L. c. 1 Jan ye 13th 1673 +ffryday morning the Lds met againe & read ye Bill about debtors giveing satisfaction to Creditors, but rejected it & yr being acquainted that his Maty had [appoint?]ed the afternoone to recieve ye [seal spoils about seven letters] his Proclamation. They accordingly [waited?] on his Maty in ye Banquetting house wth it. who recieving it ordered his attorny Genll to draw up a proclamation as they had desired, & soe they adjourned till Munday +Munday both houses met againe, when the Commons Ordered a Petition to be presented to his Maty for a genell fast & desired ye Lds Concurrence therein, who returnd them answere that they agreed wth them in it, & would waite on his Maty, wth them, wth it, Then tooke they into debate the Kings speech, & came to these Resolves, That they will in ye first place proceed to have their greivances Effectually redressed, the Protestant Religion, their libertyes, & properties Effectually secured, to suppress Popery & to remove all persons & Councellors Popishly affected or otherwise obnoxious to ye Governmt that their humble thanks bee returnd to his Maty for what he has done since ye last proroguation toward the suppression of Popery, & for his gracious promises & assurances in his last speech, that an address bee made to his Maty by such members as are of his privy Councill to desire his Maty to give Order That ye millitia of London Westminster & Midlesex bee ready at an houres Warning, & the other militias of ye Kingdome at a dayes warning for the suppressing any tumultuous meeting of Papists or other malecontents. +fryday the Lds after haveing Examind ye presidents of their house about takeing ye Oath of allegiance, resolved that they would all take the same Oath that day wch they accordingly did my Ld Keeper Leading ye way. & then ordered that on Wednsday they would with ye Commons Waite upon his Maty with the adress of both houses about a genell ffast Then was a motion made about ye Duke of Lauderdale, upon wch they Resolved that an address be presented to his Maty to remove ye said Duke from all Employmt, from his presence, & from his Councills for Ever &c. After that they fell on ye debate of ye Duke of Buckingham, upon wch some heads of his accusation were read wch being debated, a Letter from ye said Duke was read by ye Speaker wherein hee desired to be heard before them which being granted & he withdrawne ye further debate of it, & of what he spoke in his owne defence was adjournd till ye morrow The House then went in a body to attend his Maty wth their address from wch being returnd ye Speaker reported that his Maty made answere to this Effect, that he would take a speciall Care for ye preservation of their persons as well as of their properties & liberties &c: L. c. 2 Jann ye 15th 1673 Wednsday the Lds Ordred his Maties speech to be taken into Consideration on Saturday & then ye remaining part of yeir house that had not taken ye Oath of allegiance ye day before tooke the same as did ye Duke of [seal spoils about seven letters] The same day ye Commons, Resuming [debate?] of ye Duke of Buckingham, & his answere agreed to put severall questions to ye Duke. Hee was thereupon cald in & haveing made his answere & withdrawne the House upon ye further debate thereof came to this Resolve, that an address be presented to ye King to desire him to remove the Duke of Bucks from all places & Employmts that he holds dureing pleasure, & from his presence & Councells for Ever. Then Went they in a body to attend his Maty wth their address for a generall ffast, who readily granted ye same, appoynting it to be held in London &c: ye 4th of ffebru. next & in the Country ye 11th of that moneth. for wch a proclamation shall accordingly issue Thursday the Commons gave leave to bring in a Bill about Habeas Corpus & then were read in ye house severall articles agst ye Ld Arlington & after some debate thereon, his Ldp, haveing by his letter desired leave to be heard in their house in Order to his Justification, was presently admitted, & made a very handsome speech in his defence, upon wch the house adjourned the farther debate till ye next day. The Lds ye same day takeing into Consideration ye Duke of Bucks answere to ye Petition presented by ye Earle of Shrewsbury &c. Ordred that the Duke should be heard by Councell on Wednsday next. There are newly sworne & admitted as members in ye house of Commons, for Wells John Hull Esqr for Chichester Rich May Esqr for Castle Riseing Samll: Peppis Esqr, for Tewkesbury Sr ffrancis Russell, for Burrow Brigg, Sr Henry Goodrik, for Newcastle Sr Wm Blackett, for Yorke Sr Henry Thompson, for Exeter Tho: Walker Esqr for Huntingdon Robt Apprece Esqr for Bewdley Thomas ffoley Esqr. The Spanish Ambr has delivered a Circulatory letter to his Maty from ye Queen shewing the Cause of her declareing Warr agst ye ffrench alleadging them to be the aggressors, Hee alsoe acquainted his Maty that he had Imparted his Maties answere to ye memoriall he deliverd on behalf of ye Duch; to them but that ye States refused wholly the matter of ye ffishery & would not agree Collogne as ye place to treat of it Our last letters from Lyn & Dartmth give an account of ye safe arrivall of our Merlin fleet under convoy of ye Mermaid & Hunte[r?] The great fleet of Merchts are not yet gone out of ye Downes. Extraordinary preparations are makeing to set forth a very Powerfull fleet of Warr at spring Collogne Letters say that our Ambr there had Recd his Matys propositions to ye Spanish Ambr for a peace in answere to his memoriall given in last moneth to that Effect & that ye mediators had accepted them wth much satisfaction & had given them to ye Duch Ambrs, who promised to give in their answere in a day or 2 L. c. 3 Jan ye 17th 1673 fryday 16/ This morning the House tooke into debate the case of ye Earle of Arlington wch holding some tyme, it was referrd till to morrow +The Termes his Maty proposed the Duch by the Spanish Ambr were to this Effect 1st, The Point of ye flagg, 2ly a Reciprocall Restitution of places taken since ye Warr, 3ly 800000 Pattacoons toward ye Expense of ye Warr, 4ly, an Equall & Reciprocall Regulation of trade in ye East Indies as it was perticularly promised in ye late Treaty at Breda, but never performed, 5ly, leave to his Subjects at Surrinam &c to depart thence wth their Estates & Effects pursuant to ye late Treaty & lastly that ye subjects of ye States Genell shall abstaine from ffishing on ye Coasts or shoares of any of his Maties Dominions wthout leave & passports, The 3 first were offered by ye Spanish Ambr, the other his Maty was pleased to adde, out of his great desire of Peace. Saterd: 17/ This morning the houses sat againe The Lds read ye Kings speech & referrd ye further Consideration of it till next Saterday. The Commons after ye Ordering a Bill to be brought in for ye better repaire of churches, & collecting small Tythes, fell on ye debate of my Ld Arlingtons case wch was put off till Munday next. +The Lds haveing Ordered the Bp of Sarum to preach a sermon before them ye 30th of Jan: & ye Bpp of Rochester ye 4th of feb: from flandrs wee heare that ye D: of Luxemburg after haveing put his men into Winter quarters about Charleroy was himself returned to Paris as alsoe ye Prince of Conde. The Enimies being retyred. The States of holland have bene assembld some tyme but as yet have done nothing of moment. +At ye takeing ye Oath of allegiance in ye house of Lords a question was started by ye Earle of Shaftsbury whether or noe ye D of Yorke ought to sit in ye Prince of Wales's chaire wch occasiond a Hot dispute, the Resolution whereof was referrd to a farther debate +The Cheife of my Ld Arlingtons charge is said to be, his Encourageing Popery his Embezelling ye Kings Revenues & his holding Correspondence wth ye Kings Enimies. To all wch he made a Bold & handsome defence, notwthout Recriminating on ye Duke of Bucks, who had made Reflections on him & who renderd himselfe much more submissively to ye house throwing himselfe as it were at that [sic] feet & at their dispose desireing they would consider him not as a Peer but as an English Gentleman &c. [Most of the last fourth of the second folio of letter is torn off, but a few letters in each line of a note in same hand as letter and covering at least five lines are legible.] L.c. 4 Jan ye 20th 1673 Munday 19th/ This day ye house mett & onely ordered that by reasons of ye sessions not [sic] presently approaching, the Justices of ye peace themselves should speedily bring in a speedy account of all ye Papists wth in 5 miles of ye Citty ffrom Scotland wee heare that ye Parliament there wch was to Reassemble ye 28 of this moneth is prorogued till ye 3d of March next, soe that ye Lds of that Kingdome now here have deferd their Journy thither till that tyme. The Commons this day put of Ld Arlingtons case till to morrow, ordering a Bill to be brought in for repaire of high Wayes in ye meane tyme. The late stormes have been soe violent that besides ye nightingale frigatt feard to be lost in ye Goodwins, severall small vessells have felt its fury to their ruine, but most of them forreigne or Enimies vessells +This day the house read ye Bill touching Habeas Corpus, to wch they orderd a 2d reading, & then appoynted they a Committee to inspect ye act for laying an Imposition upon proceedings at law, & to bring in a Bill to Explaine such clauses as are doubtfull therein & ye same Comittee to doe ye like concerning hearth mony. +The house then proceeded upon ye debate of ye Ld Arlington, & putting the question whether his Ldpp should be removed by address or noe, the House divided & carryed it in ye negative by 36 voyces, & ordered a Comittee to Consider of ye articles & to report what matter there is Contained & can be proved that is fitt for an Impeachment L. c. 5 Jan ye 22d 1673 On Wednsday upon ye Lds Examination of their Priviledges made an order that noe Ld for ye future should Either goe downe to ye house of Commons or send his answer or appeare by Councell to answere any accusation there, under penalty of ye houses high displeasure The Commons read a Bill for continueing former acts for preventing theft & Rapine, a Bill for preventing vexatious suites at law, & appoynted a Comittee to peruse ye Bills wch were depending last session & represent wch are most necessary & to inspect such acts as are temporary & to consider wch are fitt to be Continued or Repealed; to bring in a Bill for Explaining ye act about Recognizances & to bring in another Bill for Explaining some clauses in ye act touching ye poore. Then was a Comittee appoynted for ye prepareing one or more Bills for a Generall Test to distinguish betweene Protestants & Papists, to prevent ye danger & further growth of Popery & for a more Easy & speedy Conviction of Popish Recusants, & that those that shall refuse to take it, be made incapable of Enjoying any office millitary or Civill, or to sitt in Either house of Parliamt, or to come wth in 5 miles of ye Court. Thursday ye Lds read a Bill for Regulating ye Tryall of Peeres of this Realme &c. The Commons gave leave to bring in a Bill for uniteing of Parishes, Churches, & appoynted a Comittee to bring in one or more Bills for the Regulateing ye Election of members to serve in Parliamt, for ye better ascertaining their Returnes, & for ye better attendance of such as are elected & returned &c & then resolved that they would on Saterday next goe into a Comittee of ye whole house to consider of ye state & condition of ye nation & ye grievances occationed by reason of ye warr & that some members doe assist ye Speaker in collecting ye ancient orders of ye house for ye decent & orderly governing themselves in their sessions upon debate of ye Ld Arlingtons Case the house appoynted severall members to wch ye Leiut of ye Tower to veiw ye Warrants & comittments of Sr Thomas Muddiford & his sonne, & their Releife as alsoe ye buisness of ye Herefordshire preist & ye Warrants & Comittmts of Mr Dauson &c. Tis said young Mr Muddiford has 500 guinneyes offerd him to take off his Evidence to ye house, but it cannot prevaile, some letters say that Sr Tho: Muddiford will make out that he was offerd dureing his Imprisonmt in ye tower that if hee would make a private present of 2000 L he should have his enlargmt &c: +ffrom Cadiz wee heare the Duch privateers are very numerous on those Coasts that ye Spanish Men of Warr are Joynd wth Emertson & Joyntly Cruise, Carrying English Collours, The Treaty betwixt ye English at Tangier, & King Muley Ishmaell is neare agreed, that King haveing lately sent ye Earle of Midleton a present of 2000 head of Catle &c. +Letters from Genoa say ye English have some apprehension of ye Spaniards, ye last Spanish letters thither forbidding ye Ladeing on English shipps &c: His Maty haveing a Councell upon ye complaint of ye minister & Church Warden of Hamersmith that one Mrs Beddingfeild kept a schoole there for ye Education of young woomen in ye Popish Religion Recomended ye matter to ye Justices of peace of Midlesex to proceed Effectually agst her in their sessions, ye said Justices in pursuance thereof appoynted 3 Indictmts to be preferred agst her, one for Keeping a schoole not being duly authorized, according to ye stat: of King James for one day, another upon ye same stat: for severall dayes & a 3d for being a popish Recusant upon ye stat of Q: Eliz: all wch being found by ye Grand Jury, a Warrant was Issued to bring her in to plead thereto. +Thomas Thynne Esqr is sworne & Comitted into ye house of Commons for ye University of oxford. +The mediators at Collogne wee heare Continue much dissatisfied wth ye Dch Ambrs for refuseing to enter into conference wth our Ambrs about ye Regulation of trade in ye Indies, believeing they doe this meerely to retard ye peace & never to give us satisfaction in that perticular, they are told privately that ye Duch Ambrs will give them this answere, that they must send home for powers before they can enter upon that matter pretending it to be a new demand, when both ye mediators & french Ambrs offered to prove by Evident Witness that it was alwayes offerd & required of them. L. c. 6 Jan 24th 1673 +ffryday ye Commons read an additionall Bill for Sherrifs & Ease of Justices of peace at ye assizes wch they ordred to be read againe as alsoe a Bill for uniteing parishes, & provideing a maintainance for ministers, appoynted a Comittee to prepare & bring in a Bill for paveing & maintaining the streets of London. & enabling ye Citty to perfect & goe through ye building of churches & such other publique workes as are enjoyned by act of Parliamt, & ye same Comittee to bring in a Bill for Restraining any farther new building in all places wthin ye Bills of Mortallity excepting ye Citty of London & liberties thereof, & read a Bill for releife of subjects by Habeas Corpus & committed it. Satterday ye Lds tooke into consideration the Kings speech, & Considered of some heads for secureing ye protestant Religion to be inserted into a Bill for that purpose. Then ye Commons being calld up to ye house of Lds his Maty acquainted them according to ye inclosd L. c. 7 [Handwriting changes here.] The Kings Speech to both Houses [of] Parliamt Jan 27th [?] My Lords & Gent At the beginning of this session I told you all I thought I had reason to doe but [?] the States Generall had not made any proposalls which could be immagined with intent to conclude, but onely to accuse us, to avoyd the imputation They have now sent me a lre by the Spanish Ambr offering me some Termes of peace upon Conditions formerly drawne up in a more decent stile then before, It is upon this I desire yr advice, for if you find the Termes such as may be embraced yr advice will have great weight, And if you find them defective, I hope you will give me yr advice & assistance how to get better Termes, upon the whole matter I hope you will have a care of my hand and the safety of the nation wch are now soe deeply concern'd The Heads of the States Generalls answeare to the Kings pposalls 1 The renewall of the Treaty at Breda & also the Marine Treaty of 1668 at The Hague 2 To yeild the fflag to all his Maties ships of warr in the Brittish Seas 3 To name Commissionrs for regulating trade within 3 monthes after the peace concluded as to the Indies in London 4 As to Surrinam leave to the English to goe away where & whither they please 3 monthes to be allowed for selling their goods or carrying them away 5 The New Netherlands to be delivered up & all other places taken on both sides during the warr 6 To give the summe formerly promised vizt 800000 Pattagones One 4th part so soon as Peace ratify'd the rest in 3 yeares 7 The Garranty of all their Allyes to confirme things 8 As to the ffishing the Kings predecessors never demanded it, nor he in any treaty nothing they demanded but what was formerly allowed or enjoyed by their [?] subjects The French observe [?] all Peace 9 To conclude without any dependance on other Interest 10 To finish at London or Cologne L. c. 8 [Handwriting changes here.] Jan ye 27 1673 His Maty haveing on Saterday sent for ye house of Commons up to Lds house, & there acquainted them wth a letter & propositions for peace he had Recd from ye Duch (wch letter, & propositions, as alsoe his Maties speech, are printed) The Lds tooke into Consideration his Maties speech & Resolvd to Waite on his Maty that afternoone wth their humble thanks for the same. Then was his Maties speech & alsoe ye Duch letters & articles, read & debated, & soe they adjournd till Tuesday. The Commons ye same day read ye Bill for Explaining doubtfull Clauses in ye act for Imposition on proceedings at law, Comitted a Bill for Ease of Sheriffs in passing their accounts & then proceeded to ye Consideration of ye Kings speech, upon wch ye Question was propounded whether the advice that is expected is to relate to a seperate or Joynt peace, but was not agreed to by ye house, soe that they Resolved to fall on ye Kings speech on ye morrow wthout any delay +Tuesday the Lds in a Grand Comittee tooke into debate his Maties speech & after some debate Resolved that on Wednsday they would proceed on it againe, & then peruse ye last treaty wth ffrance, & on Tuesday next will fall on ye Kings first speech as to that part of it that relates to ye secureing ye Protestant Religion Then ye Commons after haveing read a Bill for preservation of ye fishery of ye Rivers of Severne &c: & another to prevent ye illegal Imprisoning of subjects beyond ye seas &c: Resolved into a Comittee of ye Whole house upon ye matter of his Maties last speech & after a long debate came to this Resolution that upon Consideration of his Maties speech, & ye proposalls made by ye States Genell for a peace, The House is of Opinion that his Maty be humbly desired by address to proceed in a Treaty wth ye said states in Order to a speedy peace. The Comittee about ye Ld Arlington haveing entred [?] on ye first article adjournd till Wednsday The late stormes have beene very fatall to our Colliers, 11 belonging to New Castle, & severall others of other places being cast away this last Weeke. L. c. 9 Jan ye 29 1673 +Wednsday ye houses sate againe, the Lds fell on ye Consideration of ye Kings speech & in a Grand Comittee after a long debate came to this Resolve, that upon ye Consideration of his Maties speech & ye whole matter in that house, the Lds were of an Opinion that his Maty be humbly advised to proceed in a Treaty wth ye States Genell in order to a speedy peace. wch was agreed to by ye Whole house. +The Commons ye same day read a Bill for releife of poor prisoners, & upon ye petition of ye Loyall Indigent officers, orderd that ye Ld Cheife Barron give in a speedy account of that matter, Then read ye Bill for augmenting small vicaridges & for preventing simoniacall Contracts & fell upon ye debate of their Tuesdays vote, wch they adjournd till ye morrow. +The Comittee about ye Ld Arlingtons buisness sate but adjournd till Tuesday. Saterday was appoynted to heare Mr Muddifords Petition agst Sr John Robinson, Concerning his being deteynd in ye Tower beyond ye Kings Order. +Tuesday the Lds sent downe their vote about his Maties being advised to proceed in ye treaty, to ye Commons for their Concurrence, The Lds have voted & orderd a Bill to be accordingly brought in, for bringing up all ye Children of ye Royall family in ye protestant Religion, for marrying them onely to Protestants, for disarming all papists, & preventing profane [about five letters cancelled] &c: read a Bill about assigning Bonds & Bills, for Regulateing ye Tryall of peeres wch they orderd to be ingrost The Commons appoynted a Bill to be brought in for Regulateing & ascertaining ye measure of Coales & to prevent frauds & abuses in selling of Wood, & abuses agst ye act about measures Corne [sic], & Comitted ye Bill to prevent ye Imprisoning of subjects in illegall prisons & places beyond ye seas, appoynted a Comittee to veiw & report a Petition of Sr Samuell Morelands for leave to bring in a Bill for ye use of ye Water Engine by him lately invented & then Orderd their humble thanks to be returnd his Maty for his most gracious speech. +ffrom Collogne wee heare ye Duch Ambrs there are (uppon better Consideration) fallen off from their obstinate insisting on ye matter of Regulateing Trade in ye East Indies, & therefore now pretend onely to Write home for Orders what to doe in it The flanders letters seeme to intimate as if Don Reinaldo de Salinas had prevaild wth ye States to signe his Maties last proposalls to them by ye Spanish Ambr, & that now there was nothing talkt on abroad but peace. +Tis said ye Grand Chapter of Leige have at last Resolvd in favour of ye Empr & accepted ye Conditions proposed by ye Baron da Issola. wch Resolution it was thought ye other bodyes & magistrates might follow +Duch Letters say ye states would before they Rise setle ye officie of Hereditary on ye Prince of Orange & his family in order to his better advancemt in marriage Paris Letters say Count Sparr was come thither post to gaine more tyme for ye Treaty at Collogne, that King haveing given but till ye 2 of ffeb ffor that affaire, by wch tyme if a peace was not Concluded, then whatever has passed in order thereunto to be void. The french King has agreed on greater tearmes then at first resolvd on, & has sent engineers for fortifying severall places in his new Conquests. L. c. 10 Jan: 31 1673 +ffryday being the aniversary for ye murther of ye late King the Houses sate not, but meeting in ye morning in their Houses went in two bodyes, the Lds to ye We[stminster] abby, ye Commons to St Margretts where were made two Excellent sermons on that occation +This weeke the King & Court put on mourning for ye death of ye King of Poland, in wch they will Continue some weekes. On Wednsday last our streights fleet sailed out of ye Downes wth a pretty favourable Gale, since wch nothing is heard of them. Saterday ye two houses met againe. The Lds were all ye day in ye debate of ye Duke of Bucks buisness, in answere to the Earle of Shrewsburys petition agst him, but noe Councell was Calld in, & ye farther debate of it was adjournd till fryday next. +The Commons after Ordering their house to be calld over on Munday 3 weekes, appoynted a Comittee to Consider of ye Rights of ye house & by what meanes the members may be Compelld to give their better attendance, & orderd that ye members of ye house that are of ye privy Councell doe attend his Maty to know his pleasure when he will be attended wth their vote Concerning ye Duke of Lauderdale, & then debateing whether ye Lds Concurrence should be desired to their vote about ye Duke of Bucks they adjournd it till Thursday next for further Consideration, & soe adjournd till Tuesday +Noe forreigne Letters have Come in since Wednsday last, soe that what ye Duch doe in this Conjuncture wee know not, all ye talke of ye Towne is of a sudden peace, & that there is speedily to Come Over some persons from Holland wth a further account from those people. +Tis hotly reported that ye french King has offerd his Maty to give him 400000 L in hand, to give himof his most capitall shipps, & the townes of Dunkirke & Callais, provided he will Continue ye Warr, but the Confirmation of this is to be expected L. c. 11 ffeb ye 3d 1673 +Munday ye houses sate not, but on Tuesday the Lds fell againe upon ye debate of heads for secureing the Protestant Religion, & agreed to two heads more, vizt, that the Children of ye Romish Peeres shall be Educated in ye Protestant Religion, & that all Children whose fathers are dead & were of that persuasion shall be alsoe Carefully nourisht in ye Protestant faith, & then haveing 2 Conferences wth ye Commons about ye words (upon ye whole matter before that house upon ye proposalls of ye States[)] agreed that both ye Words in theirs, & ye Words in ye Commons vote, of advice, should be struck out, & haveing sent to know when his Maty would be attended therewth, sent to acquaint ye Commons yt ye King had appoynted Thursday at 3 of ye clock in ye Banquetting house to be attended thereto +The Commons onely read 2 private Bills besides ye 2 Conferences, & soe both houses adjournd till Thursday +The late Wrecks all along our northerne Coast appeare very vissiblely ye dead men dayly cast ashore, they speak of about 30 shipps that are reckond to be lost Our Straights fleet is put into the Isle of Wight, by Contrary winds, but will tarry noe longer then for an Opertunity to proceed. The Old Countess of Arundell, mother to ye Duke of Norfolke being dead, was on Munday privately Conveyd to Arundell Castle to be there interrd Tewsdays letters from Holland say that upon ye proposition of Harlem for makeing ye Prince of Orange Statholder, Admirall, & Governr of ye United provinces, the States, reflecting on ye many miseries occasiond to their Country for want of such an officer since ye yeare 1650 when this Princes father dyed unanimously agreed to ye proposition, & conferrd those offices upon him & his Heires Males for Ever, from Brussells of ye 2d Instant wee heare that ye Governr has Comanded the Country to be under Contribution wch is doeing accordingly, & seemes very hard measure he haveing before plunderd it & taken from thence wtever could be found, & now makes a new demand of them when hardly any thing is left Tho its said ye Grand Chapter of Leige have declared in favour of ye Empr and ye people are very melinable [?] to it yet wee are told ye Magistrates will by noe meanes consent to it, or quit their Neutrallity, The french Continue to put all abt Brussells under Contribution Even to ye very gates. There is great talk of a rich present Coming over from ye Prince of Orange Wee heare noe more of ye french offers. L. c. 12 Feb: ye 5th 1673 +Wednsday being ye fast both houses mett, & went the Lds to ye abby, ye Commons to St Margretts the whole day being kept throout ye towne wth more then Ordnary striktness, & observance Thursday the houses met againe. The Lds fell on noe publique buisness, The Commons haveing prepared the Bill for a Genll Test to distinguish betwixt Protestant & Papist read ye same, & ordred it a 2d reading on ye morrow, Then proceeded they on to ye debate whether or noe to desire ye Lds Concurrence in their vote Concerning ye Duke of Bucks, & putting ye question it was Carryed in ye negative, Then Resolved they to goe into a grand Comittee on Saterday to Consider of ye governances of ye nation & Then Went, in ye first place by themselves, to attend his Maty wth their address Concerning ye Duke of Lauderdale, wch his Maty Receiving, told them he would Consider of it & give them his tymely answere, & then, wthdrawing a litle, came againe wth ye Lds to Waite on his Maty wth their address about a peace &c: wch his Maty graciously Recd, & thankt them, telling them he had put it allready in a forward way. On ye 27th past, his Maty went downe to Woollwich to see a new ship there wch will carry about 70 guns, besides wch, other ships of good force are almost finisht at Portsmth Harwch & Deptfod. Our streights fleet are yet at Spitthead, waiteing for a Wind +Don Carlos haveing beene held at Brussells & there suckt in ye Religion of that Country has since been better instructed by ye Bpp of Rochester, soe that on Sunday last hee attended devoutly at divine service in ye Kings Chappell, giveing publique Testimonies of his Conversion Wednsday morning came from Harwch a packett to his Maty, brought by one of ye states Trumpetters, who is staid there till his answere is prpard The same day the Spanish Ambr had Audience of his Maty wherein he made some further proposalls in order to an accomodation. Duch Ltrs say they are sending over Ambrs & desird passprts, & in ye meane tyme a Cessation of armes. The french, they say have drawne all their Cannon, amunition, & provision out of Arnhem, except 6 Iron guns wth intention to quitt it, & that they are doeing ye like at Doresberg, Zutphen & Deventer, besides wch, tis said they will disert Treill, fort St Andre, Troll [?], & Hassell The Prince of Orange is goeing to Utricht to see that place, & thence Will goe to severall other garrisons diserted by ye french to see wt condition they are in, Their new Impositions find new difficulties among them. There is talk of a great present Coming from ye Prince of Orange to his Matie +ffrench Ltrs of ye 10th inst say they have made a Regulation of ye Expence of ye Warr for ye next Campaigne wch will amount to 44 millions for wch they have already a ffond, the mony they are raiseing being for ye next yeare in Case their affaires require it. The King has designd to Entertain 100000 men, & to keep up 3 armies, one to be Comanded by Monsr ye Prince in flanders to attaque ye places there, another in Germany under Marshall Turene to Observe ye motions of ye Imperialists on ye Rhyne, & a 3d by ye King himselfe wch shall be betwixt ye two other to assist Either of them on occation, besides ye Duke of Navailes [?] is to have 10000 foot, & 4 or 5000 Horse to Carry on ye Warr in ye franch Compte, & another body, besides ye garrison to be in Rousillon, upon ye defensive agst ye Spaniard, who as their Letters say are above 17000 in Catalonia Spanish Letters speake of their Equiping 20 men of Warr to Joyne wth Evertson to Carry on ye Warr agst ye ffrench in ye Mediterranean. German Ltrs say their Leavies there are forwarded wth all dilligence & many of their forces Comanded out of ye Hereditary Country to take up thir Winter quarters on ye frontier of Bavaria, of whose Elector ye Empr has still some Jealousy, tis now said that after all Opinions to ye Contrary, Genll Montecuculy will be againe sent to Comand ye army on ye Rhyne, & that he will be wth ym ye begining of March next L. c. 13 ffeb ye 7th 1673 ffryday ye 6th/ The Lds sate this day, when the Ld Keeper reported to them his Maties answere yesterday upon their vote of advice, & that it was to this Effect That the best Way of Expressing his thanks for their good advice was by following it, wch he intended to doe very speedily, & if any difficulty should chance to arise, his Maty doubted not but the Parliamt would stand by him in it. & enable him to goe through wth it. after wch ye Duke of Bucks Case was againe debated, upon wch it was Orderd that ye said Duke should never Converse or Cohabit wth ye Countess of Shrewsbury, & both of them to give in their security for soe doeing The Commons after haveing Comitted ye Bill abt a genell Test, haveing Recd advice that ye King had appoynted this afternoone to be attended wth their vote agst ye Duke of Bucks, Orderd that ye house waite on his Maty wth it. and then falling on ye Consideration of ye Duke of Norfolkes Continueing beyond the seas, Orderd that an address should be presented to his Maty to desire him to appoynt some persons to bring the Duke of Norfolke safe into England, & that the Concurrence of ye Lds be desired thereto A Bill was alsoe this day read to prevent illegal exacted mony from ye subjects &c: Saterd: 7/ This day the Lds read a Bill for planting & preserving Wood & timber & ye Commons past a Bill to prevent ye Imprisonmt of subjects in illegal prisons & read ye 2d tyme the Bill for releife of poore prisoners for debt upon wch severall debates ariseing relateing to matters not Contayned in the Bill as to provide for setting poore prisoners to worke &c. The House then resolvd into a grand Comittee to take into Consideration the Greivances of the nation, upon wch after a very Long debate, they Resolvd that ye Continuing of any standing forces in this nation other then the militia is a great greivance & a vexation to ye people, & that its ye humble Pettition of ye house to his Maty that hee will Imediately Cause to be disbanded that part that were raised since ye first of January 1663, after wch Mr Speaker reported that ye house had bene to Waite On his Maty wth ye address against ye D of Bucks & that his Maty was pleasd to make answere that he would Consider of it & Returne them his answere very suddenly, The House then Resolvd to goe into a Grand Comittee againe On Wednsday next to proceed on ye Greivances of ye nation L. c. 14 ffeb ye 10th 1673 Munday 9th/ This morning dyed of a feavorish distemper the Earle of Doncaster onely sonne to ye Duke of Monmth to ye great greife of that family. ffrom Portsmth wee heare that on fryday Evening our streights fleet saild from Spitthead, but wth noe very good Gale. The Commons this day read a Bill for repaire of Churches, another for ye better Recovery of small Tythes, & another to ascertain the Pattents, Powers &c of the Judges, The Bill to prevent illegal exactions of mony was read a 2d tyme. & Comitted, the Lds sent downe to ye Commons their Bill for Regulateing ye tryall of Peeres wch was read, & then ye house being acquainted that his Maty had appoynted to morrow to be attended wth their Vote about ye army they adjournd, Teusday 10/ This morning the Commons Comitted the Bill for ye preservation of ye Piscary of Severne, Avon, Thames &c: as alsoe a Bill for ye ascertayning ye duty upon proceedings at law. & then proceeding uppon ye debate of their former Vote about ye address for disbanding ye army they Orderd that these words (And wee make it our humble request to yo[u]r Maty that ye forces that came lately out of Ireland may not be Continued in armes in England) may be added to their vote, wch vote they accordingly deliverd to his Maty this afternoone, who told them that he would give them a speedy answere to their satisfaction The Spanish Ambr haveing last Weeke acquainted his Maty wth ye powers he had Recd from Holland to treat in their behalfe wth his Maty for a peace his Maty appoynted the Dukes of Munmth & Ormond the Ld Keeper & Treasurer wth ye two Secretarys of State to treat wth him, who haveing mett yesterday ye articles of agreemt were Consented to & signed, & this day are to be ratifyd & will be suddenly made publique. Tis said that these articles are added that they shall not make a peace wth ye french King wth out includeing his Maty if hee please that ye 200000, shall be made 300000 L sterling & that as to ye fishery, his Maty grants them ye liberty thereof soe long as this Prince of Orange & his Heires shall Continue Stadtholders &c: & that ye limitts of ye Brittish Sea are allowd in a larger Extent then Here to fore, wth in wch all sorts of ahips or fleets shall strike to any shipp of his Matys, Sr Gabriell Sylvius goes suddenly into Holland wth ye articles of agreemt to have them signed by ye states. upon whose returne they will be made publique. This day ye Lds were in ye debate of ye heads of ye Bill for securing the Protestant Religion & are to proceed on that againe on Thursday +to morrow ye Lds are Orderd to be in their robes, ye King intending to be there on some great buisness relateing to ye present Conjuncture [Note in same hand at end of letter:] Sr I haveing noe other Coppy of ye inclosd Test desire you will please to let it be returnd mee againe when you have done wth it L. c. 15 [Handwriting changes here.] A Test proposed by a Comittee of the house of Commons to distinguish betwixt protestants & papists./ I. A. B:/ Doe solemnly from my heart & in the prsence of God truely renownce & condemne these positions of the Church of Rome as utterly false vizt: that the said Church of Rome is the onely Catholique or universall Church, and the mother & m[aste?]r of all other Churches and, that there cann be noe salvation Certainely had in any Church beside the Church of Rome or in any other Church that refuseth Common[ion?] with the Said Romish or popish Church./-- +I doe disclaime and renounce therefore as utterly false that any right doth app[er]taine to ye See of Rome to Exercise any universall authority or Jurisdiction over all the Churches or Sees in the world./-- +Or that shee hath by vertue of such right or the prsence of it a Lawfull power to Excommunicate all other Churches. -- +Or by any such Authority it belongs of right to the Church of Rome alone to Judge and interprett the true sense and interpretation of the holy Scriptures./ -- I doe utterly disclaime renounce and abhorre the opinion of those that hold, that whome the Church of Rome doth reject for Hereticks or Scismaticks shall be rejected or accounted [?] for such by God himselfe. - . - . - .- +Or that all they whome the pope or Church of Rome doe Curse wth anathemas, excommunicate or condemne are really by that Curse excomunicacon or Condemnation in dangr of incurring the wrath of God, or penalty of Eternall damnacon of God./ +I doe likewise deny that the Church of Rome hath Constantly and in all ages prserved the faith of Christ truely intirely pure & sincere, as it was at first delivered by the Ld Christ and his apostles and doe verely from my heart beleive that the said Church is infected much & corrupted wth many grosse and Erroneous & Idolatrious Opinions and practices./ +I doe alsoe disclaime and renounce as a thing utterly false that the Ld Christ did leave any one of his apostles as his sole Viccar here on earth or did Constiute any one of his disciples as the prince of all the rest of the appostles./ -- +I also from my heart disclaime and renounce and abjure as utterly false, that the pope or Bpp of Rome is the Lawfull Successor of any such pson as was the prince of all the Apostles or that he is the Viccar of Jesus Christ, or that by or through the Chaine of any such succession, he hath any right to a supremacy over the whole Church of Christ, or that he is for this or any other reason to be accepted of the Church as infallible. I doe also from my heart abhorre renounce disclaime & condemne as utterly false that the pope or Bpp of Rome hath any power to dispense wth the Comands of Jesus Christ, or his power to absolve men from such oathes promises or contracts as are both just and Lawfull in themselves and agreeable to the mind of Christ or that whatsoever is evill sinfull or unlawfull in itt selfe is or cann be lesse Evill lesse sinfull before god because the pope pretended to dispense wth itt or because he may have any way comanded itt +I doe likewise freely renounce disclaime abhorre & condemne as utterly false that the masse that is offered to God is a true propitiatory Sacrifice both for the liveing and for the dead, and that in the most holy Sacramt of the Eucharist is Contained truely really & Substantially the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of the [handwriting changes after this word] Ld Christ or yt there is made a prfect change of the whole substance of ye bread into Xts body, of ye whole substance of ye wine into Xts bloud, this prfect change ye Church of Rome calling Transubstantiation. I doe also disclaim and renounce as utterly false yt any Hon: Worsp or Veneration is due to Images Reliefs of saints or holy Martyrs. I doe also further prmise & swear that I never will use or place any such Images for a help to Devotion, & I will never voluntarily be prsent at ye hearing of Masse. All & every wch things I do solemny & from my heart protest swear & declare as in ye prsence of Almighty God calling & invoking God as ye searcher of all mens hearts & thoughts to witnesse, yt ye things that I have here sworn are truly faithfully & sincerely declard by mee according to ye plain & usuall interpretation of the words now spoken & no otherwise L. c. 16 [Handwriting changes here.] ffeb ye 12 1673 This morning his Maty came to ye house of Lds who were all in their Robes, & sending for ye Commons, in a most gracious speech Acquainted them of his haveing made a speedy, Honrble, & as he hopet a lasting peace pursuant to their advice, & assured them that before they made their address to him abt ye army he had given Order for ye Reduceing them soe soone as he should be assured of a peace Even to a lesser number then they desired, & as for ye Irish forces hee would give speedy directions for their Returne home but as his forces are lessend at land soe it would be necessary to build more great ships for that Wee Could not expect to be safe unless our strength at sea Equalls our neighbours, & therefore Earnestly Recommended it to their Care to find ye meanes for ye Effectuall doeing of it, wch was Recd wth all expressions of satisfaction Imaginable, the Lds as Well as ye Commons presently voteing his Maty their humble & Hearty thanks for his makeing soe speedy a peace, according to ye advice & desire of ye Parliamt & for his gracious answere to their address about ye army. & appoynted some of their members to attend his Maty to know when they shall Waite on him therewth The Commons then Went on wth their debate about ye greivances, & appoynted a Comittee to inspect ye laws lately made in Scotland whereby an army is authorized to march into England or Ireland, or such lawes as doe tend to ye breach of ye union of ye 2 nations, & to report ye same to ye house & produce ye Bookes, & that on fryday they are to proceed on ye same debate. Thursday the Lds after some private buisness went into a grand Comittee to proceed on ye remaining heads of ye Bill for secureing ye Protestant Religion, & resolvd to this Effect, that noe English Jesuite or Regular Priests shall be admitted for ye future to supply ye places of any of ye Queens priests upon any vacancy or removall. That for ye future upon ye Death or Removall of any of ye Queens present servants, none shall be addmitted but natives of her Maties Country or of ye Protestant Religion, & that their number be as in ye late Establishments in 1672 & 73 & that ye suppressing of atheisme & profaness shall be a distinct Bill & that care be taken that ye Children of such persons as shall dye in the Popish Religion may be Educated by Protestants in ye Protestant faith as it shall be directed by ye Ld Chancellor, Keeper or Bpp for ye tyme being & upon all differences that they shall resort to his Maty for determination, & that if a Papist dye & leave a Widdow a Papist the Children to be educated as aforesaid The Commons onely read a Bill Concerning ye streets in Portsmth & ye Erecting an almes house there another for Enabling Sr Samuell Moreland to have ye sole benefit of his late Invented Pump, & another for ye better Regulateing ye Election of Members of Parliamt. Tis talkt that an Ambr shall suddenly goe into Holland, & that Sr Wm Temple will be ye man. On Munday ye Abbot of Bealeiu & 2 frenchmen were condemned for Clipping & Coyning L. c. 17 ffebruary ye 14 1673 +ffryday ye Lds onely read an act for composeing ye differences in Religion & inviteing sober & peacable minded dissenters to ye service of ye Church & then Waited on his Maty wth their humble thanks for ye peace &c: +The Commons Comitted ye Bills for Sr Samuell Morelands Engine, for ascertaining ye powers & fees in ye Pattents of Judges, & ordered that about preventing Thefts & rapine on ye North Borders to be ingrosst Then went to his Maty wth their humble & Hearty Thanks for ye peace & disbanding ye army. +Saterday ye Lds onely went on wth ye Remaining heads of ye Bill abt Religion & haveing past over them Orderd them to be put into an act &c: The Commons in a grand Comittee Resolvd that a Comittee be appoynted to inspect ye lawes, & consider how the King may Comitt any subject by his Imediate Warrant as ye law stands & report ye same to ye house, & how ye law stands touching Comittmts of psons by ye Counsell Table, & to report ye same, to wch ye house agreed & that next Wednsday they would take into Consideration ye state & Condition of ye Kingdom of Ireland. ffrom Plymth Wee heare that our streights fleet saild thence on ye 12th wth a good Wind Into ye North of Scotland came last Weeke a Duch East India ship of 48 guns & 200 men, by stress of Weather soe torne & shatterd that shee lay almost like a Wreck & soe would be seized on there. from Edenburgh they Write of one Pickett (that some yeares agoe had dischargd a Pistoll at ye Arch Bp of St Andrews & Escaped) who was this last Weeke taken upon suspition, & found armed wth a pistoll chargd againe, & soe Comitted to prison +ffrom Collogne Wee heare by Express that abt 10 dayes since Prince Willm Furstenburg, ye Elector of Collognes Plenipotentiary in ye Treaty there Coming from visiting his said Mr was set upon in ye day tyme in ye midst of ye Towne by a party who forcet him a way in his Coach, Wounding his servants, & takeing him Prisoner wth intention as its thought to carry him to Vienna, & this by ye Emprs Orders, wch being a thing soe impracticable as agst ye Publique faith & law of Nations, the ambrs were much allarmd at it & sent an account thereof to their M[aste]rs Ceaseing thereupon all Negotiation +By our last letters from france the Grandees there seeme to be in a genll disgust at ye news they have from England, but however they pretend it like to be a hotter summer then any has bene yet; their leavies goeing forward wth all possible vigour they being resolvd rather to run ye Hazzard of another Warr then part wth Lorraine &c: butyet tis thought there will be a Generall Peace amongst ye Xtian Princes Tis said One maine motive to his Maties making soe sudden a peace was a letter the Spanish Ambr producet to his Maty wch he had newly Recd from Holland, wch ye french King had sent ye States offering to make a peace wth them wthout the King of England, &c: L. c. 18 ffeb ye 17 1673 Munday/ This morning both houses sate, ye Lds read a Bill for preventing frauds & perjuries, Comitted ye Bill abt Regulateing Servants Wages The Commons read a Bill for ascertaining ye measures of Coale & Wood, Comitted ye Bill abt Elections, & then proceeded upon ye debate of Mr Pepes Election for Castle Riseing wch they adjourned till Saterday sennight +The Order about prohibiting ye Exportation of Coales is taken off by order of Councell, & is like soe to Continue +The Marchts upon this peace are fitting out very many ships more then at first they intended, perticularly the East India Company hopeing to have a very good trade againe Wee are in dayly Expectation of ye Returne of Sr Gabriell Silvius from Holland wth ye Ratifications of ye peace, upon wch it will be proclaimd wth ye usuall sollemnity Wednsday/ The Commons this day Ordrd ye Bill abt Habeas Corpus to be ingrosst, & then ye Chaire=man of ye Earle of Arlingtons Comittee reporting they desired the House would direct them whether they intended they should take proofs, or whether any members Word [sic] undertakeing to make proofe should be accepted, upon wch debateing it, they Resolvd that it be recomitted to ye Comittee to proceed upon ye articles, head by head & report perticularly what proof fitt for an Impeachment can be made upon ye severall heads. The Lds being moved to take into Consideration ye state & condition of Ireland & to provide for ye security thereof they Ordred to take ye same into debate on Wednsday & then read & Comitted ye Bill to prevent illegall Imprissnmts of subjects +from france Wee heare that that King is raiseing a very great army agst next spring, & that an account is taking of all the Protestants there, who are found to be farr more numerous then Heretofore, as is said to an increase of some Hundred Thousands, what use they intend to make thereof is not yet knowne. As yet Wee heare nothing of our Plenipotentiaryes at Collogne or how long they will stay there or when returne. L. c. 19 ffeb: ye 19th 1673 +Wednsday the Lds takeing into Consideration ye Condition of ye Kingdome of Ireland, after a long debate Resolvd that an address be made to his Maty to desire that ye army of ye Kingdome of Ireland may be reinforct to what it was before ye late Establishmt & ye Contract made by ye Ld Ranelagh. & that ye militia of that Kingdome may be speedily setled, & that ye persons to be Employd in any Commands there may be of knowne affection & fidellity to his Maty, & ye Protestant Religion as now Establisht & referrd ye farther Consideration till another day. The Commons Comitted ye Bill to prevent ye Exportation of Wooll, & that abt ye Hearth Mony. & read a Bill for ye better attendance of members of Parliamt, read a Bill abt Lindsey Levell & soe went into a grand Comittee on ye Consideration of ye Condition of Ireland, & haveing made some progress therein adjournd it till fryday. from Collogne of ye 20th instant Wee heard that the Prince of ffurstemburg Continued still at Bonne, but was to be removed to a fortress neare Coblentz & yt it was declared to be by ye Emprs Order upon wch all ye publique ministers had made it their buisness to purchase his discharge not proceeding in any buisness till fresh orders The reason given for ye seizure & Imprisonmt of ye Prince of ffurstemburg is for that he had noe passport from ye Empr, & for that he had (as is pretended) a designe to have seized ye Marquess of Grana & have treated him wth ye same usage he himselfe has Recd Letters from Holland of ye 24th say ye news of ye peace being newly arived, the wholly [sic] Country appeared strongly transported wth Joy for ye same, wch was expresst in all places wth ye greatest demonstrations of rejoyceing Imaginable. The States themselves haveing appoynted ye 7th of March next for a generall Thanksgiveing for soe great a happiness & are sending 4 of their deputies to Returne his Maty their Hearty Thanks ffor haveing Restored them to his amity, &c: They are Carrying on their preparations both for sea & land wth all ye Vigor possible & have Resolvd their land forces shall be in a readyness by ye first of March. Wee heare nothing of Gabriell Silvius soe that its believd he was not then arivd, Barron Sparr was come as farr as ye Hague in his Way for England, his buisness being said to be to Endeavour to prevent any seperate treaty betwene ye English & Duch, as being what might Impede a genell peace, but being given to understand by ye Prince of Orange that his Journey would be to noe Effect he stopt there. +Thursday ye Lds read ye Bill for a genell Comprehension, & falling into a long debate about its limitts adjournd it till ye morrow +The Commons Orderd ye Bill abt sherriffs accounts to be ingrosst & orderd ye Bill abt Lindsay Levells to be read on Saterday & voted Sr Samuell Bernardistons Election for Suffolk good Letters from Plymth tell us that Sr Richard Munday in ye Princess brought in thither a Man of Warr of 16 guns, wch he Espied Cruising wth Duch Collours, to whom he gave a gun to Call him in, who makeing up to him he demanded of him whence he was, who answerd from Amsterdam & made ye same demand to Sr Richard, who answereing from Whitehall, ye man of Warr very briskly made at him, gave him a Whole broadside, & powred his small shot on him by wch he Kild 3 of his men, but it was soe well returnd by our frigatt that ye man of Warr wth Duch Colloures was forcet to submitt & being taken was found to be wholly french There is a talke that Monsr Ruvigny the french Envoy being upon his Returne has demanded of his Maty ye summ of 4 millions sterl toward his master has lent out [sic], through ye desire of ye King of England. L. c. 20 ffeb ye 21 1673 This day ye Lds read a Bill for Explanation of a former act for preventing dangers wch may happen from Popish Recusants, & Comitted ye Bill for preventing frauds & perjuries &c. The Commons were in a grand Comittee to take into Consideration ye state & Condition of ye Revenue of Ireland, & Resolvd that a Comittee be appoynted to inspect ye state & Condition of ye Revenue of Ireland, & Report ye same wth their Opinions thereon to ye house, & that ye same Comittee doe Consider ye state of ye Religion, ye militia, & forces of that Kingdome & examine ye matter of fact, & report ye same wth their Opinions thereon to ye house, & how yt Kingdome may be best secured as speedily as may be. Wee are in dayly expectation of ye Returne of ye Ratification of ye peace from Holland, the last letters Inst Coming off Just when the Spanish Ambrs secretary landed wch caused very great expressions of Joy all over those Countrys. This day ye Lds read ye act prepared by ye Comittee for ye better security of ye Protestant Religion upon ye 3 heads 1st Concerning ye Education of ye Children of ye Royall family, 2dly their Marriages, 3ly ye Queens priests & servants, & ordred it to be read againe adjourning ye debate of ye Irish affaires till Munday next The Commons read a Bill to prevent ye illegall Exactions of money from ye subjects & Ordred it to bee ingrosst & read ye ingrosst Bill abt Habeas Corpus wch was Ordred to be Considerd on Munday, & Ordred two Bills to be brought in abt erecting Courts of Conscience &c [?] for Westmr & Southwark for ye better releife of ye poorer sort of people Noe Duch letters are Come Over but hourely expected L. c. 21 ffeb ye 24 1673 +This morning the King comming in his Robes to ye Lds house was presently attended by ye Commons Where he was to speake to them to this Effect My Lds & Gentlemen/ When I was last here I told you ye peace was signed, I am now come to tell you that its ratifyed, & I hope it will prove a happy & a lasting peace to both nations; this, & ye spring Coming on fast, it will be Convenient for you to be in your Counties, both for your owne buisness, & mine, I therefore thought fit to make a Recess at this tyme, the Winter being more Convenient for buisness In ye meane tyme I will Endeavour to satisfy ye World of my stedfastnesse for secureing ye Protestant Religion as its now Establisht, & your properties, & I desire that you in your severall Counties will endeavour to satisfy ye people therewth. I have noe more to say at this tyme but that I have Commanded my Ld Keeper to prorogue ye Parliamt till ye 10th of November next, wch was accordingly done, wch much surprises [?] L. c. 22 ffebr ye 26th 1673 +His Maty haveing Issued out his Orders for ye disbanding ye army ye 6th of ye next moneth, ye officers are gone downe to their severall quarters to put it in execution, & besides ye 8 Regiments last Raised the King, to lessen ye Expence of ye Souldiery, has Orderd to be disRegimented ye Dragoones & ye Other 2 Regiments wch were raised before ye 8, & takeing some Companyes out of them will send them as Independ Companys into Ireland, to Reinforce ye army there, all other forces in garrison are to be Reducet to 50 in a Company, & those of ye Guards to 60. The exchange of ye Ratifications of ye peace from Holland being hourely expected ye King has bene pleasd to revoke his former Orders at ye severall Ports for staying any persons that Come from his Enimies Country, that soe all freedome of Commerce & Communication may from henceforth be Open between us & them. & perfect amity & freindship be Renew'd, ye like Orders of good usage to all other Princes subjects & ships, he has bene pleasd to give to ye severall Ports as a neutrall party in all their present quarrells & disputes. The Proclamation lyes ready for ye press for publishing ye peace soe soon as ever ye Ratifications Come back from Holland wch are hourely expected, ffrom ye day of ye Publication of ye peace all acts of Hostillity are to Cease in 12 dayes from ye soundings to ye Naze in Norway, in 6 Weekes from ye soundings to ye Citty of Tangier, in 10 Weekes in ye Ocean Mediterranean & Else Where from Tangier to ye Equinoxiall Line, & in 8 moneths in all parts of ye World & whatever damage after, satisfaction shall be given for ye same, & ye actors punisht as Violators of ye peace. His Maty has given Orders for a Proclamation to Issue to recall ye dispensation of ye act of Navigation, & orders are Issued to take of ye Embargo, that a free & open trade may succeed our agreemt wth ye Duch. His Maty has given a gold Chaine & meddall to Capt Cutters who in ye affrica of London soe bravely behaved himselfe agst a Duch Caper of 18 guns, 10 of whose men he brought wth him into Plymth. +The Lieutenancy of ye West Rideing of Yorkshire, formerly in ye hands of ye Duke of Bucks is now given to ye Ld High Treasurer, the Duke of Monmouth is like to be suddenly Mr of ye Horse ffrom Vienna Wee heare that ye Empr is makeing very great leavies in [seal spoils about eight letters] of his Hereditary Countries wch were [about five letters spoiled] to send downe ye Rhyne a new army [of] 16000 men to reinforce those that Lye still in ye Electorate of Collogne & that 5000 Saxons & other auxilliarys will bee Joynd wth them, ye house of Lunenburg & ye lower Saxony will remaine neuters in this present quarrell, & onely Oppose ye Swedes or any else shall that disturb ye peace of those Countries, Brandenburg has left france & will make a new league wth ye Empr. The Duch begin to speake of ye Prince of Oranges marriage, but they say he has declared he will not till this Campaigne is Over & his Country in peace, The States are now takeing into Consideration ye fond for this yeares Warr, & ye present raiseing ye mony they are to pay our King by Vertue of this treaty, Tis said ye Bp of Munster has certainly made an agreement wth ye Empr, & Recd an Imperiall Garrison into many of his Townes & a sum of Mony to pay his army. the like tis said ye Elector of Collogne will suddenly doe upon ye arrivall of Sr Gabriell Silvius in Holland wth ye articles of peace, Notice was given to ye people thereof by a publique Cryer upon wch ye streets were Coverd wth people who spent ye night wth Bonefires, drinking ye Kings health & all manner of Jollyty, & tis said many were soe Over Joyd that they burnt both their Caps & Coates L. c. 23 ffeb ye 28 1673 ffryday 27th/ Letters of this day from Bristoll speake of some Mercht men from ye West Indies being arived there who not long since left two of their Companions behind them that were taken by a man of Warr of 50 guns of Evertsons squadron in his Returne home, these ships bring news that ye peace betweene ye King of ffez & ye Citty of Tangier was concluded & that it was to Comprehend Salley & all his Other Territories, soe that that Collony must of necessity flourish by such an advantage. The Duke of Bucks is abt Resigning his place of Mr of ye horse to his Maty, to his Grace ye Duke of Monmouth, at his Maties interposition wch will suddenly be done. Capt Godfrey, Gentleman of ye horse to ye Duke of Monmouth has Sr Phillip Munktons Company in his Maties guards Here is lately come Over the Ld Vaughan from france where he left ye English in that Kings service in a very good Condition & shortly returnes to them againe Sr Jonathan Atkins haveing finisht all his buisness relateing to ye Carribean Islands, meanes to part hence wth ye next ships to take possession of it in ye Roome of my Ld Willoughby. Saterd: 28/ Yesterday came a Duch post wch brought news of ye peace haveing bene Ratifyed there on Munday last & interchangd ye next day & proclaimed wth ye usuall solemnitys, & wth ye greatest Joy & satisfaction of ye people posible upon wch advice his Maty was pleasd to summon the Counsell to attend him & there gave Orders for its being publisht here, wth ye like Ceremony which was this afternoone accordingly done as well at Whitehall gate as in ye usuall places of ye Citty by sound of Trumpetts & all other accustomed Attendts of his Maties servts as ye Heralds, serjeants at armes, &c: wch was Recd by ye people wth such a universall Clamour & Joy that scarce any thing of ye like nature was ever seene. at ye Entrance of ye Citty ye Ld Mayor & Aldermen met them & accompanyed them in ye action & afterward treated them very nobly Sr Gabriell Silvius is dayly expected wth ye Instruments themselves haveing beene very nobly enterteynd by all persons there. The french begin to think of takeing ye feild that King haveing Resolvd to be at ye Camp earlier then he was last yeare, upon ye proffer of ye french Merchts of a Considerable summ of mony to that King toward ye Warr, ye King thankt them & told them he had now in owne Coffers 17 millions over & above what would fully discharge ye expence of this next Campaigne. The Duch talke of haveing an army of 16000 men in ye feild to be Employd in takeing ye townes they have lost Duisberg & Arnham are quitting [?] by ye french, & Rees & Wesell putting into ye hands of Brandenburg L. c. 24 March ye 3d 1673 His Maty has Resolved to goe to Newmarket abt ye midle of this moneth where are appoynted some matches for his Maties diversion, & order is given for makeing preparation for it His Maty has bene pleasd to make Sr Henry Chickly deputy Governr & Genell of his forces in his Collony of Virginia, under Sr Wm Berkley whose Comission is accordingly past. ffrom severall quarters of ye army wee heare that ye souldrs are all disbanded, & gone toward their homes wthout Comitting ye least rudeness or disorder. ffrom Collogne Wee heare that upon ye news of ye peace, the publique ministers there, had Complemented ye English Ambrs, & now they expect what will next be done abt Prince Wm of ffurstenburg the french King has orderd His Ministers there to Cease all further negotiations there till he be releaset They are much Concerned at a new breach of ye neutrallity of that place by ye seizure of a Cart wth 50000 Crownes sending by ye french to pay off Wesell, wch at ye goeing out of that towne was deteyned by the Impll Garrison there, who still keep it. ffrom the Hague of th 8th Wee are told that ye 14 instant being ye day appoynted by them for a Genell Thanksgiveing for the peace, ExtraOrdnary preparation were makeing, as fire Works &c. The like Whereof they say was never seene, for ye sollemnizeing ye same, They bragg there of haveing taken dureing this Warr 2800 ship, 1800 of wch were french. The Bp of Munster they say proffers to send two deputies to them to renew the Leagues wth them. offerring to Resigne up all his acquists, & and leave things as at ye Treaty of Cleaves and they hope ye Bp of Collogne will doe ye like, They have appoynted 66 saile of ships for their next summers fleet & will put a board them 9000 land men to make a descent on some part of france, Gray is still closely beseigd & in danger to be lost, as is alsoe Burgundy if not quickly Rescued by ye Empr & Duke of Lorraines forces wch are therefore hastening by 2 Expresses from flanders [Note in same hand at end of letter:] Tis said ye Chester & Shrewsbury Coaches are both robd this Weeke beyond Dunstable. L. c. 25 March ye 5th 1673 The King has bene pleasd to conferr ye Honr of Vice Countess of Bunning on ye Lady Anne Murry of Toxly, in Berks Daughter & Co heire to ye late Ld Vicount Bunning dureing her life The Earle of Lindsey was this week sworne of his Maties bed chamber in ye Roome of ye Duke of Bucks. The Company of foot lately Commanded by ye Duke of Bucks as Capt is given to Mr Wicherly His Maty has bene pleasd to make Mr Powle Brother to Sr Richard Mr of ye Rolles in Reversion after Sr Harbotle Grimston, who is very ill His Maty has bene pleasd to make a further Retrenchmt in ye expences of his family. The Spanish Ambrs secretary being returnd from Holland has brought wth him Passports from ye states Genell, for our ships to goe freely & quietly, notwthstanding, tis wthin ye time permitted for Hostillitys, & in returne thereof, ye like are sending to them that soe ye subjects on both sides may as soone as possible, recieve ye full benefitt of ye peace soe that our ships are hasteing out wth all speed. The Duch have sent a present of 40000 Guilders to ye Marquess ffresno ye Spanish Ambr, & another of 15000 to Don Bernardo de Salinas, The Articles of ye peace being in ye press Orders are sent to Portsmth & other places to unrigg ye great ships & lay ym up The Parliamt of Scotland Will be adjournd to ye 10th of October Paris Letters say that that King had held a Councell of Warr for takeing advice about ye carrying on ye Warr this next Compaigne, in wch ye Prince of Condes Opinion being required, its said he made a long discourse intimateing that ye reason why ye Capts of this age did not such great things as Heretofore, was, because they were to mercifull, & therefore his advice was that his Maty should Enter ye Spanish Netherlands wth a good army & make himself master of ye Country & what ever place or towne Resisted to put all to ye sword, give ye Pillage to ye souldrs, & Raze it, & alsoe to have 3 flyeing armies that should destroy ye Country round about, & not leave ye enimie any provision or substance wch would soone put an End to ye War and make every place freely surrender rather then Hazard a certaine Death or Ruine, but ye King told him that Way was to Cruell, & not practicable in this age, & so nothing was Resolvd on that meeting. That King proposes to have in ye feild this summer an army of 180000 Infantry & 40000 Cavalry of wch 120000 are to be in ye feild, ye rest in garrisons, & shall be all soe divided as to give play to ye Enimies every where, & he doubts not but to make Considerable inroads into flanders, Burgundy, & other parts of Spaine, & at ye same tyme face ye Empr who he supposes will be Enough diverted by ye Turkes in Hungary Madam ye Duchess of Orleans was soe Concernd at ye takeing of Germierstein ye Hostillities Comitted in that Country belonging to her father the Elector Pallatine, that shee went Imediately to ye King to beg hee would not ruine her father, or treat him soe severely, to wch ye King replyed that he had bene soe ill treated by that Elector, that hee Could not but doe What hee did wch course he was resolved to proceed in unless hee Imediately quitted ye Emprs allyance, upon wch hee would Receive him into his protection & allyance againe +The Elector of Collogne upon ye application of ye Deputies from Leige has sent to ye frencch King to Withdraw his forces from Mayseyke & ye other villages in that Diocess L. c. 26 March ye 7th 1673 fryday 6/+ffrom all parts of ye Country ye Complaints continue of ye Damage done by this great snow wch is soe deep that Horse & man are frequently in danger of being lost upon ye Roads wch much hinders ye people & ordinaryes from all parts This Weeke was broght into Plymth by ye Henrietta 2 Duch privateerrs, ye one ye Portsmouth sloop that was, the other of flushing of 8 guns & 50 men. all ye Ports fill wth our ships for ye West Indies, our manufactures are Extreamly advancet in their prizes upon this peace. from Scotland wee heare that ye Parliament there met on Tuesday last, & was by his Maties Command prorogued till ye 10th of October next, soe that his Matyes Comissrs may suddenly return to Court to give him an account of affaires there. This day his Maty in Councell takeing into Consideration ye Effectuall suppressing of popery, was pleasd to Order that ye Ld Keeper doe give it in charge to ye Judges that at their next genell sessions, or else where they put ye lawes to ye full in execution agst Popery, & that all persons take notice of it & yeild due Obedience Saterday, 7th/ This morning his Grace ye Duke of Mun mouth was sworne into ye place of Mr of ye Horse wth ye usuall Ceremony in ye Roome of ye Duke of Bucks, his Liveries being made, & all things ready for his entering on ye Execution of yt ofice, The Duke of Bucks intends suddenly to retire into ye Country. Some stop is put to Mr Powles Grant of ye place of Master of ye Rolles upon a pre promise made long since to my Ld Chiefe Barron Turner, soe that how it will goe is not yet knowne Sr Harbotle Grimston Continues very Weake but in noe great danger of Death Otherwise then by his great age. Sr Gabriell Silvius is not yet returnd this bad Weather being Judged to be his onely Impediment. Noe Resolutions are taken about our Plenipotentiarys at Collogne nor Will till his Maty has ye Emprs answere abt ye late insult Comitted on ye Prince of ffurstemburg. Noe fresh Letters of any kind from abroad. L. c. 27 March ye 10th 1673 My Ld Windsor has its said made an agreement wth Mr Henry Jermyn for his office of master of ye Horse to his Royall Highness, & will shortly enter upon ye execution of it My Ld Peeterboroughs Regimt that is in ffrance is to be broke up & some Companyes of it Joyned to some Companyes that Went out of ye Guards here last summer & be incorporated into one Regimt & to Remaine there for ye present under ye Command of Capt. Churchill, sonne to Sr Winston Churchill. My Ld Vaughans Regimt remaines yet on that side. ffrom Edinburgh of ye 3d instant Wee heare that ye day before Duke Hamilton arived there, haveing bene mett by many of his freinds who accompanyed him to that Place, & went wth him to Waite on my Ld Comissr the D of Lauderdale, the next day, Vizt, Tewsday last the Parliamt according to adjournemt met, where my Ld Comissr Comunicated to them ye Commands he had Recd that morning from his Maty to adjourne them farther to ye 14 of October next, wch was accordingly done & ye assembly dismisst wthout proposeing any buisness soe that abt ye begining of ye next moneth the Ld Duke may be expected here. The Road being soe bad & Especially there that there is scarce any passage, & ye snow soe deep, that it covers many of their Countrey houses & destroyes much of their Catle doeing them many other prejudices. ffrom ye Coasts of Barbary Wee heare that Muly Ishmaell ye King of Fez intended to publish very speedily ye peace he has made wth ye King of England & his Citty of Tangier but it was feared it would not long Continue, his subjects being soe divided that he much dreaded a Revolt but if he stood firme ye articles Were very Beneficiall to ye English & their trade in that Country. ffrom Vienna of ye 20th past Wee heare that ye day before arived an Ambr from ye Port wth above 80 persons in his traine, himselfe being a person of great Employmt, his audience was to be ye yext Weeke of ye Empr, & that his buisness was to make a more strickt allyance abt ye Empr in case he Will not assist ye Poles & to procure ye libertie of diverse Eminent Turkes, prisoners on ye borders in ye meane tyme ye Hungarian Rebells Joyned wth some Transilvanians & Turkes, comitt great spoiles on ye Borders soe that ye Empr has dispatched some Regimts more to hold them in Play till he can send them more succours wch hee will doe as soone as hee has modelld ye great army he intends to send downe ye Rhyne agt ffrance. That by his Ambrs from Denmarke & ye house of Lunenburgh, he heard that those Princes had promised to Joyne in his assotiation or Remaine neuters. That ye Elector of Brandenburgh's Envoy was come there abt a secrett treaty wth his Imperiall Maty & that it was said that both that Prince, & ye Elector of Saxony have declared for ye Empr, ye ffrench have Releaset ye Count de Stratz & convey'd him to dusseldorp, to show ye Imperialists an example. The Bp of Stratzburg has at Keyserwaert stopt all ye Duch vessells that were carrying ye sick & wounded of that nation from Bonne tho they had ye french & Swedish Ambrs passes The Duchess of Orleans has put off all her servants of her owne Country to oblige her husband the King by takeing away all suspition of their holding any Correspondence or intelligence wth her father their enimie. L.c. 28 March ye 14 1673 +On Wednsday last at Councell his Maty was pleasd to Receive ye report from the committee appoynted by him to examine ye Complaints of some Injuries done to his subjects by ye Spaniards in ye West Indies, who, finding there was noe other cause given by ye English for it, then ye pretense of cutting Loggwood at Jacklan, where severall hundreds of ye English have long Inhabited, & that that Trade is Beneficiall & lawfull to his Matie in all unfortifyed & ungarrisond places, were of opinion that Reparations be Imediately demanded both at ye Court of Spaine, & of the Spanish Ambr here, wch if they doe not Comply wth that his Maty Cannot in honr but permit his subjects to get satisfaction by way of Reprisall, & that in ye interim ye Governr of Jamaica be Ordred to bid ye people prepare themselves &c: to Resist all such acts of Hositillity at any tyme done to them, & because one ffitz=gerrald, & yellow's 2 fugitives of his Matys subjects doe most of those injuries by Spanish Comissions, a Proclamation should Issue to Command home all subjects from these parts, wth a promise of pardon for what is passed, wch his Maty approved of & Ordred the Secretarys of State to Receive this Order & put it in Execution ffrom Paris Wee heare that King had wthdrawne his forces from Burgundy, his approach thereabouts haveing causd ye Swisses not onely to delay but to Refuse to Leavy men for him as they Intended, & this has given the Spanish occation to get ye Catholique Cantons to permitt him to raise 600 men for ye security of french Compte, for ye neutrallity of wch all ye Cantons offer ffrance to be their Warranty, & that they shall give passage to noe persons that may disturb either ye french or ye Spaniard The Elector of Mayence has they say sent a Courier to Paris to offer that King to be under his protection, not being able to undergoe ye violence used to his people by ye Imperialists abt ffrankfort, New propositions are made to ye Elector Pallatine by france for all damages he pretends to have Recd & Re=entrance into his amity, All ye discourse at Paris is, of a Treaty lately Concluded at Stockholme betweene france & that Crowne, that in Case ye Imperialists, Spaniards & Duch accept not a Truce by ye 15 of May next, that then ye King of Sweden Will declare in favour of ffrance, upon Condition they Will allow him 50000 Crownes a moneth dureing ye Terme of 6 yeares or a Conclusion of peace wch putts them up wth ye hopes of a Cessation, wch his most Xtian Maty is Willing to accept of to promote a generall peace. Capt Skelton on ye 9th Went for Holland & has taken wth him 200 passports for Duch ships more then Were deliverd to ye Spanish Ambr, & is alsoe to desire of ye Prince of Orange Passports for 3 Companies of his Maties guards who lay at Wesell, to pass quietly thro Holland in their way for England, being by his Maties Order Calld home. Hamburgh Letters say ye disputes in Poland abt ye Election grew very high, that Abassi, Prince of Transylvania offers for ye Crowne 5 Millions of present mony & to entertaine 15,000 men at his Owne expence dureing ye Warr wth ye Turkes & to incorporate his Territories wth theirs Tis said ye Empr has sent ye Elector Pallatine 3000 Horse of his army, who are to be Joynd wth 5000 Saxons for defence of his Country. +fflanders Letters say that on ye 13 the ministry of ye Emperour, Spaine & ye states had a Conference at ye Hague abt an accomodation wth ye Elector Collogne & Bp of Munster, upon wch, the Bp shall give his army to Reserving [sic] onely 2500 men, & Seiur Ham was Comeing from ye Bp as his deputy to Compleat ye agreemt L. c. 29 [Handwriting changes here.] March ye 14th 1673/4 from Cologne of ye 9th Instant we heare that there was come thither the Emprs justification of his seizing the Prince of ffustenburgh as that he was a feudatory Prince of the Empire and Matriculated into the Nobillity of Austria by the Emper[o]rs peculier favour to him, and Nevertheless he had disobeyed his Comand when empl[o]yd by him in foraign service and spoake dishonorably of his person, and a Maine cause of the present Warr, and not a Plenepotentiary duly Constuted in the Treaty, and Orders is therefore come to remove yt Prince from Bonne under a Guard of 400 Men som say to Ernbriestein Neare Coblentz but Others to Newstadt within 4 Miles of Vienna, and from thence of ye 13th Instant wee heare farther that the Swedish Minister in the Emprs Court had put in a very sharp memoriall not onely about Continewing of his Mediation. but also as a part of itt the Offering his good Office in this Matter urgeing the publique faith given to them all and that the prince was a lawfull Embr and Plenepotentiary and soe allowed by all the assembly, soe how it will be accomodated its not yet knowne His Maty haveing accepted ye Termes his great Care now is ye Generall intrest of Cristendome for a Generall peace so that he has not thought fit to recall his Embrr from Cologne till they have done what is possible to that Effect but tis feard they will not yet be able to do much good in it by ye little signe of a disposition in the partyes to acomodate Matters soe suddenly Espetially till sattisfaction be given about ye prince of fustenburgh till when the french will not proceed in any thing and talke of returning or at Least removing ffrom Brussells Wee heare that Govt is extremely allarmed at the drawing together of the french about Maestricht and the great party of them that went last weeke towards Ardenbourgh hee has therefore sent very strong Garrisons into the Waes the Weakest part of fflanders and an inlet into Antwerpe itselfe on which hee feares this is a designe and sent Monsr Levigny wth 2000 good horse besids dragoons and 5 or 6 Regiments of foot to fall upon Binch of which disapoynted by the bad Weather he has Ordred him to return after haveing forttified Mons and ffally one which places he feeres the Prince of Conde will first fall, the absence of those fforces gave oppertunity to the french to plunder and burne a great part of a Village Called Saken halfe a Mile from the Citty of Brussells it selfe, the 16 [?] Instant in the Morning all the Governower forces for want of Horses not being able to appeare to their releife to the great Damage of the poore Country men who betwene them and their owne Mas[seal removes about three letters" are quite ruinned and the frequent outrages of the Spaniards in the Legises [?] has Caused them to resolve to declare Warr against them and to Joyne wth france which will much Incomode ye Spanish Netherlands. ffrench Wines and all other french Comodityes are most strictly prohibited in all parts so that they will suffer very much for want of Traide L. c. 30 March ye l7 [?] 1673 The 4th of ye next Month the King has appointed to goe to New Markett feereing that sooner as he intended ye season will not permitt, about ye Middle or Latter end of May his Maty goes to Windsor for a Considerable time Some of ye Disbanded souldrs haveing put themselvs privately on board Vessells in ye River wth there Officers to goe to Holland to serve that State (but wthout his Maty Leave or Knowledge) Orders were sent to stay them wch was accordingly done, and ye Comanders brought before his Maty who reflecting on their former Carriage and present desire of Emplyment was pleasd to pardon them and Ordred that the men should be kept on board to be added to his Garrison at Tangier ffrom Harwich wee heare that on Satterday Last there went off there Capt Skelton Carrying wth him passes for ye Duch ships and that Morning were dispatcht hence 400 more for ye same account On fryday Last his Maty in Councell was pleasd to Order that ye Ryoters of Capt Lassells Company at Canterbury on ye 2d Instant should be returnd to the Mayor there to be Tryed at the assizes and that the 2 RingLeaders of Sr William Lockharts Regement at Ashford on ye 10th [?] (one Buchanon and Lovelace) should be prosecuted according to Law to terrifie Others and give sattisfaction to ye Country. ffrom Brussells wee heare that the Country is still in great apprehensions of ye french and are forttifieing themselves wth all dilligence and expect the Duch will send some men under the Prince himselfe for their security ffrom Collogne of ye l6 instant wee are toold that ye Negotiation their [sic] stops at ye Old point of the Duke of Lorrains deputies and the seizure of the Prince of ffostenburgh soe that our Embrs know not what to think of a Generall peace finding all parties yet not very well disposed to it and if they were thoes 2 Rubbs must be first removed the Prince of fustenburgh is they say sent to Vienna where ye Empr has given Orders to forme his Process not wthstanding ye pressing Instances of all partyes The Elector Pallatine is drawing together his Owne and a supply of Imperiall troops Joyned wth ye Circle of franconia swabe and Saxony which will make up a body and wth them hope to returne the assaulte of ye french King who offers him that if he will renounce ye Treaty he has made wth ye Empr and becom Neuter he will restore him his places againe and to his protection but their Violencys has caused ye Prince to be angry wth ye french ffrom Paris of ye 24th wee heare that sr William Lockhart had his Audience of his Most Xtian Maty and by his Masters Comand offred that King his Mediation for a Generall peace, which was most readily accepted off, and wee dayly expect the Like from ye Other partyes L. c. 31 [Handwriting changes here.] March ye 19 1673 The Duch Letters say ye states have not yet given an answere in Wrighting to Monsr Sparres memoriall tho they have had 2 conferences wth him upon the matters of his proposition therein to have Spaine disposed to give france Cheire "?" St Omer, & Ipre, on Condition they Restore to that Crowne Maestricht & Other places, ye reason of wch is, said is, because they noe Whitt approve ye project as being inclined to give france no thing, thinkeing themselves able to force that King to restore all that he has taken since ye Pyrenean treaty, that soe ye Catholique Netherlands may Remaine an intire frontier to their Country, & not entred into by those people when they please, & were it not for these intrests, they say they might soone have peace to wch ye Prince is soe much inclind, & can have such good termes but that ye states are Resolvd not to leave them that stuck soe fast to them in their late great Callamitys, but assist them, & got in what is most Reasonable On this Occasion, & they ye other side have Resolv'd to doe ye like by Holland, & therefore will bring into ye feild 6000 Horse, & 16000 foot, & ye Empr 30000, besides what ye Duch will have themselves together wth a good fleet. Orders are sent to the severall deputies to have all things ready for action by ye first of May, Gronningen & ffreizland are Ordred to get ready their part by that tyme, & to dispatch ye payment of their part of ye subsidy to ye Empor wch has hither to bene defray'd by Holland alone, The states in their last assembly proposed to ye Prince that hee would be pleasd to thinke of Marryeage, haveing now settld his affaires, wth Monsr Breningen & VDyke Comes over ye Deputies named by ye Duch East India Company to adjust ye Commerce wth his Matys Comissers as to ye East India Trade, 20 of their men of Warr are to goe on ye coast of Spaine to act Joyntly wth their armado agst ye french in ye Mediterranean, soe that onely 46 of their ships intend to ply in ye Channell & french coast & land the 10000 men they intend to make descent wth. Tis said ye Bp of Munster demanding more places & mony then at first is denyd, & Letters are sent to the offices of ye Imperiall army to invade his Country, Tis said ye Prince of Orange demands 200000 Livres satisfaction for ye damage done in his Country of Linglen [?] by ye Bp of Munster. & is treating wth officers for raiseing 120 Companyes of foot. The french Compte has agreed wth ye french abt a neutrallity, paying to ye french 400000 florins yearely. & ye french being to demolish Gray, the Duch promise themselves much from ye Electr of Brandenburg, who, they say, upon a Complaint made to him by ye french minister abt the seizeing ye Prince of ffurstemburg, in stead of giveing him an answere shewd him a list of great Damages to his Country of Juliers had suffred from ye french army since ye agreemt was made, wch amounted to 400000 Crownes for wch hee demanded satisfaction, Tis said the Elector Pallantine has publisht a declaration agst ye french wth his [one to three letters torn away] that inducet him to it. Tis said ye french have quitted Arnheim & are doeing ye same [?] at Zutphen. ye Governor haveing treated wth ye inhabitants abt it. The Marquess Obezi that Comanded ye party that seizd Prince William was soe wounded in ye action that he was seizd in Collogne & kept under a guard, but being pretty well recoverd has made his escape to Bonne. The french make great Complants of ye seizeing their mony at Collogne, of wch place they threaten to take Reprisall in case satisfaction bee not given, the towne had once thoughts of takeing it by force from ye Barron Killmansiek in whose [sic] it Continues who haveing notice of it doubled his guard soe that they forbore. Paris Letters say ye King has declared hee will goe to ye army ye 20th of April ye Queen & ye Dauphin accompany him part of ye way & will stay at Lisle dureing ye Campaigne. The King has augmented his Regiment of guards wth 20 new Companys, the officers of wch are to purchase their places of him, a Libell has bene found in severall places of paris putting ye people in mind of their sufferings & inciteing them to shake off ye Burden, strict [?] search has bene made after ye authors. L. c. 32 March 21st 1673 +My Ld Duras is Returning to france by his Maties Command to bring back his troops wch were taken Out of his Maties guards but himselfe intends to Waite on ye french Campaigne all this summer. There is a discourse about ye towne that his Maty is about to dispose of ye Bprick of Durham, that ye Bp of Oxford stands faire for it, & Dr Compton to be Bp of Oxford. The Mayor of Windsor being informd agst for haveing spoken some unhandsome & dangerous Words abt ye Parliamts riseing, tending to Create feares & Jealousies in ye people. The King has bene pleasd in Councell to Order him to be sent for by a messenger to attend ye Councell to answere it. On Wednsday last 5 of ye highwaymen Concernd in these later Robberies were beset & taken by ye Country people neare Hamsted, they made a stout Resistance, killing some & wounding others, but at last being soe hurt & overpowerd were taken & brought to Newgate & his Maty has Ordred his attorney Genell to attend ye Judges & Consult them abt drawing up a Comission of Oyer & Terminer for their speedy Tryall, lest they should Tamper wth Wittnesses or make their Escape, dureing ye Intervall of ye sessions +His Maty has alsoe bene pleasd to Order ye Recorder of London to examine ye disOrder & disturbance on Teusday last at ye Dukes Theater by some persons in drink, to proceed agst ym according to law for ye Ryot ffrom Antwerp of ye 23th Wee heare that ye french in partys dayly infest ye Country thereabout, as they did that day to a Village Calld Andernacht, a League from Brussells wch they Burnt & alsoe part of another village neare Antwerp The Elector Pallatine haveing declared Warr agst france, ye Imperiall forces are drawing wth all speed toward him, who has left Heidelberg under a good guard, & is gone to Weinham to Consult wth ye Genlls, most part of ye Empire Espouse his quarrell, & ye bad Weather onely hinders action, ye french King has appoynted to be at ye head of his army ye latter end of Aprill, The Empr urges as an argument of ye seizure of Prince Wm, That of ye like nature done to ye Count de Nassau by Monsr Granell, ye french minister Contrary to his publique faith given in that Case, soe that tis Judgd ye Prince Will be proceeded agst wth all severity. L. c. 33 March ye 29 1674 On Teusday an express arived from Sr Gabriell Silvius wth more Pasports from ye States for our ships, Wednsday night Barron Sparr has audience of his Maty, but his buisness is not yet perfectly Knowne, hee takes noe house whilest hee stays, meaning to Returne in few days to Collogne, to be there before ye assembly breake up. Thursday [?] next ye Judges intend to sitt upon ye Comission of Oyer & Terminer for ye speedy tryall of ye high way men. The Ld Vaughan is makeing all preparations to goe to his New Governmt of Jamaica Thursday Sr Richard Dutton went for france in Order to ye bringing over ye Ld Duras troup. To ye account given in ye Gazette of Capt Harman have[ing?] action before Cadiz, this farther is added, that ye Duch made themselves soe desirous of fight, that their Consull (tho' deny'd) askt leave of ye Governr to post up ye Challenge in severall places of ye Citty, & yet had Capt Harman neither when hee was on shoare, nor on shipboard any other notice than Common talke of ye people, However Resolvd hee was to put to sea ye next morning to prevent ye Credit ye Duch might gaine from vulgar report, Everson was ye onely Duch man of Warr in that Harbour Carreening, tho 3 Amsterdam men of Warr were not farr off it since wch ye English Consull gave Capt Harman notice of, & used as an argument to diswade him from goeing out least an unhappy shot from ye ship he fought wth might disable him soe that he might become ye Purchase of those wthout, but ye Capt told him hee would shew ye Duch a new way of fighting by wch hee would either Conquer or bee Conquerd in an howres tyme, wch hee made good, for ye Consull Observeing his Watch at ye first gun hee shot found hee had compleated his Worke in 3 quarters of an houre. the Capt haveing possest himselfe of his prize there arose a fine  Gale at West wch brought both him & his prize into ye Bay. the 3 Amsterdammers being in sight, but ye same Wind that brought them forward Carryed him in, of ye 270 men in ye Duch ship but onely 40 remained sound, & 80 wounded, ye rest all killd. tis hopet Capt Harman is in a faire Way of Recovery. Tis ye same man that Cut ye Boome at Brigia [?] by Argier under ye Comand of Sr Edward Spragy when they burnt ye Algerine ship there. +Tis said that Evertson being made Vice Admall of Zealand would goe home by land, his ship not being in a Condition of sailing for want of men, there being onely 40 left, the rest were lent away to his Vice Admall to fight Harman. +from Yarmouth they write of great Damage done thereabt to severall ships by ye late Winds by wch severall vessells were lost. a ship goeing thro that Road ran upon a vessell of 50 tun then at Anchor, ye men forsakeing ye vessell got into ye ship for their safety, leaveing 2 boyes behind, one of 13 yeares old the Other abt 9, who haveing hung out a West for a day & night, & now being wthout hope, & ye stormes Continueing, cut or slipt ye Cable, & losed ye fore saile & by Gods great providence brought ye Vessell safe into Harbour notwth standing ye Violence of ye Weather. ffrom Brussells Wee heare that they were very much allarmd upon ye discovery of a Conspiracy of their townes men to deliver up ye fort & Consequently ye towne to ye french upon wch severall of ye Reformd officers have bene apprehended & punisht for ye fact who after torture Confest ye Whole Plot. +The Duke de Navaile since ye surrender of Gray has taken 3 townes of great Importance more in Burgundy. & were it not for ye ill Weather would soone OverRun ye Whole Provence ffrom Collogne they write that a League offensive & defensive is Concluded betwixt ye Swede & ye Duke of Saxony upon ye same Conditions wth that of ye Elector of Brandenburg, & that ye treaty made in ye Winter betweene ye Empr, K of Denmarke, D of Saxony The Elector of Brandenb: Landgrave of Hesse &c: is alsoe signed & Ratifyed. They further say that Germershein was taken by ye Elector Pallatines troopes, & ye french Garrison put all to ye sword, ye Cavalry onely Escapeing The Swedish ministers offer their masters mediation betweene ye french & Elector Pallatine & Continue their instances for release of ye Prince of ffurstemburg, & have sufficienty answered all ye arguments used by ye Empr for his detention insoemuch that hee Continues in Custody. they declare their Resolutions of leaveing ye assembly, & thereby expose ye Whole Empire to those Evills wch ye Warr by the Rash act of ye Empr will bring upon it the states in acknowledgmt of ye services of ye Prince of Orange & have presented him to ye Vallue of 200000 L for discharging his fathers debts, & offer that if his Royall Highnesse will be pleasd to marry, they will fetch over his Princess at their owne Charge. L. c. 34 March ye 31st 1674 Munday morning his Maty went downe the River to see the Duch prize, & Returning in the Evening was wth most of ye Court nobly Entertaind by Sr Robert Carre. ffrom Edinburgh of the 26 Wee heare that his Maty haveing ye 17 instt sent the Ld Comissers & Councell there a most gracious Letter by wch hee Commanded them to signify by Proclamation to ye People his haveing granted a Genell pardon of all arbitrary, & pecuniary penalties more full & free then ever was granted by any of his Royall Ancestors, the Duke of Lauderdale had causd a Proclamation to Issue accordingly wch was on ye 25 proclaimed in that Citty wth noe less sollemnity, then Genell applause and acclamation of the people. Since a letter of thanks is Come to his Maty in acknowledgmt of this his Matys soe great Grace & favour wch has much quieted ye minds of his Matys subjects there & the Whole Kingdome. & now the Ld Comissr intends in a fortnight to set forward for London to give his Maty a more perticular account of all things Relateing to that Kingdome The Merchts have advice of ye loss of 6 or 7 Victualling ships goeing for Tangier that were taken by ye Duch neare ye Streights. ffrom Holland of ye 3d of Aprill Wee heare that after all they hope to have a Genell peace before ye actions of ye spring alter ye dispositions Every one has now to it. That ye states have assured the mediators that they will Consent to a suspension of armes & Indications [?] to bring their allyes to it if france will quitte all their late Conquests. the Prince of Orange intends to be first in ye feild haveing given Order at Bergen op Zome for provisions to be made for a body of Horse. ffrom Collogne of ye 30th Wee are told that ye munday before the Duke de Bournonvill had advice that 8000 french horse Comanded by ye Marquess de Beavise haveing bene to seize some of the Imperiall Ports betweene & Manheim "sic" had at the first ye advantage, but ye Count de Caprara Coming to their Releife wth 50 troops of Lorraine horse & as many as his Owne Routed ye french Killing 100 on ye place & takeing 200 prisoners. The Marquess de Beauvise himself being dangerously wounded, the Duch Ambrs have put in another Memoriall to ye Mediators of Sweeden insisting upon ye admitting the Lorraine deputies as principalls in the Treaty. The ffrench are getting together great numbers of men abt Lindaw from Alsatia & Lorraine & have a Considerable Artillery wth them. L. c. 35 Aprill ye 2d 1674 Monsr Sparr has deliverd in a memoriall to his Maty abt Continueing ye Ambrs at Collogne till ye Empr has given his finall answere to ye Complaint of ye Prince of ffurstemburghs seizure upon wch the King has againe wrote to the Empr upon that subject & tis beleivd our Ambrs may yet Continue at Collogne till his Maty shall Receive an Answere from ye Empr The Bp of Stratzburg now sick at Keyserwaert has writt very Earnestly to his Maty for his Interposition on ye behalfe of his brother the Prince of ffurstemburg begging his assistance for his Liberty, wch has beene seconded by severall other Princes of ye Empire, & at ye same tyme came over the Duke of Lorraines Compliment to his Maty upon ye peace. Tewsday morning the Receipts were sent to Holland for the first payment for the summ of 800000 Pattacoons due upon ye Peace The Prince of Orange haveing Intimated to his Maty that it was ready to be paid upon demand, & by ye same Opertunity went orders abt ye delivery of new yorke to Major Anders the Intended Governr, 400 more Passports are come over from Holland for our ships The Ld Vaughan will suddenly Part hence to his Governmt of Jamaica, Coll Morgun as his Deputy Governor Thursday morning his Maty wth his attendance went by 5 a clock to new market severall persons of honnour being gone before. his Maty thinks to Returne abt Saterday next. ffrom Deale wee heare that ye East India fleet haveing orders to saile wth ye first Opertunity were accordingly all sayled thence All ye discourse at Court is that her Royall Highness is Certainely wth Child ffrom Hamburg of ye 30th past they tell us that at Copenhagen all discourse was that ye King of Sweden should suddenly marry ye King of Denmarks sister, that ye sound was so frozen that it was Passable to all carriages, that ye Turkes had Releived Camuemier [?], & furnisht them wth all sorts of provisions, & that ye whole Turkish army would bee there by ye 1st of May. That ye Crowne of Sweden was soe provoakt at ye seizure of Prince Wm that ye chancellor of Sweden told Count Staremburg ye Imperiall minister that except the Prince was suddenly Restored to his liberty his master would Certainly declare upon it. The Elector Pallatine since his late success neare Spire agst ye french is putting his frontiers in ye best manner of defense hee Can. & to that purpose many of ye Imperial auxilliary troops dayly pass ye Rhyn, & he expects hourely the Prince de Gotha wth ye rest of ye Saxons & on ye other side Monsr Vanbrun is makeing what force he can to secure Germershein & ye other places hee holds in those parts, soe that some materiall action is suddenly expected thereabout, yet some are of ye Opinion there will yet be a Cessation of armes on each side Ere long. Monser Sparr thinks of returneing next week for Collogne ffrench Letters tell us that deputies have bene sent from Bourdeux to desire a mittigation of their tax wch they say they are not able to pay, but could gaine noe favour The King was to goe in a day or 2 to take a Veiw of his troops in ye plaine of Houille [?] Orders were given Out for ye Kings goeing to flanders on ye 19 his Maty intending notwthstanding ye scarcity of fforrage to be at ye head of his army all this Campaigne, the stations of their armies are alterd for the King Intends to give up Wesell Rees & Emerick to ye Elector of Brandenburg the garrisons goeing all to Nimegen Where they are forming a great Body of men. Both the Imperialists & Duch are entred ye territorys of ye Bp of Munster wth much Hostillity, & will now harken to noe more of his offers, hee soe long borne them in hand wth pretences to noe purpose. The Elector of Collogne has offerd a new project for a new accomodation but tis thought it will not take. The Duch talke of haveing an army of 36000 men Betwixt Mallines & Brussells to observe ye french motions, Consisting of 16000 Spaniards, 10000 Imperialists & 10000 Hollandrs besides an army of 10000 under Monterey, & De Ruyter is to goe out very Early wth a squadron of ye ships to lye on ye Duch Coasts to hinder ye Conjunction of their ships L. c. 36 Apell ye 4 1674 Wednsday last ye Danish Envoy Complimented his Maty upon ye peace by his Masters Orders. Saterday Went hence the Envoy from Poland, haveing gaind great Reputation here by his demeanor from hence he intends for Holland on ye same Errand There is againe a project on foot to promote ye Herring fishing toward wch they intend to beg of his Maty 10000 L formerly gatherd for ye same purpose. & yet Remaining in ye hands of ye Gatherers, to wch they will add by subscription as much more, & and fix their Trade at Yarmouth wch ye King much Encourages, & its much Wisht it may take Effect. from Chester wee heare that severall of ye souldiers lately gone downe had Embarquet there and landed safe at Dublin +ffrom Ostend of ye 12th wee heare that the Prince of Orange was suddenly Expected in those parts to reveiw ye forces there, that ye Prince de Brabanson was that day passt by there for Newport, where the yacht attends his transportation for England from Lisbon wee heare that our Streights fleet appeared off of that Rock much separated in their voyage, wch had Caused ye loss of ye 7 victuallers that were in their Company by two Duch Capers who carryed then into ye Groyne. +from Sweden wee heare that ye Emprs Ambrs there had made great Instances to have that Crowne take part wth them in addmitting the Lorraine deputy to ye treaty, wch some say they will doe. That ye Queen of Poland is Recovered of her illness, & preparations makeing for ye Election That ye french have put 400 men into Phillipsburg, that ye Elector Pallatine had reveiwed all his troops wch were divided into 3 squadrons & are at present encamped neare furstenheim The Imperiall & Saxon troops have changd their quarters, ye first are gone to Opach. the other to ----- neare ffrankendale ffrom Collogne of ye 6th We heare that ye french Ambrs haveing Recd Orders to returne home had for yt purpose that they demanded passports of ye Duch Ambors, & that a Courier was gone to ye Hague for them wch ye Swedes Endeavour to hinder or at least to gaine a suspension of it till ye Courier returnes from Vienna. They talke of Transferring ye Congress to Wesell or Basle. The Queen has bene ill but is now pretty well againe. L. c. 37 [Handwriting changes here.] April 7: 1674 +His Maty has beene pleasd to make my Lord Powis an English Earle by the title of the Earle of powis wth the usuall priviledges belonging to that Honor. +From Newmarket we heare that his Majestie arrived there on thursday about 4 of the Clock where his stay is not like to be long for theire are noe Matches yet or like to be. The plate is to be run for next Thursday & the next morninge after that its supposed his Matie will returne. +Two foot Companyes for Ireland that lately belongd to Capt Savage and Capt Wicherly being gon to Winchester on there way did take occation to quarrell wth theire Officers upon a pretence of money due to them and Mutined and so tumultously marched backe towards the place upon notice of wch some of the Guards were yesterday sent out to meet them wch they did at Brainford and returnd wth 4 or 5 of them wch they tooke. ye rest dispersing themselves Imediately upon theire Appeareance and some suddaine order will they say be taken to punish the Offenders. besides Races at Newmarkett there is great Matches made at Salisbury by severall gentlemen assembled there and this pleasant season invites many of the persons of quality into the Country wch makes this place very emptie +Sir John Howell pursuant to his Maties order of Councell last weeke examined the late Ryott at the play house & sumoned severall Gentlemen concerned to make theire appearance next sessions to answer the same, It seems at Harford this spring their has bene noe assizes Sir John Read ther Sherriffe elect being an excommunicated person and soe incapable to take the Oathes enjoyned by the Act of Parliament for all Offices for which he will they say be fined & some body else put into the Office On Saturday Night last came to Towne ye Prince de Brabanson from fflanders and waites his Maties returne for his audience Monsr Roed that [sic] Duch minister here is to be they say one of the first of the Duch Ambassadors the other two now expected every weeke for whom a house is preparing +Monsr Sparr has not yet taken his leave of the Court waiting for the Emporours Answer to his Maties last letter about ye Prince of ffurstemburgh upon wch ye whole affaires of this spring depend and are like to turne +In Holland they say the prince of Orange has some thoughts to sett on foot againe ye old Regiments of English and Scotch yt were there in 1660 but how true not knowne +The Bp of Munster will they thinke be forced to come to an Agreement with them, there being noe french Troopes nigh to lend them assistance since thire leaving Wessel The treatie betweene the houses of Lunenburgh & Brunswick is at last they hope concluded +His Majestie has sent his Comands to the Lord Lt. and Councell of Ireland to take some Speedy Order to banish all the Papist titular & Porgio [?] out of the Kingdome & to examine the late Misinterpretation of his orders about regulating Corporations, that all imaginable satisfaction may be given to his people there. +ffrom Paris of the llth instant we heare that the King intended to leave that the 19 [sic] to be nigh his Armyes and yt 20000 men were preparing to follow Monsr Turene to oppose the Germans who began to peep out of theire Winter quarters That it was much rendered [?] there that the Pope at a private Conclave should resolve to give a dispensation to the Emperour Sister to Marry the King of Sweden wch they thought would not have bene done he being a protestant prince +yesterday her Royall Highness was taken extreamely ill & suddainely mischarried to the great greife of the Court but thankes be to God she is prettie well & the Duke expected in Towne this Night L.c. 38 [Handwriting changes here.] Aprill ye 9th 1674 +By an Express from NewMarket wee heare yt Wednsday afternoone 3 matches were run there ye 1st betweene Mr Mayes Horse, & Mr Elliots Mr ffelton Rode Mr Mayes Horse & won ye race, ye 2d was for ye Kings plate wch was rode by the Earle of Suffolke & Mr Griffin who lost it to ye Earle, the other was betweene Blew Cap ye Kings, Criple my Ld of Suffolks wch Mr ffelton rode & won ye match. soe that these sports being over there, on Saterday the King setts out from thence & intends to be at home by noone. the Duke of Munmouth on Wednsday night Entertaind ye King at Supper at a most noble treat, her Royall Highness being pretty well the Duke Came not to towne as hee was expected, but Comes along wth his Maty. A privy seale is passing with all dilligence for ye usuall allowances of Sr Wm Temple appoynted by his Maty to be his Ambr extraordnary wth ye States Genell, wch, when finisht his Excellency intends suddenly for ye hague. Sr Walter Vane is gone for Holland where hee is to Command in quallity of Major Genell. His Maty since his being at Newmarket has beene troubled wth a payne in his knee, occationd by some cold, but is now very Well againe +ffrom Harwich Portsmth & other places wee heare of ye great dilligence used in Paying of ye seamen of ye severall ships now layd up, to ye great satisfaction of ye seamen. from Cadiz We heare yt March ye 15 our English Convoy arived there under Capt Ruth wth abt 60 sayle of Marchtmen & that ye Weather had bene soe Extreamly bad that a frigatt or 2, a fire ship & some mercht men were wanting Our Envoy is returned from Paris wth ye news that this day ye french King intended certainely to leave Paris for ye army, who are goeing all to their Genell Rendezvouz, & that there was noe signe there or any where else of a sudden accomodation but that this summer was like to be a Very hot one, & full of great actions in all parts from Collogne of ye 6 Wee heare that ye french Ambrs have Recd their Orders to returne, wch they meant to doe in 8 or 10 dayes, that ye day before ye Swedes framed a Kind of memoriall to be given in at Vienna & Paris, wherein to prevent ye breakeing off ye Treaty they proposed as an Expedient that on ye one side ye Emprs Will release Prince William, & on ye other, ye french to grant passports to ye Lorraine deputies, & in ye meane tyme that ye french King will let his Ambrs continue there, this was sent away that day to Vienna but wth noe great likelyhood of success matters being already gone soe farr. so that Wee Expect our Ambrs from thence suddenly. The Empr has sent Orders to ye Baron de Isola to redeliver ye mony taken from ye french at Collogne. if hee finds ye matter as represented to him but this wthout restoreing ye Prince of ffurstemburg signifys but litle as to what french in satisfaction [sic] from Lisbon Wee heare that ye Comons had sent a message to ye nobillity & clergy intimateing their great obligations to ye Prince & his Prudent Governmt & that they thought necesary to Petition him to accept ye Crowne desireing both these Estates to Joyne wth them in it, the Nobillity Imediately approvd it but ye Bpps at first desird tyme to Consider of it, & at last sent their thanks to ye Nobillity & Comonalty for Comunicateing their desires for Crowning ye Prince but that they Could in noe Wise Joyne wth them in address of that nature, wch they Considered as a thing contrary to Honnr & Conscience, & for wch they saw noe necessity &c: L. c. 39 Aprill ye 16 1674 +On Sunday ye Prince de Brabanson had his first audience of his Maty to wch hee was brought by ye Master of ye Ceremonys in ye Duke of Munmouths Coach. a perticular favour to this young Prince for his great quallity, it being onely ye Custome to send onely my Ld Chamberlaines Coach for those Envoyes that Come not from Crowned heads, after wch hee was entertaind at a noble dinner by ye Ld Chamberlaine, & then Went to have his audience of ye Queen. & their R:ll Highnesses, on Thursday he had his audience of Conge of their Maties & Royll Highnesses, a yacht being appoynted for his Transportation on wch hee intended to Embarque ye next day in Order to his Returne home. On ye 10th 4 of ye highway men lately taken were tryed, ye 5th being dead of his Wounds. on ye 15th 3 of them were executed, 2 at Tyburne, ye other calld Jackson at Hampstead, where he is to hang in chaines, his Maty haveing bene pleased to spare one. Munday night Went for Holland Alderman Barkwell to Receive ye first payment of ye 800000 Pattacoons, wch ye Duch say lyes ready & this Weeke the Duch Ambrs are expected here who will now, its said be 4 Barron Sparr ye Swedish Ambr expects Orders to remaine Ambr here for some tyme & now we shall see very suddenly what Course ye Swedes will take to renew ye negotiation or to promote a new one. Munday last the Duke of Lauderdale meant to begin his Journey hither The Duke of Ormond goes for Ireland abt a month hence & tis thought ye stewards staffe will be given to ye Earle of Ossory. +Mr Henshaw at his owne desire has his Maties leave to returne from his Embassy in Denmarke. The Earle Marshall is upon his departure haveing obtayned lycence of his Maty to travell. My Ld Treasurer has recd diverse propositions abt farmeing ye Hearth mony, but not being able to dispatch it Orderd that on Munday next those that propose for ye managemt of it still as it was advanceing onely 100000 L shall consider of a new offer, & then Receive his Lordships opinion of it. ffrom Collogne Wee heare our Ambrs went from Collogne ye 13, & would be at Rotterdam ye 20 whither an Express is sent to meet them. & a yacht Orderd for Holland for their speedy transportation. the french Comeing away before soe that ye assembly is now quite broke up, & all ye Publique ministers left ye place but ye Swedes, who resolved to be ye last men there. & have Endeavoured all they Could to Continue ye negotiation wch had bene done Could any expedient have bene found out to Palliate ye great Injuries done to ye neutrallity of ye place. The Duch Ambrs are much troubled at ye breakeing of ye assembly. & much prest ye English & french to have Continued it 8 dayes longer in wch they were in hopes of a satisfactory answere from ye Empr, the Spaniards are satisfyed that Collogne was noe fitt place for ye Treaty. & now there is some talke of transferring it to London, wch is probable may be if they will admitt his Maty as sole mediator from ye Hague of ye 20th Wee heare that ye 5th Monarchy men encrease soe fast that ye magistrates begin to take notice of them. & Consult their suppression, A man of a good Interest in ye magistracy of Amsterdam has bene soe foolish to disperse diverse medalls in severall of ye townes of Holland Representing ye Prince of Orange standing on a great Pillar blasted wth lightening, & from his mouth a scrole in wch is Writt dissimulation. & at ye foot of it diverse people of all sorts kneeleing wth this inscription, the Idoll of Holland but ye Author has found that place too Hott for him & is fled away Privately wth others of his sect none knows whither. The Elector of Brandenburg intends to begin his march wth his army ye first of ye next moneth. & soon after his sonne will follow wth ye Rest of his troopes wth intent to enter into ye Bishopprick of Munster. Since ye late advantage of Monsr Robenhaup agst ye troops of ye Bp hee has bene forcet to quit ye feild, his foot being Retyred to Coesvelt & his Horse to Munster. & Letters from Osnabrugg say that Monsr Robenhaup has since taken ye Castle of Benthem by assault soe that 4 Regiments of foot have bene sent him from Campen & freezland to assure ye places hee takes & to put that Bpprick under Contribution. +from Paris of ye 20th Wee heare that King went thence ye day before toward franch Compte where Besancon is Beseigd, & has resolved to quitt all ye Conquests in Holland except Maestricht. His most Xtian Matys march into ffranch Compte has strongly allarmd ye Suisses who have therefore Calld an assembly of Protestants Cantons to Consider what they must do to secure that & themselves from ye approach of soe Potent a neighbour, ye Issue of wch Will soone bee seene, but its thought ye dispach ye french will make in their affaires there will leave noe Roome for Consultation. & that they will master that Compte before its Releivd by any of their neighbours. L.c. 40 Aprill ye 23d 1674 +Wednsday morning his Royall Hs went to Windsor to take a Veiw of that place & give directions abt his lodgings My Ld Peeterburrough is againe made Ld Leiut of ye West division of Northamptonshire, wch hee Resignd when hee went into Itally for ye Duchess ffrom ffalmouth they write that a Duch Caper of 6 guns had brought in thither 2 french vessells, one laden wth Rye, the other bound from Bourdeux, both for Bretany. from Portsmouth Wee heare that Sr Thomas Allen was gone thence for London haveing finisht ye Paymt in ye yard, that neare 500 persons labourers & ship Carpenters were dismisst that ye adventure & some other ships were expected there. Orders are gone to ye Greene Clothe to cause all things to be prepared for ye Reception of his Maty at Windsor on ye 20th of May, on ye 28, 29, & 30 the sollemnity of ye garter will be performed there. They write from ye Downes that 5 East India men saild thence on ye 14th & that severall ships were arived there from Lisbon & ye Streights ffrom Ostend Wee heare that ye Merlin yacht was come thither wth My Ld Howard & his family, & in his Way had some dispute wth an Ostend Caper wch at first delayd to strike to her but when shee saw them prepareing to make her, by shooting 3 or 4 guns shee submitted & Came under her Lee. ffrom Wesell they write that ye 18th ye 3 Companys of English Guards Went thence on their Way home under ye Comand of Capt Skelton. ffrom Collogne Wee heare that the Elector of Brandenburg had sent orders to Monsr Sweven his Ambr there to part Immediatelly thence into England upon a perticular Errand not yet knowne. That abt ye later End of ye last Weeke the Duch Ambrs meant to follow alsoe, & wth them ye Baron de Isola, who has made the Bpp of Munsters Peace & was in hopes to doe ye like wth ye Bp of Collogne. Duch Letters say ye Emprs ministers assure them that ye Empr Will have 40000 men on ye ye Rhyne besides those hee sends in assistance of ye Elector Pallatine These states have Entred a treaty wth ye Princes of Lunenburg who are to keep 7000 foot 5000 Horse & 1000 Dragoons for wch ye Empr, Spaine & ye states are to pay them out of ye Banke at Hamburg 500000 Rixdollars, & 60000 Livres every moneth, they are to be Comanded by Marshall Wurtz as Comissionated by all of them. from Vienna of ye 5th Wee are told yt ye Prince of ffurstemburg was at Wessendorp Examind by ye Chancellor & secretary of state & after that caryed to Newstadt & there put into a sad and miserable prison where hee has since bene examined againe & all Imaginable Rigour used toward him. & from Ratisbone Wee heare that ye States of ye Empire had made a decree in favour of the Count de Nassau & other prisoners deteynd at Metz ever since ye surprize of Trieres that a party of Phillipsburg had pillagd and burnt ye Villages of Horechstein & oostersheim, & that Monsr Turene had perswaded ye town of Stratzburg to admitt of a garrison from him, besancon Continues still beseigd, the garrison is Retyred into a very strong Cittadell in wch is all their hopes. The french Cavalry are yet posted betweene alten & Wetterwick & are to continue thereabt in Expectation of Monsr Bellefonds who is to Joyne them to the Infantry wch hee is drawing out of ye Conquerd townes wch are all to be quitted except Maestricht & Grave to forme a body of 18000 men wch hee is to Comand. Some letters say Spaine has refused his Maty of Englands mediation soe that nothing but Warr was thought on by all parties L. c. 41 [Handwriting changes here.] Aprill ye 23th 1674 ffrom Edenburgh of ye 14th instant we are toold that ye day before my Ld Duke of Lauderdaile began his Jorney from that place for London accompanyd wth a very great traine of Nobilyty and Gentrey the Provost of that City and above 550 Citticens as far as Barwike haveing before his Leaveing that Kingdom Confered ye Honour of Knight Hood on severall deserveing persons yt have Long Merited that favour for their good service to their King and Country and from Newcastle wee heare that his Grace was expected there on Wednsday Night Last being at all places Complimented by the Magistrates and Gentrey and attended to ye Limitts of their Jurisdictions. There is now daly expetations of ye Duch Ambasidors who wee heare intend to Come wth a most splendid traine and Equipage soe that great preparations are makeing for there Receiption, and Sr Will Temple is gon into the Country to settle his affairs before his goeing in the same quallity for Holland ffrom Linne wee heare that some forreigners endeavouring to list men there & at Wisbich [?] wthout order or leave to serve abroad this yeare the Officers of the Customes pursuant to his Majesties Comand in that perticular have refused to lett them goe on board & soe they are returned to theire homes againe [Handwriting changes here for rest of letter.] ffrom Cologne of the 10th instant we heare that ye french have prepared theire Mines & dismantled the Garrison Germershein in the Palatinate & drawen out all the soldyers except 80 in order to theire quitting it as soone as ever the enemy appeared against it the infantry were gon to the Reyn & the horse to Landale that the Coumpt de Souches is to comand the Imperiall Army in the Roome of Count Montecucily to wch will be joyned the severall Circles of the Rhyne & those of the Compte de Caprara & Generall Sparkes who are to lye all along the Rhyne & the Duke de Bournovelle & the Duch forces to observe the Prince of Conde in fflanders The Emperours Army is to be 25000 foot & 20000 horse that the french are gon out of Newes all but 3 Regiments who are suddenly to follow to Mastricht were there are forming an Army designed as its thought towards Cologne wch the french King resolved to call to an account for his money & from ffrance they further say that Marshall Turene had acquainted the King that he had well secured all the passages by wch the Imperialist could send succour to those of ffrench Compte soe that the people who were sensible of it & that the Swisses would act nothing against the Armes of ffrance would doubtlesse upon notice of His Maties drawing neere them at the head of Army submitt themselves & lay the Keys of theire Townes at his feet +ffrom Brussells of the 24th instant we are tould that the ffrench haveing ordered the Eldest sonnes of all the Nobility that had any estates in the ffrench Dominions to come and live upon them upon paine of Confiscation who haveing obtained leave accordingly divers of them went to ffrance but were faine to returne againe theire estes [sic] however being taken from them wch hath made them accept Employments in the Army there that the Towne was already full of Duch Officers & the Prince of Orange his Army daly expected who are to be desposed of in that place. Mallines & Lovaine for a Moneth or six weeks till the forrage is more plentifull the[y] say futher from theare that they hoped the Elector of Brandenburgh would endeavour in case the Bpp of Munster should continue further obstinate to reduce him by Armes the Elector Palatine being acquainted that the ffrench demanded Contribution of his people has given order that if any french should come againe of the same account they should hang them +On Thursday next the King has appoynted a Chapter of the Garter for the electing the Earle of Mulgrave into that Noble Societie & on the 29th of the next Moneth the King intends to hold the ffeast at Windsor and there install him wch will last 3 dayes with great solempnitie +The buisness of the accomodation of the Elector of Cologne stands still upon that poynt that he will not enter into any unless the Bpp of Stratburgh and Prince of ffurstenburgh be comprehended though tis said the latter would be content to remaine prisoner untill a Generall peace be made +Letters from ffrance tell us that the late taxes that the King has layed on the Officers doth amount to more then 25 Millions besides wch there is a New order come forth to forbid under the penaltie of 500 livers any person whatever as well in Parris and other places to sell any paper who have not paid the imposition putt upon it wch will raise very great summes for the Carring on the Warr L. c. 42 [Handwriting changes here.] April 28th 1674 Sunday in the afternoon his Maty and his attendance went by water to Chattam where he is to see lanced [sic] a very good ship and from therre he thinks to proceed to Harwich ffrom the Hague of the first of May we heare that the day before their Excellencys ye English Embassadors arrived at Rotterdame from Cullen having been nobly treated in their way by the Duke of Newburg at Dusseldorp and the Bishop Stratsburgh at Regswaere and complimented by the Governors of the severall places by that day they intend to pay their respects to the Prince of Orange and all over that country the newes is the ffrench will quit all their conquests upon the Rhyne that the 29th they were all ordered to march out of them that five thousand of the Elector of Brandenburgs troopes at Caldor [?] to take possession of Wesell upon the quitting of by the ffrench and Mareschal Belfound who is in the last place intended to assemble them together in order to march them into fflanders the Prince of Orange arrived there on Sunday from Utrech and the next week will goe to Brussels ffrom Ostend ye 3d of May we are told that on the first the kings yatch arrived there wth the Prince de Brabanson from England and is gone thence to Brussells The English frigate from Smyrna we heare is taken by a Dutch caper and carryed into Naples richly laden but forreigners mostly concerned in her ffrom Holland on the 4th of May we are told they expected daily to heare of the arrival of their fleet in the Wolings in order to their setting sayle Mounsieur de Ruyter having taken his leave two daies before and they are putting the soldiers on board wth all speed who wth the Pra [?] men make up 19000 men soe that they will be able to make a descent wth 14000 which has caused that Prince of Conde though not quite recovered of the gout to goe speedily to Tournay to command 30000 men and will be opposed by Monterey wth 40000 including the auxiliary troops of the Emperour and Holland who presses to have the sole command which is beleeved will hardly be granted him And seeing the ffrench King intends to begin this Campaigne wth the conquest of Burgundy the better to oblige the Spaniard to admit of a peace and by quitting his conquest to engage the Dutch to have a cessation The English Embassadors have they say orders to press the point of a suspension to the States at their being there and tis thought not unlikely that if their allies can be brought now to it but Spaine seemes so little to vallew burgundy as to slight the proffer the Marquess de Grana is gone to Brussells to conferr wth that governmt about the campaigne which will be soone opened and they are much puffed up by the assistance of 14000 men which the houses of Brunswick and Lunenberg have agreed to furnish them wth On Tuesday Evening his Majesty and Royall Highness returned to towne from Chattam and Sherenesse. L. c. 43 May 2d 1674 The Justices of peace in and about London have been summoned to give an account of their proceedings against Roman Catholiques in pursuance of his Matys late Proclamation On the 24th the Dutchess Dowager of Somerset dyed. On the 25 arrived at Dover 3 vessels from Doop [Dieppe?] who brought over 60 of his Maties guards of horse from thence & on the 26the went back againe to bring over Sr Richard Dutton & ye Remainder The Cleaveland yacht is gone for Holland to bring over o[u]r Plenipotentiarys Mr Samuel Speed is made cannon of christchurch in the roome of Mr Sebastyan Smith lately deceased Thursday Evening the Duke of Lauderdale arrived here wth about 100 Horse & a great traine of ye Nobillity & persons of quality & was most graciously received by their Matys & & [sic] ffrom Vienna we are told that ye Ministers of Sweden Mayenne Brandenburgh Bavaria Newburg & diverse others doe still sollicit ye Emperour to release the Prince of ffrustenburg & give him a generall pardon but wthout any hope of success, the Emperor & his allyes being resolved to continue the warr, that Monsieur Vanbrun continues still in the Palatinate & does very great damage to ye Inhabitants there burning & destroying their houses and goods & lately burnt to ye ground ye towne of Solts [?] belonging to the Elector of Pallatine that Count Monterey had demanded of the Inhabitants of Brussells lodgings for the succours from Holland which makes them grumble & beseech him to find out another way to billet them. ffrom Brussells ye 4th of may they say they had discovered treason in Burgundy upon which ye ffrench chiefly depended & which had made them soe confident of overrunning the whole province that they were not a minute idle in their attempts of it but since they had provided a very great change in that affaire all in [sic] Inhabitants in that Country having taken up armes for their defence & ye Suisses to forward them in it have given leave to ye Duke of Lorraine to pass his troopes through their county for their succour, & Borne [Berne?] who made all ye opposition hitherto has now sent 400 men to Saline, that on Sunday next ye Prince of Orange is expected at Malines, where there is to bee another grand Councell of warr at which Count Monterey and ye Marquess of Grana are to be present who stays there for that purpose. Mounnsieur Levigny is gone to Lorraine about providing quarters for ye Dutch succours ye 30th past, ye Count d'Estrada governr of Maestrich confiscated by placert all the estates and goods of the Spanish & Dutch in Maestricht & Maybyk [?] which doubtless will cause ye like to be done in other places The last letters from ye Prince of Conde say he was arrived at Arras & from thence goes suddenly to Tournay ffrom Ostend on ye 6th of May we are told that ye Dutch fleet for this summer service were all but 3 ready to sayle That ye ffrench have quitted all their conquests except Maestricht which it was their beleif they would soon leave alsoe it's discoursd there as if ye Spaniard had a design on Dunkirk [?] & other conquests in flanders but soe far tis certaine that ther is none in ye Spanish Jurisdiction that dare deale wth or scarce speak of ye ffrench They write from Hamber yt severall [?] vessells pass ye Elve wth soldiers levied in ye Country of the neighbouring princes for the service of Spaine in fflanders An Envoy is comeing from ye States of genoa to compliment his Maty for ye good office he did them in getting them their Galley from the ffrench. Sr Robt Holmes goes in quality of Envoy extraordinary to ye Count de Monterey in answeare to his compliment made by ye Prince de Brabanson L. c. 44 May 2d 1674 ffriday. 1 Yesterday went Sr Walter Vane for Holland in one of the Kings yachts being one of them which they say is ordered to attend on our Ambassadors comeing from Holland who are therefore dayly expected Yesterday at the old Bayley we heard the business of killing the tailour in ffebruary last past in Cannon Street wherein Capt Savage was concernd who not being present the gentlemen that were wth him and then arraigned were acquitted and the business left for farther tryall at his appearance The persons that stole the Duke of Buckinghams plate were all found guilty and cast & severall other lesser felons & to morrow the sessions will have an end and they all receive their sentences This day Danzas Arton & Walkendenck the three Dutch prisoners returned for Holland over [?] there being released some time since Saturday ye 2d his Maty was pleased to be present at Councell where ye Proclamation formerly mentioned about discountenancing the Spreaders of false newes was read & ordered to be printed & published ffrom Harwich we heare that there lately passed by there a very considerable fleet of laden colliers for London who are since safely arrived ffrom Lynn we heare that at Walton a markett towne 12 miles distant from that place last Saturday happend a very sad fire which began in a smiths forge & in 3 or 4 houres time burnt down 3 parts of the towne & consumed most of the goods of the poor Inhabitants in them to their very great damage. Trade fllourishes extreamly in all our ports & this year's likely to be very fruitful & happy in the increase of all manner of commerce ffrom Brussells we heare the Emperor having sent his approbation to Ratisbone ye 26th past about ye Diets resolution to assist vigorously the Elector Palatine & other Germane princes against ffrance: The States of the Empire had yt day ordered That the troopes of the 10 Circles Should joyne wth ye Implists and act joyntly against yt crowne & these resolutions were much heighned by the Elector of Brandenburg declaring to the Diet that he would enter into a new alliance of the Empire and therefore had ordered his Generall Derfelling to fall on the Bishop of Munster but that Prelate has prevented it by his late treaty & ye 23d past vh [?] Sr De Gravell ye ffrench Plenipotentiary at the Diet received the Emperours command to depart that place in 8 days & the Empire in 8 weekes upon which he the next day went thence accordingly towards ffrance We now daily expect the Dutch Embassadors who were ready at the comeing away of o[u]r letters & waited onely for Mr Vdyke who was to into Zeland on some private affaires L. c. 45 [Handwriting changes here.] May ye 5th 1674 Munday morning his Royall Hss Duke of Mun Mouth & severall persons of quallity went a hunting & returnd in ye Evening Into Portsmouth is newly arrived the Grayhound from Brest who sayes that there are severall thousands of men dayly at worke in fortyfying that place to secure ye Entrance into ye Harbour & have made 3 Boomes & have laid a Chayne a Cross for feare of ye Duch fleet who they apprehend may attempt some thing upon their shipping, & have raised a new fort of 16 guns at ye harbours mouth for its greater safety, & that in all ye Coasts of yt Country they are doeing ye like for their owne defence Letters from Lisbonne tell us that ye Cortes have granted the Prince 800000 Cruzadoes per an for 3 yeares for defraying ye publique charges of ye Kingdome, but it being not to be raised in hast that Court have fallen a fresh upon ye buisness of ye Jews for procureing them a genell pardon, & ye priviledg of being Tryed for Judaisme as for other Crimes, ye Jesuites & ye nobillity favour ye designe but ye clergy & comunalty are very highly agst it, & have begd leave to send to roome [Rome?] by their agents to shew their reasons agst it. from Madrid of ye 25 past wee heare that that King & Queen were gone into ye Country, & that a fryer that had bene Imprisond wth severall others for a Conspiracy agst their Maties was Escaped wch has Causd Search to bee made for him & his accomplices all over ye Kingdome that 2 dayes before Capt Rooth Returnd from Tangier into Cadiz intending for England in a moneth or 6 Weekes, & in ye meane tyme was Ordering Convoyes for our ships home or for ye Streights, that one of his squadron had retaken an English prize of 100 Tun wch was upon his appearance diserted by ye Duch Caper. +The last Duch Post bringing us noe Letters from o[u]r Ambrs Wee Conclude them on their Way hither, & therefore daly Expect them, but hitherto ye wind has been soe Contrary that since Sunday last Wee have had noe forreigne letters. Its now not doubted but that all partyes will thinke of Warr this summer Spaine seeming soe averse to a suspension nothwithstanding it has bene urged at ye Hague, but wee shall soone see what ye affaires of Burgundy will come to by wch may bee guest ye Rest. L. c. 46 May ye 9 1674 A Vessell come into Pendennis from Corke ye 4th instant, sayes that a french man of warr of 46 Brass guns on ye Coast of Ireland mett in her way 3 Duch Capers of 36, 26, & 20 guns who fought her soe long that shee was at last sunke to Rights wth about 800 men in her, none Escapeing but two +ffrom Falmouth wee heare a french man of Warr Come in there this Weeke sayes yt ye most Xtian King is fitting out 60 great men of Warr 30 of wch are to goe to ye Streights & ye rest to keep ye Channell & that ye better sort of ye Inhabitants of St Martins & ye Isle of Rhee are goeing to Rochell & other strong places farther off into ye Country for feare of an invasion from ye Duch ffryday morning his Maty went to Woollwich & returnd at noone The same day were Executed at Tyburne 6 of ye fellons that Were last sessions Condemned to dye for severall offences amongst whom one of those that stole ye Duke of Bucks Plate The Ld Mayor & aldermen have presented a Petition to his Maty in Councell wherein they begd his Maties Order to his attorney Genell to take off his Noli prosequi of ye suites commenced some tyme since abt ye new builders in ye N: E: & north part of ye Citty, upon wch it was Ordered to be taken of, & they at liberty to prosecute the offenders ffrom Rotterdam May ye 15 Wee are advised that our Ambrs were still Wind bound at that place haveing Waited there since ye yatchts arivall 8 dayes & ye Wind still Continueing Contrary, tis not Certainely Knowne when they will come. Duch Letters of ye 15 say that ye Elector of Collogne has made his peace at last wth ye Empr & his allyes by wch hee is to relinquish Reinburgh, but ye states to pay him for ye fortifications, that ye Empor is to restore him Bonne, Breuill, & Kerpen from whence hee is to take his troops, & yt ye Hostges of Dementer shall bee dischargd freely, that ye Bp of Munster has restored ye whole provence of OverIssell to ye states againe, & wthdrawne all his forces, that ye Empr has desired all ye Princes of ye Empire to dismiss ye french ministers wth them, and send their quota of men with all Expedition into ye feild, That ye Duke of Newburg has given his troops to ye Electr of Brandenburg who had put them into Wessell under ye Command of Genell Snaren [?] That Monsr Turene finding that ye Duke of Lorraine could not possibly get into franch Compte was intending to return to Releive Phillipsburg at present blockt up by ye Elector Pallatin. wch Elector is soe incenst at ye burning Seltz by ye french that hee had hangd up some french officers, had not a very Powerfull Interception bene made in their behalfe french letters say that ye Prince of Conde upon application made to him to accept ye Crowne of Poland, refused to be Elected unless they would Pre Elect his sonne ye Duke de Enguijen for his successor. ye same letters say they feard Besancon would not be soe soone taken as they fancyed but that it would cost them more tyme & men then they at first Calculated. but if his Most Xtian Maty succeed not there hee will turne his whole force upon flanders. L. c. 47 [Handwriting changes here.] May 9 1674 +ffrom ffrench Compte we have advice that the ffrench are still before Besancon & prtend to be soone master of it but its much doubted the Cittadell being a very strong one & the Swisses soe highly alarmed that severall Cantons have held a debate what they had best to doe upon this Occation & some Letters say the Duke of Lorraine was come nigh with his succours but if so we should soone heare of accord [?] Monsr Turene lying still in his way & eyeing all his motions, if this succeed not its said his Most Christian Matie will turne his whole force into fflanders, the Apprehension of wch has hastned the Prince of Orange into the feild & the fleet out to sea to give a divertion or at least an Amazement to the Coast wch they will terrifie with theire land forces & have therefore made all manner of prepartion for such an Attempt Monser de Estrese is still fortifying Brest & the Coasts thereabouts +The Hamberrough Letters say the King of Denmarke was to be the 20th instant betweene Rusbourg & Gluckstat wth an Army of 20000 men & that he had given order for his fleet to be also ready by the first of June upon what designe not yet knowne. ffrom Brussells of the 12th instant wee have advice that an express arrived there that Night had informed them that Marshall Bellefond had in his way home attacqued the little Towne called Herquelous belonging to Spaine, in the midst of the Country of Juliers wch he had over powered at the second assault & put all to the Sword therein who were not many but one Company of the Prince de Salme & they say he has had the like advange [sic] on some other small places & that at Maiestricht they are providing Boates for some designe not yet knowne; That all the Officers & Soldiers were comanded to be in the feild in eight dayes Count Waldocke haveing bin there to conferre wth that Governor & was gon backe to meet the Prince of Orange; who was following his troops into that quarter 50000 of them being allready come to Sanauthim [?] & the neighbouring Villages that the Prince of Conde was come to Tournay with but 5000 men & none of the Troops drawen out of the deserted Townes in Guilderland & Holland & therefore they hoped he could not suddenly gett any considerable Army together & from Heidelbourgh that that Elector was begining to take the feild & had wth his forces already blocked up Phillipsburgh that Monsr Turene was at Roxheme a league from Ensillheim wch had allarmed the Swisses so that they had gott together 60000 men to guard the fronteres and had fortified Basle & Mulhausen & the Canton of Shatsome had held a generall Assembly upon this approach of his most Christian Matie & that the Elector of Cologne had finished his treaty wth the Emperour wch would be ratifyed suddenly & at the same tyme, that wth the Prince of Lunenburg & Holland at the Hague L. c. 48 May 12 1674 Yesterday morning his Maty went by Water to Woolwich & returnd at night as did alsoe his Royall Hss from Hunting To morrow sennight his Maty & ye Court Certainly remove to Windsor for ye best part of this summer ffrench letters newly arived bring noe other account of the Condition of Besancon then that A considerable Breach was made in the towne by ye Cannon of ye Beseigers seconded by a Briske attaque in wch there was loss on both sides wch had made them retyre to a Cittadell a very strong place & may hold out long yet, Marll Bellfonds they say is fallen into ye Kings disfavour for leaveing, as is said 50 peices of Ordnance unbivake [?] in a towne he had diserted wch ye Duch finding had possesst themselves off, upon wch he is to sell his Employmts & retyre. The Duch Ambrs are now dayly expected being on board at ye Brill when our Ambrs came by. +ffrom Brussells of ye 18 instant Wee are advised that that morning Count Monterey was gone thence to speake wth ye Prince of Orange at Duffield 2 leagues from Mallines & was to returne that night that there was Just then arived an Express there wth ye news of Novaques [?] being ye night before closely invested by ye forces under Marll Bellefonds & for 4 houres attaquet very Briskly soe that it was thought it would soone be forcet to yeild it haveing not above 400 men in it The place is of great Consequence, cutting off all Comunication betweene Maestricht & Leige, The Count had not then sent any assitance to it but intended wth all speed, & hopet that ye Duke de Bourneville who lyes betwene Durell & Reckneck [?] would save him ye labour, as hee had promised not long since upon ye apprehension of some designe then, they had noe later news of Besancon wch made thinke all not well there, The Imperialists are Rendezvouzing at Bonne, & the Elector Pallatine haveing gotten his forces together Resolves to make some attempt wth them The Duch fleet are dayly expected in Zealand to take in their land forces there & are in great hopes of success, Leige has treated for a suspension, & at Brussells they say That ye french King haveing violated ye Treatyes of ye Pyreneans, & Aix la Chappell, ye Crowne of Spaine had declared they would revoake all their Concessions made to france by vertue thereof, & would Endeavour to Reposess themselves of ye places againe The Prince of Conde haveing Rendezvouzd his men at Tournay is gone thence toward Charleroy L. c. 49 May ye 14 1674 Wednsday 13/+This morning his Maty, Royall Hss, & the Prince Went downe to Shereness to veiw ye fortifications there & intend to Returne againe on fryday. The Other night the Duch Ambrs Monsr Beningen & Monsr Haren Came into Greenwich where they remaine incognito, on Munday they are to make their publique Entry, & on Tewsday have their audience & stay not for Monsr ODyke because of ye Courts removall. ye day after for Windsor, wth them are come ye Deputies from ye East India Company to adjust trade wth our Comisrs who will be suddenly appoynted great preparations are makeing for their Entrance & audience, & Exeter House alotted for their Residence after their Treatmt at my Lady Williams's at his Maties charge Sr Wm Temple is prepareing to begin his Journey for Holland, next Weeke Monsr ODyke is expected, Monsr Rheed who was here before is Joynd in ye Embassy Thursday 14/ Wee have yet noe forreigne Letters soe know nothing farther of Besancon more then that a person of quallity in that Leaguer [sic] had wrott hither That ye towne was taken, but the Cittadell not yet, That ye loss was considerable on both sides & ye whole Country soe frighten'd at their aparent danger That ye Elector Pallatine was Ordred to joyne wth ye Duke of Lorraine to Releive them. wch they feard might come too late. & his Most Xtian Maty bee master of it in a little tyme This morning dyed here my Ld Vict ffanshaw Remembrancer of the Exchequer after an Indisposition of severall dayes Munday next ye guards appoynted to attend his Maty at Windsor marcht thither & ye Court are prepareing to attend his Maty On Wednesday next In his Maties absence they say my Ld Craven will Command in Cheife The Spanish Ambr being indisposed is goeing to ye Bath dureing his Maties absence from towne, but Expects suddenly Orders to returne home & another to Come in his roome Noe forreigne Letters yet, L. c. 50 May ye 16 1674 +from Plymouth they write that ye providence of that place ariveing at forways [?] from Virginia reports that all ye Towne ships were arived there except 3 wch they thought by that tyme might be there alsoe. On ye 10 the Cambridge & Crowne set saile from ye Downes for Tangier & wth them severall mercht men outward bound. The guards that came from france are ordred to returne to ye severall squadrons out of wch they were taken. Letters from Lime tell us of 2 ships arived from france wth Corne, one of wch of Ushant, who met a small Duch Caper of 3 or 4 guns & abt 40 men who soone left her upon notice of 10 saile of french men in veiw, wch hee made up to & being got betwixt them & ye shoare ye ma[ste]r Concludes he tooke as many as he could man. there was then Coming in a ship of that place from the Barbados whence he parted wth 26 saile who were scatterd by storme abt 3 Weekes since but hopet to be all Well. They tell us from Gravesend that 6 Duch men of Warr arived ye night before at ye hope [?] wth severall mercht ships under their Convoy. They put to sea on ye 9th wth their Whole fleet Consisting of 64 good men of Warr, fireships &c: wth 6 moneths provisions of Victualls &c: 2 of their men of Warr set saile on ye 12 in ye morning for yeir fleet, ye other 4 came to an anchor before Gravesend who brought 2 of their Ambrs. The ship wherein ye Ambrs came over weareing a flag at maine Top. struck it passing by ye St David & afterward approaching neare ye fort after an usuall salutation was againe hois[t]ed up but was Imediately comanded downe againe by two shotts from ye fort. Duch Letters say ye Circle of franconia had sent out their troops who were on their Way to Windsheim to goe to succour ye Prince Elector Pallatine who has made a bridge to pass ye Rhyne. The Baron de Isola scruples ye signeing ye Elector of Collognes treaty except upon some further Conditions------------last post affords noe more L. c. 51 May ye 20 1674 Munday Evening the Duch Ambrs made their publique Entry & were brought from ye Tower in his Maties Coaches accompanyd by ye Ld Berkly & ye Master of ye Ceremonyes & attended wth a numerous trayne of Coaches of ye Nobillity & Gentry of 6 Horses a peice, & brought to my Lady Williams's in new pallace yard where they were Complemented from ye King by my Ld Cavendish, & from ye Queen by Sr Wm Killiegrew & were that night most nobly treated by his Matyes speciall order. Tewsday afternoone they had their audience of his Maty in ye Banquetting house & after of ye Queen & Royall Highnesses by all whom they were Recd wth all Imaginable respect & Kindness Munday Night his Maty Rll Hsses & many persons of quallity were Entertaynd at my Ld Treasurers wth a most noble Banquett & a stately Ball. +ffrom Deale Wee heare that on su[n]day the Duch fleet of 50 Capitall ships besides tenders appeared off of ye Goodwins, wth a good Wind sayleing between Callais & Bullogne thro ye Channell ffrom ye Hague of ye 24 instt Wee heare that from Berlin they write that ye Citty of Hamburg has Writt to ye Elector of Brandenburg that they are very much allarmd at ye march of ye forces of ye King of Denmark wch will in all lykelyhood fall upon them & therefore have desired succours if a seige should happen & have askt ye like of ye Swedes verely beleiving themselves in some danger. The Prince of Conde & Marshall Bellefonds are Joynd but ye latter has bene Obligd to raise ye seige of Navagne feareing ye forces of ye Duke de Bournonville wch arived ye 18 at Venlo, That it was ye Common discourse of all there that ye allyes Would Joyne & divert ye King of france by Entring his Countrys, That ye designe of ye french was to make themselves masters of french Compte, Navaigne, & Limburg, That they may have some thing in their hands to offer Spaine in Leiu of Ayre, St Omar &c: or at least to bring things in that Condition they were at ye treaty of Aix la Chappell, That ye Comissrs of ye East India Company were dayly expecting to depart for England, That ye states have Recomended the Prince of Lorraine to ye Crowne of Poland for their King. Nothing further from Besancon but that ye Towne surrendred ye 15th instant but ye Cittadell held out bravely. Tho ye King has Threatned that if they doe not suddenly yeild hee will give them noe quarter give them noe quarter L. c. 52 May ye 21 1674 +His Maty has bene pleasd to give to Capt Idle a gold chaine & medall in Consideration of his service in bringing an English ship taken by Evertson at New Yorke home safe from Cadiz after haveing masterd ye Duch who were then set over them. from Portsmouth they Write that ye Cambridge, Crowne, Norwich, Henrietta, were Come into that Road, ye 2 first designed for ye streights, ye other to Cruise abroad On ye 16 Sr Edward Lee of Ditchley in Oxfordshire was marryed to ye lady Charlotte Daughter to ye Duchess of Cleaveland Hee is Created Baron Spelsbury Vicount & Earle of Leichfeild from Dover they write of ye 18 that abt 10 a clock ye day before ye Duch fleet consisting of 100 saile in all came to an anchor in our Road. De Ruyter told some that Went aboard him that he expected 40 sayle more from Holland 12 of wch came to him yt night & that there was 20 saile more to Joyne wth him from ye South ward soe that they would consist of 170 at least of all sorts The next day they weight but how they will ply is not knowne. The Seuir ODyke ye Other Duch Ambr is not yet come over, & tis thought may stay for Van Isbrants who being but lately arived from Collogne would require some tyme for to give an account of his Negotiation there & fitt himselfe for his Coming hither. They write from Madrid that a Proclamation was Issued out to Comand all laqueys Water Carriers & porters who were not marryed to goe to their Countries unless they list themselves souldrs upon wch many were pickt up in ye Country for ye service from Cadiz Wee heare that Capt Wright ariveing there in ye nonsuch from Lisbon in his way met a ship wth Ostend Cullours & men sayleing her, The men forsooke her upon wch he possest himselfe of ye Vessell, & as was supposed may prove an English prize out of ye hands of ye Duch. Some dispute happend betwixt ye marriners of an English ship & an Ostend Convoy in that River wherein 2 of ye English were desperately wounded & ye Captains sonne of ye Ostender Kild upon wch ye Governr seized ye English Vessell, but upon application of our Ambr Mountague, ye prosecution is staid till they shall Receive Orders from ye Court +Letters from Mallaga of ye 1st instant say that ye Mary Rose goeing out to Cruise met of ye Bay of Tetuan [?] 2 ships who gave her chace, till makeing her they altred their Course, & finding ye Mary Rose gaind both, by & Large, parted, ye one for ye Spanish Coast, ye other for ye Bay of Tettuan, wch latter being ye biggest, ye frigatt followed, being Come neare her ye frigatt put out Holland Culloures & gave 3 guns ye frigatt put out alsoe Duch Culloures but fired not till ye Other came to anchor, wch was very neare ye shoare. ye frigatt then coming into 5 fathom Water & haveing taken in ye Duch & put out English Cullores powred in a Broadeside & those aboard sett her on fire & Went on shoare. The Capt Imediately sent his Boat on board her, quencht ye fire & found onely one Hamburger a slave in her who told them ye ship was of argier the Capt a french Renegado, upon that advice ye Capt Comanded ye men off wch ye Moores ashoare seeing their Capt went aboard ye Mary Rose wth a flagg of Truce, where being demanded why he made from them & fired, he answered he tooke him to be ye St Pattrick, & that ye Moores did it without Orders Navaignes is Certainely taken by ye french & ye Cittadell of Besancon, Dole is surrendred alsoe L. c. 53 [Handwriting changes here.] June 23d 74 Thursdaye 18 +from Deale we heare that about 5 yesterdaye morning they espyed some small vesseles neare the South foreland & presently after a standard upon the Top Masthead of a yatcht upon wch they were assured it was his Matie who presently answeared in St Margates Bay 4 or 5 miles S. ward of Deale & since we heard they come up the River & were expected at whitehall this noon Into Plymouth are returned severall merchant men from abroad & into Whitby a vessell with corne wch sayes soe great a quantity of Corne is in these holes [?] that the King had sent orders to inspect the stores, that they maye not be unbearthed [?] this last year being not very hopefull This morning her Maties Court went to Windsor to expect his Matie; & this Evening his Matie & Prince arrived here from Greenwich. Sir William Lockhart went two dayes since for Scotland upon his private affaires of setling his estate: his father being dead. Her Royall Highness thankes be to God is againe with Child & therefore great care is taken for her travelling or disturbance Last night aboute 11 his Matie & the rest arrived here, where having supped with the Dutchess of Monmouth went to Windsor very well pleased wth his voyage at Sea from Holland we heare yt Generall Souches Army was arrived before Leige the 24, pillaged 2 villages neare the place to force them to admitt of an Imperiall Garrison From Brussells we are told theire Army was ready to march but know not yet wch waye they shall The Prince of Conde being still in the neighborhood of Mons they have noe newes of their fleet since theire being on the ffrench Coasts The Spanish relation of the last fight Confess themselves to have recd a defeate from Mounsr Turene but will not allow above 2500 men killed on their side and yt the french had a great loss Ltrs from Hamburg say the french King has ordered the Bp of Marseilles his Ambr in Poland goe as his Mediatr to the Grand Signior to propose a Peace betweene Poland & yt Crowne with the vestiture of Caminien & the Ukraine to the Poles, that the King of Denmarke was at Coldenken with his Army That ye Swedes are on their march out of Pomerania My Ld Duke of Ormond is gone to Holyhead to imbarke thear for Ireland. L. c. 54 [Handwriting changes here.] June ye 27 1674 On ye 20th Sr John Narbrow & 3 more of his Maties frigatts returnd from Portsmouth to ye Downes & in their way met a Duch privateer who had boarded 2 English merchant ships, one from france bound for London ye other to Dover, & to make ye men Confess they had french mercht goods on board, tortured ym with burning matches betwixt their fingers. Sr John Narbrow brought ye privateer into ye Downes secured ye Capt & sent an account of it to his Maty. Dover Letters of ye 22d tell us of a vessell from Nantz that informed them that on ye 12 instant hee saw ye Duch fleet off Brest standing there about 10 in the morning & that abt 2 in ye afternoone hee heard ye guns play very briskly for abt 4 houres, & soe left them & tis hotly discourst in Towne as if ye Duch had taken brest, but ye truth of it is yet questiond The french Capers have Carryed into Yarmouth 2 ffly Boates & a Buss taken upon ye Coast of Holland, & on ye 21 a small Duch Caper Carryed into Rye 3 french prizes Wednsday Evening her Maty came to towne from Windsor, & returnd on fryday. The Duch Capers Continue so buisy upon ye Coasts of Rye that they in a maner quite spoyle ye french fishery there. There is some talk as if ye intended martiall divertisements of ye fort at Windsor is to be laid a side. The french Gazette gives ye Honnr of ye Batle betwixt Turene & ye Duke of Lorraine, to Coll Hamilton & Coll Douglass Regiments. who hee tells us when ye french Retreated, & had lost their Cannon, beat off ye Enimy, they yet give noe particular account of their losses, but makes ye Germans loss 2000 men slaine & 900 taken. The french make that dayes action a perfect victory, but the Germans & Duch will have it but a drawne Batle, & ye number of ye slayne Equall, but that wch makes it seeme to be on ye french side is that they kept ye feild, & put a great part of the Pallatinate under Contribution. Both partys acknowledge both the English & Scotch to have gaine[d] great Honr to their nations in that dayes action. The Duke of Lorraine is much applauded, who its said Chargd in person 5 tymes that day wth ye Horse, & once on foot wth his halfe pike in his hand at ye head of Coll Streams Regiment. Duch Letters say that in Order to ye blocking up Grave Coll Heindebasle was gone out wth 1600 men a League above Grave along ye Maas where hee Rebuilds ye ffortifications which ye french deserted to streighten ye place, wch is already invested, & Cannon & other necessaryes sent from Nimigen to that purpose, whilest Monsr Rabenhaupt is gone for Guilesland to raise an army ye more closely to beseige it, who is to be Joyned by ye troops of Over Issell & Guildesland & because ye army [is] mostly of foot Monsr Rabenhaupt has Invented a new sort of Wagons wch being gunned may on occation secure their Infantry against ye Enimies Horse. The Dukes of Zell & Wolfenbotle have given notice to ye states that their forces are in readiness to march upon their 1st orders. The men of name they Confess slayne in ye late Engagemt on ye German side are Major Neitch Leiut Coll to ye Prince of Saxe, Coll Heldenzeith sergeant of Batle, Count Keichen, Coll to ye Duke of Lorraine, The Prince of Saxe Gotha said to be mortally wounded, & Coll Streem's arme shot off, & Coll Barrier much Wounded The Imperialists are past Leige takeing their way by Namur there to pass ye Maas by wch meanes they will Either Joyne ye Prince of Orange or have ye Prince of Conde betwixt them, but tis beleived there will not be much done by the Imperialists; they Coming wth that Circomspection as if they were not soe nearely Concernd as ye Duch think they should, but Spaine now beares ye burden of provisions for wch they Constantly stipulate before they march, & such animositys its apprehended may arise among ye severall Genells who allready pretend too be Equally as good can be expected from their Conjunction, & single they cannot be strong Enough to doe any thing, Monsr Turene has left ye Pallatinate thinking it more prudent to Waite for ye Enimies in Lorraine where hee has ye force of that Country, then to Expect them at Phillipsburg whither tis Judgd they will doubtless come now they are Joynd. The Empr is sending 12000 men more from Egra [?] to reenforce his army. The french King is goeing into flanders in person to head an army for some great designe The french themselves looke on Grave as in a manner gone & expect the Enimie will next attaque Maastriecht L. c. 55 June ye 30 1674 On Thursday night last dyed at his house in Tedington Sr Orlando Bridgman, late Ld Keeper of ye great seale of England. The 24 arived at Topsham a vessell wch ye Wednsday before was on board Admell de Ruyter off of Bell Isle, & reports that ye day before the Duch landed their forces on that Isle, & that hee heard much shooteing, but hastning away cannot give any certaine account whether it was taken or noe, he further reports that a Duch squadron of ye Duch fleet was gone toward Bayonne to assist by sea the attempt ye Spaniards will make by land on that place. On Sunday Evening arived here the Marquess Durazzo Envoy Extra:or from the state of Genoa, his buisness is to thanke his Maty in ye name of that state for his good offices wth the most Xtian King for Composeing the Differences betweene that Crowne & them. +There is a hot report abt towne as if news were Come by express of a second Engagemt betwixt Monser Turene & ye Confederates in the Pallatinate & that ye french had bene Worsted, but nothing of Certainty is yet Knowne. soe that there is yet litle Credit given to it. Tho there be at present noe Assembly of Ambrs from ye severall Warring parties yet in ye meane tyme the Crowne of Sweden is not Wanting by their ministers at ye Courts of ye Respective Princes to promote a generall peace. & many say ye states Genell are not averse to it & beleive they could procure for themselves, a Peace upon Termes Honrble enough, but now ye great difficulty is how to satisfy ye Spaniards who seeme now cheifly to promote ye Warr. The Imperialists have wee heare used great indeavours to perswade ye states of Leige to receive an Imperiall garrison, & to reduce them to it. The Genell Souches uses some threatning words but to noe other purpose then that it has made ye states Open their purses & make him a present of a Considerable sum of mony, wch has given the Genell some satisfaction for ye present. Its said ye Prince of Conde has beseigd Conde. This last Weeke the Ld Buckhurst dyed. [A few figures and names in another hand appear on outside of letter.] L. c. 56 [Handwriting changes here.] July 4 1674 +On ye 25 instant dyed at his house at Teddington Sir Orlando Bridgman Late Lord Keeper [About ten letters illegible] from Brittany advises that the Duch fleet on the 28th had all under [?] Bell Isle that they landed a considerable Number of soldyers & after some dispute became Masters of it A salt ship from St Martins putt into Dartmth on the 26 reports that the Duch had landed 2000 on the Isle of Ree & that it was supposed they had Taken it, Another ship from Bourdeaux reports some of theire fleet gone for Bayonne. The Sea Flower of Plymouth arrived from ffrance on the 27th laden with Corne affirms that the Duch fleet after a sharpe dispute tooke Bell Isle, On Thursday sennight the seamen say they saw the ffrench wounded men carried over in Boates they past by the Duch fleet also in theire Returne home. Some of theire Boates goeing aboard & examining them The fleet was 170 [?] saile haveing with them 2 or 3 ffrench Marchants wch they had taken & then nd [?] before Bell Isle. [Rest of this paragraph repeats almost word for word the fourth paragraph of L. c. 55; next paragraph repeats almost word for word the matter of the third paragraph of same letter.] The last Letters tell us from ffrance yt the Duch haveing landed 60000 men on Bell Isle advanced toward the Castle wch is upon it, wch by a Trumpett they summoned who comeing to the Governor was very kindly received by him & carried about to the fortifications & the Garrison the Magazine &c after wch the Governour sent the Trumpeter backe with his Answer That indeed the Dutch would gaine themselves much Honor in makeing themselves Masters of a fort wch would be soe well defended But he thought it the most prudent way for them not to attempt it Upon the returne of the Trumpett the Dutch held a Councell of Warr where they resolved that night following to returne to the fleet. Some Letters say that the ffrench made a sally & Killed a great many of the Dutch as they were retreating, But this is the ffrench account Some say his Most Xtian Maty will not move from Versallies to eclipse the Prince of Condes Glory this Summer. fflanders Letters doe not deney but that the ffrench in the late engagemt on the 6 last did keepe the place of Batle & followed theire enemyes for some howers, but will not allow them to have received any disadvantage Nay rather that they gained at least in reputation for that being the Lesser Number they fought them soe many houres with equall loss and at last accomplisht theire designe in joyneing Bournonville Hamburg Letters also give the victory wholly to the ffrench confirming that the Germans lost theire baggage &c. +Tis wrote from Alepo April 6th that they had avice from the East Indies Sept the last that 20 Dutch men of Warr whereof 15 stout ships the Admirall haveing 60 Brass Guns & 250 [men?] fought 10 of our Merchant men August the 22 from Morning till Night & after a continued stout resistance tooke 3 of them, The President; the Sampson & the Antelope. The Anne the London Marchant & Bombay are perticular comended for theire Valour that day & on Sept the 1st got into Mudaro Road with 4 others that lay under St George his fort to recruit The ffrench have Letters that say ours have destroyd 5 of the Dutch in the Engagement & that there arrived at St Omars 20 ffrench men of Warr and 3 Merchant men & that theire Director Browne was to depart St Omar for Surat with 4 men of Warr & our English ships in theire Company Tis advised from Argers that all the ships are abroad except one & that they had 5 ships ready to lanch one of forty Guns, the other of Twenty, Each they keep a very faire Correspondence wth the English & upon Complaint made by the Consull of Injury done to the 2 English ships, they Cashered & punisht their Commanders & comanded the army to make a full restitution at Tangier to assure him of theire frendship & to lett him know that if he has occation for any thinge they have they shall be ffurnisht with it Dutch Letters of the 6th say theire last advice from ye Palatinate told them the Elector was sicke. The Duke of Lorraine in discontent with Caprara the Confederates encamped at Lemperthein, strong in horse and in expectation of the foot of ffranconia That Turene was about Newstadt Reinforet with about 60000 horse & in good Condition L. c. 57 [Handwriting changes here.] July ye 7th 1674 On fryday his Maty came againe to Councell at Hampton Court from Windsor This Weeke my Ld Treasurer returnes from the Bath to Windsor, as alsoe the Spanish Ambr, who has bene at ye Bath for his health sake, & is now pretty well recoverd. Wee have not any account of ye Duch fleet since their quitting Bell Isle, nor is there yet any Certainety in the reports of their loss of any men in their going off the Island, as some reports seeme to affirme Munday morning dyed of ye small Pox, in Towne, Mr Lewes of Wales, a very hopefull young Gentleman. The East India Company have now an account from ye Indies of ye loss of the 3 East India ships & that ye other 7 are safe, haveing defended them selves with much bravery, The loss of ye East India Company is not at all Considerable, in ye said ships. from ye Hague Wee heare that Sr Wm Temple was arrived there, but Remaind incognito, till he could prepare his things for his audience They tell us ye Prince of Oranges army was prepapeing to march. & would Certainly decamp on Thursday or fryday The Prince of Conde Continues still in his quarters abt Aoth. Monsr Turene has written to ye assembly of ye states of ye Circle of Suabia to disswade them from sending any assistance to the Confederates assuring them that if they doe not, hee will not enter wth his forces into any of their Territorys. flanders letters give us an account that ye Prince of Oranges army had quitted their quarters about Deist [Delft?] & Aerschot & were advancet toward Mallines The Imperiall Army Continues still at Namur, & its said Generall Souches demands a moneths pay for his army before hee passes ye Meuse, wch is to be paid by ye Duch & Spaniard. & accordingly Monterey is sending his part. +Its said that ye Confederate army is 12000 & Monsr Turenes 18000 strong who its beleived will suddenly attack Kayserslautern There are some advices wch say Monsr Turene has fallen upon ye Confederates & Totally routed them. & that Turene has sent an account of it from his owne hand to his most Xtian Maty, but this needs further Confirmation L. c. 58 July ye 9 1674 This day his Maty Came to Towne from Windsor haveing bene yesterday a hunting wth ye Duke Prince &c: & dined at Mr Chiffinches The Ld Ambr Lockhart is upon his returne to London from Scotland where hee has bene to setle his Owne affaires upon ye death of his father. On ye 6th arived at Weymouth a vessell from ye Barbadoes wch left 34 saile in that Road ready to saile in 2 or 3 dayes On ye 6 ye Plymouth & Dover arived in ye Downes from ye Streights wth severall mercht men in their Company. There Came alsoe a Duch man of Warr wth 6 other Duch ships bound to ye fleet wth provisions Duch Letters say that ye states of utrecht have made a present to ye Prince of Orange of 150000 Livres, & a Donative of St Maryes Church of 7000 Livres per ann to him & his Heires, tis said ye french have laid ye places about Grave under Water to hinder their approaches, Mounsr Ernstein the swedes Ambr has at his audience Congratulated ye States upon ye good Condition they are in, has offerd his masters mediation for a Genell peace, & desired Comrs to treat wth him in Order to it, Sr Wm Temple being arived at Rotterdam was goeing to ye army to find ye Prince, The Imperiall army they say marches up higher along ye Maes as if they had a mind to pass it at Gimet & soe goe into france whilest ye Prince of Orange &c Employ ye Prince of Conde, They assure us that de Ruyter is gone wth 17 men of Warr to ye Carribean Islands, & that they doe not expect ye rest of their fleet should attempt any great matter on ye french onely to allarme them In Holland they advise by a ship lately arived at Bergen from Bantam of ye fight betwixt ye English & Duch in ye East Indies & that one of ye 3 ships said to be taken was soe shatterd that shee sunck. Paris Letters say there is now noe talke of the Kings removall from Versailes, that the Prince of Conde was said to be gone from toward Mons wth 14000 Horse & as many foot on some designe that ye french in french Compte have taken ye Castle of St Anne by storme, & were become sole masters of that Country, that Count Stromberg has Complaind to ye King of ye behaviour of Monsr Brett his Leiut Genell in Rousillon who is thereupon Commanded to ye Court to Justify him selfe They tell us that Marshall Turene in his late action at ye Neckar (mentioned in ye Gazett) has in pursuit of ye Imperialists taken 1800 prisoners, haveing beaten their Reare guard, taken their Baggage wth 6 peices of Cannon to make yet a more Effectuall progress, the King has given out Comissions for raiseing 250000 fresh men, since ye Duch quitting Bell Isle ye french seeme to bee in less feare of them for ye future & can see thiere fleet appeare wthout being soe much allarmd as they were before. Some advices make ye french to have ye worst of it in Rousillon haveing 2 [?] officers Kild & taken prisoners flanders letter say that ye Estates of the Empire have compleated their debates for ye Comon security & resolvd to assist ye Empr to wch purpose they have againe writt to ye Circles & perticular Estates for their severall forces, & given them a tyme by wch they must be at ye Rendezvouz wth all their officers, They confess the Confederates being to small a number to resist ye army if Turene doe retreat, upon their approach till more forces to them [sic] to put them in a Capacity of fighting +Tis said ye Elector Pallantine has desired ye Confederates to breake up that they might not be engaged in an unequall Combatt. tis said Genll Souches will send some of his army to their assistance in ye meane tyme The Duke of Bournonville much blames ye Confederate Princes for not sending their supplyes, wch has forcet him to retreat wth loss of Reputation, & danger to ye Pallantinate L.c. 59 July ye 11 1674 Thursday his Maty came to town from Windsor, but made a very short stay, for haveing dined wth ye Duke of Munmth his Maty went downe to Deptford to see a second Rate frigatt Lancht, Wee are told it is a very Excellt ship & is cald ye Royall Oake & to carry 80 guns, in ye afternoon his Maty came back to Whitehall & Imediately returnd to Windsor, whether the Spanish Ambr is returnd from ye Bath, pretty well Recoverd of his late indisposition ffryday the Earle of Peeterburrow was sworn of ye privy Councell & accordingly tooke his place at ye board. A proclamation was read & approved concerning ye Collecting his Maties revenues ariseing by fire hearths & stoves &c: +His Maty has bene pleasd to order in Councell That ye Comrs of his Customs doe oblige all masters of Merchts ships outward bound to take wth them such sea breifes & passports as the treaty betweene his Maty and the Crowne of Spaine doe prescribe Letters from Holland tell us that ye 13 inst Sir Wm Temple his Maties Ambr to ye States Genll arived at ye Hague, that he had bene vissited by ye Raed Pensionary Fagell, that his Excellency intended to goe & wait on ye Prince of Orange in ye army soe that it may be a moneth before hee have his publique audience, That ye Treaty betweene the states Genell & ye Dukes of Lunenburgh was signed ye 14: inst & that in pursuance of ye same the Duch ministers had bene present at ye Rendezvouz of ye Troops of ye Duke of Wolfenbotle wch consisted of abt 3300 foot and 800 Horse wch its said are to Joyne with ye forces of ye Duke of Zell & then act together as shall bee thought most convenient for ye service of ye allyes that ye Treaty betweene ye States and ye Elector of Brandenburg is not onely signed but alsoe Ratifyed. They had not any news of ye Prince of Oranges army, but the Pensionary Fagall being ye 11th inst in the assembly of ye States told them ye Pr: of Conde was marcht toward ye Sambre The Imperiall army was about Namur, its thought ye french in ye Palatinate will suddenly attaque Heydleburg tho there bee a very good Garrison in it. Marselles letters say Monsr Vivonne was arrived at Thoulon wth his ships wch wth those there make 22 saile of good men of war, wth wch, & ye 24 galleyes that lye ready, tis thought hee will attempt somewt suddenly upon ye Spaniards in Cattalonia. L.c. 60 July ye 14th: 1674 Sr Wm Lockhart being now Returnd from Scotland is prepareing to Returne for france there to Reside as his Maties Ambr Extraordnary ffrom Holland they write that Sr Wm Temple his Maties Ambr to ye States, has offerd his Maties mediation for procureing a Genell peace. The Crowne of Sweden Continues by its ministers in ye severall courts of Europe to Endeavr to restore the peace of Xtendom, & its said their Ambr at the Hague has assured the States they may obtaine very good & Honrble Conditions of his most Xtian Maty Wee heare not any news of the Duch fleet but that ye Duch themselves are much Concernd at their ill success at Bell Isle, & that they should spend soe much tyme to soe little purpose +On Thursday last arived here the Duch Deputies to treat wth o[u]r East India Company abt regulation of Trade & were on Munday presented to his Maty The Envoys from Brandenburg, Mayenne & Genoa have taken their leaves here in Order to their Returne home. The 8th inst arived a Duch Caper at Plymoth, the Capt. Whereof reported that hee had mett in the Channell wth an English vessell, & that ye master of it had told him that 8 Turkes men of Warr Were Cruiseing off Scilley & that hee had bene on board 2 of them There is yet noe flanders letters Come over this Weeke. The last from Holland tell us the Prince of Orange had absolutely resolvd to offer the Prince of Conde Battle, & if hee declined it, to use all wayes to oblige him to it, Monser ODyke has taken his leave of ye Prince of Orange in Order to his Coming for England. +from Vienna Wee heare that ye [sic] in Hungary begin to grow very powerfull & its feared may give ye Empr some disturbance on that side from Poland Wee heare that ye Tartares had give the Poles a defeat betwixt Camuenioc & Leopold, & that ye Poles have quitted all ye places betwixt those 2 Cittyes for feare they should be made prisoners before ye Poles army could get up to their succour, in ye meane tyme the Poles are hasteing out wth all dilligence, but its that after all these may be a peace for that ye Poles are not over Willing farther to Engage in soe disadvantageous Warr, & for the Turkes seeme willing to afford them good Termes as rather desireing to prosecute their Conquests in Hungary then Poland L.c. 61 [Handwriting changes here.] July ye 16 1674 On ye 8th Will Earle of Pembroke dyed at ye Bath and is succeeded by his Brother Sr Phillip The 10th of Sept his Maty has appoynted to goe to New Market intending to Remove from Windsor ye 20 of ye next moneth haveing in ye meane time given Orders to make severall additions and alterations to ye Castle and Parke of Windsor to make it more fitt for his sommers Residence every year takeing great delight in the situation of the place On fryday ye King was at Councell at Hampton Court A proclamation has bene read at the Board and approved concerneing ye Collecting and answering his Matys Revenues ariseing by fire hearth and stoves his Maty has ordred that ye Comissrs of his Cofferas doe oblige all Masters ships [sic] outward bound to take wth them such sea breifs and pasports as the treaty betwene his Maty and ye Crowne of Spaine doe prescribe Duch letters tell us there has happend a Rencounter betwene a party of Duch Comanded by Monsr Rabenhaup and a party of french sent out of Grave the Duch Relate it thus, that Monsr Rabenhaup haveing sent 200 men to posess themselves of an Isle Caled Midleweent not far from Grave who had not bene there above halfe an houre when severall troups in all 1000 [?] men Horse and foot Came from Grave under ye Comand of ye Marquess de Chamilly and attaquet them, the french both Horse and foot Imediatly put themselves into the Water supposeing it had not bene deep but that they might have Waded through it to ye Island where the Duch were but they found the Water soe high that they were forct to swim, wch put them all into great disorder, the Duch at the same time makeing severeall discharges upon them, they say many of the french were Kiled and Wounded but the Ende of all was that the Duch feareing more forces were Coming against them quitted ye Isle and retyred, the Duch say the french lost above 20 officers in yt action and that Chamilly was wounded but we expect to heare how the french will relate it Mr Henshaw his Matys Ambr to Denmarke is arrived from thence and has given his Maty an account of his Negotiation in that Court His Grace ye Duke of Monmouth is Elected Chancellor of ye University of Cambridg A new 2d Rate frigatt is Launcht at Deptford Cald ye Royall Oake said to be an excellent ship and will carry 80 guns The account of ye Duch fleet by ye Certaine hand from Rochell is, that after they had Left Bell Isle, they tooke ye Isleland Marmonteir where they kept posession wth 7000 men, they had Anchored 10 dayes in sight of Rochell but attempted nothing Our Letters from Holland arived Thursday morneng tell us that by the Treaty Lately Concluded betwene the States and the King of Denmarke that King is to send 16000 men to act as the allyes shall thinke fitt for which his Maty is to Receive a Monethly subsidy to be paid by ye Empr, the King of Spaine, and the States, that the Imperiall army Marches towards Sedan, and that they had allready taken Dinant not far from Namur and that ye Prince of Orange has demanded of the States a Million of Mony for payment of ye army L.c. 62 [Handwriting changes here.] July ye 18 1674 His Grace The Duke of Munmouth being by ye unanimous consent of the University of Cambridg Elected Chancellor of that place in ye Roome of the Duke of Bucks Hee will suddenly Receive the usuall Complements there upon The Earle of Oxford has bene ill of late, & tis reported the Ld Brooke is dead, but tis Judgd a mistake. from Paris of ye 21 inst they write that their last letters arived from Nants ye 18 say ye Duch demanded 10000 Crownes that they might forbeare theire burning ye Isle of Normonstein, there being 40 men of Warr in ye Road of Bourneuf wch is 7 Leagues from Nantz, that they take all ye ships they meet, that ye Batle lasted 5 houres at Normonstein, where ye Inhabitants being unable to resist yeilded +fflanders Lrs of ye 20th say that on ye 18 ye Prince of Orange decamped from ye abby of Bethelme neare Lovaine & encampt on ye other side that Citty halfe a League from it, his army being 30000 attended with 36 great peices of artillery +The 19th marched from Brussells 7000 horse under the Comand of ye Marquess d'Assentar, the Duke de Villa Hermosa, & the Prince de Vaudemont who desynd to goe & Joine ye Imperiall army who lay about Dinant The Duke of Luxemburg being not farr from them on ye other side of ye Meuse wth 10000 Horse & foot from ye Prince of Condes army (now Encampt neare Charleroy) to Observe their motions from Germany they write that ye Confederates under ye Duke de Bournonville lyes still betweene frankfort & Hochst, & that Monsr Turene Continued his Camp at Ladenburg on ye Neckar, his troops in ye meane tyme pillageing, & burning the Villages in ye Pallatinate fflanders Letters of ye 23 inst say yt ye Prince of Orange marcht ye Sun[day?] before from Lovaine to ye abby of Hey[seal spoils about three letters]steyn to Joine ye Imperialists who had left Dinant & passt ye Meuse at Namur ye Day before in order to their Conjunction, Tis thought they designe to set upon ye Prince of Conde, they beeing much stronger but wee are told ye Prince of Conde was marcht from Charleroy, & was ye 22 at Manbeux on ye Sambre, the 22d Count Monterey marcht from Brussells wth what forces they had ready towards ye Prince of Oranges Camp soe secretly that it was not Knowne till hee was gone L.c. 63 [Handwriting changes here.] July ye 23 1674 +Letters from Jamaica April 30th speake the prosperous and healthfull condition of that Island; the Inhabitants haveing sent from thence a greater quantity of goods of the sole produce of that Country that voyage more then ever came formerly from thence & yet the ships lef more goods then they carry The portland wch was sent to the Havanna comeing by pt Aguina a Small Island in the Bay of Honduras, tooke a Duch caper of 16 Guns 200 tons & 100 Ton of Logwood The ffrench Governor of Tortugas has bene at port Rico with about 8 or 10 vessells & 500 men but without success. The Vessells that carried up the men being victualled after the Indian manner fell into want & not being able to keep Company landed at the first Leeward Bay of Port Rico were stragling up & downe to looke [for?] victualls 3 or 4 Spanish Lancers fell upon them & cutt of about 50 The governor himself narrowly escapeing, upon wch he returnd for Tortugas wch he has since deserted out of an Apprehension of the Spaniards & Capers & is now setling on the maine of Hispaniola, Sancta Domingo is distroyed by an Earthquake & the Spainards very few & poore otherwise it had bin easie for them to have escaped the Coast of the french, who are likewise few & Miserable poor and under great apprehensions There is also come from Jamaica one of the Kings men of Warr that was sent with the Governor of that Island for his uses bringing with him a Dutch prize wch they tooke of Guiny wherein were 600 Negroes a great quantity of Gold, & teeth [?] & to a Very considerable Value With them is also returnd the Lady Linch wife to Sir Thomas & Mr Muddyford Eldest son to Sir Thomas late Governor, who all affirme the place to be in a very good Condition, but that they had not heard of the peace or for some Monthes past had any ships from England +ffrom Parris we heare that Leiut Collonnell Scott who served his Maty under that Carrector in the Lord Vaughans Regiment, has bin most strangely murdered in a quarrell by some persons of quality upon wch his Most Christian Majesty has dispatcht an express to his Maty of England wth his assurance that the persons that did the fact shall be carefully sought for & receive from him neither protection or pardon but be prosecuted wth all possible severity They also tell us that Madam Moysilla Monpensive has at last obtained the freedome of the Count de Lawson her favourite by surrendring her principalityes of Danby to Madam Monrespan upon which the King has sent Coaches to fetch the Count to Court & into his favour againe the King is makeing great Leveys againe there & now all Overtures of peace seeme to sleep for awhile since the Death of Count Tott the great promoter of them whose loss is much bewailed by that Court, the defeate in Rousillon is said to be confirmd wch does a little disturbe the pleasure that Court now takes at Versallyes where there is the rarest divertisments by fireworks &c that has bene seen in france The Spainards give this account of the action that on the 27th of June the Duke of Scomburgh intending to releive Barnes in Rousillon wch the Spainards had beseiged the Duke de St German who commanded the Spanish forces upon the appeareance of the french withdrew his Army & caused them to march away wch made the french more Eager to pursue them but when the Spaniards saw the french over the River wheeled about & haryed the french wth such success that they Killed 1600 upon the place & tooke 400 prisoners whereof the Generall of the horse & Scomburgs sonne were of the Number with many officers & volunteers beside 600 horse all the Baggage & Artillery & were in pursuit of the Duke of Scomburg who was goeing to perpignon from Brussells of the 27th they write yt Sir William Temple was returned to the Hague by the way of Antwerp haveing visited the Prince of Oranges Campe, That the Prince has resolved to attaque the Prince of Conde, but tis said he will not be able to oppose him The Duke of Savoy has write to the Elector of Bavaria that [about nine letters blurred] stand stifly to the interest of france he will disert him, the Emperor has sent to bid them guard Conflans & withdraw theire succour from france to wch they have answered they will doe wch is best for them Turene lyes on this side phillipsburg & Bournonville within 4 houres of Mayenne with intention to goe thence to Conflans 8 hundred Germans meeting a party of french last weeke neere Openheim worsted them & brought most of them prisoners to ffrankendale The french are said to Murmure much the want of Trade soe that if some speedy course be not taken they must of Necessity necessarily be some disturbance on theire account The Confederate Princes have had some consultation about the peace & would have the Venetians admitted as mediators & tis said if it goe on London may be the place for it from Nantz & places thereabouts wee heare that the Dutch still keep possesion of Marmonteire where most of theire fleet then were They made some ffortifications in the Islelands & demanded a summe of Money of the Inhabitants not to spoyle theire Harvest and wast theire estates but they being not in a Capacity to pay leave themselves to the discretion of theire Conquerors wch hitherto there has bene more Comendations then [?] Complaints 6 of their ships more [were?] at anchor at the South end of the Isle of Rhee & an Army at the North end who if they containe & be watchfull many of the french Merchants must fall into theire hands L. c. 64 [Handwriting changes here.] July ye 25 1674 Thursday Evening arived in ye Downes 7 East India ships most Richly Laden The names whereof are The London of 400 Tun The East India Mercht of 350 The Anne of 450 The Bombay of 370 The Ceasar of 500 The Unity of 325 The Massing Beard of 450 These are all our Company Expect this yeare, Wanting but 3 of their whole number wch were unhappily taken by the Duch before they left ye Indyes. from Plymouth Wee heare that a Duch man of Warr was come in there in her Way home from their fleet wch shee left at Normonstein, but were then designeing a farther attempt, on what hee would not owne, he alsoe sayes that De Ruyter has got wth him the last part of their fleet & land men, & that they doubt not of makeing themselves masters of all ye french have in ye West Indies The German advices bring nothing yet of any action, the Empr has of late permitted ye Prince of ffurstenburgh to Enjoy more liberty then formerly wch makes his friends hope his Imperiall Maty may at last hearken to ye great Intercessions made for him, & by that meanes Introduce a Concession to a treaty for a Genell peace, wch most believe Wee shall soon have, Monsr ODyke is not yet arrived, from Holland, & they say Comes to make some very materiall Overtures to his Maty on ye Prince of Oranges account fryday his Maty was pleasd to bee present at Councell & adjournd ye farther meeting of that Board till ye first Councell day after ye 22 of next moneth when his Maty Returnes to White hall, the buisness of ye Composition Trade, & the petition of ye Cloath Workers agst ye exportation of White Cloathes were put off The french post being newly come in brings litle of Moment, ffrom Genoa Wee heare ye french men of Warr on their Coast were returnd for Tholoun, Where they have 32 men of Warr, 24 galleyes, & there are 30 Barques ready to sail for Cattalonia & 10 or 12 men of Warr, where ye Spaniards say they have given the french a defeat This last weeke Capt Purefoy of Coldecort dyed in London & is intended to be interrd at Coldecort Wednesday Evening L. c. 65 [Handwriting changes here.] July 28 1674 +Our Letters from ffrance bring us nothing of newes and give us noe account of the Dutch fleet wch is reported to be sayled under the Comand of Leuit Admirall Vantromp towards the Streights to joyne with the Spanish Armado All our Letters from fflanders say that the Dutch are resolved to fight & use all meanes to provoke the Prince Conde to a Battle, who is soe strongly intrencht yt he may avoid it if he please, In the meane tyme the Spaniards Complain of the disorders of the Dutch Soldiers, & they that care is not taken [sic] yt ought to supply them constantly with provisions for its confidently said yt they have bine sometymes 2 or 3 dayes together without bread, Count Mountery Continues in the Campe in quality of a Voluntere onely from Holland they write that Mountseiur Rapenhaup has now formally beseiged Grave that he was about Raising his Battery and that the 21/31 passed they would open theire trenches, in the meane tyme the beseiged Defended themselves very well & have made severall sallyes, and as they have sufficient stores of all sortes of Amunition soe are they not in the least sparing of it, but fire upon the beseigers without any intermission The 29 Sir William Temple his Matys Ambassador to the States returnd to the Hague not haveing been able to see ye Prince of Orange by reason of his continuall march. The Spanards Its said are as yet very unwilling to heare of a peace that ye Raed Pensonary Fagell was goeing to Nimigen to assist at the seige of Grave The Marquis de Chamely is Governor of that place The States have resolved to raise ye 200th [?] soone by way of Loane at the rate of 4 per Cent & that this interest may be constantly payd, they have settled a ffond for it by doubling the Imposicons yt are allready on turfe, and burning wood the money now raised is to be imployed for the payment of the Prince of Oranges Army & the other expenses yet of this yeare, Its said that the Brandenburg fforces are on theire march towards the Palatinate but that its beleived it would be the later end of the Next Moneth before they arrive theyre ffrom Rochell wee heare yt 2 french East India ships vallued at 300000 L were gott safe thither haveing strangly escaped the Dutch fleet yn before yt river L. c. 66 [Handwriting changes here.] July ye 30 1674 ffrom Brussells of ye 4th of August wee heare that ye Imperialists, Spanish, and Duch armyes were all joynd & make up one entire army, though under severll Genells, Genell Souches has the Right Wing wch makes ye van Guard, wch great body (Consisting as is said of above 60000 men) advances toward the Prince of Condes camp wch is still at ye old post, & soe fortyfied yt they cannot attaque him wthout great disadvantage to themselves. yet are they now come soe nigh each other now that parties of Each meet dayly & Skirmish, the Elector of Brandenburg is alsoe on his march toward ye Meuse wth 16000 men ffrom flanders of ye 7th of august we heare that ye 3d ye armyes, were to bee abt Genappe 3 Leagues from Tresigne [?] where the Prince of Conde is encampt, haveing a Considerable recruit Come to him of 8000 men soe that now hee is 44000 strong & all our Letters give great expectation of some great & sudden action, The seige of Grave appears more difficult than was at first Imagind, soe that more men & cannon are sent to reinforce Monsr Rabenhapt, Turene has the Pallatinate at his discretion, & is goeing or gone to Phillipsburg. Bournonvill has not recd Recruites enough to adventure on him. The Circle of Suabe being very backward in sending [sic] The Effects of the late great stormes in Holland ye Gazett mentions [Note in same hand at end of letter:] Sr the more then ordnary buisness of this Anniversary of Lammas affords us here this day, will not possibly allow us to Waite on yo[u]r Worpp this day therefore humbly begg yo[u]r Worpp pardon. L.c. 67 August ye 1st 1674 This morning came to towne from Windsor his Maty & Royall Highness, who were pleasd to Honor my Ld Viscount Yarmths sonne by being God fathers to his Child Joynd with ye Lady Yarmth, & ye Lady Shannon ye two grandmothers, & gave it ye name of Charles after wch Ceremony they returnd to Windsor againe The Earle of Pembroke is to bee Interrd wth much pomp & state for wch great preparations are makeing ffrom ffallmth wee heare that a vesell from france was Imported there who left Rochell a few dayes since & ye Duch fleet then before it. She alsoe sayes that by agreemt wth ye french they had ye liberty to Come ashore at Bell Isle wch put ye Country about in great feare & made them heartily wish for peace, it was partly a mistake that was formerly said abt ye 2 East India ships comming into Rochell, these being but one from ye East Indies, ye other from ye West Indies but both very richly laden. & Escapt narrowly All our letters from Spaine & ye Streights bring us dayly Confirmation of ye good news that Tangier is like to prove the Riches Port & ye greatest of any in those parts, for dureing this Warr it is the Whole mart & harbour for all European Comodities, & it will bee found soe convenient that in all probillity it will long Continue soe ffrom Heydleburg of ye 26 past wee heare that Monsr Turene haveing pillaged Ladenburg, and ye villages thereabout left his quarters on the Neckar & marcht toward Phillipsburg, to Repass ye Rhyne there but what hee will doe afterward is not knowne. Its said 4 Rigimts are comeing from Bohemia to Joyne wth ye Duke of Bournonville, & that 5000 men are gone from ye Imperiall army and ye Comand of ye Baden likewise to Joyne wth ye said Duke, but ye Circles of ye Empire are not very forward to send their troops beeing frightend at what they see has happened in ye Pallatinate. +Letters from ye East Indies of June last say the french wth ye men of warr under Monsr de la Hay had taken St Thome by surprize, where they landed their men & cannon, & fortifyd the place, but that ye Duch had sent severall men of Warr to Retake it, the french in it are said to have behaved themselves bravely makeing severall salleys to ye great slaughter of ye Dutch & hold out wth much Resolution, in the meane tyme upon a report that King of Candy upon ye Island of Ceylon from whence they have all their spices, They have sent for their men of Warr from before St Thome, The Dutch say in their advices from ye Indies that ye English are forbiden to trade to Japan. The taken [sic] our 3 East India ships cost them for besides some of their ships lost, they had 700 men kild in ye action L. c. 68 [Handwriting and size of paper change here.] Aug: 4 1674 Monday 3/On Saturday last the Spanish Ambr left Windsor in a very weak Condition and is gone by Coach to Southampton for Spaine in one of his Matyes yachtes yt lyes there ready for him +on Satt night her Maty and attendance Came to towne for a few dayes and returnes to morrow they say to Windsor +Sr John Baker is shortly to marry my lady Viscountess Bayning of foxley it being already agreed on +This morning came my lord D of Monmouth earles of Arlington Ossory & divers other persons of honr to dyne to morrow at Grayes Inne, as yeet it is not certainly knowne whether his Maty will be here or noe. Tuesday 4/our letters from Holland of the 7th inst new stile tell us that they had that day newes from flanders that ye armyes were quarterd in the Neighborhood of Nivelle and yt that day they were to march nearer to the Pr of Conde who Continues in his former quarters that ye seige of Grave advances but slowly the beseigers haveing not as yet made use of theire Cannon yt in ye meantime ye besieged forced upon them, wthout Intermission [?] though wthout doeing any great harme not above 6 prsons haveing been killed by their shot That they had not an y newes of their fleet though they expected to hear of some action from ym That Monsr Turrenn has repassed the Rhine at Philipsburgh, but yt it was uncertaine whether he would march into Lorrain or goe and beseige Frankendall +The last newes from ye Palatinate sayes yt Monsr Burnonville had been refused boates from frankfort, but yt had not hindered him makeing a bridge on ye rein at Florsheim from Switzerland wee heare the Canton of Zurich had received 60000 Crownes in part of ye great summe due to ym from france The Liege ltres say that Monsr Ventall [?] Comeing from Charleroy to Grave wth 300 horse was taken and carryed a way to Namur, but Its believed to be a Dutch lye The 31 past wee hear yt 70000 french wth 6 pieces of Cannon were Come wthin 2 leagues of Neivelle to forrage, and had carryed from thence 300 carts of Corne and other things. L. c. 69 [Handwriting and size of paper change here.] Augt. ye 6 1674 ffrom Marselles of ye 1st inst they write that an English Vessell was arived there in 13 dayes from Tangier the master of wch said 3 days before hee came thence & being in that Road news came that the Earle of Midleton dyed of an accidentall fall ye day before but could give noe further perticulars, onely that it was feared the Governors death would very much Retard the Treaty that was soe well advancet betwixt that citty & the Moores, since wch Letters from Mallaga July ye 17 give this farther account, that hee had beene very Weake & troubled wth ye flux about 2 moneths before, & on ye 28th of June being in his bed called for one of his servants at midnight to bring him a Candle who not heareing, his Ldpp rose out of his bed himselfe to looke for a light and his servant lyeing Cross ye doore hee stumbled & fell over him and broke his arme short off by ye shouldr soe that he Dyed ye 30 & was to bee buried ye 13 of July ffrom Paris Wee heare that Count Lanson had not onely obtained his liberty & ye King's favour but had got leave to Marry Maddam Montpensier & was to bee restored to all his former Employmts & besides to bee made Coll of his Maties Regimt of Swiss guards The Prince of Conde has Writt that hee lyes within a league & halfe of ye Imperiall army, there was some talke that if ye Prince would not be gott to fight they would pass by him & get into france, but it is not very probable, but something they say must bee done very suddenly ffrom Dover Wee heare that a packett boat from Callais was come in there bringing many passengers that travelld through fflanders who say it was expected Every day when both armyes would Engage ye Prince of Conde haveing dayly recruits come to him, & ye fflanders letters are hourly Expected by wch tis Expected wee shall heare further. +Sir Wm Swan his Maties Residt at Hamburg is arived thence Wednsday night happend a litle fire amongst ye stables in Duke Street in Lincolnes Inne feilds wch did noe great harme. His most Xtian has sent a way part of his household Guards to the assistance of ye Prince of Conde but speakes not of Removeing from Versailles himselfe, being Willing to leave all to the Mannagemt of ye Prince of Conde whose Conduct is highly Comended The Duke of Orleans has Writt to ye Electr Pallatine to press him to make a peace wth his Bro: to wch ye Elector has answerd that hee accounted it neither safe nor Honrble, nor at all consistent wth his Interest wch is inseparable from ye Empire Marshall Turene haveing repast the Rhyne had his head quarters at Lund & it was Judgd designed to Joyne the Prince of Conde, before he should Engage. +The Seuir Schellart an Officer in the Duke of Lorranes army being at Mentz shott his pistoll at ye french King's Armes wch stood over the gate of ye french Envoy who Complained to ye Elector & hee to ye Duke of Lorraine, the Duke Clapt the Officer in Chaines & sent him to the Elector who deliverd him to the Envoy to use at his pleasure, who Onely Doomed him to offre pardon for the Insolence where it was Committed, wch done & the officer Excuseing it as done in his Drinke, the Envoy wrott to the Duke to Intercede that hee would take him into favour againe L. c. 70 August ye 8th 1674 +ffrom fallmouth of ye 3d Wee heare that ye day before there came a Vessell from Rochell wch sayes that ye Duch fleet lay still thereabouts, & that it Was said they would goe force St Martins, wch place does not feare them being very Well provided Letters from Ostend speake as if they had Certaine news that ye Duch had gott ye Intire possession of Bell Isle to ye noe small Discouragemt of ye Inhabitants thereabouts who saw themselves in a Condition of defence had they had Incouragemts. ffrom Brussells Wee heare that a Duch Capt wth ye horse in hopes of a good Booty Went into a Wood neare ye french Camp where they met wth 600 french Horse that lay in Ambush & were all Cut off except ye Comander & 3 more +fflanders tell us the 2 armys have Certainly fought, & that ye french are routed though wth great loss to ye adversarys, & Death of ye Holland Genell Butt Letters from Deip say they have positive news from Paris by express on Wednsday last, that the Prince of Conde had falln upon the Rere of Enimy, had kild many thousands & taken many prisoners, But wch amount to beleive is not yet knowne L. c. 71 Aug ye 11th 1674 +ffrom Paris of ye 15th Wee heare that their letters from ye Camp brought them advice that Capt Monterrey in his returne from ye Campe fell into an ambushe of ye french out of wch hee narrowly Escapet whilest his guards fought & were all cut off, these letters alsoe add that ye Prince of Conde has writt that after ye Battle hee had summond all ye Governrs of frontiers to drayne their garrisons to come to him hee being Resolved to pursue ye Enimy whom they had soe happily disperset, & had blockt up Ipres, & then heard nothing of Monsr Turene The Swiss they say did not fight although Comanded, & as yet ye reason is not publiquely knowne. from ye Hague they say that ye East India Companies letters advise them yt their admirrall has gained a great victory agst ye french in those parts & had taken yt St Thome in ye Kingdome of Bengale & all their forts, & Monsr la Hay & 1600 french prisoners. ffrom Bruges they say that a vessell arived there reports that ye Duch have made a 2d descent on Bell Isle & carryed it & haveing put into it a good garrison were sayled toward Rochell. Trump has bene lately seene off Cadiz Bay wth 30 saile in some other designe The account wee have from Holland of ye fight ye 11th instant is that ye Prince of Conde sent out, or as some say laid in ambush 10 or 12000 men who falling upon ye Reare of ye Enimy routed them & tooke a great part of ye Prince of Oranges Baggage wch they burnt, & had once taken 7 of his Cannon, but by that tyme ye Prince of Orange & ye Germaines faced about & charged ye french soe furiously, that they were forcet to retire into their camp & leave ye Confederates masters of ye feild, & Consequently as they say Conquerours, they say they have lost 4000 men & ye french 6000, of ye Prince of Oranges army Count Waldeck & his sonne Count Erback as alsoe the Rhynegrave, Monsr Overkerk Coll Palme &c: are Wounded, & many cheife officers kild. The Prince of Orange was himselfe Engaged 2 houres. The french at ye same tyme speake ye Victory on their side, & that their Returning to their Camp was noe more then they at first Resolvd on after they had Cut off ye Enimies Reare, they owne they have lost 5000 men, but say they have kild 10000 of ye Enimy & that they have taken severall of their Cheife officers prisoners. L. c. 72 August ye 13th 1674 On ye 11th the Ld Dacres [?] was marryed to ye Duchess of Cleavelands Eldest Daughter His Maty intends God Willing to remove to London ye 29th of this moneth. On ye 10th the Bp of Oxford kisst his Maties hand for ye Bpricke of Durham. The present Ld Chamberlaine will Certainly lay downe his staff soe soone as ye writeing Relateing to ye agreemt bee finisht, wch done ye Earle of Arlington will be Ld Chamberlain Sr Joseph Williamson secretary, of state, & Mr Phillip Loyd Clerke of ye Councell. Tuesday Even my Monsr ODyke the Other Duch Ambr arivd here from Holland. & as yet remaines in Cognito Wednday Sr Jonathan Atkins Governr of Barbadoes tooke his leave of his Maty & intends to be goeing next Weeke. Both french, Duch, & flanders letters all agree that ye fight began on ye 1st, between 11 & 12, & lasted till after midnight, the Confederate army marcht in veiw of the Prince of Condes Camp seeming to designe for france, The Prince of Conde fell upon their Rere, & wth that Violence that wth ye slaughter of many of ye Confederates ye french at 1st posest ye Waggons of ye Prince of Orange, the Waggoners haveing taken ye Horses they could onely Rifle not carry them off Each party gives themselves ye Victory, but Certaine it is the loss was great on all sides The number not yet agreed to, the french say they have taken 4000 prisoners, & lost 3000 men, the Confederates say they kept ye field & ye french Retreated haveing lost more men then they, the Prince of Orange was about 2 houres mingled amongst ye french, in great danger, very many of ye stoutest about him & Vollunteers beeing Kild or Wounded, the Spaniards behaved themselves Bravely, the Germans by Relation of all sides fought to admiration, of those of ye best Character of ye french side, the Duke De Enguien wounded delivereing to his father the Prince of Conde a 3d Horse, Mounsr de ffourilles Lieut Genell Wounded, Monsr Montall & Monsr Rochfort Marshalls de Camp Wounded, the one in ye thigh, Count de Lussan Wounded Monsr Soubicz legg shott off, of ye Prince of Oranges Army Count Waldeck & Count Esbuck his sonne in law Wounded, the Rhynegrave dangerously Wounded wth a musket in ye shouldr, Seuier Overkerke shot in ye head. Coll Palline & Coll Espe Wounded, Langerack Porlens & Veorsen [?] kild, Prince Maurice of Nassaw, Prince Solmes & Coll Hornbeck Missing of ye Spaniards Count Lovigny, Marqss d'Alsentar, Kild, Prince Charles of Lorrain Wounded wth many others, & ye more letters arive ye greater is the account of persons of quallity lost Monsr Turene is Returnd toward Neustadt & frankendale as if hee intended to beseige one of those places, the Spanish army is Encampt near Mons, the Imperialists neare Binck, & ye Prince of Orange neare them on ye other hand all in an Open plaine ready to Joyne Batle upon ye first Occation all ye Troops that can bee spared are drawne out of ye Spanish garrisons & a considerable body of them got together, & on Wednsday night Genell Agourta Went out on some unknowne designe. Its Certainly thought ye army will make a new attempt one one [sic] another suddenly, the States have sent 500000 Guilders to ye Officers of their army for a supply, all ye money in their Camp haveing bene plunderd, the Swedes Ambr has bene with severall of ye States deputies & exprest his feares of ye ill Consequence of this fight, in retarding ye peace, & that there was noe hope ye King of france would name a place for a treaty. haveing already protested hee will not named any till ye Prince of furstenburg be releast +The Confederates in the Pallatinate are hard beset, & feare some Blow wthout speedy help The Duke of Bournonville is Retreated to Gensheim [?] or Gustaffsburg where hee expects to meet ye succours promised him, the States have Recd in letter from Count Horne & tromp that the french Coasts Were too Well Guarded to bee attaquet, but that they promise themselves much success from that part of ye fleet that is gone to ye West Indies They still lye upon ye Coast of Bayonne. L. c. 73 [Handwriting changes here.] August the 13th 1674 ffrom flanders we heare that ye Prince of Conde continues still in his Campe at Pieton thought [sic] the confederats by the Siege they resolve to under take hope to draw him from thence though at the same time their feare is that when they are set downe before any place the Prince of Conde may march directly to Brussells, wch the not so strong [sic], or else goe releive Grave the Siege of wch advances very slowly. ffrom Sebastian they write that the 31 of July arrived there Leiutt Admirall Trompe wth 60 Sayle of men of warr, & others haveing left a Squadron on the Coast of france, the said Leuitt Admirall Trompe & Count Cesario were a shoare & treated by the Governor, & Supplyed wth fresh provisions, & such [?] refreshmts that it was not knowne when they would sayle againe. ffrom france we hear not as yet a perticuliar account of the names of their chief officers that were killed & wounded in the late fight. Its said the King of france is about calling the arriere band of all Gentry of the Kingdom together ffrom Cologne they write the D: of Bournonville does at prsent no thing but chang his Quarters in Expectation of the arrivall of the D: of Lunenburghs troops as likewise those of the Elector of Brandenburgh wch when arrivd he will have an army of 26000 men & will doe something of moment Monsr Tureen is not marching as was said towards flandrs but according to our last Lres hee has his quarters about Philipsburgh all the Lres from flanders say the Confederates armys were going to beseige doway or Tournay, & some Lres say that Leiutt Genll Agurto had allready invested the latter wth a body of horse +Since the fight Count Montery has joyned 5000 fresh foot wth the Armys, drawne out of severall Garrisons, Our Lres arrived this day from Holland seem to Complaine very much of the Spanish horse & say that they giveing ground neare their own Infantry & put them into great disorder, they likewise complaine that the Spanish Comandrs makeing use of their knowledge of the Country sent their bagage as a few [?] wilst they expected the Prince of Oranges wch they say was pillaged more by the Spaniards runawayes then by the french that the Prince of Orange is very much offended wth Monsr Lovigny to whome this miscarryage is imputed, they add that the waggons wth the Princes money that were thought to be lost are Come to Monse [Handwriting changes here.] +ffrom Southampton we heare that on friday was 7 night the Spanish Ambr imbarqued there for the first port in the Spanish Territoryes being still very sicke & weake & will be in hourely expectation of another Minister from thence being at present without any from that Crowne On friday last the first approaches to the attake on the fort at Windsor was made, and the most part of this weeke the forme of the Solemne seige will be shown there This Morning my Ld Tresurer went to Windsor from whence he intends for the Bath for a few dayes for the better recovery of his health The Muscovite has assured the K of Poland of his Masters helpe who sayes has already obtained a considerable advantage in the Ukraine against the Tartars haveing taken theire Generall & 3 of theire Chefe Commanders and 40 of theire princi[p]all officers & se[seal spoils about three letters] to the Czarr all their standards & ensignes. +ffrom Vienna we heare that Count Montecuculi was returning to his Command of Schalisteine [?] of the Imperiall army in the Roome of the Duke of Bournonville & was to bring wth him considerable recruits That a conspiracy had bin discovered of some of the Prince of ffurstenburghs friends to sett him at Liberty, upon wch many considerable persons were in great trouble and strickly prosecuted by the Emperours Ministers The Confederate Army are incamped Betweene Ryhne & the Maine & Monsr Turenne betweene Landau & Weisenburg L. c. 74 [Handwriting changes here.] Aug ye 20th 74 +The English & Duch Comissers for Regulateing Trade have had a meeting at ffishmongers Hall soe that something will bee done in that affaire suddenly. On Teusday sennight his Maty Resolves to Returne to London for all Windsor [sic] except hee make a step to new markett wch is yet uncertaine. Wednsday his Royall Hss was in towne & dined at Sr Allen Appsleys & returnd at night Dr Crews Conge D'Estre [?] for ye Bpprick of Durham is past, & another passing for Dr Compton to succeed him to Oxford. A quarrell & Rencounter has lately happened at Salisbury betwixt the now Earle of Pembroke & Mr Bernard Howard, in wch the Earle Recd severall Wounds, of wch hee lyes dangerously ill tho not wthout hopes of Recovery. On Teusday the fort at Windsor was beseiged by ye Dukes of yorke & Munmouth & ye Trenches carryed on neare to ye Out Workes, but ye King goeing on Wednsday to a foot Race at Banstead Downes, & on thursday a Hunting it was to lye still till fryday when ye Guns Would bee planted agst it &c: +Wee heare not as yet of a new Governr for Tangiers in ye Roome of ye Earle of Midleton, many pretend to it, among wch are said to bee my Ld Inchequin or Sr Hugh Cholmly. The Earle of Oxford is now perfectly Recoverd of his late illness soe as hee goes abroad. The french have this list among them of their Inferiour officers, in ye late fight vizt, 38 Capts Kild, 177 Wounded, 60 Leiuts Kild 276 Wounded, 1 ensigne Kild 25 Wounded 163 Sergeants Kild, 202 Wounded, & of private Soulders 2115 Kild & 274 Wounded, what persons of greater note were lost they mention not. They Write from Ratisbon that they are pressing much ye speedy march of ye forces of ye Empire & that ye Princes are now more unanimous then Ever many giveing more then their quotas The Duke of Bavaria indeed does not hearken to ye instances made by ye Empr & ye Princes, who have not bene able to prevaile wth him to grant passage to ye forces of Stratzburg to Joyne wth those of Regensburg, alledging that ye King of france has not yet declared him selfe Enimy to ye Empire, in soe much that they have Resolvd to concerne themselves noe farther wth him nor to require any of his advice in matters relateing to ye Empire & therefore have Comanded ye forces of Ratisbon to goe downe ye Donau to Lintz & there to Joyne those of Stratzburg & Passaw & thence to march thro Bohemia into ye Pallatinate wthout giveing the Elector of Bavaria any trouble. There is some Jealousy the Turke may take an ocation to quarrell ye Empr upon a Rencounter lately happend bet the Governr of Leopoldstat, and ye Governr of Newhawsell The Elector of Brandenburg tis said will goe in person into ye Pallatinate, hee, the Duke of Zell, Duke of Wolfenbotle, & ye Landgrave of Hessen haveing Resolved to keep an army of 20000 men on foot in their Countrys to defend ye lower Saxony. The Citty of Bremen is in ye same allyance, The Empr, Spaine Denmarke, Holland & those princes haveing Engaged their Guarranty in Oposition of any that shall give them disturbance The Grandseignr has past ye Danube wth his army, & is said to have sworne not to lay downe his armes till hee has taken vengeance on the Poles for ye losses hee has lately sustaind, upon wch ye King of Poland is about raiseing ye Ban & the areare Ban & has given a great summ of money out of his owne treasury to ye Army to Encourage them agst ye Comon Enimy. L. c. 75 August ye 25 74 ffrom ffallmth Wee heare that a Vessell is come in there from Rochell & sayes that ye Duch squadron under Tromp are Returnd to Normonstein upon their Refusall to pay the mony they Contracted for its ransome that some of ye Duch ships heareing of 24 french that were comeing out of Brest they were goeing to looke after them haveing done nothing of moment since their leaveing ye french Coast ffrom Tangier Wee heare that ye 28 past there were then thereabout 24 ships from divers Countrys rideing in that Road wch had brought ashoare there 100000 L worth of goods, that ye mole was in a prosperous state & 6 stately Warehouses finisht upon it, & 14 more to be made on that part allready finisht That the Earle of Midletons death was a great loss to that place, & the peace wth Sally not yet finisht Sr Jonathan Atkins is Embarkt at Southampton on a man of Warr in order to his passage to his Governmt of ye Barbadoes. This day sennight his Maty Certainly returnes to towne, & on fryday sennight holds a Councell by wch tyme most of ye persons of Honnr Will bee Come to towne. The Conge D'Elire [?] is this day past for Dr Comptons promotion to ye see of Oxford. from flanders Wee heare that it was very uncertaine Wch Way the Imperialists & Confederates army would march. The litle agreemt that was betweene the Genells being the Cause they soe long deferrd it, Monsr Lovigny haveing bene but outwardly pardond by the Prince of Orange who alsoe stomacht Count Montereys giveing ye Counterrsigne wch hee alwayes pretended to when in ye army, & seemd to ye Others but a spy Upon their actions wch Causd ye Imperialists to bee soe slack in their returne to ye Batle at ye last attaque. +from Holland they write that they had advice that ye Confederate armys had Resolvd to pass the Somme abt St Quentins & soe march by, quite into france wch has allarmd ye frontiers of that Kingdome & Caused the french King to hasten his areire ban, intending to appeare at ye head of them himselfe & repell ye Enimy, & all ye inhabitants have bene soe sensible of their danger that they are retyred into ye fortifyed places wth their goods & Effects, & all ye seashoare is filld wth troops of ye millitia & gentry that are guarding it agst ye attaque of ye Duch fleet. Tis said Grave is almost upon ye point of surrendering, the french haveing forsaken ye out workes & set fire to ye hutts they had builded on ye Counterscarp & retyred into ye body of ye place. The Duch Relations of ye late fight begin now to be more perfect finding their loss not soe Considerable as they feard, they say what advantage the Enimy had was at first, that 2 whole Regimts of Swisses Were Cut to peices a 3d Refusd to fight & demanded quarter but it was not granted them. L. c. 76 [Handwriting changes here.] August 27 1674 +Thursday next the University of Cambridge prsent his Grace the Duke of Munmouth with the Choyce of him for their Chancellor who receives them at Worcester house in the Stran the Ceremony its said will be very Magnificent because many of the Nobility will out of respect to the Duke be present at it ffrom Collogne the 28th past we heare that Barron de Issolla parted thence for Vienna three dayes before & but [sic] a prospect of suddenly returning thither againe to revue [?] the Treaty for a Generall peace for wch many persons offer theire Mediation & tis thought the Emperour may accept of his Maty of Brittains mediation if he continues soly Newter The Elector of Bavaria has they say given passage to the Troopes of the ArchBpp of Stratzburg through his Countrey & they are expected dayly at Ratibon to goe wth those that Towne will send & wth those of Swaben & to joyne the Duke of Bournonville in the Pallatinate There has bin great joy all over the Empire for the Emperor Sons Birth the Newes of wch is they say carried by Express to divers princes +The Dutch fleet continue still before Mormonteere, but Count Horne went a shore at St Sebastian, whence he went wth Don Bernard de Salinas to Madrid whence he goes to Barcelona whilst some Dutch men of Warr are sayling to put on shore 5000 of the Spanish Infrantry to be joyned with theire Army haveing noe occation for them at Land. If this wett wether Continues its thought his Maty will returne to Towne on Saturday, if the house can be made ready for him by that tyme wch has beene all this while repaireing. They talk of Don Charles being to be made Earle of Plimworth but as yet noe pattent past for it From Paris we heare that the Count le Grand Pre & Marqhess Porsan were reported to be dispatcht away to the prince of Conde the first to be Leuit Generall of the horse the other of the foot under that prince +There is a discourse that Treves will be demolisht to Augment the Prince of Condes Army by the addition of that Garrison & those of the fronteeres (wch are to be supplyed by the Militia) under the Governor of Maestricht that he may be in a Capacity to doe something against the Confederate Army who hover up & downe to disguise theire Intentions wch are thought to be at last on some of the french Conquests in Flanders. +The Elector Palatine hath resolved to Comand in person the whole Confererate Army in his Countrey & with them will beseige Phillipsburg wch is much fortifyed and Mounsr Turene soe posted that he seems to have noe intentions to remove. + ffrom Holland that the Duke of Hanover had sent to the King of Denmarke to acquaint him that in regard the Elector of Brandenburg was ready to pass thorrough his Countrey with a great Army, he had bine forct to raise another to oppose him that if in his passage he should keep within the bounds of the Constitutions of the Empire, he would permitt it, but not suffer such disorders as they acted two yeares since & desired his Maty that according to the treaty betwixt that Crowne & the house of Bromswick he would Joyne his forces Jutland [sic] with his Army to assist him to wch King answered it was a matter of great Consequence to be well considered of +The protestants in Hungary are handled wth such severity that 500 of theire Ministers have left theire Countrey. L. c. 77 [Handwriting changes here.] August ye 29 1679 ffrom Ligorno they write that St John Baptist du Teill has obtained of ye Grand Duke of Tuscany 50 slaves & 30 souldrs to help him to carry the Gally built there for his Matys service to Tangier intending to begin his voyage toward that place abt ye latter End of this moneth. The 24th instant arived at Plymth a small Vessell in 3 dayes from Croysich [?] who sayes there was a squadron of 25 Duch men of Warr on those Coasts, & that they had news there of ye arivall of ye french West India fleet at Brest being very Rich Sr Wm Lockhart Went hence for Paris on fryday His Maty continues his Resolution of Returning to Towne from Windsor Tewsday, many persons of quallity being come already +ffrom ye Hague of ye 4th of Sept Wee heare the Swedish Ambr has put in his memoriall to ye States abt a treaty in wch tis beleived there will bee noething done by reason ye Prince is absent who Continues wth ye army & in great repute soe that they all would faine have him take ye Whole Command upon himselfe, wch tho Souches much urges & seemes to make appeare very necessary yet it gives Monterey noe small Jealousy, there is great need of Infantry in his army wch wants 9692 of their number Comprehending ye 2620 Wounded in ye late fight & ye 250 officers prisoners. +The Prince of Conde gives the Garrison of Grave Hopes of releife by the drawing together 6000 men abt Meyseyke for that purpose, the beseiged made a sally ye 30th instt at noone day wth 300 Dragoons wth Every one a musketteer behind him who kild but 24 upon ye place but carryed away 70 prisoners 2 Capts 2 Ensignes & filld up a great part of ye trenches, however Monsr Rabenhaupt sayes hee onely lacks drye Weather to make himselfe master of ye place. The Duch have intercepted letters from Monsr Turene to his most Xtian Maty wherein hee sayes hee has a sickness in his army of wch many dye dayly. On Saterday last Sr Wm Temple had his audience of ye states very much to his satisfaction, being kindly Recd by them, hee offered his Masters mediation for a peace & most partys seeme very Willing to it. L. c. 78 Sept ye 3d 74 The Ld George FitzRoy 3d sonne to the Duchess of Cleaveland is made Earle of Northumberland &c: for wch a pattent is passing, as alsoe another for Createing Don Carlos Earle of Plymth: The Ld Dacres is made Earle of Sussex & a Pattent passing for it Thursday afternoone the heads of the University of Cambridg made a very handsome proceeding from Derby house to Worcester house where the Duke of Munmouth was ready to Receive them & after the Ceremony treated them most nobly at a Magnificent supper in ye presence of many persons of great quallity They Write from Hull Aug ye 29 that their greenland ships are Well arived & Well laden On ye 27 they had a Violent storme but had noe account from ye Coasts of any loss more then a Swedish flyboat laden wth hemp & flax from Riga who unfortunately ran ashoare to ye Norward of Humber & in halfe an houre was splitt to peices, the Mr & men saved but ye goods all lost, there were then abt 40 saile rideing in Humber bound from ye East to London +from Rye they Write that on ye 28 in the morning they saw in their Bay 70 or 80 saile of ships plyeing to ye Eastward at wch 2 flemish ships Went into harbour who informed them they were part of ye Duch fleet homeward Bound ffrom ye Hague of ye 7th instant Wee heare that Grave has not yet surrendred tho the Pentionary told ye States it could not hold out much longer, the 4 guns that are planted on ye Ravelin they lately tooke does them wthin much hurt, & when ye 4000 foot from Breda & Barsleduc [?] arrived they hoped to make short Worke of it the designe of ye Confederates is not Certainly knowne but said to have bene that Ct Souches should have Entred france whilest ye other 2 armies attended ye Prince of Conde, but that Resolution was altred upon Count Montereys faileing to send his promised recruits of 10000 foot & 5000 Horse soe that now by ye great magazines makeing at Ghent, & 10000 peasants gathering together betwixt that & Brussells makes it appeare they meane for ye french Conquests +Mayseyke is dismantleing to Reinforce Maestreicht in wch there was before 7000 men compleate ffrom Collogne of ye 4th they say that ye Confederates Were gone from their quarters neare Mentz & by their march towards Crutznach Were thought to intend for Lorraine but they had suddenly alterd their march towards Openheim wth intentions to fight Turene, that their army is 34500 strong, & that they expect beside the Brandenburg forces being 16000 2000 from ye Landgrave of Hess & Count Haran, that Monsr Turene has had a supply of 4500 men, & Monsr Van brun is Coming to him wth more besides ye forces hee Expects from ye Sar & ye Garison of Treves They Write from Paris that ye Gentlemen of ye Ban & arrier Ban had petitiond ye King to have a Prince to Command ym according to Custome, & not to serve under ye Count de Rochfort. They are all on their march to their Rendezvouz & are to Beare their owne Charges as well in ye army as else Where & none are exempted from service but onely ye Gentry resideing in Paris who have offices in ye Parliamt & those above 60 yeares of age & have no sonns, the Citty of paris offer ye King 20000 men & to pay 10000 at their owne Charg Imediately if his Maty will Winter there wth his houshold L. c. 79 7br ye 5th 1674 On Tewsday last was ye first tyme of our Comrs meeting wth ye Duch abt adjusting trade in ye Indies, where Each Others powers Were perused, & a begining made in the buisness wch tis hopet may have a good Effect The New Lord Northumberlands titles are Earle of Northumberland Viscount ffallmth & Baron of Pontfract in yorkshire, that for the Earle of Plymth is not yet past ye signet ffryday his Maty was pleasd to be at Councell but did nothing of publique Concerne, & now ye Councell will be as regular as formerly. The Ld Treasurer returnes to towne next Weeke & its hopet has found Benefit by the Bath. ffrom Brussells of ye 11 Inst Wee heare that Ct Monterey has got together 8000 foot, as many Horse, & abt 10000 Peysants, wch are alsoe formed into Companys & had ye night before ordred their march next day, but a Courier from ye Prince of Orange being arived hee had Contradicted those Commands, & wth great Impatience people there Waite for a discovery of ye great designe now in hand, wch is guest to be a seige of some place in the french Conquests in flanders, The Confederate armys Continue still at Vallencienes where Ct Souches is somewt indisposed, but resolvd to keep his Camp at Crispin to face the Prince of Conde, whilest ye other 2 armys prosecute their designd seige, they say he is so posted that hee can Joyne wth Either of them before the french can doe him any mischeife. The Marquess de Breda is returning to ye Confederate army wth ye 8000 hee was lately sent to reinforce Bournonville wth, who was to have a genell Rendezvouz of his army in ye Pallatinate ye sunday before, & has 37000 men Effective & hourly hopes for ye Conjunction of the Brandenb forces, & when that is done hee resolves they say to find out Monsr Turene who had left ye Pallatinate soe clear that hee was forcet himselfe to quit it for Want of forrage. The Prince of Conde keeps still his old Post The Duch Post sayes that young Ct Horne was arived at ye Hague being sent Express from de Ruyter to give the States an acct that hee was returnd into ye Channel from ye West Indies, where hee had made some attempts upon Martinico, where the french, (haveing tymely notice of his Coming) had soe well fortifyed themselves & all ye other Islands that hee was repulsed wth loss, & found it Vaine to attempt any further, & therefore desired orders wt to doe, that project utterly faileing to their great disappoyntmt. [On outside of letter is a canceled list of thirty-nine numbers of "Gazetts wanting."] L. c. 80 [Handwriting changes here.] Sept 8th 1674 +On Saturday last the St David wth Sr Jonathan Atkins sayled from Porthmouth from [sic] the Berbadoes with a very favourable wind +Monday senight a ship under the Comand of on[e?] Cusable an Irishman came to Sherness & as the Governor was informd toke a Scotch Vessell in the river thereabout, upon wch he sent out some Soldyers to take her, of wch she haveing some Notice went to Sea againe, But the Merlin Yacht goeing presently after her happily tooke her & tis thought this person will be found to have done severall Piraticall Actions in severall of the King Dominions He had then but 13 men on board all wch are seizd with him & will speedily be tryed for theire late actions On Saturday the King went downe the river & returnd a Night +The King they say resolves for Newmarkett the latter end of the Moneth, there being severall Matteres made for the first of the next, at wch the King will be present +From Brussells of the 14th wee heare that on Tuesday last the 3 Armyes past the River at Pontalhayr & are marched toward Aoth between that & Turnay haveing altered theire intentions of divideing the Army, some thing [sic] they may goe towards Dunkirk where they are least expected, but others think they intend seige either to Aoth or Turnay the Prince of Conde has not quitted his force upon the Sambre the Brandenburge Troops bend the Course towards the Muse & when the seige of Grave is over wch they expected dayly the Army before it, shalljoyne with them & either go to Maestricht or march towards ffrance & great care is taken by the ffrench to bring in all provisions into the Towne to secure it in case of necessity And Turnay is most apprensive of a seige upon wch they send [sic] upon theire Guard & the Governor hath proffered to yeild it wch the Burgers have peremptory refused, the Duke d Bournonvill continues indisposed at Tormes [?] the Army of the Confederates under the Comand of the Prince the Elector Pallatine who is marcht with them within 4 dayes of Monsr Turene who continues his post & resolves to accept of a Battell if they proffer it, wch they firmly resolve Some say whilst the Elector Palantine is fighting Turene Brandenburg will alter his March & beseige Phillipsburg The Prince of ffurstenburg processe is making at Vienna & the other with him will be executed suddenly but he perhaps not soe soone L. c. 81 September 10 1674 +Here has been lately seized & Committed close prisoner to the Gatehouse one Alexander Burnett a Scott; for being a Romish preist in orders and for endeavours to prevent the Kings Subjects from theire Religion and this weeke he will be tryed at the Old Bayly with divers other Criminalls From Chester we heare this weeke went from thence to Dublin my Lady Essex wife to my Lord Leiut of that Kingdom with Divers other persons of Quality +On Tuesday Night my Lord Treasurer returnd from the Bath & this Weeke my Lord Arlington Intends to go thither also for Confirmation of his health +The Swedish Ambr hath bine lately with ye Lords of the fforraigne Comittee about something of Moment. ffrom ye Hague we heare that the States the most part of the last month have been assembled about the Taxes for the next yeares Warr This yeares also not being yet perfectly discharged the States are very much troubled at the returne of De Ruyter Insomuch that they begin to blame his Conduct and thinke though he was repulsed at some places he need not have quitted the whole designe wch will redound soe much to theire prejudice that they no not how to owne his haveing been abroad upon such a project There other squadron have also done nothing all this yeare to theire very great Charge & Damage The Swedish Ambr at the Hague has renewd his instances for appoynting of the place for the treaty & for nameing persons to manage the same wch memoriall has been putt into the hands of the Deputye of the Secreet affaires to be by them considered & Communicated to the Prince of Orange whose absence is a very great obstacle to those affairs since Munday wee have had noe forreigne Letter This Evening theire Maty & Court are diverted by a play acted by his Royall Hss servants at White hall +The ffrench Gazett Dat 15th makes very slyght of the seige of Grave saying that after 40 dayes past since opening ye trenches they are noe more likely to take then at first they came to it Theire Letters tell us of the Peasants in Picardy have secured theire Corne & prepared to burne theire forrage upon approach of an Ememy theire Advices from the East Indies assure them the Dutch had not taken St Thome as was noised abroade, but that on the Contrary Monsr De la Hay had defeated 20000 moores who beseiged it & beat of the Dutch yt were ashoare & that at prsent ye place was very well fortifyed The account from Rousillon is yt the Spainard still mantaine theire old post neer the River Zech [?] & that the ffrench keep their wthout any considerable action passing betwixt them & That Monsr de Vivonne was still in the Coast of Catalonia They tell us of 6 great ships are gon with forces to offer theire assistance to the Revolters of Messina The Magistrates of Paris in acknowledgment of the Kings favour in Exempting them from the Ban & Arrier Ban waited upon them with theire most Umble thankes & the proffer of 600 horse to serve as his Maty shall please to Comand L. c. 82 [Handwriting changes here.] 7ber ye 12th 1674 Tuesday night the Earle of St Albans Ld Chamberlaine of his maties Houshold surrendred his staff to his maty who was graciouisly pleasd the morning to give ye same to ye Rt Honrble ye Earle of Arlington & at ye same tyme to deliver ye seales of ye Secretarys office to Sr Joseph Williamson who was presently sworne into ye same as alsoe one of his maties most Honrble privy Councell, & tooke his place at ye board accordingly From ffallmouth Wee heare that into that port came 2 or 3 dayes since a small Vessell the master of Which sayes that ye 30th past hee met ye Duch squadron sayleing homeward abt 40 or 50 saile, who had bene upon Bell Isle & plundred it, & burnt & plundred a litle Island calld Gray 6 Leagues from thence because those Islanders had hangd 2 men they left a shoare when they were last there to take in Water & yn did ym noe Harme, the people they sett a shoare upon Bell Isle. ffrom Brussells of ye 18 Wee heare that Grave continues still beseigd, but that ye Duch are lodgd at ye Glass [?] of ye Counterscarp soe yt Monsr Rabenhaup promises himselfe ye Mastership of that place in 10 dayes, wch ye States think long till finisht & have therefore by their letters hastend him Sr Wm Ballandine a Scotch Comander of a Regimt there, reveiwing ye Worke has bene slaine by a Cannon shot +The 3 Confederate Armys have at last set downe before Oudenard, & on sunday last opend their trenches, & when ye seige is quite formd they say ye Prince of Orange should wth his forces beseige Courtray, but that buisness its thought Will bee let alone, The Prince of Conde haveing left his quarters upon ye Sambre & marches wth great dilligence toward ye Confederates, & yt night Viz. ye 18th would Encamp at Leuse 5 Leagues from Oudenard, where tis judgd ye seige Cannot advance much longer by reason ye great guns were not Come to that army. +Brussells is very apprehensive that ye french may take a towne toward ym & have set guards upon that place +Count Monterey is now Courted by ye Other Genells to returne to ye army but hee talkes more of goeing for Spaine The Confederate Army in ye Pallatinate Were ye 14 instant incampt halfe an houre from Spire at Babien-rosen & but 6 houres from Monsr Turene who is encampt in ye forest of Bunnswelt soe well that hee feares noe force haveing burnt ye Country severall Leagues round him wch causes ye Confederates to Want forrage & soe might not Continue long at their post, part of their Army are Entred Lorraine thro ye Territorys of ye Duke d Deux Ports. The Brandenb Troops march soe slow yt its thought they dare not march far fro thence, Genell Souches has Writ to ye States to assure them of ye sincerity of his services, & that at ye late Batle of Seniff he did, & hereafter should duly observe ye Prince of Oranges Orders who, he said, shewd ye prudence of an old Experiencet Capt, ye Courage of Caesar, the steadyness of Marius &c: The Duch give this account of ye miscariage of Martinico, that they had stopt up their Harbour wth ships they had sunk, & had wthin a ship of 40 guns wch did them much mischeife at landing that they attempted ye fort & Entred ye first Pallisadoes but before they Could gaine more were beaten off, say Harlem letters, wth ye loss of 150, those of Amsterdam 350, & those of ye Hague 500 L. c. 83 Sept ye 19 1674 On ye 14 ye Ld Lattimer son to ye Ld Treasr was made a Gentleman of his Maties Bed Chamber The Oueen is Removeing from Whitehall to Hampton Court Where shee Will spend some tyme for her divertisemt. from Linn Wee heare that theire Ireland ships are far ye most part returnd home Well fraight Wth fish On ye 15th past by Dover abt 30 saile of ships Wch were Judgd to be De Ruyter & his squadron from ye West Indyes On ye 14 in ye morning the Earle of Claire Went from Rye for france in One of his Maties yachts On ye 16 ye wind presenting faire, near 30 saile of English merchts Outward bound set saile from ye Downes for Mallaga Cadiz &c: & ye morning before a Duch Dogger Was sent into ye Downes by a french Privateer. Mr Secretary Coventry being now Eldest Secretary of State is now Removed to the office Wch Was lately the Earle of Arlingtons, Where hee acts in ye same Capacity the Earle did, Sr Joseph Williamson being placet in that office wch was Secretary Coventrys. +ffrom Brussells Wee have this account of ye loss of ye Sr William Ballandine, that haveing brought his Regimt from Boilduc to ye seige of Grave hee went & paid his Respects to ye Genell, Wch done hee would in Curiosity goe see ye halfe Moone ye french had blowne up, & in his Return hee & a Leiut that was Wth him Were both kild by a Cannon shot of 36t Ball, Wch tooke Sr Wm on ye back Carryeing ye midle part of his body away leaveing his head & Armes hanging by a litle skin, & his Heart found intire 10 paces from his body Wch Were both conveyd to Boisleduc & there interrd. They Could give no Judgment when ye towne Would be taken, that depending upon theire Want wthin more then ye force wthout. Our Letters from ye Camp at Oudenard tell us that their attaques Went on apace that ye Hollanders were nearest Wth theire approaches, being on Wednsday night wthin 20 paces of the Counterscarp. 60 peices of Cannon Continually Battering, severall sallyes have beene made in wch Monsr Spinolas [?] Regimt Recd much loss, & that ye assaylants Were beaten Back, & Imediately after lost a Redoubt, Wee are told from the Camp that ye Ports of Brussells and Tournay are quite beaten downe, most of ye Enimies Cannon dismounted that ye Duke de Villa Hermosa has Recd a slight wound upon ye breast that Mounsr Lovigny had Recd a shott from a musket in his left hand but there being 3000 souldrs in it, & well fortyfyed its thought it may not bee soe Easily taken as at first Imagind, the Duch have taken a Church neare ye Counterscarp, but ye Waters that overflow 3 parts of ye skirts of ye towne will bee a great help to ye beseigd in their defence +By an Express to Count Monterey from Oudenard of ye 21 Wee heare hee was advised that ye Prince of Orange Intended to make ye Genell assault ye next day to wch hee was Obliged by ye neare approach of ye Prince of Conde who haveing draind all his Garrisons was come soe neare them as Mount St Trinity haveing nothing but Cannon & amunition wth him, that Genell Souches Was to Watch ye french whilest ye Duch made ye attaque, The Confederates are in that apprehension of ye Prince of Condes coming that they begin to secure themselves wth Circomvallations, & have sent most part of theire Baggage back to Ghent. The Confederates in Germany have yet attempted nothing, Turene is lately reinforct wth 6000 men but is soe fortifyed by a marsh on one side & a Wood on ye other that hee feares not to bee engaged agst his mind, some thinke ye Germans will goe toward Alsatia +There are some advises in Towne wch say ye Prince of Conde has Raised ye Seige of Oudenard & defeited ye Confederates. The Duke of Bucks, if nothing prevents, designes Certainly to bee at my Ld Denbighs this night L. c. 84 [Handwriting changes here.] Sept 19 1674 +Yesterdayes Letters from fflanders tell us that the Prince of Conde fell 10/20 instant at Night upon the Spanish troops & defeated them & the next morning attacked the whole Confederate Army, wch beseiged Oudenard & forced them to raise the seige, and retire in disorder towards Ghent the Action were not ended when our Letters came away & therefore they cannot tell any perticulars, further then yt many Thousands of Dutch soldyers & Boores were come to Ghent in great confusion and said theire Army was routed & that the Prince of Orange would be there the 12/22 at Night, Wee must expect to have a more perticular account by our next Lrs The Earle of Midleton son to the Late Governor of Tangier is made Leiut Collonell of the Holland Regiment under the Earle of Mulgrave & Major Bings made quarter Master of the King troop of horse Guards, comanded by the Duke of Munmouth ffrom Paris the 26 we are told that the persons sent from Messina have not bene at Versayles but had deliverd theire Message in private upon wch succour promised them, and already Monsr Valbell is gon with 6 men of Warr to theire assistance they have certaine news of the retreate of the Confederates from the seige of Oudenard to Ghent The Count de Crequi Bournouvell is sent to the Bastile upon Monsr Rohans account The Duke of Savoy Armes a pace & intends to fall on Milan ffrom Lisbonne we heare that the King is suddainely expected from ye Serceras [?] & is to be brought to Cintra where he is to be kept with a Guard of 200 foot & a troop of horse A Dutch man of Warr is past by these [?] & reports that Van Trump is past by for the Streights Yesterday the King its said were pleased to order his Attorney Generall to prepare a Proclamation for the further prorogation of the Parliament wch will shortly issue Monsr Turene is at Windheim within 5 houres of the Imp[erialis]ts who the 17 instant arrived at Spire where they yet Continue & from Phillipsburg they say they were makeing a bridge where they intend to pass to joyne the Brandenburgh after wch they will pass the Rhyn neare Stratzburg to remove Monsr Turene from his prsent post, who is resolved to fight them in case they pass the Rhyn on which he is encamped wch they may easily doe two houres from that place L. c. 85 [Handwriting changes here.] Sept ye 22 1674 +ffrom Ghant of ye 26 wee heare that ye 3 armyes had not bene may dayes before Oudenard before ye Prince of Conde came to its releife, upon wch ye Confederates Cald a Councell of Warr & resolvd to quitt their new begun trenches & fight them, accordingly ye Imperialists Crost ye river & came to ye Other 2 armys upon wch 4000 french were put into ye towne, & ye next morning Early ye Confederates began to march toward Ghent, halting an hour from Oudenard faceing each Other & Expecting a Batle all that & ye next day ye Cannon playing fruitlessly on both sides & small skirmishes passing betweene them but at last ye Confederates feareing ye french might cut of their passage to Ghaunt they marcht thither all ye Genell[s] being highly dissatisfyed wth each Other, insoemuch that ye Prince of Orange has left ye army to Count Waldeck, & returnd to Holland what further these armyes Will dow Wee may Expect to heare, the Duch Were to be put on boates to pass ye Scheld, & tis Judgd ye Imperialists cannot long Continue there, & ye Prince of Conde tis Judgd will doubtless attempt somewt upon them since they would not upon him. +from Collogne of ye 21 Wee heare that Monsr [sic] Continues betweene Hagenaw & Weisenberg & ye Confederates were broke up from abt Spire & were marcht on his left hand toward alsatia to Oblige him to decamp & follow them who is not yet above 20000 fighting [men] notwthstanding his recruits, the Brandenburg army marches wth great dilligence toward ye Pallatinate The States are much dissatisfyed at Van Trumps passing toward ye Streights L. c. 86 Sept ye 24 1674 A Proclamation is Issued for prorogueing ye Parliamt to ye 13th of Aprill next. Another Proclamation is Issueing for the Regulation of ye Coulours to be Worne by mercht ships Tewsday night a fire broke out in ye house of ye Ld Arlington neare St James's wch, notwthstanding ye great helpe, was most of it in a litle tyme burnt downe to ye greound, his Ldp & Lady being at ye Bath. The Plymth Letters tell us ye Guarland is arived there from ye Barbadoes, who in her Way on ye Coast of Ireland met De Ruyters squadron bound home from whom he Recd an account that ye Duch landed on ye Island of Martinico at Calsond Bay where Imediately they were assaulted by ye french Who lay in ambush to Receive them, & haveing sufferd great loss of men & very many of their officers ye Rest returnd wth Difficulty to their ships de Ruyter left 5 men of Warr to cruise off ye Island & tooke ye rest wth him The Centurion frigatt is Come into ye Downes from ye Streights haveing on board the body of Sr Daniell Harvey his Maties late Ambr at Constantinople. The Royall Citadell is now well neare finisht, & a veiw is made of severall streets in ye towne adjoyneing to it in order to ye makeing it Compleate & Levell. his Maty has Conferrd ye honnr of Knighthood on Mr Phillip Loyd, ye new Clerke of ye Councell. They Write from Venice that those of Messina doe dayly Comitt more & greater insolences, & that they have Kild a Knight of Malta, a native of arragon, & set up his head in ye most Emint place of ye Citty They have now soe great an aversion to ye Spaniard that they cannot endure any but such as are Cloathd in ye french mode, that wch adds to ye fury of ye people is ye Zeale of ye Religious who goe Every hour abt ye streets preaching wth their Crucifixes in their hands & Encourageing ye people to shake of ye Spanish yoake. Those of Palermo have alsoe sollicited to Joyne wth them being dissatisfyed wth their Governor, but they are now reduced to soe great Extreamitys that they Canot long hold out wthout assistance wch they expect from france, what that assistance is, our Letters from Marseilles tell us, (viz) that there is order from ye Court that Monsr Vall Bell shall goe wth 6 of ye best men of Warr to Convoy thither french officers amunition &c to secure ye revolted people of Messina, who were to depart in 6 dayes, before whose arivall they feard that matters might be settled, for that they were advised from allicant that 20 sayle of ships were plyeing to ye Eastward, wch they Conceived to bee 12 Biscayers, Joynd wth a squadron under Montesarchio to reduce them. Count Monterey has tis said prevaild wth ye Prince of Orange to returne back to ye army but tis Judgd there will bee noe more action this yeare, the Pentionary fagall is sent to Grave, wth orders either to storme it wth all Vigour, or to block it up & force it by famine, tis said De Ruyter is Ordred to Joyne his squadron wth Van Trump & Continue out till midle of October L. c. 87 [Handwriting changes here.] Sept 29 1674 +Munday after dinner his Maty went to Hampton Court to see the Queen being to goe to Newmarkett on Wednesday & returnd at night, Her Maty continues there in very good health This day Monsr Sparr the Swedish Ambr takes his leave of his Maty & his Court & intends to depart very suddenly being desired to reside at Paris with the same Parrector [?] in the Roome of Monsr To[one or two letters cropped] +ffrom Falmouth wee heare of the 14 instant the Dutch fleet under de Ruyter were mett of the Coasts by some Vessells, who were aboard them & were told by them of theire haveing done nothing in the West Indyes & of theire being ordered to returne home, & another ship come in there, says he mett Van Trumps squadron plying up the Channell but tis beleived a Mistake & all but one & the same fleet Tuesday the 29 his Maty haveing lately received a letter from Argeires wherein they desire him that according to the late treaty with them the remainer of the Captives may be redeemed; his Maty was pleased to dispatch a Courier with Ltrs to them, assureing them yt he has taken effectuall order about the business & yt many shall assoone as may be dispatch to theire post for that purpose, and that he is resolved to continue strickly to observe on his part the Articles of the peace with them +From Deale we heare that yesterday past by there on the backe of the Goodwin abt 28 sayle of Dutch men of Warr they were bound home with a South West Wind The Citty out of perticuliar respect from yt Wortly [sic] Sr Robert Vyner, as well as of its being his Turne uniamiously chose him to be Lord Mayor for the Ensueing yeare, & to Morrow the New Sherriffs are to come by water to Westminster to take the Oath of theire Office The Winds continueing still contrary, we have not received any forreign Lres since thursday last. His Maty continues his resolution of goeing to Newmarkett, but unless weather proves better after there where it begins he resolves not to stay above a fortnight at most L. c. 88 October 1 1674 This day the Sherriffs after they have bine at Westminster to sweare; Nobly treated my Lord Mayor Elect at a sumtious Dinner at drapers Hall great preparatons are makeing for the show wch is intended if possible all [sic] the late one of that nature [sic] A Quarrell hapening betwixt my Lord Mulgrave & Mr Felton Groome of the bed Chamber, his Lordship chose for his second My Lord Midleton and the other Capt Buttley, and soe yesterday fought in wch all But my Lord Mulgrave were wounded but without danger to any of them +This Morning his Maty accompanied by the Duke & Prince went to Newmarkett, where they were to see 2 races that Evening From Ostend we heare that Count Montery has at last consented to give his Maty satisfaction in his just demands of the many English Vessells seized on by those Capers (though with the usuall passes & sea Breiffs from the Admiralty here and carryed up and detained there contrary to all Custome or justice & has therefore sent 2 Councells of State to that place who were Impowered to sett all the English Vessells free and restore them theire effects and with all str[i]ct prohibition to the Admiralty to meddle in yt batle any more +From Spaine we heare that they were much supprised to receive noe good newes from fflanders the three Armys haveing not done any thinge Agst the Prince of Conde, who they thought by the seige at Senefe [?] Could not have held the feild +ffrom Holland of the 4 instant they heare the most Xtian King would be willing to have the King of Denmarke a Mediator between him & his Enemyes The Danish Minister at the Hague seemes to be ready to offer it ye States in his Masters name, but would first know whether they would accept it, to wch he is answered that he must offer it & then he will know theire Minds, & doubtless the States will be Willing to enough to [sic] receive the Dane if they come with him to Sweden who will expecte to be first served. +de Ruyter is come into Hestershuys himselfe & his ships sent to theire severall ports but has not yet beene at the Hague +Bouchert continues upon the Coast of ffrance & Trumps not heard of since his departure to the Streights whither he goes besides putting 5000 men ashore to convey home the Spanish fleet from peru +Prince Rupert found himselfe not soe well as to venture to goe to Newmarkett as he intended but resolved to continue here & goe to Windsor for some tyme +The seige of Grave continues still to Hasten with the [sic] pentionary is gon againe thither & the Dutch blamed with Monsr Rabenhaup proceeding before it The 3d instant the [sic] made an assault & past 3 Pallisadoes but were soe warmely entertained by the ffrench that they were forced to returne with the loss of 60 men besides officers by that spewing mine, & some thinke the Prince of Conde will endeavour to raise the seige if he cannot make a diversion some other way L. c. 89 [Handwriting changes here.] Octobr ye 3d 1674 ffrom Holland of ye 9th instant Wee heare that de Ruyter was on fryday at ye Councell of State at ye Hague & told them that ye reason of his ill success was occationd by ye french haveing tymely notice of his Coming & had therefore sunk two Vessells in ye Bay of Martinico, wch forcet his souldrs to land wth in pistoll shott of ye french fortifications, soe that yey did great execution upon his men from thence, his men alsoe Wanted match, & their Bulletts did not fitt their musketts, ye blame of wch hee laid upon ye Councell of State, who answered that they not being acquainted wth ye designe Could not prepare for it as they ought, but it was observd that de Ruyter in this report did not shew that strength of Vigour & Judgment that he used to doe, wch they attribute to his age & vexation for this defeate Part of ye Prince of Oranges artillery is come to Dort, by wch tis guest ye Campaine is Concluded, both ye Prince & ye States have written to ye Empr to Complaine of Genell Souches who has sent his defence & a Confidt of his to manage his part at Vienna ffrom Grave Wee heare that ye Repulses ye beseigers had, & ye Extreame bad Weather, had discouraged them from makeing any further attacks, & to that purpose Monsr Rabenhamp has proposed ye makeing of 3 forts wth Lines of Communication to keep in ye garrison, However Fagell in a letter of ye 6th instant writes that ye french began to throw their Cannon into ye River wch hee interprets to bee caused by their intentions not to hold out much longer ffrom Germany wee heare that Monsr Turene was retreated either to Hagenaw or Saverne, that ye Dukes of Brandenburg & Lunenb: wth ye Elector Pallatine have had a Conference at Hailbrun abt Employing theire armys, some think they designe to Block up Phillipsburg, The Elector Pallatines Cheife minister of state has bene found guilty of betraying his masters secretts to ye french, for wch hee is condemnd to loose his head, but ye Elector has contented himselfe wth his banishmt, there has been a discourse in flanders that Count Souches was seized & carryed prisoner to antwerp but it seemes hee was invited often to a Conferrence at that place or Ghent for an accomodation of all differences wch hee refuted, its said out of an apprehension of some such trap. Our Letters from paris say that ye King has by a Courier recd advice from Turene that hee had on Thursday sennight last obteynd a great victory over ye Confederates neare Stratzburg, but hee Coming away presently after the fight sayes onely in Generall that Turene haveing advice that ye Confederates were marcht toward Schelstadt, attaqut att a small village in wch Were some Confederate Troups who retreated in such hast that they left 8 Cannon behind them wch ye french tooke, whereupon Turene march agst ye Confederates & found them drawne up in Battalia wth whom hee engaged, ye fight began abt 9 in ye morning & lasted till wthin night, the next morning the Confederates marcht off towards Stratzburg, leaveing Turene masters of ye feild, & as a farther signe of ye victory the french have taken severall standards & prisoners the fight is said to have bene bloody & that 10000 men were kild upon ye place. L. c. 90 Octobr ye 6 1674 ffrom Newmarket wee heare that Wednesday last abt 3 in ye afternoone his Maty arived there, & Imediately went to ye flatts to see all ye horses brought out. on Thursday was a match run between a Guelding of Mr Bernard Howards, & stone Horse of My Ld Mountagues, for 500 L ye later of wch wonne on fryday his Maty hunted & that night his Rll Hss attended by ye Duke of Monmouth went to his house at Colford in Order to his hunting in those parts ye next day [Handwriting changes here.] satterday contrary [?] and not fitt to faire [?] out. some say his Maty will returne home on satturday next There is a Proclamation in ye press and will suddenly be published for ye Prohibitting English seamen to take french Commissions against the Duch from Brussells of ye 9th instant wee heire that ye friday before Came an express from Monsr Rabenhaup to ye Prince of Orange wth advice that he had formed a Hornworke at Grave from which he was repulsed wth ye Loss of 800 men wth many good Officers which soe much Lessened ye League that the Prince tooke a Sudden Resolution to goe thither in person to reinforce them and to hasten ye takeing of it heareing that ye Duke of Luxenburge is getting togeather 10000 Horse and a good body of foot from Maistricht to raise the seige and accordingly he went Saturday night with a Rigement of Horse and all ye foot he Could drawe out of the Neighboring Garrisons. all De Ruyters Land men are sent to Grave Its thought the Hollanders and Spaniards will pass the Canal at Vitroonel [?] and the Imperalists goe into Lorraine. The Prince of Conde is at Lesseirs wth his army and will advance towards Enghien upon the Motion of the Enemy. these Letters speake Nothing of the fight but the Harlem Gazette give severall hints of it from Stratzburg that Turene haveing made his army 24000 strong wth 29 peices of Cannon marched towards Hogenheim neare Stratzburg and came up with the Confederates the 4th Instant at Rockesburg who being in Readyness a Cruell [handwriting changes here] Batle was fought where ye begining of ye day the french seemd to have ye better but ye left Wing falling into disorder the Lundenburgers tooke 8 Cannon from them & had they not rallyed they had bene Ruind, but they Renewd ye Battle & soe it lasted till night wthout any advantage to Either Except that ye french were forcet to repass ye River & ye next morning Retreated fairely. ye Confederates following them ye loss has bene by their account 10000 men on both sides & many good officers slaine, of ye English Coll Litleton & others. L. c. 91 [Handwriting changes here.] Octob the 6 1674 From Newmarkett whee heare that on Thursday afternoon the plate was run for the King Intending to ride him selfe with the Duke of Monmouth & seavll others & that evening was pleased to treat the Duke of Monmouth at a noble Supper & now there will bee daily races whilst the King stays there which will not be longer then Satt 7 night which time he has declared his intentions to return & ordderd it accordingly to be prepared for, on wednesday the Monsr Griffin came thither & Kissed the Kings hand upon his returne from France & gives an accountte of many officers of English horse & foot under Monsr Turen that are Killed & wounded &c George Hamilltons Thombe was shott of which soe shattered the bone that his arme was forced to be cut of his Regimt & the English stopt the fury of the Confedts else it might have proved a worse battle to the french then it did, of the D of MonMouthes Regimt are Killed Lt Coll Littleton Capt Gwyn & Capt Shelton Major Stanier wounded Capt Charly firke [?] that commanded the Dukes owne troope heath [?] boath his arms Shott of besides 4 Cornetts Killed 3 quartermasters & 3 Lts & there are few of the foot Regimts remaining, of their officers are killed Capt Lussells & Capt Liegh Capt Lindloft his leg Brocken & more its feard wee shall heare of hearafter, yesterday after noon was to be a foot match between the Earle of Sussexes foot man & Sr Robert Howards Sons the first of wch Carryed a loaf of breade of 17 pound weight 4 miles L. c. 92 [Handwriting changes here.] October 8 1674 This day his Rll Hss came thither from Newmarkett to see the Dutchess who God be thanked continues very Well and on Saturday he returns againe. His Maty will not now returne so soone from Newmarkett as was thought there being on Munday last many Matches made on purpose for his diversion: yt day his Maty was forenoon and afternoon hunting the Haire & upon the News of the death of Leiut Collonell fferdinand Littleton, has been pleased to give his troope of the Earle of Oxford Regimt to Mr Sandy son to Sr Thomas Eldest Lt in ye Regimt. His Maty has been pleased to appoynt Sir John Narborough to goe in the Centurion to Algiers about the Matter of the Redemption of the Captives there remaineing, who is accordingly fitting out with all hast & hopes to sayle in two dayes yester Night Came hither Mr Griffin son to the Treasurer of the Chamber, who left the ffrench Army the next day after the fight & sayes little more upon the ffrench Relation, onely adding that Monsr Turene continued in the feild & not above 2 houres from the place they fought that the English are very many of them Cutt of; leading the Van & mainetaining an Obstinate Strock [?] all the day, soe that the loss has been great on the ffrench side, as well as the other, but sayes nothing of a second engagemt as was soe hotly talked of. +Yesterday Monsr Sparre the Swedish Ambr went hence from ffrance Monsr Lyonberg ye Envoy only remaineing here from that Crowne +This Morning his Royall Hss went hence againe for New-Markett to be present at the great races to be run there to day or to Morrow +ffrom fflanders of the 12 instant, wee heare yt last ordinary Came thither [with?] orders from Spaine for the Revocation of Count Montery from that Governor, his Lady & ffamily part next weeke, & himselfe suddainely followes, his successor, some say is to be the Marquess de les Baltaser (were Ambr Cont the Emperour. [?]) yet others say the Prince of Parina but the great newes that ffollowes of the Battle of Esheim has hindered the divulging this alteration The Count has received a Lre from Bournonville of the perticulars of that fight, the summe of wch is yt it was begun at 7 & held till 4 the 1st with equall Valour, but great slaughter, yt in the end the victory, fell to the Confederates by the ffrenches retireing, first they could not follow him for want of powder & Ball that the Confederates had lost some Cannon & Colours but the ffrench men & Colours more, but no Cannon, yt many french were taken prisoners, but they heard of none taken from them yt Lorraine & Holstein did Miracles & indeed both sides beyond beleife so that many brave men died on the Spott The Confederates in fflanders are goeing into theire Winter quarters the Imperiallists into Lorain & so to Leige & the Spanairds into Lunenburg & the Dutch returne home leaving only 7 Regiments behind them for the security of Brussells ye Prince of Conde is with his Army about Ligne quartering in the Spanish Territory, & has sent 7000 men towards Charleroy to goe from thence to Maestricht +By advice from a Certaine hand dated from the Camp at Horkenheim October 6th we have this account. That the fight began on Thursday before at a place called Esheimnuos [?] above Stratzburgh it began at 10 & lasted till night a very great Raine continueing all the tyme The Germans were beaten from Severall posts and lost 10 peices of Cannon at night Both ffrench and Germans retired but the Germans with less care haveing left 2 peices of Cannon behind them, wch the ffrench fetchd away & the day after many men were lost on both sides but noe Number named. The English Regimt of Horse did charge very bravely, Collonell Littleton killed & most of the officers wounded. All the English Scotch & Irish Regiments are Severally & perticularly taken notice of, for theire signall Vallour +Sir George Hamilton is shott through ye Right arme and his Right hand Thumb shott of, Here is no notice of 2 dayes fight soe that noe Creditt is to be given to that Story (though much talkt of[)]. L. c. 93 [Handwriting changes here.] Octo: ye 13 1674 ffrom Newmarkett wee heare that on Thursday ye Plate was run for & wonn by Mr Pope a Yorkeshire Gentleman after wch was a match run between Black Buttocks The Duke of Albermarles Horse, & Nuttmeg a Horse of Mr fframptons, ye later of wch wonn, from thence ye King went to ye flatts to see ye foot race, where the Earle of Sussexes footmen who carryed ye loafe of Bread lost ye match but wonn another presently after, agst ye same footmen. Fryday was a great match run between ye Duke of MunMouths Horse Gee, and My Ld Mountagues Bay lusty, ye later of wch wonn, Satterday ye spoones were run for & wonn by Mr ffelton Eldest sonn to Sr Henry. On Sunday preached before his Maty & Court at Newmarket one Mr James a fellow of Queens Colledge & soe much to his Matys Satisfaction that ye Duke of MunMouth brought [him] presently to Kiss His Matys hand, who was pleasd Imediately to make him one of his Chaplains in Ordnary in ye roome of the Bpp of Oxford & orderd him to print his Sermon. His Maty continues his resolution of returning on Saterday next. This Weeke the Earle of Plymth goes to travell & first into france for some moneths ffrom ye Hague wee heare that ye 19 they had news there from Grave that after 4 attacks for 4 nights together successively, the beseigers did in the last on Munday after two repulses make themselves masters of all ye outworkes except a litle peice where they were yet fighting when this Messenger came away. In ye two first attaques they are said to have lost 2000 men amongst whom 150 officers that in ye 3d attaque Collonell Gollsteyn lodged himselfe on ye Counterscarp, & had probably taken ye towne if his Bridges had not proved to Short, that ye Beseigers lost in this attaque 250 & ye Beseiged as many. Its said the Prince of Orange is much offended wth Monsr Rabenhaupt for his soe slow progress in ye seige who there upon desired leave to retyre to Nimigen but was denyed. Genell Souches they say is recalld upon ye Complaint of ye Prince, but who Shall succeed him is not knowne, tis thought Prince Charles of Lorraine will bee ye person. Tis Said ye ffrench King will propose Mentz for ye place to treat at for a genell peace. That Elector desireing to remaine neuter The Prince of Conde was on ye 11th with his Horse about Mons. L.c. 94 Octo ye 15 1674 The Earle of Cardigan and his Daughter the Countess of Shrewsbury went this last weeke from Rye to Deip in Order to her passage as tis said to Roome there to Enter a Cloyster They write from Portsmth that Sr Jeremy Smyth had paid of ye Centurion & ye Nonsuch there, & staid in Expectation of ye Crowne from ye Downes to cleare her alsoe wch much Encourages ye Seamen A french Caper of 30 Guns lately brought into Plymth a Duch prize hee tooke Coming from 0porto laden wth Sugar, Oyle &c: The same Caper tooke a Weeke before another Ship laden wth 500 pipes of Malaga sack A Ship arived from newfoundland reports ye good condition of our fleet there & ye good voyages they have made, haveing taken Each Boat generally from 2 to 300 Quintalls A Dunkerque privateer has brought into Hull a Duch prize laden wth Wooll &e: All Relations seeme to make the late Batle neare Stratzburg pretty Equall. The Duch now confess the Confederates did retreat first, but ye french furthest. The french King has been presented wth 20 Colours of Horse and foot taken in that Batle, wch are all hung up in ye great church at Nostre Dame where Te Deum was sung for their Victory. tis thought wee may soone heare of another Batle Monsr Turene being reinforct wth 7000 Horse, & 3000 foot under Marshall Crequi & ye Confederates much strengthened by ye Conjunction of ye Brandenburg forces. The Confederates in flanders not Seeming in a Condition for any farther buisness. The Prince of Conde and his Sonn are Suddenly Expected at Paris. The Confederates are all goeing into Winter quarters but ye Germans retard their march upon pretense of Want of provisions & Wagons whose supply the Pr: of Conde Endeavours to stop as what hee Judges ye readyest Way to make ye Country revolt +The towne of Stratzburg have sent their deputies to ye french King to posess him wth an Opinion that the Governmt had noe hand in ye ill treatment of Monsr Vanbrun lately before that place, laying themselves downe at his Maties feet & beseeching him to Impute what was done to ye Effect of a populer fury in wch ye Magistrates had not ye least part, & tis said the King is satisfyd +a manifesto is in the Press concerning ye late Conspiracy of ye Chevalier Rohan whose process is drawing upon whose account some or Other are still dayly Comitted. The Prince of Orange is Resolved to give the Towne of Grave noe reste till hee has Ended the Seige one way or other, but tis Judged if they can hold out many dayes longer they may bee releived, part of ye Prince of Condes army being on their March thitherward, Trump is Certainlay gone to Messina, wth 24 men of War in assistance of ye Spaniard, & tis said 20 Spanish Galleys are alsoe come thither +as well ye Popes Nuncio as the Severall Princes Concernd in ye Warr soe zealously press for a Genell peace that its beleivd there may bee a faire prospect of an accomadation yet this Winter L. c. 95 [Handwriting and size of paper change here.] Octobr 17th 1674 ffriday 16th/ Tomorrow night the King & Duke wth all their trains are expected here from Newmarkett, as is alsoe the Queen from Hampton Court to remaine in towne all the winter: My Lord Chamberlaine treated them most nobly at Euston on wednesday night & yesterday. The Inland letters of thursday bring us nothing of moment more then the dayly importing of merchants Ships from all parts & great increase of trade & the price of English Shipping wch is extreamely advanced upon the Dutch permitting ffrench manufacture & commoditys to be brought to them againe There be letters they say in Towne from Barbadoes, wch speake of the great hurt a late hurricane has done that Iland by destroying their sugar works, throwing downe their houses &c; But the particulars & confirmation wee have not yet nor of the landing there of Sr Jonathan Atkins the Governour both which we hope suddenly to be satisfyd in. Saturday 17./ ffrom the Confederates camp neare Stratzburg we heare that they were on their march the 15th that Mounsieur de Tureen hath desired a Cessation for 14 dayes wch was refused him that since skirmishes have past between the armys soe that next lettrs tis thought may bring us news of a battle. Ye 18th the artillery of the Elector of Brandenburg past the Rhyn consisting of 47 peices of cannon & 2 mortar peices, the next day the Cavalry passed it being 18000 fighting men besides the troops of the Duke of Cell ye 14th he drew up his army in Battalia at wch time arrived a Trumpetter wth letters from Tureen to the Elector & the next day they all joyned & marched together against the enemy who lyes betweene Wassenheime & Saverne & Mounsieur de Crequi being not yet joyned wth them all endeavours are used to cut them of ffrom Grave of the 20th we are told that the night before the beseigers made another attacque and lodged themselves on one side of the Counterscarpe & the enemy on the other, the same day the ffrench made a sally notice of wch being given by a disserter they were received very warmely & now preparations are makeing for a Generall storme & countermining the emenys mines who have mustered the other day 1600 men, wch is more wondred at considering the great number allready slayne in the Severall sallys ye 17th Coll Linden was killed before it with a muskett Bullett. L. c. 96 [Handwriting and size of paper change here.] October 20th 1674 +ffrom Cologne of the 19th wee heare that there past by there a Courier from Vienna wth foure letters from the Emperor to the Prince of Orange C. Monterey C. Souches & the Marquess de Grana and sayd that at his departure from thence the affaires of the Prince of ffurstenbg were in a very sad condicon all his Intrigues being discovered by his Secretary Bourman. And from ffrancford we heare they were there very much dissatisfyed with the Duke of Bournonville and Count Caprara, pretending they did not their dutys in assisting the Lunenburgrs in the late fight & it gives them jealousy that Bournonville & Souches were agreed not to ruine the ffrench The Report was hot there that Bournonville was lately Killed by the Prince of Holsteine in his tent. +This morning his Maty & the Duke of Yorke went hence for Hampton Court and returned in the evening. ffrom Cologne we heare that Mounsieur Tureen was encamped along the Saverne and at Wasseheime and had sent a letter to the Elector of Brandenburg and Stratburg which his Elector Highness had layd aside onely asking the trumpetter if his master resolved to hold his ground and soe commanding his army to march they all decamped and put themselves in Battalia 18000 men Effective & was followed by the Lunenburgrs and Imperialists whose business was to cut off the succors comeing to Tureene under Mr Crequi who was upon the march with 12000 men to joyne with him. +The Duke of Cell alsoe was joyned with the Confederates and ye 14th 15 & 16th they alltogether past the Bridge at Strasburg and came wthin an houre and half of the ffrenche soe that a battle is dayly expected between them +The P. of Conde having settled all his garrisons & disposed of the army to their greatest ease is returned to Paris +The last week there was great action at Grave his highness having much forwarded the Progr by his presence going more roundly to work wth then [sic] Monsieur Rabenhaup did The Counterscarp is now taken though wth ye loss of many men & the towne will certainely be reduced in few daies some allready reporting it Capitulating others taken the certainty next letters may bring Count Monterey hourly expects orders to returne home but his successor is not yet named Monsieur Horne & Mr Read the Dutch embassador have taken their leave but Mr Beningham & Odyke stay yet here L. c. 97 October 22th [?] 1674 Wed 21th/ This day Mounsieur Reede & Mounseur Van Horen tooke their leaves of his Maty & waite onely now to take it of Her Maty who returns from Hampton Court to morrow for all this winter & we heare that the States have named another person to come & reside here as their Ordinarye Embassador in the roome of Mounsieur Odyke & Mounsieur Benningen who suddenly are alsoe to returne home +The Baron de Bergyle now in fflanders was named to come hither Envoy Extraordinary from Spaine but it seemes is retarded & wayts further orders & Don Pedro de Ronguillo is on his way hither from Poland to take upon him the character of Embassador Extraordinary from the Crowne of Spaine +To morrow or next day Mounsieur Crarbow [?] is expected here in the quality of Envoy Extraordinary from the Elector of Brandenburge and wee suddenly expect two persons of quality from ffrance to returne the Kings & Dukes complements made them lately by Mr Shelton & Mr Griffin upon the birth of the Duke of Orleans his young Son. Tuesday 22th/ ffrom Brussells of the 20th we hear that they had the day before received a report of another engagement between the confederates & Mounsieur de Tureene wherein they sayd the latter was totally routed & that this should happen the 16th instant but haveing noe other ground for it then a letter from Generall Souches upon report of a third person come lately from Cologne the story has got noe credit there or here. The Duke of Bournonville by his last letters of the 14th sayd that all the confederates being united they intended the next day to march directly against Mounsieur de Tureene to attaque him in his campe where he was strongly entrenched wch it's beleived was the cause of this report of a fight. An express from Vienna saies that before his leaving of it Prince Wm of ffurstenberg was degraded of all his Honors & titles in order to his proceeding to sentence against him all people concluding thereupon that he will be condemned & beheaded in few days & the sooner that it may be over before the Sweedish Embassador has his audience who it was probable intended to move in his behalf +The Paris letters dated 24th tell us ye confederates haveing besides those from Brandenburge received very considerable recruits Viz 4000 from the Duke of Brunswick & lesser numbers from their neighbouring pts which in the whole make the confederates by much the greater Army were on their march toward Tureene who has at present encamped for his Security in expectation of more forces to give them battle, in the meane time they tell us that a part of the Confederates troopes made an attempt to enter into Lorraine but that they were vigourously repulsed by the forces the King has in that Province, Tis sayd Mounsieur Tureene will be upon the frontier all this winter but that the Prince of Conde is shortly expected at Court & has made a detachmt from his army of 15000 men for what designe not sayd. +There are lately brought into the Bastile ye Sieure de Meyermonts [?] [about four letters illegible] to a Mastre Dos Comtes of Rouen the King has beene pleased to express his satisfaction that none of the reformed religion are found in the late numerous conspiracy wch has given him & his Ministers a good opinion of their obedience & loyalty it being very probable that they might have had very advantagious offers made them if they would have embraced the interest of those that designed soe ill to the governement & some say yt hereupon they may be capacitated to buy offices & execute charges as those of the Romane persuasion. L. c. 98 Octobr 27th 1674 +ffrom Plymonth of the 22th Instant we heare that a vessell was comeing in there from the Canarys & Says that before his departure from thence Sr Jonathan Atkins his Matys Governor of the Barbadoes arrived there in order to his voyage to that Island & intended after a very short stay to proceed forward +Sr John Narborough waites still att Porthmth for a faire wind for Algiers. There's lately return'd a Courier from Marsellies where he left Sr John Baptist du Veil [?] in his Matys gally who has on board Ma [?] D d Ossemina [?] to convoy him to his Country and after proceeds on his voyage to Tangier wth her she being an Excellent built thing & now accomodated for the service of that garrison for which place there is yet noe Governor named here. +My Ld Vaughan Governour of Jamaica intends now to depart in 3 weekes at farthest for that governent from whom we lately heard that Sr Thomas Lynch the present Governor was very well & that Island in very flourishing condicon. +On thursday next my Ld Major is to be juvine at Westminster & preparations are makeing suitable to the great mind of that worthy person, The Splendour of which will exceed what was formerly +The Winds have been boisterous and contrary soe that we have been kept from the knowledg of any foreigne affaires these two posts, and we despayre of any this day +The King has been pleased to make Sr Thomas Cleiggs his Son a Barronett by the title of Sr Walter Cleiggs a Pattent for which is passing Here is lately returned from Travell the Earl Marshal who has kissd the Kings hand and was graciously received by him It seems it's Mounsier Odyke that goes away suddainly, but Mounsier Van Benningen stays a little longer, at least til the arrivall of the States orders Ambassador to reside The marriage of my Ld Buckhurst with the Countess of ffalmouth is now publiquely owned. +Last night dyed the Earle of Middle-sex leaving his Estates to the Ld Buckhurst and his honour to the King, haveing noe children. L. c. 99 October 2?th 1674 +Yesterday the new Bishop of Dureham was translated and confirmed in that Bishopprick at Covent garden church and kept a most noble dinner at his house in Leicester fields where were most of the principal persons about the Court, and now the Bishop of Oxfords consecration will suddenly follow +Last night went hence Mr Brisbane who is by his Matys commission joyned wth Sr John Narborough and ordered to repaire wth all speed in the Henrietta to Algiers to fetch of the captives that are yet remaining there they goe aboard at Portmth & from thence Sayle wth the first opportunity. ffrom Dublin we hear that that kingdome continues in great tranquility that the forces designed from the North parts of that country were on their march and that the 20th Instant 30 companys of foot and 6 troopes of horse were to rendezvous at Loringary whither went a vessell to attend them wth 6 field peices for that purpose +ffrom the Hague of the 30th instant we heare that the seige of Grave gave the states great joy hopeing it might be a good step to a peace, the governor would have had a way 60 peices of Ordinance. but was contented to take 6. at last he surrendred it by his Masters orders brought to him by a spy sometime before his capitulation The Dutch found 400 Germans and a vast quantity of other ammunition and provision in it It is not knowne what the issue of the Count Souches affaire will come to but the Marquess De Grana who refused to serve under him is by the Emperours order to returne to him. All the news from Germany is that the Prince of Lobicowitz secretary had been twice examined but would confess nothing; that the Prince of ffurstenberg was beleived to be beheaded he having had some time since notice given him to prepare for it. +The ffrench are passed neare to Saverne then before and the Confederates here about waiting an opportunity to engage them before any succors come to him. +The Prince of Orange is gone back to the Armys in fflanders to get a body together to awe [?] the ffrench and make them draw the Recruits sent under the Marquis de Genly to Mounsieur Turrene. L. c. 100 Octobr 29th 1674 +Letters from Vienna say that Prince William of ffurstenburge is deprived of all his Titles and honours in order to his execucon wch some thinke may be performd though the Sweedish Ambassador in his Audience of the 17th demanded his liberty & that he might be reestablisht in all his dignities & charges & a reparation made for the affront done to the Ambassador at Cologne in taking him away contrary to the security of the Emperor gave by his passports. he likewise acquainted the Emperour that their was noe cause of jealousy to be taken from his Matys Troopes in Pomerania being onely to justify the Investiture of the Estates he hath in that Countrey +The Dutch letters dat 30th tell us the States are well inclined to a peace & will willingly conclude one if it would stand with their obligations to their Allyes: They have sent to the King of Denmark who stands obligd to assist them against any one that shall publickly assist france that it would be Necessary to have his affaires in readiness upon the first order, The Count de Chamilly upon capitulacon required all the Cannon that had the ffrench Kings Armes being 60 of which the half new granted him he marchd out wth 6 pieces & 800 sound men with colors flying &c to Maestricht the rest of the Artillery he sent downe by water with 800 sick & wounded. The Dutch found in Grave 300 peices of Copper cannon wch had been taken from them 30 brass peices of the french & 45 Iron 1200m pounds of powder 400m of lead 30m hand Granadoes & 200 Bombes wth Armes for 60000 men +Sr Jeremy Smith is returnd to London from Porthsmth having payd of his Matys ships as alsoe an Arreare pay of his Matys gu[ar]d; An Holland man of Warr sent in thither a french prize but she had nothing but ballast in her +A vessel come into Weymth of the 22th from the Maderas reports that on the 3d Instant Sr Jonathan Atkyns arrived there in the St David wth another ship in company & was treated with great respect Haveing received the salute from the caper took refreshment some small time there & and then proceeded in his voyage to the government of barbadoes +The ffrench lttrs dat 30th that ye process against Chevalier De Rohan for the late conspiracy was fully finished that immediately after the holydays they expected his adjudication, Count Sparr the Sweedish Ambassador is there where he acts under the same character; Prince of Conde arrived at Chantilly the day before Mounsier de Matanbane has received orders to goe into Lorraine wth 30 squadron under his command for the security of that province Some letters say ye Duke of Lorraine has sent his placaerts to several townes there prohibiting them his subjects to pay any further Imposition to the ffrench or to give them any manner of assistance in such terms & under such penaltys as if he was offered of the possession +The Confederates haveing taken Wallenheim neare Stratzburgh returnd againe towards Tureens army & were soe near on the 29th that it was verily beleived they would come to another fight though Marshal Tureene had placed himself wth much advantage their being betwixt them a small River on his left hand & a marsh on his Right Village eastward [?] about which was a hill where 20 peices of Cannon was mounted. +A marriage is treating betweene the Earle of Pembrooke & ye Dutchess of Porthmths sister which they say will be suddenly consummated