**[txt. a01**] 0010A01 **<*3Politics of Job Reservations*0**> $**[begin leader comment, begin 0020A01 underscoring**] *3^The Bihar Government did not foresee or forestall 0030A01 the complications that_ followed its decision to_ reserve jobs for 0031A01 backward 0040A01 classes. ^The present violence in the State has raised the controversy 0050A01 over the criterion for backwardness-- whether it should be caste or 0060A01 economic conditions.*0 **[end underscoring, end leader comment**] 0070A01 $^WHY has the Bihar Government*'s decision to_ reserve jobs for backward 0080A01 classes led to a violent outburst? ^It is not such an original idea 0090A01 that it should have triggered demonstrations and riots or attracted all-India 0100A01 attention. ^Similar concessions had been in force for years in 0110A01 the southern States-- Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala. 0120A01 ^For the north, it is a comparatively novel concept but there too 0130A01 the recent decision in Uttar Pradesh went virtually unnoticed. $^The 0131A01 answer 0140A01 lies in many factors-- the strong base of caste politics in Bihar, 0150A01 the link between the Patna decision and the power pressures within the 0160A01 Janata Party, the abruptness of the announcement and vague, mysterious 0170A01 fears that policies could be launched without planning and without 0171A01 regard 0180A01 to overall repercussions. ^The only precaution that the State Chief 0190A01 Minister, \0Mr. Karpoori Thakur, took before making public the 0191A01 decision 0200A01 was to_ get the clearance of the Central Parliamentary Board of 0210A01 the Janata Party. ^He may thus have protected himself against criticism, 0220A01 but obviously did not foresee or forestall the complications that_ followed. 0230A01 ^The current talk of a caste war is ominous. $^As the Home Minister, 0240A01 \0Mr. Charan Singh, told Parliament last week, the Bihar Government 0250A01 was well within its powers to_ provide for 26 per cent reservation 0260A01 for backward classes. ^There was no legal bar either, for together 0270A01 with the quotas fixed for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, 0280A01 the reservations would not exceed the 50 per cent limit which is to_ be 0290A01 observed under the present dispensation. ^It is, therefore, not a questin 0300A01 whether the Bihar Government could or could not have taken the step. 0310A01 $*<*3Strong Influence*> $^Of all the States, caste influences are 0320A01 perhaps the strongest in Bihar, and what is equally important, the 0321A01 barriers 0330A01 of caste and class coincide in many cases. ^The Bhumihars, Rajputs, 0340A01 Thakurs, Scheduled Castes and the sub-groups among them and Muslims 0350A01 are clearly identifiable. ^Politics in Bihar, for decades, had been 0360A01 caste-ridden and the strong influence of caste had been evident in practically 0370A01 every other activity. ^The reservation of jobs for certain castes 0380A01 was interpreted by the other castes as denial of opportunities for them 0390A01 and, considering the sharpness of their divisions, led to a violent reaction. 0400A01 ^In \0U.P. a 16 per cent reservation for the backward 0401A01 classes 0410A01 was announced recently but in the absence of the Bihar-type 0411A01 stratification 0420A01 of castes, passed off virtually as a routine measure. $^The goings 0430A01 on in the Bihar Janata Party unit, too, complicated the situation. \0^*Mr. 0440A01 Thakur was elected leader of the legislature party last year after 0450A01 a bitter contest in which caste considerations played a major role. ^With 0460A01 the passage of time, the estrangement caused by his election increased 0470A01 and inter-caste bitterness not only remained alive but was aggravated. 0480A01 ^The Chief Minister*'s opponents within the Janata Party kept on 0490A01 sniping at him and he, in turn, felt compelled to_ take defensive measures, 0500A01 was always on the look out for steps to_ bolster his image and to_ make 0510A01 himself less vulnerable to their attacks. ^The reservation decision 0520A01 could not be divorced from his strategy to_ strengthen his position and 0521A01 to_ give a caste orientation to 0530A01 what was essentially a factional quarrel within the party. ^The fact that 0540A01 he belonged to the backward section and his main rival to a forward caste 0550A01 becomes highly relevant in the present controversy. $*<*3Poll Promise*> 0560A01 $^Stress on the backward classes was an integral part of the late 0570A01 Ram Manohar Lohia*'s political philosophy and it was, therefore, understandable 0580A01 for a Janata Government to_ have decided on steps like job 0590A01 reservation, specially when it was promised on the eve of the *5Lok 0600A01 Sabha*6 poll. ^The party*'s manifesto spoke of its resolve to_ 0601A01 "reserve between 0610A01 25 per cent and 33 per cent of all appointments in Government service 0620A01 for the backward classes." ^In the last budget session, \0Mr. Madhu 0630A01 Limaye, Janata General Secretary, gave notice of a non-official resolution 0640A01 on the subject. $^Despite all this, there was a suddenness about 0650A01 the Bihar decision which in the peculiar context of the State, turned 0660A01 out to_ be explosive. ^The supporters of \0Mr Thakur establish a parallel 0670A01 between the Bihar step and the arrangement in the south, but they 0680A01 lose sight of an important point that the four southern States had witnessed 0690A01 sustained agitations, though varying in intensity, on the issue of 0700A01 backword classes which had been in public gaze for years. ^In Bihar, 0710A01 there was no comparable political campaign. $^The reservation idea was first 0720A01 mooted by the Backward Classes Commission, headed by Kaka Kalelkar 0721A01 in 1955. ^It suggested reservations on a graded scale-- 25 per cent 0730A01 in Class 0740A01 *=1 services, 33-1/3 per cent in Class *=2, and 40 per cent in Class 0750A01 *=3 and *=4. ^This was its conclusion, after taking into account relevant 0760A01 factors-- the interests of the State, the effeciency of the 0770A01 administrative machinery and its expanding role and the dictates of social 0780A01 justice. "^We are in no way inclined to_ allow efficiency to_ suffer. 0790A01 ^But we want the maintenance of efficiency in conjunction with the rendering 0800A01 of social justice to all sections of the population," the report said. 0810A01 $^That this was not the ideal solution was recognised by the Chairman 0820A01 in his letter to the President, while submitting the Commission*'s 0830A01 report. "^I am definitely against reservation in Government services for 0840A01 any community," he said, "for the simple reason that the services are 0850A01 not meant for the servants but for the service of society, as a whole. ^Administration 0860A01 must have the services of the best men available in the 0870A01 land and these may be found in all communities. ^Reservation of posts for 0880A01 certain backward communities would be as strange as reservation of patients 0890A01 for particular doctors. ^The patients are not meant to_ supply adequate 0900A01 or proportionate clientele to all the doctors, whatever their qualifications." 0910A01 $*<*3"Generous Preference"*> $^*Kaka Kalelkar regarded 0920A01 the principle of "generous preference" to the backward classes in higher 0930A01 services to_ be more desirable than reservations. ^He was also conscious 0940A01 of the past experience that reservations came in the way of healthy 0950A01 emulation and that those who learnt to_ depend on reservations were, often 0960A01 times, not alert enough to_ improve their quality and tended to_ rest 0970A01 on their privileges, losing the zest for self-improvement. ^But recourse 0980A01 to reservation was justified because of the need to_ undo the injustice 0990A01 of the past, when the British rulers sought to_ placate, for their 1000A01 own colonial reasons, some sections and ignore others. $^The present agitation 1010A01 has brought to the fore the old controversy over the criteria for 1020A01 backwardness. ^The Bihar Government followed the traditional line and 1030A01 listed castes and communities which, as a whole, were considered to_ 1040A01 be in need of special concessions. ^The Backward Classes Commission 1050A01 too had gone by the caste criteria and was guided in drawing the list for 1060A01 backward elements by the "low social position in the traditional caste 1070A01 hierarchy of the Hindu society, and lack of general educational advancement 1080A01 among the major sections of a caste or community." ^But its Chairman 1090A01 admitted-- again in his letter to the President-- that "two years 1100A01 of experience have convinced us of the dangers of the spread of casteism, 1110A01 and the warnings of the well-wishers of the country have also led 1120A01 us, almost towards the end of our investigation, to the conclusion that 1130A01 it would have been better if we could determine the criteria for backwardness 1140A01 on principles other than caste." $^A study group on the welfare of 1150A01 the weaker sections of the village community headed by \0Mr. *(0J. 1160A01 P.*) Narayan in its 1961 report, resisted the temptation of going exclusively 1170A01 by the caste factor and instead preferred to_ classify the 1171A01 village 1180A01 community in terms of its economic structure. ^And, recently, the West 1190A01 Bengal Government, obviously recognising the relevance of the economic 1200A01 factor to the need for concessions, announced unemployment benefits 1210A01 to those whose names are on the live registers of the employment exchanges 1220A01 for specified periods. ^There is, thus, a case for replacing the "communal" 1230A01 criteria by economic yardsticks in the approach to backward classes. 1240A01 $*<*3Cautious Line*> $^The Congress Government, under Jawarharlal 1250A01 Nehru, preferred not to_ act on the Kalelkar Commission report 1260A01 so far as the Central services were concerned. ^*Govind Ballabh Pant, 1270A01 the then Home Minister, left the decisions on the State services to 1280A01 the Governments concerned. ^*New Delhi*'s caution then implied recognition 1290A01 of the complexities that_ would follow wide-ranging reservations. 1300A01 ^Nothing has happened to_ call for a departure from the cautious line. 1310A01 ^There are reasons to_ believe that the present Central Government realises 1320A01 the dangers of hasty decisions. $**<*3Indo-Pakistan Dialogue**> 1330A01 $^WHEN \0Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee arrives in Islamabad to-day, 1340A01 he would be the first Indian Minister to_ set foot on Pakistani soil 1350A01 after 12 years, the last being the trip of \0Mr. Swaran Singh in 1360A01 1966. ^That a visit of this type should be possible is, by itself, significant. 1370A01 ^It is reflective of the changed moods, of the realisation on 1380A01 both sides that the good of their peoples lies in co-operation and that 1390A01 if mutual conflict had proved futile in the past it is unlikely to_ be 1400A01 rewarding in the future. ^Above all it may help the logic of geographical 1410A01 proximity to_ assert over prejudices and irrationalities. $^How exactly 1420A01 the visit came to_ be arranged is not quite clear yet. ^The official 1430A01 explanation only partially answers the point. ^Some two months ago, it is 1440A01 stated, \0Mr. Vajpayee was asked by a newsman at Ujjain as to why he 1450A01 did not visit Pakistan when he had gone to other neighouring 1451A01 countries and 1460A01 his reply was that he was ready, provided there was an invitation. ^This 1470A01 comment reached Pakistan and a formal invitation was extended to him. 1480A01 ^The Government of India reciprocated by inviting \0Gen. Zia-ul-Haq, 1490A01 Chief Martial Law Administrator, to_ come to Delhi. ^All this 1500A01 may be true but a stray comment could not have led to a major diplomatic 1510A01 move, had the desire to_ talk been not there. $^The visit is important in 1520A01 many other ways. ^First, it fits in with the conscious efforts of the 1530A01 two countries to_ remove misunderstandings with their respective 1531A01 neighbours. 1540A01 ^If Pakistan (though during the previous regime) was able to_ mend 1550A01 its fences with Afghanistan and India had succeeded in sorting out the 1560A01 intractable Farakka problem with Bangladesh, Indo-Pakistan relations, 1570A01 despite their savoury nature, could not have remained insulated from this 1580A01 process. $^Secondly, the present contact comes at a time when the two 1590A01 countries have new governments and if there is a break with past internally, 1600A01 the external extension of this approach is logical. ^*Pakistan could 1610A01 not have missed the meaning behind the present Indian Government*'s 1620A01 efforts to_ remove the irritants to Bangladesh even at the risk of its 1630A01 own popularity, by ensuring observance of correct norms at the borders. 1640A01 $*<*3Motivation*> $^Thirdly, unlike the earlier contacts at different 1650A01 levels, the motivation for the present visit was not provided by immediate 1660A01 compulsions. \0^*Mr. Nehru and \0Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan had 1661A01 met 1670A01 to_ resolve the problems arising out of the influx of refugees from 1680A01 what was then East Pakistan. ^*Tashkent was directly linked with the 1965 1690A01 war and the Simla Conference of 1972 was aimed at clearing the 1700A01 debris of the preceding confrontation. \0^*Mr. Swaran Singh (accompanied 1710A01 by \0Mr. Sanjiva Reddy, then Union Shipping Minister), too, had 1711A01 gone 1720A01 with a specific assignment, while he and \0Mr. Bhutto had had marathon 1730A01 rounds of discussions with a set agenda. ^That_ is not the case 1731A01 with the present 1740A01 vist of \0Mr. Vajapayee. ^Officials describe it as essentially 1750A01 a goodwill visit, with no fixed agenda and for once, they are not being 1760A01 evasive. $^The task now is more challenging for the leaders have to_ reverse 1770A01 the 30-years-old trend of hostility and replace suspicions by trust 1780A01 and understanding.*# **[no. of words = 02004**] **[txt. a02**] 0010A02 **<*3A CLOSE LOOK*0 $*3The Sri Lanka Constitution*0**> $^*PRESIDENT 0020A02 *(0J. R.*) Jayawardene told the Sri Lanka Parliament the day 0021A02 the 0030A02 new Constitution came into force earlier this month that it had enlarged the 0040A02 people*'s democratic freedom. ^It had extended their sovereignty to_ 0050A02 include the process of government, Fundamental Rights and the franchise. 0060A02 ^It had ensured that the President and Parliament did not extend their 0070A02 terms without public approval in a referendum. ^Prolonged rule through 0080A02 Emergency regulations, as in the past, was out. ^Parliament must now 0090A02 debate and vote on every Public Security Ordinance and, after three 0100A02 months, it must be passed by a two-thirds majority. ^Fundamental Rights 0110A02 had been made justiciable, there was a provision for an Ombudsman 0111A02 (Parliamentary 0120A02 Commissioner for Administration) and the method of voting 0130A02 by Proportional Representation had been introduced. $^The President laid 0140A02 special emphasis on the fact that "no dictator-motivated individual 0141A02 or 0150A02 group of individuals can govern for more than six years without people*'s 0160A02 permission granted at a referendum. ^This Constitution takes its place 0170A02 among those of the developed nations of the free world, nay more, we 0180A02 set an example others may choose to_ follow." $^That the Sri Lanka 0181A02 Constitution 0190A02 is like no other is a fact. ^But this is true of almost every 0200A02 Constitution, which must, in order to_ be successful, answer to the 0210A02 particular needs of a country. ^The Sri Lanka Constitution*'s claim to 0220A02 distinction lies in the fact that it follows neither the Presidential 0230A02 system nor the Prime Ministerial one, a claim with which none need quarrel 0240A02 for Constitutional straitjackets are the invention of professors. 0250A02 ^What needs to_ be noted, however, is that even President Jayawardane 0260A02 admits, by implication, that the Constitution contains the possibility 0270A02 of a "dictator-motivated individual" ruling for six years. ^The President*'s 0280A02 assurance elsewhere to his people that his Government would not 0290A02 misuse its overwhelming majority in Parliament (it has a five-sixths majority) 0300A02 is reassuring, as also are his follow-up actions, but the character 0310A02 of a Constitution needs to_ be judged not by individual assurances 0320A02 but by its express provisions and the practice to which it is 0330A02 put. *<*3PYRAMIDAL SHAPE*0*> $^And what strikes an outsider most is the 0340A02 Constitution*'s tilt towards the executive in particular, the President. 0350A02 ^The people, no doubt, are declared to_ be sovereign, their 0351A02 legislative 0360A02 power being exercisable by elected representatives and by the 0361A02 people 0370A02 directly at a referendum, their executive power by the President and their 0380A02 judicial power by Parliament through courts. ^But, in effect the 0381A02 structure 0390A02 is pyramidal, the President being the fountain-head of all power. 0400A02 ^He is the Head of the State, the Head of the Executive, and the Commander-in-Chief 0410A02 of the Armed Forces, all rolled into one. ^*Prime 0411A02 Ministers 0420A02 and Parliaments may come and go, but he remains, at least for 0421A02 six 0430A02 years, possibly for 12, if the people vote him to power again. ^Like 0440A02 the American President he is authorized to_ have his own staff (secretaries 0450A02 and other officials) but unlike the American President he has access 0460A02 to the legislature too. ^He is made responsible to Parliament for 0470A02 the "due exercise, performance and discharge of his powers, duties and 0471A02 functions 0480A02 under the Constitution, any written law, including any written 0490A02 law for the time being relating to public security." ^There is a provision 0500A02 for a Cabinet of Ministers being collectively responsible to Parliament, 0510A02 but the President has been made the Head of the Cabinet, without 0520A02 the usual hazard of a Prime Minister losing his job should he lose 0530A02 the confidence of Parliament. ^In such an event it is the Prime Minister 0540A02 who gets fired. $^The irony is that whereas the President alone has 0550A02 been given the right to_ make the statement of Government policy to 0560A02 Parliament, should Parliament reject it (or any appropriation bill) it 0570A02 is not the President, but the Prime Minister and other Ministers who 0580A02 lose their jobs. ^The President stays and appoints a fresh Cabinet. 0590A02 ^It is a case of head I win, tail you lose. $^Indeed the Constitution 0591A02 does 0600A02 not envisage any independent or important role for the Prime Minister. 0610A02 ^The President may appoint as Prime Minister a person who in his 0620A02 opinion may command Parliament*'s confidence, but in the appointment of 0630A02 other Ministers or in fixing their portfolios he has to_ consult the 0640A02 Prime Minister only if he considers such consultation necessary. ^He may 0650A02 keep to himself such portfolios as may take his fancy. ^He has the authority 0660A02 to_ dismiss the Prime Minister and other Ministers. *<*3TWO-TERM 0670A02 RULE*0*> $^The two Constitutional checks on the powers of the President 0680A02 are the two-term rule and the provision for impeachment on grounds 0690A02 of intentional violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery, 0691A02 misconduct 0700A02 and moral turpitude. ^But a notice for impeachment can be given only 0710A02 by two-thirds of the total strength of Parliament or half the strength 0720A02 plus a certificate from the Speaker that the allegations made in the 0730A02 notice deserve an inquiry by the Supreme Court. ^There is the 0731A02 added 0740A02 provision that even if the notice is adopted by a two-thirds majority, the 0750A02 resolution must be examined by the Supreme Court. ^If the Supreme 0760A02 Court upholds the allegations, Parliament must again pass it by a two-thirds 0770A02 majorty before the President can be removed. $^Parliament can act 0780A02 as a check (of sorts) on the vast powers of the President. ^If a general 0790A02 election follows a dissolution of Parliament, then the President 0800A02 cannot dissolve Parliament within a year of the elections (but here too 0810A02 there is the rider that he may do so if Parliament resolves to that_ 0811A02 effect). 0820A02 ^Nor can the President dissolve Parliament during the first session 0830A02 if the Government*'s policy statement is rejected or if notice of 0840A02 an impeachment resolution has been given, unless such notice fails. 0841A02 ^Qualified 0850A02 checks have hardly curbed the ambitions of authoritarian leaders 0851A02 with 0860A02 overwhelming majority in Parliament. ^This has been the experience 0870A02 of both Sri Lanka and India. $^The Constitution seeks to_ put a check 0880A02 on Parliament*'s legislative powers but, as in the case of the President 0890A02 so here too, the checks are full of riders. ^Parliament cannot suspend 0900A02 the operation of the Constitution or any of its parts or repeal 0910A02 it altogether. ^But it can have a wholly new one. ^Further, any part of 0920A02 the Constitution can be amended, that_ is repealed or altered. ^A 0921A02 Constitution 0930A02 Amendment Bill must be labelled as such and certain Amendments 0940A02 cannot be made without a referendum. ^These include the sovereignty of 0950A02 the people, the unitary character of the State, the national flag and 0960A02 the Anthem, the national religion and certain Fundamental Rights, but 0970A02 curiously enough not the vital clause that_ gives the people sovereignty 0980A02 over the legislature, Parliament and the judiciary. $^The provision 0990A02 for referendum is a significant extension of sovereignty residing in 1000A02 the people. ^Apart from certain Constitutional amendments, a referendum 1010A02 becomes mandatory if a Bill is certified to_ require a referendum by the 1020A02 Cabinet or if the President chooses to_ submit a rejected Bill to 1021A02 the people or refers to them 1030A02 any matter of national importance. ^This device, however, gives the President 1040A02 the whip hand of Parliament and can, in the case of authoritarian 1050A02 Presidents, prove disastrous. $^The judiciary*'s powers are 1051A02 limited. 1060A02 ^The Constitution creates a Supreme Court, a Court of Appeals and 1070A02 a High Court. ^While the Supreme Court may test the Constitutional 1080A02 validity of a statutory law, it cannot sit in judgment on a Constitutional 1090A02 Amendment, except to_ decide the question whether a Bill 1091A02 requires 1100A02 the people*'s approval at a referendum. ^It may also interpret the Constitution. 1110A02 $^The Sri Lanka Constitution cannot be said to_ provide checks 1120A02 and balances in the sense the American Constitution does. ^By giving 1130A02 the President vast powers and dominance over all arms of government, 1140A02 it enables him to_ take the country along right directions, if he is 1141A02 democratically 1150A02 minded, and along wrong lines, if he is not. ^Since a Constitution 1160A02 is expected to_ outlast a particular government, how the Sri Lanka 1170A02 Constitution will ultimately shape it is difficult to_ say at this 1180A02 stage. ^Even in our own country the Constitution has worked 1181A02 differently 1190A02 under Nehru and his daughter. $^In the right setting and under the right 1200A02 leadership, the Sri Lanka Constitution should work. ^Fundamental 1210A02 Rights are guaranteed to citizens and the more general ones even to non-citizens. 1220A02 ^All are guaranteed: freedom of thought, conscience and religion, 1230A02 freedom from torture, from arbitrary arrests and detention, except 1240A02 according to authority established by law. ^No one can be tried on charges 1250A02 which legally did not constitute an offence at the time of commission, 1260A02 except if it was deemed criminal according to the general principles 1270A02 of law recognized by the community of nations. (^Since there is a good 1271A02 deal 1280A02 of debate in this country on whether or not \0Mrs Gandhi can be tried 1290A02 for her deeds during the Emergency the significance of this provision 1300A02 is worth noting). *<*3BASIC FREEDOMS*0*> $^Citizens are guaranteed freedom 1310A02 of speech and expression, including publication, of peaceful assembly, 1320A02 of trade, of lawful occupation or business, but these rights are 1330A02 by no means absoulte nor need they be. ^The State is authorized to_ have 1340A02 special provisions in favour of national security, public order, public 1350A02 health and morality. ^Further, some of the Fundamental Rights can 1360A02 be withheld in the interest of the national economy. ^Although Directive 1370A02 Principles outline the expectations from the Government, these do not 1380A02 supersede the Fundamental Rights. $^The Constitution has special provisions 1390A02 for the minorities, especially those of Indian origin. ^The basic 1400A02 freedoms reserved for citizens have been extended for a period of 1410A02 10 years, to those permanently and legally resident in Sri Lanka. ^While 1420A02 the official language is Sinhala, the national languages are both 1421A02 Sinhala 1430A02 and Tamil. ^A person has the right to_ be educated through the medium 1440A02 of either, and educational institutions providing for one have to_ 1441A02 provide 1450A02 for the other, should there be a demand for it. ^Competitive examinations 1460A02 also have to_ be held in both languages. ^Although Sinhala alone 1470A02 is the language of administration, Tamil may be used both by the administration 1480A02 and courts in the northern and eastern provinces. ^All laws have 1490A02 to_ be in both languages, with additional translation in English. $^Although 1500A02 the Sri Lanka Constitution has provisions which may give theoretical 1510A02 experts nightmares, initially, under the Presidency of \0Mr 1520A02 Jayawardane, it may be said to_ have begun well. ^About the future 1521A02 future 1530A02 alone can tell, for that_ Constitution is best which works best. $**<*3SCIENCE 1540A02 IN DECLINE-- *=1*0 *3How Government Is Running \0R & \0D*0**> 1550A02 $^NEVER before has morale in India*'s Government 1551A02 scientific establishments 1560A02 been so low as today. ^Those in charge are embittered by decisions 1570A02 taken at higher levels; heads of research and development groups 1580A02 are frustrated by lack of encouragement and direction; and personnel at 1590A02 other levels are baffled when not cynically indifferent. ^What seems to_ 1600A02 hurt scientists most is that their work seems no longer to_ be considered 1610A02 particularly important. ^They may have failed to_ fulfil expectations 1620A02 when they were better treated; but the answer to that_ failure is not 1631A02 the kind of neglect that_ marks the Janata Government*'s policy. $^Apparently, 1640A02 the policy reflects the Prime Minister*'s own attitude to 1641A02 scientific 1650A02 research. ^A notion has grown that \0Mr Desai, who is in direct 1660A02 Ministerial charge of some of the most important scientific departments, 1670A02 does not believe in science; some say that he does not believe in 1680A02 any development on modern lines. ^The notion may be wrong, but he has 1681A02 not 1690A02 done much to dispel it. ^The impression he has created is that he considers 1700A02 modern science, especially research, to_ be at best a necessary 1701A02 evil. 1710A02 ^His attitude towards the work done at two large organizations under his 1720A02 direct control-- the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 1730A02 and the atomic energy establishment-- can hardly have been calculated 1731A02 to_ 1740A02 create a sense of confident purpose. $^The Prime Minister, who is the 1750A02 president of the \0CSIR Society, the council*'s highest policy-making 1760A02 body, has met the directors of \0CSIR laboratories only once-- 1770A02 in May 1977, soon after the Janata Government was formed. ^The 1780A02 meeting was brief; according to reports, his manner was curt and his tone 1790A02 abrasive.*# **[no. of words = 02000**] **[txt. a03**] 0010A03 **<*3Creeping Detente In Africa**> $"^*DETENTE," said \0Dr Bruno 0020A03 Kreisky, Chancellor of Austria (which alongwith Switzerland and 0030A03 Sweden is one of the three official neutral States in Europe) in his 0040A03 address to the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London 0050A03 on July 4, "is not the consequence of sublime human insight but simply 0060A03 a result of a state of military balance". ^This realistic definition 0070A03 of a State of relationship between the Soviet bloc and Western Europe, 0080A03 \0US and Canada, which has been widely criticised in the West 0090A03 as tattered by developments in Africa (and Afghanistan and South Yemen) 0100A03 explains the about-turn in Western policy on Angola that_ appears 0110A03 to_ be taking place now quietly and even secretively. $^It was just a 0120A03 month ago, following the incursion of Katangan exiles to the mineral rich 0130A03 Shaba province of Zaire and the massacre of whites in Kolwezi, 0140A03 that Western Europe, backed by the \0US, were planning the establishment 0150A03 of a pan-African force (armed and funded by the West) to_ protect 0160A03 states threatened by "Soviet-Cuban" ventures. ^President d*'3Estaing 0170A03 of France, after his French Legionnaires repelled the Katangans and 0180A03 rescued the surviving whites in Kolwezi was hailed as "the \Gendarme 0181A03 of 0190A03 Africa." ^The \0US later supplied transport planes to_ ferry the units 0200A03 formed from Morocco, Senghor and some other former French colonies 0210A03 to the Shaba Province. ^Meetings were held in Brussels at which western 0220A03 countries considered how to_ strengthen the economy and the security 0230A03 forces of President Mobutu. ^It appeared that the detente was to_ give 0240A03 place to an east-west confrontation in Africa; that the Western hawks 0250A03 were prevailing over the doves among them the British Prime Minister 0260A03 Callaghan and some of his \0EEC colleagues notably Holland and 0270A03 Denmark. $*<*3Grave Concern*> $^The developing situation today projects 0280A03 a completely different picture and is generating grave concern to 0290A03 rightwing European politicians and papers (and equally so in the \0US). 0300A03 ^Having advanced to the brink, as it were, the Kreisky equation of 0310A03 detente as nothing more than a state of military balance is compelling 0320A03 the West to_ retreat, a movement accelerated by the opposition of most 0330A03 of the African states to the "\gendarme" plan as well as of India and 0340A03 other non-aligned countries to the revival of the cold war. ^It seems as 0350A03 if the detente, so far as it applies to East-West confrontation is creeping 0360A03 back in Africa. ^This does not of course mean that the conflicts 0370A03 that_ plague the continent in the Horn, Central and South Africa are 0380A03 going to_ disappear. $*<*3Cuban Entry*> $^The war dance of the super 0390A03 and big powers of the world soon after the last war ended, has assumed 0400A03 a pattern that_ merits it with a distinct choreography. ^The confrontation 0410A03 builds up from an incident (such as the Soviet closing of land routes 0420A03 to West Berlin in the sixties) an intrusion into sensitive territorial 0430A03 regions (as in Cuba by the Soviet Union) subversion or attack 0440A03 against an ally (as in South Vietnam and South Korea) or a threat to 0450A03 sources of vital minerals or fossil fuels. ^The dance begins with recrimination, 0460A03 escalates into warnings, military preparations or alerts. ^But 0470A03 at the height of the crisis, confrontation is avoided by two well-tried 0480A03 movements. ^If one side gets involved in a dispute, as "the United Nations" 0490A03 in South Korea, the other side sends in volunteers as China did 0500A03 to North Korea; or if a super power takes the field as \0US did in 0510A03 South Vietnam, the other side avoids confrontation by pouring arms advisers 0520A03 and aid but not getting directly involved as did Soviet Union and 0530A03 China in North Vietnam. $^The choreography has been modified by the 0540A03 entry of Cubans in African conflicts but remains unchanged as far as 0550A03 its confrontation avoidance safety system is concerned. ^This is what 0560A03 seems to_ be happening in Africa. $^The first indication of the retreat 0570A03 from confrontation was provided by a deliberately unpublicised meeting 0580A03 of President Neto of Angola with President Eanes of portugal last 0590A03 month in Guinea Bissau, a former Portuguese colony. ^If one recalls 0600A03 that the Portuguese who had over a half million citizens and vast interests 0610A03 in their former colony of Angola were driven out by the \0MPLA 0620A03 led by \0Dr Neto with the support of Cubans the significance of the 0630A03 meeting becomes clear. ^*Portugal is a member of the \0Nato, its 0631A03 government is seeking entry into the \0EEC 0640A03 and it is wholly dependent on 0650A03 aid from western powers and its government is Socialist but non-Communist. 0660A03 ^In the circumstances the rapproachement effected at the Neto-Eanes 0670A03 meeting could not but have the blessings not only of the West but 0680A03 also of the Soviet Union and the Cubans who sustain the integrity of 0690A03 Angola by resisting the Western (and Chinese) aided rebel groups \0UNITA 0700A03 and the \0FNLA led by President Mobutu*'s brother-in-law. 0710A03 $^The agreements on economic co-operation that_ the Presidents signed will 0720A03 mean the return of a large number of Portuguese experts, technicians 0730A03 and administrators to_ revive the badly battered economy of this very 0740A03 richly endowed country. ^They will replace or in any case work side 0750A03 by side with Cubans who remain in Angola. ^The tie that_ still binds "Marxist" 0760A03 Angola to Portugal is the Portuguese language spoken by all 0770A03 educated Angolese and understood by most of the workers. ^The Cubans 0780A03 who speak Spanish have a communication problem wherever they are involved 0790A03 in the economy or reconstruction but the returning Portuguese will 0800A03 have no such barrier. ^The co-operation will be mutually beneficial as Portugal 0810A03 badly needs to_ recover some of the markets she lost in her former 0820A03 colonies of Africa. ^Obviously it is the West, chiefly West Germany 0830A03 and 13 other Western countries who will support the Portuguese return 0840A03 to Angola. ^They have already given a *-750 million loan to Portugal. 0850A03 $*<*3Paris Comment*> $^The Paris right-wing paper L*'3Aurore 0860A03 last week published "revelations" that France herself with the \0US 0870A03 and other Western governments were now planning to_ give massive aid to 0880A03 Angola to_ build up its economy, disregarding the presence of a big Cuban 0890A03 force there and the prevailing Soviet influence. ^Echoing the anger 0900A03 of European right-wingers, it called it an "African Munich". ^It 0910A03 attributes this to the overruling of President Carter*'s National Security 0920A03 Adviser \0Mr Brezinski who after his return from Peking wanted 0930A03 the West to_ play the "China card" against the Soviet Union. ^He 0940A03 was overruled, according to it because China was suspected of deliberately 0950A03 trying to_ bring about a confrontation between the Soviet Union and 0960A03 the West by the haste she showed in despatching naval and military teams 0970A03 to Zaire after the visit of the Chinese Foreign Minister to that_ 0980A03 country. $^This explanation may be far-fetched for the Western 0981A03 turna-about 0990A03 in Angola may indeed be the result of an understanding with the Soviet 1000A03 Union to_ defuse the situation which was leading to a confrontation. 1010A03 ^There has been in the policy statements made in \0US, Britain, 1020A03 France (and echoed by Chancellor Schmidt of West Germany on his recent 1030A03 tour of Africa) a consensus which cannot be a coincidence. ^As expressed 1040A03 by American Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and British Foreign 1050A03 Secretary \0Dr Owen, the two basic points are: "Africa should 1060A03 not be an area of east-west competition," and "Our best course is help 1070A03 resolve the problems which create the excuse for external aggression". 1071A03 ^The 1080A03 last means a big increase in aid among other things. $*<*3Aid Issue*> 1090A03 $^The confirmation that the Soviet-Cuban side reciprocates is evident 1100A03 from the recent disclosure by President Castro of Cuba that he 1110A03 gave forewarning of the Shaba raid to Washington-- a statement not 1111A03 challenged. 1120A03 ^Although the \0US has no diplomatic relations with Angola, \0Mr 1130A03 Donald McHenry, recently visited Angola as President Carter*'s 1140A03 envoy and was assured by the Angola government that it had disarmed the 1150A03 Katangans and moved them to an area away from the Zaire border and 1160A03 would prevent further incursions into Shaba. ^In this connection, it is 1170A03 interesting to_ note that one of the conditions of Western governments 1180A03 for aid asked by President Mobutu is that he meet the legitimate demands 1190A03 of the Shaba tribes and effect a reconciliation with them. $^It is 1200A03 of course likely that the Angola government, even if Marxist, does 1210A03 not want to_ be too dependent on the Soviet side. ^It may be working towards 1220A03 non-alignment of the Tito type. ^It has not cut off links with the 1230A03 West. ^Its chief source of external earnings is from the American 1240A03 Gulf Oil Company which pays it over *-300 million a year as royalties 1250A03 for oil it extracts. ^*Angola is minerally and agriculturally rich. ^It 1251A03 used 1260A03 to_ be one of biggest coffee producers till the civil war shut most 1270A03 of its plantations. $^There appear to_ be other signs of the creeping 1280A03 detente. ^The Ethiopians reportedly have been discouraged and denied help 1290A03 by the Soviet Union against the Eritrean guerillas and instead asked 1300A03 to_ offer them autonomy. ^On the Western side, the refusal of Britain 1310A03 and the \0US to_ accept the internal settlement in Rhodesia, though 1320A03 pressed at home and their insistence that the Patriotic Front which 1330A03 is attacking Rhodesia should be part of any settlement are clearly 1340A03 intended to_ prevent confrontation. **<*3On Being Young And Right**> 1350A03 $*3^A FEW years ago, before the "Moscow connection" and the 1351A03 emergency 1360A03 tarnished \0Mrs Gandhi*'s image in this country, she was described 1370A03 in the media here as "India*'s Kennedy." $^It has now been left 1371A03 to 1380A03 \0Mrs Gandhi*'s electoral rival to_ have that_ reference turned around: 1390A03 the word among the cognoscent in the corridors of power here, just the 1400A03 other day, was that United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young is "Carter*'s 1410A03 Raj Narain." $^The reference, of course, was to Andy Young*'s 1420A03 alleged penchant for putting his foot in his mouth, to the obvious 1430A03 embarrassment of his chief and of the administration. ^The latest example 1440A03 of "Andy*'s indiscretion," and one that_ evoked comparison with the 1450A03 Janata Party*'s *(enfant terrible,*) was a comment in an interview 1451A03 with 1460A03 a French newspaper that there were hundreds of persons in American jails 1470A03 whom the \0UN envoy would consider "political prisoners." $*<*3Awkward 1480A03 Timing*> $^The remark was particularly awkward at a time when Washington 1490A03 was launching an all out human rights campaign against the Soviet 1500A03 trials of Anatoly Scharansky, Alexander Ginsburg and other dissidents. 1510A03 ^But the comparison must end right there. ^When \0Mr Raj Narain 1520A03 tells a London audience, for instance, that he intends to_ 1521A03 propagate 1530A03 birth control by popularising yogic principles among the masses, he is 1540A03 obviously talking through his very distinctive cap. ^*Andy Young, on 1541A03 the 1550A03 other hand, despite the waves he makes with his outspoken pronouncements, 1560A03 has generally been proved correct in the long run. $^Which brings us 1561A03 to 1570A03 the question of how such "dissidence" is tackled in New Delhi and in 1580A03 Washington. ^Under the American system of an executive president, cabinet 1590A03 members are hired hands, serving at the express pleasure of the chief 1600A03 executive. ^Thus we have the instance of President Ford unceremoniously 1610A03 replacing Defence Secretary Schlesinger with \0Mr Rumsfeld who 1620A03 was more in tune with presidential perceptions. ^Unlike in parliamentary 1630A03 democracies where a minister cannot be dismissed without political 1640A03 repercussions, an American secretary is vulnerable for having no political 1650A03 constituency of his own. $^The paradox is that \0Mr Raj Narain was 1660A03 relieved of his ministership, while Ambassador Andy Young got away 1670A03 with a little rap on the knuckles and a large pat on the back from the 1680A03 President. ^No wonder \0Mr Young has gained the reputation of being 1690A03 "fire-proof." $^Despite the propaganda by hard core conservatives, Andy 1700A03 Young*'s 'untouchability' is not because of his personal friendship 1701A03 with 1710A03 the President. ^Nor can it be ascribed entirely to his strong and loyal 1720A03 following of black voters whom \0Mr Carter cannot afford to_ alienate 1730A03 at a time when his own popularity rating is slipping among practically 1740A03 every section of his erstwhile supporters. $^The real reason is that 1750A03 it is unreasonable and even risky to_ fire an official for being right 1751A03 on 1760A03 major policy even if he is verbally reckless at times. \0^*Mr Young is 1761A03 currently 1770A03 in the world spotlight, being lionised for the notable success 1780A03 of the African policy he has steadfastly advocated, often in the face 1790A03 of opposition from the hawks in the White House.*# **[no. of words = 02015**] **[txt. a04**] 0010A04 **<*3A policy without rationale**> $^THE Centre-State 0011A04 relationship 0020A04 is getting increasingly strained. ^People who speak of decentralisation 0030A04 seem to_ resist any attempt on the part of the States to_ assert their 0040A04 rights to_ manage their own affairs much more effectively. $^If problems 0050A04 of people like increased agricultural production, rural development, 0060A04 massive unemployment and removal of obstacles in the way of the progress 0070A04 of the under-privileged in our society are to_ be solved it is inevitable 0080A04 that the States will have to_ increasingly and effectively take 0090A04 on themselves greater responsibilities. $^The problem of India, which 0100A04 is the problem of 650 million people, cannot be solved by sitting in 0110A04 cosy Delhi rooms with pious resolutions or formulating paper programmes. 0120A04 ^Nobody denies the need for a national goal in which everybody in India 0130A04 participates. ^But such a plan cannot possibly have national solutions 0140A04 to local problems. ^Let us not forget that we are a vast subcontinent 0150A04 with a sizable population and if State Governments are effective, there 0160A04 would be greater progress. ^Wherever States are ineffective in agricultural 0170A04 production, small scale industries, cottage industries*' development, 0180A04 even public distribution through inefficient civil supplies department, 0190A04 the national policies have failed. ^And all the grand designs remain 0200A04 only on paper. $^Our planning process unfortunately is not responsive 0210A04 to developing situations in particular areas. ^If the problem of West 0220A04 Bengal or Kerala is of 'educated unemployment' it is no use having for 0230A04 the whole country schemes which presuppose mobility of people from one 0240A04 State to another. ^And not only sons-of-soil but sometimes even sons-of-village 0250A04 and in extreme sense, sons-of-street slogans raise their ugly 0260A04 heads. ^The Central plans therefore have become very unrealistic. $^Whenever 0270A04 particular areas have been affected by serious droughts or cyclones 0280A04 or floods, the usual idea has been to_ let the State affected take care 0290A04 of itself. ^Certainly plans do not provide for resources for the States 0300A04 concerned to_ prevent the recurrence of these calamities. ^But to_ 0310A04 expect the States to_ find their own resources in these circumstances without 0320A04 making it a national problem, is to_ pretend that while one*'s leg 0330A04 is affected by cancer, the rest of the body is without the malady. 0340A04 $^*I visited two years ago the north-eastern region-- Meghalaya, 0341A04 Manipur, Tripura, 0350A04 Assam and Nagaland. ^This area is rich in agricultural potential: 0360A04 in plantations, in water resources, in forest and mineral wealth, coal 0370A04 deposits, gas and oil. ^It is an irony that if it was part of \0OPEC 0380A04 instead of being part of India, we ourselves would have rushed 0390A04 there to find out whether we can participate in power generation or housing 0400A04 schemes involving ourselves in the industrial development or joint venture 0410A04 enterprises if necessary as we are doing in Malaysia and elsewhere. 0420A04 ^Merely because it is part of India, we take it for granted that the 0430A04 associate gas available in Assam can be allowed to_ burn rather than 0440A04 utilise it for the benefit of the region and those areas are starved of cheap 0450A04 power. ^Industrial development, therefore, becomes a mockery. ^When 0460A04 we talk of backward areas development, industrial licences issued to 0470A04 these areas remain only on paper. $^We have been strongly supporting the 0480A04 Arab cause for the high price of oil on the ground that this is an exhaustible 0490A04 resource. ^And Arab countries must have alternate sources of 0500A04 development. ^Also is this not the very ground on which States like Assam, 0510A04 Gujarat and Maharashtra have a better claim on their oil resources? 0520A04 ^How can the rest of the nation deal with exhaustible resources paying 0530A04 them only one-third of the price that_ we are willing to pay to Arab 0540A04 countries? $^And if these are not resources of the States, what else 0550A04 are resources? ^How can our States develop themselves if they are denied 0560A04 a fair price for this? ^How else can they find resources? ^If thorough 0570A04 development of these resources within the States is no means of finding 0580A04 out employment for the people of that_ area, what are the alternatives 0590A04 left to them? $^The States are asked to_ mobilise additional resources 0600A04 for development as their contribution. ^Resources can be raised by tax, 0610A04 by loans and through the savings of the people. ^While a State is 0620A04 entitled to_ get two-thirds of the shares of the postal savings deposits 0630A04 and national savings certificates collected in the State as part of 0640A04 their resources, what happens to bank deposits within the State? ^Don*'4t 0650A04 they represent savings of the people? Isn*'4t their capacity to_ raise 0660A04 public loans related to bank deposits*' mobilisation? ^How can they 0670A04 build their infrastructure and solve their problems, depending upon the 0680A04 National Plan and faulty allocation from the Centre? $^I was surprised 0690A04 to_ find while in one State deposits mobilisation was \0Rs. 20 0700A04 *4crores, advance given there was only \0Rs. 2.50 *4crores. ^And when 0701A04 I pointed 0710A04 this out to the banks, they pleaded that there was "lack of absorption 0720A04 capacity" within the State. ^This is a strange argument, to_ say the least. 0730A04 ^Can*'4t the banking system explore small borrowers, shopkeepers, 0740A04 small farmers or small industrialists who would borrow from them? ^The 0741A04 biggest 0750A04 bank in the world, the Bank of America, has a one-man branch in Rockey 0760A04 Mountains. ^This essentially caters for hunters. ^It is the bank 0770A04 which has to_ find profitable "business absorption capacity". ^This should 0780A04 be inbuilt in the banking system itself. ^If the money mobilised in 0790A04 the States does not go directly or indirectly for the development of the 0800A04 State, where else can the resources come from? ^That is why Rajaji 0810A04 justified overdrafts by the States, asking if the Centre can have recourse 0820A04 to Nasik printing press, why can*'4t the States have the same opportunity? 0830A04 $^Again what is the problem with subsidies where by design or 0840A04 by accident the policies pursued by the Government were entirely in favour 0850A04 of wheat-growing States? ^People are subsidised for eating wheat to 0860A04 the extent of \0Rs. 23 a quintal whereas the claims of the rice and 0870A04 millet growing States and the people has gone by default. ^Last year, the 0880A04 rice-eating people got a subsidy of \0Rs. 4 a quintal which has now 0890A04 been slashed to a mere four *4paise a quintal. ^Millet which has been getting 0900A04 a subsidy of \0Rs. 17 a quintal now gets only \0Rs. 13 a quintal. 0910A04 $^The reduction in the subsidy affects the southern and eastern States. 0920A04 ^The increase in subsidy benefits mainly the North. ^The result would be 0930A04 to_ reduce the small farmers to perpetual penury. ^They would not get 0940A04 a fair price for the rice they produce. $^The uneven development of food 0950A04 crops-- a phenomenal crowth in wheat production and a marginal increase 0960A04 in rice production-- can easily be traced to the subsidy without 0961A04 rational 0970A04 basis. ^Rice production has therefore not shown as enthusiastic increase 0980A04 as wheat production. ^While in the North, rice is produced as a cash 0990A04 crop, along with the main wheat crop, in the South it is the mainstay 1000A04 of the farmers in general, and the small farmers in particular. ^This 1010A04 distinction in production pattern seems to_ have been lost on the policy-makers 1020A04 of the Government of India, and they compel the highly subsidised 1030A04 wheat while showing a less-than-indifferent attitude to rice-growing 1040A04 areas. ^Is there any hope of change now? 1050A04 $**<*3Limits of the judicial check**> $^THE Constitution (45th 1060A04 Amendment) Bill is a welcome step towards fulfilment of the Janata 1061A04 Party*'s 1070A04 electoral pledge to_ rescind the 42nd Amendment Act. ^In some respects, 1080A04 it improves the constitutional checks on the arbitrary exercise of 1090A04 power which existed before the emergency. $^Constitutional restraints 1100A04 are very necessary in a country which has few of the other checks which 1110A04 the older democracies enjoy, especially those of established democratic 1120A04 tradition and a strong, articulate public opinion. ^No country has them 1130A04 in as full a measure as Britain. ^Yet, in recent years a powerful 1131A04 movement 1140A04 has grown there, led by its most distinguished jurists, for a written 1150A04 constitution including a judicially enforceable bill of rights. $^The 1160A04 Constitution (45th Amendment) Bill and other like measures that_ 1170A04 might follow, therefore, deserve fullest support. ^In a very real sense, 1180A04 the exercise is an endless one. ^For, experience might dictate other constraints 1190A04 on power, as well. $^That_ said, the irony cannot escape any 1191A04 observer 1200A04 that the process of constitutional reform proceeds side by side with 1210A04 a marked deterioration in the values which sustain a democratic order. 1220A04 ^It is not a cheering prospect. ^The question must be faced squarely. 1230A04 ^What good can constitutional restraints do to a polity which is corroded 1240A04 from within? $^Constitutional limitations are enforced by the judiciary. 1250A04 ^But as the class federalist papers point out, "the judiciary is beyond 1260A04 comparison the weakest of the three departments of power", the other 1270A04 two being the legislature and the executive. ^It has "no influence over 1280A04 either the sword or the purse; no direction either of the strength or 1290A04 of the wealth of the society; and can take no active resolution whatever. 1300A04 ^It may truly be said to_ have neither force nor will, but merely 1310A04 judgement: and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive 1320A04 arm even for the efficacy of its judgements". $^Experience has demonstrated 1330A04 time and again that a judgement of the highest court of the land on 1340A04 a vital issue affecting the nation needs the fullest backing of public 1350A04 opinion to_ be enforced against the powers of the day. ^On the other 1360A04 hand, the judiciary is as exposed to the values which prevail in the society 1370A04 as the other institutions are. ^It is essentially these values which 1380A04 will mould the polity and sustain its institutions. ^If they are inimical 1390A04 to democratic norms, it is vain to_ think that constitutional 1391A04 checks 1400A04 or the judiciary can save democracy. ^If the judiciary tries to_ perform 1410A04 such a role it runs the risk of exceeding the limits of its own proper 1420A04 functions as the Supreme Court did in the Golak Nath case. $^It is necessary 1430A04 to_ emphasise this because parliamentary democracy rests as much 1440A04 on convention as on the written text of the Constitution. ^It is a system 1450A04 of government which makes particularly high demands on the qualities 1460A04 of moderation and fair play. ^They were none too evident in the recent 1470A04 ministerial crises in Haryana and \0UP. $^On the morrow of the 1480A04 massive popular verdict of March 1977, the acting President, \0Mr. 1490A04 *(0B. D.*) Jatti, confidently told Parliament on March 28 that the 1500A04 election had "effectively and decisively demonstrated the power of the 1510A04 people, the vitality of the democratic process in India and the deep root 1520A04 that_ it has taken". ^It is not comforting to_ be gnawed by doubt so 1530A04 soon after an exhilarating experience. ^But doubt must not be suppressed. 1540A04 ^A certitude which rests on a denial of the realities is the surest guarantee 1550A04 of disaster. ^We must accept the fact that the fine constitutional 1560A04 structure we have today stands on foundations which are insecure 1561A04 and 1570A04 need to_ be strengthened. $^The Germans went through a far worse experience 1580A04 of dictatorship than we did. ^The basic law of the Federal Republic 1590A04 of Germany reflects a keen awareness of the limits of the judicial 1600A04 check even while it endows the constitutional court with great power 1610A04 and protects the "essential content" of the basic rights from constitutional 1620A04 amendment. ^But Article 20 lays down the basic principles of the 1630A04 constitution-- democracy and the rule of law-- and proceeds to_ declare 1640A04 in categoric terms: "*_^All Germans shall have the right to_ resist 1641A04 any 1650A04 person or persons seeking to_ abolish that_ constitutional order, should 1660A04 no other remedy be possible". $^We might claim to_ possess in *4Satyagraha 1670A04 an effective instrument for such contingencies. ^But over the years 1680A04 the instrument has been blunted through misuse and there are two opinions 1690A04 as to its efficacy during an emergency. ^But rather than wait till 1700A04 the worst happens, the prudent course is to_ check the unhealthy trends 1710A04 which are there for all to_ see. ^How can a people resist arbitrary 1720A04 rule if as a result of maladministration or crassly cynical politics 1730A04 they have ceased to_ care for liberty? $^To_ repeat, the point is not 1740A04 that constitutional limitations or judicial reviews are futile. ^Far 1750A04 from it.*# **[no. of words = 02002**] **[txt. a05**] 0010A05 **<*3*PERSONALITY *IN *INDIAN *POLITICS*0 $*3\0Mrs. Gandhi*'s Appeal 0020A05 To The Poor*0**> $*3\0^*Mr. NANAJI DESHMUKH, one of the three general 0030A05 secretaries of the Janata party, must be far more percipient than 0040A05 most of his colleagues and other political observers if he has, as he 0050A05 claims, not been taken by surprise by the performance of the Indira 0060A05 Congress in Karnataka, Andhra and Maharashtra. ^For while the party 0070A05 was expected to_ do well in Karnataka, hardly anyone expected it to_ win 0080A05 two-thirds of the seats in that_ state, almost a similar percentage of 0090A05 constituencies in Andhra and fare reasonably well in Maharashtra. $^But 0100A05 irrespective of whether or not \0Mr. Deshmukh predicted even privately 0110A05 the results of the recent *5Vidhan Sabha*6 polls, he has made an 0111A05 analysis 0120A05 which deserves attention. ^Though it is more detailed and realistic 0130A05 than any other publicly offered by any significant political figure in 0140A05 the country, it contains an element of wishful thinking which can do 0150A05 no good to the Janata party in the task of coping with \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s 0160A05 challenge. $\0^*Mrs. Gandhi, he has said, continues to_ have an image-- 0170A05 apparently he means a good image-- among the scheduled castes and some 0180A05 other minorities, obviously an euphemism for the Muslims. ^Her actions 0190A05 during the emergency-- the forcible sterilisation and slum clearance-- 0200A05 caused suffering to these communities in north India and therefore led 0210A05 to their alienation from the Congress. ^But that_ was not the case in 0220A05 south India. ^Which means these communities in south India have had 0230A05 no reason to_ be particularly aggrieved against either the Congress or 0240A05 \0Mrs. Gandhi. ^Also, according to \0Mr. Deshmukh, she had an 0241A05 unlimited 0250A05 amount of money at her disposal. $*<*3solicitude*> $^The last point 0260A05 may have had propaganda value before the recent poll. ^It can have none 0270A05 now. ^Even a political innocent knows that the Indira Congress does 0280A05 not owe its spectacular victories at least in Andhra and Maharashtra to 0290A05 money. ^There neither the rival official Congress in office at the time 0300A05 of the poll nor the Janata party was short of funds. \0^*Mrs. Gandhi 0310A05 was clearly not without resources. ^But her candidates were not flush 0320A05 with money. ^Just because a helicopter was hired for her use on certain 0330A05 occasions by her supporters, it does not follow that her success can be 0340A05 explained in terms of money. $\0^*Mr. Deshmukh has referred to a Muslim 0350A05 majority constituency in Bombay to_ make the point that the Janata 0360A05 party is meeting with a measure of success in its efforts to_ win over 0370A05 this biggest minority. ^On the face of it, this is not a wholly unjustified 0380A05 claim. ^As far as it is possible to_ assess the voting pattern of 0390A05 particular communities-- there is inevitably an element of conjecture in 0400A05 all such assessments-- it does appear that a substantial section of the 0410A05 Muslims in the two southern states and in Maharashtra has supported, 0420A05 as in the March 1977 *5Lok Sabha*6 elections, the Janata party. ^But, 0430A05 according to some sources at least, around 60 per cent of the Muslims 0440A05 have voted for the two Congress parties, most of them for the Indira Congress. 0450A05 ^If this is, indeed, so, the Janata has cause enough for concern. 0460A05 $^The Janata party leader has also said: "*_^Personalised politics 0470A05 always fails. ^No one can sustain (himself or herself) on the basis of 0480A05 such politics for a long time. \0^*Mrs. Gandhi failed on that_ account. 0490A05 ^Unfortunately she is trying to_ come up again on that_ very basis which 0500A05 will prove more damaging to her." $^Even \0Mrs. Gandhi will find this 0510A05 solicitude for her touching. ^But as a piece of analysis it is rather 0520A05 weak. ^In fact, personality has always been an extremely important factor 0530A05 in politics in India or for that_ matter any other democratic 0531A05 country. 0540A05 ^Witness the ease with which Gandhiji dominated the scene before Independence, 0550A05 \0Mr. Nehru from 1950 to 1962 and \0Mrs. Gandhi from 1969 0560A05 to 1974. ^Indeed, one of the Janata*'s main handicaps may well be the 0570A05 absence of a charismatic figure who can easily dominate the party and 0580A05 through it the country. $^Even more pertinent is the social reality behind 0590A05 this phenomenon. ^In no small measure was Gandhiji*'s, \0Mr. Nehru*'s 0600A05 and \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s political power based on their pull with the 0610A05 scheduled castes and other weaker sections of society. ^And it is precisely 0620A05 this support which \0Mrs. Gandhi is seeking to_ capture. $*<*3dominated*> 0630A05 $^This has been by far the most important fact about Indian 0640A05 polity in the last 60 years which has not received much attention all 0641A05 these 0650A05 years. ^This is understandable inasmuch as the political process in the 0660A05 country has been dominated by the western educated middle class on the 0670A05 one hand and up and coming propertied classes-- commercial and industrial 0680A05 houses and the upper and middle class peasantry-- on the other so completely 0690A05 that the other elements in it have tended to_ be ignored. ^But understandable 0700A05 or not, the fact that weak and depressed communities have 0710A05 consistently followed certain individuals needs to_ be noted and its 0711A05 causes 0720A05 fully investigated. $^Tentatively it seems to me that these people instinctively 0730A05 realise that they have a stake in a strong centre and a leadership 0740A05 capable of providing such a centre because they cannot expect justice 0750A05 even at the state level, not to_ speak of the district, the subdistrict 0760A05 and the village level. ^*Indian society, it is hardly necessary 0761A05 to_ 0770A05 emphasise, is highly inequitous. ^At the village level it remains positively 0780A05 cruel. ^That_ is why social reform movements in India have by 0781A05 and 0790A05 large been led by western educated idealistic youth who have since independence 0800A05 found support in the central leadership of the Congress party 0810A05 and the Union government. $^To_ generalise a rather complicated problem 0820A05 in simplified terms, Indian polity has operated broadly at two levels. 0830A05 ^While under \0Mr. Nehru the upper and middle peasantry came to_ dominate 0840A05 various state governments, the centre remained relatively immune to 0850A05 these influences. ^More or less the same situation continued under 0851A05 \0Mrs. 0860A05 Gandhi. ^Only she was even less inclined than \0Mr. Nehru to_ show 0870A05 respect to Congress chief ministers after 1971. ^And needless to_ add 0880A05 that with the proclamation of the emergency most of the Congress chief 0890A05 ministers lost whatever status they had before it. $^It is clearly \0Mr. 0900A05 Deshmukh*'s contention that \0Mrs. Gandhi has suffered as a result 0910A05 of this concentration of power. ^But he will find it difficult to_ substantiate 0920A05 it. ^On the contrary, it can be argued that the emergency was 0930A05 fairly popular in the first six months and that the big mistake she made 0940A05 was to_ let loose \0Mr. Sanjay Gandhi precisely against those sections 0950A05 of society which had little stake in the democratic political process-- 0960A05 it enabled the dominant peasant communities to_ exercise enormous power 0970A05 up to the state level-- and which were therefore willing to_ 0971A05 support 0980A05 her authoritarian regime if it helped them in some way. \0^*Mr. Devraj 0990A05 Urs among the chief ministers followed a policy of depriving the dominant 1000A05 castes of political influence and the result is there for anyone to_ 1010A05 see. $\0^*Mrs. Gandhi is not a revolutionary. ^But even if she was, she 1020A05 could not have used the emergency to_ bring about a socio-economic revolution 1030A05 in the countryside. ^She would have needed a much stronger and much 1040A05 more ruthless administrative machinery of a different kind to_ attempt 1050A05 anything of that_ kind on whatever scale. ^But to_ begin with, she wanted 1060A05 to_ utilise increased political power to_ help the scheduled castes 1070A05 and other weak and backward communities. ^The allotment of house-sites 1080A05 to Harijans in villages was one expression of that_ desire. ^She could 1090A05 have consolidated her regime if she had continued this programme and not 1100A05 fallen for her son*'s superficially modernising programme of curbing the 1110A05 growth of population and cleaning up the cities. ^On a cool assessment, 1120A05 therefore, the inference must be that she has suffered not as a 1121A05 result 1130A05 of "personalised politics" but as a result of sharing power with a callow 1140A05 and callous young man in a hurry. $*<*3strategy*> $^Apparently \0Mrs. 1150A05 Gandhi realised her fatal blunder after her traumatic defeat last 1160A05 March and decided that her best strategy would be not to_ own up the 1170A05 excesses of the emergency-- she could not have won over the educated middle 1180A05 classes in any case-- but to_ take up the cause of the *4Harijans 1181A05 at 1190A05 the first opportunity. ^The murders in Belchi (Bihar) last summer offered 1200A05 her that_ opportunity. ^Her visit to that_ little known hamlet after 1210A05 a six-hour elephant ride marked the beginning of her return to the fray 1220A05 and she has not looked back since. ^The point whether or not the atrocities 1230A05 on the *4Harijans have increased under the Janata rule is 1231A05 pertinent 1240A05 but more pertinent is their perception of it and the availability of 1250A05 \0Mrs. Gandhi as a centre of hope. $^Clearly neither the Janata nor 1260A05 the official Congress has been able to_ meet this challenge. ^On all 1270A05 accounts \0Mrs Gandhi has come to_ command the loyalty of the 1271A05 *4Harijans 1280A05 and the landless throughout the country with the possible exception of 1290A05 West Bengal. ^But while this makes for a formidable political figure, 1300A05 it does not and cannot assure her return to power. ^She has to_ reunite 1310A05 the Congress under her leadership and win over a significant part of 1320A05 the dominant peasant communities to her side. ^Her willingness to_ allow 1330A05 her followers in Maharashtra to_ form a ministry in alliance with the 1340A05 official Congress under \0Mr. Vasantdada Patil*'s leadership is a step 1350A05 in that_ direction. ^She will promote and lead agitations. ^But these 1360A05 cannot constitute her total strategy. $**<*3India*'s Nuclear Policy, 1370A05 A Hard Grind Ahead**> $*3^Regardless of whatever decision is taken-- 1380A05 or not taken-- by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in Washington 1390A05 on the supply of fuel for Tarapur, New Delhi will have to_ reappraise 1400A05 its atomic policy and chart out a clear course. ^In stark terms, 1410A05 the question is whether it could retain the option, so zealously promoted 1420A05 and safeguarded by \0Mr. Nehru and \0Dr. Homi Bhabha, of "going 1430A05 nuclear" whenever the security interests of the nation so demand. ^Both 1440A05 \0Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri and \0Mrs. Gandhi had stubbornly refused 1450A05 to_ give it up during the mid-sixties when international pressures on 1460A05 the country to_ do so were strong and it was suffering from a grievous shortage 1470A05 of food and foreign exchange. ^Despite the absence of these constraints, 1480A05 it is by no means simpler today to_ tackle the issues at stake. 1490A05 $^For, the proliferation of both nuclear power plants and atomic weapons 1500A05 has radically changed the international environment and there is much 1510A05 greater awareness the world over of the hazards of unbridled progress 1520A05 in either sphere. ^The distinction between the peaceful and non-peaceful 1530A05 uses of atomic energy is becoming increasingly blurred as several countries 1540A05 have acquired the competence to_ build a pretty sophisticated 1550A05 atomic weapon even without testing it. ^What is more, these and the 1551A05 established 1560A05 nuclear powers are increasingly "ganging up" to_ deny the others 1570A05 the fruits of nuclear technology while vigorously pursuing their own individual 1580A05 nuclear programmes. ^Significantly the ban on the export of a 1590A05 vast variety of nuclear materials without cast-iron safeguards-- the so-called 1600A05 trigger list-- is enforced by the member-nations of the "London 1610A05 Club" against one another as much as against outsiders. 1611A05 $*<*3advantages*> $^But 1620A05 this is only one side of the story. ^The other is that the advantages 1630A05 of nuclear power are so great and the technological possibilities so 1640A05 immense that no industrialised country of any consequence wants to_ give 1650A05 up its own atomic programme. ^It only wants the others to_ do that_. 1651A05 ^President 1660A05 Carter*'s nuclear policy-- particularly his campaign against 1670A05 the construction of new fast-breeder reactors and fuel reprocessing plants-- 1680A05 has thus run into serious trouble at home, in Britain, among the 1690A05 member-nations of Euratom and in Japan. ^Few countries want to_ resile 1700A05 from their existing export commitments, for example, in order not to_ 1710A05 'jeopardise' future sales. ^Even the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act, 1720A05 recently enacted by the \0U.S. Congress, cannot be regarded by Americans 1730A05 themselves as their last word on the subject. ^For, the \0U.S. 1740A05 will have successfully to_ renegotiate its supply agreements with as many 1750A05 as 31 countries and, apart from India, at least five of them-- Spain, 1760A05 Argentine, Isreal, South Africa and Egypt-- have yet to_ accept 1770A05 full-scope safeguards.*# **[no. of worrds = 02024**] **[txt. a06**] 0010A06 **<*3*THE NATIONAL SCENE*0 *3At The End Of Their Tether*0**> $*3^The*0 0020A06 self-styled mediators are at the end of their tether. ^They know 0030A06 that the uneasy truce they have brought about between the Prime Minister 0040A06 and the former Home Minister cannot last, and that the storm that_ 0050A06 is apt to_ follow the sullen silence the two men are maintaining with some 0060A06 difficulty can wreck the party. ^Indeed with the party affairs in what 0070A06 may well turn out to_ be a permanent tangle, some Janata members who 0080A06 realise what is at stake, already wonder if the government at the Centre 0090A06 can master any of the frightening problems it faces. $^The old cliche 0100A06 about working by consensus begs the very question it seeks to_ answer. 0110A06 ^For, the crisis which threatens to_ tear the party apart has arisen because 0120A06 the Janata remains a loose coalition of disparate groups and interests 0130A06 pulling in different directions and is unable to_ achieve a consensus. 0140A06 ^The fear of \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s return to power still provides a kind 0150A06 of cement which holds them together. ^But it does not have enough binding 0160A06 force to_ enable them to_ run the government with any degree of 0170A06 celerity. ^The party can still survive if those who are outvoted on a particular 0180A06 issue invariably submit to the majority decision. ^But what those 0190A06 who advocate consensus demand in effect is the right of every group 0200A06 in the Janata to_ veto any decision it does not like. ^The huge amount 0210A06 of vinegar that_ any such course is likely to_ produce, far from helping 0220A06 to_ pickle and preserve the party*'s unity, is apt to_ give a new tang 0230A06 and a new edge to the existing frustrations, resentments and hatreds and 0240A06 hasten its break-up. $^Meanwhile the sorry figure that_ the Janata has 0250A06 cut is giving an ironical twist to its thinking. ^The hue and cry raised 0260A06 by \0Mr. Kripalani and some others over the party leaders washing their 0270A06 dirty linen in public does not quite square with their earlier protests 0280A06 against the hush-hush methods used by Congress governments in dealing 0290A06 with public issues. ^Since when have they realised the virtues of 0291A06 secrecy? 0300A06 ^What are the new factors which have made them change their minds and 0310A06 conclude that in certain circumstances, the cause of integrity of public 0320A06 life is best served by discussing public issues in strict privacy? 0330A06 $*<*3LIMITS*0*> $^If this is only a grudging admission on the part of 0340A06 some Janata leaders that there are limits to openness even in an open 0350A06 society, and that inner party democracy does not give the right to every 0360A06 dessenting group to_ carry on a bitter feud against the majority once a 0370A06 decision has been taken, it is a sign of welcome change in their outlook. 0380A06 ^Indeed they need to_ go further and ask themselves whether some of 0390A06 the evils they condemn are not inherent in the very system of competitive 0400A06 politics which encourages a shameless exploitation of communal and 0410A06 caste loyalties and prejudices, a gross simplification of complex issues 0420A06 by unabashed demagogues, a blatant distortion of priorities to_ serve 0430A06 narrow ends and the use of tainted money in electioneering. $^This is not 0440A06 to_ say that any authoritarian system can work better. ^The experience 0450A06 of scores of countries in the third world, apart from that_ of the emergency 0460A06 here is sufficient warning against any such delusions. ^For, the 0470A06 sort of arbitrary exercise of power at every level which an authoritarian 0480A06 system involves is destructive of both freedom and popular initiative. 0490A06 ^But it is one thing to_ condemn authoritarian systems, whatever their 0500A06 ideological pretensions, and quite another to_ believe that it is enough 0510A06 for a people or their leaders to_ renew their faith in the democratic 0520A06 system by holding free elections every few years to_ ensure its eventual 0530A06 success. $^What are the limitations of the system? ^What are the conditions 0540A06 under which it can perform reasonably well in a poor country with 0550A06 very large areas of distress and destitution? ^And what are the dangers 0560A06 that_ threaten to_ overwhelm it? ^It is most tempting to_ evade these 0570A06 questions and take refuge in the simple belief that there is nothing 0580A06 wrong with the system as such and that everything will be ticketyboo if 0590A06 we can somehow get hold of the right kind of men to_ run it. ^But this 0600A06 is only an indirect way of dodging the question as to why the system so 0610A06 often throws up undesirable men. ^Can anyone hope to_ win an election 0620A06 by holding fast to the truth, by telling the people that it may take several 0630A06 decades to_ end degradation, not to_ speak of poverty, that a higher 0640A06 rate of growth demands a higher rate of saving and a cut in current 0650A06 consumption and so on? ^And who can ever hope to_ mobilise the votes of 0660A06 conflicting interest groups to_ make a tally of 40 to 50 per cent without 0670A06 making tall and often contradictory promises? $*<*3EVASION*0*> $^To_ 0680A06 attribute the failings of the system to the faceless bureaucrats who 0690A06 administer it is to_ indulge in a different kind of evasion. ^When the 0700A06 public expects more and more from the government and implores it to_ intervene 0710A06 in ever new areas of economic and social life to_ redress old 0720A06 wrongs and remove new inequities it in fact asks for an expanding bureaucracy. 0730A06 ^The more the number of new laws and regulations, some of them too 0740A06 complex (for the ordinary citizen to_ grasp their full import) the greater 0750A06 is the scope for arbitrary use of power and the daily harassment 0760A06 which he suffers. ^Some of the evils of bureaucracy can be corrected 0770A06 by piecemeal reforms. ^But it is moronic to_ expect the government to_ go 0780A06 on increasing its sphere of activity and dispense with all the ugly aspects 0790A06 of bureaucracy at the same time. $^In fact one of the main limitations 0800A06 of the democratic system today, as \0Mr. Macpherson, who has 0810A06 studied the problem in great depth, has pointed out, is that it is far from 0820A06 fully competitive. ^It is to_ use an economist*'s term oligopolistic. 0830A06 ^That is, there are only a few sellers, a few suppliers of political 0840A06 goods, in other words only a few political parties... when there are so 0850A06 few sellers, they need not and do not respond to the buyers*' demands as 0860A06 they must do in a full competitive system. ^This often distorts the very 0870A06 formulation of political issues. ^As another equally keen student of 0880A06 democratic systems has ruefully remarked "what we are confronted with 0890A06 in the analysis of political issues is largely not a genuine but a manufactured 0900A06 will," manufactured in ways "exactly analogous to the ways of commercial 0910A06 advertising." $^Some people anxious to_ see that the democratic 0920A06 system performs much better, look forward to a new breed of politicians 0930A06 devoted to the public weal and a new corps of bureaucrats dedicated 0940A06 to the service of the people. ^But why don*4't they go a little further 0950A06 and hope for a miraculous change in the people themselves so that they 0960A06 can sift the true from the false, distinguish the truly democratic from 0970A06 the incipient totalitarian and refuse to_ be carried away by empty rhetoric? 0980A06 ^It all comes to educating the electorate more rigorously. ^But then 0990A06 who will educate the would-be educators? $*<*3NAIVETY*0*> $^It is the 1000A06 same kind of naivety which sees the main threat to the system not in 1010A06 its own flabbiness but in the presence of \0Mrs. Gandhi who, though once 1020A06 rejected by the people because of the way she imposed and ran an emergency 1030A06 regime, is once again able to_ sway the mass of voters more dramatically 1040A06 than anyone else. ^The all-important question is why is she able 1050A06 to_ attract such big crowds or mobilise so many votes even while the 1060A06 memories of the emergency are so fresh? ^The Janata leaders have only 1070A06 to_ put it to themselves to_ see how inept they have been in political management. 1080A06 ^To some extent the very spectres they raised in the months preceding 1090A06 the emergency-- carrying political issues to the street, forcing 1100A06 the premature dissolution of a duly elected legislature, exploiting every 1110A06 source of discontent irrespective of the means at the disposal of 1120A06 the system to_ dispel it, obstructing legislative business-- are coming 1130A06 to_ haunt them. ^They cannot fail to_ see now what they refused to_ do 1140A06 in 1974, that the democratic game has its rules like any other, that it 1150A06 calls for an understanding between not only the groups which form the ruling 1160A06 party or coalition but also between the government side and the opposition, 1170A06 and that any foul play by either side cannot but lead to its disruption 1180A06 sooner or later. $^The catch here is that when things get hot 1190A06 for the fovernment-- when its performance is so poor that its support begins 1200A06 to_ dwindle-- neither side can resist the temptation to_ play foul. 1210A06 ^This is what happened before and is happening again. ^Appeals for fair 1220A06 play are likely to_ be of little avail in a climate of opinion vitiated 1230A06 by mutual hatreds, a new spirit of vengeance and new caste and group 1240A06 conflicts. ^It will be very difficult for the government to_ establish the 1250A06 authority it desperately needs to_ cope with the problems in hand not 1260A06 only because of the increasing pressure from the Congress (\0I) and other 1270A06 opposition groups but also because of its own folly in carrying the 1280A06 campaign against authoritarianism to a pitch where any kind of 1281A06 authority 1290A06 has become suspect. $^It is difficult even in the best of circumstances 1300A06 to_ strike a workable balance between freedom and authority or spontaneity 1310A06 and discipline. ^In the new circumstances it has become almost impossible. 1320A06 ^It is precisely the kind of situation which made a great poet 1330A06 exclaim in sorrow: "*_^The best lack all conviction while the worst are 1340A06 full of passionate intensity!" 1350A06 **<*3*SOVIET-*AFGAN *RELATIONS*0 $*3Possible Moves By Rival Powers*0**> 1360A06 $*3^It*0 is immaterial from India*'s point of view whether Moscow 1370A06 dominates Kabul or not. ^Given the ideological leanings of the new regime 1380A06 and the regional geopolitical situation, India is not likely to_ 1390A06 be disadvantaged in either case. ^For, whatever the exact equation between 1400A06 Moscow, Kabul and New Delhi, there is a coincidence of interests 1410A06 among them. $^For example, no Communist regime in Kabul with close ties 1420A06 with Moscow is likely to_ help further either \0U.S. or Chinese 1430A06 goals in the region. ^It must work to_ contain \0U.S. and Chinese 1440A06 influence in the region and cause concern to regimes which have been close 1450A06 to them-- Iran and Pakistan. ^Indeed, Kabul has already reopened the 1460A06 Pushtoonistan question to the embarrassment of both Islamabad and 1470A06 Teheran. $^There has been a great deal of talk to the effect that it is 1480A06 premature to_ assume Afghanistan will be controlled by the Soviet Union. 1490A06 ^But given the fact that the coup leaders are Soviet-trained, that 1500A06 scarcely a week passes without yet another Kabul-Moscow agreement, that 1510A06 the Afghan forces are entirely Soviet-equipped and that Soviet advisers 1520A06 are reportedly arriving in Kabul in large numbers, it can be safely 1530A06 assumed that the two governments are close to each other. ^But the advantages 1540A06 to India are clear. ^What counteraction are Iran, Pakistan, 1550A06 China and the United States likely to_ take? ^*New Delhi appears 1551A06 to_ 1560A06 have convinced itself that there is nothing much these countries can do. 1570A06 ^But this is not true. $^Prediction is a tricky business. 1571A06 ^Nonetheless, 1580A06 it is possible to_ say that for some time all these countries will pursue 1590A06 a policy of wait and watch. ^Even if Afganistan*'s swing into the Soviet 1600A06 orbit is confirmed, they are unlikely to_ do anything dramatic. ^Instead, 1610A06 we are almost certain to_ witness resort to several low-cost options. 1620A06 $*<*3Low profile*0*> $^*China will keep a low profile because that_ 1630A06 is currently its preferred foreign policy style. ^The \0U.S. government 1640A06 is constrained both by Congress and by disagreement within it on 1650A06 the best method of handling the new Soviet thrust in Afghanistan and 1660A06 elsewhere. ^*Pakistan has little capacity to_ do anything on its own. ^*Iran 1670A06 has the resources for undertaking a major counteraction. ^But while 1680A06 it was one thing for it to_ intervene in Oman, it will be quite another 1690A06 for it to_ tackle a Soviet-backed Afghanistan.*# **[no. of words = 02016**] **[txt. a07**] 0010A07 **<*3Hazeman Wins Motorcycle Gfand Prix in Keen Finish*0**> 0011A07 $^There 0020A07 were many races held in the Mafras Motor Sports Club*'s All-India 0030A07 meet and Grand Prix yesterday. ^But just one of those races made every 0040A07 one of the 17 miles that_ one travelled to_ reach the airstrip at Sholavaram 0050A07 worth the while. ^That_ was the Grand Prix for motorcycles which 0060A07 saw the two Malaysian riders-- Hazeman Bin Abdul Aziz and 0061A07 Sonny 0070A07 Soh-- fight every metre of the 30-lap, 69-kilometer trip. $^Both wereon 0080A07 Yamaha 750 \0TZ*'3s the most powerful 'bikes' seen at 0081A07 Sholavaram, 0090A07 and only skill or possibly luck could separate them at the wire. ^Whenever 0100A07 one of them held the lead, it was never more than a few metres and 0110A07 the lead too changed hands often enough to_ keep the capacity audience glued 0120A07 to its seat. ^Finally, in the 28th lap, Hazeman streaked into the 0130A07 lead and held on till the chequered flag was waved at him. ^The unassuming 0140A07 shy lad who is just 21, was himself one of the happiest men, as this 0150A07 brought him his first ever victory in a big race and that_ too happened 0160A07 to_ come in a Grand Prix. $^The same 30-lap event for the more powerful 0170A07 cars came as an anticlimax. ^For, the Maharajkumar of Gondal took 0180A07 off from the start like a scalded cat and soon placed himself and his tremendous 0190A07 Formula Four 5,000 \0cc racer so far ahead of the others that 0200A07 it became a one-horse race. ^*Gondal could even relax after a short while 0210A07 and complete the stipulated 30 laps in a nochalant manner to_ gain himself 0220A07 a prestige prize that_ has often eluded him in the past due to mechanical 0230A07 trouble. $^The day*'s programme was itself an eventful one but 0240A07 that_ great race between the two Malaysians seemed to_ have taken its toll 0250A07 of the emotions of the public. ^Such skill and machines have, perhaps, 0260A07 never been seen in India*'s premier meet. ^In the race were also such 0270A07 distinguished riders as Dilip Singh Chagger of Kenya and Hashmath 0280A07 Sheriff of Madras. ^But engine capacity and that_ inexorable fact-- 0290A07 miles per hour-- did not allow them to_ take a greater share in the contest 0300A07 that_ was taking place over every bend, around every chicane and 0310A07 on every straight just ahead of them. $^His richer experience helped Sonny 0320A07 Soh dominate the early part of the race. ^But Hazeman brought every 0330A07 ounce of his talent into the fight and prevailed. ^*Sonny conceded 0340A07 that Hazeman rode a great race but added that after having had the measure 0350A07 of Hazeman in the 28th lap he had the ill-luck to_ collide with a less 0360A07 powerful vehicle near the chicane and by the time he could settle his 0370A07 'bike' Hazeman had stolen a useful lead again. $^The only interest in 0380A07 the four-wheelers \0GP was who would get the second place-- 0381A07 Maharajkumar 0390A07 of Wadhwan in a E type Jaguar or *(0A. D.*) Jayaram in his 0400A07 own Special. ^*Jayaram placed a creditable second to Gondal beating 0401A07 Wadhwan, 0410A07 with some skilful driving that_ saw him outmanoeuvre the more powerful 0420A07 machine at every bend. $^The day*'s proceedings began on a comical 0430A07 note with the two wheeler riders taking off much before the starter*'s 0440A07 flag came down. ^The red flags were waved at them and soon the race was 0450A07 re-started but once again it became a false start with many jumping the 0460A07 flag. ^But the race was allowed to_ go on this time. ^There was a minor 0470A07 mishap in this race and a moped rider was reported to_ have suffered 0471A07 some 0480A07 fractures. $^Another thrilling contest was seen in the course of the day. 0490A07 ^This time the women provided it. ^The two sisters-- \0Mrs. Indira 0500A07 Subramaniam and \0Miss Malathy Nilakantan-- went for each other*'s 0501A07 Other*'s 0510A07 throats in two Fiats. ^The cars too almost touched while they were jockeying 0520A07 for positions to_ negotiate the tight chicane at the finishing end 0530A07 for the penultimate time. ^In that_ mad scramble, Indira managed to_ squeeze 0540A07 through on the inside and won the event. $^There were two other minor 0550A07 mishaps during the day. ^*Aspi Dalal had to_ apply the brakes in 0551A07 his 0560A07 Fiat violently in order to_ avoid an erring motorist at the bend and 0561A07 his 0570A07 gear-box gave way spilling oil on the track. ^But Aspi Dalal escaped 0580A07 unhurt even though he sent his car into the light fencing. ^But the more 0590A07 serious one happened in the \0GP when luckily nobody was behind Afrose 0600A07 Pasha when his rear wheel took an independent course on the track 0601A07 near 0610A07 a chicane. ^Those present at the site helped get Afrose*'s car off the 0620A07 track in time. $^A minor disappointment was caused to the spectators when 0630A07 it was announced that both Gondal and Wadhwan would not be participating 0640A07 in the Grand Prix. ^Having seen Gondal*'s car break down on its 0650A07 way to the starting grid for the minor four-lap race (his wheel was 0651A07 not 0660A07 properly resting on its hub then) the announcement was believable. ^But 0670A07 very soon a huge cheer rented the air as the much talked about Formula 0680A07 racer came out of the pits before the start of the big race. ^*Gondalalso 0690A07 lived up to the expectations of the crowd with his performance. ^His 0700A07 lap time of *(01m 20.1s*) must be way ahead of the existing marks. 0710A07 **<*3Bengal Retains Santosh $Trophy*0**> $^In a hard fought encounter 0720A07 the holder, Bengal, in full bloom beat Punjab 3-1 in the replayed 0730A07 final of the National football championship for the Santosh Trophy on 0740A07 the Mohun Bagan ground here to-day. $^The interesting feature of the 0750A07 day*'s play was that all the four goals scored including the one which went 0760A07 to the credit of Punjab were by the Bengal players. ^*Bengal*'s Dilip 0770A07 Palit in a desperate attempt to_ clear the ball before the eager Inder 0780A07 could get to it when he raced down to_ trap a lob found to his 0781A07 horror 0790A07 that he had sent the ball into his own goal. ^This was in the 36th minute 0800A07 of the first half when Bengal was leading by a solitary goal. $^The 0810A07 Bengal forwards did not hold back any punches to-day. ^They came up 0811A07 with 0820A07 relentless attacking bouts, in which they had to_ strain every nerve 0830A07 to_ beat the stubborn Punjab defence which was reinforced by the inclusion 0840A07 of Sukhvinder Singh (senior). ^*Sukhvinder was specially got down 0841A07 for 0850A07 the encounter, along with Parminder and Nand Kishore, who played in 0860A07 the attack. $^The Bengal players proved beyond doubt that whatever the 0870A07 type of defence they might encounter they had the individual capacity 0880A07 and fluent ball play to_ counter it if they applied themselves to the task 0890A07 wholeheartedly. ^In this mood the Bengal attack was seen making intricate 0900A07 moves to_ break through the rival defence which stood like a rock. 0910A07 ^The Punjab defence fought gallantly with little support from its attack 0920A07 which failed to_ keep the ball long enough to_ allow it some breathing 0930A07 time. ^*Bengal*'s youthful Bidesh Bose was in splendid form. ^Instead 0940A07 of running into the rival defence he waited to_ draw the defenders out 0950A07 and was a constant source of threat to Punjab. ^When Punjab began 0960A07 to_ move well in the second-half it found the Bengal defence sharper than 0970A07 ever. $^*Darshan, the Punjab medio, took the first shot of the match 0980A07 which was well directed but Bhaskar Ganguli, at the Bengal goal punched 0990A07 it over neatly. ^It was then that the Bengal attack picked up rhythm 1000A07 and was seen in precise and deliberate movements. ^It was the most hard 1010A07 worked Punjab defence which came in the way of an early goal. ^Within 1020A07 10 minutes Akbar had it well placed for him by Bidesh but his hard 1021A07 drive 1030A07 was directed straight to Surjit, at the Punjab goal. $^There was 1040A07 just one good move from the Punjab attack when Inder found Harjinder 1050A07 on the left who cut in for Parminder, but Bhaskar was too quick to_ intercept. 1060A07 ^Then came the lead for Bengal, Akbar, moving in on the 1061A07 left, 1070A07 sent a hard swerving cross towards the Punjab goal which Surjit failed 1080A07 to_ hold. ^*Shyam Thapa, running in, headed the ball in. ^*Surajit 1090A07 Sen cutting his way past everyone tried to_ beat Surjit as well, but 1091A07 failed. 1100A07 ^Followed this up with a good shot but Surjit effected a fine save. 1110A07 $^The most unexpected equaliser then followed. ^*Inder raced down for 1120A07 a high lobbed pass with three Bengal defenders close on his heels. 1121A07 ^*Dilip 1130A07 Palit sliding down, tried to_ play the ball out but it went in. ^A 1140A07 minute before the break Harjinder, who was well marked, came up with a 1150A07 hard shot but the ball hit the left upright and deflected away. $^A few 1160A07 minutes after the break Pradeep Choudhury who was the mainstay of the 1170A07 Bengal defence was injured and had to_ leave the field. ^*Dilip 1171A07 Sarkar 1180A07 replaced him. ^A little earlier a stone thrown into the field hit the 1190A07 Bengal captain Akbar who, while being carried away, decided to_ take the 1200A07 field again. ^*Punjab looked better organised in the second half and 1201A07 tried 1210A07 the lofted passes and running in tactics with Inder trying his very 1220A07 best to_ break past the Bengal defence, which kept a wary eye on him. 1230A07 ^There were attacks and counter attack by both the teams, which made the 1240A07 play fast and keen. $^In the 15th minute the hard working Bidesh Bose 1250A07 took a hard drive from the left and the ball deflected in off the foot 1260A07 of a Punjab defender giving no chance to Surjit who was caught on the 1270A07 wrong foot. ^Along with the lead Bengal*'s morale also shot up. ^It stepped 1280A07 up its efforts and its attack moved like a fleet-footed gazelle. ^In 1290A07 this mood Surajit sent Akbar up with a defence splitting pass. ^The 1300A07 Bengal captain had only to_ trap the ball with Surjit at his mercy, but 1310A07 in a hurry he failed to_ do so. $^*Ulaganathan came in place of Akbar 1320A07 and his contribution was a well directed drive, which came off the left 1330A07 upright. ^The never relaxing Bengal attack had to_ be rewarded and it 1340A07 came just a minute before the close when Shyam Thapa cleverly feinted 1350A07 to_ dish out a fine through pass for Surajit Sen. ^The latter ran in 1360A07 and struck the ball which went in off Surjit*'s hands. ^This sealed the 1370A07 fate of Punjab which had put up a gallant fight. $\0^*Mr. *(0T. N. 1380A07 *) Singh, the Bengal Governor, gave away the prizes. ^*Shyam Thapa 1390A07 with nine goals got the best scorer*'s award. 1400A07 **<*3CRICKET*0 $*3Emphasis will be on Entertaianment*0**> $^The Board 1410A07 of Control for Cricket in India*'s ruling that cricketers who have 1420A07 played for the country in Tests after 1976 would be paid on retirement 1430A07 a sum commensurate with the services rendered by each of them to the 1440A07 country, based on the number of Tests played, quite naturally places cricketers 1450A07 who have represented the country in Tests earlier at a disadvantage. 1460A07 ^The Board*'s desire to_ reward cricketers financially is certainly 1470A07 commendable. ^However, having passed a resolution to the effect that 1480A07 eminent players like Jaisimha, Borde, Hanumant Singh, Durrani and 1490A07 Baig to_ mention a few, would not be eligible to payment from its benevolent 1500A07 fund, the only way it can help these players is by giving them permission 1510A07 and all help possible to_ organise a match from which the financial 1520A07 return would be useful to them now and for the future. $^The concept 1530A07 of benefit matches to cricketers who have played throughout as amateurs 1540A07 is peculiar to India. ^For professionals in a country like the \0UK, 1550A07 it is a matter of right as it is the only money they can regard as savings 1560A07 for the inactive days ahead. $*(0^*M. L.*) Jaisimha, undoubtedly 1570A07 Hyderabad*'s biggest name in cricket for over two decdes, has had the 1580A07 luck, he richly deserves, in being able to_ have some major international 1590A07 cricketers to_ participate in his benefit match which starts here at 1600A07 the Lal Bahadur Stadium to-morrow. ^One can understand how worried he 1610A07 and the organisers must have been when weather seemed very likely to_ intervene. 1620A07 ^Rain was spoilsport in the recent Ranji trophy quarter-final 1630A07 match between Hyderabad and Bengal.*# **[no. of words = 02005**] **[txt. a08**] 0010A08 **<*3Nigeria boycotts C*'3wealth $Games because of \0N.Z. ties 0020A08 with \0S.A.**> $^*NIGERIAN sports minister Sylvanus Williams announced 0030A08 his country would boycott the Commonwealth Games in Edmonton, 0040A08 Canada, due to_ start on August 3, as part of its anti-apartheid policy. 0050A08 $^The minister accused New Zealand of circumventing the 1977 Gleoneagles 0060A08 agreement which committed all Commonwealth countries to_ sever 0070A08 sporting ties with South Africa. $^He stressed Nigeria*'s decision 0080A08 was not directed against Canada or the Commonwealth, but said that 0081A08 in the 0090A08 present circumstances his country had no alternative but to_ boycott 0100A08 the Edmonton Games. ^The announcement came as a surprise in view of a 0110A08 recommendation by the Supreme Council for Sport in Africa (\0SCSA) 0120A08 that all African Commonwealth countries should take part in the 0130A08 games. $^*Nigeria was one of 13 African countries expected to_ take part 0140A08 in the games. $^*Nigeria was also one of the prime movers behind a boycott 0150A08 of the 1976 Olymic Games in Montreal when 22 African and Arab 0160A08 countries walked out in protest against New Zealand*'s sporting ties 0170A08 with South Africa. $^*New Zealand had refused to_ call off a tour of 0180A08 South Africa by its All-Blacks rugby union team just before the 0181A08 Olympics. 0190A08 $^The Nigerian statement today said New Zealand had not yet been persuaded, 0200A08 either by action or by the Gleneagles agreement among Commonwealth 0210A08 leaders, to_ review relations with South Africa. $"^It would be 0220A08 illogical in the extreme, therefore, if Nigeria were now to_ 0221A08 participate 0230A08 at Edmonton when the reason for boycotting the Olympic Games remains 0240A08 unchanged," the minister said. $\0^*Mr. Williams said most Commonwealth 0250A08 countries had observed the Gleneagles declaration, which condemned apartheid 0260A08 in sport. ^But New Zealand had not had a change of heart. ^He 0270A08 said New Zealanders travelled to South Africa as individuals and regrouped 0280A08 there as a team. ^The New Zealand government openly defended 0290A08 this method of circumventing the Gleneagles agreement, \0Mr. Williams 0300A08 added. $*3London: ^The British ministry of sports expressed surprise 0310A08 here today of the Nigerian decision to_ boycott the Commonwealth 0320A08 Games. ^A spokesman for the ministry said: "*_it*'1s a strange 0321A08 decision. 0330A08 ^It*'1s upsetting that it should happen now, hardly a week before the games 0340A08 start. ^We don*'4t wish to_ make any further comments." 0350A08 **<*3"Times" Shield-- the stiffest test**> $*3^FOR*0 a few hours on 0360A08 Friday some 300 cricketers of the city will take time off from their 0370A08 internal rivalry to_ applaud each other. ^The occasion: the annual 0380A08 prize-distribution function of "The Times Of India" Challenge Shield 0390A08 cricket tournaments to_ be held at the Taj. $^Once the function is 0400A08 over, they will be back to_ jostle one another for prizes in the country*'s 0410A08 most coveted tournament outside first-class cricket. $^They have already 0420A08 set their eyes on the next season. ^*Nirlon, who reached the 'A' 0430A08 division final on their first appearance, have brought off the biggest catch 0440A08 by signing on Sunil Gavaskar. ^*Mafatlal, the reigning champs for 0450A08 the last six years, are not prone to changing and chopping. $^But for a 0460A08 change they have recruited a local player, Zulfiqar Parkar, the young 0470A08 wicketkeeper who earned his Bombay cap last season. $^With the careers 0480A08 of cricketers depending on their performances in the tournament, the "Times" 0490A08 Shield provides the stiffest test. ^Naturally, the matches have 0491A08 a 0500A08 needle touch about them. ^Last season we had a throwing controversy 0501A08 added 0510A08 to the usual fuss about umpiring. ^Players complain about the umpiring 0520A08 without realising that they have brought it on themselves by antagonising 0530A08 by their behaviour the best umpires, who chose to_ stay away from the 0540A08 big matches. $^The only drawback of the tournament is that the matches 0550A08 come at the fag end of the season so that form shown by the young hopefuls 0560A08 is of little consequence. ^Matches cannot be held earlier because 0570A08 they clash with the first-class programme and players from every zone except 0580A08 the east take part in this tournament. $^If form in the "Times" Shield 0590A08 was to_ count, then Bharat Nadkarni of Tata Electric and Chintaman 0600A08 Vaidya of Mahindras would be among the contenders for the Bombay 0610A08 team. ^It is true Mafatllal*'s Jayantilal takes the batting prize 0620A08 for his 244, but the batsman of the tournament was fast-medium bowler 0630A08 Pandurang Salgaonkar who scored centuries for Mahindras-- typifying the 0640A08 spirit of the tournament. ^It is believed that Salgaonkar is keen on 0650A08 playing for Bombay to_ avail of the best fielding support in the country-- 0660A08 a thing he has missed with Maharashtra. $^Another player who should 0670A08 be better for "Times" Shield experience is Brijesh Patel, who uncharacteristically 0680A08 ran the risk of being called a plodder while making 231 0690A08 and making Mafatllal*'s task of scoring the 453 runs to_ win easier. 0700A08 $^The "Times" Shield is not a bowler*'s tournament but there were 0701A08 some 0710A08 venues last season where wickets took inordinate turn. ^*Nirlon off-spinner 0720A08 Avadhoot Zarapkar made full use of one such to_ spin out five Aristo 0730A08 batsmen for 21 to_ win the bowling prize on his debut. $^The other 0740A08 prize-winners have not been so lucky, having had to_ wait for years to_ 0750A08 gain the distinction. ^At the same time, there are some like Bank of 0751A08 Maharashtra*'s 0760A08 Prakash Patil who is winning his third prize and Crompton 0770A08 Greaves*' Janardhan Choudhary who is winning a second prize after a gap 0780A08 of 16 years. $^Yes, it is true that the game gives you back what you 0790A08 give to it and it is no different with the "Times" Shield. ^If the same 0800A08 were to_ hold true for cricketers *8vis-a-vis*9 their firms, then purpose 0810A08 of the "Times" shield will have been served. 0820A08 **<*3Challenge tourney $a *8fait accompli*9*0**> $*3^THE*0 challenge 0830A08 tournament envisaged by former table tennis international "Monty" Merchant 0840A08 has become a *8fait accompli*9. ^All hurdles have been cleared, a 0850A08 sponsor found and August 1 has been tentatively fixed as the date for the 0860A08 big event. ^The University Stadium will be the venue. $^Soon after 0870A08 his return from the \0U.S. after a five-year stay, Merchant had said 0880A08 that he would take on all of Bombay*'s top three players. ^The trio, 0890A08 Atul Parikh, Suhas Kulkarni and Kamlesh Mehta, quickly accepted 0900A08 the challenge. ^After discussions, all four agreed that the tournament will 0910A08 be to_ raise funds for the Bombay Table Tennis Players*' Association. 0920A08 $^At a press conference today, it was made clear that the challenge 0930A08 tournament would not be a bet match. ^This is a shift from the original 0940A08 concept but it has been necessitated largely by the restraints governing 0950A08 prize money tournaments. ^Besides, the foursome felt that they should 0960A08 not try to_ profit from a competition being organised in aid of the Players*' 0970A08 Association. $^The basic idea to_ introduce something different 0980A08 from the tournament routine, however, is being brought to fruition. ^The 0990A08 challenge tournament is being sponsored by the makers of \0V.I.P. 1000A08 underwears, who are contributing \0Rs. 5,000 towards the project. 1010A08 $^Besides, the Players*' Association hopes to_ swell their income by putting 1020A08 up special "boxes" which will be sold at \0Rs. 1,000 each. ^Each 1030A08 box will seat five and the Players*' Association representatives made 1040A08 a fervent plea to commercial firms and sports-minded patrons to_ book 1050A08 these "boxes". ^There will be 20 boxes in all. $^The date has been tentatively 1060A08 fixed as August 1 as the organisers are racing against time. ^However, 1070A08 should they succeed in selling the "boxes" in the next couple of 1080A08 days, the tournament will most certainly take place on August 1. ^Else, 1090A08 it will be on August 11, immediately after the South Zone at Hyderabad 1100A08 and the Bombay Championships in the city. $^Tickets have been modestly 1110A08 priced at \0Rs. 5 each and will be on sale at the University Stadium 1120A08 from Monday. 1130A08 **<*3Frontier Canadian spirit should overcome money problems*0**> 1131A08 $*3^COMMONWEALTH*0 1140A08 athletes, who watched anxiously as officials sorted out the threat of 1150A08 a mass boycott last week, settled down today to the tense 1160A08 final days of training before Thursday*'s opening ceremony. $^After 1170A08 the eventful week-end, crowned by the arrival of most of the African 1180A08 teams, the Games Village was filling up rapidly and there was a flurry 1190A08 of activity on competition venues. $^Two parties of the Australian 1200A08 track and field squad, coming from their training camp in Washington State 1210A08 or from meets in Europe, brought in a host of medal hopefuls, and 1220A08 the expected late night arrival of teams from Swaziland, Ghana and 1230A08 Trinidad and Tobago brought the village population to over 1,750. ^Even 1240A08 without the 100-strong Nigerian party, the figure is likely to_ be close 1250A08 to the 2,000 mark. ^Four years ago, at Christchurch New Zealand, 1260A08 there were 1,600 athletes. $^There were the usual pre-Games incidents 1261A08 this 1270A08 time involving Scottish athletes caught in the women*'s quarters, a mild 1280A08 row over whether Australian track star Raelene Boyle would wear official 1290A08 team uniforms, injury scares and fears as dope and sex testing began. 1300A08 $^The two Scots, runners Paul Forbes and John Robson, escaped 1310A08 with stern reprimands when they explained their only reason for being caught 1320A08 in the room of two Scottish girls was the wish to_ escape notice 1330A08 after coming home after the curfew hour. ^No blame was attached to the 1340A08 girls but Scottish officials, who had earlier disciplined Forbes and 1341A08 four 1350A08 others for curfew-breaking warned that any future wayward acts would 1360A08 result in immediate expulsion from the team. *<*3dress rehearsal*0*> $^A 1370A08 dress rehearsal of the opening ceremony was held yesterday. ^One of the 1380A08 few obvious hitches was that the placard for the Mauritius team during 1390A08 the parade of athletes was mis-spelled. $^The frontier spirit of the 1400A08 Canadian north west and the informal family nature of the member countries 1410A08 promise to_ overcome the inevitable money and political problems 1411A08 which 1420A08 have reared up on the eve of the games. $^The games here are a triumph 1430A08 of community organisation by Edmonton*'s half million citizens, who 1440A08 move right from their current "Klondike Days" annual fair to playing 1450A08 host to visitors from around the world. ^The proudest boast is that the 1460A08 Games have been organised without major construction problems and within 1470A08 the modest budget. ^There has been no talk of the vast municipal deficits 1480A08 that_ marred the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, and which have frightened 1490A08 citizens of Los Angeles who had hoped to_ host the 1984 Olympics. 1500A08 ^Centrepiece of the new facilities is a 42,000-seat Commonwealth stadium, 1510A08 built at the surprisingly low price of 20.9 million dollars. $^The 1520A08 natural green of the turf and the bright red track and seats form a 1530A08 beautiful picture under the clear blue summer skies. ^And, although athletes 1540A08 expect there will be technical problems for some of the jumping and 1550A08 throwing events, this is a fitting site for the quality of the cast 1560A08 who will perform. $^There are no team sports at the Commonwealth Games, 1570A08 except within the cycling, badminton and lawn bowls competitions, and 1580A08 this has allowed construction or refurbishment of other facilities at 1590A08 reasonable prices. ^The city has been cleaned up, and a new central railway 1600A08 system inaugurated. ^Otherwise there have been few costly building operations. 1610A08 $^Athletics and swimming are the central sports of these Games. 1620A08 ^But the Commonwealth also has some of the world*'s best badminton 1630A08 players, some of the best shooting marksmen and women and a handful 1640A08 of top amateur boxing champions. ^Gymnastics, new on the programme, lacks 1650A08 a Korbut or Comaneci, but Canada and England have exciting newcomers 1660A08 who promise close battles and the weightlifting and wrestling are traditionally 1670A08 hard-fought events. $^The European athletics championships 1680A08 and the world swimming championships next month have diverted some stars, 1690A08 notably England*'s top 1,500 metres runner Steve Ovett. ^*Ovett will 1700A08 miss a meeting with Tanzanian Filbert Bayi, who crowned the last Commonwealth 1710A08 Games in Christchurch with a sensational world record run. 1720A08 $^*Bayi is back in form and has tough challengers. ^But the great 1721A08 track 1730A08 events here could be the 5,000 and 10,000 metres, which bring Kenyan Henry 1740A08 Rono against Brendan Foster and Nick Rose, of England, Rod 1750A08 Dixon and Dick Quax, of New Zealand and another Kenyan, Wilson 1760A08 Waigwa. *<*3golden treble*0*> $^*Henry Rono, Kenya*'s world record-breaking 1770A08 wonder runner, is expected to_ attempt a golden treble here. ^*Rono, 1780A08 26, who has set four world records this year, was cheered on his first 1790A08 morning in Edmonton by news that the 3,000 metres steeplechase 1791A08 could 1800A08 be reduced to a straight final, without qualifying heats.*# **[no. of words = 02008**] **[txt. a09**] 0010A09 **<*3Khetri residents not aware of 'mass rape'*0**> $*3^IT*0 was like 0020A09 waking up to fame (or notoriety?) for the residents of this sleepy copper 0030A09 township when it hit the headlines in newspapers and, perhaps, for 0040A09 the first time, it was mentioned in foreign broadcasts. $^When the *5Lok 0050A09 Sabha*6 and the *5Vidhan Sabha*6 agitatedly debated the "sordid incident" 0051A09 that_ 0060A09 was supposed to_ have occurred here, it took quite some time for the people 0070A09 to_ realise, and believe, that it was this little township that_ had 0080A09 suddenly shot into the limelight. $^The incident-- whatever was known 0090A09 to_ have happened-- had almost been forgotten. $^It was not a matter of 0100A09 pleasure for \0Mr. Babulal Sharma, an employee of the copper complex. 0110A09 ^There were many things, he thought, in Khetri which could have caught 0120A09 the public eye. $*<*3police report*0*> $^Similar sentiments were expressed 0130A09 by a cross-section of the residents, from *(panshop*) owners to 0131A09 officials 0140A09 of the copper complex. \0^*Mrs. Pushpa Tuli, ward *4panch of the 0150A09 area who lives in the neighbourhood of the site of the alleged incident-- 0160A09 a cinema hall-- claimed that she would surely have known if some such 0170A09 grave things had occurred there. $^The allegation that something "shameful" 0180A09 involving women had occurred at Khetri on February 26, was the first 0190A09 made in a "letter to the editor" in a national Hindi daily on March 0200A09 7. $^Later, some other newspapers gave lurid details of the alleged 0210A09 incidents. "^We do not know" or "these cannot be true" was the reaction 0220A09 of all whom this correspondent interviewed in the township. $^Yet the story 0230A09 has to_ be told, reconstructed from the bits and pieces of information 0240A09 this correspondent could gather. $^According to the first information 0250A09 report prepared by the station house officer of the Khetri police station, 0260A09 \0Mr. Shambhu Singh, an agent of *(0R. K.*) distributors in 0270A09 Cuttak, \0Mr. Gopal Joshi, had organised a "Junior Mahmood nite" 0280A09 in the compound of Deenbandhu cinema hall at the township on February 0290A09 26. $^There were seating arrangements for 3,400 people, but only some 2,500 0300A09 tickets were actually sold. ^All the advertised film artistes-- Junior 0310A09 Mahmood, \0Miss Kalpana and \0Miss Latika-- except \0Miss Black 0320A09 Billi, had turned up to_ give performances. $^Before the function began, 0330A09 a procession of striking workers went to the nearby power sub-station 0340A09 shouting slogans and asking the sub-station workers to_ join the strike. 0350A09 ^The processionists, however, dispersed after some time. $^As the 0360A09 function started at 9 \0p.m. sharp, a crowd of about 300, which had 0370A09 come from different places in buses but were without tickets, tried to_ 0380A09 enter the *4shamiana. ^When they were pushed back by the police, they 0381A09 started 0390A09 throwing stones from a distance. $*<*3chairs carried away*0*> $^At 9.27 0400A09 *(0p.m.*) lights went off. ^Power supply was restored soon, but lights 0410A09 failed again after two minutes. ^There was confusion, shouting and breaking 0420A09 of chairs. ^The policemen on duty escorted "the 30 or 40 women" 0430A09 among the audience to the front lobby of the cinema hall. ^Some candles 0440A09 were lit to_ provide light. $^The crowd started melting away. ^Many of 0450A09 them carried away chairs. ^After about half an hour or so it was possible 0460A09 for the women to_ come out of the cinema hall. ^They were then sent 0470A09 home. $\0^*Mr. Shambhu Singh*'s statement differed somewhat from what 0480A09 two other persons in authority had to_ say. \0^*Mr. Ramjilal Verma, sub-divisional 0490A09 magistrate, who was present at the function, said that there 0500A09 were nearly 100 women in the audience, some quite fashionably dressed. 0510A09 $\0^*Col. Bhanot, chief of the industrial security force at the copper 0520A09 complex, said that since workers of the complex had gone on strike the 0530A09 previous day, he was busy deploying his men at different installations. 0540A09 $^He had gone to a mine site and was returning around midnight when he 0550A09 found huge crowds in the streets. ^On inquiry, he was told that there was 0560A09 a film-star show at the cinema hall two and a half hours after the break-up. 0570A09 $^At Jhunjhunu, the district headquarters, the collector, \0Mr. 0580A09 Samant, said the women among the audience must have been 100 to 150. 0590A09 ^He, however, hastened to_ add that according to reports he had received, 0600A09 there were 60 or 70 women. $*<*3location of stage*0*> $^The function 0610A09 was held on the "L" shaped ground outside the cinema hall. ^The dais was 0620A09 set up at the angle of the two arms of the improvised auditorium allowing 0630A09 only an angular view to the audience. $^There is nothing to_ suggest 0640A09 that what was supposed to_ have followed after the film-star show fiasco 0650A09 was a night of orgy as alleged in some quarters. ^At any rate, there 0660A09 was no tell-tale evidence of broken bangles and women*'s garments strewn 0670A09 around. 0680A09 $**<*3New deal alone can pacify $*4Harijans in Tamil Nadu*0**> $*3^THE*0 0690A09 gory killings in Villupuram have mystified officialdom, it would 0700A09 seem. ^With 12 bodies, including those of a 35-year-old woman and a 12-year-old 0710A09 boy bearing marks of sadistic beating, on view in the government 0720A09 hospital mortuary, the South Arcot collector said he did not know "who 0730A09 fought whom and for what." ^Seven of the victims have been identified 0740A09 as *4Harijans and there is little room for doubt about the others*' identity. 0750A09 $^The one-man inquiry commission of \0Mr. \0R. Sadashivam, retired 0760A09 high court judge, appointed by the Tamil Nadu government to_ inquire 0770A09 into "the incident leading to the communal clashes", will no doubt 0780A09 clear up the mystery. $*<*3new militancy*0*> $^According to many in Villupuram, 0790A09 however, the seeds of conflict were sown long ago. ^The incident 0800A09 in question merely triggered the chain of events leading to arson involving 0810A09 some 100 huts of the *4Harijans and some houses and shops of 0820A09 the prosperous mercantile community, consisting mainly of caste Hindus 0830A09 and Muslims. $^The Villupuram riots are a watershed marking the emergence 0840A09 of militancy on the part of the *4Harijans in Tamil Nadu. ^When 0850A09 the *4Harijans were butchered by the dominant community in Ramnad district, 0860A09 the then chief minister, \0Mr. \0K. Kamaraj, took harsh measures 0870A09 against the erring section. ^In 1968, when at least 44 *4Harijan 0880A09 men, women and children were locked inside their huts and burnt alive by 0890A09 the caste Hindu landlords of Kilavenmani, the then chief minister, \0Mr. 0900A09 *(0C. N.*) Annadorai, did his best to_ prosecute the culprits 0901A09 but 0910A09 to no avail. ^In the last two years, however, the mood and temper of 0920A09 the *4Harijan community has been changing with the younger elements growing 0930A09 conscious of their rights and privileges. $^This correspondent was witness 0940A09 to the change in the comparatively backward Union territory of 0950A09 Pondicherry early this year. ^The *4Harijans of a hamlet called Puranasingapalaym 0960A09 put up their own shrine of the legendary Harishchandra to_ 0970A09 watch over their part of the cemetery. ^But the caste Hindu landlords 0980A09 thought the *4Harijans were putting on grand airs. $^They demolished 0990A09 the small shrine. ^Their men, armed with sticks, raided the *4Harijan 1000A09 colony, smashed the car, then cooking pots-- the only possessions of the 1010A09 *4Harijans and damaged some of the huts. ^The terrorised *4Harijans 1020A09 starved for a couple of days, for none of the shops was prepared to_ 1030A09 give them foodstuffs even for ready cash. ^They were denied work in the 1040A09 fields. ^When some tried to_ go to far off villages to_ find work word 1050A09 had been passed around by the landlords and the men and women were denied 1060A09 work. ^Intervention by the \0Lt.-governor of the Union territory, \0Mr. 1070A09 *(0B. T.*) Kulkarni, saved the day for the *4Harijans. ^The 1071A09 younger 1080A09 elements justified their defiance. $^Coming to the grisly happenings 1090A09 at Villupuram, the *4Harijan community has lately started asserting itself. 1100A09 ^There have been clashes between them and caste Hindus and also 1110A09 Muslims. ^The *4peria (big) colony of the *4Harijans is adjacent to the 1120A09 busy bus stand and the vegetable and dry fish markets. ^They eke out 1130A09 a living by plying cycle *4rikshaws or working as *4hamals in the 1131A09 markets. 1140A09 ^One more avenue for making extra cash has been opened up by prohibition. 1150A09 ^The town people allege that the colony harbours some illicit distillers 1160A09 and bootleggers. $^The "incident" of July 23 would not have raised 1170A09 an eyebrow normally, it being taken for granted that taking liberties 1180A09 with a *4Harijan girl was one of the privileges of the "higher" castes. 1190A09 ^A young *4Harijan woman was teased by a tomato-seller. ^Five *4Harijan 1200A09 youths from the *4peria colony visited the house of the tomato merchant 1210A09 the same evening and allegedly beat up the man and his wife, not sparing 1220A09 their child. $*<*3economic noose*0*> $^On Monday, the entire 1221A09 mercantile 1230A09 community of caste Hindus and Muslims closed their shops. ^They would 1240A09 not open them, they said, unless the authorities took drastic action. 1250A09 ^The meaning of this becomes clear when one finds that a top civic official 1260A09 and some police officers are *4Harijans. ^The imputation is obvious. 1270A09 $^The *4hartal acted as an economic noose to the *4Harijans. ^Knowing 1280A09 too well that they would be starved into submission, the community 1290A09 leaders surrendered the five youths to the police on Monday evening and 1300A09 requested the merchants to_ call off the *4hartal and treat the incident 1310A09 as closed. $^At this stage, firm and imaginative action by the authorities 1320A09 could have nipped the trouble in the bud, say some of the citizens 1330A09 belonging to the "higher" castes. ^*Monday night was crucial and many 1331A09 *4Harijans 1340A09 told this correspondent that their huts were set on fire the same 1350A09 night. ^Apparently, retaliation followed the next day. ^According to 1360A09 the caste Hindu accounts, a drunken gang of *4Harijans descended on 1370A09 Naickenthope from the nearby *4peria colony and set fire to huts and shops 1380A09 using kerosene and *4arrack. $^Tuesday and Wednesday saw armed mobs 1390A09 on both sides clashing and setting fire to huts, houses and shops, the 1400A09 action mainly confined to the *4Harijan colony and the surrounding markets 1410A09 and caste Hindu residential areas. ^The hospital treated over 70 people 1420A09 for injuries. ^Apparently, the authorities were helpless. ^On Wednesday 1430A09 a Railway Protection Force (*(0RPF*)) patrolman noticed six 1440A09 bodies lying in a shallow pond on one side of the track, outside Marudoor 1450A09 hamlet, and three more bodies tied to a girder on the other side. ^Many 1460A09 people were aware of those bodies but apparently, not the police. ^For, 1470A09 it was only on Thursday morning that the police picked up the bodies 1480A09 and deposited them in the government hospital mortuary. $*<*3devastated 1490A09 colony*> $^From *4Harijan accounts, it would appear that these were 1500A09 of the people who rushed from the *4Peria colony to nearby Annanagar 1510A09 to_ aid their *4Harijan brethren under attack. ^But they seem to_ have 1520A09 been intercepted on the way and done to death. ^Six bodies were found 1530A09 with hands and feet tied. ^They were apparently tied to trees and beaten 1540A09 to death. ^One of the victims was a 12-year-old boy, Sakthi, who was 1550A09 said to_ have been carrying a firecracker. ^In the course of the day, three 1560A09 more bodies were recovered from near the arts college, two of them, 1570A09 one of a 35-year-old woman, had multiple injuries and burns. ^The third 1580A09 one, of a youth, bore evidence of having been strangled. $^On Thursday, 1590A09 the fourth day of rioting and *4hartal, the *4Harijan colony looked 1600A09 devastated and forlorn. ^It was almost deserted and only women and children 1610A09 and a few old men fearfully peeped out of some huts. ^Many of 1620A09 them were sobbing in an open place with a few belongings with them. ^They 1630A09 had not eaten for days. ^This correspondent did not find a single policeman 1640A09 or official in the *4Peria colony to_ give protection to the homeless 1650A09 and frightened families. $^It was only at the end of the gruesome 1660A09 week that ministers, officials, and more policemen along with a horde of 1670A09 politicians descended on Villupuram to_ organise a peace campaign. ^Officialdom 1680A09 claims that peace and goodwill have returned but the portents 1690A09 are otherwise. $^The Dalit Panther spirit has definitely trickled down 1700A09 south and it would be naive to_ expect the *4Harijan community to_ be 1710A09 cowed down by age-old "pacification" method. ^Many thoughtful observers 1720A09 here feel that only a brand new deal for the *4Harihans coupled with 1730A09 the giving up of superior attitudes by the other communities would ensure 1740A09 peace in future.*# **[no. of words = 01998**] **[txt. a10**] 0010A10 **<*3The same style again**> $*3^REPUBLIC DAY*0 observances 0020A10 in New Delhi underscore the main deficiency of the Janata Government. 0030A10 ^It does not lie in lack of cohesiveness; the Congress umbrella 0040A10 sheltered as wide a spectrum of viewpoints for a far longer period. ^Nor 0050A10 in a gulf between policymaking and achievement. ^To_ judge so soon is 0060A10 unfair. ^The fault stems from an inability to_ devise a style to_ match 0070A10 the role for which it was returned to office. $^Never has Republic Day 0080A10 been more meaningful. ^A year ago, it had been reduced to a farce. ^What 0090A10 was being celebrated was dynastic rule, as capricious and occasionally 0100A10 cruel as under the late Moghuls, under the cloak of constitutional authority. 0110A10 ^Today we are able to_ celebrate the return of constitutional government. 0120A10 ^Vindicated by a massive popular vote against the previous regime, 0130A10 its sanction further strengthened by the refusal of the electorate 0140A10 to_ be cowed by demonstrated ruthlessness. $^The Janata Party was the 0150A10 instrument of this unprecedented peaceful overthrow of authoritarianism. 0160A10 ^In spite of their diverse political origins, its leaders had realised 0170A10 that they would have to_ present an image that_ was not only diffrent 0180A10 to the authoritarian face of \0Mrs Gandhi*'s government but also to 0190A10 the elitist, callous, bureaucratic complexion that_ Congress had inherited 0200A10 from the British. ^They committed themselves to an essentially Gandhian, 0210A10 rural-oriented, decentralised approach to administration, 0211A10 personified 0220A10 by Jayaprakash Narayan. $^Thus the ballot-box revolution went beyond 0230A10 the rejection of \0Mrs Gandhi and her son. ^It also represented rejection 0240A10 of the western-cum-Soviet pattern of forced industrial development 0250A10 through maximisation of material wants, engineered by an elite that_ 0260A10 always claimed to_ know what was better for the masses than they themselves 0270A10 and felt it deserved very special privileges in return. $^The huge 0280A10 responsive crowd that_ turned out at the Republic Day parade showed 0290A10 that people were aware of the significance of the occasion, but there 0300A10 was no such sign from the government. ^Judging from the official arrangements, 0310A10 nothing had changed. ^President Sanjiva Reddy was conveyed to the 0320A10 saluting base in the same Victorian horse-drawn carriage in which 0321A10 the 0330A10 Viceroys drove down the very same road. ^He was escorted by the same glittering 0340A10 bodyguard and came from the same place in which they had lived 0350A10 (six months after it was reported that he would prefer to_ move into a less 0360A10 ostentatious residence in the grounds of *5Rashrapati Bhavan*6). 0370A10 $^As before, the President was welcomed by a 21-gun salute and the parade 0380A10 was dominated by the armed forces. ^Yet this was a day that_ commemorated 0390A10 a pledge taken 48 years before to_ attain independence by peaceful 0400A10 means, and the subsequent adoption of a Constitution assuring government 0410A10 by consent. $^In 1947, the absurdity had been overlooked by leaders anxious 0420A10 to_ take over power, complete with its colonial and bureaucratic 0430A10 trappings, from the British. ^Once the need for mass struggle was over, 0440A10 they had ignored Mahatma Gandhi, except when unable to_ quell the communal 0450A10 fires fanned by their own haste. ^The fires were controlled, though 0460A10 not extinguished, by his martyrdom, remembered four days after 0461A10 Republic 0470A10 Day. ^But now a government elected on a pledge to_ revive Gandhian values 0480A10 appears equally oblivious of the contradiction. $^It would have been 0490A10 far more fitting to_ organise a separate Armed Forces Day parade 0500A10 to_ recognise their services to the country. ^But for arms to_ dominate 0510A10 a day on which the nation commemorates non-violent revolution and constitutional 0520A10 government is as contradictory as the decision to use a gun carriage 0530A10 as Gandhiji*'s bier. $^The stereotyped style of the ceremonies 0540A10 could have been disregarded or minimised as at worst indicating a lack 0550A10 of sensitivity and imagination but for the typically bureaucratic tone 0560A10 of President Reddy*'s broadcast on the eve of Repubblic Day. ^In contrast 0570A10 to the non-partisan mediatory style of his previous broadcasts, 0580A10 the language used this time was reminiscent of some of the phrases used 0590A10 during the emergency. $^Take these excerpts: "*_^Some frustrated and 0600A10 desperate elements in our society are determined to_ scuttle the principles 0610A10 of our democratic way of life and destroy the very fabric of our 0620A10 secular society. ^No one should be permitted to_ drag each and every issue 0630A10 to the streets, excite dormant passions, advocate disrespect for law 0640A10 and order and incite violence. ^Let not a few misguided and disgruntled 0650A10 sections of society imagine that they can hold the rest of us law abiding 0660A10 citizens to ransom. ^Swift and stern action will be taken against anyone 0670A10 acting in a manner prejudicial to the national interest..." $^Such 0671A10 phrases 0680A10 have been used repeatedly to_ justify suppression of democratic rights 0690A10 and liberties. ^They are vague enough to_ provide the administration 0700A10 with an excuse to_ put down any inconvenient agitation whether legitimate 0710A10 or otherwise. ^Presumably, the immediate provocation is the incendiary 0720A10 tone of \0Mrs Gandhi*'s speeches and threats of terrorism. ^But 0730A10 if this provokes the Government into hasty counter-action, they will only 0740A10 be playing into her hands, as they did when her arrest was bungled. 0750A10 $^The risk of waiting until criminal charges can be established against 0760A10 someone sponsoring agitation against the Government is the price a democracy 0770A10 pays to_ guard against the bigger risk of misuse of executive power. 0780A10 ^In any case, to_ suggest that the Congress splinter that_ has followed 0790A10 \0Mrs Gandhi*'s desperate recourse to adventurism is significant 0800A10 enough to_ pose a major threat is premature. ^No one with any knowledge 0810A10 of the Mahatma will take her move to_ exploit his name in her campaign 0820A10 against the Janata Party without evidence of sincere realisation of 0830A10 and regret for the far more serious crimes against minority groups committed 0840A10 under her rule. $^Another passage in \0Mr Reddy*'s broadeast is 0850A10 more disquieting, since it suggests a reversion to the iron frame civil 0860A10 service mentality. ^It reads: "*_^Not even during the times of Ashoka 0870A10 nor Akbar was India politically one. ^To our good fortune, the Britishers 0880A10 with their might and skill moulded us into one large political entity." 0890A10 ^Apart from being of doubtful historical validity and overlooking 0900A10 the trauma of partition, this hardly fits in with the content of the 0910A10 *5Purna Swaraj*6 pledge taken on January 26, 1930, that_ Republic 0911A10 Day 0920A10 also commemorates. ^The central point of that_ was that British rule 0930A10 had impoverished every aspect of Indian life. $^To_ assert the opposite 0940A10 today suggests that whoever drafted the President*'s broadcast has 0950A10 returned to the colonial concept of government as a machinery to_ maintain 0960A10 law and order and the *8status quo*9 by whatever means possible, whether 0970A10 the people like it or not. ^It is hard to_ understand how a Janata 0980A10 Government could have allowed this to_ go through. **<*3Modern feudalism*0**> 0990A10 $*3^SOME*0 ten miles south of New Delhi lies an extensive 1000A10 tract of land developed over the years as gentleman*'s farms for some of 1010A10 the most influential people in the capital. ^Among them are industrialists, 1020A10 senior civil and military officers, ex-ministers and \0Mrs 1021A10 Gandhi. 1030A10 $^The modern houses, carefully tended fields and wide range of produce 1040A10 suggest that these must be model farmers. ^But this attitude does not 1050A10 extend to labour relations. ^In fact, many of the landowners have used 1060A10 their \0VIP status and proximity to power to_ evade labour laws and 1070A10 terrorise workers claiming minimum wages and other rights guaranteed 1080A10 under the law. $^The police and district administration have tended to_ 1090A10 ignore breaches of the law by the landowners, but come down heavily against 1100A10 workers attempting to_ protest against their conditions of work. ^The 1110A10 rare official who has tried to_ execute the law fairly has usually found 1120A10 himself transferred. $^A stark first-hand account of how impoverished 1130A10 migrant workers in search of work and poorer residents of the area 1140A10 have been exploited with the connivance of local officials is given in 1150A10 "Reason wounded" by Primila Lewis. ^The book is subtitled "An experience 1160A10 of India*'s emergency". \0^*Mrs Lewis had broken no law and no official 1170A10 action could be taken against her until \0MISA became available 1180A10 under emergency conditions. ^Then she was detained for 18 months. 1190A10 ^This is another instance of the kind of use made of the emergency that_ 1200A10 \0Mrs Gandhi is now trying to_ whitewash. $\0^*Mrs Lewis*'s 1201A10 account 1210A10 of conditions in the Mehrauli area is of the pre-emergency period. 1220A10 ^The rest of the book recounts her experiences in jail. ^We will have 1230A10 to_ await her next book to_ know whether the Janata Government has made 1240A10 any difference. ^But the interlocking attitudes and interests of the 1250A10 big landowners and the bureaucracy make it unlikely. ^Nor is there any reason 1260A10 to_ believe that conditions are better elsewhere. ^But it is particularly 1270A10 shocking to_ find them within sight of *5Rashtrapati Bhavan*6 1280A10 $"^*Reason wounded" tells the story of how \0Mrs Lewis and a woman 1290A10 colleague (who was also imprisoned during the emergency) tried to_ organise 1300A10 migrant farm workers to_ demand their rights. ^It is a graphic account 1310A10 of what it feels to_ be on the other side, to_ have the entire ruling 1320A10 establishmant ranged against you. ^This included the local village elders 1330A10 who were equally opposed to anything that_ might make *4Harijans 1331A10 and 1340A10 other oppressed groups question their lot. $^When the police were not available, 1350A10 *4goondas were employed. \0^*Mrs Lewis was herself beaten up-- 1360A10 kicked so hard that three ribs were broken. ^Yet the book is not an account 1370A10 of defeat. ^The Dehat Mazdoor Union was registered. ^Some landowners 1380A10 were obliged to_ pay workers their dues. ^The union was gathering 1390A10 strength when the emergency provided a cover to_ jail its organisers. $^But 1400A10 the book also describes how difficult it is to_ organise men to whom 1410A10 the loss of jobs means starvation, and with plenty more like them available 1420A10 for employment under the worst of conditions. ^They know nothing 1430A10 about the Minimum Wages Act and other labour legislation. ^Even if they 1440A10 find out the procedures and expenses are beyond them, unless helped 1450A10 from outside. $^One of the union*'s failures recounted in the book concerns 1460A10 the effort to_ secure compensation for a young Nepali employed on a 1470A10 stud farm who was kicked by a horse so badly that he could neither walk 1480A10 nor see nor hear properly thereafter. ^His employer, a retired General, 1490A10 had paid him nothing after the accident. $^According to legal advice, 1500A10 not only could compensation be claimed but overall improvements demanded 1510A10 under the Industrial Disputes Act, the Delhi Shops and Establishments 1520A10 Act and the Workmen*'s Compensation Act. ^Other workers threatened 1530A10 to_ strike. ^But the General was ultimataly able to_ cow them down 1540A10 with police assistance. $^The union was more successful in securing payment 1550A10 of dues owed to workers dismissed without notice. \0^*Mrs Lewis describes 1560A10 the process: $"^As soon as an employee presented his claim or the 1570A10 union sent a letter to the *4malik, the wheels went into action. ^First 1580A10 the worker would be threatened with jail or worse if he did not leave the 1590A10 premises at once. ^If threats failed, they would send *4goowdas or 1591A10 the 1600A10 police, although the latter had to_ move more cautiously now. ^Those who 1610A10 succumbed at this stage were forced to_ sign or, as most of them were 1620A10 illiterate, to_ put a thumbprint on a blank sheet of paper or under a notice 1630A10 saying that all their accounts had been settled and they were leaving 1640A10 the farm of their own accord. ^Where these tactics failed as well, 1650A10 we won. $"^It took a lot of courage to_ stand up to these threats and this 1660A10 intimidation from the combined might of the Indian elite and its police-cum-*4goonda 1670A10 force. ^Facing them was the *5Purabiya Bhayya*6 gentle, 1680A10 simple, illiterate, timid, and often terrified, but goaded on by a 1690A10 glimmer of new light, hope, and understanding." $^Even limited success was 1700A10 catching, especially after the union was able to_ secure ration cards 1710A10 for all its members. ^They were helped by a sympathetic senior official 1720A10 who told them that rations supplied in the names of migrant labour were 1730A10 being siphoned off into the black market. ^Even so, a demonstration had 1740A10 to_ be organised before the ration office before cards were issued. $^Workers 1750A10 in stone quarries, brick kilns and small factories in the vicinity 1760A10 began to_ stir. ^But this antagonised more influential people. ^Pressures 1770A10 began to_ mount, the police and local officials turned attacks on union 1780A10 workers into charges against them.*# **[no. of words = 02015**] **[txt. a11**] 0010A11 **<*3Rural Scene Woodpickers of Girnar*0**> $*3^LEOPARDS*0, wild 0020A11 boars, stag, deer, fox and lions abound in the thick forests of the Gir 0030A11 mountains in Junagadh district, Gujarat. ^But undaunted, many women visit 0040A11 the forests regularly with a small axe, some food (usually left-overs 0050A11 of the previqus night) and an old tin water can. ^Generally they walk 0060A11 three to four miles deep into the forests. ^When they reach their destination, 0070A11 they hang their food packets on tree branches and get down to the 0080A11 work of cutting dry branches. ^Periodically they shout to_ keep track 0090A11 of others on the same errand. $^As the sun gets hotter they gather together 0100A11 and sit in the shade for lunch. ^In the evening the women come back 0110A11 with a load of wood on their heads to_ be sold in the towns. $^They are 0120A11 strictly prohibited to_ cut the *5sisam sag*6 timber or green trees. 0130A11 ^If caught with any of these, the checking inspector at the toll station 0140A11 seizes their axe which will be returned only when the fine is paid in 0150A11 cash. ^The inspector fixes the fine by the length of the log cut illegally. 0160A11 $^According to a recent survey, 58 per cent of the women are accidentally 0170A11 hurt by the axe sometime or the other, and 10 per cent bitten by 0180A11 wild animals while at work. ^In case of injury, they usually apply fine 0190A11 dust or tobacco powder which they carry for chewing. ^The average monthly 0200A11 income of the women is around \0Rs. 120, the earnings being higher 0210A11 from March to May. ^They do this strenuous and risky work because it would 0220A11 be difficult to_ make both ends meet if they relied solely on the income 0230A11 of the male members. $^Seven per cent of the women engaged in firewood 0240A11 collecting borrow money from money lenders and one per cent from banks. 0250A11 ^Ninetynine per cent do not own any agricultural land. ^50 per cent 0260A11 live in their own houses, while 46 per cent live in rented houses. ^While 0270A11 26 per cent use firewood and dung cakes only for fuel purposes, 74 per 0280A11 cent use kerosene also. ^Ninetyseven per cent of them do not care about 0290A11 family planning; only 2 per cent have undergone tubectomy. $^To_ ameliorate 0300A11 the plight of these women, the self-employed Women*'s Association 0310A11 (\0SEWA) has decided to_ form an organisation of their own. 0320A11 ^*Manjula, an educated girl of the wood-cutter community, is being trained 0330A11 in Ahmedabad for this purpose. $\0^SEWA* has also drawn up a programme 0340A11 for constructive forestry in Girnar. ^If taken up seriously, 0350A11 it will prove to_ be a boon to the people of Junagadh. 0360A11 **<*3Why they go to towns**> $*3^A STUDY*0 based on data from forty 0370A11 Indian villages has shown that the majority of migrants from villages 0380A11 to towns and cities are adult males, married and on balance educationally 0390A11 more advanced than their fellow villagers. ^It has also revealed that 0400A11 while the unequal distribution of resources in the village is a key factor 0410A11 in inducing migration, it is not necessarily the landless or the poorest 0420A11 who migrate. $^The study conducted by \0Mr Bilap Dasgupta, a noted 0430A11 economist, forms one of the chapters in a recently published book 0440A11 entitled 'Village studies in the third world.' ^The object of the study 0450A11 was to_ find anwers to two main questions-- one, which social, economic 0460A11 and demographic factors in village life are associated with migratory 0470A11 movements, and two, who are the migrants? $^The village-level data collected 0480A11 by the author have been used in two ways. ^Firstly it focuses attention 0490A11 on the differences between villages in terms of migration and other 0500A11 socio-economic variables; and secondly, it pools together information 0510A11 on individual migrants for several villages in order to_ identify the migrant 0520A11 population. $^The forty villages covered by the study are in Uttar 0530A11 Pradesh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, 0540A11 Gujarat and Rajasthan. ^The maximum number of villages covered is 0550A11 in Gujarat (9), followed by Uttar Pradesh (8), Himachal Pradesh has 0560A11 the least number of villages covered (3). $^According to the study, within 0570A11 the migrant group, the majority belong to two opposite ends of the 0580A11 educational scale-- illiterates and those with secondary or higher education. 0590A11 ^Occupation-wise the majority of working migrants comes from self-employed 0600A11 agriculturist and non-agriculturist households, while the agricultural 0610A11 labour households contributed only 5.4 per cent-- a much smaller 0620A11 proportion than in non-migrant households. ^Data on caste are scanty 0630A11 and do not suggest any caste-selectivity of migration, although defferent 0640A11 caste groups work in different types of occupation after migrating. 0650A11 $^Investigation on village characteristics associated with migration shows 0660A11 that both village-base and urban-relations are two factors which induce 0670A11 migration. ^Among the village-base factors, the following are major ones-- 0680A11 land-shortage, low fertility of land, skewed distribution of land, 0690A11 and the resulting high proportion of landless agicultural workers. $^The 0700A11 two major urban-relations factors are commercialisation of agriculture, 0710A11 and the percentage of land under main cash crop, followed by access 0720A11 to towns. $^The village with high rates of migration is characterised 0730A11 by a pattern of unequal resource distribution. ^Such a typical village 0740A11 consists of a relatively commercialised agricultural base with a 0741A11 well-developed pattern of interaction with 0750A11 a wider economic network. ^Land distribution between the village households 0760A11 is particularly unequal, thus implying a concentration in the returns 0770A11 to agriculture to a few, relatively prosperous households. $^The study 0780A11 says that such a diversified village structure produces a dualistic 0790A11 pattern of migration, consisting of both younger sons of prosperous farmers, 0800A11 well-educated and migrating to_ secure urban employment, and of 0810A11 various family members from the labour classes moving to other rural areas, 0820A11 or to low paid insecure and marginal urban employment. ^The cause of 0830A11 such migration lies in intra-rural inequality. ^Both the accumulation 0840A11 of surplus by the rich and the poverty of the landless result in the situations 0850A11 where rural development opportunities are limited in large migration. 0860A11 $^Some migrants leave the village permanently; some for short periods 0870A11 with the objective of accumulating some savings in the town and then 0880A11 returning home; some during off-seasons in agriculture migrate just 0890A11 for a change of atmosphere and incidentally earning a little ready cash. 0900A11 ^Seasonal migration is not possible unless work is available in their 0910A11 destinations. ^If there is a prosperous town nearby and a few miles away, 0920A11 people commute to the town returning home after work every evening. $^The 0930A11 study further says that many of those going to the city during famine 0940A11 or riots intend to_ return to their villages with the restoration of 0950A11 normal conditions, but not all of them manage to_ do so. ^Similarly many 0960A11 of those who intend to_ permanently migrate to the city actually return 0970A11 when they fail to_ get jobs or find life in the city unattractive. $^Who 0980A11 leaves the village, to which destination, and for how long, depends 0990A11 a great deal on whether the migration is in response to recruitment 0991A11 drive by 1000A11 employers outside the village such as factories, mines and plantations; 1010A11 whether the migration is organised or involuntary, and whether it is related 1020A11 to perceived variation between economic opportunities in the village 1030A11 and outside the village. $^Lastly, there are cases of households maintaining 1040A11 two establishments, one in the village and the other in the town. 1050A11 ^Often the individual members of these two establishments change over 1060A11 time. ^The working members in the town return to the village after a few 1070A11 years when their places are taken up by other members. ^On the other 1080A11 hand, there are cases where the individual migrating member severs the link 1090A11 with his household and the village and sets up his own household in 1100A11 the town. ^The relationship between the migrant and his family in the village 1110A11 thus fluctuates very often. 1120A11 $**<*3Participation yes, but no populism*0**> $*3^IN*0 India popular 1130A11 participation at the village level has been known throughout the ages. 1140A11 ^It was effected through the village *4panchayats. ^After Independence 1150A11 in 1947, however, the search for a systematic approach in this respect started. 1160A11 ^The recommendations of the Balwant Rai Mehta Committee in 1170A11 1959 gave the search a further impetus and the three-tier hierarchical system-- 1180A11 *4panchayat, *(Block Samiti*) and *5zila parishad*6-- was 1181A11 introduced 1190A11 in the country. $^These institutions were designed to_ be a live forum 1200A11 of elected representatives, which would reflect the problems, needs and 1210A11 aspirations of the people to the bureaucratic system of administration. 1220A11 ^The role assigned to *4panchayats was, however, limited, which seemed 1230A11 inevitable with the increase in the State*'s regulatory powers and 1240A11 functions. ^Party politics in a largely illiterate, caste-ridden country, 1250A11 made matters worse. ^With little power and resources and training and 1260A11 still less expertise, the *4panchayats became a shadow or caricature of 1270A11 what they were supposed to_ be. $^At the *(Block Samiti*) and 1271A11 *5zila Parishad*6 levels 1280A11 the inherent contradictions and conflicts with the bureaucracy 1290A11 added to the mess. ^State politics intruded directly into their 1300A11 affairs. ^Even in some states like Maharashtra, where the resources available 1310A11 were larger and there was a clear-cut demarcation of the role 1320A11 of the bureaucracy, the institutions by and large floundered owing to the 1330A11 conflict of personalities, interests and ideologies. $^Today popular 1340A11 participation is a bogey to administrative circles and an obsession for 1350A11 the politicians-- at least from the appearance. ^Caught between these pulls, 1360A11 the system has been in suspended animation in some states and a purposeless 1370A11 exercise in other states. $^An analysis of the malady afflicting 1380A11 the system is necessary before any remedial measures can be suggested. 1390A11 ^For this purpose it is essential to_ understand the meaning and nature 1400A11 of popular participation in rural development and administration. ^Raising 1410A11 the income, productivity and consumption levels, improving the educational 1420A11 and health standards, enrichment of the social and cultural life, 1430A11 awakening the civic consciousness of the people, and strengthening 1440A11 the democratic institutions. ^All these fall within the broad spectrum 1450A11 of development. ^Thus the area of people*'s 1460A11 participation could include the formulation of a suitable strategy to_ 1470A11 achieve these objectives: the preparation of projects, mobilisation 1480A11 and allocation of resources and finally, the implementation. ^A regular 1490A11 review and evaluation of the programmes should also be provided for. $^Obviously, 1500A11 popular participation in all these spheres is neither feasible 1510A11 nor desirable. ^So, it would be necessary to_ identify the areas where 1520A11 it is possible. ^The extent of participation should also be spelt out 1530A11 early enough. $^This selective participation cannot take place in a political 1540A11 or administrative vacuum. ^It depends on the level of political 1550A11 and social awareness and administrative factors. ^The Indian village-group 1560A11 is not a Swiss canton where the sense of responsibility is greater 1570A11 than the sense of rights. ^It is not a British County where the roots 1580A11 of democratic behaviour are almost as old as civil administration. ^While 1590A11 popular participation at Central and State levels has thrown up 1600A11 people with the requisite intelligence and vision, it is a different story 1610A11 at the disirict and *4tehsil levels. ^Things are still worse at the local 1620A11 *4panchayats. $^It is also at these grassroots that the machinery 1621A11 of 1630A11 administration is at its weakest. ^And paradoxically, it is here that the 1640A11 need as well as the opportunity for popular involvement is the greatest. 1650A11 $^There is an inherent imcompatability in popular control and administrative 1660A11 autonomy, but the inevitability of the former in a democratic 1670A11 system must be understood. ^Popular pressures cannot be wished away; they 1680A11 act not only as brakes but also as steering wheel and the accelerator. 1690A11 ^Admixture of politics with administration is thus a fact of life. $^On 1700A11 the other hand, the dangers of populism are too many and too real to_ 1710A11 be ignored while talking of popular participation. ^If unchecked it could 1720A11 usurp the role of developmental administration and make the administrator 1730A11 ineffective. ^These limitations of popular participation were 1740A11 often overlooked in our anxiety to_ go the whole hog everywhere-- we created 1750A11 a parallel administration, the *5Zila Parishad*6, at the district 1751A11 level, 1760A11 in the process of weakening both the administration and real participation 1770A11 of the community. ^We did not provide for education or training, 1780A11 so necessary for building competence and character. ^We devalued the 1790A11 local unit of *4panchayat and made it too small, weak, resourceless and 1800A11 personalised. ^In short, we made the entire system dependent on compromise. 1810A11 $^*I will now proceed to_ identify the possible areas as well as the 1820A11 limits of popular participation.*# **[no. of words = 02017**] **[txt. a12**] 0010A12 **<*33 Die in Akali-Police Clash $in Delhi: Curfew Imposed*0**> $^Three 0020A12 persons, including a police constable, were killed and 50 policemen 0030A12 and 40 Akali demonstrators injured in pitched battles between the demonstrators 0040A12 and the police here today. $^The Police Commissioner of 0050A12 Delhi today imposed curfew for 16 hours in areas around Parliament House 0060A12 and the venue of the Nirankari convention near the India Gate. ^The 0070A12 curfew will last till 8 \0a.m. tomorrow. $^The situation in the tension-ridden 0080A12 areas was under control late to-night, a police spokesman said. 0090A12 $^The Akali-Police battle was triggered by the Akali attempt to_ 0100A12 stage a demonstration against the holding of a three-day Nirankari convention 0110A12 which began here yesterday. $^The Police Commissioner, \0Mr. 0120A12 *(J. N.*) Chaturvedi, told newsmen that police fired 29 rounds at four 0130A12 places to_ prevent sword-wielding Akalis from reaching the site of the 0140A12 Nirankari conference. $"^The police fired to_ save constables from being 0150A12 butchered with swords by Akalis," he said. $^The Deputy Commissioner 0160A12 of Police, \0Mr. Kulbir Singh, said most of the firing was in 0170A12 the air. $\0^*Mr. Chaturvedi said, of the three dead, one was a Delhi 0180A12 police driver Darshan Singh, who was killed in heavy stoning at the 0190A12 Baba Kharak Singh Marg near the Banglasaheb Gurudwara, where the day*'s 0200A12 troubles started. $^*Akali (rebel) group leader Avtar Singh 0201A12 Kohli 0210A12 died of cardiac arrest following suffocation from tear-gas. ^The third 0220A12 victim was an unidentified teenager who had bullet injuries. $\0^*Mr. 0230A12 Chaturvedi said three companies of \0BSF (about 300) and 20 companies 0240A12 of the Central Reserve Police force had been deployed to_ protect 0250A12 vital installations like All India Radio in the city. $^He said 0260A12 that 339 rounds of tear-gas were fired and 317 persons, including 48 women, 0270A12 arrested. $*<*3ban order*> $\0^*Mr. Chaturvedi said that orders banning 0280A12 carrying of weapons and assembly of five or more persons had been 0290A12 promulgated throughout the city for a week. $^This would, however, not 0300A12 affect the Nirankari conference which had been allowed special permission. 0310A12 $^The Police Deputy Commissioner, \0Mrs. Kiran Bedi, and three 0320A12 Assistant Commissioners were among the injured. $^Seven vehicles-- 0330A12 four buses, had been destroyed in the incidents of arson. ^Thirteen vehicles-- 0340A12 eight buses, three police trucks and two jail vans-- were damaged 0350A12 in brick-batting. ^The Andhra Pradesh guest house was also damaged. 0360A12 $\0^*Mr. Chaturvedi has sanctioned an *8ex-gratia*9 payment of \0Rs. 0361A12 5,000 0370A12 to the family of Darshan Singh. $^The organisers of the demonstration 0380A12 alleged that \0Mr. Kohli had died after he was taken into custody and 0390A12 tear-gas shells were fired into a vehicle in which he was being taken. 0400A12 $\0^*Mr. *(0N. K.*) Singhal, Additional Commissioner of Police (Range), 0410A12 said \0Mr. Kohli had not been taken into custody and according 0420A12 to their information, he was rushed to a hospital by his own people. ^He 0430A12 denied that police had fired any tear-gas shells into any vehicle. $^The 0440A12 police driver, who died in the hospital was stabbed in his stomach with 0450A12 a full length sword. ^A number of constables had also received sword 0460A12 injuries, he said. $^Six policemen were brought to the Lohia Hospital 0470A12 in a serious condition. $^The Deputy Commissioner of Police (\0CID), 0480A12 \0Mr. \0S. Sundararajan, was attacked by a demonstrator with 0490A12 a screw driver. ^He, however, managed to_ snatch it. $^A traffic police 0500A12 sub-inspector whose motor-cycle was damaged was attacked by a young demonstrator 0510A12 with a sword. $^The demonstrators raised anti-Prime Minister 0520A12 and anti-Nirankari slogans. $^The demonstrators also burnt an effigy of 0530A12 Baba Gurbachan Singh, head of the Nirankari mission, at Windsor 0540A12 Place round-about in New Delhi. $^However, unmindful of the violent 0541A12 incidents, 0550A12 the Nirankari convention continued on the second day with a large 0560A12 number of people seeking entry into the ground. $^It is estimated that 0570A12 about two *4lakh persons, including some delegates from abroad, are 0571A12 participating 0580A12 in the convention. $^A spokesman of the Nirankari Mandal saaid 0590A12 the main aim of the convention is to_ discuss spirirual issues, unity 0600A12 and brotherhood of mankind. $^The trouble began shortly before noon 0610A12 when the Akalis, after a congregation at the Gurudwara, decided to_ send 0620A12 groups to_ court arrest at Windsor Place by defying the prohibitory 0630A12 orders enforced around the conference area. $^As members of the first 0640A12 *4jatha, led by the Delhi Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee president \0Mr. 0650A12 Jaswant Singh Sethi, was taken into the waiting police van, a crowd 0660A12 of supporters tried to_ break through the police cordon to_ move towards 0670A12 the conference site. $^*Akalis poured into Windsor Place in 0671A12 waves, 0680A12 broke through the police cordon and headed towards the conference site 0690A12 along two roads. $^Pitched battles ensued as the police tried to_ stop 0700A12 the groups at different points. ^The Akalis set fire to buses along Ashoka 0710A12 Road near the *4Gurudwara. $^One group allegedly tried to_ 0720A12 set fire to the post office but were foiled by the \0CRP personnel. 0730A12 $^Many Akalis reassembled at the Gurdwara premises and threw stones 0740A12 at the \0CRP unit stationed nearby with stones. $^The \0CRP 0750A12 personnel retaliated by bursting tear-gas shells and the two sides fought 0760A12 a running battle, which continued till nightfall. $^Newsmen covering 0770A12 the Akali demonstration were threatened and accused of being pro-Nirankari. 0780A12 $^A photographer of "The Tribune" from Chandigarh was injured 0790A12 by some young Sikhs and his equipment snatched away, at the Bangla 0800A12 Saheb Gurudwara. $^Another reporter from a local daily was asked not 0810A12 to_ smoke near the processionists. $^*Giani Amer Singh, Secretary of 0820A12 the Shiromani Akali Dal, Amritsar, now here, demanded a judicial probe 0830A12 into the death of \0Mr. Kohli. 0840A12 $**<*390 Perish in $Nilgiris Rain: $Ooty Town Hit**> $^At least 0850A12 90 persons perished in landslips, house collapses and floods in Ooty town 0860A12 and suburbs following non-stop rain that_ lashed the blue mountains from 0870A12 last night, taking the monsoon toll in Tamil Nadu well beyond 100. 0880A12 $^The State Information Minister, \0Mr. *(0R. M.*) Veerappan, told 0890A12 newsmen this evening that according to reports reaching the headquarters 0900A12 here 90 bodies had been recovered so far. ^Among those killed was a 0910A12 woman doctor whose house collapsed during the night. $^Also killed in a 0920A12 building collapse were eight members of a school excursion party from Jaipur, 0930A12 Rajasthan. ^The 60-member group was trapped when a lodge caved 0940A12 in during the night. ^Among the eight killed were five students and two 0950A12 teachers. ^There were in all 37 students. ^The Rajasthan Government has 0960A12 been informed of the safety of the rest of the party. $^Twenty-four 0970A12 persons were killed on the spot when mounds of earth smothered a few huts 0980A12 in Ketti, six \0km. from Ooty. ^They were asleep at the time. $^The 0990A12 destruction in Ooty and nearby areas was caused by the deep depression 1000A12 which, after crossing Cuddalore yesterday morning, travelled westwards 1010A12 and merged into the Arabian Sea off the north Kerala-Karnataka coast. 1020A12 ^It lay as a depression, centred at 8-30 \0a.m. to-day about 100 1030A12 \0km. west-south-west of Calicut. ^It is likely to_ intensify further 1040A12 and move away in a west-north-westerly direction. $^It brought heavy rain 1050A12 and misery to the population in a wide area. $^The system is likely to_ 1060A12 cause widespread rain with scattered heavy fall in the districts of Norht 1070A12 Arcot, Dharmapuri, Salem, Coimbatore, Nilgiris, Tiruchi and 1080A12 Madurai during the next two days. ^Fairly widespread rain with isolated 1090A12 heavy falls is likely in the remaining districts of Tamil Nadu and in 1100A12 Pondicherry. $*<*3Flood Warning $to Tiruchi Town*> $^Flood warning 1110A12 has been issued to Tiruchi town. ^Flood waters entered Bhavani town 1120A12 last night but receded by this afternoon. $^The Army has been alerted 1121A12 to_ stand by to_ help the 1130A12 civil authorities in Tiruchirapalli and Thanjavur districts and in Pondicherry. 1140A12 $^In response to a request from the State Government, Major 1150A12 General *(0S. P.*) Mahadevan, \0GOC-in-Chief, Andhra, Tamil 1160A12 Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala, directed the deployment of a task force 1170A12 of *4jawans from the Madras Regimental College in Ooty to_ help 1180A12 restore communication between Coonoor and Ooty. $^The Government has 1190A12 deputed \0Mr. *(0K. S.*) Sivasubramanian, \0IAS, member, Board 1200A12 of Revenue, to the Nilgiris to_ take charge of relief operations. 1210A12 ^He left for Ooty to-night. $\0^*Mr. Manoharan, contacted the Agriculture 1220A12 Minister, \0Mr. \0P. Kolandaivelu and the Co-operation Minister, 1230A12 \0Mr. *(0K. A.*) Krishnaswamy, camping at Udumalpet, and asked 1240A12 them to_ rush to Ooty. $^The Finance Minister announced an *8ex-gratia*9 1250A12 payment of \0Rs. 1,000 each to the families of the persons 1251A12 killed in 1260A12 the Nilgiris district. ^Similar relief will also go to the families of 1270A12 six persons who died in house collapses in Thanjavur district. $^In 1280A12 a statement, \0Mr. Manoharan expressed shock at the tragedy and conveyed 1290A12 sympathies to the bereaved families on behalf of the Chief Minister, 1300A12 \0Mr. *(0M. G.*) Ramachandran. $^The Governor, \0Mr. Prabhudas 1310A12 Patwari, has in a message expressed sympathy with the families of those 1320A12 who lost their lives in the rains in Tamil Nadu. $^Among the centres 1330A12 which received heavy rainfall during 24 hours ending 8-30 \0a.m. to-day 1340A12 were Ooty 33 \0cms, Sathyamangalam 25 \0cms, Coonoor 16 \0cms, Namakkal 1350A12 13 \0cms, Salem and Kodaikanal 10 \0cms each, Meenambakkam, 1351A12 Dharmapuri, 1360A12 Coimbatore, Tiruchi and Kumbakonam 7 \0cms each, Nungambakkam 1370A12 and Mannargudi 6 \0cms each and Parangipettai, Tiruchi airport 1380A12 and Vedaranyam 5 \0cms each. $^Our Staff Reporter writes from Ooty: 1390A12 $^The overnight rain in the Nilgiris left a toll of 74 dead in house collapses 1400A12 and landslips in Ooty and its suburbs and 12 in flash floods near 1410A12 Kotagiri. ^Twentyfour others were reported missing. ^With \0Dr. (\0Miss) 1420A12 Satiabhama, 28, a Civil Assistant Surgeon, died a 1421A12 19-year-old 1430A12 girl when their house collapsed. $^The Coonoor-Ootacamund area received 1440A12 between 45 and 60 \0cm of rain in 24 hours which caused all the havoc, 1450A12 an official spokesman said. $^According to latest reports, rain water 1460A12 gushed into a warehousing godown of the Hindustan Photo Films, causing 1470A12 damage to imported film rolls. ^According to an official of the \0HPF, 1480A12 the extent of damage could be considerable. ^He said they were 1490A12 engaged in draining out water from the godown. $^Landslips were reported 1500A12 to_ be heavy in Manthada in Ketti. 1510A12 $**<*3Bombay *4Bandh Turns Violent 300 \0BEST Buses Damaged**> 1520A12 $^The one-day Bombay *4bandh called by the Congress (\0I), 1521A12 Congress, 1530A12 the Shiv Sena and the Republican Party (Ghavai Group) to_ protest 1540A12 against the *5Lok Sabha*6 action against \0Mrs. Indira Gandhi, was 1550A12 marked by violent incidents and arson. $^The sponsors of the *4bandh 1551A12 gave 1560A12 an assurance yesterday that it would be peaceful but the incidents which 1570A12 took place to-day particularly in North Bombay belied that_ statement. 1580A12 $^Two \0BEST buses were set on fire, one at Santa Cruz (West) 1590A12 and another near Kurla. ^The miscreants also attempted to_ set fire to 1600A12 a milk van near Lamington Road police station in Central Bombay and 1610A12 another near Haffkine Institute. $^A spokesman of the \0BEST undertaking 1620A12 said that more than 300 buses had been damaged. $^Two private 1630A12 cars were damaged near Bandra and three cars were overturned in the vicinity 1640A12 of Shiv Sena Bhavan at Dadar. $^As the 17-hour *4bandh ended 1641A12 at 1650A12 5 \0p.m. the city became normal, all shops reopened, all buses were on 1660A12 the road though taxis were conspicuous by their absence. $^A police official 1670A12 said that there were 47 incidents in the city and two inspectors 1680A12 received injuries. $^A first class compartment of a stationary train at 1690A12 Elphinston Road (a suburban station on the Western Railway) was set 1700A12 on fire by hooligans early this morning. ^The fire was put out. $^From 1710A12 the early hours of this morning miscreants began to_ place stones as barricades 1720A12 at important junctions. ^Such barricades on the Western Express 1730A12 highway prevented cars from reaching Santa Cruz airport. ^Those who 1740A12 attempted to_ remove the blockade were subject to a fusillade of stone-throwing. 1750A12 $^With the break of dawn stone-throwing was intensified at key 1760A12 points from Shivaji Park to Mahim. ^Not a car was spared. ^Roads were 1770A12 littered with broken glass pieces. ^Many of the unfortunate victims 1780A12 were air passengers hurrying to_ catch early morning flights. $^Taxis were 1790A12 off the road from early morning. \0^*BEST buses stopped plying 1800A12 in North Bombay, where stone-throwing was heavy. ^Only in South Bombay 1810A12 buses were seen moving under police escort. $^Many of the passengers 1820A12 who came from foreign countries were stranded at the airport because ofthe 1830A12 non-availability of transport. ^They could not get accommodation in 1840A12 the nearby Tourist Corporation Hotel which had been booked heavily last 1850A12 night itself.*# **[no. of words = 02005**] **[txt. a13**] 0010A13 **<*35 Buried Alive $under Garbage**> $^Five people were killed and 0020A13 another was injured when a garbage heap, about 20 feet high, collapsed 0030A13 at the Kadapara dumping ground in the Phulbagan *4thana area on 0031A13 Monday 0040A13 afternoon. ^One workman was reported to_ be missing. $^The bodies of four 0050A13 men and one woman were taken to the Nilratan Sircar Hospital. ^Among 0060A13 the dead were Santosh Bera (22), Ratik (22), Kashi Nath Panja 0070A13 (18). ^The bodies of a 20-year-old worker and the 50-year-old woman could 0080A13 not be identified. $^*Prabhas Chandra Doloi (17) said in hospital that 0090A13 10 of the workmen were cutting through the garbage heap which had already 0100A13 turned into soil. ^A lorry was being filled up with the garbage. 0110A13 ^Suddenly, the heap collapsed, and Prabhas, who was standing in front of 0120A13 the lorry, was covered with soil. ^He, however, extricated one of his 0130A13 hands and waved for help. $^Some people saw it and started the rescue 0140A13 operations. ^About an hour after the accident, the police, the Fire Brigade 0150A13 personnel of the Civil Emergency Mobile Force and some other 0160A13 people were busy digging for the garbage victims. $^*Biswanath Das and 0170A13 Sambhu Nath Sau, two local residents who claimed to_ have started the 0180A13 rescue work, said that the lorry was probably moving in reverse gear towards 0190A13 the diggers. ^In the process, it hit the heap which collapsed, engulfing 0200A13 the workers sitting near the cavity made by the cutting. ^Some other 0210A13 people said that the woman killed was not a worker but had gone there 0220A13 to_ collect burnt coal. $^Police sources said that the garbage had already 0230A13 turned into soil. ^They alleged that the Calcutta Metropolitan 0231A13 Development 0240A13 Authority was selling the material as fertilizer and had employed 0250A13 private contractors to_ remove the soil. ^The victims were casual workers 0260A13 hired by a contractor. $^A police spokesman said that the driver 0270A13 of the lorry was absconding. ^The bodies were sent for post mortem. ^A 0280A13 senior police official later added that a worker who had been given first 0290A13 aid and discharged from the hospital might have been the missing person. 0310A13 $**<*3FORMER PRESIDENT OF $COMORO $SHOT DEAD*0**> $\0^*Mr Ali Soilih, 0320A13 former President of the Comoro Islands, recently deposed in a coup, 0330A13 was shot dead here early today when he tried to_ escape from house arrest, 0340A13 the Government announced, reports \0Reuter. $\0^*Mr Ali Soilih 0350A13 was deposed on May 13 after ruling the Indian Ocean republic since shortly 0360A13 after it became independent from France in 1975. $^Today*'s announcement 0370A13 by the ruling politico-military executive said he was fatally wounded 0380A13 as he tried to_ flee with "certain outside elements". $^The statement, 0390A13 broadcast by Comoro Radio, said the former President had been told 0400A13 he would be put on trial before a special court. $^On May 23, it was 0410A13 anounced that former President Ahmed Abdallah and his one-time deputy, 0420A13 Mohamed Ahmed, had become leading members of the executive replacing 0430A13 \0Mr Ali Soilih*'s Government. $^Both had returned to the island 0440A13 after three years of exile in Paris. ^The committee confirmed the Prime 0450A13 Minister, \0Mr Abdallah Mohamed, in his post. $\0^*Mr Abdallah 0460A13 and \0Mr Ahmed were later named co-Presidents of the executive. ^The 0470A13 new rulers have described the policies of the deposed Government as 0480A13 "inhuman and barbarous". $\0^*Mr Ali Soilih had survived three rebellions 0490A13 against his rule before finally being overthrown. $^After becoming President, 0500A13 he promised the 300,000 people of the islands, situated between 0510A13 Madagascar and the East African coast, that he would introduce socialism. 0520A13 $^Most of the islanders are devout Muslims and \0Mr Ali Soilih*'s 0530A13 attempt to_ create a Chinese-style revolutionary system which frowned 0540A13 on religion was believed to_ have angered the population. 0550A13 $**<*3Masani Leaves $Minorities Panel*0**> $\0^*Mr *(0M. R.*) Masani, 0560A13 chairman of the Minorities Commission, and \0Mr *(0V. V.*) John, 0570A13 one of its members, have resigned from the commission, effective from 0580A13 May 31, report \0PTI and \0UNI. $\0^*Mr Masani said in a Press 0590A13 statment here today that he and \0Mr John had submitted a joint letter 0600A13 of resignation to the Prime Minister on may 9. $\0^*Mr Masani said 0610A13 in his statement that most of the reasons for the resignation had been 0620A13 set out in his letter to the Prime Minister on April 27 written on 0630A13 behalf of the entire commission, and in the joint letter of \0Mr John 0640A13 and himself on May 9. "^Both these letters have remained unanswered 0641A13 to 0650A13 this day", he said. $^The basic reason for his action, \0Mr Masani said, 0660A13 was that three major assurances which were given to the commission 0670A13 when it was appointed, had not been honoured by the Government. $\0^*Mr 0680A13 Masani alleged that contrary to an assurance that the government would 0690A13 consult the commission on all relevant matters concerning the minorities 0700A13 and give considerable weight to their recommendations, the experience 0710A13 of the very first occasion was that the commission found itself "ignored 0720A13 and bypassed". $^This happened in connexion with a crucial matter concerning 0730A13 India*'s Largest minority, namely, the Bill which was proposed 0740A13 to_ be introduced in Parliament to_ amend the Aligarh Muslim University 0750A13 Act, \0Mr Masani added. $\0^*Mr Masani said as chairman of the 0760A13 commission he wrote to the Education Minister on March 30 mentioning 0770A13 the commission*'s involvement in the Aligarh Muslim University Act 0780A13 expressing a hope that the commission would be given an opportunity to_ 0790A13 make its recommendations before any amending Bill was introduced in Parliament 0800A13 but no reply was received to his request. $^The members of the 0810A13 commission were surprised to_ read in the Press on May 5 that the 0811A13 Education 0820A13 Minister had announced in the *5lok Sabha*6 that a Bill had been 0830A13 prepared and would be introduced in Parliament within the next few days, 0840A13 \0Mr masani said. $"^There was ample time between March 30 and May 0850A13 5 to_ consult the commission without delaying by a single day the introduction 0860A13 of the Bill", \0Mr Masani said. $^He said the second assurance 0870A13 that a Bill would be introduced in the last Budget session suitably 0880A13 to_ amend the Constitution to_ give the commission a statutory status 0890A13 but "we were pained and surprised to_ find that no such amendment has 0900A13 been tabled either as part of the forty-fifth amendment to the constitution 0910A13 or otherwise". $\0^*Mr Masani explained that an anomalous situation 0920A13 had developed as a result of the Minorities Commission having been 0930A13 set up by an executive order and it was necessary to_ remove this anomaly 0940A13 by a Constitutional Bill giving the commission statutory status and 0950A13 allow it replace the commission for linguistic minorities. ^This was to_ 0960A13 take place as part of the assurance given, he added. 0970A13 $**<*3Provident Fund Penalty: $New System Planned*0**> $^There is 0980A13 a move to_ change the existing system of levying damages for delayed deposits 0990A13 of provident fund and instead, impose a fixed percentage on the 1000A13 amount due as damages. $^If accepted it would mean an amendment of section 1010A13 14-b of the Provident Fund Act which was changed last in November, 1020A13 1973. $^Prior to the last amendment, the maximum damages leviable were 1030A13 25% of the arrears and the State Government could levy the damages. 1040A13 $^The 1973 amendment made two important changes. ^First, the powers of 1050A13 levying were given to the central and regional provident fund commissioners, 1060A13 instead of the State Governments. ^Secondly, the maximum amount 1070A13 of damages that_ could be levied was raised to 100% of the arrears in 1080A13 accordance with a set formula. $^The new formula had been objected to 1090A13 through petitions in courts and also by way of representations to the 1100A13 Government. ^It was pointed out that among other things the scheme made 1110A13 no distinction between an employer who had delayed payment by a few days 1120A13 on ten occasions and another who had delayed payment continuously for 1130A13 10 months. ^Also, it was felt that a rigid formula took away all discretion 1140A13 from the levying authority. $^The High Courts of Kerala, West 1150A13 Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat had held that the damages must have some 1160A13 correlation with the loss suffered due to delayed payments and if this 1170A13 was not so, the damages were unreasonable. ^The Kerala High 1180A13 Court held that a defaulter under the Act was liable to_ pay damages 1190A13 representing the loss and nothing more. ^The Karnataka High Court 1200A13 held that there were many incongruities in the table of damages. $^Employers 1210A13 also complained that notices had been received re-opening cases eight 1220A13 or ten years old. ^They suggested that instead of launching prosecutions 1230A13 and levying penalties as high as 100% of the amount due, only exact 1240A13 dues, including the loss suffered by the fund should be recovered. $^In 1250A13 the light of these circumstances, the entire question of damages has 1260A13 come under review. ^It is felt that since defaulters face prosecution, 1270A13 in addition to levy of damages, the damages should be considered only 1280A13 as a financial levy on the employers to_ compensate the fund. ^It is considered 1290A13 that the rate of damages should be so fixed that it is higher than 1300A13 the bank rate so that provident fund contributions are not misused. 1310A13 ^For continued default, the courts could impose higher penalties under the 1320A13 Act. $^Pending a decision, it has been suggested that after examining 1330A13 all aspects, the regional provident fund commissioners may, as far as 1340A13 possible, levy damages at a fixed percentage of 20% per annum, calculated 1350A13 on the basis of the amount delayed and the period of the delay. 1360A13 $**<*3Luminous Object $over Ahmedabad*0**> $^An unidentified flying object 1370A13 was sighted by a group of scientists of the Space Application 1380A13 Centre and the Physical Research Laboratory here last night, reports 1390A13 \0PTI. $^One of the scientists, \0Dr *(0P. S.*) Sehra, said it was 1400A13 a strange luminous object moving from north-west to south-east at 9.12 1410A13 \0p.m. ^The object, sighted from the \0P.R.L campus, had a glowing 1420A13 double head and a long, narrow tail. ^It was seen for about 10 to 15 seconds; 1430A13 the object was "bluish yellow" in colour and the elevation was about 1440A13 70*@, he added. $^This is the second time that such an object had been 1450A13 sighted here. ^The first was sighted on April 3. $^Professor \0D. Lal, 1460A13 director of the Physical Research Laboratory, and his colleagues, 1470A13 \0Dr *(0J. N.*) Desai and \0Dr *(0J. N.*) Goswami, who collected 1480A13 evidence and interrogated eye-witnesses, have come to the conclusion 1490A13 that the bright object seen on April 3 was a large meteorite passing 1500A13 through the upper atmosphere. 1510A13 $**<*3Deshmukh Disputes \0U.P. Dissidents*' Claim*0**> $\0^*Mr Nanaji 1520A13 Deshmukh, general secretary of the Janata Party, today refuted 1530A13 the \0U.P. dissidents*' claim that he had asked them to_ vote according 1540A13 to their conscience and discretion. $\0^*Mr Raj Narain, Union Health 1550A13 Minister, was instrumental in getting the "clarification" from \0Mr 1560A13 Deshmukh. ^He telephoned him to_ confirm in the presence of reporters 1570A13 that what he had told him earlier was true. ^He then passed on the telephone 1580A13 to a reporter, who took down \0Mr Deshmukh*'s clarification. $^Though 1590A13 \0Mr Deshmukh had promised \0Mr Raj Narain that he would issue 1600A13 a clarification, he did not do so until \0Mr Raj Narain spoke to him 1610A13 on the phone. $\0^*Mr Deshmukh said that some dissidents had met him 1620A13 and asked him whether they should vote according to their conscience or 1630A13 discretion. ^He told them that they had not asked him about their actions 1640A13 or decisions so far and it was pointless to_ seek his advice now. ^He 1650A13 had told them that he had not given any directive to members of the erstwhile 1660A13 Jana Sangh. $\0^*Mr Deshmukh said he had also refused to_ meet 1670A13 \0U.P. Janata legislators representing the constituents of the Janata 1680A13 Party in Lucknow. ^The party stood for integration, which could not 1690A13 be achieved unless everybody tried to discipline himself. ^Otherwise, 1700A13 democracy could not function, he had told them. $^Earlier, in a written 1710A13 statement, \0Mr Deshmukh warned Janata workers not to_ make "public statements 1720A13 or indulge in acts of indiscipline". ^Otherwise, the central 1730A13 leadership "will have no option to taking action against such people". $^He 1740A13 said: "*_^It is destressing to_ note that some members of Janata 1750A13 are engaged in acts of indiscipline in many States. ^I may here refer 1760A13 to \0Mr \0K. Anandan, \0M.P., of Tamil Nadu, who has been airing 1770A13 differences publicly on internal party matters and is reported to_ be 1780A13 setting up a parallel organization.*# **[no. of worrds = 02006**] **[txt. a14**] 0010A14 **<*3College boys teargassed, $eight in custody*0**> $^Police burst 24 0020A14 tear gas shells this evening to_ prevent some students of \0S.G.T.B. 0030A14 Khalsa College from clashing with the students of Shivaji collge 0040A14 in the latter*'s premises at Raja Garden over the issue of demolition 0050A14 of a *4gurudwara there on \0Feb. 4. $^Eight persons were taken into 0060A14 custody on charges of rioting, and no one was reported to_ have been badly 0070A14 injured in the near clash. $^Trouble began soon after two bus-loads 0080A14 of Khalsa College boys descended on the spot shortly after 5 \0p.m. 0090A14 loudly protesting against the demolition of the *4gurudwara (which the 0100A14 college authorities claim has been unauthorisedly constructed on land 0110A14 belonging to them) by the students of Shivaji College. ^Raising anti-police 0120A14 slogans, some of them tried to_ storm Shivaji College building 0130A14 and also stoned it. ^Police chased them and also burst tear gas shells 0140A14 to_ disperse them. $^A large number of \0DTC buses were also held up 0150A14 by the Khalsa College boys near their college to_ demand the immediate 0160A14 release of their colleagues who had been arrested in connection with 0170A14 the incident at Shivaji College. ^Some students later complained to reporters 0180A14 that they had been tricked into releasing the buses by the local 0190A14 authorities who had led them to_ believe that the arrested students had 0200A14 been released, whereas they found that about eight of them were still 0210A14 under arrest. $^Some students of Shivaji College are reported to_ have 0220A14 pulled down the wall of the *4gurudwara on Saturday last and this had 0230A14 led to the formation of an "action committee", led by Sardar Richpal 0240A14 Singh, which demanded the arrest of students as well as some police 0250A14 officials, for their hand in the demolition. $^An '*5akand path*6' was organised 0260A14 by the committee and this was in progress at the time the incident 0270A14 took place. ^*Sardar Richpal Singh said they would go ahead with the 0280A14 re-construction of the *4gurudwara and were not prepared now to_ accept 0290A14 an alternative plot being offered by the Administration. $^One of 0300A14 them, Sardar Mohinder Singh, he said, had gone on a fast till the building 0310A14 was reconstructed. $^Senior district and police officials including 0320A14 \0DIG *(0G. S.*) Mander, Central District \0SP Nikhil Kumar 0330A14 and \0ADM (Central) *(0V. K.*) Duggal reached the spot and Section 0340A14 144 *(0Cr PC*) was imposed in the area. $^Later, it was stated that 0350A14 the police had been investigating a case registered on the complaint 0360A14 of the '*4mahant' of the *4gurudwara that some students of Shivaji College 0370A14 had demolished the building on Saturday last. ^Even as this case 0380A14 was being investigated, the Administration had offered an alternative 0390A14 site nearby for the *4gurudwara. $^An official spokesman said the '*4mahant, 0400A14 and the president of the Delhi *5Gurudwara Prabandhak*6 0401A14 Committee 0410A14 had agreed to this arrangement and that the new site had been shown to the 0420A14 *4mahant this afternoon. $^The '*4mahant', he said, had announced 0421A14 that 0430A14 a new *4gurudwara would be constructed at the site to_ be allotted by the 0440A14 Administration. $^In the meantime, there was an attempt to_ enter Shivaji 0450A14 College by some "outside elements" who also pelted stones damaging 0460A14 the building the spokesman said adding that this had led to the bursting 0470A14 of tear gas shells. 0480A14 $**<*3\0UPSC turns down \0MCD $plea on appointments**> $^The Union 0490A14 Public Service Commission has in a letter to the municipal Commissioner 0500A14 (\0ME) observed that \0Mr *(0J. D.*) Goyal is not eligible 0510A14 for the appointment as Deputy Municipal Engineer in the Municipal 0520A14 Corporation, and as such the "question of promoting him to the post of 0530A14 municipal engineer does not arise". $^In a letter of \0Sept. 12, 1977, 0540A14 the deputy secretary of the \0UPSC also turned down the corporation*'s 0550A14 proposal to_ make \0Mr \0B. Dayal Deputy Municipal Engineer on 0560A14 an *8ad hoc*9 basis since he also is not eligible for the post. $^Quoting 0570A14 the eligibility rules for both the posts the \0UPSC deputy secretary 0580A14 said: "*_^The post of municipal engineer is to_ be filled by promotion 0590A14 of a superintending engineer with 5 years*' service and the post of 0600A14 deputy municipal engineer with 5 years*' service." $^The letter says: 0610A14 "*_^It is observed that neither \0Mr *(0J. D.*) Goyal nor \0Mr 0611A14 \0B. 0620A14 Dayal is eligible for appointment as \0Dy. \0ME as their regular service 0630A14 as Superintending Engineer commences from *(024. 3. 76*)." $^The 0640A14 commission expressed its inability to_ agree to the continuance of *8ad 0650A14 hoc*9 appointments of \0Mr Goyal and \0Mr Dayal in their respective 0660A14 posts. $^The commission has advised the corporation to_ fill these posts 0670A14 "by transfer on deputation as enjoined by the recruitment rules for 0671A14 the 0680A14 respective posts." $^It was in July last year that the former Deputy 0690A14 Commissioner of the corporation, \0Mr *(0V. K.*) Chanana had requested 0700A14 the \0UPSC to_ approve the appointments of \0Mr Goyal and 0710A14 \0Mr Dayal since it was essential to_ fill up these posts as the "corporation 0720A14 had taken up a large number of development projects of public 0730A14 utility." $^It is about six months that the \0UPSC sent its letter 0731A14 to 0740A14 the corporation. ^But the civic body is yet to_ move according to its observations. 0750A14 $^At present all the three posts in the Engineering Department, 0760A14 one of the biggest and most important departments of the corporation, 0770A14 are being held by those who are not eligible according to the rules 0780A14 and regulations prescribed by the \0UPSC. $^However, \0Mr Dayal 0790A14 has made a representation to the commissioner that he should be considered 0800A14 as Superintending Engineer since April 1969, when he was given the 0810A14 charge on an *8ad hoc*9 basis, though the Departmental Promotion Committee 0820A14 had regularised him in March, 1976. $^Almost all the major departments 0830A14 of the corporation are being run by *8ad hoc*9 officers. ^Even 0840A14 the gardens superintendent is on an *8ad hoc*9 basis. ^There is no education 0850A14 officer. ^The deputy education officer has been given the "current 0860A14 charge" of \0EO. ^For some months, \0Mrs Pande had acted as \0EO 0870A14 on an *8ad hoc*9 basis. ^But she has been reverted as \0Dy. \0EO and 0871A14 has 0880A14 been given the "current charge" of \0EO under which she draws the salary 0890A14 of \0Dy. \0EO. 0900A14 **<*3Double-decker coaches for Delhi shuttles**> $^Double-decker coaches, 0910A14 which are still at the trial stage, may come to the rescue of commuters 0920A14 who endure the daily crush in the shuttles between Delhi and its 0930A14 surrounding towns. ^The Northern Railway has forwarded a request for these 0940A14 coaches to the Railway Board. $^Commuter traffic on the short distance 0950A14 suburban trains has reached saturation point. ^An estimated 25,000 0960A14 travel each day between Delhi and Meerut, Ghaziabad, Rohtak, Faridabad, 0970A14 mostly office goers, shopkeepers and students. ^With the housing squeeze 0980A14 in Metropolitan Delhi the number is steadily rising. $^A spokesman 0990A14 in Northern Railway*'s operating division said that until additional 1000A14 trains can be introduced, double-decker coaches offer the only solution. 1010A14 ^While planned work has begun on increasing line capacity and adding 1020A14 platforms, this will take time. $^Pushing in additional trains on the existing 1030A14 lines can be done only at the cost of punctuality. ^And adding 1040A14 extra bogies is out of question since all the suburban trains are already 1050A14 hauling to the maximum capacity. $^Typical of the over-burdened shuttles 1060A14 is the New Delhi-Meerut shuttle. "^*I get a seat two or three times 1070A14 a month," says a passenger matter-of-factly. ^People wait on both sides 1080A14 of the track as the train pulls in and then hurl themselves in one 1090A14 on top of the other. ^At peak hours these trains are even more tightly 1100A14 packed than \0DTC buses. $^The large number of buses now plying on these 1110A14 routes has not taken the pressure off the trains because the latter 1120A14 are infinitely cheaper. ^To and fro travel from Ghaziabad to Delhi, for 1130A14 instance costs \0Rs 10 a month with a pass, whereas bus travel costs 1140A14 three times as much. $^Hauling capacity of most of the present suburban 1150A14 trains is limited by the fact that they are hauled by steam engines. 1160A14 ^The Meerut shuttle for instance can haul only 15 bogies, any more would 1170A14 slow down the train and affect punctuality. ^But it can handle the 1171A14 same number 1180A14 of double-decker bogies, the railway spokesman said. $^Transfer to 1190A14 diesel engines is ruled out by the economics of the proposition: an engine 1200A14 costs \0Rs 26 *4lakh, and ordinarily runs 600 \0km a day. ^In a 1201A14 suburban 1210A14 service it would run about 160 \0km a day. $^The only alternative method 1220A14 of increasing capacity is by introducing modified coaches which do 1230A14 not have lavatories. ^This is being done now on the Rohtak route. ^It 1240A14 was also introduced on the Meerut shuttle for a short period, but passengers 1250A14 represented to_ say that it made travelling uncomfortable for the 1260A14 women and children in the train. $^The double-decker coaches are being 1270A14 made at the Integral Coach Factory in Madras. ^They have not been put 1280A14 into use as yet anywhere in the country. 1290A14 $**<*3Banks will give loans $to cottage industries**> $^Banks will give 1300A14 loans to cottage industries located in backward areas of the city at 1310A14 a nominal interest of 4 per cent. $^The loans will be given under a Central 1320A14 Government scheme. ^Among the first beneficiaries will be the units 1330A14 run in the community work centres of the Delhi Small Industries 1340A14 Development Corporation (\0DSIDC). $^Executive Councillor (Revenue) 1350A14 Madan Lal Khurana told newsmen today the banks had been persuaded 1360A14 by the Delhi Administration to_ advance the loans. ^The primary objective 1370A14 was to_ help poor artisans achieve self-sufficiency. $^At present 1371A14 there 1380A14 are 17 \0DSIDC work centres. ^Their number will be raised to 28 1390A14 by March 31. ^Each of them has around 150 people working there. ^Their 1400A14 monthly output is worth nearly \0Rs 1 *4lakh. ^It is expected to_ touch 1410A14 \0Rs 5 *4crore per annum by the time the scheme is fully 1411A14 implemented. $^Each 1420A14 of the banks will adopt three to four work centres and advance a 1430A14 loan of \0Rs 6,500 to each of the cottage industries. ^Out of the total 1440A14 sum, \0Rs 5,000 will be for the purchase of machinery and the rest for 1450A14 working capital. $^In addition, the Administration has under another 1460A14 scheme sanctioned loans totalling nearly \0Rs 28 *4lakh to 768 1461A14 industrial 1470A14 units, 470 of which belong to *4Harijans and other backward classes. 1480A14 ^These loans are being distributed by the Administration*'s 1481A14 Industries 1490A14 Department at only 3 per cent interest. $^The total money provided for 1500A14 this scheme under the budget is \0Rs 30 *4lakhs. ^However, another 1501A14 sum of \0Rs 10 *4lakh 1510A14 is likely to_ be sanctioned for it by the end of the financial year. $^Another 1520A14 sum of \0Rs 13.45 *4lakh had been earmarked as loan or grant-in-aid 1530A14 for village and *4khadi industries this year. ^Out of this \0Rs 10 1540A14 *4lakh worth aid has already been sanctioned. 1550A14 $**<*3Students warn \0Govt**> $^The Delhi University Student*'s Union 1560A14 and the Delhi branch of the Akhil Bharattya Vidyarthi Parishad 1570A14 today warned the Government that they would take direct action if three 1580A14 office-bearers of \0DUSU, including the president, Vijay Goel, 1590A14 and some other students were not released forthwith. $^In separate statements, 1600A14 the two organisations have deplored what they called "discriminatory 1610A14 attitude" of the authorities in releasing the student leaders. ^They 1620A14 pointed out that while all the other arrested students had been released 1630A14 on personal bonds, the \0DUSU leaders have been asked to_ produce 1640A14 bail bonds, which they have refused to_ do. $^The \0DUSU note claimed 1650A14 that 100 students of \0PGDAV College had demohstrated in front 1660A14 of the \0Lt-Governor*'s house today to_ demand the immediate release 1670A14 of the three \0DUSU office-bearers-- \0Mr Vijay Goel (president), 1680A14 \0Mr Sunil Mittal (vice-president) and \0Mr Rajat Sharma (secretary)-- 1690A14 and other workers of the \0ABVP. $^According to the press 1700A14 release of the \0ABVP, about 100 university students took out a procession 1710A14 on the campus demanding the immediate and unconditional release 1720A14 of \0DUSU leaders. "^It is strange and deplorable that those very 1730A14 students who fought against the totalitarian regime of \0Mrs Gandhi 1740A14 have not been released whereas most of the other students have been released", 1750A14 it said. $^It also demanded withdrawal of police cases against 1760A14 all the concerned students. $^The students of Law Centre-*=1 today 1770A14 boycotted their classes in protest against the arrest of \0DUSU leaders 1780A14 and other students.*# **[no. of words = 01995**] **[txt. a15**] 0010A15 **<*3Marathwada politicians baffled**> $*3^The violent flare up in 0020A15 the Marathwada region over the renaming of the university there as "\0Dr. 0030A15 Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada university" has created confusion 0040A15 among the political circles in the state. $^Baffled politicians and legislators 0050A15 from Marathwada give a number of reasons that_ led to the violence 0060A15 in this backward region of the state. ^This confusion and a little 0070A15 panic was evident even at a meeting of all party legislators from Marathwada 0080A15 at the residence of the chief minister, \0Mr. Sharad Pawar, 0090A15 last night, a source said. $^There was no going back on the decision taken 0100A15 by the assembly, \0Mr. Pawar is reported to_ have said when some 0110A15 legislators pleaded for the postponement of its implementation. $^However, 0120A15 the meeting was told that all sections of people, including the agitating 0130A15 students and the Dalit Panthers, would be consulted before brining 0140A15 an amendment to the Marathwada university act. $*<*3boycott by \0cong-i*> 0150A15 $^The legislators from Marathwada were asked to_ go back to their 0160A15 co tituencies and try to_ pacify the people there. ^The state transport 0170A15 buses and the railways were still not operating in the region. ^However, 0180A15 the chief minister told the legislators that the district collectors 0190A15 in the region would be asked to_ help them to_ reach their destinations. 0200A15 $^A source said the Congress (\0I) legislators from Marathwada boycotted 0210A15 yesterday*'s meeting on the ground that they had not been invited 0220A15 to an earlier meeting. ^However, they have conveyed their willingness 0230A15 to_ participate in any peace-making efforts. $^The legislators from Marathwada 0240A15 feel that the agitation was not an organised one. ^It was an amorphous 0250A15 affair and if there was any political undertone to it at all, it 0260A15 was negligible. $*<*3communal tension*> $^It was an explosion of the 0270A15 accumulated communal tension in the region which had been building up in 0280A15 these five districts over the last few years. $^Significantly, the students, 0290A15 who had played a mojor role in the "save Marathwada" agitation of 0300A15 1974, were in the forefront this time too, it was pointed out. ^This 0310A15 was because the students community in this region, especially in Aurangabad, 0320A15 the seat of the university, is sharply divided on caste lines. $^The 0330A15 demand for renaming the university after \0Dr. Ambedkar was made 0340A15 by the Dalit Panthers first. ^Many observers claim that at the initial 0350A15 stage there was not little opposition to the demand. $^But it was the aggressive 0360A15 language of the Dalit Panther leaders and their abusive speeches 0370A15 that_ created resentment among the other sections about the demand, 0380A15 they allege. 0390A15 $**<*3Pollution threat to Belur temple**> $^The celebrated Chennakesava 0400A15 temple, erected and endowed by the Hoysala king, Vishnuvardhana, 0410A15 in the beginning of the 12th century, when he changed his faith from Jainism 0420A15 to Vaishnavism, is being threatened by pollution. $^The pollution 0430A15 is caused by smoke emanating from a private saw mill operating within the 0440A15 temple premises. $^The exquisite stone carvings in the temple, situated 0450A15 in Belur in Hassan district, which have brought it world fame, are 0460A15 being damaged. $^An urgent meeting of archaeologists and experts in the 0470A15 preservation of ancient monuments is being called on August 5 for an 0480A15 on-the-spot discussion about the deteriorating condition of the temple, 0490A15 according to an announcement made by the chief minister, \0Mr. \0D. Devaraj 0500A15 Urs, and the minister of state for information, \0Mr. *(0K. 0510A15 H.*) Srinivas, in the Karnataka assembly today. $^The "callous" manner 0520A15 in which the state government was handling the situation was highlighted 0530A15 by \0Mr. *(0M. V.*) Rajashekaran (Janata), who feared that the monument 0540A15 would be lost if no immediate action was taken to_ arrest the 0541A15 erosion 0550A15 of the temple carvings. ^The government had already delayed taking 0560A15 action to_ prevent damage to the temple or shift the saw mill from the premises. 0570A15 ^Once erosion sets in, it would be difficult to_ restore the temple 0580A15 to its former glory, he said. $^The chief minister gave the assurance 0590A15 that the government was second to none in wanting to_ preserve the monument. 0600A15 $\0^*Mr. Srinivas stated that although the Belur temple was a 0610A15 Centrally-protected monument, the state government did not want to_ shirk 0620A15 its responsibility. $^He had asked the saw mill to_ raise the height 0630A15 of its 15.6-metre chimney. ^If it came to it, the government would pay 0640A15 compensation to the saw mill owner and ask him to_ shift the factory from 0650A15 the temple. ^But the owner could not be asked to_ stop his operations 0660A15 as he might go to court and get a stay. $^The mill uses steam to_ dry 0670A15 and press veneers. ^The steam is generated in a boiler using wood as fuel. 0680A15 ^Although the distance between the temple and the chimney is about 108.3 0690A15 metres, the smoke is driven towards the temple by a south-easterly 0700A15 wind. 0710A15 $**<*3Charan*'s letter to speaker**> $\0^*Mr. Charan Singh, former 0720A15 home minister, has in a letter to the speaker of the *5Lok Sabha*6, explained 0730A15 that he felt his political integrity had been questioned by \0Mr. 0740A15 *(0K. P.*) Unnikrishnan, Congress member, in commenting on his meeting 0750A15 with \0Mr. Bansi Lal. $^He had, therefore, called the 0751A15 statement 0760A15 of \0Mr. Unnikrishnan "mischievous" but had no intention to_ impute any 0770A15 motive to the member, he said in his letter, since he was not able to_ 0780A15 attend the house because of his illness, he had given his reaction to 0790A15 the press on \0Mr. Unnikrishnan*'s comments in the house. \0^*Mr. 0800A15 Charan Singh gave this explanation to the speaker who had drawn his attention 0810A15 to a privilege motion \0Mr. Vayalar Ravi and \0Mr. Unnikrishnan 0820A15 had given notice of. $^The speaker, \0Mr. *(0K. S.*) Hegde, ruled 0830A15 in the house today that he was withholding consent to the privilege 0840A15 motion in view of the explanation. ^It was not, however, to_ be a precedent, 0850A15 he said. ^Members should issue any rejoinder to statements in the 0860A15 house only on the floor. **<*3\0PM wants Big-2 to_ come closer**> $^The 0870A15 Prime Minister said today that in the interest of world peace it 0880A15 was necessary for the \0U.S. and the \0U.S.S.R to_ become friends 0890A15 and give up their suspicions of each other. $\0^*Mr. Morarji Desai 0900A15 told a group of American clergymen that he had been pleading with both 0910A15 the super-powers to_ become friends and India could act as a buffer, if 0920A15 they liked. $^The Prime Minister expressed full satisfaction with the 0930A15 outcome of his recent visit to the \0U.S. ^He said he did not go with 0940A15 any expectations and there was, therefore, no dissatisfaction. $^Referring 0950A15 to Indo-\0U.S. co-operation on world issues, \0Mr. Desai said 0960A15 that both countries believed in the same values. ^The \0U.S. could do 0970A15 more because it was more powerful; India could only co-operate in the 0980A15 process. $*<*3main issue*> $\0^*Mr. Desai said the main issue facing 0990A15 India was saving democracy and removal of fear. ^The Janata party had 1000A15 reversed the divisive trend in Indian politics. ^Five parties with different 1010A15 backgrounds had merged. ^The merger was not yet complete. ^There were 1020A15 eruptions here and there, but they would not last long and the party 1030A15 would progress. $^Replying to a question whether democratic methods would 1040A15 solve India*'s problems, \0Mr. Desai asked the clergymen not to_ have 1050A15 any doubt on this score. ^He said it was wrong to_ think that democracy 1060A15 was a luxury for a developing country. 1070A15 $**<*3Walk-out in $Kerala over $"black law"**> $*3^THE*0 \0CPM, 1080A15 the Janata and the opposition Muslim League walked out of the Kerla 1090A15 assembly today in protest against the passing of what they called the 1100A15 "black legislation". $^They opposed the bill to_ prevent the destruction 1110A15 of public property. ^The congress (\0I) and the \0NDP in the opposition 1120A15 had also opposed its enactment. $^The bill, which was passed, 1130A15 provides for imprisonment up to five years and fine up to \0Rs. 2000 1131A15 for 1140A15 a proved offence. $^All the public properties of the Central and the state 1150A15 governments, municipalities, *4panchayats and corporations 1151A15 controlled 1160A15 or owned by the state government will come within the scope of this Act. 1170A15 $*<*3"sabotage" movement*> $^While conceding that public property 1180A15 should be protected, the opposition members felt that the enactment of 1190A15 this legislation would serve as a cover for suppressing all the agitations 1200A15 of the working class. $^The bill itself was first issued as an ordinance 1210A15 to_ combat the strike in the electricity board. ^The government had 1220A15 described the strike as a "sabotage" movement causing the board a heavy 1230A15 loss. ^Costly power installations had been destroyed, according to the 1240A15 government. $^The ordinance was invalidated by the Kerala high court as 1250A15 it lacked presidential approval. ^The Bill passed by the legislature today 1260A15 will not become law before the President gives his assent to it. 1270A15 $** $*3^A MAGISTERIAL*0 inquiry 1280A15 is being instituted into the Loha firing, according to the divisional 1290A15 commissioner, \0Mr. \0A. Alvi. $^In the present agitation, the police 1300A15 had to_ resort to firing at two places-- Loha and Kallam. ^Though curfew 1310A15 was clamped for a few hours at Bhir and Porli, the situation was generally 1320A15 improving, \0Mr. Alvi told this correspondent. $^However, according 1330A15 to reports, there was no let-up in the situation and the agitation 1340A15 was now spreading towards the villages. ^Villagers and students were obstructing 1350A15 vehicular traffic and attempting to_ set the vehicles on fire. 1360A15 $^As a result, vehicular traffic had almost stopped in the region, according 1370A15 to the state transport regional manager, \0Mr. *(0B. L.*) 1371A15 Pawar. 1380A15 ^Four state transport buses had already been burnt and over 40 damaged 1390A15 in stone-throwing incidents by the agitators and the corporation was losing 1400A15 more than \0Rs. 6 *4lakhs every day. $^The telecommunication 1401A15 system 1410A15 has also been badly hit. ^According to \0Mr. *(0K. M.*) Bhide, divisional 1420A15 engineer, telegraphs, telephone connections were either cut or damaged 1430A15 at many places. $^Meanwhile, prominent citizens of Aurangabad formed 1440A15 a city regional-level committee. ^It is expected to_ meet the Maharashtra 1450A15 chief minister, \0Mr. Sharad Pawar, and elicit his views on the 1460A15 renaming issue. 1470A15 $**<*3Defections by $\0MPs banned*0**> $^Under the constitution bill 1480A15 before the Sri Lanka Parliament defections by members of the house are 1490A15 banned. $^A member elected on the basis of the panel drawn up by a recognised 1500A15 political party or an independent group under the proportional 1510A15 representation system will lose his seat in Parliament after one month 1511A15 of his **[text mutilated**] 1520A15 to_ be a member of the party or the group. $^The vacancy willbe 1530A15 filled in by the concerned political party or the group. $^If an \0M.P. 1540A15 is expelled from a party or group he can appeal to the supreme court 1550A15 to_ rule on the validity of the expulsion. ^The appeal will be heard 1560A15 by a three-man bench which will decide the case within two months. $^There 1570A15 is also no provision for by-elections under the proportional representation 1580A15 system envisaged in the constitution bill. $^If a vacancy occurs 1590A15 in the 196-member Parliament, the party or the group which had the 1591A15 representation 1600A15 in Parliament could nominate another of its party member. $^Thus 1610A15 the party position in Parliament will remain unaltered during the six-year 1620A15 term of the house. ^The present name of the "national state assembly" 1630A15 will be changed to Parliament. 1640A15 $**<*3Floods hit more $\0UP villages*0**> $*3^ALL*0 major rivers in 1650A15 the flood-ravaged eastern Uttar Pradesh and adjoining Bihar 1651A15 continued 1660A15 to_ rise today. $^In Uttar Pradesh, where 3.8 million people in 8,315 1670A15 villages are suffering, the flood waters advanced to_ swamp 102 more villages, 1680A15 affecting 63,000 people in Ballia district. $^Three deaths of 1690A15 children by drowning were reported from the district, raising the toll in 1700A15 the state to 153. $^A six-member Central team headed by the joint secretary 1710A15 of the planning commission, \0Mr. *(0P. N.*) Vaishnav, left 1720A15 today for a study of the situation in the \0UP districts. ^They will 1730A15 tour Gonda, Basti, Bahraich, Deoria and Gorakhpur districts. $^In Bihar, 1740A15 the Buri Gandak has eroded a 1.6 \0km stretch of the Madhubani 1750A15 *4bund. ^A gap in the *4bund was plugged, but the threat of a major 1760A15 breach persists. ^Should it occur it would be calamitious for 60 villages 1770A15 in Bihar and 111 villages in Padrauna *4tehsil of Deoria district 1771A15 in Uttar 1780A15 Pradesh. $^The Ganga, which is rising steadily right from Buxar to 1790A15 Farakka, and the Poon Poon pose a threat to Patna. $^The flood forecasting 1800A15 division at Patna today sounded an alert for the protection of 1810A15 the Poon Poon embankment on the south-eastern flank of the city.*# **[no. of words = 02014**] **[txt. a16**] 0010A16 **<*3Hotel planning in India $Coordinating approach needed*0**> $^A lot 0020A16 has already been said, written, and read about foreign tourist arrivals 0030A16 into India and the receipts therefrom. ^But no one has so far ventured 0040A16 to_ ascertain if the hotel industry in India is geared to_ meet the 0050A16 inflow of different "classes" of foreign tourist expected in the year 0060A16 1980, 1990, or 2000? ^All one knows of the present is the presence of 0070A16 265 "approved" hotels (as on July 1, 1977) in India with 16,771 rooms. 0080A16 ^And all one knows of the future is the need for an additional 10,000 0090A16 odd hotel rooms to_ meet an estimated inflow of 8 *4lakh foreign tourists 0100A16 by 1979. ^The requirement for additional hotel rooms, as mentioned 0101A16 above, 0110A16 is apparently for the country as a whole and does in no way express 0120A16 the requirement of rooms in different star-categories of hotels in different 0130A16 locations. $*3Insufficient data:*0 ^Why is it difficult to_ know 0140A16 the number of hotels, "approved" or otherwise, there are in the country 0150A16 today? ^And why is it difficult to_ know the number of hotels and rooms 0160A16 in different star-categories together with their annual growth? ^The gaps 0170A16 in information on tourism in general, and hotels in particular, have 0180A16 no bounds, with the result that an entrepreneur wishing to_ set up a hotel 0190A16 today has to refer to data that is either outdated or is loaded with 0200A16 incoherencies. ^Planning of hotels on sketchy information as this is replete 0210A16 with risks, and unless backed by well-organised marketing set-ups, 0220A16 hotels invariably fail to_ take off because of the simple reason that 0230A16 the estimation of their size was based on wrong assumptions, leading to 0240A16 wrong forecasts, and hence dearth of business. ^Where do the lacunae lie? 0250A16 ^An attempt has been made in the present paper to_ probe a little further 0260A16 into these and other informational gaps of the hotel industry, and 0270A16 suggest ways by which these could be minimised. $^To_ start with, let us 0280A16 jot down data that are usually required by an entrepreneur to_ estimate 0290A16 the demand for a hotel in a particular tourist location. ^To my mind, 0300A16 the following information will be necessary: $**=1) ^Number of domestic 0310A16 tourist arrivals per year in that_ tourist location. $**=2) ^Number of 0320A16 foreign tourist arrivals per year. $**=3) ^Number of domestic and foreign 0330A16 tourists utilising hotel facilities per year. $**=4) ^Average nights 0340A16 spent by domestic and foreign tourists. $**=5) ^Existing room- and bed-capacity 0350A16 of hotels by star-category. $**=6) ^Average room- and bed-occupancy 0360A16 of hotels (not individually, but as a group) by star-category. $**=7) 0370A16 ^Places of interest to domestic and foreign tourists; and $**=8) ^Rail, 0380A16 road, and air connections between the tourist location and other major 0390A16 cities within the country. $^The starting point of a market survey 0400A16 for hotels is an estimation of domestic and foreign tourist arrivals in 0410A16 a location where the hotel is to_ be set up, and of those utilising hotel 0420A16 facilities in the same location. ^The two figures need not be the same, 0430A16 for, there are tourists who visit a location during the day only and 0440A16 do not utilise existing hotel facilities. ^Two cases that_ automatically 0450A16 spring to my mind are those of Delhi-Agra and Madras-Mahabalipuram. 0460A16 $^An attempt has been made in the present article to_ compare information 0470A16 available on domestic and foreign tourists, as well as that_ on hotels, 0480A16 with that_ which is not available but is nevertheless vital for a 0490A16 planned growth of the hotel industry. $*3Domestic tourists:*0 ^Take for 0500A16 example the domestic tourists. ^The only information available on domestic 0510A16 tourists is the ratio of domestic and foreign tourists utilising 0520A16 hotel facilities in India-- mind you, not Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta or 0530A16 Madras, but India-- which is placed at 40:60. ^This ratio was 0531A16 estimated 0540A16 as early as 1968 but is still being fervently used by researchers for 0550A16 compiling market-studies on hotels. ^Now in an everchanging situation, 0551A16 one wonders if ratios 0560A16 that_ were arrived at almost a decade ago still hold true. ^Moreover, 0570A16 this ratio was probably arrived at for all hotels taken together-- there 0580A16 is no information available to the contrary-- thereby immersing the 0590A16 researcher further into its vagaries: ^Should an entrepreneur wishing 0600A16 to_ set up a three-star hotel in, say, Delhi assume that 40 per cent 0610A16 of the residents in his hotel will be domestic tourists? ^Or is the ratio 0620A16 of domestic and foreign tourists utilising hotel facilities in India 0630A16 different for different categories of hotels in different tourist locations? 0640A16 ^If so, what are these ratios and where are they available from? 0650A16 $^A survey of hotels in Delhi done by this writer shows that the ratio 0660A16 of domestic and foreign tourists utilising hotel facilities is not the 0670A16 same for all categories of hotels, and it is certainly not 40:60 for 0680A16 any hotel. ^For 1976 for which information was sought and analysed, this 0690A16 ratio was roughly 75:25 for two-star hotels, 66:34 for three-star hotels 0700A16 and 30:70 for four- and five- star hotels. ^Do these figures not 0701A16 provide 0710A16 enough reason to_ believe that the ratio of domestic and foreign tourists 0720A16 utilising hotel facilities could as well be different for different 0730A16 categories of hotels in tourist locations such as Agra, Jaipur, Bombay, 0740A16 or Aurangabad? $*3Foreign tourists:*0 ^On to figures for foreign 0750A16 tourists. ^Data on actual foreign tourist arrivals in a particular tourist 0760A16 location are not available although hotels do maintain details of both 0770A16 foreign and domestic tourists for reasons of security. ^The Central 0780A16 Department of Tourism, or for that_ matter the state departments of 0790A16 tourism, maintain and publish figures on overall foreign tourist arrivals 0800A16 into India and the direct-entries into the ports of Delhi, Bombay, 0810A16 Calcutta, Madras, Tiruchirapaili, Hussainiwala, Haridaspur, Wagah 0820A16 and Raxaul. ^Figures for the latter, however, do not include foreign 0830A16 tourists who come to these ports from other tourist locations, and hence 0840A16 are not very useful. ^How does one then estimate the foreign tourist arrivals 0850A16 in a particular location? ^There are two studies done by or on behalf 0860A16 of, the Department of Tourism which were published in 1968 and 0870A16 1972-73 respectively. ^The latter study is based on interviews with a sample 0880A16 of 7,114 foreign tourists and presents their arrivals in forty-odd 0890A16 tourist locations as a percentage of overall foreign tourist arrivals 0900A16 into India. ^The strategy of collecting information through sample studies 0910A16 is agreed to, but how does one cross-check it? ^Moreover, can this 0920A16 exercise not be repeated more often, say after every two years? ^And 0930A16 if this is not possible for want of time or money, can the hotels not be 0940A16 asked to_ divulge tourist statistics to the Department of Tourism, 0950A16 the hotel federation, or some newly-constituted body to_ ensure an organised 0960A16 growth of the industry in India? $^Indications are available that 0970A16 the Department of Tourism has, in the past, asked hotels for such 0980A16 details but the latter have quite often shied from disclosing such information 0990A16 for fear of harm it may bring to their image, especially in cases 1000A16 of hotels whose occupancies are lower than those that_ are frequently 1010A16 talked about. ^It irks one to_ note that while on one hand hotels are craving 1020A16 to_ be recognised as an industry, on the other, they are doing everything 1030A16 possible to_ prevent a systematic growth of the industry in India. 1040A16 $*3Hotel statistics:*0 ^The Department of Tourism publishes annual 1050A16 statistics on foreign tourists that_ are indeed useful from many 1051A16 an 1060A16 angle, but what an entrepreneur needs, in addition, is the following information 1070A16 on hotels: $**=1) number of present and projected "approved" hotels 1080A16 and rooms by star-category, by location, by sector, and for the 1081A16 country 1090A16 as a whole; $**=2) present shortfall of "approved" hotels and rooms, 1100A16 also by star-category, by location, by sector, and for the country as 1110A16 a whole; $**=3) number of hotels awaiting approval; and $**=4) ratio of 1120A16 domestic and foreign tourists utilising hotel facilities by star-category 1130A16 and by location. $^And what is even more important is that he needs 1140A16 this information not sporadically, but at set intervals of, say, a year. 1150A16 ^A study of the hotel industry was last conducted in 1968 as a part 1160A16 of the Report of the Hotel Review and Survey Committee. ^It is about 1170A16 time that a detailed study on growth of hotels in different locations 1180A16 of interest to foreign as well as domestic tourists was conducted or 1190A16 sponsored by the Department of Tourism. ^As hotels are a vital part 1200A16 of the total tourism activity in the country, and since the Department 1210A16 of Tourism is easily the most well-informed of all sources, it may prove 1220A16 worthwhile for them also to_ explore the possibility of merging statistics 1230A16 on foreign and domestic tourists with those on hotels. $^Like so 1240A16 many industries and industry-groups, hotels too have an apex organisation 1250A16 that functions in the name and style of the Federation of Hotel 1260A16 and Restaurant Associations of India and has made attempts to_ bring 1270A16 representatives of hotels to a common platform for mutual exchange of 1280A16 ideas, and for discussions on problems common to all. ^However, all that_ 1290A16 has been done in the past is not enough. ^What needs to_ be done, and 1300A16 urgently at that_, is to_ urge the large, successful hotels to_ view the 1310A16 gnawing disparities in management organisation and practices between them 1320A16 and the small hotels, and devise ways by which these could be reduced 1330A16 over a period of time. $^What the industry needs at the moment is a change 1340A16 of thought on the part of successful hotels towards the not-so-successful 1350A16 ones. ^This, perhaps, is the only way by which the overall standard 1360A16 of hotels in the country can be improved. ^While the performance of 1370A16 large and medium hotels has been more or less satisfactory, that_ of 1380A16 small hotels (unclassified, and those belonging to the one- and two- 1381A16 star 1390A16 categories) has left much to_ be desired. ^And to_ reduce this gap in operational 1400A16 efficiency, hotels will have to_ shed the veil of secrecy adorned 1410A16 by them for years. ^If not done willingly, the change will come by 1420A16 itself, for, with the increasing competition between large hotels, and the 1430A16 consequent turnover in management, one wonders if hotels will ever be 1440A16 able to_ retain their so-called operational secrets. $*3Need for a data 1450A16 bank:*0 ^At the moment, however, hotels are shy to_ even disclose their 1460A16 room occupancies and the number of domestic and foreign tourists utilising 1470A16 their facilities in a given year. ^Are these statistics so vital to 1480A16 hotels that their disclosure will tarnish their image and result in loss 1490A16 of business to their competitors? ^Or, are there other aspects like 1500A16 marketing organisation, contacts with travel agents in India and abroad, 1510A16 and, above all, quality of service and management that_ are more relevant 1520A16 to the success or failure of a hotel? ^If hotels still have a reason 1530A16 for not disclosing these figures to all and sundry, can this information 1540A16 not be made available to the department of tourism, or, as mentioned 1550A16 earlier, to an independent body which can compile and present such information 1560A16 in a way so as not to_ disclose the identity of individual hotels? 1570A16 ^After all, what is the use of setting up a hotel at a place where the 1580A16 existing capacity already exceeds the demand? ^Whose needs will it serve? 1590A16 ^An agency or organisation of the type mentioned above could not only 1600A16 act as a storehouse of knowledge or data on hotels, but also as a source 1610A16 of advice on problems faced by the industry from time to time. $^A 1620A16 systematic compilation of relevant information on hotels is not the 1630A16 only thing that_ needs to_ be done on an urgent footing. ^What is also required 1640A16 is a plan to_ regulate the growth of hotels in locations of tourist 1650A16 interest. ^The absence of any concrete plan to_ regulate the growth 1660A16 of hotels in the country has resulted in under- and over- capacity of 1670A16 hotel rooms in different tourist locations. $^There are also examples 1680A16 of under- and over- capacity of hotel rooms in different categories of 1690A16 hotels within the same location. ^Atleast one tourist location where 1700A16 the absence of a plan to_ regulate the growth of hotels is reflected in 1710A16 full measure is the city of Agra.*# **[no. of words = 02001**] **[txt. a17**] 0010A17 **<*3Deficit financing is modest*0**> $*3^CONTRARY*0 to the general impression, 0020A17 deficit financing in the first nine months of the year has been 0030A17 very modest and, unless there is a drastic change in the last quarter, 0040A17 the government*'s finances could end up in a very reasonable shape. $^Deficit 0050A17 financing in the proper economic sense is defined as the increase 0060A17 in net bank credit to the government. ^This rose very sharply by more 0070A17 than \0Rs. 1,000 *4crores in the first four months of the financial 0071A17 year, 0080A17 but thereafter there has been a steady improvement, with net \0RBI 0090A17 credit falling month after month. $^By the end of December the increase 0100A17 in such credit to the government was no more than \0Rs. 164 Crores 0101A17 since 0110A17 the beginning of the financial year. $^The budgetary deficit is different 0120A17 from deficit financing though the two are mistakenly thought to_ 0121A17 be 0130A17 identical by laymen. ^The budgetary deficit is defined as the increase 0140A17 in the short-term debt of the government, as measured by the fall in its 0150A17 cash balances with the \0RBI and the increase in treasury bills outstanding. 0160A17 $^Between April 1, 1977, and January 13, 1978, the cash balances 0170A17 of the Centre and the states taken together fell by \0Rs. 806 0180A17 *4crores, but this was often to the tune of \0Rs. 616 *4crores by a 0181A17 reduction 0190A17 in the outstanding treasury bills. ^Thus, on balance, there was a deficit 0200A17 of only \0Rs. 190 *4crores. $^While this is certainly more than the 0210A17 budgeted amount of \0Rs. 84 *4crores it is far less than the alarmist 0220A17 figure of \0Rs. 1,000 *4crores which has been gaining currency in 0221A17 many circles. 0230A17 $*<*3windfall receipts*0*> $^The remarkable thing is that net \0RBI 0240A17 credit to the government has been falling in spite of a series of adverse 0250A17 factors. ^Thanks principally to additional demands from the states 0260A17 for cyclone relief and additional plan assistance, it was necessary to_ 0270A17 approach Parliament in December with supplementary demands for grants 0280A17 involving a net amount of \0Rs. 689 *4crores. $^Another instalment of 0290A17 dearness allowance has become due for government employees, costing \0Rs. 0300A17 4.7 *4crores per month. ^The fertiliser subsidy has been increased 0301A17 considerably, 0310A17 while the tax on sugar was reduced to_ try and lower prices. ^The 0320A17 surpluses of public-sector undertakings have been eroded by the decision 0330A17 to_ restore a minimum bonus of 8.33 per cent. $^These adverse factors 0340A17 have not been offset by windfall receipts of any kind. ^A major item 0350A17 of expenditure which has been postponed is the subscription of \0Rs 0360A17 208 *4crores to the \0IMF which will probably figure in next year*'s 0361A17 budget. 0370A17 ^Market borrowings have exceeded the budgeted amount by almost \0Rs. 0380A17 200 *4crores. $^There may have been major shortfalls in expenditure 0381A17 in the 0390A17 first nine months of the financial year. ^If this shortfall is made up 0400A17 in a substantial measure in the last quarter, there could be a very steep 0410A17 rise in the budgetary deficit. ^It looks as though most government calculations 0420A17 assume that this will happen. ^Both the Prime Minister and 0430A17 the finance minister have claimed that the "ruined" economy they inherited 0440A17 from the Congress has made deficit financing inevitable, lending substance 0450A17 to fears that the year will end with a massive deficit. $^The government 0460A17 still has, however, quite a few reserves on which it can draw to_ 0470A17 reduce the budgetary deficit. ^The commercial banks continue to_ be flush 0480A17 with funds, and there should be no difficulty in raising an additional 0490A17 \0Rs. 100 *4crores or so in market loans by the end of the financial 0491A17 year. 0500A17 ^Besides, the government has not yet borrowed from the \0RBI either 0510A17 the sum of \0Rs. 30 *4crores it had budgeted against impounded dearness 0520A17 allowance or \0Rs. 800 *4crores against a drawal on foreign exchange 0530A17 reserves. $^Thus, it has something like \0Rs. 1,200 *4crores which 0540A17 it can produce at the last moment. ^The economic significance of large 0541A17 borrowings 0550A17 from the \0RBI at the tail-end of the year is very small, but it should 0560A17 be recollected that, in 1976-77 too, the government borrowed \0Rs. 0570A17 480 *4crores against impounded \0D.A. in the very last week of the 0571A17 financial 0580A17 year. ^It seems to_ have become standard financial practice to_ indulge 0590A17 in last-minute window-dressing to_ improve the financial picture. 0600A17 $**<*3Tax on consumption hinted at*0**> $*3^THE*0 finance minister, 0601A17 \0Mr. *(0H. 0610A17 M.*) Patel, is expected to_ initiate the process of recasting the 0620A17 country*'s fiscal structure when he presents the Union budget for 1978-79, 0630A17 reflecting the Janata government*'s economic objectives, to Parliament 0640A17 on February 28. $\0^*Mr. Patel is better placed in so far as he 0650A17 can set the course for the economy in the coming year with the highly 0660A17 comfortable food and foreign exchange reserves at his disposal. $^The foodgrain 0670A17 harvest in 1977-78 will be higher than in 1976-77. $^The industrial 0680A17 picture is, however, dim because of power cuts and labour trouble and 0690A17 demand recession in certain sectors. ^Tax yields are not having the earlier 0700A17 buoyancy. ^Investments are stagnating and new issues other than by 0710A17 way of dilution of foreign holding are hardly encouraging. $*<*3detailed 0720A17 picture*0*> $^Detailed picture of the economic scene will be presented 0730A17 in the pre-budget survey which will be laid on the table of the two 0740A17 houses of Parliament on February 22. $\0^*Mr. Patel favours an impressive 0750A17 step-up in investments, in both public and private sectors, though 0760A17 he is dismayed at the "failure" of the private-sector industry to_ respond 0770A17 to all the reliefs and incentives already provided in 1976-77. $^On 0780A17 the other hand, industrial and business circles feel that \0Mr. Patel 0790A17 ought to_ do much more to_ make savings and investment attractive by 0800A17 lowering tax levels, direct and indirect, bringing down the cost of credit 0810A17 and freeing the economy of most of the controls. $^With large deficit 0820A17 looming for the current year on account of developments not foreseen 0830A17 when \0Mr. Patel presented his first budget in June 1977, and the states 0840A17 having raised a merry \0Rs 42 *4crores by way of additional 0841A17 resource 0850A17 mobilisation in 1977-78, the outlook for budgetary resources, at existing 0860A17 levels, can hardly support current levels of expenditure, both plan 0870A17 and non-plan. $^Faced with the difficult task of matching resources even 0880A17 for a modest plan effort with the thrust on objectives like providing 0890A17 more employment and lifting up the rural economy, the finance minister, 0900A17 it is noted in business circles, cannot have much elbow room for any significant 0910A17 lowering of the entire tax structure through the forthcoming 0920A17 budget. ^It is, however, widely expected that \0Mr. Patel will make a 0930A17 real beginning in the directions that_ the Jha committee on indirect taxation 0940A17 and the Choksi committee (in its interim report) on simplification 0950A17 of direct taxes have set out. $^There is also speculation as to whether 0960A17 \0Mr. Patel will introduce a tax on consumption or revive the expenditure 0970A17 tax. 0980A17 $**<*3Fall in growth $rate of exports*0**> $*3^THE*0 growth rate of 0990A17 India*'s exports has fallen this year and this has been officially attributed 1000A17 to growing protectionism in the developing countries and the continuing 1010A17 recession in the world. $^Added to these was the regulation of 1020A17 export of mass-consumption items such as sugar, rice, vegetable oil, oilseeds, 1030A17 groundnut extraction and fresh vegetables. $^In the first nine months 1040A17 of the current financial year the exports recorded a rise of 8.7 1050A17 per cent over the performance during the corresponding period last year. 1060A17 ^As against this, the exports during 1976-77 had registered an increase 1070A17 of 27.2 per cent, over the exports of the previous year. $^The balance 1080A17 of trade last year was favourable to the extent of \0Rs. 69.99 *4crores 1081A17 in sharp contrast with a deficit of \0Rs. 1,222.41 *4crores in 1082A17 1975-76. ^The 1090A17 year 1976-77 thus marked a turning point in India*'s foreign trade. $^According 1100A17 to the annual report of the department of commerce, the export 1110A17 performance improved in respect of tea, coffee, tobacco, cashew kernels, 1120A17 spices, engineering goods, gem and jewellery and jute manufactures. 1130A17 $*<*3weakening trend*0*> $^However, the exports showed a weakening trend 1140A17 in items including readymade garments, leather and leather manufactures, 1150A17 marine products, iron and steel, sugar, cement, raw cotton, oils and 1160A17 oilseeds and vegetables and fruits. $^Imports in the first nine months went 1170A17 up by four per cent, and final figures may show even a sharper rise. 1180A17 $^The import policy for 1977-78 was further liberalised with a view to 1190A17 meeting the requirments of imported raw materials, components, spares and 1200A17 equipment as well as certain items of mass consumption. ^Imports were 1210A17 particularly heavy in the case of edible oils, cotton and man-made fibres. 1220A17 $^Import licences worth \0Rs. 5,375 *4crores were issued during 1230A17 April-December, 1977, as against \0Rs. 2,825 *4crores in the 1231A17 corresponding period 1240A17 of 1976. ^Of the licences during April-October, about 75 per cent 1250A17 were against free foreign exchange since the foreign exchange position 1260A17 was comfortable. $^While India*'s exports to almost all the regions increased 1270A17 during the year, the increase was most impressive in the case of 1280A17 exports to West Asia. ^The \0UK continued to_ be the biggest market 1290A17 for Indian products in the European Common Market. $^Normalisation 1300A17 of trade with People*'s Republic of China was reflected in 1977 by 1310A17 way of trade contracts and exchange. ^As a result of India*'s participation 1320A17 in the Canton Fairs, the volume of trade contracted with China 1330A17 amounted to \0Rs. 3.94 *4crores consisting of import of zinc antimony 1340A17 metal and mercury and exports of pig-iron and shellac. $^The new export 1350A17 strategy lays emphasis on dynamic exports such as engineering goods, 1360A17 marine products, garments, leather manufactures, handicrafts and technology-intensive 1370A17 products. ^In regard to traditional exports, steps are being 1380A17 taken to_ increase their volume and diversify the commodity mix. $^As 1390A17 regards the import-export policies and procedures, the Union government 1400A17 is examining the issues of simplification of procedures and reorganisation 1410A17 of the office of the chief controller of imports and exports. 1430A17 $**<*3Banks*' profitability may be reduced this year*0**> $*3^INQUIRIES*0 1440A17 with some major commercial banks indicate that profitability of banks, 1450A17 which was generally lower in 1977 than in 1976, is likely to_ be reduced 1460A17 further this year. $^Only a few banks have published their balance 1461A17 sheets 1470A17 for 1977 so far. ^Others are expected to_ announce their results in 1480A17 the coming weeks. ^While most banks will show an increase in the quantum 1490A17 of their published profits for 1977, their profitability is likely to_ 1500A17 be lower than in 1976. $^Bankers point out that following the reduction 1510A17 in deposit and advance rates from last month, the spread between their 1520A17 income and expenditure on this account has narrowed down. ^In some cases, 1530A17 the spread has come down from 1.25 per cent to less than one per cent. 1540A17 $^On the other hand, expenditure on staff and other expenses have been 1550A17 on the increase. ^Banks will have to_ pay higher dearness allowance to 1560A17 their employees this year than in 1977. ^Moreover, the burden on the banks 1570A17 as a sequel to the recommendations of the Pillay committee is likely 1580A17 to_ be larger. ^Expenses on branch expansion, particularly in the rural 1590A17 and semi-urban centres, have been growing while such branches start earning 1600A17 profits only after a few years. $*<*3lending rates*0*> $^In this 1610A17 context, any further reduction in the banks*' lending rates is virtually 1620A17 ruled out by banking circles. ^Industry circles have been expecting 1621A17 that 1630A17 since banks are currently flush with funds and some banks might be anxious 1640A17 to_ find avenues for these funds, they might choose to_ effect a reduction 1650A17 in advance rates. $^One top banker told "The Times of India" 1660A17 that this would be a suicidal policy for banks. ^He agreed that the demand 1670A17 for bank funds was "not very high" at present mainly because of uncertainty 1680A17 in various spheres of economic activity and there were also no 1690A17 signs as yet of demand for funds picking up. "^But we do not want to_ go 1700A17 out into proposals which might prove ultimately unfruitful," he said. 1710A17 ^He felt the growth rate in bank deposits in 1978 might not be as high as 1720A17 in 1976. ^As it is, the growth rate in bank deposits in 1977 was lower 1730A17 than in 1976. $*<*3company deposits*0*> $^Following the stipulation of 1740A17 keeping ten per cent of the maturing company deposits in bank deposits 1750A17 and other approved securities, some moneys might come to the banks, though 1760A17 a part is also expected to_ go to the Unit Trust of India.*# **[no. of words = 02016**] **[txt. a18**] 0010A18 **<*3caucus officials still run \0Govt.*0**> $*3^IF*0 the Janata Government 0020A18 is wobbling and falling flat on its face each time it attempts 0030A18 to_ uncover the corruption and the excesses of the previous Government, 0040A18 there is good reason for that_. ^The bureaucrats who were placed in the 0050A18 most sensitive posts and who served the previous Government with the greatest 0060A18 commitment during the Emergency, continue to_ function in the same 0070A18 or in equally sensitive posts after the Janata came to power. $^It 0080A18 is largely because this bureaucratic caucus, which has a personal vested 0090A18 interest in covering up the excesses of the Emergency, continues to_ 0100A18 function in key positions that certain vital government files of the investigative 0110A18 agencies have not come to light. $*<*3Two vital \0VVIP 0120A18 files missing*0*> $^There are at least two prominent vital files which have 0130A18 either disappeared or have been tampered with to_ make deletions of 0140A18 information which was very damaging to certain \0VVIPS of the previous 0150A18 regime. ^One such file which seems to_ have been quietly buried is 0160A18 the '*3Bastikar File' which disclosed how a \0VVIP very close to 0170A18 the ex-Prime Minister was also involved in the smuggling racket and had 0180A18 links with very big international smugglers. $^Another file, which dealt 0190A18 with certain activities of Dhirendra Brahmachari, and which was 0200A18 alluded to during the proceedings of the Shah Commission, also contained, 0210A18 according to reliable sources, some sensational information about how 0220A18 one \0VVIP, very close to \0Mrs. Gandhi, went abroad with a group 0230A18 accompanying the late President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, but travelled 0240A18 incognito under a fictitious passport. $*3^According to the information 0250A18 which was reportedly contained in this file earlier, this \0VVIP 0260A18 carried with him half a dozen boxes containing his enormous assets which 0270A18 he took to America via Cairo. ^A very senior official in the Central 0280A18 Board of Excise and Customs personally supervised the departure formalities 0290A18 of this \0VVIP. $*<*3Emotionally committed $to Gandhi regime*> 0300A18 $^These are but two instances. ^The fact is that the upper echelons 0310A18 of the sensitive areas of the bureaucracy are riddled with personnel 0320A18 emotionally committed to the previous regime due to the close liaison 0330A18 that_ had developed between politicians and officials just before and 0340A18 during the Emergency. ^Obviously, the solution to this problem would not 0350A18 lie in starting a witch-hunt against a section of the bureaucracy, but 0360A18 to_ implement a rational transfer policy for such officials in order to_ 0370A18 give them a much needed change and also to_ induct fresh blood and a new 0380A18 approach in their places. ^Officials who played such a key role during 0390A18 the Emergency cannot be expected to_ untangle the mess created during 0400A18 the Emergency and give a new direction to the administration. $^Thus, 0410A18 the activities of the \0CBI during the Emergency have received prominence 0420A18 because of the Shah Commission hearings, and have, therefore, 0430A18 excited considerable comment. ^For instance the following comment by \0Mr. 0440A18 Kuldip Nayar in the *3Indian Express is typical: $"*3^The misuse 0450A18 of the \0CBI was worse. ^Some of the instances that_ have come before 0460A18 the Shah Commission indicate that the Department was at the beck 0470A18 and call of \0Mrs. Gandhi and her men and they used it to_ initiate 0480A18 false investigations and even cases against those who did not fall in line. 0490A18 ^In fact, this is one department which should not be under the Government 0500A18 because the executive can have the temptation to use it arbitrarily. 0510A18 ^When the institution of *4Lokpal comes into being, the \0CBI 0520A18 should preferably be transferred to it." $*<*3\0Mrs. \0G*'3s conduits 0530A18 still occupy key posts*> $^This view of the \0CBI is fairly representative 0540A18 among current opinion. ^How strange, therefore, that the official 0550A18 who controlled \0CBI activities during the Emergency, acting as 0560A18 the most effective conduit for \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s personal wishes, continues 0570A18 to_ function in the same place, and with added responsibility! ^He 0580A18 is \0Mr. *(0R. C.*) Mishra, Additional Secretary in the Ministry 0581A18 of 0590A18 Home Affairs. ^It was during \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s regime that \0Mr. 0600A18 Mishra was brought from his parent cadre of the Central Board of Excise 0610A18 and Customs to_ fill a specially upgraded post of Additional Secretary 0620A18 in the Home Ministry in the vigilance cell of the Department 0630A18 of Personnel and Administrative Reform. $^During the Emergency, \0Mr. 0640A18 Mishra, in this position, was overall in charge of the key investigative 0650A18 agencies-- \0CBI Revenue Intelligence and the Directorate 0660A18 of Enforcement. ^Many intimidatory raids carried out during the Emergency 0670A18 by these three agencies were done so after the respective directors 0680A18 of these agencies got the go-ahead from \0Mr. Mishra. ^Ultimately, 0690A18 \0Mr. Mishra himself became the Director General of Revenue Intelligence 0700A18 in addition to holding charge of \0CBI and the Directorate 0710A18 of Enforcement. $*<*3Emergency ace controls *4lokpal cell*> $^It might 0720A18 be recalled that while deposing before the Shah Commission, \0Mr. 0730A18 *(0A. M.*) Sinha, the former Deputy Director of the Enforcement Directorate, 0740A18 had described how \0Mr. *(0R. C.*) Mishra had constantly 0750A18 entered and left the room while the officials were finalising the details 0760A18 of \0Mrs. Gayatri Devi*'s arrest during the Emergency. ^The degree 0770A18 of trust that_ the ex-Prime Minister placed on \0Mr. Mishra might 0780A18 be judged from the fact that it was \0Mr. Mishra who initiated the 0790A18 case against \0Mr. Subramaniam Swamy during the Emergency, and who drew 0800A18 \0Rs. 40,000 from the secret service funds of the Directorate of 0810A18 Revenue Intelligence, and went to America in an effort to_ apprehend 0820A18 him. \0^*Mr. Mishra was also considered to_ be the brain behind the 0821A18 prosecution 0830A18 in the Baroda Dynamite Case involving \0Mr. George Fernandes 0840A18 and others. ^After the Janata Government came to power, \0Mr. Mishra 0850A18 not only continued to_ hold his position but increased his power. $^TODAY 0860A18 IN ADDITION TO CONTROLLING THE THREE VITAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES, 0870A18 \0*MR. *MISHRA HAS ALSO BEEN PUT IN CHARGE OF THE *4LOKPAL CELL AND 0871A18 IS LOOKING 0880A18 AFTER THE WORKING OF ALL THE COMMISSIONS OF INQUIRY SET UP BY THE 0890A18 JANATA GOVERNMENT. $\0^*Mr. Mishra is not alone. ^There is an entire 0900A18 net of like-minded officers occupying key posts and working in close harmony 0910A18 with Mishra. ^While the role of \0Mr. \0D. Sen, the Director 0920A18 of \0CBI during the Emergency got exposed, the other members of 0930A18 the bureaucratic caucus who co-operated with him have not been disturbed. 0940A18 ^Apart from \0Mr. *(0R. C.*) Mishra, there were \0Mr. *(0M. G.*) 0950A18 Abrol, then Chairman of the Central Board of Excise and Customs 0960A18 and \0Mr. *(0G. S*) Sawhney, then Director of Revenue Intelligence. 0970A18 $*<*3Politically motivated $postings*> $^It might also be noted 0980A18 that these officers were elevated to their positions during the previous 0990A18 regime after some controversy among bureaucratic circles, and their postings 1000A18 were considered to_ be politically motivated. ^Thus \0Mr. *(0R. 1010A18 C.*) Mishra himself had got his appointment as Joint Secretary in 1020A18 the Department of Personnel largely due to the pressure of \0Mrs. Gandhi, 1030A18 exerted through \0Mr. *(0P. N.*) Haksar, in face of opposition 1040A18 from \0Mr. *(0R. N.*) Mridha, former Minister of State in the 1050A18 Home Ministry. $\0^*Mr. Mridha*'s objection to \0Mr. Mishra arose 1060A18 because several years earlier \0Mr. Mishra had played a controversial 1070A18 role in what came to_ be known in Bombay Customs circles as the *3'Fake 1080A18 Diamonds Case'. ^Similarly \0Mr. *(0G. S*) Sawhney, largely due 1090A18 to the recommendation of \0Mr. *(0K. K.*) Shah, then Governor of 1100A18 Tamil Nadu, was transferred from Collector of Customs, Bombay, 1110A18 to become Director of Revenue Intelligence, despite having himself been 1120A18 under investigation by the \0CBI and having been listed as a suspect 1130A18 in the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence. $*3^During the Emergency, 1140A18 \0Mr. Sawhney worked in close liaison with \0Mr. Om Mehta and 1150A18 \0Mr. *(0R. K.*) Dhawan. ^After the Janata came to power, \0Mr. 1160A18 Sawhney became Member (Customs) under the Ministry of Finance. $^The 1170A18 question that_ should exercise the Janata Government is whether it 1180A18 does not put too much strain on officers who have been in close liaison 1190A18 with the previous Government to_ take charge of sensitive posts when 1200A18 the Janata Government is attempting to_ bring about a political transition. 1210A18 $^A rational personnel policy is urgently needed and there are a 1220A18 very large number of such officials presently posted in Delhi who could 1230A18 be transferred to new postings with great advantage to the Government 1240A18 and possibly relief for themselves. 1250A18 $**<*3With infights turning into open war...**> $*3^THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE*0 1260A18 of the Janata Party had yet another non-session last week. 1270A18 ^Judging by its outcome, it has only served the purpose of finally proving 1280A18 that the ruling party is a real menagerie. $^Deliberate or otherwise, 1290A18 the end of the Janata Party*'s exercise in mutual mud-slinging coincided 1300A18 with a ringing call of \0Mrs. Gandhi which the Congress-\0I Working 1310A18 Committee put out for THE UNITY OF ALL CONGRESSMEN to_ meet 1311A18 the 1320A18 challenge of what it called the reversal of nationally accepted policies 1330A18 by the Janata Party. $*3^All said and done, the futility of the Janata 1340A18 Party*'s conclave is an invitation to \0Mrs. Gandhi to fill the 1350A18 political vacuum that_ is being created by the ruling coterie by its 1351A18 total 1360A18 incapacity to_ manage its own house. $^The alarming situation is compounded 1370A18 by the increasing arrogance of \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s son, who has 1380A18 been behaving like a bull in a China shop at every judicial forum. ^Its 1390A18 latest manifestation at Delhi*'s Patiala House, where the Sen Commission 1400A18 meets, is an eye-opener. $*3^Many people in this country, albeit 1410A18 wrongly, are prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to \0Mrs. gandhi 1420A18 on all that_ had happened during the dark days of the emergency. ^BUT 1430A18 *SANJAY *GANDHI IS A DIFFERENT KETTLE OF FISH. ^This little prig, 1431A18 who 1440A18 had somewhat withdrawn after the electoral cataclysm of March 1977, 1450A18 is back to the fore, thanks to his mother*'s triumph in the recent State 1460A18 Assembly elections. $^The mother is fully behind all his antics. ^Besides, 1470A18 his chum Bansi Lal is as active these days like a volcano and, 1480A18 for all practical purposes, he is part of the \0Cong-I leadership. 1490A18 $*<*3Janata*'s failure $helps Indira*> $^The manner in which the Janata 1500A18 Party is conducting itself is only helping this Fascist hoodlum of 1510A18 a Sanjay and his entourage headed by that_ motor mechanic named Arjun 1520A18 Singh. ^It will be a great tragedy if this nation which successfully 1530A18 faced many oppressors cannot deal with Sanjay Gandhi, an antithesis of 1540A18 everything that his grandfather had stood for. $*3^But judging by what 1550A18 transpired in the air-conditioned annexe of the Parliament House, where 1560A18 the National Executive of the ruling party met for two days last 1570A18 week, it is clear as daylight that it cannot prevent the return of Indira 1580A18 Gandhi and her son. $^It was a crucial meeting of the National 1590A18 Executive following the failure of the so-called Big Five to_ compose 1600A18 their differences at their "*5priti bhojan*6". ^And yet, in the two 1601A18 days 1610A18 of deliberations, neither Charan Singh nor Jagjivan Ram spoke a word. 1620A18 ^In between, Biju Patnaik arranged a dinner for the two, but failed 1630A18 to_ break the ice. $*<*3Morarji Desai*'s $non-leadership*> $^Of the 1640A18 Triumvirate, only Morarji Desai spoke-- for 15 minutes. ^And predictably, 1650A18 it was a sermon. ^He said that the Janata Party had adopted Gandhism, 1660A18 but the party-men had not become Gandhians. $^At any rate, it is 1670A18 futile to_ expect any leadership from Morarji Desai, whose only pre-occupation 1680A18 is the promotion of Hindi and Prohibition, besides preventing 1690A18 any Commission of Inquiry into the extra-curricular activities of 1700A18 his son. ^*Morarji seems to_ have a point-- namely, that if every 1701A18 Janata 1710A18 man had not become a Gandhian, why single out Kanti for punishment! 1720A18 $^It was really billingsgate on the first day of the meeting of the National 1730A18 Executive. ^*Chandrawati, President of the Janata Party in Haryana, 1740A18 with Raj Narain in tow, was at the throat of Chand Ram, a 1750A18 *4Harijan Minister of State at the Centre from Haryana. ^Both of 1760A18 them accused him of sabotaging the prospects of the Party candidate in 1770A18 the recent Karnal by-election. $*<*3"Leaders in second $childhood"*> 1780A18 $^Haryana Chief Minister Devi Lal, who was not present on the first 1790A18 day, joined issue with Chand Ram the next day, despite objections from 1800A18 those who conducted the proceedings. ^He accused Chand Ram of taking 1810A18 bribes in the distribution of party tickets in the last election to 1820A18 the State Assembly. $^He also accused Krishan Kant of conspiring with 1830A18 Bansi Lal in destabilising the set-up in Haryana who, in turn, issued 1840A18 a press statment saying that Devi Lal was suffering from "hallucinations."*# **[no. of words = 02025**] **[txt. a19**] 0010A19 **<*3JANATA CRISIS AT $BOILING POINT*0**> $*3^THE RIVALRY AT THE JANATA 0020A19 SUMMIT*0 is sizzling towards boiling point. ^Concerted efforts are being 0030A19 made to_ polarise the Janata Parliamentary Party to_ replace the 0040A19 present Government by a different outfit. $^The opposite side is not taking 0050A19 it lying down, either. ^Its trump card is the loaded club it brandishes 0060A19 against the New Caucus that_ allegedly wallows in stinking corruption. 0070A19 $^The numbers game is going ahead at a furious pace. ^The Janata 0080A19 Party in the *5Lok Sabha*6 is the principal target of manipulation, 0081A19 for 0090A19 it is the Lower House that_ counts in sustaining the Government. $*<*3Janata 0100A19 banks on Congress help*0*> $^The attempt is to_ knock 0101A19 together 0110A19 a sizable block of \0MPs, leaving out the Charan Singh loyalists 0120A19 and the Jan Sangh. ^The authors of these behind-the-scene exercises 0130A19 claim a strength of 184 \0MPs while the minimum required is around 280, 0140A19 the *5Lok Sabha*6 having a strength of 542. $*3^For the remaining, 0150A19 they are heavily banking on the Swaran Singh Congress. ^The undivided 0160A19 Congress Party in the *5Lok Sabha*6 had 153 members. ^After \0Mrs. 0161A19 Gandhi 0170A19 broke away, conflicting claims have been made about their respective 0180A19 strength.*0 $^However, according to the most reliable estimate, the Swaran 0190A19 Singh Congress has 80 members in the Lower House and the Indira 0200A19 Congress 54. ^Of the balance, half a dozen are sitting on the fence, 0210A19 three have declared themselves Independent and the rest have joined 0211A19 the 0220A19 Janata Party. $*3^The word as of now is that the Congress will not 0230A19 join the Government, but will support it from outside. ^Its going in 0240A19 will provide \0Mrs. Gandhi a sharper weapon to_ attack her erstwhile colleagues.*0 0250A19 $*<*3Where stand \0BLD & Jan Sangh?*0*> $^Even if all 0260A19 the 80 Congress \0MPs, support the Government, which is problematical, 0270A19 it will not have the requisite majority. ^This lag, it is hoped, will 0280A19 be made up by other groups like the \0AIADMK. $^No authoritative figures 0290A19 are available of the strength of the \0BLD and the Jan Sangh 0300A19 in the *5Lok Sabha*6, though they together constitute the bulk of 0301A19 the 0310A19 Ruling Party. ^It is, however, generally believed that the \0BLD 0320A19 has a block of 90 and the Jan Sangh 80 odd. $^Those engaged in realigning 0330A19 the ruling outfit confidently claim that Charan Singh*'s hold on 0340A19 the \0BLD has considerably eroded over the months and his firm supporters 0350A19 have dwindled to 40 or so. ^It is stated that \0BLD Cabinet Ministers 0360A19 like Biju Patnaik and *(0H. M.*) Patel, would cross over 0370A19 if it comes to the crunch and the Home Minister will be left with only 0380A19 two ministerial colleagues, Raj Narain and Bhanu Pratap Singh. $^It 0390A19 is also claimed that almost all *4Harijan \0MPs in the \0BLD have 0400A19 deserted the strong man. ^Influencial *4Harijan \0MPs like Ram 0401A19 Dhan 0410A19 and Ram Nihore Rakesh, have been carrying on a tearing campaign against 0420A19 the Home Ministry since the Belchi episode. $^The claim is also made 0430A19 of an insipient rift in the Jan Sangh between the \0RSS and non-\0RSS 0440A19 elements. ^But the scene is still foggy in that_ terrain, though 0450A19 the Jan Sangh has been slowly drifting away from its axis with \0BLD 0460A19 forged since last year*'s Assembly elections. $*<*3Morarji 0461A19 gripped 0470A19 $with fear*> $*3^There are many imponderables in these exercises. ^If 0480A19 the Jan Sangh chooses to_ stay on in the revamped Government minus 0490A19 Charan Singh and his group, the Congress support will not be available. 0500A19 $^The biggest imponderable is Morarji Desai himself, who is gripped 0510A19 by the fear of the unknown which will be the case in any act of dismantling. 0520A19 ^Besides, he, a moralist, is being pressed by Raj Narain and 0530A19 his men to_ redeem his pledge to Charan Singh to_ treat him in the same 0540A19 way as Nehru had treated Sardar Patel in the first Congress Government 0550A19 at the Centre. $^These considerations apart, the Prime Minister 0560A19 knows that he is vulnerable thanks to the extra-curricular activities 0570A19 of Kanti Desai. ^There are persistent demands from a section of the 0580A19 Janata Party for a Commission of Inquiry into his affairs, which Morarji 0590A19 had promised at Bhavnagar but had gone back upon it on reaching 0600A19 Delhi. $*<*3Home Minister*'s $trump card*> $^*Shyam Nandan Mishra, 0610A19 a deputy leader of the Janata Parliamentary Party, has been making 0620A19 concerted attempts in Parliament to_ expose the New Caucus. ^His first 0630A19 motion concerning a major cover-up operation, made some three weeks 0640A19 ago, is yet to_ be answered by the Government. $*3^If anything happens 0650A19 to Charan Singh, he is sure to_ expose the fact that he is a martyr to 0660A19 his determined crusade against corruption in public life. $^The outcome 0670A19 of the current exercises will be known only after Morarji Desai returns 0680A19 from his visit to the United States in mid-June. 0690A19 **<*3Janata, be warned! $JUNE OF $DESTINY**> $^*JANATA, BE WARNED! 0700A19 $^*May is drawing to its close; and we have repeatedly declared June 0710A19 to_ be India*'s month of destiny. ^It is likely to_ be the watershed 0720A19 which will decide whether the future of the nation belongs to *JANATA 0730A19 AND DEMOCRACY or to *INDIRA AND DICTATORSHIP. $^When a Janata journal 0740A19 ridiculed the recent Congress call for unity with the headline, 0750A19 "Congress 'men' of the two Congresses unite, you have nothing to lose 0760A19 but your bangles" (ORGANISER: May 14), a prominent member of the 0770A19 \0Cong-I retorted, "Everybody knows who wears the bangles. ^The twenty 0780A19 men of the Morarji Cabinet dare not touch a hair on \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s 0790A19 head, leave alone arrest or punish her, she has put them all in bangles." 0800A19 $*<*3On highroad to $Hitlerism*> $^Confirmation for this derisive 0810A19 assessment came from another Delhi magazine (INDIA TODAY, May 0820A19 16-31), which compared \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s defiance of the feuding old foggies 0830A19 of Delhi with the challenge posed by Hitler to the flaccid leadership 0840A19 of Germany in the 1920s. ^The parallel drawn by author Arun Shourie 0850A19 between the 1924 trial of Adolf Hitler and today*'s assorted 0860A19 cominissions investigating Indira Gandhi is indeed frightening. $^The 0870A19 Shah Commission*'s findings not only expose Indira Gandhi in the 0871A19 Emergency 0880A19 role of a ruthless dictator; they also reveal the Sanjay caucus 0890A19 as Indiar*'s potential as well as parallel to the Hitler gang; and yet 0900A19 we find Morarji and his minions displaying an extraordinary impotence 0910A19 even to_ make up their minds as to what to_ do about the challenge of 0920A19 neo-Hitlerism to India. $^Never more sadly was the absence of Union 0930A19 Home Minister Charan Singh, about the only person who has staked his 0940A19 office on the punishment of \0Mrs. Gandhi and the Caucus, felt than 0950A19 at the Cabinet meeting which discussed the follow-up action. ^Indeed, 0960A19 even the elders were surprised when the leader of the so-called *3"Young 0970A19 Cabinet Ministers" (age 62!) sprang a surprise by bluntly telling 0980A19 the Prime Minister that it would be foolish to_ arrest \0Mrs. 0981A19 Gandhi! 0990A19 $*3^This gentleman*'s theory is that "SHE HAS TO_ BE FOUGHT POLITICALLY." 1000A19 ^We would agree if we saw anything resembling political guts, will 1010A19 or unity at the Janata top to_ fight so formidable a foe. ^There seems 1020A19 to_ be none. $*<*3Report on terror $of Emergency*> $^Why, their own 1030A19 spokesmen are loudly complaining that even the Shah Commission*'s 1031A19 Report, 1040A19 damaging as it is, has not been effectively publicized through the 1050A19 mass media and particularly the Government-owned radio and \0TV. ^What 1060A19 a superb drama a deft compere like Melville de Mellow could have made 1070A19 of \0Mr. Justice Shah*'s revelations. ^Indeed, books can be written, 1080A19 live dramas staged, doucumentaries made, even a feature film built 1090A19 on the scenario of the inhuman terror of existence that_ was the Emergency. 1100A19 $*3^But who cares? ^Who dares? ^Who even wants to_ bell the jungle 1110A19 cat that_ is about to_ be brought back to power by the defaults and death-wish 1120A19 of Morarji Desai & \0Co? $*<*3Countdown to $doom*> 1121A19 $^The 1130A19 Prime Minister confessed to us during one of our interviews that he 1140A19 and his colleagues owed their power and office to \0Mrs. Gandhi and her 1150A19 excesses. ^So we suppose that now a grateful Morarji is returning the 1160A19 compliment by making it easy for her to_ take over the Prime Ministership! 1170A19 $*3^We fail to_ see any cause or justification for the Janata Government*'s 1180A19 abdication of its prime responsibility to the nation, unless 1190A19 it be that the Prime Minister knows that his government is a leaky boat 1200A19 floundering in storm-tossed seas and will do nothing to_ rock it. 1210A19 ^But \0Mrs. Gandhi is determined not only to_ rock but wreck the Janata 1220A19 vessel. ^A few more *4Azamgarhs in her purse (*3though her party lost 1230A19 the Banera by-election, thank God for this small mercy), and she is 1240A19 likely to_ call for a midpoll under threat of putting the land to fire 1250A19 and violence. ^*Morarji and his colleagues are unlikely to_ resist 1251A19 this 1260A19 kind of blackmail; and even if they do there are higher authorities reportedly 1270A19 ready to_ pressurise them into submission. $*<*3Bid for Congress 1280A19 $re-union*> $^She may not even have to_ go through this exercise as 1290A19 moves are afoot by leading Congressmen within as well as outside the 1300A19 Janata Party for an all-Congress reunion which would bring the rival 1310A19 Congress groups back into the common fold of the mother party as before 1320A19 the 1969-split and help them with the majority required to_ form a government. 1330A19 $^This involves nothing short of the destruction of the great 1340A19 Janata merger as well as the stupendous hope and faith the Indian people 1350A19 put in it. \0^*Mrs. Gandhi would probably ride such a Congress 1351A19 back 1360A19 to leadership and power. *3^What a pity! ^What a tragedy! ^It amounts 1361A19 to 1370A19 nothing less than suicide for the nation together with all the cherished, 1380A19 human values of its democracy and ideology. $*<*3Nation can still 1390A19 be saved*> $^Cannot something be done even now, at the eleventh hour, 1400A19 to_ halt the time machine on its course to doom? ^The younger ministers, 1410A19 good men of the people like Atal Behari Vajpayee and George Fernandes, 1420A19 could have stopped the countdown, but their efforts have apparently 1430A19 been pulverised by the 62-year-*3young Biju Patnaik who has jumped 1440A19 like a monkey upon their shoulders to_ project his own claim to the Prime 1450A19 Ministership. $*3^This kind of divided and half-hearted efforts cannot 1460A19 any longer avert the crisis. ^What is called for is a powerful intervention 1470A19 by a strong and determined group of the Janata, like the Jan 1480A19 Sangh-\0BLD combine together with the Socialists to_ carry forward 1490A19 Nanaji Deshmukh*'s appeal for the voluntary resignation of the elders 1500A19 above 60 years of age to its logical conclusion of pushing out these 1510A19 old men. $^We welcome Subramanyam $swamy*'s initiative on these lines. 1520A19 ^Let a young and dynamic team led by a Vajpayee or any other person 1530A19 of common choice take over the leadership of the nation. $*3^Before 1540A19 this happens, the ancient leadership of both the Janata and Congress 1550A19 parties, which is identical for all practical purposes, must be forced into 1560A19 retirement. ^These old men of 1947 are responsible for all the rot 1570A19 that_ is vitiating today*'s politics; and their continued leadership is 1580A19 likely to_ destroy popular faith in political solutions. ^Let us rid the 1590A19 nation of these pests with the slogan: OUT WITH THE 1947 GANG! $^June, 1600A19 we repeat, is likely to_ be India*'s month of destiny. ^We would 1610A19 have expected the entire Janata leadership with Morarji as the captain 1620A19 at the helm to_ mobilise all hands on the deck in a mighty and desperate 1630A19 effort to_ salvage the sinking ship. $*<*3Cabinet on jaunt $abroad*> 1640A19 $^But what do we find? ^The Prime Minister, quite unconcerned about 1641A19 the 1650A19 looming catastrophe, is busy planning his trip abroad. ^For him the outcome 1660A19 of this mission in \0UK and \0USA is more important than the 1670A19 crisis bedevilling his party and government. ^A communication from President 1680A19 Carter expressing appreciation of the fine way he handled the 1690A19 explosive nuclear-pack issue has so euphorised him that he does not realise 1700A19 that his colleague in charge of External Affairs is seriously considering 1710A19 resignation from a Cabinet that_ has degenerated into a caboodle. 1720A19 $^His second in command, Jagjivan Ram (in the absence of Charan 1730A19 Singh, who has been hospitalised), has already left on an extended tour 1740A19 all the way from the Soviet Union to the United Kingdom. ^The rest 1750A19 of the Cabinet are either abroad on "working holidays", as they like to_ 1760A19 put it, or planning foreign jaunts.*# **[no. of words = 02019**] **[txt. a20**] 0010A20 **<*3Too Late for Experiment**> $*3^THE*0 point has been reached 0020A20 where we can no longer afford to_ experiment in the selection of the sixteen 0030A20 who will go to Buenos Aires to_ defend the World Hockey Cup 0031A20 we 0040A20 won at Kuala Lumpur in 1975. $^Since then, our game has dropped and it 0050A20 is apparent with the "forced retirement" of several of our stars just 0060A20 where our weakness lies. ^At this stage trying out "fresh talent" will 0070A20 not help matters. $^As things stand at the moment, there is no choice before 0080A20 the chairman \0Mr. Luis Cordeiro-- on him has been thrust at a 0090A20 very critical time an unenviable task in the preparation of the team-- 0100A20 and the selection committee, if one takes the stand that discipline must 0110A20 at all costs be maintained. ^They have to_ make do with what they have 0120A20 and it is up to coach Gentle to_ fashion the material at his disposal into 0130A20 as close a cup-winning combination as possible-- another unenviable 0140A20 task. $^But if the Indian Hockey Federation agree to_ forgive and forget 0150A20 the misdemeanours of the three trouble-makers, who like Don Quixote 0160A20 tilted their lances at the windmills of their imaginary slight against 0170A20 the Sikh community, and also revise the decisions they have mistakenly 0180A20 taken that all but Phillips of the Montreal brigade, could be dispensed 0190A20 with, the Indian side could be given a look of class. $^*Varinder 0200A20 Singh, one of the three banned, is without a doubt streets ahead of 0210A20 anyone in the country in the right-half berth. ^But of course his return 0220A20 can only be possible if he tenders an apology for his walk-out from the 0230A20 Patiala camp. ^Rumours have it that he has done so, and belated though 0240A20 it is in coming, particularly as feelers to this effect were put out long 0250A20 ago, there is still time for matters to_ be put right. $^It was apparent, 0260A20 and ironically during the four-match Test series against Holland 0270A20 where we won two and drew the others, that Claudius is not quite ready 0280A20 to_ take over. ^Some may feel that he is being singled out in the light 0290A20 of our triumphs over the Dutch which could be looked upon as revenge 0300A20 for the reverse at Montreal, but there is an immaturity about his play 0310A20 that_ the coverings of right back Dung Dung could not quite conceal. 0320A20 ^And the additional strain told on Dung Dung*'s game. ^Youth, it is generally 0330A20 acknowledged, should be given preference, but when they do not adequately 0340A20 fill the bill it is but natural that store should be laid by experience. 0350A20 ^Here is where i feel Harcharan Singh should have been on the 0360A20 list of outside-left probables until another was found to_ function 0370A20 as well. ^With none forthcoming it would not be unwise to_ recall him. $^It 0380A20 would seem that, with erstwhile right winger Phillips coming in at 0390A20 inside-left, our attacking problems were solved, particularly as the switch 0400A20 led to the first victory over Holland. ^But there is not a doubt that 0410A20 our wingers are not functioning as we would like them to_. ^However, 0420A20 with Charanjit Kumar now virtually assured of the right flank berth, 0430A20 he would gain in confidence and skill. ^If Harcharan comes in, the line 0440A20 will be balanced. $^Another aspect of our game which needs considerable 0450A20 bolstering up is the execution of corners. ^In the series we looked 0460A20 so much like novices, particularly when viewed against the manner in which 0470A20 Ties Kruize struck. ^Now there is no particular talent that_ Kruize 0480A20 possesses which is not within reach of our players. ^It is just that 0490A20 we have not done enough training in the basics to_ attain that_ level of 0500A20 proficiency. $^We make heavy weather of the primary need of stopping 0510A20 the ball correctly. ^*Claudius more often than not bungled the stops. 0511A20 ^*Gentle 0520A20 advances the excuse that Surinder who is temporarily incapacitated 0530A20 was trained for the task. ^But surely adequate coaching should have also 0540A20 been given to the stand-by. ^With fewer opportunities to_ strike the 0550A20 ball both Dung and Bhengra suffered in consequence, but on rare occasions 0560A20 showed that they could be dangerous. $^In the circumstances another 0570A20 of the naughty trio Baldev could be recalled if he also apologises. ^That 0580A20 he still maintains his form was evident at Delhi. ^With corner awards 0590A20 playing so vital a role in the game we can ill afford not to_ try and 0600A20 make the best of these awards. ^These awards should in the main be entrusted 0610A20 to one man, but this is not to_ imply that another should not also 0620A20 be subjected to as rigorous a training schedule. ^And what about Ashok 0630A20 Kumar? ^There is really no need to_ press his claims. ^Both his 0631A20 bloodlines 0640A20 and his form speak loud, and clear. ^He should have been there from 0650A20 the start of the training campaign. ^Even now it is not too late. ^However, 0660A20 it would be a mistake to_ try and shape his skills to_ conform to 0670A20 standard roles. ^Maybe he lost favour because the authority in the past 0680A20 could not bend him to_ fit in with their designs. ^It would be better if 0690A20 his colleagues adjust their game to_ make the best use of his genius. 0700A20 $**<*3FOR MEN QNLY*0**> $*3^THAT_*0 purveyor of fiction for women, 0710A20 Barbara Cartland, once declared that the only sport women were eminently 0720A20 fit for was chasing men. ^This is, of course, an extreme view, but the 0730A20 fact is that some games seem to_ be totally unsuited to women. $^Some 0740A20 years ago two celebrated sportsmen, each in his own field, Jesse Owens 0750A20 and Percy Ceruty, risked the wrath of women by holding that some sports 0760A20 were not for them. ^Both these, no doubt, were men of the old school 0770A20 who believed that the more taxing field and track events tended to_ rob 0780A20 women of their essentially feminine qualities. $^One wonders what these 0790A20 two experts would have thought of women*'s cricket and women*'s soccer? 0800A20 ^It is a pity that in this land, where we have yet to_ make any headway 0810A20 in the traditional women*'s sport, like athletics, hockey, tennis, 0820A20 and badminton, we should be wasting time, effort and money over women*'s 0830A20 cricket. ^One can understand the enthusiasm of the few devoted feminine 0840A20 followers of the game in the western metropolis-- but what should have 0850A20 been just a sport played at club level has now received financial support 0860A20 and publicity which is totally out of all proportion to the number 0870A20 who actually play the game. $^Women*'s cricket had barely been organised, 0880A20 when those in charge of it, some of them publicity-seekers and opportunists, 0890A20 exploited it to_ organise tours abroad and internationals at home. 0900A20 ^*Indian cricket had its origins toward the end of the last century 0910A20 but it was not until 1928 that India were able to_ entertain a team 0911A20 from 0920A20 England. ^It took centuries before women were allowed at Lord*'s. ^Yet, 0930A20 here we are hosting a women*'s World Cup, and at Eden Garden*'s too. 0940A20 $^This tournament will no doubt draw a large crowd, which supports the 0950A20 cynical view that you*'1d still get a full house if you had eleven monkeys 0960A20 from an overseas country playing cricket here. $^The West Indies 0970A20 have been hard pressed to_ hold together as a unit in international cricket. 0980A20 ^And yet the organisers here, with a contact or two, tried to_ fob 0990A20 off a Jamaican team as a representative one-- a move which, fortunately 1000A20 failed as the "West Indies" withdrew. ^Last year, I was assured by 1010A20 cricket writers in New Zealand that they did not constitute a representative 1020A20 side. ^It was as if the Hyderabad Blues team, which was then touring 1030A20 India with former Test stars, like Pataudi, Baig and Abid, were 1040A20 to_ tour abroad in Indian colours. $^All this would not have mattered 1050A20 greatly if the grants and patronage given were not at the expense of 1060A20 the tax-payer. ^Already this fledgling body has been riven with politics 1070A20 and "dunned" for hotel bills that_ have been unpaid. ^At best, women*'s 1080A20 cricket should have been a club game, run by women for women. ^As for women*'s 1090A20 football, a plague on it! 1100A20 $*<*3So Little For So Much*0**> $*3^HOW*0 poor Indian tennis is 1110A20 without the top three, Vijay and Anand Amritraj and Sashi Menon, could 1120A20 be seen during the Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association*'s 1130A20 "mini" Grand Prix. ^As much as \0Rs. 1,50,000 was at stake in prize-money 1140A20 but the quality of the fare dished out seldom rose above the mediocre. 1150A20 ^That near-veterans like Ramanathan, Krishnan and Jaideep 1151A20 Mukherjea 1160A20 can still hold their own and that not a single junior could get past 1170A20 two rounds in the men*'s should provide a telling commentary on the state 1180A20 of the game today. $^Under the circumstances, Nandan Bal*'s triumph 1190A20 in the Western India and the State championships, the first two legs 1200A20 of the "mini" Grand Prix, came like a whiff of fresh air. ^It wasn*'4t 1210A20 easy going, though, for Bal. ^He had to_ struggle against Jaideep 1220A20 in both the events and ultimately lost to the former Davis Cup player 1230A20 when they met a third time in the Nirlon "Masters", which was the third 1240A20 and final leg for the best eight on the basis of performances in the 1250A20 first two. ^Nevertheless, he did enough to_ show that here*'1s a player 1260A20 with a future. $^Out of the junior ranks this year, Bal has made significant 1270A20 improvement in his play. ^He has a fine first serve and uses his 1280A20 tremendous reach to advantage, especially in executing the stretch volley. 1290A20 ^He is also probably the fastest mover on the court we have ever seen. 1300A20 ^As impressive as his speed is the tenacity with which he chases the 1310A20 ball. ^Above all, he has a most positive approach and continues to_ courageously 1320A20 attack even when the chips are down. ^These truly are the ingredients 1330A20 that_ go to_ make a champion. $^While Bal delighted, Ramesh Krishnan, 1340A20 the reigning National and All-India hard court champion, disappointed. 1350A20 ^A clash between the two would have not only heightened interest 1360A20 but also have enabled one to_ judge their relative merits. ^Unfortunately, 1370A20 the hard cement court at Singapore, where he scored over John 1371A20 Feaver and went down to David Lloyd in the final, had jarred 1380A20 Ramesh*'s leg muscles. 1390A20 ^This was not apparent at once when he was shocked by \0K. 1400A20 Raghuram in the Western India semi-final but one could see that he was 1410A20 sluggish and far below his best. ^He conceded his first-round match against 1420A20 junior Ilyas Hussain after rallying to_ take the first set in 1430A20 the state tourney and thus went out of the reckoning for the Masters. 1440A20 $^*Ramesh*'s surprise exit and the decision of Krishnan and Premjit 1450A20 Lall to_ concede their matches in the state championships robbed the Masters 1451A20 of what little appeal it had. 1460A20 ^It also led to_ murmurs from those whose chances had been jeopardised. 1470A20 ^In the end, Chiradeep Mukherjea, who struggled against lesser lights 1480A20 like Priyadarshi and Ilyas Ghouse, walked away with the top prize of 1490A20 \0Rs. 10,000. $^The players had to_ come and get their cash during the 1500A20 "mini" Grand Prix. ^This was a departure from the usual practice of 1510A20 hospitality plus "terms." ^Certainly it is the best way to_ make a player 1520A20 work harder at the game. ^This is the reason why there is fierce competition 1530A20 at the international level. ^However, the prize-money was not 1531A20 equitably 1540A20 distributed with the result that those who got knocked out in the 1550A20 first or second rounds in a field of 32 barely got back their fare. $\0^*Mr. 1560A20 Ram Batra, a vice-president of the \0M.S.L.T.A. admitted 1570A20 that such disparity was not fair and added: "*_^We learn from mistakes. 1580A20 ^An we want players to_ guide us. ^In fact we want player*'s associations 1590A20 to_ become stronger so that we can serve tennis better." $^The players 1600A20 are unanimous in their view that the \0M.S.L.T.A. is doing a lot 1610A20 to_ promote tennis. ^However, their efforts, commendable though they are, 1620A20 will be in vain unless other units in the country, particularly the leading 1630A20 centres of tennis, Bengal and Tamil Nadu are just as enterprising. 1640A20 ^For the last National at Calcutta, there was no prize-money at all.*# **[no. of words = 02000**] **[txt. a21**] 0010A21 **<*3Defenders Dominate*0**> $*3^THE*0 inaugural Federation Cup Football 0020A21 Tournament at Ernakulam last year was made memorable by one performance. 0030A21 ^As ultimate winners, Indian Telephone Industries of Bangalore 0040A21 stroked the ball short and long to one another and mesmerised Mohammedan 0050A21 Sporting in the first leg of the semi-final, it was clear to 0060A21 the goodly crowd at the floodlit Maharaja*'s College stadium that they 0070A21 were witness to something unique. ^Not even a full Indian team at their 0080A21 best have matched that_ sustained display of one-touch football. ^It was 0090A21 also clear that \0I.T.I. would not scale that_ peak again. ^And they 0100A21 did not. ^The second Federation Cup, which concluded at Coimbatore, 0110A21 earlier this month, did not bring forth anything comparable, though the 0120A21 field was stronger and more representative. ^Even \0I.T.I did not reproduce 0130A21 that_ form. ^But then they are going through a process of reconstruction. 0131A21 ^Two of the men who made the triangular moves, the 0140A21 basis of their strategy, Anthony Ambrose and Sadatullah, came in only 0150A21 as substitutes, while the third, the graceful, fluid Lionel was not 0160A21 fully fit and raised his game only in the second half of the second leg 0170A21 semi-final against Mohun Bagan. $\0^*I.T.I., however, held out hope 0180A21 that they will carry the standard of the Bangalore brand of football. 0190A21 ^As replacements for Ambrose and Sadatullah they have chosen players 0200A21 of an almost like mould, though Prakash, who played at right back last 0210A21 year, before he dislocated his cheek bone and was hospitalised looked more 0220A21 enterprising than Ambrose. ^The gradual induction of players who can 0230A21 fit into their pattern of play and the maturing of Kumar, Emmanuel, 0240A21 Rajasekhar and Prakash should keep the Bangalore champions in the forefront 0250A21 of Indian football for some years. $^*Mohun Bagan may have drawn 0260A21 some satisfaction from avenging last year*'s defeat, but not much from 0270A21 their showing in the tournament. ^As last year, they had more names 0280A21 to_ boast of than performances of merit. ^The one exception was the replayed 0290A21 final and a hectic spell in the second half of the first leg meeting 0300A21 with \0I.T.I. ^On both occasions, however, the opposition did not 0310A21 stretch them. ^Against \0I.T.I, it was more the old powerful running 0320A21 of Subash Bhowmick that_ built for them the 2-0 advantage. ^Against 0330A21 East Bengal, they were allowed to_ romp around by an opposition that_ 0340A21 was incomprehensibly out of touch for the full 90 minutes. $^*Mohun Bagan*'s 0350A21 defensive methods do not give much scope for attractive build-up 0360A21 in midfield, nor for fluent ball play. ^Centre-backs Subroto Bhattacharjee 0370A21 and Pradeep Choudhury strive more to_ destroy their rivals than 0380A21 to_ contain them and launch counter attack with fine skill. ^Their influence 0390A21 has permeated to the midfield men. ^*Gautam Sarkar, always a good 0400A21 defensive half, and Prasun Banerjee improved towards the later stages 0410A21 but never were so dominant as to_ keep Mohun Bagan continuously on the 0420A21 ascendant. ^The forwards rarely pulled together. ^Speedy but monotonous 0430A21 Bidesh Bose, apart from Bhowmick in brief spells, was the one who posed 0440A21 most problems to the opposition. $^*Chinmoy Chatterjee enhanced the 0450A21 reputation he built up when playing for Bengal in the last National. 0460A21 ^His snaring of Bidesh into the middle where the Mohun Bagan left winger 0470A21 was dispossessed either by Samaresh Choudhury or Manoranjan Bhattacharjee, 0480A21 a rugged right stopper who had a fine tournament. ^*Chinmoy 0490A21 is one of three right backs who showed up well, the others being \0I.T.I*'s 0500A21 Mathews and Mohun Bagan*'s Shyamal Banerjee. ^On the opposite 0510A21 flank of defence, there was more forthright play in evidence from Mustafa 0520A21 (\0I.T.I.), Dilip Palit (Mohun Bagan) and Satyajit 0521A21 Mitra 0530A21 (East Bengal). $^The last named shaped as the best of the three. ^He 0540A21 found a good ally in left half Prasanta Banerjee, the youth international 0550A21 who bids fair to_ overshadow his more illustrious counterparts from 0551A21 Mohun 0560A21 Bagan. ^He was quicker on the ball than his senior colleague in midfield, 0570A21 Samaresh Choudhury. ^*Prashanta*'s percentage of accuracy in 0580A21 passing was remarkably high. ^Their two half-backs, a sound deep 0581A21 defence 0590A21 and the best pair of goalkeepers in Bhaskar Gangulli, despite his nearly 0600A21 costing his side the first meeting in the final when he dropped the 0610A21 ball at the feet of Manas Bhattacharjee, and Tarun Bose gave the East 0620A21 Bengal attackers the secure feeling that they could go all out. ^Of 0630A21 the attackers Ranjit Mukherjee lagged behind in skill, but he was able 0640A21 and willing to_ thrust forward. ^More skilled and more energetic was 0650A21 Mihir Bose. ^The midfield men found Mihir*'s coming back most welcome. 0660A21 ^Moreover, it also created space up front for skipper Surajit Sengupta 0661A21 to_ 0670A21 flit into. $^*Surajit held the key to East Bengal*'s success. ^His 0680A21 upright stance when coming with the ball kept guessing and catching on 0690A21 the wrong foot his immediate opponent. ^His shooting as he popped up unexpectedly 0700A21 in the middle was as good as any other forward*'s. ^But it was 0710A21 his skilful combination with his linkmen, his ease at playing on either 0720A21 wing and occasional and effective close liaison with Ulaganathan on 0730A21 the flanks that_ carried East Bengal past rivals impressively. ^*Ulaganathan 0740A21 was little behind in dexterity, but he gave the impression of not 0750A21 being as dangerous as his skipper. ^Together they are the most skilful 0760A21 pair of wingers who can operate together on one flank or separately on 0770A21 either flank. ^They are a striking contrast to the Mohun Bagan wingers. 0780A21 ^*Bidesh Bose is limited in range and like Manas Bhattacharjee, 0781A21 who 0790A21 rarely moves down the flank towards the goal-line to_ hit the ball back 0800A21 across into the middle, cannot play with equal felicity on both flanks. 0810A21 $^Better equipped in this respect are \0I.T.I. ^*Emmanuel and Rajasekhar, 0820A21 the son of former international left back Muthu, are the two most 0830A21 similar to Surajit Sengupta and Ulaganathan. ^And they also have the 0840A21 backing of intelligent, ball-playing colleagues. ^With greater experience 0850A21 they should be shedding their tentativeness. $^There were no such inhibitions 0860A21 about Jagatjit Cotton and Textiles Mills of Phagwara (Punjab) 0870A21 and Rajasthan Police. ^Both teams, however, looked to one man 0880A21 each, both former Indian skippers, to_ carry them forward. ^Both Inder 0890A21 Singh and Magan Singh, the top-scorer of the tournament with nine goals, 0900A21 were great-hearted triers. $^*Magan singh, however, was a bigger draw 0910A21 with the spectators because of his inspiring his team to_ rally from 0920A21 the brink of defeat to a sensational victory. ^But more than his being 0930A21 instrumental in wiping out a half-time 1-4 deficit and upsetting Mafatlal 0940A21 Group 5-4, his heading away from his own goalline to_ prevent an equaliser 0950A21 in the closing minutes will always be remembered. ^It symbolised 0960A21 the spirit of his football. $^A different type is Inder. ^The high ball 0970A21 puts him at a disadvantage. ^His taller, sturdier and tough opponents 0980A21 would have had their task considerably lightened if their duels with 0990A21 Inder were confined mostly to the air. ^*Inder, however, laboured under 1000A21 the handicap of colleagues who were more direct than subtle. ^The positioning 1010A21 of his colleagues, as also years of having to_ make the plays 1020A21 as well, have tended, perhaps, to_ make Inder hold on to the ball. ^The 1030A21 innocuousness of Inder was most evident when East Bengal left him free 1040A21 in midfield but picked him up near their box. ^His colleagues, including 1050A21 international Sukhvinder Singh, were not mobile enough to_ help Inder. 1060A21 $^In defence, however, \0J.C.T. had a steady pair in Ashok Kumar 1070A21 and *(0G. S.*) Parmar. ^The two kept at bay their Calcutta rivals. 1080A21 ^But Surjit Singh in goal was shaky and cost them vital goals against 1090A21 East Bengal and Premier Tyres. $^*Premier, who had paid for laxity 1100A21 in marking Inder early in their match, played well in patches. ^Goalkeeper 1110A21 Sethumadhavan looked competent till he let in the goals against 1120A21 \0J.C.T. ^But their strength was the young and enthusiastic Xavier Pious, 1130A21 a beautiful ball player who has come on very well in the last year 1140A21 or so, and bearded Najeeb, who was not as sharp as he was in the National 1150A21 at Calcutta. $^*Premier Tyres drew all their three group matches, 1160A21 giving both Mohun Bagan and \0J.C.T. Mills a good run. ^But they 1170A21 were fortunate to_ escape defeat at the hands of Hindustan Aeronautics 1180A21 Limited of Bangalore. ^The latter used the short pass to_ confuse 1190A21 Premier Tyres. ^But against Mohun Bagan and \0J.C.T. Mills they 1200A21 threw in the towel too early. $^A striking contrast were Bombay*'s Mafatial 1210A21 Group. ^They had recovered to_ beat Mohammedan Sporting of Calcutta, 1220A21 thanks to a hat-trick by Bhupinder Rawat, in the preliminary stages, 1230A21 shrewdly broke through the off-side trap of Rajasthan Police to_ 1240A21 gain the imposing half-time lead of 4-1 before losing both points to 1250A21 Rajasthan Police. ^That_ defeat and illness to their players-- almost 1260A21 all teams were hit by stomach ailments-- did not demoralise them when 1270A21 taking the field against East Bengal. ^Again only lapses by the referee 1280A21 and their own defence cost them the match against \0I.T.I. ^But they 1290A21 can take heart from the promising displays of Keith Swain and another 1300A21 newcomer, Manuel. 1310A21 $**<*3Learning from \0Pak Squash*0**> $*3^ANYONE*0 who is familiar 1320A21 with squash in the country could not have been shocked at the very early 1330A21 exit of the Indian team from the World Open Team Championship for 1340A21 the Hashim Khan Trophy at Karachi last May. ^In fact many must have 1350A21 been agreeably surprised to_ see the team come out on top in the Plate 1360A21 competition, an event confined to teams eliminated in the first round. 1370A21 $^Understandably our team which was led by National champion Major Raj 1380A21 Manchanda and comprised Soli Colah, Yogendra Singh and Gajendra 1390A21 Singh, could be excused for not doing better. ^The belated invitation 1400A21 from Pakistan prevented the best from making the trip because of the 1410A21 short notice. ^What was worse, the uncertainty of the visit materialising 1420A21 dampened the enthusiasm of the players, and the very limited practice 1430A21 sessions at their disposal prevented the team from reaching peak 1431A21 fitness. $^This 1440A21 is to_ be regretted as Major Manchanda was of the view that had 1450A21 Anil Nayar, runner-up to Manchanda in the National, and Senapati, 1460A21 a semi-finalist like Colah, been available, India, who were ranked ninth 1470A21 in the tournament, may well have moved up one place which would have 1480A21 earned for the Squash Rackets Federation of India *+400 sterling given 1490A21 to teams filling the fifth to eighth places. ^The first four received 1500A21 *+2000, *+1400, *+800 and *+800, respectively. $^The trip by 1501A21 Manchanda 1510A21 and his boys however was not without reward and not just the onyx ash tray 1520A21 and box presented to each member of the team for winning the Plate 1530A21 event. ^In the first place the team must have benefitted considerably by 1540A21 the exposure to squash of the highest order with teams from fourteen 1550A21 countries participating. ^Then again it is hoped that the trip could lead 1560A21 to a frequent exchange of visits, and with Pakistan as the world*'s 1570A21 leading exponents, Indian squash stood to_ gain. $^In this context the 1580A21 views of Manchanda in the course of a chat with this writer will make 1590A21 interesting and enlightening reading. ^But before that_, a resume of the 1600A21 championship and our team*'s performances would be in order particularly 1610A21 as the world event did not secure the press notice it deserved. $^*India 1620A21 lost to Sweden, 0-3, in the first round, Manchanda losing to Lars 1630A21 Kvast 2-9, 3-9, 2-9, Colah to Mikael Hellstrom, 5-9, 3-9, 2-9; Yogendra 1640A21 to Bo Bostron, 4-9, 0-9, 6-9. ^The Swedes had an all-round game, 1650A21 using the side wall and drop quite a lot, but prevailed basically because 1660A21 of their superior fitness. ^*Manchanda had long rallies but faltered 1670A21 often Colah, who played a hard-hitting game, made more errors and Yogendra 1680A21 was nervous in his first international. $^In the Plate event India 1690A21 beat Nigeria, 2-1. ^*Manchanda beat Cladonjoye 9-2, 9-1, 9-5; Colah 1700A21 beat Martin 9-3, 9-0, 5-9, 9-4; Yogendra lost to Afolabi 9-0, 9-7, 1710A21 6-9, 4-9, 7-9. ^Then they scored over Hong Kong 3-0 in the final. ^*Manchanda 1720A21 beat Cashin 9-2, 9-3, 9-1; Colah beat Wasan 9-4, 8-10, 9-2, 1730A21 9-3; Yogendra beat Parashar 10-8, 9-1, 9-4. ^The Nigerians were fitter 1740A21 but India were more experienced. ^*Manchanda scored with his clever 1750A21 drops and impeccable length while Colah pleased with his all-round 1760A21 game.*# **[no. of words = 02002**] **[txt. a22**] 0010A22 **<*3Stephen Assails Centre*'s Policies*0**> $^The bickerings in the 0020A22 Janata Party, the indecision of the Central Government on various 0030A22 issues, open allegations of one Minister against another and the tendency 0040A22 to_ squander the foreign exchange built up by the economic policies 0050A22 of the Congress Government clearly showed that the Janata was not 0060A22 good enough to_ govern a vast country like India. $^This was stated by 0070A22 \0Mr. *(0C. M.*) Stephen, leader of the Opposition in the *5Lok 0080A22 Sabha*6 while inaugurating the Salem district Congress (\0I) conference 0090A22 here to-day. ^He said atrocities on *4Harijans and other poor people 0100A22 were on the increase, labour and student unrest had created a serious 0110A22 situation in many Janata-ruled States, prices were soaring and the strong 0120A22 industrial base nurtured by the previous Government was being undermined 0130A22 by halfbaked economic policies. $^At the same time the Janata Party 0140A22 leader \0Mr. Chandra Shekar, was being insulted by various Ministers 0150A22 both at the Centre and in the States. ^Even the Prime Minister 0160A22 cut a sorry figure in the face of the political bickerings and pressure 0170A22 tactics adopted by his Ministerial colleagues. $^The recent election 0180A22 results in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh and of the by elections in several 0190A22 Janata-ruled States showed that the common man had realised the 0200A22 mistake of electing the Janata to power. $^The Janata leaders were 0210A22 trying to_ cover up their pitfalls and deficiencies by blaming the Congress 0220A22 (\0I) for all the ills of the country. ^But the people had seen through 0230A22 their game , \0Mr. Stephen added. $^The millions of poor and 0231A22 down-trodden 0240A22 were once again considering \0Mrs. Indira Gandhi as their champion. 0250A22 ^The propaganda by all organised government agencies had only made 0260A22 the common man angry. $\0^*Mr. Stephen said it was the fear that \0Mrs 0270A22 Indira Gandhi had the massive backing of the poor that_ made the Janata 0280A22 leaders talk of arresting her. ^By arresting her, the Janata Government 0290A22 would only further alienate itself from the masses, \0^*Mr. stephen 0300A22 said. $^He appealed to the Congress to_ stand united and face the 0310A22 "alarming and dangerous situation" when the country would again slip into 0320A22 "the old colonial type of rule by landlords, blackmarketeers and smugglers". 0330A22 $\0^*Mr. \0N. Ramaswamy Udayar, chairman of the Reception 0340A22 Committee and Treasurer of the Tamil Nadu Congress (\0I) Committee 0350A22 welcomed the gathering. \0^*Mr. \0R. Narayanan, \0MLA and \0DCC 0360A22 (\0I) President was in the chair. \0^*Mr. \0M. Marimuthu, leader 0370A22 of the party in the Assembly hoisted the flag. 0380A22 $**<*3Posting of Teachers: $Haryana Decision*0**> $^The Haryana Government 0390A22 on Friday reversed a major policy decision of the Bansi Lal 0400A22 Government to_ post teachers 20 \0km. away from their home towns, villages. 0410A22 ^About 60,000 teachers will be benefited by this decision. $^The 0420A22 Education Minister, \0Mr. Hira Nand Arya, told pressmen that the 0430A22 demand of the teachers to_ withdraw this ban was legitimate because the 0440A22 old policy involved long-distance cycling, physical fatigue and housing 0450A22 problem. 0460A22 $**<*3\0Mrs. Gandhi*'s Condition for Congress Unity*0**> $\0^*Mrs. 0470A22 Indira Gandhi, Congress (\0I) President, said here on Thursday 0471A22 that 0480A22 she was not opposed to the unity move between the two Congress parties. 0490A22 ^But it must be based on the party programme, she said. $^She told pressmen 0500A22 that it was not a matter of acceptance of the party programme on 0510A22 paper only. "^Those who want to_ join our party must be prepared for hardship 0520A22 and danger which are being faced by our partymen". ^She complained 0530A22 that in many States, hundreds of Congress (\0I) workers were subjected 0540A22 to violence on false pretext. ^In West Bengal, for instance, many 0550A22 of our party members had been killed during the last few months, she 0570A22 alleged. $^Replying to a question \0Mrs. Gandhi said 'our party is the 0580A22 real Congress and we did not split the Congress Party. it is they (Congress-Reddy 0590A22 group) who are responsible for the split'. $^On the proposal 0600A22 to_ hold an \0AICC session of the united Congress, \0Mrs. Gandhi 0610A22 said '*_^*I do not oppose any such move. ^*I have left it to my senior 0620A22 party colleagues'. $^Asked about the possibility of \0Mr. *(0S. S.*) 0630A22 Ray, former Chief Minister of West Bengal joining her party, 0640A22 \0Mrs. Gandhi said '*_^It will be for the State unit to_ decide the 0650A22 matter'. $\0^*Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, former Union Minister, who was 0651A22 present, 0660A22 at the press conference, however, said the \0PCC members had very 0670A22 serious reservations over \0Mr. Ray*'s admission into the congress 0680A22 (\0I). $^When her attention was drawn to a remark of the \0CPM leader, 0690A22 \0Mr. *(0E. M. S.*) Nambudiripad that there was a possibility 0700A22 of military take-over in the country because of political instability, 0710A22 \0^*Mrs. Gandhi said it was the \0CPM which was supporting the 0711A22 Janata 0720A22 Government and thereby adding to the confusion. $^Referring to the sale 0730A22 of gold by the Government, \0Mrs. Gandhi said '*_^*I don*'4t find 0740A22 any point in selling the country*'s gold'. ^She said the Janata Government 0750A22 claimed the country*'s economy was sound but while we left the economy 0760A22 sound they were ruining it. ^They claimed that prices had come down, 0770A22 but she did not find a single man to confirm it, she added. 0780A22 $**<*3Screening $Committee for $Congress (\0I)**> $^By announcing 0790A22 a screening committee, to_ consider the cases of those seeking to_ join 0800A22 the Congress (\0I), its President, \0Mrs. Gandhi, has made clear 0810A22 she was not anxious for unity, on the basis of equality, of the two Congresses. 0820A22 $^The decision to_ set up the committee was taken some two months 0830A22 ago, but its composition was not announced, presumably in view of the 0840A22 efforts for unity. ^Yesterday*'s announcement, thus, could only be interpreted 0850A22 to_ mean that \0Mrs. Gandhi wanted "unity" on her terms. $^The 0860A22 screening committee is headed by Mir Qasim and includes \0Mr. Kamlapati 0870A22 Tripathi, \0Mr. *(0P. V.*) Narasimha Rao, Giani Zail Singh 0880A22 and \0Mr. *(0A. R.*) Antulay. $\0^*Mrs. Gandhi appointed two other 0890A22 committees, one to_ deal with organisational elections and the other 0900A22 for the enrolment campaign. ^The chairman of the election committee is 0910A22 \0Mr. Narasimha Rao and the other members are:-- **[list of names**]$**<*3Action 0920A22 Plan for $Handloom $Development**> $^Aggressive sales 0930A22 promotion has been proposed as part of the action plan for handloom development. 0940A22 $^This was indicated at the meeting of the secretaries and Directors 0950A22 of Handlooms of all State Governments held here yesterday. 0960A22 ^The meeting was a follow-up of the Ministerial level meeting held yesterday 0970A22 under the presidentship of the Union Industry Minister, \0Mr. 0980A22 George Fernandes. $^The official-level meeting was presided over by 0990A22 \0Mr. *(0M. A.*) Rangaswami, Special Secretary in the Industry Ministry, 1000A22 who underlined the need for stepping up publicity for handlooms. 1010A22 ^A note circulated by the Development Commissioner at the meeting claimed 1020A22 that the series of national fairs organised recently for handlooms 1030A22 had created an enduring impact and indicated that in the course of the 1040A22 next five years these fairs would be a regular feature of the handloom 1050A22 development programme. ^Besides national fairs, international fairs would 1060A22 be held. $^While this would take care of the marketing aspect, efforts 1070A22 would be made to_ improve the availability of inputs and other facilities 1080A22 to the weavers. ^The setting up of a mechanism to_ absorb the fluctuations 1090A22 in yarn price and preparation of a scheme to_ reconstruct weavers*' 1100A22 houses were also considered at the meeting. $^Some participants 1110A22 suggested extension of the "janatha" clothing scheme to shirtings and other 1120A22 dress material but it was pointed out by the officials of the Industry 1130A22 Ministry that the scheme was essentially directed to_ meet the needs 1140A22 of the weaker sections of the consumers. ^As such it would be more 1150A22 relevant to_ have the coverage limited to *4dhoties and *4sarees. $\0^*Mr. 1160A22 Mani Narayanaswami, Development Commissioner for Handlooms presented 1170A22 the conclusions of the Ministerial-level conference and outlined 1180A22 the action plans drawn up for each State. 1190A22 $**<*3\0Rs. 135-*4crore \0IDA $Credit for Dairy $Development**> 1200A22 $^The International Development Association (\0IDA), the soft-lending 1210A22 associate of the Worid Bank, is giving a credit of *- 150 millions 1220A22 (\0Rs. 135 *4crores) to india for its National Dairy Development 1230A22 Project to increase milk production and rural incomes through cooperatives 1240A22 covering about 3.5 million subsistence farmers. ^The proceeds of 1250A22 the loan will be channelled by the Union Government through the 1260A22 indian Dairy Co-opration to dairy co-operatives and through the National 1261A22 Dairy 1270A22 Development Board. $^The \0Rs. 327.60-*4crore project will help 1280A22 to_ improve the incomes and living standards of about 20 million persons 1290A22 and increase milk production by five million litres a day. ^The resulting 1300A22 increase in the annual farm income is estimated at \0Rs. 207 *4crores. 1310A22 ^The scheme is already under implementation and about 1,500 co-operative 1320A22 societies have already been set up. $^The project is to_ be fully 1330A22 implemented over a period of seven years and will lead to the establishment 1340A22 of about 20,000 co-operative societies grouped into co-operative 1350A22 dairy unions and milk marketing federations. ^It will bring into being dairy 1360A22 processing facilities with a total additional capacity of five million 1370A22 litres a day, besides the creation of packaging, distribution and 1380A22 transport facilities, storage, training and technical assistance. ^The project 1390A22 represents the first phase of India*'s plan to_ develop about 33,000 1400A22 dairy co-operatives and their related unions and federations in selected 1410A22 milksheds. ^The market includes Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta and Madras 1420A22 in addition to 150 smaller urban centres and rural towns. 1430A22 $**<*3Calcutta \0Varsity $Officials Suspended $on Graft Charges**> 1440A22 $^The Controller of Examinations, Calcutta University, \0Mr. *(0H. 1450A22 K.*) Basu and seven other officers and staff of the university have 1460A22 been suspended for alleged gross irregularities and corruption. $\0^*Dr. 1470A22 *(0S. K.*) Mukherjee, Vice-Chancellor, told \0PTI yesterday 1480A22 that all of them were charge-sheeted on the basis of an enquiry committee 1490A22 report and asked to_ submit a written explanation within 12 days. $^Besides 1500A22 the Controller, others suspended were two Assistant Controllers, 1510A22 one of whom had recently retired, two superintendents, one senior assistant, 1520A22 one junior assistant and a driver of the Controller Department. 1530A22 $\0^*Dr. Mukherjee said the Calcutta University Council yesterday 1540A22 decided to_ suspend them after discussing the report of the inquiry committee, 1550A22 appointed by him, in the wake of a series of allegations against 1560A22 the department. $^The committee had recommended that \0Mr. Basu 1561A22 should 1570A22 not be allowed to_ continue as the Controller of Examinations or in 1580A22 any other post in the University and he might be granted special leave 1590A22 till he attained superannuation. $^He said some outsiders were also involved 1600A22 in "racketeering" in the department and the State Government would 1610A22 be approached to_ take appropriate action against them. 1620A22 $**<*3Protection to $Shore Temple**> $^Work has begun on the \0Rs. 1630A22 30-*4lakh project to_ protect the ancient sea shore temple at Mamallapuram 1640A22 from possible ravage by high tides. $^The existing filled up area 1650A22 in front of the temple facing the sea, constructed a few years ago is 1660A22 to_ be expanded. ^The rising waves now lash against the groyne, at times 1670A22 engulfing the monument, particularly during the monsoon. $^The shore temple, 1680A22 not in worship, is part of the ancient Pallava monuments in this 1690A22 historic tourist town of Tamil Nadu and is about 1,200 years old. ^Foreign 1700A22 naval ships have recorded the presence of this imposing structure 1710A22 in the 16th century. $^To_ ensure total protection *4bund walls, 1711A22 about 1720A22 three metres high from sea level, running to about 80 metres perpendicular 1730A22 to the temple, are being erected. ^The length of the parallel wall in 1740A22 the sea connecting the side walls will be about 100 metres. ^The impounded 1750A22 area will be filled with sand. ^The scheme is expected to_ be completed 1760A22 by October. 1770A22 $**<*3Mettur Water $Release**> $^Water from Mettur reservoir will 1780A22 not be released for irrigation on June 12, the scheduled date, owing to 1790A22 inadequate storage and as the south-west monsoon has not actively set 1800A22 in so far in the Cauvery catchment area. $^According to a notification 1810A22 issued by the Government in a Gazette Extraordinary, the position is 1820A22 being watched and as soon as the situation improves, water will be released, 1830A22 after due notification. 1840A22 $**<*3\0Rs. 4,000 \0*4Cr. Loss $Annually**> $^The country was incurring 1850A22 a loss of \0Rs. 4,000 *4crores in industrial production every year, 1860A22 because of the acute power crisis, \0Mr. *(0S. K.*) Birla, President, 1870A22 Indian Chamber of Commerce, said here yesterday. $\0^*Mr. Birla 1880A22 told a press conference that the Government was also losing annually 1890A22 \0Rs. 1,000 *4crores which would have accrued as revenue from Excise, 1900A22 Sales and similar other taxes from the industries throughout the country.*# **[no. of words = 02016**] **[txt. a23**] 0010A23 **<*3Marketing \0& advertising*0**> $** 0020A23 $^About twenty years ago a girl triumphantly told me within a few days 0030A23 of her marriage that she had learned to_ light a kitchen fire. $^This 0040A23 surprised me somewhat, as she had the reputation (notoriety?) of being 0050A23 a total stranger to kitchencraft. ^The surprise lasted only till I learned 0060A23 that the reference was to a gas stove. $^Today she doesn*'4t even have 0070A23 to_ strike a match to_ light a "kitchen fire." ^*Bajsons of Bombay 0080A23 has announced the introduction ("for the first time in India") of an automatic 0090A23 self-lighting gas hot plate called 'Planet.' "^Switch on with 0100A23 the flick of a finger-- no match, no lighter required." ^An \0ad said that 0110A23 no replacements were required as no battery or stone was used in 'Planet'. 0120A23 ^Then how on earth would it light up? ^No clue was offered in the 0130A23 \0ad; perhaps it is a trade secret. (^*I wish the copywriter had put in 0140A23 something about the mechanism, at least to_ reassure the reader that nothing 0150A23 would go wrong in the first seven days; some people are deeply suspicious 0160A23 of 'automatic' gadgets). $^What are the prospects of new products 0170A23 like 'Planet' in the market? ^Is there some way of predicting whether 0180A23 they would succeed? ^Before me is a paper on "Predicting new product 0190A23 success: role of product category related variables" by Subhash \0C. 0200A23 Mehta and Anil Pandya (Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad). 0210A23 ^They chose five product categories for investigation: toothpastes, 0220A23 washing powders, headache pills, light bulbs and pressure cookers. ^The 0230A23 respondents were 100 educated housewives (convenience sample) from lower-middle 0240A23 and middle-income households in Ahmedabad who were users of 0250A23 these products. ^They answered questions arising from a simulated buying 0260A23 situation posed before them, relating to the following:. $1) ^Brand loyalty; 0270A23 2) perception of quality variations; 3) confidence levels in relation 0280A23 to untried brands; 4) perception of danger of consequences; 5) price-quality 0290A23 relationships; 6) housewife*'s confidence in her own ability 0300A23 to_ judge quality; 7) perception of technological complexity. $^The conclusions 0310A23 of the study were as follows: "^The findings of this study 0320A23 clearly suggest that role and importance of various product-category related 0330A23 variables as predictors of new product success do differ across product 0340A23 categories. ^It is, therefore, necessary that marketing managers 0350A23 take into account the behaviour of these variables while planning their 0360A23 new product offerings. ^The following are the major conclusions that_ emerge 0370A23 from the results of this study: $"1) ^Measures of behavioural intentions 0380A23 in this study indicated that while new brands of products like 0390A23 washing powders, light bulbs and even toothpastes, may find easy acceptance 0400A23 among consumers, the marketers have heavy odds against them in the case 0410A23 of products like headache pills and pressure cookers. ^The major common 0420A23 characteristics of these difficult to_ introduce products are a strong 0430A23 consumer loyalty towards existing brands, low certainty of untriedbrands 0440A23 in these product categories, high perceived danger of consequences 0450A23 in the event of new product failure, and high technological complexity 0460A23 involved in their manufacture. ^Whenever a product category is characterised 0470A23 by these factors, marketing managements should recognize the inherent 0480A23 difficulties of introducing new brands in the market and take these 0490A23 factors into account in potential determination and marketing strategy 0500A23 formulation for the new product. $"2) ^In general, stronger loyalty to 0510A23 existing preferred brands, perceived wide quality variations among different 0520A23 brands in the market, high danger of consequences arising out of 0530A23 new product failure and greater uncertainty of untried brands appear to_ 0540A23 be the major barriers to initial success of a new brand in any product 0550A23 category. ^Of course, danger of consequences and perceived uncertainty 0560A23 of untried brands are highly inter-correlated. ^Also, perceived risk 0570A23 as well as perceptions of wide quality variations among existing brands 0580A23 directly contribute to strengthening of loyalty to certain chosen brands. 0590A23 ^In product categories when such perceptions are strong, marketer 0600A23 will have to_ resort to multi-pronged attack aimed at projecting good-quality 0610A23 image, risk reduction through credible information and attempts at 0620A23 weakening loyalty to existing brands through appropriate steps like sampling, 0630A23 demonstrations, trade support, deals and other consumer promotions. 0640A23 $"3) ^Perceived relationship of higher price with better quality can 0650A23 prove a favourable factor in cases where product, in the consumer view, 0660A23 involves high technology, high risk and low rate of use. ^In such cases, 0670A23 marketer can exercise some freedom in pricing the new product somewhat 0680A23 higher for comparable quality. ^If, however, the product category is perceived 0690A23 as involving low technology, low risk and high usage, such pricing 0700A23 freedom might be limited and pricing the new product at the existing 0710A23 level may be a better strategy. ^In any case, perceptions about price-quality 0720A23 relationship do not appear to_ be very significant in predicting 0730A23 new product success. $"4) ^Interestingly, consumer confidence to_ judge 0740A23 quality appears to_ be the lowest in case of most frequently purchased 0750A23 and every-day use items like toothpaste and washing powders. ^A check 0760A23 on the data regarding characteristics of these is perceived as products 0770A23 with high quality-variations among brands, easy to_ manufacture, and 0780A23 having a wide range of brands available in the market. ^Faced by many 0790A23 alternatives with wide variations in quality, consumers probably resort 0800A23 to routinised decision making in brand choice but continue to_ feel unsure 0810A23 of the choices actually made. ^Simplification of choice decisions becomes 0820A23 a mode of dealing with brand "noises" in the market place. ^In any 0830A23 case, this predictor is not strongly correlated with buying intentions 0840A23 towards new brands. ^Only in the case of pressure cookers, confidence 0850A23 to_ judge quality turned out to_ be a significant predictor with negative 0860A23 association with buying intention. ^Stronger confidence to_ judge quallty 0870A23 is confounded with perceptions about price being the indicator of 0880A23 quality and if the new brand is not higher priced, buying intentions become 0890A23 weak in view of long-term financial commitment involved and doubts 0900A23 about the quality (based on price cues) exercising dominance over own ability 0910A23 to_ judge quality. $"^As discussed earlier, the direction of relationship 0920A23 between confidence to_ judge quality and buying intention is 0930A23 product-specific and each case has to_ be investigated to_ find the nature 0940A23 of relationship between the two. $"5) ^If in a certain product category, 0950A23 consumers generally feel that brand choices available are somewhat 0960A23 limited, such a feeling can become a favourable factor in the purchase 0970A23 intentions of the consumer towards the new brands. $"6) ^In the case of 0980A23 low consumption items like headache pills and light bulbs, heavy users 0990A23 appear to_ be more willing to_ try new brands than light users. ^The relationship 1000A23 appears similar in more frequently used items also but definite 1010A23 statements cannot be made in view of the results not being statistically 1020A23 significant. $"^To our knowledge, the relationships of these variables 1030A23 with buying intention towards new brands have been investigated for 1040A23 the first time among Indian consumers. ^This research utilised limited 1050A23 product categories as well as a small consumer sample. $"^The direction 1060A23 of various relationships turned out to_ be quite consistent with the 1061A23 hypotheses, 1070A23 though strength of many relationships was weak. ^This pilot study 1080A23 has given some direction to this type of research and future studies 1090A23 can hopefully improve upon the results so that more definitive statements 1100A23 about the relationships can be made. ^Coverage of more and different 1110A23 product categories, use of larger and better selected samples, and improvements 1120A23 in variable operationalisations should all help in getting better 1130A23 results. ^Companies would find it advantageous to_ get some measures 1140A23 of these variabies regarding the product categories of specific interest 1150A23 to them so that their new product choices, as also the introductory marketing 1160A23 strategies for them, are based on deeper insights into the behaviour 1170A23 of these variables which may hinder or help the chances of success 1180A23 of the new products." $^Some of these findings come as a surprise to 1190A23 me-- like heavy users of headache pills being more willing than light 1200A23 users to_ try new brands. ^The authors state that a number of previous 1210A23 studies have shown high correlations between buying intentions and actual 1220A23 purchases later (Martin Fishbein, John \0A. Howard, *(0J. N.*) 1230A23 Sheth and Fleming Hansen). ^The experience of Indian marketers is 1240A23 yet to_ corroborate what is thus established elsewhere. ^My own experience 1250A23 (limited as it is) makes me extremely wary of buying intention statements 1260A23 in any research report. ^What is needed is the model of a validation 1270A23 study as well. 1280A23 $**<*3Tea industry apprehends $cash flow problems**> $^The tea industry 1290A23 in north-east India apprehends serious cash flow problems with a sizable 1300A23 quantity of tea, stocked in city warehouses, damaged by rains and 1310A23 gardens unable to_ despatch because of disruption in road and rail communications. 1320A23 $^According to the Indian Tea Association, nearly 1.5 *4lakh 1330A23 chests of tea stores in warehouses-- some ready for export and others 1340A23 awaiting sale through auctions-- have been affected. ^Also, a fairly 1350A23 large quantity of tea in transit has been damaged. $^While a precise assessment 1360A23 of the damage is being made, it is feared, the industry has 1361A23 lost 1370A23 tea worth \0Rs. 8 to 10 *4crore. ^The industry does not know, at this 1380A23 moment, how much compensation the companies will receive from the insurance 1390A23 companies. $^Realisation of sale proceeds will be considerably delayed 1400A23 in respect of the quantity now held up at the gardens because of disruption 1410A23 in road and rail communications. $^The tea industry has urged 1420A23 the working group set up by New Delhi to_ take into account these factors 1430A23 and recommend steps so that production of tea is not hampered because 1440A23 of shortage of working capital. $^The industry is at present facing 1450A23 shortage of coal. ^The task force now going into the problems of business 1460A23 and industry, arising from the unprecedented floods in the state, has 1470A23 been requested by \0ITA to see that gardens get coal supplies. $^Meanwhile, 1480A23 according to the Consultative Committee of Plantation Associations, 1490A23 there have been several cases of agitation by workers in north 1500A23 Bengal for payment of bonus at rates higher than that_ admissible under 1510A23 the law. 1520A23 $**<*3Crushing delay $\0U.P. cane farmers sore**> $^Though the sugar 1530A23 season this year started on October 1, as yet crushing by 85 sugar mills 1540A23 of Uttar Pradesh has not commenced even though last year*'s 16 *4lakh 1550A23 tonnes of bonded sugarcane was still standing in the fields 1560A23 with the farmers hoping that it would receive top priority. $^During the 1570A23 current season as cane farmers have not been compensated for not getting 1580A23 this cane crushed the farmers are in a quandary with the over-ripening 1590A23 of cane as the sucrose content of standing cane crop would go down if 1591A23 not 1600A23 crushed before this month-end. ^It is feared it will have to_ be burnt. 1610A23 ^This was learnt here from sources close to cane farmers. $^It was also 1620A23 given out last year because of a bumper crop of sugarcane the acreage 1630A23 should be reduced from 20 *4lakh hectares in 1977-78 to something like 1640A23 15 *4lakh hectares in 1978-79 so that the aggregate cane availability 1650A23 does not exceed 550 *4lakh tonnes of which 202 *4lakh tonnes could still 1660A23 remain as bonded cane during 1978-79. ^But actual acreage under 1670A23 sugrcane this year is around 18 *4lakh hectares and the cane crop is 1680A23 expected to be around 600 *4lakh tonnes because even during large scale 1690A23 floods not much damage was done to crop. ^This would mean that even if 1700A23 crushing is attempted on the same scale as last year by sugar mills and 1710A23 *4khandsari units another bumper sugar output should be expected in \0U.P. 1720A23 during 1978-79. $^But this output rise would be possible only, sugar 1730A23 mill managers assert, if cane prices are not allowed to_ exceed \0Rs. 1740A23 10 as against an average cane price of \0Rs. 13 per quintal, they will 1750A23 simply refuse to comply with. ^Already sugar mills in \0U.P. owe cane 1760A23 farmers as much as \0Rs. 48 *4crore till September, 1978 and even if 1770A23 the cane price is fixed at \0Rs. 10 per quintal outstandings are 1771A23 likely 1780A23 to increase to \0Rs. 100 *4crore at the end of 1978-79 sugar season 1790A23 and mill managements do not want that the state government should force 1800A23 them to_ clear even last year*'s outstandings not to_ talk about this year*'s 1810A23 likely outstandings which are bound to_ increase. ^Sugar mill 1811A23 managements 1820A23 contend that prices of sugar have slumped to \0Rs. 260 to \0Rs. 1830A23 275 per quintal even for D-30 variety and at those rock bottom prices 1840A23 they cannot pay even \0Rs. 10 per quintal as cane price.*# **[no. of words = 02037**] **[txt. a24**] 0010A24 **<*3Jail reforms: justice denied**> $^It is reported that the Union 0020A24 home minister is collecting information about the present conditions in 0030A24 Indian prisons and is anxious to_ introduce radical reforms in the management 0040A24 of penal institutions. $^There are glaring defects in the administrative 0050A24 system of prisons which the all-India crime prevention society 0060A24 has been unsuccessfully drawing the attention of the Union and state 0070A24 governments. ^At the Central level, prisons are under the ministry of 0080A24 social welfare as social defence is a section of that_ ministry but technically 0090A24 and administratively, it is under the home ministry with the 0100A24 result that the social defence section helplessly watches on the open defiance 0110A24 of its directives and the home ministry has little time or intention 0120A24 to_ take any interest of those who are institutionalised because of 0130A24 the activities of another section of the same ministry, the police. 0140A24 $^When those who have suffered incarceration themselves come to power, 0150A24 their first reaction is to_ embark upon penal reforms. ^Thus a healthy and 0160A24 refreshing wave of reformation and re-orientation of prison administration 0170A24 started in 1937-38 and again in 1947 when Congress came to power. 0180A24 ^Between 1947-1952 many far-reaching changes were made in prison administration 0190A24 in India. ^Open camps, especially Sampurnanand camps-- open 0200A24 jails with no watch and ward were established with prisoners running their 0210A24 own industry. ^When in 1955 I presented the picture of Indian prisons 0220A24 in the first Congress on the prevention of crime and treatment of 0230A24 offenders, organised by the United Nations in Geneva, criminologists 0240A24 from all over the world were deeply interested with the advances made 0250A24 in India and our open camps were considered the 'most organised' and 'most 0260A24 advanced' in the world. ^The 80-year-old prison administrator, 0261A24 \0Mr. 0270A24 Scudder, father of open camps in the United States, confessed that 0280A24 he could not imagine of such bold experiments in his country. $^But when 0290A24 jail-goer administrators settled down to office, it did not take long 0300A24 to_ forget the past jail experience and consequently prison administration 0310A24 began to_ deteriorate rather too fast. ^In the states especially, those 0320A24 who had to_ be given some portfolio but were fit for no department were 0330A24 entrusted with this work; and whenever any economy was needed, the axe 0340A24 fell on prisons first. ^One main reason for a lack of co-ordination in 0350A24 prison administration is the unplanned allotment of this department to 0360A24 other ministries. ^For instance it is under judicial department in Tamil 0370A24 Nadu; in \0U.P. and a few other states, it is under home for a few 0380A24 years and then shifted as per the importance of the minister himself. 0390A24 ^In Maharashtra it comes under the home department. ^Probation is an important 0400A24 integral part of penal reform but it is in an extremely bad shape 0410A24 in India because it is under social welfare in the Centre; similar 0420A24 is the position in \0U.P., Punjab, Haryana, and Gujarat. ^In Tamil 0430A24 Nadu, Maharashtra and Rajasthan, it is either with law or with home 0440A24 or sometimes with the social welfare department. $^Probation service is 0450A24 becoming a huge farce in this country. ^Several states have a chief probation 0460A24 officer with no probation officer to_ chief about. ^In one state, 0470A24 not more than \0Rs. 2 are paid to a briefless lawyer to_ appear in a 0480A24 court for release under probation. ^Nowhere in the world more than 35 probationers 0490A24 are put under a probation officer. ^But in India, which has 0500A24 no more than about 300 paid officers for the whole country, the case-load 0510A24 under one probation officer is absolutely ridiculous. ^For instance, in 0520A24 Amritsar on September 19, 1977, there were 349 probationers under the 0530A24 supervision of one probation officer and Punjab has 11 such officers 0540A24 all over the state with an average load of 200. ^But for Maharashtra 0550A24 and Tamil Nadu no other state can boast of a real organised service. 0560A24 ^In \0U.P., which had the best service in the fifties is a complete mess 0570A24 with no fixed cadre or permanency for this service and social welfare 0580A24 department treats it as a step child. $^Therefore, if the present 0581A24 attention 0590A24 of the home minister is not a temporary phase, as we have seen in the 0600A24 past, he shall greatly benefit by the information supplied below. 0601A24 ^*I have 0610A24 reasons to_ be sceptic. ^In my forty years of experience I have found 0620A24 that prison reforms is an individualist craze. ^As soon as the minister 0630A24 changes, all his part endeavours disappear. ^*I produced a comprehensive 0640A24 report on prison reform in India, a 600-page report as chairman of 0650A24 Rajasthan Prison Reforms Commission. ^But as soon as the minister who 0660A24 was responsible for setting up the commission left this department for 0670A24 another assignment, the report was abandoned. ^If after 50 years India 0680A24 has not been able to_ implement the recommendations of Jail Committee 0690A24 of 1919-20, set up by the British government, there is no wonder that 0700A24 the All India Jail Manual, an enlightening document, is still going 0710A24 abegging and states are ignoring it with impunity. ^President Johnson*'s 0720A24 Commission in America consulted this manual while formulating its 0730A24 views on jails. $^The average turn-over of Indian prisons is about 1 2 0740A24 million prisoners a year. ^Our daily prison population, in all jails is 0750A24 about 160,000. ^Average cost on the maintenance of one prisoner, per month, 0760A24 is about \0Rs. 140. ^Thus the tax payer spends about \0Rs. 100 million 0770A24 every month or 1200 million a year in keeping this population within 0780A24 its walls. ^More than 30 per cent of this population is a short-termer, 0790A24 conviction ranging from one to three months and 50 per cent of this 0800A24 short-term population should not have been in jails at all under the present 0810A24 changed concept of penology which abhors short-terms and prefers 0820A24 imposition of fines or release on probation. ^One third of our prisoners 0821A24 are undertrials 0830A24 awaiting disposal of cases for more than six months 0840A24 and fifty per cent of the same are ultimately released, only 30 per cent 0850A24 are sentenced to short terms. ^Thus, although the conviction is for only 0860A24 a month, the person concerned spends seven months in jail at the cost 0870A24 of the tax-payer. $^The total capacity of Indian prisons is for 1,75,000 0880A24 prisoners but the population is so unevenly distributed that most of 0890A24 the jails are real hell. ^*I have travelled far and wide and visited 0900A24 hundreds of jails in India and abroad. ^In most of the jails in India, 0910A24 we keep inmates like cattle. $^For instance, in all jails in \0U.P., 0920A24 more than 300 to 400 prisoners are lodged over and above the capacity. 0930A24 ^In Sabarmati, Gujarat, I found an overflow of 250; in Amritsar, there 0940A24 were 800 more than the capacity (1,710 lodged while capacity was 990). 0950A24 ^In nearly all jails, horrible conditions prevailed in juvenile and 0960A24 women sections, one of the dirtiest and uncleanest aspect of prison life. 0970A24 ^In Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra arrangements for juveniles and women 0980A24 are far better but it is very bad in most of the jails in states; for 0990A24 instance, in Amritsar, in a barrack meant for 25 women, 92 were found 1000A24 packed like sardines. ^A progressive state like West Bengal has very 1010A24 bad arrangements for keeping juveniles. ^It has a very skeleton probation 1020A24 service, which hardly exists beyond Calcutta district. $^Most of the 1030A24 prisons in India have some industry or pretext of industry. ^Total production 1040A24 from these runs into about \0Rs. 20.5 million but industrial 1050A24 policy is so defective that the prison labour gets a very poor amount as 1060A24 wages if he or she is skilled. ^It ranges from 5 *4paisa to \0Rs. 2 (very 1070A24 rarely). ^Thus any question of rehabilitation is impossible and there 1080A24 is no chance of a prisoner coming out with even \0Rs. 500 after serving 1090A24 for 14 years. ^For example, in 1966, total production in Amritsar 1100A24 Central prison amounted to \0Rs. 12,00,000; 10 per cent was added as 1110A24 state*'s share, 5 per cent as wear and tear and all told total market value 1120A24 was \0Rs. 15,00,000 but the share of the workers was only \0Rs. 6,500. 1130A24 $^In \0U.P., the turnover is about \0Rs. 5,000,000, and the worker 1140A24 does not get beyond \0Rs. 12,000. ^And most of the prison industries 1150A24 are useless and have no rehabilitative value. ^The government is the 1160A24 biggest exploiter of labour in prisons. ^If prison industries are run on 1170A24 proper lines, if expertise is obtained from private sector and if there 1180A24 is collaboration between private sector and prison industries, like America, 1190A24 and prison factories become anciliaries the tax-payer would be 1200A24 saved from any burden of prisons. ^But no proper policy for prison industries 1210A24 has been laid down thus far. $^Every advanced country in the world 1220A24 is seriously planning to_ change the structure of prisons. ^We are now 1230A24 in an age of decriminalisation and de-penalisation. ^Started by Denmark, 1240A24 the system of day-fines is being introduced in many countries. ^The 1250A24 principle is that because most crimes are mainly for economic gains, punishment 1260A24 should be in terms of money. ^Thus instead of sending a prisoer 1270A24 to_ serve his term, his offence is evaluated in terms of money and he 1280A24 or she has to_ serve for an equal number of wage-days in any assignment 1290A24 fixed by the state and after the amount is paid for, the sentence is 1300A24 over. ^Sometimes, an 'extension' of period for payment is also made. ^Thus 1310A24 the state gets money, the tax-payer is not burdened and the guilty 1320A24 is saved from prison life. $^Release on probation is another way to_ economise 1330A24 in institutional care. ^Then, cost per probationer in India is not 1340A24 more than \0Rs. 25 or so, all told, against \0Rs. 140 in jails. 1341A24 ^Prison 1350A24 budget would be reduced to half by adhering to these two policies. ^*Australia 1360A24 and Denmark are the first two countries in the world to_ start 1370A24 closing prisons instead of increasing their number. ^In Finland, conditionally 1380A24 suspended sentence and conditional release is an established 1390A24 practice since 1972. ^A government report of Finland has recommended 1400A24 that there should be 'punitive' supervision in as many cases as possible, 1410A24 the offender shall have to_ report to the police twice or once a week; 1420A24 release from prison shall be after serving half the term or only three 1430A24 months, whichever is earlier. ^In this era of decriminalization, in several 1440A24 European countries, offences against morality or family, like adultery, 1450A24 prostitution, gambling \0etc. are being depenalised. $^The new phrase 1460A24 is 'victimless crime'-- and Milton \0G. Rector, president, National 1470A24 Council on Crime and Delinquency, \0USA, has started a world-wide 1480A24 agitation to_ remove such crimes in which no body else is harmed, to_ 1490A24 be removed from penal offence, like gambling, drunkenness, prostitution, 1500A24 drug-addiction, homosexuality, and truancy and running away from home 1510A24 among children \0etc. ^He writes: "*_^Legislating morals is ineffective 1520A24 and, in some instances, worsens rather than reduces social discomfort. 1530A24 ^We must allow the criminal justice system, unburdened with drug addicts, 1540A24 prostitutes and drunkards, who wrestle with real crime, and leave regulation 1550A24 of moral behaviour to families and church. ^*Knut Sveri of 1560A24 the University of Stockholm states: "*_^The overwhelming empirical evidence 1570A24 presented by criminological research-workers during the last 20 1580A24 years shows clearly the poor effect of treatment in prisons... ^We do hope 1590A24 to_ find means to_ reduce the number of persons inside walls.... what 1600A24 kind of alternative measures may be used instead of imprisonment...". 1610A24 \0^*Mr. Poland of Scotland has been recently quoted by the International 1620A24 Prisoners*' Aid Association: "*_^It has always seemed strange 1630A24 to me that we create danger for ourselves, and misery for many, by labelling 1640A24 all wrong-doers as evil people who should be locked up when so many 1650A24 of them are no more than casualities of our social system. ^In the 1660A24 lifetime of many, Hitler and Stalin solved the problem by eliminating 1670A24 those whom they considered to_ be enemies of the social order; our forbears 1680A24 hanged small boys for stealing loaves and in the Middle East, potentates 1690A24 still lop off the hands of convicted felons. ^In Scotland we 1700A24 are content to_ lock up proportionately more people than any other Western 1710A24 European nation because we have not taken the trouble to_ devise more 1720A24 efficacious ways of dealing with minor offenders." $^The average percentage 1730A24 of repeaters in Indian prisons was only four in two decades, 1740A24 now it is about 14 per cent.*# **[no. of words = 02015**] **[txt. a25**] 0010A25 **<*3Marriage Counselling in India**> $^MARRIAGE counselling is 0020A25 an established institution in a number of Western countries but not so 0030A25 well-known in India except in the large urban centres. $^In the West, 0040A25 where almost one in every three marriages ends up on the rocks, separations 0050A25 and divorces have become a common feature in life. ^When that_ is so, 0060A25 marriage counselling naturally plays a major role. $^What is the 0061A25 situation 0070A25 in India? ^There was a time when we had the joint family system prevalent 0080A25 in a big way. ^Even now in the rural sector, by and large, it continues 0090A25 to_ exist. ^As for friction in marriage, it has always been there 0100A25 and will continue to_ be there. ^That_ is a truism, but then the 0101A25 argus-eyed 0110A25 mother-in-law who often ruled the roost, albeit sometimes with an iron 0120A25 hand, also applied the much-needed salve when differences arose between 0130A25 the various couples living under the same roof. ^The father-in-law in 0140A25 turn gave the healing touch and more often than not peace and goodwill 0150A25 could be restored. ^The older people in effect functioned as whole-time 0160A25 marriage counsellors. $^But now the situation has changed. ^Especially 0170A25 in the urban areas there is a gradual disintegration of the old modes of 0180A25 living. ^Where the so-called emancipated women work and earn their living, 0190A25 they prefer to_ lead an independent life. ^More and more young people 0200A25 are tending to_ set up their own small but independent apartments. ^And 0210A25 when marital problems arise, and there are no elders in the home to_ 0220A25 sort them out, they have now to_ look outside for marital guidance. ^Elderly 0230A25 friends and relations may sometimes oblige and help them. ^Occasionally, 0240A25 sides are taken. ^There is often undue interference particularly 0250A25 from the close relations. $^Quite often, the approach of the participants 0260A25 is subjective with the result that tempers get frayed, nerves become 0270A25 raw, attitudes get hardened which in turn transforms an early quarrel into 0280A25 a major issue. ^Sometimes the gulf is not healed at all and separations 0290A25 follow which could well have been avoided with objective guidance. ^With 0300A25 the best of will all round, the cracks keep widening and no amount 0310A25 of pampering helps. $^Why have many more problems come up to the forefront 0320A25 today? ^For one thing, women*'s liberation itself has by no means been 0330A25 an unmixed blessing. ^Freedom in life is fun but then it also brings added 0340A25 responsibilities. ^Women rub shoulders with men on the jobs and quite 0350A25 often extra-mural work brings them together on the social front also. 0360A25 ^Exciting and hitherto unexplored vistas of life are often unfolded before 0370A25 them. ^It is not unusual to_ find attachments taking place which are 0380A25 either transitory and hence inclined to_ die down or evolve into lasting 0390A25 relations, leading ultimately to separations. $^The simple phenomenon 0400A25 of both the husband and wife at work sometimes brings about unexpected 0410A25 results. ^When two people earn, affluence is not uncommon. ^Women who have 0420A25 not wielded the purse strings before suddenly become conscious of the 0430A25 power of the pelf and what it can buy. ^Since a lot of them use the 0440A25 earned money on themselves, there is greater interest in personal appearance, 0450A25 more investment in beauty aids and beauty parlours. ^Sometimes 0451A25 the 0460A25 effect can be stunning and the woman in the early thirties may in consequence 0470A25 find herself surrounded by new male faces which make her feel suddenly 0480A25 very desirable. ^Her ego gets a boost; there is a flutter in the heart 0490A25 she had not felt for a long time. ^Daily life is often dull and dreary 0500A25 and any romantic diversion affords a welcome change. ^Quite often it 0510A25 is indulged in thoughtlessly. $^Men having a five-day work week often find 0520A25 the leisure hours creating other types of problems particularly if 0530A25 money is no problem. ^With leisure comes boredom more so when people don*'4t 0540A25 have worthwhile games and hobbies to_ occupy them. ^Then follows the 0550A25 interest in women. ^At this stage complications are likely to_ arise 0560A25 and the marriage counsellor may well step in. $^Certain other factors have 0570A25 created further difficulties and made the situation still more complex. 0580A25 ^While contraceptives were an excellent device to_ control the population 0590A25 explosion, they have also made the indulgence in sex an easy matter. 0600A25 ^The motor car has made temporary affairs still 0601A25 more possible. ^The pill 0610A25 has added a new dimension. ^More inventions in this direction will only 0620A25 result in more nails being dug in the coffin of morality and make sexual 0630A25 permissiveness still more feasible. ^A number of writers have stated 0640A25 that if both the partners felt the same way about the issues, there would 0650A25 probably have been no bones of contention in their lives. ^However, 0660A25 quite often, while the man accepts permissiveness, the wife does not and 0670A25 so on. ^And there comes the rub! $^With increasing work load on the women 0680A25 both at home and on the office/ factory/ farm front, there is more and 0690A25 more insistence on their part wanting the menfolk to_ do the role-sharing 0700A25 at home, with the children, on the kitchen front, dealing with the 0710A25 servants, and so on. ^When the husbands willingly accede to these demands, 0720A25 all goes well. ^On the other hand, when they feel it *8infra dig*9 to_ 0730A25 lend a helping hand in the household chores, friction is easily generated. 0740A25 $^What are the problems facing the counsellors? ^For one thing men 0750A25 and women both complain, often accuse each other, of having lost interest 0760A25 in love and sex as the years have rolled by. ^This may be due to more 0770A25 work responsibility on the shoulders of men-- and now it will be on women 0780A25 also-- arrival of children, a hectic social and official life after 0790A25 the working hours, more work on the home front and so on. ^But then in all 0800A25 this, there is only one casualty. ^And that_ is marriage, which probably 0810A25 gets only the leftovers of the time and energy of the couple. $^Unfortunately, 0820A25 marriage itself is a demanding mistress. ^Come to_ think of 0830A25 it, have you really got the time for it? ^If not, it may well save a visit 0840A25 to the marriage counsellor, a few hundred rupees, and the loss of 0850A25 your time, to_ say nothing of the frustration which may result after you 0860A25 have consulted the so-called experts. $^Men and women often talk of the 0870A25 sexual problems besetting them when they may in reality be smoke screens 0880A25 functioning as a facade for something else. ^Yes, sexual problems can 0890A25 be real. ^Sexual inadequacy in men and frigidity in women can pose serious 0900A25 pointers. ^On the other hand, a man may be thoughtless, cold and indifferent 0910A25 to his wife, treat her as a glorified maid-servant for the rest 0920A25 of the day and yet when he feels the desire expect his wife to_ hop into 0930A25 bed at a moment*'s notice. ^And if at that_ time, with a lot of other 0940A25 resentments surging in her bosom she finds herself unresponsive to the 0950A25 instant needs of her mate, she may be labelled with the frigidity syndrome. 0960A25 ^If, on top of all this, there is an absence of communication, 0970A25 the tag is not likely to_ be removed for quite some time and that_ too, 0980A25 if there is a lot of understanding brought into play. $^This apart, there 0990A25 are a number of things men are afraid of sexually. ^The major worry 1000A25 being not able to_ satisfy a woman in bed. $^Men and women often have dissensions 1010A25 both over *7trivia and essentials outside sex. ^Each one wants 1020A25 to_ be proved right. ^If both the parties are egoistic and have strong 1030A25 personalities, friction can be generated on a large scale. ^Confided a 1040A25 wife to me, she and her husband quarrelled over such inanities as the use 1050A25 of the toothpaste-- should it be ejected from the top, the middle or 1060A25 the bottom? ^A kindly marriage counsellor has perhaps the right answer: 1070A25 why not indulge in some kind of rationalising. ^You (the husband) take 1080A25 the blame on the occasion and you (the wife) on the next, irrespective of 1090A25 the issues involved. ^It is ever so simple. $^Said another marital counsellor 1100A25 by way of advice: Perhaps it would be a good thing not to_ 1101A25 over-analyse 1110A25 marriage. "^It*'1s like yanking up a fragile outdoor plant every 1120A25 twenty minutes to_ see how its roots are growing." $^A lot of men in particular 1130A25 feel the loss of their independence after marriage. ^They liken 1140A25 it to a tourniquet; it stifles their circulation. ^No more of flitting 1150A25 from bough to bough. ^No more searching of fresh fields and pastures 1160A25 new. ^Frankly, a change of scenery is not going to_ help such people as 1170A25 there is no knowing that history will not repeat itself. ^What they really 1180A25 want is promiscuity which has no place in marriage. ^They may well 1190A25 have a divorce and forget the shackles of matrimony. $^The marital problems 1200A25 brought before the marriage counsellors of extroverts and introverts 1210A25 are common but make pathetic reading. ^Quite often the issues are insignificant 1220A25 but the communication gap enlarges them beyond all proportions 1230A25 and makes mountains out of mole-hills. ^An introvert husband married 1240A25 to an extrovert wife straightaway qualifies for a horizontal trip to the 1250A25 psychiatrist*'s couch, more so if the wife has disproportionate sexual 1260A25 demands which he is not able to_ cope up with. ^Understanding an introvert 1270A25 person is a problem by itself and I doubt if all marriage counsellors 1280A25 are equipped to_ handle it. $^Women do not always understand that introverts 1290A25 are also individuals. ^Withdrawn husbands, quite often artists and 1300A25 intellectuals, philosophers and poets, academicians and 1301A25 spiritualists, 1310A25 have their own inner needs to_ satisfy. ^Sharing does not come easily to 1320A25 them. ^They have often to be drawn out-- itself a painful and frustrating 1330A25 exercise. ^They are the people who would want you to_ be comfortable 1340A25 in their prolonged silences, in the dreams they weave in the twilight on 1350A25 the sea beach. $^Lack of understanding on the part of their mates can 1360A25 bring about disastrous consequences. ^One can only give them the basic 1370A25 philosophic advice-- not to_ marry. ^Unfortunately their number is so large, 1380A25 that the advice becomes hardly practicable. ^On the other hand, once 1390A25 dipped in the scalding sea of matrimony, they are like fish out of 1400A25 water and life becomes a *8cul de sac*9 from which there is no escape. ^You 1410A25 can only feel sorry for them and glad there are marriage counsellors 1420A25 around to_ look into their problems. $^A couple of fallacies may well be 1430A25 dispelled. ^One is the common notion that quarrels in marriage betoken 1440A25 unhappy relationships and constitute poor marriages. ^There is an old saying 1450A25 that if two persons fight, they should make it up before the curtain 1460A25 falls on the night. ^In marriage, of course, it means in bed. ^This 1470A25 is not always correct. $^Disagreements by themselves do not necessarily 1480A25 result in failures in marriages. ^In fact, these are nature*'s catalytic 1490A25 agencies and we need not make much of them. ^When two persons live together, 1500A25 day in and day out, for years together, the areas of disagreement 1510A25 are bound to_ widen. ^To_ agree to_ differ is a sound principle in life 1520A25 and an approach to the counsellor is not warranted. $^An expert on the 1530A25 subject says: "^*Indeed it is far healthier for a marriage to_ be punctuated 1540A25 from time to time by hurt feelings and arguments than to_ rest on 1550A25 a basis of deceit." ^Hence the conclusion that occasional bouts in the 1560A25 home serve to_ make successful marriages. $^The other revolves around 1570A25 the old statement of the Lebanese poet, Kahlil Gibran, "let there be 1580A25 spaces in our togetherness..." Husbands and wives are often inclined to_ 1590A25 be overpossessive, a little too curious about each other*'s activities, 1600A25 unusually jealous and hence prying and so on. ^They forget that they 1610A25 are two separate individuals in their own way, their own wants may be their 1620A25 very personal dreams and visions. ^Not everything can be shared between 1630A25 two persons. ^Here again if one partner intends to_ create a buffer 1640A25 zone and the other has the key-hole approach of a *7voyeur if one is afraid 1650A25 of personal domination and the other wants just that_, well, the field 1660A25 is fertile enough for the counsellor to_ step in.*# **[no. of words = 02012**] **[txt. a26**] 0010A26 **<*3Colony where lepers get $a new lease on life**> $*3^IT*0 is a 0020A26 bright, sunny morning. ^The village resounds with its customary sounds. 0030A26 ^Suddenly 60 villagers armed with sticks march up to a village hut, threatening 0040A26 to_ beat up the sole occupant. $^She is \0Dr. (\0Miss) Indu 0050A26 Patwardhan Also known affectionately as Indutai) who set up a colony 0060A26 for leprosy patients in 1965 called Anandgram on the outskirts of Pune. 0070A26 $^Plump and a little taller than average, \0Dr. Patwardhan has a determined 0080A26 look on her face which often gives place to a warm smile. ^She put 0090A26 up a steady fight for Anandgram despite initial opposition from the 0091A26 local 0100A26 people. $^A donation of about \0Rs. 20,000 from \0OXFAM (London) 0110A26 helped to_ set her project on wheels. ^She purchased an 18-acre plot 0120A26 of land at Dudulgaon, 26 kilometers from Pune. ^Her next step was to_ 0130A26 collect 120 lepers from Pune*'s roadsides with the intention of giving 0140A26 them a new lease on life. $^This was only the beginning. ^A barren stretch 0150A26 of land had now to_ be converted into a habitable place. ^The enthusiasm 0160A26 of the lepers was boundless. $^The financial position was not 0170A26 very bright, so they had to_ content themselves with building dwellings 0180A26 with mud walls and tin roofs which were made by straightening out drums. 0190A26 ^These drums were obtained by Indutai from the former Police Commissioner, 0200A26 *(0S. P.*) Marathe, who had confiscated them during an illicit 0210A26 liquor raid. $^Within a few weeks, 100 hutments were ready for occupation. 0220A26 ^Here began a new life for these leprosy patients who had until then 0230A26 to_ face tough competition from other beggars in Pune. $^The next problem 0240A26 to_ be tackled was obtaining a constant supply of water for the residents. 0250A26 ^A well was dug but it soon ran dry. ^It was now necessary to_ get 0260A26 a more scientific form of lift irrigation to_ bring the waters of the 0270A26 Indrayani up the hill. $^But the Alandi municipality was not in an obliging 0280A26 mood. ^Consequently, the fields had to_ remain dry while the authorities 0290A26 "dwelled on the matter." ^The lift irrigation project was held 0300A26 up indefinitely while Indutai ran from door to door, convincing the authorities 0310A26 of the urgency of the matter. $^In desperation, Indutai approached 0320A26 the former Chief Minister of Maharashtra, \0Mr. *(0S. B.*) 0330A26 Chavan. ^With his arbitration, things took a turn for the better. ^The 0340A26 authorities concerned finally got moving. ^Water flowed into Anandgram 0350A26 and lush green fields replaced the barren land. $^Today, Anandgram is 0360A26 rapidly becoming a self-sufficient village with the residents cultivating 0370A26 and harvesting their own crops. ^They produce pulses, rice, 0371A26 *4jowar and 0380A26 groundnuts. ^But the dream of self-sufficiency can be shattered any day 0390A26 as the Alandi municipality can cut off the water supply according to 0400A26 their whims and fancies. "^We live from moment to moment, trying to_ make 0410A26 best of the present," says an old woman at Anandgram. $^Some lepers 0420A26 make slippers which fetch a good amount of money. ^In another hut others 0430A26 are busy weaving cloth and turning it into a variety of ready-made garments. 0440A26 ^Every resident has a role to_ perform. $^*Ravindra Surve is an 0450A26 energetic youngster who does a lot of work at Anandgram. ^He was formerly 0460A26 a garage mechanic at Goregaon, Bombay, till he contracted leprosy. 0470A26 ^Someone told him about Indutai and he came down to Anandgram. ^His 0480A26 treatment turned out to_ be expensive, but effective. ^Luckily for him, 0490A26 Anandgram shouldered the expenses. $^*Ravindra is completely cured today 0500A26 and has gone a step turther. ^He is attempting to_ come back into 0510A26 society. ^One of his tasks is to_ do the marketing for Anandgram, hence 0520A26 he comes into contact with a lot of people. "^*I love people and want 0530A26 to_ mix with them," he says, breaking off into a smile. ^For him and for 0540A26 many others, Indutai signifies the mother. $^There are 46 children in 0550A26 the colony. ^They are perfectly healthy but suffer because of prejudice 0560A26 against their parents, who are leprosy patients. ^*Indutai says emphatically 0570A26 that "leprosy is not hereditary" and adds that a school has been started 0580A26 to_ ensure that these children have a better future. ^The elderly 0590A26 teacher, \0Mrs. Joshi, was afflicted by leprosy ten years back. "^My 0600A26 people at home don*'4t want me and I don*'4t intend to_ go back now. ^*I 0610A26 have found a more meaningful way of life here." $^*Kusum is a young woman 0620A26 who looks after the children and tends to the minor wounds of the 0630A26 residents. "^Sometimes I get about 50 patients a day. ^Even if they have 0640A26 a little cut, they rush to me for treatment," she says. ^She also takes 0650A27 the more serious patients to Sassoon Hospital in Pune for regular treatment. 0660A26 ^For their transport they have a bullock-cart like in any other 0670A26 village. $^*Anandgram has its own pathological laboratory. ^All the necessary 0680A26 medicines and injections are stocked in neat piles and the patients 0690A26 are trained to_ give themselves injections. ^The awareness of the residents 0700A26 of the need for immediate treatment is remarkable. $^*Anandgram 0710A26 has its own cattle. ^There is a well-fed Jersey cow, a calf, and 800 0720A26 fluffy chickens. ^Nevertheless, the problem of finances is a Damocles 0730A26 sword hanging over the people of Anandgram. $^The government has put forth 0740A26 a helping hand by providing \0Rs. 45 per month for each resident of 0750A26 Anandgram. ^In these days of sky-rocketing prices, it is impossible to_ 0760A26 feed, clothe and give shelter to a person within this amount. 0761A26 ^*Anandgram 0770A26 manages to_ give its people a fair deal with the help of the numerous 0780A26 social organisations in Pune. ^The lepers certainly don*'4t look like 0790A26 social outcasts as they sit and work industriously at their respective 0800A26 tasks. $^The lepers have no inhibitions about exhibiting their wounds 0810A26 to visitors. ^Probably they realise that visitors to Anandgram do not come 0820A26 out of ouriosity alone. $^In Anandgram, the lepers fight, love, marry, 0830A26 cry. ^The whole saga of human life is played out here daily. ^And 0840A26 the lepers find solace in each other. ^Even if society shuns them, they 0850A26 have their own kind to_ turn to. $^*Anandgram is an achievement and at the 0860A26 same time an indictment of the rest of society. ^We have become inhuman 0870A26 enough to_ reject a large part of our society. ^There are millions 0880A26 of leprosy patients in India today who can be cured. ^What they need 0890A26 is sympathy and love. $\0^*Dr. Patwardhan expresses both her happiness 0900A26 at seeing the growth of Anandgram and her frustration at not being able 0910A26 to_ include the thousands of lepers within Pune itself. ^For such a 0920A26 gargantuan task she would need a task force of doctors and more financial 0930A26 support. ^But most of all she would need social sanction. ^Otherwise, 0940A26 she will always have an uphill task. $^Today, one doctor comes to Anandgram 0950A26 voluntarily. ^He however, cannot work for more than two hours a day 0960A26 because he has to_ attend to his regular practice. ^But how many are 0961A26 there 0970A26 who are willing to_ brave stiff opposition from members of society? 0980A26 $^A visit to Anandgram helps one to_ regain faith in humankind. ^In the 0990A26 midst of tragedy there is so much of joy. ^The experiment at Anandgram 1000A26 is bearing fruit and with every dawn life becomes more meaningful. 1010A26 $^In the words of a visitor, "If there were more Anandgrams, the world 1020A26 would be a better place to_ live in." 1030A26 $**<*3They also serve, who stand and wait**> $*3^THEY*0 come on racy 1040A26 motorbikes today, the waiters at Bombay*'s Taj Mahal Hotel. ^They 1050A26 make a cool three grand on tips, every month. ^Ergo-- the racy motorbikes, 1060A26 and much else. $^This was not so fifty years ago, for neither were there 1070A26 such contraptions nor such extravagant tips. ^The waiters then 1080A26 merely stood and served the moneyed. ^But they are of history. $^After 1090A26 all, how many people do you know who have come in contact with the likes 1100A26 of Dinshaw Petit Cawasji Jehangir, Jamshetji Jeejeebhoy, John 1110A26 Barrymore, *(0JRD*) Tata! ^Personages whose names are to_ be seen 1120A26 all over the city on street name-plates; who are with us, reposing on 1130A26 pillars, surveying the city solemnly, enshrined in marble; who built the 1140A26 city*'s buildings and gave it its institutions-- the founders of what 1150A26 is today called Bombay. ^Without them it would have been just a sleepy 1160A26 harbour favoured by the British, being the first in the spine of their 1170A26 empire, No India-- no empire. $^*Martin Lobo was a waiter at the Taj 1180A26 in 1896. ^He has had the privilege of seeing many of these personages 1190A26 in flesh and blood, probably unaware that at the table he attended sat 1200A26 the makers of modern India. $^Today you will find him sitting on the 1210A26 doorstep of the Holy Cross Church in the Juhu Koliwada suburb of 1220A26 Bombay looking through his misty spectacles, a perpetual growth of quarter 1230A26 inch white stubble on his chin. ^It is not uncommon to_ see old men, 1240A26 both rich as well as poor, just sitting and staring toward the end of 1250A26 their life. $^But despite this, the faded striped pajama and the dirt coloured 1260A26 bush shirt which was once doubtlessly white, there is a certain 1270A26 urbanity about Martin Lobo. ^Probably it has rubbed off from his years 1280A26 in service when he came in contact with the elite of India*'s first city 1290A26 for twenty-five years. ^And from the memory of having once strutted 1300A26 about dressed immaculately in starched white monkey jacket and trousers, 1310A26 green waistcoat and a black tie. $^For in the early years of the century 1320A26 only two kinds of people could associate with the rulers-- the very 1330A26 high born or extremely affluent and the servant. ^As *(0S. K.*) Kooka 1340A26 observes in the Taj magazine of December 1977: "*_in those days you 1350A26 could count on one finger the number of first class hotels in India where 1360A26 Indians were permitted entry. ^Servants were excluded, for without them 1370A26 life would have been burdensome as the affluent West discovered after 1380A26 World War *=2" ^And further: "^Those were the days when no gentleman 1390A26 in India removed his own trousers: this was performed by his bearer. 1400A26 ^And even today, at the Willingdon Club in Bombay, the older attendants 1410A26 in the Men*'s Changing Room will bend down to_ remove the 1420A26 netherwear of a member who is accustomed to such attention." $^*Martin 1421A26 Lobo joined 1430A26 the Taj when he and the hotel were a mere twenty years old. (^The Taj 1440A26 will be 75 on the December 16 this year). ^Earlier he had been working 1450A26 in one of the lesser hotels and kept in touch with a fellow Goan who 1460A26 was head waiter at the Taj. ^When a vacancy occurred, he graduated to 1470A26 the premier hotel. "^In those days one needn*'4t have been an \0S.S.C. 1480A26 to_ become a waiter," he says with a mixture of envy and scorn, "one 1490A26 just had to_ know how to_ wait upon people and how to_ lay a table where 1500A26 each seat had five glasses and a dozen pieces of silver to_ be laid 1510A26 in a strictly unalterable order." $^The waiter*'s lot was a hard one in 1520A26 those days, even at the Taj. ^The monthly pay was \0Rs. 21, of which 1530A26 \0Rs. 2.50 were deducted at source against breakages (which explains the 1540A26 aplomb with which the waiters of old could glide across the floor flourishing 1550A26 a tray full of soup bowls on an arm raised jauntily over their 1560A26 heads). ^This left \0Rs. 18 and 8 \annas in hand at the end of a month-- 1570A26 a month full of four holidays and 26 nine-hour working days of 1571A26 which four 1580A26 were extended to 10-12 hour days, being the weekend dance nights. ^Of 1590A26 course the next day was off and there was time to_ recoup from the 1600A26 long night, but no recompense. $^One retired to the premises at Wellington 1610A26 Mews, which was first a stable for the residents*' horses, later a 1611A26 garage, 1620A26 then quarters for the waiters. ^There were no furnishings, just a 1630A26 roof above and the floor below (and today many would be more than grateful 1640A26 for such accommodation, and in Colaba too!). ^Bring your cot and bedding 1650A26 and call it home. $^This was gratis, as were the three meals, 1651A26 Bread and 1660A26 "as much tea as you want" for breakfast.*# **[no. of words = 02009**] **[txt. a27**] 0010A27 **<*3\0UP political cauldron simmering*0**> $*3^THE*0 political cauldron 0020A27 in Uttar Pradesh continues to_ simmer with the dissidents determined 0030A27 to_ push ahead with their bid to_ dislodge \0Mr. Ram Naresh Yadav 0040A27 from the Chief Ministership of the State. ^The Janata Parliamentary 0050A27 Board has looked into the problem carefully. ^It has also had the benefit 0060A27 of the assessment of the situation from \0Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee 0070A27 and \0Mr. George Fernandez, both of whom were asked to_ talk 0080A27 to the ministerialists and the dissidents. ^The Board has decided not 0090A27 to_ do anything in "*4jaldbazi" (hurry), to_ quote a top Janata leader, 0100A27 and not to_ allow itself to_ be hustled into taking action one way or the 0110A27 other. ^The Board would particularly like to_ wait till \0Mr. Charan 0120A27 Singh gets well enough to_ join a discussion. \0^*UP affairs will thus 0130A27 be in the cold storage for a few weeks at least. $^The Janata Parliamentary 0140A27 Board is clear that the issue in Uttar Pradesh is not merely 0150A27 one of a change in the leadership of the party. ^Even if this were to_ 0160A27 be brought about, a question mark would still continue over the unity 0170A27 of the party. ^The current exercise is therefore, directed towards bringing 0180A27 the rival groups together so that they can jointly and effectively 0190A27 face the challenge posed by Azamgarh. ^Time is of the essence since another 0200A27 by-election to the *5Lok Sabha*6 is due to be held at Fatehpur. 0210A27 ^The Janata Party in \0UP has not only to_ close its ranks but project 0220A27 an image of unity if Fatehpur is not to_ go the Azamgarh way. ^In 0230A27 Azamgarh, the electoral battle became one of *4Yadavas versus non-*4Yadavas. 0240A27 ^In Fatehpur, voters belonging to the intermediate classes 0241A27 (Yadavas 0250A27 \0etc.) are in a minority. ^The majority comprises the Thakurs, 0260A27 Brahmins, *4Harijans and the Muslims. $^There are no two opinions that 0270A27 the manner in which the Chief Minister, \0Mr. Yadav, sacked \0Mr. 0271A27 Satya 0280A27 Prakash Malaviya, was unfortunate. ^But some top Janata leaders 0290A27 at the Centre now cencede that \0Mr. Yadav, too, had a case. ^He was 0300A27 needlessly driven to the wall by the dissidents who, it is alleged, started 0310A27 working against him from the very moment he was elected leader. \0^*Mr. 0320A27 Yadav also felt that the time had come to_ cut the dissidents to size. 0330A27 ^In fact, \0Mr. Yadav has been able to_ prove that the dissidents 0340A27 are not as strong as they claim to_ be; only 30 of them joined the Opposition 0350A27 walk out in the Assembly last week. ^This has also emboldened \0Mr. 0360A27 Yadav to_ give a virtual notice to the other dissidents in his Ministry 0370A27 thanks to the solid backing of \0Mr. Charan Singh. ^They have 0380A27 been told to_ behave or get ready to_ face the same fate as \0Mr. Malaviya. 0390A27 $^Meanwhile, an analysis of the Azamgarh poll shows that the performance 0400A27 of the Indira Congress is not as spectacular as has been made 0410A27 out by \0Mrs. Gandhi and others. ^It is not as though the Azamgarh 0420A27 voters have decided to_ go back to the congress (\0I). ^True, the congress 0430A27 (\0I) candidate polled about 30,000 votes more in the by-election 0440A27 than in the general elections of March 1977. ^True also that the Janata 0450A27 Party fared badly: its vote slumped from 2,30,000 to barely 90,000 0460A27 some 1,40,000 votes less. ^But there are two other factors to_ remember, 0470A27 according to knowledgeable circles. ^First, the percentage of polling 0480A27 this time was much less, second, other candidates, totalling 19, accounted 0490A27 for nearly 85,000 votes or about 28 per cent of the votes cast. ^In 0500A27 March 1977, the other candidates drew a virtual blank. ^Voting this 0510A27 time was thus more against the Janata Party than, for the Indira Congress. 0520A27 $^Unity also continues to_ elude the Janata Party in 0521A27 neighbouring 0530A27 Madhya Pradesh, despite the compromise formula evolved by New Delhi 0540A27 to_ defuse the crisis precipitated by the head-on clash between the President 0550A27 of the *8Ad Hoc*9 Janata Committee of the Pradesh and his 0560A27 two General Secretaries. ^Trouble errupted when the two General Secretaries 0570A27 belonging to the erstwhile Socialist Party announced the constitution 0580A27 of parallel committees in 18 districts and the President thereupon 0590A27 suspended them from the party for what was called "anti-party" 0600A27 work. ^Realising the gravity of the situation, the Janata High Command 0610A27 sought to_ restore peace by dissolving the parallel bodies and revoking 0620A27 the suspension of the two General Secretaries. ^But the formula, which 0630A27 restored *8status quo ante*9 and appeared to_ be workable, has failed 0640A27 to_ yield desired results due to sharply conflicting interpretation of 0650A27 the Central decision. $^Controversy has been revived by a circular issued 0660A27 by the Pradesh office. ^According to this circular, the district 0670A27 committees constituted by the President, \0Mr. Kusha Bhau Thakre, formerly 0680A27 of the Jana Sangh, are to_ continue as the only constitutional 0690A27 bodies. ^The circular denies that both the existing and parallel bodies 0700A27 have been dissolved by the Janata President, \0Mr. Chandra Shekhar. 0710A27 ^However, one of the General Secretaries, \0Mr. Raghu Thakur, has 0720A27 contested the veracity of this version, ^He maintains that the Central 0730A27 leaders have yet to_ take a final decision about the dissolved committees 0740A27 set up in the districts. ^Behind the clash is a tussle for power between 0750A27 the erstwhile Socialists and the erstwhile *5Jana Sanghis*6. 0751A27 ^The 0760A27 political scene is again threatening to_ thicken in Madhya Pradesh, requiring 0770A27 fresh Central intervention. $^*Andhra Pradesh is pushing ahead 0780A27 vigorously with its implementation of the Land Ceilings Act, 1972, considered 0790A27 a landmark in the evolution of land reforms. ^Actual possession 0800A27 of the land is being given to the allottees speedily. ^The weaker sections 0810A27 of society have already benefited most. ^By the end of March a 0820A27 total of 1,41,034 persons were assigned land, of whom 82,880 belong to 0830A27 the scheduled castes, 20,705 to the Scheduled Tribes and 31,082 to 0840A27 backward classes. ^The surplus land taken over by the Government under 0850A27 the Act is being given as house sites to agricultural labour, village artisans 0860A27 or other poor persons owning no house sites or house, or to the 0870A27 weaker sections of the people depending on agriculture. ^The Government 0880A27 has stipulated that no less than a half of the total land shall be assigned 0890A27 to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes. $^An assignee 0900A27 will have to_ pay 50 times of the land revenue payable subject to a 0910A27 maximum of \0Rs. 1,250 per hectare in the case of wet and \0Rs. 375 0920A27 in the case of dry land in 15 instalments. ^To_ enable the assignee either 0930A27 to_ cultivate the land or construct a house, the collectors have been 0940A27 organising the assignees and helping them with 0950A27 institutional finance. ^*Nellore district with 54,520 beneficiaries 0951A27 and 0960A27 28,408 acres of dry land tops the list of the 21 districts and Anantapur 0970A27 with a wet acreage of 2,660 tops the list of wet lands in the State 0980A27 so far. ^*Nellore comes a close second with 2,004 acres of wet 0981A27 land. 0990A27 s^*West bengal is facing a recessionary trend thereby creating an acute 1000A27 problem for the industrialists and labour. ^Industrial production has been 1010A27 hit by power shortages, labour unrest, reduction in the income of workers, 1020A27 lock-outs and strikes. ^The industry fears that the coming months 1030A27 will see further deterioration in power generation, affecting big and 1040A27 small industries and other consumers. ^This will be in spite of the approval 1050A27 given by the Centre to_ build gas turbines in the State as a 1051A27 short 1060A27 term measure to_ meet the power crisis. ^*West Bengal has continuously 1070A27 suffered from power famine. ^It is estimated to_ have lost \0Rs. 3,000 1080A27 *4crores in production alone, costing the exchequer a revenue loss of 1090A27 about \0Rs. 1,000 *4crores. 1100A27 **<*3....and now it*'1s Samastipur*0**> $*3^THE*0 dust and heat having 1110A27 died down in Chikmagalur, attention is now turned on the crucial *5Lok 1120A27 Sabha*6 contest from Samastipur in Bihar. ^This is evoking keen interest 1130A27 because of the important issues involved. ^The fight here appears 1140A27 to_ be between the forward classes and the backward classes; the accent 1150A27 on the Emergency excesses and survival of democracy is almost muted. 1160A27 ^*Bihar had returned the Janata Party from all its 54 constituencies in 1170A27 the March 1977 elections and any reversal here will be considered a reflection 1180A27 on the functioning of the Janata Party both at the Centre 1190A27 and in the State. ^The election has also assumed importance because of 1200A27 the entry of \0Mrs. Tarakeshwari Sinha, the glamour girl of the Congress 1210A27 (\0I). ^She is being opposed by \0Mr. Ajit Kumar Mehta, a professor 1220A27 of Ranchi, besides 22 others. $^*Samastipur has six Assembly 1230A27 constituencies, namely, samastipur, Sarai Ranihan, Mohiddi Nagar, Bibhutpur, 1240A27 Kalyanpur and Lalsingh Sarai and five of them returned Janata 1250A27 candidates in the Assembly elections in June 1977. ^The Chief Minister, 1260A27 \0Mr. Karpoori Thakur, who resigned the *5Lok Sabha*6 seat 1270A27 on his being elected to the State Assembly had won the *5Lok Sabha*6 1280A27 seat by a margin of over three *4lakh votes. ^But that_ was over a 1290A27 year ago when there was a Janata wave and the State had not experienced 1300A27 the forward and backward class antagonism. ^In this constituency with 1310A27 over 820 polling booths, there are nearly 7.5 *4lakh voters. ^But unlike 1320A27 many other constituencies this cannot claim the predominance of any single 1330A27 particular caste, and more so the upper castes. ^In the last three 1340A27 elections it returned backward class candidate only. ^The upper castes who 1350A27 dominate the countryside in Bihar believe that \0Mrs. Tarakeshwari 1360A27 Sinha will win with a handsome margin. ^This belief is based on two factors; 1370A27 first the people*'s disillusionment with the functioning of the 1380A27 Janata Government; and secondly, the vote pulling capacity of the upper 1390A27 castes, particularly the *4Bhumihars to which community \0Mrs. Sinha 1400A27 belongs. ^An analysis of the composition of the constituency shows that 1410A27 the *4Bhumihars are by no means a dominant community in this area. ^The 1420A27 other upper castes *4Rajputs and *4Maithilis are also not considered 1430A27 a big force. ^This is also true of the minorities like the *4Harijans 1440A27 and the Muslims who have been traditional supporters of the Congress 1450A27 (\0I). ^On the other hand the Koeries to which caste the Janata 1451A27 candidate, 1460A27 \0Mr. Mehta belongs constitute the largest single group. ^They account 1470A27 for nearly a *4lakh and a half votes. ^The next dominant community is 1480A27 the *4Yadavs who number about 80,000. ^The other backward classes like 1490A27 the *4Kurmis and the *4Dhanuks also have sizable votes. ^The backward 1500A27 classes thus total more than four *4lakhs. $*3^WITH THE STATE SHARPLY*0 1510A27 divided between the upper castes and the backward classes as a result 1520A27 of the controversy created by the reservation formula, the election 1530A27 would be fought on class lines. ^While the upper castes are not united, 1540A27 the backward classes appear to_ be solidly behind the Chief Minister 1550A27 who hails from the same constituency and knows every inch of the area. 1560A27 ^*Samastipur election, in more than one sense, will be an acid test for 1570A27 the reservation policy of the Thakur ministry. ^The upper castes seem 1580A27 determined to_ defeat the Janata candidate to_ prove the unacceptability 1590A27 of the reservation formula and the backward classes appear equally resolved 1600A27 to_ demonstrate that the Thakur Government enjoys the backing 1610A27 of the people on this issue. $^What finally influences the outcome of 1620A27 a contest is the fairness of the election itself. ^It is common knowledge 1630A27 that in Bihar the muscle power of the community to which the candidate 1640A27 belongs and the money power behind it which direct the course of the 1650A27 electorate. ^The upper castes have so far dominated because of their 1660A27 resources. ^But this may not be the case in Samastipur now. \0^*Mr. Karpuri 1670A27 Thakur is a shrewd campaigner and will be personally in charge of 1680A27 the electioneering on behalf of the Janata candidate. ^It is doubtful 1690A27 if the upper castes would be able to_ succeed in their tactics. ^Apart 1700A27 from this, the reservation issue has aroused political awareness among 1710A27 the backward classes and they are no more prepared to_ be dictated by the 1720A27 upper castes whom they have been serving from centuries. $^Another issue 1730A27 to_ weigh with the election will be the decision of the State Government 1740A27 to_ take over errant sugar mills. \0^*Mr. Thakur had opposed de-control 1750A27 of sugar and his latest step in taking over sugar mills has earned 1760A27 him the gratitude of the *4kisans.*# **[no. of words = 02015**] **[txt. a28**] 0010A28 **<*3Janata faces a debacle in azamgarh poll?*0**> $^Three major developments 0020A28 have affected the Janata Party*'s prospects on the political scene. 0030A28 ^First, the sudden illness of the Home Minister, \0Mr. Charan 0040A28 Singh. $^Political observers believe that this will lead to greater bitterness 0050A28 and infighting among the Janata Party factions in the absence 0060A28 of the Home Minister*'s contribution to party politics. $^A senior party 0070A28 leader said: "*_^It will be unfortunate but one can expect a free-for-all 0080A28 exchange of political blows, with \0Mr. Raj Narain trying to_ 0090A28 set the tone of politics. ^We are not happy with \0Mr. Raj Narayan*'s 0100A28 style. ^Can we do anything at all to_ persuade the Health Minister 0110A28 to_ be less destructive than what he is normally?" $^A second issue really 0120A28 disturbing the Janata is the forthcoming by-election at Azamgarh in 0130A28 Uttar Pradesh, on May 7. $^Most reports underline the fact that the 0140A28 Janata is facing a formidable opponent \0Mrs Mohsina Kidwai (Congress-\0I). 0150A28 \0Mr Charanjit Yadav the official Congress candidate, it 0160A28 appears, is not able to_ muster enough strength from his old constituency. 0170A28 ^His followers, it seems, have switched their allegiance to \0Mrs. Gandhi. 0180A28 $^An experienced observer of the \0U.P. scene says: "*_^The 0190A28 point has been reached when the Janata wave is no longer what it was. ^It 0200A28 is not even a small wind. ^One can ascribe different reasons for the 0210A28 change in public attitude towards the ruling party. $"^You may call it the 0220A28 absence of an effective government. ^The anger of the youth is another 0230A28 factor. ^But more than anything else somehow people have begun to_ realise 0240A28 that \0Mrs. Gandhi cannot be pushed too far in the background." 0250A28 $^Another analyst makes the point that people in the Hindi-speaking belt 0260A28 are not really concerned with the sophistry of political thought. ^They 0270A28 do not distinguish between the dictatorial style of \0Mrs. Gandhi 0280A28 and the saintly sermons of Morarji Desai. ^They want a man of action 0290A28 or for that_ matter a person who can deliver the goods. \0^*Mr. Desai 0300A28 is virtually unknown in \0U.P.*'s villages. \0^*Mrs. Gandhi always had 0310A28 an image, although the atrocities under the emergency regime threw her 0320A28 back for the time being." $^Pro-\0Mrs. Gandhi politicians point out 0330A28 that neither the Janata Party nor the official Congress have managed 0340A28 to_ grow any roots in the countryside. ^Perhaps for the wrong reasons, \0Mrs. 0350A28 Gandhi is once again drawing crowds in the Hindi-speaking areas. 0360A28 ^People are not really interested, it seems, in the puritanical policies 0370A28 of \0Mr. Desai nor the antics of some of his Cabinet Ministers. 0380A28 $^The youth are angry because they have no jobs. ^The village elders want 0390A28 more money for the rural community. ^The Janata, of course, is pledged 0400A28 to_ provide a flow of more funds to the villagers. ^But there has 0410A28 been quite a muddle about this issue. ^Most villagers do not know that they 0420A28 are being offered an interesting economic deal by the government. ^Is 0430A28 it the failure of government machine? $^In fact, the publicity departments 0440A28 in New Delhi and the State capitals are overdoing their jobs. 0450A28 ^It is a simple question of over-kill. $^At the same time, All-India 0460A28 Radio and television are busy with their pre-occupation with \0Mrs. Gandhi. 0470A28 ^They have not been able to_ tell the man in the village of what 0480A28 the new rural policies of the Janata are. $^Indeed, one of the unfortunate 0490A28 results of the ruling party*'s so-called push towards the villages 0500A28 is that the urban youth and educated white-collar class in the city blocks 0510A28 have lost faith in the Janata Party*'s promises and performances. 0520A28 $^He is disillusioned with the patch-work unity of the Janata. ^Then 0530A28 there are the party squabbles. ^The Janata has yet to_ prove that it is 0540A28 a cleaner party than \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s organisation despite the Shah 0550A28 Commission. $^According to critics of the Desai Government, there are 0560A28 sordid tales of what the Ministers*' relations and friends are doing 0570A28 in secretariat corridors. $^One economic analyst, who was until recently 0580A28 a senior official in the Department of Economic Affairs, points out 0590A28 that "big business has been really delivered from fear". ^It is a free-for-all 0600A28 society. ^Big business executives are telling each other at their 0610A28 board meetings that they could not have had a better deal under any 0620A28 other government. ^Of course, the irony is that business leaders keep on 0630A28 publicly complaining about the stagnant investment climate and lack of 0640A28 incentives. $^The fact of the matter is that although investment is lagging 0650A28 behind, there is very little government examination of the so-called 0660A28 misdeeds of big business. $^And yet the Janata Leaders seem to_ 0670A28 be blissfully unaware of what goes on. ^The Prime Minister delivers 0680A28 a familiar sermon to the business community. ^He asks them to_ look after 0690A28 the villagers. ^Are they not doing so already by raising the prices of 0700A28 consumer goods in village shops? $^The fact is that the government and 0710A28 business community are operating on different wavelengths. ^And as usual 0720A28 the big business is one jump ahead of the squabbling Ministers. $^As 0730A28 one senior business leader says: "*_^We do not really know what the government 0740A28 wants from us. ^They are speaking with different voices. ^We are 0750A28 getting a little tired of being ordered to_ behave. ^As if we are the 0760A28 anti-social elements in the country and the rest of the crowd is really 0770A28 decent". $^A third major element in the political situation concerns 0780A28 \0Mr. Nanaji Deshmukh*'s sudden urge to go constructive. ^What politicians 0790A28 mean by constructive activity, it is not possible to_ express or understand 0800A28 in plain English. $^For, \0Mr. Deshmukh and politicians like 0810A28 him speak in a different language from the rest of the community. ^After 0820A28 making a sensible statement that some of the top leaders must retire, 0830A28 he hastened to_ withdraw his operative part of the statement. ^He was 0840A28 clearly over-stepping his limits in wanting \0Mr. Desai to_ go. $^But 0850A28 Deshmukh is a shrewd politician. ^His influence with the Jana Sangh 0860A28 cadre cannot be underestimated. ^His statement seems to_ be a clear warning 0870A28 to the rest of the Janata crowd that the Jana Sangh means business. 0880A28 ^And so \0Mr. Deshmukh*'s \0RSS men have to_ sharpen their knives 0890A28 to_ hasten their timetable for capturing power within the Janata. 0900A28 $^Four years is too short a time to_ achieve this ambition. ^But who knows 0910A28 that \0Mrs. Gandhi by that_ time may be able to_ show the door to the 0920A28 |nata at least in the Hindi-speaking States. $^For the Janata is 0930A28 too feeble an alliance to_ withstand the shock treatment being given to 0940A28 it by a determined \0Mrs. Gandhi, who knows all the techniques of a 0950A28 fascist movement. $^Her followers are not interested in any principles or 0960A28 philosophy. ^They are simply there to_ atone for the past. ^And, perhaps, 0970A28 they will succeed in their game. 0980A28 $**<*3Chikmagalur poll campaign *7sans national issues*0**> $^There is 0990A28 nothing like 100 per cent accurate prediction of an election contest. 1000A28 ^At best there can be the nearest approximation for, one has to_ make margin 1010A28 for several uncertain factors. $^As far as the contesting sides are 1020A28 concerned, they always exude confidence and will try to_ impress every 1030A28 one about how the situation is in favour of their party. ^They will try 1040A28 to_ construe every little development in favour of their candidate and 1050A28 against their opponent. ^It does not therefore help to_ go by what the 1060A28 party loyalists say about the results. $^An impartial observer has therefore 1070A28 necessarily to_ go by what the people outside the party folds say about 1080A28 the election. ^That_ was how I had given my predictions about some 1090A28 of the key contests in Sangli, Kolhapur and Satara districts during 1100A28 the last assembly elections. $*<*3Reluctant voter*0*> $^But in Chikmagalur, 1110A28 while common people are enjoying the excitement of the election, 1120A28 they seem to_ be reluctant to_ say anything one way or the other. ^In any 1130A28 other area in Maharashtra, election discussions would have been everywhere, 1140A28 in shops, in buses, at market places. ^But i am surprised that common 1150A28 people in this sprawling constituency should be so stoical on the 1160A28 subject. $^*Chikmagalur *5lok Sabha*6 constituency comprises eight assembly 1170A28 segments-- Chikmagalur, Kadur, Birur, Tarikere, Sringeri and Mudiger 1180A28 in Chikmagalur district and Belthangdy and Karkal in South 1190A28 Kanara district. ^*Chikmagalur town is nearly 150 \0kms away from Bajpe 1200A28 airport at Mangalore. ^It took me nearly seven hours to_ cover that_ 1210A28 distance partly because of the heavy rains in the evening in this part 1220A28 of Karnataka. ^Darkness descends around 6 \0p.m. and thereafter there 1230A28 is very little activity in the region. $^At about 8 \0p.m. when I arrived 1240A28 in Belthangdy along with two friends who had come to_ receive me at 1250A28 the airport, I had my first encounter with the people of the area in a 1260A28 hotel where \0Mr. Mahendra Kumar Jain, one of the independent candidates 1270A28 for the by-election, was enjoying his dinner. ^*I saw a couple of 1280A28 persons seated round him more out of curiosity than out of excitement. 1290A28 $*<*3Anti-Emergency*0*> $^For one thing, the people here, except a 1300A28 handful of them, cannot understand any language other than Tulu and Kannada. 1310A28 ^*I had, however, the advantage of conversing with them through 1320A28 my Kannada friends. \0^*Mr. Mahendra Kumar, who hails from Haryana, 1330A28 said his candidature was in protest against the family planning atrocities 1340A28 committed on the people of Haryana during the emergency. ^Another 1350A28 independent candidate I ran into at my lodge in Chikmagalur was inimitable 1360A28 Kartar Singh Thatthe, who said he was fighting to_ propagate for 1370A28 ban on cow slaughter. "^*I will get enough votes to_ save my deposit", 1380A28 he said. $^*Belthangdy looked like a Congress stronghold. "^Not in town 1390A28 area but rural vote will go to \0Mrs. Gandhi", said \0Mr. Harishchandra, 1400A28 an advocate from the area, who also owned the restaurant. ^He sounded 1410A28 like an admirer of the Janata Party but was honest enough to_ give 1420A28 his frank opinion. $*<*320-Point Programme*0*> $^The labourers in the 1430A28 area have been the direct beneficiary of the 20-point programme. ^Elsewhere, 1440A28 no one might know what the 20 points of the programme are but 1441A28 in this 1450A28 area the point relating to abolition of bonded labour has benefitted 1460A28 them. ^They are no more bonded. \0^*Mr. Urs, no doubt, implemented that_ 1470A28 programme but people believe-- and their belief seemed unshakable-- 1480A28 that it was \0Mrs. Gandhi who came to their rescue. $^In the past, they 1490A28 said they voted Congress not so much because of \0Mr. Urs but only 1500A28 because of '*5Badwar tai*6' **[kannada**] Indira Gandhi. ^They thought 1510A28 that \0Mrs. Gandhi is contesting from this area has made them happy. 1520A28 ^No wonder they will vote solidly for her. ^From my conversation with 1530A28 the people in the area, I felt that their faith in \0Mrs. Gandhi is 1540A28 so total that nothing can shake it. ^At about 8.45 \0p.m. I stopped at 1550A28 a roadside meeting at Mandaje near Ujare on my way to Chikmaglur. ^It 1560A28 was a Congress meeting. ^After about 10 minutes of my arrival at the 1570A28 venue, the meeting ended. ^But in those ten minutes I could see nearly 1580A28 100 persons present there applauding every sentence of what the Congress 1590A28 \0MP, \0Mr. Janardan Pujari was speaking in Tulu, \0Mr. Pujari*'s 1600A28 oratory seemed to_ have a magic effect on those present. ^For the 1610A28 sheer beauty of the language, I also felt as if I was following every 1620A28 word of what \0Mr. Pujari was saying. ^The meeting ended with vociferous 1630A28 '*5Indira Gandhi ki jai*6'. $*<*3Roadside meetings*0*> $^The Janata 1640A28 Party has also embarked on roadside meetings in the area. ^One such 1650A28 I saw a little distance away from Mandaje. ^But there was hardly any 1660A28 crowd at the meeting. (^This area comes in Mudigere constituency). ^At 1670A28 about 11.30 I reached Chikmaglur. $^Next morning I went round Chikmaglur 1680A28 town. ^*Ramchandra Pai, a young graduate, gave me a reasonably 1681A28 clear 1690A28 picture of the Janata party campaign. "^You have only to_ see how 1700A28 George (Fernandes) is working in the constituency. ^And if Janata candidate 1710A28 wins, it will be a personal victory for George". ^He narrated how 1720A28 George*'s speeches moved the people making them weep at times to_ know 1730A28 of the atrocities during the Emergency. \0^*Mr. Fernandes has a definite 1740A28 advantage of being able to_ speak in Kannada and Tulu, the two 1750A28 largely understood languages in the region.*# **[no. of words = 02010**] **[txt. a29**] 0010A29 **<*3a glaring contrast in styles*0**> $^Nothing in the past 31 years of 0020A29 our independence has changed so much in the country*'s political life as 0030A29 the style of the leaders*' functioning. ^A whole era seems to_ have passed 0040A29 since the pioneers of free India strode the stage. $^Where are the 0050A29 sophistication and the restrained passions of the forties and the fifties, 0060A29 the cut and thrust of argument that_ achieved its object without 0070A29 a vulgar exhibition of tempers almost amounting to indecent assault? ^We 0080A29 appear to_ be living in an altogether different universe from the 0071A29 days 0090A29 of Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, \0C. Rajagopalachari, Govind 0100A29 Ballabh Pant and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. $^They, too, had their 0110A29 quarrels, and they too wrote letters to one another on issues of policy 0120A29 or personal differences. ^But these exchanges had a certain tone which 0130A29 reflected the leaders*' respect for superior values. ^The personal quarrels 0140A29 did not degenerate into squabbles of the market place. $^When Maulana 0150A29 Azad had his historic dispute with Purushottam Das Tandon in 0160A29 the *5lok Sabha*6 the two fought like giants but in language that was civilised. 0170A29 ^We all knew at the time of the differences between Pant and 0180A29 Rafi Ahmed Kidwai, of the displeasure of Rajagopalachari over having 0190A29 been ignored for the office of President of the Republic, of the 0200A29 temperamental conflicts between Nehru and Rajendra Prasad, and of 0210A29 other tensions and disagreements, some of which were, indeed, very powerful. 0220A29 *<*3classic row*0*> $^But these men conducted their disputes in a 0230A29 manner which suggested self-respect if not chivalry. ^Their written communications 0240A29 were based on accepted ground rules in which a hit below the 0250A29 belt was inconceivable. ^Love of office or personal prestige or factional 0260A29 loyalty did not take precedence over acknowledged standards of good 0270A29 conduct in public. $^It is in this context that the classic row between 0280A29 Nehru and Patel needs to_ be recalled. ^Many even today remember the episode 0290A29 but perhaps not in great detail. ^Here, briefly, is the story. $^In 0300A29 the winter of 1947 Ajmer, which was then administered by a Chief Commissioner, 0310A29 was torn by communal riots. ^*Nehru, then Prime Minister, 0320A29 was anxious to_ visit the place to_ see things for himself and to_ give 0330A29 the sufferers comfort. ^He was unable to_ go and, instead, sent his Principal 0340A29 Private Secretary, *(0H. V. R.*) Iengar, a distinguished 0350A29 \0I.C.S. officer, to_ study the situation and report back to him. 0360A29 $^*Patel was the Deputy Prime Minister and, as Home Minister, in charge 0370A29 of law and order, he showed his resentment over Nehru*'s action, 0380A29 saying that this was an encroachment and administratively incorrect, especially 0390A29 as he himself had already made a public statement on the subject. 0400A29 ^Letters were exchanged between Patel and Nehru and the dispute became 0410A29 serious when Nehru put forward the claim that as Prime Minister he 0420A29 should not have his freedom restricted and should have a certain "liberty 0430A29 of direction". $^To this Patel took objection, saying that according 0440A29 to his conception, the Prime Minister*'s position, though pre-eminent 0450A29 and "first among equals", did not give him overriding powers over his 0460A29 colleagues. ^If he had such overriding powers, a Cabinet and Cabinet 0470A29 responsibility would be superfluous. ^Meanwhile the correspondence grew, 0480A29 and first Nehru and then Patel offered to_ resign their posts. 0481A29 *<*3recriminations*0*> 0490A29 $^But when they volunteered to_ leave the Cabinet-- over 0500A29 an important matter of principle and not personal animosity, mind you-- 0510A29 it was in a spirit of gallantry and, to a large extent, self-denial, 0520A29 which reads strange in today*'s poisonous atmosphere of recriminations 0530A29 and hunger for power. ^Some parts of the correspondence between Nehru 0540A29 and Patel deserve to_ be quoted at this time for sheer contrast in functioning 0550A29 styles. $^On December 23, 1947, Nehru wrote to Patel: "$_I 0560A29 am very sorry that what i wrote to you gave you pain. ^*I am myself very 0570A29 unhappy about the trend of events and the difficulties that_ have arisen 0580A29 between you and me. ^It seems that our approaches are different, however 0590A29 much we may respect each other, and the issues that_ have arisen 0591A29 have 0600A29 to_ be considered very carefully and objectively by all of us. ^If i 0610A29 am to_ continue as Prime Minister I cannot have my freedom restricted 0620A29 and I must have a certain liberty of direction. ^Otherwise, it is better 0630A29 for me to_ retire. "$^*I do not wish to take any hasty step, nor 0631A29 would 0640A29 you wish to_ take it. ^We must, therefore, give full thought to the situation 0650A29 that_ has arisen, so that our decisions may be for the good of 0660A29 the country we have saught to_ serve these many years. ^If unfortunately 0670A29 either you or I have to_ leave the Government of India, let this be 0680A29 done with dignity and goodwill. ^On my part I would gladly resign and 0690A29 hand over the reins to you." $^*Patel*'s reply was sent on the following 0700A29 day, December 24, and this is what the Iron Man said: "$^It was common 0710A29 knowledge between us that our approaches on certain vital problems were 0720A29 different but, as on the conclusions or final decisions there was no 0730A29 difference, we pulled on together so long in the common interest of the 0740A29 country, particularly as the stakes involved were very heavy. "$^*I have 0750A29 no desire to_ restrain your liberty of direction in any manner nor have 0760A29 I ever done so in the past. ^It is also not my desire to_ hustle you 0770A29 or to_ embarrass you in any manner, but when it is clear to us that on 0780A29 the fundamental question of our respective spheres of responsibility, 0790A29 authority and action there is such vital difference of opinion between 0800A29 us, it would not be in the interest of the cause which we both wish to_ 0810A29 serve to_ continue to_ pull on longer. "$^The question of your resignation 0820A29 or your abdicating your functions does not arise at all. ^*I am at one 0830A29 with you in that the decision may be taken with dignity and goodwill 0840A29 and I will strain every nerve to_ help you in doing so but you will not, 0850A29 I am sure, want me to_ continue for long as an ineffective 0851A29 colleague. 0860A29 ^Under the restrictions (of) ministerial responsibility which you consider 0870A29 legitimate and which, judging from the stand you have taken in Gopalaswami*'s 0880A29 case also, would include even another Minister*'s encroachment, 0890A29 under your direction, on such responsibility, it would be impossible 0900A29 for me to_ function." *<*3nehru*'s note*0*> $^After the two leaders had 0910A29 thus volunteered to_ quit the Cabinet it was suggested that the matter 0920A29 should be handed over to Mahatma Gandhi for decision. ^Both prepared 0930A29 notes of their own for the Mahatma*'s attention. ^*Nehru*'s note, dated 0940A29 January 6, 1948, said, *8inter alia*9: "$^In the present set-up this 0941A29 means 0950A29 that either I should go out or that Sardar Patel should go out. ^For 0960A29 my part, I would greatly prefer my going out. ^Of course, this going 0970A29 out of either of us need not and should not mean any kind of subsequent 0980A29 opposition. ^Whether we are in or out of the Government we remain, 0990A29 I hope, not only loyal Congressmen but loyal colleagues, and we will still 1000A29 try to_ pull together in our respective spheres of activity.......^If 1010A29 someone has to_ leave, I repeat, I would prefer to_ leave." $^*Patel*'s 1020A29 note to the Mahatma admitted "the existence of temperamental differences 1030A29 and different outlook on economic matters and those affecting Hindu-Muslim 1040A29 relations." ^Patel added. "$^Both of us, however, place the 1050A29 interests of the country above these personal differences and, aided 1060A29 by mutual regard, respect and love for each other, have cooperated in a 1070A29 common endeavour. ^Through our joint efforts we have weathered many a storm 1080A29 that_ beset us and despite such differences we have got over one of 1090A29 the most critical phases in the history of any country or any Government. 1100A29 ^It is painful and rather tragic to_ reflect that we cannot carry 1110A29 this any further, but I fully realise the strength of feeling and conviction 1120A29 behind the Prime Minister*'s stand as regards his own position." 1130A29 *<*3patel*'s offer*0*> $^And then, a gracious reiteration of his offer 1140A29 to_ resign: "$^The Prime Minister has also referred to his preference 1150A29 for leaving office if mutual accommodation cannot be secured. ^*I maintain, 1160A29 however, that if anybody has to_ go, it should be myself. ^I have 1170A29 long passed the age of active service. ^The Prime Minister is the acknowledged 1180A29 leader of the country and is comparatively young; he has established 1190A29 an international position of pre-eminence for himself; I have no 1200A29 doubt that the choice between him and myself should be resolved in his 1210A29 favour. ^There is, therefore, no question of his quitting office." $^Soon 1220A29 after this note Patel wrote a letter to Mahatma Gandhi (January 1230A29 13, 1948) in which his graciousness was only further emphasised: "$^The 1240A29 burden of work has become so heavy that I feel crushed under it. ^*I now 1250A29 see that it would do no good to the country or to myself to_ carry on 1260A29 like this any more. ^It might even do harm. "$^*Jawahar is even more burdened 1270A29 than I. ^His heart is heavy with grief. ^Maybe I have deteriorated 1280A29 with age and am no more any good as a comrade to_ stand by him, and 1290A29 lighten his burden. ^The Maulana (Azad) too is displeased with what I 1300A29 am doing and you have again and again to_ take up cudgels on my behalf. 1310A29 ^This also is intolerable to me. "$^In the circumstances, it will perhaps 1320A29 be good for me and for the country if you now let me go. ^*I cannot do 1330A29 otherwise than I am doing. ^And if thereby I become burdensome to my 1340A29 lifelong colleagues and a source of distress to you and still I stick 1350A29 to office, it would mean-- at least that_ is how I would feel-- that I 1360A29 let the lust of power blind my eyes and so was unwilling to_ quit. ^You 1370A29 should quickly deliver me from this intolerable situation." $^There is 1380A29 not much trace in this correspondence of bitterness or rancour, nor are 1390A29 there any 1400A29 claims about who made whom Prime 1410A29 Minister and who owed whom his position in the Government. ^The contrast 1420A29 in the situation now and 30 years ago hits one in the eye. ^There has 1430A29 been a precipitate decline from the lofty stance to whimpers and groans. 1440A29 $^As things turned out, neither Nehru nor Patel resigned. ^Within a 1450A29 few days of Patel*'s last letter to the Mahatma the Father of the 1460A29 Nation was assassinated, and on February 3 Nehru had this to_ say in 1470A29 a letter to Patel: "$^Now with Bapu*'s death, everything is changed and 1480A29 we have to_ face a different and more difficult world. ^The old controversies 1490A29 have ceased to_ have much significance and it seems to me that the 1500A29 urgent need of the hour is for all of us to_ function as closely and 1510A29 cooperatively as possible. ^Indeed, there is no other way." $^*Patel*'s 1520A29 reply, sent two days later, showed full agreement: "$^We should also find 1530A29 an early opportunity to_ have a long talk and clear our minds 1540A29 of any doubts and difficulties that_ may be there. ^Continued harping 1550A29 on our differences in public or in private is bad for us, bad for the 1560A29 Services and bad for the country. ^The sooner we set this at rest 1561A29 once 1570A29 for all and clear the murky atmosphere the better." $^It is true that Mahatma 1580A29 Gandhi*'s death became the catalyst for reconciliation between Nehru 1590A29 and Patel. ^Nevertheless, even before the reconciliation, their complaints 1600A29 about each other never lacked in dignity or decency. ^We seem 1610A29 to_ have forgotten in the short period of 30 years the high traditions 1620A29 that_ were set by two of the greatest Indians born in this century. 1630A29 **<*3restructuring the polity*0**> $^The 17 months since the memorable 1631A29 elections 1640A29 of 1977 have reaffirmed that a change in government, however momentous, 1650A29 is no cure for the structural inadequacies in a political system. 1660A29 $^The period has underscored once again what the previous 19 months of 1670A29 the Emergency had temporarily obscured that substantial reform of the 1680A29 Constitution is imperative if the political system is to_ cope with 1690A29 the problems of resource mobilisation, modernisation, and social mobility, 1700A29 which are the inevitable preconditions for a situation generically termed 1710A29 as "development."*# **[no. of words = 02017**] **[txt. a30**] 0010A30 **<*3Assault On Parliament*0**> $^The ways of destiny are strange indeed. 0020A30 ^Way back in 1951, Jawaharlal Nehru as free India*'s first Prime 0030A30 Minister and Leader of the *5lok Sabha*6 struck an early and welcome 0040A30 blow for upholding the dignity of Parliament and ensuring proper behaviour 0050A30 of every hon*'3ble member. ^One witnessed then the Mudgal case 0060A30 and the virtual expulsion of \0Mr. *(0H G*) Mudgal from membership 0070A30 of the Provisional Parliament on a motion moved by none other than 0080A30 Nehru who said. "^It is most important and it should be clearly understood 0090A30 that Parliament is bent on maintaining the highest standards for its 0100A30 members." ^Twenty-seven years later, Nehru*'s own daughter, \0Mrs. Indira 0110A30 Gandhi, is in the dock today, held guilty by the Privileges Committee 0120A30 of the *5lok Sabha*6 of a conduct derogatory to the dignity and 0130A30 sovereignty of the House and inconsistent with the standard which Parliament 0140A30 is entitled to_ expect from its members and, more especially, 0150A30 from one who as the Prime Minister and Leader of the House for 11 0160A30 years, was expected to_ be among the foremost champions of the rights of 0170A30 the House. *<*3Collective Wisdom*0*> $^Contrary to normal practice, 0180A30 the Privileges Committee, headed by \0Prof. Samar Guha, has 0181A30 chosen 0190A30 not to_ recommend any specific punishment to_ be awarded to \0Mrs. Gandhi 0200A30 and the two accomplices, \0Mr. \0D Sen and \0Mr. *(0R. K.*) 0210A30 Dhawan, for what is described as "serious breach of privilege and contempt 0220A30 of the House." ^Instead, it has considered it desirable to_ leave 0230A30 it to the "collective wisdom" of the House 'to_ award such punishment 0240A30 as it may deem fit' in view of the unprecedented nature of the case 0250A30 and the importance of the issues involved "in maintaining the authority, 0260A30 dignity and the sovereignty of the *5lok Sabha*6 and upholding the 0270A30 principles underlying the system of parliamentary democracy." ^Much serious 0280A30 thought and quiet confabulations have, therefore, been devoted behind 0290A30 the scenes in New Delhi during the past week to the stand which the 0300A30 Janata Party and others should take even as people everywhere ask. ^What 0310A30 is going to_ happen? ^Will it be admonition or reprimand? ^Or, will 0320A30 it be one of the three other options available, suspension from the service 0330A30 of the House, imprisonment or expulsion? $^Opinion among the members 0340A30 of the *5lok Sabha*6 appears to_ be divided broadly into three categories. 0350A30 ^Expectedly representing one view are Indira Congressmen and 0360A30 those eager to_ find an excuse to_ jump on to her promising bandwagon. ^They 0370A30 would like further proceedings to_ be dropped and, in the name of 0380A30 realism, ask in the words of \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s principal publicists: *_^Is 0390A30 it advisable for the House whose membership she has regained after 0400A30 a massive victory in the Chikmagalur by-election to_ go ahead with the 0401A30 move 0410A30 to_ punish her? ^Equally expectedly representing the other two views 0420A30 are the doves and the hawks in the Janata Party as also among the Marxists, 0430A30 Congressmen, Communists and others. ^The doves are of the view 0440A30 that political factors must not be ignored and nothing done which would 0450A30 give \0Mrs. Gandhi a fresh halo of martyrdom. ^They, therefore, feel 0460A30 that the ends of justice would be served by a reprimand and 0470A30 at the most, by suspension for the rest of the session. ^The hawks, however, 0480A30 want her either imprisoned or expelled-- and assert: "*_^The time 0490A30 has come to_ show Gandhian courage and not merely talk about it." $^Some 0500A30 principal objections raised by \0Mrs. Gandhi in regard to certain constitutional 0510A30 and legal aspects of the privilege issue need to_ be considered 0520A30 and sorted out as these have been endorsed by four members of the 0530A30 Committee in two separate notes. ^First, whether a case of alleged breach 0540A30 of privilege against Parliament in one *5lok Sabha*6 can be raised 0550A30 in a subsequent *5lok Sabha*6? \0^Mrs. Gandhi asserted in her written 0560A30 statement on March 1, 1978. "^*I am advised that all contempt proceedings 0570A30 or breach of privilege do not endure beyond the life of the House." 0580A30 ^Second, in order to_ attract the disciplinary jurisdiction of the 0590A30 *5lok Sabha*6, the conscious disobedience or obstruction must be to a 0600A30 servant or agent of the House acting in the course of duty of the House. 0610A30 ^None of the four officers allegedly obstructed by her in their 0620A30 efforts to_ collect information for Parliament, she said, was an officer 0630A30 of the House or employed by it or entrusted by it with the execution 0640A30 of any of its orders." ^Third, whether \0Mrs. Gandhi was assured of 0650A30 a fair hearing by the Committee which, in her opinion, consisted mainly 0660A30 of Janata \0MPs. $*<*3Justification*0*> $^Those who support \0Mrs. 0670A30 Gandhi*'s view that the present Sixth *5lok Sabha*6 cannot go into 0680A30 the contempt of the Fifth *5lok Sabha*6 justify the stand on the 0690A30 following grounds. ^First, when the House is dissolved, its consequences 0700A30 are absolute and irrevocable. ^Dissolution passes a sponge over the Parliamentary 0710A30 slate and all business pending before it lapses. ^Second, the 0720A30 precedents of the House of Commons on which the Committee has relied 0730A30 to_ hold her guilty are of the 16th and 17th centuries. ^Third, under 0740A30 Rule 222 of the *5lok Sabha*6 Rules the House is entitled to_ go 0750A30 by its own precedents and not follow those of the House of Commons. 0760A30 ^Accordingly, "the most relevant precedent" is the case of \0Mr. *(0T 0770A30 N*) Kaul, India*'s former Ambassador to the \0USA, relating 0780A30 to his statement in July 1975 that during the Emergency political leaders 0790A30 in India had not been jailed but only detained in houses. ^An issue 0800A30 of privilege was raised last year. ^But the then Speaker, \0Mr. Sanjiva 0810A30 Reddy ruled: "\0^*Mr. Kaul*'s remarks were made in July 1975 when 0820A30 the Fifth *5lok Sabha*6 was in existence. ^The matter cannot be raised 0830A30 as a privilege issue in the Sixth *5lok Sabha*6". $^In taking the 0840A30 view that a successor House has jurisdiction to_ deal with a privilege 0850A30 issue committed in the previous House, the Committee has relied as a 0860A30 precedent on the Tulmohan Ram case which the Fifth *5lok Sabha*6 referred 0870A30 to the Committee of Privileges. ^This case was under the consideration 0880A30 of the Committee of Privileges of the Fourth *5lok Sabha*6. 0890A30 ^But those who back \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s stand point out that the Attorney 0900A30 General, \0Mr. *(0S V*) Gupte, in his opinion submitted to the 0910A30 Committee, had refused to_ accept it as a precedent on the ground that 0920A30 the question whether a case pending before the Privileges Committee of 0930A30 the Fourth *5lok Sabha*6 could be taken up by the Fifth *5lok Sabha*6 0940A30 had not been raised and there was no ruling by the Speaker in Tulmohan 0950A30 Ram*'s case. ^The Attorney General categorically stated: "*_^In 0960A30 the absence of any ruling this cannot be regarded as a precedent". ^According 0970A30 to \0Dr. Seyid Muhammed, a Committee member, "it is strange that 0980A30 in spite of the Attorney General*'s unequivocal and definite opinion 0990A30 in this regard the Report thought it wise to_ treat it as a 0991A30 precedent". 1000A30 $*<*3Not Troubled*0*> $^Advocates of the majority view in the Committee 1010A30 are not troubled by these arguments. ^Most important, they point 1020A30 out that under Article 105(5) of the Constitution, first quoted by Nehru 1030A30 in the Mudgal Case, "the powers, privileges and immunities of each 1040A30 House of Parliament and the members shall be such as may from time 1050A30 to time be defined by parliament and by law and until so defined shall 1060A30 be those of the House of Commons... and of its members". ^*May*'s Parliament 1070A30 Practice is cited as providing a conclusive answer. ^Its 19th 1080A30 edition states: "*_^It also appears that a contempt committed against 1090A30 one Parliament may be punished by another; and libels against former Parliaments 1100A30 have often been punished. ^In the debate on the privilege of 1110A30 Sir \0R. Howard in 1625, \0Mr. Selden said, "*_^It is clear 1120A30 that a breach of privilege in one Parliament 1130A30 may be punished in another succeeding". ^Significantly, this privilege 1140A30 has not vanished by disuse over the past two centuries. ^On July 13 1150A30 last year, the House of Commons held John Cordle guilty of contempt 1160A30 of a previous Parliament-- in 1964. $^Four other arguments are advanced 1170A30 in support of the Committee*'s stand. ^First, the Parliament slate 1180A30 might be wiped clean by the sponge of dissolution. ^But nothing can 1190A30 be wiped clean which never existed on the slate. ^Second, a specific ruling 1200A30 may not have been given in the Tulmohan Ram case. ^However, as \0Mr. 1210A30 Ram Jethmalani, another Committee member, points out the fact cannot 1220A30 be ignored that "when the House consciously exercised jurisdiction, 1230A30 it is evidence that the House at least believed that it had the requisite 1240A30 jurisdiction". ^Third, the *(0T N*) Kaul case is not applicable 1250A30 as there was no discussion on the important issue of jurisdiction. ^It 1260A30 could not have been the Speaker*'s intention to_ have laid down the law 1270A30 in a matter of such importance in a cryptic four-line ruling. (^The Kaul 1280A30 case was dismissed, it is argued, mainly on the ground of "staleness"). 1290A30 ^Fourth, the Attorney General conceded in his opinion given on August 1300A30 8 last (he appeared before the Committee first on July 23 last) 1310A30 that in view of May*'s statement "it may be assumed that such a power 1320A30 exists". $^That_ is not all. ^Some "commonsense points" are also 1321A30 emphasised 1330A30 in support of the view that a contempt committed against one Parliament 1340A30 may be punished by another. ^For instance, a member after committing 1350A30 a grave contempt of Parliament has only to_ abscond for the remaining 1360A30 term of Parliament to_ acquire immunity from punishment for all time. 1370A30 \0^*MPs, especially belonging to the ruling party, could with impunity 1380A30 commit wanton contempt of Parliament during the last days of its term. 1390A30 ^A ruling party could play ducks and drakes with Parliament*'s rights 1400A30 and privileges once it succeeded in reducing the House to a captive 1410A30 Parliament-- as came to_ pass during the Emergency. ^Again, the Tulmohan 1420A30 Ram case could never have been thrashed out if a successor House was 1430A30 barred from going into contempt committed in a previous House. ^Such 1440A30 an approach, it is argued, would be destructive of the very purpose for 1450A30 which the contempt jurisdiction was created and disastrous to the dignity 1460A30 of Parliament. 1470A30 $**<*3The Moment Of Truth*0**> $^Two important issues thrown up by the 1480A30 *5lok Sabha*6 debate on the breach of privilege and contempt of the 1490A30 House committed by \0Mrs. Indira Gandhi have not received the attention 1500A30 they deserve in the tumult and excitement generated all round. ^First, 1510A30 the opening day of the discussion saw a leading member \0Mr. Ram 1520A30 Jethmalani, elected leader of India*'s Bar, indict the Attorney-General, 1530A30 \0Mr. *(0S V*) Gupte, official leader of the Bar, and demand 1540A30 an "investigation" into why the latter had said something to the Privileges 1550A30 Committee "which he ought not to_ have said". ^Second, the "failure" 1560A30 of the Privileges Committee to_ go into the question of the "original 1570A30 sin" raised by \0Mr. Madhu Limaye. ^While bringing forward his 1580A30 motion of privilege against \0Mrs. Gandhi, \0Mr. Limaye had complained 1590A30 that his first question had been "mutilated" under pressure from the 1600A30 then Prime Minister*'s Secretariat. ^At the same time, the debate 1610A30 also threw interesting light on \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s complaint in regard to 1620A30 the Committee*'s composition and "fairness". $*<*3Compositon*0*> 1621A30 $^To_ 1630A30 take the last first, \0Mrs. Gandhiteit may be recalled, questioned the 1640A30 composition of the Privileges Committee at the outset and contended 1650A30 that she could not be sure of a fair trial since it consisted mainly 1660A30 of Janata \0MPs. ^But in doing so \0Mrs. Gandhi conveniently forgot 1670A30 not only the convention that the Committee must reflect the composition 1680A30 of the House but one other fact; *_^The very same Committee, headed 1681A30 by 1690A30 \0Prof. Samar Guha had decided against recommending any punishment to 1700A30 her in another case barely nine months ago. ^The Privileges Committee 1710A30 then took the view that certain remarks made by \0Mrs. Gandhi against 1720A30 \0Mr. Charan Singh, then Home Minister, amounted to "a breach of 1730A30 privilege and contempt of the House". ^However, considering the totality 1740A30 of the circumstances of the case, the Committee felt that the "matter 1750A30 need not be pursued further". ^The Committee*'s report was signed 1760A30 on January 24 last and presented to the House on March 1-- prior to the 1770A30 Assembly elections in the South and long before Chikmagalur.*# **[no. of words = 02016**] **[txt. a31**] 0010A31 **<*3Whither Assam Politics?*0**> $^As the Assembly elections are drawing 0020A31 near, the political situation in Assam is taking an extremely curious 0030A31 complexion. ^The atomization of politics can hardly do any good to 0040A31 our small State, even so certain circumstances due chiefly perhaps to the 0050A31 none-too-wise leaderships of the major parties, have made a great many 0060A31 politicians to_ form rather hurriedly a good many new parties for the 0070A31 ensuing election battle. ^In result, the number of 'not-to-be-underrated' 0080A31 contesting parties is much larger than ever, and so is the number of 0090A31 candidates-- party and Independent. ^There will be as many as 16 parties 0100A31 in the fray, and around 1,000 candidates for 126 seats. ^The political 0110A31 picture acquiring a starker hue every day it is nearly impossible even 0120A31 to_ guess which party is actually on a stronger wicket, and in whose 0130A31 favour the wind is likely to_ blow. ^Never before was there in our State 0140A31 such a pre-election atmosphere-- an atmosphere suffocating to the 0141A31 uncommitted 0150A31 voters, and intriguing to the political observers. ^An unprecedented 0160A31 political situation indeed. $^For all its built-in advantages the Congress 0170A31 is now in disarray, being reduced virtually to two warring rump 0180A31 organisations and thus with much of its former hold loosened and popularity 0190A31 eroded, apparently at least. ^Moreover whether the quality, performance 0200A31 and popularity of the present Cabinet, larger in size and longer 0210A31 in town than any other in the past are edifying or otherwise to the Congress 0220A31 party can properly be judged by the Congressmen themselves. ^In the 0230A31 past such multi-cornered contests as indicated by the visible contours 0240A31 of the election profile, would have simply helped the Congress to_ win 0250A31 hands down. ^But things are different now. ^It will be idle and unrealistic 0260A31 to_ pretend that they are not. $^Against this back-drop the Janata 0270A31 Party appears to_ be facing the elections more with hopes and a sort 0280A31 of romantic view of people*'s support than with expediency, strategy 0290A31 and extensive and effective arrangements. ^Presumably, its election machinery 0300A31 is not as well-oiled and well-fuelled as that_ of the Congress. 0310A31 ^With the elections only a few days away, the average voter doesn*'4t yet 0320A31 know how the Janata is better than or different from the Congress 0330A31 in ideologies and policies. ^Its leadership*'s observance of the pledge 0340A31 to_ serve selflessly the cause of the common people is also yet to_ be 0350A31 sufficiently perceptible to the people. ^Possibly, some of these things 0360A31 will be made clear to the voters in the hustings already afoot. ^The 0370A31 squabbles and dissent over the distribution of party tickets, and the 0380A31 subsequent events have provided no little grist to the mills of the other 0390A31 parties and of the Independents. $^The parties with which the Janata 0400A31 has come into electoral alliance are favoured only by some particular 0410A31 sections of the voters. ^The Janata*'s conceding a good number of seats 0420A31 to these parties-- though making compromises was perhaps unavoidable 0421A31 in 0430A31 the circumstances-- has not only caused a wave of resentment among the 0440A31 Janata members but has also gone to_ compromise its position to a degree. 0450A31 ^It is a healthy sign that many members of the youth organisations 0460A31 attached or allied to the party are observant and bold enough to_ discern 0470A31 and point out some of the lapses and mistakes of their elders. ^Vigilance, 0480A31 particularly of the youth workers will always be for the good 0490A31 of a party, old or new. $^As for the new parties their aims and ideals 0500A31 are yet unknown to the people at large. ^In all probabilities the candidates 0510A31 set up by them will be regarded by the voters as hardly different from 0520A31 the Independent candidates. $^Circumstances being what they are it 0530A31 may not be unreasonable to_ say that except the committed and conditioned 0540A31 voters, whose number cannot be expected to_ be so large as it was in the 0550A31 past, the voters in general will exercise their franchise in consideration 0560A31 of the popularity and personalities of the individual candidates 0570A31 rather than of the professed ideologies and policies of the parties they 0580A31 may belong to. ^As such, neither the Congress nor the Janata may view 0590A31 the likely results with any considerable amount of optimism though 0600A31 both the parties have a good fighting chance. ^People*'s opinions in favour 0610A31 of this party or that_ cannot, this time, be prejudged and predicted 0620A31 as they could be done in some measure in the past. ^Even the 'hoipol-loi' 0630A31 seem to_ have become politically conscious and clever and most of 0640A31 them have learnt to_ form their own judgments on political matters. ^They 0650A31 can no longer be easily bemused and swayed by populist demagogy, rhetoric 0660A31 or slogans. ^So from the present indications the only thing that_ seems 0670A31 certain is that the political future of Assam is distressingly uncertain. 0680A31 ^The nagging doubt remains that there may not be any party with 0690A31 an absolute majority to_ form a stable Government. ^There is also an assailing 0700A31 apprehension that a party with the support of other parties or 0710A31 Independents may be on the rails only to_ be derailed in no time and that_ 0720A31 to the grave detriment of the State as a whole. ^What a frightful prospect 0730A31 even to_ imagine! $^Some observers are led to_ fear that the 1978 0740A31 Assembly elections may be a water-shed in the history of political 0750A31 parties in Assam-- they being the last battle of the ballot fought in 0760A31 the main among the all-India parties. ^They even hazard the opinion that 0770A31 a new and popular party geared to the national ideals but with a clear 0780A31 focus on the socio-economic problems of this region may be in the making 0790A31 even before the echoes of the ensuing elections die down. ^Have they 0800A31 seen the signs aright? 0810A31 **<*3Crusade For Speedy Trial*0**> $^*Acharya Kripalani*'s crusade 0811A31 for 0820A31 a speedy trial of *4Srimati Gandhi and his support to the demand voiced 0830A31 earlier by \0*4Sri Charan Singh is beginning to_ yield results. 0840A31 ^After a great deal of dithering on the subject, the Union Cabinet 0850A31 has finally decided to_ do what many had been advocating for the past few 0860A31 months: to_ request the President to_ obtain the opinion of the Supreme 0870A31 Court under Article 143 of the Constitution on the demand that 0880A31 special courts be established to_ deal with offences committed during the 0890A31 Emergency. ^But, curiously enough, the Government is still dragging 0900A31 its feet in the matter and in the process, lending credence to the charge 0910A31 that some in authority are calculatedly pursuing a 'soft-line' if they 0920A31 are not openly launched on 'Operation Scuttle'. ^My own ringside view 0930A31 of the goings-on has left me both puzzled and intrigued. ^Only a few days 0940A31 ago, a Central Minister frankly admitted in a quiet talk: "^No, the 0950A31 delay is not due to incompetence but extra competence. ^Some people seem 0960A31 determined to_ delay...." $^About two months ago, a few prominent \0MPs 0970A31 and others informally suggested to the powers that_ be the establishment 0980A31 of special courts for expeditious trial of *4Srimati Gandhi and 0990A31 others accused of crimes during the Emergency. ^When some doubts were 1000A31 raised in regard to the legal and constitutional validity of the courts, 1010A31 these \0MPs and others suggested: "^Why not seek the opinion of 1020A31 the Supreme Court and set all doubts at rest-- one way or the other." 1030A31 ^But they were firmly told: "^No, we can*'4t afford to_ waste time. ^Reference 1040A31 to the Supreme Court will needlessly take up a good few months. 1050A31 ^Remember, we have already lost more than a year". ^Yet, we are back to_ 1060A31 square one after drifting all over the place. ^Worse, little has moved 1070A31 since the Cabinet took the decision on the special courts a fortnight 1080A31 ago. ^Nothing, moreover, looks like happening until August 4, when 1081A31 \0*4Shri 1090A31 Ram Jethmalani, who has been pursuing the issue energetically is due to_ 1100A31 introduce in the *5Lok Sabha*6 his bill providing for the setting up 1110A31 of special Emergency Courts. $^Most members of the Cabinet were originally 1120A31 inclined to_ seek the Supreme Court*'s opinion on \0*4Sri Jethmalani*'s 1130A31 bill without any loss of time. ^But the Law Minister, \0*4Sri 1140A31 Shanti Bhushan, reportedly argued that any reference of the bill 1150A31 to the Supreme Court before it was introduced in the *5Lok Sabha*6 1160A31 would involve a contempt of the House. ^The Prime Minister is understood 1170A31 to_ have sharply disagreed with the Law Minister and failed to_ 1180A31 see how it would involve a contempt of the House. ^A few colleagues 1190A31 supported \0*4Sri Desai*'s contention. ^However, the Cabinet agreed to_ 1200A31 go along with the Law Minister following his insistence in the matter-- 1210A31 a stand which does not find much support among legal luminaries, both 1220A31 inside Parliament and outside. ^On the other hand, some \0MPs in 1230A31 the *5Rajya Sabha*6 have put forward another view. ^A contempt of the 1240A31 House, they argue, may be involved if the reference is made to the Supreme 1250A31 Court after the bill is introduced in the *5Lok Sabha*6 and becomes 1260A31 its property. ^They would, therefore, like the bill to_ be referred 1270A31 immediately-- or opinion sought in general terms. $^The Constitution 1280A31 clearly provides scope for making the reference without delay. ^Article 1290A31 143 provides: "*_^If at any time it appears to the President that a question 1300A31 has arisen, or is likely to_ arise which is of such a nature and 1310A31 of such public importance that it is expedient to_ obtain the opinion 1320A31 of the Supreme Court upon it, he may refer the question to the Court 1330A31 for consideration and the Court may, after such hearing as it thinks 1340A31 fit, report to the President its opinion thereon". ^According to experts, 1350A31 \0*4Sri Jethmalani*'s bill could be referred to the Supreme Court 1360A31 straightaway since its opinion can be sought not only when a question has 1370A31 arisen but also when it "is likely to_ arise"-- as implied in \0*4Sri 1380A31 Jethmalani*'s notice to_ introduce the bill in Parliament; a copy of 1390A31 the proposed bill was supplied by him to the Government on June 27 last. 1400A31 (^Incidentally, a suggestion was made during the Cabinet meeting that 1410A31 the Court*'s opinion might be sought on a general reference. ^It was, 1420A31 however, decided to_ refer the non-official bill itself as a matter of 1430A31 abundant caution.) $^Meanwhile, those who favour a special court have 1440A31 come out with more powerful material in support of their demand. ^A judgement 1450A31 on April 11, 1974 by a seven-member constitution bench of the Supreme 1460A31 Court is now cited, in addition to the Supreme Court 1461A31 judgements 1470A31 in the Kathi Rawat \0vs Saurashtra case (1952) and Bajoria \0vs West 1480A31 Bengal case (1954) which conceded to the Government its right to_ 1490A31 establish special courts. ^The constitution bench in 1974 was presided over 1500A31 by the then Chief Justice, \0*4Sri *(0A N*) Ray. ^Other members 1510A31 were: \0*4Sri *(0D J*) Palekar, \0*4Sri *(0H R*) Khanna, \0*4Sri 1520A31 *(0K K*) Mathew, \0*4Sri \0A Alagiriswami, \0*4Sri *(0P N*) 1530A31 Bhagwat and \0*4Sri *(0V R*) Krishna Iyer. ^The case, filed by Maganlal 1540A31 Chhaganlal (\0P) \0Ltd, questioned the decision of the Municipal 1550A31 Corporation of Greater Bombay to_ provide "for a speedy procedure 1560A31 of eviction in addition to the procedure in a civil suit." ^The supreme 1570A31 Court held that the special procedure was not discriminatory and 1580A31 violative of Article 14 which, in its view, did not demand "a fanatical 1590A31 approach." $^The Law Commission of India, in its 47th report submitted 1600A31 in 1972, not only expressed the view that the establishment of special 1610A31 courts and provision of a special procedure for speedy trial was 1620A31 constitutionally valid but proposed that Parliament should enact law authorising 1630A31 the setting up of such courts for economic offences. ^Significantly 1640A31 the Commission was then headed by \0*4Sri *(0P B*) Gajendragadkar, 1650A31 former Chief Justice of India. ^Its two other members were \0*4Sri 1660A31 *(0V R*) Krishna Iyer, at present a Judge of the Supreme 1670A31 Court, and \0Prof. *(0P K*) Tripati. ^Equally significantly the commission's 1680A31 report underlined the special advantages of special courts which 1690A31 are equally applicable to the Emergency offences. ^The report says: 1700A31 "*_^The very appointment of such courts will highlight the social importance 1710A31 of such prosecution.... ^And, above all, if properly armed with 1720A31 an expeditious procedure, these special courts will be able to_ create 1730A31 the suitable social climate in which the representive anti-social character 1740A31 of these offences will be more adequately brought home to both the 1750A31 general public and the offenders themselves.*# **[no. of words = 02015**] **[txt. a32**] 0010A32 **<*3CHANDRA, VISHWANATH PUT KARNATAKA ON TOP*0**> $^Winning the Ranji 0020A32 Trophy seems to_ be a distant dream for Uttar Pradesh. ^Any hopes they 0030A32 had entertained received a severe jolt on the opening day of the five-day 0040A32 final when they batted poorly to_ be skittled out for 129 runs at 0050A32 Mohan Nagar today. ^And Karnataka proved what a force they are when 0060A32 they overhauled this total for the loss of only two wickets well before 0070A32 the stumps. ^They ended the day with 165 on the board and their star batsman 0080A32 Vishwanath only a single short of his century. $^It turned out to_ 0090A32 be an unequal battle with disappointment writ large on the face of some 0100A32 8,000 odd home fans who had expected Uttar Pradesh to_ display something 0110A32 of the fight they had exhibited in the earlier rounds. ^After the 0120A32 batting debacle the \0U.P. bowlers were subjected to heavy punishment 0130A32 by Test stars Vishwanath and Brijesh Patel. ^With an unbeaten third-wicket 0140A32 century stand the pair laid the foundation of a handsome Karnataka 0150A32 total. ^In the process they also gave ample evidence of the trend 0160A32 the match would follow. $^Rarely had a Ranji final taken such a course 0170A32 on the opening day itself. ^The man to_ bring about the \0U.P. landslide 0180A32 was crafty Chandrasekhar who claimed six wickets for 57 runs. ^His 0190A32 one spell of eight balls in which he dismissed three batsmen without conceding 0200A32 a run was the turning point. \0^*U.P. striving to_ rehabilitate 0210A32 their position after losing two wickets for 38 runs, crashed to 67 for 0220A32 five as the Karnataka spinner got going. ^There was no rearguard action, 0230A32 no customary rally and the Uttar Pradesh first innings folded up 45 0240A32 minutes after lunch. $^It would have turned out to_ be a tame day but for 0250A32 Vishwanath who took time to_ settle down and then opened out. ^He cut 0260A32 and drove gloriously and climaxed it all by hammering five boundaries in 0270A32 the last two overs in a bid to race to the charming three figure digit. 0280A32 ^The distinction should come to him in the morning tomorrow. $^The Karnataka 0290A32 innings flourished as Brijesh Patel provided Vishwanath adequate 0300A32 support. ^After some subdued batting, Patel too swung about to his 0310A32 three boundaries and a mighty six off Rafiullah. ^This mood was in sharp 0320A32 contrast to the one prevailing after the tea break when the batsmen were 0330A32 tied down by the \0U.P. spinners among whom Rajinder Singh Hans 0340A32 certainly commanded respect and at times gave anxious moments to both Vishwanath 0350A32 and Patel. $^The two wickets Uttar Pradesh captured were those 0360A32 of opener Sanjay Desai and Roger Binny. ^The former was beaten 0370A32 by medium-pace bowler Aslam before the Karnataka score had touched double 0380A32 figures. ^There were expectations of further successes. ^But Roger 0390A32 Binny and Vishwanath raised the score to 44. ^The two were separated 0400A32 by left-arm spinner Hans who trapped Roger leg before. ^The batsman*'s 0410A32 individual score was 11. ^For the remaining period the spotlight was on 0420A32 Vishwanath and Patel, the latter was on 44 at close. ^They have already 0430A32 added 121 runs for their unbroken third-wicket partnership. $\0^*U.P. 0440A32 won the toss and batted on an easy wicket. ^Opener Kamal Juneja badly 0450A32 hooked a shortpitched ball off Binny and the catch was duly accepted 0460A32 by Jayaprakash at fine leg. ^*Juneja*'s contribution was only four. ^There 0470A32 were no hints of a collapse when Vijay Chopra and veteran Anand 0480A32 Shukla made the second-wicket partnership worth 34 runs. ^*Chopra literally 0490A32 spooned the ball to Vijaykrishna off Chandrashekhar. ^*Shukla and 0500A32 Abdul Hai added 29 runs for the third wicket. ^It was at this stage 0510A32 that Chandrasekhar brought about a swift change in the complexion of the 0520A32 game by dismissing Shukla. ^*Shashi Kant and skipper Shahid. ^The 0530A32 last two failed to_ score. ^Skipper Prasanna dealt a further blow as he 0540A32 forced Anil Mathur to_ offer an easy catch to Vishwanath. ^Six wickets 0550A32 down for 76, Rafiullah was the lone \0U.P. hope but a fine catch in 0560A32 the slips by Sanjay Desai off Chandrasekhar led to his dismissal. ^He 0570A32 scored 17. ^*Haseen was beaten by Prasanna but the Karnataka captain 0580A32 was treated harshly by Aslam who pulled him for a six. ^*Chandra however 0590A32 put an end to the tailender*'s bold front. ^The six wickets he claimed 0600A32 lifted Chandra*'s tally to 387 in the championship. 0610A32 **<*3Murray*'s charges against Board*0**> $^The West Indies Cricket 0620A32 Board of Control (\0W.I.C.B.C.) knew long before 0621A32 their deadline of March 23, that all the West 0630A32 Indian players contracted to World Series Cricket (\0W.S.C.) might 0640A32 be available to tour India this winter former West Indies wicketkeeper 0650A32 Deryck Murray has said. $^Murray, who was sacked from West Indies 0660A32 cricket last Thursday along with the 17 other West Indians contracted 0670A32 to \0W.S.C., said here yesterday that the possibility was raised in 0680A32 his presence during a meeting with the \0W.I.C.B.C. held before the 0690A32 first Test of the current series against Australia which began on 0700A32 March 3. $^The Board*'s representatives said they could not talk directly 0710A32 to the \0W.S.C. but suggested there was nothing to_ stop them from 0720A32 continuing to_ talk to the players while the players talked to the \0W.S.C., 0730A32 Murray added in a statement. $^They also felt that as India 0731A32 was 0740A32 the host nation it should have the final say in any changes in dates 0750A32 and the \0W.S.C. should therefore contact the Board of Control for 0760A32 Cricket in India, he said. $"^In reply to the Board*'s availability 0770A32 deadline I wrote that the \0W.S.C. did not wish to_ commit itself until 0780A32 a reply had been received from India and on behalf of the \0W.S.C-contracted 0790A32 players I asked the \0W.I.C.B.C. to_ extend their deadline. 0800A32 ^*I added that I had received information from the \0W.S.C. 0810A32 that a date had been set for them to_ meet representatives of the Indian 0820A32 Board regarding tour dates", Murray added. $^In a statement the 0821A32 \0W.I.C.B.C. 0830A32 denied it had suggested that the \0W.S.C. contact the Indian 0840A32 Board. "^The \0W.I.C.B.C. has made no such suggestion. ^This 0850A32 bears no relation to truth", the Board said. $^It also denied that the 0860A32 Indian Board had agreed to_ meet the \0W.S.C. "^Once again Deryck 0870A32 Murray*'s information was not correct", it said. $^*Murray said today 0880A32 that the Board*'s statement was "a personal attack on my integrity". $"^It 0890A32 is not difficult to_ see that any cricket authority will deny any contact 0900A32 with the \0W.S.C. in order to_ preserve its image as an "honest 0910A32 citizen" of the \0I.C.C. (International Cricket Conference)", he 0920A32 said. 0930A32 **<*3\0I.H.F. Stalemate may be resolved*0**> $^The stalemate in the 0940A32 Indian Hockey Federation (\0I.H.F.) is likely to_ be resolved shortly. 0950A32 ^This is the opinion of \0Mr. Bhalindra Singh, one of the members 0960A32 of the three-man committee set up by the Indian Olympic Association 0970A32 (\0I.O.A.) to_ look into the affairs of Indian hockey. $^The \0I.H.F. 0980A32 was suspended by the \0I.O.A. following a series of events 0990A32 at the National Institute of Sports (Patiala) leading to three World 1000A32 Cup probables walking out of the camp. $\0^*Mr. Bhalindra Singh, 1010A32 who was in Chandigarh today, said the suspension would be lifted only 1020A32 after the \0I.H.F. improved its working. ^He was hopeful that a new and 1030A32 mature leadership will take over the reigns of the \0I.H.F. so that 1040A32 India could field a really representative team of the Asian Games 1050A32 in December this year. $^The \0I.H.F. leadership should be more tactful 1060A32 in dealing with discipline. "^Harsh actions gets us nowhere," he said. 1070A32 ^He was apparently referring to the Patiala episode which resulted 1080A32 in the walkout by Surjit, Varinder and Baldev. $^The \0I.O.A. had 1090A32 not received any letter from the Federation Internationale de Hockey 1100A32 (\0F.I.H.) protesting against the suspension of the \0I.H.F. $\0^*Mr. 1110A32 Bhalindra Singh said the \0I.O.A. was the only body comprising 1120A32 various National Sports Federations (\0N.S.F.s) which could ask 1130A32 erring \0N.S.F.s to_ improve their working. ^If the Government intervened 1140A32 there would always be a hue and cry. ^Therefore the \0I.*0.A. was 1150A32 the only body which could keep the \0N.S.F.s "within their limit." 1160A32 $^The former \0I.O.A. President, however, was not very clear about 1170A32 India*'s hockey preparations for the Asian Games in December this year. 1180A32 ^While on the one hand he said the \0I.H.F. stalemate would be resolved 1190A32 shortly, on the other he maintained that the \0I.O.A. would not 1200A32 lift the suspension unless the \0I.H.F. set its house in order. $^Recalling 1210A32 the preparations for the World Hockey Cup at Buenos Aires, 1220A32 where India finished sixth, \0Mr. Bhalindra Singh said the \0I.H.F. 1230A32 had been ruined by its "policy makers". ^Nobody knew who they were. 1240A32 ^He felt that even the \0I.H.F. President, \0Mr. *(0M.A.M.*) Ramaswamy, 1250A32 who has since resigned, was not aware of the men who controlled 1260A32 the Federation*'s policies. $\0^*Mr. Bhalindra Singh had favoured the 1270A32 inclusion of Ajit Pal Singh and Surjit Singh in the World Cup 1280A32 squad but the \0I.H.F. thought otherwise. $^He was happy that world 1290A32 hockey supremacy had returned to the sub-continent. ^*Pakistan*'s triumph 1300A32 was a conclusive victory for the traditional Indian style of hockey 1310A32 over the European style. ^Experts who wanted India to change its style 1320A32 of play should take a lesson from Pakistan who played a traditional game 1330A32 and emerged victors. $^However, \0Mr. Bhalindra Singh was quick to_ 1340A32 add that in goalkeeping and penalty-corner conversions the Europeans 1350A32 were the best in the tournament. "^We can learn from all but we must maintain 1360A32 our style of hockey. ^It is the best." $\0^*Mr. Bhalindra Singh 1370A32 would not comment on the offer of the Punjab Government to_ train the 1380A32 hockey team for the Asian Games. $^Regarding inroduction of hockey 1390A32 in the Commonwealth Games he said it was not possible as no team games 1400A32 were played at the Games. $^He was hopeful of India doing well in the 1410A32 shooting events at the Commonwealth Games. $^On the \0I.H.F. elections 1420A32 he said the Federation*'s constitution had been amended extending 1430A32 the term of office bearers from three years to four years. "^That means 1440A32 the elections are not due until December." 1450A32 **<*3Hockey team a psychological wreck*0**> $"^Victories we celebrate but 1460A32 defeats we refuse to_ face", says a senior psychologist of Punjab University 1470A32 who has tried to_ assess the Indian defeat in the recent World 1480A32 Cup Hockey Tournament. "^The Indian players were neither physically 1490A32 nor mentally fit to_ put up their optimum performance in an international 1500A32 match", he says. $^According to \0Dr Jitendra Mohan, Reader in 1510A32 the Department of Psychology, the players lacked team spirit, a sense 1520A32 of involvement and an appropriate sense of achievement. ^Compared with 1530A32 the situation in 1975, India did not train her players well. ^There 1540A32 was not enough time to_ work out a team schedule. ^The uncertainty about 1550A32 who would really make it to the World Cup wrecked their nerves. $*<*3KUALA 1560A32 LUMPUR VICTORY*0*> $^The Indian victory at Kuala Lumpur in 1975 1570A32 from the third position at Barcelona in 1971 and the second position 1580A32 at Amsterdam in 1973 was the culmination of correct selection, sincere 1590A32 and strenuous training and minimal political manipulation. $\0^*Mr. Jitendra 1600A32 Mohan, \0Dr Vidu Mohan and \0Mr *(0N. N.*) Mal made a study 1610A32 of players who attended the hockey camp run by the Punjab Government 1620A32 on the Punjab University campus in 1975. ^A few members of the present 1630A32 Indian World Cup team were also members of the 1975 hockey camp. 1640A32 ^The study took into account the following factors: personality, motivation, 1650A32 sociometric choices, flexibility, reaction time, speed, grip, balance 1660A32 and choice of an ideal hockey star. $^Most of them rated Dhyan 1670A32 Chand and Balbir Singh as their ideal hockey stars. ^They were generally 1680A32 found to_ be introverted but highly motivated and had a very high rate 1690A32 of physical fitness. ^It was a closely knit group. ^Of the 1975 campers 1700A32 the Buenos Aires team included Bhaskaran, Varinder Singh, Baldev 1710A32 Singh, Ashok Kumar and Phillips. *<*3CLOSE SUPERVISION*0*> $^The 1720A32 1975 team was kept under the close supervision of tough hockey experts 1730A32 and was given the best of facilities and a regular plan of preparation 1740A32 for physical and psychological fitness. ^There was excellent cooperation 1750A32 among hockey stalwarts, physical educationists, doctors, psychologists, 1760A32 trainers and players. $^The emphasis was on physical conditioning, 1770A32 hockey tactics, teamwork and morale building. ^The emotional bonds of 1780A32 the team as a whole were brought about by the never-too-assertive but dynamic 1790A32 Balbir Singh as a coach.*# **[no. of words = 02007**] **[txt. a33**] 0010A33 **<*3India face defeat despite great fight-back*0**> $*3^DESPITE*0 *3a 0020A33 gallant fifth day batting performance, India seem destined for defeat 0030A33 in the fifth and deciding Test against Australia at the Adelaide Oval. 0040A33 ^At close of play, today, India were 362 for six, still needing 131 0050A33 runs for victory.*0 $^*India*'s three top scorers, Gundappa Viswanath, 0060A33 Mohinder Amarnath and Dilip Vengsarkar, all got out when they appeared 0070A33 set for a century. ^These lapses in concentration are likely to_ cost 0080A33 their team the match and the series. $^At close of play, Syed Kirmani 0090A33 (14) and Karsan Ghavri (6) were at the crease with Prasanna, Bedi 0100A33 and Chandrashekar to_ follow. $^*Viswanath reached 73 and looked extremely 0110A33 dangerous, but played a crude drive at a well-pitched delivery from 0120A33 Wayne Clark and edged the ball into the slip cordon. ^*Australian captain 0130A33 Bob Simpson, showing great anticipation and agility, dived to his 0140A33 right to_ take the ball inches from the ground. $^*Viswanath had batted 0150A33 188 minutes for his 73 and hit seven fours in a partnership of 131 with 0160A33 Amarnath for the third wicket. $^*Amarnath then found a staunch ally 0170A33 in Vengsarkar and the pair looked well set until their partnership reached 0180A33 46. $^Both men were finding Bruce Yardley*'s off-spin difficult 0190A33 to_ score from and Amarnath decided it was time to_ hit him out of the 0200A33 attack. $^He played an indiscreet sweep at a ball too short for the stroke 0210A33 and lofted a catch to Ian Callen at backward square-leg. ^*Amarnath*'s 0220A33 86 took 316 minutes and included seven fours. $^*Vengsarkar then took 0230A33 over the role of stroke-player and made all but 12 of a 67-run partnership 0240A33 with Anshuman Gaekwad. $^*Gaekwad was magnificently caught and 0250A33 bowled by Yardley for 12, and then 25 runs later India*'s hopes dimmed 0260A33 when Vengsarkar attempted a cross-bat shot at Yardley. $^*Vengsarkar 0270A33 succeeded only in getting a top edge to the ball which flew to Peter Toohey 0280A33 at mid-wicket. $*3^*Vengsarkar, like Viswanath and Amarnath, virtually 0290A33 threw his wicket away when in complete command.*0 $^The 493 that_ 0300A33 india needed to_ win the Test and the series looked huge on paper but 0310A33 was by no means impossible on a beautiful batting wicket against a depleted 0320A33 attack. $^The Australians have not had the services of their main 0330A33 attacking force. ^*Jeff Thomson, and the other pacemen, Callen and Wayne 0340A33 Clark have been able to_ extract no assistance from the strip. $^*Yardley*'s 0350A33 and Simpson*'s spin attack has been persistent rather than 0360A33 dangerous and each batsman has had plenty of time to_ play his shots. $^The 0370A33 batsmen who resume tomorrow, Ghavri and Kirmani, both have scores 0380A33 of over 50 to their credit in the series so far, but Erapalli Prasanna, 0390A33 Bishen Bedi and Bhagwat Chandrasekhar will have to_ produce so far 0400A33 unseen batting talent to_ assist them. $^*Bedi still believes his side 0410A33 has a chance but obviously ruled the sudden "rushes of blood" that_ caused 0420A33 the downfall of his three top batsmen. $"^*Australia have the runs, 0430A33 we have to_ get them," said Bedi. "^Some of our batsmen were a little 0440A33 impetuous". $^*Simpson said he was still confident of victory but added 0450A33 the day had been a long, frustrating one. $"^Thought we*'1d have wrapped 0460A33 it up today, but we are still on top and our bowlers will be fresh tomorrow 0470A33 said the skipper. $"^The boys stuck to their job well on an unsympathetic 0480A33 wicket". $^*Simpson was adamant, he will not use Jeff Thomson 0490A33 tomorrow. ^He*'1s not 100 per cent fit and anyway we wouldn*'4t need him. 0500A33 $^There*'1s no reason why the bowlers we have should not be able to_ 0510A33 clinch victory for us, he said. 0520A33 **<*3Punjab move into final in a blaze of glory*0**> $*3^PUNJAB*0 entered 0530A33 the final of the 34th National Football Championship for the Santosh 0540A33 Trophy in a blaze of glory by knocking out Kerala by an aggregate 0550A33 of 6-4 when they beat the latter in the second leg semi-final by 4-3. 0560A33 $^*Punjab will meet Bengal, holders in the final on February 4. ^This 0570A33 is Punjab*'s third entry into the final, which they won in their previous 0580A33 two appearances in 1970 and 1974, both staged at Jullundur. $^A 0590A33 capacity crowd, which supported Kerala throughout, were kept on their toes 0600A33 despite a barren first-half in which the teams went all out-- Punjab 0610A33 to_ consolidate their first match lead of 1-0, and Kerala to_ neutralise 0620A33 it. ^*Kerala did it in the second half but ultimately went down to 0630A33 a superior team. $^*Kerala wiped out their 0-1 first match deficit with 0640A33 a 72nd minute goal through Najumuddin, right-winger raising their hopes 0650A33 of forcing a draw to_ be decided by tie-breaker or a possible win but Punjab 0660A33 coming back menacingly drew level in the 79th minute. ^Their ebulient 0670A33 skipper Inder Singh hit the net with a spectacular shot to_ regain 0680A33 the overall lead. ^Substitute Sukhvinder Singh then put the issue beyond 0690A33 recovery with a last minute goal. 0700A33 **<*3HOCKEY RULE CHANGED*0**> $^The rules of men*'s and women*'s Hockey 0710A33 will become almost identical next month when an experimental free hit 0720A33 law comes into force. $^The new rule has been drawn up by the International 0730A33 Hockey Rules Board to_ combine the best of men*'s and women*'s 0740A33 rules on the subject. $^The law will be introduced on August 1, and is 0750A33 expected to_ become permanent on September 1, 1979. ^This will leave 0760A33 the maximum weight of the stick-- which is 141.7 \0gms. heavier for men 0770A33 than women-- as the only difference between the two versions of the game. 0780A33 ^And the Rules Board is considering reducing the men*'s maximum. $^The 0790A33 new free hit rule means that the men will adopt much of the rule as 0800A33 at present used by the women. ^A defender in men*'s hockey will now have 0810A33 a third option on the free hit because he may now take from anywhere 0820A33 in the circle. $^But the women will have the opportunity of taking the 0830A33 free hit from outside the circle for the first time. ^It will also mean 0840A33 that women will no longer be able to_ use a scopor click shot. $^The changes 0850A33 are designed to_ help the flow of the game and also reduce dangerous 0860A33 play. $^Although the experimental rule will be considered mandatory from 0870A33 August 1, it is not yet certain if it will be applied to the next major 0880A33 hockey events-- the men*'s European Cup in Hanover and women*'s 0890A33 World Cup in Madrid in September-- because teams will not have had the 0900A33 opportunity to_ practise with it. 0910A33 **<*3Players to_ bear food cost*0**> $^Each of the 16 selected players 0920A33 for the Indian team to the women*'s World Cup Hockey Championship 0930A33 to_ be held in Madrid (Spain) in September will have to_ pay \0Rs. 3,400 0940A33 as part of the expenses of the tour. $^According to a spokesman 0950A33 of the All-India women*'s Hockey Association, unlike in the past, this 0960A33 time hosts will not provide meals to the participating teams, and most 0970A33 of the amount will be spent on this. $^The Spanish counterpart will 0980A33 provide breakfast, snacks and facilities for transport, accommodation \0etc 0990A33 \0etc. ^The air passage of the squad will be borne by the Union Education 1000A33 Ministry. $^The final phase of the camp for 25 girls will start 1010A33 at Patiala on July 27 to_ select the final 16. $^The concerned State 1020A33 Associations have been asked to_ get ready the required amount by mid-August 1030A33 so that foreign exchange can be arranged. 1040A33 **<*3\0C.M.P. hold goal-shy \0P.&.T to goalless draw*0 PUTTIAH MEMORIAL 1050A33 SOCCER**> $*3^SPURNING*0 away some golden opportunities that_ 1060A33 knocked at their door the Post & Telegraphs Recreation Club frittered 1070A33 away a glorious chance of making the last 16 grade of the Puttiah 1080A33 Memorial Soccer Tournament at the \0R.S.I. Stadium on Thursday evening. 1090A33 $^The team to_ benefit and live to_ fight for another day was spirited 1100A33 Corps of Military Police (\0C.M.P.). ^They renew their battle 1110A33 tomorrow evening at the same venue and the winners of this encounter 1120A33 will challenge powerful \0I.T.I. Seniors. $^Although it was true that 1130A33 the *(0P. & T.*) defence had a hard time in keeping the thrustful 1131A33 and 1140A33 gallant \0C.M.P. forwards at bay for most part of the time, speaking 1150A33 in terms of real chances, it was the *(0P. & T.*) men who had more. 1151A33 ^It 1160A33 was their goal-shyness that_ certainly deprived them of a certain victory 1170A33 and there were no two opinions about the same. $^Perhaps the worst offenders 1180A33 in the *(0P. & T.*) ranks were \0Md. Mustafa and 1181A33 Elangovan. ^The 1190A33 latter in particular though foiled by goalkeeper *(0S. K.*) Paul 1200A33 on two or three occasions muffed two gilt-edged chances in the second session. 1210A33 ^While on the first he failed to_ get the better of onrushing goalkeeper 1220A33 Paul after being put through by left-half Susainathan on the 1230A33 second occasion he balooned the ball over inches from the goal. ^This was 1240A33 followed by a good cross from rightwinger Keshavan in the 26th minute 1241A33 of 1250A33 the second moiety. $^Had Elangovan seized the second opportunity 1251A33 *(0P. & T.*) 1260A33 could have sent the \0C.M.P. men packing instead of sharing 1270A33 the spoils of the evening with them. ^It was, indeed an absolute sitter. 1280A33 ^*Mustafa too was guilty of wasting some chances with his feeble and 1290A33 hasty kicks from close range. $^But it should be said to the credit of 1300A33 \0C.M.P. that they too gave a harrowing time to the *(0P. & T.*) 1301A33 defence 1310A33 with their forceful play. ^They were certainly faster on the ball whenever 1320A33 they broke through and on a couple of occasions it certainly became 1330A33 a problem to Jabbar Sheriff and company to_ contain them. ^They always 1340A33 went for the ball unlike their counterparts who were a wee bit slow. 1350A33 $^While Jabbar Sheriff and Altaf Ahmed nipped many a dangerous move 1360A33 of the \0C.M.P. strikers in the bud their alert custodian Lazras Joseph 1370A33 kept his charge with quite efficiency. ^As a matter of fact on 1380A33 occasions when he was tested seriously by the \0C.M.P. strikers he rose 1390A33 to the occasion very well displaying good anticipation. ^In the first 1400A33 half he nullified a good effort by inside-left Sundar Rajan but later 1410A33 the same player failed to_ connect a good pass from left-half Majhi. 1420A33 $*3^*Orkay Mills, a reputed team from Bombay have in a telegram to the 1430A33 \0B.D.F.A. expressed their inability to_ take part in the Tournament 1440A33 due to injuries to four of their prominent players*0 1450A33 **<*3LORD*'S PITCH TO_ BE INSPECTED*0**> $^*Bernard Black, the English 1460A33 Test and County Cricket Board*'s (\0T.C.C.B.) inspector of pitches, 1470A33 has been asked to_ inspect the Lord*'s wicket on which Middlesex 1480A33 were hustled to an innings defeat by the New Zealand tourists here 1490A33 on Tuesday. $^When the game ended before lunch on the final day the two 1500A33 Umpires Ken Palmer and Tom Spencer, both on the Test match panel, 1510A33 instructed the ground staff not to_ work on the pitch so that the evidence 1520A33 would be available for Black. $^It is the second time this season 1530A33 that a Lord*'s strip has been reported to the Board. $^Umpire Spencer 1540A33 said: "*_^Obviously, I can*'4t say much because of the report I have 1550A33 to_ make about the pitch, but we began to_ suspect this strip on the first 1560A33 day." $^Captain Mike Brearley, who did not bat in the second innings 1570A33 because of a badly bruised finger, said: "*_^It was a poor pitch but 1580A33 it is difficult to_ know what Jim Fairborther, the groundsman, can do. 1590A33 ^The surface is just not firm and the bounce is always uneven." 1600A33 **<*3KARNATAKA MAKE MINI BASKET BALL KNOCKOUT*0**> $^Holders Haryana 1610A33 and Chandigarh from Group 'A' runners-up Punjab and West Bengal from 1620A33 Group 'B' and Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh from Group 'C' entered 1630A33 the knock out stage of the National Boys Mini Basketball Championship 1640A33 here this evening. $^*Chandigarh and Punjab remained undefeated 1650A33 in their respective groups and thus were directly seeded into the semi-finals. 1660A33 $^In the two quarter-finals Andhra Pradesh will meet West Bengal 1670A33 and Karnataka will face Haryana. $^*Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh 1680A33 shared points when their match in Group 'C' ended in a tie, each 1690A33 side scoring 38 points. ^*Madhya Pradesh led 24-20 at the break. $^In 1700A33 the last league tie Rajasthan routed Bihar 101-73 after leading 40-28 1710A33 at the half time. $^*Rajasthan and Karnataka logged four points each, 1720A33 but the former finished on top in the group due to better scoring average.*# **[no. of words = 02018**] **[txt. a34**] 0010A34 **<*3\0TN Farmers*' Agitation One More Dies in Police Firing*0**> 0020A34 $^One more death in police firing today took the number of fatalities 0030A34 in the current Tamil Nadu farmers*' agitation to six, reports Samachar. 0040A34 $^Today*'s firing-- near Sanarpatti in Madurai district on the Dindigul-Natham 0050A34 road-- injured three, one of whom succumbed in hospital. 0060A34 ^A Madurai report on the incident, quoting information reaching police 0070A34 there said a huge crowd had set up road blocks, stoned buses and then 0080A34 encircled and attacked a Police party. ^Tear gas and *4lathi charge 0081A34 proved 0090A34 futile. ^The firing yesterday at Vedesandur, also in Madurai district, 0100A34 had taken five lives. $^An official Press release in Madras this evening 0110A34 gave the total number of arrests in the State till then as 229, spread 0120A34 over the districts of Madurai, Coimbatore, Ramanathapuram and Tiruchirappalli. 0130A34 ^The agitators who are demanding lower power tariff for 0140A34 farmers and deferred recovery of loans, had also disrupted road traffic 0150A34 in north Arcot, Salem and Dharmapuri. $^Meanwhile \0Mr \0C. Vaiyapuri, 0160A34 organiser, Tamil Nadu United Agriculturists Association, and 0170A34 member of the high level committee set up by the Government, has announced 0180A34 his decision to_ go on a fast from 6 \0p.m. tomorrow in front of 0190A34 the office of the Salem district collector in protest against the farmers*' 0200A34 agitation. ^In a statement today, \0Mr Vaiyapuri appealed to 0210A34 the farmers to_ give up "violent agitational approaches." $^The three-day-old 0220A34 violent farmers*' agitation spread to many parts in Tamil Nadu today, 0230A34 mainly to the dry-farming districts of Salem, Coimbatore, Madurai 0240A34 and the Arcot. $^However, the rice bowl districts of Trichy and 0250A34 Tanjore, where Communists are known to_ have a foothold among the landless 0260A34 labourers and small farmers, have not reported any major problem. $^The 0270A34 Agriculture Minister, \0Mr \0P Kulandaivelu has stated that the 0280A34 credit instalments could be paid after the harvest. ^High level committee 0290A34 is at present investigating other grievances of the farmers. $^Some 0300A34 of the members of the high-power committee are now organising the agitation. 0310A34 ^The Government has arrested about 50 of them so far in the State. 0320A34 ^In some places the agitation is for the release of these leaders. 0330A34 ^Government spokesmen, however, have stated that only one section of 0340A34 the farmers is behind the agitation, "which is politically motivated". 0350A34 $\0^*Mr \0K Manoharan, Minister for Finance and Revenue, today asserted 0360A34 that there was no Naxalite behind the violence, but some political 0370A34 parties have taken to violence in the name of the farmers, who are by 0380A34 and large peaceful and anti-violence. $^Reports received here say that 0390A34 as many as 30 culverts and some bridges have been blown up by the agitators 0400A34 in the last two days. ^A number of buses have been attacked and damaged 0410A34 or set on fire. ^As a result, express bus services, a pride of this 0420A34 State, have remained heavily dislocated since yesterday. ^There are reports 0430A34 of attempts to_ hold up Government vehicles, including milk vans. 0440A34 ^Milk supply from the interior has been affected. $^According to a late 0450A34 night despatch army moved into Dindigul town from Coimbatore. 0460A34 **<*3Anti-Defection Bill urged this session*0**> $^The Executive Committee 0470A34 of the Janata Parliamentary Party today requested the Government 0480A34 to_ introduce the Anti-Defection Bill in the current session of 0490A34 Parliament. $^The Prime Minister, who presided, and the Home Minister 0500A34 were "favourably inclined" to this request of the Executive Committee, 0510A34 \0Mr. Digvijay Narayan Singh, and \0Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, 0520A34 party secretaries told newsmen after the meeting. $^The meeting was 0530A34 marked by heated exchanges on the issue of admission of members from 0540A34 other parties into the Janata Party. $^The exchanges reportedly took place 0550A34 when admission of two *5lok Sabha*6 members \0Mr. *(0A. K.*) Kotrashetti 0560A34 (Congress) of Karnataka and \0Mr. Baldev Singh (Independent) 0570A34 of Jammu and Kashmir into the Janata Party was taken up at 0580A34 the meeting. $^The party secretaries announced that the Executive Committee 0590A34 admitted \0Mr. Kotrashetti and \0Mr. Baldev Singh into the Janata 0600A34 Party. ^They said that with these two admissions today, the Executive 0610A34 had so far admitted seven members of the *5lok Sabha*6 to the party. 0620A34 $\0^*Mr. Krishna Kant and \0Mr. Ram Dhan, two senior members of 0630A34 the party reportedly urged the party leader to_ see that some criterion 0640A34 was laid down by the party for admission of members from other parties 0650A34 to the Janata Party. ^They said this when the issue of admission of 0660A34 the two new members was taken up at today*'s meeting. $^In the past, 0670A34 there had been criticism in the \0J.P.P. Executive Committee over the 0680A34 issue of admissions from other parties. ^Some members had then opposed 0690A34 admission of those members who had fought against the Janata in the 0700A34 last *5lok Sabha*6 poll. $^Several members including \0Mr. Atal Behari 0710A34 Vajpayee, had reportedly then objected to admission of some members 0720A34 including, \0Mr. \0K. Raghuramaiah, a former Minister of \0Mrs. 0730A34 Gandhi*'s Cabinet, who won as a Congress candidate in the last *5lok 0740A34 Sabha*6 election and defeated the Janata Party: admission of \0Mr. 0750A34 Dinesh Singh, another former Minister of \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s Cabinet, 0760A34 into the Janata Party had also been criticised. $^The Executive Committee 0770A34 is having a special meeting tomorrow night at the Prime Minister*'s 0780A34 residence to_ discuss "functioning" of the Janata Parliamentary 0790A34 Party. ^The question of enforcing party discipline is likely to_ figure 0800A34 during the deliberations of this meeting. $^The Prime Minister, who 0810A34 will preside over the meeting of the Executive Committee, is likely 0820A34 to_ appraise the members of the outcome of the meeting of the "big five" 0830A34 leaders of the party affairs on Wednesday last. $^A letter written 0840A34 by 25 party \0MPs to the Prime Minister, which is likely to_ have 0850A34 a direct bearing on party discipline, is reported to_ come up during the 0860A34 discussion. $^The letter is believed to_ have drawn the attention of the 0870A34 party leader to \0Mr. Shyam Nandan Mishra*'s remarks about purchase 0880A34 of fighter-bomber aircraft by the Defence Ministry. $^The signatories 0890A34 of the letter reportedly felt that why **[sic**] 0891A34 \0Mr. Mishra, who is a deputy 0900A34 leader of the \0J.P.P. did not bring the issue to the notice of the 0910A34 party leader before. 0920A34 **<*3Time capsule-- a historical error*0**> $^The independence silver jubilee 0930A34 time capsule was replete with howlers, inaccuracies, incongruities, 0940A34 distortion of the history of freedom struggle and wrong interpretation 0950A34 of the constitution. $^The Parliamentary committee*'s report on the 0960A34 time capsule placed before the *5lok Sabha*6 today by the Minister for 0970A34 Education, \0Dr. *(0P. C.*) Chunder, showed that the capsule not 0980A34 only showed complete disregard for sanctity of facts but ommitted names 0990A34 of many great leaders who had played a very prominent role in fighting 1000A34 for a nation. $^The 10,000 word account of the history of India from 1010A34 1947 to 1972 sought to_ give the impression that India*'s freedom struggle 1020A34 began in 1920 under the leadership of Gandhiji. "^*India*'s struggle 1030A34 for freedom was led since 1920 by Mahatma Gandhi who, believed in 1040A34 non-violence," said the document. ^Apart from this single instance Gandhiji 1050A34 did not find a place anywhere else. $^The capsule had been silent 1060A34 about the role of the early pioneers in the freedom struggle, the Swadeshi 1070A34 movement of 1905, Jalianwalabag massacre, the non-cooperation movement, 1080A34 the civil disobedience, the Quit India movement \0etc. ^The document 1090A34 also did not make any mention of the great leaders like Jatin Mukherjee, 1100A34 Surya Sen, Bhagat Singh, Lala Lajpat Rai, Netaji Subash 1110A34 Chandra Bose, \0Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, \0Dr. *(0B. R.*) 1120A34 Ambedkar, \0Mr. \0C. Rajagopalachari, \0Mr. Jaya Prakash Narain, 1130A34 \0Dr. Rammanohar Lohia and several others. $^The document only mentions 1140A34 the names of Mahatma Gandhi, Abul Kalam Azad, Rajendra Prasad, 1150A34 Dada Bhai Nawroji, Motilal Nehru, Lajpat Rai, Sarojini Naidu, 1160A34 Vallabhbhai Patel, Rabindra Nath Tagore, *(0C. R.*) Das, Madan 1170A34 Mohan Malaviya, Balgangadhar Tilak and Jawaharlal Nehru. $^While 1180A34 making a passing reference to the armed conflicts in 1962 and 1965 and 1190A34 to the Soviet offer of mediation in the Indo-Pakistan conflict of 1200A34 1965 the document was silent about the great service and sacrifice of 1210A34 the then Prime Minister, \0Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri. $^In regard to 1220A34 the Constitution while emphasis had been laid on the Directive Principles 1230A34 and Fundamental Rights the unique feature, \0*7viz, the federal 1240A34 structure, had not been highlighted. ^What is worse, the *4pandits who had 1250A34 drafted the document had only betrayed their ignorance about some constitutional 1260A34 provisions. ^The document would have us believe that the President 1270A34 "has the power to_ nominate to the *5Lok Sabha*6 a few members 1280A34 to_ represent the backward communities or backward territories," whereas 1290A34 there is no such provision in the Constitution except Article 331 under 1300A34 which the President may nominate not more than two members of the 1310A34 Anglo-Indian community to the House of the People if, in his opinion, 1320A34 the community is not adequately represented in the House. $^About the 1330A34 Legislative Council of a State it was stated that this body "is indirectly 1340A34 elected by public bodies such as municipalities, universities 1341A34 \0etc" 1350A34 which does not reflect the correct position as provided under Article 1360A34 171 of the Constitution. ^It was also stated in the narrative that 1370A34 the Union Territories "have their own legislative bodies which are authorised 1380A34 to_ make laws on State subjects." ^This is also a factually incorrect 1390A34 statement as several Union Territories have no legislative bodies 1400A34 which can legislate subjects. $^The narrative also makes mention of 1410A34 "right of all adult citizens of the country to_ elect their representatives 1420A34 to the legislative bodies, and through them the executive agencies 1430A34 of the Government." ^The fact is that not only is the age of eligibility 1440A34 for a voter different from that_ of an adult as recognised by Indian 1450A34 laws, the executive agencies of the Government are also not elected. 1460A34 ^The Governor is not elected by the citizens nor are the members of 1470A34 the services elected and certainly they are to_ be included in the executive 1480A34 agencies of the Government. $^While referring to the political parties 1490A34 the narrative made one-sided version. ^For example, the 1491A34 "Congress 1500A34 (Opposition) party was founded in 1969 after break with the all-India 1510A34 Congress of Indira Gandhi (the present Prime Minister): this party 1520A34 advocates a socialist programme in theory, but in practice, tends towards 1530A34 conservative policies favouring the upper and middle classes". $^Among 1540A34 the important political parties mentioned in the document were the Communist 1550A34 Party of India which favours "a national democratic front of 1560A34 all patriotic forces, including workers, peasants, intelligentsia and 1570A34 the bulk of the non-monopolist bourgeoisie. ^This party aims at the non-capitalist 1580A34 path of economic development and a socialistic democracy to_ 1590A34 be achieved by winning a stable majority in Parliament". $^The Communist 1600A34 Party of India (Marxist) has been termed as "Marxist Communist 1610A34 Party" which according to the document "favours a people*'s democracy 1620A34 based on the coalition of all genuine anti-feudal and anti-imperialist 1630A34 forces headed by the working class and it sees an inevitable clash with 1640A34 the present Indian State". $^About the \0PSP the document says that 1650A34 the party was formed in 1951. ^Its objective "is the establishment of 1660A34 a free, democratic and classless society by peaceful means. ^It calls for 1670A34 a strong central government with vigorous, and as far as possible, autonomous 1680A34 units. ^The \0PSP merged in June 1964 for a short time with 1690A34 the Socialist Party, but subsequently, broke away in Junuary 1965 and 1700A34 has been functioning since then as a separate party." ^*Jan Sangh (peoples*' 1710A34 party) was described as a "militant, orthodox Hindu party, opposing 1720A34 the concept of secular State and seeking a political and economic 1730A34 programme which is less radical than that_ of the Congress." $^Even relatively 1740A34 simple facts were stated wrongly. ^For example, the Bhakra and 1750A34 the Beas dams have been described as joint projects of Gujarat, Haryana 1760A34 and Rajasthan. ^As a matter of fact Gujarat is not at all a party 1770A34 to these projects. ^It is Punjab which is the third State benefiting 1780A34 from these joint projects. $^In the calendar of events glaring mistakes 1790A34 have been found in the correlation between the happening and the year 1800A34 in question. ^The Imperial Bank of India was nationalised in 1955 1810A34 but was shown in the calendar as in 1949. ^The Export Credit and Gaurantee 1820A34 Corporation was set up in 1964 but was shown under 1957. ^Some of 1830A34 the "events" were mentioned twice in the same year or in different years. 1840A34 ^For instance, the "Fertiliser Corporation of India formed" fell 1850A34 under 1956 whereas "Fertiliser Corporation of India set up" fell under 1860A34 1961.*# **[no. of words = 02021**] **[txt. a35**] 0010A35 **<*3Plea to_ lift goods tax on trucks*0**> $^The members of Bihar Transport 0020A35 Association took out a procession and staged demonstration before 0030A35 the Bihar Legislative Assembly today to_ press their demands. $^Later, 0040A35 a 12-man delegation consisting of \0Messrs Raghunath Pandey, Badshah 0050A35 Prasad Azad, Kailash Prasad and others presented a memorandum 0060A35 to the Chief Minister who assured a sympathetic consideration. $^The 0070A35 memorandom threatened to_ stop the vehicular traffic throughout Bihar 0071A35 by 0080A35 August 9 if their demands were not conceded latest by August 8 evening. 0090A35 ^Their demands include withdrawal of 'passengers and goods tax' for 0100A35 trucks, declaration of transport business as small industry, withdrawal 0110A35 of toll tax reduction in the rate of different taxes by 50 per cent for 0120A35 petrol vehicles release of permits for jeep taxies compensation to the 0130A35 private operator for requisition of the vehicles on emergency duties 0140A35 of the Government restoration of the system of single point taxation 0150A35 for goods carrying vehicles withdrawal of the notification reducing the 0160A35 area of operation of private buses on nationalised routes from 40 \0kms 0170A35 to 24 \0kms \0etc. $^The memorandum also expressed deep concern over 0180A35 rough behaviour of the concerning government officials with the transport 0190A35 operators. $^Earlier some 40 legislators also endorsed the demands 0200A35 at a meeting held here last evening under the chairmanship of \0Mr Vishvanath 0210A35 Modi, \0MLA according to association sources. 0220A35 $**<*3Noisy scene over teachers*' *4dharna*0**> $^Noisy scene prevailed 0230A35 in the zero hour of the Bihar Legislative Council today and the House 0240A35 was adjourned for lunch by the Deputy Chairman, when the members 0250A35 representing the teachers and others jointly pressed for the government 0260A35 assurance not to_ disturb the peaceful *4dharna of teachers outside the 0270A35 Secretariat boundary. $^Earlier, \0Mr Kailashpati Mishra, Finance 0280A35 Minister had assured that the government would maintain the assurances 0290A35 what **[sic**] was given by the Agriculture Minister in the house. 0291A35 ^He also assured 0300A35 to_ examine the allegation of the members. $\0^*Mr Jageshwar Mandal 0310A35 Co-operative Minister **[sic**] had also assured investigation 0311A35 and necessary 0320A35 action on the allegation of the members. $^But the members including \0Mr 0330A35 Dip Narain Choudhary \0Mr Sheo Chandra Jha, \0Mr Brinda Prasad 0340A35 Rai Birendra, \0Mr Diwakar Prasad Singh, \0Mr *(0C. M.*) 0350A35 Mishra, \0Mr Kamal Nath Singh Thakur categorically wanted government 0360A35 assurance that the peaceful *4dharna launched by the Secondary teachers 0370A35 outside Assembly Boundary should not be disturbed by the police. $^Earlier, 0380A35 \0Mr Jai Mangal Singh in the Zero hour drew the attention 0390A35 of the government towards the removal of tents from *4Dharna ground 0400A35 of the secondary teachers and they are being misbehaved **[sic**] by the 0401A35 police though 0410A35 they were peaceful. $^The House resumed the work after lunch when 0420A35 the Finance Minister assured that the tents of the Secondary teachers 0430A35 who were launching peaceful *4dharna would not be removed. $\0^*Mr Gajendra 0440A35 Prasad Himansu State Minister for Irrigation, while replying 0450A35 to \0Mr Pasupati Singh said that the Chief Engineer has been directed 0460A35 to_ examine and to_ take necessary action on the report of the erosion 0470A35 of the agricultural land of Pachi tola, Narbigha Circle of the 0480A35 Monghyr District. $^The State Irrigation Minister while replying 0490A35 to \0Mr Ramnandan Singh said that \0Rs 4.34 *4lakhs had been spent over 0500A35 the repairing of the different canals of the Sobe circle in course 0510A35 of the last ten years. $^He also said that it had increased 24 percent 0520A35 irrigational potentiality in the area. ^He further said that now it was 0530A35 irrigating 11000 acres of Agricultural lands against 9000 earlier. $^The 0540A35 \0PWD Minister \0Mr Anup Lal Yadav while replying to \0Mr 0550A35 Brinda Prasad Rai Birendra said that 75 percent construction work of 0560A35 the bridge at Sindhia Ghat had been completed and now the work would 0570A35 start after rainy season. $^The Excise Minister \0Mr Baijnath Mehta 0580A35 while replying to \0Mr Pasupati Singh said that the government will 0590A35 consider for **[sic**] closing the allegator **[sic**] wine shops. ^Here 0600A35 also noisy scene prevailed for few minutes. 0610A35 $**<*3\0PU \0VC greeted with "go back"*0**> $^The Commissioner of 0620A35 Patna Division, \0mr *(0G. S*) Grewal, today took over the charge 0630A35 from the Vice-Chancellor of Patna University, \0Dr *(0A K*) Dhan, 0640A35 amidst shouts of 'go back go back' by the students. $^It may be recalled 0650A35 that \0Dr Dhan has been appointed Vice-Chancellor of the North 0660A35 Eastern Region Central University. \0^*Dr Dhan left for Delhi after 0670A35 handing over the charge of the university. $^The students had been 0680A35 opposing the State Government decision to_ appoint administrators as 0690A35 vice-chancellors of the universities in place of academicians. ^Hundreds 0700A35 of students tried in vain to stop \0Mr Grewal at the gate of the 0710A35 University office. ^The students started slogans 'Grewal go back, Grewal 0720A35 go back. ^We don*'4t want bureaucrats as vice-chancellors.' $^When the 0730A35 situation became tense police was called in and six students were taken 0740A35 into custody. $^Meanwhile, the students of the University have decided 0750A35 to_ boycott their classes from tomorrow in protest against the 0751A35 Government 0760A35 decision to_ appoint \0Mr Grewal as Vice-Chancellor. $^One of 0770A35 the student leaders, \0Mr Balmukund Sharma, condemned the arrest of 0780A35 students and the Government decision. ^He appealed to the students to_ 0790A35 oppose the Government move to_ install bureaucrats as vice-chancellors. 0800A35 $**<*3Blind men plead for job quota*0**> $^The *5Netrahin Sangharsh 0810A35 Samiti*6, Bihar has decided to_ stage demonstration on July 27 before 0811A35 the 0820A35 Bihar Assembly in support of its demands. $^The important demands of 0830A35 the *4samiti are: establishment of a blind girls*' school in Patna and 0840A35 reservation of four per cent jobs for the blind. $**<*3\0Govt rapped 0850A35 for inefficiency*0**> $^Both the Janata and the Opposition members today 0860A35 charged the Government with administrative inefficiency and failure 0870A35 in improving the law and order situation in the State. $^Participating 0880A35 in the debate on the Bihar Appropriation (\0No. 2) Bill, 1978, in the 0890A35 Bihar Assembly \0Mr Tej Narain Jha (\0CPI) said that the administrative 0900A35 machineries had totally failed and it was unable to_ solve the 0910A35 problem of unemployment. $\0^*Mr Jha said that a year back the Chief 0920A35 Minister, \0Mr Karpoori Thakur, had announced in the House that the 0930A35 Governor of Bihar would be shifted to a smaller house but the decision 0940A35 had not been implemented so far. $\0^*Mr Babulal Shastri (\0J) stressed 0950A35 the need for uniformity in the pattern of education. $\0^*Mr Bhola 0960A35 Prasad Singh (\0ISP) sought clarification on the resignation of 0970A35 the Minister of State for Revenue, \0Mr Shivanandan Paswan. $\0^*Mr 0980A35 Rana Shivalakhpati Singh (\0J) said that during the Janata regime 0990A35 corruption had gone up. ^He stressed that without launching a movement 1000A35 corruption could never be eradicated in Bihar. $\0^*Mr Singh also criticised 1010A35 the policy of reservation in jobs to backward castes. ^The policy 1020A35 of reservation should be based on poverty. ^A poor *4Brahmin or 1030A35 *4Rajput should also be given the same facilities in jobs. $\0^*Mr Bhola 1040A35 Singh (\0Cong-I) asked the Government to_ place before the House 1050A35 the documents seized at the residence of \0Mr Hardwar Pande. ^He also 1060A35 expressed concern over the deteriorating law and order situation. 1070A35 $**<*3Labour policy condemned*0**> $\0^*Mr Kripa Shankar Chatterjee 1080A35 criticised the labour policy of the Government. ^He said that it had 1090A35 not been able so far to_ implement the recommendations of the Wage Board. 1100A35 $^The debate remained inconclusive. $^The House adjourned till 11 1110A35 \0a.m. tomorrow. 1120A35 $**<*3School students denied state bus facility*0**> $^Utter confusion 1130A35 prevails outside \0St. Joseph*'s Convent High School at 3 \0p.m. when 1140A35 the school is over. ^It coincides with the arrival of steamer at Mahendru 1150A35 Ghat. \0^*BN College students add more to the confusion and 1151A35 the 1160A35 office crowd is always there. ^Worst off are the little girls who have 1170A35 to_ trudge half way home, for they have been deprived of the State bus 1180A35 services. $^It is not only difficult to_ get *4richshaws but the fares 1181A35 their 1190A35 drivers demand are high, because they know that school children have 1200A35 no other option but to_ hire them. ^Children are spending as much as \0Rs 1210A35 6 to \0Rs 8 per day on transport. ^Children coming from Danapur and 1220A35 Khagaul are now coming by train to the railway station and then taking 1230A35 a Richshaw to school. $^Trouble started when the Bihar State 1231A35 Road Transport 1240A35 Corporation withdrew its buses from the schools. ^The schools 1250A35 like \0St. Michael*'s and Notre Dame Academy which retain bus services 1260A35 because of the contract system have not been affected. ^Every month 1270A35 they pay the \0BSRTC a bill of \0Rs 9,000 on an average. $^Other 1280A35 schools are feeling the pinch because the facility of concessional rates 1290A35 has been withdrawn. ^Contract system is the only way out. ^But this 1300A35 means that parents will have to_ pay more than they can afford. ^Some teachers 1310A35 of the \0St. Joseph*'s Convent have taken the initiative and 1320A35 have hired two State buses for students. ^But, says Mother Thecla, Principal, 1330A35 'they leave their class and go round collecting money which is 1340A35 not good.' ^Her demand is that rates be lowered on the contract basis. 1350A35 $\0St. Xavier*'s School had more than 50 per cent of students using 1360A35 state transport buses. ^Sixty boys have bought new bicycles after buses 1370A35 were withdrawn. ^Says the Principal, \0Fr Scaria \0J. Marmmootil, 1380A35 \0SJ "Ours is not a prestigeous school. ^We have poor boys also studying 1390A35 here whose pparents*' income averages \0Rs 300 a month. ^It is a false 1400A35 notion that being an English medium school the parents can afford to_ 1410A35 pay high bus fares for their children. $^It is unjust that contract rates 1420A35 did not apply to Secretarial staff, University students and \0LIC 1430A35 staff. ^Only a couple of schools are the chief target. ^If University 1440A35 students are allowed concessional rates students of 1441A35 this school should get 1450A35 the same facility, he said. ^If not, the Ministry of Education should 1460A35 subsidise the amount. $^At present the rates for contract system are: 1470A35 \0Rs 3.75 per \0k.m. with load, \0Rs 1.75 per \0k.m. empty haulage 1480A35 and \0Rs 75 minimum charge. $^The Additional \0DM Patna, stalled the 1490A35 decision of the two schools to_ take a silent procession to the Chief 1500A35 Minister. ^However, they are due to_ meet him soon. ^They feel that just 1510A35 because they are disciplined and "don*'4t shout" they are made to_ suffer. 1520A35 ^Had they burnt down a couple of buses the concessional facility 1530A35 would be maintained for them, too. $\0^*Mr *(0VV*) Nathan, Administrator, 1540A35 of the then Bihar State *4Rajya Transport Corporation said 1541A35 that 1550A35 33 buses had already been taken on contract service. ^He felt that the 1560A35 two schools should also fall in line. "^*I would help them in small ways 1570A35 so that mileage would be the least, but I can*'4t find a solution to 1580A35 all the problems." ^He said that this problem was common to Jamshedpur 1590A35 and Ranchi also. ^The biggest drawback was that town services had been 1600A35 withdrawn by the State buses so he could not ask the conductors to_ pick 1610A35 up passengers while they return empty after dropping students. ^School 1620A35 service means partial utilisation of buses. ^It boils down to this: *_who 1630A35 should pay the subsidy? ^The tax-payer or a few chosen parents? $\0^*Mr 1640A35 Nathan showed this reporter an apt finding recently published after 1650A35 a seminar held in Poona by the Central Institute of Road Transport. 1660A35 ^It read: "*_^The workshop noted that city operations all over the world 1670A35 were unable to_ break even because of several operational conditions 1680A35 external to the undertakings, such as uneconomic fare, traffic congestion 1690A35 the one-way nature of traffic, high cost of labour, concessions to 1700A35 students. ^It was, therefore, felt that city operations should be completely 1710A35 exempted from taxation and the social costs incurred by the undertakings 1720A35 should be quantified and subsidised." $^Perhaps this is the answer 1730A35 to the ordeal being created by the withdrawal of state buses. 1740A35 $**<*3Teachers to_ demonstrate*0**> $^The primary teachers of all over 1750A35 the State **[sic**] will demonstrate on August 5 before the \0BDOs to_ 1751A35 press 1760A35 their demands according to \0Mr Jagdish Misra general secretary of 1770A35 the *4Sangh. $^The teachers working under municipal areas will 1780A35 demonstrate before \0BDOs. $\0^*Mr Misra told newsmen this evening 1781A35 said **[sic**] that the transfer orders 1790A35 of inspecting officers had been stayed, but the poor primary teachers 1800A35 were being transferred arbitrarily. $^There is great resentment over transfer 1810A35 of nearly 1000 teachers in one district alone. $^Demands include 1820A35 Government apathy to primary teachers **[sic**] delay in payment of 1821A35 pensions, 1830A35 gratuity and other dues. $^He also said that if the demands were not fulfilled 1840A35 the primary teachers in batches would sit on *4Dharna in front 1850A35 of the Chief Minister*'s residence from August 28.*# **[no. of words = 02019**] **[txt. a36**] 0010A36 **<*3Nine killed, 30 hurt in Hyderabad police firing*0**> $^Nine persons 0020A36 were killed and 30 others injured in police firings at different places 0030A36 in the twin-cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad as widespread violence 0040A36 and cases of arson were reported during a "*4bandh" organised by 0050A36 the opposition parties today. $^The Army and the Central Reserve Police 0060A36 moved into troubled spots in the course of day to_ control the situation. 0070A36 ^The twin cities were also placed under a curfew from 12.30 hours 0080A36 today till 06.00 hours on Wednesday in the wake of the growing violence 0090A36 including arson and stone-pelting by mobs at many places which continued 0100A36 till late this evening. $^The Commissioner of Police. \0Mr. *(0R 0110A36 K*) Munuswamy, said tonight that five columns of Army and six companies 0120A36 of \0CRP had moved into the disturbed areas. ^Police arrested 0130A36 220 persons in connection with the disturbances today. $^He announced that 0140A36 the curfew would be relaxed between 05.00 hours and 09.00 hours tomorrow. 0150A36 $^The call for the *4bandh was to_ protest against last Thursday*'s 0160A36 incident of police allegedly beating a man to death and also molesting 0170A36 his wife followed by a police firing the next day. $^Inspector General 0180A36 of Police \0K Ramachandra Reddy told pressmen that two Deputy Inspectors 0190A36 General of Police, two Superintendents of Police, a Sub-Inspector 0200A36 and a number of constables were injured in attacks on them 0210A36 by unruly mobs. ^The Sub-Inspector was in a serious condition, he said. 0220A36 $^The State Road Transport Corporation did not ply its buses in the 0230A36 twin cities today in view of the "*4bandh". ^Train services 0231A36 were run with armed 0240A36 escort. ^Long distance services were run with the help of the police. 0250A36 $^The worst-affected areas were the old city of Hyderabad, and Sanathnagar 0260A36 in the outskirts of the city. $^The residence of Education Minister 0270A36 \0B Venkatarama Reddy was stoned and six municipal trucks were 0280A36 set ablaze in the Masab Tank area. $^Mobs moved in different localities 0290A36 right from the morning setting up road blocks and stoning public buildings. 0300A36 ^A Samachar correspondent who toured some parts of the affected 0310A36 areas reported that a mob looted the branch of a bank and set fire to it 0320A36 at Yakunthpura area after the curfew was clamped. ^The mob set fire to 0330A36 a railway overbridge nearby and a palatial building of the Government 0340A36 Ayurvedic College in the vicinity. $^Mobs also set fire to the entire 0350A36 building complex of the district office of the Directorate of Health 0360A36 and Medical Services near Dabeerpura. ^Eight Government vehicles 0370A36 parked in the compound, stocks of medicines, cash brought for distribution 0380A36 of salary and records were all gutted completely. $^A 2000 strong mob 0390A36 surrounded a police party near the Yakuthpura overbridge and snatched 0400A36 away two rifles and 19 cartridges and ran away. ^Policemen were severely 0410A36 beaten. ^One constable was injured in his left eye. ^Police then opened 0420A36 fire as a result of which one person died here. $^A mob also set on 0430A36 fire the Chatrinaka police station in the old city and attacked the Rainbazar 0440A36 police station in the old city. $^Police opened fire at two more 0450A36 places in the city late this evening to_ disperse violent crowds. $^Fire 0460A36 was opened at Kavadiguda area soon after five \0p.m. to_ disperse a 0470A36 violent mob indulging in vandalism. $^When a Sub-Inspector was removing 0480A36 a person injured in the firing to the Gandhi Hospital, the mob attacked 0490A36 him. $^In the second incident, police opened fire to_ disperse a mob 0500A36 attacking the Habibnagar police station as a result of which two persons 0510A36 were injured. $^Violent mobs also attacked the Saidabad police station, 0520A36 set on fire the Yakutpura traffic outpost, attacked the police station 0530A36 at Chadarghat bridge and set fire to police records and cycles belonging 0540A36 to the police constables. $^Police opened fire at Hanumakonda in 0550A36 Warangal District today to_ disperse a violent mob indulging in vandalism, 0560A36 a message reaching the police headquarters said here tonight. ^As 0570A36 a result five were seriously injured. 0580A36 $**<*3Free house sites plan flops*0**> $^The Government*'s scheme to_ 0590A36 enable the landless to_ build houses by providing them free house sites 0600A36 has yielded poor results. $^As per the information provided to the Goa 0610A36 Assembly by Law Minister Shanker Laad a total of 1435 house sites 0620A36 were provided to landless agricultural labourers. ^But so far only 148 houses 0630A36 have been built out of which 55 houses are still to_ be occupied. 0640A36 ^The houses have remained vacant either because water is not available 0650A36 there or because works like plastering and flooring have not been completed. 0660A36 $^Besides, 13 houses have since collapsed and they are not fit for 0670A36 occupation. \0^*Mr. Laad told Opposition Leader *(0A N*) Naik that 0680A36 the nine houses at Shiroda and one each at Nagorcem and Loliem collapsed 0690A36 due to heavy rains while two houses at Sanvordem were damaged when 0700A36 a truck rammed into them. $^It is clear from the answer that not even 0710A36 all the beneficiaries belonging to the Scheduled Castes have been able 0720A36 to_ construct houses. ^A total of 192 house sites were given to *4Harijans. 0730A36 $^Replying to supplementaries of \0Mr. Naik and \0Mr. Pratapsing 0740A36 Rane, Deputy Opposition Leader, the Minister stated that no 0750A36 special efforts had been made to_ help the beneficiaries to_ build houses 0760A36 on the plots. ^The government had spent \0Rs 300 on the development of 0770A36 each site. ^The total amount thus spent amounts to \0Rs 430500. \0^*Mr. 0780A36 Laad stated that the beneficiaries belonging to the Scheduled Castes 0790A36 were entitled to loan and subsidy under the existing scheme. ^The non-*4Harijan 0800A36 beneficiaries had to_ raise their own resources to_ construct 0810A36 the houses. 0820A36 $**<*3Court ruling on vehicle tax*0**> \0^*Mr. Justice Tito Menezes, 0830A36 Judicial Commissioner, has ruled that motor vehicles which were not 0840A36 used on public roads could not be taxed. $^His Lordship gave this ruling 0850A36 while allowing four writ petitions filed by two mining firms challenging 0860A36 the orders of the Government seeking to_ collect taxes on the dumpers 0870A36 and shovels operated by the petitioner firm under the Goa Daman and 0880A36 Diu Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1963. $^Allowing the petitions filed 0890A36 by \0M/s Chowgule and Company Private Limited and another firm the 0900A36 Judicial Commissioner observed that there was no doubt that the State 0910A36 could not impose any Compensatory Tax in respect of the roads which 0920A36 were not built and maintained by it, "Motor vehicles which are not used 0930A36 on public roads cannot be taxed." $^The Court held that the ambit of 0940A36 definition of motor vehicles given in Section 2(b) was controlled by 0950A36 the provisions of Section 4 and 13. ^That_ definition must be read in 0960A36 harmony with the provisions of these two sections. ^If so read vehicles 0970A36 which were not used on public roads were not included in the definition 0980A36 of motor vehicles given in Section 2(b). $^His Lordship ordered the 0990A36 respondents to_ refund the tax already collected on the dumpers and 0991A36 shovels 1000A36 of the petitioner firm and further directed them not to_ recover the 1010A36 said taxes in regard to the dumpers and shovels. 1020A36 $**<*3Student*'s death: probe plea*0**> $^A demand to_ institute a proper 1030A36 inquiry into the alleged murder of 21-year old Sham Ramachandra Varik 1040A36 of Masnem Canacona has been made to Chief Minister Shashikala 1050A36 Kakodkar by the local \0MLA, \0Mr. Vasu \0P Gaonkar, three *4sarpanchas 1060A36 and prominent citizens. $^*Sham, a senior \0BSc student of 1070A36 the Dhempe College of Arts and Science had gone hunting wild fowls 1080A36 in the jungle near his house in the afternoon of February 19, 1978. ^He 1090A36 had carried a gun with him. ^But since then he was missing. ^His body 1100A36 was later traced deep into the jungle at Supagudi about 10 \0kms from 1110A36 Mashem. ^His gold chain and wrist watch were missing. \0^*Mr. Gaonkar 1120A36 and others in a memorandum submitted to the Chief Minister have listed 1130A36 the circumstances in which the body was found at such a distant spot and 1140A36 alleged the police have not taken proper measures to_ unravel the mystery 1150A36 surrounding the alleged murder. ^They have said that it was 1151A36 unbelievable 1160A36 that Sham who was of sound mind could have gone so far to_ commit 1170A36 suicide. $^They have stated that a similar murder had taken place in the 1180A36 locality a decade ago and it had gone undetected. ^In view of the alleged 1190A36 murders the residents of the locality were living in a dreadful life. 1191A36 **[sic**] 1200A36 . "^Safety of life appears so uncertain and nothing is being done about 1210A36 it. ^What safety can the police and the Government offer to the public 1220A36 if such cases take place now and then?", they asked and added that if 1230A36 the police were avoiding their responsibilities and neglecting them leaving 1240A36 the people to_ carry out their crosses on their own shoulders what 1250A36 was the use of the authorities who were bound to_ establish law and order. 1260A36 \0^*Mr Gaonkar and others have demanded that the case be investigated 1270A36 with due seriousness and the alleged murderers of Sham be traced 1271A36 out 1280A36 and thereby allow the people the right of living in safety. $^Similar 1290A36 representations have been addressed by \0Lt *(0S R*) Varik and Sub-Inspector 1300A36 *(0V R*) Varik, brothers of the deceased to the Inspector 1310A36 General of police and other police authorities. 1320A36 $**<*3Imports, exports system simplified*0**> $^A new import-export policy 1330A36 with a large measure of liberalisation and simplification of procedures 1340A36 coupled with redesignation of the Chief Controller of Imports 1350A36 and Exports as Directorate General of Foreign Trade was announced 1360A36 here today by Minister for Commerce, Civil Supplies and Co-operation, 1370A36 Mohan Dharia. \0^*Mr Dharia said, the new policy which has emerged 1380A36 after a national debate and studies by official committees into the framework 1390A36 introduced 30 years ago will now form an integral part of the country*'s 1400A36 overall development planning. $^A radically new system has been 1410A36 evolved out of 30 years of cobwebs of import controls and regulations 1420A36 to_ facilitate the industry, agriculture, Commerce, science and technology 1430A36 advance with utmost speed and confidence, he said. $^The new policy 1440A36 also represented a landmark in decentralisation of Central Government 1450A36 working, he said. $^The Minister announced that the small tiny and 1460A36 cottage sectors will now receive their import requirements wholly in free 1470A36 foreign exchange and local committees set up at licensing offices will 1480A36 decide applications for capital goods upto \0Rs ten *4lakhs. $^Answering 1490A36 questions at a Press conference later, \0Mr Dharia said that the 1500A36 scheme of cash assistance to exporters would continue with certain modifications. 1510A36 ^The new emphasis will be on helping people to_ establish markets 1520A36 for non-traditional products. $^Good care had been taken to_ use the 1530A36 leverage of canalisation to_ promote growth. \0^*Mr. Dharia announced 1540A36 facility of direct import of diamonds by jewellery exporters and said 1550A36 , the country*'s gem and jewellery exports had gone up from \0Rs 150 1560A36 *4crores last year to \0Rs. 400 *4crores. $^While subserving the 1561A36 larger 1570A36 social objectives of employment generation and self-reliance he expected 1580A36 the new policy to_ give a tremendous boost to diversification of agricultural 1590A36 and industrial activity and exports. 1600A36 $**<*3Janata bags 4 seats in \0MP*0**> $^The Janata Party annexed 1610A36 four seats and the Congress (\0I) one in the biennial elections to 1611A36 the 1620A36 *5Rajya Sabha*6 here today. \0^*Mr. Ladli Mohan Nigam, \0Mrs Vijaya 1630A36 Raje Scindia and \0Dr Bhai Mahavir (all Janata Party) were declared 1640A36 elected with 60, 56 and 55 first preference votes respectively. $^The 1650A36 fourth Janata Party candidate, Mama Baleshwar Dayal and the Congress 1660A36 (\0I) candidate \0Mr Bhagat Ram Manhar were elected with the 1670A36 help of second and third preference votes. $CHANDIGARH: ^*Janata 1680A36 Party nominees \0Dr Sarup Singh and \0Mr Sujan Singh were today 1690A36 declared elected to the *5Rajya Sabha*6 from the Haryana *5Vidhan 1700A36 Sabha*6 constituency. 1710A36 $**<*3Jumbe confers with Morarji**> $^Bilateral relations and international 1720A36 issues, notably the situation in Southern Africa and Horn of 1730A36 Africa dominated the talks which the visiting Vice-President of Tanzania, 1740A36 \0Mr Aboud Jumbe had with Prime Minister Morarji Desai 1750A36 today. $^It was learnt that \0Mr. Jumbe described the existing bilateral 1760A36 cooperation between India and Tanzania as "most encouraging". ^It was 1770A36 agreed at the meeting that detailed discussions would be held by the 1780A36 Ministers and officials of the two sides to_ explore new areas of cooperation. 1790A36 $^These meetings will take place tomorrow. $^On the situation 1800A36 in Africa, there was complete identity of views on the need for speeding 1810A36 up negotiated settlement and agreed transitional measures that_ would 1820A36 lead to early independence and majority rule in Zimbabwe and Namibia.*# **[no. of words = 02023**] **[txt. a37**] 0010A37 **<*3Crucial Haryana \0JLP meet today**> $^The Haryana Legislature 0020A37 party meet here tomorrow, amid reports that Central Party President 0030A37 Chandra Shekhar has rejected the demand of Chief Minister Devi 0040A37 Lal for an 'open vote' instead of a secret ballot. $^Sources close to 0050A37 the Chief Minister are confident that the ministerialists will force an 0060A37 open vote in the eleventh hour, while the dissidents are banking upon 0070A37 the Parliamentary Board*'s decision of secret ballot tomorrow. $^Excepting 0080A37 the Chief Minister all the ministerialists have reached here, while 0090A37 only two top dissident leaders-- \0Mr Balwant Rai Tayal and \0Mr 0100A37 Peer Chand-- landed here on the eve of the crucial meeting where the 0110A37 Chief Minister is to_ seek the vote of confidence from the party in 0120A37 the presence of External Affairs Minister *(0A B*) Vajpayee. $*<*3More 0130A37 Support*> $^Two more Haryana \0MLAs today pledged their 0140A37 support to Chief Minister Devi Lal. $^The two \0MLAs \0Mr Bhalee 0150A37 Ram and \0Mr Ram Kishan issued separate statements saying that they 0160A37 had agreed to_ support \0Mr Devi Lal following an assurance that he 0170A37 would look into their complaints. $^With the announcing of support of 0180A37 these two dissidents to Devi Lal who appears to_ have an edge over the 0190A37 dissidents whose strength has gone down to 33 as compared to 38 when the 0200A37 party met last in Delhi at the Prime Minister*'s residence. $^In the 0210A37 absence of the Chief Minister who is expected to_ reach here tomorrow 0220A37 from Delhi by train the ministerialists were not sure of the dissidents*' 0230A37 move in electing \0Mr Mukhitiar Singh, \0MP as their leader. 0240A37 $\0^*Mr Mukhtiar Singh, a former Jana Sangh Vice President of 0250A37 the State, is a *4jat and is likely to_ make a dent in the Jana Sangh 0260A37 unity. $^The External Affairs Minister \0Mr. *(0A B*) Vajpayee 0270A37 who will be the observer at tomorrow*'s meeting will arrive by air here 0280A37 in the morning. $^Meanwhile Janata Party General Secretary, Nanaji 0290A37 Deshmukh today branded as "pointless" Haryana Chief Minister Devi Lal*'s 0300A37 reported demand for open vote in place of secret ballot to_ decide 0310A37 the leadership issue of the State Legislature Party. $^He was replying 0320A37 to a question on the issue at "meet the press" programme, organised 0330A37 by Pune Reporters*' Guild, here. $*<*3charan*'s issue*> *^*Nanaji 0340A37 reiterated that the Janata Party would not split up in the face of 0350A37 seemingly controversial problems presented from time to time by its 0351A37 constituent 0360A37 units. $^He said, the Parliamentary Board would soon take a decision 0370A37 on \0Mr. Charan Singh*'s resignation from the Board and whatever 0371A37 decision 0380A37 it might take, it would certainly not develop enmity among Janata 0390A37 Party leaders, he contended. 0400A37 $**<*3SOBHANI 'EXPELLED'*0**> $^Non-Jan Sangh members of Bhopal district 0410A37 Janata *8ad hoc*9 body today 'expelled' their president Sevakram 0420A37 Sobhani and later dissolved the district committee itself. $^Styling 0430A37 himself as acting president of the new *8ad hoc*9 body, Sardar Navrang 0440A37 Singh told reporters this evening that both the decisions were taken 0450A37 by the majority. ^He said 22 of the 43 executive members attended the 0460A37 meeting held at the residence of Syed Iqbal Ahmed. $\0^*Mr Singh, who 0470A37 was till the dissolution vice president of the district body, said the 0480A37 meeting authorised state party secretary Rabhu Thakur to_ nominate the 0490A37 executive. $^He said \0Mr Sobhani was 'expelled' because of the recent 0500A37 High Court aspersions on his character. ^He had also committed many 0510A37 "unconstitutional irregularities," \0Mr Singh added. $^Fifteen \0MLAs 0520A37 belonging to the erstwhile Jana Sangh today charged party general 0530A37 secretary Madhu Limaye with instigating the erstwhile socialist members 0540A37 of the Madhya Pradesh Janata Party to_ work for the very collapse 0550A37 of the state unit. $^A statement issued on behalf of the 15 \0MLAs 0560A37 by \0Mr Surajmal Jain, called upon party president Chandra Shekhar 0570A37 to_ remove \0Mr Limaye from the National Executive of the party 0580A37 for his alleged anti-party activities. $^The \0MLAs included, besides 0590A37 \0Mr Jain, \0Mr Himmat Singh Kothari, \0Mr Basanti Lal Sharma, 0600A37 \0Mr Brajmohan Mishra and \0Mr Goverdhan Sharma. 0610A37 $**<*3Indore doctor may be suspended*0**> $^In the much talked alleged 0620A37 rape case of a girl Vijayakumari in a private nursing home by \0Dr. 0630A37 *(0K.L.*) Bandi, a prominent local surgeon the police has filed *4challan 0640A37 under section 376 of \0CRPC in the court of Additional Judicial 0650A37 Magistrate. $^According to the prosecution on November 24, 1977, 0660A37 \0Dr. *(0K.L.*) Bandi forcibly molested and raped Vijayakumari, daughter 0670A37 of Snjjanlal of Pratapgarh (Rajasthan), a patient admitted 0680A37 in the nursing-home of \0Dr. Gukuldas at Jawahar Marg, Indore. ^On 0690A37 the report of Sajjanlal Central Kotwali Police had registered a case 0700A37 under section 376 and seized some clothes of \0Dr. Bandi and the girl 0710A37 and sent them for chemical analysis to Calcutta. ^After receipt of 0720A37 chemical report police completed investigation and arrested \0Dr. Bandi 0730A37 on May 4. \0^*Dr. Bandi is at present on vacation leave from May 1, 0740A37 and the Government is thinking to_ suspend him, it is learnt. 0750A37 $**<*3Azamgarh poll peaceful*0**> $^The fate of the 21 candidates contesting 0760A37 the prestigious by-election for the Azamgarh *5Lok Sabha*6 seat, 0770A37 was sealed in the ballot boxes with the end of polling this evening. 0780A37 $^An estimated 55 per cent of the over 6.7 *4lakh voters cast their votes, 0790A37 it was reported. $^The Superintendent of Police told \0UNI on 0800A37 trunk telephone that the polling all through the day was completely peaceful 0810A37 and no untoward incident had been reported from any where in the 0820A37 constituency. $^The polling, which was moderate to_ start with picked up 0830A37 with the advance of the day. ^Women voters, attired in their colourful 0840A37 best, vied with their men folk in exercising their franchise. $^The main 0850A37 contest was expected to_ be among \0Mr Ram Bachan Yadav (Janata), 0860A37 \0Mrs Mohsina Kidwai (Congress-\0I) and \0Mr Chandrajeet Yadav (Congress). 0880A37 $**<*3Eating from top to bottom*0**> $^A new vegetable plant being introduced 0890A37 in India for the first time for easing the problem of protein 0900A37 malnutrition, is all edible-- from top to bottom-- the leaves, the 0901A37 stem, 0910A37 the flowers, the tubers, the seeds and the pods. $^The 'Winged Bean' as 0920A37 the plant is called because of the fur wing-like flanges on the pods, 0930A37 has been successfully grown at the National Botanical gardens here and 0940A37 has generated a ray of hope among the experts who worry about the new 0950A37 food sources for the over-populated under-developed world. $\0^*NBG director 0960A37 \0Dr *(0T N*) Khushoo told \0UNI that the winged bean contained 0970A37 37 per cent protein besides 56 per cent carbohydrates. $^Leaves of 0980A37 the plant resemble those of spinach, the stem is like asparagus and 0990A37 one can eat the flowers and pods. ^After steaming or boiling the seeds 1000A37 and pods taste like good mushrooms. ^Any part not relished by human beings 1010A37 can be fed to cattle rich fodder, **[sic**] he added. $^The winged 1011A37 bean plant 1020A37 can be grown on almost every type of soil during rainy season without 1030A37 much furtilisers. 1040A37 $**<*3Clandestine clubs!*0**> $^Many a social club are **[sic**] 1041A37 spread all over 1050A37 the city but a survey has shown that very few are genuine while the rest 1060A37 are a front for illegal activities. $^A \0UNI correspondent, who visited 1070A37 some of the clubs, found that apart from gambling there are illicit 1080A37 liquor bars and contact-points for prostitution. $^None of the clubs, 1090A37 having similar names to that of **[sic**] race horses with the words 1091A37 'social club' 1100A37 added, was registered. ^Thick curtains cover the inside while a tough 1110A37 sentinel at the entrance. **[sic**] ^Entry which is on daily 1111A37 subscription is strictly 1120A37 on the genuineness of the constant visitors. $*4^*Satta and *4Matka 1130A37 are regular forms of major gambling in these joints. ^For *4matka, 1140A37 money is collected at the gate by a person who goes in and brings back the 1150A37 number slip, the person, who also acts as watchdog, alerts the insiders 1160A37 of any impending police raids by code signals-- whistling or voice 1170A37 of a particular bird. $^Liquor of all brands are available for asking.**[sic**] 1180A37 $^A person, much harrassed by a social club near his house, said it was 1190A37 risky for his young daughters and other girls in the neighbourhood to_ 1200A37 pass that_ area after dusk, while a housewife residing near a club said 1201A37 a 1210A37 constable, seen near the joint, was friendly with the club bosses. ^Some 1220A37 of the clubs had gone a step ahead by supplying narcotics, according 1230A37 to a visitor to a club. $^Recent raids have brought relief to the citizens 1240A37 while the bosses have been obsessed with fear. $^Richer clubs have all 1250A37 the things of an American type casino with roulettes and other games 1260A37 being provided for. $^A conservative estimate put the number of clubs 1270A37 at over four figures. 1280A37 $**<*33,50,000 people on the run in Delhi furious Jamuna starts taking 1290A37 its toll: 20*0**> $^The capital of India is confronted with a near catastrophic 1300A37 situation. ^And this is the first time. ^Over 3,50,000 people 1310A37 are on the run as the Jamuna keeps gushing with ferocity and without mercy 1320A37 over the danger mark. $^Official reports say that some 20 people have 1330A37 already died as for the first time in the history of New Delhi, urban 1340A37 areas have been struck by untamed nature. ^*Model Town, built by the 1350A37 East India Company a little beyond the Delhi University complex has 1360A37 been totally submerged as the Army and the Air Force assisted by police 1370A37 are engaged in the biggest ever "Operation Evacuation" to_ be undertaken 1380A37 in this city. $^Official sources confirmed that at least eight 1390A37 persons were drowned, four of them women when a rescue boat capsized in 1400A37 the swirling currents of sumberged Smalpur village in the Seelampur 1410A37 area last evening. ^A lone baby was rescued in the ensuing operations. $* 1420A37 $^The raise **[sic**] in the Jamuna level as **[sic**] 1421A37 has been a phenomenal 1430A37 ten centimetre per hour much to the helplessness of the authorities 1440A37 and flood forecasters. ^With at least 45 villages in the northern periphery 1450A37 completely washed away a minimum of four metres of water in some 1460A37 places, a dozen North Delhi colonies besides Model Town have been hit 1470A37 by the never-ending gush. ^It is nature*'s very own *8cul-de-sac.*9 $^The 1480A37 Radio Colony on the Mall, and Adarsh Nagar have been invaded by 1490A37 the waters and Jehangirpur is swallowed. ^So also \0Dr Mukherjee Nagar 1500A37 and the Kingsway Camp areas. ^The Khalsa College, Miranda House 1510A37 as well as Probyn Road have been run over. $^That_ is to_ say that 1511A37 the 1520A37 vehicular traffic on the Grant Trunk Road has been completely halted 1530A37 as the authorities are battling against a grim situation threatening 1540A37 to_ go worse with every hour. ^Official sources report that 80 per cent 1550A37 of the residents of Model Town have been pulled out to safety and some 1560A37 40,000 have been evacuated from Alipur zone in New Delhi. $*<*3rail 1570A37 traffic*> $^All rail traffic has been ground to a halt over the bridges 1580A37 over the Jamuna. ^In fact, such is the speed of the flow of water 1590A37 that some authorities fear for the old bridge over Jamuna whose piers 1600A37 are now under the current. ^The Railway Minister Madhu Dandavate along 1610A37 with functionaries of the Railway Board visited these sites for a spot 1620A37 study. $^The Prime Minister \0Mr Morarji Desai went on an ariel 1630A37 view of the submerged areas while the rescue operations on the ground 1640A37 were in full swing. ^The authorities have been asking the people to_ vacate 1650A37 the danger zones as speed boats were whizzing through where people found 1660A37 it too late to_ quit. $^At 14.30 hours, the Jamuna was running wild 1670A37 on the level of 207.23 metres: ^The portends were not good as the danger 1680A37 level of the river is 204.83 metres. ^According to eye witness accounts 1690A37 from officials the river was almost kissing the foot of the bridge. 1700A37 $*<*(0*G *T*) ROAD*> $^Some 30 kilometres stretch of the Grand 1701A37 Trunk 1710A37 Road, if not more, were under water with huge Leyland and diesel trucks 1720A37 lying fully immersed like little toys. ^Many vehicles were abandoned 1730A37 on either side of the Trans-Jamuna colonies. ^Some *4bunds have breached. 1740A37 $^This afternoon fresh warnings were flashed to West Delhi areas 1750A37 where the New Friends Colony and Maharani Bagh area lie right in 1760A37 the way of the coming waters. ^Never before in the Capital*'s history 1770A37 these colonies had faced such a flood threat. ^The Okhla industrial complex 1780A37 in this sector is deserted: ^The displaced residents are praying 1790A37 that the tide will turn soon.*# **[no. of words = 02007**] **[txt. a38**] 0010A38 **<*3Shipping industry wants \0Rs 360 \0*4cr. as rescue loan**> $^The 0020A38 shipping industry wants an astronomical \0Rs. 360 *4crores by way of 0030A38 rescue loans. ^This is larger than the \0Rs. 300-*4crore loan provided 0040A38 for shoring up five ailing industries-- cotton textiles, jute, cement, 0041A38 sugar 0050A38 and engineering. $^The demand was made by the shipowners here today 0060A38 when they met the Inter-Ministerial Working Group appointed by the 0070A38 Union Finance Ministry. ^The group headed by \0Mr *(0W. S.*) Tambe, 0080A38 Secretary Department of Economic Affairs of the Union Ministry 0090A38 of Finance is currently here to_ look into the immediate assistance 0100A38 needed by the shipping companies and to_ examine their liquidity positions. 0110A38 ^A team representing the Indian National Shipowners*' Association 0120A38 met the group here. $^Shipowners pleaded that the \0Rs. 500 *4crore 0130A38 foreign exchange allocation granted for buying ships should be utilised 0140A38 for repayment of the outstanding foreign exchange loans to_ be repaid 0150A38 in the coming three years. $^They pleaded that the loans should be granted 0160A38 with an interest of 4.5 per cent with a moratorium of three years in 0170A38 respect of both interest and principal and the repayment period should 0180A38 be spread over the balance income tax life of the ship including the 0190A38 moratorium period. $^It was indicated by them that approximately the total 0200A38 amount of outstanding foreign exchange loans against all shipping companies 0210A38 including those in the public sector was of the order of \0Rs. 0220A38 600 *4crores. ^Of which 60 per cent amounting to \0Rs. 350 to \0Rs. 0230A38 360 *4crores fell due for repayment during the next three years. $^The 0240A38 team also told the Group that the current loss of shipowners were estimated 0250A38 to_ be around \0Rs. 65 to \0Rs. 75 *4crores a year. ^There was therefore 0260A38 real risk of shipowners*' failing to_ honour their commitments 0270A38 in regard to repayment of foreign exchange loans unless speedy relief 0280A38 was granted by the Government. $^The erosion in the equity and the steep 0290A38 decline in the market values of ships had also made it difficult for 0300A38 shipowners to_ conform to the debt-equity and security norms the Group 0310A38 was appraised. $^The Group wanted more details about the liquidity positions 0320A38 of individual shipping companies which the Indian National Shipowners*' 0330A38 Association will submit tomorrow. 0340A38 $**<*3Cotton price rise feared**> $^The fear of Indian cotton prices 0350A38 moving up in view of the anticipated supply gap is expressed here by 0360A38 cotton trade. ^Cotton production according to trade estimates is placed 0370A38 around 66 *4lakhs bales. ^Calculated on the basis of the expected consumption 0380A38 of the industry the requirement would be around 69 *4lakh bales. 0390A38 $^After allowing for a couple of *4lakh of bales for extra consumption 0400A38 by the industry the gap would be between 4 and 5 *4lakh bales. $^World 0410A38 cotton output this year is higher by about 5 million bales and though 0420A38 the present prices are somewhat higher than about two months ago, they 0430A38 are still considerably lower than the high prices India paid last year. 0440A38 ^Since there was no other go but to_ import to_ fill the gap the trade 0450A38 feel that this is the time for the government to_ decide on imports. ^The 0460A38 fairly reasonable price level obtaining at present is likely to_ move 0470A38 up as the season advances, the trade feel. $^At the annual meeting of the 0480A38 East India Cotton Association a plea to_ lift the ban on Bengal 0490A38 *4deshi cotton export was made by \0Mr. Purushottamdas, President 0500A38 of the Association. ^His argument was that Bengal *4Deshi fetched a 0501A38 better 0510A38 price last year from Japan at about 110 cents per pound and even this 0520A38 year Pakistan had sold at the same price. ^At this price the country 0521A38 could 0530A38 earn the necessary foreign exchange to_ import better quality cotton 0540A38 required for the mills. 0550A38 $**<*3High cost of Bombay High gas Indo-Yugoslav sponge iron Project 0560A38 may be dropped**> $^The proposed Indo-Yugoslav joint venture to_ 0570A38 manufacture sponge iron along the west coast may be abandoned because 0580A38 of high cost of \0ONGC gas supplies. $^Informed sources say the 0590A38 Yugoslav Government is giving 'a second thought' to its own proposal, 0600A38 originally intended to_ make profitable reinvestment of *4rupee funds 0610A38 built up during those years of bilateral trade. $^The Oil and Natural 0620A38 Gas Commission supply of Bombay High or Gujarat basin gas is saidto_ 0630A38 be three times costlier than average prices of natural gas in other 0640A38 countries, including Bangladesh, where most of the furnaces draw their 0650A38 energy requirement from natural gas. $^The public sector \0ONGC 0660A38 which figures among the top profitmaking State-owned organisations, charges 0670A38 nearly \0Rs 1,000 per 1,000 cubic metres of gas. ^The average 0680A38 international price of the same amount of supply is around \0Rs 300. 0690A38 $^The Yugoslav Government made the joint venture proposal to the Union 0700A38 Steel Ministry and wanted to_ utilise the abundant supply of natural 0710A38 gas, which is regarded to_ be the cheapest source of fuel, from Bombay 0720A38 High and Gujarat basin for the purpose. $^The Steel Ministry entrusted 0730A38 a public sector consultancy firm with preliminary survey to_ assess 0740A38 the economic viability of the project. ^The survey report, which is said 0750A38 to_ have highlighted the high \0ONGC gas prices, is lying with 0760A38 the Government without any further progress. $^Ash content in Indian 0770A38 coke being as high as 30 per cent, as against an international average 0780A38 of 10 per cent, the conversion cost in conventional furnaces becomes high 0790A38 and the quality poor. ^The use of natural gas can solve both the problems. 0800A38 ^Experts say that natural gas can be used even for running those 0810A38 most conventional 'Cupola' furnaces for melting iron to_ make grey iron 0820A38 castings or high-duty castings. $^Several private sector units, which are 0830A38 keen on setting up furnaces using natural gas as fuel in the region, 0840A38 are also stated to_ be going slow because of the prevailing high fuel costs. 0850A38 ^Despite huge gas finds in Tripura, which is believed to_ have been 0860A38 carrying the same sub-soil structure passing through Bangladesh, and 0870A38 a large amount of natural gas being produced at Gujarat and Bombay High 0880A38 basins, the \0ONGC has not indicated any substantial reduction 0890A38 in future prices when the additional supply of gas is transported through 0900A38 pipelines right at the door of the industry. 0910A38 $**<*3Big money sunk in empty wells**> $^Most of the 50,000 wells dug 0920A38 up during the last drought in Maharashtra were not sited by any geologist 0930A38 and 60 per cent of them have therefore yielded no water, says \0UNI. 0940A38 $^Quite a number of them have remained incomplete and of those 0950A38 completed, a fairly large proportion are not capable of yielding water 0960A38 to_ sustain large-scale farming for which they were dug up. $^A committee 0970A38 of the Maharashtra Academy of Sciences (\0MAS) in its interim 0980A38 report has stated that many of those wells are unproductive and are 0990A38 out of use, resulting in wastage of government funds. $^The report 1000A38 was released at the \0MAS annual general body meeting, presided over 1010A38 by the Atomic Energy Commission chairman, \0Mr. *(0H. N.*) Sethna, 1020A38 who is also the chairman of the academy. $^The committee was appointed 1030A38 at the instance of the then State Governor the late \0Mr. Ali 1040A38 Yavar Jung on May 21, 1976. ^The interim report was submitted to the 1050A38 Government in August last year, with specific recommendations on the collection 1060A38 of data on existing wells and watershed and organisation and 1070A38 manpower utilisation. $^A member of the committee told \0UNI that 1080A38 no action was taken by the Government on the report so far. $^One of 1090A38 the recommendations was that the Government*'s Groundwater Survey and 1100A38 Development Agency (\0GSDA) should prepare and keep ready a blue 1110A38 print for locations of wells for areas generally affected by drought. 1120A38 ^The Government should insist that sites for the wells should be taken 1130A38 up for digging during future droughts. $^The committee, led by \0Dr. 1140A38 *(0G. R.*) Udas, pointed out that there were no groundwater level contour 1150A38 maps of the watershed and large-scale topographical maps to_ determine 1160A38 the drainage pattern of the watersheds. $^At present, maps are often 1170A38 simply taken from the village maps, which are not adequate, it said. 1180A38 $^The committee noted that the probe into elementary watershed basins 1190A38 had not so far been given the importance it deserves. $^The \0GSDA 1200A38 had examined 1,467 elementary watersheds. ^The committee said it was 1210A38 essential to_ examine the demarcation of these watersheds for delineation 1220A38 and precision. $^It was necessary to_ demarcate and delineate the basin 1230A38 into three generally well-defined sectors, namely, the sector of recharge 1240A38 area, the intermediate sector and the sector of discharge area. 1250A38 $^The surface water courses in the three sectors of streams needed further 1260A38 scrutiny into their hydrological settings, since surface courses did 1270A38 not necessarily coincide with the ground or sub-surface courses. $^The 1280A38 committee recommended that photogeological maps of the State should 1290A38 be prepared with the help of the Survey of India. ^The maps would help 1300A38 in photo-interpretation of the terrain for quick understanding of the 1310A38 geomorphology, geology and ground water potential of the State. $^The 1320A38 committee said the general observation of the \0GSDA that no 1330A38 aquifers were available below 40 meters could not be completely discredited, 1340A38 but the exercise of some other agencies was contrary to this. $^The 1350A38 agencies, such as the Central Ground Water Board, the Geological 1360A38 Survey of India and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Madhya 1370A38 Pradesh, have indicated some cases where the best quality of water has 1380A38 been tapped from deeper aquifers for consistant supply for irrigation 1390A38 in basaltic regions. ^The committee therefore suggested that the exploration 1400A38 for tapping deeper aquifers should not be overlooked. $^The committee 1410A38 recommended, as a 'first and urgent measure', that the data of dug 1420A38 and bore wells for the entire state be obtained. ^This data needed to_ 1430A38 be collected in a format which would enable computerising of the same. 1440A38 $**<*3\0RBI rejects all bids, speculators fear action-Gold falls to 1450A38 \0Rs 900**> $^Gold prices nosedived to \0Rs 900 per 10 \0gms. from 1460A38 \0Rs. 950 over the weekend following market reports that the authorities 1470A38 were contemplating stern action to_ check speculation. ^The market 1480A38 also witnessed buyers*' resistance. $^The Reserve Bank rejected all the 1490A38 bids for the 13th auction held on October 12 on the ground that none 1500A38 of the bids came up to the reserve price. ^The \0RBI had received 1510A38 in all 1,207 bids. ^This is the second time that \0RBI has rejected 1520A38 the auction bids outright, the previous occasion being the 8th gold 1530A38 auction held on August 8. $^Despite this move the prices dropped on arrivals 1540A38 of smuggled gold as the current high prices have made gold smuggling 1550A38 remunerative. ^Market sources, however, think that prices may soon 1560A38 start its upward climb as there is no prospect of the \0RBI offering 1570A38 any gold till at least the *4Diwali. ^But this has to_ be placed against 1580A38 the possibility of larger arrivals of smuggled gold depressing 1590A38 prices. $^In official dealings, standard gold (mint) price dropped by \0Rs. 1600A38 40 from its peak of \0Rs. 940 last week-end, to_ close at \0Rs. 1610A38 900 per 10 \0gms. ^But in kerb, prices rebounded sharply to \0Rs. 930 1611A38 and 1620A38 later advanced further to \0Rs. 940. $^The next auction will be held 1630A38 on October 23 and the terms and conditions for the 14th gold auction by 1640A38 the \0RBI will be the same as the previous one except for some minor 1650A38 changes. ^As a special case it has been decided to_ permit all those 1660A38 who participated in the 13th auction to_ submit fresh bids for the 14th 1670A38 on the strength of the cheques already submitted by them for the 13th, 1680A38 even though the amount of each cheque may be less than 10 per cent of 1690A38 the fresh bid. $^Official circles in Delhi do not seem unduly concerned 1700A38 over the steep rise in gold prices in the past few days with the onset 1710A38 of the marriage season when demand for the precious metal normally touches 1720A38 the peak, adds \0PTI. $^One reason for the rise they feel is 1730A38 the trend in international gold prices with the weakening of some hard 1740A38 currencies like the \0US dollar. ^On the contrary they take comfort 1750A38 from reports that the narrow margin between world prices and the ruling 1760A38 gold prices in India offered no incentive to smugglers on whose list gold 1770A38 had always occupied top place.*# **[no. of words = 02003**] **[txt. a39**] 0010A39 **<*3What to_ do with Slums**> $^Slum is full of human miseries, it 0020A39 can be told. ^Yet, shelter being a basic human need, slums found in all 0030A39 cities and towns in the country fulfil this need to a considerable extent. 0040A39 ^It is estimated that over two and half *4crores people live in slums 0050A39 throughout the country-- there is no dearth for stories or statistics 0060A39 relating to slums and slum-dwellers. ^The Government and other authorities 0070A39 concerned have always been making attempts to_ solve the problem of 0080A39 slum clearance but to very little avail. ^Slums still grow alarmingly. 0090A39 $^The influx of the people coming to the cities and towns from villages 0100A39 in search of jobs and ending up in slums cannot be immediately curbed. 0110A39 $* $^Provision of houses itself to the slum-dwellers 0120A39 is a great problem. ^For two and half *4crores slum-dwellers on 0130A39 an average of five people per household, it is necessary to_ construct 0140A39 fifty *4lacs houses. ^Assuming on an average, a modest minimum 0141A39 construction 0150A39 cost of \0Rs. 8,000/00 per house a total outlay of \0Rs. 4,000/00 0160A39 *4crores is required for the total implementation of the slum clearance 0170A39 programme. ^But either the Central Government or the State Governments, 0180A39 or the Civic Bodies or all the three joined together would not 0190A39 be in a position to_ defray this much money for the purpose urgently. $^Nor 0200A39 it will be politic or practicable to_ raise loans to this extent from 0210A39 the public exclusively for this purpose and treat the newly constructed 0220A39 houses as priced commodities and charge the allottees of these houses 0230A39 accordingly. ^For, the slum-dwellers often do not have stable jobs and 0240A39 good incomes. ^Thus it becomes necessary to_ phase the slum clearance 0250A39 programme according to the extent of finance available. $^Even if a total 0260A39 expenditure of \0Rs. 200 *4crores for slum clearance is envisaged per 0270A39 annum it would be possible to_ solve the problem within a period of 0280A39 20 years only. ^The possibility of renovating the present huts or constructing 0290A39 new *4pucka shanties in the slum, with minimum habitation standards, 0300A39 could be examined. ^Funds could be raised to an extent for the purpose 0310A39 of slum clearance by way of public loans. ^One other possible way 0320A39 to_ raise some funds towards this end is to_ levy a small charge on each 0330A39 *4pucka house, say, a *4rupee a month. ^The burden of such a charge should 0340A39 be considered by the owners of such houses as a gracious gesture 0350A39 shown to these homeless. ^Ironically those who are placed in better 0351A39 positions 0360A39 often choose to_ forget that they owe something to these unfortunates. 0370A39 ^This is where the shoe pinches. $^Under these circumstances, we should 0380A39 be more concerned about the steps to_ be taken to_ provide some environmental 0390A39 hygiene and a package of essential services and facilities to 0400A39 the slum-dwellers. ^There is no need to_ elaborate here the physical and 0410A39 environmental aspects of the slums \0*7viz., insanitations, 0411A39 dilapidated 0420A39 huts, over-crowding water-logging \0etc. ^Often the inhabitants are under 0430A39 continuous eclipse of poverty. ^Illiteracy and unemployment are also 0440A39 parts of their life. ^Obviously under the slum clearance programme we 0450A39 are dealing with the slum-dwellers and not with the slum as such in isolation. 0460A39 $* $^Generally the population mix in slums is unhealthy. 0470A39 ^Many of the slum-dwellers are engaged in petty economic activities 0480A39 like vending vegetables, fruits, toys \0etc. weaving baskets and mats; 0490A39 preparing eatables; collecting empty tins gunny bags \0etc. keeping 0500A39 very small retail shops *4paan shops \0etc., exchanging old clothes and 0510A39 garments for utensils; hand-cart pulling; plying *(cycle-rikshaws*); 0511A39 head-loading 0520A39 \0etc. \0etc. ^The growing children could be trained in carpentry, iron-smithy, 0530A39 masonry, laundering, cycle repairing, dairying, book-binding, 0540A39 shoe-making; toy-making, painting, mat-making, basket weaving, handloom 0550A39 weaving, gardening, kite-making; white washing \0etc, the list could 0560A39 be long. $^It would be apt to_ observe here that unfortunately a feeling 0570A39 has gone around in the general public that a slum is a den of vices 0580A39 and the inhabitants do not deserve any assistance from outside. ^Vices 0590A39 are there as everywhere. ^There may be quarrels too often, but a slum should 0600A39 not be considered as a vortex of violence. ^The slum-dwellers*' general 0610A39 outlook towards life is peaceful. ^They are as a section a part 0620A39 of our society and not by any reckoning a pest on the society. $* $^In a slum called Machhipur Slum Colony at 0640A39 Ahmedabad various constructive activities have been initiated by a team 0650A39 of slum-dwellers from that_ slum colony itself for the upliftment of the 0660A39 slumdwellers as a whole. ^They are being assisted by benevolent organisations 0670A39 like the Red Cross Society, *5Gandhi Sadnana Kendra*6, 0671A39 LionsClubs, 0680A39 \0etc. and also by \0N.S.S. students. ^Even a wellknown 0690A39 story-teller, Appa Hamirbhai Mehta visits the area twice a week to_ 0700A39 tell fables to the children. $^It would be interesting to_ note that the 0710A39 nationalised banks in our country have now started financing the slum-dwellers 0720A39 and adopting slums for economic activities. ^The State Bank Group 0730A39 has been premier in adopting slums for social as well as economic activities. 0740A39 ^In one of the slums adopted by State Bank of India two 0750A39 years back at Ahmedabad it has been taking up education and skill development 0760A39 programmes. ^They also conducted painting and doll-making classes 0770A39 with the assistance of two organisatons of women and a noted woman teacher 0780A39 of painting. $^The bank has even brought out a greeting card based 0790A39 on some slum-dweller*'s painting and the sale proceeds of the cards 0800A39 were used for the developmental activities in the slum. ^The bank was also 0810A39 conducting a lower primary school in the slum. ^Many slum-dwellers engaged 0820A39 in economic activities have also been financed by the bank with a 0830A39 view to_ enable them to_ get released from the clutches of the money lenders 0840A39 and also to_ generate more income. $* $^A 0841A39 question 0850A39 that_ should be asked here is that if an organisaton like State Bank 0860A39 of India can assist the slum-dwellers in the above fashion, why 0870A39 it should not be possible for the other commercial bank*'s office and the 0880A39 various social organisations in our country to_ take care of at least 0890A39 one slum each. $^Any organisation interested in the upliftment of the 0900A39 slum-dwellers would be able to_ take among others a few of the following 0910A39 steps:-- $1 ^Moving the Civic or the State authorities to_ provide 0920A39 the slum-dwellers a minimum standard of environmental hygiene, sanitary 0930A39 arrangements, provision of water, lights, roads \0etc. $2 ^Launching 'keep 0940A39 the slum clean', 'literacy', 'savings'; \0etc. campaigns. $3 ^Arranging 0950A39 to_ conduct education cum entertainment programmes, medical camps, 0960A39 vocational guidance classes \0etc. $4 ^Persuading the dwellers to_ give 0970A39 up evil habits like drinking alcohol (in which activity they often spent 0980A39 a considerable part of their incomes); persuading the adults to_ join 0990A39 some service bodies like Home Guards and also to_ send their children 1000A39 to schools. $5 ^Conducting games and sports for and on behalf of the 1010A39 slum-dwellers. $6 ^Arranging for cultural programmes of the slum-dwellers 1020A39 themselves and of outsiders in the slums on festive occasions. $7 1030A39 ^Educating or arranging to_ educate the children and adults in the slums. 1040A39 $8 ^Teaching the slum-dwellers the importance of hygiene. $9 ^Instituting 1050A39 some awards for the up-keep and cleanliness of the slum and its 1060A39 total improvement, in order to_ create an awareness of hygiene and an 1070A39 element of competition among the dwellers themselves. $10 ^Persuading 1080A39 the dwellers to_ move to the places where, as and when, they are given 1090A39 new residential accommodations. $11 ^Moving financial institutions to_ 1100A39 assist the economic activities of the slum-dwellers, after the indigent 1110A39 dwellers are identified and also providing the necessary follow-up and 1120A39 recovery assistance to the financial institutions, if possible. $^The 1121A39 commercial 1130A39 banks can cater to the economic needs of such slum dwellers under 1140A39 their various schemes for lendings to weaker sections of the society 1150A39 and create more self-employment opportunities. ^They themselves can identify 1160A39 the needy ones and assist them or can assist those who are already 1170A39 identified by other agencies involved in the slum upliftment. $^The students 1180A39 could play a vital role in bettering the living conditions of the 1190A39 slum-dwellers. ^They, especially the college students, can, during their 1200A39 spare time, but on a continuous basis, take up some social work in the 1210A39 slums. $^It would indeed be heartening and worthwhile if every college, 1220A39 or a group of students from every college, under a responsible student 1230A39 leader or a teacher-leader, could adopt a slum each for some social work. 1240A39 ^Their activities in the slum will have far reaching results. $^The 1250A39 question is how far the slum-dwellers would be able to_ tread on their 1260A39 own old paths and stay in their old slums, content with poverty, illiteracy 1270A39 and unemployment. ^Let us make some beginning before they choose to_ 1280A39 assert themselves. 1290A39 **<*3Culture and Counter-Culture**> $^AFTER passing through several 1300A39 phases during the past quarter century the world youth scene has shifted 1310A39 as it were to plateau. ^The openly flaunted rebellion and the strident 1320A39 counter-culture of the 1960s are now mere memories. ^That there 1330A39 were national diversities within the world scene is undeniable. ^If in the 1340A39 developed countries the turbulance was a reaction against soulless consumerism, 1350A39 in India it was an explosion caused by an amalgam of frustrations. 1360A39 ^The global factor was the mass waywardness of youth. ^*Moscow 1370A39 was as much plagued by it as Washington, London or Tokyo. ^In retrospect, 1380A39 however, the waywardness appears to_ have been a mini mass phenomenon. 1390A39 ^It was centred in the middle or rather the upper middle, class. ^The 1400A39 vast masses of youth in the lower classes were totally untouched by 1410A39 the craze for trend life-styles of permissiveness. ^Even the small minority 1420A39 of college students who identified themselves with the New Left 1430A39 came largely from the upper end of the social spectrum. ^It is no secret 1440A39 that many of those who were stirred by the call of Naxalbari came 1450A39 from elite institutions. $^Only the children of elite could afford the 1460A39 luxury of an identity crisis or a sense of flatness in life. ^The children 1470A39 of the poor, who constitute the bulk of society, have their adolescence 1480A39 moulded by more earthy and less transcedental pressures. ^If they 1490A39 drop out of school, it is not in response to the call of radical ideologies 1500A39 but to_ add to the meagre income of their family. ^Their highest 1510A39 priority is to_ come to terms with their poverty. ^They lack the necessary 1520A39 flamboyance to_ attract attention and are invariably left out of focus 1530A39 when one seeks to_ concentrate on a single image of the Indian youth 1540A39 scene. ^Only to Gandhi, they collectively represented the image of *4Daridranarayan. 1550A39 $^Perhaps this is one reason why Gandhi has been put 1560A39 on a pedestal and left in the cold. ^The elite have really no use for Gandhi 1570A39 and would rather go with George Orwell. ^In his essay on Gandhi, 1580A39 Orwell makes the point that saintly renunciation is not a better version 1590A39 of ordinary human life but an alternative to it. ^The average person, 1600A39 who chooses to_ go on loving, breeding, reacting to life on the level 1610A39 of day-to-day existence is not just a failed saint but one who has chosen 1620A39 to_ get involved with life just as the saint has chosen not to. ^On this 1630A39 view, the pleasure-oriented counter-culture becomes almost apocalyptic. 1640A39 ^This is what the affluent youth had sought through their rebellion. 1650A39 ^Let *4Daridranarayan look after himself. $^It was John Wain 1651A39 who, 1660A39 in his study of William Empson, made the remark that the kind of Buddhistic 1670A39 doctrine **[sic**] preached the Fire Sermon has never led 1671A39 anyone to_ become 1680A39 Mother Tereasa. ^Something similar could be said of the Marxism, 1690A39 Maoism or Marcuseism preached by the votaries of counter-culture. 1700A39 ^They never went beyond being impatient of moral considerations and social 1710A39 responsibilities. ^The few who did, hastily withdrew to their side 1720A39 of the barricade. ^In India there was the additional factor of their 1730A39 political exploitation. ^The bleak economic scene, particularly the lack 1740A39 of employment opportunities, also induced a sense of frustration among 1750A39 young men standing at the threshold of life. ^The problems of adjustment 1760A39 peculiar to a society in transition too tended to_ baffle Indian 1770A39 youth. $^All these problems still remain, although the youth scene has shifted 1780A39 to sobriety.*# **[no. of words = 02006**] **[txt. a40**] 0010A40 **<*3STRATEGY TO_ COMBAT ILLITERACY*0**> $*3^EXCLUSION*0 of a vast 0020A40 majority of the people from the process of education is a most disturbing 0030A40 aspect of educational planning in India. ^A massive National Adult 0040A40 Education Programme covering about 100 million illiterate adults 0041A40 within 0050A40 about five years is going to_ be inaugurated on October 2, 1978. ^This 0060A40 is the most stupendous educational task undertaken in the country since 0070A40 independence. ^The Government has resolved to_ wage a clearly conceived, 0080A40 well-planned and relentless struggle against illiteracy to_ enable 0090A40 the masses to_ play an active role in social and cultural change. $^Literacy 0100A40 ought to_ be recognized, as an integral part of an individual*'s 0110A40 personality. ^The present thinking on Adult Education is based on the 0120A40 assumptions that illiteracy is a serious impediment to an individual*'s 0130A40 growth and to country*'s socio-economic progress; that education is 0140A40 not co-terminus with schooling but takes place in most work and life situations: 0150A40 that learning, working and living are inseparable and each acquires 0160A40 a meaning only when correlated with the others: that the means by which 0170A40 people are involved in the process of development are at least as 0180A40 important as the ends; and that the illiterate and the poor can rise to 0190A40 their own liberation through literacy, dialogue and action. $*<*3Dimensions*0*> 0200A40 $^The progress of literacy in India presents a very tardy picture. 0210A40 ^According to the census of 1971, three out of every five men and 0220A40 four out of every five women in the country are illiterate. ^The number 0230A40 of illiterates has increased from 298 millions in 1951 to 386 millions 0240A40 in 1971. ^The picture in Andhra Pradesh is even worse. ^Among the 31 0250A40 States and Union Territories, Andhra Pradesh occupies 23rd place 0260A40 in the literacy. ^The percentage of literacy in the State is 25 compared 0270A40 to the nation*'s figure of 29. ^Discouraging aspects of the problem 0280A40 are the wider disparity between literacy percentage among men and women 0290A40 in the urban and rural areas. $^The programme which will cover the entire 0300A40 country (22 States and 9 union territories) and will be related to 0310A40 the physical environment of the area and the socio-economic and cultural 0320A40 conditions of the people will necessarily have considerable diversity. 0330A40 ^The occupational and cultural characteristics of the learning groups 0340A40 will differ from area to area and so will the elements in the programme 0350A40 which is to_ serve them. $*<*3Favourable*0*> $^The results of the 0360A40 Experimental World Literacy Programme as well as the experience of 0370A40 the countries where illiteracy eradication programmes have successfully 0380A40 been implemented show that a systematic effort must be made for creation 0390A40 of an environment favourable for launching of such a massive programme. 0400A40 ^No country, however, perhaps with the exception of China, faced the 0410A40 problem of illiteracy of the magnitude we are facing. ^And hardly any 0420A40 country has had such a long tradition of respect for learning and knowledge 0430A40 or the vast resources which we have. ^What is necessary, it is indeed 0440A40 a pre-requisite for motivation of all persons to_ be involved in the 0450A40 programme, is to_ engender a spirit of hope and confidence. ^The Prime 0460A40 Minister, the Union Education Minister and the State Education 0470A40 Minister have already declared that the highest priority needs to_ be given 0480A40 to adult education. $^Leaders of almost all political parties in Parliament 0490A40 have wholeheartedly endorsed the programme and have given assurance 0500A40 of support. ^This, it is hoped, would be followed up by leaders in 0510A40 various other walks of life such as trade unions, trade and industry, 0520A40 students and youth. ^A critical role can be played, in this context, by 0530A40 the mass media-- films, \0TV, radio, newspapers, publicity posters 0531A40 \0etc. 0540A40 ^This would require an ingenious and co-ordinated effort, in which official 0550A40 and non-official media shall have to_ converge to_ serve the objectives 0560A40 of the Programme. ^In addition, a number of other methods could 0570A40 be explored, including holding of seminars and symposia, celebration 0580A40 of the World Literacy Day in schools and colleges, \0etc. ^The various 0590A40 ways in which an environment can be created shall have to_ be studied 0600A40 in details and necessary measures taken as soon as possible. $*<*3Components*0*> 0610A40 $^The two most basic problems faced by our country are poverty 0620A40 and illiteracy. ^One obliges a vast mass of our citizens to live under 0630A40 conditions of want and degradation, the other hinders opening of the 0640A40 doors of development and affects the ability of the poor to_ overcome 0650A40 their predicament. ^Indeed, the problems of poverty and illiteracy are 0660A40 two aspects of the same stupendous problem and the struggle to_ overcome 0670A40 one without at the same time waging a fight against the other is certain 0680A40 to_ result in aberrations and disappointments. ^For this reason, the 0690A40 programme is visualised as a means to_ bring about a fundamental change 0700A40 in the process of socio-economic development; from a situation in which 0710A40 the poor remain passive spectators at the fringe of the development 0720A40 activity to being enabled to_ be at its centre, and as active participants. 0730A40 ^The learning process involves emphasis on literacy, but not that only: 0740A40 it also stresses the importance of functional upgradation and of 0750A40 raising the level of awareness regarding their predicament among the poor 0760A40 and the illiterate. $^In addition to organising a massive programme for 0770A40 adult illiterates, it is necessary to_ provide special programmes for 0780A40 special groups based on their special needs. ^For example, programmes 0790A40 are needed for urban workers to_ improve their skills, to_ prepare them 0800A40 for securing their rightful claims and for participation in management: 0810A40 Government functionaries such as office clerks, field extension workers 0820A40 and police and armed forces personnel to_ upgrade their competence: employees 0830A40 of commercial establishments such as banks and insurance companies 0840A40 to_ improve their performance and housewives to_ inculcate a better understanding 0850A40 of family life problems and women*'s status in society. ^Programmes 0860A40 for these and several other categories of persons could be organised 0870A40 through class-room participation, correspondence courses or mass 0880A40 media, or by a combination of all these. $*<*3Dropouts*0*> $^One of 0890A40 the recurrent issues in adult education planning is motivation of the 0900A40 adult learners. ^Even when they can be stimulated to_ participate in adult 0910A40 education programmes initially, their interest is not sustained and 0920A40 they tend to_ drop out. ^The problem is particularly grave in respect of 0930A40 women and persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. 0940A40 ^It is true that if the programme has organisational flexibility 0950A40 and relevance of the content and methods with the felt needs and problems 0960A40 of the learners, it would fulfil the pre-conditions of sustained participation 0970A40 of the learners. ^Also, creation of an environment favourable 0980A40 to the organisation of mass programme can act as an effective motivation. 0990A40 ^However, these may not suffice and the matter needs to_ be examined 1000A40 in a much greater detail. $^Adult education must cease to_ be a concern 1010A40 only of the educational authority. ^It should be an indispensable 1020A40 input in all sectors of development, particularly where participation of 1030A40 the beneficiaries is crucial to the fulfilment of development objectives. 1040A40 ^A pre-requisite of an adult education movement is that all agencies, 1050A40 Governmental, voluntary, private and public sector industry, institutions 1060A40 of formal education \0etc. should lend strength to it. ^Voluntary 1070A40 agencies have a special role to_ play and necessary steps shall have 1080A40 to_ be taken to_ secure their full involvement. ^Instructional work shall 1090A40 have to_ be done by the teachers, students and unemployed men and women. 1100A40 ^It would be of great advantage if unemployed or under-employed youth 1110A40 having the potentiality to_ organise adult education programmes are provided 1120A40 necessary training and then entrusted with the responsibility for 1130A40 organising such programmes. $*<*3Challenging*0*> $^For too long the universities 1140A40 have theoretically espoused about desirability of contact with 1150A40 the community. ^The adult education activity provides a challenging 1160A40 situation for the universities and colleges to_ overcome their seclusion 1170A40 and to_ enter the mainstream of mass education. ^What is needed is that 1180A40 adult education should cease to_ be the concern of only one department, 1190A40 but should involve all members of faculty and of course, the students. 1200A40 ^Indications are already discernible that the university system is preparing 1210A40 itself for this massive involvement and to_ make necessary reorganisations 1220A40 in its priorities. $^As a part of the National Service Scheme, 1230A40 students in Institutions of higher education may provide a valuable 1240A40 agency for organisation of adult education centres. ^For this purpose 1250A40 it would be necessary to_ involve the teachers of these institutions 1260A40 also. ^It would be necessary to_ re-think regarding the present timing 1270A40 of academic sessions, the system of credits, certification \0etc. ^Student 1280A40 involvement in this programme should be voluntary but the leaders in 1290A40 the university system shall have to_ create an atmosphere in which students 1300A40 find this work worthwhile and satisfying. $^Many previous attempts 1310A40 at organising the adult literacy and adult education campaigns including 1320A40 the select programme of Farmers*' Functional Literacy did not succeed 1330A40 to the extent desired for several reasons among which the most important 1340A40 was lack of flexibility and even more so the lack of appropriate 1350A40 training programmes for instructors, supervisors and other functionaries 1360A40 directly responsible for conducting the whole operation. ^While some 1370A40 agencies organized short training or orientation courses, others did not 1380A40 arrange any training whatsoever. ^It is crucial to the success of the 1390A40 new programme that this past shortcoming is not allowed to_ recur. $^The 1400A40 size and diversity of the new task will necessitate well organised training 1410A40 for all the functionaries involved in the programme throughout the 1420A40 length and breadth of the country. ^Even though the implementation of 1430A40 the programme is to_ be largely decentralised and scope is to_ be given 1440A40 to the field level workers to_ use their initiative and resourcefulness, 1450A40 all of them will need a minimum training in order to_ assimilate the 1460A40 values and objectives of the Programme and to_ grasp the various techniques 1470A40 essential for achieving the objectives. ^The States, and the 1480A40 union territories and voluntary agencies will have therefore, to_ conduct 1490A40 a large scale and well-designed training operation built on the objectives 1500A40 of the Programme and sound principles of adult learning. ^The task 1510A40 is not easy by any means, but it is absolutely unavoidable. $^A mass 1520A40 education programme, inevitably faces the risk of considerable wastage 1530A40 and misreporting. ^In this connection the importance of systematic monitoring 1540A40 and evaluation cannot be exaggerated. ^It must permeate the entire 1550A40 programme and should provide feedback for introducing necessary correctives 1560A40 from time to time. 1570A40 $**<*3FROM DELUGE TO DELIGHT*0**> $*3"^WOULD you not get a metal 1580A40 road while I am still alive? ^Can*'4t I get a chance to_ reach my village 1590A40 by bus? ^I had an uphill task trekkin through the mud and slush!" said 1600A40 65 year old Addanki Bhushayya, *4Sarpanch of Gollapalem. ^His words 1610A40 still echo in my ears. ^He came to Avanigadda to_ have a glimpse 1620A40 of \0Mrs. Nirmala Gandhi and \0Mr. Kanu Gandhi, 1621A40 daughter-in-law and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, 1630A40 who arrived there to_ participate in the conference of \0A.P. 1640A40 Constructive Workers and inaugurate the Sevashram in October 1977. $^*Bhushayya 1650A40 was a *4Gauda, one of the backward castes. ^He may be an illiterate 1660A40 but an upright man. ^He had a lean and thin frame and looked simple 1670A40 but had a heart of pure gold. ^He was open and frank and had arbitrated 1680A40 in several disputes. *4^*Raja of Challapalli used to_ like him 1690A40 very much. ^*Bhushayya was steady and honest. $^It was some 40 days later 1700A40 on the 19th November that he went round his village house to house and 1710A40 cautioned the inmates to_ be alert and careful against the severe cyclone. 1720A40 ^At the end of the rounds, he reached home. ^And then there had been 1730A40 the tidal wave! ^He became a part of the ocean and the legend! .^*Gollapalem 1740A40 is about 3 \0kms. away from the coast. ^A tidal bank constructed 1750A40 for protection in 1956 when \0Mr. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy was the State 1760A40 Chief Minister had been washed away by the tidal wave. ^The bank 1770A40 gave away at a place in direct line with Gollapalem, Pata Upakali. ^*Gollapalem, 1780A40 Chintakolla, Mandapakala which lay along that_ straight line 1790A40 were wiped off. ^The wave further went on to_ batter the Addankidibba, 1800A40 Mandapakala central channel and Kodur-Nagayalanka road. ^It carried 1810A40 the huts, house tops and carcasses over to Jayapuram ten miles away 1820A40 on the Kodur-Avanigadda road.*# **[no. of words = 02006**] **[txt. a41**] 0010A41 **<*3Beautiful dribbler**> $^Ashok Kumar is a "beautiful dribbler" stated 0020A41 \0Mr Sikandar Bakht, Union Minister for Public Works and Housing 0030A41 in Patiala and yet "He plays more to the gallery and often destroys 0040A41 the whole forward line." ^Now this statement is contradictory. ^To_ 0050A41 get goals the forward must be an expert dribbler and acquire mastery with 0060A41 his stick and the ball and that_ is what Ashok is. ^Who scored the 0070A41 winning goal in Kuala Lumpur? ^If Ashok lacked dribbling and that_ sure 0080A41 scoop with placing the ball in the net, India would have been defeated. 0090A41 ^It is not for nothing that continental teams employ some times two 0091A41 best 0100A41 defenders who constantly police him (Ashok) throughout the game and yet, 0110A41 he often either himself scores a goal or is instrumental in scoring by 0120A41 placing well marked pass to his mate. $^He is a born hockey player and 0130A41 can fit in any right or left position although he has often excelled in 0140A41 the left like his uncle, the great Roop Singh. ^He is as much gifted 0150A41 to_ play forward as was his famous father \0Mr Dhyan Chand. ^*I have 0160A41 seen him in action at Bhopal and elsewhere and can confidently put him 0170A41 with the best during the last 50 years. ^His style and speed approach that_ 0180A41 of Jaggit Singh who was equally confident with his stick and could 0190A41 dodge often four or even five men and score with a stinging shot. ^Most 0200A41 of Bhopal hockey enthusiasts may be aware of his performance in Obaidullah 0210A41 Hockey Tournament in early sixties, when he raced with ball covering 0220A41 3/4 ground. $*<*3FORMATIONS*0*> $^Hockey is played in the World 0230A41 now on various formations akin to soccer and certainly not on Indian 0240A41 style. ^The Western teams keep 2 backs 4 half backs and four forwards. 0250A41 ^Thus both backs and halves literally encircle the fast moving forward 0260A41 and make him difficult to_ run with the ball. ^Passes either short or long 0270A41 are easily intercepted. ^No wonder, it is impossible to_ get field goals 0280A41 under such circumstances. ^Then forwards like Ashok or Govinda come 0290A41 in the picture. ^A breezy piercing the rest by any can on a day earn India 0300A41 a winner more easily than a combined movement by two or three which 0310A41 can easily be snapped off and disintegrated by the crowding out tactics 0320A41 as also by the typical man to man marking of the leading hockey powers. 0330A41 ^*Ashok has the knack to_ dodge dash and dupe his watchers once he gets 0340A41 the ball and flies to the goal either himself placing it in the net (Mind, 0350A41 you, not hitting because goalie will surely stop) in the corner. 0360A41 ^So has also Govinda. ^Surely Pakistan could not throw away, Shahnay 0370A41 or Salamuddin who are expert dribblers first and scorers afterwards. $^*India 0380A41 is to_ play 4 test matches with Pakistan in preparation for the 0390A41 World Cup Hockey Tournament, scheduled in Argentina in march \0i.e. 0400A41 just 30 days this year. ^It is a tragedy that_ no Indian eleven has yet 0410A41 been declared although Pakistan, is fully ready. ^Whatever the Hockey 0420A41 politics India cannot afford to_ reject such a sure and sustained goal 0430A41 getter as Ashok who has scored every time despite rigid encirclement 0440A41 by opponents. ^To_ lose him would mean dropping Pele from a soccer team. 0450A41 **<*3Hunter*'s paradise in danger*0**> $^*Kashmir may soon cease to_ 0460A41 be a hunter*'s paradise and a game preserve. $^For, only three of the six 0470A41 lake "sanctuaries" are functional now. ^They are Hokura, Haigam and 0480A41 Mirgund. ^The three lakes which have dried up are Pampore, Krunchu and 0490A41 Shalbug. $^The Kashmir *4Shikar Club has therefore, urged the 0491A41 State 0500A41 Government to_ take immediate steps to_ revive the "dead" lakes. $^Set 0510A41 up in 1963, the Club wants the immediate constitution of a wildlife 0520A41 board and a consultative committee "to_ devise schemes for improvement 0530A41 of the sports of hunting and fishing." $^Incidentally, Kashmir attracts 0540A41 birds from as far as Siberia. ^The inflow begins from around September 0550A41 15 every year and the exodus starts from around April 15. ^The birds 0560A41 generally fly in moonlight, covering a distance of about 1,100 miles 0570A41 in 24 hours. $^Not very long ago, the Secretary of the Kashmir 0571A41 *4Shikar 0580A41 Club, \0Mr. Ghulam Ahmad Batku, said, 'the birds coming from Siberia 0590A41 used to_ be received ceremoniously.' $^But, he lamented the fact that 0600A41 the whole romance and sanctity had now been lost as a result of the 0610A41 negligence in the preservation of sanctuaries and increase in the incidence 0620A41 of poaching. $^This has adversely affected not only the sport of 0630A41 hunting the small game but also the wildlife. $^It all started in 1947-48, 0640A41 \0Mr. Baktu recalled, when there was no control on the use of gun 0650A41 by ordinary citizens following the partition of the country and the subsequent 0660A41 Pakistani attack on Kashmir. $^The situation became worse with 0670A41 the increase in the number of defence personnel who killed the small 0680A41 and big game recklessly. $^As a result, \0Mr. Baktu said, while small 0690A41 birds were forced to_ look for other habitats, the number of animals like 0700A41 *4Hangul (a type of deer exclusive to Kashmir), *4Markhor, Ibex, 0710A41 Snow Leopard and Brown Bear, had gone on declining at a 'very fast 0720A41 rate.' $^However, following the steps taken for preservation of 0721A41 *4Hangul, 0730A41 its population has risen from 150 in the past few years to 200 at present. 0740A41 $^At one stage, *4Hangul was feared to_ have become almost 0741A41 extinct. 0750A41 ^Even the World Wildlife Fund and the International Union for the 0760A41 Conservation of Nature put the animal on its 'Red Book.' $^An immediate 0770A41 measure suggested by the Kashmir Club for the preservation of 0780A41 small and big game in the State is that the authorities must take up the 0790A41 issue with defence authorities and simultaneously bring about an effective 0800A41 control on the use of ammunition issued to civilians and non-civilians. 0820A41 $**<*3Who is responsible for hockey debacle?*0**> $^Hockey lovers in the 0830A41 country have risen in revolt against the humiliating exit of India 0840A41 in the pre-semifinal round of the World Hockey Cup at Buenos Aires. 0850A41 ^They feel that it is a matter of shame that India who taught hockey 0860A41 to the world has herself failed to_ qualify this time even for a semi-final 0870A41 berth. ^Rightly one seasoned critic puts, "When India for the first 0880A41 time since 1928 suffered the humiliation of not making it to the semi-finals 0890A41 in the Montreal Olympics one thought and hoped for an authentic 0900A41 revival of India*'s hockey genius through the World Cup tournament 0910A41 in Argentina. $^*India had fought with gusto and skill at Barcelona 0920A41 (1971) and Amsterdam (1973) with at least the face-saving bronze and silver 0930A41 medals won in that_ order. ^Then Kuala Lumpur, the venue of the 0940A41 third World Cup, indeed crowned India as World Cup champions. ^All 0950A41 eyes were thus set on Buenos Aires to_ see the reassertion of India*'s 0960A41 powers and not this dis-illusionment.' $^The pertinent question is: 0970A41 *_^Who is responsible for this debacle? ^Basically, it is the dirty politics 0980A41 in the rank and file of the Indian Hockey Federation that_ was 0990A41 responsible for this poor showing in the Tournament. ^The responsibility 1000A41 for this lies squarely with the authorities. ^While selecting the team 1010A41 they were swayed by favouritism and other extraneous considerations. 1020A41 ^Merit was hardly a factor in the choice of players. ^Several inexperienced 1030A41 players were selected while stalwarts like Ajit Pal, Surjit, Harcharan, 1040A41 Govinda and Aslam were, one would like to_ say "brutally axed." 1050A41 $*<*3WEAK-KNEED POLICY*0*> $^The Government cannot escape responsibility 1060A41 for its weak-kneed policy in this behalf. ^At one stage, one of 1070A41 the central minister, **[sic**] \0Mr. Sikander Bakht tried to_ 1071A41 intervene 1080A41 in the Hockey affairs but without any tangible result. ^He was adament 1090A41 that the hockey "rebels" should at no cost be included in the team. 1100A41 ^This was a very unfortunate decision. ^According to one report, he was 1110A41 even pulled up by Prime Minister Desai to_ "take his hands off from hockey 1120A41 affairs" and that there should be no Government interference in the 1130A41 autonomous character of the Indian Hockey Federation. $^Perhaps the 1140A41 saddest person in the country is Dhyan Chand the Hockey Wizard, who 1150A41 in no uncertain words has said, "If political interference is removed 1160A41 from national hockey, our performance can reach its past glory again." 1170A41 ^Though short, it is a meaningful statement and the Government will, I 1180A41 believe, pay heed to it. ^Meanwhile, the Punjab Sports Minister, Sukhdev 1190A41 Singh Dhindsa has demanded the resignation of the President 1200A41 of the Indian Hockey Federation and the \0IHF selectors and a public 1210A41 apology from them for bringing disgrace to the country in the World 1220A41 Cup. ^Some other hockey 'fans' have urged the Government to_ institute 1230A41 a full fledged enquiry into this debacle. 1240A41 $**<*3Young Sikh may make cricket history**> $^*Steven Gurpal Singh, 1250A41 a 16-year-old left-arm spin bowler could become the first Asian to_ 1260A41 play for Yorkshire the county cricket club that_ is unique in British 1270A41 cricket for refusing to_ engage not only overseas stars but any players 1280A41 born outside the county boundaries. $^*Steven, whose parents come from 1290A41 Jullundur district (Punjab), lives in Pudsey, the Yorkshire town known 1300A41 to cricket lovers throughout the world as the birthplace of Sir Len 1310A41 Hutton and Ray Illingworth, both former Yorkshire and England captains. 1320A41 $^His talent was spotted by Yorkshire coach Doug Padgett when 1330A41 playing for his school-- Pudsey Grammar School, where he is a fifth former-- 1340A41 and the Yorkshire under 15 schoolboys*' side. ^Now he has been 1350A41 called up for coaching at the county*'s famous Test match ground and club 1360A41 headquarters-- Headingley, Leeds. $^He was encouraged by his League 1370A41 cricket club Undercliffe, to_ turn from seam bowling to slow left arm. 1380A41 $* $^*Steven thrilled by his call to the Yorkshire 1390A41 nets, recognised as the first step in the grooming process for 1400A41 Yorkshire players, said "I*'1d love to_ play for Yorkshire if I got 1410A41 the chance, but at present I intend to_ concentrate on my studies, at school. 1420A41 ^It*'1s important that I do well in my examinations, so I can*'4t 1430A41 look too far ahead." $^For more than 100 years Yorkshire have fiercely 1440A41 defended their policy of only recruiting players born in the county. 1450A41 ^They have been accused of being insular for not importing overseas star 1460A41 players. $^\0Mr. John Temple, Yorkshire*'s cricket committee chairman, 1470A41 commenting on Steven*'s trial, struck back at the critics: "^The 1480A41 only prejudice there ever has been in Yorkshire is against the principle 1490A41 of importing players, whether from another county or from another 1500A41 country. ^*Steven was born in Ilkley, virtually the heart of Yorkshire. 1510A41 ^He may be a Sikh, but in my book he*'1s a true Yorkshireman." 1511A41 $^*Ray 1520A41 Illingworth said: "^This lad will be judged strictly on merit-- there 1530A41 has never been any room for sentiment in Yorkshire cricket. ^It will be 1540A41 interesting to_ see if he chooses to_ play for England or India if he 1550A41 ever makes the Test grade." $^*Steven Gurpal Singh has an elder brother 1560A41 and sister and three younger sisters. 1570A41 $**<*3Cricket coaching**> $^The Board of Control for Cricket in India 1580A41 has decided to_ undertake a wholesale review of its coaching programme. 1590A41 $^The decision is believed to_ have been taken at a meeting held last 1600A41 month in Bombay by the Coaching Sub Committee of the Board. $^The 1610A41 meeting was presided over by \0Mr *(0S K*) Wankhade: ^The Board 1620A41 President, \0Mr \0M Chinnaswamy, was present by special invitation. 1630A41 $^Members of the Sub-Committee, it is learnt, have been asked to_ 1640A41 submit proposals for future training of promising cricketers in the 1650A41 country. $^It is further learnt that a senior member of the Board, \0Prof. 1660A41 *(0D B*) Deodar, has been requested to_ send his proposals in the 1670A41 light of the past experience. $^Authoritative sources said that during 1680A41 its day-long deliberations, the Coaching Sub-Committee noted that 1690A41 the lack of fast bowlers was not the only problem afflicting Indian cricket. 1700A41 $^It was pointed out with regret that all that_ had been achieved 1710A41 during the past so many years was the training and discovery of only one 1720A41 new fast bowler, Kapil Dev, who made his Test debut in Pakistan in 1730A41 the just-ended three match series. $^Some members feared that India was 1740A41 also about to_ lose its supremacy in the field of spin bowling.*# **[no. of words = 02002**] **[txt. a42**] 0010A42 **<*3can minqrities expect a fair deal?**> **[begin leader comment**] 0020A42 *3^The 'minorities question' has featured in Indian politics for a long 0030A42 time now. ^The Constitution has sonorous phrases about the rights of 0040A42 minorities, but riots and other more insidious acts of discrimination 0050A42 against them persist. ^But what is this majority that_ is blamed? Moin 0060A42 Shakir says the whole concept of a majority-minority confrontation is 0070A42 false and that secularism has not succeeded in India because it has never 0080A42 amounted to more than political rhetoric. **[end leader comment**] 0090A42 $^Every polity-- capitalist, socialist, developed or developing-- has to_ 0100A42 confront the problem of minorities and integration. ^This is inevitable 0110A42 as no country has a perfectly homogeneous people. ^Every government has 0120A42 to_ make an effort to_ achieve cohesion and unity and introduce common 0130A42 symbols of identity among the various segments of its population. ^If 0140A42 the people are of a mixed character, there is bound to_ be social differences, 0150A42 ethnic cultural variations, political discords, economic rivalries 0160A42 and historical antagonisms. ^The minorities are the product of this 0170A42 situation. ^There is no sovereign remedy to_ eliminate the majority-minority 0180A42 problem in order to_ bring about a uniform pattern of thinking and 0190A42 behaviour. ^One way is to live with these differences and see that they 0200A42 do not lead to the disintegration of society. ^In the context of nation-building, 0210A42 the problem of minorities is at the centre of politics 0220A42 and it cannot be tackled piecemeal and without a definite perspective. ^It 0230A42 should be noted that there is no perfect model of majority-minority 0240A42 relationship though experiments under different systems can provide useful 0250A42 guidelines. $^In India now, the question of the minorities and how 0260A42 to_ satisfy their aspirations is of crucial importance. ^It is the criterion 0270A42 of the success or failure of the democratic experiment in this 0280A42 country. ^When we want to_ tackle the minorities*' problems, it is nothing 0290A42 but an attempt to_ deal with certain problems of particular sections 0300A42 of the Indian people. ^They are considered to_ be minorities because 0310A42 they perceive themselves as minorities. ^Really speaking, they constitute 0320A42 a national category. ^From the standpoint of theory no concept of a 0330A42 'minority' and a 'majority' is tenable. ^No definition of 'minority' can 0340A42 be taken as wholly satisfactory. ^Those who constitute less than 50 per 0350A42 cent should be called a minority. ^But the difficulties arise when one 0360A42 asks the question-- 50 per cent of what? ^In the total population of 0370A42 the country, Hindus are a majority, since they are 82.72 per cent. ^But 0380A42 they are not a majority in Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab and Nagaland where 0390A42 Muslims, Sikhs and Christians respectively are more than 50 per 0400A42 cent of the total population. ^The fragmentation of Hindu society, the 0410A42 rigid stratification and hierarchy among Hindus prevent them from exercising 0420A42 what is called the tyranny of the majority. ^The vertical and 0430A42 horizontal divisions of the Indian social structure show that the 'majority' 0440A42 and the 'minority' are both fictitious entities. \0^Dr Ambedkar 0450A42 and \0Mr Jinnah were very wrong when they formulated that the communal 0460A42 majority in India was a governing class and the minority a subject race. 0470A42 ^As a polyglot country India displays a diversity of religion and 0480A42 culture. ^Fortunately or unfortunately, there is no all-India language 0490A42 or all-India culture. ^Owing to these diversities and some subjective perception, 0500A42 a section of people may choose to_ be a minority, a nationality, 0510A42 a nation, a sub-nation or a ritually superior group. ^The purpose of 0520A42 the foregoing argument is not to_ deny the existence or the validity 0530A42 of the minority groups, as Hindu chauvinists have been doing. \0^*Mr Deen 0540A42 Dayal Upadhyaya held that "the word minority denotes a section of 0550A42 the people living in this land but belonging to some other nation". $^On 0560A42 the contrary, we want to_ argue that India is a confederation of minorities. 0570A42 ^For example, the Muslims (11 per cent of the Indian population) 0580A42 who are generally believed to_ be a communally organized and more 0590A42 politically articulate group are divided along social, economic and political 0600A42 lines. ^There are not only sectarian differences but a number of 0610A42 sub-communities and small fanatic groups in the community. ^Apart from the 0620A42 Shia and the Sunni sects there are many prominent groups like the Bohras, 0630A42 the Khojas, the Memons etc. ^The practices of the Bohras, under 0640A42 the sway of the Syedna priestly family, are so contrary to the general 0650A42 belief pattern of the common Muslim that doubts are often expressed 0660A42 if they should be described as 'Islamic'. ^The style of asserting 0670A42 the hegemony of the priestly family is thoroughly fascist and authoritarian, 0680A42 but practically the entire Muslim leadership (intellectuals and 0690A42 the religious elite included) willingly becomes a prey to the money power 0700A42 of the Syedna priesthood. ^The same is the case with the so-called Scheduled 0710A42 Castes (14.60 per cent of the population) and the Sikhs (1.89 0720A42 per cent of the population). ^The present Akali-Nirankari controversy, 0730A42 and the presence of the Mazhais and the Kabir *4panthis reveals 0731A42 the 0740A42 fragmented and stratified nature of the Sikh community. ^So both the 0750A42 majority and the minorities are divided into a multitude of particular 0760A42 groupings with their own passions and prejudices. $^There is nothing wrong 0770A42 if certain sections of the people consider themselves different from 0780A42 other section **[sic**] on the basis of religion, race or language. 0781A42 ^Even if such 0790A42 groups are all described as minorities, their respective problems and 0800A42 grievances are remarkably varied and different. ^Economic uplift, integration, 0810A42 socio-cultural security and end of discrimination are the basic 0820A42 problems of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Muslims. 0830A42 ^The problems of the impoverished, belonging to all the minorities-- including 0840A42 Anglo-Indians-- is common and therefore, the solution of the 0850A42 same should also be common. ^In this sense, the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled 0860A42 Tribes and Muslims are the core minorities in contrast to others 0870A42 like Sikhs, Jains, Parsis \0etc. $^The traumatic experience of 0871A42 partitioning 0880A42 the country compelled Indian leaders to_ give special attention 0890A42 to the minorities question. ^It was a baffling task for them as the British 0900A42 had already formulated a colonial strategy of satisfying the ambitions 0910A42 of the minority groups. ^The Indian leadership inherited the legacy 0920A42 of the British policy of non-interference in religious matters, giving 0930A42 religious freedom to all and providing special representation for 0940A42 them in the legislative bodies and administration. ^The ruling 'elite' in 0950A42 independent India faithfully followed the British approach to minorities 0960A42 except for the abolition of separate electorates. ^The Indian Constitution, 0970A42 a charter of the bourgeoisie rule in the country, ensures freedom 0980A42 of religion, freedom to_ preserve one*'s script and culture, freedom 0990A42 to_ maintain educational institutions, and representation in legislatures 1000A42 and civil services for the various minorities. ^This is claimed 1010A42 to_ be part of the secular policy of the State. $^The limitations of 1020A42 this approach are quite obvious. ^First, the Western notion of secularism 1030A42 has no relevance to the Indian situation. ^The role of religion in 1040A42 the West and that_ in the oriental countries are not similar. ^The separation 1050A42 between Church and State has never been a feature of history 1060A42 or of political tradition in India. ^No leader in India, with the sole 1070A42 exception of *(0M. N.*) Roy, paid any attention to the philosophical 1080A42 content and implications of the concept of secularism. ^For all practical 1090A42 purposes, secularism means giving equal treatment to all religions 1100A42 and not separation of State and religion and even using public funds 1110A42 for religious purpose. ^If some religions are more equal than others 1120A42 the former may get more funds and more State patronage. ^The same confusion 1130A42 is equally evident in the issue of imparting religious and social 1140A42 instruction. ^Various committees of the government and the commissions 1150A42 headed by \0dr. \0S. Radhakrishnan and \0dr. Kothari suggested that 1160A42 exclusion of spiritual training would amount to a denial or reversal 1170A42 of our whole historical development. ^Even if religion is kept apart from 1180A42 the text-books, the irrational beliefs of the majority community are 1190A42 being included in them in the garb of culture. ^The Sayyaiddin Committee 1200A42 Report on \0UP text-books makes startling revelations in this 1210A42 regard. ^Secularism in India means a limited freedom of religion and 1220A42 not freedom from religion. $^Secondly, the class character of the State 1230A42 determines its attitude to the minorities. ^*Marx while writing on 1240A42 the Jewish Question beautifully described the nature of the bourgeoisie 1250A42 State. ^According to Marx, this "abolishes in its own way distinctions 1260A42 of birth, social rank, education, and occupation, when it declares 1270A42 that birth, social rank, education, and occupation are *3non-political distinctions 1280A42 when it proclaims, without regard to these distinctions, that 1290A42 every member of the nation is an *3equal participant in national 1300A42 sovereignty... ^Nevertheless the State allows private property, education, 1310A42 occupation to_ act in their own way, \0i.e. as private property, 1320A42 as education, as occupation, and to_ exert the influence of their *3special 1330A42 nature. ^Far from abolishing these real distinctions, the State 1340A42 only exists on the presupposition of their existence,..." ^Such a State 1350A42 cannot do justice to the minorities. ^It invariably fails to_ solve their 1360A42 real problems. $^It is pointed out by economists and sociologists that 1370A42 in the United States discrimination against ethnic minorities annually 1380A42 brings the monopolies at least *-30,000 million in super-profits. 1390A42 ^Unlike the United States, India is a land of scarcity. ^Economic resources 1400A42 are meagre. ^Jobs are few. ^Discrimination is inherent in such a 1410A42 situation. ^The first casualties are the members of the minority groups, 1420A42 particularly of the large ones. ^The greatest beneficiary in this system 1430A42 is the industrial- bureaucratic- military- landlord combination. 1440A42 ^The non-political distinctions, as described by Marx, matter and matter 1450A42 effectively. ^Poverty, ignorance, injustice, and exploitation are inseparably 1460A42 linked with one another. ^The minority groups are condemned to_ 1470A42 be inequal and discriminated against. $^Third, neither the founding fathers 1480A42 of the Indian Constitution nor the political elite have ever 1490A42 been serious about the economic and religious emancipation of the members 1500A42 of the minority groups. ^No justiciable Article of the Constitution 1510A42 ensures that_. ^It should also be noted that the political elite 1520A42 among the minorities are concerned only with articulating the demands 1530A42 of the educated middle class segment or with non-issues like the Personal 1540A42 Law of Muslims or with renaming a university in case of Scheduled 1550A42 Castes. ^Their politics are a compromise with the 'national' elite 1560A42 who are keen on accommodating them. ^This is how the facade of a consensus 1570A42 in the polity is maintained. ^A break-down in the pattern means the 1580A42 dissatisfaction of a section of the same elite with the total 1590A42 group*'s style or performance. ^The participation or involvement of the 1600A42 common man implies nothing but legitimization of the 'elite rule'. $^Even 1610A42 from the point of view of elite politics, let alone the real 1620A42 question of economic emancipation of the oppressed and suppressed ones, 1630A42 the performance of the system is absolutely unsatisfactory. ^Take the 1640A42 example of the Muslim minority. ^The Muslims are greatly under-represented 1650A42 in the civil services, army, private and public undertakings and 1660A42 even that rate is continuously on the decline. ^They are discriminated against 1670A42 in other walks of life. ^They have invariably been the victim of 1680A42 communal violence. ^Their language-- Urdu-- is not getting its due place 1690A42 in \0UP which is ensured by Article 346/347 of the Indian Constitution. 1700A42 $^In spite of the guarantees provided for in the Constitution, 1710A42 the representation of the Scheduled Castes in the higher cadres 1720A42 of the civil service was 1.77 per cent, in the clerical category 8.86 1730A42 per cent, and in the category of attendants and peons 17.44 per cent. 1740A42 ^In the public sector undertakings the corresponding percentage in the Class 1750A42 *=1 cadre was 0.2, in Class *=2 1.07 and in Class *=3 0.92. ^The 1760A42 ruling elite is keen on giving representation in services but not 1770A42 interested in the real land reforms programme which is the concern of 1780A42 the overwhelming majority of the Scheduled Castes. ^On minor issues 1790A42 they are subjected to humiliation and caste-violence. ^All this happened 1800A42 when the "saviour of minorities" was the Prime Minister of this country. 1810A42 ^The Fakhruddin Ali Ahmeds and the Jagjivan Rams cannot come 1820A42 to the rescue of their communities, whatever position they may occupy 1830A42 in the system. ^The simple way of asserting their hold on the community, 1840A42 as described by Marx, is to_ adopt a religious attitude to politics and 1850A42 a political attitude to religion.*# **[no. of words = 02005**] **[txt. a43**] 0010A43 *<*3Money didn*'4t belong to ex-\0PM*> **<*3Nagarwala took \0Rs 0020A43 60 *4lakhs for some secret use**> $\0^*Rs 60 *4lakhs taken out of the 0030A43 State Bank of India by Rustam Sohrab Nagarwala on may 24, 1971, 0040A43 belonged to the Bank and was removed for some secret use, according to 0050A43 the findings of the Reddy Commission which investigated the so-called 0060A43 bank fraud case. $^The Commission*'s report which is now with the Government, 0070A43 says that though the possibility of unaccounted money being kept 0080A43 in the Bank could not be ruled out, there was no evidence to_ show that 0090A43 the money belonged to former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. ^The 0100A43 Commission did not accept Prime Minister Morarji Desai*'s view in this 0110A43 regard. $^Admitting that there were several 'dark spots' for which 0120A43 no explanation could be found the report criticises \0Mrs Gandhi who 0130A43 also held the Home Portfolio at the time for not ensuring proper investigation 0140A43 of the case. ^The Commission has taken a serious note of evidence 0150A43 that certain officers of the then Prime Minister*'s secretariat 0160A43 tried to_ hamper the investigation and told the police officers concerned 0170A43 to_ finish the case quickly. $^The report says that an examination of 0180A43 the Bank*'s Parliament Street branch from where the money was removed 0190A43 showed that private unaccounted articles were being kept in the Bank*'s 0200A43 strong room, particularly by some Bank officials and employees. $^The 0210A43 Commission does not rule out the possibility of important persons keeping 0220A43 unaccounted money in the Bank. $^It says that it could not ascertain 0230A43 who requisitioned the money and for what purpose, but that there is 0240A43 evidence to_ suggest that the practice of removing money from the Bank 0250A43 this way was prevalent even before the Nagarwala case, although the amounts 0260A43 involved in those transactions may not be as big. $^Both \0Mr Desai 0270A43 and \0Mrs Gandhi had deposed before the Commission. $^The report 0280A43 says that although the Bank*'s chief cashier, \0Mr *(0VP*) Malhotra, 0290A43 had persistently maintained that he was unwittingly involved in it, his 0300A43 cross-examination indicated that he had been handling similar transactions 0310A43 earlier. $^Discrepancies in his statement made to police and the fact 0320A43 that he was so easily able to_ take such a huge amount out of the strong 0330A43 room, and then out of the Bank*'s premises itself to_ give it to 0340A43 Nagarwala, also confirmed this. $^There was also evidence to_ suggest 0350A43 that both Nagarwala and \0Mr Malhotra knew each other before the case. 0360A43 $^According to the case history prepared by police at that time, Nagarwala 0370A43 fraudulently telephoned \0Mr Malhotra mimicking \0Mrs Gandhi*'s 0380A43 voice on May 24, 1971, and asked him to_ hand over the money to him as 0390A43 it was needed for a top secret work. \0^Mr Malhotra thought it was needed 0400A43 actually for Bangla Desh operations and gave it. ^*Nagarwala who 0410A43 made a confession, was sentenced to prison within three days. ^The money 0420A43 was recovered from him on the day of the incident. $*<*3NO EVIDENCE*0*> 0430A43 $^The Commission says that there was no evidence before it to_ show 0440A43 who actually requisitioned the money and for what purpose. $^The report 0450A43 draws attention in this regard to the depositions of \0Mr *(0N F*) Suntook 0460A43 of Research and Analysis Wing (\0RAW), \0Mr *(0S N*) 0470A43 Mathur of Intelligence Bureau (\0IB) and \0Mr John Lobo of 0480A43 Central Bureau of Investigation (\0CBI). $\0^Mr Ram Nath Ra0, 0490A43 who headed \0RAW during the tenure of \0Mrs Gandhi, had also 0500A43 denied the agency*'s involvement in the affair. $^The Commission did 0510A43 not accept the confession made by Nagarwala before a New Delhi magistrate 0520A43 as it could not be substantiated by evidence. $^Nagarwala said in the 0530A43 confession that he mimicked \0Mrs Gandhi*'s voice while talking to 0540A43 \0Mr Malhotra, but his friends and persons known to him said that he could 0550A43 not even speak properly because of the injuries he had sustained on 0560A43 the face and the month in two car accidents before the Bank case. $^Besides, 0570A43 there were also discrepencies between his version and \0Mr Malhotra*'s 0580A43 version, particularly about the code words they used. $^The confession 0590A43 had said that there was nothing 'pre-arranged or pre-planned and 0600A43 that he simply happened to_ be in the Bank*'s vicinity and on the spur 0610A43 of moment, just for 'adventure' phoned Malhotra from within the Bank 0620A43 imitating \0Mrs Gandhi*'s voice. ^Initially, he pretended to_ be \0Mr 0630A43 *(0P N*) Haksar, principal secretary to the then Prime Minister. 0640A43 $**<*3INDIRA CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS*0**> 0650A43 $\0^*Mrs Indira Gandhi is confident 0660A43 of winning the Chikmagalur by-election though she could not hazard 0670A43 with what lead. $^Addressing a Press conference today \0Mrs Gandhi 0680A43 said that she had never predicied the electoral chances of any individual 0690A43 during her over 30 years of political life. $^Asked whether she would 0700A43 like to be the Opposition leader if elected, \0Mrs Gandhi said an opposition 0710A43 leader would have to_ devote a lot of time in Parliament and 0720A43 she did not know whether she could spare so much time, any way it was 0730A43 for her party to_ decide, she said. 0740A43 $**<*3NIRANKARIS MEET PEACEFUL*0**> $^The first day of the three-day annual 0750A43 *4Samagam of Nirankaris ended peacefully today, save for a 0751A43 small 0760A43 demonstration by a group of Akalis who were not allowed to_ go anywhere 0770A43 near the venue of the congregation. $^Police arrested about 40 Akalis, 0780A43 led by \0Mr Kirpal Singh Sangatpuri, senior Vice-President of 0790A43 the Delhi Gurdwara *4Prabhandak Committee, for violating the prohibitory 0800A43 orders. $**<*3Encephalitis in 2 more districts*0**> $^Two more 0810A43 districts-- Gaya 0820A43 and Aurangabad came in the grip of encephalitis today with eight and one 0830A43 seizures respectively. ^A victim of Aurangabad died in the Gaya Pilgrim 0840A43 Hospital. ^In Patna the total death toll is four till today, according 0850A43 to official sources. $*<*3Virus presence in Bihar confirmed*0*> 0860A43 $^There is presence of the Japanese Encephalitis (\0JE) virus in Bihar, 0870A43 according to the National Institute of Virology (\0NIV) here. 0880A43 $\0^Dr *(0N P*) Gupta, Director of the Institute, told \0PTI 0890A43 that existence of the virus in the State had already been shown from 0900A43 patients in Dhanbad and Bokaro. $^He said he proposed to_ visit Patna 0910A43 to_ help the Bihar Government authorities in setting up a field investigative 0920A43 unit in case local outbreaks of the disease occurred in that_ 0930A43 State. $^The sources said that in all 13 districts were now in the grip 0940A43 of the disease in which 229 persons had been attacked with it, out 0950A43 of whom 84 of them had died. $^Meanwhile, the Patna Medical College 0960A43 Hospital has opened a 20 bed separate ward today to_ keep patients of 0970A43 encephalitis in isolation. ^This ward has been opened keeping in view that 0980A43 most of the patients coming from outside rushed directly to the \0PMCH 0990A43 and some of the attendants of the patients resist to_ go elsewhere. 1000A43 ^The Government has already started a 200-bed hospital at Agamkuan. 1010A43 $^The Superintendent of the \0PMCH \0Dr Raghubir Sharan said 1020A43 that in his hospital there were 22 cases of encephalitis, but it had 1030A43 not been detected whether any of them was suffering from Japanese Encephalitis 1040A43 or not. ^Among the admitted patients seven were children and death 1050A43 rate in them was 90 percent as in the case of old-age group. ^Among 1060A43 adult **[sic**] the death was 50 to 75 per cent, he added. 1061A43 $*<*3ADVICE TO PEOPLE*0*> 1070A43 $\0^Dr Sharan appealed to people that if any person got severe headache 1080A43 or high fever suddenly he should immediately be rushed to the nearest 1090A43 hospital for diagnosis. $^While this killer disease has made deep dent 1100A43 in the capital and citizens have become panicky the authorities of 1110A43 the Patna Municipal Corporation appeared to_ be completely apathetic 1120A43 to the civic condition of the town. $^A survey made by this reporter brought 1130A43 in focus that night soil is floating due to chocking of drains in 1140A43 Pirmohani area garbages are being dumped in open drains along roads \0No. 1150A43 35 and 36 in Gardanibagh by sweepers. ^The Gulab Bagh Road in old 1160A43 Kadamkuan is littered with cowdung and nightsoil. ^Roads \0no. 11 and 1170A43 12 of Rajendra Nagar are paradise for buffaloes and cows. ^But even 1180A43 such vulnerable places had not been cleaned and sprayed by civic authorities 1190A43 so far. ^Garbages could also be seen dumped by shopkeepers on the 1200A43 southern boundary wall of the Patna Medical College Hospital. $^But 1210A43 the most unfortunate part of the story is that the Patna Municipal 1220A43 Corporation inserted an advertisement in newspapers giving five telephone 1230A43 numbers so that citizens could contact for cleaning their areas if 1240A43 they were dirty, but seldom anyone responded and if at all anyone lifted 1250A43 the phone and took note of the complaint that_ was never attended to. 1260A43 $^However in response to the Bihar Health Minister*'s appeal to_ fight 1270A43 the disease at war-level, the management of Bata India Limited Bataganj, 1280A43 has taken up intensive spraying in the villages Digha; and Ramjichak, 1290A43 Nach Bagicha, Nasriganj, Banskothi, Nawab Kothi and Dighaghat. 1300A43 ^Other *4Harijan *4mohallas have also been chosen by it for spraying 1310A43 \0DDT with Malathion. $^An auto-sprayer, a stirrup-sprayer and 1320A43 a gatore sprayer have been put into action under the direct supervision 1330A43 of the Company Medical Officer \0Dr *(0TDB*) Singh with a dozen 1340A43 of para medical staff. ^Also gamexene powder will be sprayed freely. 1350A43 $^After fully covering these areas for which work has been started and 1360A43 about half done, the idea is to_ extend this programme to Patliputra 1370A43 Colony and to those families who require the help, according to a press 1380A43 note issued by the company. $^A government press note said that Sonepur 1390A43 fair was essentially a cattle fair and it had been established that cattle 1400A43 form the main carriers of encephalitis virus through culex variety 1410A43 of mosquito. ^People were being advised not to_ bring their cattle to 1420A43 the fair and also to_ avoid visiting the fair. $^However, the Government 1430A43 was launching a vigorous anti-mosquito drive in the fair area. 1431A43 ^Aerial 1440A43 spraying in and around *4mela area was being organised and the district 1450A43 authorities were also launching a sanitary drive there, it added. 1460A43 $**<*3Chikmagalur tense but peaceful**> $^The overall situation in the 1470A43 Chikmagalur *5Lok Sabha*6 constituency was peaceful barring some clashes 1480A43 and tension in a few places today. ^Home Commissioner \0Mr *(0V.*) 1490A43 Venugopal Naidu told newsmen this evening. $^He said everything was 1500A43 quiet in the entire constituency on the eve of the polling. $^Reports 1510A43 of tension were received from Mudigere town. ^He said one Janata Party 1520A43 worker was beaten up in Narasimharajapura last night while a number 1530A43 of Congress (\0I) workers were assaulted and two of their cars were 1540A43 damaged in Sringeri this morning. ^A Congress (\0I) worker was 1541A43 beaten 1550A43 up with rod at the bus-stand in Chikmagalur town today he said. $^The 1560A43 Central Reserve Police had taken position in all *4taluk towns and sensitive 1570A43 areas \0Mr Naidu said. $^Meanwhile there was rain in Chikmagalur 1580A43 since morning today and reports about rain had been received from some 1590A43 other areas also. $^Chikmagalur goes to the polls tomorrow to_ decide 1600A43 the political future of \0Mrs Indira Gandhi former Prime Minister, 1610A43 contesting the *5Lok Sabha*6 seat with the backing of the ruling Congress 1620A43 (\0I) Party in Karnataka. $\0^Mr Veerendra Patil former Chief 1630A43 Minister of the State fielded by the ruling Janata Party at the 1640A43 Centre, is her principal challenger among 28 in the field. $^The poll 1650A43 will be held, according to weather forecast in light to heavy downpour 1660A43 which might discourage a big turn up of the middle-class voters considered 1670A43 to_ be the main hope of the Janata Party. ^Local opinion is that 1680A43 the weather would not dampen the enthusiasm of plantation and other workers 1690A43 on whom Congress (\0I) is said to_ be relying for the difference 1700A43 between defeat and victory. 1710A43 $**<*3BOMBS HURLED ON TRAIN*0**> $^Bombs were hurled by some 1711A43 unidentified 1720A43 people on 422 Down Chakradharpur-Gomoh passenger train as it steamed 1730A43 off from Sijua station, 13 \0km. from here yesterday afternoon. $^The 1740A43 bombs hit the engine and caused no damage. $^According to official sources 1750A43 here, the incident is believed to_ be a sequel to the agitation going 1760A43 on for the past one week in the Tata*'s Sijua colliery where 400 colliery 1770A43 workers are reported to_ have become jobless with the introduction 1780A43 of mechanical loading system in the colliery by the management. ^The 1790A43 agitation is spearheaded by the Kumagar union demanding permanent jobs 1800A43 for the workers rendered unemployed.*# **[no. of words = 02005**] **[txt. a44**] 0010A44 **<*3DOES PUNJAB HAVE A LITERATURE OF ITS OWN?*0**> $*(0^*I. D.*) SEREBRYAKOV, 0020A44 the well known Indologist, in his interesting monograph 0030A44 "Punjabi Literature", has tried to_ come to grips with the phenomenon 0040A44 of linguistic pluralism in the literary history of Punjab in an ingenious 0050A44 manner by offering a concept of national literature of Punjab. ^He 0060A44 is of the view "that the writer*'s use of one language or the other 0070A44 is determined by the objective conditions under which the spiritual life 0080A44 of the given people is developing. ^The language does not separate his 0090A44 writing from the national literature of the people with whom he is linked 0100A44 by the cultural and literary traditions that_ moulded his creative personality, 0110A44 his art. ^This is why we refer such writers to Punjabi literature, 0120A44 irrespective of whether they write in Urdu or English, or Farsi, 0130A44 \0Etc." $^Pursuing this line of argument he went even to the extent 0140A44 of considering the Urdu works of Krishan Chander and English novels 0150A44 of Mulk Raj Anand as an integral part of the history of Punjabi 0160A44 literature. ^There is some obvious merit in this approach in so far 0170A44 as it takes cognisance of this vital problem, alike of the literary historiography 0180A44 of Punjabi and the vision of an integrated cultural personality 0190A44 of the Punjabis. $^But unfortunately \0Mr Serebryakov*'s otherwise 0200A44 laudable concept is seriously faulted in its oversimplification. 0210A44 ^It will be agreed that there can be no concept of a national literature 0220A44 as a mere aggregate of several independent and sometimes even mutually 0230A44 hostile literary traditions without any shared memory and a unified area 0240A44 of mutual interaction. ^Sadly enough, that_ need is not met by the rarefied 0250A44 and idealistic concept of national literature offered by \0Mr 0260A44 Serebryakov. ^Besides, he has given only a suggestion of what he believes 0270A44 to_ be the national literature of Punjab but has balked at making 0280A44 available a viable definition and comprehensive history of that_ literature. 0290A44 $^A more serviceable and better manageable concept would be of the 0300A44 literary history of Punjab which accounts for all the parallel traditions 0310A44 of distinct linguistic scriptal and credal identities and sub-identities. 0320A44 ^Only when this entire literary heritage of the people of Punjab, 0330A44 created in diverse languases and written in different scripts becomes 0340A44 internalized as a part of a shared awareness of its past by the present 0350A44 or a future generation will the possibility of a national literature 0360A44 of Punjab realised. ^Just how there are only independent movements 0361A44 of literary 0370A44 activity in which different sections of Punjabis participate in a mutually 0380A44 exclusive manner. $^To_ illustrate my point, I would like to_ invite 0390A44 attention to the literature produced by the Punjabis on a single 0400A44 theme which, incidentally, relates to a traumatic experience of the recent 0410A44 history of the Land of Five Rivers. ^Reference here is to the cataclysmic 0420A44 events of the partition of Punjab and the great killings 0430A44 and mass migration which both preceded and followed it. ^In the sense in 0440A44 which the partition of Punjab casts its reflection on the lives of several 0450A44 generations of the people of Punjab on both sides of the newly 0460A44 carved borders it can be said to_ be perhaps the only really commonly 0470A44 shared experience of all the Punjabis in this century. $^In its universal 0480A44 sweep, the reality of the partition with its socio-economic upheavals, 0490A44 political conflicts and psychological scars, has no other parallel in 0500A44 the recent history of Punjab. ^It was quite natural that attempts should 0510A44 have been made both to_ artistically exploit this catastrophic happening 0520A44 which involved vast multitudes of Punjabis at one level or the other, 0530A44 and discover an order in the human and moral chaos that_ it had 0531A44 brought 0540A44 forth. ^*Punjabi writers in different languages were attracted to 0541A44 the 0550A44 theme, which still remains far from exhausted as is evidenced by the great 0560A44 success of the two recent novels: one in Hindi, "*4Tamas" (darkness) 0570A44 by Bhisham Sahni and the other in English, "*4Azadi" by Chaman 0580A44 Nahal. $^My intention here is not to_ dilate upon their comparative merits 0590A44 but to_ refer to the overall cultural context in which these and other 0600A44 creations were born and situated. ^There are more than a dozen novels 0610A44 written by Punjabis dealing either directly with the events relating to 0620A44 the partition or with the struggle, of the people uprooted in the partition 0630A44 to_ strike their roots again in their new habitats. $^In English 0640A44 "Train to Pakistan" by Khushwant Singh and "*4Azadi" by Chaman Nahal 0650A44 have attracted a good deal of deserved attention. "*5^*Jhootha Sach*6" 0660A44 by Yashpal and "*4Tamas" proved to_ be trend-setters in Hindi writing. 0670A44 "*5^*Khoon De Sohilay*6" and "*5Agg Di Khed*6" by Nanak Singh, 0680A44 "*5Nauhn Te Maas*6" (Nails and Flesh) by Kartar Singh Duggal 0690A44 "*4Ahlna" by Amrita Pritam, "*5Mera Roop Mera Noor*6" by Manjit 0700A44 Singh Rana, "*5Jug Badal Gaya*6" by Sohan Singh Sital are amongst 0710A44 the well known Punjabi novels called forth by the theme. $^There 0720A44 are several other novels as "*5Haal Muridian Da*6" by Kartar Singh 0730A44 Duggal or "*5Deen Te Duniya*6" by Surinder Singh Narula, which 0740A44 touch upon the social and moral issues thrown up by the partition. $^*I 0750A44 have deliberately kept out the novels written in Pakistani Punjab dealing 0760A44 with this theme: firstly, because of the different national identity 0770A44 of that_ literature and, secondly keeping in view the ambivalence of 0780A44 the Pakistani intellectuals towards the phenomenon of partition without 0790A44 which Pakistan could not have come into existence. $^A Pakistani thinker, 0800A44 \0Mr Aijaz Ahmed writing about "Sense of History in the Modern 0810A44 Urdu Novel", has put his finger on the source of this ambivalence 0820A44 by pointing out that "the creation of Pakistan is, indeed, the great 0830A44 romance of his (Pakistani writer*'s) life but, the partition is the great 0840A44 modern tragedy. ^He would have liked to_ have had Pakistan without 0850A44 the riots that_ accompanied the partition, without the destruction of the 0860A44 integrated Muslim-Hindu culture of the great cities of Northern 0870A44 India, without the social consequences and the human tragedy." $^Most 0880A44 probably, to_ resolve this dilemma the writers of Pakistani Punjab fell 0890A44 back upon the element of nostalgia as a fictional device. ^In the three 0900A44 major Punjabi novels, "*5Diwa Te Darya*6" by Afzal Ahsan Randhawa, 0910A44 "*4Saanjh" by Saleem Khan Gimmi and "*4Haath" by Mohd Baqr, 0920A44 the authors have tried to_ recapture with a touching simplicity of faith 0930A44 and design the scenes of pre-partition Punjab in which Sikhs and Muslims 0940A44 shared a corporate social life and common human values. $^There 0950A44 is a great similarity of literary ambition and effect between these novels 0960A44 and the Urdu novel "*4Talash-I-Rafta" by Jamila Hashimi. ^All 0970A44 these writers have made bold attempts to_ faithfully reconstruct the genuine 0980A44 Sikh atmosphere, religious, social and cultural, in which their Sikh 0990A44 characters lived, suffered and met their destinies before the great 1000A44 divide. $^The writers of Indian Punjab, however, did not suffer from 1010A44 any such ambivalence. ^For them the partition was an unmitigated tragedy 1020A44 and yet we find that the writings in one language do not relate themselves 1030A44 to those in the other. ^While there can be several parallels between 1040A44 the English, Hindi and Punjabi novels about partition to which I made 1050A44 a reference earlier, there is no continuity whatsoever either of sensibility 1060A44 or of the evolution of the literary form between the works of 1070A44 one language and those of the other. $^The works in different languages 1080A44 constitute islands of isolation: there are vast differences of approach 1090A44 to the theme and its existential and experiential details, with the 1100A44 English works clinically detached in their treatment of their characters 1110A44 caught up in the clashing times, the Hindi novels deeply involved 1120A44 in the rootlessness of the urban Punjabis uprooted by the catastrophe 1130A44 and the Punjabi works greatly concerned with the social milieu. $^In shifting 1140A44 from the writings in one language to those in another one experiences 1150A44 a sudden change of atmosphere and social and individual environment. 1160A44 ^As a consequence, it will be quite legitimate to_ relate these works 1170A44 to literary traditions of different languages, such as Hindi, Indo-Anglian 1180A44 and Punjabi, than to an amorphous national literature of Punjab, 1190A44 though they have been inspired by the universally shared experience 1200A44 of the vast historical proportions like the partition of the Land of 1210A44 Five Rivers. $^It does not need any special pleading to_ assert that 1220A44 the national literature of Punjab, if and when it comes into being, will 1230A44 have to_ be in the language native to genius to the Punjabis: Punjabi. 1240A44 ^That_ at least is the lesson of the literary history of Punjab. 1250A44 ^Literature in no other language could strike as deep roots in Punjab as 1260A44 that_ in Punjabi. ^While the Persian and Arabic writings of the Punjabis 1270A44 during the medieval times are subject only of historical research 1280A44 today, the sensitive lyrics and enchanting narratives of the Sufi mystics 1290A44 in Punjabi language continue just like Punjabi folk songs, to_ 1300A44 thrill the hearts of the Punjabis on both sides of the Wagha border, 1310A44 apart from providing the essential cultural base for the contemporary 1320A44 Pakistani Punjabi writings. $^Similarly, the most sophisticated compositions 1330A44 of the Sikh tradition in Hindi and *5Braj Bhasha*6 spread over 1340A44 more than two centuries, have come to_ be confined only to scholastic 1350A44 scrutiny and endless annotations and reinterpretations while the sacred 1360A44 compositions of the Sikh *4gurus in the spoken language of the people 1370A44 have been directly assimilated into the mainstream of modern Punjabi 1380A44 writing. $^This relatedness to the language and, through that_, to the 1390A44 life concerns whether small or big of the vast multitudes of the Punjabis 1400A44 alone can lead to the evolution of the national literature of Punjab. 1410A44 ^But before that_ the modern Punjabi writing will have to_ expand 1420A44 in different directions to_ accommodate the yearnings, hopes and struggles 1430A44 of the people other than the Sikhs as well and to_ work out a true 1440A44 Punjabi identity transcending differences and divisions which keep the 1450A44 Punjabis confined to emotional suggestions. $^A beginning in this direction 1460A44 can be made by transferring through translations of all the major 1470A44 works by the Punjabis whether in Hindi, Urdu, or English, into punjabi. 1480A44 ^That_ single step will ensure promotion of the proper literary culture 1490A44 in the language and radical expansion of its emotional base and 1500A44 intellectual horizons. ^It will also work for dissipating the insularity 1510A44 of the contemporary Punjabi writing from the mainstream of the Indian 1520A44 culture. $^A second step worth consideration will be introduction of 1530A44 a composite course on the literature of Punjab, covering representative 1540A44 writings by Punjabis in Hindi, Urdu, English and Punjabi in the 1550A44 modern age, and Sanskrit, Pali, Apbhramsa Punjabi and Braji in ancient 1560A44 and medieval ages in the teaching programmes for \0M.A. in languages 1570A44 in all the universities of Punjab. ^That_ alone can provide the 1580A44 composite Punjabi cultural context in which the contribution of all the 1590A44 languages and the achievement of each writer can be properly appreciated. 1600A44 $^But more than these, the real breakthrough will be achieved when 1610A44 the Punjabi writing becomes mature enough to_ concern itself directly with 1620A44 the problems, conflicts and confrontations in the Punjabi society which 1630A44 frame the destinies of the individuals in a transcendent Punjabi 1640A44 perspective. ^It is remarkable that no Punjabi writer in any language has 1650A44 projected any communal bias in his treatment of the contemporary social 1660A44 phenomenon. $^But it is equally remarkable that none of the writers 1670A44 of Punjab has dared to_ confront the reality of communalism in the Punjabi 1680A44 society. ^Search for escape routes from such inconvenient and embarrassing 1690A44 aspects of Punjabi reality into romantic negation has remained 1700A44 the major concern of the writers of Punjab in the present century. 1710A44 ^Quest for the highway back into the Punjabi reality alone will ensure 1720A44 for the literature of Punjab the same central place in the cultural 1730A44 self-awareness of the Punjabis which comes so naturally to the Bengali 1740A44 literature in Bengal or Malayalam literature in Kerala. 1750A44 $**<*3REQUIEM FOR A CULTURAL TROUPE*0**> $*3^THE*0 brusque manner in 1751A44 which 1760A44 the Punjab State Cultural Troupe has been disbanded curiously enough 1770A44 bears close resemblance to the unimaginative and capricious nature 1780A44 of the original decision to_ set it up about three years ago. ^Both the 1790A44 decisions are similar in nature in so far as they derived from the personal 1800A44 whims of the men at the helm of affairs rather than from any clearer 1810A44 cultural objective.*# 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