum argento & deauratum, & I printe de Ihesu in medio; Iohanni Crouch, I ciphum argenti precii x s., & |r4 dimidium dosine cochliarium argenti de medio specie. Item I Cistam, ex deliberacione dicte Katerine .xxix=mo= die Mensis Octobris, anno domini M=lo= CCCC=mo= xvj=mo=, Acquietati fuerunt executores infrascripti. [the end.] JOHN OLNEY, OF WESTON, 1420. (PROOVD, 1422.) |r[March,_f.433r,_quire_45.] |r8 |r In the name off gode yn č=e= ¨er off oure lord .a M=l= CCCC. & xx. the xj day of May, I, Iohannes Olney of Weston, sone and heire to Iohn Olney of Weston Vnderwode, make my testament in this wysse: Atte č=e= begynnynge I bequeth my soule into the mercy off |r12 mythfull Ihesu, prahyng hym, for his precious passioun, that he resseyue me yn-to č=e= brode bosum off his mercy; prahyng forther_more to his moder, hour lady Seynt Mary, moder off mercy, to seynt Iohn Euaungelist, seynt Iohn Baptist, and to hall seyntes off heuene, |r16 čat they be mene¨ for me, and helpers to me att my most nede. And I bequeth my body to be beryed yn the chapele off owr lady yn the chyreh off seynt Nicholas off Weston, and my beste best in the name off principale; and y bequeth to the .iiij. order¨ off Frer¨. |r20 off Northaumpton, and to č=e= frere-¨ off Bedefford, to hech off čes houses iij. li' so čat č=e= wardeyn~ and č=e= Couente, or the prioure and č=e= |p48 couent off euery off this houses graunteyn for to seyn xx trentale¨. off messe¨. for my soule, for my faders soule, my moders soule, Iehanne¨ soule, and for all č=e= .saules that myn~ entent ys to pray for, and for all |r4 cristien¨ saules. And y pray myn executours čat they, or on off hem, se čat they take this charge on heme. and I bequeth to v poure men ča t neden Beddyng. in the countrey nexst aboute, to euery off heme .I conerlete. I wytele, & I chete. & xij. d. off siluer, preyng for my |r8 soule, and for č=e= soule¨ be-forsaide. And I. bequeth to Iohan Marchall, Richar Genfeld, Thomas Richemond, & to Robert Burton, ffrere¨. to ech off hem xx. solidi., Prehyng hem, as my trist ys in heme, of her continuele preyour for my soule, & for the soules čat |r12 myn entente ys that they pray fore. & I bequeth to Iohan Bataile prest, to Iohan Brasiere prcst, to the ankerisse off Northaumpton, to eche of heme, vj s' viij d. & I bequeth to euery prest with-yn iij myle, nout auansynd, .xij. d. My executours to performe čis my |r16 testament, I ordeyne Marior.ie my wyfe, č=e= person off Broughton~ & Iohan Hukyns. the remenant off all my goddes nouth bequeth, I ¨eue & bequeth to Mariorie my wyfe, sche to dispose for her children & for myne as sche thynkyth best . ffullych dischargynge here what so |r20 euere sche do wyht any good that myn ys . orwis prahyng here, off her ffre will to me-warde as for my most tristy frende. Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram nobis, Iohanne Estcourt, commissario &c, secundo die Mensis Decembris, Anno |r24 domini Millesimo CCCC=mo= xxij=do=; et commissa fuit administracio omnium bonorum Iohanni Hukyns, executori in dicto testamento nominato &c, prestito primitus &c. de-inde sexto die eiusdem mensis Anno domini vt supra, acquietatus fuit dictus executor, & soluit pro |r28 probacione & fine, xl solidos. |p49 LADY PERYNE CLANBOWE, 1422. |r[March,_f.429v] |r IN the name of č=e= fader and of the son And of č=e= Holygost, Amen. The thridde day of Aprill In č=e= ¨er off our lord M' CCCC xxij .I. Peryne Clanbowe, beyng in good memory, thenkyng on my |r4 laste ende, hauyng gode in forsyght, I haue maad and ordened this my present testament and my last wylle in č=e= forme čat foloweth. First I bequeth and commend my saule to gode my maker and my sauyour, and to hys blyssyd moder gloriouse Vyrgyn, And to all |r8 saintes, and my body to be beryed at ¨asore, be my lord my housbond, If I. dye in Hertfordshire, and ellis where čat gode hath ordeined for me, And as son as yt may be don~ godly after čat I hame dede, porelych to be beryed, with-oute gret cost doon thervppon~. |r12 Also I will And ordeine čat all my dettes čat mowe be prowede be good conscience due, čat they be principaly payde in all č=e= hast čat it may be. Also I bequeth, to cloth wyth ij=c= poormen, xx. li. Also I hequeth to amende brygges and foule wayes x. li. Also I bequeth |r16 to sir Robert of Whitney, my brother, a fl ate basyn and an ewer, and vj disshes, vj saucers, and ij chargours of seluer. Also I bequeth to č=e= same Robert a westment of rede cloth of gold with my massbooke and Chalys: The wych vessell, vestement, massbooke, and chalys |r20 aforseyd, to č=e= forsaide Roberd bequethen~, I wole čat [he] haue hem |p50 vpon this condicion, čat he be good frend to my executours, and čat_he lete hem note off ministracion off myn other goode on the Manere of Pychardisokell ne elles where. Also I bequeth to myn Aunte, |r4 prioresse of Lynebroke, xl s'. Also I bequeth to myn Awnte Corbet, xl s'. Also I bequeth to sir Ion Skydmore, my newewe, a girdell of peerles. Also I bequeth to Iane myn nece, to her mariage, or when sche is of age, xx li. Also I bequeth to Peryne her suster, my god |r8 doutghter in č=e= same forme, x li; and if it s-o be čat č=e= forsaid Iane and Peryne dye be-for čat thay come to age, or ellys maried, then I will čat č=e= mony of either of hem so deede, turn to č=e= vse of her susters ouerlyuyng in č=e= same fourme. and if all č=e= susters dye ar they |r12 come to age or be maryed, čat then č=e= mony tourn to č=e= vse of her bretheren ouerlyuyng. And if all č=e= bretheryn die with-In age of xvj ¨eere, then č=e= mony be disposed in Almasdeddes be my executours. Also I be-queeth to Iankyn Myles my seruaunt, xxli./, |r16 and myn eche daies gowne of marterount. Also I bequeth to sir Iohan Coyle, I pare bedes of corall. Also I bequeth to Elizabeth Ioye .x. li. and a booke of Englyssh, cleped " pore caytife,' ' and I gown furred with gret menyvere. Also I bequeth to Ionet |r20 Okbourn .x marc and my sauter helid with blake, and a gown furred with Cristy gray. Also I bequeth to Iohn Huchecoke, v marc. Also I bequeth to Iankyn~ Tailour, v marc. Also I bequeth to Dauid Morys, xl s'. Also I bequeth to Iohn Hergest, xl s'. Also |r24 I bequeth to Luysote xl s'. Also I bequeth to the wyffe of Iankyn Miles a gown furred with Besshe. Also I bequeth to Dauid Cradoke xiij s' iiij d. Also I bequeth to Iames and to his wyfe x s'. Also I bequeth to č=e= chirch of ¨asore, fore my lord and his auncetres, to |r28 serue in č=e= chirch, a peire vestimentis of blake, wherof č=e= same Chirch hath č=e= cope. Also I bequeth to what thenge čat is most- necessary in č=e= same Chirch, v. marc. Also I bequeth to Ionet Knolles a stondyng cuppe of siluer gilte couered. Also I bequeth to Thomas |r32 Knolles č=e= ¨ongger a cuppe of siluer gilt couered. Also I bequeth to Iohn Thomas a cuppe of siluer playn. with č=e= scripture of seynt Ion. |p51 Also I bequeth to two prestes, honest men and good liues, and ellys not, to do diuine seruise for my lord and me. for on ¨er anoon After my decees, resonable lyuelode after č=e= discrecioun of myn executours. |r4 Also I bequeth to sir Reynold, my prest, iiij. quayres of Doctours on Mathewe. The Residue for soth of all my goodes in this my testament not bequethen, I ¨eue and bequethe to myn executours, be her discrecion to be disposyde, that oon halfe to my pore tenauntz, |r8 and čat other halfe to god men faithfull and nedy čat ben in disese. And to č=e= execucion of this my testament and my last will to be fulfilled, I ordeyn my trusty frendes, Iankyn Miles, Thomas Knolles aforsaid, Elizabeth Ioy, Ionet Okborne, and Iohn Tailour, |r12 myne executours be thees presentes, that they will do her besynesse to fulfyll goddes will and myne, as they woll aunsuer afor gode. also I bequeth to ich of myn executours takyng charge of ministracion of this my testament, v. marc, and reward for her costages whan they |r16 labour specially for my maters. Into wytnessyng of which thyng, to this my present testament I haue put to my seell: ¨euen~ at London, day, moneth, and ¨er, aforsayd. Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram Magistro Iohanne |r20 Estcourt & c, xviij=o= die Mensis Nouembris, Anno domini Millesimo xxij=do= &c, et commissa fuit administraeio Iohanni Miles, Elizabethe Ioy, Iohanne Okbourne et Iohanne Tailour, executoribus &c Reseruata potestate & c, et habent ad exhibendum Inuentarium: ac |r24 secundo die Mensis Decembris Anno domini supradicto, acquietati fuerunt executores supradicti, & soluerunt pro fine iiij=or= nobilia. |p52 SIR ROGER SALWAYN, KNIGHT, OF YORK, 1420. |r[March,_P.P.C.,_f.437v] |r In the name off gode, I, sir Roger Salwayn, Knygth, č=e= xxvj day off October in the yer off our lord M=l= CCCC xx. makys my testament in this maner .ffirst, I wyte my soule to gode almythty, to |r4 our lady seynt Mary, and to all č=e= seinttes of hewin~, and my bones to ben beriede in č=e= grey frerres atte ¨orke. Also I. will. that ther where my bones shall be beryde, be a flate ston off marbill, ewyn~ with the grounde. Also I will čat č=e= forsaid- freres haue all my gownes off |r8 cloth off gold and off sylke, with-outyn č=e= ffurres. Also I will čat č=e= same frers haue xl. li. for to synge and pray for me. Also I will čat ilkon off č=e= other thre ordirs in ¨orke haue x marc. Also I will čat my wyffe haue all my housholde holy, with v=c=l li that is in hir |r12 handes. Also I will čat ther be ordeine for byynge off londe for Iohn Salwayn~ my son~, CCCC li; Also for č=e= mariage off Alison~ my doughtir, CCCC marc; Also for č=e= mariage off Isabell my doughtir, CCC marc. Also I will čat my fader dettis, and my moders, be paide |r16 off my goode¨ that is in the Coillors or in č=e= fermors handes off my rent; and if any tenaunt be so pouer that he may nought, fo pouertee, pay his ferme that is owing, I will čat ther be nought reseyued off hym, but čat he may resonably pay, and čat č=e= |p53 remenaunt be for-¨effyn~. Also I will čat som goode man be ordeine to goo for me to Iherusalem in pilgremage, and as far as is cost is lese than C li in commyng and goyng, čat hit be ¨ewyn for |r4 my soule to poure men wher most allmose is. Also I will čat Richard Chace haue v marc off monee, and a bay hors čat was Gerard my son~; William Lister xxli. Thomas Fairchild xl marc, Acris Mersk .xx. li; litill Petir, liard Manley and x. marc', and čat |r8 Acris Mersk haue č=e= grey geldyng; Gerard and Iohn my brethir, liard botiller, and a sorede horse čat was bought off Henuden~, and čat Edward my brethir chese. Also I wull čat Gerard my brodir haue xl. li, and Thomas my brothir a place in Duffelde, termyn off |r12 his liue, čat I purchesede off Iohn Fulthorpe; and after the desese off hym, to turn agayn to č=e= reght haiers off me. Also I will čat sir Robert Shottesbroke, knynght, haue č=e= sorde hors; and litill Hans č=e= hoby, and xl .s'. aboven~ his hir. Also I will that Frost Mores |r16 and litill Robyn~, ilkon~ off them, haue xl s'. Also I will .čat Pomfretth, skynner, of ¨orke, be paied of v. or vj. li, whedir čat hit be, for furres čat my lady my moder knowes off. Also I will čat William Tropmell, taillour, of London, and Hunt, brouderere, be |r20 paied of their billes for makyng off a liuerey of myn~. Also I will čat Henry Lound haue a blake goun furred v funes,s and a habirgoun of Mylen, opyn be-for, čat Richard Stell haues in hys kepyng. Also I. will čat ¨iff any seruaunt of myn haue labord for me in my |r24 countree sen my fader died, čat they be resonably rewardid aftir the seruice čat they haue don~. Also ¨if any man can aske any dete off me, other be euidence, or čat they be credibill persones, I will čat they be paied. Also I will that Elyn~ Saluayn~, my brothir Gerard |r28 doughtir, haue xl. marc'. for hir mariage. Also I will čat Gerard my brothir haue a newe fure of martirs, and I. habirgououn of millon. |p54 Also I will čat Iohan my brothir haue I habirgoun of Gesseran~. Also I will čat č=e= Nonne čat kepid me in my seknes haue ij nobles, and čat ther be ¨if in-to the hous čat she wonnes in, .xx. s'. for to |r4 syng and pray for me. Also I will čat Thomas Faarchild haue as mych monee as he may purches hym .xl s'. be ¨er. Also I will čat all č=e= ffurrurs čat I haue, be sould and doon for my saule. Also I will čat Chace haue a habirion of myne. executors of my testament, I |r8 will and ordeine Piers de la Hay, Gerard Saluayn, Robert Rodeston, sir Nichol Dixson, Clerk, Robert Cawode, Robert Day, Richard Chace, and Thomas Fairchild, to whom I ¨iff and wit č=e= residue of all č=e= good and catell čat I haue, čat they ordeine and dispose hit in |r12 sich wys as may be most meritory for my soule, as they will aunswere be-for gode on dredfull day of doom. And the surveiors of my testament, I will and ordeine William Kylwolmerssh, Clerke, and my wyfe; wyttnessyng William Philipe Chiualer, Richard Wodevill, |r16 William Lister, and other. Also I will čat William Lister haue as mych of monee as the sorde hors is worth, čat Shottesbroke haues. Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram Magistro Iohanne Estcourt, commissario &c=a=, septimo die mensis Marcij, Anno domini |r20 Millesimo CCCC=mo= xxij=do= &c=a=; & Commissa fuit administracio omnium bonorum dicti defuncti, Ricardo Chace & Thome Faarchyld, cxecu_toribus in dicto testamento nominatis; et habent ad exhibendum Inuentarium citra festum pentecosti proximum iam futurum. |p55 ROGER FLORE (OR FLOWER), ESQ., OF LONDON, AND OAKHAM, RUTLANDSHIRE, 1424-5. |r[Luffenam,_f.69r] |r In dei nomine Amen. Ego, Rogerus Flore, miser et indignus, de Okeham, compos mentis, laudetur altissimus, xv=o= die Aprilis, Anno domini Millesimo cccc=m=o= xxiiij=to=, condo testamentum meum in |r4 hunc modum. |r[A_leaf_and_3_quarters_of_Latin_testament_follows,_with |r_appointment_of_Executors,_on_leaf_69_back,_as_follows:--] "Et ad istam execueionem bene et fideliter faciendam, ordino et constituo Iohannem Clerk de Wyssenden, Radulphum Humberstone |r8 de leicestria, Ricardum Hawey, Magistrum cantarie de Manton~, & Willelmum Baxtir, custodem Hospitalitatis de Okeham, Executores meos, ad disponendum & exequendum testamentum meum & voluntatem meam predictas, cum su peruisione Henrici Plesynton~ |r12 militis, prout velint coram summo Iudice respondere" . . . . . Codicillus eiusdem Rogeri. |r IN če name of almyghty god, fader and son~ and holy gost, Amen. I, Roger Flore of Okeham, declare my last will in čis bille, als |p56 well of my testament as of my land čat stande¨ in feffe¨ handes. First I wille čat my testament be, with the grace of god, fulfilled; and as touching my housholde, my wille is, čat Thomas my sone haue |r4 all my seluere vessell čat I haue atte London, čat is to sey, a basyn and an Ewer of syluere, too gilt peces flat couered, too peces of siluere whit lowe feet, če oone couered with gilt brerdes, and čre goblettes of syluere, oone couered, and a potell pot of syluere, and a |r8 syluere saler, and a doseyn spones of too suites, and four chargeours, six disches, and six saucers of siluere merkid with a sink foil vnder če brerde¨. Also I wul he haue al myn other houshoold čat I haue atte Londen~, except my bed of Tapistree, če which I wull my |r12 welbeloved wife Cecile haue; če which houshold is in myn In, in keping of my seruaunt Rolleston by bille endented, of which če oone bille is in my trussing cofer. I wol also my sayd sone Thomas haue my paled bed of wursted, white and rede, with če costers če which |r16 seruen for my chambre I lye Inne atte Okeham, and a rede bed of wursted with če costers the which hengen in če newe chamber next my chamber; and I wull he haue to če oone bed a peyre fustyans, and to če očer a peyre blankettis, and to ilk of če too beddis too peyre |r20 schetys goode, and a matras and a canvas; and I wull he haue oon fetherbed; and I wull he haue too seruauntes beddys for če too said chambers. I wull also he haue too fyne bordeclothes, če one of werk, če očer playn, with goode sanapes and wasshyngtowels, boče |r24 for befor mete and after. Also I wull he haue my maser of a vine rote, the which was my faders, and če peces of syluere made in če bočum like perles, and too pottis of bras, and too pannes, and too spytes, and a peyre rakkes of yryne, and to brandernes, and to doseyn |r28 of pewter vessell, and too cors bordcločes, and too peire cors sanapes, and čre candelstykes of laton~. Also I wull he haue my cartes and my plowes, and all my hors čat longen to hem, whith all her gere. also I wull he haue my grete maser če which I calle ¨ele, for če |r32 terme of his life, and so from heir to heyr lome: and no man merueil |p57 čogh I do well to him, for when almyghty god list to take me oute of čis wreched world to his mercy, čan shall he be left faderles and moderles, grauntfaderles and grauntmoderles. And yf hit so befell |r4 čat he died, leuyng me, čan wull I čat myn eldest sone čat ouere_leueth me haue hit I haue be-qweythen my sayd sone Thomas. More ouere I wull čat Robert my son haue my flat couered pece whith a sqware pomell, and an očer flat pece of če suit čat were my |r8 faders, (of whos soule god haue mercye,) and six spones of syluere; and Iames my son če keuered pece če which če person~ of Bereughby gaf me, and six spones of syluere; and Roger my son~ če keuered pece of syluer če which was mayster Robertis Stoneham, and is |r12 pounces whith a crane, and six seluere spones ouer če other keuered pece, če which my lord Le Ware gaf him whan he was cristned; and Iohn my son~ a keuered pece and six spones of siluer; and I wul čat my said son~ Robert haue my best gilt pece keuered, and Roger |r16 my said sone my gilt keuered goblet čat was Camews. Also I wull čat Anneys my doughter haue če standing pece čat was my faders, keuered, and my gilt pece čat Steneby gaf me, and a quart pot of siluer, and six spones of siluer, and a basyn and an Ewer of siluer; |r20 and my doughter Iohn a keuered pece of siluer, če which če provest of Coderstoke gaf me, and six siluer spones; and I wul čat ilk of my said childre haue a bed, čat is to say, couerlide, tapite, blankettis, too peyre schetes, matras, and canvas. And čan wul I čat my |r24 welbeloued wyfe Cecile haue alle če remenaunt of my syluere vessell, pottes, peces, and spones, basyn and Ewer of siluere, powderbox and salers of siluere, beddyng, napery and pewter vessell, brasse spytes, rakkes and brandernes of erne; and all myn other howshold, saf suche |r28 as longeth to če gamerye, I wul abyde to myn heyr. And I wul čat non of my corn~, nor malt, ne quyk catel, be taken for houshold, but I wul it helpe to fulfulle my testament, saf čat I wul čat my wyf haf of my corn and malt als myche as hire nedeth, til newe come, by |r32 delyueraunce of myn Executours, if she wul holde houshold. And I wul my wyf haf half my mylche kye, and myn heyr če other half. And after my principal is taken, I wul my .wyf haf my best ambeler, and my sone, sir Herre Plesyngton~, wylk him likeč best, after preying |p58 hym to be gode maystre to my children; and čen wul I čat my son~ Thomas haf če best next; and če remenaunt of my rode horses I wul be departyd betwene my wyfe and my son~ Thomas; but I wul my |r4 wyf chese first. Also I wul čat my gownes for my body, če which ben ffurred whith pelure, be dalt amongis my childre, to ilke after here degre and age, so čat Thomas and Anneys haue four of če best. And I wul čat če remenaunt of my cločes for my body be dalt |r8 amonges my seruauntes, -- of če which I wul that Thomas Campion~ be čought on -- to ilke after čeyr degrees. And .I. wul čat Robert my son~ haue oon of my swerdes, and one of my basilardes harneysed with siluere, and one of my siluere girdeles. And I wul čat Thomas |r12 my sone haue myn očer siluere girdell, and myn očer wepen and armerur. Also .I. wul čat Thomas my sone haue my termes čat I haf of Westminster in če personage of Okeham. Also I will čat če money če which I haue be-qwečen to my childre to putte in sure |r16 keping be myn Executours, so čat čey mowe haue čat is be-qwečen hem when čei come to ¨eres of discrecion, if čey lif so longe; and elle čat it mowe be disposyd by myn Executours as I haue ordeyned by my testament, requirynge my seid Executours, as čey wul onswere to |r20 god, čat čey (for no fauour) put hit but as čey suppose and truste be her consciens it shal be sure. And I wul čat Anneys Samon~, my wyfes moder, Margeret Spriggy, and Alys Rowele and Ionet Hum_berstone, Beatrice Swetenham, myn aunte, and my cosin Sithynge, |r24 half ilk of hem a gode goldringe, or a broche of gold, or a good peyr of bedys, for a remembraunce of me. And I wil če Maister of Manton haf my pair of bedys čat I vse my self, with če x aues of siluere, and a pater noster ouer-gilt, preying him to haue mynde of |r28 me sumtime whan he seith oure lady sawter on hem. Also I wil čat Iohn~ Brigg and William Lewes haf, ilke of hem, xl. s'. for here oold seruice; and Robert Martfeld .xiij s', iiij d; and koc kook a noble, and Toume [so] Campion~ a noble. and if če voute of Okeham stepil |r32 be not made in my lif, če which I haf made couenaunt of with Thomas Nunton~, Mason~, to gif him .v. mark for če werkmansshipe, |p59 (of če which I haue paied him a noble on ernest,) I wol če same couenaunt be fulfillid of my good after my decesse as sone as myn necbours wul ordeyn for če stuffe čat shall go čer-to, of če which |r4 stuffe Richard Oxenden haič paied to Fairchild, quarriour, xiij s' and iiij d for freestone. More-ouer I wull čat Thomas my son~ haue my portoos, charging him, on my blessing, that he kepe hit, terme of his lif, so that god wull her-after sende him deuocion to sey his seruice |r8 čer-on, as I haue done, čat čenne he may haue such a good honest boke of his owne; and if god ewre him to dye or me, I wul čanne my eldest son~ haue it to če same entent. And I pray to če blessed Trinite that of his endles mercye and goodnesse he sende my children |r12 grace to be gode men and wommen, and to ¨elde him gode soules, čorough če helpe and praier of oure lady seint Marye, and of all če seyntes of heune. Amen. And moreouer, for als mykyl as at diuerce feffementes čat I haue |r16 mad to diuerce men of certeyn part of my lond, to če entent čat čey shulde do my wylle lyke as in sum wrytynges and condicions vpon če same feffementes it is more pleynly conteyned, And also for als |p60 mykel as diuers men haf ioint astate whit me in diuerce of my purchace be wey of truste for to fulfylle my wille whan I required hem, or declared it to hem, Nowe I declare here my laste wille, als |r4 wel to my saide feffe¨ as to my ioint feffes: First I wul and ordeyne that my ioint feffe¨ of my maners of Stenby and Braceby, with here appurtenaunces, in Lin[c]olne-shire, suffre my wyfe Cecile haue če profite¨ of čeim all če while she lyveč sool withoute husbond. And |r8 if she take če mantel and če rynge, and avowe chastite, than wul I čat forth-whith my said ioint feffes make her astate, for terme of hir lif, of če same too lordshipes, vp condicion čat she lyve sool, withoute husbond; the remaindre of če maner of Steneby, with če |r12 appurtenaunces, to Thomas my son~ and heir, and to če heires of his body comynge; and for defaute of heires of his body comynge, to če heires of my body comynge; and for defaut of issu of my body comynge, to my right heires. And če remaindre of če said maner of |r16 Braceby, wič če appurtenaunces, to Iames my son~, and to če heires of his body comynge; and for defaute of heires of his body comynge, to če heires of my body begetyn; And for defaute of issu of my body begetyn, če remaindre to my right heires. And if my said wif take |r20 hir an husbond, čanne wul I čat my said ioint feffe¨ make astate to Robert, my son~, of my said maner of Steneby with če appurtenaunce¨ for terme of his moder lyf Cecile / the remaindre of če said manere whith če appurtenaunce¨ to my son Thomas, and to the heires of his |r24 body comynge, and so forth, as hit is declared a-fore. And if hit so be čat my said wif take če mantell and če rynge, avowe chastite as hit is said before, and čer-vpon haue astate of my said too maners for terme of hir lif, če remaindre forth as hit is before declared, čan |r28 wul I čat my ioint feffe¨ of my landes and tenementes čat I bought of Richard Oxenden in Okeham, and also čat my ioint feffe¨ of my land and tenemente¨ in Mastorpe, And also my ioint feffe¨ of the burgate in če newgate of Okeham, če which I bought of Richard |r32 Milner, make astate of čeim to Roberd my son~ a-fore-said for terme of the lyf of his moder Cecile; če remaindre of čeim to my son~ |p61 Thomas and to če heires of his body; and for defaute of issu of his body, čanne to če heires of my body; and for defaute of issu of my body, če remaindre to my right heires, so čat my ful will is, čat if my |r4 said son~ Robert haf not Steneby, čat čanne he haf čese other činges as hit is a-fore declared. More-ouere my will is, čat my ioint feffe¨ of my landes and tenementes in Branntoft in Lyndeseye make astate of čeim to Roger my son, and to če heires of his body comynge; and |r8 for defaute of [issu of] his body comynge, če remaind re to my son~ Thomas and to če heires of his body comynge; and for defaute of issu of his body comynge, to če heires of my body comynge; and for defaute of issu of my body, čanne to my right heires. Also I wul čat |r12 my ioint feffe¨ of my landes and tenementes, whith her appur_tenaunces, in Halton in Lyndesey, make astate of čeim to Iohn~ my son~, and to če heires of his body comynge; and for defaute of issu of his body, če remaindre to če heires of my body; and for defaut of |r16 issu of my body, forč to my right heires; so čat my wyll is, čat če remaindre of all my landes and tenementes čat I ordeyn to myn other children~ fro myn heir, abide, for defaute of issu of čeim, to myn eldest son~ and heir čat ouer lyueth hem, and čanne forth as hit is a-fore |r20 declared. More-ouer my wyll is čat all myn enfeffe¨ of očer diuerce of my landes and tenementes in Roteland and Leycestre-shire, als wel čo čat stande enfeffed by me, as čo čat ben ioint feffed with me, make astate of čeim to my said son~ Thomas and to če heires of his body |r24 comynge; And for defaute of issu of his body comynge, če remaindre to če heires of my body; and for defaut of issu of my body, če remaindre to my right heires, saf čat I wul čat myn enfeffe¨ of my place čat I wone Inne, suffre my wyf wone čer-Inne a ¨ere after my |r28 decesse, if she wille, so čat she take no husbond in če mene tyme; And after čat, I wul čat my said enfeffe¨ make astate čerof to my said son~ Thomas, as of če remenaunt it is a-fore declared. And if hit so befelle čat my said son~ Thomas died to-fore čise astates afore-said |p62 made, čenne wille I čat like astate be made to myn eldest son~ čat čanne ouer-lyueth him; and my wille is, čat alle če astates before_said be made by dede endented, to čat entent čat one of če dedys |r4 mow be deliuered to him čat če gyft shal be made to, and če očer to myn heir, because of če remaindre. And I wul čat myn heires dedys be kept whič če remenaunt of my dedys in če same cofer čat my dedys beč kept in nowe, and so delyuered him to his vse; And I |r8 wul čat če očer parties of če dedys endentyd, with če remenaunt of če dedys čat longen to myn očer childre, be put in če cofre čat Thomas Audeby gaf me, in če which my seluer vessell is now kept, til ilk childe come of age to receyve čat longes to him; And čat last |r12 shal receyue his dedes, I wil čat he haf če cofre whit-all; so čat I wil čat čey haue no lyuere of čeir dedys til čey come til ¨eres of age and discrecion to resceyue hem. And if čey died or čei came to such age, čanne his dedes čat so died were deliuered to myn heir. And I |r16 wolde čat če substanciall dedes of myn očer childre were copied, and če copies put amonge myn heirs dedes for a remembraunce. and if it myght godely, I wolde alle če giftes aforesaid were done by fyn, for more suerte, on my cost. And my wil is, čat čise astates be made |r20 al so sone as čei mowe godely after my decesse, and čat my said children haue ilk of hem če prolit of čaire lande čat I ordeyn hem, forthwhith anone after my dirige. And I wul čat če said cofre that myn other children dedes shul be kept in, be kept in če Almeshouse |r24 of Okeham, vndre čre keyes, too vnder keping of myn Executours, and če čridde vnder če keping of an ouerseer of my testament, so čat čei mow make deliueraunce to my childre of her dedes, as hit is seid before. I write nomore atte čis time, but čat I prey to almyghty |r28 god als entierly as any synful man may prey, čat of his endeles mercy and grace, čorough če preier of oure lady seint Marye and alle če seintes of heuen, he haf mercy of my synful soule, and bring hit to his blis, and gyf myn Executours grace to make good ende of my |r32 testament and wille, and my feffe¨ also of my feffementes, Amen. |p63 writen with myn owne hand če xviij. day Aprill, če ¨ere specefied in my said testament. And as touching če warde and mariage of Thomas Dale, my will is, but if he and my doughter Anneys mowe |r4 acorde by če asseynt of hire moder Cecile, elles I wul čat če warde and mariage of him be sold to my profit čer hit may be to his worshipe. And I wul čat če profit, čat comeč čer-of, helpe to fulfylle my testament and wille, if hit nede be, and elles be done for |r8 my soule by myn Executours. And if my said doughter Anneys and he acorde of mariage, čan wul I gyf hire če mariage, abatyng for hir C li that I haf beqwečen hire be my testament, lx. li, če which I wil, helpe to fulfilling of my testament and wil, if it nede, and elles be |r12 done by myn Executours for my soule and for alle cristen soules. And also I wil čat Iohn Ondeley haf a coueryd pece of siluer, price of xl. s', or elles xl .s' to bie one whith, of my cost, for a remem_braunce of me. my wille is also čat my newe vestment čat I made |r16 last, be deliuered to myn Auter in če kyrke, čer to serue and abide in remembraunce of me while it wul endure, to če wurshipe of god; and Ihc [Jesus] mak gode ende. And for asmoche as .I. Roger Flore, ouerseying my testament and |r20 wille, haue conceyued čat I haue not ordeyned what Iames my son~ shulde haue during his moder lyf, soole, whithouten husbonde, čer_fore my wille is, čat my ioint feffe¨ of my purchace of Leesthorpe in Leicestreshire, graunte by her dede, to Iames my said sone, an annuite |r24 of .C s' of my said purchas of Leesthorpe, to haue hit for terme of his moder lif Cecile, if she lyue sool, so čat, after her decesse, or if she take hir an husbond, he mowe haue če remaindre of Braceby, like as I haue ordeined for him in my will, so čat whanne če remaindre |r28 falleč to him, čat čanne če saide annuite of an C s' sese. And I wul čat če said graunte of če said annuite be graunted with clause of destresse paieable atte too termes, čat is to say, at Esterne and |p64 Michelmesse. Furthermore my will is, čat if Robert my son~ be a prest in time to come, seyng čat čanne my lande čat is tayled to him in Leicestre, Whytewell and Litel Hamildon~ shulde descende to če |r4 said Iames, čat čanne če remaindre of Braceby a-fore said be til William my sone after če decesse of his moder Cecile; or if she take hire an husbond, as hit is rehersyd a-fore. More-ouer my will is, čat if my said son~ Robert be here-aftir prest, as hit is said before, čanne |r8 wul I, if he haf any benefice of holychirche or prebende, čat čanne če astate čat I ordeigned čat ioint feffe¨ of my londes and tenementes čat I bought of Richard Oxenden of Okeham, and also of my burgage če which I bought of Richard Mylnere in če Newgate of Okeham, |r12 and my ioint feffe¨ of my landes and tenementes in Masthorpe, shulde haf made to Robert my sone for če terme of his moder lif in such manere and forme as hit is declared in my former will, čat čanne čay shall make astate of če said londes and tenementes to my |r16 said sone William in such manere and fourme as čei shulle haue made to my said sone Robert, wič če remaindre as hit is in my former wille declared. In witnes of which čis my writyng of myn own hond, I haue annexed čis my wille with my testament and |r20 former wille, vnder my seal of myn armes, affermyng my said testament and former wille except čat is chaunged in čis my last wille. writen at Okeham če Fryday a-fore če fest of če aposteles, Seint Simon and Iude, če ¨ere of oure lord a čousand foure hundred |r24 and xxv. and če ¨ere of če reigne of King Herry če sext after če conquest, če fourte. And I prey my feffe¨ čat alle čese astatys, by če avys of a wel lerned man of če lawe, of my cost, to be paied by myn Executours. Almyghty god make good ende! Amen. |r28 Probata fuerunt presens testamentum & codicillum coram Magistro Iohanne Lyndefeld, Commissario &c, xx die mensis Iunij, Anno domini Millesimo cccc=mo= vicesimo octauo, & commissa est adminis_tracio omnium bonorum dicti defuncti dicto Ricardo Hiwey, & |r32 domino Willelmo Baxter, Executoribus in eodem testamento nomi_natis, Reseruata potestate, &c. |p65 WILLIAM NEWLAND, OF LONDON AND NORMANDY, 1425. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.170v] I, William Newland, wol čat al men know čat čis here-vnder writen ys my last will, what čat euer god ordene for me in my Iorneye. First, for to dispose my goodis: če goodis that be in |r4 a paire of trussing cofres in the kepyng of Thomas Broun, y wol čat a man be founden čerwith to go to Rome and to Ierusalem, and to haue čer-of for his costes and labour l marc'; a-nočer for to go fro the Swerd in Fletstrete vn-to Caunterbury, barefot, x s'; and a-nočer for |r8 to ride or go vn-to seynt Michell mount xx s'; and a-nočer to seynt Iames in Galis C s'; and for v prestis for to synge at chirch of seint Thomas of Postlis a hool yere, l marc; and for očer v prestis the next yere suyng in č=e= same place, l marc. And y will čat sir |r12 Thomas Fawkys haue two gilt cuppis couered, and ij pecis of siluer. and also it is my will čat Elianor of Coton haue C marc to her mariage, and a browded bed wič č=e= costures čerto, and a cup of Siluer and ij gobelettis. also y wol čat Thomas Pounce haue |r16 x marc. also y wol čat Thomas Broun and his wyff haue viij |p66 marc. Also y wol čat Iohn of Merbury haue x marc. also y wol čat če persone of seynt Thomas apostolis haue xiij s' iiij d, and č=e= clerk vj s' viij d. also y wol čat xl marc be delid to prisoners and |r4 to pore folkys. also č=e= remenant of my harneys and očer goodis, y will čat it be disposed for my sowle, and for all č=e= saules čer euer y had ony good of: and čis y yeue in charge, wič witte and good mende, to myn executours, as čey wol answere a-for god, to be treuly |r8 disposed as it ys a-boue writen. and herevpon y make myn Executours, Thomas Fawkes a-fore writen, and Elianor of Coton, Thomas Pounce & Thomas Broun. Writen če xx day of Decembre in London be me William Newland. And y wol čat al my rentis |r12 and goodis in Normandie be disposed be William Faukeswell and be Pers Gely, če half for to be don for my sowle, and če očer half y ¨eue hem frely for to do trewly for me. and her-to y set č=e= seale of my Armes to witnesse. |r16 Probatum fuit hoc testamentum coram nobis Dauid Price, vicario Reuerendi in christo patris & domini Willelmi, dei gratia Londonie Episcopi, in spiritualibus generali, xv kalendarum Augusti, anno domini millesimo cccc=mo= xxvj=to=, Et per nos legitime pronunciatum pro |r20 eodem. Et commissa est administracio omnium bonorum presens testamentum concernencium, infra iurisdiccionem Londonie existen_cium, Elianore of Coton, Thome Pounce & Thome Broun execu_toribus superius nominatis, iuratis primitus in forma iuris, & admissis |r24 per eosdem, facultate committenda administracionem huiusmodi Thome Faukys, executori superius nominato, cum venerit, & eandem subire voluerit, nobis specialiter reseruata. In cuius rei testimonium, sigillum quo in huiusmodi officio vicariatus vtimur, presentibus |r28 apposuimus. Datum Londonie, dic & anno domini supradictis. |p67 WILLIAM DAVY, FISHMONGER, LONDON, 1426. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.228r] In č=e= name of god, amen. In the xxvij day of nouember, The ¨ere of our lord M. CCCC=mo= xxvj, I. William Dauy, Fyschmongere and Citezyn of London~, In hool mynde, make and ordeyne my |r4 Testament in this maner: Ferst I be-quethe my sowle to al-myghty god and to al č=e= seyntis, my body to be beryed in č=e= Cherche-¨erd of seynt Clementis be syde Est chepe. Al-so I be-quethe to the werkes of the forseyd cherche, xl s'. Al-so I be-quethe to the persone of the |r8 sayde cherche, xiij s' iiij d. Also I be-quethe to the mayster clerke iij s' iiij d. Also I be-quethe sere Wil¨am Podon, iij s'. iiij d. Also I be-quethe sere Iohn~ Buk, iij s' iiij d. Also I wele that euery prest that is at my dyrige and at messe, haue vj d. Also I be-quethe |r12 Margrete Schiplake, xl s'. Al-so I be-queth Waket, prentys with Schiplake, vj s' viij d. Also I be-quethe Iohn~ Davy my brother xl. s'. Also I be-quethe Margery my sister, -xx s'. And č=e= residue of al my godys after my testament is fulfyllyd and my dettys payd, |r16 they be disposyd for my soule after the disposicion of my executour. and to this I make and ordeyne William Schiplake, Barbour, myn executour; and I be-quethe the same William xl s'; Al-so ¨eue hym with-owte that, for hese laboure, vj s' viij d. Item I be-quethe Iohn~ |r20 Lowesley vj s' viij d. Wittenessis, sere Andrewe Norwiche, persone, and Thomas Rokewode, clerk. |p68 Probatum est & c. ij=e= nonarum Decembris, anno domini supra_dicto, coram Roberto Derffeld &c c'. Et commissa est &c Willelmo Schiplake, executori supradicto. Et admissum per eundem, iurato |r4 primitus in forma iuris. WM. HANYNGFELD, ESQ., OF ESSEX AND SUFFOLK, 1426. |r[Luffenam,_P.P.C.,_f.45r] |r In nomine sancte & indiuidue Trinitatis, patris et filij et spiritus sancti, Amen. In festo sancti Egidij Abbatis, Anno domini Millesimo CCCC=mo= xxvj=to=, Anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post con_questum |r8 Anglie quinto, Ego, Willelmus Hanyngfeld, Armiger, in mea libera et spontanea voluntate, ac in bona et sana memoria mea existens, videns & precogitans in mortis periculum, Ideo hoc presens |p69 testamentum meum, voluntatem meam in se continens, condo, facio, & ordino in hunc modum. In primis lego et commendo animam meam deo omnipotenti, creatori meo, beatissimeque & gloriosissime |r4 dei genitrici, virgini Marie, matris sue, & omnibus sanctis; corpusque meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia sancti Iohannis Baptiste de Bykenare, in Capella sancti Nicholai. Item lego cuilibet sacerdoti ad exequias meas existenti, vj d. Item lego cuilibet clerico interes_senti |r8 ibidem, iiij d. Item lego cuilibet pauperi ij d, et si necesse fuerit causa paupertatis, iiij d. Item lego pauperibus meis tenentibus ibidem per viam, xx s'. Item lego tenentibus meis in Comitatu Suffolkie, xl. s'. Item lego fabrice ibidem pro factura ecclesie, si non |r12 deueniat ad manus prioris, sed per visum Iohannis Borham, C. marcas, videlicet pro reparacione capelle ibidem vbi corpus meum sepultum fuerit. Item lego pro factura ecclesie de Lawsell in Comitatu Suffolkie, ad orandum pro antecessoribus meis, xl. li. Residuum vero |r16 omnium bonorum meorum non legatorum, do et lego Roberto de Teye, Armigero, in Comitatu Essexie, Iohanni Basset de Chishull, Iohanni Whetley, ciui ciuitatis Londonie, et Philippo Dene. Huius autem testamenti mei, Robertum de Teye, Armigerum, Iohannem Basset |r20 predictum, Iohannem Whetley, ciuem ciuitatis Londonie, & Philippum Dene, ordino, facio et constituo Executores meos. In cuius rei testimonium, sigillum meum presentibus apposui. Datum Londonie, die & Anno supradictis. |r24 |r THis is the last will of me William Hanyngfeld Esquier, of all my londes and rentes withynne če shire of Esex' and Suffolk, I-made če iiij. day of Septembre, the ¨ere of oure lord M=l= CCCC xxvj. First, I woll čat če Maner of Chardacre and Valans yn the shire of Suffolk |p70 čat čay be sold by myn Executours to as hie prys as hit may, withoute fraude or male engyne, and če money therof resceyued, be dispended for my soule, after če discrecioun of myn Executours. More-ouer I |r4 woll čat če maner icalled Bonylys maner, Frankelensmonday lond and Smythislond, be sold by če same Executours, and with če money čer-of resceuyed, and more, ¨ef nede be, be founde ij. prestes. singyng continuellich during če terme of .xl. winter in če Priory of |r8 Bykenacre, in če Chapell of seint Nicholace, for če soules of me, če forsaid William, Agnes, Iohan, Cisily myn wyfes, William, Nicholas, Martyn, Alienore, Elisabeth, Roger and Margery, and for all če soules čat I am bounde to do for, after če discrecioun of myn Executours. |r12 Also I woll čat če maner icalled Piriesmaner be sold as hastly as hit may, and če money therof resceyued, be dispended in dedes of almes by če discrecion of myn Executours. And as touching če maner and lond I-called Aiottes, Bartlottes, Pathislond, Gardyns, and Estlond, |r16 in Bradwell, I woll čat čay be sold by my Executours; and with če money ther-of resceyued, that ther be I-founde iiij. pore men lepres, during če terme of x ¨ere, and čat euery of ham haue ¨erly iiij marc during če same terme. Also I woll čat myn obite be |r20 kept ¨erly atte Bikenacre, Bradwell, and Canwedon~, and čat čay haue to če werkes of Canwedon~ chirch, x markes. Also I woll čat among če powremen of Richefordhundred, Dunchehundred, and Chelmysford hundred, be deled by myn Executours breed and |r24 herynge to če valu of xx marces during če terme of x ¨ere. Also I woll čat on Laffarebrugge be spendid, to make hit all of stone, vj=c= markes, in esement of če comyns, if hit so be čat no man be bounde by his lond to make hit. Also I woll čat my reuercion of Tootham |r28 I-called Skottes and Westnewlond, and če rente of Alflednasse be sold by myn Executours, and če money be dispendid to parfourme my will. And also I woll čat all maner howshold be kept, and let če children~ haue hit, or če prys. And čat če forset that Thomas |p71 Essexie wot where is, be delyuered to myn Executours forto dispende če goudes čat is ther-yn, for my soule, and čat če same Thomas Essexie haue v marces in honde, and also xx s'. terme of his lyf. And |r4 čat myn Executours pay for če costes of his qwytaunce of his enditement. And also I woll čat on če brigge betwixt Esteford and Chelmysford, ¨ef nede be, be spended V=C= marces, if hit so be čat no man be bounde by his londe to make hit. Also I woll čat I haue a |r8 tumbe like sire Thomas More, and ther-vpon, a brode ston with iiij pilers, and če brode stone grauyn with Laton~, of Cisifly and vij children, čat is to sey, a son~ and vj doughtren, Iohan and iij children, Agnes and ij children, pris of .L. marces. Also I woll čat euery |r12 preest being atte my dirige, haue vj d, and euery Clerk iiij d, and čat euery pore man haue ij d, and if gret nede be, iiij d. And also I woll čat ther be delyuered ther to če pore peple of my tenaunttes xx s'. Also I woll čat Iohn~ Borham ouerse these ij preestes and če |r16 pore men, and haue for his labour xl. s'. Also I woll čat Rolf Baynard and Darsy, if čay be witholde truly with ¨ow, čat euery haue xl. s'. Also I woll čat Roberd of Teye, myn Executour, haue for his labour, xxx li; Iohn Basset of Chishull, xx li; Iohn~ |r20 Whetley, xx li; Phelippe Dene, for he is pore, xx li; And also to William Babyngton~, forto be good helper and counceillour to myn Executours in all matiers of lawe touching hem and če execucion of my testament and last will, xx marces. Also I woll čat sire Iohn, my |r24 preest, haue xx s', and a gowne of my weryng. Also I woll čat Will my man haue xx s'. And I woll and pray ¨ow čat Phelippe be kept on seruice stille, and haue as goud wages as he hadde of me be-forne during če terme of ij. ¨ere. Also I woll čat my seruaunttes be |r28 rewarded after ¨oure discrecioun. Also I praye my feffours čat čay wolde enfeffe Philippe Dene on .vj. marces of rente during če terme of his lif, where čat he woll chese of all my londes best reysid. And also I praye, and in goddisbyhalf require, čat alle če feffes čat ben |r32 enfeffyd in my londes, čat in what tyme čat čay ben duly required by myn Executours to make a-state to any person, čat čay perfourme |p72 hit in discharge of my soule, as čey woll onswere a-fore god. Also I pray my feffours čat čay wold suffer myn Executours to selle Stanlehalle, and to enfeffe what man čat euer myn Executours |r4 require hem to. Also .I. woll čat my Maners of Welsham and Brethenham be sold by myn Executours, and če money čerof be disposed by myn Executours. Also I woll čat my Children~ haue C li, and čat čey, and čer goudes čat longeth to ham, be gouerned atte |r8 all tymes by če discrecion of myn Executours. And čat all če reuenuys and profitys comyng of my londes čat ben not assigned by my last will and testament for to be sold ouer če sustenaunce of če seid childrun, be disposid and dispendid for my soule by če discrecion |r12 of myn Executours. Probatum fuit presens testamentum, cum codicillo, coram Magistro Iohanne Lyndefeld, Commissario &c', xxij die mensis Septembris. Anno domini supradicto; et commissa est administracio bonorum &c |r16 Philippo Dene, Executori &c, Reseruata potestate &c. Et postea exhibito Inventario bonorum &c, dictus executor acquietatus est. ac die martis, videlicet xiiij=to= die mensis Maij, Anno domini M=o=cccc xxx vij=to= Iohannes Basset, executor &c, coram Magistro Iohanne Lyndefeld |r20 Commissario &c personaliter comparens, & iuratus ad sancta dei euaungelia, administracionem bonorum dicti defuncti, recepit in forma iuris &c. |p73 JOHN CREDY, ESQ., OF LONDON, DEVON. SHIRE, ETC., 1426. |r[Luffenam,_f.46v] |r In the name of god, so be hit, the iiij day of Iuyn~, the ¨ere of oure lord M=l=cccc' xxvj, I. Iohn Credy, squyer, being in my good mynde, make my testament in the maner suyng. ffirst I bequethe |r4 my soule to god almyghty, my maker, to če blisful Mary, moder of ihesu, and to alle če company of heuen; my body to be beried in če chirch of seynt Iohn ¨acarie, where my children be beried. Also I bequeth my wyfe my londes and tenement¨ the which I haue |r8 in Eldmede in če shire of Surre, and my bachous in Wodestrete in Londen, the terme of her life; And after če decesse of hire, čat hit |p74 turne to Richard Burdon~, skynner, of Londen. Also I will čat Richard, my brother, haue half če Cok and če garlond in Colman_strete, če terme of his life, and če Reuersion~ to Richard Burdon~, |r4 skynner, the terme of his life; and after čat, be sold and do for my soule. Also .I. wille .čat my wife haue my place called Childerhous in Middelsex' če terme of here life, to susteyne a preest in the Chapell of Weston~; And after če decesse of here, to Richard |r8 Quatremayns, and to his heires and assignes, in če same kynde that sheo hath hit. And ¨ef če preest be not susteyned to pray for me, my wyfe, and alle my freendes, čat hit be sold and do for alle oure soules. Also I will čat Iohn my brother haue my place atte Lee in |r12 Deuenshire če terme of his life; and after če decesse of him, čat Iohn my godson~, his sone, haue če same place če terme of his life; and after če decesse of him, čat William, Adam, my brother sone, haue če same lond, to him and to his heires males of his body laufully |r16 begeton~ for euermore. And ¨ef the same William dye withoute issue male of his body laufully begoton~, čat hit be sold and disposed for my soule and all christian~ soules. Also Spensers place atte Newton~ in Deuenshire, I will čat Thomas, Adam Credy son~, čat |r20 dwelleth with me, haue hit če terme of his life; And after the decesse of him, čat William his brother haue hit for euer. Also I will čat Richard Burdon~ and Denys his wife haue my part of če Maner Enwarle in Deu~en with če voursone of če chirche, And also |r24 my part of če maner of Thorn~coffyn~ in Somerset, with če vourson~ of če church, And also my part of če maner of Morston~ in Deuenshire, the terme of both here lifes; And after the decesse of hem, čat hit turne to Iohn~ here sone, and to his heires males. And if it so bee |r28 čat he die withoute issue male, I will čat Richard his brother haue hit in fee euer more. Also I will čat William my neuew, William my brother son~, haue all če lond which čat Weston~, Draper, and I purchased in Frankyngham and other places in Surre, terme of his |r32 life; and after his decesse, čat hit be solde and disposed for my soule and alle cristen soules. And also I will čat Iohn my neuew, Iohn~ |p75 my brother son~, haue, whenne it falleth, my parte of place in Euerchurch in Somerset, to him and to his heires for euermore. Also I will čat my part of če maner of Staunton~ in Somerset, and also alle |r4 my londes and tenement¨ which I haue in Exettur in Deuenshire, čat čey been solde by myn Executours. And also I. woll čat Alison~ Burdon~ haue xl. marc to her mariage. Also I will čat a preest be founde in Newton~, x ¨ere, to pray for my fader and my moder, me, my |r8 wyfe, Richard Forster, all my kyn & all my gode freendis which I am bounde to, and for all christien~ soules. And čer I woll čat čer be sette C. marc to pay his wagis. And also .I. woll čat čere be founde a perpetuell chaunterie of če tenement cleped če Cok in |r12 Grubstrete, with cotages annexid čerto, and očir his appurtinaunce, to finde a perpetuel preest to singe for my soule, my fader soule, my moder soule, and for all christien~ soules, in če chirch of seint Alpheies, atte Auter of our lady seint Marie. Also I woll čat sir |r16 Iohn~, preest of če charnell, haue ij marc out of my part of če rente called če cowe heed in Chepe ¨erly, & alle his successours, prestes of če same charnell, čat come aftir him, to pray for me Iohn Credy, my wife, my fader, my moder, Richard Forster, and for alle christien |r20 soules. Also I woll čat Iohn Biderenden, če Chamberleyn čat now is, and Iohn Carpynter, comon~ clerk, and her either successours, haue ¨erly comyng oute of če same rente, eche of hem, vj. s'. viij d, |p76 to se čat čis prest, and his successours of če same charnell, do diligently her deuer, as hem oweth to do. Also I woll čat če chirch of Newton~ haue my masseboke, my portus, my chaleys, my |r4 vestment¨, and my cruettis, čat I haue her-Inne. Also I woll čat Alison~ my doghter, of Halywell, [haue] x. marc and če hous, perpetuelly to prey for me, [&] my gret bolle of seluer. Also I bequeth to če stepul werk of seint Alpheies by Crepulgate, x mark; |r8 to če persone, xx s'; to ech of če prestes, xl. d; to če clerk, xl d, to pray for me / Of all my meuable godes which I haue, except my cločing & harneys, I wol čat my wife haue half. Also .I. woll čat William my Neuew haue x marc, and Aueys my nece, othir x marc |r12 to her mariage. Also I woll čat Ionet my Cosin haue xl s'. Also čat Richard Burdon~, Skynner, haue x mark, a habergeon, a swerd harnesed, a wodeknyf harnesed, and a Dagger. Also I woll čat Alison~ Burdon~ his sister, haue a blewe bedde of Tapecery, a peir |r16 blankettis, ij peir shetys, & a selour with curteyns of carde. Also I woll čat Richard Burdon~, skynner, haue a white bedde with roses, I peir of shetis./ Also čat eche of hem haue a pot and a panne, a basin and an ewer, and ech of hem half a dosen of peutre vessell, and |r20 either of hem a coupe couered with seluer. Also I woll čat Richard Quatremains haue my cheyne of gold, & my lesse swerd harneised. And če Residue of all my other godis and catell, after my dettes paid, I wol čat it be disposid be my executours a-boute my brethren~ and |r24 my sustren~ and next of my kyn. And I make myn executours, William Frye of Deuenshire, my wife, Iohn Carpinter, comoun clerk, & Iohn~ Spore, ferroure; And I woll čat ech of hem haue C s'. for her trauaill. In witnes of which čing, to čis my present |r28 testament I haue sette my seel. Yeuen atte Londen če day and če ¨ere a-boue seid.// Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram Magistro I. Lyndefeld, |p77 Commissario &c, viij die mensis Iunij, Anno domini supradicto; et commissa est administracio bonorum &c Iohanne, Relicte dicti defuncti, & Iohanni Spore, executoribus & c, Reseruata potestate |r4 &c: & xxiiij=to= mensis Iulij, acquietati fuerunt executores &c c. JOHN TOKER, OF LONDON, VINTNER, 1428. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.202v] In the name of god, Amen. I, Iohn Toker, Citezein and Vineter of London~, hool of mynde and of body, And in my good memorie being, the sixte day of the moneth of August, the ¨ere |r8 of oure lord god A M=l= CCCC And xxviij, And the ¨ere of the regne of Kyng Henri the Sixthe, aftur the conquest the sixte, I make and ordeigne my present testament in this maner and fourme. First I be-quethe my soule to almyghti god my creatour and maker, And |r12 to his blessed modur oure lady saynte Marie, and to all the holy companye of heuene, and my body to be buried in the chirche of Seynt Mildredis, in Brede Stret in London~. Also I be-quethe to the hygh auter of the same Chirche for my tythes and offrynges |r16 forg¨eten and withdrauien, xl s'. Also I be-quethe to euery prest of the forseid Chirch, forto praie for my sowle, vj s' viij d. Also I be-quethe to the Clerk of the same Chirche, iij s' iiij d. Also I be-quethe to the werkis and profitis of the seied chirche, xiij s' |p78 iiij d. Also I be-quethe to be distribued among poure folk duellyng in the forseid parisch of Seynt Mildred, forto pray for my sowle, xl s'. Also I be-quethe to be distribued a-mong prisoners in the prisons of |r4 Ludgate, Marchalsie, Kyngesbenche, And the Countours in London~, that is to seie, in euery of the seid prison[s], the prisoners to praie for my soule, xx. s'; And a-mong the prisoners in the Flete, and the Clerkes conuict at Westminster, that is to seie, in euery of tho two |r8 prisons, to pray for my soule, x s'. Also I be-quethe to be distribued a-mong pore folk ]ying sike in the Spitell of oure lady with-oute Bisshopes-gate, Oure lady of Bedlem, Oure lady of Elsingspitel, of seynt Bathilmewys in Smythfeeld, And seint Thomas in Sowthwerk, |r12 in euery spitel to pray for my sowle, vj s' viij d. Also I be-quethe to the fowre ordres of the freres in London~, that is to seie, to euery hous of the seide ordurs of freres forto pray for my soule, xx. s'./ Also I be-quethe Tho Henry Thommissone, myn apprentice, vj li, xiij |r16 s', iiij d, And also I forg¨eff and relece to the seid Henry alle his termes to me comyng of his apprentisehod. Also I will that the same Henry haue alle the termes and possession~ that is comyng to me of my mancion that is cleped the Mermaid in Bredstreet, beryng |r20 the charges and the rentes ther-of duryng the seide termys. Also I wil that the same Henry haue in possession~ to his profite and easment duryng an hool ¨ere next aftur myn obit day, Alle the encrece that is comyng of my wyne a-boue the stok, And more ouer |r24 all my peces and kuppes of siluer, peuder pottes, Naapri, and all the vtensilmentes longyng to my kechyn, as for that forsaid ¨er enduryng. Also I wil that this reward be truly doon and treuly fulfeld to the same Henry vp-on this, that he gouerne hym goodly and onestly as |r28 he oweth forto do, aftur the rewle and discrecioun of myne executours. Also I wil that the same Henri haue all the termes comyng to me of |p79 Henry Clopton~, myn other apprentice. And also I be-quethe to that same Henry Clopton~ .xl s'. Also I wil that myn aray and clothyng to my body longyng, a-non aftur my deces be sold, And the monei |r4 ther-of comyng & taken, I wil that hit be deuided and parted among pouere folk lieng bedred, and in other werkes of charite most plesyng to god and to the helthe of my soule. Also I ¨iue and bequethe to the mariage of onest and poure maidens, to be distribued |r8 a-mong hem aftur the wil and discrecion of myn executours, xiij li .vj s'. viij d. Also I bequethe to euerich of myn executours takyng charge to compleet and to do execucion~ of this my present testament, .v. li. Also I wil that a discreet and an abul preest be choson aftur |r12 the good discrecion~ of myne execucutours [so] to syng and rede for my sowle and all criston soules in the forseid chirch of seynt Mildredis duryng the termys of thre ¨er next suwyng aftur my deces. And I be-quethe to the sustentacion of that seide preest for the |r16 forseid terme of thre ¨er, xx. li. The residue of all my godes and catalles and dettours, what so-euer they be aftur my dettes paide and my present testament fulfillid, I be-quethe to be distribued and departed for my sowle, and for the soules of all tho that I am boond |r20 to praye for, And for the soules of all trewe criston pepul, like as myn executours seme best, to plese god, and profit to the helthe of my soule. And of this my present testament, I make and ordeigne myn executours, that is to seie, Richard Banaster And Edmond |r24 Scheffild, Citezins and vineters of the forsaid cite, all and euerich aboue expressid, iustly to complete, and trenly to spede. In witnesse of the whiche thyng, on this my present testament I haue put my seal. Date at London~ the day and the yer aforesaid. |r28 Probatum fuit hoc presens testamentum coram nobis Willelmo Stonham & c, Commissario Reuerendi in christo patris & domini domini Willelmi, dei gratia Londonie Episcopi & c, generali, iij=o= nonarum Septembris Anno domini M=l= cccc=o= xxviij=o=. Approbatum, |r32 insinuatum, ac pro eodem per nos legitime pronunciatum; & Comissa est Administracio omnium bonorum dictum [so] defuncti & c Execu_toribus interius nominatis, et Admissa per &c c. |p80 ROBERT SCHAPMAN, OF HARINGAY, MIDDLESEX, 1428. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.203v] In dei nomine Amen. I Robert Schapman, in Rithe mynde, make my testement in this forme. I be-quethe my sowle to god, to yowre [so] lady Lady, and to Alle če holy compani of heuen; my bodi to be |r4 berijt in the chirchau of houre La[dy] of Harryngey. Also I be_quethe to my wy fe alle č=e= goodis čat be meuablis, and sche to be my prinsepall seccutur, with Gefori London and Thomas Howe, čey to dispose če goodis for me like as my [for' they'] wole anscwere to-fore |r8 gode atte č=e= day of gogement s: furst to če hihe auter, xij d; to če secutours of Robert Childe, v s'; to heuery of my gode childrin .xij d; and to a prest for to singe for me and all cristin soulis, competent saleri for an hole here [= yere]; to heu[er]i of my |r12 secutoris, v s'.; to hie weyis, vj s' viij d; to the keuering of the trinite schapell of Haringey, vj s' viij d; to my dowter, xl. s,. In cuius rei testimonium, sigillum apposui. Datum in Haringey, Anno domini Millesimo quadringentesimo octauo, primo die mensis Nouem_bris |r16 . vj=to= Iduum Nonembris probatum fuit; & com[missa] Execu_toribus Anno domini M=l= cccc=o= xxviij. |p81 RICHARD WHYTEMAN, OF LONDON, WAXCHANDLER, 1428. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.209r] In y=e= name of good' Amen, the xxij day of Ianuary, In the yere of our lord Anno domini M=l= CCCC=mo= xxviij=no=, I Richard Whyteman, Citezein and wexchaundeler of London, In my good |r4 mynde beyng, y make my testament in this wyse: First y be-quethe my soule to allmyhty god my creatour, our Blessid virgine Marie, and to alle the Seintes, and my Body to be beried wher god woll yn my parisshe chirche. Also y be-quethe to če hye Auter for my |r8 Offryng, yef eny be for-yeten, vj s' viij d. Also y be-quethe to the wherk of the Ill of the toon side of the Cloistere in the Chirchehawe whan če parisshens be-gynnen to Edifie hit, vj s' viij d. Also y woll that myne Exec.utours hold & parfourme forth my deuouaciouns |r12 forth as I was wonte, that ys to seyn, on mydsomer eve to-fore seint Iohn Baptiste in my parisshe chirche, ordeyne a tapre of half A pound, & čat it brenne as longe as hit woff |r[for woll] dure, and čus euery yer aftir my decesse; Also to-fore seint Iohn Ewangelist in the |r16 seyd chirche, thei ordeyne euery yere iij tapres of a pound, to brenne frome ye Even for th as longe as they woll dure, and thus euery yer after my decesse; Also to-fore oure ladi in Senct Marie Chapell in the seid chirche, čei ordeyne I Tapre of a pounde, to brenne euer.y |r20 even of oure lady, and č=e= day as atte salue, & euery principall day, as longe As hit woll dure; and čus for to be don~ from vere to vere. |p82 Also y bequethe and yeve to Symkyn Whitehed, my Russet Candelstykes, and I paire Candelstekes secundaries next čoo. Also y be-quethe to Iohn Hewet, Ioynour, my cosyn, so čat he take če |r4 Charge of this testament, vj s'. viij d. Also y Bequethe to Katerine Whyteman, to her mariage, x marc', the whiche Kater.ine, whith the mony, be in the kepyng.e and Gouernance of myne Executours after whriten, to tyme sche come to ful age, And y-maried. And yif sche |r8 dye with-Inne age, y woll čat č=e= .x. marc' be put to a prest to synge in č=e= seid Chirche by a yere for me & All Cristen soulis. Also After my decesse I woll čat my best candelsteke y-gylt with če cros, be sold yn če best manere čat my executours konne or may, saf y woll that |r12 Symken a-forseid, And he woll, haue hem A-fore eny othir man, he |r[?_for_be] .xl s'. better chepe čanne eny other man woll yeve čere-fore, be |r[for he] to have ther-of resonable daies of paiement; and with the whiche mony I woll čat myne Executours parfourme this my testa_ment. |r16 Also y woll that myn Executours ordeyne, the day of my dyyng or of my mynde, vj torches brenyng; & after all the service ys done, I woll be-quethe I torche ecclesie me[e] parochiali; I, ecclesie de Wondesworth; .I. to seint mildred chirche; I, to seint Nicholas |r20 Oloff; I, to Garlekhithe Chirche; I, to Trinite ehirche. Also .y. bequethe to Simkin aforseid all my mooldes & instrumentis to my craft longyng, after my decesse and my wiues. Also y wolle čat myne executours, vij yere after my decesse, holdyn twelf monthes |r24 mynde. the residue of all my goodes mevable, (after čat my will, my be-questes of this testement be parfourmed, and my dettes principali de |r[for be] paid,) y. yeve & be-quethe to Alice Whitman my wif, where-so-euer čat čei ben. to - čis my testament y make myne |r28 Executours, č=e= seid Alice principale, Iohn Hewet, and Symken |p83 aforseid, executours with her; and sir William Wright perosone of my parische chirche, ouerseer of čis my testament; to če wheche sir William, y yeve for his travaill, to do č'=s= travaile, xl d. In witnesse |r4 of whiche thyng, to this present I haue put to my seall in če day and yer aforseid. Probatum fuit hoc presens testamentum coram nobis Willelmo Stonham & c, x=o= kalendarum Marcij, Anno domini snprasicto & c. |r8 Commissa que est administracio &c c Executoribus & c. WALTER NEWENT, ? OF ST. PANCRAS, LONDON, 1428. |r[Luffenam,_f.78v] |r In dei nomine amen. This če testament of Waler Newent, y-writen in londen če xxviij day of Iune če ¨ere of oure- lord M'cccc xxviij. First, I beqwethe my soule to almyghty god, and to oure lady, |r12 and to all če holy company of heuen~, and my body to be beryed in what church¨ard ther as I dye in če parissh. - Item I beqwethe all maner of godis to my wyf Alson~ Newent, and she forto do me like as she wolde I dede for her in če same cas. witnes of čis simple |r16 testament, Ionet Arguston~, Master Richard Granger parson of seint Pancras, William Boteler, W. Croddish, Porter, and Alson~ Walsyng_ham; and čerto I point my signet and my syne manuell / Pro_batum fuit presens testamentum coram Magistro Iohanne Lyndefeld, |r20 Commissario &c, xvj die mensis Decembris, Anno domini supradicto, et commissa est administracio bonorum &c Alicie, Relicte dicti defuncti, & Executrici &c, Reseruata potestate &c. |p84 HARY VAN SANDWYK, OF ST. CLEMENTS, LONDON, 1430. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.258v] In če name of god, Amen. The xxij day of Nouember, če ¨er of oure lorde M CCCC and xxx, I Hary Van~ Sandwyk, make and ordeyne my testament in čys maner, beynge in fol discrecion And |r4 hool mynde: Ferst .I. be-queče my soule to Almyghti god, če blessyd virgine Marie, And to alle the Seintis, My body to [be] beried in če chirche ¨erd of Sent Clementis. Also I be-queče to heigh Auter of če seid cherche, for tičingys and offeringes for¨ete, |r8 xx d. Also y be-queče to če body of če same cherche iij s' iiij d. Also .I. be-queče Iohn Roode and Troyde hys wyf, Alle myne houshold, and in mony vj s. viij d. And to čys testament I make And ordeyne myne executour, če for-seid Iohn Roode. |r12 Probatum fuit presens testamentum Coram nobis, Stephano Germen, Commissario generali, & c', iij kalendarum Decembris, Anno Domini supradicto. Commissa executori in dicto nominato & c-_comparuit. |p85 ALYS CHIRCHE, WIDOW, OF ST. MARY HILL, LONDON, 1430. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.262r] In the name of oure lord god, Amen. I, Alys Chirche, beyng in full mende, be-queth my sowle to Almyghty god, to oure lady seint Marie, and to all the Blyssid company of hevyn, And my body |r4 to be byried in the Chirch yerd of Twykenham. Al-so y be-queth to the hie Autour, xij d; Al-so to our lady lyght, vj d; Item to the rede lyght, vj d; Item to seint Mergret lyght, iiij d; Item to .seint Colas lyght, iiij d; Item to Twykenham brygge iiij d; Item to |r8 Kyngston brigge vj d; Item to the causy atte Wyke, iiij d; Item to the Chirche of Herdyngton, ij Buschell barly; Item to Water Rykard I b¨ [= bushell] Barly; Item to Ionet Carter, vj d; Item to Thomas, Myne seruant, vj d; Item to- Richard Soler alle necessarijs |r12 longynge to housold of dede store, saue a grete brasse potte. And |p86 le the Residue of my godys nou¨t byqwothin, I yeue and ordeigne to Richard Soler and Roger Yelot, myne executours, that they dispose it for my hosbondys sovle and myn, and alle Cristen, |r4 as them best seme to doon. Wryten at Twykenham, the seconde day of Aprill, the yere off our lord M=l= iiijo & xxx. Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram nobis, Stephano Germen, Reuerendi in Christo patris et domini, domini Willelmi, dei |r8 gratia Londonie Episcopi, in Ciuitate Londonie ac decanatu Middle_sexie & Berking, & c, Commissario generali, xiiij kalendarum Marcij, Anno domini supradicto. Commissa-que fuit Administracio dicti defuncti & c Executoribus in eodem testamento nominatis, Ac per eos |r12 Admissa. RICHARD GRAVELEY, OF LONDON, GROCER, 1430. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.265v] In the name of god, Amen. I Richard Graweley of London, Grocer, ordeyn And graunte my testament in this maner: Ferst y bequeth my sowle to our lord god Almyghty, maker of hewne and of |r16 yerth, praeyng and besekyng our lady seynt Mary, the modyr of our lord Ihesu, & all the company of hevne to pray for me to our lord Ihesu our savyour, tha[t] y may haue mercy and foryevenysse of synne. Al-so y bequeth my body to be byriyd in č=e= porche of the |r20 Churche of al Halewyn, Berkyng, by syde the towre of London, on |p87 the sowth syde of the chirch. Al-so y be-quethe to my brother William Graueley of London an hors, č=e= which ys in hys own kepyng, & ij nobles of golde the which he owid me, and vj sylver |r4 spones, and an olde sylour for a bedde. Al-so I bequeth to Margarete Knoston, my wyves seruaunt, xl s'. Al-so y bequeth to my doughtour Kateryn xx li to hir maryage yf she leve so longe, & yf she passe to god or she [be] maryed, y woll that my wyf haue that |r8 money. And yf my wyf and my dowghtour deye or |r[leaf_266] they be maried, I will čat čat money be yefen in Almys for my sowle, & for here sowle. and All the Remenent of my gode & Catell, y bequeth to my wif. And vpon this testament y make And ordeyne |r12 my wyf and Iohn Abbey to be myn Executouris, to dispose my gode, and to performe my wille, As they wille Answere a-for god. Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram nobis, Stephano Germen, Commissario & c, viij kalendarum Februarii, Anno domini |r16 Millesimo CCCC=mo= xxx. Commissa-que administracio Iohanni Abbey, Reseruata potestate committendi Administracionem Executrici cnm aduenerit, & c. WILLIAM FITZ-HARRY, OF COSIN LANE, LONDON, 1431. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.285v] In the name of the holy blissed Trinite, oure souerayn lady |r20 seynt Marie, and all holy Seyntes, Amen. I, William Fitz-Harry, beyng yn goode heale and yn my full wittes, make my testament yn this manere: First y bequethe my soule to god, my verry lord and |p88 sauyoure, for to abyde his gracious ordenaunce and mercy, and my body to be buryed there as he hath of his grace ordeyned; and to that place y yeue x li of gold. And y will, ther synge v. yere for me |r4 and for tho that y am most bounde to pray fore, a trewe prest, and that y will it be Frere William, if it be so that he haue sikerly leve of his Provyncyall and of his house; and elles, y will haue the best lyver that may be y-geten: and y wille this prest haue ech yere x li, |r8 that is to say, in v. yere, l .li; and y will haue done for me the first day after that my soule ys passed, xxx=ti= messes yn the wyse of a trentall of seynt Gregorie; and when this is done, y will the best prest that may be founde, sey for me the saide trentall, with the hole |r12 diriges, and all the seruice thurgh-out the yere, and the prest to haue x li. And y will, that on my body be laide a faire stone of Marble with my creste, myn armes, my vanturs, in blewe, reede, and white, and my word "mercy and ioie", to which word I take me fully for |r16 euermore. the price of the stone schalle be x li; and y will that my parissh chirches haue all here duetees. And y will there be delt for me yn hast to poure folke, x li. And y make myne executours, my wyf, my brother sir Iohn Fitz-Harry, Maister Thomas Morstede, |r20 Frere William Croland, Benet Maliot, and Robert Horne. And y yeue to Maister Thomas, x mark; and to Frere William, for he ys poure, x mark and his pece; And to Benet, for his pouert and long trewe seruice, xx li; and to Robert Horne xx mark, and to Thomelyn |r24 x mark. And y yeue Robert Pokyng, x mark; And y yeue to Robert Fulman, x mark; to Iohn Hale, v. mark; to Bussh, xx s'; to Phelippe, xx s'; to Ionet Wyntryngham, .xx mark; to Anneys Mytton~ atte lyon, x li; to Maude Wilbe, xx li, so am y sworne; to |r28 Ienet Rye, x mark; to Ienet of Rone, v. mark. and when all this is paied and done, and my wille fultilled, I will |r[leaf_286] my wyf haue myn hous in London, with all the rentes that y haue in Cosynlane. Than will I that all manere of goodes that y haue, or be |r32 owyng to me in ony wyse, it ys my wille that my wyf [haue] alwey |p89 thre parties, and my brother sir Iohn the forth part, that is, pleinly to sey, of ech iiij.c mark, my wyf haue to haue iijc. mark, and my brother C mark. and of alle myn executours that y haue rehersed |r4 afore,- whiche y haue chosyn, for trewe perfit loue I require hem and charge hem, as they wol answere afore oure lord on the hie day of Iugement, that they trewly and fully fulfille all - my wille and myn entent abouewriten: and this y aske of thaym, that they do this |r8 trewly and kyndely, for the loue and at the reuerence of all-myghty ihesu, yn whos mercy and grace I putte me holy, both body and soule, for euermore, Amen. That this ys fully my last will, I sette ther-to my sygne manuell. |r12 Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram nobis, Iohanne Druell, Commissario &c', vj=o= Idus Septembris, Anno domini Millesimo CCCC=mo= xxxj=o=; Commissaque fuit administracio Elizabethe, relicte dicti defuncti, Iohanni Fitz-Harry, Magistro Thome Morstede [& |r16 Roberto Horne interlined], executoribus in dicto testamento nominatis & c, Reseruata potestate nobis committendi onus administraci'onis bonorum huiusmodi Alijs coexecutoribus interius nominatis cum venerint & c. comparuit coram nobis xviij=o= die Nouembris, Anno |r20 supradicto, Benedictus Maleot, & onus administracionis commissum fuit sibi. RICHARD TYRELL, ? OF STOKE-DABERNON, SURREY, 1431. |r[Register_Luffenam,_f.106v] |r In dei nomine amen. I Richard Tyrell, being in helth and good mynde, ordeyne and make my testament in this wise: First I |p90 bequethe my sinfull soule to god almyghty, to his moder blessed Marye, and to all the holy seintes in heuen, and my body to be buried in the chirche of Soppewell. Also I bequethe for |r4 reparacion of the sayd chirch and place, where most nede is, x marc; Also to the Non~n~es of the said chirch, egally to be departed among hem, to pray for my soule, x marc; Also to the Freres of Gilford, lxvj s', viij d; Also for reparacion of the chirch, |r8 and specially če rodelofte of Stoke, C s'. The remenaunt of my good I giffe and bequethe to William Estfeld, Mercer and Alderman of Londen~, Dame Alionore Hull, Roger Husewyffe, prest, and to Amy my wyfe, whom I make Executours of my testament and my |r12 last will, to do and dispose for profite and we.l of my soule aftir ther discrecioun. And also I woll that sir Nicholl Dixon~, Clerk, have the suruewe of my said Executours. In wittenes of the which thing I haue putte ther-to my seell. Writen atte StokDabernoun the xxvj |r16 day of Maij, the regne of kyng Harry the vj aftir conquest, the ix ¨ere, and of oure lord of Heuen a M=l= cccc & xxxj. writen with myn owen hond / Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram Magistro Iohanne Lyndefeld, Commissario &c', die mensis Iulij, Anno domini |r20 supradicto; et commissa est administracio bonorum &c Executoribus in eodem nominatis; ac xxiij die mensis Septembris acquietati fuerunt Executores &c. |p91 ISABEL GREGORY, OF HACKNEY, 1431-2. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.296v] I, Isabel Gregory, I be-quethe my soule to god Almygthy, and to owre lady sent Mary, and all the company of heuen, & my body to be beryit in sent Austynyscherchhawe of Hakeney. I be-quethe the |r4 hey auter a bord-cloth is iij ¨erdys of lenthe or mor, (the tother is xj ¨erdys of lenthe). also I be-quethe the bed that I lyin in, to Aneys New-kole, saf the materas: that schall Idany Hale haue. I be-quethe to Iohn of the spetill, a schete, and a bras pot of a galon~, |r8 and an old panne. al-so I be-quethe the [same] Idany a bofet; and to the same Idony, ij cosyonys. also I be-quethe to Ion~e my dowter, a blew goune and a grene kyrtyll, and a -schete. al-so I be-quethe to I [so] Idany of the spetill, my wode and my Cole. also, I make and |r12 ordeyne that Will Seluester haue the gouernaunce. of all other godys that I have be-syde, I make a fre ¨efte to Will Seluester to selle, and to ¨eve for my soule and all Crystyne soulys, in the best maner that. may ben ordeynyt. al.so I be-quethe to Ionet Seluester a blake cote, |r16 furryd. allso I be-quethe to Thomas Formannis wyf a russet gou-nne lynyt with whythe blanket. also to Idany Hale a cloke and a gounne of russet, furrit; also in esement of Idany and of Iohn of the spetyll, for Almys I lent hem, a chest, and a vergyous barell, and a fyerpanne, |r20 and a forme, and a pot of bras, with a vyle, and a forser s with loke and kye, and vj hennys. Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram nobis, Iohanne Druell. |p92 Commissario &c, x=o= die Ianuarii, anno domini M=l= CCCC=mo= xxxj. Et commissa fuit Administracio Willelmo Seluester, executori interius nominato. RICHARD GRAY, OF ST. BARTHOLOMEWS, LONDON, 1432-3. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.340v] |r4 In the name of god, Amen. I, Rychard Gray, not hole of body but hole in mynd, mak my testament concernyng my last wyll in this wyse: I be-queth & geue my so wle in-to the hondys of oure lord Ihesu crist, & to oure lady seynt Mary, and to Peter & Powle & seynt |r8 Bertylmew, & to all the Apostolles, confessors virgyn & Mar.ters, and to all the company of heuen, and my body to be beryed a-for the trinite autre in chirehe of seynt Bertylmew. And y wyll, as towchyng my bryngyng on erth, to be takyn of the hole goodes that |r12 is my owne, & that ther be a-bowt my body iiij tapers & iiij torches, & that ther be genen vn-to the conuent vj s. viij d for to pray for me to our lord Ihesu cryst. And as towchyng to all my goodes mevealble [so] & vnmevable, to dispose ham, I mak & ordeyne vn-to |r16 my executer, my wyiff Anneys, & my lord sir William Couentre, prior of seynt Bertylmew in Westsmythfeld in London, for to |p93 dyspose the same goodes to helth and saluacion of my sowle, as tham semyth best to be don, wyttenessyng Maister Iohn Wylbury, dwellyng in Ive Lane besyde seynt Powles, & Syr Ion Venys, |r4 chanon of Seynt Bartilmew, & my ij sonnys Richard & Iohn: wryttyn the vij day of March, the ¨ere of our lord a thowsand iiij=c= xxxij=o=. Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram nobis, I d; vltimo die |r8 Marcij, Anno domini Mcccc xxxiij=o=, commissa-que fuit administracio Agneti, relicte eiusdem, reseruata potestate committend-de domino Willelmo Couentre cum venerit. JOHN BARNET, OF LONDON, DRAPER, 1433. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.353r] In the name of god, Amen. The xvj day of the monyth of April, |r12 the yere of ouur lord Ihesu Crist Millesimo cccc xxxiij, I Iohn Barnet, Citezin and draper of London, beyng in good mynde and in hool resoun, make my testament in forma sewyng: ffyrst I beqwethe my sovle to god Almyghty, and to hys moder the g.lorious virg.yn ouur |r16 lady seynt Marye, and all the holy seyntes of hevene, And my body to be beryed where the Avise is of myn executours. And I make myn executours, Marie my wyif, and my sone Richard, Marie to be evermore myn executrice principall, And no thyng to be dymened |r20 a¨ens here wille. And I be-qwethe to the chirche of seynt Petris, iij s iiij d; and to Barnet chirche,s iij s' iiij d; And to Monkes chirch, iij s' |p94 iiij d. Also I beqwethe to my poore tenauntes, my govnys [to] be partyd after the devys of myn executours aboveseyd, everich of hem a govne. Also I will that.my sangvyn govne be sold, & do for my sovle. |r4 In wytnesse of the which, I have put to this present testament my seal: wytnesse of this testament, sire Richard Seynour, Simond Cake, Richar.d Derby, clerk, Dated, ¨ere & day aboveseyd. Probatum &c' coram I d. xxij=o= die Aprilis, Anno supradicto, & commissa Adminis_tracio |r8 executoribus & c'. WALTER MANGEARD, COOK, OF LONDON, AND SUSSEX, 1433. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.380r] |r In the name of god, so mot hit bee: the xiiij day of the Monethe of Marche, the yere of oure lord god M=l= CCCC xxxiij=a=, I, Walter Mangeard, Citesen and koke of London~, make & |r12 ordeyne my pr.esent testament of my last wyll in this- maner: fyrst I beqvethe & recomende my soule to almyghtti god, & to oure ladi seynt Mary, & to alle the seyntes in heuene, And my body to be beried in the chirche yerde of seynt Bride in Fletestrete. Item y bequethe to |r16 the hie auter of the same chirche for my offeryngus & my dutys leuyng bihynde vnpayed, xij d. Item y bequethe & ¨eue alle- the dettes thet Iohn Hille, Armerer, owyth me, to the chirche werkes of seynt Brides Afore-seyde, and thet the seyd dettes be contented & |r20 payed to the seyd chirche werkes be the seyd Iohn, and thet anone |p95 aftur my desese. Item I bequethe & ¨eue all the dette thet William Lacy, Tayler, oweht me, to the seyde chirchewerkes, for to be con_tented & payed to the seyd werkes in the forme foreseyd. Item y |r4 bequethe to litill Watkyn, my Godsone & my seruant, x markes sterlynges. Item y foryeve & relese Walter Floode, Brewer, all the dette thet he oweht me. Item y bequethe to Iohn Floode his sone, oon of my govnes longyng to my body, suche as myn executours |r8 wyll deliuere. Item y be-quethe to the fraternyte of my crafte of cokes, xiij s'. iiij d. Item y bequethe & yeue alle the meuable Catell of bestall thet y haue in Sussex' in the parehce of Perpoynt_hurst, to the chirche wer.kes ther, & thet they haue my soule |r12 in mynde, & thet the seyd Bestall be solde be the vice of the paresshens ther, as for the most avice of the seyd chirche werkes. The residue of alle my goodes & catelles, bothe quike & dede, mevable & vn-mevable, aftur my bequestes ful tilled, & my dettis |r16 peyed, I yeue hem holli vnto Mande my wyf, scho for to doo with hem hir ovne fre wylle, with-ovten lettyng or disturbance of eny persone. To this present testment y make & ordeyne my trewe executours, thet is to wete, the foreseyde Maude my wyff, principall |r20 executrice, Thomas Harneys & Robert Andrewe coexecutours, & I bequethe the seyd Thomas & Robert, yche of hem for here labour x s,. In wytnes where-of, to this present testament y haue put to my sele. wreton at London~ the dai & the yere afore seyde. |r24 Probatum fuit &c coram I. D. xij die Maij, & Anno supradicto, & commissa administracio executoribus supradictis & c. |p96 MARGARETE ASSHCOMBE, (ONCE BLONCIT) WIDOW, OF LONDON, 1434. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.410v] |r In the name of god, Amen: I. Margarete Asshcombe, in good mynde, and hole of speche beyng, make my testamente in this forme suyng: fyrste y comande my soule to god almyg-hty, and my |r4 body to be beryed anenest the charnell of Poules, in Pouleschirche_yerd, be-twyn toe trees nere by the beriell of my hnsbonde, sumtyme called Iohn Bloncit. Also y bequethe to the Person of the churche of seynt Marie Stanyng in London~, iij s' iiij d. Also y bequethe to |r8 the makyng or amendyng of the seyde churche, iij s' iiij d. Also y bequethe a shete to the seyde Chirche, to be peynted at the persons coste aforeseyde, forto hange to-fore ij auteres in the seyde Churche. Also y wyll haue iiij prestes to brynge me to my grave, takyng yche |r12 of hem iiij d for there labour. Also y wyll haue iiij torches brennyng, to brynge me to my grave, and ij tapres to stande at my hed while my body resteth in my hous of dwellyng or in eny Churche. Also y bequethe to the wyf of William Oweyn a ryng of golde with a ston, |r16 & a reson~ ' sans departir.' Also y bequethe to the wyf of William |p97 Hoton~ my cosyn, a ryng of golde with a crucifix abovne. also y be-quethe to Clemens, the woman that kepes me, a gowne of Musterdevylers, & a kyrtell of musterdevylers with grene sleues, & |r4 an hode of blak of lure, & an a hod of blewe. All the remenant of my goodes, y wyll that they be solde, & truli don~ for my sowle, & the seyde husbonde, and all my fryndes, as myne executoures wyl answere at the laste rekenyng. and forthermore to folfulle this my |r8 testamente and wyll, I ordeyne the sayde William Owen, & my Cosyn William Hoton~, myne executoures. wreton~ the ij day of Novembre th[e] yere of Kyng Harri the .vj=te= aftur the conqueste xiij=t=ht= to the wheche executoires, y bequethe eyther, x s' for her |r12 labour. alsoo y bequ[e]the to Aneys Copursmyth a combe of yverie, & to Aneys hir mayden~, a russet kyrtell furred with lambe. Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram nobis Iohanne Chichele, in Decretis & c, xxiij=o= die Mensis Nouembris, Anno domini Millesimo |r16 CCCC=mo= tricesimo quarto &c; commissa fuit admi[ni]stracio execu_toribus interius nominatis. |p98 ROGER BORTON, OF HACKNEY, MIDDLE SEX, 1434. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.412r] |r In the name of god, Amen: THe xxv day of November, the yere of our lorde Millesimo CCCC=mo= xxxiiij, I, Roger Borton~ of Hakeney, beyng in good mynde, ordeyne & make my |r4 testamente in this maner: fyrst y betake my sowle to oure lord Ihesu crist, & to his moder seynt Mari, & my body to be beried in the Chircheyerde of the parech chirche of seynt Austyn of Hakeney aboue seyde. Item y bequethe to the hye Anter of the same Churche |r8 xx d. Item y bequethe to the reparacion~ of the Belles of the same Churche, xx d. Item y bequethe to the Amendynge of the hye wey in the same paresshe, xx d. Item y bequethe Agnes my dowghtur, my Don~ Bullok, & I pot of bras of a galon~. Item y bequethe C ristian |r12 my dowghtur, my red Bullok, & a pot of bras of I galon~. And the Residue of my goodes & catelles, whatsoeuer they be, aftur my dettus ben payed, & this testamente fulfulled, I yeve & bequethe to Alyson~ my wyf; whiche Alison~, of this testament y make my chef |r16 executrice, & Thomas Goodyng of Hakeney hir coexecutur. These byn wytnesse: Thomas Goodyng', Richard Chapman, Adam Stam_brygge, Iohn Burton~, And other mo. wreton~ the day and the yere above seyde |r20 Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram nobis Iohanne Chichele, in Decretis Bacallaureo Reuerendo &c c, vij die Mensis Decembris, Anno domini supradicto &c c. commissa-que fuit Administracio omnium bonorum &c executoribus interius nominatis. |p99 RAUF HETH, OF HACKNEY, MIDDLESEX, 1434. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.414r] |rIn the name of god, Amen: The vj day of December in the yere of oure Lorde Ihesu crist M=l= CCCC xxxiiij=o=, And in the xiij=e= yere of the regne of Kyng Henry the sexte, I Rauf Heth of the |r4 paressh of Hakeney in the Counte of Middlesex, beyng of good m ynde, ordeyne & make my testament conteynyng my laste wyll, in this wyse: Fyrst, y bequethe and recommende my sowle vnto almyghty god my maker and savyour, and to his blissed moder oure |r8 lady seint Marie, and to all his seyntus, And my body forto be beryed in the chircheyerd of the paressh chirche of sey [nt] Austyn of Hakeney aboveseyd. Item y be-quethe the hygh Auter of the same churche, xx d; Item to the werk of the seyd churche, xx d; & |r12 to the paressh Clerk of the same churche, xij d. Item y bequethe to be distribute among porefolk of the same paressh, for my sowle, xx d. Item I bequethe to the amendyng of hyhe wayes in the same paressh, iij s' iiij d. Item y will that, aftur my decese, Anys my wyf haue & |r16 reioyse duryng her lyf all my mesuage, with the curtylage and all the I appurtenance, set & lyeng in the paressh of Hakeney aboue seyde. And aftur the deces of the same Aneys my wyf, I will that the foreseyd messuage, with the curtylage, and all the appurtenaunce¨, |r20 remayne to Katerine & Iohane my dou gheters, to haue and to holde to hem & to here heyres & assigne¨ for euermore; fforseen alwey, that yf the seyde Kateyne & Iohane my doughtres dye withinne laweful age, than y woll that the seyd mesuage, with the curtylage |r24 and all the appurtenaunt¨, be solde by myne executours, And the |p100 money therof comyng be desposed and distribute for my soule in werkes of almes, aftur the good discrecyon of myn executours. And the resydewe of all my goodes & catalles, what-soeuer they bee, aftur |r4 my dettus byn full payed, and this testamente fulfylled, y yeue & bequethe to the foreseyd Anys my wyf; wheche Aneys, of this testamente y make my chif executrice, and Iohn Borage hir coexecntour; and y bequethe to the same Iohn Borage for his labour |r8 ij s'. In wytnesse of whiche thyng, to this my testamente y haue set my seell. these been witnesses: Thomas Ruddok, Richard Austyn, Iohn Batte, & other. wryton~ & yoven atte Hakeney the day & yere aboueseyd. |r12 Probatum fuit testamentum supradictum coram nobis, Iohahne Chic.hele, in Decretis Bacallario & c', xxj=o= die Mensis Decembris, anno domini M=o= CCCC xxxiiij=o= & c'. commissa fuit administracio execu_toribus interius nominatis. ROGER ELMESLEY, A WAXCHANDLER' S SERVANT, LONDON, 1434. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.431v] |r16 |r IN the name of the Fader and the sone & the Holi goost, Amen ! At the fest of seynt Nicolas & the translacion~ of seynt Andrewe, of bothe translacion~, that is to sei, the ix dai of Maij, the yere of owre lord a thousand iiij hundred & xxxiiij / And the reyn of our lege |r20 lord the kyng Harre the sexte of his conquest, the xj yer, I, Roger |p101 Elmesley, seruant sumtyme with Iohn Bokeler, wexchaundeler of London, I the foreseyd Roger, in good hele of bodi & soule, & in good mynde, as y will answere a-fore god, make my testament in this |r4 wise / first y bequethe my soule to god almygti of heuene, & to his blessed moder seynt Mari, & to seynt Katerine, & to seynt Margrete, and to all the holi compani of heuene, and my body to be beried vnder the ston with-oute the Dore of the porche, & my name wreton~ |r8 ther-on~ when y am ded. Also y bequethe to the werkes of the same churche of seynt Marget Patyns, iij s' iiij d, to haue my beryyng ther, & the ston fre / Also i bequethe to the hi auter, of offerynges foryeten, xx d; Also to the klerk of the forseyd chnrche, xij d // |r12 Alsoo the foreseyd churche, a torch of my terment, for to brenne euery Sondai at the leuacion~ at the hie masse // Also I bequethe to Iohn Wodrof & Alison his wyf, v quarteres of coles; & to Iohn Woderof my beste goune & my beste hod, & the forre in the same goune, if so |r16 be that he leue that time; & elles, sell hit, & do hit for the loue of god, & yeue to pore housholders in c.oles. More-ouer y bequethe to Robert Sharp goddis-child, a litell fetherbed & ij peire smale shetes, & a peyre of large shetes goode, & a peire of blankettes, & ij goode |r20 pelewes, on large, & another lasse and feire ybored, & a whit couerlit & a red couerlit, & a good bordcloth with crosse werk, & another bordcloth with mylyngis s at the ton~ ende, in lenkethe ij ¨erdes; & on halfe large, & I towell of parys werk, viij yerdes of lenkethe; also too |r24 the beste sanapes, also a plate of peautre & ij disshes of peautre, & ij sauseres of peautre & ymarked with .R. and .S.; moreouer a litil maser coppe, & I white coppe, & a spone of siluer with-out mark, & a litell basyn knopped, & iij candelstikes of latyn, & a litill panne |r24 of brasse y-ered, and a chaufur of bras, & a lytil posnet of bras, & a |p102 bankar of blewe & blak, & iij quisshonus of the same colour vn-stopped; also a feir salt saler of peautre with a feyre knoppe; also a peyre of bedes of .siluer with a crucifix of . siluer and y-gilt; |r4 also a payre bedes of blak gaudys of siluer & gilt, & a ryng ther-on with clippyng of ij handes, siluir & gilt; also a rake of yren forto rost on his eyren, also a litill couerkell for his coppe ygilt; also a whit couerkell with roses & flourdeluces / also a litil tabel peynted |r8 trestelwise; also a litil Ioyned stoll for a child, & a nother Ioyned stoll, large for to sitte on, whanne he cometh to mannes state; also a prymmer for to serve god with; allso a litel cofur to putte in his smale thynges. Also i bequethe the same Robard, to Symkyng |r12 Brownyng, Klerk, to goddis woshup & soule hele / And also if the foreseyd Robard die with-ynne age, that the foreseyd |r[lf._432] goodes thet he shulde haue, [ben] I-sold & I-yeuen~ to pore pepell in coles, as secoutors wil answere afore god // Moreouer y bequethe William |r16 Osberne the fliueres of pecok // more-ouere y bequethe Maut Cokkeman my wyves forcet, & a staf with an handell // More-ouer y bequethe my roller for a towell to Margery Bokeler; Also to Alison~ Oxyn my chayre, and to Robard Sharpe my peynted chest / Moreouer, |r20 sir Iohn Russhebrok a skonce / an other skonce to Symond Brownyng. Here-oppon y make my seketoures, sir Iohn Russhe_brok, chauntre prist of seynt Marget Patens, and Symond Brounyng, Clerk of the same churche / I bequethe Iche of hem, for here |r24 trauayle, x s'. To this wittenesse thet this testament ys my ful will, Iwreten the dai a-fore seyd that these neyboures wil bere witnesse theropon, thet is to sey / Iohn Hardynge, Grocer; William Ferroure, Brewer, and Thomas Colman, Talvehaundeler; Thomas Oxyn, |r28 hosier // And y pray yowe loki thys marke and thys Seell, acorde as y Roger wyl answere afore god Probatum fuit testamentum supradictum coram Nobis, Iohanne Chichele, in Decretis Bacallario &c, xviij die Mensis Maij, Anno |p103 domini Millesimo CCCC tricesimo quinto & c, / commissa.que fuit administracio omnium bonorum & [c] executoribus superius nominatis & c. ISABELLE DOVE, 1434-5. |r[More,_3_Commissary_Court_of_London,_f.379v] |r4 Thys is the will o Isabell Dove, lat the wyf of Thomas Dove, Citezein of London, made the xiij day of Marche, the yere of oure lorde M=l= CCCC=mo= [x]xxiiij, that Geretrude de Lunhx, the wyf of William de Lunhx, Citezein & vinter of London, schuld haue the |r8 godes of the seyde Isabell In kepyng, for to brynge her on erthe, to pay her dettis, her bequestis; and the remenant for to kepe to the vse of the husbondes of the seyde Isabell, vn-to his comyng home fro beyonde the See, the seyd godes in the Inuentare here remaynyng. |r12 Probatum fuit hec voluntas coram I d., iiij=o= die Maij, Anno domini Millesimo cccc=mo= xxxiiij=o= & c; & commissa Administracio Geretrude de Lunhx secundum tenorem eiusdem. [In margin is] habet acquietanciam. |p104 RICHARD BOKELAND, ESQ., OF ALL-HALLOWS THE GREATER, THAMES ST., LONDON, 1436. |r[Luffenam,_f.162r] |r In the name of god,, Amen. The .v. day of August yn the yere of yowre Lord M=l= cccc xxxvj, And the xiiij yere of the Reigne of kyng Henry sixt, I, Richard Bokeland, Squyer, beyng yn |r4 Resonable helth of body, & hoole of mynde, make my testament in manere as foloweth. Furst I betake my soule vnto god, my verray lord & Saveour, & to his blessid moder oure lady Saint Mary, and to all his saintes of heven~; And my wrecchid body to be beryed at |r8 Pardon chirche-yerd at saint Poules yn London. All so y gif vnto |p105 če warkes of Poules x li. All-so y wull that ther be founden at če vniuersitees of Oxonford or Cambrigge, after če discrecion of my wyf & executours, two gode honnest and vertuous preestes of conuer_sacioun |r4 , the terme of xx yere, prayenge for the soules of me, my fadyr, moder, broder, and for all thoo that I am bounden to pray for, eche of the saide preestes takynge yerly C s'., hauynge in Charge to seye euery friday a messe of če trentall, with Placebo and dirige, & the ix |r8 lessons. Item I bequethe xx marces vnto diuers preestes for to singe masses of the grete Gregorie trentale. All-so I woll čat there be leyde vpon my body a stone of Marble, with the crest of my Armes čerupon, and all-so with thise wordes, ' Mercy and grace.' |r12 All-so y gif vnto the collage of saint Mary Ottroye in Devenshire, xx li, to be demened, xx s' čerof yerely in this wise: that euery yere durynge the terme of xx yere, my mynd, with Placebo & Dirige & masse of Requiem to be doon oones, yevynge to euery chanon beinge |r16 ther-at present viij =d=, to euery preest vj =, to eued.y secundary & clerc of the chirch iiij =, and to euery quarester ij d; And yf čer leve any čynge of the said xx s', to be delt to euery ponere man of that parissh ij =d=, and all thoo pouere men to be at the Dirige |r20 & messe. Item y gif vnto the chirche of AIhalowen the more |p106 yn London, where y am parisshen, x li; And to the Personne of the same chirch, for myn oblacions forgeten~, x li. Item I gif vnto the warkes of saint Nicholas Coldabbey in London, x marc. Item |r4 I beqweth moneye for M=l=M= massesl to be saide after my =ecesse, čat is to sey, to euery preest saynge for me če dirige & a messe of Requiem, iiij =d=. Item I wol that the house of Freres prechours in London haue euery yere durynge the terme of .v yere, xx s' to sey |r8 be note the dirige & messe of Requiem and my mynd day. And yn the same wise the saide som yerly vnto the white Freres, greye freres, & Austins, performynge the Dirige & messe a-foresaid. Ite m I gif to euery Prisoner beynge in Ludegate & Newegate iiij =d=; Item to the |r12 Abbottes prison of Westmynstre xx s'; Item to the Prisoners of the Flete, xx s'; Item to the Prisoners of the Marchalse, xx s'.; Item.to the Prisoners of the Kynggis bench xx s'; Item to the seke peple beynge yn the spitell houses of saint Thomas, saint Mary, & |r16 saint Bartilmeux of London, iij li. Item to the howses of la¨are next aboute London~, iij li. Item I woll čat Dame Cicile Gifford, Prioresse of Chesthunt, haue xl s'; and that euery nonne of the same house haue vj s' viij =d=, sayenge for me a dirige and a messe of |r20 Requyem by note. Item I woll čat sir Iohn Gifford, Chanon of če Abbey of Waltham, haue xl s', & that euery Chanon of the same house haue xx d, sayenge for me a dirige and a messe of Requiem by note. Item I woll čat my doughter Anneys Whityngham haue C li |r24 and a stondynge cuppe gilt, shapp of a columbyn.s/ And aIso |p107 čat euery child of hires lyvynge at the day of my decesse, haue xx li. to there mariage. Item I wol čat my brother Cristofre Bokelond haue xx li, And his sone Thomas x li. And to his other sone & a |r4 doughter, yf they lyve, eche of hem .v marces. Item that Iohn Yngram haue x marces; Item to William Cicil x marces; Item to Iohn Wanton~ x marc; Item to Iohn Coggeshale x li. Item I gif to maister Thomas Asshwell xx s'. Item to Frere Wynchelsee xx s', |r8 Item to Frere Russell of the Austins, xx s'. Item I wol to euery couple of man & wyf dwellyng at Ochecote, haue ij s', and to euery single man & child withyn the same parissh of Ochecote xij =d=. And to the Personne of the same parish holdynge myn obbite durynge iij |r12 yere, Euery yere vj s', viij =d=. Item I gif to Thomas Yonge x li, Item to Richard Clarell x li, Item to Iohn Forest x marces, Item to Iacobo my seruaunt x marces, Item to Thomas Crouche v li, Item to Iohn Cooke v marces, Item to William Pascall xx s', Item to Iohn of |r16 the Stable xiij s, iiij =d=, Item to William of the Kechyn vj s', viij =d=, Item to Margaret of War.e xl s', Item to sir Robert Carlton~ v marces, Item to Master Iohn Trotter v marces, Item to sir Richard my preest v marces. Item I wolle that the prioresse & the house of Chesthunt |r20 haue freely theire Weddys ayen withouten any mony payenge. And to the performynge of this my last will and entent, I make myne executours, Iohan my wyf, sir Iohn Tirell knyght, Maister Richard Cawdray, clerc, Richard Quatermains, Iohn Melbourne, Thomas |r24 Rothewell, Iohn Kempley, Thomas Pounde & Iohn Coggeshale. And I woll that eche of my said Exeeutours haue x li, so that they be helpynge & assistynge vn-to my wyff for the execucion of this my last wille / And the Remenaunt of all my godis, meuable and vnmeuable, |r28 I gif to the said sir Iohn Tirell, maister Richard Caudray, Richard Quatermains, Iohn Melbourne, Thomas Rothewell, Thomas Pound & Iohn Coggeshale. And y pray & Require all you myn executours aforsaid, which I haue chosen, for true and parfayte Love, that |r32 ye fulfill all my will & entent aboue writen~, truly & kyndely, for the loue of god, and as my trust is yn yow / All-so y wol that Thomas Rothewell haue myn Prymour & myn purple goune furred with martrons. All-so I wol that Iohn Melbourne haue my scarlet goune |p108 furred with martrouns. All-so y wol that my lord Cromwell haue a pere of botell of siluer & gilt / In witnesse of all wich čingis, I haue put herto my seal the day and yere aforesaid, beynge present in |r4 ferther wittenes, maister william Lychfeld, persone of Alhalowen the more, sir Iohn Ioye, preest of the same chirch, Iohn Yngram, Thomas Yonge, and other. Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram Magistro |r8 Iohanne Lyndefeld, Commissario &c, xv=to= die mensis Octobris, Anno domini Millesimo cccc=mo= xxxvj=to=. Et commissa fuit administracio Iohanne, relicte dicti defuncti, & discretis viris Thome Rothewell, Thome Pound, & Iohanni Coggeshale, executoribus &c, Reseruata |r12 potestate &c. acquietati sunt. RICHARD DIXTON, ESQ., OF SISCETRE, GLOSTERSHIRE, 1438. |r[Luffenam,_f.191v] |r In the name of oure Lord Ihesu, Amen! The Viij day of August, the yere of the regne of our soueraigne lord kyng Harry the sixte after the conquest, the xvj=e=. [l438.] I Richard Dixton, squyer, |r16 hauyng gode and resonable witte & discrecion, make, ordeyne, and dispose my last testament in this maner: Furst, I bequeth my sowle vnto god almyghty, vnto the Blessyd Virgine his moder sainte Marie, |p109 & to all the compaigne of heuene, & my body to be buryed withyn the new Chapell of the Trinite at Siscetre. Item I bequeth to the saide chapell of Siscetre a cloth of Siluer, and a blak cloth of Damask |r4 sengill, & a gowne of Goldsmythes werk, for to make vestimentes & a C gertiers. Item I bequeth vnto iij prestes for to synge and pray for me duryng the space of a yere yn the saide chirch of Siscetre, xx li. Item I be-quethe vnto the Prioresse & Couent of the House of |r8 Vsk, for to pray for me, x markes. Item I be-queth vn to prestes and clerkes for to doo my seruice & exquies, & for almes for poure men, xx li. Item I bequeth vnto the frere prechours of Gloucestre, for to fynde iij prestes of the same house duryng a yere for to synge for my |r12 moder & for me, xx li. Item I bequeth to the Grey Freres of Hereford for to doo semblably for my moder and for me, xx li. Item I bequeth vnto Maistre Thomas Radnore, x markes. Item I bequeth to the Abbot of Teukysbury an couuered cuppe gilt. Item to the |r16 Priour and Couent of the same house, xx li. Item to the Abbot of Siscetre a couered cuppe of siluer gilt. Item to the Priour and Conuent of the same hous, xx li. Item to the Abbot of Euesham a couuered cuppe of siluer gilt. Item to the Couent of the same |r20 hous, xx li. Item to the Priour of Brade-stoke a couuered cuppe of siluer gilt. Item to the Conuent of the same hous, xx li. Item to the Abbot of Malmesbury a couered cuppe of siluer gilt. Item to the Couent of the same hous, xx li. Item I bequeth for my mynde day, |r24 xx li. Item I bequeth to my Lord of York iij of my best hors, to be chosen either at Vsk or at Wotton, & all my armeure. Item I |p110 bequeth to Iane Barre a cuppe of siluer couuered. Item to Elizabeth Mortymer a cuppe of siluer couuered. Item to dame Anneys Leuch a cuppe of siluer couuered. Item to Elizabeth Bowers a cuppe |r4 of siluer couuered. Item to Agas Flegge a cuppe of siluer couuered. Item to Robert Greyndoor, squyer, my Serpe of siluer and my cheyne of goold. Item to Iane Greyndoor his wyf, a couered cuppe of siluer, the wich I was wont to drynk of, and a Bracelet of Gold. |r8 Item to the new chapell at Siscetre xx li. Item I bequeth vnto the Abbot of Ianternam & his monkes, x markes. Item to the Priour of Golcleve & his monkes, xx markes. Item to euerych of my lordes iij chapeleyns xx s'. Item to sir Iohn Trebell my confessour, |r12 xx markes, to synge for me ij yere in an honest place, where so euer he wooll, and iiij yerdes of blew cloth. Item to the yomen of my lordys chambre, xx li. Item to the officers of my said lord hall, pantrie, Seler, Boterie & Kechyn, xx li. Item to maistre Robert |r16 Beaumont a cuppe couuered, chased with Rosys, beynge at the Fasterne. Item to my saide lord seruantes of his stable, x mark. Item to A Ientill woman called Ionet Hawys, xx li. Item to William Reuell a gowne of Blake, furred with ficheux beyng at the |r20 Fasterne, & xl s'. Item to Iohn Mody a gowne of grene Damaske lyned, & a nother gowne of Russet furred with blak, & xl s'. Item to ij prestes for to synge & pray for me yn the chirch of Wotton durynge a yere, xx markes. Item to the werk of the saide chirch of |r24 Wotton, x mark. Item to the chirch of Lydyerd x mark. Item to Edmond of Cornewayle an ersgerdyll of siluer. Item to Iohn Russell, squyer, a gowne of Rede Damaske furred with martrens, & |p111 a cuppe of siluer couuered. Item to Thomas Barnaby a cuppe of siluer couuered. Item to my seruant Iohn Buelt, vj markes, & I gowne of Russet medley furred with blak. Item to my wyf, all |r4 my stuff beyng at the Fasterne, except a sangwen gowne furred with martres, and the thyngys aboven rehersed. Item my full wyll & entent is, that the saide Iohn Russell haue & reioyce for euer more all the lyuelode that meueth of his moder after her deces. |r8 Item all myn owne lyuelode to remeyne to my next heires. Item I woll that Edward Blundell, squyer, of Worcestreshire, haue .L. mark, & vj cuppes of syluer, euery cuppe weynge a mark & a half of Troye, for to dispose the same gode for his sone Richard Blundell, of whos |r12 sowle god haue mercy. Item to Thomas Cleuche xl s'. Item to Richard of the Warderobe, xl s'. Item to Iohn of Pantrye vj mark. Item to William Wastell xl. s'. Item to William Estynton vj mark. Item to Watkyn Hardyng vj mark. Item |r16 to Hewe Dawesy .vj mark. Item to Harry Meyre vj mark. Item to Ibex, C s'. Item to Iohn Hewys xl s'. Item to Iohn Danyell xl s'. & a litill bay hors. Item to Edward xl s'. Item to Iohn of Nokys xl s'. Item to Water Parker xl s. Item to Litell Pers xl s'. |r20 Item to Elizabeth Belliers a scarlet gowne furred with foynes. Item to Richard of the warderobe, the fourthe best hors that I have. Item to the saide Watkyn Hardyng a gowne of scarlet with slyt slyues y-furred, and my cuttyd hors. Item to the saide William Estynton~ |r24 a scarlet gowne & a hors. Item, all my clothynge & werynge harneys and beddynge at Vsk, I woll that the saide Watkyn and William departe by-twene hem & here felawes, as they seme that goode ys, & that they delyuery to Hew Dausey an hoby & a gowne of |r28 grene damaske, and to euery of myn other men an hors, whiles ther ben eny. Item y woll that my howke of siluer be sold, and do for my sowle. Item to Iohn Clerk, & Iohn Cook, seruent to the saide Robert Greyndoor, xiij -s' iiij =d=. And that this my Iast wyll & |r32 testament be fullfilled & acomplesshid of all my goodys & catelles |p112 not bequethyn ne specefied, I make & ordeyne Gyles of Brugge, squyer, sir Water Bagge, person of Brynkeworth, Richard Warneford and William Prelett of Siscetre, my trew and lawfull executours; and |r4 to euery of hem for her labour x mark, to ordeyne and dispose for my sowle yn the best wyse that hem semeth to be doon / as they woll answere be-fore god. In witnesse of wich thyng, to this my present testament I haue put to me seale. |r8 Probatum fuit istud testamentum coram Magistro Iohanne Lyndefeld, xxj=o= die mensis Octobris, Anno domini Millesimo cccc=mo= xxxviij=o=. Et commissa fuit administracio Willelmo Prelet, executori, &c; Reseruata &c; ac vicesimo Nouembris tunc proximo sequenti |r12 acquietatus |r[fuit]. NICHOLAS CHARLETON, OF LONDON, SKINNER, 1439. |r[Luffenam,_f.202v] |r In the name of god, Amen~ ! the xviij day of the monthe of May, In the yere of oure lord Ihesu a M=l= cccc xxxix, and yn the xvij yere of the Regne of kyng Henre the sext, I, Nicholas |r16 Charleton, Citezein & Skynner of London, yn hole & good mynde beyng, thonked be all myghty god, ordeyne And make my testament |p113 of my last wyll in this forme that foloweth. First I be-queth my soule to all-myghtty god, my maker, our lady seynt Mary, and to all seintes of heven, and my body to be buryed in Powles grete |r4 chirchehawe of london be-fore the crosse. And I bequeth to the new werk of the same chirch, xx =d=./ And to the high auter of seynt Austyns chirch ther y am paresshen, for my tithes and offryng necligently for-yeten, vj s' viij =d=. And I will and ordeny, that yn all |r8 hast possible after my decesse, that I haue iij Trentales of masses songen for my sowle in thre howses of Freres of London, that is to sey, the prechours, white ffreres, and grey ffreres / and I be-queth čerfore to eche hous of thre, xl d. And I be-queth a M=l= of halpeny |r12 lovys to be yove to pore men be my executours withynne xij monthe after my decesse, čat is to sey, to euery pore man that cometh, a loof / All-so I be-queth to the brederhede of my craft of Corpus Christi, to the comune Box čer-of, vj s, viij =d=, And to če Comune |r16 box of the brederhede of oure lady yn my crafte, vj s'. viij d. All-so I be-queth to euery prisoner yn the prison of Ludgate, And ech of the ij Countours of London, a loof of a pownde, to be delyd when corn is of resonable price withyn a yere after my decesse. All-so I devyse |p114 & ordeyne a C lb wex to mynystere and to serue to the vse of the Salue of oure lady chapell yn the said chirch of seynt Austyns, that is to sey, ij Tapers to stonde on the Auter of our lady, eche |r4 of the ij taperys of a pownde weyght / čer to be lighte and brenne at Salue tyme as longe as the saide C lb weight of wex will dure / And I wyll that Thomas Gloucestre my brother, that is myn executour, and the wardeyns of Seynt Austyns chirch a-fore-saide sussessiffly |r8 beyng, haue the gouernance of the saide wex and light in maner a-boue writen / All-so I be-queth to eche of myn apprentice dwellyng & stondyng with me yn maner of a-prentys at tyme of my diyng xx s'. All-so I be-queth to Thomas Bayle, my seruant xx s, / All-so |r12 I be-queth to Thomas Dymmok, Skynner, of Glowcestre, my best gowne of the lyuere of Skynners craft, both furre and cloth, yif he be alyve; And to Watkyn Asshwell my secunde best furre and gowne / All-so I wyll that Nicholas Wylde be holpen and relyved of my gode, |r16 after the avyse of Thomas Glowcestre my brother / And yf hit so be that eny of the saide personys that I haue made be-quest to, dye a-fore my decesse / than I will that the same goodys of hym or theym that so deyth, be distribuyd in to iij partyes by myn |r20 executours, that is to sey, oo parte to the almesse of the bretherhedes of Corpus Christi, and oure Lady, of my craft; the secunde part to the Wardeyns of Seynt Austyns chirch, to the vse of the same chirch / And the thirde parte to be demenyd and yoven by Thomas |r24 Gloucestre, my brother and my Executour, to pore peple of the paressh of Seynt Austyns a-boueseid, and očer paresshe, there as nede is / All-so I be-queth to the brederhede of seynt Nicholas founded by paressh clerkes in London, iij s' iiij =d= / All-so to the |r28 bretherhede of seynt Iohn of the Craft of Taillour[s] of London, iij s |p115 iiij =d= // And the residue of all my other goodes, catalles and dettes, that be not be-qwethen above / after čat my dettes be paide, my byryng all-so, & expenses funeralx done, and this testament |r4 fulfilled / I be-queth and will čat hit be devyded be myn executours yn-to iij parties, wherof ij parties I be-queth to Iohan my wyff, to haue and to hold to her for euermore, in the name of her part and dowyer of my godes to her yn eny wyse be-langgyng / And the |r8 third party of the same residue, I bequeth to myn executours, be theym to be disposyd in masses, almes, and werkys of charite for my sowle and all tru cristyn sowlys, as tbey hope best pleyse god with. And of čis testament I make myn executours, čat is to sey, |r12 Thomas Gloucestre, Clerk, my brother, William Allard and Thomas Aston, Citezeins and Skynners of London / And y be-queth to eche of my seide executours for his labor in this party to be had, C s'. In-to the witnessyng of wiche thyng, to this testament I haue set my |r16 sele. Writen at London the day and ¨ere a-boueseyde / All-so, ouer the premisses, I, the saide Nicholas Charleton, ordeyne, assigne, and be-queth be this testament, to če saide Iohn my wyf, the termys and state comyng of & in all the tenement with thappurten[au]nt¨ that I |r20 dwell ynne in Watlyngstrete yn the saide paressh of seint Austyn, the wich I hold to ferme of the mayster and couent of seynt Bartholomews spitell be-side West Smythfeld of London, to haue and to hold to če saide Iohn the seide termes, state, and tenement with |r24 thappurtenaunt¨, duryng her lyf, oonly yf the termes čer-of last so longe, She beryng, yeldyng, payng and supportyng čerof če ferme yerely, and očer charges duryng her lyf, as I am bound to do be wrytyng to č=e= said maister and Covent/. |r28 Probatum fuit istud testamentum coram Magistro Iohanne Lyndefeld / Commissario &c, tercio die mensis Iulij, Anno domini Millesimo cccc=mo= tricesimonono. Et commissa fuit administracio bonorum huiusmodi &c c executoribus in eodem testamento nominatis, |r32 et habent [&c]. |p116 COUNTESS OF WARWICK, 1439. |r[Luffenam,_f.212v] |r In dei Nomine, Amen. This is the testament and last wyll of Dame Isabell, Countesse of Warrewyk, made at London the furst day Decemb=r=, the yere of oure lord M=l= CCCC xxxix. Furst I bequeth |r4 my sowle to all-myghty god, and my body to be beryed In the Abbey of Tewkesbery, yn such place as I haue assyngned. And that my grete templys with the Baleys be sold to the vtmest pryse, and delyueryd to the sayde Abbat and the howse of Tewkesbery, so they |r8 groche no¨t with my lyenge, and with suche thyng as y woll haue done a-bowt my body. And my Image to be made all naked, and no thyng on my hede but myn here cast bakwardys, and of the gretnes |p117 and of the faseyon lyke the mesure that Thomas Porchalyn hath yn a lyst, and at my hede Mary Mawdelen leyng my handes a-crosse, And seynt Iohn the Evangelyst on the ryght syde of my hede; and |r4 on the left syde, Seynt Anton, and at my fete a Skochen of myn Armes departyd with my lordys, and ij Greffons to bere hit vppe; And all a-bowt my tumbe, to be made pore men a[n]d wemen In theire pore Array, with their bedys In theire handes. All so I woll |r8 ther be made of my grete sharpe, A Chaleys, and offryd to our Lady In our lady Chapell of the Howse of Tewkesbery. All-so I woll oure lady of Cauersham haue a crowne of gold I-made of my cheyne that weyth xxv li, with-yn my panyer, and with other broken gold that is |r12 ther In, and ij tabelettes, the tone of seynte Katryne, And the tother of seynt George; And the stonys that bene In hem, to be sett yn the saide Crowne. All so I woll the tabelet with the Image of oure lady with a glasse to-fore hit, be offred to our lady of Walsyngham, and |p118 my gowne of grene Alyr cloth of gold with wyde sleves, And a tabernacle all-so of syluer, lyke as the tymbur is In maner ouer oure lady of Cauersham / All-so I woll the grete Image of wex that is at |r4 London be offred to our lady of Worcestre. and my weddynggown~ And all my clothis of gold, and clothis of silke, with-oute ffurrereur, euerychon, I woll the howse of Tewkesbery haue hem, saue my Russet vellewet, I woll Seynt Wynfryde haue. All-so I woll that all |r8 my stonys and perles be sold to parforme my wyll, And all myn other syluer vessell and godys, saue that is profitable for pore folkes. All-so I woll that euery man and person that hath estate In eny land by wey of graunt or feeffement to myn vse, or In my name, make an |r12 estate of all hit, or Relese all hit, to suche personys that I woll and ordeyne to haue the execucion, & ben the executours, of this my last will and testement / All-so I woll that Iane Newmarch haue CC mark in gold, And I to bere all Costes as for her bryngynge yn-to seynt |r16 Katrens, or where-euer she woll be elles. And all-so I woll my sone Harry haue myn oyche with my grete diamond, and my Noych with my Baleys. Item I woll Elysabeth Keston haue i=x=ij=x= [= 80] marke paid to Norman Waschebourne for her mariage. And yef he gruche |r20 therwith, the mater so to be laboryd / and sewyd / that he be constrayned ther to do hit / All-so I woll the saide Elizabeth haue, for the labour sche hath had a-bowot me yn my Sekenysse, xx markes. All-so I woll Margaret Morgan haue C markes. All-so I woll that |r24 the maister of devenyte haue xx li for hym self, & to dispose wher hym lyst. All-so I woll Colyer haue C li. Item I woll Halfhide haue C li. All-so I woll Basset haue C mark. All-so I woll Wilt_shire haue C mark. All-so I woll Colyn of my Chambre haue xx li. |p119 All-so I woll ther be fownde a prest syngyng for me vij ¨ere at Mary Maudelene of the holt. All-so I woll ther be delyueryd to the Bishope of Herford C markes, & more and hit nede be, to parforme |r4 suche thynges as I haue prayed hym to do for me. All-so I woll that myn executours enmortese vnto the howse of Tewkesbery C mark, or xl li of gode lyvelode, to fynde certayne prestes sertayne almes and sertayne observaunce that I woll haue done for me In the |r8 saide howse / All-so I woll that they that haue, or schull haue, estate in my land to the execucion of this my last will, Restore and make dew assithe for all maner land that is holden by me or yn my name wrongfully, yef eny be, (whech god for-bede and defende;) And all-so |r12 that the[y] repare all maner extorcion by me doon, yef eny be / And all-so that my dettes be furst paide of eny thyng, and that my seruantes that haue no fee of me, terme of lyf, be rewarded after the discrecion of the executours of this my last will. And all the gode |r16 and money that is dewe to me at this tyme, I woll be delyueryd to myne executours to parforme my will. All-so I woll, ordeyne, -assigne and name, to parforme and fullyche to execute and to done this my present will, and all that is conteyned ther-yn, sir William |r20 Mountfort, Iohn Nansan, Iohn Norreys, and William Menston; And I require hem all, and eueryche of hem, that they do trwly and feithfully theyre part and dever [? MS.] to execute and parforme this my last will, as they all and euerych of hem woll Answere a-fore god |r24 at the day of dome. In witnessyng and verrey a-pref wherof, my last will by me examyned and closid at London the furst day of Decembre, the xviij yere Rengnyng of our souereyn lord Kyng Harry the vj=th= I haue put the seall of my Armes. |r28 Probatum fuit istud testamentum coram magistro Iohanne Lynde_feld, Commissario &c, quarto die mensis Februarij, Anno domini Millesimo CCCC xxxix=o=, Et commissa fuit administracio &c domino Willelmo Mountfort militi, & Willelmo Menston &c', Reseruata |r32 postestate &c; & habent xiij=m= diem mens is Maij proximum futurum. Inuentarium exhibitur coram Reuerendissimo in christo predicto, &c. |p120 SIR RALPH ROCHEFORT, 1439. |r[Luffenam,_f.215v] |r In dei Nomine Amen. Vicesimo sexto die mensis Marcij, Anno domini Millesimo CCCC=mo= tricesimonono, Et Anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum Anglie decimo septimo, Ego, |r4 Radulphus Rochefort, Miles, in bona et sana memoria existens, condo, facio, ordino & constituo presens testamentum meum in hunc modum: In primis lego & recomendo animam meam deo omnipotenti, creatori et saluatori meo, beateque Marie Virgini matri eius, & |r8 omnibus sanctis, corpusque meum ad sepeliendum vbicunque deus, ex sua gracia speciali, pro me disponere voluerit. Item lego nomine mortuarij mei, meum optimum equum. Item lego matrici ecclesie Lincolnie, xx s'. Et lego fabrice ecclesie sancti Egidij extra |r12 Crepulgate, xx s' argenti. Item lego Reuerendo patri ac domino meo, domino Willelmo, dei gratia, Lincolnie episcopo, vnum anulum auri cum uno magno saphiro. Item lego domino Radulpho Cromwell, domino de Tateshale, Thesaurario Anglie, meum ciphum vocatum |r16 'grypys ey.' Item lego sororibus et pauperibus sancte Katerine, extra barras lincolnie, xiij s' iiij =d=. Item lego fabrice ecclesie de Stoke, x li. Item lego reparacioni capelle sancti Michaelis in le Fenne prope |p121 Boston~, x li. Residuum vero omnium bonorum meorum non legatorum, do & lego executoribus meis, quos facio, ordino, et constituo, Iohannem Tamworth, Iohannem Langholme, Ricardum |r4 Leek, Willelmum Massyngham, Iohannem Rayncok clericum, Robertum Caileflete & Willelmum Stanlow. Superuisores vero huius testamenti & mee vltime voluntatis, prefatis executoribus per me recitatis & declaratis, ordino, constituo, rogo & specialiter requiro, |r8 predictum venerabilem patrem meum, Willelmum, Lincolnie Epis_copum, & Radulphum dominum de Cromwell & de Tateshale, Thesaurarium Anglie, vt ipsi ordinent & disponent pro anima mea, prout melius viderint deo placere, & secundum exigenciam & |r12 declaracionem voluntatis mei [so] predicte. In cuius rei testi_monium, huic presenti testamento meo sigillum meum apposui. Datum apud Manerium meum de Fenne, die & Anno supradictis. |r THis is the last will of Rauf Rochefort, Knyght. First, the saide |p122 Rauf will and ordeyneth and prayeth all his ffeffees of all his maners, londes and tenementes, rentes and seruices, with all theire appurten_aunces, in the Countes of Lincoln and Warrewyke and elles where, to |r4 performe and fulfille his will yn the forme ensuyng. First, he will that Margarete his wyf haue hir laufull dower of all his maners londes and tenementes, rentes and seruices, of his enheritaunce in the Countes for-saide, for terme of hir lif. All-so he will that the saide |r8 Margarete haue xx markes of laufull money yerly out of the maners of Fenne and Skreynge, with their appurtenaunces, yn the Counte of Lincoln, ouer hir dower forsaid, for terme of hir lyf. Vnder this condicion, that she kepe hir in honeste and worshupfull gouernaunce, |r12 or elles that she be maried to hir worshipe and to hir estate, by assent and Counsaill of all or of the most partye of his executours and Surveyours of his testament. And all-so that she clayme no dower nor Ioyntfeffement, nor no thyng do, ne wirke (that might |r16 greue his heires or his executours) In no maner degree contrarie his will, nor that she claime no Iointestate in none other of his londes ne rente¨ of his purchace, nor in no londes ne tenemente¨ of his purchace, nor in no londes, tenementes nor annuities wich he hath graunted to |r20 eny of his seruaunte¨ for terme of lyf or othir wyse. And if she doo the contrarie to eny thyng of this his last will, or make eny clayme yn the contrarie ther-of, Than that she haue oonly but hir dowere of all his maners landes and tenementes of his enheritaunce forsaid. |r24 And all-so he will that all profytes and issues of the maners of Fenne, Skreyng, Stoke, and Arleye, with all theire appurtenaunces, that leveth clerely ouer the dower and the xx marc forsaid by his graunte to the saide Margarete yn the forme forsaide, and ouer |r28 annuites wiche he hath graunted to eny of his seruauntes for terme of theire lyves, or other wyse, yn the saide maners, -- wiche he will that thei stande yn their strenketh, after the forme of his graunte made by his lettres and his seal, -- that the same profites and issue¨ be kept and |r32 delyueryd to the Executours handes for the terme of vij yere after his decesse. Item he will that his sonnes be susteyned and kepte to scoles, and aftir to courte, by ouersight and gouernaunce of his executours till they come to full age. And all-so if the saide |p123 Margarete his wyff decesse or tyme Rauf his son comme at full age, thanne all her dower, and the xx marc yerely forsaid, to be kept to the sustenaunce of all his Children yn the maner and fourme |r4 forsaide. And when Rauf his sone cometh to his full age, than he will that he haue all the saide maners of Fenne, Skreynge, Stoke, and Arleye, in the fourme forsaid, with all theire appurtenaunce¨, with all other reuersions, what so euer they bee, wanne they falle to |r8 hym, and to the heres of his body laufully be-goten. And if he discesse without heires of his body laufully begoten, Thanne all the saide maners, with all the saide Reuersions, with their appurten_aunce¨, in the fourme forsaid, remayne to Iohn his son, and to the |r12 heires of his body laufully comyng. And yf the saide Iohn decesse withoute heires of his body comyng, Than he will that all the maners forsaide, yn the saide fourme for-saide, remayne to Henry his sone, and to the heires of his body comyng. And if the saide Henry |r16 discesse withoute heires of his body comyng, Thanne he will that all the maners for-saide, with all their appurtenaunce¨ in the fourme aforesaide, remayne to the saide Margarete his wif, if she lif; she to haue all the saide maners, londes and tenementes, with all their |r20 appurtenaunce¨, for terme of hir lif / so that she kepe hir in honest and worshupfull gouernaunce, and in suche maner and condicion as is before written. And aftir hir discesse, all the saide maners, londes and tenementes, rentes and reuersions, to remayne to his next |r24 heire. All-so he will that all the maners, londes and tenementes, rentes & seruices wich he bought of Sir William Malery, knygh[t], liyng in Northstoke, with all their appurtenaunce¨, be keppit in his feffees and executours handes, Vnto tyme Iohn~ his sone comme to |r28 full age; And the profit¨ ther-of comyng in the mean tyme, ouer reparacions & expenses, to be keppid to his protite, and to be delyueryd vnto him whan he cometh at full age / with all the saide manere, londes, tenementes, rentes and seruices, with all the |r32 appurtenaunce¨, to haue to hym and to the heires of his body comyng. And if [John] discesse withoute heire of his body comyng / |p124 than he will that all the same maners, londes, tenementes, rentes & seruices, with the appurtenaunces, remayne to Henry his sone in the fourme be-fore saide. And if he die withoute heires of his body |r4 comyng, or tyme he come to full age or aftirward, Thanne the saide maners, londes, tenementes, rentes & seruices, with the appurten_aunces, to remayne to Margarete his wyf for terme of hir lif; And aftir hir discesse, to be sold by the executours. And all the money that |r8 may be resceyued therof, that hit be done for his soule, by aduys of the executours, as they will answere be-fore god, to prestes and pore men, in almes dede, and other wise as hem thenk that best is for hele of his soule. And all-so that all those maners, londes, tenementes, |r12 wich he hath purchased of Sir Iohn Biron in Stoke and Obthorpe & Thurleby & Dembleby in Kesteuen / and of other diuers men in Arleye, Fenne, and Skreynge, aftir suche annuytes boren out of hem seuerally like as he hath graunted to diuers men, that thos |r16 same maners, londes & tenementes, viij yere aftir his decesse, remayne and abyde in the feefes handes. And the rentes and profite¨ ther-of to be receyuyd by the executours, and expendid in the fulfillyng of his will; And aftir the saide viij yere to be / to the vse of the saide |r20 Rauf his son, and to the heires of his body comyng. And if he die withoute heires of his body comyng', than the same maners, londes and tenementes forto remayne to Iohn and Henry, his brether, aither aftir othir in the taile, in the forme aforsaide. And if all thre |r24 sonnes die withoute heires of their bodies, theire moder than lyuyng, then she for to haue all the same maners, londes and tenementes duryng her lif; And after hir decesse, to be sold by the Executours, |p125 and disposid for his sowle, like as hem shall seme that best is, and most meritoire & behouefull in that partye. And as touchyng all the londes, tenementes and rentes in Southende in Boston, beyng in his |r4 feffees handes, he will that his executours shall haue the issues and profite¨ vnto the tyme that Henry his sone comme to full age, to the vse of the same Henry, And than for to delyuery the same londes, tenementes and rentes vnto the same Henry, to haue to hym and the |r8 heires of his body comyng. And if he die withouten heire of his body, than to Rauf his brother, and his issue; And aftir him and his issue, to Iohn his brother, and his issue in the taile. And for defaute of issue of hem all thre, then the same londes, tenementes and rentes |r12 for to remayne to their moder, if she than liff; And elles to remayne to the next heires of the saide Rauf, yn way of enheritaunce. All-so as touchyng the maners of Stoureprewe and Newton-Longvile, wherin he hath certayn termes to endure, as hit apperith seuerally by the |r16 kyngges lettres patentes, he will that of the issues, profit¨ and reuenues of thos two maners with the appurtenaunce¨, that certayne annuities borne oute of hem, wich are expressed here-aftir in this will to diuers of his seruantys, that is to say, to Margery Loughton yerely |r20 out of Stoureprews duryng the termes therof, xxvj s' viij =d=; And oute of Newton Longvile, to Robert Caileflete duryng the termes therof, l s'; to Iohn Newbery, xxvj s' viij =d=; Iohn Cornwaill, xxvj s' viij =d=; Iohn More, xxvj s' viij =d=; William Basse, xxvj s' viij =d=; |r24 Nicholl Penbroke, xxvj s' viij =d=; Iohn Iohnson, xx s'; Ienyn Bavenger, xiij s' iiij =d=; Iohn Pallyng, xiij s' iiij =d=; Richard Skott, vj s' viij =d=, yerely, duryng the saide termes of Newton-Longvyle. All-so that Richard Leke haue still his annuite yn Arley for terme of his lif, |p126 accordyng to his dede of annuite that he hath ther-vpon. Also he will that Robert Cailflet and Iohane his wyf haue and reioys for terme of their lyves, and of eyther of them lengest lyvyng, the place |r4 in Eston sumtyme callyd Botiller Place, in such manere and fourme as the dede of grawnt of the saide Robert and Iohane makith mencion in that partie. All-so that William Stanlow reioys peisibely and haue confermyd vnto hym by the feffees of the saide Rauf, a mese |r8 of londes & tenementes in Dembleby & Waterwilughby, to haue to the same William Stanlowe and his assignes for terme of xx yere. All-so that Jenyn Beranger, his seruant, haue for terme of his life a place in Fenne Amutyme (?), called Burton Place, by way of reward |r12 for his long seruice, ouer the xiij s' iiij of Annuite. All-so that Iohn Coke, his seruaunt, haue in Stoke a place called Prestplace, for terme of his lif, the wych is yerely of rent x s', in reward for his long seruice. And all-so he will that the saide Robert Caileflete haue |r16 Obthorpe and Thurleby in Kesteuen, that was purchased of sir Iohn Biron, in the name of annuite of .l. s' for terme of lif of the saide Robert. And all-so he will that, of the issues and profite¨ of the saide Manere of Stoureprewe and Newton Longevile with the |r20 appurtenaunces, the saide annuites born and deduit oute of hem, that the executours haue and receyue all the same issues and profit¨ duryng the saide terme, that they may therwith, and with all the othir reuenues and profites of all the Maners, londes and tenementes |r24 that they shall haue and receyue by this will aftir his decesse, And with all othir dettes beyng due to hym at the day of his deth, and all his other godes and stuffes meveable that he leveth vnto hem as to his executours, First brynge hym to the Erthe honestly, as his Estate |r28 asketh; And than next for to ordeyne and paye all his dettes; And also to bere Charges of such prestes and poor men as ensuyth: That is to say, at Stoke, a prest and iij bedmen / a prest at Newton Longvile, and a prest at Fenne, for to synge and pray for his sowle |r32 dailly. And yf Fryre Barton will a-bide still and synge att the Fenne, than he will that the same Barton, for such tyme as he will |p127 synge there, haue yerely .V. nobles for his salarie for that diuine seruice. Also he will that his obyte be kept yerely for euermore yn the parissh Chirch of Stoke; and for sustenaunce therof, he will that |r4 his executours ordeyne yerely xx s' to be receyued of a place that he purchased of the executours of Iohn Symond, sumtyme called Eleward Place in Fenne, and to be expended to če vse of the saide obyte for euermore. And than of the residue that so shall remayne |r8 of the saide issues and profite¨ of the maners, and of other godes with the executours, ouer all the saide charges resonably to be consideryd / and to be born as is afore, and shall be here-aftyr in this will rehersed, that Dame Margarete his wyf, if she gouerne hir worship_fully |r12 , like as is aboue rehersed, haue CC mark of money, or elles x li yerely of the issues and profit¨ of the saide maners of Stoureprewes and Newton-Longvile duryng the termes ther-of. And ouer that, she to haue oon party of all his plate and other godes moevable, yf she |r16 be gouernyd worshipfully accordyng to his will in the fourme a-fore_saide. And that Rauf, his sone, hane ordeyned for to by him a mariage .V.=C= marc; And either of his two brethern Iohn and Henry CCC marc, if hit will suffice ther-to, and so ferre strech ouer all othir |r20 charges forsaide to be borne / and thes sommes for to be reysed of the saide dettes, and of the saide issues and profit¨ of the saide maners of Stoureprewes & Newton-Longvile / Also as touchyng a-nothir parte of his saide plate and othir stuff of godes moevable, that his execu_tours |r24 , by aduys of the Surveyours, demene, gouerne & distribute of that parte to ychone of his saide sonnes in releyung and preferryng of hem, like as [by] their discrecions it shall seme hem nedefull and resonable / hauyng consideracion to all othir charges that most algates |r28 be born yn paymentys of his saide dettes / and other wyse to the ease of his sowle. And as touchyng the parte of all the saide plate, and of his othir stuffe of godes mevable so then remaynyng, he will that his saide executours gouerne and dispose that third parte in such |r32 maner and fourme / as in diuine seruices, almes dedes, and othir werkes of charite, payment of his dettes, and all othir dueez and gouernances for the performyng of his wyll / like as by theire discrecions, by the aduys of the saide Survyours, it shall seme most |p128 necessarie and spedefull to the hele of his sowle. Also he will that his executours haue of the saide godes, for their reward and labour, .C. li. to be distribute and departid amonges hem, to ychon of hem |r4 aftir his charge and labour. And čat wich of hem that no charge of mynistracion of his testament in execucion of his will takith ne workith, shall no reward haue of the saide .C. li. And all-so wich of hem as laboureth for the execucion of his will, and taketh vpon him |r8 mynystracion, shall haue for his resonable costes that he deth yn that partie at all tymes. Also he will that if his wyf or eny of his saide sonnes worke the contrarye of this his present wille, in lettyng or distourbyng the saide executours of fulfillyng ther-of, that than |r12 čey shall lose aduantage and benefite of this his present will. All-so if ther be eny clause or matier in his olde will made the xiiij yere of the kyng that now is, to the wich it shall seme to the saide executours, by aduys of the Surveyours, for to be necessary to resorte, |r16 and to take remembraunce of, for the more playne execucion of this his present will / that in such case the saide executours haue full power, by the aduys of the said Surveyours therof, to put in execucion, in rewardys of seruauntes, and othir wyse yn all maner poyntes, like |r20 as in that partye after their conscience and good discrecions it shall seme hem necessarie for to be done and executed for the most ease of his entent. And yn witnesse of this his present last will, the forsaide Rauf here-to hath sette his seale the xij=th= day of March In |r24 the yere of oure lord god M=l= CCCC xxxix=te= And in the xviij yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the sext. Probata fuerunt dicta testamentum & vltima voluntas coram Magistro Iohanne Lyndefeld, xix die mensis Maij, anno domini |r28 Millesimo CCCC quadragesimo, et commissa fuit administracio &c discretis viris Willelmo Massyngham & Roberto Caileflete execu_toribus & c, Reseruata potestate & c, & habent citra festum Michaelis ex futuro ad exhibendum Inuentarium & c. |p129 SIR THOS. BROOK, KNIGHT, OF COBHAM, 1438-9. |r[Luffenam,_f.217v] |r In the name of the Fadyr & of the sonne & of the holy goost, so be hit now & evyr! the xij day of Februare, the ¨ere fro the Incarnacion of our lord ihesu cryst M=o= cccc=mo= xxxviij=o=. I. Thomas |r4 Brook, kny¨te & lord of Cobham, beyng yn hole mynde & goode witte, make my testament in this wyse. Fyrste I by-seche the most blessid Trinyte to haue mercy on me, And that thorow the prayer of the blessid Virgyne Marye, the moder of oure lord ihesu cryst, & of |r8 all the sayntys that ben in hevyn, that I, wrechid synner, my¨t the rather to haue grace worthily to be-wayle my synnys or that my sowle departe owte of this world, so that hit may be fownde clene & worthy, thorow trwe repentaunce & contynuall for-thenkyng, to be |r12 resseuyd in to the blysse that euyr shall last. More-ouer hit is my will that my body be buryd yn the north yle of the chirch of Thornecoumbe. And that at the day of my buryng ther be saide iij masses, And all-so that čer be xiij pore men clothid in white, |p130 holdyng eche of hem a torghe brennyng at the dirige & at the masse yn the day of my obyte. And afterward the torgis to be dalt .iij. of hem to the Chirch of Thornecombe, & the remaynande of the torgis |r4 to x of the nedyest paryschirches yn the Cuntre by sidys. All-so it is my will that euery pore blynde, or lame man or woman that cummyth to myne obite, haue iiij =d=. All-so it is my will čat euery pore nedy man, woman or child that cummyth to my obyte haue |r8 .I.=d= All-so it is my will that euery man or woman that commyth home to Holdyche yn the day of my obyte after the masse is do at Thornecumbe, that thay haue sufficiante mete & drynke. All-so hit is my wyll, that if čer be eny of myne owne childryn, or eny other |r12 man, that will trouble, disese, or pursew of my trew seruandys, & yn speciall, Iohn Battiscoumbe, Will Tavern or Iohn Corbrigge, that my wyff, with alle the lordeshipe and frendshipe that she may gete, socour hem, helpe hem, & defende hem, from the malice of myne |r16 owne children & of all očer, whiles she hath eny gode wherwith to withstande her Ivyll wyll. All-so hit is my will that Clowys haue .v. mark. And the residue of all my godys that be not be-qwedyt yn this my testament, I ¨eue and by-qweth to my wyf, to helpe hir |r20 with, & my trwe seruandys a-foresaide, And all-so to helpe for to mary my children that ben no¨t maryd. And that this my testament may truly be executyd, I make and ordeyne my wyfe myn executrice / and yf she will, Edward my sone, sir Iankyn Byschope with hir / |r24 Probatum fuit. |r[In_margin] acquietati sunt vere. |p131 NICHOLAS STURGEON, PRIEST, 1454. |rRous_(Prerog._Court),_f.76v] |r In the blessyd name of the holy trinite, the Fader, the sone, the holy gost, three persons in oon substaunce, the last day of the Moneth |r24 of May, In the yere of Incarnacioun of our lorde Ihesu Crist a M=l= cccc liiij, And in the yere of the Reigne of Kyng Harry the vj after the conquest xxxij, I, Nicholas Sturgeon, preest, most vnworthy to |p132 haue that wurshipful name & office, beyng in good bodely helth, with hole & stedfast mynde ordeyne & make my testament in this wise. In the first, y bequeth my sowle to the grete mercy of al |r4 myghty god, my wrecchid body to the erthe sanctificd and halowed, to be buryed in the Chapell of our blessyd lady & seynt Nicholas now of new edefied atte Northdore of the Cathedral cherche of seynt pawle of london; And all my wordly goodes to be demened for the |r8 merites of my sowle withouten~ eny vayn glorie, by the wise avise of myn Executouris, my dettes and duetes to be payed next after the costes don in myne entierement; Reparacions and implementis dwe to the seyde Cathedral Chirche of seynt powle, truly to be content |r12 after the maner and forme as y receyved hem. Item, y bequeth to the makyng of the Steple of the paryssh cherche of seynt Awstyns in london, nexte powles chireheyerd, xl s'. Item y bequeth to the parissh cherch of Henstrygge, a chalyce of the price of lxvj s' viij d. |r16 Item y bequeth to the parissh cherche of seynt Andrewe in Aysperton, a vestement of blak for prest, deacon, and subdeacon, of the prys of x. li, or within; myne exequyes and obite day to be kept solempny ther duryng the terme of vij yere; for the expenses of the |r20 which y bequethe xlvj s', viij d, that ys to sey, for euery yere vj s' iiij d. Item y bequethe to the wursshipful Monasteryes of Crist_chirch of Caunterbury, of seynt Awstyn in the same towne, and of seynt Albanes, xx=li= myle from london, lx s', by evyn porcyons, to |r24 euery hows xx s'. in remembraunce of my Fraternite, the more specially they to pray for me. Furthermore, y bequethe to my cosyn |p133 Iohan Frowyk, my bed of grene sylke, wič the testour & Canape ther-to, palid tartyn white and rede, And the gilde pece wič smale stones sett ther-on. Item y bequethe to my suster Bartrice my |r4 syluer pottes, And the beter cuppe of the grypes eye. Item y bequethe to my cosyn Margrete Shipton that other gripes eye, and bed of grene wurstede, with the costers longyng ther-to. Also y bequeth to my brother Iohn Sturgeon the hallyng with the |r8 ix wurthy, And vj cuppes of Sylver stondyng on low fete, with the coueryng therto. And as tochyng my brother Richard, y can not assigne no thyng of my good recompensible to his good brotherhede, wherfor notwithstondyng this, my will thus disposid: |r12 If ther be eny thyng that he wold desire ther-of to his vse, terme of his lyff, y wull that he haue it. Item y bequeth to my cosyn Thomas Ryke, a stondyng cuppe gilde, with chased werk. Item y bequethe to myn cosyn Richard Ryke, a cuppe of syluer couered; |r16 And for to fynde to gramer scole my cosyn, his sone William, xx iiij s for the tyme of iiij. yere. Item y bequethe to my cosyn Margrete Dowrigge a stondyng pece of syluer couered. Item y bequethe to Iohn~ Anglesey my seruaunt x li, And a blew bed |r20 with the lyoun Curteynes, Couerled, blankettis, a peyre of shetis and a gowne. Item y bequeth to Bartlet my seruaunt, xx s' and a gowne. Item I bequethe to Thomas Bisshoptre, xl s'. Item y bequethe to Thomas Gylbert, xl s'. Item I bequethe to Iohn Gardyner, xxvj s', |r24 viij d, and a Riding gowne with the hode. Item y bequethe to sir William Iulyan, xij mark for to syng for me with a special Colett. Item y bequethe to Iohn of the kechyn, vj s' viij d, And to be new arayd. Item y bequethe to Iohn Wylkynsone of the kechyn, vj s' |r28 viij d, and his wages beyng be-hynde. Item y bequeth to Richard Bamvile, xiij s'. viij d. Item to Iohn Wichard, vj s' viij d. Item to Iohn Wemme, xiij s'. iiij d. Item to Thomas, Thomas my Cooke, |p134 oweth me xx s', the whiche y pardon and foryeve hym. Item y bequethe xl s' euenly to be departyd bytwene Iohn Saymour, to Iohn Meryco, and William Clere. And all myne other goodes what_so-euer |r4 they fortune to be, in valour, dettis, and all after my dettis well and truly payed, myn expenses and costes funerall done, and all my bequestes comprysed in this my testament fufilled & performed, And yf they may suffice ther-to, for to fynde a preest able and |r8 honest of conuersacyon, and of good rule, to syng for me in the forseide chapel of new edefied, atte awter ther, be vij yere. And ellys yf my seide goodes, Residues, and dettis may not suffice ther-to, than y wul that myn~ Executours, be ther good discrecons, modere |r12 and modefye suche thynggis as ys set and lymet afore, For it is not myne entent to charche hem eny ferther than my goodes wil strecche to and suffice. The whiche myn Executours y ordeyne and name, Richard Sturgeon, Iohn Sturgeon thelder, Thomas Frowyk, son of |r16 harry Frowyk, and Thomas Ryke. And to euerych of hem y bequethe C s'. Into the witnessyng of whiche thyng, to this present my testament y haue set my seale: y-youen at london~ the day and yere aboueseide. / Probatum fuit dictum testamentum coram Commis_sario |r20 predicto, octauo die Mensis Iunii, Anno Domini predicto. Et commissa est administracio omnium bonorum &c. Iohanni Sturgeon~, Thome Frowyk, & Thome Ryke, executoribus in dicto testamento nominatis &c. Reseruata potestas Ricardo Sturgeon &c Et dimissi |r24 sunt, &c.