**[txt. b01**] 0010B01 **<*3A Moratorium on Reform*0**> $^LORD MACAULAY IS alleged to_ 0011B01 be 0020B01 guilty of having, through his educational system, rendered educated Indians 0030B01 into nothing better than glorified clerks. ^Critics of that_ "colonial" 0040B01 system have recommended nostrums which will reduce basic national 0050B01 competence to nothing more than a literally elementary knowledge of the 0060B01 three '\0R*'3s with a tinge of vocational competence which will be 0070B01 neither here nor there. ^For its part, the University Grants Commission*'s 0080B01 policy frame prepared for the Rajkot conference of the Association 0090B01 of Indian Universities offers details of reform which take one*'s 0100B01 breath away. ^It asks for a delinking of university degree from jobs, 0110B01 ostensibly to_ ease the pressure of admissions and all that_ it means 0120B01 to the \0UGC*'s budget of subsidies; in the altered situation, the 0130B01 degree as a basic qualification for Government jobs will not be insisted 0140B01 upon. ^Could the real, unstated reason be that the Government wants to_ 0150B01 divert a good part of its allocations to primary and lower secondary 0160B01 education from higher education and has found that one way of achieving 0170B01 this is to_ water down the significance of the university degree in the 0180B01 job market? ^The \0UGC does not seem to_ be interested in working 0190B01 out a plan to_ raise the competence of the ever increasing numbers that_ 0200B01 seek a degree; instead, it seems to_ want the numbers reduced, by voicing 0210B01 the view that not everyone can walk into college but only a select 0220B01 few. ^This is clear from the \0UGC*'s anxiety about showing the English 0230B01 language its place which, according to its proposed reform, is not 0240B01 at the undergraduate level but at the post-graduate level where admissions 0250B01 will come to a trickle. ^The curriculum proposed at the undergraduate 0260B01 stage is to_ consist of foundation courses supplying knowledge about Indian 0270B01 culture, Gandhian thought and the like, core courses in chosen disciplines 0280B01 and a programme (written into the syllabus) of national or social 0290B01 service. ^In effect, the undergraduate syllabus will have a bigger, 0300B01 more diversified and therefore thinly laid out content than the original 0310B01 three-year degree curriculum and with much less time for imparting it. 0320B01 ^Is this sound reform? $^But the more serious objection to the entire 0330B01 proposal arises from the \0UGC*'s predilection in favour of the 8 plus 0340B01 4 system badind which the Prime Minister has thrown his full weight, 0350B01 and quite unreservedly. ^If the eighth standard becomes a terminal point 0360B01 in place of the tenth standard, the one great advantage will be that 0370B01 those who now drop out at that_ level can be described as pass-outs and 0380B01 not drop-outs! ^The contention that four years on the vocational stream 0390B01 will be better than the present two years may not measure up to much if 0400B01 students drop out as now after the eighth standard. ^And what is the skill 0410B01 that_ a boy can have acquired at that_ stage except that_ which, as 0420B01 of old, can find him work as a peon, *4daphtry, *4amin or *4nazar? ^Will 0430B01 that_ not mean that earning capacity and levels of prosperity will be 0440B01 much lower than they are now? ^There is also the possibility that any 0450B01 learning of crafts-- against the background of restricted admissions to 0460B01 colleges-- will be but to_ tie the village youth to the village for good. 0470B01 ^Can there be a more callous way of solving the problem of migration 0480B01 to the cities? $^There is also the additional handicap in that_ the eight-year 0490B01 school is difficult of implementation because the majority of 0500B01 schools are oriented to primary education and cannot take up three more 0510B01 classes. ^Their inability is even greater than that_ of the tenth standard 0520B01 schools most of which are not exactly comfortable in having to_ manage 0530B01 the plus two stage under the present system. ^If the 8 plus 4 idea 0540B01 is implemented, it will, in these circumstances, deteriorate to 5 plus 0550B01 3 plus 4, with most schools resting content with the fifth standard, a smaller 0560B01 number taking an additional three standards and only a few the full 0570B01 12 standards. ^Whom can such a reform satisfy? ^Why on earth should the 0580B01 10+2+3 consensus not be permitted to_ work long enough to_ see the results 0590B01 of the huge effort that_ has already gone into it? ^Why is it not 0600B01 obvious to the reformers that provoking a discussion afresh on the 10 plus 0610B01 2 plus 3 system will undermine its effectiveness because the teachers 0620B01 will think that it is after all not going to_ last and therefore not worth 0630B01 trying? ^What is required is not a reform but a moratorium on reform. 0650B01 $**<*3The Sick Dollar**> $^THE LATEST DETAIL about the crisis 0651B01 of 0660B01 the United States dollar is that Saudi Arabia which is reported to_ 0670B01 have some *_80 billions of its oil money invested in the \0U.S. is 0680B01 unhappy over the continuing slide in the value of the dollar. ^This unhappiness 0690B01 is likely to_ induce the Saudis to_ suggest to the Organisation 0700B01 of Petroleum Exporting Countries to_ delink their oil prices from 0710B01 the dollar and relate them to a basket of currencies which will include 0720B01 besides the \0U.S. and Canadian dollars, the British sterling, the 0730B01 Swiss and French francs, the West German mark and the Japanese yen. 0740B01 ^The weakness of the dollar is due to the flush of that_ currency in 0750B01 the Eurodollar market caused by the rising American trade deficit. ^The 0760B01 deficit is due largely to oil imports-- *-12 millions worth every day, 0770B01 according to President Carter-- and the oil conservation bill before 0780B01 the \0U.S. Congress is, according to money market critics, unlikely 0790B01 (even if it were passed in its present form) to_ bear down on such imports 0800B01 within the time and in the measure required to_ reverse the deficit. 0810B01 $^To the European and \0OPEC criticism that the \0U.S. has not 0820B01 done enough to_ support the strength of the dollar, that_ country has 0830B01 two stock answers. ^One is that the existing swap arrangement of *-20 billions 0840B01 coupled with the agreement signed between the \0U.S. Treasury 0850B01 and the West German Central Bank "extending a credit line to the Treasury*'s 0860B01 Exchange Stabilisation Fund which can be drawn on for intervention 0870B01 in the dollar market" should provide effective protection to the 0880B01 dollar against disorderly conditions in the exchange market. ^This hope 0890B01 has been belied by the absence of any clear indication of the amount 0900B01 available under the credit line and the continuing weakening of the dollar 0910B01 in the teeth of \0U.S. assurances to the contrary. ^The other 0920B01 answer is that, in the bid to_ pull the world economy out of recession, 0930B01 the \0U.S. has been expanding economic activity at home while, to its 0940B01 surprise, the West Germans and the Japanese have done mighty little 0950B01 in the same direction. ^Further while the sales of American goods to 0960B01 these markets have not been allowed to_ pick up, imports from these markets 0970B01 are in a way dumped into the \0U.S. to the detriment of the American 0980B01 industry. ^Trade deficit-- the unwanted baby in any economic expansion-- 0990B01 is left cruelly in \0U.S. hands! $^Some of the unspelt details 1000B01 behind all this window dressing of facts appear to_ be the following: 1010B01 ^First, no indication is available of the exact dimension of the injury 1020B01 to \0U.S. industry that_ may arise from any pruning of its oil imports. 1030B01 ^The impression given is that it is massive but this does not carry 1040B01 much conviction abroad. ^Secondly, the relatively high degree of competitiveness 1050B01 of \0U.S. goods is reported to_ have of late been eroded 1060B01 by higher home costs. ^And not much has been done to_ contain and reverse 1070B01 cost increases. ^Thirdly, the world economy cannot escape frequent 1080B01 attacks of illness so long as its health depends heavily on the volume 1090B01 and direction of buying and selling among the richer countries. ^More 1100B01 open trading which will allow the less developed countries a larger share 1110B01 in world trade will help, albeit only to a modest extent, to_ soften 1120B01 the kinks in the flow of goods between countries and thus spread the gains 1130B01 and strains of the payments problem in a more manageable fashion than 1140B01 now. ^Above all, oil exporters should recognise that the flight of 1150B01 oil cash from one financial capital to another will undermine the credit-worthiness 1160B01 of any currency and even of a basket of currencies. ^How 1170B01 to_ recycle oil surpluses in a manner that_ will meet the requirements of 1180B01 the developed and less developed countries, besides helping the Arab 1190B01 world to_ modernise as desired, is what should engage the leaders of that_ 1200B01 world like Saudi Arabia. 1210B01 $**<*3Two Premiers at Bay**> $^AS A POLITICAL event, there is 1211B01 little 1220B01 novelty in an Italian Cabinet crisis. ^The Christian Democratic 1230B01 Government of Prime Minister Guillo Andreotti, which quit office on 1240B01 Monday, is the 39th to_ fall in 35 years; that_ gives an average of 1250B01 more than one Cabinet a year. ^If at all there was any surprise in the 1260B01 turn of events in Italy, it is \0Mr. Andreotti, walking the tight-rope, 1270B01 could survive for as long as 17 months. ^His party, a minority in Parliament, 1280B01 was in office by leave of others who together commanded a majority. 1290B01 ^In the June 1976 elections, the Christian Democrats had gained 1300B01 only a slight edge over the communists, 38.8 per cent of the vote against 1310B01 34.5 per cent. ^Neither could form a majority with its traditional 1320B01 allies. ^In july 1976, communists, Socialists and Republicans agreed to_ 1330B01 abstain from voting on important parliamentary issues. ^In July last 1340B01 year, \0Mr. Andreotti worked out a broader agreement with five Opposition 1350B01 parties on economic and law and order legislation. ^But in the past 1360B01 six months, terrorism has flared up even in the capital city of Rome 1370B01 and the economic situation has deteriorated. ^Italy is the worst-off among 1380B01 the four major European Common Market countries-- its unemployment 1390B01 rate is 7 per cent of the labour force, industrial production fell by 1400B01 6 per cent in 1977 and prices went up by more than 12 per cent. $^The first 1410B01 firm demand for Cabinet reorganisation-- with six-party participation-- 1420B01 came from the Republicans in November. ^Last month, the Socialists 1430B01 and the communists checked in with their new terms. ^The Italian developments 1440B01 have caused international ripples of concern, especially in 1450B01 the \0U.S. and Britain, over communist participation in a Government 1460B01 in Rome. ^The Christian Democrat leaders stick to the view that the 1470B01 last Italian election was not a clear enough mandate to_ bring the communists 1480B01 into the Cabinet. \0^*Mr. Andreotti has thus given a sort of ultimatum 1490B01 that, if the communists do not give up their demand for participation, 1500B01 he would advise the President to_ order a new general election. 1510B01 ^There is no unanimity on this course among the leaders of any of the 1520B01 parties and it could well be that negotiations will take place for a new 1530B01 understanding with the communists for another minority Government. $^In 1540B01 Portugal too, the political times are hard and six weeks after his Government 1550B01 fell on a vote of confidence, the Socialist leader, \0Mr. 1560B01 Mario Soares, who stayed as caretaker Prime Minister, has been asked 1570B01 by President Eanes to_ form a new Cabinet. ^*Portugal has had seven 1571B01 Governments 1580B01 and three military insurrections after the April 1974 military 1590B01 coup, and \0Mr. Soares*'s minority Government was the first democratic 1600B01 experiment in that_ country since \0Dr. Salazar took over way 1610B01 back in 1926. ^In his 16 months in office, Premier Soares was unable to_ 1620B01 set the house in order-- annual inflation around 30 per cent, 500,000 1630B01 jobless in a work force of just four millions and a balance of payments 1640B01 deficit of more than *-1000 millions. ^The right of centre Social Democrats 1650B01 and Centre Democrats have 114 parliamentary seats between them 1660B01 against the Socialists*' 101. \0^*Mr Soares could not get a reprieve 1670B01 through the help of the 40 communists in Parliament whose leader, \0Mr. 1680B01 Alvaro Cunhal, demanded firm agreements on an economic recovery programme. 1690B01 ^The effort now is to_ form a new Government to_ include the 1700B01 Centre Democrats. ^Any severe austerity programme which such a new administration 1710B01 may launch-- to_ conform with the conditions prescribed by the 1720B01 International Monetary Fund for a big loan-- is likely to_ spark widespread 1730B01 protests from the communist-controlled trade unions. ^Both Italy 1740B01 and Portugal look set for a period of political and economic instability.*# **[no. of words = 02023**] **[txt. b02**] 0010B02 ** $^PROPERLY administered, the 0011B02 law-- 0020B02 whether in Pakistan or anywhere else-- is no respecter of persons. 0030B02 \0^*Mr Zulfikar Ali Bhutto*'s former high position or his undoubted 0031B02 services 0040B02 to his country, especially when he helped Pakistan regain national 0050B02 confidence, political initiative and economic viability after the humiliation 0060B02 of 1971, cannot, therefore, be advanced as pleas in mitigation 0070B02 of his alleged crimes. ^Murder certainly should not be condoned, especially 0080B02 not as an instrument in politics; if an exception is made for a head 0090B02 of Government, the example might prove tempting for people in less exalted 0100B02 walks of life. ^Though the former Prime Minister predictably condemned 0110B02 his trial as "a handle for political exploitation", there has been 0120B02 no serious charge of judicial impropriety. ^If the Lahore High Court 0130B02 proceedings had been rigged, \0Mr Bhutto and the four Federal Security 0140B02 Force members against whom the prosecution case has apparently 0150B02 been "proved to the hilt" would hardly have been allowed time to_ appeal 0160B02 to the Supreme Court. ^How the latter will view the death sentence remains 0170B02 to_ be seen. ^But failing reprieve or commutation into some form of 0180B02 prolonged imprisonment, the five men now in condemned cells have a chance 0190B02 of throwing themselves on the clemency of President Fazal Elahi 0200B02 Chaudhury. $^The exercise of this prerogative might well be justified 0210B02 by an objective assessment of Pakistan*'s external image and troubled 0220B02 internal conditions. ^Liberal opinion all over the world is increasingly 0230B02 opposed to the death penalty. ^Its imposition on a ruler who was deposed 0240B02 in a military coup will inevitably provoke unfavourable suggestions about 0250B02 General Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq*'s motives. ^It is no secret that the 0260B02 Chief Martial Law Administrator regards the Pakistan People*'s 0270B02 Party leader as his principal opponent. ^In this he 0280B02 enjoys the full support of politicians such as Khan Abdul Wali Khan, 0290B02 Air Marshal Asghar Khan and the obscurantist leaders of the Pakistan 0300B02 National Alliance who were unable to_ make any impact at all so 0310B02 long as \0Mr Bhutto dominated the scene. ^Nor can it be denied that earlier 0320B02 and sustained efforts to_ discredit the former Prime Minister were 0330B02 so signally unsuccessful that General Zia-ul-Haq has repeatedly 0331B02 postponed 0340B02 elections rather than face the prospect of \0Mr Bhutto*'s triumphant 0350B02 return. ^The waters of the five rivers of Pakistan may not turn 0360B02 red if \0Mr Bhutto is executed, as his daughter warned recently, but 0370B02 public opinion is quite often irrationally impervious to the demands of 0380B02 justice, being unable to_ distinguish it from vengeance. ^Were it not 0390B02 so, the military regime would not have found it necessary to_ take such 0400B02 strict security precautions and arrest 500 \0PPP members. ^Such measures 0410B02 cannot indefinitely be maintained. ^Nor can Pakistan afford the danger 0420B02 of further widespread unrest. ^*General Zia-ul-Haq should bear this 0430B02 in mind as well as the precedent likely to_ be created in taking a final 0440B02 decision on \0Mr Bhutto*'s fate. ^Some formula which tempers justice 0450B02 with mercy might best serve Pakistan*'s interests at this crucial 0460B02 juncture in the country*'s history. 0470B02 ** $^BONDED labour was officially 0471B02 abolished 0480B02 in 1975 by a Presidential ordinance, but to no one*'s surprise it persists. 0490B02 ^This is so much a commentary on official efforts to_ eradicate a 0500B02 pernicious system of exploitation as on its inherent resiliency. ^By the 0510B02 end of last year a little over 100,000 bonded labourers were freed but 0520B02 fewer than 30,000 have so far been rehabilitated. ^There is little information 0530B02 about the precise status of the rest and it is not unreasonable 0540B02 to_ assume that, if they have not already returned to bondage, they must 0550B02 be on the point of doing so, for the hungry might find it preferable 0560B02 to starving in freedom. ^Apart from "releasing" bonded labourers with 0570B02 much fanfare the States have done little so far. ^In fact not many are 0580B02 in a position to_ throw any light on what has become of all those who 0590B02 have ceremonially been emancipated. ^There is reason to_ suspect that 0591B02 some of 0600B02 them were shows stage-managed by district officials in collusion with 0610B02 local politicians. ^The process of "identifying" bonded labour may also 0620B02 have been rigged to_ suit official need for publicity. ^The number of 0630B02 bonded labourers at the end of last year was an incredibly low 100,962. 0640B02 ^If the available statistics are highly suspect, it is not due entirely 0650B02 to official mendacity. ^The plain but frequently overlooked fact is that 0660B02 the system of bonded labour is self-perpetuating, given the extent of 0670B02 rural indebtedness and the extremely low level of rural income. ^When 0680B02 it happens, as it often does, that the slave driver as well as the slave 0690B02 are relative strangers to money economy, bonded labour is the only means 0700B02 of repaying a debt. $^There are no compelling ethical sanctions against 0710B02 the system except the vaguely moral ones which are easily cancelled 0720B02 out by the old saw that every morsel of food has to_ be sweated for. 0730B02 ^Checking the spread of bonded labour and rehabilitating the liberated 0740B02 have become major problems for the States and they have plainly said so 0750B02 to the Union Labour Ministry. ^In a collective effort to_ resolve the 0760B02 problem they have suggested that liberated labour should be helped to_ 0770B02 find its feet in "land-based" programmes, which might mean almost anything 0780B02 relating to the rural economy. ^In real terms this is an instance 0790B02 of emphasizing the obvious, for labour in this category is by and large 0800B02 unskilled and for social reasons simply cannot be relocated outside familiar 0810B02 environment. ^There has also been some talk of persuading nationalised 0820B02 banks to_ give loans on easy terms, which will probably be wheedled 0830B02 out by precisely those to whom they were last in bond. \0^*Mr Jagjivan 0840B02 Ram was on to a good thing when he told a workshop on bonded labour 0850B02 last November that the strictest enforcement of the Agricultural Minimum 0860B02 Wages Act, backed by social legislation and "people*'s action", 0870B02 might be the answer to the problem. ^A Supreme Court judge went on record 0880B02 that "bare-foot legal advisers" could resolve the problem. ^Neither 0890B02 is by itself wholly adequate, but a combination of the two might add 0900B02 up to a formidable attack on the system. 0910B02 ** $^IT might be premature to_ pin too 0911B02 many 0920B02 hopes on the reported breakthrough in the New Delhi talks with \0Mr 0930B02 Laldenga, leader of the proscribed Mizo National Front. ^True, \0Mr 0940B02 Laldenga has promised to_ settle the "problem within the Constitution 0950B02 of India". ^He has also announced his group*'s willingness to_ surrender 0960B02 its arms and ammunition "within a time-bound programme". ^These are 0970B02 certainly significant gains; but it deserves to_ be remembered that they 0980B02 do not really lie outside the provisions of the peace accord that_ was 0990B02 signed in New Delhi on July 1, 1976. ^The rebel chief*'s position and 1000B02 statements since then have been more than a little ambiguous. 1001B02 ^*Mizoram 1010B02 remains a "disturbed" area, and there is little sign as yet of the 20 1020B02 camps in which underground weapons were to_ be lodged. \0^*Mr 1021B02 Laldenga 1030B02 himself has been in New Delhi since last April, apparently discussing 1040B02 the modalities of an agreement that_ has not yet been enforced. ^Even 1050B02 more ominous is the fact that intervening months appear to_ have been 1060B02 used by some \0MNF groups to_ reinforce their position and strengthen 1070B02 links with guerrilla fighters in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and 1080B02 Burma*'s Chin Hills. ^It is argued that \0Mr Laldenga is not responsible 1090B02 for this breach of faith; and that there are extremists both in the 1100B02 \0MNF and in the outlawed Mizo National Army who are unwilling 1110B02 to_ abide by their leader*'s commitments. ^Even if "independence" is ruled 1120B02 out, they, apparently, want to_ use their rebellion to_ bargain for 1130B02 a greater degree of autonomy. ^The Centre will have to_ assess the strength 1140B02 of these groups and decide whether a renewed agreement with \0Mr 1150B02 Laldenga will be binding for all. $^The Union Finance Minister, \0Mr 1160B02 *(0H. M.*) Patel, however, seems optimistic of "prospects of bringing 1170B02 the insurgency to a close". ^Elections to the Union Territory*'s 1180B02 33-member Assembly might possibly help as it has done in Nagaland where 1190B02 President*'s Rule was seen as an imposition. ^But the Mizo Government, 1200B02 headed by \0Mr *(0L. C.*) Chhunga, resigned last May only because 1210B02 the \0MNF regarded it as too subservient to the Centre; in a 1220B02 sense, a democratically elected ministry had to_ be sacrificed to_ persuade 1230B02 rebels to_ come to the negotiating table. ^These animosities might surface 1240B02 again during campaigning though this is not to_ suggest that the 1250B02 local unit of the Janata Party (mostly made up of Congress defectors) 1260B02 is justified in objecting to elections. ^The ostensible argument is 1270B02 that elections might affect **[sic**] a *7raprochement but Janata 1271B02 politicians are 1280B02 aware that their own chances of success are slender. ^The Mizo Union 1290B02 is anxious for the termination of President*'s Rule. ^So too is the 1300B02 far more influential People*'s Conference. $** $^IT would be unwise in the extreme to_ 1320B02 derive too much comfort from the reported decline in the incidence of malaria 1330B02 in Calcutta. ^More relevant to national and international trends-- 1340B02 the main topic of discussion at the World Health Organization*'s 1350B02 May 8 meeting in Geneva-- is the alarming disclosure that Delhi*'s health 1360B02 officials detected 33,296 positive cases between January and May, 1370B02 against only 5,389 in the comparable three months of last year. ^*Calcutta 1380B02 Corporation should also bear in mind that recorded cases usually reflect 1390B02 only a fifth of the actual number of sufferers, which suggests there 1400B02 were nearly 10,000 victims in 1977. ^The all-India picture continues 1410B02 to_ be disturbing since the number of patients increased from only 40,000 1420B02 in 1966 to six million a decade later. ^On a world-wide basis, 1421B02 the 1430B02 \0WHO believes that more than a million children die annually from the 1440B02 disease. ^Malaria would not today have posed such a serious health hazard 1450B02 in India but for official complacency in 1965 when the eradication 1460B02 programme was virtually disbanded. ^Research into causes, effects and cure 1470B02 tapered off. ^The National Malaria Institute was converted into the 1480B02 National Institute for Communicable Diseases with consequent diffusion 1490B02 of aims: and the near-collapse of almost all sanitary services-- 1500B02 and resultant pools of stagnant water-- encouraged mosquito breeding grounds. 1510B02 ^The diversion of health funds and personnel to \0Mrs Gandhi*'s 1520B02 birth control campaign further exacerbated the problem. $^But this is 1530B02 not to_ suggest that the authorities today display any greater realism 1540B02 in coping with a major threat. \0^*Mr Raj Narain*'s recommendation of 1550B02 dry agriculture and a weekly water-less day is hardly practicable in a rice-growing 1560B02 country. ^The controversy over merger of the malaria eradictation 1570B02 and filaria control programmes (which involves the Union Health 1580B02 Ministry and the Planning Commission) is not very helpful either. 1590B02 *5^*Nirman Bhavan*6 is incredibly naive in its thinking, apparently 1591B02 convinced 1600B02 that a massive mosquito-swatting campaign is all that_ is called for. ^This 1610B02 simple approach overlooks the fact that the main reason why the earlier 1620B02 effort, which was launched in 1953 and initially met with outstanding 1630B02 success, failed was because 43 species of mosquitoes developed immunity 1640B02 to \0DDT and several other kinds of pesticide. ^The suggestion of 1650B02 a joint exercise is strongly resisted by experts who are convinced that 1660B02 malaria and filaria have very little in common and that the "mixed game", 1670B02 as it is called, will only weaken the effort and encourage both diseases. 1680B02 $^Clearly, the authorities-- both Indian and international-- are 1690B02 baffled by the dimensions and complexity of the problem. \0^WHO has 1700B02 carried out some experiments in sterilizing male mosquitoes through radiation 1710B02 so that the female insect (which draws human blood only to_ fertilize 1720B02 its eggs) is robbed of the motive for biting. ^But this is obviously 1730B02 too expensive and time-consuming a method for a country of India*'s 1740B02 size and geographical diversity. ^The same objection applies to the scheme 1750B02 to_ breed varieties of fish that_ survive on mosquito larvae. 1751B02 ^*New 1760B02 Delhi*'s plan to_ provide 1,200 million chloroquine tablets (which has 1770B02 replaced quinine treatment) seems more realistic, but this is a cure and 1780B02 not a preventive. ^Similar difficulties are faced by Bangladesh, Burma, 1790B02 Sri Lanka, Nepal, Indonesia and Thailand where also the incidence 1800B02 of malaria is rising, particularly such dangerous strains as Plasmodium 1810B02 Falciparum.*# **[no. of words = 02003**] **[txt. b03**] 0010B03 **<*3HELP FOR TRIBALS*0**> $^Most of India*'s 40 million tribals continue 0020B03 to_ eke out a precarious living despite massive investment in their 0030B03 welfare. ^The reasons are not far to_ seek. ^The substantial progress 0031B03 made 0040B03 in opening up the hitherto inaccessible forest regions, where they mostly 0050B03 dwell, and the elaborate infrastructure created to_ better their lot, 0060B03 have not been followed up with imaginative programmes relevant to their 0070B03 lives. ^This is because tribal sub-plans, seldom prepared at the field 0080B03 level, are not dove-tailed to the special needs and requirements of each 0090B03 area and its inhabitants. ^For instance, few tribals hold skilled or 0100B03 semi-skilled jobs in the mining and industrial establishments set up in 0110B03 some of the tribal areas. ^Training centres to_ equip them with the basic 0120B03 skills might have altered the picture, but are almost nowhere in the 0130B03 scene. ^Similarly, education has made little headway, because it is formal 0140B03 and clashes with the compulsions of shifting cultivation which keeps 0150B03 children on the field during school hours. ^Lacking in an action component 0160B03 enabling the tribals to_ intervene in their age-old environment and 0170B03 alter their living and working conditions, **[sic**] non-formal 0171B03 education too has 0180B03 faild to_ make a difference. ^Special classes, suggested by the Education 0190B03 Ministry*'s working group, can attract and hold the tribal students 0200B03 only if the curricula are framed by people with first-hand experience of 0210B03 the tribal world and its limitations. $^One point tellingly brought out 0220B03 in the review of tribal welfare plans, recently undertaken by the Centre 0230B03 with the concerned State Governments, is that the economic life of 0240B03 the tribals is almost totally dependent on forests. ^Things can improve 0250B03 faster only if there is a harmonious balance between population and the 0260B03 growth of forests. ^The best way of achieving this, as suggested by 0270B03 the Prime Minister at a recent conference of State Ministers of Forests 0280B03 and Tribal Welfare, is to_ help the formation of forest co-operatives 0290B03 run by the tribals themselves to_ get the maximum returns from 0300B03 the minor forest produce with which they supplement their income. ^Regular 0310B03 commercial plantations of fruit, fodder and fuel trees by the State 0320B03 is one of the welcome decisions taken by the Ministers to_ improve the 0330B03 tribal economy. ^These have to_ be backed up by measures in the fields 0340B03 of agriculture, animal husbandry and cottage industry. ^But surely, the 0350B03 most important was the decision to_ give the tribals inalienable rights 0360B03 to land in tribal forest villages; the absence of this had in the past 0370B03 caused land alienation, throwing many tribals deeper into poverty. ^But 0380B03 a point of crucial importance needs constantly to_ be borne in mind. 0390B03 ^The administrative and legal systems in the tribal areas must come in for 0400B03 a closer review if the Janata Government*'s aim of bringing the tribals 0410B03 at par with the rest of their countrymen is to_ be realised in the 0420B03 five years set for it. $**<*3Coping 0430B03 With Floods*0**> $^Even as the Administration was approvingly 0440B03 surveying its flood control work on Delhi*'s traditionally vulnerable 0450B03 western flank, capricious nature struck from the north last week, flooding 0460B03 knee-deep three villages of the Alipur Block. ^A sudden rise 0470B03 in the Yamuna level sent a backflow coursing along Drain \0No. 6, which 0480B03 surprisingly swelled to a height of 11 feet and breached the *4bund 0490B03 near the Bawana escape wide enough to_ submerge 600 acres in a matter of 0500B03 minutes. ^Though the breach was plugged in record time and engineers 0510B03 kept constant vigil, it remains a mystery how there was so much back-flow 0520B03 when the Yamuna stood only half a metre above the danger mark. ^While 0530B03 hydrologists grapple with this new phenomenon, the Administration can 0540B03 take a second look at the *4bunds along the drains emptying into the river, 0550B03 and not rely solely on the 12-\0km embankment erected to_ protect the 0560B03 14 flood-prone villages here. ^One way of coping with the river*'s wayward 0570B03 behaviour is to_ line the drain *4bunds with rubble all along the 0580B03 vulnerable stretches. ^Some long-term measures are also overdue to_ arrest 0590B03 the steady erosion of the riverbanks. ^On the western front, most of 0600B03 the suggestions thrown up in the wake of last year*'s massive floods 0610B03 have been translated into practice. ^The Najafgarh Drain has been strengthened 0620B03 and its banks raised by two feet over last year*'s flow level, 0630B03 increasing the intake capacity four-fold to 3,000 \0cusecs. ^The 0631B03 Dhansa 0640B03 *4bund has been rubble-lined and 50,000 bags of earth are **[sic**] 0641B03 stacked in the 0650B03 area for any emergency operation. ^There is enough stock of chlorination 0660B03 pills to_ meet the kind of drinking water shortage witnessed last year 0670B03 and, more important, the Najafgarh Road level has been raised to_ 0680B03 make it usable by water tankers and relief trucks. ^So, all in all, Delhi 0690B03 may be better-placed to_ weather a major flood this time, provided 0691B03 it 0700B03 comes where it is expected. $^Here lies the crunch. ^With every good monsoon, 0710B03 the Yamuna level shoots up alarmingly and the swirling waters seldom 0720B03 stay confined within the barriers erected. ^The Najafgarh Drain, that_ 0730B03 other sorrow of Delhi, is notorious for throwing awry all the best-laid 0740B03 plans of the flood control department, threatening, of late, urban 0750B03 pockets too. ^This is because following the land reclamation in the 0760B03 semi-arid belt of the Sahibi Nadi in Rajasthan much of the rain water 0770B03 that_ used to_ get absorbed there has started flowing into low-lying 0780B03 Delhi. ^Unable to_ stem this flow effectively, the Dhansa *4bund has 0790B03 breached three times since it was constructed in 1962. ^The Administration*'s 0800B03 ambitious scheme for protecting Delhi from floods has run into 0810B03 rough weather over the preventive measures to_ be taken by Rajasthan and 0820B03 Haryana. ^If the problem remains intractable, despite the many rounds 0830B03 of talks held and more planned, the Centre has to_ step in to_ see that 0840B03 the Capital does not come at the receiving end of floods originating 0850B03 elsewhere, year after year. $** $^Despite all the protests and warnings and advice 0870B03 from Western capitals and the Soviet leaders*' solemn undertaking 0880B03 at Helsinki (reaffirmed in Belgrade) to_ abide by the human rights code, 0890B03 Ginzburg and Shcharansky have received depressingly long and utterly 0900B03 undeserved terms of imprisonment and "work" in labour camps. ^*Shcharansky 0910B03 campaigned for human rights; the Soviet authorities accused him 0920B03 of espionage and alleged that he worked for the \0US Central Intelligence 0930B03 Agency. ^President Carter, according to reports, has personally 0940B03 denied the allegation. ^*Ginzburg, a dissident of long standing and 0950B03 a founding member of the human rights group in the Soviet Union, has 0960B03 been sentenced for anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda. ^The Soviet action 0970B03 in sentencing both to prison and labour camp, in trials that_ were 0980B03 from all accounts a mockery of just dispensation, is condemnable on two 0990B03 clear grounds. ^First, it is indicative of tyranny and regimentation, 1000B03 of the individual*'s unabashed suppression, in the face of a spreading 1010B03 trend towards liberalism everywhere; it is contrary, crassly, to all 1020B03 the freedoms that_ make for dignity and self-respect in a person, and 1021B03 indicates 1030B03 the presence of a Dark-Middle-Ages attitude incongruously in 1040B03 the midst of unprecedented scientific and technological progress. $^Secondly, 1050B03 Soviet violation of the human rights part of the Helsinki accords 1060B03 tends to_ infect the entire agreement, endangering the near-detente 1070B03 achieved step by laborious step. ^The Soviet Union will not be immune 1080B03 to the disastrous consequences of this. ^In London, Prime Minister 1090B03 Callaghan is reported to_ have said that the trials had "some of the 1100B03 hallmarks of trials in Stalin*'s days". ^In Paris, an official spokesman 1110B03 is quoted as having remarked that the trials were causing much anxiety 1120B03 because "respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms is the essence 1130B03 of the Franco-Soviet joint statement on international detente signed 1140B03 at Rambouillet in 1977 by \0Mr Brezhnev and President Giscard d*'3Estang". 1150B03 ^Similar sentiments have been expressed in Bonn, at The Hague 1160B03 and elsewhere; even the West European communist parties have made 1170B03 known their unhappiness. ^In Washington, reports recently said the Carter 1180B03 administration was reviewing the full range of its economic, technological 1190B03 and cultural relations with the Soviet Union. ^Officials were 1200B03 quoted as stating that steps were being considered for expressing adequately 1210B03 \0US displeasure at the trials. ^Two \0US scientific missions 1220B03 due to_ go to the Soviet Union were cancelled. ^However, both \0Mr 1230B03 Cyrus Vance and \0Mr Zbigniew Brezezinski have reportedly also indicated 1240B03 that the Carter administration would be reluctant to_ let the 1250B03 trials delay the pending strategic arms talks. $^It is an interesting thought 1260B03 whether the talks should have been called off. ^One can doubtless 1270B03 argue that the move would have not only stalled progress in a vital area 1280B03 but closed another Washington Moscow communication channel without achieving 1290B03 anything for the dissidents. ^On the other hand, one can also contend 1300B03 that it is precisely hard measures like these-- as distinct from criticism 1310B03 and gestures like cancellation of scientific missions-- which 1320B03 can deter the Russians. ^It is possible to_ argue at length on both sides. 1330B03 ^Meanwhile, what the \0US could do is to_ take up the cause of 1340B03 civil rights in countries other than the Soviet Union, China, for example. 1350B03 $**<*3Between Two Koreas**> 1360B03 $^*South Korean President Park Chung Hee*'s 1370B03 recent proposal to Pyongyang for the creation of "a consultative 1380B03 body for the promotion of north-south economic cooperation comprising representatives 1390B03 of civilian economic circles of both sides in order to_ 1400B03 open the path for, and promote effectively, mutual trade and technical 1410B03 and capital cooperation" is probably much more than a propaganda gimmick. 1420B03 ^There may be political and economic reasons prompting such a move. ^For 1430B03 a variety of reasons most American leaders are perhaps not too happy 1440B03 with the way that **[sic**] the South Koreans have behaved in past 1441B03 months. ^There 1450B03 have been Korean pay-offs for American legislators and others to_ 1460B03 encourage favourable lobbying-- up to now such pay-offs have tended to_ 1470B03 be made to others by \0US and European interests, and the reverse 1480B03 process does not make the South Korean pay-offs to American legislators 1490B03 particularly heinous in Afro-Asian eyes! ^In Seoul, there seems to_ 1500B03 be anger at being taken for granted as an American satellite: a write-up 1510B03 in the highbrow socio-cultural "Korea Journal" for May this year 1520B03 remarks on "the tone of arrogance one can read in the anti-Korean statements 1530B03 uttered on the other side of the Pacific Ocean"; it points out 1540B03 that "the surest way for an American statesman to_ alienate the Korean 1550B03 people is to_ do no more than intimate that the latter should be perpetually 1560B03 grateful for what his country has done for them"; and it remarks 1570B03 also that "the quickest way for an American politician to_ nauseate the 1580B03 Korean people is to_ threaten aid cut-off unless they are unconditionally 1590B03 cooperative". ^Such statements would hardly be printed if the South 1600B03 Koreans did not have cause for resentment. $^There has also been in 1610B03 the air some speculative reporting to the effect that \0US politicians 1620B03 and leaders are working quietly for an understanding with North Korea, 1630B03 keeping the South out and, to some extent at least, uninformed. ^It 1640B03 is entirely possible that \0Mr Park and his friends decided to_ make 1650B03 the proposal for a North-South economic consultative body a gambit for 1660B03 capturing the initiative: the "*7shokku" that_ went through North-East 1670B03 Asia when the Americans made their deal with Hanoi, abandoning Saigon*'s 1680B03 Nguyen Van Thieu, after all their solemn assurances, is still 1690B03 a troubling memory. ^Economically, the South Korean economy has arrived 1700B03 at a stage where, in order to_ keep the engines of industry humming, 1710B03 an uninterrupted and inexhaustible supply of raw material is essential. 1720B03 ^An economic arrangement that_ laid emphasis on extended and extensive 1730B03 trade ties with Pyongyang would be more than ordinarily welcome in Seoul. 1740B03 ^Traditionally, most industrial establishments were in the northern 1750B03 zone, and the economy of the southern half was essentially agrarian. ^Therefore 1760B03 at the time of partition, North Korea was ahead in terms of 1770B03 per capita \0GNP. ^In the late sixties this began to_ change. ^At 1780B03 the end of 1976, per capita \0GNP was estimated at *-700 in South 1790B03 Korea, and *-363 in North Korea. ^Lately, the economic position has 1800B03 not been particularly happy in the North (the South alleges that this 1810B03 is because of heavy military spending; there may be other causes too).*#**[no. of words = 02005**] **[txt. b04**] 0010B04 **<*3A Policy for Foreign Investment**> $\0^MR. ORVILLE \0*L. 0020B04 FREEMAN, Co-chairman of the Indo-American Joint Business Council 0030B04 stated at a New Delhi news conference that "he had made it clear to 0040B04 the Government of India that the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 0050B04 and the restriction of investment only to certain sectors is not in India*'s 0060B04 interest and it will discourage investment that_ otherwise might 0070B04 come to India." ^A report prepared by the American section of the Business 0080B04 Council says that the investment environment in India, as far 0090B04 as foreign capital is concerned, is less attractive than what obtains in 0100B04 Brazil, South Korea, Mexico and Indonesia. ^The American point seems 0110B04 to_ be that poised as India*'s economic development is for achieving 0120B04 exciting results it is hard to_ understand why this country should pursue 0130B04 a needlessly restrictive policy. ^Going through the Prime Minister*'s 0140B04 observations at the same news conference, it becomes obvious that this 0150B04 disappointment is over \0Mr. Desai*'s refusal to_ keep the door open 0160B04 fully to foreign investment and his preference instead to_ screen requests 0170B04 for investment from foreigners in accordance with the guidelines set 0180B04 by the \0FERA and the Industrial Policy Statement. $^The question 0190B04 that_ has to_ be answered is whether the \0FERA is really the damper 0200B04 it is made out to_ be. ^The example of Korea, Brazil, Mexico or 0210B04 any other developing country does not appear very relevant here because 0220B04 the degree of India*'s technological self-reliance and the diversity of 0230B04 its home industry represent a situation which is not exactly the same 0240B04 as the one offered by the countries cited. ^If there is comparability anywhere, 0250B04 it will be revealed during the process of the study which the 0260B04 Indian section of the Business Council is going to_ make of the report 0270B04 presented by the American section referred to earlier. ^If the study 0280B04 suggests correctives to investment policy, it may not be difficult to_ 0290B04 persuade the Government here to_ modify its policy if that_ is going to_ 0300B04 be beneficial to the country. ^But what the foreign businessmen should 0310B04 recognise is that a *3complete reversal of the old policy of restriction, 0320B04 at one stroke, is just not possible from both the political and 0330B04 economic points of view. ^In fact the very preparedness of the Indian 0340B04 Government to_ bring about a pronounced shift in its general attitude 0350B04 towards the concept of a massive foreign investment entry into the country 0360B04 is itself a guarantee that it is not going to_ allow any mule-headed 0370B04 application of the rules to_ hamstring the developmental processes. ^There 0380B04 are now no ideological reservations against foreign investment. $^Actually, 0390B04 it is the difficulty in finding the rupee resources to_ match the 0400B04 foreign investment that the Indian Government should worry about. ^Existing 0410B04 plants are underutilised. ^Investment is patently sick because 0420B04 of the lack of buying power to_ absorb increases in output and also the 0430B04 total absence of guidelines from the Government on the direction and 0440B04 composition of production (as to what type of goods should be produced). 0450B04 ^The only guideline available is negative in character, outlining who 0460B04 should not produce what. ^A really positive approach against the background 0470B04 of a well spelt out economic policy, in place of the present confused 0480B04 and mutually contradictory views expressed on it, is the crying need 0490B04 of the hour. ^How soon the Government will meet it will decide how 0500B04 quickly the economic machine accelerates, drawing for the progressive increase 0510B04 of its momentum on both domestic and foreign resources to the satisfaction 0520B04 of both the home and foreign investors. ^The entire acceleration 0530B04 hinges also on prices-- a sphere where the Government has got sooner 0540B04 than later to_ shed its fears against the necessary upward adjustments. 0550B04 ^Such adjustments are taking place on their own already. ^Unless the 0560B04 Government views the problem with an open mind, there is the danger that 0570B04 price movements will tend to_ be too haphazard and mercurial to_ provide 0580B04 a reliable impetus to the kind of economic advance that_ the entire 0590B04 country has been looking forward to ever since the Janata Government 0600B04 took over the reins of power at the Centre nearly a year ago. 0610B04 $**<*3Fall-out From Bombay High**> $^IF THE SECOND phase of 0611B04 the 0620B04 Bombay High oil production programme has been completed a little ahead 0630B04 of schedule, it is partly because the wells already in production are 0640B04 yielding more than originally estimated. ^From four platforms in operation, 0650B04 the current output is 80,000 barrels a day-- or two million tonnes 0660B04 a year-- with a target of twice that_ quantity to_ be hit in another year. 0670B04 ^The oil is now collected and transported by tankers to Bombay and the 0680B04 submarine pipeline is stated to_ be completed by the middle of this year. 0690B04 ^The processing of the new crude is not expected to_ create any difficult 0700B04 problem because Bharat Refineries Limited (the former Burmah-Shell 0710B04 plant), with a potential capacity of 6 million tonnes, is being 0720B04 modified to_ take up to an annual 4.5 million tonnes of offshore crude 0730B04 by the end of 1979. ^When the Bombay High output reaches 10 million 0740B04 tonnes by 1981, it will be absorbed also by the Cochin, Visakhapatnam 0750B04 and Mathura refineries. ^A portion will go to the Koyali plant now dependent 0760B04 on the oilfields in Gujarat which are being fast depleted. $^The 0770B04 economic use of the large quantities of associated gas-- about one million 0780B04 cubic metres a day in 1978-79 itself-- bristles with innumerable 0790B04 difficulties. ^The Union Minister for Petroleum and Chemicals, \0Mr. 0800B04 *(0H. N.*) Bahuguna, has just announced the Cabinet*'s decision to_ 0810B04 rely on gas from Bombay High as primary feedstock for fertilizer plants, 0820B04 coal coming next and naphtha, third. ^The Trombay *=1, *=2 and *=4 0830B04 fertilizer units are undergoing conversion to_ use gas which will be the 0840B04 basis for the fifth and sixth units too. ^The Government*'s decision 0850B04 is a natural consequence of technological compulsions stemming from the 0860B04 large availability of gas. ^Gas from Bombay High and North Bassein 0870B04 is expected to_ flow at the rate of 4 million cubic metres a day by 1980, 0880B04 and, if South Bassein prospects are added, the quantities available 0890B04 may be 10 million cubic metres a day. ^This is the estimate of the Oil 0900B04 and Natural Gas Commission, but an American company predicts a much 0910B04 larger supply. ^The quality of the gas is also different from what prevails 0920B04 in many other parts of the world. ^The proportion of ethane and 0930B04 propane is a high 23 per cent which is double the usual. ^The 60 per cent 0940B04 methane component is what forms the fertilizer feedstock. ^The \0ONGC 0950B04 is planning to_ put up a fractioning unit to_ separate the methane 0960B04 for the Fertilizer Corporation of India. $^While there will be no denying 0970B04 the merit in the priority given to the fertilizer industry, the expected 0980B04 large supply of ethane and propane is an argument that_ should 0990B04 induce New Delhi to_ swing towards a major plan to_ expand the petro-chemicals 1000B04 industry. ^*National Organic Chemicals Limited (\0NOCIL), 1010B04 voicing the consensus of 27 firms in the field, has suggested an exotic 1020B04 perspective programme for a four-fold growth in this sector in the next 1030B04 decade. ^There is, in this programme, an element of lobbying for the 1040B04 industry; some portions of it sound unrealistic, since the full potential 1050B04 of even the Baroda complex itself still remains untapped. ^As against 1060B04 this is the cry of the modernists to_ use petro-chemical products as 1070B04 a convenient substitute for a wide variety of structural materials and 1080B04 fibres and rubber. ^This demand should not be dismissed offhand, on the 1090B04 proven premise of addiction to traditional materials in use for long-- 1100B04 whether they be natural commodities or manufactured metallurgical items. 1110B04 ^On the other hand, it should be studied in depth particularly in the 1120B04 matter of applying new techniques for the development of the rural areas. 1130B04 ^Apart from access to petroleum crude and associated gas off the coast 1140B04 of Bombay, a point worth considering is the fall-out possibilities 1150B04 in employment from petro-chemical products if the basic industry and the 1160B04 ancillary and user units are imaginatively conceived. 1170B04 $**<*3Sino-Indian Ties: Beginnings of a New Phase**> $^IT WILL 1180B04 BE quite appropriate to_ interpret the visit of the Chinese goodwill 1190B04 delegation led by \0Mr. Wang Pin-nan to India as a significant point 1200B04 of advance in the gradual, spontaneously building up process of normalisation 1210B04 between the two most populous countries in the world, that_ began 1220B04 several months ago with the re-posting of ambassadors in Peking and 1230B04 New Delhi. ^Although non-official in character, it is clear that the 1240B04 current approach by a leader of the calibre and experience of \0Mr. 1250B04 Wang Pin-nan is the result of a carefully prepared initiative from the 1260B04 Chinese side to_ open a fresh chapter in bilateral relations. ^The 1270B04 Government of India, and in particular the Prime Minister, \0Mr. Morarji 1280B04 Desai, have recognised this by according to the delegation the 1290B04 honour and the facilities usually given only to official missions of importance. 1300B04 ^The key message borne on this visit by the 72-year-old Chinese 1310B04 leader-- a close associate of the late Premier Chou En-lai and an 1320B04 eminent diplomat with long experience in negotiating difficult international 1330B04 issues-- has been that the friendship between the two geographically 1340B04 and historically close neighbours should be developed in a trusting and 1350B04 open spirit. ^The simple imagery \0Mr. Wang Pin-nan has evoked repeatedly 1360B04 during his brief sojourn here is that_ of two friends of very long 1370B04 standing desiring to_ come together after a temporary estrangement. 1380B04 $^The warm reception accorded to the delegation at the different centres 1390B04 reveals something of the current mood both among the people and the Government. 1400B04 ^A notable feature of the visit is the opportunity it has offered 1410B04 to a top-ranking Chinese leader to_ exchange views directly and 1420B04 frankly with those who count most in the Indian Government to-day, the 1430B04 Prime Minister and the External Affairs Minister. ^Their review of 1440B04 the normalisation process has undoubtedly been useful in charting out 1450B04 the way ahead. \0^Mr. *(0A. B.*) Vajpayee*'s official visit to China 1460B04 (which, according to an official announcement, will take place on the basis 1470B04 of detailed and concrete preparation) is likely to_ mark the beginning 1480B04 of a new phase. ^The emphasis on bilateral discussions and on the 1490B04 handling of issues without the interference or mediation of third parties 1500B04 is well placed, representing as it does a shared view. ^Apart from promoting 1510B04 direct talks on political questions, this approach will help raise 1520B04 trade, economic, technical, scientific and cultural relations above 1530B04 their present modest levels. $^The chief problem between the two countries 1540B04 remains, of course, the common borders. ^THE *HINDU has already 1550B04 expressed its opinion that, while the border question is by no means insignificant 1560B04 and must be taken up in due time through friendly negotiations, 1570B04 the line that_ all accumulated problems and disputes between countries 1580B04 must be solved here and now before new breakthroughs can be contemplated 1590B04 is not the most helpful of strategies. ^What is required is a bold, 1600B04 forward-looking policy that_ strengthens bilateral relations from many sides-- 1610B04 political, economic, cultural-- by giving weightage to the strong 1620B04 points and letting advantages add up constructively. ^It is to_ be hoped 1630B04 that political perspectives and pressures dictated by narrow nationalism 1640B04 or influenced by sheer inter-party rivalries will not be brought to_ 1650B04 bear on the Government of India even as it is engaged in what is obviously 1660B04 a very sensitive task that_ deserves the utmost support. $^That India 1670B04 and China, together accounting for over a third of the world*'s 1680B04 people, have a great deal to_ gain from each other needs no special advocacy-- 1690B04 except, perhaps, to those whose basic interests lead them to_ look 1700B04 in a third direction. ^The two countries have profoundly different social 1710B04 systems; nevertheless they face a host of problems on which they can 1720B04 learn from each other. ^There is a wide prospect of developing trade 1730B04 relations, provided an earnest effort is made by both sides to_ follow up 1740B04 the discussions that_ have been initiated. ^The 16-member Chinese trade 1750B04 delegation that_ visited India in February has expressed interest 1760B04 in buying light engineering goods, some types of heavy equipment, rubber, 1770B04 iron ore, and agricultural machinery and machine tools. ^In return, India 1780B04 will be interested in buying life-saving drugs, antimony metal, zinc, 1790B04 mercury, tungsten, tin, silk yarn, newsprint and basic chemicals.*# **[no. of words = 02021**] **[txt. b05**] 0010B05 ** $^If there is one nation in the vicinity with which 0020B05 this country has had a trouble-free relationship, it is Afghanistan. 0030B05 ^*President Daoud*'s three-day state visit here last week has reinforced 0040B05 those ties. ^The visit came only six months after the Union external 0050B05 affairs minister, \0Mr. Vajpayee, went to Kabul to_ meet his Afghan 0060B05 counterpart and to_ confirm that the Janata government, which had taken 0070B05 office a few months earlier, bore the same goodwill towards Afghanistan 0080B05 as previous governments of this country. ^But merely because the two 0090B05 countries have no particular problems to_ resolve **[sic**] does not 0091B05 mean that periodic 0100B05 visits by their leaders are little more than high-level jaunts or 0110B05 that they can take each other for granted. ^As the joint communique issued 0120B05 in New Delhi at the end of President Daoud*'s visit shows, both 0130B05 of them, individually and together, have an important role to_ play in 0140B05 the often turbulent and still unsettled geopolitics of the region. ^Their 0150B05 own ties depend to some extent on developments in the area. ^For instance, 0160B05 although the volume of trade between them has grown to around \0Rs. 0170B05 48 *4crores in 1976-77, it could grow much faster if goods could be moved 0180B05 overland through Pakistan. ^So it is in their joint interest to_ persuade 0190B05 that_ country to_ permit such transit across its territory, an issue 0200B05 which President Daoud has no doubt raised in his discussions with 0210B05 General Zia-ul-Haq during his visit to Rawalpindi which began immediately 0220B05 after he left New Delhi on Sunday. ^Such a facility would be one 0230B05 step nearer the kind of regional co-operation this country envisages 0240B05 as being essential if south Asia is to_ pull its weight on international 0250B05 issues especially when these concern the nations of the area directly 0260B05 as, for instance, super-power rivalry in the Indian Ocean region. 0261B05 $^*President 0270B05 Daoud*'s visit to this country (and to Pakistan) will itself 0280B05 be no mean contribution to the valuable process of detente among south 0290B05 Asian states, a process which this country has done much to_ initiate 0300B05 and keep going. ^The joint communique refers favourably to this "progress 0310B05 in normalisation" not so that the two countries can scratch each other*'s 0320B05 back but because of the additional clout such normalisation would give 0330B05 to every nation contributing to and benefiting from it. ^In Afghanistan*'s 0340B05 own case, the scramble by various powers to_ gain and wield influence 0350B05 is today fiercer than ever. ^All the more reason, therefore, for it 0360B05 to_ deepen its commitment to non-alignment. ^It is planning to_ do precisely 0370B05 that_ by hosting the conference of the foreign ministers of the 0380B05 coordinating bureau of non-aligned countries in May. ^Although it would 0390B05 be rash to_ say that regional co-operation in south Asia is round the 0400B05 corner, things are definitely on the mend. ^They can only improve still 0410B05 more as a result of President Daoud*'s trip. 0420B05 $**<*3Rural Health**> $^The bitterest opponents of the rural health 0430B05 scheme, put forward by \0Mr. Raj Narain in April last year, are undoubtedly 0440B05 members of the Indian Medical Association. ^They miss no chance 0450B05 to_ denounce it. ^In Pathankot the other day the President of the 0460B05 \0IMA, \0Dr. *(0J. V. R.*) Sharma, warned that the village health 0470B05 protectors (\0VHP) would add to the growing tribe of quacks. ^It 0480B05 is not difficult to_ understand why he should decry the \0VHPS. ^The 0490B05 three-month course that_ they will undergo at the primary health centres 0500B05 (\0PHC) is not going to_ give them much knowledge of medicine. 0510B05 ^Indeed, it is not meant to, because they are expected to_ deal only with 0520B05 common infections and ailments that_ afflict villagers, such as gastro-enteritis, 0530B05 malaria, influenza, for which they will need to_ dispense well-known 0540B05 medicines. ^But this is easier said than done. ^In this country, 0550B05 as in many others, even qualified doctors over-prescribe highly potent 0560B05 anti-biotics in utter disregard of possible side-effects. ^The best that_ 0570B05 can be said for the scheme is that it will be implemented on a 0571B05 limited 0580B05 scale. ^In the first three years, 80,000 villages will be covered under 0590B05 it and only if it is found to_ be worthwhile will another five 0591B05 *4lakh \0VHPS 0600B05 be trained to_ cover the whole country (the aim is to_ have a 0610B05 \0VHP for a population of 1,000). ^But who is to_ decide whether the 0620B05 scheme is worthwhile? \0^*Mr. Raj Narain? ^Or those who have 0621B05 acquired 0630B05 a vested interest in its continuance? $^There is doubtless paucity of 0640B05 medical personnel in the rural areas. ^But does it follow that utterly ill-trained 0650B05 and ill-paid men and women should be sent into the 0651B05 countryside? 0660B05 ^And what about the complicated cases which will be referred to the \0PHC? 0670B05 ^For it is an open secret that most of the 5,372 \0PHCS are 0680B05 inadequately staffed; often there is no doctor there at all. ^This is 0690B05 not all. ^The \0PHCS rarely have in stock the necessary medicines. ^This 0700B05 problem is bound to_ be aggravated because as it is, each \0PHC 0710B05 is provided with minimal drugs-- the budget for medicines does not exceed 0720B05 \0Rs. 3,000 a year. ^The \0PHCs are also woefully equipped with surgical 0730B05 instruments. ^Even if the government is unable to_ provide a \0PHC 0740B05 for 10,000 population, as was initially intended-- at present it 0750B05 is required to_ serve 100,000 people-- the least it can do is 0751B05 to_ equip the 0760B05 centre adequately. ^That_, however, is not the end of the matter. ^For 0770B05 it is going to_ be even more difficult to_ find sufficient doctors to_ 0780B05 man the \0PHCS. ^Under the scheme, the government intends to_ post 0790B05 three doctors in the \0PHC, one of whom is trained in the traditional 0800B05 medicines, and there is nothing to_ suggest that it can persuade so 0810B05 many doctors to_ go to the rural areas. ^All in all, the problem of providing 0820B05 the minimum medical facilities in the countryside continues to_ defy 0830B05 solution and it is plainly naive for anyone to_ pretend that this is 0840B05 not the case. $**<*3Medical 0850B05 Nemesis**> $^Private enterprise with a vengeance. 0851B05 ^That_*1's 0860B05 about the only way one can describe the American medical system. 0870B05 business is booming: the \0U.S. spends a staggering *-140 billion a year 0880B05 on health care and in the last decade, the number of doctors has risen 0890B05 by 50 per cent. ^Not that this is necessarily any cause for elation. 0900B05 ^Indeed, it is said that the \0U.S. (and Canada) has *3too many doctors! 0910B05 ^Of course they aren*'4t always evenly distributed: New York 0920B05 has one for every 500 people, while every 1,450 South Dakotans have to_ 0930B05 make do with a single doctor (Bombay, incidentally, dosen*'4t compare 0940B05 too unfavourably with \0NY with one for every 700 citizens). ^The whole 0950B05 trouble is that with the craze for specialisation, \0GPS are on 0960B05 the way out; 'internists' (doctors who only treat internal disorders) and 0970B05 others of their ilk are in. ^And so the trade thrives. ^Even the government 0980B05 is candid enough to_ admit that doctors admit patients to hospitals 0990B05 at the drop of a stethoscope (if such old-fashioned implements still 1000B05 exist) and that one in every seven occupants of beds in acute care wards 1010B05 dosen*'4t deserve to_ be there at all. ^Now, at long last, there are 1020B05 rumbles, however feeble, of protest against the medical establishment. 1030B05 ^It is led, astonishingly enough, not by Ivan Illich and his iconoclasts 1040B05 but by big corporations themselves, who aren*'4t at all reconciled to 1050B05 footing the ever-rising health insurance bills of their employees. ^The 1060B05 wheel has thus turned full circle: it is the very bastions of free enterprise 1070B05 which are turning their wrath against the medical system, *3albeit 1080B05 for entirely selfish purposes. ^This is why a spokesman for the Rockefeller 1090B05 Foundation attributes America*'s health problems to excesses 1100B05 of various kinds and calls upon people to_ "simplify their lives." ^And 1110B05 *3Forbes, the business magazine, goes one step further in advocating 1120B05 acupuncture and even meditation: anything, in fact, which will cut corporate 1130B05 costs! 1140B05 ** $^It is to the credit of the Janata 1150B05 leaders that they have been able to_ patch up their differences which 1160B05 only a few days ago threatened to_ tear the party apart. ^Given the sharpness 1170B05 and bitterness of the conflict between the Prime Minister and the 1180B05 former Union Home Minister, this is no mean achievement. ^The patch-up 1190B05 would, of course, not have been possible if \0Mr. Charan Singh 1200B05 had stuck to his earlier stance. ^But the credit for it goes not to him-- 1210B05 after all he need not have precipitated the crisis in the first instance-- 1220B05 but to men of goodwill in the party, principally \0Mr. Atal Behari 1230B05 Vajpayee, \0Mr. Biju Patnaik, \0Mr. George Fernandes and \0Mr. 1240B05 Madhu Limaye. ^To_ say this is not to_ suggest in any way that \0Mr. 1250B05 Morarji Desai has been unjustified in taking a tough stand. ^He has 1260B05 not been. ^He had been exasperated with \0Mr. Charan Singh for months 1270B05 and by the time the latter issued the wholly uncalled for "pack of impotent 1280B05 men" statement on june 28, his patience had clearly been exhausted. 1290B05 ^The former Home Minister had been too patronising-- he had time and 1300B05 again claimed to_ have made \0Mr. Desai the Prime Minister-- and 1310B05 too self-righteous. ^As such it is understandable that \0Mr. Desai has 1320B05 resisted pleas by some of the mediators to_ take \0Mr. Charan Singh 1330B05 back into the cabinet. ^In the process he has raised his stature considerably. 1340B05 $^There is, however, another aspect of the story which deserves 1350B05 notice. ^Some of \0Mr. Charan Singh*'s supporters have persuaded him 1360B05 to_ call off the *4kisan rally which was to_ be held on July 17, give 1370B05 up his insistence on stating his side of the conflict between him and 1380B05 the Prime Minister and finally withdraw his resignation from the Janata 1390B05 parliamentary board and national executive on the plea that the fight 1400B05 has shifted from the government to the party and that this calls for patience, 1410B05 cool nerves and a spirit of accommodation. ^In plain terms this 1420B05 means that the former Home Minister and his followers will spare no 1430B05 effort to_ strengthen their position in the party in the forthcoming organisational 1440B05 elections next October. ^And judging by recent developments 1450B05 it will not be surprising if \0Mr. Charan Singh or a nominee of his 1460B05 is a candidate for presidentship of the party and if the former Jana 1470B05 Sangh decides to_ support him, this can lead, on the one hand, to a 1480B05 curtailment of the influence of the erstwhile Congress (\0O), \0CFD 1490B05 and young Turks in the Janata and, on the other, to a clash between 1500B05 the ruling party and the government. ^If it is recalled that it was precisely 1510B05 a similar conflict which led to the split in the Congress in 1969, 1520B05 the need to_ avoid it becomes evident. ^But while it is easy to_ emphasise 1530B05 the need, it is extremely difficult, at least right now, to_ suggest 1540B05 how it can be met. ^The Janata leadership has bought time which it 1550B05 must utilise to_ avoid somehow another collision which, if it occurs, is 1560B05 likely to_ be far more serious and difficult to_ manage than the present 1570B05 one. ^The former Jana Sangh*'s role will be particularly crucial. ^Its 1580B05 leaders will be called upon to_ show far greater resilience and skill 1590B05 than they have shown so far. $**<*3Black 1600B05 Market**> $^The Union government has at last woken up to 1610B05 the fact that the blackmarketing of cement, steel, coal, soda ash and 1620B05 a number of other essential raw materials is back in a big way. ^Since 1630B05 the rise in consumption has been relatively small, the sharp spurt in such 1640B05 clandestine deals can only be attributed to gross mismanagement of the 1650B05 distribution network. ^Indeed, the ministers concerned are now bemoaning 1660B05 loudly that hoarders and profiteers, in cahoots with dishonest bureaucrats 1670B05 and managers of private firms, have contrived to_ create "artificial 1680B05 shortages" to_ make a fast buck. ^But they should know best that this 1690B05 is no sudden development. ^The merchants have been charging 10 to 30 1700B05 per cent more than the controlled rates for various varieties of coal in 1710B05 most parts of the country since March last: in fact, when some 12 million 1720B05 tonnes of coal were said to_ be lying at the pitheads, many power 1730B05 stations in the country were facing dire shortages, several trains on the 1740B05 South-Eastern Railway had been cancelled due to lack of coal and 1750B05 hundreds of engineering, textiles, tea, paper and chemical units were forced 1760B05 to_ switch over to furnace oil or firewood while some had to_ cease 1770B05 operations altogether.*# **[no. of words = 02050**] **[txt. b06**] 0010B06 ** $^It is impossible to_ disagree with the 0020B06 Shah Commission*'s central finding that \0Mrs. Gandhi imposed the 0030B06 emergency on June 25, 1975, "in a desperate endeavour to_ save herself 0040B06 from the legitimate compulsion of a judicial verdict against her." ^This 0050B06 fact was obvious on June 26, 1975, when the country woke up to_ find 0060B06 that the then Prime Minister had staged a virtual coup with the help 0070B06 of an obliging President and a dozen or so trusted lieutenants. ^And it 0080B06 has remained obvious since. ^Indeed, neither she nor her supporters have 0090B06 produced the slightest evidence which can controvert the view that the 0100B06 country was not facing a law and order problem of such a magnitude as 0110B06 could not have been tackled effectively through the normal process and 0120B06 machinery. $^The opposition might have failed to_ grasp that she would go 0130B06 to any extent to_ keep herself in office if she was driven to the wall. 0140B06 ^It might have been well advised then to_ allow her to_ go through the 0150B06 legal remedy open to her-- an appeal to the Supreme Court-- before it 0160B06 decided to_ launch an agitation to_ force her resignation. ^But nothing 0170B06 that_ happened between June 12, 1975, when \0Mr. Justice Sinha of 0180B06 the Allahabad High Court set aside her election to Parliament and June 0190B06 25, 1975, could have justified so drastic a step as the proclamation 0200B06 of the emergency, the arrest of thousands of opposition leaders at all 0210B06 levels and the imposition on the press of curbs the like of which it 0220B06 had not known even under the British during the war. ^On the contrary, 0230B06 it was she who had tried to_ create an atmosphere of crisis by summoning 0240B06 crowds to the roundabout outside her official residence at all times 0250B06 of the day and making all manner of charges against those who had had 0260B06 the temerity to_ suggest that she should step down in response to the judgment 0270B06 of the Allahabad High Court. $^She had herself asked one of 0280B06 her ministers to_ resign in a similar situation and she failed to_ cite 0290B06 any worthwhile reason why she should be allowed to_ disregard an established 0300B06 convention. ^She had enough opportunity during the emergency and she 0310B06 has had enough opportunity since, including the one provided by the Shah 0320B06 Commission, to_ elucidate her favourite charge that external agencies 0330B06 in league with certain domestic elements were out to_ destabilise the 0340B06 country and that the emergency was necessary to_ frustrate them. ^She 0350B06 has failed to_ avail of these opportunities apparently because she has 0360B06 not been in a position to_ make the charge stick. $^The Shah Commission*'s 0370B06 report on \0Mr. Sanjay Gandhi*'s role as Delhi*'s overlord is also 0380B06 incontrovertible. ^The demolition of thousands of residential and 0390B06 commercial buildings which he unquestionably ordered might or might not 0400B06 have been exactly a source of amusement to this callow and callous young 0410B06 man. ^But there cannot be the slightest doubt that he was utterly insensitive 0420B06 to "the miseries he was heaping on the helpless population." ^Like 0430B06 dictators in banana republics in Latin America, he was determined to_ 0440B06 make the capital look beautiful. ^He did not care for the cost to the 0450B06 people involved. ^Similarly, if \0Mr. Justice Shah*'s observation-- 0460B06 that "not all the excesses that_ were committed during the emergency all 0470B06 over the country would surpass this one single excess in terms of the 0480B06 tragedy it involved" for *4lakhs of people and "all it meant for the country 0490B06 in the context of its utter illegality and unconstitutionality"-- 0500B06 needs to_ be qualified, it is only because \0Mr. Gandhi presided over 0510B06 the family planning drive with the same "ruthlessness and effectiveness" 0520B06 and, of course, "without the slightest claim to that_ position except 0530B06 that he was the son of the then Prime Minister of India." ^Nothing 0540B06 is or can be-- not perhaps even the proclamation of the emergency and 0550B06 the bypassing of Cabinet colleagues, the Home Ministry, the Cabinet 0560B06 Secretary, the intelligence chiefs and less trusted chief ministers-- 0570B06 as damning an indictment of the emergency regime as the rise of this extra-constitutional 0580B06 centre of authority, an euphemism (*3*8a la*9 the 0590B06 cult of personality in Stalin*'s case) for the usurpation of enormous 0600B06 powers and their abuse day in and day out, with the direct support of 0610B06 \0Mrs. Gandhi. ^Once she had secured her own position by amending the 0620B06 People*'s Representation Act and the Constitution and getting a favourable 0630B06 verdict from the Supreme Court on the basis of the new laws, 0640B06 she was as if determined to_ prove that nothing mattered to her more than 0650B06 to_ ensure \0Mr. Gandhi*'s succession to herself. ^It is not necessary 0660B06 to_ give credence to ugly rumours regarding his associations in order 0670B06 to_ conclude that \0Mrs. Gandhi gravely undermined her credibility by 0680B06 investing so much authority in him and those close to him in and around 0690B06 her house as distinct from the office in South Block which was more 0700B06 or less bypassed in that_ dark period. $^Except for the suppression of 0710B06 the press, for which it may be as fair or unfair to_ blame \0Mr. Vidya 0720B06 Charan Shukla as it would be to_ blame the officials in Delhi for the 0730B06 demolitions, other instances of violations of the rules and procedures 0740B06 for appointments, dismissals and arrests cited by the Shah Commission 0750B06 pale into insignificance in comparison with the first two issues-- the 0760B06 proclamation of the emergency and the rise of \0Mr. Gandhi. ^Perhaps 0770B06 \0Mr. Justice Shah would not have investigated these cases in such 0780B06 detail if he did not think it necessary to_ establish beyond reasonable 0790B06 doubt that power was abused during the emergency not only in the general 0800B06 sense that the people were terrorised into silence and submission but 0810B06 also specifically to_ punish those who had dared cross the path of those 0820B06 in authority and to_ reward those who were willing to_ comply with orders, 0830B06 however illegitimate. ^But all this having been said, the central 0840B06 question remains unanswered. ^What should be the follow-up action on the 0850B06 part of the government? ^It has already taken steps to_ redress to the 0860B06 extent possible the grievances of the evictees in Delhi and elsewhere 0870B06 and it has introduced in Parliament one bill to_ scrap the \0MISA, 0880B06 which \0Mrs. Gandhi used with deadly effect to_ paralyse the opposition, 0890B06 and another to_ amend the Constitution so as to_ ensure that a future 0900B06 prime minister is not able to_ promulgate an emergency except in the 0910B06 case of an armed rebellion and to_ make mincemeat of the Fundamental 0920B06 Rights as she did during those dark 20 months. ^But what is it to_ do with 0930B06 \0Mrs. Gandhi herself? $^The government faces a terrible dilemma 0931B06 to 0940B06 which there may not be a solution. ^On the one hand it is under pressure 0950B06 from its followers and supporters to_ arrest her and prosecute her and, 0960B06 on the other, it is only too well aware of the possible risks involved. 0970B06 ^What could have been done to her in the first few months after the end 0980B06 of the emergency is now at best an academic question. ^The present reality 0990B06 is that any attempt to_ put her on trial on the charges framed by 1000B06 the Shah Commission can win her a lot of sympathy and divide the country 1010B06 in a dangerous manner. ^It may be unpleasant to_ have to_ acknowledge 1020B06 that she has successfully outmanoeuvred the government, other opponents 1030B06 like the \0CPM and her detractors in the Congress by demonstrating 1040B06 that she has a sizable following in the country. ^The Janata leadership 1050B06 has helped her by its ineptness. ^It has, for example, selected wrong 1060B06 men as chief ministers in certain key states; it has handled the problem 1070B06 of the atrocities on the *4Harijans and communal riots poorly; it blundered 1080B06 in arresting her and two full-fledged secretaries to the 1081B06 Union 1090B06 government, on flimsy charges and it has damaged itself by engaging in interminable 1100B06 squabbles. ^But whatever the reasons, she is once again a formidable 1110B06 factor in Indian politics and to_ try her on complicated charges 1120B06 like the ones listed by the commission is to_ risk making a living martyr 1130B06 of her. \0^*Mr. Morarji Desai appreciates the gravity of the problem. 1140B06 ^Those who mean well by the country should not try to_ force his hands. 1160B06 $** $^After the latest statements by a number of prominent 1170B06 members of the Congress (\0I), there can be no doubt that \0Mrs. 1180B06 Gandhi*'s party is not interested if it ever was, in unity with the 1190B06 rival Congress, whatever she herself might or might not have said. ^Not 1200B06 that her own statements in recent days could have given much encouragement 1210B06 to the advocates of unity. ^On the contrary, by disowning the proposal 1220B06 to_ summon the "pre-split \0AICC", she had deprived them of 1230B06 their main plank, as \0Mr. Siddhartha Shankar Ray ruefully admitted 1240B06 during the two-day meeting of the Congress working committee. ^In the 1250B06 circumstances, the committee*'s decision, despite strong reservations by 1260B06 a majority of its members, to_ allow another three weeks to the votaries 1270B06 of unity to_ pursue their efforts has become irrelevant, and so has 1280B06 the continued search for the so-called unity with honour by the latter. 1290B06 ^This is a welcome development for senior Congress leaders like \0Mr. 1300B06 *(0Y. B.*) Chavan who have been opposed to unity moves because they have 1310B06 known that it would in effect mean surrender. ^They have had to_ show 1320B06 indulgence towards the advocates of unity because the sentiment in its 1330B06 favour within their ranks has been fairly strong and they have wanted 1340B06 to_ avoid a split. ^They can now perhaps hope that the ambivalence afflicting 1350B06 their party may end. $^The reasons why the Congress (\0I) leaders 1360B06 are riding a high horse are precisely the same as have made unity with 1370B06 it attractive in the eyes of Congress leaders like \0Mr. Ray, \0Mr. 1380B06 Vasantdada Patil, \0Mr. Mohanlal Sukhadia and \0Mr. Rajni Patel. 1390B06 ^The state assembly elections in south India and Maharashtra as well 1400B06 as the crucial parliamentary by-elections in Karnal and Azamgarh 1401B06 have 1410B06 shown that \0Mrs Gandhi remains the best bet for Congressmen anxious 1420B06 to_ return to office. ^And her position has become even stronger on account 1430B06 of the growing discontent with the Janata government. ^Naturally 1440B06 many of the present Congress (\0I) leaders do not want senior Congressmen 1450B06 like those named above to_ return on honourable terms because that_ 1460B06 can mean diminution in their own status. ^To_ say this is not to_ justify 1470B06 the arrogance displayed by her or some of her lieutenants-- even 1480B06 \0Mr. Devraj Urs has been put in his place for having encouraged \0Mr. 1490B06 Ray to_ believe that it may be possible to_ convene the pre-split 1500B06 \0AICC-- but to_ take note of the reality. \0^*Mr. Chavan had bluntly 1510B06 warned \0Mr. Ray, \0Mr. Vasantdada Patil and others of his persuasion 1520B06 that unity with honour was not possible. \0^*Mrs. Gandhi and 1521B06 her 1530B06 minions have now proved that he was right and forced them to_ face their 1540B06 moment of truth. ^The crowning irony of it all is that even the willingness 1550B06 to_ surrender to the former Prime Minister might not win seats 1560B06 on her bandwagon for all those who wish to_ get there. ^She has said in 1570B06 so many words that not all Congressmen would be welcome. ^Only those cleared 1580B06 by a screening committee she has already appointed would be admitted. 1600B06 $**<*3*(0J. P.*)*'s Appeal**> $\0^*Mr. Jayaprakash Narayan has reason 1610B06 to_ be specially perturbed over the increasingly bitter factional struggles 1620B06 in the Janata. ^Unless one takes a rather cynical, though not 1630B06 a wholly, unjustified, view that the party is a product of the emergency, 1640B06 he more than any other single individual must be recognised as its architect. 1650B06 ^He was not only deeply involved, as he has put it with his characteristic 1660B06 modesty, in the "historic process which led to its formation" 1670B06 but he led that_ historic process. ^It is, therefore, only natural that 1680B06 he should be anxious lest the party tears itself apart. 1690B06 ^Three other facts must add to his anxiety. ^First, the Janata has 1700B06 already lost much of its popularity and the process is bound to_ be 1710B06 accelerated if it continues to_ make an exhibition of the division in 1720B06 it.*# **[no. of words = 02008**] **[txt. b07**] 0010B07 **<*3The Janata *7Shokku**> $^THE Janata set-up is administering 0020B07 what the Japanese would call "*7shokku" after "*7shokku" to our country*'s 0030B07 fumbling and faltering economy. ^The jerks and jolts come from all 0040B07 quarters, some of them odd or unexpected. \0^*Dr Raj Krishna, for 0050B07 instance, has characterised the recent changes in monetary and credit policies 0060B07 as irrational. $^The precise official status of a member of the 0070B07 Planning Commission may be vague and he is perhaps not bound by the Government 0080B07 Servants*' Conduct Rules. ^However, since he is appointed 0090B07 by the Government and draws a salary, besides other emoluments, from the 0100B07 Consolidated Fund of India, as authorised by Parliament, it could 0110B07 be supposed that he is bound by some rules having the purpose or effect 0120B07 of ensuring a minimum of decorum or discipline in the public appearance 0130B07 or functioning of the Government. $^*I am not suggesting that \0Dr 0140B07 Raj Krishna*'s outburst does not have a certain utility to the extent 0150B07 that it indicates that there is fierce debating of issues within the 0160B07 Government before policy decisions are taken. ^But, it cannot be ignored 0170B07 that such uninhibited expressions of dissent after decisions have been 0180B07 taken and announced by the Government must certainly cause the raising 0190B07 of hackles in official circles or the raising of eyebrows among the 0200B07 public. ^This no doubt makes life livelier, but only at a price. $^It will 0210B07 no longer be merely innocent fun if other dignitaries in or around the 0220B07 Government, such as \0Mr *(0I. G.*) Patel, Governor of the Reserve 0230B07 Bank, \0Dr Manmohan Singh, Secretary, Economic Affairs, Ministry 0240B07 of Finance, and \0Dr *(0R. M.*) Honavar, Chief Economic 0250B07 Adviser, Ministry of Finance, were to_ participate in the public controversy 0260B07 over the interest rate decisions which \0Dr Raj Krishna has 0270B07 so zestfully initiated. $^Some of us may feel sorry that the Government 0280B07 should have been embarrassed or harassed by this demonstration of robust 0290B07 individualism by a member of the Planning Commission. ^But why should 0300B07 sympathy be wasted? ^This government seems to_ have got the Planning 0310B07 Commission it deserves. ^When Ministers speak or otherwise act in public 0320B07 as if what the Government has decided or done is no responsibility 0330B07 of theirs, why should not members of the Planning Commission claim 0340B07 or practise similar detachment? $*<*3Giant-killer Pose*> $^Take, for 0350B07 instance, \0Mr George Fernandes. ^He chooses the occasion of a public 0360B07 meeting in Coimbatore to_ announce how he proposes to_ implement or 0370B07 rather not implement the industrial policy of the Government as restated 0380B07 on behalf of the Government by the Industry Minister in Parliament 0390B07 on December 23 last year. ^Striking his Giant-killer pose, he informed 0400B07 his audience that, after \0IBM and Coca Cola, he was taking 0410B07 on Hindustan Lever and \0WIMCO. ^According to the Press reports, 0420B07 he said that these "multinational" companies, as he termed them, were being 0430B07 asked to_ "phase out" their production of soap and safety match respectively 0440B07 over a period of three years. $^It has been suggested that the 0450B07 Industry Minister*'s intention is to_ initiate a public dialogue on 0460B07 the progressive development of the Janata Party*'s economic policy of 0470B07 ensuring that what can be produced in the decentralised sector is not 0480B07 produced in the large-scale sector. ^A public meeting in Coimbatore, however, 0490B07 is hardly the appropriate occasion for such a move especially when 0500B07 Parliament is sitting and the budget session should be providing the 0510B07 Minister with an early opportunity for expatiating on his intentions 0511B07 and 0520B07 efforts when his Ministry*'s demands for grants come up for discussion. 0530B07 \0^*Mr George Fernandes, presumably, believes in the virtue of shock 0540B07 tactics for preparing public opinion for his adventures in industrial 0550B07 policy. $^This approach, however, may not be without its disadvantages, 0560B07 even from the Industry Minister*'s point of view. ^His industrial policy 0570B07 statement has spelt out more than 500 items which are reserved for 0580B07 exclusive development in the small-scale sector. ^The meaning of this 0590B07 reservation is that further expansion of capacity will not be allowed in 0600B07 the case of firms in the large-scale sector which may also be producing 0610B07 these goods at present. ^There is no mention anywhere in the industrial 0620B07 policy statement that existing large-scale producers of these items 0630B07 will be required to_ go out of business altogether immediately or within 0640B07 a stated period to_ be specified now. ^On the contrary there is enough 0650B07 in the statement to_ warrant the expectation that the Government will 0660B07 not be bringing any such pressure on the large-scale manufacturers. $*<*3Reserved 0670B07 Items*> $^The passage dealing with the "reservation" describes 0680B07 how this policy is to_ be promoted in stages. ^It admits that it must 0690B07 be ensured that the production of reserved items in the small-scale 0700B07 sector is economic and of acceptable quality. ^It concedes that the list 0710B07 of industries reserved for the small-scale sector has to_ be continually 0720B07 reviewed so that capacity creation does not lag behind the requirements 0730B07 of the economy. ^It undertakes to_ carry out an annual survey of the 0740B07 small-scale sector for purposes of monitoring the progress of production 0750B07 of the reserved items in terms of quantity, quality, costs and prices. 0760B07 $^What \0Mr Fernandes proposes to_ do now is to_ start eliminating 0770B07 these safeguards for the consumer in respect of important mass consumption 0780B07 goods, when the industrial policy statement incorporating them 0790B07 is hardly three months old. $^As if this is not enough to_ shake public 0800B07 confidence in the policy statements of the Government, \0Mr Fernandes 0810B07 has not hesitated to_ ride rough-shod over another important feature 0820B07 or commitment of the industrial policy statement. ^This relates to the 0830B07 treatment of \0FERA companies which have been assured that, after 0840B07 the process of dilution of foreign equity under the provisions of this 0850B07 Act has been completed, they will be treated on par with Indian companies, 0860B07 except in cases where specifically notified, and that their future 0870B07 expansion will be guided by the same principles as those applicable to 0880B07 Indian companies. ^Both Hindustan Lever and \0WIMCO have been taking 0890B07 steps to_ meet the requirements of \0FERA so that their expansion 0900B07 schemes, relating to the core sector or other approved industrial activity, 0910B07 are sanctioned by the Government; \0WIMCO, in fact, is already 0920B07 out of the \0FERA classifications. ^They are thus qualifying for 0930B07 being treated on par with Indian companies as promised by the Government 0940B07 in its industrial policy statement. ^To_ apply the term "multinationals" 0950B07 to them is, therefore, grossly opportunistic. ^It is a clear case 0960B07 of employing an emotive appellation (which has come to_ acquire a pejorative 0970B07 character due to high pressure propaganda) merely in order to_ mislead 0980B07 public opinion. ^Both Hindustan Lever and \0WIMCO are integral 0990B07 parts of the Indian industrial scene. $*<*3Consumers*' View*> $^From 1000B07 the consumer*'s point of view, the Industry Minister*'s crusading 1010B07 zeal for fragmenting the production of mass consumption goods may have 1020B07 serious consequences. ^Whereas the \0MRTP Act is very much there 1030B07 to_ police or even over-police the operations of large firms such as 1040B07 \0WIMCO or Hindustan Lever, the presence of firms such as these 1050B07 in their respective industries has certainly helped to_ provide a degree 1060B07 of competition which has served to_ protect the consumer*'s interest, 1070B07 in matters such as the availability, quality and prices of major consumer 1080B07 products. ^Even in the case of the match industry, where \0WIMCO 1090B07 has a large share of the market, it is undeniable that its trading position 1100B07 has had a healthy effect on the quality and prices of these products 1110B07 in the small-scale sector, without interfering with the growth of that_ 1120B07 sector. $^In his Coimbatore speech, \0Mr Fernandes has not made 1130B07 it clear whether Hindustan Lever is being asked to_ get out of the business 1140B07 of making toilet soap as well and not only washing soap. ^This lack 1150B07 of clarity is another failing attaching to off-the-cuff announcements 1160B07 of policy decisions by Ministers at public meetings. ^So far as washing 1170B07 soap is concerned, the larger manufacturers are taking more and more 1180B07 to the production of detergents and this is where real competition for 1190B07 washing soap producers in the small-scale sector will increasingly come 1200B07 from in the future. ^Consequently, even if \0Mr Fernandes does not 1210B07 propose to_ outlaw the production of toilet soap in the large-scale sector 1220B07 at present, the pressure on the Government to_ do so may grow. ^To_ 1230B07 yield to such pressures would be most objectionable because people have 1240B07 a right to_ demand quality in toilet soaps for which they are prepared 1250B07 to_ pay, since this is a matter of skin health and personal hygiene. ^If 1260B07 artificial restrictions are placed on their access to supplies which 1270B07 meet their needs or preferences in this respect, the demand for alternatives, 1280B07 whether regularly imported or smuggled, will get a boost. ^Even now 1290B07 toilet soap of foreign make has a market among the more affluent sections 1300B07 of the community and the Government will be doing no service to Indian 1310B07 soap industry as a whole if it obstructs production of toilet soap 1320B07 by quality manufacturers in our midst. $*<*3Broad Attitude*> $^What 1330B07 is perhaps particularly frightening about \0Mr Fernandes*'s approach 1340B07 is that he seems to_ represent a broader attitude on the part of the 1350B07 Government towards private industry in the large-scale sector. ^Even \0Mr 1360B07 *(0H. N.*) Bahuguna, the Minister for Petroleum and Chemicals, 1370B07 from whom ideological pretensions must come with much less grace than 1380B07 from \0Mr George Fernandes, has unsheathed his sword and is itching to_ 1390B07 cut the "multinationals" in the pharmaceutical industry to size, since 1400B07 they have dared to_ produce the drugs and medicines (which the people 1410B07 presumably have bought because they have needed them) in excess of the 1420B07 sacred limitations of their installed capacities as mentioned in the files 1430B07 of the Government. ^There can be no more ludicrous manifestation of 1440B07 the Alice-in-Wonderland logic of industrial licensing than this. ^It 1450B07 would take long to_ discuss this particular distortion. ^Here I would 1460B07 content myself with pointing out that the absurdity of the situation 1470B07 should not escape the notice of the Prime Minister, who has been saying 1480B07 that the Government should rid the economy of unnecessary controls. 1490B07 $^Finally, there are reports that a situation is being deliberately created 1500B07 for the virtual take-over by the Government of the operations of 1510B07 one of the automobile firms in the country. ^If these reports are true 1520B07 they will confirm the suspicions always entertained by the business community 1530B07 about the motives behind the \0LIC and other public financial 1540B07 or investment institutions having been steadily acquiring **[sic**] 1541B07 the shares of 1550B07 established companies, even where the yields are four per cent or less. 1560B07 ^These investment policies and practices have in fact been greatly responsible 1570B07 for the non-functioning of a real capital market as well as the 1580B07 reluctance of entrepreneurs to_ borrow from term-lending institutions 1590B07 for expansion schemes or new projects. ^The insistence of the \0LIC 1600B07 and other similar institutions on provisions for the convertibility of 1610B07 their loans into equity has now acquired a sinister meaning as a means 1620B07 of back-door nationalisation of companies in the private sector which 1630B07 would mean another violation of the spirit of the industrial policy statement 1640B07 since that_ document does not provide for the State take-over 1650B07 of private undertaking by means, overt or covert. ^At this, a crisis of 1660B07 confidence in Government-business relations cannot be far off. $**<*3My 1670B07 rural bias**> $*3^WANTING*0 to_ contribute my mite to the growth 1680B07 of India, I planned to_ set up an industry, away from pollution, exploitation 1690B07 and urban chaos, and where it was really needed-- in the village. 1700B07 ^That_ I thought was the real India. $"^Where would you like to_ establish 1710B07 your works?" the helpful official at Udyog Bhavan asked me. 1720B07 $^Pinched just that_ morning by the further 11 paise-a-litre hike in petrol 1730B07 prices, I almost said, "in my backyard". ^But then I thought of 1740B07 the nation*'s interest and said boldly, pride on my face, "atleast 267 miles-- 1750B07 333 \0kms-- from the nearest railway station, preferably in Bihar." 1760B07 ^Suitably impressed, this new well-wisher of rural India promised 1770B07 me all help. $"^What item would you be making?", he asked, courtesy oozing 1780B07 out of his benevolent bureaucratic face as he summoned his stenographer 1790B07 to_ approve a blank cheque for me. ^He mildly suggested that I 1791B07 call 1800B07 a Press conference without loss of time. ^For, he said, the world must 1810B07 know that we have such people here.*# **[no. of words = 02012**] **[txt. b08**] 0010B08 **<*3Snakes and Ladders*0**> $^THE Finance Minister is reportedly 0020B08 on the defensive to the point of being aggressively apologetic. ^Currently 0030B08 his argument seems to_ be that those who criticise his tax proposals 0040B08 should tell him what else he could have done to_ raise the additional 0050B08 revenue of the order of \0Rs 500 *4crore, which he believes he needs. 0060B08 ^Although he is new to the office of Finance Minister, \0Mr Patel 0070B08 had earlier spent years in the Finance Ministry and should, 0071B08 therefore, 0080B08 know all the tricks of the debate. ^To_ argue with him without questioning 0090B08 quite a few of the basic assumptions of this budget would be impossible 0100B08 and to_ question them at this stage would be pointless if our immediate 0110B08 purpose is, as it should be, to_ secure some tempering of the 0120B08 wind to the shorn lamb. $^Last June, \0Mr Patel increased the rate of 0130B08 surcharge on income-tax in the case of all categories of tax-payers, 0140B08 except companies, from 10 per cent to 15 per cent. ^By doing so, he raised 0150B08 the marginal rate of personal income-tax from 66 per cent to 69 per 0160B08 cent. ^For months now \0Mr Patel has been bemoaning the stagnation of 0170B08 investment. ^He should now be prepared to_ allow that his reversal of 0180B08 the trend towards lowering the excessive taxation of personal incomes 0190B08 has not exactly helped the investment climate in the current financial year. 0200B08 ^It should also be possible for him to_ concede that it should not 0210B08 be impossible for a government, really keen on promoting small or medium-scale 0220B08 entrepreneurship, to_ realise that the growth of the smaller firms 0230B08 is markedly responsive to reductions in the taxation of individual incomes. 0240B08 $^The present budget has gone a step further in the wrong direction 0250B08 by raising the rates of compulsory deposits in the case of income-tax 0260B08 payers so that additional deposits of as much as \0Rs 25 *4crore could 0270B08 be secured from the same categories of assessees who were so severely 0280B08 hit by the surcharge levied by the last budget. ^If only because this 0290B08 measure of forced savings makes nonsense of the Finance Minister*'s 0300B08 effort to_ stimulate certain forms of approved savings or investments 0310B08 by means of the few incentives he has now offered, \0Mr Patel will be 0320B08 well-advised to_ think again. '^Snakes and Ladders' is essentially a 0330B08 game for people in one or the other of the two stages of childhood. $*<*3Minimal 0340B08 Measures*> $^The policy of surcharge on income-tax and the 0350B08 withdrawal of the proposed increase in the rates of compulsory deposits 0360B08 in the case of income-tax payers are two of the minimal measures 0370B08 needed for bringing about any improvement in the voluntary savings situation 0380B08 or the investment climate. ^The third is the removal of the surtax 0390B08 on companies. ^The total incidence of corporate taxation is now of the 0400B08 order of over 62 per cent and at least some modest relief is necessary 0410B08 in this case if the corporate sector is to_ improve its retained earnings 0420B08 or practise a reasonable dividend policy which would revive investors*' 0430B08 interest in equities. ^The government has repeatedly expressed the 0440B08 view that company managements should depend more and more on the generation 0450B08 of internal resources. ^But it is impractical to_ expect them to_ reduce 0460B08 their dependence on the banking system for working capital or on the 0470B08 financial institutions for their investment needs if corporate taxation 0480B08 continues to_ appropriate a major part of corporate receipts for the 0490B08 public fisc. $^The three measures of relief suggested here would mean 0500B08 that the Finance Minister will have to_ scale down his expectation of 0510B08 revenue from additional tax measures by about \0Rs 150 *4crore. ^This surely 0520B08 is not too high a price to_ pay for bringing about a change in the 0530B08 direction of the economy towards increases in the voluntary savings and 0540B08 the investment climate. $^The Finance Minister*'s proposal for disallowing 0550B08 in computations of taxable profits a part of the expenditure incurred 0560B08 by companies on advertisement, publicity and sales promotion, has 0570B08 raised a storm of protest. ^The fact that the loudest protesters represent 0580B08 interests whose jobs or earnings are directly hit should not cloud 0590B08 our recognition of the negative or harmful aspects of the move made by 0600B08 the Finance Minister. ^While it may be allowed as a general proposition 0610B08 that some part of the expenditure incurred on advertisement, publicity 0620B08 and sales promotion tends to_ be extravagant or socially wasteful, there 0630B08 are no means of determining how large this part is in the case of 0640B08 individual industries. ^This exercise becomes even more speculative when 0650B08 the advertisement publicity and sales promotion budgets of individual 0660B08 firms are to_ be looked into. 0670B08 $*<*3Major Anomalies*> $^The rule of thumb which the Finance Minister 0680B08 must necessarily adopt can therefore result in grossly unfair and 0690B08 improper distribution of the impact of the proposed scheme of disallowance. 0700B08 ^Already certain major anomalies have been identified. ^For instance, 0710B08 sales promotion needs are clearly more demanding in the case of 0720B08 manufactures production of mass consumption goods for a highly competitive 0730B08 market than in the case of firms manufacturing or marketing, say, 0740B08 capital goods or other speciality products for easily identifiable and narrow 0750B08 markets. ^Again, when a firm seeks to_ establish a new brand image 0760B08 for one or more of its products or is embarking on the merchandising 0770B08 of a new product resulting from its \0R and \0D efforts or policies of 0780B08 diversifying its production, it will naturally have to_ spend additional 0790B08 sums on advertisement and publicity. ^There are again industries such 0800B08 as pharmaceuticals which have to_ depend on relatively expensive means 0810B08 of field publicity or personalised sales promotion for bringing their 0820B08 products to the educated attention of the related professions or the knowledge 0830B08 of the general public. $^When the Finance Minister speaks of 0840B08 "socially wasteful" expenditure on advertisement, he should ask himself 0850B08 whether he is sure that his proposal to_ curb advertisement expenditure 0860B08 may not lead, in reality, to discouragement of some socially valuable expenditure 0870B08 as well. ^For instance, the Indian language newspapers and periodicals 0880B08 and small and medium newspapers and periodicals as a class will 0890B08 have to_ bear the brunt of the Finance Minister*'s assault on corporate 0900B08 expenditure on advertisement, publicity and sales promotion. ^Since 0910B08 his colleague, the Minister for Information and Broadcasting and, through 0920B08 him, the Government of India, seem to_ have taken a certain view 0930B08 of the social worth of these sections of the Press, the Finance 0940B08 Minister may perhaps ask himself whether his fiscal proposals with regard 0950B08 to corporate expenditure on advertisement, publicity and sales promotion 0960B08 are consistent with that_ view. $*<*3Good Alternatives*> $^The Finance 0970B08 Minister expects that the proposed curb on corporate expenditure 0980B08 will yield \0Rs 31 *4crore in a full year and about \0Rs 25 *4crore 0990B08 in 1978-79. ^It would be unrealistic therefore to_ expect him to_ give 0991B08 up 1000B08 his proposal completely and, in the hope that he would allow that some 1010B08 bargaining is possible and should be seriously considered, I would recommend 1020B08 that there should at least be no disallowance of expenditure on advertisement, 1030B08 publicity and sales promotion up to and inclusive of one 1040B08 quarter per cent of the turnover or gross receipts of the business or 1050B08 profession and that, where such aggregate expenditure exceeds one quarter 1060B08 per cent, the disallowance should be made at a uniform rate of 10 per 1070B08 cent of the amount in excess. ^Under the Finance Minister*'s scheme, 1080B08 the provision regarding disallowance will not apply in cases where the 1090B08 aggregate expenditure on advertisement, publicity and sales promotion does 1100B08 not exceed \0Rs 20,000 in a year. ^This exemption limit may be liberalised 1110B08 to "\0Rs 25,000 or one quarter per cent of the turnover or gross 1120B08 receipts, whichever is higher." ^The Finance Minister*'s proposals for 1130B08 raising the rates of disallowance as the aggregate expenditure on advertisement, 1140B08 publicity and sales promotion increases as a percentage of 1150B08 the turnover or gross receipts (10 per cent if the aggregate expenditure 1160B08 does not exceed 1/4th per cent of the turnover or gross receipts, 12-1/2 1170B08 per cent where it exceeds 1/4th per cent but does not exceed 1/2 per 1180B08 cent and 15 per cent where it exceeds 1/2 per cent) should be given up 1190B08 in favour of a less harsh scheme on the lines suggested here. $^The proposed 1200B08 levy of a duty of two *4paise per kilowatt-hour on electricity generated 1210B08 has provoked opposition from State governments, notably those 1220B08 of Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. ^This resistance cannot be without considerable 1230B08 political influence on the thinking of the Finance Minister. 1240B08 ^Apart from the issue of the Centre encroaching upon the revenue sources 1250B08 of the States, there is also the question of the appropriateness 1260B08 of a tax on electricity at a time when, in several large areas of the 1270B08 country, the availability of power for industrial or other consumers 1280B08 is far from satisfactory. ^Power shedding and breakdowns are in any case 1290B08 adding to the real cost of electricity and there is therefore a singular 1300B08 lack of grace in the Finance Minister burdening consumers with an 1310B08 additional imposition. $^There has been steadily growing disapproval of 1320B08 the two major excise duty proposals. ^As the implications of the raising 1330B08 of the Central excise tariff on "all articles not elsewhere specified" 1340B08 from the level of two per cent *8ad valorem*9 to five per cent *8ad 1350B08 valorem*9 and the proposed special duty of 1/20th of the basic excise 1360B08 duties presently collected on each item in the Central excise tariff 1370B08 are beginning to_ sink, a not so quiet resentment is building up against 1380B08 a fiscal policy which would raise manufacturing costs and consumer prices 1390B08 for a very wide range of goods at a time when industry is finding it 1400B08 difficult to_ sell and consumers are finding it even more difficult to_ 1410B08 buy for the reason that prices have been steadily increasing over a period 1420B08 and are now at forbiddingly high levels. $*<*3Exemptions List*> 1430B08 $^With the Finance Minister licking his chops in anticipation of a combined 1440B08 additional revenue of \0Rs 314 *4crore from these two measures, 1450B08 there is no point in appealing to him for anything more than small mercies. 1460B08 ^It may therefore be suggested to \0Mr Patel that he should at least 1470B08 enlarge his niggardly list of exemptions. ^The less affluent sections 1480B08 of the community are surely entitled to_ expect that articles of mass 1490B08 consumption such as cotton and other textiles, *4vanaspati, sugar, 1500B08 paper, drugs and medicines without exceptions and basic house building materials 1510B08 are exempted from the new Central excise burdens. $^To_ sum up, 1520B08 it is reasonable that the Finance Minister should be willing to_ make 1530B08 changes on the above lines so that further injury to savings or investment 1540B08 is avoided, some improvement effected in the climate for industrial 1550B08 production and expansion and the long suffering public spared another 1560B08 round of assaults on family budgets. ^Quite possibly, by refraining from 1570B08 restricting still more the growth of the tax base, the Finance Minister 1580B08 may also be making it easier for the Government*'s fiscal management 1590B08 of the economy to_ escape from its procrustean bid some time or the 1600B08 other. 1610B08 $**<*3Briefly**> $*3^SERIOUS*0 concern is warranted over the report 1620B08 that foreigners have been buying much of the jewellery and gems of great 1630B08 antiquity and value being auctioned by the former *4Nizam of Hyderabad. 1640B08 ^It is not the money that_ the ex-prince will acquire as a 1641B08 result 1650B08 of the sale that_ is grudged. ^What is galling is that the country will 1660B08 lose for ever some of the most exquisite creations of inspired craftsmen 1670B08 of the period. ^There would have been an uproar in England if the 1680B08 crown jewels were allowed to_ go out of the country for any reason. ^Such 1690B08 historical artefacts are the heritage of the nation rather than the 1700B08 possession of an individual. ^If selling on this scale is allowed, there 1710B08 is no moral ground for taking preventive action against those who smmuggle 1720B08 sculptures in wood and stone, miniature paintings and other works 1730B08 of art that_ are the pride of the nation. $^What is worse, the former 1740B08 *4Nizam*'s example may be followed by other princes and feudal chiefs 1750B08 who also have old jewellery and gems kept as family heirlooms over the 1760B08 ages. ^Things may not stop there.*# **[no. of words = 02005**] **[txt. b09**] 0010B09 **<*3Re-organisation of *4Taluks*0**> $^Sir,- ^The Andhra Pradesh Government 0020B09 proposes to_ increase the number of *4taluks from 208 to 270 0030B09 and to_ reduce the number of *4panchayats from 324 to 270, and to_ make 0040B09 *4taluks and *4samithis co-terminus. ^The proposed increase in the 0041B09 number 0050B09 of *4taluks is a well-thought-out realistic programme because several *4taluks 0060B09 are really unwieldy in size, with increasing work and increasing 0070B09 problems. "^Small is beautiful". ^Small *4taluks conduce to effective administration 0080B09 and adequate attention to all spheres of work. $^The authorities 0090B09 are aware that in the scheduled areas, the *4taluks are generally 0100B09 large-sized and are created without reference to *4taluk re-organisation 0110B09 committee and without much regard to the levels of development of 0120B09 the areas or the composition of the people. ^*Bhadrachalam and Nugur *4taluks 0130B09 of the former East Godavari and the present Khammam district 0140B09 together measure 1,550 \0Sq. miles (950 and 600). ^These two *4taluks can 0150B09 be made into atleast three *4taluks not only for administrative convenience 0160B09 but also for the promotion of developmental activities. $^Similarly, 0170B09 Yellavaram and Chodavaram, the pair of Agency *4taluks in East 0180B09 Godavari may be converted into three taluks. ^Geography shows that Yellavaram 0190B09 and Chodavaram *4taluks together measuring 1,500 square miles, 0200B09 sprawl across the map of East Godavari to about a third of its entire 0210B09 size. $^The Agency Yellavaram *4Taluk now comprises the *4mutta area 0220B09 (just settled) and 129 Government villages. ^The *4muttas occupy about 0230B09 3/5ths of the entire *4taluk, and are just now surveyed and settled. 0240B09 ^Nevertheless, much of the area is a primitive rubble lorded over till 0250B09 recently by *4muttadars, practising a sort of mediaeval feudalism. ^Far 0260B09 removed from the ordinary routes of travel, tucked up in the heart of 0270B09 the mountainous range, known as the Eastern *4Ghats, infested with 0280B09 wild animals like the bear and the tiger, and peopled with generally famished, 0290B09 sickly pot-bellied indigenous natives, husbanding on rocky, slopy, 0300B09 infertile soil and without any kind of amenities, these erstwhile *4mutta 0310B09 areas alone in Yellavaram *4taluk deserve the compassionate name the 0320B09 Scheduled Areas or the tribal areas. ^It is there that there is infinite 0330B09 scope for original work and an enormous field for the pioneer. ^Now 0340B09 that the scheduled areas and the scheduled tribes, occupy a warm corner 0350B09 in the heart of our Government, it behoves the Government to_ form 0360B09 the former *4mutta areas into a separate tribal *4taluk with a centrally 0370B09 situated headquarters to_ house the administrative offices. ^These former 0380B09 *4mutta areas may have separate *5Panchayat Samithi*6 headed by a real 0390B09 tribal and not a certificate-made tribal. ^The Government should bestow 0400B09 whole-hearted attention on these areas and develop them and the unfortunate 0410B09 indigenous populations who have been neglected thus far. $^Similarly, 0420B09 the former *4mutta villages in Chodavaram *4taluk should form one 0430B09 tribal *4taluk; even as all the former *4mutta villages in Yellavaram 0440B09 *4taluk should form another tribal *4taluk. ^The 129 Government villages 0450B09 in Yellavaram should form a separate *4taluk taking into their fold 0460B09 the Government villages in Chodavaram *4taluk and some villages of Prathipadu 0470B09 *4taluk, adjoining the present Yellavaram *4taluk. ^This arrangement 0480B09 will enable the Government to_ concentrate on the areas and develop 0490B09 them. 0500B09 $**<*3Promotion of Traditional Art*0**> $^Sir,- ^The measures contemplated 0510B09 by the working group on art and culture (THE HINDU, October 0520B09 28) to_ counter hybrid commercialised mass culture of to-day and to_ promote 0530B09 traditional art forms in tune with the demands of contemporary society 0540B09 have to_ reckon with some insuperables and basic contradictions. 0550B09 $^First, the forces of 'modernisation' have come to_ stay as a historical 0560B09 necessity replacing the old world views of man and his social order 0570B09 and God and His cosmic order. ^An aristocratic principle and its concomitant 0580B09 of hierarchic values informed every mode of thought and action 0590B09 in the medieval and ancient worlds. ^Not that India is to-day a seamless 0600B09 fabric of secularism, socialism and democracy or that all art is a matter 0610B09 of Pavlovian conditioned reflexes. ^Yet the governing modes of 0620B09 thought and the dominant institutions of to-day cannot spur an artistic 0630B09 activity beyond their own frames of reference. $^Secondly, all true artistic 0640B09 spirit is transcendental and universal. ^Yet a hybrid form of art 0650B09 is not necessarily a spurious one to_ be discountenanced. ^Cross-fertilization 0660B09 may produce new and welcome varieties, if modern genetics is 0670B09 anything to_ go by. ^Too much of inbreeding has dangers of its own. $^Thirdly, 0680B09 at least after Frazer and Freud myth and archetype have lost 0690B09 their imaginative appeal to us and have become subjects of academic study 0700B09 in symbology and cultural anthropology whereas they were the very core 0710B09 and breath of traditional artistic expressions. ^Consequently imagination 0720B09 atrophies and a diseased artistic sensibility emerges with a craving 0730B09 for titillations and tawdry stuff which an interreacting art, now 0731B09 become 0740B09 decadent, supplies in rich abundance. ^The situation is irretrievable 0750B09 unless some supreme individual genius supervenes. 0760B09 $**<*3Keep Sugar Cheap'**> $^Sir,- ^This has reference to the editorial 0770B09 (THE HINDU, October 28) on "Keep Sugar Cheap". ^It has not 0780B09 been mentioned how "cheap" it should be kept, whether the present retail 0790B09 price, ranging between \0Rs. 2.30 and \0Rs. 2.40 per kilogram is considered 0800B09 as "reasonably cheap" and hence should be maintained or the prices 0810B09 aimed at by the Government while giving effect to decontrol, \0viz. 0820B09 between \0Rs. 2.75 and \0Rs. 3.00 per \0kilo, should be allowed to_ be 0830B09 achieved. ^The Government, which is having the entire cost data of the 0840B09 industry, has considered it satisfactory if the retail price does not 0850B09 exceed \0Rs. 3 per \0kilo. ^On their own reckoning, which has not been 0860B09 accepted by the industry, the average cost of production per quintal 0870B09 of sugar during 1977-78 season of bumper production has been arrived at 0880B09 about \0Rs. 223 per quintal. ^Adding a sum of \0Rs. 60, which the Government 0890B09 itself has allowed (the tariff value \0Rs. 215, the selling 0900B09 price \0Rs. 275) towards excise duty (\0Rs. 39) and other charges towards 0910B09 transport, insurance, margin for wholesalers, retailers, \0etc., it 0920B09 comes to \0Rs. 283 per quintal or \0Rs. 2.83 per \0kilo to the consumer. 0930B09 ^It is only to_ ensure that the industry realises atleast the said 0940B09 minimum price that all the pleadings are presently made by the industry. 0950B09 $^Contrary to the expectations of everyone concerned, namely the Government, 0960B09 the industry, the many politicians, some State Governments, \0etc., 0970B09 the price of sugar has crashed after the decontrol to such an extent 0980B09 that it is not only "some sugar units" but almost all units 0981B09 that_ have 0990B09 been hit hard and are incurring losses at present, which has been estimated 1000B09 to_ aggregate to about \0Rs. 200 *4crores. ^If the present 1001B09 situation 1010B09 is allowed to_ continue, there will be no option, in spite of the warning 1020B09 held by the Government*'s spokesman, for the "natural evolution" 1030B09 to_ follow, namely the closure of many weaker units spread mainly in the 1040B09 Northern States. $^Perhaps, it is not sufficiently known that when 1050B09 a consumer buys sugar in Tamil Nadu to-day, for every \0kilo, he pays 1060B09 on average \0Rs. 1.18 as cane price, \0Re. 0.40 as Central excise, \0Re. 1070B09 0.21 as State dues and about \0Re. 0.21 as transport, insurance, 1080B09 \0etc. charges, making a total of \0Rs. 2.00, over which the industry has 1090B09 no control. ^The Government has arrived at the conversion cost at an 1100B09 average of \0Re. 0.68 per kilo, making a total of \0Rs. 2.68. ^There 1110B09 is not much the industry can do to_ bring this figure further down. $^The 1120B09 industry indeed would be happy if "stable and reasonable" price are allowed 1130B09 to_ obtain for its product, as proposed by you. ^The question is, 1140B09 when even for many vegetables one has to_ pay about \0Rs. 2.50 per \0kilo, 1150B09 and when for several more essential agricultural products like chillies, 1160B09 oil, tamarind, \0etc. leaving apart such items as coffee seeds, tea, 1170B09 \0etc., one has to_ pay very much higher, a price of \0Rs. 3/- per 1180B09 \0kilo for a manufactured article like sugar should be considered as "unreasonable." 1190B09 ^If any one thinks that by the Government running the sugar 1200B09 mills the consumer could get "sugar cheap", he would be mistaken. $^The 1210B09 suggestion that the Government should reduce the excise duty is most 1220B09 welcome. ^If the industry is not allowed to_ run on healthy lines, millions 1230B09 of cane growers would be the first to_ get hit, followed by the large 1240B09 work force engaged in the industry and ultimately, but surely, the consumer 1250B09 himself. 1260B09 $**<*3New Tamil Script**> $^Sir,- ^The Government of Tamil Nadu 1270B09 has recently announced changes in 15 Tamil letters with immediate effect. 1280B09 ^Is it proper for the Government to_ take quick decision of this 1290B09 nature on the recommendation of Periyar \0E.V.R. Centenary Committee 1300B09 whose propriety for this purpose is open to question? ^To_ modify artificially 1310B09 and officially the scripts of Tamil so as to suit modern appliances 1320B09 is hardly justifiable. ^Thanks to the rapid progress in printing 1330B09 technology, old types of machine will have to_ yield to new ones. ^Is 1340B09 the Government prepared to_ go on revising Tamil letters as and when 1350B09 new machines come into vogue? ^It is also not good augury for the safeguarding 1360B09 of a language if party-run Governments issue orders prescribing 1370B09 roles for the orthography, morphology and syntax of a language. ^To_ 1380B09 think of altering the letters of Indian languages in terms of English 1390B09 alphabet for the sake of printing and typing is nothing but ignorance 1400B09 of the phonetic and phonemic pattern of them. ^*Indian scientists are 1410B09 capable of evolving various types befitting the genius of our native tongues. 1420B09 $^The State Government should withdraw its notification or keep 1430B09 it in abeyance for the present. ^In the meantime if the Government feels 1440B09 the need for reform in Tamil script, it may kindly arrange for the 1450B09 conduct of seminars to_ discuss this problem, 1451B09 inviting Tamil Scholars, 1460B09 linguists, journalists and printers. $**<*3Incidence of Cancer**> $^Sir,- 1470B09 ^This has reference to the expression made in these columns (THE 1480B09 HINDU, \0Oct. 26) by \0Dr. \0R. Subramaniam of his impressions 1490B09 that 'the incidence of cancer in active or quiescent cases of tuberculosis 1500B09 is almost nil or negligible'. ^Numerous cases were reported in the 1510B09 modern medical literature of coexisting tuberculosis and cancer. ^In 1520B09 one paper in an issue of the official publication of the American College 1530B09 of Chest Physicians it is mentioned: "*_^With the discovery of 1540B09 effective anti-tuberculosis drugs, and the resulting survival of more patients 1550B09 to the age when lung cancer is common, an increasing number are 1560B09 found to_ have co-existing pulmonary tuberculosis and carcinoma (cancer)." 1570B09 ^It is also mentioned: "*_^In this series coexisting tuberculosis did 1580B09 not impair, and may have enhanced, the chance for cure of lung cancer, 1590B09 once a diagnosis of the lung cancer had been made." 1600B09 $**<*3Learning Process and English**> $^Sir,- ^The above captioned 1610B09 editorial (THE HINDU \0Oct. 27) has stressed the need for arranging 1620B09 group discussions at periodic intervals among those who have 1621B09 anything 1630B09 to_ do with the examinations so that the required co-ordination is achieved. 1640B09 ^Viewed from any angle this suggestion appears to_ be highly impracticable. 1650B09 ^Instead, the following reforms can be considered for improving 1660B09 the examination system in vogue, or providing a proper idea of the competence 1670B09 of the student to the outside world. $^First, it is invariably 1680B09 the practice of all the Universities to_ enlist the services of teachers 1690B09 outside their jurisdiction and sometimes, with no specialisation in 1700B09 a particular field, for question-paper setting as well as evaluation of 1710B09 answer scripts related to that_ field. ^Only in this context, a 1711B09 peculiar 1720B09 situation of what has been described in your editorial as the paper setter*'s 1730B09 understanding of the syllabus becoming different from that_ of 1740B09 the teachers who impart to the students in the class-rooms, arises. ^The 1750B09 Universities can easily avert this unpleasant situation by enlisting the 1760B09 services of only those teachers from their respective areas or jurisdictions 1770B09 with proven specialisation in a particular field of study for 1780B09 question-paper setting as well as evaluation of answer scripts related 1790B09 to that_ field, so that the understanding of the syllabus in a different 1800B09 way than that_ perceived and followed by the teachers in the class-rooms, 1810B09 can never arise. $^Secondly, the question-paper setters can be required 1820B09 to_ give model answers or briefly the points they expect by way of answers 1830B09 from the examinees for the questions set by them.*# **[no. of words = 02012**] **[txt. b10**] 0010B10 ** $*3SIR*0,-- ^In his article "Language 0020B10 Governs Life" (April 25-26) is Sunanda \0K. Datta-Ray expiating 0030B10 his sin for knowing English? ^*I wish he had come out with his contention 0040B10 in a more forthright manner, instead of trotting out those all-too-familiar 0050B10 shibboleths. ^He laments the "all-pervasive way of life" English 0060B10 has brought in its wake. ^Echoing \0Mr Raj Narain, he too asks 0070B10 us "to_ drop the tie and wear the loin cloth for the sake of Indian 0080B10 culture". ^Though this term is used very often, its precise meaning is not 0090B10 yet clear. ^However, if learning English makes us opt for a way of 0100B10 life which is rational, dynamic, and liberal, as opposed to one that_ is 0110B10 obscurantist, moribund and orthodox, we should do so with no regrets. $^Much 0120B10 has been made of the so-called gulf which exists between English-speaking 0130B10 and non-English speaking Indians, and \0Mr Datta-Ray talks 0140B10 about English-educated Indians "living in permanent exile". ^He fails 0150B10 to_ understand that knowledge (or ignorance) of a language creates a gulf 0160B10 when, in a given society, there is otherwise a homogeneity in the thoughts 0170B10 of the people. ^In India what has brought about discord is the 0180B10 differences in the way of thinking. ^Besides, there exists a social gulf 0190B10 between the educated "gentry" and the uneducated "lower class". ^This 0200B10 is a heritage from medieval times, long before English education was introduced. 0210B10 ^If we want to_ bring them together English, with its rich store 0220B10 of modern knowledge and thought, will act as an ally, not as an enemy. 0230B10 $^*I appreciate \0Mr Datta-Ray*'s concern for society*'s lowest common 0240B10 denominator, but nothing significant can be done in this respect till 0250B10 we achieve a state of complete industrialization. ^To_ reach it we 0260B10 would do well not to replace English in a hurry. $^Sir,-- ^*Sunanda Datta-Ray*'s 0270B10 fervent hope that "the language of the future will be a language 0280B10 that_ is comprehensible to all" is at best wishful thinking mixed 0290B10 with a bit of utopian idealism. ^As history will testify, Sanskrit and 0300B10 Persian continued as the official languages of the country for several 0310B10 centuries when the majority of the people did not understand them. $^The 0320B10 continuance of English has not posed any difficulties and there is 0330B10 no reason to_ justify acceptance of Hindi as the common language unless 0340B10 it is sought to_ be imposed on the majority of Indians. ^In the present 0350B10 national context, it is a pious wish to_ expect the emergence of an 0360B10 acceptable common Indian language in the forseeable future. ^There is 0370B10 no reason to substitute Hindi in place of English unless it is meant 0380B10 to_ further the interests of a particular section of the people. 0390B10 $**<*3DUTCH RECORDS*0**> $^Sir,-- ^In "The Way of our Archives" (September 0400B10 1-2), *(0G. N.*) Das has complained about the non-availability 0410B10 of certain records in the National Archives. ^He made a written 0420B10 enquiry whether material on cyclones on the east coast of India was available 0430B10 in the Archives for research. ^He had earlier seen in Holland 0440B10 some relevant records of the Dutch East India Company. $^He was informed 0450B10 by the National Archives that it had acquired 449 microfilm rolls 0460B10 of records of the Dutch East India Company and that it was not 0470B10 possible to_ identify the documents required by him as the records were 0480B10 in Dutch. ^He was requested to_ visit the Archives and select the records 0490B10 needed by him. ^An application form and a copy of the historical 0491B10 research rules were forwarded to him. 0500B10 $^Sir,-- ^*India is a vast country with people speaking different languages 0501B10 and following different 0510B10 customs. ^The country cannot be compared with Japan, China or 0520B10 Israel. ^When the question of national integration arises, the role of 0530B10 English is no less significant than that_ of Hindi. ^It may not be 0540B10 an oversimplification **[sic**] to_ say that English has become very 0541B10 much a language 0550B10 of the country. ^We have inherited from the British the Parliamentary 0560B10 system of government; we have also imported technological know-how 0570B10 from them. ^So there is no harm if we derive some benefit by continuing 0580B10 to_ use English. $^Sir,-- ^If a "Quebec" is to_ be avoided in India, 0590B10 the only sensible course is to_ accept both Hindi and English as link 0600B10 languages. ^We should also learn a lesson from Sri Lanka. ^Unfortunately 0610B10 our politicians are too busy using Hindi to_ capture centres of power 0620B10 to_ think of national interests. ^How else would you explain the latest 0630B10 decision of Bihar to_ ban English in schools? 0640B10 $** $^Sir,-- ^In the leading article "Ills and 0650B10 Pills" (April 29-30) you have rightly echoed the anxious voices of 0660B10 many in this country and abroad against useless medication and over-medication. 0670B10 ^*Britain*'s problem, as mentioned by \0Mr Ennals, is endogenous, 0680B10 but if that_ problem threatens to_ engulf us, it has to_ be exogenous. 0690B10 $^It is true that many of those who visit a doctor need only advice, 0700B10 not a prescription for medication. ^But the main problem is that modern 0710B10 society is fast becoming crazy for medicines and the doctor is forced to_ 0720B10 prescribe broad spectrum antibiotics even for minor ailments such as 0730B10 cold, fever and gastro-intestinal upsets just to_ avoid an unpleasant relationship 0740B10 with patients. $^Besides, people are getting used to self-medication. 0750B10 ^The main reason for this is the publicity about many drugs and 0760B10 the direct mailing service by some manufacturers. ^This tendency among 0770B10 people may encourage consumption of many drugs with unknown and partially 0780B10 known pharmacological action which may pose a threat to their health. 0790B10 ^The Government should begin talks with the Indian Medical Association 0800B10 as to how excessive drugging could be avoided and a campaign started 0810B10 without delay with the slogan "Down with Drugs". 0820B10 $** $^Sir,-- *7^Apropos of the leading article 0830B10 "A humiliating defeat" (March 30-31) the Indian hockey team*'s performance 0840B10 in Buenos Aires has been more than humiliating because India has 0850B10 been declassified in the world hockey championship. ^You have suggested 0860B10 that a return to the classical pattern of play may help us retain our 0870B10 reputation in Moscow in 1980. ^*I do not agree. $^The standard of play 0880B10 has improved in all countries and one can no longer be certain of an 0890B10 Indian victory. ^*Pakistan has been playing a consistently excellent game. 0900B10 ^In Buenos Aires not a single goal could be scored against them and 0910B10 they emerged as the world champions. ^Against fast play by sides like 0920B10 West Germany, India should try to_ play a slow, long-pass game. ^That_ 0930B10 will stop the fast pace of the opponents. ^*India should adjust their 0940B10 technique to_ cope with the game played by their opponents. 0950B10 $** $^Sir,-- ^*Victor Zorza*'s report "Veiled Attacks 0960B10 on Mao in Chinese Press" (April 27-28) throws up a few intriguing 0970B10 sociological questions. $^If the pragmatists headed by \0Mr Teng 0980B10 Hsiao-ping and the moderates led by \0Mr Hua Kuafeng could present 0990B10 a united front against the radicals immediately after Mao*'s death, have 1000B10 they now fallen foul of each other because the radicals, as a polarizing 1010B10 force, are out of the national scene? $^Secondly, where do the military 1020B10 in China stand by way of socio-economic policies? ^Lastly, if speech 1030B10 in China is as much muzzled as it is made out to_ be, why aren*4t 1040B10 a few Sakharovs and Solzhenitzyns coming to the surface? 1050B10 $** $^Sir,-- ^The Santhal Social Assembly held 1060B10 at Kalkapur near Asansol on April 13 has misinterpreted the name 1070B10 of the Santhal god Marang Buru as "Mountain God". ^*Marang Buru is 1080B10 not a god of the mountain but the herald of heaven, the saviour of 1090B10 human beings and all creatures of the earth, and also the sole protector 1100B10 of the soul of the departed in the other world as well as in the *7inferno. 1110B10 ^Thus Marang Buru is the supreme god of the Kherward or the 1120B10 Santhal community. $^The assembly described Jaher Than as the sacred 1130B10 grove of the mother goddess. ^It is also the sacred grove of Marang Buru 1140B10 and the Morewo (five deities). $^The assembly decided to_ initiate 1150B10 a non-Santhal woman married to a Santhal to the community religion. ^This 1160B10 is welcome, but on condition that the bride should have at least some 1170B10 acquaintance with the Santhal language and culture. ^If a Santhal 1180B10 marries a non-Santhal girl who refuses to_ adopt the Santhali language 1190B10 and culture, the bridegroom should be excommunicated from Santhal society. 1210B10 ** $^Sir,-- ^The Union Industries Minister deserves 1220B10 to_ be complimented for his plainspeaking to industrialists at the 1230B10 annual session of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce 1240B10 and Industry. ^His proposal to_ levy a cess on profits is both fair and 1250B10 reasonable. ^*I would suggest that such a cess, computed at a reasonable 1260B10 rate, should also be paid by affluent industrial and commercial workers. 1270B10 ^The funds could be used by the Government to_ improve rural economy. 1280B10 $^In the 30 years since independence city dwellers have benefitted the 1290B10 most from the Government*'s programmes. ^It is only fair that the Janata 1300B10 Government has now started to_ think of the rural population. $^Sir,-- 1310B10 ^*I would suggest to the Union Industries Minister, who is critical 1320B10 of private industrialists making profits, to_ make use of the profits 1330B10 of monopoly concerns in the public sector, like the Food Corporation, 1340B10 Coal India, Indian Oil, Indian Airlines, \0Etc. to_ build 1350B10 houses for the 100 million homeless in the country. ^Any shortage of funds 1360B10 can be made up by the private sector. $^Regarding \0Mr Fernandes*'s 1370B10 concern for the "bright young men" held in captivity by big industrial 1380B10 houses, I can assure him that they get more opportunities to_ prove their 1390B10 worth than their counterparts in Government-run monopoly houses where 1400B10 they are shackled by red tape. 1410B10 $** $^Sir,-- ^Hundreds of private institutions 1420B10 are now providing "management" courses for students all over India. ^They 1430B10 have their own prospectuses to_ be obtained by paying not less than 1440B10 \0Rs 5. ^Registration, tuition, examination and other fees amount to \0Rs 1450B10 1,000. ^None of them is recognized by the Ministry of Education. 1460B10 ^But by telling that their case is under the "active consideration" of 1470B10 the Ministry they have been able to_ attract students. $^The Ministry 1480B10 of Education does not recognize any management course done by correspondence 1490B10 and conducted by an organization not instituted by an Act of 1500B10 Parliament and so those who go through such courses do not benefit. ^The 1510B10 Government should ban courses run by unrecognized institutions and ask 1520B10 universities to_ start business administration and business management 1530B10 courses. 1540B10 $** $^Sir,-- ^*I have the greatest respect for 1550B10 \0Mr Jagjivan Ram and so should every right-thinking member of society. 1560B10 ^He rose to his present position through sheer hard work and brilliance, 1570B10 and at a time when untouchability was rigorously observed. ^Let every 1580B10 man of his caste aspire to_ be like him. $\0^*Mr Jagjivan Ram needed 1590B10 neither Government support nor did he care for prejudices. ^With him 1600B10 in the Cabinet introduction of a new cult of the obsolete *4Brahminism 1610B10 would be a shame. ^All poor men are equal in a democracy. ^Why should 1620B10 we follow the "divide and rule" policy of a nation of shopkeepers who 1630B10 bought and sold our country? 1640B10 $** $^Sir,-- ^*I took a long and close look at the 1650B10 weekend Crossword No. 1,626 (April 23) and put in a word or two 1651B10 which 1660B10 locked without really understanding why and then it suddenly dawned on 1670B10 me that the compiler had altered one letter in the key word of each clue 1680B10 after which the whole thing worked out successfully. $^Whether this artful 1690B10 dodge was ethical might be debated, but it certainly added to the enjoyment 1700B10 of the morning. $**<*3parliament \0& people**> $^Sir,-- ^The 1710B10 present confusion in the Janata Government at the Centre reflects lack 1720B10 of stability in the administration. ^This may portend rise of an unknown 1730B10 authoritarian force which may be disastrous for the country. ^It is 1740B10 now clear that the *5Lok Sabha*6 elected in 1977 no longer reflects 1750B10 the mood of the electorate. ^Does not the Prime Minister, therefore, 1760B10 owe it to the country to_ recommend to the President to_ dissolve the 1770B10 *5Lok Sabha*6 and hold national elections?*# **[no. of words = 01987**] **[txt. b11**] 0010B11 **<*3Cultural Revolution**> $^Sir,-- ^This refers to \0Mr. Girilal 0020B11 Jain*'s recent article "Cultural Revolution in India." ^He has tried 0030B11 to_ bring out more of similarities than dissimilarities between the much 0040B11 publicised Chinese cultural revolution and what is supposed to_ be 0050B11 its Indian counterpart. \0^*Mr. Jain proceeds first with 0051B11 so-called 0060B11 superficial dissimilarities between the Chinese and Indian situations 0070B11 and dismisses them as of no consequence. ^For instance, unlike Mao, \0Mrs. 0080B11 Gandhi in her heyday was supposed to_ have made no efforts to_ ensure 0090B11 the triumph of man over machine to_ abolish the distinction between 0100B11 manual and mental work and *3to_ destroy the old culture and its value 0110B11 system. ^And yet \0Mr. Jain calls them as "essentially superficial 0120B11 differences." ^*I am afraid, in doing so, Jain has missed the whole point. 0130B11 ^His analysis implies that the basic aim of a cultural revolution 0140B11 is not cultural at all. $\0^*Mr. Jain is less than fair to Mao when he 0150B11 says that the basic aims of the Chinese cultural revolution were to_ 0160B11 "undermine the position of the party and state bureaucracy, weaken the 0170B11 hold of the mandarin tradition (sic) because it was supposed to_ be *3status 0180B11 quo-oriented, disrupt education by letting loose the worst elements 0190B11 among the students on teachers, lowering standards by placing undue 0200B11 emphasis on manual work in factories and farms (and) giving preference in 0210B11 respect of admissions to colleges and universities to_ the sons and daughters 0220B11 of poorest peasants and workers often in utter disregard of their 0230B11 poor performance in schools." ^If one chooses to_ ignore the revolutionary 0240B11 aspect of the revolution, as \0Mr. Jain does, one will eventually 0250B11 end up with such an analysis. ^It is a pity that a shrewd analyst like 0260B11 him confuses the *3manifestations of the cultural revolution with 0270B11 its basic objectives. $^One cannot destroy the old culture and its value 0280B11 system without constantly questioning the ideological purity of the party 0290B11 and state bureaucrats. ^For, however laudable the party was in its 0300B11 revolutionary heyday, once it comes to power and gets exposed to internal 0310B11 socio-economic problems and international politics, it tends to_ lose 0320B11 its grip over revolutionary ideology and slide back into the pre-revolutionary 0330B11 ideological and cultural quagmire. ^Also, the bureaucracies of the 0340B11 ruling party and the state develop vested interests, and in order to_ 0350B11 perpetuate themselves in power and serve their interests, they cease to- 0360B11 be revolutionaries. ^As a matter of fact they tend to_ become a *3class 0370B11 by themselves-- a class which virtually owns the means of production. 0380B11 ^This bureaucratic-technocratic class has almost the same socio-cultural 0390B11 moorings as the former bourgeoisie which it was supposed to_ have expropriated. 0400B11 ^A revolutionary society has to_ ward off the danger from this 0410B11 state bourgeoisie. $^Hence the necessity of a cultural revolution and 0420B11 the exhortations of Mao to_ question, criticise and defy the party 0430B11 and state authorities. ^This had understandably resulted in chaos, factional 0440B11 squabbles and violence. ^It was bound to_. ^And perhaps it is the price 0450B11 a communist society has to_ pay to_ create a new man and establish 0460B11 a new culture. ^A cultural revolution in its basics is a readjustment mechanism. 0470B11 ^True, it can be misused, as it has been to some extent in China. 0480B11 ^It had become a powerful tool in the hands of the Maoists to_ discredit 0490B11 dedicated workers and leaders. ^Again this is understandable. ^However, 0500B11 this should not minimise the significance of the cultural revolution-- 0510B11 a concept which was originally propounded by Lenin. $^Undermining 0520B11 of the so-called autonomy and norms of the civil servants in post-independence 0530B11 India, demoralising them (sic) with inquiry commissions and 0540B11 arresting a couple of them at the top level and lowerng the standards of 0550B11 education are, according to \0Mr. Jain, Indian "achievements" comparable 0560B11 to those of the cultural revolution of China. ^If one were to_ 0570B11 search for such 'revolutionary achievements' one can find them in abundance 0580B11 in any society. ^This leads us nowhere. ^Instead, \0Mr. Jain could 0590B11 have compared and contrasted *(0J. P.*)*'s 'Total Revolution' with 0600B11 the Chinese cultural revolution to_ have a better insight into the Indian 0610B11 problems. 0620B11 $**<*3*5Panchayati Raj*6**> $^Sir,-- ^In his article "More Powers 0630B11 for *4Panchayats" (September 11/12), \0Mr. *(0A. S.*) Abraham has 0640B11 naively argued against decentralisation even at the district level as recommended 0650B11 by the Asoka Mehta committee. ^The fact that some state governments 0660B11 are opposed to such decentralisation and that most of them had 0670B11 so far treated with unconcealed contempt all *5panchayati raj*6 institutions 0680B11 is presented as a valid argument against any extension of democratic 0690B11 functioning beyond or below the state headquarters. $\0^*Mr. Abraham*'s 0700B11 solution is simplistic. ^Let power be shared in certain proportions 0710B11 between the Centre and the states; let the *4panchayat district devil 0720B11 take the hindmost; we should not "give local elites vast powers of patronage 0730B11 and invite misuse of such powers." ^Evidently he prefers the present 0740B11 system of the urban elites at the state and central levels continuing 0750B11 to_ enjoy these vast powers of patronage. $^Surely, after 30 years of 0760B11 political independence based on adult franchise the countryside should 0770B11 be considered ripe enough for a small dose of self-governance. $^The 0780B11 Asoka Mehta committee deserves credit for its bold gesture in recommending 0790B11 decentralising at the district level so that polarisation of political 0800B11 parties and economic forces can work overtly with the developmental 0810B11 processes. ^The trouble with \0Mr. Abraham and the urban elite is that 0820B11 they have lost faith in the political maturity and personal or collective 0830B11 integrity of our countrymen unless they choose to_ have their residence 0840B11 at the traditional power centres, namely, the metropolitan towns. 0850B11 ^They forget that some of our districts are as populous and widespread, 0860B11 with hoary traditions of good government, as some modern states represented 0870B11 in the \0U.N. 0880B11 $**<*3Ordinances**> $^Sir,-- \0^*Mr. *(0A. S.*) Abraham*'s article, 0890B11 "Government by Ordinance" (October 9/10), raises several pertinent 0900B11 questions. ^Law-making through ordinance seems to_ have become quite common 0910B11 in the states. ^Whenever a *5vidhan sabha*6 meets, most bills it approves 0920B11 are those moved to_ replace the ordinances promulgated during the 0930B11 intervening periods between two sessions. ^Even the bills introduced to_ 0940B11 replace ordinances are rarely subjected to serious scrutiny of members. 0950B11 ^Though the main task of a *5vidhan sabha*6 is to_ legislate it hardly 0960B11 gets enough time for it. $^What happened during the last session of the 0970B11 Madhya Pradesh *5Vidhan Sabha*6 is a classic example of the failure 0980B11 of the legislature to_ perform its main task of law-making. ^Its last 0990B11 session began on August 28 and ended on September 8. ^In between there 1000B11 were four holidays. ^Thus it had only seven sittings. ^Much of its time 1010B11 was consumed by calling attention and adjournment motions and special 1020B11 debates on matters like the Narmada award. ^Only at the last moment on 1030B11 the last day of the session could the bills be taken up. ^It was decided 1040B11 then to_ sit beyond the normal hours and the sitting was over two hours 1050B11 past midnight. $^It was during these odd hours that the more important 1060B11 bills were approved, including one which made basic changes in the structure 1070B11 of sales tax. ^Thus one of the factors responsible for the frequent 1080B11 promulgation of ordinances is the short period for which the *5vidhan 1090B11 sabha*6 is called. ^In Madhya Pradesh its total sittings do not 1100B11 exceed 50 each year. $^Most leaders of the present government, when they 1110B11 were in the opposition, used to urge the then Congress regime to_ hold 1120B11 longer sessions. ^But they seem to_ have abandoned their old posture. 1130B11 ^To_ avoid or minimise the need for ordinances, state governments should 1140B11 be pressurised to_ hold longer sessions. ^Nobody will subscribe to the 1150B11 view that state governments should be divested of the power to_ legislate 1160B11 through ordinances. ^A government which has to_ take measures to_ control 1170B11 a sudden explosive situation can hardly afford to_ give up such power. 1180B11 ^The next best course is to_ place as many checks as possible with 1190B11 a view to preventing the arbitrary use of this power. 1200B11 $**<*3Procurement Policy**> $^Sir,-- ^The members of the Parliamentary 1210B11 Consultative Committee have expressed their unhappiness over the 1220B11 procurement price of paddy fixed by Agriculture Prices Commission. 1230B11 ^They have suggested considering the views of the paddy growing cultivators 1240B11 in respect of the prices of inputs such as seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, 1250B11 weedicides, labour and electricity before determining the cost 1260B11 of paddy. ^This was the support price which would not hit the small and 1270B11 marginal farmers and landless labourers directly involved in the cultivation 1280B11 of paddy and the interest of the consumers will be safeguarded. 1290B11 $^If the procurement prices of all agricultural commodities are announced 1300B11 before the commencement of the sowing season, farmers will be able 1310B11 to_ plan their crop pattern on the basis of the resources available with 1320B11 them. ^This will also help in controlling the prices of other commodities 1330B11 required for crop cultivation on the one hand and maintaining the balance 1340B11 between the consumers and the producers on the other. $^Our farmers 1350B11 have been most unfortunate. ^They are not organised and have no voice 1360B11 of their own nor a lobby to_ press their grievances. ^Grain dealers control 1370B11 the market and express themselves against a rationalised policy and 1380B11 manipulate grain prices. $^In spite of the high yielding varieties programme, 1390B11 (\0HYVP), nobody will say that the income of farmers has 1400B11 increased. ^It is high time that more representation was given to farmers 1410B11 in the \0APC. 1420B11 $**<*3Battle At Baguio**> $^Sir,-- ^In the compact editorial (October 1430B11 20/21) you put the whole chess controversy in the right perspective. 1440B11 $^Throughout the thirteen weeks of the battle between the chess giants, 1450B11 there were allegations and counter allegations. ^From the press reports 1460B11 of those days it would appear that Korchnoi had a grudge against the 1470B11 champion because of what happened in 1975 in the match between them 1480B11 to_ qualify for challenging the then world champion, Bobby Fischer. ^*Korchnoi*'s 1490B11 real grievance, however, was against the Soviet Union for 1500B11 showing preference to Karpov in that_ match. ^By bringing up this issue 1510B11 in the battle at Baguio and attributing his lack of adequate equipmennt 1520B11 in the earlier phase of the battle to some extraneous issues, the challenger 1530B11 showed lack of sportsmanship. ^Equally bad was the complaint on 1540B11 the side of the champion which resulted in ousting the *4Yogis from 1541B11 Baguio 1550B11 city on the eve of the last game. $^The challenger, after he drew 1560B11 level with the champion in the thirty-first game, had expressed the right 1570B11 sentiment in stating that at that_ stage winning the match was a lottery. 1580B11 ^Having said so, he should have accepted his defeat in the last game 1590B11 more gracefully and should have completed the other formalities of signing 1600B11 the relevant papers and attending the closing ceremony, which Korchnoi 1610B11 left to his chief second, the British grandmaster, Raymond Keene. 1620B11 $^In the game of chess psychological pressures do count; they were 1630B11 used in 1972 at Reykjavik in the fight between Boris Spassky and Bobby 1640B11 Fischer. ^In contrast to what the champion and challenger did at Baguio 1650B11 city, however, Fischer and Spassky are reported to_ have discussed 1660B11 their last game and exchanged views on where Spassky went wrong in 1670B11 the end game. ^*Fischer on his part convinced Spassky that, even if he 1680B11 had not gone wrong, on the alternatives suggested by the then champion the 1690B11 challenger would still have won. ^That_ is the spirit in which the two 1700B11 giants should have played at Baguio. 1710B11 $**<*3Anti-Riot Squads**> $^Sir,-- ^In his letter the other day, the 1720B11 former \0IGP of Maharashtra, \0Mr. *(0E. S.*) Modak, did well 1730B11 to_ stress the importance of maintaining "an extremely mobile, highly 1740B11 trained, specially equipped and highly motivated anti-riot squads", in 1750B11 the states (though the suggestion is not entirely new). ^Such anti-riot 1760B11 squads should not be called out for other duties. ^A notable example is 1770B11 that_ of the Malabar Special Police which has given a good account 1780B11 of itself. ^In the ultimate analysis it is the public which has to_ pay 1790B11 dearly for want of an efficient police force meant specifically to_ curb 1800B11 riots. $\0^*Mr. Modak has, however, overlooked the fact that poor intelligence 1810B11 has also made it difficult to_ check violence on the streets. 1820B11 ^No effort or money should be spared in removing this shortcoming in the 1830B11 police set-up.*# **[no. of words = 02005**] **[txt. b12**] 0010B12 ** $^APPARENTLY \0Mr \0P. Ramachandran, 0020B12 the Union Minister for Energy, does not think that there is any power 0030B12 scarcity in West Bengal; he is reported to_ have said so during a stopover 0040B12 at Calcutta airport on Friday. ^There cannot be anyone in West 0050B12 Bengal who agrees; if the view is shared by others in New Delhi, the 0060B12 quite incredible ignorance on which it is based must be a cause for grave 0070B12 concern. \0^*Mr Ramachandran said that breakdown of machinery could 0080B12 not be described as "scarcity". ^Of course not; but breakdown can result 0090B12 in scarcity. ^Presumably what was implied was that there was no shortage 0100B12 of generating capacity. ^That_ is an arguable proposition. ^What is 0110B12 beyond question is a crippling shortage of power, a fact of agonizing 0120B12 experience every day and night. \0^*Mr Ramachandran may have wished to_ 0130B12 suggest that the shortage is due entirely to technical breakdowns, that 0140B12 these are temporary, and that so is the resulting shortfall in generation 0150B12 and supply. ^Yet he himself referred to the situation 14 months ago, 0160B12 which he said was no better. ^The shortage has continued, and been periodically 0170B12 aggravated, for years. ^If this is not scarcity, the Minister 0180B12 must have definition unknown to the public. ^The matter is too serious to_ 0190B12 be decided by a quibble. $^There is indeed reason to_ believe that \0Mr 0200B12 Ramachandran*'s unfortunate remark was not entirely a result of semantic 0210B12 confusion. ^At the back of his mind seems to_ have been the notion 0220B12 that there is no inadequacy of generating capacity in West Bengal, 0230B12 and that generation and supply should be able to_ cope with demand with 0240B12 an improvement in operation and maintenance of power plants. ^This, in 0250B12 fact, is said to_ be the view of the Central Electricity Authority. 0260B12 ^That there is scope for considerable improvement would be conceded even 0270B12 by the State Government. ^But there is similar scope all over the country; 0280B12 performance in West Bengal has not been the only, or even the 0290B12 main, factor in bringing down average capacity utilization of the country*'s 0300B12 power plants to 51 per cent and that_ of new plants to 35 per cent. 0310B12 ^If an equation were to_ be established between demand and installed 0320B12 capacity, there would have been no case for increasing total capacity at 0330B12 the rate \0Mr Ramachandran himself has been advocating for months. ^A 0340B12 shortage will remain in West Bengal even if efficiency in operation 0350B12 and maintenance is raised to a level that_ can be reasonably expected. 0360B12 ^It is disturbing that the Centre is showing imperfect appreciation of 0370B12 this central fact, and delaying action on projects desperately needed 0380B12 to_ remove the present shortage. ^The West Bengal Finance Minister, 0390B12 \0Mr Ashok Mitra, indicated on Friday that there had been no progress 0400B12 over the State*'s proposal for the import of gas turbines; much the 0410B12 same was the meaning of \0Mr Ramachandran*'s remark that the State*'s 0420B12 projects were being examined. $** $^THE 0421B12 simple 0430B12 may well express surprise at the claim advanced by the Congress (\0I) 0440B12 general secretary, \0Mr Buta Singh, that though the Janata Party 0450B12 has "technically" won the Karnal by-election, \0Mrs Gandhi*'s is the 0460B12 "moral victory". ^To_ palter in a double sense, as Macbeth said of 0470B12 the witches, has always been the prerogative of politicians. ^Their predictions 0480B12 before an event inevitably takes care of all contingencies while 0490B12 their analyses afterwards invariably attempt to_ justify a modified version 0500B12 of what was said before. ^Politicians, pollsters and prophets have 0510B12 this attribute in common; and the only reason why they are seldom found 0520B12 out is the public yearning for a straw to_ clutch at. ^A miracle is 0530B12 an act that_ inspires faith, never mind how it is achieved, was the purport 0540B12 of the prelate*'s advice in Shaw*'s Saint Joan. ^That_ cynical assessment 0550B12 of what people seek continues still to_ influence our leaders. 0560B12 ^Even such an eminently rational being as Chou En-lai once blithely 0570B12 predicted that the people would benefit whether war gave rise to revolution, 0580B12 or revolution prevented war. $^That_ piece of casuistry deserves to_ 0590B12 rank with the findings of an astrologer who announced that his client*'s 0600B12 health would improve in certain specified years. ^When instead, the 0610B12 man suffered protracted illnesses, the astrologer blandly explained that 0620B12 there could not be scope for improvement unless there had first been occasion 0630B12 for debilitation. ^*European crystal gazers, West Asian soothsayers, 0640B12 Indian palmists and readers of the stars, indeed all those who 0650B12 claim the uncanny knack of being able to_ dispense with the limitations 0660B12 of Time and peer into the great unknown, are equally gifted in the art 0670B12 of speaking in riddles. ^The ordinary man may not comprehend how a technical 0680B12 defeat can be a moral victory; but then the man in the street in 0690B12 England in 1956 did not understand either how Britain was not at war 0700B12 with Egypt, but only in a state of armed hostilities. ^The ancients too 0710B12 were subjected to such sophistry as when the oracle advised the Persian 0720B12 king, Xerxes, that a great army would be lost if he crossed the Hellespont. 0730B12 ^Convinced that this meant the rout of his enemies, Xerxes and 0740B12 his six-million-strong force continued on their way only to_ be utterly 0750B12 defeated at Salamis. ^The oracle had, of course, been proved right, 0760B12 but history does not tell us whether Xerxes*'s court jester claimed to_ 0770B12 have won a moral victory. $** $^THE 0771B12 Consultative 0780B12 Committee of Parliament attached to the Planning Ministry was 0790B12 told by the Prime Minister recently that "detailed guidelines" were on 0800B12 their way to State Governments on block level planning. ^Such planning 0810B12 is central to the strategy of rural development. ^Its logic is derived 0820B12 from the necessity to_ relate development to local endowments and needs, 0830B12 and planning to detailed assessment of local factors and formulations 0840B12 of viable projects which can be implemented without delay or waste. 0850B12 ^Experience has shown that "models" handed down from above have little relation 0860B12 to the conditions on the ground. ^The involvement of the local 0870B12 population in both the planning and execution of projects is essential 0880B12 if there is to_ be a self-sustaining impulse for economic development. 0890B12 ^These truisms have found a place in every plan but the operational problems 0900B12 of genuine "grassroots" planning have proved insuperable so far. ^There 0910B12 have indeed been instances of genuine local planning, but they have 0920B12 depended on the initiative and leadership provided by individuals or 0930B12 groups of exceptional ability and dedication. ^It is not possible to_ count 0940B12 on such leadership in every block. ^It therefore becomes necessary 0950B12 that experts in rural development should evolve a general frame that_ could 0960B12 be adopted at the local level. ^With this frame and a planning machinery 0970B12 at the district level-- which, at the moment is non-existent-- it should 0980B12 be possible to_ draw up block and district level plans which could 0990B12 then be implemented. $^Guidelines have been prepared on the basis of the 1000B12 reports of the Dantwala and Sivaraman Working Groups. ^These experts 1010B12 bodies-- particularly the first-- were acutely aware of the difficulties 1020B12 in formulating and executing these plans and had advocated a step 1030B12 by step approach in extending such planning. ^This is entirely understandable, 1040B12 given the near absence of planning expertise at the block level 1050B12 and the many socioeconomic forces at work in rural India. ^If the aim 1060B12 of block level planning is to_ ensure that the poorest in the countryside 1070B12 get a fair deal, then the block level plans will have to_ be drawn up 1080B12 and implemented taking into account the opposition from entrenched interests 1090B12 to such conscious shifts in incomes and rural power. ^The Planning 1100B12 Commission was earlier inclined to_ rush things through by setting targets 1110B12 like 300 blocks being covered in two years. ^Obviously such a target-shooting 1120B12 approach is wholly inappropriate. \0^*Mr Desai was right in 1130B12 saying that it was far more important that the plans should be drawn with 1140B12 care and attention to detail, even if it meant some delay in launching 1150B12 the programme. ^Tasks like drawing up a resources inventory, collecting 1160B12 adequate data on available manpower and their skills and tying them in 1170B12 with total development are sophisticated planning exercises that_ cannot 1180B12 be done in a hurry. ^The plans themselves will need evaluation at a higher 1190B12 technical level before they can be taken up for implementation. $** $^THURSDAY*'S violent demonstrations 1201B12 against 1210B12 the Shah of Iran in nearly all the cities made his 59th birthday memorable 1220B12 in an unhappy sort of way. ^*Iranian media have spoken of an "untold 1230B12 number of lives" having been lost in clashes between demonstrators 1240B12 and the police. ^Most cities have reported "serious devastations". ^Ranking 1250B12 police officers have begun to_ figure among the casualties and this 1260B12 could hardly fail to_ affect the morale of the martial law enforcers. 1270B12 ^*Ayotollah Khomeini, who has shifted from Baghdad to Paris, has renewed 1280B12 his pledge to_ continue the "war of attrition" against the Shah to 1290B12 the bitter end, intimations of which abound. ^Martial law has lost its 1300B12 quality of deterrence, as is evident from reports of demonstrations 1310B12 on a massive scale even in Teheran. ^The economy is gravely threatened 1320B12 and the administration*'s readiness to_ concede extravagant wage demands 1330B12 to head off strikes has not helped. ^The absence of a political will has 1340B12 never been more conspicuous. ^Judging from the interviews which the Shah 1350B12 has been giving to the western media, it is a reasonable assumption 1360B12 that he does not quite know what to_ do. ^The fact that religious leaders 1370B12 and radical politicians have made common cause is something for which 1380B12 he was wholly unprepared. ^So far there has been no sign of the army turning 1390B12 against him. ^Professional officers, pampered and cosseted, have 1400B12 much to_ lose if the Shah and the existing system buckle under. ^But the 1410B12 Shah himself has on occasion expressed vague apprehensions about the 1420B12 conscript rank and file. $^One of the failings of the Iranian command 1430B12 structure is the lack of any provision to_ motivate the rank and file. 1440B12 ^Links between officers and the men under their command are brittle and 1450B12 the political and religious leaders have turned the heat on them. ^The 1460B12 wage demands and the crusade against what the *7ayotollahs hold immoral 1470B12 are two edges of the same sword. ^The Shah is on record that he is 1471B12 prepared 1480B12 to_ accept a diminished role for the monarchy, but he is not quite 1490B12 sure how to_ translate this into tangible terms acceptable at the popular 1500B12 level. ^There is much sympathy for him in the west. ^President Carter 1510B12 has commiserated with him and the British Foreign Minister, \0Dr David 1520B12 Owen, has gone so far as to_ say that keeping the Shah of Iran 1530B12 in power to_ safeguard western interests is more important than preventing 1540B12 human rights abuses in Iran. ^But such display of concern, notable 1550B12 chiefly for its lack of political sophistication, is not going to_ moderate 1560B12 popular feelings against the Shah or help him in any way. ^On the 1570B12 contrary it may weaken his position. $** 1571B12 $^IN 1580B12 many countries of the world, though by no means all, capital punishment 1590B12 has by now been abolished, or at least has to_ face a strong humanitarian 1600B12 lobby. ^A curious exception, till recently, has been France. ^There 1610B12 the subject has not even been debated by the National Assembly, or 1620B12 by its predecessor the Chamber of Deputies, since as long ago as 1908. 1630B12 ^One possible reason is that the guillotine, though looming luridly in 1640B12 fiction, was less often employed in real life, except for particularly 1650B12 brutal or multiple murders, such as those of Landru. ^Its inventor considered 1660B12 it a particularly humane method of execution (the story that he 1670B12 was later executed by it during the French Revolution is a historical 1680B12 myth); indeed what was till recently the alternative, life imprisonment 1690B12 on "Devil*'s Island" in Cayenne, was not always considered preferable. 1700B12 $^Lately, however, in France as elsewhere, the debate has been reopened, 1710B12 though so far unsuccessfully. ^The reason is not lack of support for 1720B12 abolition, which is believed to_ be extensive. ^But this nobody really 1730B12 knows, since the Ministry, which controls the agenda of the Assembly, 1740B12 has persistently refused to_ allow the matter to_ be discussed at all.*# **[no. of words = 02006**] **[txt. b13**] 0010B13 ** $^There is, has been and always will be 0020B13 a great deal to_ say for animals, their naturalness, their admirable instincts 0030B13 and general disregard of the wastes of please and thank you. ^When 0040B13 they demand affection, they demand it without much fuss or fretting, 0050B13 as the cat does in its curly selfish cuddling way. ^When they give of 0060B13 their affection, they give of it without expecting encomiums, as dogs do, 0070B13 faithful to the end and ready to_ follow one wherever one goes. ^But 0080B13 there is also another aspect about animals which needs to_ be praised, duly. 0090B13 ^This is in their contentment with their own world: they do not talk 0100B13 too much. ^All animals, all brutes, show, when compared with humans, 0110B13 a real and genuine wisdom in this kind of quiet, non-committal living. 0120B13 ^Without anxiety, without worry, and without any attempt at foresight, they 0130B13 enjoy placidly the present moment while it is here as well the next, 0140B13 when it comes, without thoughts about where the next morsel is to_ come 0150B13 from, without regard for what tomorrow might bring. ^But while this has 0160B13 been said of animals generally, the goat has not come in for praise invariably. 0170B13 ^There was Toynbee the historian, for instance. ^He is reported 0180B13 to_ have expressed the view that if it were not for the goat*'s thoroughness 0190B13 in denuding all the bushes and trees where it can reach the leaves, 0200B13 there might not have been as much desert land as there is in the world 0210B13 today. ^Another unconfirmed report that_ has been current for a long 0220B13 time, though without being verified, says that out of every 24 hours, the 0230B13 goat spends two in hell. $^Why and how such a report spread, it is difficult 0240B13 to_ say. ^The world seems to_ keep alive only on rumour and gossip-- 0250B13 not very unjustifiably, though, what spice would there be in life 0251B13 without 0260B13 gossip? ^Is not half-truth much more interesting than the whole truth? 0270B13 ^How banal the faces of the women that Rabindranath Tagore painted 0280B13 would become if they did not remain half in shadow! ^What mystery would 0290B13 the mountains have without the accompanying ravines and dark valleys? 0300B13 ^What subtle secrecy would the desert possess without its moving sand ripples, 0310B13 without its singing sand-dunes? ^So, even if there be but half truth 0320B13 in the report that the goat spends two whole hours every day of its 0330B13 life in hell, there is much to_ tickle the inquiring, probing, prying 0340B13 mind. ^For, there may be but half truth, not non-truth. ^Consider, the Arcadian 0350B13 god, Pan, who loved the nymph Syrinx and who, pursuing her into 0360B13 a growth of reeds, discovered the first reed pipe to_ produce intense 0370B13 and passion-rousing music. ^*Pan had the horns, legs and ears of a goat; 0380B13 perhaps every goat goes every day to_ pay him homage? ^But does he 0390B13 live in hell? $^And have not deserts played their part in humanising the 0400B13 earth? ^And have they not contributed to an enlargement of the humanities? 0410B13 ^Think of the mystic poets and *7dervishes and *7sufis who came 0411B13 out of 0420B13 the flaming desert, and brought their message of image and metaphor that_ 0430B13 has remained alive and relevant even when they were themselves humiliated 0440B13 or killed for heresy. ^The desert, clean and dry and star-silent 0450B13 of nights, seems to_ capture and hold the mind of man as he sits alone, 0460B13 forced into communication with himself-- himself, suddenly released of 0470B13 all that_ held him in the day with its noise and petty demands. ^Released, 0480B13 he must perforce seek in some kind of bewilderment his own company, 0490B13 and realise with astonishment that he is a stranger to himself. ^Perhaps 0500B13 an interesting stranger. ^And all this in the desert, which Toynbee 0510B13 is reported to_ have said that_ the goat is responsible for. ^But things 0520B13 are beautiful if one loves them-- goats, and rock, and sand, and singing 0530B13 dunes. ^At least one poet compared a goat to_ a genius, and who will question 0540B13 poets? "^*G", said this poet, "stands for goat and also/ For 0541B13 genius. 0550B13 ^If you are one/ Learn from the other, for he/ Combines domestication, 0560B13 Venery, and Independence." ^This could have been a paean for the lusty, 0570B13 grape-giggling, pipe-playing Pan himself-- and why not? ^Why should 0580B13 not all goats aspire to the condition of Pan? $** 0590B13 $^It is a great pity that the environmental crisis in India 0600B13 should be viewed merely in terms of Western problems of industrial pollution, 0610B13 losing sight of more fundamental issues such as soil erosion 0620B13 and flooding, waterlogging and salinity, which are directly relevant to 0630B13 a poor country*'s need to_ grow more food. ^Witness the highly-charged public 0640B13 debate recently sparked off by the quality of water that_ sophisticated 0650B13 south Delhi-ites get in their taps. ^Or the air pollution caused 0660B13 by the fly-ash fall out of Delhi*'s Indraprastha thermal power station. 0670B13 ^Or the possible hazard that_ the Mathura petroleum refinery may pose 0680B13 to the pearly whiteness of the exquisite Taj Mahal. ^These are valid 0690B13 concerns no doubt, but only on the fringe of the envitonmental problem. 0700B13 ^And even in the field of agriculture the discussion is largely on 0710B13 the polluting effect of misused chemicals. ^The greater pity is that the 0720B13 National Committee for Environmental Co-ordination and Planning has 0730B13 done precious little to_ educate the public mind on Indian environmental 0740B13 priorities. $^Consider the tiny village called Jharoda in rural Delhi 0750B13 which has been in the news for some time. ^It is over a week since 0760B13 the village was inundated by a backflow of the Yamuna but despite its 0770B13 proximity to Delhi with all the Capital*'s resources, the three feet of 0780B13 water around the village will take at least a fortnight to_ drain out. 0790B13 ^The soil thereafter will take some months to_ recover from the waterlogging 0800B13 and the salinity. ^This is but one little village, noticed merely 0810B13 because it is less than two kilometres away from urban Delhi. ^Magnifying 0820B13 one village hundreds and hundreds of times gives some idea of the 0830B13 immense problem in the vast flood-affected areas of Bihar, for instance, 0840B13 or Uttar Pradesh. ^A flood most dramatically focuses the need for man-made 0850B13 or natural drainage systems to_ drain excessive water away from 0860B13 the land. ^But every wise farmer knows that as important as good irrigation 0870B13 to_ get the water to the land is good drainage to_ get the surplus 0880B13 water and salts out. ^As the population has increased, requiring more and 0890B13 more land to_ grow more food, irrigation has become more intricate and 0900B13 complex. ^Modern irrigation systems have progressed a long way from the 0910B13 primitive "*4dhenkli" in our photograph and Persian wheel, seen only in 0920B13 some pockets of India now, to canals, barrages, dams and tubewells. 0930B13 $^However, many including the eminent environmentalist Erik Eckholm, 0940B13 believe that civilisations which have prospered on their irrigation systems 0950B13 may also have perished through the concurrent problems of waterlogging 0960B13 and salinity that_ massive irrigation brings in its wake. ^This is perhaps 0970B13 what happened to ancient Mesopotamia, now an arid desert. ^And the 0980B13 Indus Basin, the largest continuously irrigated stretch of land on 0990B13 earth, is similarly threatened today. ^At one stage, Pakistan was estimated 1000B13 to_ be losing a good hectare of agricultural land every 20 minutes, 1010B13 even as it gained a new claimant on the land, by a birth every 24 seconds! 1020B13 ^It is not quite as bad on the Indian side of the subcontinent, 1030B13 maybe, but even here a seventh of the total irrigated area is said to_ 1040B13 have been badly damaged by waterlogging and salinity. ^Tubewells have helped 1050B13 draw the water table down in some areas but the problem remains acute 1060B13 in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, parts of the Punjab, 1070B13 \0U.P. and Orissa. $^Along with the salt comes the silt, filling up 1080B13 vital reservoirs and raising river beds. ^As excessive deforestation in 1090B13 the upper reaches of the Himalayas continues practically unchecked, 1100B13 the protective cover of humus is lost, the land no longer holds the water, 1110B13 eroded slopes cave in causing landslides and blocking roads and rivers. 1120B13 ^Sooner or later there are flash floods leaving behind a trail of devastation. 1130B13 ^This is happening right now in the Bhagirathi valley. ^And 1140B13 it happened even more tragically in the Alakananda valley in the 1970 1150B13 monsoon when silt deposits were so enormous that farm production in the 1160B13 plains of western \0U.P. that_ year was cut by a third. ^But our environmentalists 1170B13 seem content to_ let this happen time and again; the 1180B13 authorities deal with the immediate problems with relief measures and forget 1190B13 about it thereafter. $^Nothing could better illustrate the futility 1200B13 of all our high-sounding environmental plans and professions that_ progressive 1210B13 Jawaharlal Nehru University*'s backtracking on its \0M.Sc. 1220B13 course in environmental science. ^Introduced just two years ago, the course 1230B13 has since been scrapped. ^Its first and only batch of students are 1240B13 graduating this year not in the environmental science for which they had 1250B13 taken admission but in traditional disciplines of geology, physics or 1260B13 biology! $^Our environmentalists are yet to_ learn that there can be 1261B13 no 1270B13 environmental policy for India unless the priorities are genuinely Indian 1280B13 and the ecological balance of the countryside, the focus of the 1290B13 planning. $** $^*India does not have dog lovers, 1300B13 claims and aspirations notwithstanding. ^It does not even have a name 1310B13 for a dog keeper. ^The horse keeper is called the "*4syce", the elephant 1320B13 keeper "*4mahout". ^The shepherd is called "*4gadaria". ^But a man keeping 1330B13 dogs is a situation so entirely out of India*'s cultural framework 1340B13 as never to_ have gained consolidation through nomenclature. ^The dog, 1350B13 in fact, has never qualified here for kept status. ^It has never been 1360B13 seen as material for traditional elite pastimes. ^The royal hunt was the 1370B13 show of elephants. ^Or of falcons as in the nimbler life styles of the 1380B13 Moghuls. ^The royal park was a deer park with peacocks dancing in and 1390B13 out. ^Kings have set the tone of living here, after all. ^If not the 1400B13 kings, then the priests. ^And in the priest*'s mediatory tasks with God, 1410B13 dogs have had no place. ^Occasionally kings and priests came together 1420B13 on royal-sacramental events such as the *4Ashwamedha. ^But that_ was 1430B13 a horse sacrifice. ^They never combined for a Shvanamedha, a dog sacrifice. 1440B13 ^One dog has made it to the roll call of mythology, as in the story 1450B13 of Yudhishthira being tagged by a dog on his ascent to the Himalayas. 1460B13 "^Not without him", Yudhishthira pointed to the dog when they swung 1470B13 open the gates of heaven for him. ^But "no dogs" was the immigration policy 1480B13 of heaven. ^So the story made the dog Yama in disguise, and maintained 1490B13 *4dharmic status quo: dog out, sage in. $^The dog*'s watchman 1491B13 qualities 1500B13 have come in for a measure of recognition in the prevailing system 1510B13 of animal placements and ratings. ^But somehow the preference has remained 1520B13 for real watchmen ask those with things to_ be watched. ^This leaves 1530B13 out the majority. ^They do not particularly care for the dog as pet but 1540B13 are aware of its presence out on the roads, scavenging for life. ^They 1550B13 do not do wilful injury to the dog as they do not do wilful injury to 1560B13 poor relatives and dependents. ^They do see it has its uses, just as poor 1570B13 relatives and dependents have theirs. ^It does bark and raise ballyhoo 1580B13 when a stranger enters the neighbourhood. ^This stranger might be a long 1590B13 lost uncle returning home, but it might just as well be the tax collector. 1600B13 ^The one in ten possibility saves the dog. ^For the rest, it does not 1610B13 insist on a roof over its head which makes it better than poor relatives 1620B13 and dependents. ^It can live off leavings, unlike the poor relatives 1630B13 and dependents again, who insist on things like form. ^And if circumstances 1640B13 demand, it can be simply disowned, which makes it better, once more, 1650B13 than poor relatives and dependents who will not be disowned. ^If it is 1660B13 stupid enough to catch rabies and uppity enough to bite the hand that 1670B13 feeds it-- where does it think it gets its refuse from-- stone it off or 1680B13 club it down and no questions will be raised in Parliament.*# **[no. of words = 02008**] **[txt. b14**] 0010B14 ** $*3^IF*0 anyone bothered to_ list all that is 0020B14 wrong with public hospitals, he would hardly know where to_ stop. ^It is 0030B14 a moot point, however, whether some at least of these problems can be 0040B14 solved, or mitigated, by hiring more staff. ^The Public Accounts Committee 0050B14 of parliament, for instance, has only the other day expressed concern 0060B14 about the shortage of staff in the emergency wards of some public 0070B14 hospitals in the capital. ^While it is true that the services of such 0080B14 institutions are overstretched, it is as well to_ remember that people who 0090B14 live in big cities have more than their fair share of medical facilities. 0100B14 ^*Delhi, for example, has 2.5 hospital beds for every thousand people 0110B14 whereas the national average is 0.5 (and seven more hospitals may come 0120B14 up there shortly). ^In Bombay too, there is a doctor for every 700 0130B14 citizens as against 5,000 in the country as a whole. ^If there is any shortage 0140B14 of doctors, therefore, it is in rural areas, not in the cities. ^For 0150B14 that_ matter, one way of reducing the pressure on the big city hospitals 0160B14 will be to_ treat the rural patients, now forced to_ flock to them, 0170B14 at the district and village level instead. ^Moreover, many studies of 0180B14 the working of hospitals have shown that the "turnover" of patients 0190B14 can easily be speeded up so that the hardship caused by lengthy queues is 0200B14 drastically reduced. $^Although nearly everybody concedes that there is 0210B14 a grave shortage of medical skills in the villages, bodies like the Indian 0220B14 Medical Association, which safeguards the interests of private 0230B14 doctors, are bitterly opposed to \0Mr. Raj Narain*'s new rural health 0240B14 scheme which will press *3*5jana swastha rakshaks*6*0 into service because 0250B14 they believe that full-fledged doctors alone can fit the bill. ^But 0260B14 the idea is basically sound, for barefoot paramedics can fan out into the 0270B14 countryside and treat the basic ailments of people (and, of course, 0280B14 refer more complicated cases to the nearest primary health centre or district 0290B14 hospital). ^Since the real problem in rural medicine is to_ prevent, 0300B14 rather than cure, disease, such cadres will have to_ help villagers 0310B14 to_ take elementary precautions, live hygienically and improve their food 0320B14 habits. ^All this may well be beyond the capacity of the hastily-trained 0330B14 *3*4rakshaks*0 for some time to_ come. ^But something is surely better 0340B14 than nothing and in any case, the scheme is proposed to_ be introduced 0350B14 in one village out of every six. ^For a comprehensive solution of the 0360B14 country*'s problem, therefore, there is no alternative to a thorough 0370B14 overhaul of medical education so that a new class of "basic doctors" is 0380B14 created. ^These doctors-- science students who don*'4t make it to the 0390B14 medical college-- may be taught only the basic elements of clinical medicine 0400B14 in a two-year intensive course, leaving a few brighter students to_ 0410B14 specialise. ^Even as things are, two of every three \0M.B.B.S graduates 0420B14 end up in private practice in cities and there is no reason why the 0430B14 authorities can*'4t think of reversing the trend by reducing the number 0440B14 of conventional graduates each year and allowing for a far bigger complement 0450B14 of second-rung personnel who will automatically gravitate to 0460B14 the countryside. ^Otherwise, the present system will perpetuate itself: 0470B14 only recently, for instance, the Maharashtra government nearly doubled 0480B14 the number of medical college seats in the state! $** 0490B14 $*3^THOUGH*0 some of the moves by the ruling party to_ impose 0500B14 restrictions of one kind or another on academic freedom have not succeeded, 0510B14 the historians still feel insecure not so much perhaps in a personal 0520B14 as in a professional sense. ^This much is obvious from the resolution 0530B14 adopted at the recent session of the Indian History Congress in 0540B14 Bhubaneswar, calling for an assurance from the Union government that 0550B14 it will not collaborate with communal or chauvinistic forces in distorting 0560B14 history. ^For this resolution was not the handiwork just of historians 0570B14 who might be called Marxist or leftist. ^Many others voted for the resolution 0580B14 which was unanimously approved and they feel concerned that obscurantists 0590B14 calling themselves historians might come to_ influence the government*'s 0600B14 decisions. ^The fears may be exaggerated. ^But they are not 0610B14 misplaced as is evident from the contents of the so-called anonymous note 0620B14 which was submitted to the Prime Minister last summer and the remarkable 0630B14 speed with which it was attended to_. ^Moreover, since then the authorities 0640B14 have done nothing to_ set at rest these apprehensions. ^On the 0650B14 contrary, they have created the impression that they are well disposed 0660B14 towards historians who take what cannot but be considered a communal view 0670B14 of history. ^It may or may not be quite correct to_ divide Indian 0680B14 history into Hindu, Muslim and British periods. ^But surely there is 0690B14 either way no need to_ rule out the other approach-- to study history not 0700B14 in terms of personalities and dynasties but of movements and social 0710B14 reality. $^History, like other social sciences, cannot be free from controversy 0720B14 which is, indeed, its life breath. ^It is necessary, even obligatory, 0730B14 for good historians constantly to_ question facts and their interpretation. 0740B14 ^It goes on all the time in the West. ^Witness, for instance, 0750B14 the rise of what is called the revisionist history of the cold war in 0760B14 the United States whereby the radicals have sought to_ make out that 0770B14 America*'s search of markets began it all, and its demolition or, for 0780B14 that_ matter, the new interest in Hitler. ^In India itself, a re-evaluation 0790B14 of arts-- Devangana Desai*'s "Erotic Sculptures" is a case in 0800B14 point-- and of the origin and meaning of the caste system have, for 0810B14 instance, modified our view of the early period. ^And who does not know 0820B14 that Aligarh scholars have dug up enormous material which makes it difficult 0830B14 for any serious student of the medieval period to_ subscribe to 0840B14 views which early British historians popularised on questions like inheritance, 0850B14 the land tenure system under the Mughals and so on. ^The process 0860B14 is irreversible even if some simple-minded individuals wish to_ return 0870B14 to the kind of "history" with which village preachers familiarised them. 0880B14 ^Indeed, this is a universal problem, not a uniquely Indian one. ^Perhaps 0890B14 we have more sacred cows and we are perhaps a little more anxious 0900B14 than other mature societies to preserve them. ^But except for the brief 0910B14 20-month emergency our record in respect of academic freedom, too, has 0920B14 seen quite good. ^Indeed, that_ is precisely why the dismissal of \0Dr. 0930B14 *(0P. V.*) Ranade or the denial of permission to_ travel to \0Dr. 0940B14 *(0R. S.*) Sharma or the demand for the withdrawal of some books has 0950B14 attracted the attention it has. ^But why should even such incidents take 0960B14 place when the party in power in New Delhi professes to_ believe in 0970B14 individual liberty and the country has had a taste of what the denial 0980B14 of that_ freedom can lead to? $** $*3^THE*0 0981B14 Janata 0990B14 government seems to_ be having third thoughts about family planning. 1000B14 ^Early this year, the redoubtable \0Mr. Raj Narain confessed that 1010B14 the situation was "very serious"-- as if the facts and figures showing a 1020B14 precipitate fall in the use of contraception since March last year (at 1030B14 least partly because of his own declared attitudes) hadn*'4t been staring 1040B14 him in the face months earlier. ^Now there are reports that the family 1050B14 welfare ministry is prepared to_ shed its aversion for certain features 1060B14 of the programme which had provoked such a strong popular reaction 1070B14 under the previous regime. ^One is the fixing of targets, which sounds 1080B14 innocuous enough in itself, but was a major source of abuse under the 1090B14 emergency when officials were compelled to_ fulfil impossibly high goals. 1100B14 ^As long as there are no penalties or "disincentives" for not reaching 1110B14 targets, there can surely be no objection to the move to_ prescribe them. 1120B14 ^Again, the ministry wants to_ reintroduce sterilisation in a big way. 1130B14 ^Nothing has done more to_ discredit family planning than the coercive 1140B14 methods used under the emergency to_ make people submit to the surgeon*'s 1150B14 scalpel. ^This explains why in the first nine months of Janata rule, 1160B14 only 636,000 sterilisations were performed-- less than 10 per cent of 1170B14 the number in the previous year. ^There is everything to_ be said for trying 1180B14 to_ coax more people to_ get themselves sterilised, provided they 1190B14 do so voluntarily. ^After all, it is by far the most popular means of 1200B14 contraception (after abortion) in the world today. ^It is as well, therefore, 1210B14 that the monetary incentives for voluntary vasectomies and tubectomies 1220B14 are also proposed to_ be restored. ^Care ought to_ be taken, however, 1230B14 that the system isn*'4t abused as it was even before the emergency by 1240B14 registering fictitious cases, badgering unsuspecting passers-by and so 1250B14 on. ^The authorities can also safely avoid mass sterilisation camps-- such 1260B14 as that_ in Ernakulam in 1971 where 60,000 men were vasectomised in 1270B14 a single month!-- which are little more than *3*4melas*0. $^With the prospects 1280B14 of a sudden spurt in population growth looming larger every day-- 1290B14 the Planning Commission has indicated that the target of bringing down 1300B14 the birth rate to 30 per 1,000 will have to_ be postponed from 1979 1310B14 to 1984-- there is plainly little time to_ lose in launching a massive family 1320B14 planning drive with renewed vigour. ^The best way perhaps will be 1330B14 to_ adopt the "cafeteria" approach, which implies that a wide range of 1340B14 contraceptive methods ought to_ be provided for a person to_ choose from. 1350B14 ^Indeed, the authorities did try to_ do this initially but after several 1360B14 setbacks, began, around the beginning of this decade, to_ rely almost 1370B14 exclusively on sterilisation. ^The fact is that sterilisation is an extreme 1380B14 measure, which most couples will want to_ resort to only when they 1390B14 have two or more children, what about those who want to_ postpone having 1400B14 their first child or space out their children? ^The only answer is to_ 1410B14 let them choose for themselves. ^As a matter of fact, the loop is in many 1420B14 ways an ideal contraceptive, since it is cheap and easily reversible. 1430B14 ^But it has fallen out of favour simply because the follow-up facilities 1440B14 for treating women simply don*'4t exist in the countryside. ^The real 1450B14 need, therefore, is to_ give top priority to upgrading primary health 1460B14 centres and man them with competent para-medical staff who can advise patients 1470B14 what contraceptives to_ use and when. $* $*3^THE*0 1480B14 government*'s belated admission that virtually all family planning programmes 1490B14 in the country have suffered a disastrous setback in 1977-78 would 1500B14 have been welcome only if it had been accompanied by a statement of 1510B14 measures to_ remedy the alarming situation. ^True to style, the union minister 1520B14 of state for family welfare, \0Mr. Jagdambi Prasad Yadav, has 1530B14 only reiterated the time-worn appeal to all and sundry to_ implement 1540B14 the programmes more effectively. \0^*Mr. Yadav apparently does not realise 1550B14 that in order to_ go about their jobs what field workers desperately 1560B14 need are not exhortations but larger funds and, more than that_, 1561B14 clear-cut 1570B14 directives. ^But to_ ask for that_ is to_ ask for the impossible. 1571B14 ^The 1580B14 health ministry is in no position to_ give such directives since the government 1590B14 as a whole is reluctant to_ adopt an unequivocal stand on the issue. 1600B14 ^To_ be fair, the ruling party at the centre has over the past year 1610B14 or so taken a more flexible and pragmatic view of the need to_ enforce 1620B14 birth control. ^It has come a long way since \0Mr. Raj Narain condemned 1630B14 sterilisation as an "insult to Indian culture". ^It has even set targets 1640B14 for sterilisations and other methods of birth control for 1978-79. 1650B14 \0^*Mr. Morarji Desai has informed sate chief ministers that in some 1660B14 measure at least Central assistance to them would be dependent on how 1670B14 well they fulfil the family planning programme. ^But while these steps 1680B14 are welcome they do not go far enough to_ revive the morale of the 1681B14 family planning workers. $^The main 1690B14 reason for the collapse of morale is not far to_ seek. ^It is the result 1700B14 of the lack of political support from the top. ^How many central ministers 1710B14 have gone on record to_ deplore the fact that the rate of voluntary 1720B14 sterilisations has declined by as much as 88.8 per cent last year?*# **[no. of words = 02016**] **[txt. b15**] 0010B15 **<*3Need for fresh thinking on Tagore*0**> $*3^The*0 Twentyfifth of 0020B15 *4Baisakh the birthday of Rabindranath Tagore is widely celebrated 0030B15 in the country, specially in Bengal, with boistrous sessions of Tagore 0040B15 songs (Rabindra *4Sangit) sung by a special class of artists. 0041B15 ^Dance 0050B15 dramas are enacted with glamour and pomp and show. ^Much of this Tagorean 0060B15 festivity is thus songs and dance and mirth. $^In the gaiety of celebrations 0070B15 Tagore*'s abiding contribution to creative literature is overlooked. 0080B15 ^*Tagore wrote serious literature apart from songs he set to music. 0090B15 ^He produced in his life some of the best novels in Bengali literature. 0100B15 ^He wrote thought provoking essays, and high-strung poetry that_ 0110B15 dealt with abstruse metaphysical topics and drama that_ can stand comparison 0120B15 with the best in the world. ^He has written on grammar, philosophy 0130B15 folk-songs and even on science. ^He rarely touched any sphere of literature 0140B15 which he did not enrich. $^Rarely do we hear of a serious symposium 0150B15 held on such occasions to_ discuss Tagore*'s special genius in shaping 0160B15 Bengali literature or in bringing it to its present stature. ^It is conveniently 0170B15 forgotten that Tagore was not only creative in the literary 0180B15 sphere. ^He evolved a special system of education and was the founder 0190B15 of a unique university, which has been widely acclaimed and has drawn students 0200B15 and teachers from far and near. ^He was also a sensitive artist 0210B15 who turned out several thousand paintings widely admired for their delicate 0220B15 and meaningful beauty and grace. $^*Tagore is the culminating point 0230B15 of several trends of literary movement which has given Bengali literature 0240B15 a form, thought-content and imagery and shape to_ fit in with modern 0250B15 concept and ideas. $^The movement began as a reaction of the Bengali 0260B15 mind to its contact with the West. ^*Westerners themselves took the initiative 0270B15 in giving shape to Bengali literary prose. ^The missionaries of 0280B15 Serampur were particularly relevant. ^But the missionaries were mainly 0290B15 interested in the propagation of the Bible and Christian religious 0300B15 thought. ^This brought into the field Raja Ram Mohan Roy. ^From then 0310B15 on a distinct religio-devotional line of thought began to_ develop in 0320B15 this devotional stream and after meandering it found fullest expression 0330B15 early this century in Tagore. ^It was nourished on its way by such eminent 0340B15 persons in their own way as Devendranath Tagore, Ramkrishna Paramhansa, 0350B15 Keshab Chandra Sen, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Vijoykrishna 0360B15 Goswami and Vivekanand. ^*Tagore brought this stream to its full 0370B15 flood both in the richness of thought and subtlety of diction. $^*Tagore 0380B15 was, in his own way, a great religious poet. ^If his Gitanjali appealed 0390B15 to the Western mind it was largely because to the Western mind it 0400B15 appeared to_ contain biblical expressions and thought. ^In the course of 0410B15 his triumphant tour of the West after the Nobel award he was looked 0420B15 upon by many as a new Messiah who would bring new hope and peace to human 0430B15 beings shattered by World War. ^He was flooded by letters from bereaved 0440B15 relatives expressing gratitude to him for bringing them peace and 0450B15 mental poise. $^*Tagore*'s other trend was mainly meant to_ rouse the national 0460B15 sentiment. ^Along with contact with the West came the spirit of 0470B15 nationalism, a desire to_ throw off the political domination of British 0480B15 colonial rule. ^This trend was given the necessary boost by Rangalal 0490B15 Bandopadhyaya, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Dwijendra Lal Roy, Tagore 0500B15 and Nazrul Islam. ^In this case also the culmination point was Tagore. 0510B15 ^*Nazrul had chosen other fields and pastures new. ^He began experimenting 0520B15 with new forms of song and the musical technique to_ fit them 0530B15 in. ^In a way Tagore was a terminating point for patriotic poetry. $^In 0540B15 the realm of pure poetry the movement began predominantly with Michael 0550B15 Madhusudan Dutt, Hem Chandra Bandopadhyaya, Behari Lal Chakraborty, 0560B15 Dwijendra Lal Roy and other minor poets to_ reach its culmination 0570B15 in Tagore. ^The poetry that_ Tagore has written is unrivalled in 0580B15 its mastery of rhythm, variety of subject matter and richness of thought. 0590B15 ^From simple love-songs and passionate lyrics Tagore has dealt with 0600B15 in his poetry mysticism of a very esoteric order as also the inter-relationship 0610B15 of time, space and matter. $^In fiction the passage from Bankim 0620B15 Chandra Chatterjee and Sarat Chandra Chatterjee to Tagore is 0630B15 a national corollary. ^*Tagore included in his novels much metaphysical 0640B15 discussion without allowing the flow of the plot or story to_ suffer 0650B15 in the process. $^The essay form took definite shape with Raja Ram Mohan 0660B15 Roy and passed through Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Bhudev Mukherjee 0670B15 and others and ultimately found its peak in Tagore. ^He has written 0680B15 hundreds of essays replete with linguistic charm and depth of thought. 0690B15 ^They are as appealing and relevant today as when they were written. 0700B15 $^Drama had passed through one phase with Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Dinabondhu 0710B15 Mitra, Girish Chandra Ghosh, Dwijendra Lal Roy. ^But with 0720B15 Tagore it reached new heights that_ it never attained before. ^He endowed 0730B15 it with melody and lyric grace. ^Specially his unique dance 0731B15 dramas. 0740B15 $^*Tagore truly remains the outstanding literary figure not only of Bengal 0750B15 but of Indian Literature as a whole thirtyfive years after his 0760B15 death. ^It is natural that his birth should be celebrated and people should 0770B15 gather to_ pay their homage to one who gave the Bengali language flexibility, 0780B15 a rare grace and expressive power. ^Yet, there is surprisingly 0790B15 no commitment to Tagore. ^A few days around the 25th *4Baisakh, we do 0800B15 organise musical *7soirees and dance dramas of Tagore*'s composition. 0810B15 ^But what about other occasions? ^The observance of Tagore*'s birth 0820B15 day needs to be pulled out of this ritualistic observance. 0830B15 $**<*3End of an era for catholicism*0**> $*3^The*0 death of Pope Paul 0840B15 *=6 the 261st successor to \0St. Peter and the head of the most amazing 0850B15 and durable monument to man*'s desire to_ come to terms with the 0860B15 unanswered questions of his existence and his future thereafter, is the 0870B15 end of an era for the Catholic Church which, though rooted in Rome, 0880B15 commands the devotion and loyalty of 700 millions in every part of the 0890B15 globe. $^From 67 \0AD through every form of human vicissitude, war, 0900B15 conquest, corruption, rebellion, centuries of brutality, superstition 0910B15 and fanaticism, Pope has succeeded Pope in an unbroken line, to_ be the 0920B15 Vicar of Christ and arbiter of the Catholic faith. ^No other dynasty, 0930B15 institution, empire or State has lasted intact so long. $^The Popes 0940B15 of today have no temporal power (although the Vatican is perhaps the 0950B15 richest institution in the world) but a moral influence if not authority 0960B15 that_ can and does sometimes profoundly affect the thinking and behaviour 0970B15 of millions, particularly in the non-Communist developed world, and 0980B15 thereby have an impact on the political and even economic activities 0990B15 of their countries. ^It is this aspect of the Holy See and its role 1000B15 in the evolution of Western civilization as it exists today, that_ gives 1010B15 the Pope and the Catholic Church a relevance that_ cannot be ignored 1020B15 in world affairs. $^*Pope Paul, who had spoken of his coming demise 1030B15 in his Easter message earlier this year, momentorily united the troubled 1040B15 world in his death. ^Politics were forgotten when tributes to him as 1050B15 a relentless champion of world peace and international justice came from 1060B15 every quarter, from Moscow, Poland, the German Democratic Republic, 1070B15 Yugoslavia, from Africa, Asia, from Israel, Japan, Iran, Syria, 1080B15 Egypt apart from the Christian States of the West. ^He was the first 1090B15 Pope to_ travel by air visiting every continent. ^*India will remember 1100B15 the great enthusiasm and respect for Indians of all religions that_ 1110B15 moved him so deeply when he visited Bombay. ^He was also the first Pope 1120B15 to_ visit Jerusalem where Christianity was born. ^More than any other 1130B15 of his predecessors this centutry, he took a direct interest in world 1140B15 problems in his pursuit for World peace. ^He was a most persistent champion 1150B15 of disarmament and opponent of the diversion of more and more 1160B15 resources of the world to the arms race. ^He was appalled at the exploitation 1170B15 of the developing countries by the developed and in his Encyclical 1180B15 of 1967-- the "Development of Peoples"-- deplored those evils of 1190B15 the capitalistic system which pursued the profit motive without concern 1200B15 for social justice. ^He was deeply perturbed by the growth of political 1210B15 terrorism and offered himself as a hostage to the hijackers of the 1220B15 German plane in Mogadishu last year and to the Italian Red Brigade 1230B15 kidnappers of the former Italian Premier Aldo Moro who was killed by 1240B15 his captors later. $^Nevertheless with all these qualities and achievements, 1250B15 Pope Paul has left a heritage to his successor of a Church more 1260B15 divided within than under his predecessor and of a world wide congregation 1270B15 in the painful process of disillusionment with the Head of the 1280B15 Church. ^*Pope Paul started with the great disadvantage of having succeeded 1290B15 perhaps the best loved and respected Pope for centuries, Pope 1300B15 John *=23, who was the initiator of the "dialogue with the modern world," 1310B15 a long delayed attempt by an ancient establishment which was highly 1320B15 conservative and afraid or slow to_ adapt to change, an essential attribute 1330B15 of survival and vigour for any institution. $^The Catholic Church 1340B15 is by its mission as the custodian of the doctrine of Jesus Christ, 1350B15 authoritative in its organisation on religious matters. ^The Pope as the 1360B15 Vicar of Christ is "infallible" in exposition of doctrine and laying 1370B15 down the moral law to Catholics. ^He is armed with the sanction of 1380B15 excommunication (now rarely used) which had been a potent weapon against 1390B15 defiant kings or individuals including scholars and scientists who challenged 1400B15 the Papal edicts. ^It is in this sphere that_ Pope Paul*'s adherence 1410B15 to tradition has created the present ferment in the Church. ^He 1420B15 could not (or was hampered by his devotion to the doctrines of \0St. 1430B15 Peter and the Apostles on which the Church is founded) meet all the 1440B15 challenges of the changes today. $^*Pope Paul did, however, meet some 1450B15 of the challenges. ^He broke the dominance of the Italian Cardinals 1460B15 in the Curia, the governing body of the Church which had enabled the 1470B15 election of an Italian Pope continually since 1522. ^The Sacred College 1480B15 of Cardinals which will elect his successor by August 28 consists 1490B15 of 130 Cardinals (15 of whom are inelegible to_ vote as they are over 1500B15 80 years of age). ^Only 33 of these are Italians, 63 come from rest 1510B15 of Europe (East and West) 38 from North and South America, 12 from 1520B15 Africa and 15 from Asia. ^This internationalisation of the Church 1530B15 could possibly produce a non-Italian Pope after 476 years. ^He has come 1540B15 to terms with advancement of scientific thought and the Vatican does 1550B15 not now object to clerics and laity debating such Catholic sacred concepts 1560B15 as Original Sin, Virgin Birth, the existence of Heaven and 1570B15 Hell. ^So long as the spiritual teachings of the Bible are accepted as 1580B15 immutable the rest-- metaphors and explanations of physical phenomena-- 1590B15 are considered embellishment appropriate to the state of knowledge then. 1600B15 $^He has also dissipated the old Catholic concept of considering 1610B15 all other religions and atheists as doomed to Hell. (Indeed it was this 1620B15 presumption of missionaries combined with lust for gold of the Spanish 1630B15 conquisidors that_ destroyed the great Aztec and Inca civilizations 1640B15 of central and South America and brought the Inquisition into Portuguese 1650B15 Goa). ^The Vatican has departments today headed by Cardinals 1660B15 dealing with "atheists"-- that_ is the Communist countries, with other 1670B15 religions including a special one for relations with Muslims. ^All Catholic 1680B15 priests and missionaries are now instructed to_ respect other faiths 1690B15 and carry out their work without offence. $^Similarly he has broken 1700B15 the monopoly of Latin in liturgy and ritual by permitting native languages, 1710B15 local artistic traditions and dress. ^The Vatican*'s diplomatic service 1720B15 now includes Indian and other "coloured" priests in high positions. 1730B15 $^But where Pope Paul*'s conservatism came in the way in his Encyclical-- 1740B15 *8humanae Vitae*9-- which prohibited all forms of artificial 1741B15 birth 1750B15 control, and on such problems as priestly celibacy, women priests \0etc. 1760B15 ^Of these the most damaging to the Church has been his ban on birth 1770B15 control which had the christian objective of preventing the destruction 1780B15 of human life even in the foetal stage.*# **[no. of words = 02006**] **[txt. b16**] 0010B16 ** $*3^READING*0 the article, "The Agony of Palamau" 0020B16 (May 7), was a most distressing experience. ^It makes me wonder if the 0030B16 Janata government at the state and the Central level will be sensible 0040B16 enough to_ forget their bickerings and rivalries, and act quickly and provide 0050B16 relief to the exploited, landless tribals who have been held in bondage 0060B16 in Palamau and elsewhere, for decades. $^Recently, I was taken 0070B16 aback to_ see a small news item that in Indore a scheme is being launched 0080B16 to_ 'survey' bonded labour in \0U.P., \0M.P., Bihar and many other 0090B16 states. ^What a remedy for such oppressive tyranny. ^Instead of some 0100B16 concrete relief measures, we are promised some academic studies which may 0110B16 drag on for years. $^The existence of bonded labour is a proven fact. 0120B16 ^What we immediately need is implementation of adequate relief measures. 0130B16 ^Instead of having visions and dreams of prohibition, *4Bhoodan, 0140B16 total revolution \0etc., it is far more important for the government to_ 0150B16 walk on the ground, get down to finding workable solutions to the problems 0160B16 of exploitation, and pull the victims out of the maze of legal technicalities 0170B16 which throttle bonded men like Chander Uraon. $^The urgent 0180B16 requirement is swift and efficient action which can bring lasting relief 0190B16 to the deprived, and not platform speeches on the high ideal of *5Ram-raj*6, 0200B16 of which we have had enough. 0210B16 $**<*3In Praise Of Tippu*0**> $^WHILE complimenting \0Mr. Akhilesh 0220B16 Mithal on his article "Remembering Tippu" (May 7) I am compelled 0230B16 to_ point out some of the disappointing features in that_ article. 0240B16 $^The author attempts to_ list the sterling qualities that_ made Tippu 0250B16 different from contemporary Indian *4rajahs and he refers chiefly to the 0260B16 religious tolerance of Tippu and his concern for the people*'s welfare. 0270B16 ^There were even far more outstanding traits in Tippu. $^In our 5,000 0280B16 years of recorded history, Tippu was the only Indian ruler who actually 0290B16 died on the battlefield. ^The others chose either to_ flee or to_ 0300B16 surrender. ^*Tippu had ample opportunities to_ save himself by running 0310B16 away but he chose to_ court death so as to_ set an example to future generations 0320B16 of Indians. ^*Tippu was also the only Indian ruler who never 0330B16 joined the British against the Indian princes while the *4Marathas 0331B16 and 0340B16 the *4Nizam, for instance, joined the British at one time or another. 0350B16 $^What I would consider Tippu*'s outstanding gift was his vision of 0360B16 the future of India: "$^Will each part of India try to_ tear the eyes 0370B16 of the others; will neighbour rise against neighbour and brother against 0380B16 brother; will each of its provinces or divisions try to_ march forward 0390B16 in isolation from the rest? ^If that_ happens, it shall then be no 0400B16 different from being the plaything of a foreign conqueror." $^Besides, 0410B16 Tippu knew that India was weakened not so much by an outside power but 0420B16 by the sickness within the country. ^The spirit of liberty was in danger 0430B16 of extinction through internal strife. $^*Tippu Sultan also had decided 0440B16 views on the American Declaration of Independence, the French 0450B16 revolution, women*'s emancipation, bonded labour, prohibition, religious 0460B16 tolerance, the promotion of exports, the protection of wild life and 0470B16 the environment, administrative reforms, judicial systems, the rights of 0480B16 man, the role of government, the establishment of industry and the 0490B16 encouragement of agriculture. 0500B16 $**<*3*8Faux Pas*9**> $*3^*I HAVE*0 generally admired \0Mrs. 0501B16 Amita Malik*'s 0510B16 column on the \0AIR and *4Doordarshan programmes as being 0511B16 candid. 0520B16 ^But I found her comments on 'People Places, And Things' (April 0530B16 30) unfounded. ^She has criticised \0Mrs. Usha Joshi*'s programme 0540B16 on "two" counts. ^In fact, they work out to_ be six. $^One, the manner 0541B16 in 0550B16 which \0Mr. Chanchal Sarkar conducted the discussion on the 'underground 0560B16 literature' published and distributed during the dark days of emergency. 0570B16 ^The fault obviously lay with \0Mr. Sarkar, whom \0Mrs. Malik 0580B16 "admires for his professionalism." ^He had to_ be included in the programme 0590B16 because it was his 'baby', The Press Institute of India, which 0600B16 had organised the exhibition of the underground liferature. ^Perhaps, \0Mr. 0610B16 Sarkar was unduly conscious all the time of the poor quality and 0620B16 quantity of exhibits. $^Two, the programme did not click because the producer 0630B16 was "doing too many things." ^This remark exposes \0Mrs. Malik*'s 0640B16 lack of knowledge of the entire gamut of \0TV production. ^She 0650B16 should have known by now that voice recording and filming are done separately 0660B16 and then synchronised. ^If the vision did not match the spoken word, 0670B16 the fault obviously lay with \0Mr. Sarkar who, according to her, "chivvied 0680B16 on the participants." ^But as an ordinary and regular viewer, I 0690B16 can say without any fear of contradiction that \0Mrs. Malik*'s comment 0700B16 springs from an overheated imagination. $^Three, "everyone seemed to_ 0710B16 be shot solo at the wrong angle." ^*I for one, at least, did not find 0720B16 that "the table loomed larger than the panel." \0^*Mrs Malik was probably 0730B16 concentrating not on the content of the programme but on furniture. 0740B16 $^Four, Usha Joshi*'s Hindi narration "barely passed muster." ^*Usha 0750B16 Joshi*'s pronunciation was impeccable and her nuances were admirable. ^It 0760B16 was because of these qualities that Usha Joshi was a Hindi broadcaster 0770B16 in \0BBC for nearly 11 years. $^Five, absence of "more visuals". 0780B16 ^*I suspect \0Mrs. Malik did not visit the exhibition. ^*I have a bigger 0790B16 collection of underground literature than was exhibited at \0AIFACS. 0800B16 $^Six, Usha Joshi*'s imperfect pronunciation of English. ^*I 0810B16 don*'4t think \0Mrs. Malik*'s assessment is correct. \0^*Mrs. 0811B16 Joshi 0820B16 has worked in a number of \0MGM productions as well as in several films 0830B16 produced in Britain. ^Those producers would not have availed of her 0840B16 services if her English pronunciation was far from perfect. 0850B16 $**<*3Work Of Art*0**> $*3^MANY*0 of your readers (including myself) 0860B16 are indebted to \0Mr. Dnyaneshwar Nadkarni for his article on the 0870B16 late Hansa Wadkar, her autobiography, *3*5Sangtye Aika*6*0, and Shyam 0880B16 Benegal*'s *3*4Bhumika*0 (April 30). $^None can dispute that Hansa 0890B16 Wadkar was an uninhibited Bohemian, an alcoholic and a sort of maverick 0900B16 in the Bombay *3*5filmi duniya*6*0. ^And, she had the guts to_ write 0910B16 an unvarnished account of her life. ^We ought to_ feel proud of this 0920B16 honest-to-goodness woman, who blossomed in our world of humbugs and 0930B16 hypocrites, radiated charm and goodwill, enthralled thousauds and then went 0940B16 the way of all mortals. $^But my contention is that whatever \0Mr. 0950B16 Nadkarni has said about the film vis-a-vis the book does not diminish 0960B16 the value of the film which has been widely acclaimed and in fact has won 0970B16 a national award. ^*I never knew Hansa Wadkar in person. ^*I have not 0980B16 read her autobiography. ^But I have seen *3*4Bhumika,*0 which is based 0990B16 on Hansa Wadkar*'s life. it is a first-rate film in form and content. 1000B16 ^*Shyam Benegal dared to_ choose a bold theme which neither the commercial 1010B16 cinema nor cinema directors would have thought of even once. ^Then 1020B16 with Satyadev Dubey (now Pandit) the script was worked out neatly 1030B16 with flashbacks. $^As \0Mr. Nadkarni knows, whenever any book is rendered 1040B16 into a film, liberties are taken. ^The art of the film has its own 1050B16 norms, mores, grammar and prosody. ^Accordingly, Shyam Benegal has made 1060B16 an artistic film shooting the film in colour, with the flashback sequences 1070B16 in sepia. ^Though Smita Patil had a *7penchant for untying her 1071B16 sari 1080B16 three or four times in the film, I thought she had acquitted herself 1090B16 very creditably. ^She conveyed the buoyant vivacity of *3a *4tamasha*0 1100B16 artiste on the screen. $^The technical virtues of this film are far too 1110B16 many to_ be listed here. ^It is enough if I say that the film is an artistic 1120B16 whole as all the ingredients that_ go to_ make a good film are in 1130B16 perfect proportion and blend well. $^As a filmologist, who has seen hundreds 1140B16 of films, written and taught about them-- and even censored them 1150B16 in an advisory capacity, I hold the view that *3*4Bhumika*0 is a first-rate 1160B16 contribution to contemporary Indian cinema, as has been endorsed 1170B16 by the cinegoers and the *3*7cognoscenti*0, alike. ^*I may as well add that 1180B16 I am an admirer of Benegal*'s films without being in any way his 1190B16 \0PRO. $^If only \0Mr. Nadkarni had interviewed the director and the 1200B16 screen play writer on the basis of his (Nadkarni*'s) extensive knowledge 1210B16 as to why they made the departures and why they suppressed the "bottle" 1220B16 part of the story, then that_ could have been a contribution to an 1230B16 understanding of fact and fiction, art and reality, an autobiography and 1240B16 a feature film. $**<*3Bending Of Light*0**> $*3^As*0 a student of 1250B16 science, I would like to_ thank \0Mr. Minaz Merchant for letting your 1260B16 readers be in the audience, as it were, during \0Prof. Narlikar*'s 1270B16 masterly exposition of his theory of gravitation (April 30). $^However, 1280B16 the first confirmation of Einstein*'s prediction-- bending of light 1290B16 in the sun*'s gravitational field-- came after observations made during 1300B16 a solar eclipse and not during a lunar eclipse as mentioned by \0Mr. 1310B16 Merchant. ^It is doubtful whether such observations can be made during 1320B16 a lunar eclipse even today because the moon does not provide a strong 1330B16 enough gravitational field. ^The Royal Society, London, had sponsored 1340B16 a special expedition to_ photograph the solar eclipse on May 29, 1919, 1350B16 on Principa-island in the Gulf of Guinea and thus the confirmation 1360B16 could not have been announced in 1915 as conjectured by \0Mr. Merchant. 1370B16 ^The confirmation of Einstein*'s prediction was announced by the Royal 1380B16 Society in November of that_ year. 1390B16 $**<*3*7Rapport In Music*0**> $*3^Chetan*0 Karnani*'s article on 'Creativity 1400B16 in Indian Music' (March 26) certainly led to an interesting 1410B16 exchange of ideas through these columns. $^The general belief is that 1420B16 until the 13th century there was one Indian school of music, but later, 1430B16 due to the Muslim influence, the two schools of Hindustani and Karnatak 1440B16 music came into existence. ^Perhaps Muthuswami Deekshitulu was 1450B16 among the earliest to_ have gone to the north to_ study Hindustani music. 1460B16 $^It is now known that King Sarfoji composed in Telugu, Sanskrit 1470B16 and Marathi, and Swati Tirunal did so in many more languages including 1480B16 Hindustani and both these rulers had at their courts Hindustani musicians. 1490B16 $^It is true that Ravishankar, in the last three decades, adopted 1500B16 South Indian melodies like *4Charukesi (this is supposed to_ be 1510B16 the result of union of *4Sankarabharanam and *4Todi) and *4Kiravani. 1520B16 ^But Karim Khan was possibly the first to_ have given a record of Tyagaraja 1530B16 *4Kriti in *4Kharaharapriya. ^We have now quite a few musicians 1540B16 who can handle the Hindustani and Karnatak *4ragas, maintaining the 1550B16 distinctive style of each, *(0M. S.*) Gopalakrishnan and *(0M. S.*) 1560B16 Anantharaman (their father, Sundaram Iyer, was a great exponent of 1570B16 both styles on the violin); *(0M. N.*) Rajam, Manchala, Voleti Venkateswarlu, 1580B16 Emani Sankara Sastry, and Balamurali Krishna, to_ mention 1590B16 a few. $^But the late Dwaram Venkataswamy Nayudu was the initiator 1600B16 in this respect. ^With his special technique of bowing, he used to_ 1610B16 play, most melodiously, Hindustani and Karnatak *4ragas. ^His style was 1620B16 unique. ^It has, however, been a one-way traffic. 1630B16 $** $\0^*Mr. Simon Winchester*'s assessment of 1640B16 John Le Carre*'s book *3The Honourable Schoolboy ("Less Than a 1650B16 Masterpiece," (July 2)), made enlightening reading for those of \0Mr. 1660B16 Le Carre*'s fans, like myself, who always had the feeling that the super 1670B16 spy-novelist could never falter even in giving the minutest details 1680B16 about his characters. ^But \0Mr. Winchester, by pointing out glaring 1690B16 flaws in the characterisation of the journalist community posted in the 1700B16 southeast Asian states like Laos, Cambodia and Hong Kong, as portrayed 1710B16 in the book, has shattered the myth. $^It is strange that a man whose 1720B16 success comes, as much from research as from instinct, and who can go 1730B16 to any length (make five trips to Asia, as he has done in case of *3The 1740B16 Honourable Schoolboy), and was even "pinned down by automatic weapon 1750B16 fire in Cambodia and dived under a car and coolly noted his impressions" 1760B16 for the sake of getting the right effects under various difficult 1770B16 situations to_ build up his characters accurately, failed to_ portray 1780B16 the journalistic fraternity in its true colours. ^This is especially so, 1790B16 as the latter play a significant part in the whole set up of the book. 1800B16 ^It seems all the more strange since a team of helpers belonging to the 1810B16 cream of the community, including big names from *3The Washington 1820B16 post, were there to_ help the novelist to_ note vividly Asian reporters*' 1830B16 lives.*# **[no. of words = 02031**] **[txt. b17**] 0010B17 ** $*3^THE*0 victory of the Congress (\0I) in 0020B17 two southern States of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka and its unexpected 0030B17 success in Maharashtra has established beyond doubt that \0Mrs. Gandhi 0040B17 is a force to_ be reckoned with in Indian politics. ^Her claim that 0050B17 the Congress (\0I) is the real Congress also stands vindicated. ^As 0060B17 we observed in these columns after the announcement of the Karnataka 0070B17 election results, the official Congress has now no alternative but to_ 0080B17 dissolve its separate identity either by merging with the Congress (\0I) 0090B17 or with the Janata Party. ^While, however, the verdict of the people 0100B17 expressed through the ballot box must be respected, we have no doubt 0110B17 that the re-emergence of \0Mrs. Gandhi on the country*'s political 0120B17 scene is an ominous development for the country and poses a grave threat 0130B17 to democracy. ^And the reality cannot be wished away. ^How to_ contain 0140B17 this danger will depend not only on the capacity of the Janata Government 0150B17 to_ accept the challenge but also on the seriousness with which the 0160B17 people view such a development. ^But the *7interregnum is presenting a 0170B17 strange spectacle of prostitution of loyalties. ^As far as Maharashtra 0180B17 is concerned, \0Mr. Vasantrao Patil*'s half-hearted overtures to \0Mrs. 0190B17 Gandhi for support in forming the government in the State marks 0200B17 a new low in the politics of opportunism. ^He is so impatient to_ become 0210B17 the Chief Minister that he does not mind throwing even the elementary 0220B17 decencies to the wind. ^On what strength does he expect \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s 0230B17 support after having made every possible attempt to_ denigrate her 0240B17 ever since the split in the party? ^The split was prompted by \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s 0250B17 absolute contempt for the ideal of collective leadership. ^For 0260B17 her, what matters is the public recognition of her supremacy. \0^*Mr. 0270B17 Patil cannot be so innocent politically as to_ be unaware of \0Mrs. 0280B17 Gandhi*'s way of thinking and her capacity to_ keep her dependants under 0290B17 her thumb. ^Assuming that \0Mr. Patil is really so innocent, the way 0300B17 he was made to_ shuttle between Palam airport and 12 Willingdon Crescent 0310B17 in New Delhi on Thursday must have convinced him of \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s 0320B17 ways. ^She has rightly claimed her pound of flesh by insisting 0330B17 on making one of her minions the deputy chief minister and by also making 0340B17 it clear that hers will be the last word in the allocation of portfolios 0350B17 and chalking out policies. ^And she was right. ^The beggars cannot 0360B17 be choosers and no humiliation is too great for a person who wants to_ 0370B17 cling to office by hook or by crook. \0^*Mr. Patil could have avoided all 0380B17 this and achieved his ambition more honourably by straightaway joining 0390B17 \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s camp. ^This he will have to_ do sooner or later if 0400B17 he wants to_ parade as a Congressman. ^And what if \0Mr. Patil had 0410B17 preferred to_ lie low and remain in the opposition? ^Surely there would 0420B17 not have been a deluge in the State if \0Mr. Patil were not to_ be the 0430B17 Chief Minister! ^The utterances of \0Mrs. Gandhi since the announcement 0440B17 of the election results should convince anyone that she will not 0450B17 only stage a come-back but will do so with a vengeance. ^If \0Mr. Patil 0460B17 does not want that_ to_ happen, as seen in his subsequent rejection of 0470B17 \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s conditions, he and other Congressmen of his way of 0480B17 thinking must either join the Janata Party unconditionally or decide 0490B17 to_ support the Janata Government from outside. ^That_ will be Maharashtra*'s 0500B17 contribution in keeping away fascism. 0510B17 $** $*3^THE*0 Maharashtra Government*'s decision 0520B17 to_ widen the definition of economically backward classes for purposes 0530B17 of making their children eligible for free education is a step 0540B17 in right direction. ^The decision, announced by Chief Minister Vasantrao 0550B17 Patil last week, seeks to_ raise the income limit to \0Rs. 4,800 uniformly 0560B17 as against the present \0Rs. 2,400 for secondary education, \0Rs. 0570B17 1,800 for higher secondary education and \0Rs. 1,200 for college education. 0580B17 ^Nearly 60 per cent of the students at the secondary level, 50 0590B17 per cent at the higher secondary level and 45 per cent at the college 0600B17 level are expected to_ be benefitted by the new scheme. ^Knowledge is, indeed, 0610B17 much more than power. ^It is a major catalyst in bringing about a 0620B17 social change. ^As such any measure that_ enables people to_ acquire 0621B17 knowledge 0630B17 without much difficulty must be welcomed. ^One of the sorry features 0640B17 of the present system, however, is that the high cost involved in acquiring 0650B17 education has kept an incredibly large number of poor but deserving 0660B17 students away from it. ^Any handicap in the way of securing knowledge 0670B17 is sad but that_ created by economic conditions must be termed unfortunate. 0680B17 ^In a democracy where the emphasis is on equality of opportunity, 0690B17 such a situation cannot be allowed to_ persist for long. ^But whether 0700B17 one likes it or not, it persists in this country, thanks to the utter 0710B17 indifference with which this vital question has been looked upon by the 0720B17 rulers all these years. ^Soon after the formation of the unilingual Maharashtra, 0730B17 the State Government made education free for students whose 0740B17 parents*' annual income was below \0Rs. 1,200. ^The limit was later 0750B17 raised. ^But over the years, with rupee fast losing its real value, the 0760B17 income limit also lost meaning and more people fell in the category of 0770B17 the economically backward classes. ^The new income limit of \0Rs. 4,800 0780B17 cannot also be said to_ be ideal for in an household with a monthly income 0790B17 of \0Rs. 400 and with two school-going children, the parents will 0800B17 still find it difficult to_ spend on education after spending on daily 0810B17 needs. ^But then the limit has to_ be drawn somewhere, keeping in view 0820B17 the resources position of the State Government. ^The new scheme can 0830B17 be taken as a measure of the State Government*'s determination to_ bring 0840B17 education within the reach of the larger segment of population. ^Having 0850B17 taken such a commendable decision, the State Government must now 0860B17 ensure that it is scrupulously implemented. ^There is a tendency among 0870B17 those belonging to upper classes to_ declare themselves as those from 0880B17 backward classes just to_ avail of the concessions the latter are entitled 0890B17 to. ^In the same way those belonging to higher income group may well 0900B17 declare themselves as belonging to the group specified for educational 0910B17 concessions. ^There is, therefore, need to_ create some machinery to_ keep 0920B17 track of such malpractices. ^The new decision will understandably attract 0930B17 more children to schools. ^Efforts must be made to_ ensure that larger 0940B17 attendance does not result in lowering of the standards. ^The incidence 0950B17 of school drop-outs is still very high in rural areas, what with 0960B17 the work the children have to_ do in agricultural operations. ^This is also 0970B17 the problem the government must address itself to. ^The new scheme will 0980B17 impose a burden of \0Rs. 3 *4crores on the State exchequer. ^But 0990B17 part of it is sought to_ be recovered by raising the tuition and term fees 1000B17 in schools. ^There need not be any objection to this for those who have 1010B17 must sacrifice a little for those who have not. ^A directive to the 1020B17 universities to_ rationalise their fee structure will also help improve 1030B17 the finances of the universities, which are faced with a problem, among 1040B17 others, of paying their staff. ^The new scheme will fetch popular goodwill 1050B17 to the State Government whose next goal should be to_ make secondary 1060B17 education free in the State. 1070B17 $** $\0*3^*Mr. *(0R. S.*) Gavai*'s observations 1080B17 at a press conference in Bombay on Thursday only show how our 1090B17 political leaders lose a sense of proportion in their anxiety to_ secure 1100B17 publicity. ^By his chameleon-like capacity to_ change political colour, 1110B17 \0Mr. Gavai, who is chairman of the *5Vidhan Parishad*6, manages 1120B17 to_ remain in the news. ^Only a fortnight ago, he somersaulted to \0Mrs. 1130B17 Gandhi*'s camp by severing his \0RPI faction*'s relations with the 1140B17 Congress. ^If the ruling \0PDF can assure him an extension of his 1150B17 term as the chairman of the *5Vidhan Parishad*6, which is due to_ expire 1160B17 in the next few months, he will not hesitate to_ throw in his lot with 1170B17 the Front too. ^But that_ is not what concerns us. ^What does is the 1180B17 dangerous utterances he has been making from time to time on the recent 1190B17 riots in Marathwada. ^Last month he said at a press conference (incidentally, 1200B17 he shares his fondness for press conferences with \0Mr. Vitthal 1210B17 Gadgil) that although he would not immediately ask for a judicial 1220B17 inquiry into Marathwada riots, he reserved his right to_ do so at a future 1230B17 date. (^In other words, he would continue to_ capitalise on the issue 1240B17 until he was assured of some position after his present tenure). ^By 1250B17 his statements on Thursday, \0Mr. Gavai proved how faithful he was to 1260B17 his last month*'s declaration. ^He put the entire blame for the riots 1270B17 on the State government. ^Indeed, the State government cannot escape 1280B17 its share of responsibility for Marathwada riots for, had it not been 1290B17 for its haste in getting the resolution passed in the Assembly on the university 1300B17 renaming issue, there would have been no trouble in that_ region. 1310B17 ^But what \0Mr. Gavai has tried to_ suggest is fantastic. ^The implication 1320B17 of \0Mr. Gavai*'s remarks is that the State government directed 1330B17 the operations from Bombay by asking the district authorities to_ 1340B17 "deal gently" with the *4Maratha agitators in Marathwada and "shoot at 1350B17 sight" at the *4Dalits, who started the counter-agitation in Nagpur. 1360B17 ^This is nothing but a crude way of adding fuel to the fire and the State 1370B17 government will be justified in taking legal action against \0Mr. Gavai 1380B17 and his ilk who by their irresponsible utterances have been lending 1390B17 edge to the trouble. ^Strangely enough, \0Mr. Gavai was sucking and 1400B17 bawling at the same time. ^He prefaced his allegation by saying that he 1410B17 did not want to_ politicise the issue. ^What else was he trying to_ do if 1420B17 not politicising? ^If \0Mr. Gavai had any proof that the State government 1430B17 had, in fact, given such instructions to the district authorities, 1440B17 why did he not disclose them at the same press conference? ^And what if 1450B17 somebody counters \0Mr. Gavai*'s fantastic allegation by an equally 1460B17 baseless accusation that the *4Dalits have been grabbing all the government 1470B17 facilities and also fomenting troubles? ^It is sad that when the 1480B17 need of the hour is to_ forget the past and strive to_ bring about peace 1490B17 in the riot-torn region and understanding among the people, some politicians 1500B17 should look upon the trouble as an opportunity to_ plan their careers. 1510B17 \0^*Mr. Gavai is, indeed, fortunate that he has the benefit of education 1520B17 which the majority of the *4Dalits do not have. ^As such, it 1530B17 ought to_ have been his endeavour to_ work for ensuring peace in the area. 1540B17 ^He said he visited Marathwada twice. ^Surely he has wasted his time 1550B17 and money (the latter, if his two visits to the region were undertaken 1560B17 at his own expense), if he has not understood the immediate problem of 1570B17 the people of Marathwada. ^His utterances become all the more objectionable 1580B17 because he holds the high office of the *5Vidhan Parishad*6 chairman. 1590B17 \0^*Mr. Gavai has already done enough damage to that_ august office 1600B17 by joining hands with the opposition parties in the State in a bid 1610B17 to_ topple the new State government. ^If he did not like the present government, 1620B17 the honourable course open to him was to resign his office. ^But 1630B17 to_ remain in the office and to_ work against the government is extremely 1640B17 reprehensible. ^It is opportunist leaders like \0Mr. Gavai who are 1650B17 responsible for the plight of the *4Dalit people. ^The *4Dalits must 1660B17 themselves realise how they are being hoodwinked by their so-called leaders. 1670B17 $**<*4RICKSHAW RACKET**> $*3A week ago, our Crime Reporter 1680B17 had occasion to_ highlight in his Crime Round-up the fact that while 1690B17 the Police Commissioner of Pune was taking a good many measures 1700B17 to_ improve the law and order situation in the city, the lower cadres of 1710B17 the police set-up were not pulling their weight as they should.*# **[no. of words = 02002**] **[txt. b18**] 0010B18 ** $*3^CONSTANT PREOCCU*0pation with political 0020B18 quarrels and politics of survival have left little time for the 0030B18 Janata Government to_ concentrate on the economic problems facing the 0040B18 country. ^It is unfortunate that economic issues are being given a low 0050B18 priority. ^Now and then a Central Minister makes a casual mention of 0060B18 a problem and promises the launching of a harebrained scheme and then promptly 0070B18 forgets all about it. ^Even if there is some follow-up action, it 0080B18 is tardy, ill-conceived and wasteful in its effect. ^Meanwhile things 0090B18 are slipping and getting out of control. ^There is so much talk about Planning 0100B18 but so little visible evidence of it. ^And when the worthies choose 0110B18 to_ talk about it, they always start from first principles. ^That_ 0120B18 is precisely what the Union Finance Minister had done the other day. 0130B18 ^Addressing a seminar in Calcutta, \0Mr. *(0H. M.*) Patel said there 0140B18 was no alternative to a massive transfer of resources to the public 0150B18 sector if the country was to_ attain its basic objectives of planning. 0160B18 ^The basic objectives again! ^He said the basic objectives as redefined 0170B18 in the draft Plan for 1978-83 were the removal of unemployment (outright 0180B18 removal, mind you), provision of basic services to the poorest segments 0190B18 of population within a reasonable period of time (how much time is 0200B18 reasonable?) and improvement of the living standards of the majority. 0210B18 ^These objectives, according to \0Mr. Patel, connote certain imperatives 0220B18 in economic policy, an important one being a large involvement of the 0230B18 public sector in development. ^If the aims of the plan are to_ be achieved-- 0240B18 and the nation is committed to its broad objectives-- there is no 0250B18 alternative to a massive transfer of resources to the public sector. 0260B18 ^He urged the researchers in monetary and fiscal economics to_ indicate 0270B18 how best this could be done with the least cost to the community and without 0280B18 destroying the impulses of growth and the fabric of a mixed economy. 0290B18 ^Well, to_ start with, has he any ideas? ^Everybody knows the proclaimed 0300B18 objectives of Planning. ^How does \0Mr. Patel propose to_ translate 0310B18 them into reality? $^First principles and fundamental objectives 0320B18 apart, how is the present state of the economy? ^The Reserve Bank*'s 0330B18 report on Currency and Finance for the year ending June 1978 has been 0340B18 published only last week. ^It may be of use to_ researchers and economic 0350B18 *4pundits but otherwise a belated publication like that_ has no use 0360B18 as a guide for the present. ^Its prescriptions for the economy have lost 0370B18 their relevance because the picture has changed. ^The country*'s economy 0380B18 is on the down-gradient for the last six months. ^The rate of industrial 0390B18 growth has received a set-back due to several factors like bottlenecks 0400B18 in coal supply and wide-spread power shortages. ^There has been marked 0410B18 deterioration in the finances of the railways which is one indication 0420B18 of ill-health in the industrial sector. ^According to the National Council 0430B18 of Applied Economic Research, the targeted over-all growth rate 0440B18 of 4.7 per cent for 1978-79 cannot be achieved, given the present "sluggishness". 0450B18 ^At the most, a three per cent rate is within the realm of 0460B18 possibility. ^The optimism of the Reserve Bank is based on bumper agricultural 0470B18 reserves. ^The former has created a problem, due to lack of 0480B18 imagination and timely action on the part of the Union Government. ^And 0490B18 Andhra Pradesh farmers are the worst victims of the Centre*'s apathy. 0500B18 ^The failure of the Food Corporation in purchasing grain from the 0510B18 farmers has landed the latter in serious economic trouble. ^They are unable 0520B18 to_ get even the minimum support price for their produce. ^Even a 0530B18 justified agitation has failed to_ evoke sympathetic response and the help 0540B18 offered by the State Government is not adequate; it is more symbolic 0550B18 than real. ^In one village, out of sheer frustration, some farmers are 0560B18 reported to_ have burnt some stocks of paddy. ^This to_ happen in a land 0570B18 of hunger and poverty is its own commentary on the efficiency and responsiveness 0580B18 of those who run the government. ^Should agricultural plenty 0590B18 result in a burden and embarassment in a country which is one of the 0600B18 poorest in the world? ^And governments implement "food for work" programmes! 0610B18 $^Both industry and agriculture, have become problems for diagonally 0620B18 opposite reasons. ^But the Union Government is in a mood of supreme 0630B18 satisfaction leading to more supreme complacency. ^As for foreign exchange 0640B18 reserves they too have dipped. ^That_ is mainly because all is not 0650B18 well on the export front. ^It is estimated that the actual earnings this 0660B18 year will be lower than the level of the previous year by \0Rs. 500 0670B18 *4crores. ^What exactly are the constraints is not clear to the Government. 0680B18 ^Are the exporters failing to_ maximise the available advantages? ^The 0690B18 liberalisation of import policy is meant to_ modernise the plant, increase 0700B18 productivity and also upgrade the quality of industrial output. 0710B18 ^But actually, the country is witnessing increased sickness in indutry. 0720B18 ^Shortages of coal, cement, power and railway wagons may offer a partial 0730B18 explanation for the unsatisfactory conditions. ^But there does not seem 0740B18 to_ be any concerted effort on the part of the Government to_ remedy 0750B18 the situation. ^It is the Reserve Bank*'s hope that larger investment 0760B18 in the public sector in turn will help industrial growth in the private 0770B18 sector. ^But \0Mr. *(0H. M.*) Patel is still in the initial stage 0780B18 of inviting suggestions from the private sector. ^Perhaps it has not occurred 0790B18 to him that he is knocking at the wrong door. ^And he has yet 0791B18 to_ 0800B18 find the resources. ^As for the growth of the foreign exchange reserves 0810B18 in recent years, one reason for it is the heavy influx of remittances 0820B18 from abroad by Indian emigrants. ^But this enchantment cannot last for 0830B18 ever and emigration is already slowing down. ^The boom has already crossed 0840B18 the hump. ^The Government cannot always bank on this source and fritter 0850B18 away reserves by liberalising importants too far. ^But in the ultimate, 0860B18 everything hinges on a clear-cut industrial policy. ^The Janata Government 0870B18 is caught in the web of its own confused and contradictory industrial 0880B18 priorities. ^In sum this is a drift which will hurt the country 0890B18 a lot more than the political drift. ^But then the two things are inter-locked. 0910B18 $** $*3^THE CHAIRMAN OF*0 the Official 0911B18 Language 0920B18 Commission, \0Mr. Vandemataram Ramachandra Rao, said that Telugu 0930B18 must be in use for all purposes at the district level by March 31, 0940B18 1979. ^If officials did not follow this time schedule, they would be deemed 0950B18 to_ have flouted the Government orders. ^He added that by the end 0960B18 of this year, all correspondence from the district to the State Government 0970B18 at Hyderabad should be only in Telugu. ^The year has almost ended 0980B18 and the switch-over to Telugu as desired by the Chairman of the Commission 0990B18 has not even started. ^Targets keep on shifting. ^He wants that 1000B18 in another three months, Telugu must be in use for all purposes at the 1010B18 district level. \0^*Mr. Ramachandra Rao is asking for the Moon and 1011B18 he 1020B18 cannot have it. ^It cannot be said he is unaware of the tremendous official 1030B18 resistance to the usage **[sic**] of Telugu even at the *4taluq 1031B18 level. \0^*Mr. 1040B18 Vandemataram said that 1979-80 would be observed in Andhra Pradesh 1050B18 as the "Official Language Year" in which efforts would be made to_ 1060B18 create an "atmosphere for Telugu". 1061B18 ^*Telugu signboards would be put up at 1070B18 all Government offices and inscriptions on all Government vehicles would 1080B18 also be made in Telugu. ^The Chairman was of the view that Telugu 1090B18 should also be used in subordinate courts, at least for recording depositions, 1100B18 to_ start with. $^No less a person than the Chief Justice of 1110B18 India, \0Mr. Chandrachud, made the same suggestion. ^The Chief Justice 1120B18 said that proceedings in lower courts should, as far as possible be 1130B18 conducted in regional languages. ^It is not as though this had never been 1140B18 done before. ^Until the last decade of the last century, proceedings 1150B18 in lower courts were conducted only in Telugu and there were eminent 1160B18 "pleaders" in those days who did not understand a word of English. ^If 1170B18 the rulers genuinely desire a *7rapport between the administration and 1180B18 the common man, the language of administartion in State should be the 1190B18 regional language. ^At least in theory, the administration is expected 1200B18 to_ serve the common man in full measure. ^In other States, the administration 1210B18 at the *4taluq and district levels has already switched over to 1220B18 the regional language. ^Only Andhra Pradesh lags behind. ^Even in the 1230B18 State Capital, no effort has so far been made to_ create the proper 1231B18 "atmosphere" 1240B18 for Telugu as \0Mr. Vandemataram has put it. ^In fact, Telugu 1250B18 has been relegated to a back-seat, all in the name of cosmopolitanism. 1260B18 ^Anyone who pleads for Telugu is dubbed a "chauvinist". ^Whereas in 1270B18 the neighbouring States of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, 1280B18 it is not called chauvinism, it is accepted as doing justice to the language 1290B18 of the State. ^In Karnataka for instance, some of the lower courts 1300B18 have been using Kannada for writing judgements for which prizes have 1310B18 been offered. ^It is all a matter of a sense of commitment to the welfare 1320B18 of the people. $^*Telugu is the second largest linguistic group 1330B18 in the country and it has been consistently getting a raw deal both from 1340B18 the State and Central Governments. \0^*Mr. Vandemataram wants to_ 1350B18 achieve in three months what could not be **[sic**] in 22 years. 1351B18 ^How he plans to_ fight 1360B18 the official resistance remains to_ be seen. ^The \0AP Official 1370B18 Language Commission has recommended to the State Government that Telugu 1380B18 should soon be introduced as the language for all administrative purposes 1390B18 at the level of the directorates and offices of heads of departments. 1400B18 ^That_ is too tall an ambition. ^The entire officialdom at higher 1410B18 levels, which is elitist both in nature and preference, will sabotage 1420B18 it. ^Let the Commission first achieve its objective upto the district 1430B18 level. ^According to Government orders already in vogue, the deadline for 1440B18 the use of Telugu from village to district level administration would 1450B18 end on March 31, 1979. ^Is there any assurance that the deadline will 1460B18 not be further extended? ^The Chairman said that thereafter those Government 1470B18 officials who would not use Telugu in drafting office notes and 1480B18 correspondence would be deemed to_ have flouted orders and dealt with 1490B18 under charges of insubordination. ^All that_ can be said is, it remains 1500B18 to_ be seen. ^No serious efforts have so far been, made to_ create the 1510B18 necessary climate in Government offices. ^Nobody suggests banishing of 1520B18 English from this country. ^But retention of English does not mean banishing 1530B18 the language of the people from the administration. ^Even an illiterate 1540B18 person can understand a Government communication in Telugu if 1550B18 it is read out to him. ^*English creates a mental and psychological barrier 1560B18 between him and the Government. ^The elitist classes suppress this 1570B18 vital fact for their own reasons. ^It is a pity that the Official Language 1580B18 Commission has to_ start from the signboard level 22 years after 1590B18 the formation of Andhra Pradesh! ^No other State in India presents 1600B18 such a sorry spectacle. $^The new scheme of civil serivce examination 1610B18 provides for the use of regional languages as the medium for answering 1620B18 question papers and it will come into effect from 1979. ^The Prime Minister 1630B18 had confirmed it in the *5Lok Sabha*6. ^He said there would be no 1640B18 difficulty in ensuring uniform standards in valuation papers written in 1650B18 various regional languages. ^There is fear and anxiety in some quarters 1660B18 about the desirability of such a change. ^It bristles with so many problems, 1670B18 they say. ^Very true and the fear is genuine. ^But not all critics 1680B18 who are opposing the change are really worried about the standards. ^An 1690B18 element of favouritism may creep in and the Hindi belt people may score 1700B18 an advantage over others. ^The quality of the administrative apparatus 1710B18 may be diluted, the critics caution. ^It could be true. ^But there 1720B18 is another dimension to it. ^The nation has experienced the "quality" of 1730B18 administrative apparatus during emergency. ^Those administrators who are 1740B18 supposed to_ be the "cream of society," inflicted the worst possible 1750B18 crimes on thousands of innocent people without a qualm of conscience.*# **[no. of words = 02022**] **[txt. b19**] 0010B19 ** $*3^SEVERAL*0 newspapers in this 0011B19 of country 0020B19 carried in their issues of Saturday the report of the Supreme Court*'s 0030B19 judgement on the question of \0Mr Sanjay Gandhi*'s anticipatory 0040B19 bail on the same page as the story being unfolded before the Shah Commission, 0050B19 now meeting in Bangalore, concerning the treatment received at 0060B19 the hands of the police by \0Mr Lawrence Fernandes during the Emergency. 0070B19 \0^*Mr Fernandes has alleged that severe physical and mental torture 0080B19 was inflicted on him in the course of investigation about the then 0090B19 whereabouts of \0Mr George Fernandes who was wanted at the time in 0100B19 what came to_ be known as the Baroda dynamite case. ^There is already 0110B19 enough evidence to_ show that \0Mr Lawrence Fernandes suffered a great 0120B19 deal of physical damage during his detention and that this damage was 0130B19 caused by those entrusted with the job of interrogating him. ^The extent 0140B19 of \0Mr Fernandes*'s crime was that he was not willing to_ give information 0150B19 about his brother*'s movements, assuming that he had such information. 0160B19 ^Compared to such punishment by proxy, the cancellation of \0Mr 0170B19 Sanjay Gandhi*'s bail by the highest judicial court in the land, and 0180B19 his detention for a month as a "special class" prisoner in judicial 0190B19 custody, on the proven ground that he had been tampering with witnesses 0200B19 in the "Kissa Kursi Ka" case (in which he is co-accused with \0Mr *(0V. 0210B19 C.*) Shukla), would appear to_ be lollypop treatment. $^And yet \0Mr 0220B19 Gandhi had the cheek to_ ask for privileged status in jail because 0230B19 he is used to a high standard of living and pays income-tax. ^He also 0240B19 expressed fear about bodily harm while in detention and was told that he 0250B19 was in the hands of civilised custodians of the law and would have every 0260B19 right to_ go to court in the event of a complaint. \0^*Mr Gandhi could 0270B19 not have been unaware of the brutal treatment given to \0Mr Lawrence 0280B19 Fernandes and the inhuman indignities heaped during the Emergency 0290B19 on hundreds of others. ^He had also probably heard of \0Miss Snehlata 0300B19 Reddy and the former Maharani of Gwalior. ^Meanwhile \0Mr Gandhi*'s 0310B19 mother, naturally solicitous of his welfare and physical comfort, 0320B19 told newsmen: "^The Janata Party is acting in a desperate manner. ^Anything 0330B19 against us will go against them. ^That I am sure of". \0^*Mrs Gandhi*'s 0340B19 intemperate and unwarranted statement about her son*'s detention 0350B19 is surprising. ^How was the Janata Party concerned with his detention? 0360B19 ^This was an executive act following upon the Supreme Court verdict 0370B19 which said, *8inter alia*9: "^The evidence and material on record 0371B19 furnish satisfactory 0380B19 proof that the respondent (\0Mr Gandhi) has abused his liberty 0390B19 by attempting to_ suborn prosecution witnesses". 0391B19 ^Elsewhere in the course 0400B19 of the judgement the Supreme Court remarked: "^He has, therefore, 0410B19 forfeited his right to_ remain free". $^There could not have been a clearer 0420B19 and a more emphatic indictment of \0Mr Gandhi*'s conduct during 0430B19 the period prior to the cancellation of bail. ^But the mother not only 0440B19 thinks he is innocent but she blames the Janata Party, with a veiled 0450B19 threat of dangerous consequences because the Delhi Administration dared 0460B19 to_ appeal to the Supreme Court to_ cancel the privilege of bail in 0470B19 favour of the son. ^That \0Mr Gandhi should receive fair treatment 0480B19 and justice all the way must be ensured, and the Supreme Court has left 0490B19 no doubts on this score. ^But for the accused to_ ask for jail comforts 0500B19 and other privileges to which he is not entitled under the law would only 0510B19 further infuriate the people of this country against a person who 0511B19 has 0520B19 not greatly endeared himself to the nation by his actions during the Emergency 0530B19 and after. ^It is also in \0Mr Gandhi*'s own interest that the 0540B19 mother stops sniping at those who have the responsibility to_ dispense 0550B19 justice and others who have been entrusted with the job of implementing 0560B19 the verdict of the judiciary. 0570B19 $** $*3^OFF*0-the-cuff suggestions and comments 0580B19 do occasionally cause serious trouble even at the international level, 0590B19 but the impromptu remarks which Air Marshal Sir Neil Cameron made 0600B19 in Peking on May 1 have created a furore of a different kind. ^Responding 0610B19 to a toast at a lunch given in his honour, Sir Neil reportedly 0620B19 said: "^Our two countries (Britain and China) are coming more and more 0630B19 together... we both have a common enemy at our door whose capital city 0640B19 is Moscow." ^The British Foreign Secretary, \0Dr David Owen, in 0650B19 an apparent attempt to_ play down the episode, felt confident that Sir 0660B19 Neil*'s remarks would not alienate the Soviet Union. ^However, he took 0670B19 the opportunity of calling upon Moscow to_ remember that democratic 0680B19 socialists in the West would strive for peace but not for peace at any 0690B19 price. ^Reacting sharply to the Peking incident, a Soviet spokesman denounced 0700B19 the British defence chief for "behaving like a swaggering intoxicated 0710B19 hare." ^*Pravda has called for an explanation from the British 0711B19 authorities. 0720B19 ^The incident is unlikely to_ cause tension between Britain 0730B19 and the Soviet Union, though sooner or later it may lead to the defence 0740B19 chief*'s exit from his post which demands the highest standards of 0750B19 caution and responsibility, especially at public functions in a foreign 0760B19 country. $^Far more important are the cross-currents in the British political 0770B19 arena which were revealed in a Parliament discussion on the incident. 0780B19 ^While some left-wing Labour \0MPs were critical and the party 0790B19 treasurer, \0Mr Norman Atkinson, demanded the resignation of Sir 0800B19 Neil, another Labour Member wanted the defence chief to_ be dismissed 0810B19 straightaway. \0^*Mr Ian Mikahdo, also a Labour \0M.P., described 0820B19 Sir Neil*'s remarks as "a declaration of war on the Soviet Union". 0830B19 ^The diverse opinions are not a happy sign for Labour. ^The Conservatives 0840B19 have not hesitated to_ make political capital out of the defence chief*'s 0850B19 tactless observations. ^To_ make things worse for Labour, a leading 0860B19 Tory spokesman, Sir Ian Gilmore, asserted that Sir Neil*'s remarks 0870B19 were "extremely sensible". ^A more significant blow to \0Mr James 0880B19 Callaghan, the British Prime Minister, came when another Member expressed 0890B19 the view that Sir Neil "had said what every ordinary man and woman 0900B19 in this country knows to_ be true." ^No wonder \0Mr Callaghan finds 0910B19 himself in a tight corner. ^The Labour Government, he affirmed, would 0920B19 continue to_ work for detente in its relations with the Soviet Union. 0930B19 ^Only, a few days ago \0Mr Callaghan was reported to_ have been greatly 0940B19 disturbed by certain leaks from the Defence Ministry. ^He then ordered 0950B19 an enquiry to_ locate the sources of the "mischief-making leaks to 0960B19 the press" one of which suggested that \0Mr Callaghan had refused to_ 0970B19 meet Sir Neil Cameron and his colleagues over the question of a rise 0980B19 in the pay of the defence forces. 0990B19 $** $^HAVING decided against a merger with 1000B19 the Congress (\0I), the Parliamentary Party of the other Congress 1010B19 will now, presumably, take active steps to_ keep the organisation alive 1020B19 for as long as it is possible. ^This would, however, seem to many outside 1030B19 the party (and to some inside) a less than hopeful prospect because 1040B19 the trend is clearly towards liquidation. ^Quite a few members of the 1050B19 party have, indeed, thrown feelers to \0Mrs Gandhi*'s camp suggesting 1060B19 a reunion with honour. ^This implies basically the suggestion for an appeal 1070B19 to the waverers to_ come over to the other side. \0^*Mrs Gandhi has 1080B19 not, so far, made such a gesture. ^Apparently she has chosen to_ be silent 1090B19 from a position of strength and because she is getting the results 1100B19 she wants without going out of her way to_ court members of the opposing 1110B19 group. ^The reported move of \0Mr Ram Niwas Mirdha and \0Mr Nathu 1120B19 Ram Mirdha to_ cross over to the Congress (\0I) together with several 1130B19 \0M.L.A.s from Rajasthan is a significant straw in the wind. 1140B19 ^In their case the three \0U.P. by-elections appear to_ have tilted 1141B19 the 1150B19 balance in \0Mrs Gandhi*'s favour. ^Some others of their way of thinking 1160B19 may also show their preference in the near future. $^There are three 1170B19 hard liners in the Congress Party which has come to_ be identified 1180B19 with \0Mr Swaran Singh, its current and clearly temporary President-- 1190B19 \0Mr *(0Y. B.*) Chavan, \0Dr Karan Singh and \0Mr Chandrajit 1200B19 Yadav. ^All three are reportedly on \0Mrs Gandhi*'s "black list" for 1210B19 having spoken up against her and for having opposed moves for a merger. 1220B19 ^Of the three \0Mr Yadav-- the left wing*'s potential nominee for succession 1230B19 to \0Mr Swaran Singh-- has been reduced to a light weight 1240B19 after his poor performance in the Azamgarh by-election. ^The other two 1241B19 are 1250B19 members of the *5Lok Sabha*6 and \0Dr Karan Singh has only recently 1260B19 been elected Treasurer of the party*'s Parliamentary group. \0^*Mr 1270B19 Chavan remains leader of the group, having already lost the status 1280B19 of Leader of the Opposition. ^One of the two will probably become President 1290B19 of the main party, although \0Mr *(0K. C.*) Pant*'s name 1300B19 has also been mentioned in this connection. ^The choice of the new President 1310B19 will possibly indicate the personality and the role which the Congress 1320B19 Party wishes to_ acquire for itself. ^Are the personality and role 1330B19 going to_ be clearly defined and positive, or defensive and concerned 1340B19 with mere survival? $^Since the split in the Congress five months ago 1350B19 \0Mrs Gandhi*'s faction has come to_ acquire an identity which flows directly 1360B19 from the leader*'s personality-- energetic, aggressive and calculated 1370B19 to_ provide an alternative to the Janata Party. ^This can hardly 1380B19 be said of \0Mr Swaran Singh*'s following. ^For one thing they do not 1390B19 have a leader of the calibre of \0Mrs Gandhi. ^For another they find 1400B19 themselves in a cleft stick. ^They cannot afford to_ be unreservedly 1410B19 critical of the Janata Party (\0Mrs Gandhi plays that_ part already), 1420B19 nor can they support the opposing faction without losing face and 1421B19 further 1430B19 blurring the frontiers that_ divide the two groups. ^As it is \0Mrs Gandhi 1440B19 has been accusing the Swaran Singh Congress of being in league 1450B19 with the Janata Party. ^The charge is not true but it leaves a smear. 1460B19 ^In its search for an identity \0Mr Swaran Singh*'s organisation must 1470B19 make up its mind-- and soon-- about the kind of image of itself it 1480B19 wishes to_ project. ^Considering the composition of the group, and the 1490B19 important fact that it cannot survive by merely imitating \0Mrs Gandhi*'s 1500B19 obstreperous style, the party*'s only hope seems to_ lie in presenting 1510B19 itself as a sober and practical alternative to the Congress (\0I) 1520B19 opposed to gimmickry and temporary advantage gained through cheap and explosive 1530B19 oratory. $^It must also decide for itself whether in its opposition 1540B19 to \0Mrs Gandhi and her Emergency record it can really live down 1550B19 the part which some of its leaders-- then in the Government-- played. 1560B19 ^A stand will also have to_ be taken on what may soon become a burning 1570B19 issue-- the proposed prosecution of the former Prime Minister. ^On the 1580B19 whole the future of this party, as of the Congress (\0I), hangs by 1590B19 the future of \0Mrs Gandhi herself. ^As long as she is around and in 1600B19 active leadership the opposing Congress is unlikely to_ make much headway, 1610B19 and survival as a diminishing force would only amount to putting off 1620B19 the unhappy day of extinction. 1630B19 $** $*3^THE*0 charges on which the Sarkaria 1640B19 Commission has found \0Mr Karunanidhi, former Tamil Nadu Chief 1650B19 Minister, guilty cover an extensive field and confirm the view that the 1660B19 responsibility for the chaos in that_ State during his rule lay squarely 1670B19 on the \0D.M.K. leader himself. ^Squandering of public money by 1680B19 Ministers to_ promote personal and party ends is not uncommon in this country, 1690B19 but the inference from \0Mr Justice Sarkaria*'s findings is that 1700B19 \0Mr Karunanidhi threw all propriety to the winds and was reckless 1710B19 in the conduct of public affairs. ^The misuse of public money, amounting 1720B19 to \0Rs 6 *4crore, was in respect of the infructuous Veernam Project 1730B19 the execution of which was entrusted, through "a major administrative 1740B19 blunder", to a firm known as Satyanarayana Brothers. ^Among the undue 1750B19 favours reportedly shown to the firm, which are reminiscent of the 1760B19 misdeeds of \0Mr Sanjay Gandhi*'s henchmen during the Emergency, was 1770B19 the grant of large amounts as advances outside the contract and against 1780B19 inadequate cover.*# **[no. of words = 02022**] **[txt. b20**] 0010B20 **<*3Double-edged sword*0**> $^IT is doubtful if the political parties 0020B20 in the country, whether big or small, will be anxious to_ avail themselves 0030B20 of tax reliefs, the Union Government has decided to_ make available 0040B20 to them. ^An official announcement discloses that certain categories 0050B20 of income and property of political parties will be exempted from 0060B20 income tax and wealth tax. ^This will be presumably done through suitable 0070B20 amendments to the relevant Acts-- the Income Tax Act, 1961 and the 0080B20 Wealth Tax Act, 1952. ^When precisely this will be done has not been 0090B20 indicated. ^Since, however, no ordinance has been promulgated, the official 0100B20 intention apparently is to_ give legal shape to these decisions with 0110B20 parliamentary approval during the coming Budget session. ^The amendments 0120B20 may form part of the Finance Bill for 1978 which will incorporate 0130B20 all \0Mr. Patel*'s financial proposals. ^The Government has acted with 0140B20 wisdom in not invoking its ordinance making power to_ enforce the decision. 0150B20 ^The urgency of the matter is not such as would brook no delay. 0160B20 $^There is unlikely to_ be much open opposition to the Union Cabinet*'s 0170B20 decision in political circles. ^For one thing, it does not confer any 0180B20 special privilege on the political parties. ^Trade unions already enjoy 0190B20 such tax concessions. ^A registered trade union is exempt from income tax 0200B20 in respect of interest on securities, income from house properties and 0210B20 income from other sources. ^For another, it is desirable that the political 0220B20 parties*' fund-raising efforts be not obstructed by fiscal imposts. 0230B20 ^For the performance of their legitimate activity all political parties 0240B20 need funds and the smooth functioning of the party system which is 0250B20 essential for the success of parliamentary democracy demands that free 0260B20 flow of funds should not be impeded by fiscal constraints. ^The facility 0270B20 will be available only to recognized political parties which will mean 0280B20 parties approved by the Election Commission either as national or regional 0290B20 parties. ^Such a selective approach is imperative to_ prevent misuse 0300B20 of the tax exemptions. $^The political parties that will seek to_ take 0310B20 advantage of the proposed fiscal reliefs will have to_ function in 0320B20 a businesslike way, maintaining proper books of account and subjecting 0330B20 themselves to normal fiscal discipline including getting their accounts 0340B20 audited by chartered accountants. ^But those that_ will agree to_ do so 0350B20 will have to_ forgo use of black money that_ finances the operations of 0360B20 many a political party. ^It is no secret that the election expenses of 0370B20 candidates whether in parliamentary or State elections exceed the limits 0380B20 prescribed in the law. ^If political parties be required to_ maintain 0390B20 proper books either they will have to_ keep election expenses within 0400B20 the legal ceiling or desist from using black money for promoting their 0410B20 political interests. ^The contemplated measure will put the political parties 0420B20 in a quandary. ^Few will be willing to_ refrain from using black money 0430B20 in electioneering. ^Their reaction to the Centre*'s move is likely 0440B20 to_ be unenthusiastic and cold. 0450B20 $**<*3Iran*'s offer**> $*3^INSTEAD*0 of sitting back till the immediate 0460B20 neighbours agree to_ form a common market, Iran, and India have 0470B20 done well to_ forge closer co-operation. ^To that_ end the Shah of Iran 0480B20 has offered at \0O.P.E.C. prices additional crude oil supplies the 0490B20 rupee equivalent of which could be used for investment or expenditure 0500B20 or financing approved projects. ^To India this is particularly welcome 0510B20 at the present moment when she is short of rupee resources. ^Oil she could 0520B20 buy with the bulging foreign exchange reserves from other exporting 0530B20 countries. ^But many would not have agreed to_ sell, in effect, for rupees 0540B20 which will be spent in this country, as Iran has done. ^She is willing 0550B20 to_ take in repayment grains which India will be in a position to_ 0560B20 supply as a result of implementation of the second stage of the Rajasthan 0570B20 canal-- a project approved for financing in the Indo-Iranian joint 0580B20 communique. ^In the meantime the rupee equivalent of instalment payments 0590B20 or lumpsum, as the case may be, will be funded in India as required. 0600B20 ^The two countries have thus set an example of co-operation to mutual 0610B20 benefit among developing countries. ^Such increased co-operation promotes 0620B20 better utilization of their industrial, scientific and technological 0630B20 capabilities and resources. ^That_ helps them to_ minimize their dependence 0640B20 on affluent countries and maximize their own strength, jointly and 0650B20 severally, enabling them to_ deal with their own economic problems. for 0660B20 quite some time India will need to_ buy crude in addition to what she 0670B20 may get by way of contracts with oil-exporting countries. ^And Iran will 0680B20 have the oil to_ spare. ^Which means such co-operation may continue, 0690B20 enabling the latter to_ help on a rather long-term basis the former find 0700B20 rupee resources for investment in this country and the former to_ meet 0710B20 the latter*'s requirements of both consumer and producer goods. ^This 0720B20 drawing together of the two economies will accelerate their economic development 0730B20 and will convince the neighbours of the benefits of regional 0740B20 co-operation. ^If the two countries could gain so much from bilateral action 0750B20 how much more could be had from multilateral action, the neighbours 0760B20 are likely to_ ask themselves. ^And that_ will be the right time for taking 0770B20 concrete steps for launching a common market for the six or seven 0780B20 countries, to_ start with, the Shah has been advocating for. ^True, a common 0790B20 market will benefit all members. ^But a colonial past, compounded 0800B20 with a wide disparity in economic strength among the prospective members, 0810B20 makes not a few rather queasy about such an arrangement. ^Discussions 0820B20 no doubt help remove misunderstanding, fear and distrust. ^But a demonstration 0830B20 as the new Indo-Iranian accord will provide will be much more 0840B20 effective than an appeal to reason. ^The two are not to_ be looked upon 0850B20 as alternatives. ^They are, in fact, complementary. ^Discussions should 0860B20 be undertaken as and when an opportunity arises, for dispelling nervousness 0870B20 and fears. ^Side by side the demonstration the new agreement will entail 0880B20 will be having its effect **[sic**] on the neighbours of the two 0881B20 countries, 0890B20 Iran and India. ^And that_ will be no small gain, delayed though that_ 0900B20 may be. 0910B20 $**<*3Rethinking needed*0**> $*3^THE*0 setting up of an official committee 0920B20 to_ make an in-depth study of the existing controls and the President*'s 0930B20 critical observations on their operation should not be construed 0940B20 to_ mean that all curbs on production, distribution and consumption are 0950B20 about to_ be scrapped. ^The Janata philosophy patently favours restoration 0960B20 of full freedoms to citizens in as wide an area as is possible, 0970B20 but it is doubtful if it is a champion of free economy, too. ^Progressively 0980B20 quite a few controls, some of which had been in force for over three 0990B20 decades, have been abolished and freedom to_ trade and business is being 1000B20 increasingly restored. ^But there is no indication that all controls 1010B20 will be struck down in one fell swoop leaving prices and outputs to_ be 1020B20 determined exclusively by market forces. ^That_ will be neither desirable 1030B20 nor feasible. ^There is no country in the world where business activity 1040B20 is absolutely unregulated making businessmen the arbiters of the people*'s 1050B20 economic destiny. ^In all countries the State takes an active 1060B20 interest in business activity primarily to_ offer protecttion to consumers 1070B20 and weaker sections of the community. $^There is, however, no denying 1080B20 the fact that a wide range of controls have long outlived their utility. 1090B20 ^They have been retained on the plea of ensuring distributive justice 1100B20 and are supposed to_ prevent the affluent from appropriating all the 1110B20 benefits of economic development brought about largely with massive public 1120B20 investment at the instance of the State. ^Facts, however, do not 1130B20 substantiate such tall claims on the virtue of controls most of which 1140B20 work to the advantage of big business and to the detriment of the interests 1150B20 of the small man. ^The former*'s indictment of controls is often 1160B20 a make-believe. ^With its abundance of resources it knows how to_ circumvent 1170B20 controls and keep the wheels of its profit-making machines going. 1180B20 ^Indeed, many businessmen have developed a vested interest in controls 1190B20 which constitute a source of high profit to them. $^Even so, it will be 1200B20 hardly prudent to_ dispense with all controls. ^Some of them will have 1210B20 to_ be retained perhaps permanently as a foil to the unscrupulous businessman*'s 1220B20 nefarious practices. ^As long as shortages will remain and prices 1230B20 will be subject to wide fluctuations it will be scarcely prudent to_ 1240B20 repeal all measures designed to_ regulate prices, distribution and consumption. 1250B20 ^The time for dismantling the elaborate public distribution system 1260B20 has not come yet. ^On the other hand, its expansion in selected areas 1270B20 would seem to_ be called for in the current price situation which is 1280B20 yet to_ attain stability. ^Subsidies which also have come in for severe 1290B20 public criticism in view of their impact on public finance may have to_ 1300B20 be continued in specific cases to_ alleviate the hardships not only of 1310B20 consumers but also of producers and traders in appropriate cases. ^It 1320B20 would be improper for the Government to_ act on prejudices or biases. ^The 1330B20 appointment of the six-man committee to_ evaluate the working of controls 1340B20 as also subsidies is well conceived. ^Its expert exercise will 1350B20 enable the Government to_ spell out its policy on controls and subsidies. 1360B20 ^Whatever decision is eventually taken should be based not on sentiment 1370B20 but hard economic reasoning. 1380B20 $**<*3New drug policy*0**> $*3^ANNOUNCEMENT*0 of drug policy is itself 1390B20 an achievement. ^That it is based on the Hathi Committee report, though 1400B20 not closely following this, is yet another. ^The report was submitted 1410B20 in 1975 and was under consideration by the Centre till now. ^But Authority 1420B20 could not make up its mind on the major recommendations, including 1430B20 the one on nationalization of the multinational drug companies, which 1440B20 is not understandable. ^These multinationals had all this time been driving 1450B20 a coach and six through the law of the land. ^They deserved to_ 1460B20 be disciplined, at the least. ^But a wholesale take-over could disorganize 1470B20 production and supply of essential and life-saving drugs and medicines. 1480B20 ^But Authority has now been bold enough to_ discipline these erringforeign 1490B20 firms. ^New policy stipulates that foreign drug companies making 1500B20 low-technology formulations or bulk drugs will be asked to_ dilute their 1510B20 equity immediately to 40 per cent. ^This is not the only important modification 1520B20 of the Hathi Committee*'s recommendations. ^The other change 1530B20 relates to the special status the drugs and pharmaceuticals industry enjoys 1540B20 as an Appendix *=i (in the Industrial Policy Statement) industry 1550B20 whereby foreign firms in this industry need not dilute their equity beyond 1560B20 26 per cent. ^Contrary to the Hathi Committee*'s recommendation 1561B20 for 1570B20 ending this privilege, Authority leaves the situation undisturbed so 1580B20 that foreign firms turning out products, intermediates or bulk drugs, requiring 1590B20 high technology will continue to_ enjoy this special treatment. 1600B20 $^Patently both are major deviations. ^But Authority has taken two measures 1610B20 to_ control the foreign drug campanies. ^One, 66 per cent of the 1620B20 shares to_ be transferred to Indian hands under the equity dilution programme 1630B20 are to_ be passed on to Government financial or the public sector 1640B20 institutions. ^This will enable Authority to_ exercise close vigilance 1650B20 on the functioning of the foreign firms and to_ bring down prices. ^Two, 1660B20 a Government committee will investigate the allegations of undue profits 1670B20 being made by the companies and, if necessary, try to_ regulate 1680B20 profits. ^Anyway, Authority has decided immediately to_ freeze the prices 1690B20 of 100 bulk drugs, initially for one year. ^All bulk drugs used for 1700B20 controlled formulations will be subject to price control. ^The post-tax 1710B20 return on essential bulk drugs and formulations will be kept at 14 per cent 1720B20 and on other bulk drugs at 12 per cent of the net worth (equity plus 1730B20 free reserves). ^Even so, price manipulations may not be completely stopped. 1740B20 ^But honestly enforced, all these measures should go a long way towards 1750B20 curbing unduly high profits. ^To_ compel foreign drug companies 1760B20 producing formulations based on imported bulk drugs or producing bulk drugs 1770B20 from the penultimate stage will be directed to_ manufacture, within 1780B20 a period of two years, the bulk drugs concerned from the basic stage. ^Surprisingly 1790B20 enough some of the well-known foreign firms pleaded the 1791B20 other 1800B20 day that the Industrial Development and Regulation Act did not apply 1810B20 in their case, because they do not manufacture any drugs or medicines 1820B20 themselves but get these manufactured by others or carry on a purely trading 1830B20 activity.*# **[no. of words = 02030**] **[txt. b21**] 0010B21 **<*3Land Reforms*0**> $^The committee on land reforms set up under the 0020B21 chairmanship of \0Prof. Raj Krishna has in its first report made some 0030B21 useful suggestions which no Government interested in the speedy resolution 0040B21 of one of India*'s age-old problems would find it difficult to_ 0050B21 accept. ^Not that there is anything far-reaching in the panel*'s recommendations 0060B21 which are in the nature of essential first steps which should 0070B21 have been taken long ago to_ give meaning and reality to the land reforms 0080B21 initiated since independence. ^The committee has only confirmed what 0090B21 everyone knew by now-- that the path of land reform is strewn with legal 0100B21 traps and hurdles. ^It was because of the protracted delays caused 0110B21 by litigation that land ceiling laws were put in the Ninth Schedule of 0120B21 the Constitution to_ give them immunity from being challenged in the 0130B21 courts. ^But the Janata Government at one time even toyed with the idea 0140B21 of scrapping the mechanism of the Ninth Schedule. ^In any case, its 0150B21 prejudice is reflected in its reluctance to_ put four land reform enactments 0160B21 of the Haryana and West Bengal assemblies in the Ninth Schedule. 0170B21 ^The Raj Krishna Committee has suggested that these laws be given 0180B21 the protection of the Ninth Schedule. ^It finds no validity in the 0190B21 Janata Government*'s claim that after abolition of the fundamental right 0200B21 to property, land reform measures will be secure under Article 31-A 0210B21 and 31-C. $^The committee has found that more than 27,000 writ petitions 0220B21 challenging land reform laws were pending in the courts. ^It is no 0230B21 accident that the highest number is in Karnataka, where the Devraj Urs 0240B21 Government has implemented land reforms with speed, vigour and conviction. 0250B21 ^It has been suggested that High Courts should be strengthened with 0260B21 more judges if required to_ dispose of pending cases. ^While it is 0270B21 hoped, that this would be done, the Government should give the most urgent 0280B21 consideration to the committee*'s suggestion for a two-tier system 0290B21 to_ cut short the scope and duration of litigation in land reforms. ^It 0300B21 is sensible that land reform cases should be dealt with by revenue officials, 0310B21 and even more so that only one appeal and one revision should be 0320B21 allowed against the decision of the revenue authorities. ^The Government*'s 0330B21 attitude to the recommendation will be a test of its approach to 0340B21 the problem of land reforms. $^\0Prof. Raj Krishna has stated that his 0350B21 committee would submit a series of reports to the Government instead 0360B21 of coming up with one final report running into a series of unwieldy 0370B21 tomes. ^The procedure of submitting reports on specific aspects of land 0380B21 reforms periodically should enable the Government to_ consider the recommendations 0390B21 and take immediate action on major issues. ^The next report 0400B21 of the committee, on tenancy reforms, is to_ be submitted in January. 0410B21 ^Will the Government see to it that action is taken by then on the report 0420B21 now in its hands? 0430B21 $**<*3Children*'s Year*0**> $^The Tamil Nadu Government should be 0440B21 complimented on its decision to_ institute a \0Rs. one *4crore children*'s 0450B21 fund in connection with the observance of the International Year 0460B21 of the Child in 1979. ^It is hoped that the other state Governments will 0470B21 follow the example set by the Tamil Nadu Government. ^Children seem 0480B21 to_ be the most neglected section of society in this country. ^Malnutrition 0490B21 among them is the most serious problem; every year five *4lakh 0500B21 children die in India mostly because of malnutrition. ^How can a healthy 0510B21 and prosperous nation be built if the majority of children do not get 0520B21 nutritious food? ^Mental and physical retardation is common among children 0530B21 of the poor. ^*India is one of the few countries where children 0540B21 with swollen legs, discoloured skin and bony chests are a common sight. 0550B21 ^Although foodgrain output is adequate, millions do not consume the minimum 0560B21 quantity of cereals necessary to_ ensure a healthy life because they 0570B21 do not have sufficient purchasing power. $^Although several schemes to_ 0580B21 promote the welfare of children have been launched by the Central Government, 0590B21 their impact has been feeble. ^Lack of resources is not the 0600B21 only obstacle in the way of implementing child welfare programmes. ^There 0610B21 is not adequate will on the part of the Government to_ draw up and 0620B21 implement major schemes for the benefit of poor children. ^Ignorance among 0630B21 parents is another problem. ^Cheap vegetables like *4palak and drumstick 0640B21 leaves contain vitamins and they are within the reach of the poor. 0650B21 ^What is necessary is proper education of parents in nutrition. $^It is 0660B21 not enough if **[sic**] 0661B21 the Government thinks of children just before the International 0670B21 Year of the Child. ^A long-term programme to_ ensure their 0680B21 mental and physical growth is essential and such a programme should be 0690B21 jointly implemented by the Centre and the state Governments. ^It does 0700B21 not matter if the number of steel mills or of such big projects is reduced 0710B21 in order to_ accommodate child welfare schemes. ^The casual reference 0720B21 to child welfare in our five-year plans is a sad reflection on the order 0730B21 of priorities which the Government has in mind. 0740B21 $**<*3The Saddest Day*0**> $^Tuesday, December 19, 1978 will go down 0750B21 as the saddest day in the history of the world*'s largest democracy, 0760B21 India. ^A Government formed by five disparate political parties at loggerheads 0770B21 with each other mustered their transient majority in the *5lok 0780B21 Sabha*6 to_ execute their one-point programme, \0*7viz. to_ punish the 0781B21 most distinguished, 0790B21 respected and loved daughter of the country who as Prime 0800B21 Minister for eleven years had taken the nation forward on the road of 0810B21 progress and prosperity. ^She is being punished for crimes of which she 0820B21 knew nothing and which still remain to_ be proven against her. ^She has 0830B21 been arraigned at the same time to_ appear before a criminal court, a 0840B21 commission of inquiry and Parliament. ^The only choice given to her was 0850B21 to_ either admit the charges made against her or take punishment without 0860B21 proper trial. ^For Indira Gandhi it was Hobson*'s choice: *_be damned 0870B21 if you do and be damned if you don*'4t. $^It does not appear to the 0880B21 Janata conglomerate that anyone who will have no judge but himself condemns 0890B21 himself. ^In the eyes of the vast majority of the common masses of 0900B21 India, Indira Gandhi is not guilty of any crimes and Janata stands 0910B21 condemned as a group of never-do-wells during whose 20-month rule there 0920B21 has been unprecedented explosions of communal and caste violence, and 0930B21 the country instead of moving forward has stagnated and even gone backwards. 0940B21 ^By gaoling Indira Gandhi the Janata perpetrated the classical 0950B21 act of self-destruction by hacking its own legs with an axe. ^*Indira 0960B21 Gandhi will emerge from her ordeal greater than before. ^*Janata will 0970B21 surface from its momentary triumph even smaller than they are **[sic**] 0971B21 as a bunch 0980B21 of vindictive but impotent non-entities. ^The day of reckoning is not 0990B21 far off. $^The essence of democracy is to_ administer the country according 1000B21 to the wishes of the people. ^The only way to_ elicit the wishes 1010B21 of the people is to_ periodically invite them to_ elect men and women 1020B21 who will represent them in the *5Vidhan Sabhas*6, state councils, *5Lok 1030B21 Sabha*6, and *5Rajya Sabha*6. ^Other ways of eliciting public opinion 1040B21 on matters of national importance are to_ have a referendum or gauge 1050B21 the way the wind is blowing through the pattern of voting in by-elections. 1060B21 ^The one issue that_ has been uppermost in the minds of everyone 1070B21 for the last three years has been \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s role in the Emergency. 1080B21 ^Through a massive concerted propaganda campaign carried out by the 1090B21 Jan Sangh and its uniformed drill-boys of the \0R.S.S. and other 1100B21 disgruntled politiclans, millions of people mainly in northern India 1110B21 were misled into believing that there had been gross abuse of authority 1120B21 during the Emergency. ^Stories of how the aged and the adoleseent had 1130B21 been forcibly sterilised and died in the hundreds **[sic**] were 1131B21 assiduously circulated 1140B21 amongst the gullible. ^Clearance of slums was made out to_ be some 1150B21 kind of *7bhitzkreig and the numbers of people detained exaggerated 1160B21 beyond credibility. ^The vicious propaganda yielded handsome dividends 1170B21 and the northern states voted \0Mrs. Gandhi and her party out of power. 1180B21 ^It did not take long for the people to_ realise that they had been duped 1190B21 and that the so-called excesses of the Emergency had been blown up 1200B21 out of all proportion-- that the numbers of those detained without trial 1210B21 or forcibly sterilised had been recklessly multiplied: that while clearance 1220B21 of slums built on public land had been made out into an act of 1230B21 vandalism nothing was told them of the alternative accommodation provided 1240B21 to the slumdwellers. ^Slowly the truth began to_ dawn. ^Thereafter 1250B21 despite the adverse publicity given through proceedings of the innumerable 1260B21 commissions of inquiry and a regular barrage of "disclosures" which 1270B21 were subsequently withdrawn or found to_ be totally false, no one really 1280B21 believed anything that the Janata leaders said and the press subservient 1290B21 to them wrote as "Emergency excesses". ^The minorities, particularly 1300B21 the *4Harijans and the Muslims, turned their back on the Janata and 1310B21 reaffirmed their faith in Indira Gandhi. ^No more proof of this phenomenon 1320B21 is necessary than to_ look at the results of the by-elections that_ 1330B21 have taken place in recent months. ^Despite extensive "booth-capturing" 1340B21 and misuse of the state machinery Janata*'s massive majorities of 1350B21 the spring of 1977 have been substantially reduced and many have returned 1360B21 \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s Congress Party candidates. ^What more proof does 1370B21 anyone require to_ know that the climate of the spring of 1977 has 1380B21 undergone a vast change? ^*Janata knows that_ and has come to the conclusion 1390B21 that the only way to_ hold back the Indira wave is to_ put Indira 1400B21 Gandhi in gaol and continue to_ persecute her. ^The people of India 1410B21 will give them a befitting reply-- soon. 1411B21 $*<*3Punishment*0*> $^How far the 1420B21 collective wisdom of the *5Lok Sabha*6 has gone into the punishment 1430B21 meted out to Indira Gandhi will be debated so long as parliamentary 1440B21 democracy survives in this country. ^Not only a bad precedent has been set 1450B21 **[sic**] but a tragedy of the worst form unconceivable in a 1451B21 civilised society, 1460B21 let alone in a democracy, has been allowed to_ take place. ^This is the 1470B21 first occasion when a dispassionate discussion of an important issue 1480B21 was made impossible in Parliament by the bias and prejudice of the ruling 1490B21 party. ^From the beginning the effort of the Government had been to_ 1500B21 trap Indira Gandhi and it did not matter to \0Mr. Desai and hiscolleagues 1510B21 in what manner she was trapped. ^Otherwise the energy and resources 1520B21 of the Government would not have been spent on persecuting a person 1530B21 in inquiry commissions, in the court and in Parliament. \0^*Mr. Desai 1540B21 has only fooled himself by taking shelter under the plea that he has 1550B21 only carried out the wish of the majority in his party. ^The discussion 1560B21 of the privilege issue in the party forums itself was wrong. ^The few 1570B21 saner elements in the party never wanted to_ punish her but reason fled 1580B21 from the Janata mob. ^The spirit of revenge has overtaken dispassionate 1590B21 thinking. $^*Indira Gandhi in office or out of office, in Parliament 1600B21 or outside Parliament in jail or free has emerged as the moving spirit 1610B21 behind the nation: ^Neither prison walls nor persecution of any sort 1620B21 can defeat her or the ideals which she stands for. ^She has been as 1630B21 much a product of the Indian revolution as that_ of suffering. ^Her father, 1640B21 her grandfather and even her mother went to jail to_ free India 1650B21 whose present Prime minister happens to_ be \0Mr. Morarji Desai. 1660B21 ^The nation may shed tears in sorrow at the moment but this is not the 1670B21 time to_ feel despondent. ^*Indira Gandhi is the nation*'s leader and wherever 1680B21 she is, she will continue to_ inspire and lead the nation. $^*Indira 1690B21 Gandhi*'s expulsion from the *5Lok Sabha*6 has made a mockery of 1700B21 parliamentary democracy. ^Hardly six weeks after her election to the *5Lok 1710B21 Sabha*6 and her election as chairman of the Congress (\0I) Parliamentary 1720B21 Party, she has been expelled from the house merely on the charge 1730B21 that she had committed a breach of privilege in the previous *5Lok 1740B21 Sabha*6.*# **[no. of words = 02005**] **[txt. b22**] 0010B22 **<*3AN INSULT TO THE PEOPLE*0**> $^The happenings of the last two days 0020B22 in both the Houses of the Maharashtra Legislature and the most ugly 0030B22 and reprehensible act of *(chappal-throwing*) at the Chief 0031B22 Minister 0040B22 and the Treasury benches, bring no credit to the Opposition parties. ^The 0050B22 public demonstrations and *4morchas on the *5Vidhan Bhawan*6 were 0051B22 quite 0060B22 understandable. ^But the outbreak of violence in the Kasturchand Park 0070B22 about which two versions are now available, one by the Opposition 0080B22 leaders and the other by the Police Commissioner, have marred the otherwise 0090B22 peaceful demonstrations and have landed them into the realm of both 0100B22 impropriety and unconstitutionality. ^But the most unfortunate and disturbing 0110B22 part is the behaviour of the Opposition parties on the floor 0120B22 of the House in not allowing the proceedings to_ go on. ^That responsible 0130B22 leaders in public life who were till yesterday holding high offices 0140B22 in Government should be a party to this irresponsible behaviour only 0150B22 goes to_ show how they have lost their balance and sense of proportion 0160B22 and perspective because of loss of power. ^They were the loudest in condemning 0170B22 such tactics of the then opposition parties and very rightly so. 0180B22 ^But when they themselves resort to the same tactics when out of office, 0190B22 how can they escape the blame of double standards and double talk? 0200B22 ^It is perfectly legitimate for them to_ dislike the present Government 0210B22 and it is open to them to_ dislodge it from power by legal and constitutional 0220B22 means. ^As experienced legislators, they know they can bring a censure 0230B22 and no-confidence motion against the Government and can build up 0240B22 their majority in order to_ throw it out of office. ^But to_ resort to 0250B22 obstructionist tactics which do injury to the dignity and decorum of the 0260B22 House cannot be justified on any ground, whatever be the provocation. 0270B22 ^Our Parliamentary and representative institutions do not merely reflect 0280B22 the Government of the day; they reflect the collective will and voice 0290B22 of the people which, in the last analysis, is the Voice of God. 0300B22 $^Legislatures like the Courts of Justice are symbols of our democratic 0310B22 system and it is the duty of every citizen to_ see that their dignity 0320B22 and decorum are maintained and nothing is done that_ brings them into 0330B22 contempt or disrepute. ^This responsibility devolves all the greater on 0340B22 the legislators who are the elected representatives of the people and 0350B22 who are expected to_ set up a model in democratic behaviour. ^Yet again, 0360B22 this responsibility lies the heaviest on the shoulders of those who had 0370B22 once occupied the Treasury benches and were charged with the executive 0380B22 responsibility of running a Government in accordance with the wishes 0390B22 of the people. $^Governments come and go but the Legislature remains 0400B22 a distinct and abiding entity which is well beyond and above party politics 0410B22 and the power game. $^We hold no brief for the present Government 0420B22 nor did we hold any brief for the previous Government for they were and 0430B22 are competent enough to_ take care of themselves. ^But we do feel deeply 0440B22 involved in the proper functioning of the democratic system in accordance 0450B22 with our constitution, and that no political party strays from the 0460B22 well-establisned norms of parliamentary democracy. $^And what is the 'sin' 0470B22 of Pawar Government? ^Judging from the slogans shouted against it, 0480B22 it is a 'treacherous' Government (*5Gaddar Sarkar*6). ^Who will sit 0490B22 in judgement over the acts of so-called 'treachery'? ^And 'treachery' 0500B22 against whom? ^The Congress Party? ^Which Congress? ^And if one starts 0510B22 speaking on this level, what was the manner in which the previous Government 0520B22 had come into being? ^It is all a matter of very recent memory 0530B22 that the Congress Party was split early this year and the two factions 0540B22 of the Congress who fought the last Assembly elections against each 0550B22 other as deadly enemies were each reduced into minority parties but who, 0560B22 over-night, joined hands with each other to_ entrench themselves in power, 0570B22 contrary to the pledges which they had given to the electorates. ^Was 0580B22 there much of a moral basis in that_ kind of get-together? ^Was it not 0590B22 an opportunistic alliance with no better purpose than sharing the spoils 0600B22 of office? ^But we did not go into that_ question in depth at that_ 0610B22 time because it is a part of the democratic process and once you establish 0620B22 and demonstrate your majority, you acquire the right to_ form the Government. 0630B22 ^Similarly, the moment \0Mr. Sharad Pawar demonstrated his 0640B22 majority within the frame work of the Constitution, he acquired both 0650B22 the legal and constitutional right to_ form a Government and his Government 0660B22 is in fact the Government constituted according to law even as the 0670B22 previous Government was. ^It is therefore entitled to all respect and 0680B22 consideration because it, for the time being, is the Government of the 0690B22 people. ^It cannot be ousted by merely shouting slogans or throwing 0691B22 *4chappals. 0700B22 ^Nor by obstructing the proceedings of the House with un-constitutional 0710B22 means like squatting on the floor or loud thumping. ^Reduce it 0720B22 into a minority and, certainly, the Government will have no justification 0730B22 to_ stay even for a minute thereafter. ^There are no short cuts in 0740B22 this exercise and there is no room for unconstitutional, improper behaviour, 0750B22 whatever the extent of anger, frustration or impatience. $^The legislator 0760B22 who hurled *4chappals at the Chief Minister or the Treasury benches 0770B22 may have been hurt or wounded in the *7melee at the Kasturchand 0771B22 Park, 0780B22 but he had no business to_ import his passions into the *8sanctum sanctorum*9 0790B22 of the house of the people whose dignity and prestige has to_ 0800B22 be maintained at all costs. ^The hurt that_ he has caused is not so much 0810B22 to the Chief Minister or his Government but it is a hurt to all enlightened 0820B22 public opinion and an insult to the people whose collective mind 0830B22 and wisdom the *5Vidhan Sabha*6 represents. ^In fact, the act has 0840B22 resulted in giving greater strength to the Pawar Government and has dealt 0850B22 a heavy blow to the opposition in general and to the party to which 0860B22 the legislator belongs in particular. ^The behaviour is contrary to the 0870B22 culture and traditions of our country and people and is certainly an affront 0880B22 to the spirit of hospitality, warmth, and refinement of the people 0890B22 of Vidarbha. 0900B22 $**<*3PARTING OF THE WAYS*0**> $^The Charan group, after the fateful 0910B22 culmination of the top leadership crisis, is poised for parting of the 0920B22 ways. ^This is despite \0Mr. Charan Singh*'s recent averment that 0930B22 he would not quit the Janata Party. ^Discontent and frustration, giving 0940B22 rise to anger, stupefy one*'s sense of fairness and propriety. ^It was 0950B22 the amalgam that_ imparted unique strength to the Janata constituents 0960B22 which individually were groping in the wilderness for years. ^Sensible 0970B22 people thought that the constituents would never forget this stark reality 0980B22 and would triumph over the amalgam*'s internal disparities. ^But this 0990B22 was not to_ be. ^It is now amply proved that hunger for power and false 1000B22 sense of prestige on the part of \0Mr. Charan Singh caused the leadership 1010B22 crisis and the stage is set for parting company. ^This is unfortunate 1020B22 not only for the Janata but also for the country which was envisioning 1030B22 the onset of a balanced two-party democracy. $^The Charan group 1040B22 which has 68 members (\0B.L.D.) in the *5Lok Sabha*6 is reportedly 1041B22 appointing 1050B22 a committee to_ bargain with the Janata leadership over the organisational 1060B22 elections being held shortly. ^Obviously they want some key posts 1070B22 failing which they would boycott the elections. ^There is a section 1080B22 in this group which prefers fighting from within the party. ^But in almost 1090B22 all similar cases such preliminary tactics are employed to_ make things 1100B22 difficult for the leadership and then find an excuse to_ part company. 1110B22 ^This is one of the many-splendoured hues of politics. ^There is then 1120B22 the *4Kisan Rally to_ be held shortly which, to all intents and purposes, 1130B22 is designed to_ show the strength of the \0B.L.D. group. $^According 1140B22 to a political observer, the Charan group has already set a date 1150B22 for launching a new party (second week of January) and even its name 1160B22 has been tentatively fixed as 'National Front'. ^According to him, a 1170B22 \0B.L.D. leader has threatened that "if they (Janata leaders) do anything 1180B22 to us in our States (Haryana, \0U.P. and Bihar), we shall do 1190B22 our best to_ break the Desai \0Govt. without \0Mrs. Gandhi*'s support 1200B22 if possible, and with it if necessary". ^Now one can clearly see how politicians 1210B22 make strange bedfellows. ^An agency report from Bangalore says 1220B22 that \0Mr. Devraj Urs (Congress-\0I) said he would consider attending 1230B22 the *4Kisan Rally if he received the invitation. ^According to a 1240B22 New Delhi report both Congress-\0I Chief Ministers of Karnataka 1250B22 and Andhra Pradesh, \0Mr. Urs and \0Mr. Chenna Reddy, were among 1260B22 the leaders requested to_ attend the *4Kisan Rally. ^It is a subtle attempt 1270B22 to_ invite an invitation. ^The Congress-\0I leaders are adept in 1280B22 capitalising an opportunity to_ make inroads in the ranks of their rivals, 1290B22 if they come across one. ^It is funny that the Charan group which 1300B22 was recently so firmly set on wreaking vengeance on Indira Congress is 1310B22 now inclined to_ shake hands with them. ^But that_ is politics, Indian 1320B22 style and the less said about it, the better. $^For the Janata leaders, 1330B22 no purpose would be served by belittling the Charan group*'s threats 1340B22 and challenges. ^There are still some leaders in the Party who have not 1350B22 lost hopes. ^They may yet go a few miles to_ find a meeting point at 1360B22 the organisational level. \0^*Mr. Charan Singh may be offered 1361B22 Presidentship 1370B22 and some others some of the key posts. ^The Charan group is aware 1380B22 that after parting company with Janata, their future political course 1390B22 involves an element of risk which may send them in wilderness. ^On this 1400B22 exigency hangs the slender hope of their choosing to_ stay in the Janata 1410B22 Party and fight for power from within \0i.e., to_ capture the organisation 1420B22 first and then find the way to power. ^So long as \0Mr. Morarji 1430B22 is there at the helm of \0Govt, \0Mr. Charan Singh has not an iota 1440B22 of chance to_ get what he has so ardently desired. ^So, their strategy 1450B22 is bound to_ bring about \0Mr. Morarji*'s ouster which is not so simple 1460B22 as they think. ^Things can still be straightened if \0Mr. Morarji 1470B22 changes his mind in the interests of the party and offers Home to \0Mr 1480B22 Charan Singh. ^But this is hoping against hope. $^If the Charan 1481B22 group 1490B22 breaks away and goes in for unscrupulous alliances, then it becomes 1500B22 a real threat to the Janata \0Govt. and the party. ^At this point of 1510B22 the situation, the Janata leaders cannot afford to_ be complacent. 1520B22 ^*Janata*'s tragedy will be a national tragedy. 1530B22 **<*3Nosy Love*0**> $^They say quarrels provide the much needed spices 1540B22 of marital life. ^This appears to_ be an exercise in making a virtue of 1550B22 adversities. ^Quarrelling couples often miss the bliss of married life. 1560B22 ^It may be all right so long as quarrels are 'uncorporal'. ^But if 1570B22 they are fought bodyline style, it is havoc and devastation. $^According 1580B22 to a report, a 27-year-old Pakistani was arrested this week in a town 1590B22 in Denmark for biting off the tip of his Danish wife*'s nose during a 1600B22 domestic quarrel. ^Fortunately the wife*'s nose tip was recovered by the 1610B22 police and hospital surgeons sewed it back. ^The doctors hope but are 1620B22 not certain if the tip would stay. ^If it stays, so far so good. ^If it 1630B22 doesn*'4t, what a problem for the woman, and the hubby too! ^This takes 1640B22 us to a similar story which happened in South Korea exactly ten years 1650B22 ago. ^A young jobless Korean boy went to his beautician girl friend one 1660B22 night, and proposed. ^Getting a frozen mitten from her, the enraged boy 1670B22 bit her nose clean off. ^The girl picked up the piece of flesh and hurried 1680B22 to a hospital but lost the tip on the way. ^Next day she visited the 1690B22 police station and pleaded for her lover*'s release-- "I will marry him; 1700B22 I didn*'4t know he loved me so much". ^Whether the Korean boy was 1710B22 released and whether he accepted his noseless beloved is not known.*# **[no. of words = 02009**] **[txt. b23**] 0010B23 **<*3Legal right to property*0**> $^Sir,-- ^The remarks of \0Mr. \0G. 0020B23 Thimmiah (\0D.H. July 3) in his rejoinder to my letter (\0D.H. 0021B23 June 21) 0030B23 are unfortunately based on incorrect impressions. $^As stated by him I 0040B23 have not raised doubts about the incentive role of right to property. 0050B23 ^In fact I have pleaded for a powerful legal right to property, with the 0060B23 proviso of a more than the market value, **[sic**] 0061B23 as compensation, if circumstances 0070B23 necessitate the confiscation of property. ^This plea of mine has 0080B23 been ignored in his writing. $^In general the hereditary property owner, 0090B23 in the lower strata will not have the necessary incentive and ability 0100B23 to_ acquire new property, except in rare cases. ^This fact can be refuted 0110B23 only by conducting a statistical survey, not by verbal arguments. $\0^*Mr. 0120B23 Thimmiah*'s assertion that the law of diminishing marginal utility 0130B23 acts as a disincentive to the acquisition of property at higher levels 0140B23 is based on an incorrect understanding. ^The law of diminishing marginal 0150B23 utility is a psychological law. ^But this is not the only psychological 0160B23 factor that_ operates on the human mind. ^There are other factors 0170B23 as well. ^One such factor is the man*'s intense desire or greed to_ possess 0180B23 more property. ^This increases with the increase in property. ^At higher 0190B23 levels individuals possess greater ability and desire to_ acquire additional 0200B23 property, whereas at lower levels they have to_ struggle even 0210B23 to_ retain the property. $^Supposing the law of diminishing marginal utility 0220B23 operates; then to_ attain a given level of satisfaction, an individual 0230B23 has to_ acquire more property than he would do if he possessed less 0240B23 property. ^This, combined with the desire to_ accumulate, will cumulatively 0250B23 act to_ acquire more wealth. $^The law of diminishing marginal utility 0260B23 applies only to articles of consumption and not to property. ^It is 0270B23 based on Weber*'s and Fechner*'s law in psychology. ^The relation between 0280B23 sensation and stimulus, which is the basis of the law, is not valid 0290B23 in this case. $\0^*Mr. Thimmiah says he is concerned about people possessing 0300B23 small property in houses, lands, copyright, patents \0etc. ^It 0310B23 is only for their very concern, that I am insisting upon an irrevocable 0320B23 legal right. ^He is not perhaps aware how the poor land-owners were deprived 0330B23 of their property, with a meagre belated compensation. $^*I am completely 0340B23 aware of the changes in the law structure, but I do not agree 0350B23 with his contention about their utility to the economic development. ^The 0360B23 existing basis of the tax system and its structure is only a modified 0370B23 form of the British system. ^A thorough revolutionary approach with 0380B23 a complete change in the underlying tenets suited to our social and economic 0390B23 conditions, is needed. $^*I have argued for a substantial legal right 0400B23 and not for an illusory fundamental right based on a false sense of 0410B23 prestige. \0^*Mr. Thimmiah should have tried to_ present his views on 0420B23 the pros and cons of the fundamental and legal rights. $**<*3Family pension*0**> 0430B23 $^Sir,-- The Government of Karnataka has taken a commendable 0440B23 step in introducing the Family Pension Scheme, which is a boon to 0450B23 many an economically backward family. ^This humanitarian gesture of the 0460B23 Government under the able stewardship of Chief Minister Devaraj Urs, 0470B23 speaks volumes of its unshakable commitment to_ alleviate the sufferings 0480B23 of the poor. ^But I wish to_ draw the attention of the Government 0490B23 to a glaring anomaly in the scheme which calls for rectification. ^The 0500B23 Government is agreeable to_ pay pension to the retired staff of District 0510B23 Board, *4Taluk Board and aided educational institutions. ^But 0511B23 it 0520B23 denies the Family Pension benefit to the wives of the deceased who 0530B23 have retired from service in these institutions. $^To_ cite a case my father 0540B23 was a Kannada Pandit in a Girls*' High School at Kollegal, which 0550B23 was formerly run by the District Board and was subsequently handed 0560B23 over to the *4Taluk Development Board. ^He retired in 1961. ^The 0561B23 school 0570B23 was taken over by the Government in 1973. ^In spite of having retired 0571B23 from 0580B23 service in a quasi \0Govt. institution he drew pension for nearly 17 0590B23 years. $^He passed away last year and my mother sought the benefit of 0600B23 Family Pension. ^But to her disappointment, the Accountant General*'s 0610B23 office turned down the request, on the ground that my father was not in 0620B23 service when the institution was taken over by the Government. $^This 0630B23 is a glaring discrepancy which warrants immediate rectification. ^Any delay 0640B23 will only result in untold misery to all those facing the ordeal as 0650B23 my mother. $**<*3Reservations*0**> $^Sir,-- ^Of late, there is much discontent 0660B23 over reservations. ^If reservations are made on the basis of caste 0670B23 and communities, we are making a permanent division among our own people. 0680B23 ^It is nothing but driving a wedge between several castes and communities. 0690B23 $^In their attempt to_ get the benefit of reservations overnight, 0700B23 people are opting to some community which is in the list of \0S.Cs 0710B23 and \0S.Ts or even a hill tribe. ^A Kapu becomes a Konda Kapu; a 0720B23 Jangama becomes a Bedara Jangama; a Kuruba becomes a Kadu Kuruba, 0730B23 a Kshatriya becomes a Vanyakula Kshatriya and so on. ^There is competition 0740B23 in degrading their communities in the social order just to_ come 0750B23 into the penumbra of the reservations. ^If this trend is allowed, there 0760B23 is no end to the false pretensions and representations leading to corruption 0770B23 and nepotism. $^Thus the reservations are an anachronism. ^They do 0780B23 immense harm to the national life. $^It will be the finest day in the 0790B23 history of our country when reservations are abolished. ^These reservations, 0800B23 instead of uplifting the down-trodden and the so-called backwards, 0810B23 confirm them in their places and take away the incentives and push, which 0820B23 are so necessary to_ come up in life. ^The people must learn to_ face 0830B23 open competition and work hard for the advancement of their interests. 0840B23 ^They should stop depending on reservations to_ bring them up. ^For this, 0850B23 they have to_ plan their lives and those of their children in such a 0860B23 way that no reservations are necessary for them to_ come up. $^Those who 0870B23 hanker after reservations develop an inferiority complex. ^There are many 0880B23 ways in which they can assert themselves and come up without seeking 0890B23 the protection of reservations. $**<*3External courses*0**> $Sir,-- ^The 0900B23 Bangalore University is still the most orthodox University in not 0910B23 implementing or modifying the system of administration, admission \0etc. 0920B23 $^External courses are meant for those persons who are interested to_ 0930B23 enrich their knowledge and obtain a Post-graduate degree in the Arts 0940B23 or Commerce disciplines. ^It is a pity that the Bangalore University 0950B23 is not fulfilling this noble cause. ^In this regard, Karnatak University 0960B23 and Mysore University have gone serveral steps ahead. ^The Mysore 0970B23 University has introduced 'open-air' courses. ^The Karnatak University 0980B23 is allowing even the candidates from other universities to_ obtain Post-graduate 0990B23 degrees. ^When other universities are making provision for a 1000B23 person to_ become a Post-graduate without becoming the graduate why can*'4t 1010B23 the Bangalore University provide a Post-graduate and graduate of 1020B23 this University the facility to_ take up another Post-graduate degree, 1030B23 without insisting that the candidate should have obtained the degree 1040B23 in the discipline of his higher studies or in the allied subjects? 1050B23 $**<*3Wastages over seminars*0**> $^Sir,-- ^One of the characteristic features 1060B23 of our age is the awareness about poverty and injustices. ^A tragedy 1070B23 of our time is that the very same institutions or structures we make 1080B23 with laudable intentions become millstones or white elephants. $^Take 1090B23 for instance, the Food and Agricultural Organisation (\0F.A.*0). 1100B23 $^This Rome-based world organisation was instituted to_ mitigate mankind*'s 1110B23 worst suffering \0viz starvation. ^But the sorry state of this august 1120B23 body was brought to light last year by one of its directors. ^He disclosed 1130B23 that 80 \0p.c. of \0F.A.O*'s budget is spent on the pay and 1140B23 perquisites of its inflated bureaucracy. ^Another 11 \0p.c. goes to_ meet 1150B23 the cost of travel to seminars and conferences constantly held at exotic 1160B23 places round the world. ^Another 6 \0p.c. is spent to_ meet the expenses 1170B23 of the glossy publicity material of the \0F.A.O in seven different 1180B23 languages. ^Thus out of every 100 dollars that the world community 1190B23 is made to_ contribute to the \0F.A.O, 3 dollars are left for rushing 1200B23 emergency grain supplies to famine-stricken areas or to_ promote research 1210B23 aimed at increasing food production. $^Recently \0UN Secretary-General 1220B23 Kurt Waldheim complained about the worthlessness of many of 1230B23 the international meetings and conferences. ^He said: "*_^We have too many 1240B23 gatherings, conferences and sessions of one sort or another. ^The result 1250B23 is that fewer people listen to the speeches, even among the representatives 1260B23 of the Governments, let alone the press or the public" (\0D.H.-- 1270B23 \0Sept. 15). $^In India also we have a plethora of conferences 1271B23 and 1280B23 seminars conducted by various institutions and organisations and what 1290B23 huge expenses are incurred on them. ^And nobody knows what tangible results 1300B23 they make. ^Unless a moratorium or ceiling is imposed on conferences 1310B23 and sessions, they will continue to_ gobble up people*'s money without 1320B23 any limit. $**<*3A 1330B23 motorist*'s complaint*0**> $^Sir,-- ^How foreign one feels in India 1340B23 when one owns an automobile is to_ be experienced. ^An automobile can 1350B23 be registered in only one State of India and by some chance you have 1360B23 stayed more than a month in another State, you run the risk of getting 1370B23 your automobile seized by the authorities. ^*I feel, it is high-time 1380B23 to_ repeal such laws from our statutes book, which make us feel as foreigners 1390B23 in one*'s own country. 1391B23 $**<*3Multinationals*0**> $^Sir,-- By accusing 1400B23 the Government of India and charging the Union Industries Minister 1410B23 George Fernandes for their attitude to multi-national corporations, 1420B23 \0Mr. Orville Freeman, former Agricultural Secretary and now the 1430B23 co-chairman of the \0Indo-U.S. Joint Council, has only betrayed 1440B23 the imperialist attitude of the super powers. $\0^*Mr. Freeman*'s remarks 1450B23 have already invited sharp criticism from Janata \0M.P. Krishna 1460B23 Kant who has called for the winding up of the Joint \0Indo-U.S. Business 1470B23 Council which, he said, had become a lobbyist for \0U.S. multi-nationals*' 1480B23 creed and policies. "^It is for us to_ decide what kind of 1490B23 industry and business we shall establish and what is good for our system," 1500B23 \0Mr. Krishna Kant said. $^Multinationals operating in India, not 1510B23 merely repatriate huge profits, but deny us the latest technology available 1520B23 in their countries. ^And the avenues they choose to_ operate are 1530B23 not meant for the people but such luxuries as soaps, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals 1540B23 yielding high profit. ^And their marketing system to_ say the 1550B23 least is meant for the sophisticated and urbanities. ^All their systems 1560B23 have never been straight. $^According to information available with the 1570B23 Department of Company Affairs the asset of 393 Indian branches of 1580B23 multinational corporations have increased by about 25 per cent in three 1590B23 years. ^Their assets increased from \0Rs. 1672 *4crores in 1972-73 1591B23 to\0Rs. 1600B23 2084 *4crores in 1975-76. ^The bulk of these assets-- \0Rs. 1479 1610B23 *4crores-- is accounted for by branches of companies incorporated in 1620B23 the \0U.K., followed by branches of \0USA based corporations, whose 1630B23 assets were \0Rs. 390.5 *4crores. $^It has been stated that multinational 1640B23 corporations have a growing role to_ play in the world capitalist economy 1650B23 and politics by bringing considerable influence on social process 1660B23 occurring in the non-socialist part of the world. ^According to certain 1670B23 estimates, by the end of this century, about 100 super-giants will control 1680B23 three quarters of the capitalist world*'s production. $^The latest 1690B23 figures published in the bulletin "Survey of Current Business," issued 1700B23 by the \0U.S. Department of Commerce, says direct capital investments 1710B23 by the \0U.S. monopolies in the developing countries increased 1720B23 from 20,700 million in 1971 to 29,100 million in 1976. ^The intensive exploitation 1730B23 of the developing countries by subsidiaries of the American 1740B23 monopolies guarantees such a high rate of profit that in 1976 the \0US 1750B23 was able to_ repatriate 5,800 million dollars in net profit. ^The total 1760B23 sum of profits remitted to the \0US in the past five years reached 1770B23 22,900 million dollars. $^Thus, one finds that the developing countries 1780B23 whose economics become dominated by multinational corporations, face inevitably 1790B23 as ruthless an exploitation as they suffered under colonialism 1800B23 of the past. 1810B23 $**<*PAVEMENT HOGS**> $^Sir,-- ^Your columnist*'s comments regarding 1820B23 misuse of pavements (City Beat-- *(0D. H.*) \0Sept. 24) are 1830B23 timely.*# **[no. of words = 02007**] **[txt. b24**] 0010B24 **<*3A Commendable Achievement**> $^Sir,-- ^Collection of accurate 0020B24 statistics on vital sectors of the economy is a pre-requisite for any 0030B24 planning process. ^In the context of Rolling Plan commencing in April, 0040B24 1978, timely availability of data on the economic activity in the non-agricultural 0050B24 sector covered by the Economic Census conducted by the 0060B24 Government of India throughout the country in collaboration with the 0070B24 State Government machineries will go a long way in fixing the reasonable 0080B24 targets and allocation of resources. ^The data so far available on 0090B24 this sector (non-farm establishments) are sketchy and are therefore not 0100B24 dependable. $^The release of the sky figures, albeit provisional, thrown 0110B24 up by the Economic Census conducted by the Government of Assam as 0120B24 a part of nationwide programme of economic census in a record time of 0130B24 barely two-and a half months is an achievement to_ reckon with (Assam 0140B24 Tribune, February 3). ^The success of this gigantic operation covering 0150B24 77 towns and 23,158 villages in the State of Assam is the result 0160B24 of team work of several hundreds 0170B24 of dedicated workers right from the field enumerators to the supervisory 0180B24 and administrative level officials of various Government departments 0190B24 like Revenue, Education, Economics \0& Statistics \0etc. $^According 0200B24 to the findings of this Economic Census, there are 1.02 *4lakh 0210B24 non-agricultural establishments in Assam engaging 8.14 *4lakh workers 0211B24 of 0220B24 which 7.27 *4lakh (or 89 \0pc) are hired workers. ^This means the self-employed 0230B24 category comprise only 87,000 persons or 11 \0pc. ^As was expected 0240B24 Gauhati subdivision occupies the top position with 12,000 establishments 0250B24 with a little over 1 *4lakh persons engaged. $^Again, of the total 0260B24 establishments (1.02 *4lakh) 70 per cent of the establishments with 0270B24 above 67 per cent of persons engaged are located in rural areas. ^This 0280B24 shows that there has been a dispersal of non-farm establishments in the 0290B24 rural areas which employ more than two-thirds of the workers in this sector. 0300B24 ^This is a happy trend as this will stop mobility of the working 0310B24 force from rural to urban in search of job opportunities where the prospect 0320B24 is already lean. $^Against this backdrop, the Planning commission*'s 0330B24 shift of emphasis from heavy industries to village and small industries 0340B24 has been timely as the latter is expected to_ generate greater number 0350B24 of job-opportunities for the rural unemployed. 0360B24 $**<*3Uniformity Of Wages**> $^Sir,-- ^Recently Prime Minister 0370B24 Morarji Desai told the leader of the striking employees of Maharashtra 0380B24 that it is beyond the capacity of the Government to_ concede to their 0390B24 demand for the uniformity in the \0DA rate of Central and State 0400B24 Government employees and gave a concrete example of difference of wages 0410B24 of a driver in public and private sector. ^According to him it may 0420B24 be possible for a driver in private company to_ receive \0Rs. 700 per month, 0430B24 but is not possible to_ give the driver a salary beyond \0Rs. 200 0440B24 in Government service. $^So, when such a statement of different wages 0450B24 comes from a highest echelon of the Government it is something amusing 0460B24 to_ find in the argument of the Additional Solicitor General in the 0470B24 case of \0LIC (Bonus) Modification Act, 1976 in the Supreme Court 0480B24 on 14.12.77. **[sic**] 0481B24 ^The Additional Solicitor General defended the Act 0490B24 by his argument that the Act has to some extent brought uniformity in 0500B24 wages to other section of employees who receive less and helped check inflation 0510B24 in the country by not pumping out about \0Rs 6 *4crores into 0520B24 the market. ^To this argument, the honourable Judges quipped to_ know if 0530B24 there is uniformity of wages for some jobs in the country and any opinion 0540B24 from an established economist that the inflation has been contained 0550B24 due to this Act. ^The Additional Solicitor General failed to_ reply 0560B24 to these queries from the honourable Judges of the highest body of the 0570B24 judiciary. $^So, the absurdity of differential wages in different sectors 0580B24 in the present structure of economy will continue unless the Government 0590B24 sincerely want radical change in the national economy to_ make an 0600B24 egalitarian society. 0610B24 $**<*3A Pity**> $^Sir,-- ^It has become a risky business, 0611B24 posthumously, 0620B24 for those of our not too affluent literary celebrities to_ die nowadays. 0630B24 ^They may, or may not be accorded the tribute and homage they so richly 0640B24 deserve. ^The historic Homer-living Homer-dead public somersault 0650B24 is unthinkable in the case of our poor writers. $^The latest victim of 0660B24 this heinous public apathy was Koka Phukan who practically gave his life 0670B24 for our literature. ^That_ great son of Assam had a quiet end followed 0680B24 by a quieter last journey to his cremation. ^The number of our so-called 0690B24 elite who willy-nilly accompanied the apology of a funeral procession 0700B24 could be counted on the fingers of one hand. ^But they are great 0710B24 ones at attending clubs, going to English movies on Sunday mornings, 0720B24 sending their children to English medium schools and what is downright 0730B24 funny sporting Lufthansa and British Airways stickers on their car bumpers. 0740B24 ^They are oblivious to the reflection their attitude casts on their 0750B24 education and culture as Assamese. ^But it certainly betrays a dangerous 0760B24 trend and unless checked in time will condition us a generation or 0770B24 two hence into looking askance at everything Assamese. ^Our children are 0780B24 already growing up miles away from the "contamination" of the Gita, the 0790B24 Ramayana and the Mahabharata, let alone our dying-folklore. ^*God bless 0800B24 our '*5Chiro senehi bhasha jononi*6'. 0810B24 $**<*3Paper Mills \0& Jobs**> $^Sir,-- ^I refer to the letter published 0820B24 in your esteemed daily (January 8) under the caption 'Paper mills 0830B24 and jobs'. \0*4^*Shri Amrit Kumar Talukdar has rightly suggested that 0840B24 the Government of Assam should take all precautionary measures to_ 0850B24 see that local people are recruited in all cadres both technical and non-technical, 0860B24 for the Projects of Hindustan Paper Corporation \0Ltd 0870B24 in Nowgong and Cachar. ^*I think there will not be any shortage of 0880B24 qualified and experienced persons in this State. $^So long our State Government 0890B24 had done little to_ protect the legitimate interests of the local 0900B24 people insofar as employment is concerned. ^Will they now wake up and 0910B24 take up this vital matter with the Central Government? 0920B24 $**<*3South Beltola Road**> $^Sir,-- ^The South Beltola Road 0921B24 bifurcating 0930B24 from the main Ganeshguri-Basistha Road towards the High School 0940B24 and a Primary School is a new road constructed with the help of local 0950B24 school boys and villagers. ^The road will be little more than a kilometre 0960B24 in length and there is one culvert which needs to_ be strengthened. 0970B24 ^This is a tribal populated area and needs immediate development providing 0980B24 better communication and electricity and all civic amenities. ^The 0990B24 attention of the authorities concerned is therefore drawn to_ make this 1000B24 road serviceable and also to_ take proper steps for development of this 1010B24 backward tribal area. 1020B24 $**<*3Social Justice**> $^Sir,-- ^Although there has been much talk 1030B24 and discussion on social justice in the Press and platform in recentlyears 1040B24 in our country the establishment of a society based on the concept 1050B24 of social justice has been eluding our grasp. ^Rather, social injustice 1060B24 has been manifesting itself in different fields of the life of the people 1070B24 and there are political, economic, legal and other types of inequalities 1080B24 prevailing in our country. ^In our country still man "finds himself 1090B24 in chains" even after thirty years of our political liberation. $^One 1100B24 of the main reasons of this strange phenomenon is the age-old caste 1110B24 system, which has raised barriers everywhere, and has divided the community 1120B24 and the society a hundred-fold and perhaps a thousand-fold. 1121B24 ^It has 1130B24 thus rendered Indian life a very weak vehicle for democracy having led 1140B24 the people along paths of various exploitations. ^Another weak limb of 1150B24 the Indian society is the vast chunk of tribal and semi-tribal population 1160B24 who **[sic**] 1161B24 still remains pinned to a primitive way of life and stark poverty. 1170B24 ^The Constitution of India has provided ample safeguards for these 1180B24 backward sections of the society and has devised special ways for their 1190B24 progress. ^But for reasons not known even those provisions have not 1200B24 borne the expected fruit. $^While backwardness is a disability to_ be removed 1210B24 through these measures, people now consider it a form of privilege 1220B24 and have tried to_ perpetuate it by rushing on it and enlarging the list 1230B24 of the backward classes. ^The old order of social fragmentation has 1240B24 thus not only yielded to a new order of equality and integration, but 1250B24 has, on the other hand, been finding new dimensions for itself by way 1260B24 of gaining political patronage and polarisation and manifesting itself 1270B24 in an added strength in the election and other processes of parliamentary 1280B24 democracy. $^Another glaring instance of caste and other disparities 1290B24 is evident in respect of the women population of our country. ^Even 1300B24 though we have a number of instances of the progress of Indian women 1310B24 to the highest of glory, women in India still remain in a state of 'bondage 1320B24 and surveilance' mainly due to the age-old beliefs and superstitions 1330B24 denying equality to them even in respect of a honourable **[sic**] 1331B24 living. $^In 1340B24 our view, there is possibly not one method or step to_ remove social 1350B24 injustice and disparities. ^In the matter of *4Harijans or the tribes, 1360B24 or women constitutional safeguards, legislations and social organisations 1370B24 alone may not work well so long as there is hiatus between the word 1380B24 and the deed between the heart and the hand. ^Just as caste and other disparties 1390B24 have evolved through the ages almost organically there must be 1400B24 an organic growth of liberalism and liberal ideas in the mind of the individual 1410B24 members of the society. ^In the absence of such a mental growth 1420B24 and development the establishment of a new order based on the concept 1430B24 of social justice shall remain as elusive as ever before. 1440B24 $**<*3Railway Timings**> $^Sir,-- ^The 166 \0Dn Janata Express 1441B24 leaves 1450B24 New Bongaigaon for Howrah at 10-10 hours. ^It has no separate connecting 1460B24 train: passengers have to_ go to New Bongaigaon by 1 \0Dn (Gauhati-Lucknow) 1470B24 *(0A T*) Mail which leaves Gauhati at 5-50 hours. ^In 1480B24 many areas of Gauhati and its suburbs city buses do not ply before 1490B24 7-30 hours and taxis are very difficult to_ get so early. ^Many passengers 1500B24 are, therefore, forced to_ stay overnight at the railway station or in 1510B24 nearby hotels or elsewhere. $^We hope that the *(0N F*) Railway 1511B24 would 1520B24 appreciate the difficulties of the passengers and shift the time of departure 1530B24 of 1 \0Dn *(0A T*) Mail (or extend Barak Valley Express 1540B24 beyond Gauhati to New Bongaigaon) by two hours to 7-50 hours and that 1550B24 of 166 \0Dn Janata Express by two hours and 15 minutes to 12-45 hours 1560B24 (this will increase the time available for transhipment at New Bongaigaon 1570B24 to 40 minutes from the present 25 minutes which is too short). ^With 1580B24 dieselization this two hours and 15 minutes can be easily made up and 1590B24 the train will arrive at Howrah more or less at the present timing of 1600B24 6.20 hours and the Eastern Railway should have no difficulty or objection. 1610B24 ^Dieselization will increase the carrying capacity and the *(0N 1620B24 F*) Railway authority is also requested to_ increase the number of three-tier 1630B24 sleeper coaches. 1640B24 $**<*3Dikhou On Rampage**> $^Sir,-- ^The river Dikhou, no doubt, 1650B24 has added natural beauty to the Sibsagar town. ^When one crosses the steel 1660B24 bridge on this river and enters the town one takes with him the 1661B24 green 1670B24 memory of blue water and zig-zag course. ^The river will appear very innocent 1680B24 and harmless. ^But actually it is not so. ^If one makes a comparative 1690B24 study of the municipal maps of Sibsagar town of the years 1948 1700B24 and 1977, one will be able to_ get an idea about the ravages through erosion 1710B24 done to this small town by this small river. ^The damage is not insignificant. 1720B24 $^The dyke on the river Dikhou and the road known as Dhaiali 1730B24 form the boundary of the town on the South and the west respectively. 1750B24 ^The area lying between the Durbar Road and the dyke is the worst 1760B24 affected one, so far as erosion is concerned. ^In 1950, the dyke on this 1770B24 river between Thanamukh and Puccaghat was more than a furlong away 1780B24 from the present one. ^During these years how many families of this 1781B24 area have 1790B24 been rendered homeless, the municipal record can also reveal.*# **[no. of words = 02008**] **[txt. b25**] 0010B25 **<*3Foreign travel and baggage rules**> $^The liberalisation of the 0020B25 baggage rules announced by \0Mr. Satish Agrawal, Union Minister of 0030B25 State for Finance, is no doubt a concession to Indian travellers returning 0040B25 from foreign trips. ^But the minister*'s claim that the rules will 0050B25 also facilitate clearance of passengers at the international airport 0060B25 is over-optimistic. ^The delay in clearing passengers at the international 0070B25 airports does not entirely depend on the money limit for duty-free baggage. 0080B25 ^It is the rigidity of the baggage rules and their harsh application 0090B25 that_ cause a hold-up at the airports. ^Normally, several international 0100B25 airlines reach New Delhi in the early hours of the morning. ^Such 0110B25 aircraft offloads on an average 250 to 300 passengers and there are 0120B25 occasions when 500 to 1,000 passengers are awaiting clearance. $^Though 0130B25 for some time past separate counters for tourists and passengers carrying 0140B25 non-dutiable articles have been provided, each passenger has to_ have 0141B25 his 0150B25 baggage opened and checked. ^The check is often rigorous. ^At times disputes 0160B25 arise whether the value of articles is within the permissible 0170B25 limit or exceeds it and unending arguments go on. ^These cause great delays 0180B25 in clearance of passengers. ^The number of customs officials at the 0190B25 airports is inadequate to_ cope with the traffic. ^By raising the limit 0200B25 of duty-free articles from \0Rs. 500 to \0Rs. 1,000, the problem does 0210B25 not get solved. ^The dispute will now be whether one has got goods within 0220B25 the present permissible limit or has exceeded it. ^Moreover, considering 0230B25 the steep rise in the prices of consumer articles in the West, the 0240B25 real benefits of the concession are largely illusory. ^Shirts, blade packs, 0250B25 cosmetics, pens, and other presentation articles, which are normally 0260B25 brought on one*'s return from a foreign trip, are four to five times 0270B25 costlier than they were a few years ago. ^The entire conception behind the 0280B25 baggage rules appears to_ be that Indians going abroad go primarily 0290B25 on a shopping spree and their aim is to_ get the maximum foreign stuff in 0300B25 the country somehow or other. ^This is far from true. ^Those who go on 0310B25 short visits are mostly ministers, officials, academics, scientists and 0320B25 journalists or people who have their relations abroad. ^The scale of 0330B25 foreign exchange sanctioned to them leaves them very little to_ buy costly 0340B25 articles. ^Some cosmetics, ties, toys, a fountain pen or two or cassette 0350B25 tapes are the maximum they can afford. ^The dirty looks they get from 0360B25 some customs people seem to_ place them on par with smugglers which they 0370B25 are not. ^The smugglers do not get their goods cleared through the customs. 0380B25 $^Some of the items excluded from the duty-free entitlement make 0390B25 strange reading, it is said that air-conditioners, cars, scooters, motor 0400B25 cycles, refrigerators and deep-freezers, \0T.V. sets \0etc. are outside 0410B25 duty-free entitlement. ^Except for those who are transferring their 0420B25 residence, hardly any other Indian returning after a short visit can afford 0430B25 to_ go in for these luxuries on the duty-free entitlement that_ he 0440B25 has been given. ^In one respect, however, the new baggage rules are welcome. 0450B25 ^These permit import of professional equipment of a specialised nature 0460B25 up to \0Rs. 5,000 for scientists, doctors, engineers and technologists. 0470B25 ^Despite the minister*'s desire, the Government did not accept his 0480B25 suggestion that journalists should be permitted to_ import typewriters 0490B25 and cameras duty-free. ^All in all, the new baggage rules are an improvement 0500B25 on the old. ^How far they will facilitate speedy customs clearance 0510B25 of passengers will depend on the way the customs staff implement the 0520B25 rules. ^If they implement the rules by rote they can tie the passenger in 0530B25 knots. 0540B25 $**<*3Shibbanlal Saksena*'s Fast**> $\0^*Mr. Shibbanlal Saksena, 0550B25 who is known throughout the country as a doughty champion of the working 0560B25 class and is respected by all political parties, has completed about 0570B25 twenty days of his fast, which he started on May 1. ^Yet, the fast has 0580B25 been little noticed and seems to_ have suffered a black-out in the press. 0590B25 ^This probably will be fit to_ be one of the terms of reference for 0600B25 what is known as the Second Press Commission. ^We have taken notice 0610B25 of the fast not because \0Mr. Saksena is a senior Janata Party member 0620B25 and is fasting for self-purification and purification of the Janata 0630B25 Party but because we took notice of all his fasts against the Congress 0640B25 and are bound to_ take notice of such long fasts. ^Fasting, or hunger-strikes 0650B25 which it can degenerate into on some occasions, should not be 0660B25 lightly undertaken and, while Gandhi laid down salutary rules for it, it 0670B25 cannot be said that \0Mr. Saksena*'s fast is not Gandhian. ^There are 0680B25 times when no way out is open to a conscientious person, who has exhausted 0690B25 alternative courses, except to_ fast. ^It is difficult to_ think that 0700B25 Morarji Desai is impervious to this kind of moral appeal and that 0710B25 he remains adamant to \0Mr. Saksena*'s repeated appeals. \0^*Mr. Saksena 0720B25 has made some allegations against certain ministers and wants an inquiry 0730B25 to_ be made into them. ^*Morarji Desai, who has allowed so many commissions 0740B25 of inquiry to_ be set up in so many cases by his indefatigable, 0750B25 though now unfortunately sick, Home Minister, cannot turn a deaf ear 0760B25 or give the same stock reply. \0^*Mr. Saksena is not a defender of 0770B25 the Emergency or an admirer of the Congress, divided or united. ^He joined 0780B25 the Janata Party with high hopes and finds that his hopes have been 0790B25 frustrated. ^He should have been a senior minister of the Government, 0800B25 but merit or service was not the criterion of selection, and \0Mr. 0810B25 Saksena has been content to_ be a non-minister all his life, which has 0820B25 been dedicated to ceaseless service. $\0^*Mr. Saksena has given a list 0830B25 of his disappointments and grievances against the Janata Party. ^But 0840B25 it is not for us to_ take advantage of them. ^We leave it to Janata 0850B25 \0MPs and workers to_ assess the depth of his feelings and the extent 0860B25 of his torment and prevent further suffering on his part or, in the extreme, 0870B25 loss of the life of such a first-rate worker. \0^*Mr. Saksena 0880B25 has condemned the weaknesses of the party which have become well known 0890B25 and are corroding it, particularly the evil of casteism, and while he appreciates 0900B25 the civil liberties that_ people enjoy, he wants them to_ achieve 0910B25 security and not starve, as civil liberties alone will not do. ^The 0920B25 party has not been able to_ redeem its pledges, and he does not think that 0930B25 it can retain the people*'s confidence at this rate. \0^*Mr. Saksena, 0940B25 we understand, has been met by several \0MPs predominantly of the 0950B25 Janata Party but they have not been able to_ assuage his agony. ^Even 0960B25 minor fasts on minor issues attract attention and sympathy, but \0Mr. Saksena*'s 0970B25 fast for nothing less than the regeneration of the Janata Party 0980B25 has been sought to_ be silenced by deliberate unresponsiveness by 0981B25 the 0990B25 party leadership and seems to_ be helped by a conspiracy of censorship 1000B25 or self-censorship. ^*Morarji Desai does not seem to_ be even aware 1010B25 how long \0Mr. Saksena has been fasting or that he has been fasting at 1020B25 all, and this can be due to his admirers and to the press at large. ^It 1030B25 should be everyone*'s effort, particularly that_ of Morarji Desai and 1040B25 other Janata Party leaders, to_ save a precious life before it is 1050B25 too late. ^The mass media cannot be a party to this cold neglect. 1060B25 $**<*3Man*'s rights**> $^While observing the 30th anniversary of the 1070B25 universal declaration of human rights by the United Nations and non-governmental 1080B25 organisations last week, India was chosen for the keynote 1090B25 address "in recognition of the restoration of human rights after the 1100B25 1977 elections that_ ended the Emergency." ^Should we be proud of this 1110B25 distinction? ^Perhaps yes, perhaps no. ^What exactly are human rights? 1120B25 ^The right to_ die of hunger and malnutrition? ^The right to_ live like 1130B25 animals in slums? ^The right to_ be unemployed, uneducated *8et al*9? ^If 1140B25 so, then we have full human rights today. ^Man, it is true, does not 1150B25 live by bread alone; but without bread or the opportunity to_ earn it, 1160B25 does 'human right' mean much? ^In a country where men are still "classified" 1170B25 on the basis of their caste and where *4Harijans are still treated 1180B25 as subhuman, these "rights" are not very important. ^There is, however, 1190B25 reason not to_ be depressed. ^Senior leaders of the ruling party firmly 1200B25 believe not only in "human rights" as is known internationally but also 1210B25 in the right of the hungry millions to a decent life. $^People in glass 1220B25 houses should, however, be careful. ^As *4Harijans here, the Americans 1230B25 have their Negro issue. ^It will be recalled that not long ago a Brazilian 1240B25 delegate bluntly told the \0UN General Assembly that "no 1250B25 country or group of countries may be conferred the status of Judge of 1260B25 other countries." ^If, however, taken to its logical extreme, this denial 1270B25 of the worthy concepts of a collective conscience, international responsibility 1280B25 and joint action should also argue in favour of liquidation 1290B25 of the \0UN and all its specialized agencies. ^The Brazilian impatience 1300B25 is understandable only in the context of the former Congress regime*'s 1310B25 resentment against Amnesty International*'s revelations about 1320B25 prisoners and prison conditions in India. ^But that_ mote in the eye did 1330B25 not prevent New Delhi in those days from delivering homilies on the 1340B25 suppression of human rights in South Africa and elsewhere. $^There is 1350B25 a point obviously where a nation*'s self-interest must take precedence 1360B25 over all other considerations. ^But dual standards have already resulted 1370B25 in something like a deadlock at the Belgrade talks to_ review the Helsinki 1380B25 Declaration on human rights. ^It is a pity too that only 46 countries 1390B25 have so far ratified last year*'s International Covenant on Civil 1400B25 Rights and Political Rights. 1410B25 $**<*3And the rains came...**> $^The more elaborate the equipment 1411B25 for 1420B25 predicting the weather, the less accurate seem to_ become the predictions. 1430B25 ^Or, at least, so it appears to some, though in reality perhaps the prophets 1440B25 never had much honour, in their own country or anywhere else. ^Seldom 1450B25 are allowances made for the extreme difficulty in accurately forecasting 1460B25 Mother Nature*'s unpredictable behaviour. ^The Poona meteorological 1470B25 people, however, "scored" this time: ^They predicted monsoon ahead 1480B25 of the "scheduled day" by a week; and it came with all its grandeur, 1490B25 majesty and misery. ^Last week for days people in Goa never saw the Sun; 1500B25 the intensity was unusual for this time of the year. ^The wise nodded 1510B25 their head: ^Something is wrong; it*'1s all because of atom bombs, 1520B25 polluting factories \0etc., they averred. $^Those who were sweltering in 1530B25 the June heat prayed for early rains; but when it came it was too much. 1540B25 ^Suddenly everybody recalled that all the accompaniments of rains were 1550B25 not particularly pleasant. ^The fields were flooded; so were most of 1560B25 the streets in Goa*'s towns; muddy roads, rotting uncollected garbage, 1570B25 polluted drinking water-- it was too much for most. ^And going to office 1580B25 became a task for many: when it is time to_ go to or return from office 1590B25 it poured-- nature does have a perverted sense of humour. ^When one 1600B25 made one*'s way to office, after getting down from the overcrowded, rain 1610B25 soaked buses at the filthy and slimy terminals, avoiding puddles and mud 1620B25 spots carefully-- an impossible feat at Panjim*'s permanently 1621B25 "temporary' 1630B25 bus stop-- cars, scooters, trucks and buses splashed past throwing 1640B25 the puddle and mud spots up at one, as if to_ say scornfully, "here, catch". 1650B25 ^Occasionally one might suffer the ignominy of having a bicycle ram 1660B25 into one while dodging a huge 'crater' on the road. ^Whoever sang that_ 1670B25 little bit about a little morning rain foretelling a pleasant 1671B25 **[sic*] did not 1680B25 know at all Goa*'s roads. ^And the old, old ideals that_ the (now) middle-aged 1690B25 were brought up on, like the Knight in the Canterbury Tales 1700B25 who loved "Chivalrie, trouthe and honour, freedom and courteisie"-- well, 1710B25 these also got splashed in the tear and terror of rain-driven days in 1720B25 this rain-driven territory during the monsoon downpours. ^Courtesy used 1730B25 to_ be Goa*'s outstanding virtue, something which used to_ amaze people 1740B25 from other parts of the country, but it is also vanishing in our hectic 1750B25 march towards "progress"-- as a lady demonstrated the other day when 1760B25 a young man obviously living in the past by hearing too much from old 1770B25 folk how courteous and gallant people were in days gone by, stood up and 1780B25 offered her seat in a bus; the lady plopped down without a word, and the 1790B25 young man bent down to_ say, "*_^I beg your pardon?" ^The lady replied, 1800B25 "^No, I didn*'4t say anything", and the young man said, "^Oh, I thought 1810B25 you said, "thank you". 1820B25 (^A lady sitting nearby consoled him: "^You see, she is a Bombay Goan") 1830B25 $^There is, however, little gain in wasting breath and praise on 1840B25 what politeness had inevitably to_ become in a "progressing Goa", a 1850B25 fugitive cloistered virtue. ^It were more profitable, and therefore, 1860B25 more useful, to_ dwell upon what wits in every age have remarked upon-- 1870B25 that politics goes by the weather; and that a good voyager turneth his 1880B25 mind where the wind most listeneth.*# **[no. of words = 01927**] **[txt. b26**] 0010B26 **<*3New deal to villages**> $^PRIME MINISTER MORARJI Desai*'s 0020B26 call to voluntary agencies to_ adopt villages for their "total development" 0030B26 has apparently more than one objective. ^Firstly, it is intended as 0040B26 part of the national programme of providing full employment in the next 0050B26 nine years. ^Although the voluntary effort can only be marginal and cannot 0060B26 be a substitute for governmental efforts through plan programmes, its 0070B26 basic purpose is to_ involve institutions and people, who can afford 0080B26 the time and money, in the big task of uplifting the rural poor. $"^Take 0090B26 a village and see that it is able to_ stand on its own feet", the Prime 0100B26 Minister told a national seminar on rural development. ^Spelling out 0110B26 how productive work can be provided to the villagers, \0Mr. Desai pointed 0120B26 out that farm methods, which were "natural" to each village, could 0130B26 be strengthened by introducing effective and simple technology. ^Cottage 0140B26 industries can be started to_ make every village hum with activity and 0150B26 provide employment to the underemployed and the unemployed. ^School buildings 0160B26 can be put up, roads laid and proper sanitation facilities provided 0170B26 by actively associating the villagers with the execution of these works. 0180B26 $^Above all, the Prime Minister has emphasised that nothing should 0190B26 be given free to the people, but they should be made to_ feel they have 0200B26 earned what they get. ^In other words, the emphasis is on active participation 0210B26 and involvement of the entire rural community in the development 0220B26 works undertaken by "outside" agencies. $^No doubt, urban-based service-minded 0230B26 organisations like the Rotary and Lions Clubs, doctors and women*'s 0240B26 associations have periodically engaged themselves in some aspects 0250B26 of rural service; but by the very nature of their activities, they are 0260B26 not able to_ tackle the problems in their entirety. ^At best, visits 0270B26 to rural areas have helped a small section of the urban elite to_ come 0280B26 to_ know of the needs and problems of the countryside and to_ bridge, 0290B26 though in a very limited way, the communication gap between the urban elite 0300B26 and the rural poor. ^Actually, the urbanites go to the villages as "do-gooders" 0310B26 and not as persons who have identified themselves wholly with 0320B26 the villagers in their lives and aspirations. 0330B26 $**<*3Not by punitive action**> $^IT IS REALLY disturbing that even 0340B26 after thirty years of independence incidents of atrocities against 0350B26 *4Harijans in various parts of the country are coming to_ light. ^This 0360B26 is in spite of massive propaganda by parties, social legislation, and 0370B26 strong Governmental action to_ ensure social justice to the weaker sections 0380B26 which are kept down by centuries of tradition and ignorance. ^Seeing 0390B26 the frequency of the reports of atrocities, it appears that the measures 0400B26 taken by the authorities have not proved to_ be deterrent enough. 0410B26 ^That_ is perhaps why Chief Minister Deveraj Urs has even thought 0411B26 aloud 0420B26 of levying punitive fines if the enforcement of existing laws has 0430B26 not proved very effective. \0^*Mr. Urs was speaking on a call-attention 0440B26 notice raised in the State Assembly by the Opposition about an incident 0450B26 last month in which a *4Harijan woman was alleged to_ have been beaten 0460B26 up by members of another caste. ^In his speech, \0Mr. Urs has clarified 0470B26 that the incident had no caste overtones. $^While it is agreed on 0480B26 all hands that the Government must take all steps to_ protect the vulnerable 0490B26 sections like the *4Harijans and create a sense of confidence 0500B26 in them, the question is whether imposing collective fines on the rest of 0510B26 the village community will really help to_ solve the problem. ^On the 0520B26 other hand, punishing an entire community for the crimes of a few, which 0530B26 is what the imposition of a collective fine means, will only exacerbate 0540B26 the strained feelings between different sections of the rural population 0550B26 instead of bringing them together. ^Imposition of collective fines 0560B26 was resorted to during the days of the British *4Raj under very special 0570B26 circumstances. ^Even then Indian public opinion was wholly against 0580B26 the practice. $^In villages, the factors contributing to friction between 0590B26 *4Harijans and others are largely economic and social and they should 0600B26 be primarily tackled. ^Some political parties posing themselves as exclusive 0610B26 champions of the *4Harijans and the down-trodden are openly exploiting 0620B26 the *4Harijan problem for their own ends. ^They are only interested 0630B26 in perpetuating the differences among the rural sections instead of 0640B26 trying to_ promote unity and harmony among the rural population. ^The 0650B26 *4Harijans and other backward sections should be educated to_ assert their 0660B26 rights and to_ fight against social and other disabilities and inequalities. 0670B26 ^Enlightened members of the so-called upper castes should give 0680B26 the lead in this regard without any political motives or appearing to_ 0690B26 patronise the weaker sections. 0700B26 $**<*3MOLECULE WITH A FUTURE*0**> $^THE best way to_ enjoy life is 0710B26 to_ have good health. ^This is possible only when we are alert in our eating 0720B26 habits; any deviation from this, considered necessary to_ enjoy life, 0730B26 is reflected in ill-health. $^It is only in this background the necessity 0740B26 of chemicals is felt. ^Millions of people are either under-fed, 0750B26 ill-fed or over-fed. ^This imbalance necessitates the use of the drugs. 0760B26 ^Drugs, natural or synthetic, are a boon to the suffering public. ^Their 0770B26 judicious use is also equally important. $^Drug is nothing but a chemical 0780B26 compound; it may be available in nature or synthesised in the laboratory 0790B26 by scientists. ^For example, antibiotics are derived from natural sources. 0800B26 ^A chemical compound like aspirin and thousands of others are synthesised 0810B26 in the laboratories. ^There are a number of guide-lines that_ 0820B26 help in designing an effective molecule. ^Empirical approach to drug-design 0830B26 is of great help even to-day. ^Whenever the chemical compound is orally 0840B26 taken it changes the working of the body cells and tissues. $^The 0850B26 study of how this happens is the science of pharmacology. ^A chemical 0860B26 compound is called a drug when all the pharmacological tests are successful. 0870B26 ^There are different categories of drugs. ^They are stimulants, depressants, 0880B26 and many others. ^Smaller classes of compounds indicate the 0890B26 specific action of drugs; anesthetics; sedatives and tranquilizers, painkillers 0900B26 are a few examples of specificity. $*<*3ASPIRIN EXAMPLE*0*> 0910B26 $^One familiar example of aspirin, often taken to_ get rid of headache, 0920B26 is undergoing pharmacological tests even to-day. ^A chemical compound 0930B26 may be known for years but new therapeutic applications are being found 0940B26 out by scientists all over; this is true atleast of aspirin. $^Aspirin, 0950B26 a small molecule of acetylsalicylic acid, is the most commonly used analgesic 0960B26 and antipyretic against neuralgia, influenza, colds, arthritis, 0970B26 headache and fever. ^It was for these properties it was introduced into 0980B26 therapy in 1899. ^Since then, aspirin has been a common name known to millions! 0990B26 ^When taken in the form of tablets or powder in capsules, often 1000B26 mixed with sodium bicarbonate, a chemical by name salicylic acid is liberated 1010B26 later to_ be absorbed through the intestinal membrane. ^Because of 1020B26 this action physiological responses have been possible. $^Innovative 1030B26 efforts of \0Dr. *(0R. K. S.*) Lim during the last decade have 1031B26 explained 1040B26 how exactly the aspirin acts to_ relieve the pain. ^In the last two decades 1050B26 interest in aspirin has increased because of the discovery that it 1060B26 modifies the synthesis of prostaglandins, and because of a reinterpretation 1070B26 of its side effects. ^Prostaglandins participate in a variety of 1080B26 biological reactions and are synthesised on demand and released. ^This 1090B26 is inhibited by aspirin and other peripheral analgesics. ^But in the organism, 1100B26 the clinical significance of the aspirin-effect on prostaglandin 1110B26 is still open to question since bronchi are controlled not only by prostaglandins 1120B26 but by multiple chemical mediators, some of which are not 1130B26 affected by aspirin. $^Intolerance to aspirin is not uncommon. ^It occurs 1140B26 in thousands of individuals. ^In United States where aspirin is consumed 1150B26 more frequently there are about 500,000 individuais showing intolerance. 1160B26 ^Bronchial asthma, uticaria are some of the side effects. $^Drug 1170B26 evaluation in all aspects and finding out new therapeutic applications 1180B26 go on continuously in cases of at least a few drugs. ^Aspirin is one such 1190B26 example that_ comes out with new properties. ^Very recently, it has been 1200B26 found as an effective weapon against stroke. ^These are the results 1210B26 of a recently completed three-year study involving ten medical institutions 1220B26 and 307 high-risk patients in United States. $^Clinical trials indicated 1230B26 that four aspirins a day significantly reduced the incidence of 1240B26 mild strokes in 178 patients who had previous history of strokes. ^Of 1250B26 these patients treated with aspirin 880 had no additional strokes during 1260B26 the test period or reported a "significantly reduced number". ^This was 1270B26 revealed recently by \0Dr. William Fields of the University Health 1280B26 Science Centre in Houston. ^In 129 patients who formed a placebo group 1290B26 only 55% showed favourable results. ^This long study did not clearly 1300B26 indicate that favourable results lowered the death rate or the onset of 1310B26 full-blown stroke. $^But an ongoing Canadian study, \0Dr. Fields 1320B26 says, confirms the \0U.S. results and also indicates a 50% reduction in 1330B26 death and disability in man. ^Patients in the study had mild strokes resulting 1340B26 primarily from the dislodgement of blood clots in the carotid 1350B26 artery that_ supply blood to the brain. $^It was 25 years ago a physician 1360B26 in California published the results of his clinical trials; two aspirins 1370B26 a day seemed to_ lower the incidence of heart attacks in his elderly 1380B26 patients. ^In other clinical trials it was reported that aspirin regularly 1390B26 taken for headaches or to_ reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritic 1400B26 had a lower than normal rate of heart attack and stroke. ^It was 1410B26 also indicated that aspirin might inhibit blood clot formation and subsequent 1420B26 heart attack and stroke by inhibiting synthesis of prostaglandins 1430B26 normally considered to_ contribute to the coagulation of specialised 1440B26 blood cells, called platelets which in turn seem to_ accelerate clot formations 1450B26 in ailing arteries. $^The experiments involving aspirin are going 1460B26 on. ^More clarification is necessary to_ confirm good effects of aspirin. 1470B26 ^Meanwhile, \0Dr. William Fields warns that excessive use of aspirin 1480B26 may cause intestinal bleeding. ^He also warns against taking this 1490B26 familiar drug as a hedge against strokes in future. $^It is not the size 1500B26 of the molecule that_ determines the therapeutic effect. ^A small molecule 1510B26 of aspirin may also do wonders if the present clinical trials are 1520B26 proved successful. 1530B26 $**<*3Leave it to reformers*0**> $\0^*Mr. MORARJI DESAI IS strong in 1540B26 his views, but not evidently in history. ^The Aztecs of South America, 1550B26 who had built a high civilisation by the thirteenth and fourteenth 1560B26 centuries and later fell to the Spanish marauders, were among the first 1570B26 to_ try their hand at Prohibition. ^Ancient China, feudal Japan, Iceland, 1580B26 Finland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Canada, and India have at 1590B26 several times in their history tried to_ enforce Prohibition; some of 1600B26 them continue to_ try. ^*Finland and the United States introduced total 1610B26 national Prohibition in 1919 and both had to_ beat a hasty retreat and 1620B26 repeal the dry law in the early *'3thirties. $^Prohibition has been defined 1630B26 as the legal prevention of the manufacture, sale, or transportation 1640B26 of alcoholic beverages, with a view to obtaining partial or total abstinence 1650B26 through legal means. ^The realisation that the law was unequal 1660B26 to the task gave birth to the temperance movement to_ promote moderation 1670B26 in the consumption of liquor, with total abstinence as the ideal. ^The 1680B26 churches and, naturally, women took a big hand in this drive and today 1690B26 both the temperance movement and the women*'s movement have worldwide ramifications, 1700B26 including India. $^So the struggle continues. ^But it is an 1710B26 unequal struggle in a world that_ is growing increasingly permissive. 1720B26 ^It is against all historic evidence that \0Mr. Morarji Desai can succeed 1730B26 where reformers in other times and climes have failed so conspicuously. 1740B26 ^He has issued a five-point fiat laying down dos and don*'4ts for officials 1750B26 on the drink evil. ^Would it not be a better idea to_ leave it 1760B26 to unofficial organisations, social reformers and women to_ tackle this 1770B26 evil? ^As the head of the Government of the world*'s second most populous 1780B26 country beset with weighty problems of poverty and unemployment, 1790B26 \0Mr. Desai has more urgent things to_ attend to than mending people*'s 1800B26 morals and personal habits. ^For one thing, he has repeatedly made the 1810B26 promise that unemployment will be wiped out in ten years.*# **[no. of words = 02003**] **[txt. b27**] 0010B27 **<*3In The Melting Pot**> $^Sir,-- *(0^*M. J.*) Kanetkar*'s 0011B27 centre-page 0020B27 article in your issue of the 3rd instant, entitled "In The Melting 0030B27 Pot", is very thought-provoking, and serves as a guideline for those 0040B27 really interested in returning competent men to our legislatures. $^But 0050B27 coming to the very basis of our system of elections, let us for a 0060B27 moment pause to_ think whether adult franchise is suited to our country. 0070B27 ^With illiteracy being as high as it is, are our masses capable of exercising 0080B27 the right choice? ^It is in such situations that "crooks" make merry. 0090B27 ^All worthwhile human values having been devalued these days, it is 0100B27 easy for unscrupulous leaders to_ make capital out of the gullibility 0101B27 of our villagers who behave like 0110B27 dumb driven cattle. ^All promises made before the elections are made to_ 0120B27 be broken; \0*4Shri Kanetkar has very rightly said that the candidate 0121B27 who 0130B27 comes to one*'s door to_ beg of his vote immediately becomes his master 0140B27 after winning the election. $^Adult franchise is unsuited to our country. 0150B27 ^What is required is an educated franchise, wherein only those who have 0160B27 a prescribed minimum standard of education can participate in the battle 0170B27 at the hustings. ^Then, and only then, can we expect some quality 0180B27 in our legislatures. $*=2 $^Sir,-- ^This refers to an article "In The 0190B27 Melting Pot" by \0*4Shri *(0M J*) Kanetkar appearing in the Nagpur 0200B27 Times of 3rd February. ^The diagnosis and the prescription is so accurate, 0210B27 that there is hardly any room to_ differ. ^Even the thought for 0220B27 today by Lala Lajpatrai beautifully tenders the identical advice. $^But 0230B27 the most baffling problem is who is to_ bell the cat? ^*George Bernard 0240B27 Shaw, during World War *=2 gave vent to his similar feelings thus: 0250B27 "^Those who have power to_ think, have no power to_ act, and those who 0260B27 have power to_ act, have no time to_ think". $^If all thinkers like \0*4Shri 0270B27 Kanetkar merely remain content with their prescriptions, who is to_ 0280B27 administer them to the 'patients' who are inevitably the people at large? 0290B27 ^Why \0*4Shri Kanetkar alone? ^All the leaders of the Sarvodaya 0300B27 who were so vocal during last general elections, seem to_ be lying low 0310B27 now. ^*Loknayak *(0J. P.*) had hinted at establishment of people*'s committees 0320B27 then. ^One can understand his inability in the matter because 0330B27 of his failing health. ^But many like me expected that effective institutions 0340B27 to_ organise public opinion and grievances would be set up soon 0350B27 by his followers. ^Unfortunately that_ has not been done. $^Those who call 0360B27 themselves as the friends of the people should educate and organise the 0370B27 people at various levels instead of merely prescribing remedies. 0380B27 $**<*3Lessons From The Strike**> $^Sir,-- ^The 54-day strike of 0390B27 the ten *4lakh Maharashtra \0Govt. and semi-Government employees, 0391B27 which 0400B27 ended on Monday, has a great lesson to_ teach both to the employers, \0viz. 0410B27 the government and the strikers. $^The employees have gained nothing 0420B27 by their prolonged strike, in spite of their wonderful unity and great 0430B27 suffering, on the contrary they have lost public sympathy. ^Only the 0440B27 Government servants, their family members, members of other trade unions 0450B27 supported their strike, the rest of them, the common men, never support 0451B27 either a strike or *4hartal or *4bandh. ^The common men, who pay these 0460B27 employees through their direct and indirect taxes, suffer the most through 0470B27 such strikes. $^The intelligentsia never thought that the strikers 0480B27 will succeed in getting more than what was offered by \0Mr. Vasantdada 0490B27 Patil, Chief Minister of Maharashtra; more so because the strike 0500B27 leaders did not listen even to the appeals of the President, the Prime 0510B27 Minister and the Governor, in addition to the repeated requests of 0520B27 the Chief Minister. ^The Janata Party top leaders and the Congress 0530B27 leaders also did not support the strike; only a few other Janata Party 0540B27 leaders lent their support. $^The Central and State Governments will 0550B27 have to_ put their heads together and find out a way of settling all 0560B27 labour disputes, without the workers having to_ take recourse to strike. 0570B27 ^Tribunals or committees consisting of representatives of the employers, 0580B27 the employees and impartial public men must be entrusted with the task 0590B27 of finding a solution for any dispute, and their decision must be made 0600B27 binding on the two parties. ^If the employees continue to_ ask for more 0610B27 and the employers continue to_ say that they are not able to_ meet their 0620B27 demands, the dispute will never end. $^There has to_ be reconsideration 0630B27 of the wage structure in different sectors in our country and the vast 0640B27 gap lessened, otherwise there will always be discontent in the low-paid 0650B27 employees. $^It is true that wages of all workers in all sectors cannot 0660B27 be equal. ^They have to_ be different. ^But the difference has to be 0670B27 narrowed down considerably if jealousy and heart burn are to_ be avoided. 0680B27 $^The citizens are tired of strikes, lock-outs, go-slow tactics which 0690B27 result in lower production and rising prices. ^Government at the Centre 0700B27 must expedite its legislation to_ evolve a machinery for settling all labour 0710B27 disputes. ^The sooner it is done the better for industrial peace and 0720B27 prosperity of the country. $**<*3Minorities Commission**> $^Sir,-- 0730B27 ^It is in the fitness of things that certain provisions are made by the 0740B27 Government to_ safeguard the interests of the various religious and 0750B27 linguistic minorities in the country. ^Thanks to the Janata Party Government 0760B27 for the establishment of 'Minorities Commission'. ^But the 0770B27 terms of reference for the commission, as detailed in the Government notification 0780B27 do not make the scheme foolproof, since they are vague. ^The 0790B27 very character of the commission that it will not be a mandatory authority 0800B27 and the recommendations and suggestions of the commission will not 0810B27 be binding on the Government creates a doubt about Commission being 0820B27 effective. $^Secondly the most important demand of the minorities, \0i.e. 0830B27 their representation in the Government Services in the ratio of their 0840B27 population does not find a place among the terms of reference of the 0850B27 Commission. $^If Janata Party Government is really keen and sincere 0860B27 to_ ameliorate lot of the minorities it should arm the Commission with 0870B27 the mandatory powers and assign to the Commission the duty of assessing 0880B27 the present inadequate representation of the minorities in Government 0890B27 services and finding out the ways and means of ensuring their representation 0900B27 in Government services commensurate with their population. $^Last 0910B27 but not the least they should appoint such persons on the Commission 0920B27 as are able to_ inspire confidence in the minorities. $**<*3The Role 0930B27 Of The \0RSS**> $^Sir,-- ^A few days ago I met one \0Dr. Jacob 0940B27 Devesahayam, of the Good Samaritan Hospital, Ujjain, who had gone 0950B27 as a volunteer to_ render medical aid to the cyclone affected areas 0960B27 in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, and worked in co-operation with "\0CASA" 0970B27 for two months. ^Amongst many things of the utmost importance 0980B27 and interest, I just want to_ mention here only three things. $^No 0981B27 relief 0990B27 measures of any sort could be carried out until the dead bodies, tens 1000B27 of thousands of them could be disposed of. ^The figures given in the 1010B27 press are a gross understatement. ^While the army and the Police were 1020B27 arguing whose job it was to_ dispose of the dead bodies, it was the \0RSS 1030B27 volunteers and Christian agencies which personally carried the dead 1040B27 bodies and cremated them or otherwise disposed them off effectively. 1050B27 ^They did magnificent, selfless service in every way in bringing succour 1060B27 to the dying and in the distribution of aid and in the reconstruction 1070B27 work still going on. $^Whereas the *(0T. N.*) Government forcibly 1071B27 evacuated 1080B27 people from the danger zone, when they received advance notice, the 1090B27 Andhra Government was fiddling when Rome was burning and was engaged 1100B27 in politicking. ^Even today their callousness continues. $^The \0RSS 1110B27 is an army of dedicated, cultured, trained volunteers. ^The secret of 1120B27 their strength lies in their training and devotion to the country. ^Their 1130B27 loyalty and above all the religious zeal, and the faith they have, akin 1140B27 to 'missionary zeal'. ^This common faith and zeal are required. ^You 1150B27 cannot mix up with the people of different culture, ideals and faith. 1160B27 ^A common bond is their strength. ^They should not dilute or compromise 1170B27 their faith and their oath. ^If they should continue to_ be a force for 1180B27 good, they should continue to_ eschew communalism, and consider all Indians 1190B27 as their brothers and the right to_ live as one people, and at the 1200B27 same time prevent inroads into their ranks. ^Let Muslims and Christians 1210B27 build up their own youth organizations, inspired by their own faith and 1220B27 with dedication to_ serve one another and Mother India. ^We want an 1230B27 army of dedicated youths, like the \0RSS in every village and town. 1240B27 $**<*3Repair The Road At Once**> $^Sir,-- ^We wish to_ bring to 1250B27 the notice of the authorities concerned, the very bad state of the road 1260B27 adjacent to Harihar Mandir, off Bhandara Road, in Lakadganj area. 1270B27 ^This road is full of pot holes and poor metalling \0etc. ^This road commences 1280B27 from *(0R K*) Flour Mills and culminates with our premises at 1290B27 the end of the road. ^We have about 500 workers who have to_ use this 1300B27 road daily in all three shifts for our factory, and there are also various 1310B27 other industrial units on both sides of this road. ^The present condition 1320B27 of the road poses accident hazards and it is a usual feature that 1330B27 this road becomes useless during rainy season. $^We had taken up this 1340B27 matter with both the Nagpur Municipal Corporation and Nagpur Improvement 1350B27 Trust several times and the appeal seems to_ have fallen on deaf 1360B27 ears as the condition of the road remains the same going from bad to worse 1370B27 day by day. $^Is i pperhaps both of them are in doubt as regards the 1380B27 ownership of the road and have decided to_ leave it unattended? ^Will 1390B27 the city fathers kindly make a decision and get the road repaired at once 1400B27 in public interest? 1410B27 $**<*3FOREIGN AID*0**> $^Sir,-- ^The visit of World Bank President, 1420B27 \0Mr. Robert McNamara, to India should reoccasion thinking on our 1430B27 national policy of receiving foreign aid. ^First, we borrowed in order 1440B27 to_ industrialise. ^Then we borrowed more to_ buy raw materials, spares 1450B27 and components to_ keep those industries going. ^Then we borrowed further 1460B27 to_ repay old borrowings. ^Now we are borrowing because it seems 1461B27 to_ have 1470B27 become a habit. $^Foreign aid is against our self-respect. ^Moreover, 1480B27 today most of that_ aid is distorting India*'s economic development. 1490B27 ^The World Bank financed flyovers in Bombay which are not needed while 1500B27 one out of three villages in India still lacks a link road. ^This 1510B27 is an instance of the topsy-turvy economic thinking of World Bank experts. 1520B27 ^These experts have no proper appreciation of Indian economic realities. 1530B27 ^Neither do they have any appreciation of the value of money 1540B27 which they handle because they do not know what it means to_ pay taxes. 1550B27 ^Their income is tax-free both in the \0U.S.A. and their home country. 1560B27 $^Not only is India*'s growth pattern distorted, but also the real strength 1570B27 of the economy, which can easily dispense with foreign aid, does 1580B27 not develop because of easy-gotten foreign aid. ^The diamond cutter, 1590B27 goldsmith, jeweller, skilled and semi-skilled workers of India who go 1600B27 abroad, are but some of the reservoirs of strength in the Indian economy. 1610B27 ^If they are properly attended to the problem of foreign exchange 1620B27 will be solved by them and not by depending on doles from abroad. $**<*3DOWRY 1630B27 SYSTEM*0**> $^Sir,-- ^Recently I went through the views of \0Mr. 1640B27 Ambrish Saxena on the dowry system. ^The dowry system still continues 1650B27 because of our blind adherence to old customs. ^We have to_ be broad 1660B27 minded in our thinking and have to_ make a rational and impartial analysis 1670B27 of the problem if we really want to_ abolish this social evil. $^It 1680B27 is wrong to_ say-- as \0Mr Saxena has stated-- that the British rulers 1690B27 did a lot for the reformation of our society. ^We should not forget 1700B27 that Britons were unfavourably disposed towards Indians. ^They wanted 1710B27 to_ suppress the desires, ambitions and sentiments of the people of India. 1720B27 ^*I am not going to_ prove that they did nothing for the welfare of 1730B27 the country but they did very little to_ uplift the nation and to_ do 1740B27 away with traditions like these of dowry, child marriage and "*4Sati".*# **[no. of words = 02035**]