L. c. 1277 London ye 21th Septemb 1682 Letters from Oxford say that last Monday being the day the Electing a Major and two Bailiffs for that Corporacon they Chose Aldermen Townesend theire Major and Mr Houghton & Pinnet Bailiffs without comeing to a pole and that which is observeable the Major and one of the Bailiffs are two persons who they have Chose to mannage the Defence against the Quo warrto brought upon theire Charter. Wee have Little to add to what I gave you an accompt of on Tuesday relateing to our Choyce of Sheriffs only that on yesterday morning the Lord Major the Comon Serjeant and 5 Aldermen went to Whitehall where they Continued with his Matie att Mr Secretary Jenkins for 3 houres giveing an accompt of the aforementioned proceedings how his Lordshipp declared Mr Peter Rich a Timber Merchant the person to joyne with Mr North but the Sheriffs notwithstanding his Lordship had dissolved the Hall Continued to Poll for Papillion & Dubois hee likewise sending them word to forbeare which they did not and there were some persons who made affidavts against them especiall Bentooke a bookseller whereupon his Matie summoned a speciall Councell att 3 in the afternoone and Messengers were dispatched to Mr Pilkington & Shute our 2 Sheriffs att that tyme which being noised abroad there was Infinite rejoyceing by some people they all Concludeing that the Councell would send them a second tyme to the Tower & there were some wagers that it would be to a worse place the GateHouse that their Comitment would be for high Treason & what not. The Councell being satt about 4 Clock His Matie prsent mr Pilkington & Shute attending they were called in & none suffered to be present but themselves they were first as I am Credibly Informed acquainted by ye Chancellor of ye Informacons against them upon oath one being for words that Sheriff pilkington should speake, Ben Tooke demanding of him by what Authority hee continued the poll twas alledged that hee should reply by the greatest Authority which the Sheriffs explained hee meant was by Authority of the Comon Hall which hee judged to be the greatest in that case. And then began to give his Matie an accompt of ye whole proceedure of that affaire as did alsoe Sheriff Shute then they were Interrogated as to divers points as who summoned the Comon Hall they replyed the Ld Major Then it was demanded of ym whether ye Ld Major had not an equall power in dissolveing ym wch they denyed [&?] replyed that what hee had done was not of their owne heads but by advice of the Councell Learned in ye Law who gave it under their hands that when the Ld Major had Convened the Hall it would not be dissolved till such tyme as the matter for which they were mett was dispatched & then not without Consent of the Comon Hall & they said some of these Councellors were att the Councell dore to give reasons for such theire advice their names were demanded vizt Mr pollexfen Serjeant Leake Truder & Tompson but it was not Judged proper to call any of ym in. They were likewise asked why they Continued the poll notwithstanding the Lord Major had forbidd them they Answered that a poll being demanded & granted by ye Hall should they surcease they were Liable to every mans action & therefore they chose rather to lye att his Maties Clemency then to run the danger of ye Hall. Then they were demanded why they put such Questions to the Hall as were to take the Authority from the Lord Major & to place it on themselves they replyed that ye questions were given them in writing which they produced were not of their putting but the Hall which they would not deviate & there happened much other discourse to tedious to Insert In fine they were ordered to withdraw & being called in againe were made acquainted of ye sence of the Councell of that Enormous Riott to continue a poll after the Lord Mayor had dissolved ye Hall & being asked what they would say why they should not goe to Goale they tendered bayle being a paper of 10 persons Sr John Mallett Mr Welsh Aldermen Lane &c which was accepted by ye Sheriffs bound in 1000 L apeece & 500 L each for suretyes to appeare ye first day of next Terme & the meane tyme to be att the good behaviour. L. c. 1278 [Handwriting changes here.] London 23 7ber 1682 On Tewsday Last ye Eall of Sunderland was remitted and Sworne one of his Majts privey Councill and att ye same tyme wee are Credibly informed that his majtee was pleased to declare ye Eall of Midellton Coadjutor with the Eall of Murry in the great office of principall Secretary of ye Kingdome of Scottland they beeing to Governe affaires allternatively. Yesterday wee Recd ye Surprizeing Newes that ye D of Monmouth was seizd at Lichfeild beeing at dynner with divers Gentlemen by a warrant from Whitehall and is Expected to bee brought up this afternoone & to sattisfie your Curiosity ye more have procurd a Coppy wch I here transmitt you. +Whereas his Maytee Reced Informatyons yt James D of Monmouth hath Lately appeard in severall pts of this Kingdome with Great Numbers of people in a Ryotus and an unlawfull maner to ye disturbance of ye publique peace and to ye Terror of his Majts Good Subjects. These are therefore in his Majts name and by Spetiall Comand to will & Require you forthwith to repayre to any place where you shall undrstand ye said D of Monmouth to bee & him forthwith to apprhend & beeing in Safe Custody before mee or any of ye Lds of his Majts privey Councill to answer to such things as on his Majts behalfe shall be objected to him ye said D of Monmouth & for doeing this shall be ye warrant and all Mayr bayleiffes Constables and other his Majts officers are hereby required to bee herein aydeing & assisteing to you as they will answer ye Contrary att yr perrell given att his Majts Court at Whitehall ye 18 day of 7ber 82 (To Jn Ramsey Eqr one of his Majts serjants att armes) L. Jenckins Wch Coppy beeing demanded of ye Serjant one of ye Dukes freinds Rode post to London & brought itt with him and yesterday afternoone procurd a habeas Corpus thereon from Judge Raymond wch said writt is sent after him to have him brought before a Judge to bee att Lyberty thereon some beleiveing yt ye same will Evade his goeing before ye Councill. On ye other hand I am Credibly Informed yt his Majtee has ordrd Commission to bee sent into Chesheire & other Countyes where his Grace has beene to Examen into and take account of all ye Ryotts yt have beene Committed and one person ffogg is much Complaynd of who preached before ye Duke for Incerteing in his prayer J D of Mon after ye King in stead of J D of yorke and forgetting also to pray for the Queene. +yesterday morneing ye Eall of Radnor Ld President of his Majts privey Councill beeing att Wthall reprsented to his Majtee his Greate age of 75 yeares and therefore prayed to bee Eased from his prsidentshipp wch his Majtee was pleased to Grant him and I am told his Majtee is to receive a Considerable sume of mony but I Canott say whether ye same bee in Leiu of his place or some arreares of accompts and ye Marqwis Hallifax stands fayrest in his Majts Esteeme to bee advanced thereto. Mr Secretary Jencking hath Reced Information of some dangerous matter brought over by a ffrenchman sent his orders together with discriptions of ye pson to ye severall postmasters in Kent and wee heare yt hee was seized at Seavenore in that County with a Trunck but as yett I Canott discover ye pticulers of yt affayre. Mr North and Mr Rich have declared that they will hold Sheriffes notwithstandeing all ye opposityon made agst them ye former has taken Coopers hall and ye Latter is agreeing for ffishmongers & next Thursday is the time yt 2 psons are sworne Shereiffes att Guild hall wch is Likely to occatyon a great fewd & tis feared wee shall meet with the Like difficulltyes in ye Choyce of a Ld Mayr ye succeedeing day +yesterday Letter arrived att Whitehall yt ye Turks & Imperallists had a batteel to ye advantage of ye Latter & they farther add yt Count Teckelly was proclaymed King of Hungary but I have noe advice of this as yett +This day ye D of Mon Came to towne and was brought by his habeas Corpus before Mr Just Dolben & te[nd]ered bayle but ye Judge tooke [some t]yme to Considr of itt as ye act allowes whereby ye D remaynes in Custody. L. c. 1279 London 26 Septembr 1682 +Our Last Left ye Duke of Monmouth before Judge Dollben who tooke 2 dayes time to bayle him after wch Serjant Ramsey acqwaynted his Grace yt he must goe to Whitehall who refused answering that his hab Corpus had superseaded ye Secretaryes warrant but beeing told ye King him selfe sent for him ye Duke went where beeing Come Mr Secretary appeared & began to Examen ye Duke but his Grace would not discourse him and refuseing to give Securety to keepe ye peace Mr Secretary made a New warrant for his recommittmt All Sunday the Duke remayned att the Serjants house and on Munday was brought before Judge Raymond by his hab Corpus and admitted to bayle but on 2 Recognizances ye one to appeare ye first day of next Tearme ye other to Keepe the peace in the meane tyme his Grace bound in 10000 L each and his 5 Suretyes Wth ye Eall of Clare Ld Russell & Grey Levistone Goure Eqr & Mr Offly 2 Stafford Sheire Gentlemen in 2000 L Each ye bonds in all 40000 L. Satterday night arrived the Scipio Affrican from Bantum on ye East Indyes Capt Cooke ye Master dyed at Battavya and in her voyage Lost 32 Marryners shee departed from Bantum ye 17 March & brings a dissmull acct that the day before 3000 howses were burnt in that Citty yt ye English ffectory was in great danger and this occatyoned thro a Rebellyon betweene ffather and sone the King thereof ye old Gentleman haveing designed his Government to his sone who notwithstandeing had some practice to destroy his ffather thereupon ye ffather Indeavored to reasume itt againe & with his fforces burnt ye said Towne & beseiged his sone in ye Castle but ye Dutch with 17 men of warr were Come into ye River to assist the sones played with yr Canon and tis feared yt ye Dutch designed by this to beate us out of yt Trade Mr Dudly North sendeing to his Company ye Mercers to demand that beeing Shereiffe Ellect 16 of ye Court of assistance together with yr officers accompanyed him on Thursday to Guildhall in ordr to bee sworne upon which the Company mett yesterday putt itt to ye vote and Carryed it yt they should not attend him Chargeing all yr officers to doe ye same and Contrarywise yt they attend Mr Papillion ye same day to prsent him to bee sworne +Butt ye sadlers Company of wch Mr Peeter Rich Belonges to have voted to attend him. Advice from jamayca sayes that in Port Royall one of his Mayts Shipps ye Norwich ffriggott was Cast away in that harbor but ye men & furniture saved. Letters from Norwich sayes yt that Corporation have voated to d[eliver?] up theire Charter. This day ye Ld Mayr Came into Guildhall accompanied with many Cittizens and on ye hustings & made proclamatyon sanconing Mr Peeter Rich to Come in to seale his bond & Imedyately withdrew into ye Councell Chamber Where a Court of Aldrmen beeing mett ye Cittizens againe renewed yr demands of haveing Mr papillyon & Duboyse sumoned Sharpely reprsenting ye Contrary to be a manifest breach of yr Trust and vyolation of yr oathes. Butt reced from ye Court an answer of ye same tendency they had before some began to speak makeing espetyally one Mr Barber [?] a dyer who told ye Court these Like words followeing. That Magna Charta & other yr great privaledges were not only given em by Charter but Confirmed by divers acts of pliamt & hee had read yt a heavy Judgemt was pronownced agst those who should Indeavor to make a breach upon yem yt accordeing to ye antyent usages of ye Citty they had Chosen Mr Papillyon & Duboyse for Shereiffs by Majority of voyces therefore if any other psons were Imposed upon em to officyat yt office Came not in att ye dore but in at ye windowes as theives & Robbers & should be treated by them as such & thereupon ye Ld Mayr Comanded em away. L. c. 1280 [Handwriting changes here.] London ye 28th Septemb 1682 I omitted in my last to acquaint you that his Matie was soe displeased with the Duke of Monmouths proceedings before the Secretary &c that hee was pleased to order his Dutchess not to suffer him to come within her Lodgings the Cockpitt as alsoe Mr Savile vice Chamberlaine of his household to write the Duke a Letter to Command him not to presume to sett his foot in Whitehall or St James's parke for ever. On Sunday last an express arrived to the Spanish Ambassador from Madrid relateing to the present Conjuncture of affaires who Imediately by a memoriall acquainted his Matie therewith and has reced an Answer and yesterday dispatched a Courier back to his Master the affaire of Sr Henry Goodrick being ordered to depart from Madrid is likely to be Composed. His Matie and the whole Court departs for Newmarkett on Monday next: Letters from vienna sayes that they are hard att worke in Fortifyeing of that City not being without feare of the Turks an Express was brought to the Emperor from Generall Caprara that the Towne of Willeck was surrendred to the Turks on the 16 instant but the Letters vary in the Circumstances. some say that the Garrison within forced theire Commander to surrender on discretion others that it was taken by storme and all the men Cutt to peeces but the women and Children carried into slavery the same Letters farther say that Lowintz and Newtra were since beseiged and in noe probability to hold out Long. Letters from Strasburgh tell us that there is noe Certainty that the French will attaque some place in the Empire All the kings forces from verdun Toul &c are on theire march Cannon fire works Bombs Mortars are dayly Shipped off and the Governor of Phillipsburgh is soe apprehensive that the designe is against that City that hee is putting all things into a posture of defence by secureing ye passages and suffers noe vessells to passe the Rhyne but by his permission: Letters from Rome say that Cardinall Stephano Braniachio is dead in the 63 years of his Age whereby that makes ye 14 vacancy the Consitory of divines which the pope ordered to examine the late declarations of the Clergy of ffrance togeather with the parliamts veryfying of them have declared them to be erroneous schismaticall and tended to herisy which if ye pope Confirme will probably widen ye breach betweene ye pope & ye ffrench king: This day being Customary the tyme to sweare the Sheriffs Elect in Guildhall 2 Companyes of the Trained Bands were early in the yard where the Cittizens rejecting [?] & endeavouring to enter ye Hall were not pmitted by ye Soldiers but Mr Papillion & Dubois in Company with some Aldermen were lett in but the Mercers Company withall others denyed till the Lord Mayor with Mr North and Rich came into the Hall but Contrary to expectacon Leiftent Collonel Quiney with his Company kept the people from off the hustings att pikes en[d] and Muzzle of their Musketts suffering only some pticular psons to Goe before them. The Lord Mayor retired into the Councell Chamber where Mr Papillion & Dubois followed him & there delivered a paper to tender themselves to be sworne but his Lordshipp would not take the Chaire and rejected the said paper. Then went upon the hustings & Mr papillion & Dubois with much adoe gott there alsoe & Imediately Mr North & Rich being present the Comon Serjeant began to administer the oathes to them but Mr Papillion delivered his Lordshipp a pap following. wee doe present ourselves and doe offer and are ready to take upon us the office of Sheriffs of this Honble City & county of Middx for ye yeare ensueing which wee are Informed & wee are Chosen by ye Majority of Cittizens att ye Comon hall of this City & wee are here ready to tender ourselves to be admitted thereunto & to take such oathes as the Law requires and to performe what ever else the Law or ye Customes of this City require of us relateing to that office: Tho: papill John Dubois And they laid their hands upon the booke but the Lord Mayor in the kings name commanded them away & to keepe the peace which they did & soe his Lordshipp went to sweare Mr North & Rich who were apparelled in their Gownes & Chaines and was Conducted by ye Lord Mayors betweene 4 Aldermen vizt Sr James Edwards Sr James Smith Sr Henry Tulse Sr Wm Prichard ffeasted att Draper hall in the afternoone sent to the Sheriffes to deliver over the Goales which they doe to night & wee are like to have great doings to choose a Lord Major. L. c. 1281 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 30th September 1682 yesterday being the Customary time to Choose a Ld Major for ye yeare Ensueing the Lord Major & Aldermen heard first a sermon at Bow preached by Dr Dove his Text Titus the 3d & ye first put them in minde to be subject to principalitys & powers to obey Majestrates wch being ended his Ldpp went to the hall after some time Came upon the hustings where the Recorder advanceing to ye front made a learned speech to the Livery men telling them the Execution of their assembly to Choose the greatest Officer in ye City viz a Lord Mayor who ought to be a pson Wealthy honest & Quallifyed to undertake the same exhorted them to moderation and Concluded with ye words of Dr Dove in the Close of his sermon that their proceedings might tend to ye Glory of God honor to the King & Creditt to ye City After which the Ld Mayor and Aldermen retired into ye Councell Chamber leaveing ye 2 Sheriffs Mr North & Rich to mannage the proceedings who put in Nomination the servall Aldermen who had not passed ye Chaire & reduced the Choice to 4 viz Sr Wm Pritchard Sr henry Tulse Sr Tho Gould & Aldrman Cornish and the Sheriffs declared to the hall that by view the Majority fell upon Sr Wm Pritchard & Sr Tho Gould though many affirme that it was Evident that Gould and Cornish had the Majority by farr. Our Method is that the Comon hall Chooses & returned 2 to ye Court of Aldermen who takes which of them they please to be Ld Mayor now if Sr Wm Pritchard be one of the 2 tis more then probable they will Elect him but a poll was demanded & granted for ye above mentioned 4 Aldermen for now but Aldrmen Can be in nomination but if the poll be Carryed in the Majority for Gould & Cornish then must the Court of Aldermen of necessity declare one of them But there be those people which say though they have ye Majority neither of them will be Ld Major but our prsent one Continued for after ye Choice hee goes to the Ld Chancellor for his Maties approbation who will not Consent thereto and thereupon the Barrons of the Exchequer refuse to sweare him on ye 29 October & not being sworne he Cannot Officiate whereupon the Ld Major in being must Continue that Office till the point in Law be determined whether the king has a Negative voice In the afternoone the Sheriffs proceeded to poll but ye Ld Major Came & adjourned the farther determining of yt point till Monday 9 a Clock. This day ye Ld Major Court of Aldrmen Mr Recordr with ye 2 new Sheriffs attended by sevrall of ye Companyes in yr Livery Gownes went by water to Westminster in yr Barges in Ordr to be prsented as usuall to ye Baron of ye Exchequer but the old Sheriffs would not accompany them but went before in their Coach when arrived & Baron Crawley seated in ye Court the Ld Major Recordr & ye 2 new Sheriffs in a rank drew neare to ye Court Mr Recordr made a short speech signifying to the Bar[ons] that ye honoble Dudley North & Peter Rich Esqr were made & sworne sheriffs for London & Middx & doubted not but they would answere the ends for wch they were Chose then the Ld Major prsented them In answere to which ye Baron returned as short a speech that they being Loyall & worthy men here accepted of them to pform yt Office & in ye Close wished a happy union between his Matie & the Citty which being ended the Old Sheriffs were Called forth & appearing they were sworne to make a true accompt to ye King of all Issues & other pquisites belonging to his Matie as alsoe Mr Goodenough ye undersheriff then the Cryer Called ye Lds of sevrall mannrs to Come forth & pforme their service otherwise yr psons & Libertyes should be seized to ye King. upon which sr Wm Turner the Eldest Alderman stepped in Court on behalfe of ye City & with a sickle Cutt asunder servall Osyers afterwards told over 6 great horses hooves as alsoe about 35 Nayles being a Ceremony by wch ye City holds sevrall propertyes then Mr Recordr Envited ye Baron to a dinner at Drapers hall & they returned & were salluted by sevrall great Guns planted on Southwark side on that Occation. The 2 Old Sheriffs as Customary haveing invited the Ld Major & ye 2 new Sheriffs to dine with them as to morrow has sent them word to forbeare giveing for reason their arbitrary proceedings on Thursday by admitting ye Trayned Bands into ye hall to over awe them there. yesterday Levetent Collonell Quiney who was officer in the hall was brought by warrant before Sr Robt Clayton & bound to ye sessions for assaulting Sr John Lowrance an Aldrman & forceing him from of the hustings. L. c. 1282 London the 3d October 1682 yesterday morneing according to satturdayes adjournmt of ye poll for the Choyce of 2 psons to be prsented to the Court of Aldermen to Elect one of them for a Ld Major the 2 new Sheriffs proceeded on that work tho the same was mannaged by ye Ld Majors directions and the poll taken by his Officers but his Ldpp admitted supervisors of the Other party to oversee that there were faire Transaccon & they Continued without Intermission till 4 afternoone when the books for that time were closed & ye Comon Sergeant in the name of ye Ld Major adjourned the farther proceedure thereof till 2 a Clock this afternoone & then to keep the books open 2 houres that those who have a right to poll not haveing pformd it already may give in their suffrages there & all possible Endeavor on each side to have ye Majority & some doe affirme that there is but little Odds in the Number & say that divers who are not Qualifyed have adventured to sett downe yr names out of pure zeale to ye Cause. This morning early yr Maties R Highness & whole Court departed for Newmarkett intending to take the divertizemt of yt place 3 weeks if ye season will pmitt that opertunity. This day began the sale at ye E India house the Cheife Comodityes sett up were Coffee & Druggs ye former sold for 10 L 10 s p Cent to morrow they pceed to dispose of Calicoes Silks &c. This day Came to our hands the ffrench Kings memoriall of ye 27 ultimo wch was deliverd ye ambassadr of ye Emperor & other princes of ye Empire at ye Conference at ffranckfort Intimateing his Maties great desire to Continue a peace but findeing such delay at the sd Conference of yr pceedings to advance ye same his Matie out of his great Justice for ye publique safety thinks it Convenient to make a quick despatch of that affaire therefore if they doe not agree to those proposalls which hee has already offered by ye Last day of 9ber hee will not think himselfe Obliged to pforme them but take such measures as shall be most Conducive to his owne Intrest Which Memoriall puts ye Confedrates into noe little disquiett since ye affaires of Hungary stands soe high for they must either quitt that Countrey & agree likewise with ye Turks or on ye other hand make such a peace with ye ffrench as in ye end will prove a destruccon of ye Empire This afternoone began the further poll for a Ld Major in Guild hall yard yr being all possible Endeavor used to Carry the Majority for Sr Wm Pritchard who is next in Succession & wee finde yt 3 times ye number were this afternoone poled for Sr Wm & Sr Hen Tulse then for Sr T[ho] Gould & Aldermen Cornish about 100 Came from St Jameses & yt end of Towne & divers yt were of ye Livery from out of Kings bench prison whereby tis beleived that Sr Wm has ye Majority. about 4 a Clock ye books were closed & proclamation made they would declare the pole to morrow 10 of ye Clock & are at prsent Casting them up the Whiggs if they speak true say that a great many have poled this day that had noe right thereto but tis sd ye books will be Examined by each Roll of ye Companyes L. c. 1283 London the 5th October 1682 The poll for Election of 2 persons for the Choyce of Ld Mayor being on Monday Continued & then adjourned till Tuesday afternoone to Compleate yt worke towards ye Evening of that day the books were Entirely Closed and proclamation made to declare the suffrages tenn of ye Clock Wedensday morning at wch time a great number of people assembled at Guild hall to heare ye determination of that soe much expected affaire & the rather for that it was Genrally said & beleived that Sr Wm Pritchard Exceeded in a great Majority But contrarywise the books in prsence of ye Supervisors on both sides were Exactly Cast up the Ld Major Came upon ye hustings where Mr Recordr declared that ye Majority Lay in Sr Tho Gould & Alderman Cornish the former Carrying it from Sr Wm Pritchard by (56) the latter by (25) that sevrall Citizens had desired a Scrutiny or inspection into the Suffrages which his Ldpp had granted & would Examine the votes by ye Rolls of ye Livery of ye respective Companyes & then signify a time to make a further declaration thereof The unexpected number for Gould & Cornish was the then subject of Discourse the Ld Majors Officers who took the poll Laying ye blame on one of their Clarks who did assure them Just before they Shutt up their bookes that hee Exceeded in number Gould & Cornish & they beleiveing his Reckoning found him Mistaken in a hundred by which it fell short & was Carryed the Contrary way Otherwise tis thought that they had not Closed their books till they had gott ye Majority The Suffrage for each Runs thus Sr Wm Pritchard 2233 Sr Tho Gould 2289 Sr Hen Tulse---0236 [sic] Alderman Cornish 2258 +Before his Matie left the Towne a letter Came to ye Ld Major signifying that whereas ye Annuall Custome was to prsent ye Ld Major elect before hee be sworne in ye Exchequer to the Ld Chancellor for his Maties approbation his Ldpp is now Comanded to waite upon ye Ld Chancellor who will appoint them a time when his Matie shall be attended himselfe with ye pson Elected By wch tis beleived that if Sr Wm Pritchard be not declared his Matie will signify his refusall & leave them to ye Law whether he has not a Negative voyce wch if it soe happen our prsent Ld Major must Continue in Office till ye point be determined A woman hawker was yesterday seized for crying & vending a paper intituled an accompt of the Irregular proceedings at Guild hall about the swearing ye 2 prtended Sheriffs mr North and Mr Rich but telling where shee had them was discharged. [Handwriting changes here.] The Poll Books are att prsant sealed upp and the Scrutiny thereof will scarce bee begun this week and wee Canot say how Long it may Continue the Lord major has sent prcepts to each Company to send in exact Lists of ye Livery and wheras the usuall forme was in his owne his Lordshipp has now inserted itt in ye name of the king Sr James Edwards one of our aldermen is gon this day to Newmarkett to give his matie a true accompt of our proceedings that the whiggs have the majority since [?] tis beleived others gave his matie information of a Contrary Tennor the Torrys as they are Called certaynely believeing that they had Carryed the Boynt Sr Nicholas Buttler one of the Commissors of the Custome house being made one of the directors of his Royall highnesses Affaires has made such improvement of his Revenue & reduceing the forces unnecesary expences of his family tis Credibly reported that for his greate Abilitys he will bee advanced and Admitted one of his maties privey Councell L. c. 1284 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 7th October 1682 +The Duke of Monmouth some dayes since went out of Towne to his seate att Moore park where wee understand the Earle of Anglisea dined with him in few dayes his Grace designes to returne alsoe the Earle of Shaftsbury in a Coach & Six horses left this City But tis not Certainely knowne where his Ldpp intends some affirme that hee is already in Holland being gon thither to avoyd the fury of a second Attaque of high treason Especially since Mr North & Rich are sworne Sheriffs yesterday ye supervisors of the poll for a Ld Major mett at ye Rhymer Taverne in queenestreete in Ordr to Scrutinize the poll & haveing the sevrall Companyes Rolls sent in unto them they proceeded in that worke as likewise this day & have soe put that affaire into a Method of Alphabetting them as likewise ye Libertyes of the Companyes that as much more time will probably Compleate the same if other difficultyes wch they doe not forsee Occurr not unto them yesterday the Sale of the East India Company broke of adjournd the farther progress of that worke till Tuesday next His Royall Highness Thursday night last Came post to St Jameses from newmarkett accompanied only by 3 Gentlemen upon the Occasion of ye princes Charlotta Maria his youngest daughter being take Extreamly sick in soe much that ye Babe had 24 Convulsion fitts in one day & night & last night departed this life This weeke was published a Narrative Intituled a Modest vindication of Titus Oates the Salamanca Doctor by Joseph Hindmarsh for ye author Adam Elliot Munster of Dukes place price 18 d wherein hee gives an accot of his being taken a Slave att Salley & whereas Dr Oates had made some depositions formerly agst him in ye court of Deligates on a tryall between the Lord North Cheife Justice Norths Elder brother & the Lady Gray the said Elliot has soe Grosly Reprsented Dr Oates to be forsworne & Calling him noething but the salamanca Devill as Cannot be here Exprest & alsoe has soe villifyed the aforesaid Ld North in a prtended Speech on a Tryall Last Westminster betweene Elliot & Dr Oates that his Ldpp has taken out a writt of Scandalu Magnatu agst the publisher & author to vindicate his honor Especially since Hindmarsh ye bookseller had the prsumption to deliver one of ye books to his Matie & another to his Royall Highness. Wee here from Lincolnsheire that ye Ld Castleton who was Knight of the Sheire from that county fought a Duell with one Batty a very Quarelsome pson & after some passes his Ldpp left him dead upon the place & since the Coronors Inquest found it Manslaughter Tomsons Thursdayes Intelligence gave a long Narrative of the reception of the Morocco ambassadr with the Emperor his Master that 2 of his Retinue had accused him but were put to death as alsoe Jonas the Renegado haveing been hung 3 dayes on a Gibbott and afterwards boyled in Oyle all which wee are given to understand is a pfect fiction I haveing letters from Tangeire of a late date wch say ye ambassadr was not departed from yt Garrison & in point of time it Cannot be possibly true. L. c. 1285 London ye 10th October 1682 Yesterday the Turkey merchants received Letters from the Lord Shandois his Maties Ambassador att Constantinople that hee has not as yett beene able to obteyne his Audience though hee has beene there above a 12 Moneth by which the English affaires remaine in a very unsettled posture that his Ldpp had endeavoured what in [word of about five letters blotted] possibly lay to procure it but the Grand-vizier had made a demand by way of 4000 Chekeenes, each of them being the value of 0-09 s-06 d and therefore refused on those Tearmes signifying to his Matie and the Company the same praying theire directions in that point his Lordshipp farther sayes that there are the greatest preparacons for War against Hungary att that Port as was ever knowne the Grand Signior giveing out that hee will take the Field himselfe next spring. The Scrutineers who were on both sides appointed to Inspect the Poll for a Lord Mayor on Satturday adjourned to this day by reason sevrall of ye Companyes had not sent in a List of theire Livery, accordingly this morning they mett togeather againe and proceeded to finish the prelimanaries of that worke as reduceing them into Companyes &c & to morrow they begin to search into ye Qualificacon of ye suffrages This day was a Court of Aldrmen where many Orphans and others petion'd for theire money from out of ye Chamber but reced noe other Answer then that they must have patience till the affaires of the City would be some way or other settled and a Comon Councell called to order that point. To morrow our first sessions begins att the old Baily yt ushers in 2 New Sheriffs Mr North and Rich where is expected some momentary affaire so[me] of the Felons in Newgate haveing procured Councell to draw them up a plea to ex[c?]ept against the Jury returned by the Sheriffs and tis said they intend to pray the Court to allow them Councell to debate that point and therefore twill be observeable to know what the Judges will determine in that case. Yesterday morning early Mr Duncombs servants a Banker in Lumberd Streete makeing a great number of serpents unhappily tooke fire blew open his windowes and had like to have scattered his Cash in the streets. Sunday night last the Princesse Charlotte Maria his R H youngest daughter was Conveyed in a herse to Westminster Abby & there privatly Interrd. Wee heare from Chester that a Comission of Oyer & Terminer being brought downe thither to try the Riotors occasioned [by?] his Grace the Duke of Monm in that Country a session was called and a great many Indicted but the Grand Jury returned most if not all Ignoramus Sr George Jeoffryes was much incensed not one of them as wee can Learne being either fined or otherwise punished but the same affaire att Coventry is deferred for some Moneths Letters from Paris say that the King Queene Dauphin & Dauphiness were the 15 Instant returned to ffontainbleau from Chamber Intendant of Poitou pursuant to an order of the king of the 17 of June gave to ye Protestant ministers a List of all those they pretend to have Converted to the Romane faith since March 81 being 39864 To the end that if those ministers should endeavour to make them Relapse should Imediately be Interdicted & theire Churches demolished L. c. 1286 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 12th October 1682 Letters from Rome of ye 24 ultimo speak of a pleasant Observation viz that a Spaniard being Chosen Genrall of ye Jessuitts the great Expectation was whether Spanish or ffrench ambassador hee would pay a visset to first latter is said to have mightily bribed him the former not thinkeing but that hee would doubtless pforme first to his native soveraigne the Crafty father to please both in disguise went first to the ffrench then putting on his usuall habitt repaired to the Spanish ambassadr who knowing nothing of ye Cheate Gave his Reverence a Splendid Entertainement besides honor and reward beleiveing Especially upon the Genralls impricateing to heaven that hee had received the first vissett but his Excellency soone after discovering the abuse in Extreame Rage & passion said that Certainely there was noe faith in man & thereupon sent an Express to Madrid to signify to ye King this Transaction Which the Jessuits of ye prtended Spanish faction understanding to abate the ambassadrs displeasure Called their Genrall perfidious base Mercenary villain & the procurator Genrall Threatned to discarde him & twas thought it would have ended in a Mutiny or Ryott but the plott was alsoe detected that they prmeditated to give such Language to yr Genrall but not in earnest wch his Excellency being informed of alsoe sent for Cardinall Ladovisio & Casanata & told them that noe greater villainy was Certainely ever pformed by mankinde & that hee was resolved Imediatly to leave Rome &c vowed to God that if hee had knowne the Genrall had been afore with the ffrench ambassadr hee would have given his Reverence a Bloody reception for hee found ye whole Order to be villaines Rogues & Trators wch if those of their owne Religion use such epithites to them what words shall protestants discriminatt & discribe them by yesterday ye Sessions of peace began att Guild hall where ye 2 new Sheriffs took their first places a new pannell of Jury men being returned the Court swore 19 of ye Grand Jury Mr percifull Gilburne a Druggest yr foreman & Equally some of both sorts Mr Recordr gave a Charge but nothing in pticuler agst dissenters little of remark Occurd save only they found a Bill agst Hilton the great Informer of Conventicles for strikeing one Mr St John a Constable &c A Bill being formerly found against one Mr Vine the Kings fishmonger for saying that ye presbiterians Killd Sr Edmd B Godfrey hee was tryed thereon pleaded not Guilty & his Councell made a plea that they ought to have the Record that hee was murdered & by whome but it being over Ruled the Jury brought him in Guilty but hee is not fined as yett Twas expected that an Indictmt should have been prferred agst Leiftent Collonell Quiney for assaulting of Sr John Lawrence an Alderman in Guild hall & haveing his Company there drawne up but they advised with Councell who told them that if they brought an Indictmt it would be in a manner owneing the Grand Jury Lawfully returned by prsent Sheriffs soe tis deferred One Benjamin Leech being by the Ld Major Comitted for saying the Sheriffs ought not to be Obeyed for they were tooles sett up by ye Ld Mayor & one Tho Smith being bound to prosecute him his Ldpp sent for this Smith & acquainted him yt hee might Cease prosecucon for hee not only forgave him but the Sheriffs alsoe & some people bragg yt his Ldpp was affraid to Indict him for the same the Scrutineers appointed to inspect the poll for a Ld Major are some what delatory in that worke adjourning yestrday & have not as yett began ye Scrutiny of ye Qualifications of ye Elector but this day proceeds to yt worke But after a short sitting they adjournd their further meeting againe till Tuesday next they being dissattisfyed at the Returne of sevrall Companyes Rolls of ye Livery Objecteing yt some psons are incerted yt are not of the Livery & otherwise some left out & therefore they desire to have an Exact Duplicate of ye Companyes bookes The Court last night fined ye aforesaid Mr Wine fishmonger the summe of 40 L for saying ye presbiterians Killed Sr Edmd Bury Godfrey [A few figures in another hand appear on outside of letter.] L. c. 1287 London the 14 October 1682 Our Letters from newmarkett say that their Maties Continue in good health and designe to returne the Close of next weeke sevrall horse races have there passed to many to incert save only that on Tuesday last that Collonell Astons Guard horse was beate by Teague and the next day Dragon beate Whynot Dureing the time of ye Match sevrall men & horses were rid over One of 2 horses had their necks broaken Collonell Aston & Sr Robt Geare fell soe foule upon one another on a full Gallop that both men and horses were overturned the Colonell for some time Lay dead upon ye Spott Sr Robert had his shoulder slipt they were afterwards lett blood & since pretty well Mr Henningham of Henningham sold his horses & is resolved to forbeare that sport and hee now repaireing to Thetford whereby the new Charter Granted by his Matie upon that Corporations Surendering their Old hee is Constituted ye Major and to be apparrelled in a Scarlett Gowne There is an Ordr drawing up att mr Attorney Genralls which tis beleived will be published before the Tearme to suppress all printed Intelligences & other prints that may Tend to ye disturbance of ye Government Tis wrote from Oxford that at ye late Sessions of yt City the Ld Norrise propounded the Collecting a Summe of money to be prsented to Roger Le Estrange for his greate Care & paines in his dayly labour towards ye defending the Governmt & tis said his Ldpp gave 20 Ginneyes & other proportionable. Our fforraigne Letters from Vienna gave noe good accot of the affaires in Hungary that Genrall Caprara was to weake to Encountter the Enemy who were now very powerfull & made a great Conquest in soe much that ye Bas[sa?] of Buda had installed Count Teckley Prince of High Hungary under the Quality of Duke & a new Coyne is made with ye Effigies of Prince Teckley thereon from Stratsburgh tis wrote that 4 Redgmts of Cavalry were Marched from ffryburgh towares Saverne upon the Saar in Lorraigne & all ye Kings forces in Alsace are following ye same Ordrs whereby tis feared that now ye ffrench have a designe to take Tryers in Order to facilitate his Conquest of Luxemburgh there being noe likelyhood to adjust differences between him & ye Spaniard neither ye Conference at ffrankfort to Come to a determinacon Yesterday 2 Eminent Goldsmiths of this City were by ye Ld C Justice bound to answere an Indictmt the first day of the Tearme for vending plate under ye Standard. The Earle of Berkleyes Daughter being missing from her father & ye prints promising a reward of 200 L to any yt shall Discover or bring her back such intimacon hath been given to her father that the Ld Grey her sisters husband has her under his protection whereupon his Ldpp was Exam[ined] thereon Thursday last before [the] Ld C Justice who answered Dubiously whereupon his Ldpp gave security to appeare the next Tearme & last night was served with a writt ne Exaet Regno & gave 5000 L Bayle thereto & wee are further told that a 2d writt De Homme Replegiendo will be taken out agst his Ldpp for the Replyevying [?] of the Lady henrietta wch if Elongatus est be returned a Capias ad Necthernam [?] will be issued out agst his Ldpp upon the accompt The Grand Jury of Middx have presented the late Peticon of yt County to the Ld Major to sweare Papillion & Dubois Sheriffs to be a Seditious unlawfull paper fitt to be punished +yesterday began & this day ended ye sessions at ye Old Baley where 11 were sentenced to dye 7 women & 4 men but none were soe hardy as twas beleived to make Exceptions agst the Jury returnd by these sheriffs This day a bill being brought to the Grand Jury of a pson who spake agst the prceedings of ye Ld Major they found ye same ye man Confessed the Indictmt & the Court fined him 20 Markes. [A few figures appear in another hand on outside of letter.] L. c. 1288 London the 17th October 1682 +I had not time on Satturday to trasmitt yow a pfect accot of ye proceedings at ye Old Baley relateing to the Courts fineing of a pson 20 Mark for saying that ye 2 Sheriffs Ought not be Obeyed they being only tooles sett up by the Ld Major which I finde now to bee Benjamin Leech who ye Ld Mayor said hee forgave & noe Indictmt brought agst him at ye sessions of peace but on ffriday a Bill was prferrd to ye G Jury at ye Old Baley agst him who returnd it Billa vera whereupon Mr Leech advised with Councell & brought Mr Thomson satturday morneing who put in a plea to Justify ye words the same began to be argued but there being none but Mr Justice Levens On the Bench looked upon it as a surprize being unwilling to have ye matter discussed without ye prsence of other ye Judges mr Sheriff Rich told Mr Thomson that hee was Endeavouring to rid him from a Troublesome Office which mr Thomson replyed that hee needed not to have had it were hee not to officious Mr Thomson began to read a statute on the prisonrs behalfe but the Court riseing to dinner gave Mr Leech time till they returned to mend his Plea but the Court being satt the prisonr still psisted in the Justification Mr Justice Levins would have had some of ye other Judges sent for saying that tho it was a frivolous plea yett twas his Opinion that ye rest of ye Judges should be Consulted in wch Oppinion Mr Recordr Concurrd but Sr John Peakee said Overrule itt over Rule itt & twas seconded by Sr James Edwards & other of ye Aldrmen wch accordingly they did & fined Mr Leech as Nihil dicit 20 Marks & Comitted him to Newgate who Imediatly paid the money & is now bringing writts agst the Sheriffs directed to ye Coronor to sue them to know by what authority they received his money & for what yesterday was held a Court of Leifetenancy where they took under debate the late action of Lieftenent Colonell Quiney & Comeing into Guild hall with his Company keeping ye Livery men from of ye Hustings the time of swearing Mr North & Rich Sheriffes & they agreed to returne him thanks for pformeing of yt acceptable peice of service as alsoe yt they would stand by & beare him out from any Damage that might accrue to him in Mannageing that dayes worke. Wee heare from Hertfordsheire that ye Eminent & aged Sr Henry Bloont dyed last weeke being about 90 yeares of age haveing Enjoyed an Annuity of 1000 L p Annum these 40 yeares for 400 L a yeare being paid out of ye Estate of one Sr John Harper of Derbysheire: This day satt a Court of Aldrmen whome of ye Inspectors of ye pole on ye parte of Sr Wm Pritchard made Complaint agst the Company of Glovers that they refused to them their bookes to inspect their Livery men who being sent for one of ye Aldermen made a Motion to send them to Newgate but they replyed they did not denye their looking into yr books but to deliver them into yr Custody wch they Conceived they were not bound to doe wch was att Length admitted them Afterwards sevrall Motions were made in ye Court that the Haberdashers Company of wch Alderman Cornish is Master should deliver an accompt of the sevrall Livery men that were admitted within a 12 Month beleiveing yt many more then usuall were received upon the Clothing but that Motion was overruled that they should not be pticuler but Extend to every Company to bring in the aforesaid accompt +This day ye Scrutineers on both sides haveing finished their sevrall Objections mett in Ordr to agree their Excepcons whereof they tell us that there is manifest fowle practize sevrall Apprentices haveing poled & divers psons sevrall times and the Clark of ye Company of Joyners left out 8 Livery men wch were in his books & incerted 2 wch were in his List who were not wch being Compared by ye bookes were found to be soe but ye Scrutineers proceeded this day to goe through but 2 Companyes & Cannot agree to each Objections alledging yt ye Court of Aldermen must Arbitrate ye differences whereby wee are in noe Likelyhood to know who shall be Ld Major sevrall dayes yett by ye poll and tis thought the matter is soe farr pplext that it will be difficult whereby to discover it at all L. c. 1289 London the 19th October 1682 +This day being the Essoyne day before the approaching Tearme & the time appointed for our City of London to deliver yr Rejoynder to the Replication of ye Attorney Genrall accordingly ye City Attorney Carryed it unto ye Kings bench Office which Consists of above 200 sheets of paper wherein they have in answere to ye Citys peticon to his Matie which is Objected agst them sett forth the whole series of ye popish plott his Maties sevrall proclamations thereof with the sevrall votes of both houses of parliamt in yt affaire togeather with ye pcedure upon itt wch they think will sufficiently Justify them in what they have incerted in the aforesaid Peticon: I Omitted to acquainte you that Last Tuesday Mr Sheriff Rich Complained to the Court of Aldermen that Sr Tho player our Chamberlayne refused to pay him 100 L as Customary to the Sheriffs hee was Called into Court & asked ye reason who answered that hee had not money to pay the Orphans & would not doe itt bidding him take his Course Letters from Bristoll tell us that Hellier the Towne Clark has againe gott himselfe to be sworne a Constable for the following yeare in Order to rout ye Whiggs a great many Quakers Children being taken at yr meeting are Comitted to Newgate & Bills found agst them tho under age There is a fewd betweene the Deane & prebends of ye Cathedrall & Dr Crosman for yt ye latter haveing ye Mannagemt of 700 L to beautify the Church they Complaine agst him for Altering ye Comunion Table in ye nature of an Alter as Glor[ious?] & exact they say as some in pop[ish] Countreyes whereof they have Complained to ye Bishop yesterday a sessions of peace was held to pfect their business where Lieuetent Collonell Quiney noe Indictmt being prferrd agst him for entering Guild hall with his Company was discharged by proclamation & moved the Court that ye prosecutors Recognizance might be Escheated The East India Company have finished their Sale at prsent wch amounts to 520000 L but have another ye 27 Instant their Actions have fell from 365 to 280 but begin againe to advance: The Sessions for the County of Middx ended Tuesday where sevrall of the psons who subscribed the late peticon to the Ld Major to swear papillion & Dubois Sheriffs were Indicted but ye Court referred the farther prosecution of yt matter to next Sessions The new fortifications of the Tower are almost Compleated sevrall New Batteries for Cannon are raised & port holes made thro the Walls underneath to shoote Levell a new fflanker made agst the enterance of Tower Streete & agst yt of ye Minoryes & Guns [all?] round ye Tower for its better security if any enemy should ever attaque itt. Wee have a farther accompt from Hickes hall that ye Grand Jury have delivered the Justices a Peticon to Pray his Matie to disarme the dissenters as dangerous to the Govermnent about 200 are prosecuted upon the Statute of 20 L a Month for not Comeing to Church. The Scrutineers of the Poll still Labour under that worke meeteing with many Objections which both parties Cannot agree upon but must referr it to the Decision of the Court of Aldrmen but they will run thro all ye Companys to night & next Tuesday when the Court of Aldermen meets againe wee may in probability know something of that affaire. +This day ye Judges Deligates satt againe to determine the long depending Cause betweene Mr Emerton & Mrs Bridgett Hyde they Continued in debates from 9 in ye morning till 7 at night when they put it to ye vote haveing [numbers illegible] they were half of one side & half of [the o]ther whereby they adjournd the farther decision till this day 6 weeks The Duke of Albemarle Earle of Craven &c being absent tis beleived when they meete againe they will give it agst Emerton. L. c. 1290 London the 21st October 1682 +Tis advised from Turino that the Duke of Savoy had desired his mother Madam Royall to depart from him & leave him alone to his Govermt is soe & well since ye departure of ye Portugall ffleete that Imediatly he rode ae hunting tho in ye raine, for not being inclinable to pforme ye Marriage wth ye Infanta made himselfe sicker then he was Letters from ffrankfort of the 14 October tell us that they are Extreamly busy about Considering ye ffrench proposalls together with the time limited being the last of November to pforme them The Deputyes of the Empire have agreed the Subject of a letter together with a declaracon to be sent to Ratisbon with ye Approbation of ye Imperiall ambassadr which they had dispatched away & letters of ye 20 add that the Standen of ye Empire refuse to accept of the Condicons proposed by ye ffrench att ffrankfort The ffrench troops in Alsace are makeing towards fflanders & intends to Winter in the Land of Julier along ye Rhyne The letters Mention from Vienna of ye 12 that there is advice from Raab that the Prime Vizier att Constantinople in few dayes designs for Belgrade whither ye Emperor will send the Baron Saphonara with a new project of peace there is an Express arrived with advice that Collonell Dependall suffered 500 Turkish horse to pass ye Waag who with a greater body designd to Invade Moravia fell upon the[m] & but 20 Escaped Genrall Teckley is with his army at ye holy Cross where a ffrench Agent is arrived with a great Summe of Money by way of Poland to pay ye army. 2 Hussars are arrived with Genrall Caprara from Count Teckley with a letter for ye Emperor to agree a Cessation wch the Genrall has sent to Vienna but deteyned ye Messingers the Emperor has now dispatched Count Martinitz to ye pope to pray aide Our Paris letters say that 4000 men are Ordrd for Pignorall who with those already there will Compleate a body of 12000 att ye same time Monnsr de Mortimer is gon for the Gallyes to sayle for Genoa Haven prtending a right to Come into yt port alsoe with a designe as tis beleived to make themselves Masters of itt: The great Cause between Mr Emerton & Mrs Bridgett Hyde wch was transacted on Thursday is the subject of discourse Especially since ye Judges were Equally devided & to meete againe that day 6 weeks therefore to Sattisfy yo[u]r Curiosity shall incert their names pro & Contra. +the 7 first for him Marquis Hallifax Duke of Ormond Sr Leoline Jenkins Bishop of Peterborough Bishop of Lincolne Bishop of Bristoll Deane Tilotson Earle of Alisbu[ry?] Deane Stillingfleete Judge Raymond Baron Atkins Judge Charleton Dr Newton Dr ffalconbridge +The 3 other who are absent were the Duke of Albemarle E Craven & Bishop of St Asaph when & where they meete againe that party yt Carryes itt must have 9 for ye Majority of 17 & likewise a Coram of 2 Bishops 2 Temporall Lords & 2 Judges whereby Mr Emerton Cannot probably Carry itt by this Comission the Lady May but if shee has but 8 the Comission will be dissolved & ye matter left as before Yesterday Mr Baxter the Nonconformist preacher was seized by a warrt from Sr James Butler upon the Corporation Act & is Comitted to New prison 3 other warrts from other Justices of Middx Came to seize his Goods being 40 L each but Mr Baxter shewed them a writeing that all hee had was sold 7 yeares agoe to ye Lady Maynard upon which they forboare One Mr James was alsoe taken & Comitted to ye same place & there are Warrts out to take all or most of those preachers in ye County +The Scrutineers of ye pole have soe puzled that affaire that it growes an Intricate & troublesome work to adjust they haveing delivered each their Exceptions & now are makeing Excepcons agst those Excepcons & tis beleived that the Decision being referrd to ye Court of Aldrmen they will adjudge itt in favor to Sr Wm Pritchard & lett them take yr remedy. +The Ld Major has issued forth his prcepts to all the Companyes to attend ye pson that shall be Elected to Westminster Monday 7 night This Evening yr Mats & R Highness returned from Newmarkett L. c. 1291 London the 24 October 1682 +Satturday Last the whole Court returned from Newmarkett to Whitehall where as soone as arrived a Cabynett Councell was held in Mr Secretary Jenkings his Lodgings where Mr Rich Sheriff attended & was Called in On Sonday the Lord Major attended with A Aldermen went to Whitehall to Congratulate his Maties returne & was some houres in private The Lord North brother to my Ld Cheife Justice North On Satturday last arrested Person Ellyott & Joseph Hindmarsh bookseller in an Action of 1000 L Scandalum Magnatum the former being the authour & ye latter ye publisher of a late 18 d booke which reflects Grosly on his Ldpps Honor Yesterday being the first of the Tearme Mr Williams Mooved for a Mandamus to sweare Mr Mrs [sic] Papillion Sheriff of London & Mr Wallop mooved for ye same of Mr Dubois but ye Court made a Rule that the Ld Major & Aldermen Shew Cause by next Monday why a Mandamus is not Granted The Duke of Monmouth appeared in Court attended by a great many psons of Honor his appearance was Recorded Mr Thompson mooved that hee might be discharged but Mr Attorney not being in Court his Grace is Continued on his Recognizance till Monday next The Ld Grey alsoe appeared upon accompt of ye Earle of Berkleys Daughter where an Information being ready the Court made him plead which hee did Not Guilty & ye same being read it was most Terribly worded as if his Ldpp had Comitted Adultry with ye said Lady Henerita. Mr Pilkington & Shute our 2 late Sheriffs made alsoe yr appearance some Contest arrose about Recording it the Judge alledging that the matter did not appeare before them being only bound in a bond by ye Councell but however they att length discharged the Bond & took their owne & one more Recognizance to appeare de die in diem Mr ffaringdon of Chichester was brought to ye barr & arraigned for being accessary in ye Murder of Harbin [?] ye Informer Sr Geo Jeoffreys mooved that hee might be Comitted but Mr ffaringdon produceing 4 affidavitts wch being read it did not appeare that Mr ffarringdon had ye least Knowledge thereof & the Coronor informed the Court that this mr ffarringdon was Cleared by 2 Inquests tho afterwards a Bill was found against him at the Sessions of peace & Mr ffarringdon declared it was a malitious prosecucon by his owne Brother Sr John ffarringdon upon which ye Court accepted of Bayle One Mr Thomas fformine a wealthy Citizen with 4 more being his Suretyes himselfe bound 1000 L & the Bayle in 500 L each & Mr Attorney to shew Cause on Monday why ye same be not tryed this tearme. [Handwriting changes here.] this day in the Exchequer Court a Bill was prferred by Mr Atturney agt Aldermen Cornish Sr Rich Dullward and divers other Aldermen & Commoners for Misapplying a Million of pounds Collected upon ye bill But of less money [?] for Building of Churches And ye [seal spoils four letters] allowed 3 Weeks to returne an answear this day Nett Thomson was brought to ye King bench barr and recommitted to prison his former sentence not being discharged the Court Complayning of the notorious Lies he Dayly published alsoe they ordrd a tipstaff to fetch Harry Care and Mrs Curtis the publisher of the protestant intelligence. This Morning the Cort of Aldermen mett att Guildhall to whome the Scrutineers on both sides delivered the farther Adjustmt of the Poll agreeing in matter tho not in forme wch theire appeared-- Gould 2257 Defaulters being not free and out of Towne Poled Cornish 2227 Sr Wm Prichard 76 and thise Defaulters for Sr tho Wm Pritchard 2144 Gould 28 and 2 poled twice but the greate Exception Tulse---236 was of sevrall Glovers of the Livery of Glovers Merchantiles [?] fairiers against Sr tho Goulds side In number above 70 who had not taken ye Oathes When they Came and Livery wch poynt was by Counsell on both sides Argued before the Court of Aldermen Mr Thomson Alledging that they were all rightfull Electors for the Company dispersed therewith. att length they were ordrd to withdraw and afterwards dismist and wee are told their will bee a Common hall to morrow where the poll will bee declared tis supposed for Sr Wm Pritchard the Court not allowing those that had not taken ye Oathes as duely for Electors. L. c. 1292 London the 26 October 1682 +Yesterday was little Transacted att the Kings bench save only that Mr Attorney mooved that Mr ffaringdons tryall should be had in ye Countrey but the Court told him that Sr George jeoffreys Mooved the day before that it should be att the Barr but Mr Attorney replyed that hee gave noe such Ordr wch Occasioned words betweene Mr Attorney & Sr George about itt but the Court said that they being possessed of ye Cause & findeing that there was much of heate in the prosecucon besides Irreguler practice was resolved to have it tryed before them but asked mr Attorney if his Matie gave pticuler Orders about itt wch hee Could not say soe a Rule of Court was made to try him this Tearme at the Kings bench for being accessary to ye Murder of Habin ye Informer in Chichester Mr Richd Baxter ye Nonconformist preacher being seized by a warrt from Sr James Butler upon ye Corporation act & Oath being made by Dr Cox that it would Endanger his life to keepe him in prison being Extreamly sick his Matie has been pleased to Recall the said Warrt with the Expression that hee delighted not in the death of his Subjects The Prisoners Condemned last Sessions in Custody of our new Sheriffs & none of them being Executed did raise Conjectures in many that the sheriffs would not adventure to pforme itt but Contrarywise 2 men & one woman being Old Offenders were yesterday drawne to Tyburne & there finished their fatall Exite & some say ye sheriffs have the Judges Opinion in the affaire There is now Come to our veiw a List of about 50 of the Cheifest Sticklers in this City that were last sessions att hickses hall Indicted upon the Statute of ye 23th of Elizabeth being Charged sevrall Monthes for not Comeing to Church 20 L each Month as if they were Popish Recusants which if it holds good against them tis beleived that many others will be punished after the like manner: The Scrutineers of the Poll haveing on both sides made their Report to the Court of Aldermen on Tuesday last whereby ye Majority lay on Sr Tho: Gould & Alderman Cornishes part by 114 but those for Sr Wm Pritchards makeing Exceptions against 90 Livery men of the Merchantalors Company 12 of ye Glovers as not haveing taken the Oathes & alsoe Excepted against all the ffurriers being 14 as not a Legall Cloathing together with 9 Inholders the same was Controverted before the Court of Aldrmen who not only rejected them but took the Musitians on Sr Wm Pritchards side & soe Ordrd the Scrutineers to adjust the pole after that Method but those for Gould & Cornish refused to Joyne therein Whereupon Yesterday morning a Comon Hall was Summoned Sr Wm Pritchards Scrutineers made yr Report to ye Court of aldrmen afterwards the Ld Major & some Aldrmen Came upon ye Hustings where Mr Recordr told the Livery that hee was Comanded by ye Ld Major & Aldrmen to acquaint ym that ye pole being reported stood thus viz Sr Wm Pritchard 2138 Gould 2124 Cornish 2093 Tulse 236 whereby the Majority falling on ye first they ha[ve?] Elected Sr Wm pritchard & Mr Record[er] Declared him Ld Major Elect & hee had Imediatly a Gold Chayne hung about his Neck Mr Jenks stopped upon the Hustings & told ye Ld Major that hee made a false Report Our prsant Ld Major made a Saint like speech Calling God & his owne Conscience to Witness that hee designd them noe Injury wch if they thought hee had Comitted beggd their pardon Sr Wm made alsoe a speech Expressing his Inability to pforme soe great a Trust reposed in him but however he would Endeavour to prserve ye Church & State in its Right Lyne &c On Satturday the time of swearing is in ye City On Monday before ye Barons of the Excheqr the skiners Company have voted not to accompany him in their Barge & some others will doe ye like but wee are told his Matie will dine with him on Monday +Last Night his Matie Conferrd the privey Seale On Marquis Hallifax which tis said will red[ou]nd to ye dissattisfacon of Mr Seamor who is retired into ye Countrey. L. c. 1293 London the 28 October 1682 +This day one Designy a Sloppseller who the sitting of last Terme was Convicted for Kidnapping alias Spiriting away of Children Especially one Turbett a Young man at Pauls Schoole whose father had just agreed with an Attorney for his Clarke appeared at the Kings Bench & was fined 500 L & Comitted till hee pay ye same Letters from Chichester say that Monday last being an Adjournd sessions for yt City one Masters a Coller maker Came into Court & openly declared that hee had been prvayled upon when In drink to sweare falsely agst persons for ye Lucre of 5 L with promise of a greater reward relateing to ye wounding the Bishopps horses for which being troubled in Conscience had brought ye said 5 L & flung it downe in Court & the Justices Comitted him to Goale & they speak that ye Subo[r]nors are those who prosecute mr ffarringdon for ye Murder of habin ye Informer yesterday the Goods of one Patridge A Nonconformist preacher in Middx was by hilton the Grand Informer seized upon wch Caused such a Rabble that 2 files of Musqueteers were forced to be sent for from White hall to prserve Quietness yesterday Mrs Curtis publisher of the Protestant Mercury was by a Tipstaff brought to ye Kings Bench Barr where being Charged with vending of sevrall seditious pamphletts shee pleaded that what shee vended was in Obedience to her husbands Comands who was gon into ye Country but for all that for want of Bayle the Court Comitted her to the Custody of the Marshall Thursday Mr Recordr & sevrall Aldrmen with ye Ld Mayor Elect Attended the Ld Chancellor as Customary for his maties Approbation & when Come his Ldpp made a florid speach Expressing that a Corporation was a body without a Soule for without his Maties Grace & favor it was dead his Ldpp acquainted them that his Maties pleasure was to be Attended himselfe in person & that the next day in the Morning Accordingly they went to Whitehall where being introduced into his Maties Bedchamber Mr Recordr made a most Loyall Elegant and well accepted Speach to his Matie Recomending Sr Wm Pritchard Ld Mayor Elect as ye Charter Enjoynd for a Loyall discreete & able pson & knew how to Governe for yt hee first Learnt to Obey & as Merchants who brought their Treasure from afarr did Obteyne his Maties Stamp to make them Currant Soe this Elected Major was prsented to his Matie before hee Could Officiate for his Royall Approbation and brought with him 2 Considerable things that hee was Chosen in Succession & with ye Majority &c Whereupon his Matie returnd a Gratious Answere that hee was well accepted by him as any they Could bring & doubted not but hee would follow soe good an Example as his prdicessor or words to this effect & that his Matie would remember Sr John Moore & give him a speciall Mark of his favour This day being the time of swearing the Ld Major Elect in Guild hall the sa[me] was accordingly pformed in its usual[l] Ceremony save only ye Chamberlayne was absent to deliver him the City purse On Thursday afternoone workmen began to make prparations in Guildhall for his Maties Reception On Monday but the time proveing to short the same is againe taken downe & his Matie does not dine in ye City & there being noe Common Councell money Could not bee Obteyned for yt use but Sr Wm Pritchard Major & his prdecessor dines at Grocers hall Yesterday the Mercers Company Considered whether to send their Barge or not & Concluded ye matter that those that would goe might or as they would themselves but it being a Custome to give that Sheriff that was of yr Company 100 L towards his Expences they voted not to give any Money to Mr Dudly North +A Pattent is past the Seales to make Mr Roger North Brother to Mr Dudley North our Sheriff One of his Maties Learned Councell in ye Law +This day ye Court of Kings Bench Ordred the Tryall of Mr ffaringdon to be the 16 of next Month at ye Barr of yt Court being Thursday Come fortnight L. c. 1294 London the 31 October 1682 +The Close of last weeke his Matie was under some Indisposicon of health but praised be God (being lett blood) is perfectly recovered & yesterday stood upon the Leads att Whitehall to view the Ld Major with ye Other Companyes Barges on their way to Westminster: Yesterday being the time of swearing the Ld Major before the Barons of the Exchequer Sr John Moore our late Ld Major & Sr Wm Pritchard our prsent one accompanied with 12 Aldermen of 26 togeather with Mr Recorder & the 2 Sheriffs took water about 11 but there appeared not halfe ye Companyes Barges & the Livery very Thyn when Landed att Westminster they first went round the hall & saluted the sevrall Courts of Justice then sitting & then Came to the Excheqr Barr where Mr Recordr made a learned speech in Comendation of Sr John Moore & praise of Sr Wm Pritchard then Ld Major & went on very Rhetoricall Concludeing that hee hoped that ye Conduct of the Ld Major would Cause all Divisions in ye City to Cease that there may be noe Strife but who shall show most Loyalty Love & affection one to ye Other Which being ended Ld Cheife Baron made a second speech that by what Mr Recordr had signifyed hee did approve of Sr Wm Pritchard as a pson fitt to Governe the great City of London & that hee had a worthy Example to follow the Methods of Sr John Moore who had behaved himselfe with all Constancy & Loyalty in a Troublesome season & Concluded that hee might bee a meanes to Cherish vertue & Trade in the City but to punis[h] the Obstinate & Evill doers Then Sr Wm Pritchard had an Oath tendred to him to be true & faithfull in ye adminstration of his Office both towards his Matie & his Leidge people After wch Sr John Moore was sworne to make a true accompt of all the profitts arrisen to his Matie dureing his Majoralty & then a second as the Kings Gager wch after some other Ceremony were dismist Who inviteing the Judges to dinner they returned but ye show was not great being noe Pagants & other ornaments for the day save only a great appearance of ye Artillery Company they dined att Grocers hall where sevrall of the Nobility did accompany them yesterday the Ld Major and Aldermen being Ordered to shew Cause to the Court of Kings Bench why they should not grant a Mandamus to sweare Mr Papillion & Dubois Sheriffs of London & Middx A Motion was made for further time wch was Ordered to be On ffriday: The same time ye affaire of the Ld Gray Came in debate & 3 other psons mentioned in the Indictmt being brought into Court they alsoe pleaded & afterwards Bayled & the Tryall thereof appointed to be this day 3 weeks: This day Edwd Whitacre lately in the Tower was tryed at the Kings Bench barr for speaking of very Notorious base & wicked words about 3 yeares since in a Coffee house in Bath vizt One Sr James Long with 2 other Gentlemen testifying agst him that hee speaking of a pliamt to be had once a yeare they replyed not such a one as that of (41) wch caused rebellion and murdered the late King Whitacre replyed that hee knew of noe Rebellion they made for twas in Justification of their rights & that the King was not Murdered but taken of by a Legall Tryall which they all Testify twas the substance of his then words whereupon there being noe Councell to speak on his behalfe the Jury of which Sr John Smith was foreman being all of somersetsheire pronounced him Guilty but Whitacre was not in Court for absconds [?]. +A Motion was made by Councell on ye behalfe of Mr Topham agst Verdon the undersheriff of Norfolke relateing to ye verdict of 500 L & Obteyned agst him last Cambridgsheire Assizes that the Jury were Transposed Contrary to ye Ordr of the Court wch being made appeare the said verdict was sett aside & verdon Ordred to shew Cause by ffriday being an Attorney of yt Court who pcured the same why hee should not be turned over ye Barr. L. c. 1295 London the 2d November 1682 +Wee have now published an Ordr of the late sessions being the last publick Act Sr John Moore our Quondam Ld Major has subscribed That whatsoever person keeping an Ale or Victualling house that shall not Constantly goe to Church but resort to a seditious Conventicle shall have noe Licence for the future granted them & tis recomended to each Aldrman not to grant a Certificate to ye Justices for any such pson to keepe an Alehouse &c unless they bring a Testemoniall from either ye Minister or Church wardens of such their Conformity: Yesterday wee had an accompt of 6 psons in the parish of Cornehill that stand at prsant Excommunicated for either not Comeing to Church or neglecting to receive the Blessed Sacramt & tis said many other Citizens in sevrall parishes will participate of ye same. Letters from Dorchester say that Sonday morning last Sr Wm Waller Came to yt Towne & next day went to Weymouth where a small vessell Lay to Carry him to Holland. The same Letters speaks of a Dutch vessell of 40 Guns & 60 men aboarde of wch was a Spanish merchant haveing great store of Peices of 8 with him was the last week Cast away in the West Bay neare Portland & 26 men drownd togeather with the said Merchant. Sr Thomas Player our Chamberlayne being retired to his Countrey Seate neare Brandford to avoyd the dayly Clamor of the Orphans for money when there at prsant is none to pay them A Messinger is sent to him from the Councell to appeare before his Matie on ffriday next but I could not possibly Learne what matter they have to Object agst him. Tuesday night Don Pedro de Ronquillio the Spanish ambassadr delivered his Matie a Certaine writeing being the Coppyes of Originall Letters Transaccons & paymts of money by the ffrench to bring in the Turk upon Christedome togeather with ye Articles to Assist the Hungarian Male Contents which ye Emperor had seized and his ambassadr in Poland demanding a publick audience of that King where all the fforraigne Ministers were prsent the Emperors ambassadr first asked his Matie what those psons were who would bring in the Turk upon Europe the King replyed that Certainly none yt professed Christianity would doe ye same for otherwise they were Enemies to mankind upon wch the ambassadr drew forth the letters wch were the ffrench Residents owne hand writeing being an Abbott and Charged him therewith to his face who findeing hee was discovered Justifyed the same but the King Imediatly Conveyed him with a strong Guard to the ffrontiers & sent him packing home & twas much adoe to save him from being Torne in peices: Our Paris Letters say that the ffrench King has bought the Dutchey of Mantua & that his forces will take possession thereof this winter Mr Attorney Genrall has brought a Surr Rejoyndr to answere the late Rejoyndr of ye City to his Replicacon whereupon the City Comittee mett this day in Ordr to Consider of the farther proceeds whether to rebutt or Joyne issue but the Charter Cannot possibly Come to a Tryall this Tearme The Dutch ambassadr presses with great Earnestness to have a Resolve upon the prsent Juncture of affaires & declares yr Unwillingness to enter into a warr with ffrance without the Conjuncture of England & therefore prayes an Answere of how farr his Matie will be Gratiously pleased to Interest himselfe in relacon to ye Treaty of Nimeghuen by entering into those Measures as may secure a lasting peace or a happy prosecucon of warr L. c. 1296 London the 4th November 1682 +Mr Attorney Genrall haveing delivered in a Surrejoinder to the City Rejoynder therein Endeavours to mainteyne the 2 Breaches hee before Assigned first Whereas the City pleads that beyond the time of ye Memory of man wch they call prscription they used to hold Marketts & imposed a Reasonable Toll & thereby they have not Acted agt Law to forfitt yr Charter but Mr Attorney in his Surrejoynder denyes ye same wch being an issuable matter of fact must be tryed by a Jury whether it is or not soe, but it Cannot Comence this Terme and Whereas the City pleads & setts forth the popish plott togeather with his Maties speaches as alsoe the votes of both houses of parliamt to Justify their peticon which mr Attorney Assignes for ye 2d Breach Mr Attorney demurrs to the same thereby admitting the matter they sett forth to be true yett noe Justification which being a point of Law must be argued by councell & then it lyes before ye Judges whether to overrule itt or not wch affaire will admitt of great Consideracon Thursday last his R Highness Attorney delivered in a Declaracon agst Alderman pilkington one of our late sheriffs upon ye Action of Scandalum Magnatum brought agst him some time since wherein hee declares in the Damage of 100000 L & setts forth ye words to this effect vizt That the Duke of york haveing already burnt the City is hee a Comeing now to cutt our Throates which Mr Pilkington affirmes hee did not say in those words as nameing the Duke of yorke but the papists but wee heare hee is Endeavouring to make his peace. yesterday Mrs Whitacre whose husband was the last weeke Convicted for speaking seditious base words prsented the Judges a peticon that her husband had not due notice of his Tryall &c but they rejected the same Twas Expected that a great hearing should have Come on in ye Kings Bench relateing to ye Granting or not a Mandamus for swearing Mr Papillion & Dubois Sheriffs but the Court considering that the Argumt might bee of some length & they goeing to prick Sheriffs in the Exchequr Deferred the debate thereof till Tuesday next Mr Verdon the late undersheriff of Norfolke being to show reason why hee should not be turnd over the Barr appeared & the Court demanding a reason of his foule Practice in the Case of Topham for Transposeing of ye Jury hee Endeavoured to revert the matter upon the Sheriff of Cambridgsheire but the Court was very sharp upon him & would have Comitted him but Mr Godfrey Woodward Attorney undertook to be his Bayle till Thursday next wch time hee is to bring in a Coppy of the venire with a reproofe that they would punish him if hee Could not make out the same who replyed that what hee did was out of Loyalty. yesterday Sr Tho player according to his Sumons appeared before his Matie in Councell where my Ld Chancellor demanded of him what hee had d[one] with ye money hee received for redeeming the poore Captives from out of Argiere Sr Tho shewed them discharges for about 26000 L & the remandr wch was 16000 L hee had at his Office keeping that Cash sepate from yt of ye Orphans whereupon hee was required Imediatly to pay ye same into ye Excheqr an Ordr of Councell being made for ye same wch hee promised to doe on Tuesday & would have done it soever but his servant who keeps the same was in ye Countrey This afternoone Kidd the Amsterdam Coffee man with divers Others were tryed upon an informacon before the Ld C Justice in Guild hall for Riotously hee being a Constable with force & Armes Endeavoring to force into ye Royall Exchange under prtence of goeing his Rounds in Oposition to a Company of ye Trayned Bands then & there upon the Guard Capt Bloomer Comandr the Circumstances to long to incert but in fine the Jury brought in Kidd the Constable Guilty but acquitted the rest [A few words and figures in another hand appear on outside of letter.] L. c. 1297 London 7th November 1682 +The Ld Grey of Warke haveing some time synce beene arrested by a corutt [?] Repleniendo [?] and the Shereiff makeing his Returne Elongavit his Ldpp yesterday appeared in ye Kings Bench Court in ordr to discust that affayre with the Judges relateing to ye Lady Henecita Berkely whome his Ldpp is Charged to have in Keepeing but a motion beeing made by ye adverse Councill for a Capias ad withernum the Court findeing his Ldpp prsant to save ye trowble of a Capias Committed him to ye Custody of ye Marshall untill he shall bring forth the said Lady Berkeley. There haveing been an Indictmt found agst Sr Robt Atkings Recordr of Bristoll for a Ryott ye same beeing transferred by Certiorary to ye Kings Bench Sr Robt Came himselfe into Court and made above 2 howeres Argumt yt ye same was invaled in ordr to have it sett aside wch haveing taken up a great deale of ye Courts tyme they have ordred ye farther Argumt thereof to bee on Munday next. yesterday 2 Gentlemen one Capt Godollphen Governr of Scilly & Liftent Duncomb of his Matys foote Guards haveing dyned together ye Latter often repeated some verses wch ye former thought reflected on his famely prayed him to desist wch not beeing done prsantly words arrose and a Challenge Ensued & they desperately fought & were verry much hurt & Capt Godollphen some howers after dyed of his wounds. The Eall of Maxfeild is returnd to London from out of ye Country and by him wee undrstand yt his Ldpp has arrested one Strange a supposed papist in Newcastle upon an Action of 3000 L Scandalum magnatum for sayeing his Ldpp was a Rogue Rascall & Traytor & none of ye name otherwise & wee heare hee is in Confinemt wanteing bayle An ordr is given to all his Mats officers of the guards yt they abrayd noe man with the appellation of Whigg or Cawse any qwarrelling about yt affayre. Wee have had for some days A flyeing report yt ye Eall of Mullgrave was forbid ye Court wch I forboare to speak of till there was a Certainty & now I find that his Mayte & R Highness is much displeased with him relateing to a Letter Intercepted betweene his Ldpp and Lady Ann Intymateing to neare [?] to address to her for wch ye same beeing privately Considered of ye Lord Chamberlayne has ordrs Last night to bid his Ldpp provide other Lodgeing than in Whitehall & some saye all his places are taken from him but that as yett beeing noe Certanty shall forbear to mentyon. The Close of Last weeke ye Ld Viscount Cambden aged 71 yeares departed this Life at Exton in Ruttlandsheire and ye Eall of Exeter is made Recordr of Stamford in his pt. 2 men of warr are a fitting ou[t] and ye Genrall discourse Runs yt they are designed to ye East Indyes to looke after the Interlopers of yt Company to seize them as prize. Satterday Last 3 Emenent Merchts ye Boneiles all of yem Brothers went from of ye Exchange in ye Nature of breakeing & tis said Left Incumbrances behind yem to ye vallew of 100000 L. yesterday 13 Turkey Shipps arrived from that Country & speake of ye great preperations everywhere makeing for warr against the spring to goe against hungary. [Handwriting changes here.] Last night beeing kept for ye 8 [5?] of November many bonefires were Enkindled but the Rabbell began theire Customed Rudeness of Cryeing noe yorke but a Monmouth a Monmouth & were soe out Ragious in the Stocksmarkett yt they began to burne & pull downe a vinteners signes &c but ye soldiers dispatcht the most & seized sevrall who were Comitted to the Compter & Bridewell. +This day Mr Recordr began to show reason to ye Court of Kings Bench for theire not granteing A mandamus and was seconded by Sr Geo Jefferyes &c & made exceptions to ye directing of it as ye adverse Councill desyred (vizt) ye Ld Mayr & Aldrmen makeing a distinction betweene ye Ld Mayr & Court of Aldrmen & by reason there was noe prsident such a writt in the Like Case ye Judges tooke time till Munday next to Considr how to direct it a Right [?] yt afterwards they might not Come undr any senecure [?] for the same L. c. 1298 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 9th November 1682 +It is now Certainly Confirmed that the Earle of Mulgrave has soe mightily Incurred his Maties & Royall Highnesses displeasure that his Ldpp is not only Banished Whitehall and St Jameses but alsoe displaced from his Great Offices and Comands his Governorshipp of Hull Conferred on the Ld Windsor his Ld Leivetentshipp of the East Rideing of yorksheire given to the Marquis hallifax his Cheife Comand of one of the Kings Redgmts of Guards bestowed on the Ld Chesterfeild and his Honoble Office of one of the Lords of his Maties Bedchamber granted to the Earle of ffeversham & tis thought that hee will be in ppetuall disfavour some people talk very harsly of ye affaire reflecting Censoriously On ye Honor of ye Lady Anne but I am well assured that ye princess of her owne accord discovered his Ldpps intentions by Shewing a letter wch shee receid to her father his Royall Highness yesterday the Company of Merchant Taylors who had 90 odd Livery men Shutt out of ye pole for the last Ld Major as haveing not taken the Oath formerly imposed by ye Company held a Court where sevrall speaches were made that ye Company Ought to Justify their Livery or otherwise returne each Member yr Money which they received of them when they admitted them on the Cloathing & above 60 of them were prsent to demand the same upon which ye Company voted that they would Endeavour to Justify them & Ordered a Comittee to have resorte to ye ablest Councell for advice & use all Lawfull wayes to the accomplishing of itt Monday night last being a kinde of Ryott or rout by a great Number of robustick rude fellows in the Stocks markett in soe much that the Lord Major and Trayned Bands were forced to Come & disperse them but every day since sevrall of them are found out & Comitted and wee are told that some will be arraigned for their lives for Opposeing the Guards being Charged for Levying Warr agt the King of which if they should happen to be Convicted tis beleived that they may suffer for Example sake. yesterday Mr Justice Dolbin gave the Charge to ye Grand Jury for the County of Middx & among many of his reckonings bidd them prsent ye Coffee houses for suffering seditious pamphletts to be brought & read in yr houses yesterday Sr Tho Player pursuant to the late Ordr of Councell paid into ye Excheqr most pte of the money remaineing In his hand for redemption of the poore Captives from out of Argiere & on ffriday will Compleate the whole togeather with ye accot of yt affaire & wee are told yt his Matie will forthwith dispatch away that money for ye Carrying on that Charitable worke Yesterday one Lobb a Nonconformist Preacher had all his Goods seized & sevrall others are served after the like treatmt for their Nonconformity. This day ye affaire of Verdon the late undersheriff of Norfolke was further discussed at ye Kings bench barr where hee Endeavored to throw the fowle practise made use of to pcure a verdict of 500 L agt Topham On the sheriff of Cambridgsheire att length the Court after a very severe reprmand sett ye verdict aside without paying of Costs & resolved to have a new Tryall before ym at ye Barr Mr Attorney moved the Court for Liberty to incert some new matter in a Replicacon to a Quo warranto brought some yeares since agt the Island of Burmudos declareing that hee had speciall direccon for ye same but ye Court told him yt it would bee an ill prsident to Assigne new Breaches after ye Bringing ye former & absolutely refused telling him that if hee would doe ye same must enter a Noli prosequi & bring a New Quo warranto & then might signe as many Breaches as hee would. +the Sperituall Court is busy sending forth yr Citacons in Ordr to Excommunicate sevrall psons for not receiveing ye blessed Sacramt as alsoe for absenteing from yr parrish Church L. c. 1299 London the 11th November 1682 +Mr John Emerton who sevrall yeares past has mainteyned a Chargable defence att Law for the right of Mrs Bridgett Hide to be his wife findeing the Deligates not to determine that affaire and feareing that it might be given against him the 30 instant has sent downe Workmen upon the Estate who has felled and Cutt downe a great Number of Trees and are Extreamly busy in Carrying them from of the prmisses to prvent wch the Ld Dumblayne who prtends to the Estate haveing lately Marryed her has putt in a Bill in Chancery setting forth that she is his wife & therefore by right ought to have her Lands and prayes upon it a stopp and hindrance of Cutting and Carrying any timber by another but yesterday Mr Emerton delivered his Answere That whereas John Osburne Esqr an Irish Lord by ye Title of Dunblayne falsly suggesting to that Court that hee had marryed Mrs Bridgett Hide his Bill may be dismist for that hee by ye Law of ye Land was himselfe Marryed to her some yeares before That a verdict in Law passed for him in his Justificacon now upon Record & that afterwards a Comission of Deligates had given Judgmt for his Marriage by vertue of Which hee was intituled to the Estate & therefore hoped the Court would not hinder him from doeing what hee thought good with his owne for that Dunblayne had but a Clandestyne prtence to the same wch affaire will Cause more work for ye Lawyers. yesterday was a great argumt in ye Kings bench Court upon a writt of Error in a Judgmt Obteynd by Sr Tho Chargis agt one Mr Row in the Common pleas for that the said Mr Row Called Sr Thomas papist being Justice of peace & a privey Councellor in Ireland their Argumt was whether the word papist was or was not Actionable the Ld C Justice seemed to be of the Opinion that it was not Giveing for reason that then the papists had a great advantage agt us for then wee dare not Call them such as they were but Mr Justice Dolbin was of ye Contrary Opinion saying that ye people had gott such a way that every honest Church of England man was branded with the name of papists wch if it Could not be remedyed itt would Cause great heats & disturbances Judge Jones was absent Judge Raymond did not Argue soe tis deferred till next Tearme. yesterday Mr Attorney Genrall mooved that the City of London might forthwith rebutt to the Surrejoynder wch was accordingly Ordered On Wedensday next wch if hee makes a Surrebutter then the Charter will Come Speedily upon issue some sayes this Terme but that would prcipitate soe great an affaire yesterday Sr Geo Jeoffreys mooved that the Duke of yorkes Action of Scandalu magnatu agt Alderman pilkington might be not only tryed at Barr but this Terme by a Harford Jury the Ld C Justice would have had it deferred till next Terme but a rule being read that by Consent it was to be tryed this Terme it was soe ordered unless mr Pilkington shew Cause to the Contrary. Sonday last sevrall Justices of peace at Theobolds Comeing to disturb a Conventicle found the people gon upon wch they pulld downe ye pulpitt & made a Bonfire therewith being Gunpowder treason day yesterday the Ld Major & aldrmen attended his Matie in Councell where they gave an accot of the late Riotous proceedings on Monday last wch was made out very Notorious thereupon his Matie was pleased to Ordr that on the 17 being ye aniversery of Queene Eliz: they Ordr a strong Guard of Trayned bands & suffer noe bonfires to be made & neither pope nor other Effigies to be burnt to prvent wch that the City Gates be kept shutt in the Eveninge & all Assemblyes Disperst L. c. 1300 London the 14 November 1682 +Our fforaigne Letters from vienna of the first instant say that ye Venetian ambassadr shewed the Emperor a letter hee receid from Constantinople that it to plainely appeares that that Court is resolved to Carry on a warr against Hungary & that the Grand Signor after the feast Bairam intends for Adrianople & goe in pson himselfe Genrall Caprara is Encamped between Newtra & Leopolstadt & sent ye Emperor advice that Genrall Teckley has refused passage for ye 1200 which he had sent for the Townes of the hills saying that he had given noe Comission to his Agents at Vienna to declare that he had accepted of a Cesation of Armes yet he suffers the Imperiall Officers to proceed in yr Mines in the hills paying him 6000 Guilders a Month Contribution & tis farther advised that Genrall Teckley refuseing what his Agents have agreed at Vienna New Acts of Hostility begin on both sides to be Comitted & the Male Contents have seized on the Towne of Benedictus & plundered the same Letters from ffranckfort of the 4 Instant say that the Deputies of the Empire being assembled the Ditto brake upp without agreeing anything of those great Matters before them relateing to warr or peace. Our Paris Letters speake that his Matie has Ordered the Assembly of his Clargy to meete on the 4 of Aprill next the protestants have given answere to the Intendant wherein they Lay downe the sevrall reasons for their seperateing from ye Roman ffaith but declare a great deale of respect & submission to yt King not forgetting to take notice of the fallibity of ye pope declareing that they are ready to loose the last dropp of yr blood for mainteyneing yr Religion Advice from the Hague sayes that the States of Holland are Extrordinarily surprized at the Duke of Brandeburghs seizeing of Gratzeile Towne in ffriesland whereupon they have Ordered 4 Redgmts to draw thitherwards & repossess themselves thereof wch tis feared will in a Manner begin a warr the States have Ordered 24 men of warr to be imediatly Equipped & sent to sea & they are noe less Solicitous to accomplish a Genrall peace in Europe doeing all they Can that a place may be Nominated for that purpose more Especially since the determined time of ye ffrench begins to approach Last night a most unhappy accident befell the Royall Exchange a Shipp of 400 Tons & 30 Guns newly arrived from Scandaroone Rideing before woolwich wch took fire & with great pte of her Ladeing was burnt to ye waters edge to the great loss of the Turkey Merchants Last night Sr Geo waterman an Aged Alderman of this City departed this life whereby there will be n[oe] little stirr to gett a Whigg or Tory Alderman in his stead the Grand Jury of Middx being impanelled & sworne they have before them sevrall Matters of Moment as alsoe divers late printed bookes viz hunts postscript Plato Redivivus the 3 pts of noe protestant plott with other pamphletts & tis beleived will make prsentmts upon them Sr Walter St Johns being a late member of Pliamt being a Ld of a Mannor is summoned together with 50 more into ye Crowne Office & to plead & make out yr Titles in the Nature of a Quo warranto. This & yesterday being 2 long pticuler tryalls att Barr nothing was moved about ye Mandamus but deferred as alsoe Sr Robt Atkins his farther argumt upon his Indictmt putt of till Thursday morning. This Morning Mr Recordr mooved att Side Barr for longer time to deliver in yr rebutter to ye Attorney Genrlls surrejoynder & Mr Attorney is to shew cause to morrow why it should not be Granted. +This day Councellor Sanders took ye Oaths at Chancery Barkas being made one of his Maties Councell learned in the Law. +Satturday last one Mr ffranklin a Nonconformist preacher was seized & Comitted to new prison upon ye Corporation Act & Last night Mr Read another of ye same had all his Goods seized upon at Stepney for 140 L being Convicted for p[reac?]hing 7 times & the Constable had a warrt for his person but he Escaped. +The Towne of Nottingham Notwithstanding they have a new Charter Choose Major & Sheriffs pursuant to the Old Saying that it was not Legally Surrendered where upon a Quo warranto is sent agt their Old one & Satturday last Mr Sacheverill who Espouses the Cause gave an appearance thereto in the Crowne office. L. c. 1301 London 18 November 1682 +Sr George Waterman Alderman of the Bridg ward being deceased there is great partyes makeing for one Alderman in his place & the Candidates are said to be Mr Shuite our late Sheriff Mr Papillion our supposed Sheriff Mr Dudley North one of our prsent Sheriffs and Deputy Daniell the Haberdasher upon the Bridge Sheriff of Surrey which when the funerall of Sr George is over the Ld Major will issue forth his prcept for that Election ffriday next is appoynted the Tryall att Kings bench barr between his Royall highness & Alderman Pilkington upon the Action of Scandalu Magnatu and the Jury are returned already by the Sheriff of Harfordsheire where the Duke has laid his Action This morning the Lord Cheife Justice Called mr Saunders within side of the Barr being made one of his Maties Councell learned in the Law and wee are told that hee will be sudainly Knighted for his service to the Crowne Last night Sr John ffinch his Maties late ambassadr att Constantinople and the Ld Chancellors Brother departed this life haveing sometime Languished under ye distemper of A Consumption yesterday Sr Robt Atkins his business about ye Ryott at Bristoll was put of till next Tearme Monday next Comes on the Tryall of the Ld Grey by a Surrey Jury who are sumoned to appeare then Sr Marmaduke Grassant foreman The Lady Berkley is not yet found but a Messinger who has been in Quest of her above a Month sayes that hee narrowly Mist of her 4 or 5 times & laye[s out?] for her still The sevrall Printers of Intelligences findeing themselves under the lash of the Law for printing & publishing Scandalous papers of Newes have agreed to Lay downe & print noe more On that subject soe that now wee have only the Gazett & Observator and tis Credibly reported for a truth that Tomson the printer of the Loyall Intelligence dyed on Thursday last Last Tuesday Sr Robt Cane Chancellor of ye Dutchess departed this life & tis sd that Sr John Chickley has Kissed his Maties hand for yt place of Honor & trust yesterday being Queen Eliz: Coronation day some prparations were made by the Rabble to burne the pope the Ld Major issued forth his prcepts to ye Constables of ye sevrall wards to keep the Guard with a double watch to prvent Bonfires & disorderly meeteings & 6 Companyes of ye Trayned Bands were upon Duty at the same time & it soe hapned that upon the prudent Conduct of the Ld Major & Carefullness of the Watch ther was not the least disorder & the suburbs were Conformable thereto tho twas said they would either drowne Or hang him but had not their designe L. c. 1302 London the 21st November 1682 +By a letter from Collonel Kirke Governor of Tangiere wee understand that the Morocco ambassadr who went from hence upon his arrivall att ffez found that ye Emperor was gone sevrall miles up ye Country at the head of his Army to Quell his Enemies who made head against him His Brother Espouseing that Interest the said ambassadr hereupon sent one of the Cheifest of his retinue before him to give ye said Ambassadrs accot of his Embassy in England who stateing the matter before ye Emperor & relateing ye difference wch hapned between ye ambassadr & 2 of his servants whilest in England the Emperor being incensed Ordered the ambassadr & the said servants to be brought before him in Chaine in which posture ye ambassador gave a pticuler accot of his whole Embassy for wch the Emperor was Extreamly pleased but gave him a Check as representing his person & not strikeing of his slaves heads upon yr offending him soe far distant & then Knocked of his ffetters & embraceing him said that he would inviolably observe the peace with England & for the greate service that he had done in that affaire bid him ask what he would within his dominions & it should be Granted to wch ye ambassadr readily answered that he humbly begd but one thing that he would be pleased to pardon his 2 Enemies the Secretary of the Embassy & the Renegado which the ambassadr did accordingly. Wee are told yt a seditious pamphlett was lately seized in the press handed thither by a bookseller who sayes that one Mr Stringer sent it to him it Conteyns sevrall dangerous passages are to this purpose That it is the safety of the people of England to have the prince & the Lawes in their keepeing with other Tratorous passages of ye like nature for wch tis said Mr Stringer is Comitted to prison Last Satturday the Ld Cheife Baron Montague & Mr Justice Windham Argued the Earle of Derbyes Case in the Excheqr Chamber wch 5 of the Judges had done before & were of Opinion in behalfe of the said Earle that his Ancestors had not power to alienate ye Lands held by them Its said that the whole Estate now depending wch the Earle sues for & will recover is 5 or 6000 L p anm some of it now in ye possession of Sr Wm Glynne & Sr Tho Trevors sone who apprehending yr Title was Questionable Cutt up ye Woods on the Estates wch they Converted to Money the 2 Ld C Justices are to argue the Case last of all & then yr will be noe further dispute about itt This day twas Expected that the Ld Greyes Tryall would have Come but ye Attorney Genrall mooved th[at] it might be putt of till Thursday by reason one Materiall Witness was absent & twas Consented to & tis discoursed since yt ye business will be agreed by Consent of all ptyes Capt Clifford & Saxfeild were Tryed for stealeing away Madam Synderfin sometime since agt her Consent from of Hunslow heath & were found Guilty but not sentenced Sonday night last about 10 a Dreadfull fire broak out at Waping Dock Various are ye discourses how it Came but it Continued till last night at 6 insoemuch that noe less then 5 or 600 houses were laid in Ashes & tis reported that neare 100 psons were Killed Dureing the Disaster & one Sr Wm Warrens is said to be 1000 L p Anm but most pte Ensured. This day an alias Mandamus was granted L. c. 1303 London 23 Novemr 1682 +There are armes brought to the horse Guards at whitehall to be placed in the armory that is building there enough to furnish 1500 Men By a Ship lately arrivd here from New England gives us accott of a great ffire hath happened there ye latter end of this Sumer at a Towne called Rhebe which hath burnd downe between 70 and 80 houses and likewise hath destroyd a great quantity of goods being brought thither to be Shiped for France. The Rushia ambassador haveing done his Errand departs for his own Country the latter end of this weeke. Satturday last a Comte sate to Regulate affaires in the Leward Islands and Yesterday in ye afternoone a Comte sate about Tangire as likewise a Comte of ye Ecclesiasticall Lords mett to Regulate some affaires in the Church Tuesday last D. Hambleton was enstalled Kntt of ye most Noble order of the Garter but his Matie was not there exspected. Yesterday severall Bayliffs entred the house of Coll Stroud the present ffarmer of ye 4 1/2 p Cent in the Secretarys offices for about 50000 L he is in arreers to his Matie for ye last ffarme and Continues there in possession seeing his goods appraisd but its thought he will rather pay ye money then they shall be carryed away This day ye Ld Gray came to his Tryall at ye Kings Be[nch] Barr ther haveing been an Informacon exhibited against him some time since for takeing away the Lady Berkly to prove which severall Honoble witnesses were produced But in regard it would be highly presumptuous for us to add any thing reflecting on either of these Honoble ffamylyes much less if it should prove false which by reason of ye present Distraction wch were then in the Court wee cannot be possative in, wee shall only tell you that ye Lady Heneretta Berkly appeared her selfe in person and while the Ld C Justice was summoning up ye evidence for and against the Ld Gray she openly declard in Court that she was Marryed to one Turner upon this it was urged yt ye sd Turner was Married already and had 3 Children wch Createing a disturbance in the Court and his Lady was ordered to Prison which he would have occasioned a Rescue by a great appearence of people But their words being taken away she was carryed off by a Tipstaff with Mr Turner to prove ye Marriage and were Comitted But the Ld Gray was Bailed by ye Ld Cavendish in 1200 L Security and himselfe in 2400 L Yesterday came on the businss betweene his R Highness and Mr Dockery att ye Kings Bench Barr where severall lrs were produced under his hand that he sent lres into the Country to Collect lres and sent them up by ye Carryer to be distributed by ye Penny Post upon wch ye Jury gave the D. of Yorke 100 L damages L. c. 1304 London 25 Novemb 1682 +Yesterday in the afternoone one Mr Glover a Greys Inn Gentleman meeting one Mr Lashly a Scottchman in Covent Garden with whome hee had formerly some differance words were exchanged between them and grew to such a hight that they drew at each other and made severall passes upon wch some Company seeing them Came and Interposed and Mr Glover Imedyately flung down his sword but the Latter tooke the advantage in a Cowardly manner and made a home thrust thro his back who prsently fell dead upon the place whereon Mr Lashly was seized & Comitted. yesterday was ye great expected Tryall att Kings bench barr between his R Highness and Shereiffe Pilkenton by a Jury of Harfordsheire ye words were Laid in the declaration severall wayes ye substance was that ther beeing a discourse toucheing an ordr of ye Court of Aldrmen for divers of ye said Aldrmen to wayt upon his Maytie and Complemt him upon his Returne from Newmarkett & after if his Maytie approoved of it to Congratulate his Royall H Returne from Scottland +The defendant should say yt hee has burnt o[u]r Citty and is Come now to Cutt o[u]r throates, ye words were prooved fully by Sr Wm Hooker and Sr Hen Tulle (2 of ye Aldrmen) and on ye behalfe of Aldrman Pilkenton Sr Patient Ward was examyned who would have turned it off, as if said of the papist and one Hubbert yt suffered for beeing Concerned in great fire of London and did upon his oath with very great attestations deny ye saying of ye Latter words (vizt) & is now Come to Cutt o[u]r throates the Jury went from ye barr and in a qwarter of an hower Came in againe & found for the plaintiffe giveing him 100000 L damages beeing all ye damage hee Layd in his writt The Ld Greyes tryall beeing on Thursday Last ye Lady Lucey and Lady Arbella swore from ye Lds owne Confession a Long Intreague betwixt him and his sister in Law ye Lady Heneritta Berkeley and yt one Charnock formerly his Coache man but now his Gentleman was supposed to bee ye pson yt Conveyed ye Lady away ye discreption of her Clothes giveing a great suspition of itt by those wch observed ye habbitt shee wore and that the Ld Grey helld Corrispondance with her dureing her absence from her ffathers howse, wch my Ld said was occationed by some severityes used towards her & yt shee had throwne her selfe upon him to whome hee paconed [?] his word and honor not to betray her, the Lady was there in Court and upon oath declared my Ld Grey Knew noething of her goeing away yt Charnock was not ye man wch was Instrumentall in her Escape and was undr a vow not to tell who it was. When the Jury was gone from ye barr ye Lord Berkely desyred hee might have her home but shee said shee was married and would goe to none but her husband who was one Turner sonn to Sr Wm Turner ye Civillian deceased who had severall wittnesses there to proove ye marrage a quarrell had Like to have beene about her wch to prvent ye Ld Cheife Justice Committed Turner and his wife to ye Marshallsea & yesterday ye Jury delivered in theire verdict yt all but one in ye Indictmt were guillty Vizt ye Ld Grey Mr Charnock and one more but ye Court have not as yett Sentenced them +Thursday Last was a tryall at Guildhall betweene Mr Hillton ye Grand Informer plantiff and Sr Robt Cleyton defendt ye Latter refuseing to grant him warrants for surpressing of Conventicles In fine ye plantiff was nonsuited & severall wittnesses swore very fowle things agst the said Hilton. L. c. 1305 London 28 Novembr 82 +yesterday a pacquett was sent to Mr Duboyse wherein was Inclosed 2 or 3 Treasonable Lybells wch having perused Comunicated them to the Ld Mayr within a Little tyme after a pson Came to Mr Duboyse whether he had received such a pacquett withall telling him that hee Looked upon him as an honest man and would Intrust him with more papers of the same Nature & beeing asked whither hee sent the said pacqwett owned it & was thereupon Carryed before the Ld Mayr who examyned & Committed him. yesterday morneing about 4 of the Clock dyed his Highness Prince Rupert of a Lingering distemper haveing beene a great while Indisposed hee declared upon his death bed that hee was married to Mrs Hughes by whome hee has Left one daughter haveing made a good provission for them both & Constituted in his will the Eall of Craven for his Executor. The 27 Instant Mr Thomson Councell for the Duke of Monmouth mooved at the Kings Bench Barr yt the said Duke might bee discharged from both his Recognizances which was Consented to. +The 28 Instant a motion was made for A mandamus to sweare Sr Tho Gould or Aldrman Cornish Ld Mayr of ye City of London but ye Ld C Justice would not soe much as Cowntinance the Motion as beeing a disjuntive and without president. Last Wensday night the Master of the Revells of Grayes Inne beeing Introduced into his Majests prsence had the honor of Knighthood Conferred upon him by ye name of Sr Richd Gibbs. This day was Acted a New play Called the Duke of Gwise by Mr Dryden it was formerly forbid as Reflecting upon the D of Monmouth but by ye application of the awthor its now allowed to bee Acted. Wee talke of severall Creations of Dignityes severall psons haveing allready Kissed his Majestys hand thereupon and ye promise of their advancements is for their Constant services rendred ye Crown the best account I have of them is as followeth-- 1 the Marqwess of Worcester to bee Created Duke of Bewford. 2 the Ld Herbert to bee advanced to ye Tytle of Eall of Worcester. 3 Eall of Burlington to bee Duke of Cumberland upon the death of Prince Rupert. 4 Ld Hide viscount Killingsworth to be[e] Created Eall of Rochester. 5 the Ld Norris to bee Eall of Abbington. 6 the Ld viscount Cambden to be Earll of Cambden or stamford. 7 Ld Townesend Barron of Lyme Regis to bee viscownt Townesend of Raynham in Norfolke. 8 Colloll Legg to bee Created Barron of Dartmouth or Tillbury. 9 Tho Thynn Barron of Longleet and viscount Tamworth. 10 Sr John Bennetts Pattent is allready passed for Createing him Barron of Ossellstone. 11 Colloll Churchill to bee created Barron of Kirkehill in scottland. 12 D of Ormond to have precedencey as an English Duke by the same Tytle. +Ld Arundell Governr of Windsor Castle ye D of Grafton to bee made vice Admirall of England, and wee are Informed that there will be these following allterations (Viz) ye Ld Ch Just North to be made Ld Keeper, Sr Geo Jeffreys to succeed his Ldpp & Mr Roger North will be made Judge of Chester In his Rome ye Ld Cheife Barron of ye Excheqr will Resigne his place & yt ye Atto Genrall will succeed him. ye Ld Chancellors sonn will bee made Atto Genrall and Mr Sandrs solissiter Genrall in his Rome. Aldrman Pilkenmon has Laid downe his Gowne. +Tewsday Last a places [?] Capias was granted upon ye mandamus to Come to Tryall for refuseing to sweare Mr Papillion & Duboyse Shereiffs of London & Midsex. +The new stewards of ye Artillary Company are as followeth: D of Ormond Ld ffocolkenbridg Sr Rich Haddock Eall of Sunderland she[riff] North Sr Jho Buckworth Eall of Aylesbury Sr Nich Buttler L. c. 1306 London the 28 November 82 +Yesterday one Mr Arasmith an Apothecary in Breadstreete was arrested upon an Action of Scandalu Magnatu at the suite of his R Highness for words of a high nature but the writt expresses only 1000 L but hee may declare for as much as hee pleases as in ye Case of Pilkington Alderman Pilkington since the verdict of 100000 [sic] L agt him as appraised [?] and disposed of all his Goods & merchandizes & hath secured his other Estate as that it Cannot be taken from him: The Lady Henrietta Berkley being Comitted by ye Court of Kings Bench to the Custody of the Marshall has since made her Escape in her womans attire together with her husband Mr Wm Turner but tis suposed the same was Conived att yesterday a person was sentenced to stand in the pillory before the Mint in Southwerke & pay 20 L for being Concernd in a great Ryott in the Mint acteing as a Ld Cheife Justice among those unruely people A Waterman was alsoe sentenced to stand in the pillory att Gravesend & att Billingsgate for forgery Sevrall Pattents are passing ye Seales to Create some Noble men Titles of Honor Marquis hallifax a Duke Ld Norris an Earle Ld Marquis of Worcester a Duke Coll Churchwell a Scotch Lord Coll Legg a Barron: Last Satturday satt a Comtee [?] of Ecclesiasticall Lords to dispose of a Country Liveing voyd by simony The Councell being mett ffriday last the Messingrs according to Ordr gave in their Accompts of ye warrts they receid the day before to watch att ambassadrs houses to seize all such psons as Came thither to Mass & in them gave an accot of sevrall they had seized therein who were Ordred to be Comitted Capt Clifford being fined 200 L the Lady Synderfin has laid 300 L accon agt him to wch he must give bayle A yorksheire Attorney was this day Comitted for setting the hands of Councellors to sevrall declaracons without their Consent yesterday Mr Kidd ye Constable who after many severe Cheques was fined 20 Nobles for his late affront to Capt Bloomer [sic]. This day Mr shute & Pilkington the late sheriffs appeared at Kings bench barr to answere to the Ryott sometime since Comitted att Guild hall & were Continued upon yr Recognizance the latter mooved that his 10000 L Bayle might be discharged wch was granted & hee Comitted on that matter of his R Highnesses This day his R Highness dyned at Merchant Taylors hall with the Artiller[y] Company & was very splendidly entertained L. c. 1307 London the 2d December 1682 +Yesterday Mr Emertons marriage was againe debated but some of the Lords Comissionrs being absent the further debate was put of till Tuesday next The Ld Chancellor continues much indiposed still & is said that if the severity of his payne Continues to render him unfitt for business that hee will desire a writt of Ease And then tis thought that the Ld Cheife Justice North Or Sr Wm Coventry will succeede him in that great Office & that there will be more remoovalls. Prince Rupert was not Interred on Thursday night as many reported but his body has been opened & these strange pticulers observed by ye Chirurgeons that over his Brayne wch is Comonly Surrounded or lapt about with a Skinn was a pfect bone & in his bladder was found a great stone with a hole through the middle of itt through which the urine passed for which reason hee was not sencible of the stone which others Complayne of In his fundament was observed sevrall little Teates & in his heart A Grissly substance wch went through itt all wch are Curiously observed by the Anatomists & dissectors Thursday last dyed the Earle of St Albans & by his death another Garter is falen wch tis said will be given to the Marquis of Hallifax & the other voyd by the death of P Rupert to the Earle of Northumberland who is to have the Aditionall title of Duke of the same name: Its said that more Noblemen are to have Aditionall titles of Honor as the Ld Windsor Earle of Houlderness and the Ld Darcy Earle of Plymouth that the Earle of Cambden is to be Earle of Gainesburrough & Sr Tho: Thynn viscount Warminstone wch 2 last were mistaken in my last & that the Earle of Arundall is to be made Constable of Windsor. Wee are told that Mr Arrasmith formerly menconed hath peticoned his Royall Highness for forgiveness & received sattisfactory Answers that the Accon should Cease provided that hee would be of good behavior The Ld Prestons Secretary is newly arrived from ffrance with matters of great Importance but the purport Cannot as yett tell yow The Ld Mulgrave is goeing for ffrance Sr Phillip Warwick lyes now much indisposed & tis thought will not recover Some people will still have their discourse in talking of a pliamt in March & there being a Councell yesterday tis said writts will be issued out in January Tis discoursed that the Earle of Rochester will be made Ld Treasurer: L. c. 1308 London 5 Decemb 1682 +The doctors Commons are extreamely busy every day in sendeing forth Citations to Above 1500 Citizens in order to excommunicate them for either not repayreing to yr parish Church or neglecting to Receive ye blessed Sacramt and ye Surrogate Dr Hinfold [?] have had divers Courts where many of them have appeared and Reced admonition forthwith to Conforme and yesterday in ffishstreet Tabernacle above 200 were prsent and ordred by ye afforesaid Dr to Receive ye blessed Sacrament next Sunday or be farther proceeded agst wch affayre has putt the people into noe Lyttle perplexity, some have appeared to ye Court of Arches & procured an Inhibition and served Dr Hinfold the Judge therewith. +Butt Indeavors are useing to hindr others of ye Like benefitt severall have Craved tyme to answer and divers other methods they are workeing upon and there be those who are soe hardy as to putt in a plea to ye Juryesdicon of ye Court (Vizt)-- To the prsentmt made agst mee A B: parishoner of haveing perused ye prsentment and advised thereon i doe for answer to the same say tis uncertaine and Insufficyent in it selfe & such to which by Law I Cannot answer and pray yt it may bee sett downe & Recorded-- And make these previous demandes I desyre a Coppy of ye prsentmt I desire a Proctor may bee assignd mee I desyre tyme to pleade accordeing to advice of Councill I desire to plead Spetially not Genrally. The great expectation is whether these will bee allowed but notwithstanding all which tis said that divers if not some hundreds will bee Excomunicated by Xtmas which if it soe happen tis beleived that there Votes will bee Rejected on St Thomas day upon ye Choyce of a New Common Councill on which proceeding much depends at this Juncture. And Indictmt is prpareing agst Sr pateint Ward for perjury wch wee are told will bee prferd this weekes sessyons at ye old baily and they talke of sufficyent proof agst him upon ye Evidence wch hee gave in favor of Mr Pilkenton upon ye Tryall between him and his Royall Highness. A Cookes wife in Bippsgate street beeing soe Indiscreet as to open a Servant her selfe that dyed of the small pox and synce beateing a maid that soone after dyed Contracted such an odium in ye Mobille yt for 3 dayes together the Close of Last weeke they Endeavored to pull the house to the Grownd ye trayned bands severall tymes dissipated them on sunday ye Ld mayr with a great strenght were forced to goe to the Rescue who seized on about 8 or 10 & Comitted them for A Ryott. Last Thursday a Messenger was posted away into Holland by ordr of Councill with a warrant to serve on Mr ffergison a Noncon preacher of this Towne who is said to bee att the [seal spoils about three letters] with the Eall of Shaftsbury and in Case hee refuse to obey wee are told that hee will be demanded of the States pursuant to an Article in ye Last Treaty to deliver up any of his Mayts subjects yt shall turne Rebells ye Eall is said to be Returned towards Brandenburgh. Last night some Constables with an Informer one Bragg seized ye Goods of one Benjamen Antiognis [?] a Lynnen draper in Cheapeside pursuant to ye Corporation Act hee beeing a Speaker among ye qwakers but ye Mobile began soe to Increase yt Mr Informer was in feare of his Life whereby hee made his Escape over ye houses & retyred without his prey. yesterday began ye Sessions of peace att Guild hall where a bill was prferred & found by the Grand Jury agst Joshua Bowes for bringing Scandalus and reflecting papers to John Duboyse Eqr in ordr to bring him into a Premunire and people talke that there is a great depth and Mistery in that affayre. +This day was held a Wardemote for ye Choyce of an Aldrman in ye Rome of Sr George Waterman deceased ye Ld Mayr appeared as Judge for the bridgeward where Mr Papillion & Mr Shute were putt in Nomination on the one pt and Mr Dudly North & deputy Daniell ye other & upon ye Voice [?] his Ldpp declared ye Ellecon to fall on Mr Daniell and Mr Papillion a poll was demanded & they proceeded on yt worke but ye Ld Mayr Insisted on giveing ye oathes of allegieince & supremecy to divers qwakers and others wch begatt some dispute whereby his Ldpp adjourned ye farther proceeding till this day 7 night. L. c. 1309 London 7th Decembr 1682 +Mr John Emerton haveing Petioned the Ld Chancellor to grant him a new Comission of adjunct since it was not only the first he required anything of yt nature but also that at ye last meeting the Judges Dellegated in that Comission came to noe determinacon being equally devided upon wch and severall other Consideracons mentioned in his Peticon his Ldpp was pleased to assigne him a new Comission wth ye addition of 13 to those formerly declared as ye Judges as have not already been in ye case viz Ld C Justice Dolbon Mr Justice Levins Barron Gregory & Barron Street two Bpps Ely and Glasgow [?] Ld President of ye Councill 4 Cevilians Dr oxendon Dr Littleton Dr Hedges Dr St Johns, and that they heare and determine that soe long depending cause with all possible expedicon. This day the Company of Stationers held a Genll Court to Consider on ye most Effectuall way for Suppressings of all Printed Books and papers for ye future that should have any reflecon or Tendancy towards disturbing ye Govermt & came to a Conclusion by makeing a By Law that all Printers or other members of their Company shall not for the future publish any Print but wt they show first emole [?] the title thereof together wth their name in their Companys booke to the end that if any thing shall be found therein seditious scandalous or otherwise they may know to whome to resort for sattisfacon upon the pennallty for every default the sume of 20 L to the use of ye Company & that the same be printed to give Cautionary advice. Yesterday the Ld Herbert Eldest son to the Ld Marquiss of Worcester who lately Married Sr Josiah Childs Daughter was made ffree of ye East india Company upon the Resignacon of very Considerable accons of yt Company wch Sr Josiah made unto his Ldpp by way of Dowry with his Daughter wch at this present is vallued at 305 L for each Principle 100 L. The merchants yesterday received the Confirmacon of ye Lamentable Newes of 22 merchants Shipp which are taken by ye Rovers of ye Sally and carried into that Port the goods disposed off and our men sold for slaves to the Number of 200 and odd and a list of ye Shipps transmitted wch for ye Curious shall incert vizt Exchange Capt Gold, ffortune, Capt hatton Wm & Mary Capt Bowes, Olave Capt Heckland Jn and Hannah, Capt: Riggland, Eliz: Capt Nowell Bohemia mercht Capt Graves owners adventure, Capt White ffriends adventure Capt Crew [?] Jn & Tho: Capt hallett Rose of Dartmouth, Capt Atwell Providence Capt Bellamy Hopewell Capt Cheeke, Two Brothers, Capt Davis Dobell Dogger Capt Green, Neptune Capt John Bull, John and Christoper, Capt Pettibrigget Ship from Bilbo to malligo. Last night P. Rupert was interrd in Henry the 7th Chappell many of ye nobillity and Clergy accompanied the Corps thither his Image is taken in wax and will be publickly exposd. One Mr Jn Duff: Minister of Raile in Essex being Seized hearing of a mass at one of ye fforreigne Embassadors was examined by ye Councill and Comitted to a Messenger and since made his Escape upon wch the Board writ yesterday an order to all ye Ports giveing discription of his person and habitt haveing a Gray Chamblett Coat &c. To morrow is held a wardmote in St Dunstons Church for ye Choice of an Aldm in the vacancy of Aldm Pilkington and the present Sherriffs are to be put upon the one part and Mr Hawkins a Scrivenr on ye other. The Drs Commons still proceeds through all ye parrishes of London to send Citacons to those that come not to Church &c and there being 12 parrishes peculier to the Bpp of Canterbury seperrate from the Bpp of London, they were this day Cited to ffoster Lane before Sr Richard wiseman, and received admonition and old Dr owen Minister of Corne [?] street presented above 3 fforths of his parrishoners in order to excommunicate ym This day many Bills were found against Printers Booksellers, as John Starky, Mrs Curtis, Smyth, Benkins, Joanna Broome for Le Estranges observator and Mr stringer Late the Ld Shaftsburys servt for handing some reflections to the Press L. c. 1310 London 9 Decembr 1682 +Yesterday was held a wardmote for ye Choice of an Aldm for ffaringdon without in ye roome of Mr Pilkington one of our Late Sherriffs which was performd in St Dunstons in ye west great was the appearance of ye Electors and the Candidates were the present Ld mayor & Sr Wm Turner on ye part of ye aldm and the two present Sherriffs on ye part of ye Commonalty on ye one side and Sr Robert Clayton and Sr Jn Lawrance on ye part of ye Aldm and mr Dubois and mr Hawkins on ye part of ye Commonallty on the other side and they being severally put up the Ld Mayor declared the Election to fall between himselfe & Sr Robt Clayton for ye Aldm and one Sheriffe North and mr Hawkins for the Commoners but there were those yt gave a Contrary Judgmt that Dubois and Hawkins were much Superior in number by ye view, A Poll was Demanded and granted but ye Lord mayor Constitued 12 of the Inhabitants Comissioners to give the oathes of allegiency and Supremacy to every person that prtends a right to the Election otherwise they will not accept or take their suffrages & they proceeded in that affaire which by reason therof will prove a worke of some time and difficulty to accomplish. Wee are Credibly Informd yt Parson Duff minister of Raile in Essex who in our last wee aquainted you had made an Escape from one of his Maties messengers being Comitted to his Custoday by ye Councill for being seized at Mass att one of ye fforraigne Ambassadors is since retaken at Rochesr and yesterday examined before the Councill where ye oathes of alleigiency and Supremacy being tendred him hee not only refused the same but gave a great suspition that he is a Priest of the Church of Rome upon wch he is recomitted to ye Gatehouse and we are told that he being presented to his Liveing by ye Ld ffinch the Ld Chancellor is very severe upon him being resolved to have him made an Example for that Masquradeing villany in scandalizeing the Church of England. Lres from Paris say the ye ffrench King has published an Edict wch he hath gott verifyed in parliamt to seize all ye Estates of those of his Subjects who have retired themselves out of his Kingdome in whose possession soever they be found provided they were not sold a 12 Month before their departure and this Edict is puting in Execucon all over his dominions wch as ye officers intend to mannage itt will bring the King an Immens Sume. Munday next the Penny Post for Conveyance of Lr[s &?] small percells in and about the [seal spoils about three letters] of this City will be againe revi[seal spoils about four letters] by ye former undertakers, Nor[seal spoils about four letters] granted by Pattent to any but ym[seal spoils about three letters] has taken itt himselfe and added [it?] to the Genll Post office whose officers intend to mannage and improve ye same, and mr Castleton has Kist his R: H[ighs] hand for ye Controule thereof Yesterday the Sessions ended at the old Baily where 15 received Sentance of Death one James Lashly Esqr for killing mr Glover in Covent Garden, 6 highwaymen who were brought from Salsberry Goale, 4 ffoote pads from Chelmsford Goale 13 received Bennifit of Clergy ordered to be whipped and 7 [?] apprentices ffined and ordered to stand on ye Pillory for a late Ryott in Stocks Markett at ye makeing of Bone fire and this day they stood on ye Pillory in divers places of ye Citty, but many people gave them money wine & orranges and notwithstanding their Punishmts they would drinke the Kings and D. of Monmouths helth thereon. Sr Robt Atkins being at his Seat in Gloster hath wrote his Mate a letter wch yesterday we are told was delivered by Barron Atkins to crave leave to surrender up his Recordership of Bristoll. Joshua Bowes who was Bailed out of Prison for bringing scandalous lres to Jn Dubois Esqr did not appeare according to his Recognizance this sessions wh[en?] that affaire came to noe terminacon & his Baile being searched after [seal spoils about nine letters]wise play least in sight. This day the Pole was Confirmed at St Dunstons each Elector being first sworne received a Tickett from ye Comissioner and gave in their suffrages in the morning it generally went on ye part of the Ld Mayor but this afternoone as much the Contrary by Munday evening tis beleived the books will be closed. L. c. 1311 London 12 Xber 82 +Sunday last severall papers signed Hinfold Judge of ye Doctors Comons were affixed on divers Church Porches with ye names of a great many parrishoners who neglected to appear before ye Judge pursuant to ye Citatyons allowing them tyme till wensday next to give yr attendance otherwise to bee Lyable to an Excomunicatyon. And there passes not a day but ye afforesaid Judge sitts att ffishstreet tabernacle where hee gives admonition alloweing yem Lyttle tyme for prepareing to Receive the blessed sacramt some Requireing only till Xtmas butt in most Churches ye Sacrament is appoynted every Sunday and there are now above 2000 undr prossecutyon who are smartly Handled they not beeing allowed (for expedityon) ye ordinary Meathods of yt Court as to have tyme allowed hem with a Coppy of yr prsentmt and neither Proctors or Councill dare be soe hardy as to take a fee to defend theire Cawse The qwakers seeme very Moross & Stubborne one telling ye Judge yt Expelling him out of that Church hee never was in was a Contradictyon Another said that hee neither pold for Lord Mayr nor shereffes and therefore prayed to bee Excused at wch Dr Hinfold was Extreamely angrey yt hee should suppose that this Christyan proceedings of theres had reference to any thing of Poleing yt ye Church wardens haveing on yr oathes Retained omnia bene & yt Court Constrayneing them to doe otherwise was in a mannr to make them perjured and desyred to see his annser but ye Rest gaine said the same Replyeing that ye divill was ye accuser of ye Bretheren and they did not desyre to see his face. Butt in fine divers are decreed for Excomunication but severall who are not Regid dissenters have Confirmed many more rather then Live undr the Lash of beeing sent to ye divill but its said that ye Coart Canott possibly make Convictions of a Number before St Thomases day. yesterday one Addell and his ptner Howad [?] beeing Banckers in Lumbard that went a side for a great summe & ye occation is attributed to ye dissenters drawing away all yr mony from thence dureing this troublesome season. +yesterday ye Creditors of Aldman Blackwell Bancker after severall meetings agreed to take out a statute of Bankrupt agst him Each pson payeing fower shillings for each 100 L debt towards defrayeing ye Charge. +Sunday Last a great Ceremony was made in Lambeth Church thro bringing into that Community 2 Qwakers & wee heare that in some other places severall of those people have done the Like and att ye poll now depending at St Dunstones for an Aldrman 4 qwakers have taken ye oath of allegiance & Supremecey & many presbeters & other dissenters Last Sunday tooke ye Sacrament in our Church. The ffrench King haveing appointed a great Race neare Paris for a plate of 1000 pistoles Envyteing any fforayners thereto divers English Jockeyes are transporting yr horses thither to Endeavor to Wynn ye prize and severall of our Noble men will bee prsent alsoe, but tis said that the ff Kinges designe is to draw thither the best horses in England and Elsewhere and then to purchase them at any Rate. Our Last Letter from Chichester sayes that the dissenters of that place beeing also sharply proceeded agst Mayr Brenen sent for some of ye Cheife and discoursed them yt ye Church of England agreed with yem in fundamentalls and herein was sallvatyon shewed hem the danger that was Like to befall them and theire famelyes unless they Confirmed upon which and other Matters hee gave them the Last Sunday 320 in a body went all to Church insoemuch that there was scarse Rome to Conteyne them. A shipp of 40 Guns one Mr Sands super Cargoe beeing Equipped in ye River with designe as tis thought to trade as an Interloper to the East Indyes tho entred for ye Maderas the East Indya Company soe reprsented their affayre to his Majtee in Councill that an ordr of that board was obteyned to obstruct her voyage without the owners give good securety that shee will not goe to the East Indyes and served her therewith but Last night She fell downe ye River as tho would Contem ye Councills order and proceeded forwards if forceable meanes doe not Constrayne her to the Contrary. +In my 2 Last acqwaynted you that one Parson Duff made his Escape from the Kings Messengr was synce retaken & Committed to the Gatehouse butt further [?] Examynatyon find that the Councill transmitted him to the Ld C Justice who tendred him the Oathes of allegiance & supremacey but refused the same demanding what Religion hee was of (answered the Christian) but his Ldpp askeing him what pt thereof Replyed that hee beleived all the scripture from Geneses to the Revelatyons by which and severall other qwestyons it did appear that he was a papist & thereupon his Ldpp Committed him to the Kings Bench & wee are told that hee was discovered by 2 of his Country parishoners who dogged him into Wild house where hee putt of his parson & tooke on Cowntry habbitt & they affirme that they saw him att high devotyon with beads & Mass booke but not officiateing as some doe report Wee have a Rhumer that his Majtee will bee pleased to Call a Councill of ye Nobillity to advise him in ye prsent Juncture of affayres & there will bee also summoned a Convocatyon of the Clergie but whether one or both of these reports will hold Currant I Cannott assure. L. c. 1312 London 14 Xber 1682 +The Poll for an Aldrman att Dunstones in the West in the vacansey of ye Late Aldrman Pilkenton was successively Continued till yesterday noone when ye Ld Mayor ordred the bookes to be Closed & to Cast up the suffrages 3 of the Clock afternoone in prsence of ye Supervizers of each pty and twas agreed that they stood Vizt-- Sr Wm Prittchard 966 Sr Robt Clayton--883 Sr Wm Turner 903 Sr Jn Lawrance 811 Dudly North Eqr 965 Richd Hawkings Eqr 851 Peeter Rich Eqr 898 John Duboy Eqr 820 Whereupon the Ld Mayr declared ye poll to fall on himselfe and Sr Wm Turner on pt of ye Aldrmen and on the 2 Shereiffes for ye Commoners but some psons desyred a Scrutiny alleadgeing yt many of ye White ffryers alias Alsatia men were not qwallified Electors besydes others but his Ldpp would not Intermedle in the affayre diverting them to ye Court of Aldrmen if they had matter of Complaynt upon wch ye Bells Rang for Joy. The Constitution of yt Choyce is to Returne 2 Sitting Aldrmen & 2 Commoners to ye Court of Aldrmen & then they elect one Aldrman and one Commoner wch Aldrman soe Elected has ye Liberty at his pleasure to Change ye Ward hee is in posession of for that in dispute & if hee does then a New hee will Keepe his owne warde then that Commoner wch is Elected by ye Aldrmen out of the 2 Returned is (Ipso facto) Aldrman of ye Warde in dispute and in all probabillity ye Aldrmen will Elect ye Ld Mayr who will Keepe his warde and tis more yen probable that mr Dudly North will be ye pson of ye Commoners & thereby Aldrman of yt warde of ffarringdon without. This day a Court of Aldrmen beeing satt severall of ye Whiggish Electors of ffaringdon without deliverd ye Court a petityon ye substance as before prayeing a scruteny of ye poll for yt in many was not Rightfull Electors but ye Court Returned them theire petition beeing Indefective as not Incerting Mr North and Rich to bee Shereiffes upon which the petityoners not willing to bee deprived of ye Expectatyons for a word, mended the said petityon Entituleing yem Shereiffs of London and Midsex and then redelivered ye same to ye Court. Who tooke yt affayre into debate there beeing much tyme spent pro et Contra at Lenght ye qwestyon was putt whether they should proceed to ye Ellectyon of an Aldrman and it was Carryed in ye affirmative 14 agst 17. And then they Chose a J supposed above ye Ld Mayr refused to Change his Warde and thereupon they Ellecting Mr Dudly North Caled him in and Swore him Aldrman accordeingly & that answer they gave to ye petytyoners. This day ye Poll was Reasumed for an Aldrman also in ye Bridgward where Commissyoners were Likewise appoynted to give ye oathes of allegiance and supremacey after ye poleing of about 200 they adjourned till to morrow the Whiggs haveing 25 superior to ye other. The Ld Chancellr is not only extreamely afflicted with ye Gout but is otherwise very much Indisposed insomuch yt his phisityans begin to dispare that his Ldspp will scarse Recover this seveare Inflictyon. yesterday 11 Mallefactors were Executed at Tyborne makeing a dreadfull Execut [?] but Capten Lashly who Killd Mr Glover were repreived att ye Intersessyon of his R Highness & D Hamillton. This night a project of Lights being 2 Socketts of Glass in forme of a Lanthorne were sett up in Cornehill and is Intended to burne very brightly all ye night which if aprooved of 2 psons will undrtake to furnish the whole City over at 4 [?] a night. +Letters of ye 4 Novemb Last from Salley gives an accownt from aforehand yt ye Morocco Embassadr is fell agayne into high displeasure of ye Emperor beeing ordred to be tyed to a horses tayle & dragged till his Braynes dropp out but ye Emperor reversed that sentence & only ordred him 100 blowes on his bare fflesh with a Cudgell Its said that Jonas ye English Renagadoe who is advanced as much as ever is his back frend [?] to ye Emperor & they say that they accuse him for Lyeing with women in England drinking of corne & standeing bare before ye King The Emperor has only agreed a truce at sea for 4 Monthes but att Land for 4 yeares and Expects an Embassadr sent unto him our 23 Shipps at Salley are Condemd as prize [A few figures in another hand appear on outside of letter.] L. c. 1313 London the 16 December 1682 +I informed yow in Tuesdayes Intelligence that a Shipp of 40 Guns being designd an Interloper to the East Indies was stopt from proceeding Onwards her voyage by order of Councell But since has fell downe ye river as though she would Contemne ye same prtending that she ought not to give an accompt of her Intentions alsoe alledging that if the East India company have not authority sufficient either to seize or hinder an Interloper to unlade or sell her Comodityes when they are arrived from ye Indies, much less can they Clayme a power to Obstruct an Intentionall voyage before ye fact Comitted but she is not soe hardy as some Imagined to pass beyond Gravesend the Customehouse refuseing a Cockett [?] But Mr Sands one of her greatest owners is Createing work for ye Lawyers by giveing trouble to those who obstructs her voyage & tis beleived has been ye Agitator to make a seizure of sevrall shipps Lading of wine Offering to proove to ye Comissionrs of the Customehouse that they are of the ffrench product Contrary to the late prohibition Act which Causes noe little Broyle upon the Coast yesterday according to an Adjournmt the poll began againe to be Carryed on for the Choice of an Alderman for the Bridgeward but after some Consideracon the Ld Mayor made a further adjourment thereof till Monday next in the Meane time granted an Inspection whether those that had already poled were Qualifyed Electors the Candidates are Mr Shute & Papillion On the one side Sheriff Rich and Deputy Daniell on the other the former have at prsent the Superiority yesterday beeing the time for ye Choyce of a Master for ye Company of haberdashers Deputy Daniell who stands Candidate for an Alderman was put in Nomination but ye Company elected one Alderman Chandler by a Considerable Majority George Robinson who the last sessions was fined 40 L & to stand in the pillory on Tuesday for Counterfeiting 4 sevrall Bills directed to Mr Manga a Gold smith for neare 300 L Obteyned a Warrt from the Attorney Genrall for a writt of Error but made out his writt otherwise then his warrt specifyed in which he beeing alsoe detected he this day stood in the pillory psuant to his sentence: Yesterday Mr Turney supposed Major of Rye was before ye Councell upon Complaint that he refused to deliver up the Mace & other Ensignes of the Majoralty to another Gentleman who Claymes the place and upon hearing thereof he was Ordred to give in good security to answere that Contempt the first day of next Tearme. yesterday at Drs Commons sevrall Common Lawyers appeared & pleaded the Case of Divers psons who were prsented for not Comeing to Church & makeing Objection agt the prsentmt that they did not Obstinatly denye the same Craveing time to answere as alsoe a Coppy of the said prsentment with much other matter but Dr Pinfold Surrogate made noe decree in yt matter save only he would answere them by his seale I am Credibly informd that there will be a further promotion of divers Gentlemen to the dignity of Barons viz Sr Stephen ffox Mr Godolphin Sr Jn Earneley Sr Edwd Deering & Mr Griffin Cofferer yesterday divers warrts were brought to the Constables of the parish of Stepney to make distress in sevrall houses for 1100 L upon ye Conventicle Act the first they paid a vissit to was Alderman Hocknell late Candidate for sheriff of London & brought to their Assistance some horse & foote they first shewed him a warrt to search for a Conventicle wch he suffered ym to doe but when they were within shewed him a 2d warrt to make distress for 180 L 3 informing women haveing Convicted him for holding a Conventicle in his house divers times but Mr Hocknell haveing preknowledge thereof had remooved the best of his Moovables whereby they only found the value of 50 L wch his daughter paid that money for & the said Mr Hocknell Expecting their Company gott sevrall Joynts of Meate to treate his Guest. I gave yow an accot in my Last of the unwelcome Newes from Tangeire that the late Morocco ambassadr was not only in great disfavor wth ye Emperor but had receivd 100 blowes with a Cudgell wch sd newes is Confirmed together with those Barbarians takeing & Confiscateing our shipps haveing agreed only a Cessation at Sea for 4 Monthes 2 of wch are already Expired wch gives his Matie a great dissatisfaccon insoemuch that a Comtee for Tangeire sitts every day to Consider of sending suplyes both of men & money as alsoe some Light ffriggotts & that Sr James Lashley forthwith goes thither to Endeavor to procure better Tearmes L. c. 1314 London 19 Xber 1682 +The Turkey Merchants have in theire Last Letters from Constantynoeple Receid advice that the Grand Signr had Left that Citty but before departure had ordred a warr to bee declared agst ye Emperor that att Smyrna all ye Xtian Shipps were taken up to fetch Turkish soldiers out Egipt whereby theres a prospect that a dreadfull warr will Ensue. Itt will bee to tedious to Enumerate ye severall psons who in most of our Churches in London Sunday Last were declar'd excommunicated In some 14 others proportionable severall a few Less divers 8 or 9 In many 45 & 6 whereby ye Totall amounted to neare 200 and ye same Meathod of proceeding will bee Continually Carryed on till ye worke of Reformatyon bee wrought Satterday Last divers Comissions undr ye broade seale were directed to Gentlemen in severall wardes of this Citty Constituteing and Impowering them to Tendr the Oathes of Allegiance & supremecay to every Elector thro out ye same in ordr to qwallifie themselves for Chooseing Common Cowncill men on St Thomases day wch said worke is allready putt in Execution Yesterday morneing Earely his Majtee accompaned with his R Highness & divers of ye great men of ye Court repayred to Windsor Castle haveing taken a Long with them 5 Meales whereby they will Returne to morrow tis Genrally said that this goeing is to settle the Ld Arundell in his new and great Command of Constable of ye Castle of Windsor &c yesterday afternoone at 4 the Ld Chancellor departed this Life at his house in greenestreet haveing ye day & night before Layne speachless & ye Great seale of England is for the prsent Intrusted in the hands of his Elldest sone now of Nottingham & the Genrall discourse is that the Ld C Just North stands fayrest in his Majts Esteeme to succeed this Noble Lord in that high & honorable place tho others say that Mr Secretary Jenckings or Sr Wm Coventry may probably bee advanced thereto. Our Last Letters from the Hague sayz that the States have beene extreamely busy in Consullting on the subject matter of his Majtee of Englands Late memoryall delivered to them by Mr Chudly Relateing to ye approoveing & accepting his Majts Medyatyon to desid the difference betweene ffrance & Spaine in fflandrs but after much debate they have not Consented thereto without ye same bee Conjunctly Includeing the Emperor and other ye Confederates in ordr to aqwire a Genrall peace and Minheer Zitters yr Embassdr is Comeing over hither with the States Resolution thereon as also to Negotiate that weighty affaire. Wee have advice from Ireland that severall Companys of Soldiers of yt Kingdome are Imedyately ordred away for Tangeire but ye Larke ffriggott was most unhappily stranded on yt Coast but her men Gunns & Rigging were saved The prossecuteing ye dissenters to Excommunication wch deprives them from suing for theire debts makes a great attaque upon Lumbard Street insoemuch that they are soe hastey Caleing in yr monyes Rowts many of ye Banckers 4 of them yesterday Vizt Capell Killburne Belitha & Willson were forced to qwitt ye field & divers others are expected to bee vancqwished tho severall of them Endeavor to stand ye shock Great have beene ye Endeavors to accomplish ye Election of an Aldrman for ye Bridgwarde the Loyall party Constrayneing many to Poll tho undr dubious Circumstances as Mr Ivery & Sherlock ye 2 Minesters wch yr Clerkes and this day was a select Court of Aldrmen before whome 3 on each side managed ye scrutine & to morrow ye Ld Mayr declares ye Electyon wch will goe in favor of ye Loyallest as ye same is Carryed. And afterwards there will be a Court of Aldrmen to Elect one of ye 2 Return'd wch in all probabillty will be Deputy Daniell. This day a Letter Came to ye Court of Aldrmen from the King & Councill the purport thereof that whereas Sr Jno Shorter stood Convicted for beeing at a Conventicle & that if by Law a Custome of ye City of London they had power to displace him from his Aldrmanspp was recomended to them to prforme ye same wch affayre was debated & referd to Mr Recdr & Common serjant to search prsidents & Law in ye Case & to make report And the said Sr John shorter was Lett owt of ye Comm[issio]n in his warde for sweareing ye Inhabitants & Sr Geo Jefferyes in his Rome L. c. 1315 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 21th December 1682 +Yesterday pursuant to what Intimated in my Last the Ld Major about 9 of the Clock Came to Maques [?] Church the poleing place for an Alderman for ye Bridgward & there declared after the Scrutiny made before the Court of Aldermen the day before ye Suffrages stood viz Mr shute 159 Deputy Daniell 158 Mr Papillion 153 and Sr Wm Russell Less whereby his Ldpp declared the 2 former who being returned to the Court of Aldermen then purposely sitting they declared Deputy Daniell a Haberdasher on the Bridge now Sheriff of Surrey who being Called into ye Court was sworne an Alderman and tooke his seate accordingly: Then ye Court proceeded further to Consider on his Maties letter to displace Sr John Shorter being Convicted for being at a Conventicle Mr Recordr and Comon Serjeant makeing yr Reports touching presidents and Law in the Case which tis said was in favor of Sr John but after a long & tedious debate pro & Contra they Came to noe determinacon in in the point more then that they prvailed upon Sr John to Consent for some time to desist from acting as an Alderman appointing 2 Gentlemen in his Ward to Officiate the work of this day in his stead: Tuesday afternoone Mynhere Zitters the Dutch ambassadr arrived from Holland and tis said has brought with him the States resolution touching the prsent Juncture of affaires being of great Importe and his Matie returning last night from Windsor the ambassadr Imediatly desired audience which was Granted Yesterday I received letters from a Great hand in Paris who gave me an accompt that the ffrench King has some Notable designe to effect next Campagne even [?] to the falling upon the Emperor on the one side notwithstanding the Turk on the other that the King had been in sevrall private Caballs with divers of his Greatest Military officers & afterwards had given out secret Ordrs that they should gett ready 65000 men in 3 Armyes by the first day of ffebruary next & that one body of them be along the River Soane where he would be at ye head of them himselfe & then act as the posture of his affaires should require tis feared that if the difference between him and Spaine be not by that time adjusted hee will Endeavor to make a Conquest of the remaineing part in fflandrs but tis uncertaine on whome the storme may fall: His Matie returning yesterday afternoone from Windsor Sumoned a Councell and sent for in pticuler the Ld Cheife Justice North and Imediatly delivered to him the great Seale of England togeather with the purse & Mace under the Honoble Title of Ld keeper thereof in ye vacancy of the Right Honoble the Earle of Nottingham Late Ld Chancellor deceased. But his Matie has not yett beene pleased to Conferr the Ld Cheife Justices place of the Common Pleas on any sevrall being said to stand in Competition for the same Especially Sr Wm Scroggs late Ld Cheife Justice of the Kings bench Every day more Bankers in Lumbard streete makes a retreate. yesterday 2 wch makes ye number 9 the reason is assignd first that the East India Company takes up all the money they possibly cann giveing now 5 & 6 p Cent they haveing some Extraordinary designe on foote & then the prosecuteing the dissenters to Excomunicacon makes them Call in yr Money whereby tis beleived that the Bankers Employ will be totally Lost This being the Annuall Customary day for the Choice of an Alderman in the sevrall 26 wards of this City great have been the Endeavors as much as ever on both ptyes to Elect psons of different Qualificacons to favor one or the other side if it may be soe proper to asting [?] itt but to transmitt an Exact accompt of pticulers would be impossible since in divers places they are a poleing & will the same to morrow in some Scrutinyes are demanded but in Genrall the affaire is accomplished viz in Sheriff Norths Ward being ffarringdon without they have Chose all New ones for the one pty & in Castle Baynard the like takeing in Mr Masters who swore at Oxford agt Colledge & they have done much ye same in Cheap Tower & other wards haveing laid aside Sr Tho Player But on the Contrary in Cornhill Bridge Candlewick Cordwaynor Criplegate Langhorne & divers others The Whiggs have been Superior & upon a Modest Impartiall Computacon as farr as at prsent Can be made is very little Odds on either side wch by our next wee may more pticulerly informe you L. c. 1316 London 23 Decemr 1682 Thursday night last his Maty was pleased to send for mr Edmond Saunders one of his Matys Councell & delivered to him his intentions of advanceing him to the dignity of Ld Cheife Justice of England, for his constant Loyalty to the Crown, wch mr Saunders would modestly have waved, declaring his inability to execute that great trust, but since he knew that obedience is better than sacrifice, he would Joyfully submit to the Commands of his Prince & there upon Kist his Matyes hand in confirmacon of it, but must first have the degree of a serjeant before he can take upon him, that high and Honrable station wch will be pformed the first or 2d day of next Terme. And his Maty was graciously pleased to ease & remove the Ld Ch Justice Pemberton from the Court of Ks Bench to be Ld Ch Justice of the Common Pleas in ye vacancy of the late Ld Ch Justice North now Ld Keeper of the great seale being far superiour in Profitt tho less in Dignity, wch to make up, his Maty was pleased last night to admit his Ldsp into his Matys most Honble privy Councell who was sworne & took his seat at the Board accordingly The Ld Keeper of the great seale haveing bin advanced to that Honrable Title has taken the Ld Chancellors House in Queen Street of the E of Nottingham intending the seat constantly there and Aldr Edm Saunder Ld Ch Justice Elect hath taken Sr Robt Paytons House In Lincolns Inn feilds to officiate in that great office His Maty has bin pleased to confer the Honr of one of his Chaplaines on Parson Jeffrys Sr Geo: Jeffrys Brothr who to morrow preaches his first sermon before him in the Chapple at Whitehall I acquainted you sometime since of the Ship Expectacon wch is designed an Inteloper to the East Indies, being by order of Councell Stopped of her intended voyage through a process out of the Court of Admiralty, But yesterday her owners peticon'd his Maty, yt he would be graciously pleased to recall the order & leave them to defend themselves ag[t] the Company wch I am credibly informed his Maty hath assured them, that the sd East India Company shall either Reimburse all there charge they have bin at in Equipping her forth or otherwise they shall be at Liberty but wee are told that the company will rather agree the latter & lay their Action of 30 L p Cent damage for all the goods, she lately brought from the Indies & try the Merits of the Charter wch if they will do, the owners of her to give wt security they demand & Joyne Issue as soon as possible therein, on wch affair much depends The People of the Towne who have Lent great summs of Mony to the East India Company do every day call in their Mony, which puts the Company att at present to no little plunge, whereby they take in all the money they can at 5 or 6 p Cent & give psonall security rather yn to pay off & discharge the Clamorous People & they haveing bought a vast quantity of Bullen to Transport to the Indies of many Goldsmiths upon the companys Credit they are forced to send the said silver to the Tower to be Coyned to pay the Necessitated Goldsmiths & Bankers wth their own Coyne and the Actions of the Company are fallen from 320 to 240 to each principall, 100 L whereby tis beleeved they cannot send 30 ships to the Indies as they designed The E: of Danby has drew a p[aper?] wch he hath got signed, by a great number of Peers to pray his Maty to find out some expedient to Bayle him out of the Tower wch tis said will be presented next Councill day. Sr John Bury in one of his Matys 3d rate ships departs on Munday for Tangier to carry new orders to Admirall Herbert relating to Sally As also to sevll officers & Soldiers to recruit the Garrison agt any attempt of the Moors Since they have bin treacherous in their proceedings What may be further added relating to the choice of Common Council Men is yt yesterday some of the Ward of ffarringdon without complayned to the Ld Maior that Alderman North refused a Pole whereby 16 were carried on the Tories side (as they call them) also they say Sr Thom: Beckworth of Aldgate warde did the like whereby Mr Swinnock & mr Hammond 2 Quo Warranto Committee Men are left out as also mr Papillion hindred from comeing in This day Cripplegate Ward within poleing whereby mr Dubois & othe[rs] of that Quallifacon are left out & most of all the Whiggs spokesmen in some other Wards The Pole of Bishopsgate is put off till Thursday next Dowgate till Tuesday & Coleman street till Wednesday. But in the Totall the Whiggs will have full one Moiety of the other party if not Superiour wch to proceed in that affair at present L. c. 1317 [Handwriting changes here.] London 28th Xber 1682 I had yesterday transmitted mee by an English Merchant att Constantynople who was a spectator the Gran Signior points [?] wch hee made att ye Leaveing of that Citty on his way for Adrinople beeing on Munday the 23d of October in ordr to bee at the head of 150000 Souldiers which hee designes to Employ in a warr against ye Emperor of Germany next Spring, wch said show Continued passing from 7 in ye morning to 4 in the afternoone, & In breife is thus-- ffirst 10000 Janizaries Richly habillimented & Armed Ranged the way for severall Myles between whome 4000 of the Vizeires Guards on horse back began ye march each Carrying a halfe pike att whose ends were flaggs of divers Colloures. after them followed ye Like Number of Chiawses [?] of great and Lesser qwallityes arrayed in divers fashons. Then 6000 young men in vest of cloth of Gowld who are psons trayned up for ye Warrs & other Services. Next to them Came 600 Cadets & Bashawess of divers Cowntryes who were summoned in on this occation and each of them had 10 pages after whome appeared 2000 Janizaries of the best Ranck who marched 2 & 2 to Cleare the way for the Court wch Came in ye following ordr-- ffirst 40 Ledd horses of the prime Vizeires who were adorned with pretious stones then the Vizeire himselfe on horseback with a Trayne above 200 principall psons in vests of Cloth of Gowld and Sable ffurs. Then 200 of the Grand Signors pages each of them with a Lawnce. And then followed (60[00?] Grey hownds Ledd by pages in Chaynes of Gould. Then 100 Led horses of the Gran Signors whose Trayen and furniture were Embost with Gould & pretious stones in many diffrent fashons. After wch the Grand Signr him selfe in a Triumphant Chariott in wowndrfull Grandure haveing his vest Embroydred over with dyamonds & an Extraordinary Rich Retenue and the reare was brought up by 6000 of his horse Gwards & thus ended ye Pompous Show +The Ld Shandoys his Majts Embassadr there had nott yett obteyned his awdyence and had Left that City resideing at Bell Grave by reason ye plague begins to breake out there I have also sent mee the Condityons on wch the Gran Signior will agree a prolongatyon of ye Truce betweene him and the Emperor for 20 yeares ffirst That Cownt Teckely have the honor due unto a Prince of uppr Hungary and to bee in ye same State as ye Prince of Transillvanya. 2ly That Posen Presburgh Trenchen and Newtia bee surrendred to Cownt Teckely. 3ly That Leopollstad bee demollished beeing to neare his Garrison New Warren. 4ly That there bee a free Exercise of Religion thro out ye Cowntry. 5ly That in Lower Hungary ye Turkes shall Continue to demand Right of tribute as farr as Comonaha Jwaris Insenstard [?] Trackarum Capruitz and Srack [?] and that the 2 Last places bee surrendred otherwise the Turck will destroy all with fire and sword. The Emperors Answer/ That his Imperiall Majtee will grant yt Cownt Teckley shall have ye Tytle of Prince of upper Hungary and the people Enjoy those privaledges they had as in the yeare (52) besides the free Exercise of Religion upon Condicon that Lattinarr ffilleck & ffowchra be restored and the Turckes shall have ye Right of Tribute soe as they demand noething on this side the Waag But his Majtee Canott agree to demollish Leopallstad nor surrendr any of ye Townes demanded and therefore will rather hazard the Events of Warr. yesterday ye Pole for ye Warde of ffarringdon within was brought to A Conclusyon they haveing pold man agst man whereby Capt Symonds Craddock Capt Bloomer with some others they Call Toryes were satt asyde & others of a Con[trary] qwallificatyon Chosen in yr stead This day wee had advice that severall Strayts Shipps were arrived in ye downes who Confirme what I formerly wrote relateing to ye Ill posture of affayres att Tangier and yt ye Morocco Embassadr had Recd 100 blowes with a Cudgell but was synce in ye Emperors favor againe. They farthr add yt Admyrall Herbert had beene at Argeires afterwards att Trippoly and Tunis to Confirme the peace with those Rovers and was sayled for Malltha from whence hee designes to Returne home if fresh ordrs from Whitehall doe not Retard his Intended voyage. Tewsday night Last 5 Lawyers Clerkes belongeing to severall Cowncellors of ye Inns of Court were brought into Newgate beeing Charged by ye Eall of Pembrookes Servants & others for Robbing of them upon ye highway and tis thought twill goe hard with theire Lives. +The Plyament of Greenoble haveing adjudged ye Prince of Orange to Loose ye princepallity of Orange in ffrance and given it to ye D of Longevill ye said sentence is dispattched away to ye Hague signifyeing that hee is also Condemned to pay ye vallue of ye Revenue hither to Reced wch amounts to 6 Millions of ffloraynes besids Cost of suite wch ye ffrench King demand of him and the same makes Noe Lytle Stirr in Holland L. c. 1318 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 30th December 1682 +Our Germayne Letters from all hands speake of the mighty preparations of the Turkes agt the Emperor the next Spring & the small likelyhood of bringing affaires to an accomodation whereby the Emperor is sending to all Christian princes & states for Assistance The King of Poland has begun that good worke assureing the Emperor that they will furnish his Matie with 3000 of his Country horse & pay them himselfe & a Curriere is arrived at Vienna from ye King of Sweeden with promise to send his Matie early 4000 foote soljers & likewise pay them & the Dukes of Brunswicke & Lunenburgh 6000 but not pay them & tis Expected that other princes & states will follow their Example and the same Letters mention that the ffrench King hath offered his Matie Assistance of 20000 men for the same service wch the Emperor wholy rejected saying that hee who was the Efficient cause of bringing them agt him would most Certainly Joyne with or otherwise Assist those his Turkish Allyes & Confederates Thursday last an Express arrived with his Matie from the Govenor of Tangeire wch brought a more favourable accompt of the posture of those affaires then before they Transmitted That the late ambassadr here was againe very much in his Emperors favour being better sattisfyed of his Conduct & mannagemt of his Embassy then was reprsented of him & the Emperor brought a letter to his Matie from ye said ambassadr and Lucas his Secretary with assurance of an Amicable Correspondence & that the Emperor had given Ordrs to restore sevrall of the English shipps taken by ye Rovers of Salley but still press for an Ambassadr to be sent from hence & there will be some further Consideracon on yt poynt but however the Recruits are Ordered away Wee have a Genrall discourse that his Matie will Grant a writt of Ease to ye Ld Cheife Baron Mountague and Advance Sr Robt Sawyer now Attorney Genrall to yt promotion and supply Sr Roberts place with Sr George Jeoffreys: Wedensday last the Corps of the late Ld Chancellor ffinch was Attended out of Towne by his Sonne the Earle of Nottingham & 40 other Gentlemen on Horsback in Ordr to be privately Interred at his Ldpps Seate neare Daventry Wee are still busy in polling for Comon Councell men in Langburne and Cripplegate within there being all possible Endeavors to Carry the Candidates for one or the other party wch by our next wee may pticulerly give you an accompt especially in whome lyes the Majority save only Sr Jonathan Raymond Alderman of Bishopsgate Ward had adjournd ye farther decision of that Pole to ye 24 of January next: +Letters this day from Holland gives us noe Pticuler newes save only that the states are Extreamly busy considering the best meanes for their Security & have accepted of the Prince of Oranges offer of Lending them 100000 L without Interest 7 yeares rather then his other proposall of paying part of the Army himselfe & Impatiently waite for his Maties of England Resolution In Answere to ye Memoriall delivered by their Ambassadr Men heere Zitter The Letters say nothing of the pr[ince] of Orange Sickeness wch is Genrally discoursed & soe beleive itt a fiction This day wee have advice upon the Exchange that ye late Tempestuous weather had Cast away 4 shipps neare Yarmouth The Bilboa Merchant bound to that place 2 Dutch Hoyes & a Scotch shipp bound for Rotchell & tis much feared that wee shall heare of other Losses of yt kinde The East India Company holding a Genrall Court on 28 Instant came to this Resolution (viz) The Company observeing that there is a Genrall & unparelled run or demand of Money upon all the publique funds in ye City and pticulerly in the Company who notwithstanding were never in soe good a condicon or Estate both in England & India soe hereby declare that they Can pay noe Bonds at Interest untill the 25 of March next & that then all the money due & demanded upon Bond being then to be paid shall be discharged forthwith for wch end the Company has appointed their Genrall Sale to begin the 1st of March but all Creditors who have not Charged yr Bonds shall be allowed Interest 5 L p Cent from ye 1st January next Robert Blackburn L. c. 1319 London Janry 2th 82/83 +Yesterday being the first of this new year his maty was pleased to make the accustomed offering At the Altar in his Chappell at White-hall, afterward was attended by most of the Nobility of the Towne to wish his Maty a happy new year makeing their usuall gifts where the Ld Maior & Court of Aldermen attended & complemented his Maty on the like occasion as also 40 Mathematicall Boyes belonging to Chr Church Hospitall whom his Maty of his great Bounty allows 1000 L p Ann to Educate them in that Science to fitt ym for Navigacon The sevll psons pd their respect afterwards to his Royall Highness & were kindly Recd And the young Students of ye Middle Temple haveing Chosen one Thomas Montgomery for their Comptroller, The Govrmt of that Society these Hollydayes being devolved upon them, They repaired to Whitehall in Extraordinary Grandeur & State, attended by 40 Halberdeers in new Liverys, which they cloathed being conducted thither in 18 Noble Mens Coaches most wth 6 Horses & were very well recd, one of them delivring himselfe to his Maty in a Speech expressing their abundant Loyallty wishing his Maty a happy newyear wth the continuance of many others wch Ceremony being pformed together wth his R Higness they made an Invitation to most of the great Men to accompany them to dinner wch the Dk of Ormond Marquess Hallifax wth divers others did them the Honr to accept Mr Langley Curtis publisher of the late Protestant Mercury for near this 12 Months, has bin forced to abscond for fear of Authority is now returned to his own dwelling at the Signe of Sr E B Godfrey haveing made his peace upon Honrable Tearmes This day wee had the bad news yt his Matys yatch the Katherine in her passage from Rotterdam was by stress of weather cast away by Yarmouth, A Rich Jew on board on her & a young Gentlewoman being drowned, all the rest Saved some of whom were this day upon the Exchange & that wch contribute farther matter of trouble above 60000 L in Gold & some say double the value perished with her Wee have farther advice yt a Canary ship named the Lady Sarah bound for London was cast away near the Isle of Wight haveing 300 pipes of yt wine aboard her & tis farther added that sevll are lost in the Goodwine Sands but is yet no acct of them Sevll mrchants this day Recd Lres from a Mrchant ship arrived at Bristoll in 19 dayes from Cadiz that just as she came away from that porte, advice was brot from Tangier that the Emperor of Morocco being in feild wth an Army agt his Nephew & endeavouring to force a Castle wch he had built was in the Encountr Slayne wch if it comes confirmed will make a great alteracon in ye affaire of yt Empire & perticularly on Tangier I am credibly informed yt his Maty had dispatched away an answer to ye States of Holland relateing to the Memoriall delivrd to him by their Ambassadr Zitteers wch I am told is Catagoricall & positive the Substance I will forbear to mencon till I hear further Wee are wholely taken up at prsent in discoursing the Late shutting up of the East India Company till ye 25th March wch admits of various conjectures however their Actions still continue at [seal spoils two or three digits] and they have this day set upon the Exchange a publicacon of a Genll Sale on the 1st of March, & to continue by sevll Adjormts till their goods be Sold as also 6 ships wch they expect that or ye next month from India Lres from Holland tell us yt the Prince of Orange had for some dayes bin indisposed but very well recovered & yt he made a speech in ye Assembly of ye States assuring them of his firm resolucon of maintaining the protestant Religion & the true Interest of his Country agt any attempts upon it & yt if it should please the Almighty to call him away from them he would leave them his Executors In the mean time would contribute as much as in him lay to settle the Tranquillity & raise 8000 New fforces at his owne charge over and above ye 100000 L he lately lent them for all wch they returned him thanks, & at this Juncture accepted of those kindnesses he was pleased voluntary to offer them L. c. 1320 [Handwriting changes here.] London ye 4th Jann 1682/3 There are still Controverting Elections for the Choice of Comon Councell men, the Ward of Farringdon within having beene some dayes upon a scrutiny to make a true decision betweene one Mr Moreclark and Captaine Bloomer, the former having the Majority of votes by 30. therefore great endeavours to bring in the Captaine but after a tedious enquiry on both sides Mr Moreclark stands superiour by 24 and is sworne accordingly two other Wards are not yett Compleated soe cannot give an exact accompt of who and who is together but in fine ye odds will be very few on either side and those wch some people call Toryes doe genrally disclayme against the delivering up of the City Charter or soe much as make a motion relateing thereto but Contrary wise say that they will rather vote a Peticon to his Matie gratiously to be pleased to recall his Quo warranto to cease ye further prosecution of that affaire I sometyme since gave an accompt of 5 young Lawyers Clarks who were Committed to Newgate for Robbing upon the highway since which 2 more of the same Gang are brought into Custody and I am told that one of them distrusting his cause has discovered to Captaine Richardson the names of above 100 other young men who are unhappily drawne under those mischievious Circumstances: Tis Credibly advised mee from Holland that the Earle of Shaftsbury remaines in the City of Amsterdam notwithstanding some unintelligible writers say that hee is gone unto Dantzick the English Resident there discoursed the States relateing to him who declared that they gave him noe Protection by makeing him a Burgher or otherwise & tooke noe Cognizance of his being there or not but could not deny him the Civility of yr Country as a Travellor or to that offer This day the Ward of Langburne Sr Robert Viner Alderman but managed in his Absence by his Deputy Mr Wood made Conclusion of their Poll shutting up their bookes this afternoone great endeavours being used to bring in Mr Duncombe the Banker and others of that Qualificacon to which end all the Post House officers to ye number of about 40 had the oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy tendred them and voted accordingly yett some thinke that ye suffrages will stand for the Contrary Party Tuesday last his Royall Highnesse rode a fox hunting in ye County of Kent who being upon a speede [?] his horse in a plaine Roade makeing a halfe tread came violently with his neck to the ground & fell upon ye Duke who was in great danger of Looseing his Life but thro speedy assistance with the Divine protection came to noe more hurt then the bruising of his knee and being since Lett blood is wholy recovered. Letters from Vienna say that many of the Rich Inhabitants of that City are removeing theire substance from thence having divers Informations that ye Turke will march directly to beseige it they further say that Count Teckely has Convoked the states of Hungary in his owne name to assemble the 10 of January in order to carry on ye warr Tis likewise added that the Grand Seignour has absolutely rejected all farther Proposalls of accomodacon Yesterday his Matie sent for the Comtee of ye East India Company who being come to Whitehall his Matie was gratiously pleased to express his [re]sentment and surprize of their delaying their payments till March next since the same would redound much to his dishonor both att home and abroad for that he valued them greatly and therefore wished them to regaine the Imputacon of Looseing their Creditt by makeing just payments the time they allotted and as his Matie has always protected them, soe would for ye future against Interlope[r]s and others Continue his kindnesse unto them pressing them very much to performe theire duty In the Punctuall discharge of their Creditors which otherwise would redound to his Matie & their great Detriment. Sr Josia Child in behalfe of the Comtee made a long Harangue giveing his Matie a full state and Condicon of yr Company both in England and India setting forth that this unhappiness was noe wayes occasioned thro any disability or defect of the Company but rather a Combinacon of Persons to call away their money which though they had much more in value yett wanting att prsent in specie was ye sole occasion promiseing his Matie that they would hold a sale of yr goods & forthwith discharge those Clamorous People they were afterwards treated by Mr Chiffnis & late in ye evening departed: Some of ye heads of ye Company having Pawned the Companyes Jewells which cost in India 33000 L for 15000 A Comtee was held this day who after much debate Carried ye Majority for approving ye same for as nothing of ye like nature be hereafter done without ye order of ye Comtee. L. c. 1321 [Handwriting changes here.] London 6th Janry 82/3 Yesterday our fforaigne Lres brought many pticulars shall begin first wth those from Paris of the 1st of Janry, wch say that the K. Intends his Army to consist this spring along the River Soan of 70000 & they to be commanded by the Dolphin as Genll The Dauphiness is agn wth Child The Drums Beat up for Soldiers in all the Head Citys & Townes in ffrance The Ambassadr of Savoy has recd his Audience of his Maty wherein he gave notice yt his Master was intirely broke off from the Marriage wth the infanta of Portugall & that the Dk was so well in health yt he employes himselfe dayly in the affaires of Goverment & yt his R Higness had Imprisoned the Marquis of Pioneza as also the Earle of Birmuda being charged to make a difference between the Dk & his Mother &c The Estates of the Kingdome of Portugall are at prsent under Debt [?] to consider wth wt Prince to joyne in marriage the Infanta & had before ym the prince of Tuscany & some others but the ffr King Imediately dispatched an express prsenting to them the prince of Roch The Germany Lres of ye 26 of Xbr say the Recruits are raising all over ye Emprs Hereditary Countrys & yt all officers are commanded to have their Regiments compleat by the end of ffebry And the E of Swartz wth others has offered to raise 4 Millions of mony in Condicon the Dukedome of Lossher in Siletia be pawned to them The Empr has recalled his Ambr from the Turkish Court being without any hope of accommodacon The Empr Recd an Express the 20th ditto yt a strong body of Turkes from Newhawsell attempted the Island Sciett [?] but 2 Regmts of Greana & Castell attacqued them in passing the Dona & put them to flight wth much slaughter anothr party of a 1000 Turkes ye next night got over the Dona but were so well recd by 50 Men in Asconce yt they retired agn wth ye loss of 80 dead & 7 of the Imperiallists & dayly there are some Encounters between each party The K of Poland hath offered & taken upon him the Mediacon between the Empr & ffrance in case ye ffrench King is not agt it The Dk of Loraine is to Command the Army in Hungaria & to have an unlimited Commission. Wee are wholey taken up in discourseing the proceedings of the E India Company The next day after they attended his Maty at Whitehall to give an account of their delaying paymts till 25 March, they passed a vote in the Comee yt ye next sale should be employed in discharging yeir Loans, their Accons do not much abate for they say they doubt not in the least but to recover their reputacon they owing but 800000 L & hav the effects 20 ships being at India lading Commoditys and 6 more in the Downes going thither & there next sale wth the 6 ships wch they expect in April will amount to all the money ye company is indebted at prsent they pay their running Cash & tis thought they will be able to break thro their present difficulty Lres yesterday from New England gives an account yt a blazing starr in the beginning of Novr was seen there in the Horrison for 14th dayes Lres from the Colony of Carolina by a ship now arrived from thence freighted with Cedar Wood, skins & other products of that Country gives an account yt the Buckineers of ye West Indies had brot into their Harbour a mighty rich Spanish ship wch they have taken valued it at [about three digits blotted]0000 L Yestrday ye Ward of Langburn[e] declared their pole wch notwithstanding the Post house officers poled, they did not Elect mr Duncomb the Banker but chose 6 whiggs & 4 Torys as they call them & the whiggish people have demanded a Scrutiny upon ye 4 Torys Supposing they shall set aside the post house officers some not living in the Ward. Mr Smith who was an Evidence in the Popish Plott & agt the Ld Shaftsbury has a considrable Benifice bestowed on him among the Clergy & has taken upon him their habit mr Dugdale anothr of the Witnesses is at prsent in Newgate on suspicon of debt as also Capt David ffitzGerald in the Gatehouse upon the like suspicon Tis wrote from the Streights yt Admirall Herbert riding before Tripoly met wth sharpe weather being forced to slip & put to sea & ye James Galley being not afterward heard of tis feared she is cast away L. c. 1322 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 9th january 1682 +Satturday last both ye Societyes of the Temple haveing dined togeather about 6 in the Evening Summoned their Guards & each pty devidd to Collect & Gather in 5 s of every neighbouring house a Custome they prtend for some hundreds of yeares & by reason the same had not been pformed for some Considerable time the affaire was very Novell and Surprizeing especially upon the Executeing thereof for their Guard being Armed with Haulbert & halfe pike marched in a warlike posture driving all before them and at what housesoever they had not Imediatly their money they demanded findeing the Doore shutt they first gave a Signall by Blowing yr horne & then broke open the said house Levying their pleasure & thus they Continued till 2 a Clock Sonday morning wch by reason of that early time the people in their beds were mightily affrighted some not knowing ye Occasion Cryed out Arme Arme & Constables that Came to disturb them in this proceedure were by them seized & put in ye Stocks & it looked like ye Embleme of a Massacre or the plundering of a Conquered City sevrall opposeing them with Spitts & other weapons & twas a great providence that little hurt was done & being Loaded with money & booty they returned +The next Evening tho Sonday they held a great Mask or ball of danceing wch Continued till Monday morning & thus our young Students Revells the night & day tho many sober people are Extreamly agt itt Letters from Chichester tell us that last week 2 young fellowes of that place were Comitted for high Treason Being accused for drinking a health to ye Confusion & Damnation of the King & Duke of Yorke & will be proceeded agt accordingly Sonday ye discourse was att Whitehall that ye Earle of Shaftsbury was dead in Holland but yesterday Letters from thence Speaks ye Contrary that for sometime he had been afflicted in ye Goute but well againe His Royall Highness haveing receid a fall from his horse as Intimated last weeke is now recovered of his hurt but ye next day ye horse dyed haveing taken more then ordinary harme: Yesterday ye sevrall Inquests of this City made their prsentmt to the Court of Aldrmen & those belonging to the Ward of Algate prsented ye Aldrman Sr Tho: Beckford for denying a pole upon ye Choice of Common Councillmen & those of langburne prsented the Post house Officers for poleing since many of them Lived in other Wards & pay not the poore &c Lund 8 January 1682 +Att a Parliamt held in ye Middle Temple:-- Whereas sevrall vexatious suites are or are intended to be Comenced agt ye Gentlemen of this Society for a prtended Ryotous Levying of Rents wch by antient Custome time out of minde hath been Gathered at 12 day at night yearely when they have kept a publique Xmas Resolved by ye sd Assembly in full Pliamt Assembled That what soever Concellor at Law Attorney or Soliciter shall or may be Concernd in prosecuteing any of ye Gentlemen or servts of this Society on accot of ye sd prtended Ryott shall be Judged & upon all Occasions Treated as an Enemmy or betrayer of ye Honor & priv[ilege] of ye Inns of Court & yt ye Concurrence of ye other Societyes of Law be desired herein And it is Ordered that noe Members of this Society doe frequent deale or Correspond with any pson who is or shall be Concernd in Opposeing or prosecuteing any of this Society for Levying the said Rents And yt ye Concurrence of the other Societyes of Law be desired herein J Trevour +This day advice Came upon ye Exchange that 5 of ye Turky Companyes shipps were arrived in ye Downes from Cadiz that this stormy weather Occationed more losses at sea the Hope a shipp of the Royall Affrican Company from Guiney is Cast away & all ye men lost neare Bristoll & a Jamaca shipp from Island near St Ives. A letter is sent from his Matie & Councell to the Court of Aldrman further to Suppress Conventicles especially those meeteing in ye Companyes halls &c The Masters of wch places were this day before ye Court of Aldrmen & Ordrd to hindr ye same Otherwise ye penaltyes of ye Act shall be Levyed upon them & each Aldrman is to take Care in his Ward that none be suffered therein L. c. 1323 London the ii January 1682 +Our Spanish Letters from Madrid of the 24 of Xber give an accompt that a Declaracon was now published to prohibit the weareing of all fforraigne Clothes under very sharpe Inflictions or penaltyes & great Encouragemt given to undertake those manufactures in their owne Country Especially to the Nobility and Gentry whose Extractions might otherwise render itt diminution to them which affaire Administers noe little disquietude to many of our English Merchants Likewise Letters from Paris of the 8th Instant say that his Matie was by all possible wayes Encourageing a Manufacture of Cloth in his Kingdome haveing Erected divers factoryes & Manufactoryes Especially one at Charlemont & had forgiven the province of Languedock 300000 Livers to promote that worke which said Comodityes as blew Red Yellow and Purple Cloth they send to Constantinople & other Levant Seas without being beholden to strangers for them I formerly acquainted yow of the Interloper Shipp Mr Sands one of the Cheife Owners which was hindred of her voyage to the East Indies by Ordr of Councell thro a process out of the Admiralty Court & not being able to Obteyne her discharge the Owners Last Tuesday arrested Sr Nicholas Crispe Mr Backwell togeather with 4 Searchers Officers of the Custome house for refuseing to deliver her Cockett & other necessary dispatches in Actions of 60 & 40000 L & had Bayle accordingly they being resolved to try the meritts of their Cause by Law in Opposition to the East India Company Letters from Bristoll last Post say that Tuesday being the day for their Goale delivery Great Expectation there were how their new Recordr Sr John Churchill would behave himselfe in this Juncture of Affaires which by next Post I may be able to give yow the pticulers but in Order thereto all those persons Common Councill men & others who subscribed a peticon to ye Parliamt at Oxford on behalfe of Sr Robert Atkins and Sr John Knight Justifying their Election have Bills of Indictmt found against them and are to appeare at the Sessions accordingly The 5 Turky shipps arrived in ye Downes have brought an Extraordinary rich Cargo 1546 Bayles of Silke 1354 Sacks of Grogram Yarne & other goods proportionable they Came from Cadiz in 18 dayes and say that all the Reporte was there of the Emperor of Moroccos being slayne in Battayle against his Nephew which I hinted sometime since as Advice by a shipp from Bristoll. Our discourse Genrally is that the Emperor has or is about to Conclude A peace with ye ffrench King but haveing noe Advice beleived ye Reporte arrises wholy thro the Imperiall Decree wch was delivered on behalfe of ye Emperor to the Dyett of Rattisbon Just after ye opening of that assembly wch being long Cannot Incert but ye Tendency thereof is to Consult on some Effectuall meanes to settle and secure ye peace of the Empire The protestant Deputyes of Siletia have prsented an humble declaracon of their Miserable Condicon Conteyneing ye [seal spoils about six letters] of many Comanders by vertue of [an?] Edict ye 25 of (Eliz) Contrary to the peace of Osnaburgh have shutt up 300 of their Churches leaveing only 3 in being depriveing them of Choseing yr Majestrates overturning their whole Religion prohibiting them of Changeing their habitacons & praying releife There being a Quarter Sessions for the County of Surrey at ye Towne of Dorking yesterday mr vincent a Noncon: preacher was Indicted there on the Statute 35 (Eliz) but Cannot give yow ye pticulers more then that he was brought back & Comitted to ye Marshalsea This day was held a Court of Aldrmen wher ye sevrall members delivered an accot what Conventicles were held in their Respective Wards in Order to ye more Effectuall Suppressing of them. The Ward of Bishopsgate being under dispute of Chooseing yr Common Councellmen those within peticoned to devide the Ward into 2 distinctions that they may Chose by themselves but those without peticoned the Contrary setting forth ye undue proceeedings of yt affaire but in Conclusion a Comtee was Ordred to sitt to debate [&?] Consider those peticons to morrow [& m?]ake yr Reporte next Court of Aldermen day. L. c. 1324 London the 13th January 1682 +A pattent is passing the Seales to Create Colonel Stowell of Somersetsheire Baron Somerton & Divers other persons of Quality will be advanced to that Honorble degree but their names not yett pfectly knowne. The Judges Delegates togeather with theire new Comission of Adjuncs appointed to heare and determine that soe long depending Cause betweene Mr Emerton and Mrs Bridget Hide Being Ordered to sitt in ye Councell Chamber for ye more Conveniency of those privey Councellors therein, The Judges among them Deputed two of ye Robe to repaire to Whitehall to pray that ye same might be heard in Serjeants Inn the usuall place Offering sevrall reasons Especially that their sitting there would be Comodious by reason they could performe sevrall other bussinesses belonging to their stations which was accordingly Granted and they to have the first heareing on Tuesday next and soe de die in diem till that great affaire be brought to a Conclusion. The advice wee received Last post from Spaine That that Court had prohibited the weareing of all fforraigne Manufacture comes Confirmed with these restrictions That noe Nobleman of that Kingdome whatsoever shall appeare in the Kings prsence but with their Clothes of their owne product & shall be degraded otherwise from yr Titles That all officers of Justice & others shall be suspended their places That all Clergymen &c shall be deprived of yr functions & Benefices That ye Commonalty offending herein shall not be Capable of sueing for their debts & benefitt of the Lawes which if the same be strictly observed itt will accrue to a great disadvantage to England Considering what a Quantaty of Bayse Serges & other of our stuffs they yearely Consume but some Ingenious persons beleive that a summe of Money (which they want) will buy of the same if they should put itt in force Judging that the Spaniards are to proud Lazy and unskilfull to work their owne Clothes Especially their wool Cannot possibly effect itt without a Comixture of ours which is prohibited by Law The Spanish King is likewise makeing retrenchmts in his Court and Kingdome beginninge in ye first place to sett aside all officers for ye receiveing of his Revenue which Costs an Immens summe That for ye future every City Towne & Country shall yearely Choose Officers among them who shall receive ye Kings Duties & afterwards by Bills or other Convenencyes bring it into his Excheqr & be allowed only their necessary Charges I acqwainted yow last Post that Mr vincent ye Noncon preacher was Convicted att ye Quarter Sessions in the Towe of Dorking wedensday last upon ye statute of the 35 of Eliz whereby he must either Conforme in that Method the Act prscribes or after the Expiracon of 3 Monthes Imprisonmt abjure ye Realme or suffer the paines of death wch being an Extraordinary Case shall informe yow Justly how it stands viz The Indictmt agt him was Laid for being absent from Church on Sonday the 2d of Aprill & 3 Sonday afterwards & at wch sevrall seasons was preaching in a Conventicle Mr Vincent went not to disprove ye same but offered a plea that the Indicmt was Invalid wch was argued by Councell offering for reason that the time he was Indicted was but 21 dayes whenas ye Act directs a Month wch Could not possibly make a Month but ye Court saw reason to overrule the same whereby he was Convicted & Ordrd to stand Comitted to ye Marshalsea but before he departed a 2d Indictmt was prferred agt him upon ye sd statute in full force to wch he was made plead The Clergy of this City have been at Whitehall to give an accot of their proceedings in yr respective parishes relateing to dissenters & since the Ld Bishop of London has held a Conference with the Clergy Thursday & this day but as yett keeps ye debates secrett their summons runs thus Yow are desired to meete at a Conference upon ye 114 Cannon to Consider by what meanes we may best prvayle with ye people Comitted to our Charge to observe ye Ordrs of the Church by 8 of the Clock in the morning ye 13 January 82 London +Last night ye Ld Mayor went to Whitehall we supose to give an accot of his proceedings upon his Maties Letter relateing to ye hindering the Assembly of Conventicles in Companys halls +The Jamaica letters [say] that ye Assembly of that Island have out of their abundunt Loyalty given his Matie a Considerable Duty on all Imported Liquors for 7 years to his sole disposall L. c. 1325 [Handwriting changes here.] Lond ye 16th Jann 82/3 Our Paris Letters of the 12th Instant advise that the French king had given orders for the Equipping forthwith 35 great men of Warr upon ye Intimacons hee has reced That the Rovers of Tripoly and Tunis have declared warr against him in theire Governmts and had seized upon severall of his Merchants shipps and that the Algerines have 14 Sayle at sea who have also taken some late Prizes from his subjects. The Chamber of Inquisicon lately Erected to search into and examine misdeamors Committed by Military officers and Treasurers have Convicted Monsr Holomont for deteyning and keeping back money that was allotted for Recruiting a foot Company which hee brought to accot was Compleated and have sentenced him to perpetuall Imprisonmt. Sunday night last about the houres of 7 and 8 was held a second Ball or Masquerade by ye young students of the Middle Temple and had extraordinary Resort of many great personages of both sexes but notwithstanding they had before Closed theire Gates The Rabble began to gett head upon them and a disturbance ensued but notice being given to Whitehall some of his Maties Horse & foot guards were sent for theire Releife who prevented any farther disorders. This day was published by the Lord Mayor an order in pursuance of a Letter from his Matie to put the Lawes in full execucon agat Conventicles which his Lordshipp with the advise of the Aldermen are resolved to performe to which end they have caused this publique notice to be given to admonish all persons from offending therein. Yesterday the Comtee of ye East India Company passed a vote to this effect that whatever psons had bought any goods att the last sale and had not yett fetched them away might doe the same forthwith bringing any of the Companyes Bonds to the value wch they would take as paid in ready money and that att the approaching sale the first of March any Person might give the Companyes Bonds in payment for any Comodity that should be bought of them which gives ye Company a great Reputacon att this Juncture for that some Censorious Persons did asperse them that they would not make good theire Paymts att the Limitted tyme the 25 of March whereby their actions fall noe Lower att prsent then 240 L. Mr Sands one of ye owners of the East India Interloper who is stopt from proceeding on that voyage did yesterday make a further arrest on ye Comissionrs of the Custome house Laying his pticular action for 7000 L Damage and sayes that every one of the Proprietors Concerned will also lay theire Actions but in a sevrall way In case some of them shall be nonsuited the rest may hold & Sr Josiah Child and Alderman Sedgwick were their Bayle. This day was held the first Court of our new Common Councell who mett about 9 in ye morning and Concluded by 2 in ye afternoone which when they had finished theire Preliminaryes they proceeded upon businesse and made a motion to returne thanks to Sr John Moore our late Ld Mayor which was put to ye Question. whether Sr John Moore Should have ye Thanks of this Court for ye great service hee had done his Matie and this City in his Adminstracon of affaires in his Majoralty which was carried in ye affirmative Yeas (119) Noes (82), The Court then proceeded to consider of a fitt person for a Judge of the Sheriffs Court vacant by the death of Judge Richardson and the Question was put whether Mr Thompson the Councellr should be put in nominacon and it was carried in ye negative Noes (118) Yeas (83). Then the Chocye was reduced to 2 vizt Sr Thomas Hanmer and Mr Lane the Controller the Question was put for which [of] the 2 Sr Thomas Hanmere had (155) Mr L[ane] [seal spoils two or three digits] Then ye Court Considered of nominateing Comtees principally that for defending City Charter and Concluded to continue all those Persons therein who were formerly Elected but 4 of them being left out of this Common Councell they Chose 4 others of the like Qualificacons in theire Roomes Tearmed Whiggs vizt Mr Shute our late Sheriff Mr Paul Mr Leo: Robinson and Mr Peter Hubland and gave them as ample power as before. The Ward of Langburne were not admitted by reason they were not duly returned which is the whole proceede of this day the Loyall Party being superiour over the Whiggs in every Question L. c. 1326 [Handwriting changes here.] London January 23th [?] 1682 +fforreigne Letters from divers parts of Europe doe give more then probable Conjecture yt ye necessity of affairs will obliege ye Christian Intersted Parties to Center in a generall peace tho upon such disadvantagious terms as promise [?] ye ffrench please to ascertaine & Conclude for ye Electorall Colledge has sent ye emperor a Letter of ye 8 Instant laying down before his imperiall matie ye urgancy of a peace at this Juncture to Close with ffrance upon yt ffoot wch he at present layes downe vizt to keep strasburgh with divers towns in Alsatia &c wch otherwise might prove a far greater disadvantage since ye grand enemy the Turke was with a powefull army advanceing to his hereditary Countries & therefore twas almost morally [?] impossible for him to resist 2 such powerfull enemies as ye Turke & ye ffrench to wch ye emperor soe far enemies [?] as to dispatch a[n] embassadr to ye States of Holland thereupon who are all this time Consulting ye affair of a general good ye Spaniard also is extreamly busy in fflanders in advising their safety since ye Limited time ye ffrench give them is expired a fornight since & wee expect with great impatience next Post ye result of their debates. +Mr Willmore who was formerly Convicted for spir[i]ting kidnapping a young man to Jamaica had a writt de homini repligiendo taken out against him & upon yt a Capias ad Withernum to bring back ye young man but he since [?] abroade ye beginning of this week ye youth arrived from Jamaica and yesterday was had before Justice Dolben & made affidavit in favour of mr Willmore whereby ye next Terme Mr Willmore will get himselfe discharged Tuesday last Mr Humphrey Mackworth counsellor of ye inner Temple who on behalfe of those young students made a speech to his Matie this Xmas was sent for to Whitehall & by ye Lord Arran introduced into his Maties presence who Conferd ye honour of Knight on him being extreamly satisfied with his Loyallty notwithstanding there were suggestions yt ye Gent ffather was one of ye enemies of King Charles ye first of Blessed memory One Mr Tho Hunt Counsell of ye temple haveing published a booke intituled a defence of ye Charter wherein he speaks extraordinaryly plain and bold ye same give great offence at Whitehall & last night many of them were seized at Baldwins ye publisher & this day debated in Counsell But as yet I heare noe further proceed +Tuesday last his Royall Highness dined with ye Royall Affrican Company in Leadenhall being their governor where he was present at ye Choice of a deputy governor and treasurer vizt Sr Benjamin Bathurst for ye former & Sheriff North ye Latter. Saturday sevennight his Matie goes for newmarket where he intends to take ye divertisement of yt place for some dayes Tuesday last ye Judges delegates appointed to heare and determine ye gr[eat?] Cause between Mr John Emerton & Mrs Bridget Hide sat ye first time but by reason some of ye Judges were absent & Considering ye approaching terme when ye Judges will be busy they have adjournd ye further hearing til ye monday after ye terme The East India Company haveing preferd Bills in chancery against ye severall interlopers trading to yt Country especially against her yt is at present stopt from proceeding in yt voyage ye new Lord Keeper granted an injunction to stay all proceedings at Common Law til ye matter was in chancery determined ye sayd injunction running thus That it was his Majtyes undoubted Prerogative to grant Charters to any of his subjects exclusive of the rest to trade to any Infidels Countrey But this day ye Interlopers have Liberty given them to shew Cause why ye same should not pass & great is ye expectation of ye event L. c. 1327 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 29 January 1682 yesterday was acted at the Theatre Royall the first of a new play Entituled the City politiques the Novelty of wch drew a Confluence of Spectators under both Qualificacons of Whigg and Tory to heare and behold a Ld Major Sheriffs & some Aldermen with their wives in yr usuall formalityes buffoond & Reviled a great Lawyer with his young Lady Jeared and Intreagued Dr Oates pfectly reprsented berogued & beslaved the papist plott Egregiously Rediculd the irish Testemonyes Contradictorily disprooved & befoold the Whiggs Totally vanquished & undon Law & property men oreruld & there wanted nothing of Artifice in behaviour and discourse to render all these obnoxious & dispised in fine such a Medly of Occurences intervend that twas a Question whether more of Loyalty designe or Rhetorique prvailed but there were mighty Clashings [?] among the people of both partyes in Expressing either their sattisfaccon or displeasure One Buck an Informer of Conventicles being Indicted yesterday att ye Sessions at Westminster for breaking open a house under Colour of searching for a Conventicle the said Bill was prferrd to the Grand Jury wch though there were 3 wittnesses to proove the same yett the Grand Jury saw Cause to returne the Bill Ignoramus Robert Stephens Messinger of the press prsented & Indicted att Hickses hall for ye County of Middx a great many Citizens & others under the notion of popish Recusants & most of them prooveing themselves to be Constant and Reguler Church of England men they made their Complaint to ye Justices that ye same was a Malitious prosecucon who Imedeatly granted a Bench warrant to apprehend the said Stephens to answere the same before their worshipps I acquainted yow last post of the East India Companys Intention to procure an Injunction agt ye Shipp Commerce a supposed Interloper to the East Indies but when Councell on both sides were Come to ye Ld Keepers the East India Company withdrew their prsent proceeding being advised that they had not Laid their project arright as that an Injunction should be Granted to hinder ye said Interloper to trade to ye East Indies without the plaintiffs Licence till the meritts of ye Cause & validity of ye plaintiffs Charter & the Kings prrogative of granting Charters Exclusive of all others to trade with Infidells be determined in yt Court & that in ye meane time the Defendts may be Enjoyned to stay all proceedings att Law: Which the Lawyers say is a Contradiction The Court of Chancery being not a place to determine any such poynt but ye Common Law either at Kings Bench or Common pleas where upon yesterday Mr Sands Mr Dockura Mr Griffith Mr Carbonell & Mr Congreave Merchts Concernd in ye Interloper demanded hi[s] dispatch of ye Comissions wch they Deny againe soe they Intend to Lay other Actions agt them then what they ha[ve] done already His Matie has given Ordrs to Sr Christopher Wren Surveyer Generall to begin the building of a stately Edifice for his Matie at ye City of Winchester the next spring which when finished his Matie intends to reside there some time yearely. Little Transaccons att Councell of publique remarke have Occurrd this week Only a heareing of A Complaint from the Towne of yarmouth that one Mr England a 2 parliament Bill of Exclusion man was Chosen a Justice of peace for that Towne who have the proper Choice thereof notwitstanding he was left out of Comission in ye County & one Sr John Meadowes was his great opponent but ye matter being referred to his Maties pleasure he was pleased to Continue Mr England no imputeing the former Allegacons agt him A great fforraigne Mountebank holding a publique Stage in Lincolnes Inn feilds to give his spectators divertizemt made himselfe a State Quak & had a pson who reprsented the Earle of Shaftsbury Intimateing [sic] his Gestures Language & designes but ye Burthen of the Comedy was that hee was greatly in hast to goe into Holland & other Countreys to practise his Intreagues there alsoe This day the Constables in the Burrough of Southwark mett to Consider how they shall to morrow make a Totall suppression of all Conventicles there & to morrow there will be sevrall Companyes on the Guard to pforme the like service in this City L. c. 1328 London the 23d January 1682 Satturday last being ye Essoyne day before the Terme wch should have Concluded the Revelling of the young students in ye Temple of both societyes the Middle Temple youthes acquiessed but ye Inner house Continued yr accustomed Gameing whereby on ye Benches the Grave seniors of yt Inn accompanyed with Mr Attorney & Soliciter Genrall went to ye hall desired them to Cleare ye house for that their time was Expired Ordring some servts to obey yr Comands wch they pforming were prvented by ye young men & Mr Attorney Genrall with his followers driven away with a Hollow whereupon they returned to their sporte & put all those servants into ye Tower alias ye stocks for obeying ye Benchers where they Continued all night & the next morning being Sonday they discharged them thereout burning them alsoe in the hand wch they soe call pouring water into yr sleeve till such times as it runs out of yr shoes & were resolved to hold a Ball on Sonday haveing provided all necessaryes But ye Ld Cheife Justice Pemmerton haveing knowledge of ye same Came from his Dinner wth ye Benchers & demanded entrance into ye hall or Garrison wch some of the Guard mistrusting yr Cause gave him Admittance who Imediatly Comanded ye Controller to surrendr his Staff & be discharged togeather with his Guard & that all the Chayres sett ready for a Ball be turned out & the usuall tables sett up wch was done & the Benchers putt into possession & sent for yr dinner & dined therein And Mr Attorney haveing wrote a letter to Court of those proceedings had an Answere thereto from Mr Secretary Jenkins that his Matie gave noe Continuance to ye same haveing given Ordr that none of the Court doe Come to their Ball on Sonday Leaveing the Matter wholly to ye Decision of ye Benchers who were at prsent Governors of yt Society & this ended their Christmas Gambolls. Mr Hunt who published the late booke Entituled ye defence of the Charter being on Satturday in the Royll Coffee house was there assaulted by one Mr Vaughan of ye Guards beate downe ye Staires but with leaveing his hatt behind Escaped The Grand Jury for the City of Westminster prsented ye said booke as a dangerous & Seditious Libell & since divers Constables &c have been abroad to seize his pson To morrow the Earle of Sunderland will at ye Councell be readmitted into His former place of princepall Secretary of State in the roome of the Earle of Conway who will be advanced into some other promotion. Mrs ffuller the Vintner of the palsgrave head Taverne who was the Close of last week found Guilty of Murder for Killing her servant with a Tobaccoe pipe wch peirced his Brayne yesterday obteyned a pardon of his Matie A warrant of wch was sent to him [sic] to Newgate accordingly. Advice from Cadiz say that ye Lumly Castle a Shipp of 400 Guns from this porte had taken aboard in yt Harbor 3 hundred Thousand peices of 8 & was designd as an Interloper to ye East Indies yesterday was an Adjournd sessions of peace in Guild hall where a hawk[er] woman was Indicted & found Guilty [of] selling a paper Entituled the Illegall proceedings in ye Choyce of ye 2 prtended Sheriffs Mr Dudley North & Mr peter Rich & was fined 20 L: The Ld Maynard Controller of his Maties household will in few dayes resigne yt honoble place to Sr Phillip Howard upon a valuable Consideracon The East India Company has prferrd a Bill in Chancery agt ye sevrall Interlopers who have formerly brought goods from yt Country demand 30 p Cent for yr property & alsoe agt the Shipp Commerce now designd for India & this day the proprietors [?] Concernd pleaded to pte demurrd to Other pte & answered to ye rest This day Mr Sandrs the Councellor being by writt Calld to be a Serjeant the treasurer of ye Temple accompanied with many of the Gowne men sent for him into yr hall & gave him a purse of 10 L the usuall method & made a speech yt they were Extreamly Sorry to leave him & Mr Sandrs returnd a Complemt in such like words & afterwards they accompanied him to Westminster where attending him at Common pleas barr he had ye Coife & other Ornamts belonging yt Degree put upon him & made a Motion as Serjeant at ye Barr & then was sent for by ye Ld Keeper into the Kings Bench where his Ldpp made an Excelent Speech relateing to his Maties Calling him to be Ld Cheife Justice of England & ordrd him to take his place accordingly wch being done Ld C Justice made alsoe a well pleasing speech upon the Occasion & there the Court proceeded upon bussiness the most materiall was a Motion by the Attorney Genrall that the City of London Joyne in a Demurr wch is to be to morrow & the Ld Keeper took his seate in Chancery Ld C Justice Pemmerton yt of ye Common pleas & began very briskly Comitting a Sheriff for makeing a false Returne. [A few figures in another hand appear on outside of letter.] L. c. 1329 London the 25 January 1682 +Yesterday ye Ld Cheife Justice Sanders Came not to ye Court of Kings bench whereby little bussiness was Transacted Mr Sands one of ye Owners of the Shipps Commerce which is stopt by process out of the Admiralty from goeing an Interloper to the East Indies made a Motion for a prohibition to bring yt affaire to be tryed at Common Law & the Court ordrd the East India Company to shew Cause by Monday why a prohibition should not be Granted The proceedings agt the Charter of Worcester haveing gon through all the formes of law whereby ye same is ready for a Tryall A Motion was made yesterday that ye pannell of the Jury returnd should be altered but after some debate the Court told them that if they could make any Legall Exception agt any of them when it was brought upon issue the same should be amended. yesterday ye new Ld Keeper made a Decree in Chancery of 16000 L against ye Royll Affrican Company upon an accompt of that Companyes former Incorporation being a Debt wch they were obliedged to pay to some Merchants they prooveing that they had effects in yr hands sufficient for ye same Our Holland Letters say that on the 25 the Earle of Shaftsbury had formerly entered & made himselfe a Burgher of the Great Burgher shipp of Amsterdam which Cost him 500 florins by vertue of which he is Capicited to attaine their Majestracy & be fully protected & the Majestracy had Complemented him thereon declareing that if his Ldpp would goe to ye English Church they would take Care to Assigne & prpare him a seate suteable to his Quality Sr Wm Waller was likewise made a Burgher and protected as ye Earle Mounsr Camprich ye Emperors Resident att ye Hague has prsented ye States a second Memoriall by wch he remonstrates that he understood there was a Reporte which some of ye States gave Credit to that the Emperor resolved to agree to what propositions the most Christian King had Layd downe & to treate upon them severally which he desired out of yr Ldpps wisdomes to give noe Creditt thereto assureing them that his Imperiall Matie was resolved to psist in his former resolution to Treate Joyntly with them & ye Crowne of Spaine in a Certeyne place and never without them Which Memoriall was delivered to the Commee of fforraigne affaires to Examine takeing ye advise of ye prince of Orange & thereon to make Reporte with all Expedition The Earle of Sunderland was yesterday readmitted principall Secretary of State in ye Roome of the Earle of Conway & sworne of his Maties privey Councell. The Dutch & Spanish ambassadrs yesterday received advise that there was a prospect that a peace might be Concerted betweene the Emperor Count Teckly & the Turk the Count haveing proposed 5 heads or new Articles wch have been Transmitted to ye Emperor & afterwards by Count Tecklys secretary dispatched away to ye prime Vizier at Belgrade wch are these viz 1st That the Hungarians Enjoy all ye Rights and priveledges together with Religion in ye yeare 47 2ly That Count Teckly be made a Prince of the Empire & have an hereditary Estate to mainteyne yt Dignity 3ly That ye Tribute wch ye Hungarians usually paid to ye Turk might be yearly raised out of ye popish Clergy 4ly that Leopolstadt be demolished. 5ly That ye Emperor raise a Considerable sume of money pte of wch may be given to ye Prime Vizier the rest to his Master the great Turk to induce him to withdraw his forces yesterday according to the Court of Kings benches Ordr the City of London Joyned in Demurr wth the Attorney Genrall whereby an Argment wil be had upon the Charter this Terme tho Cannot Come to an Issue till afterwards yesterday the prsent Ld Mayor & Aldrmen to whome ye writt of Mandamus was directed to sweare Mr papillion and Divers Sheriffs made a Returne that they were not Elected whereby an Action of the Case will be brought to try ye Meritts of that affaire This Tearme sevrall declaracons were entred agt Sr John Moore our late Ld Mayor upon accons that was brought agt him for betraying the Rights of the Citizens as they alledge Alsoe Ben Leech a Bricklayer has declared agt ye Sheriffs to try by what right the[y] received the ffine of 20 Marks at the old Baly for declareing they were noe Sheriffs +yesterday one Mr Carr arrived from Holland & brought with him from ye Prince of Orange for Compleateing all the English Redgmts in the States service This week have been heard at ye Treasury Chamber a great affaire relateing to the Hearth money that ye same has been underlett to his Maties detriment 60000 L the Marquis hallifax Espouseing ye prooveing thereof agt the Earle of Rochester wch people say has Occationed an unhappy difference between those 2 great psons insomuch that tis discoursed that there will be Considerable Remoovalls thereon. [Note on outside of letter in another hand:] Jan 27 1682/3 Enquire for Mr Palmer featherseller [?] at Mrs Pitmans [?] a Milliner at the Golden Gent in Cheapside L. c. 1330 London the 27 January 1682 The East India Company have been for some dayes under some disquietness Mr Chen their Treasurer not giveing his Attendance whereby some surmise that he has either A private Ordr to withdraw upon a Deficiency of some of their Members or that he is behinde in his Cash but yesterday one of the Securityes appeared & declared that ye affaire related to the latter Clause Mr Chen haveing made use of 5000 L to buy Actions for himselfe which remaines still at 240 L or thereabouts The unhappy difference betweene the Marquis Hallifax & Earle of Rochester Occasioned thro a summe of about 60000 L which the Marquis discovers to his Matie to have been dammaged in ye underletting of the Hearth Money is Composed the King useing his Authority to reconcile those 2 great men whereby the discourse of some Remoovalls thereon is laid aside yesterday the new Ld Cheife Justice Sanders Came in his Robes upon the Kings bench Transacting the bussiness of yt Court A Motion was made in behalfe of the City for time till next Terme to Argue the Demurr upon ye Charter but after much debate pro & Contra the Court Ordrd the same to be Argued the Last wedensday in the Terme yesterday the Duke of Monmouth with divers Lords Gentlemen & Citizens Dined att the Salutation Taverne in Lumbard streete where they had a Certeyne accompt brought them of the Earle of Shaftsburys death in Amsterdam Which wee have Certainly Confirmd by one of his Ldpps servants who yesterday morning arrived as Express to his Lady in London giveing an accot of the whole pticulers thereof wch as farr as wee Can Learne are viz That since his Ldpps arrivall into Amsterdam have been much afflicted with the Goute & other Cronicall distempers wch has more then Ordinary impaired his health tho sometimes meeteing with an Intervall of Temperature but the unnaturall disposition of yt watry Clymatt made to rigid a seasure on his Vitalls driveing his distemper upwards to his heart where haveing found its Center Imediatly on Sonday afternoone put a period to his life tho it did not deprive his Ldpp of any of his senses till ye last Moment Giveing Order for ye Interment of his Corps att St Gileses in Dorsetsheire disposeing of his Reall & personall Estate as he had before determined with many other Circumstances wch time must better informe us of yesterday Mr Willmores Servant for whome he was Convicted for Kidnapping alias spiriting away for Jamaica appeared in Court declareing that he voluntarily went from hence & had beene well used in his service &c whereby Mr Willmores Councell mooved that he might be discharged from ye Capias ad Withernum but ye Court told him he must make a further provision for ye Lad in 10 dayes time & then he might moove againe thereon in the meane time he was deliverd to his Mother Yesterday was a great hearing before his Matie in Councell being Certenye propositions that a pson made that ye office of Green wax with other affaires relateing to ye Law might be mightily more Improved to his Maties advantage then at prsent it was most of ye Judges were Called to be Assistant herein & ye said pson had Come to Argue on his behalfe but in Conclusion his Matie found yt ye same would be Infinitly Burthensome to his subjects Especially that Branch of distreyning the forfeiture of all Issues of Juryes his Matie was Gratiously pleased to Dismiss ye same as Inconvenient whereby the projector has lost all hopes of Advantage This day little bussiness was Transacted at Westminster hall the Court of Kings bench being Cheifely taken up in heareing of private Arguments but a Motion was that a returne being made to ye Mandamus for swearing of Mr Papillion & Dubois Sheriffs that they were not duely Elected without any pticuler name more then by ye Mayor & Aldrmen they desired that the same might be ye Contrary but ye Court was of opinion yt ye same was of validity sufficient. Capt Clifford with others who were Convicted last Terme for hurrying away maddam Synderfin to ffrance appeard in Court but by reason one of the Crew was absent the Court deferrd ye sentenceing of them till Monday 7 night L. c. 1331 [Handwriting changes here.] London ye 30th Jann 1682/3 The subscripcons for a publique Banke of Creditt promoted by Dr Chamberlaine and Robt Winrey is nigh brought to perfection and the same is esteemed to be of such Genrall good & pticulerly for the benefitt of the Chamber of London enabling the City better to pay their Orphans Porcons That the Lord Mayor the 23 instant with the Aldermen in full Court subscribed to the same recommending to all the Aldermen their Deputyes & Common Councell men with others to promote that good worke And the undertakers designe to have one of the like nature in every County of Engld for the remitting moneys and all the propertyes that may be usefull to the People. Satturday night last one knowles A nonconformist Preacher was taken out of his Bedd [?] at Westminster & Committed. One Robinson an Attorney who lately stood in the Pillory for Cheating a Goldsmith by counterfeit Letters the summe of 500 L was cast in a Tryall in Guildhall for the money before the Lord Cheife Justice Sannders whereby the Goldsmith will recover the same the said Attorney lately marrying a wife of 1500 L. Satturday last the East India Company haveing preferred a Bill in Chancery against Mr Sands the designed Interloper to ye East Indies wherein the Company setts forth the meritts of their cause praying an injunction to stopp ye ship Commerce and the proceding att Law which the said Mr Sands had made against the Custome house officers came to a heareing before the Lord keeper which after strenuous debates on both sides his Ldpp was pleased to dismiss the Bill refuseing to grant an Injunction but directing an issue att Law to confess a value & then try ye meritts of their Charter thereon. And yesterday the E India Company being to shew cause in the Kings Bench why a Prohibicon should not be granted to stay and bring the proceedings against the Shipp Commerce out of the Admiralty Court which [?] desired by Councell a weeks time longer but Mr Sands declareing that hee was every day att a great charge in his Shipp the Court ordered time to be given only till Thursday & tis beleeved the Interloper will gett the better of the Company. Mr Sands ffryday last gott himselfe a Member of the Muscovy Company which has a Pattent Confirmed by Act of Parliamt to Trayde in to Persia and the Company has given a Licence soe to doe though part of ye E: Indies in opposicon to ye East India Company. Yesterday was a great argument in the kings Bench being an arrest of 100 L Judgmt one of ye Comon Pleas obteyned by Sr Thomas Clargis against Mr Row for calling him Papist att the Election of Members of Parliamt, some houres were spent in argueing by Councell pro & con and all ye Judges seemed to bee of opinion that it was but deferred giveing yr Judgmt in ye case till last of ye Terme. The Ld Grey who was Convicted last Terme for takeing away the Earle of Berkleys daughter has agreed that affaire with his ffather in Law the Earle whereby a noli prosequi is brought into ye Crowne office to stay farther proceedings. The king haveing joyned issue with the City of Lond upon ye Points of ye Marketts whereby that breach should have beene tryed [seal spoils about five letters] but haveing a Prerogative to wave his plea time obteyned [?] though joyned. The King has since demurrd upon ye same whereby that whole cause of ye City Charter will be decided by ye Judges only & next Wednesday come 7 night ye argumt the argumt is held thereon. Yesterday a mocon was made in ye kings Bench for Leave to file an Informacon agat the late Mayor of Nottingham for takeing away the seale of that Corporacon Illegally out of ye City Chest affixing it to an Instrumt Importing a Surrender of their Charter they being denyed that benefitt by ye Clarke of ye Crowne who being called upon said that hee had orders from Mr Attorney not to receive any such Informacon but the Court made noe order in the affaire more then that they must attend Mr Attorney themselves to know his pleasure. The great business of the Hearth money which has occasioned some difference att Court is referred to the Lord keeper to heare examine & to make Report to ye Councell wth all expedicon & on satturday his Lordshipp sumoned ye ffarmers before him & searched in ye Concerne & will Report it next Councell day whereby tis judged that notwithstanding ye Mannagers of ye Hearth money bought ye surplusage of that Revenue more then what they were bound to make good to his Matie for 10000 L yett they will be brought to accompt for ye full value which will accrue to his Matie 50 or 60000 L advantage yesterday a speciall Court of Aldermen was held to Consider of the best methods for the Totall suppressing of all Conventicles & agreed upon sevrall Points which they Intend effectually to put in Execucon. L. c. 1332 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 1st ffebruary 1682 +yesterday was brought on in the Kings bench Court a tryall betweene the King & divers of ye persons in Authority in the City of Worcester by way of Quo warranto and Information for Exerciseing without haveing Majestracy in yt Corporation subscribed a declaracon as ye Act of Pliamt Enjoynes for regulateing of Corporations The Councell for ye Defendts especially Sr ffrancis Winington made noe defence as to matter of fact urgeing that they had not time sufficient to prpare yr Evidence they haveing moved ye Court before & refused them And therefore insisted on some points of Law Challenging ye whole Array as that the returne of ye Evidence by one of ye Coronrs where there were two & ought to have Joyned in ye said returne wch he refused was not sufficient in Law But the Court finding both the names of ye Coronors on ye venire over Ruled the same that noe averment was made agt ye Record After wch the Defendts Councell Challenged the pole that they were not ffreholders of the County & City of worcester as by ye Law they ought Which the Court took into Consideracon & being not altogeather sattisfyed in that objection sent Mr Justice Raymond to the Court of Common pleas to state and bring back ye Oppinion of those Judges therein Who after an houres stay returned & reported that those Judges were of Opinion that tho ye Jury were not ffreholdrs in a Corporation yett they might be Legally Jurymen otherwise there might be a failure of Justice where few ffreholdrs were: Thereupon the Court adhereing to their opinion Overruled that point alsoe whereby ye Councell for the Defendt put in a Bill of Excepcons which was allowed: however the Jury being sworne the Court proceeded to take their verdict there being noe Evidence agt Gave it for ye King But before the Court Gives Judgmt upon itt the Excepcons must be Argued & the same does not Imediatly affect the takeing away ye Charter but the Turning out of those psons mentioned in ye Information tho Consequently itt may for then ye remainder will in probability deliver it up The Great affaire of ye hearth money being referrd to the Ld Keeper his Ldpp heard it on satturday & on Monday made his reporte thereof to his Matie wch I understand was in favour of the Ld Rochester his Matie afterwards Confirming his Grant for ye surplusage of ye hearth money wch Capt Gonne bought of the Lds of the Treasury for 17500 L tho the Marquis Hallifax thro ye discovery of Capt Shales had made out that ye same was of a farr greater vallue but Mr Trant one of the Mannagers declared that ye sd Grant to Mr Gonne was made in trust for him & that since his Matie had beene soe Graciously pleased to Confirme the pattent he would be soe Ingenious as to open his books to his Matie that he might Certainly know what proffitt was made thereof & would submitt to what his Maties pleasure should Order in the affaire yesterday one powell a Blasphemous Muggletonian fellow was sentenced to stand in the pillory before ye pallace Gate on Monday next & to pay 200 Marks to the King & to give security for his Good behaviour for the future but as soone as sentence was past he very strangly gott out of Court & made his Escape from all ye Marshalls. Mr ffarringdon of Chichester who was the last Terme acquitall of ye Murder of Habin the Informer of yt place Moved ye Court of Kings bench for a Copy of his Indictmt and acquitall in ordr to prosecute the Law agt all those psons who had Concerne agt him wch ye Court allowed declareing that it was the most Malitious & barberous designe agt a Gentlemans life ever heard of whereupon Mr ffaringdon is fileing Informacons of subornation of perjury agt some & takeing out writts of Conspiracy against others. +This day being apointed for ye E India Company to shew Cause why a prohibition should not be Granted in the affaire of Mr Sands ye East India Interloper the Company argued by Councell the merritts of their Charter wch was sufficient to hinder others tradeing thither but themselves In fine the Court made noe Rule in ye affaire but took time to Consider whether his Matie had a prrogative to grant a Licence to some psons to trade with Infidells Exclusive of others in ye meane time the Interloper Cannot proceed +This day Mr Goodenough ye Attorney Came to ye Court of Aldrmen & sent in a Message to give ym Notice to put in baile to ye returne of ye Mandamus wch they made yt Papillion & Dubois was not duely Elected in Ordr to try ye issue of yt affaire some members of ye Court were for Comitting him for his Insolency but yt being waved they answered they would Consider of itt. L. c. 1333 London the 3d ffebruary 1682 +Our advise from Lisbon in portugall gives a most surprizeing accot that 4 English shipps in yt port freighting Comodityes of their product & takeing silver aboard ye Coyne of yt Country wch by their Law are prohibited upon ye penaltyes of death & Confiscacon of shipps and goods were taken in ye fact wch yt Goverment understanding sent a Considerable strength & seized ye Masters seamen &c who are all Comitted to prison & the shipps arrested which affaire administers noe little disquiett to sevrall of our Merchts feareing yt they will persue the full intents of ye Law agt them tho ye same has been rarely put in Execucon. Some dayes since 2 fellows formrly Dr Oates servants repaired to the Ld Mayor & there proffered to give yr oaths agt their Quondam Master for Comitting Sodomy with them the one positively yt the Dr forced him butt the other yt he onely attempted him & his Ldpp: was soe discreet in an affaire yt nature as to examine ym strictly thereon who declared yt the same was perpetrated above 6 months since & his Ldpp asked why they did not Complayn thereof sooner they replyed yt they had been since beyond Sea, Whereupon his Ldpp: advised them to Consider well thereof upon his pillow refuseing to take their Information without they disgeted [?] itt in writeing themselves Wch affaire Creates no little talk Butt the Dr Laughs att the same saying yt hee doubts not to prove butt yt they are subornd thereto The Duke of monmouth designing to goe to Chichester Tuseday next the Bishp of yt place has signifyed to his Matie What prparations are makeing for his reception viz 200 White wastecoates a makeing for young men to meet him alsoe much other matter of yt Tendency with some fear of disturbance Whereupon the High Sheriff is sent to take all possible Care to hinder anything of the like Nature Mr Richrd Goodanough an Attorney haveing last Thursday sent in a Note to the Ld Mayor & Court of Aldrmen to desire an appearance in his Maties Court of Kings Bench & Comon Bayle to be ffyled at the suite of Thomas Papillion & the like att the suite of John Dubois Esqrs & the Court returning no positive answer in the affair The said Richrd Goodanough this day sealed writts agt the Ld mayor & 17 of the Aldrmen Grounded upon the Return the Court of Aldrmen made Papillion & Dubois were not elected This day wee have advise that the Woolwch ffriggot was arrived from Tangier & brought letters wch Contradicts the former Report the Emperor of Morocco was slayn Giveing an acct that the Comptor & his nephew Mule Ismael faced each other with an army severall dayes to incounter in a battle butt a parley being made between them they Consented to Chose 30 Cheifs on each side to treat at Alcason who att length agreed the affair without effusion of blood viz: that Mule hamett the Comptor shall retayn the Title over the Contrys of ffez & Morocco & Muli Ismael to bee king of Bass [?] a large Teritory reaching to Guiney upon wch their Armyes were disbanded & the Governor of Alcasar has sent a message to Tangier that he would put himself under their protection & treat with them there in person Yesterday the Governor of ye Temple Invited the Great Lds: of [seal spoils about four letters] together with the Ld: Keeper to dinner where afterwards they were entertayned with variety of song & a play was Acted before them Called the Chances by the Kings players The discourse is about Towne yt at Nottingham one Sr John Parsons is Killed by Sr Scroop How This day the Earl of Danby moved for a habeas Corpus some Argumts was held thereon the Councell saying that there were other Circumstances to offer but Judge Dolben said the law was the same now as then & by reason the Ld; C Justice was absent orderd them to move again when the Court was ffinall [?] Our holland Lrs of the 4th of ffebry advise yt mounsr Camprich the Comptors Ambassador had delivered the states a Memoriall wherein he give their ldpp: an acct of what Stepps the Emperor his Master had made in order for a Treaty of peace with ffrance wch the states have put into the hands of ye Comissioners for fforraigne affaires And from Ratisbon wee have an acct of the 2d ultimo yt the Dyet had a long time been Consulting of the security of the Empire but were mightily different what Methods should be taken in the prosecution thereof insomuch that they were nigh breaking up their Assembly without agreeing any thinge to effect but att length the difficulty was removed & they Came to resolve in what manner to begin a Treaty of accomodation with ffrance Conjunctly with other the Confederates of the Empire & orderd that the same be Imediately Signifyed to the ffrench Ambassadr who returnd answer yt he Coud not of himselfe in soe important affaire give his assent thereto without first acquainting his Master thereof wch hee would doe with all expedition L. c. 1334 London the 6 ffebruary 1682 +Sonday last ye Conventicles in & about Towne were disturbed & hindred from meeting psuant to a Second Resolution the Court of Aldermen have taken to make a Totall suppression of them assigneing those Aldermen who have noe Conventicles in yr Ward to be assistant to others that have, pticulerly mentioning ye psons & they sett a Guard at each meeteing house who obstructed their Entrance: Sonday last in ye afternoone One Abercromby who had been a Jessuit for this 16 yeares last past made a publique recantacon or abjuracon of the Roman ffaith in ffosterlane Church in prsence of A Numerous Auditory Yesterday at ye Court of Delegates in Serjeants Inn was determined a long depending Cause betweene 2 Ministers of this City viz Dr Hutchinson & Dr Puller for ye parsonage of St Mary Le Bow the former Enjoying the same psuant to the Act of Pliamt for vinteing of parishes since ye fire of London the Minister of Hony lane being dead but the Arch Bishop of Canterbury looking upon it as a peculier to him Instituted Dr Puller since which they have for some yeares been Tugging at ye Law & the Act of Pliament being deficient in Expressing their full meaneing in one sentence ye Court have given it for Dr Puller. The Ryott formerly mentioned to have been Comitted in the City of Midsummer day at ye Election of Sheriffs for London & Middx is now revived the prosecucon thereof being Carryed on withall dilligence & satturday last new writts were served on divers Citizens for ye same pticulerly Aldrman Lane Aldrman Hayes Sr Tho Player & others &c The Writts I mentioned in my Last to have be sealed agt ye Ld Major & Court of Aldermen were delivered into ye hands of Mr Broome ye Coroner of this City to arrest them at ye suite of Tho Papillion & John Dubois psuant to wch ye Coronor acquainted the Ld Major thereof who answered that he would give obedience to ye Law & yt he might take him into Custody if he thought good but Mr Broome told his Ldpp that he would first advise thereof & attend him againe: Yesterday a 2d Motion was made in the Kings bench to file an Informacon agt the Major of Nottingham for takeing away ye City Seale out of their Chest A Great debate was had thereof by Mr Attorney & ye Court but Mr Sacheverell who espouses yt affaire declared himselfe ye prosecuter That he would sweare he knewe most pte of ye Informacon to be true & yt the rest he beleived to be soe & thereupon they will admitt ye receiveing thereof Capt Arnold who was lately arrested in an Action of Scandal Magnat at the suite of ye Marquis of Worcester made a Motion for an Attachmt agt the Sheriff of Herrifordsheire for deteyning him in Custody after he had taken Bayle of him the Court Ordrd ye Sheriff to attend this Terme to answere ye same Otherwise an Attachmt should Lye agt him. A Great debate was had for longer time for ye City of Oxford to plead to ye Quo Warranto brought agt them at length twas Ordrd that they plead ye Monday after Easter weeke This day the Earl Danby moved a 2d tyme for a habeas Corpus to be [sent?] up to the Kings bench Barr, The Judges were pleased to say that they Could doe nothing in the ould Matter since they have given yr opinions already in the affair But his Counsell insisting yt his Ldshpp: had some thing to offer a new Whereupon the Court granted yr motion but he will not be brought up till Thursday to morrow being the day appointed to hear the 1st Argumts on the Citty Charter This day Mr Sands the E India Interloper haveing yesterday given the Court yr Suggestions moved a ffresh for a prohibition to bring his Cause now depending in ye Admiralty to be tryed at Comon law some opposition was made agt him but the Court declared That their not granting a prohibition would be to determine the Cause & otherwise would bring itt a foot whereby the validity of the Companyes Charter by yt means would come upon Issue thereupon orderd a prohibition to lye unlesse Cause be showne to the Contrary by Saturday wch tis thought the Company cannot doe & then the Ship Comerce will bee it liberty to persue her voyage as an Interloper the Owners giveing in Security to abide a tryall with the Company thereon L. c. 1335 [Handwriting changes here.] London 8th ffebry 1682 +Yesterday was brought on in the Kings bench Court, that soe famed & long expected Argumt on the two demurrs made upon the Citty Charter before the ffour Justices of yt Court wch after some preliminaries were adjusted began to be debated in the first place by the Sollicitr Generall ffinch on behalf of the King who for an hours time most Elegantly set forth the severall Concessions or Grants of the severall Kings of England by prrogative Royall the history of the transactions pticuler to this affair the severall misusers & abusers of prvilidges &c with the Kings power in those Cases & then brought it down to the prsent time insisting cheifly on the two Assignd breaches The Petition & levying money on the subject by way of the Markets & made the aggrivation extraordinary great as to the former by taxing the King of obstructing of Justice by prorogueing the Parliamt yt being one of his Maties cheifest branches of his prrogative who haveing finished his discourse Mr Recorder Treby Carryed on the Argumt pro Contra for 2 hours & a half Grounded upon theese 3 heads, vizt, Whether a Corporation Can be forfeited by an Act 2dly Whether the Quo Warto be well brought being agt the Corporation by yt name yet denying them to be a Corporation or Whether it ought to have been brought agt pticuler persons usurping yt Title 3dly whether the facts laid in the Information amount to a forfeiture To all wch Sr George made as fflorrid & learned an acct: as possibly by man Could be Expresst in an affair of yt Tendency Which is of such length yt tis not possible to give you a transcript more then yt His Argumts seemed of great weight yt a Corporation Could nott Comitt Treason much lesse any lower Crime (yt being if any such were to be Charged on pticuler persons That the point of the Markets were set forth to be very prejudiciall to ye Kings subjects though there were not one person appeared to be aggreived & in the Close of his discourse Challenged all the Lawyers in England to Instance one Case yt Judgmt was had upon any Charter thro the processe of a Quo wartto In fine the discourse was so learned on both sides yt itt would be extreem injury to them to endeavour to signifye the least branch thereof Therefore shall onely ad: yt the Ld Cheif Justice Saunders gave them applause though with different sentiments And thereupon the Court adjournd the ffurther Argumts thereon till the first ffryday in the next Terme When Mr Attorney Generall on behalf of the King & Mr Pollexfen of the Citty Continue the ffurther progresse thereof butt the Issue Cannot Conclusively be prejudged on either side +Letters from Chichester say yt on Saturday last the high Sheriff of yt County assisted by the Mayor made Proclamation yt no person goe out of yt Towne to meet ye Duke of Monmth as alsoe none Accompany him besides his retinue & the deputy Lutz: with severall other psons Rode out of ye Towne on Munday last & mett his Grace some Miles distant Where they halted & lett him go forward no Ceremony passing on either side abou[t] 5 of the Clock his Grace Came to yt Towne Where the people would expresse his wellcome & Imediatly repaired to his Inne On Saturday 2 a Clock in ye afternoone the Ld North & Grey to[ok] his Action of Scanda magn agt Pars[on] Elliot of Rickes place for publishing a booke agt Dr Oats Wherein the Parson most egregiously scandalizes his Ldpp & by reason his Ldpps brother is one of the sheriffs of London the Jury is returnd by the Coroner who hath orderd all the Comon Counsell men of Breadstreet Ward &c The Ld: Dunblayn haveing preferrd a bill in Chancery seting forth yt he being Maryed to Mrs Bridget Hyde one Mr John Emerton Cutts down Wood on his Ladyes Estate & makes other devastations & therefore prays his Ldpp to grant an inJunction to stop his farther proceeding therein but Mr Emerton instead of answering the sd Bill pleads yt the sd Mrs Hyde is his wife haveing not onely obtaind a verdict at law for the same but a sentence of the Court of delegts & upon the hearing of wch the Ld Keeper has allowed his plea agt the Ld Dunblayns bill Whereby Mr Emerton is left at liberty to persue his pleasure upon the estate +The Court of Kgs: bench haveing granted ye E India Interloper a prohibition unlesse the Company shew Cause by Saturday to the Contrary Whereupon the Company This day Came into Court & had a long Argumt upon yt point offering by way of Expedient yt they will give the interlopers what security they pleased to stand to the damage they should sustain by their demurrage & upon Condition yt upon tryal of ye meritts of their Charter itt should be in favour of ym Insisting much of the Kings prrogative to give Lysence to some to trade to India exclusive of others And the going away of the interloper would be of great damage to them L. c. 1336 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 10th ffebruary 168 +Thursday last about the hower of 4 in ye morning it was full sea or high tide at London bridge wch in its Ordinary Course was pinch or ebbing water for ye space of an hower when on a sodaine ye Thames most surprizeingly made A reflux Contrary to the usuall Custome of Continueing upon ye Ebb 8 howers and wth a most Impetuous torrent Encreased flowing till 8 following & swelled much higher then its accustomed bounds whereby great Dammage was susteyned by the overflowing of Meadowes Banks &c scarce ever before knowne in the memory of man the Lawyers were Carryed on mens shoulders over ye pallace yard Westminster wch soe sodaine Interrupcon of the tides administers the subject of discourse the more Especially since ye Moone was in her decrease or Wayne wch Causes the neepe or falling of ye tides when as being at or neare ye full Influences the Spring or highest water & that wch Contributs matter of ye greater remarke is that ye North East winde wch in tempestuous weather will something obstruct & Cause an Alteracon the winde was shifted North west & by west blowing only a Gentle Breath or gale. The Ryott formerly mentioned to have been Comitted on Midsummer day upon ye Choyce of our Sheriffs is appoynted to be tryed agt sevrall Eminent Citizens of London on Wedensday next before the Ld Ch. Justice Saundrs in Guild hall by way of Informacon out of ye Crowne office whereby ye right or not of the Ld Majors Adjourning the Common hall & ye pole will be argued whether the Ld Major or sheriffs be the properest officer in yt place. And yesterday a Motion was made at ye Kings bench barr that ye Venire wch was made to ye Coronor for ye returne of a Jury might bee altered to yt of ye prsent sheriffs & after some debate ye Court made a Rule for ye same. Likewise a Motion was made that ye Coronor being appointed to returne ye Jury in the Case of the Ld North & Gray agt Elliott One of the sheriffs being his brother the same might be alterd & Pformed by sheriff Rich wch ye Court saying one sheriff Could not make A Compleate returne they rejected the motion to stand as it was This day being apointed to determine the affaire between the Interloper and the East India Company in Ordr for ye Granting or not of a prohibition great was ye Expectacon what the Success should have been but soe soone as Councell began to Moove in ye affaire the Ld Ch Justice Saunders stood up not pmitting any further Argument said that it was a poynt of Extraordinary weight wherein the Kings prrogative was Concernd therefore he would take time till next Terme to Consult ye rest of the Judges therein whether he would determine the Granting of a prohibition. The Bill of Excepcons put upon the Tryall of ye Quo warranto brought agt ye City of Worcester w[ch] began to be debated but the Court Ordrd yt the Excepcons be mended by Monday next. [Handwriting changes here.] +Sr Wm Cooper one of the Earle of Shaftsburys Trustees has sent a letter to Mr Strimmer in Holland to Land the deceased Earls Corps at Poole in order for intermt at St Gyleses wee understand yt 8000 L p ann his Ldpp has left to his sonne the Remainder both of Real & personal estate has made a deed of trust bequeathing a Considerable value to his Grandson about 12 years old & left all his servts annuities for yr Lives the value they Recd of him when alive This afternoon Came on yr tryall between the Ld North & Parson Elliot being an action of Scandalu Magnatu his Ldpps evidence was the printer of ye Books who deposed yt Elliot handed itt to ye presse & Corrected there & Sr Geo Jeffryes endeavourd to defend it for ye Parson but Mr North made a motion if the Parson would acknowledge his offence in Court hee was Confident his brother would pardon him Elliot hearing the same Imediatly on his knees Craved his Ldpps pardon who quickly forgave him paying ye Costs & yn Hindmarsh the publisher prayed for the like & was remitted L. c. 1337 [Handwriting changes here.] London 13 ffebruary 1682 +Advice from great Yarmouth this Post says on sunday last when ye tide here made a reflux it soe rapidly flowed upon ye towne yt together with ye parts adjacent was Coverd over with ye fface of an Inundacon especially ye plot of ground designd for ye building of new Troy and yt which Contributed to ye inhabitants greater amazement; The Spire of a Steeple altho built with masty timber & Covered with Lead was at that time on a flame of ffire they suppose was Lightning, and ye same letters adds yt ye earle of yt Title lay dangerously sick of a Dropsie and Lethargy wch was feard would prove mortall I omitted in my last to say yt ye Court of Kings bench gave Judgment upon Capt Clifford and his Crew for hurrying away Madam Synderfin vizt ye Capt to pay 1000 L his Comrade 500 L and ye servants 100 L and each a 12 mo imprisonmt and security 7 yeares to be of good behaviour. Saturday night last one Justice Balch Throwster in Spittle ffeilds haveing reckned with & payd his servants as he was sitting in a Chair suddenly died The Whiggs believe a Judgment upon him for designing to be sharpe upon ye meeting but he was a fatt Corpulent man and this disaster might be naturally incident to him wch God Deliver us all from Major Putt an officer of ye White Regiment dyed the next evening after a Languishing distemper. The Conventicles in and about London on sunday last were generally disturbed and a great many had before ye Lord Major amongst them some of ye Rabble for affronting ye Traind bands and were Committed +Sunday last about 11 of Clock a parcell of hectoring damme debauchers drew upon each other in Cheapside pretending to fight whilst others of their gang ran downe ye adjacent streets and Lanes Crying murder theives ffire Lights for ye Lords sake wch put ye whole neighbourhood into a soe affrightment but some of them were afterwards seized one Lying on ye ground for dead tho noe hurt recd & were secured And Sr Wm Turner yesterday morning recommitted them to ye Counter but the design they will not discover more than a ffrolick One mr Henry Starkey a soliciter was found guilty for assaulting esqr Pullford Cause whigg and Tory wch distinctions are of mischievous Circumstances amongst us The Burrough of Saltarsh this week surrenderd their Charter to his Matie yesterday being ye last of ye terme severall matters were transacted those of publick remark are vizt a scire ffacias brought against ye Corporacon of Wells exceptions were made upon it wch are to be argued next terme Mr Vincent ye nonconformist minister lately Convicted a Darkin [?] ye Justices of Peace for ye County of Surrey upon ye statute of 35 of Eliz was brought into & cast by habeas Corpus where his Case was long time argued they excepting against ye Power of ye Justices in yt Case also yt ye indictment was invalid somthing was sayd Contra whereby ye Court would not Bayle him but allowed him a Writt of error yesterday a great many Writts de excommunicato capiendo were sealed in order to seize and imprison divers persons who were lately prosecuted by ye spiritual Court for not Comeing to Church & refusing to Conforme +Our Paris Letters of ye 14th advise yt his Matie has given order for his fforces to be on ye march ye next thursday their 25 Instant haveing sent them secret Commissions for some extraordinary interprize and disignes to be at ye head of them himselfe being now incamped on ye River Soan and divided into 4 Batalions or armies And those yt pretend to be skilled in discerning his designes say yt by all appearance he will march for and attack fflanders and they name 4 principall places he may besiege together vizt Luxemburgh Namur Mons and Charleroy whereof a short time will tell us ye Certainty +This afternoon was a further hearing before his Matie & Counsell relateing to ye surplusage of ye hearth money some transaction of yt management being discovered more than before whereby yt affair wch was generally believed to have been Composd now begins to be agitated afresh Capt shales and others offering very Considerable advance in yt Concerne & we are Credibly informed yt one great man in ye Court in Conjunction with others make a proffer to farme his Maties whole Revenue of England for 1500000 L P Annu and to advance 6 or 70000 L takeing onely 6 p Ct for ye summe and we are told yt ye marquess Hallifax will signe noe privey seales for above yt value Interest L. c. 1338 [Handwriting changes here.] London Feb: 15th 1682/3 The Paris Letters of the 16: advise that his Matie having assembled the Doctors of the Sorbon to debate and consider about the censure wch the Bishop of Strigonia had passd upon the resolutions and declaracons of this kingdome touching Religion, when they had their first meeting they appointed a Committee of 15 doctors of their order to examine the said censure, and to make report thereof which we hear will be performd on the 20th And tis divulged that they have agreed that one of the said Bishops Propositions is down right heresie; as insisting that the Pope alone hath Power to decide and order matters of Faith, and will dissent from the aforesaid Bpp in each the rest. The French King hath put of his going to the Army till the beginning of March. +Yesterday being appointed for the great tryall in the City on the point of a Riot said to be Committed on Midsunmer day, the late Sheriffs continuing the Pole for two others in their rooms after the Lord Mayor had adjournd: the Court but a Motion being made to the Attorn: Generall the same is deferrd till tomorrow. +And at the same time another tryall will be had against Sr Tho Player, brought On by Sheriff Rich for 100 L of the late fine of Mr Ralph Box, which according to ye Custome of the City becomes his due, the point therefore will come upon Issue whether the said mr Box was duely elected and by vertue thereof paid his Fine and whether the said mr Rich be quallifyd to demand and receive it, which affair is the Subject of our discourse in both which cases the Jury is returnd by the Sheriffs, which some say is unequall it being almost their own case. +Dr: Owen the Minister of St Swithins being dead some time since, there are mighty endeavours used by the Parsons about town to procure his Living, and the same being in the gift of the Saltors Company, they mett yesterday in order to the disposall thereof but were prevented by a Letter from Mr Secretary J: the Company dissolving themselves upon it, the Contents are said to be not to signifye to them who they shall chuse but who they shall not Naming Mr Johnson who lately writt the Book of Julian the Apostate, and one Mr Hall who talkes sometimes Whiggishly. +The Begining of this week the Lord Mayor Paid a visit to mr Pilkington in the Kings Bench, Promising to Use his uttmost endeavour to procure his release, but he is charged in Execution for the 100000 L obtaind against him by his Royall Highness: +Mrs Bridgett Hide this Week moved the Lord Keeper for a 1000 L of the Estate but his Lordpp would not grant the same more then should be for her necessary expences of 20 L p week +On Monday the Judges Delegates b[egin?] to sitt to hear and determine that so long depending cause +This day his Matie Royall Highness & most of the Court went to Banstead Downs where they will be divertized wth sevrall Races +And this day is that so much discoursd horse Racing at Paris, where many English Gentlemen are repaired, the first Course is run for 700 Pistoles another for 200 & a third for 100, and the French King wth his whole Court will be present, and there are great Wagers that the D: of Monmouths horse will win the Feild. +Letters are come to White hall from Dantzich which say the the Diet of Polland will suddenly be assembled, and that the Counsell of the Kingdome, by way of Anticipation have agreed to assist the Emperor with 20000 horse persuant to a League made between them in Case the Turk enter Hungarie. +Tuesday last was a great hearing before his Matie and Counsell between the Royall Affrican Company and the Planters of Jamaica relating to the furnishing that Island with a sufficient Number of Negroes, which was Concluded in Favour of the Island ye Compa being obliged to deliver them at 18 L p head and a Certain Number of them. His Matie having heard some arguments in the affair of the surplusage of the Hearth mony hath orderd to have a full hearing thereof in the Treasury chambr Saturday next, where Counsell will be admitted on both sides. L. c. 1339 [Handwriting changes here.] London February 17 1682/3 +Thursday last in the afternoon Madam Synderfin had a tryall before the Ld Ch: Justice agt Capt Clifford for her pticuler damages and the Jury brought in their verdict 1500 L whereby he will be wholy at her mercy. +I formerly told you of an Informacon of Perjury designd to be brought agt Sr Patience Ward for ye Evidence he gave in Pilkingtons Case, I can certainly Inform you that the said Informacon was this week filed agt him and will be tryd next term +The Lord Mayor in sevrall of the Wards of this City where Conventicles are most frequently held, hath sent a Precept that they appoint a certain Number of Persons to watch from 7: in the morning till that time at night every day. +The Court is making Preparacons for the Country the begining of March. +Yesterday the so famd proceedings relating to the Riot said to be Committed on Midsumer day came on foot before the Ld Ch: J: Saunders by Nisi Prius in Guild Hall, in Order to a tryall. +The Court being sett, the Informacon was opened and read agt Mr Pilkington & Shute the 2 last Sheriffs, Ld Gray Sr Tho: Armstrong & diverse others in the Usuall form +Whereupon the Councill for the Defts viz Mr Williams, Sr Fra: Winington Mr Wallop &c deliverd the Court a Peremptory Challenge in writing of the whole array insisting yt the Lord Gray being a Peer in Parl: ought either to be tryd by his Peers or at Least Wise to have a Knight returnd upon ye Venire. +upon wch the Ld Ch: J: gave his Judgmt that as to the first point a Peer was not to be tryd by his Peers but in Capitall Cases but Inclind to adjudge that a Knt upon the Pannell was absolutely necessary. mr Attorney and Sr Geo: Jeffereyes finding that Omission like to prove fatall upon them made some argumts to divert it, but his Ldpp would not dissent them mr Attorn: moved yt he would Immediately enter a Noli Prosequi upon the Lord Gray and proceed upon tryall of the rest +To wch his Ldpp replyd that the Court by Nisi prius not a Proper place to receive such an Entry, but the Court above, for here they could not pass Judgmt, having only a Powr to take a verdict and that the Lord Gray could not be sett aside without the others seeing the distringer [?] as was seald agst them all +Whereupon it was Proposed to the Deftes Councill to Wave their Challenge and proceed to tryall wch they refused, then Sr: Geo: mightyly insisted to respite the same a day or two Nay so[me] hours to produce other Argumts In fine the Attorn: Generall had a weeks time allowd him to consider whether he would yeild to the Challenge or demurr to it, however it cannot come to tryall till next term. +After wch was brought on the Proceedings of Sherif Rich agt Sr Tho: Player, for 100 L of Mr Boxes fine. +The Councill for Sr Tho: Challengd the Array also, as that the venire was returnd by the name only of Mr Dudley North which was not a Legall return without both Sheriffs joyn in it. +The Ld Ch: Justice seemd to overrule that Challenge, as that the court of Kings Bench had orderd a Rule for the same so they Proceeded upon tryall. Mr Common Serjeant swore that mr Rich was Elected and that the Custome of the City was that when any fined off, the Next that is chosen hath 100 L of his fine, then Mr Box provd the paymt of 400 L after wch an order of the Court of Aldermen was Produced that Mr Rich being Sheriff they directed Sr: Tho: to pay ye mony but the Defts Councill made no defence but let a verdict goe by default resolving to abide by the Point of Law, Putting in their Bill of exceptions, which before Judgmt can be obteyned, must be argud by the Judges whether their Challenge be sufficient in Law L. c. 1340 London 20 Febr: 1682/3 +yesterday one Russell an Apothecary wth another of his Neighbours in Pudding lane was seized by the Writt Excomunicato capiendo & committed prissoners to Newgate & there are above 100 other Writts abroad of that kind to take up those who were lately excomunicated for not comming to Church &c Yesterday his Matie went down the river to Deptford to see a New East India Mercht ship of 700 tuns lancht built by Mr Castle his Matie was entertaind there at Dinner by the East India Compa & was pleasd to name the said ship the Royall Charles, as being himselfe part owner, Capt Grantham is designd to goe her Commander. +Yesterday the Judges Delegates with their new Commission of adjuncts mett their first time in Serjeants Inn in Fleetstreet where after some Preliminaryes were dispatchd began to rehear 3 depositions to prove Mr Emmerton marryd to Mrs Bridgett Hide & made a considerable progress in that cause, ajourning themselves till this day & intend to sitt de die in diem till they have determind this so long depending suite +The East India Compas accons since the late procrastinating a Prohibition desired by Capt for his ship Commerce are somwhat risen being at 250 L the Compa profferd Capt Sands 10 p cent for his ship & disbursmts to take him of by that way of expedient but ye Capt demands 2000 L for his losses of time & expences he hath put himselfe to for his intended voyage & the demurrage of his ships, since the time he hath been hinderd from departing but the Compa is averse to that proposall. +Our Scotch Letters say that on ye 9th of this Month the Parl: wch was to have mett the first of March was further prorogued till the 10 of July, very smart dealings are had agt all those rebells any way concernd in the actions at Bothwell bridge, many are fledd the Country some brought to their tryalls & sentenced to be executed. +Wee have recd two Dutch Posts by wch I shall give you the most remarkable intelligence from them viz-- That the French begin to move in their New Conquests in Flanders, and have again forbidden the carrying of Provisions to Luxemburg & demand double mony for all corn that is carryd out of that Province & begin to make an Incampmt at Philip-ville +From Antwerp tis wrote that at Dinant many French both horse & foot are observed to come and form a legure ye design not known. +Upon wch the Spaniards are every where allarumd & the Marquess de Grana is very apprehensive that ye storm will fall upon him for wch reason his Excellencye hath comanded all officers upon pain of death to be in their Garrisons the 25 ditto. +And hath sent to the States of Holl[and] for their assistance, who are now ve[ry] bussy raising 15000 men, also his excellency hath sent to sevrall Princes to be assistant to him when attackd by the French. +Paris Letters say the King takes not the ffeild till the 13 of March but such preparacons are making in Campaign that some Millitary expedition is certainly beleived will be undertaken, tho: tis given out only to hunt The Regimt of young Gentry Not exceeding the Age of 16: years is forming under the Name of the Duke of Burgundie. +Most of the fforreign Ministers are much allarumd at the Kings Journey to Campaign, since tis said that if the King receives no satisfaction from Spain a considerable place will be beseiged in six weeks. +The Brandenburg agent at Vienna hath recd Instructions from his Master to dispose the Emperor either to accept the French proposalls or a Cessation of arms for 6 years. +A new Proposall is sent from the Emperor, (approvd by Count Teckley) to his Ambassadr at Adrianople to incline the Turks to peace. 13 Imperiall Waggons wth provission for Zendreo, were mett & cutt to peices by a great Number of Turks: Collogn Letters say yt the Magistrates have at length consented to all the demands of the Burgers containing 82 pticulars, wch tis beleived will end their differences L. c. 1341 [Handwriting changes here.] 22th ffebry 1682 +I wanted a Certain Information to transmit you Tusday last of what was transacted the Night before in the Treasury Chamber relating to the surplusage of the hearth money since the same was privately heard wch now I finde to stand vizt His Matie was pleased to be prsent among the Commissioners of the Treasury, who called the Lords of the Councell to be assistant therein where both ptyes were admitted Counsell the 2 heads they were to debate were first whether or how much the Surplusage of the hearth money did amount to more then the Patenttees gave for itt And then 2dly whether the sd Patent granted to Capt Gonne in Trust for Trant & others of the Managers of that Revenue was ffraudulently & sureptitiously obtaind from his Matie: Whereby it might be revoaked & disannulld yt his Matie might Receive the full proffitts thereof The Counsell to maintain the Patent were Mr Attorney & Soliciter Generall Sr George Jeffereys Mr Holt: Which Concern if any did relate to the Ld: Rochester those on the other side were Serjt Mainyard Mr Williams Mr Pollexfen Mr Wallop &c being on the pt of Capt Shales who endeavourd to make a discovery thereof the Ld: Hallifax Espoused yt affair & both the Counsells calling themselves the Kings Counsell They debated pro et Contra for above 3 hours diverse Wittnesses being Calld in on both sides Tis said yt tho the Capt made a very probable proofe that the surplusage was worth 12000 L Though the Patentees gave but 4000 L yet it Could not be found out that the Pattent was illegally obtaind by reason at that Tyme the Comissioners sent to the old ffarmers who told them yt it was not worth more alsoe they advanced the King 40000 L at 6 L p Cent Intrest when his Maties affairs Specially required it besides the 17500 L they gave itt. In ffine the Counsell were dismist & then the Lds: of his Maties Privy Counsell debated the subject Matter opened before them & all of them except one, were of opinion to Confirm the Pattent to wch his Matie Concurrd & calling in the Pattentees his Matie gave them Joy of yr bargain promiseing that itt shall be ffinall upon them wch affair admitts the subject of discourse. Our letters yesterday from Paris of the 27th say yt on the 25th the King Queen accompanied wth Monsr & Madm the Dauphin & Dauhpinesse together with all the Court after havinge dined in yr Tents upon the plain of Achere near St Germains took the divertisement of seeing yt soe famd horse Raceing the King giveing the Winner 1000 pistols wch Course was pformd by 7 horses among them was the Duke of Monmouths being Rid by one of his Gentlemen They Ran 3 heates in Conclusion the Duke of Monmouths horse Came first to the Barriers by a Considerable Space & the Rider had the sd 1000 pistols given him by the Kings own hands who prsented his Matie with the said horse & no doubt but the Duke will alsoe have a Noble prsent for the same. +Yesterday wee had the ill News yt another Great Banker & ptner was gone aside for above 100000 L being one Mr Temple & tis discourst yt the occasion was thro the E: of Mulgrave being to hasty in drawing away a Considerable Summe from them The Judges Delegates in the affair of Emerton Satt yesterday as alsoe this day & heard Councell on both sides & say yt they will determine the Cause the begining of next week On Tuesday began the Sessions at Hicks hall where the Grand Jury were sworne but none admitted of the Pannell they Call Whigs yesterday the Sessions began att Guildhall whither was brought one Joshua Bowes formerly Mentioned to have sent designeing papers to Mr papillion & Dubois & was Indicted thereon pleaded not guilty & is to be tryed next Sessions if not hangd before the Court Comitting him to Newgate for yt an indictment of fellony was found agt him I omitted in my last to say yt his Matie at the Launching of ye E India mercht was pleasd to confer the hons of Knthood on Capt Grantham & one Mr Ward an E: India Mercht & last night his Matie Conferd the same honour on one Mr Dellval another of the E India Company +This day 6 writts de excommunicato Capiendo were served on divers Cittizens for nonconformity +The Paris letters of the 27th say yt the King will Certainly Attaque fflanders they refuseing the Mediation of England to adjust the differences in Controversie Letters from Poland of the 29 Janry say yt the Generall dyet of yt Kingdome was opened the 27th the Deputyes of the Provinces Elected Le Kreitsi Treasurer of the Crowne for yr Marshall Conducting him to the King sitting on his throne in the Senate where he had the honour to Kiss his hand & stood Confirmd after wch the Secretary Read yt Privelidge & Constitutions And yn the Chancellour made a speech to the deputies of the Kingdome aquainting them with the Kings desires one whereof was to assist the Emperor agt ye Turk Then the Vice Chancellr gave accts of the vacansies since the last Assembly Count Walstin Ambassadr for the Emperor was arrived there as alsoe a ffrench Ambassadr upon wch the great affair depends as who will make most Interest with the dyet to promote or hinder their intentions for or agt the Emperor L. c. 1342 [Handwriting changes here.] London ye 24th Febr: 1682 Thursday morning early, a servt maid of the Globe Taverne in Fleete streete ariseing to prepare necessaryes for an Intended feast found one part of the said Taverne on a light fire burning extreamely feirce in 3 Roomes which thro speedy assistance it was Providentially extinguished any farther mischiefe [sic]. The same day the Company of Salters who has the disposall of a minister for the Parish of St Swethin mett a second time in order to come to a Choice and hold divers Petions from a great many Clergy-men but this being the first that ever they prsented since the same came into theire power a question was made whether it ought to be performed by ye Court of assistance or the Livery men of the Company or otherwise by every Individuall member thereof whereby they come to noe determinacon but Resolve to advise with Learned Councell in the Law touching those Points. Sevrall of the Commissionrs of the Treasury are agreeing with one Mr Vanaker to purchase of him a tract of Land neere Debtford whereon to make a very Large wett Dock sufficient to Conteyne 60 or 70 Sayle of his Maties men of Warr in order not only to have that number out of all danger of a surprize by an Enimy but alsoe to be neere att hand and kept from the worme which in the salt water they are to much subject to and twill have a great Charge in theire Moorage &c. The Lord Chiefe Justice Sandrs for this 2 dayes lyes under a virulent distemper of the diabetes or a continuall disposicon to make water and likewise afflicted with appopletick or stagnateing the blood togeather with sevrall other Complicated diseases which tis very much feared will prove fatall to him. Yesterday ye Judges Delegates in the Cause of Mr Emerton heard Councell on both sides which were very briske in theire arguments, Mr Williams Concludeing the discourse for Mr Emerton who endeavoured to obviate all the oponents objection agt the marriage telling the Court that instead of a plea for her that shee was married to the Lord Dunblayne It was ye Highest aggravacon of guilt Imaginable and the boldest affront to that a supreame Court that ever before was offered and therefore hoped theire Lordshipps would take it such and Confirme the sentence which that Court had before determined, And being ordered to wthdraw the Judges were 2 houres in debate whereby twas verily beleeved that they would have proceeded to give sentence but for some reason best knowne to themselves they Adjourned the Decision thereof till the 20th of Aprill after the Judges are returned from the Circuits. Wednesday last his Matie & R H went for Windsor and last night returnd & Imediately sent for ye Heads of the East India Company ordering them to put none of their Salt Petre to sale for hee should have occasion for it himselfe togeather with what their next shipping will bring they acquainted his Matie yt the Quantity would be 2000 Tuns or value 100000 L yett his Matie Replyed hee had use for that & more. Letters from Madrid of the 30 Ultimo say that the king of Spaine hath de[teynd?] the Genrall of the Jesuits (who is a Native of Spaine an Enemy to his Crowne[)] Commanding all his ministers & subjects not to Converse or any way Correspond with him by reason hee most treacherously gave the ffrench Ambassadour att Rome the first visitt though hee tooke God Almighty to witnesse to ye Contrary when afterwards the Cheat was detected. The Turks Merchants this day reced advise that divers of their Shipps att the Port of Allexandria were fired [forced?] by ye Turks to unlade & to stand for Egypt to Transport Soldiers from them to Salonica in order to be employed in the Warr against Hungaria. Thursday began & this day ended the Sessions att the old Bayly 3 only Condemned to suffer. Joshua Bowes was tryed for bringing & [t]rapaning Papers to Mr Dubois & found Guilty--And afterwards arraigned upon a second Indictment of ffelony & found guilty alsoe for stealeing of books hee reced sentence for ye first to stand 3 dayes in the Pillory & fined 100 L to ye king for ye Latter hee Craved Transportacon but being found to be burnt in the hand before a great Consultacon was had in Court about him who att Last granted his request Afterwards one Mr John Bamfeild was brought in to Court being taken praying in a Conventicle they Tendred the oaths of Allegiance & supremacy which declineing to take ye Court Committed him to Newgate. Two Bills of Indictment were found att Hickess hall against Hilton ye Grand Informer & Complaint made against him that neither the King n[or] the Poore could gett [?] their Moyety of distresses out of his hands. L. c. 1343 [Handwriting changes here.] London 27th ffebry 1682 +Sr Josiah Child the E India Mercht has given his Matie an acct in writeing of the prsent state & Condition of the E: India Company both at home & abroad stateing yr Accompts Makeing yr obligations not to exceed 800 M L And yt they have sufficient effects here & att India to Ballance all yr: debts & to make yr stock worth Clear of all Charges 18 hundred Thousand pounds besides ye proffitt yt will Accrue thereby The East India Company findeing that the late goeing aside of a great Banker might incomode yr approaching sayle on the first of March have thought it Convenient to make an adjournemt thereof till tomorrow Seven night Mr Sands the cheif owner of the E: India Interloper who is stopt from goeing his intended voyage haveing made himself a member of the Muscovy Company who have a power to trade to Persia is now Endeavouring by reEntering his ship to yt place to get Clear of the Custome house though by many tis beleived notwithstanding yt they will refuse to deliver him Cocketts for her dispatch without security be first given not to bring home E: India Comodityes Yesterday morneing about the hour of two a fire broke forth in Boswell Court without Temple Barr in a Laundresse house who used to wash her Linnen on Sundayes her servant being Carelesse of her Candle tis supposed to have ffired the same but extinguished with the losse of two houses & the Laundresse who was burnt Sonday last the Conventicles in & about Towne were prvented & disturbed one Griffith taken preaching & Carryed before the Ld: Mayor this being the 3d time his Ldpp after Exammination & Exhortation tendred him the Oaths Mentioned in the Corporation Act & gave him an hours time to Consider to take itt hee refuseing was sent prisoner to Newgate The Quakers are extream stubborne their meeting house in Grace Church street being kept shutt they in great Numbers resorted thither in the streets bringing fforms Chairs &c: & one begining to speak hee was taken away either by the Constables or Soulgiers butt Imediatly his Roome was Supplyed by another & soe successively & some were Comitted An Order is Come from Wthall to pull downe on Tower hill a Range of Buildings wch tis Judged Might Impede that Garrison in Case of Occasion & tis further said theres a great Number of Stables will bee Built for some horse I told you in my last that 2 Indictmts were found at Hicks hall agt Hilton the Informer wch I shall now explain for what +A Justice of peace Sr C: A: Granting warrts for distresses upon Conventicles they afterwards Compounded the same the Justice withdrawing his warrt without Certifyeing any of his proceeding to the Sessions & a Constable haveing by the said Justices wrrt Seized 50 L worth of goods of a dissenter the sd Hillton Compounding the same for half value & sending his Noat to the Constable to deliver the person both his warrant & Goods wch hee pformeing the Constable is since troubled for the same & this Hilton denyes his hand whereupon the Bench being displeased at his proceedings had Hilton brought into Court & holds him to Bayle to answer itt the next Sessions & the aforesaid Justice was his bayle But the Court have drawn up a writeing agt him to prsent the whole Matter to the Ld Keeper in order to have the Justice sett aside This day the Court of Aldrmen heard the report touching Sr John Shorter whether he Could be dismissed from his Aldrmanshipp for being att a Conventicle Sr John Made Answer to this Charge as yt ye same was his ffreehold & Could not be taken from him without due Comish [?] of law for otherwise there was scarce a member in yt Court but might be deprived therefrom as haveing offended agt some of the penall Statutes But in fine they voted him to stand suspend[ed] till Mr Recorder Returned from the Circuits yesterday sevrall of ye Judges went yr Cercuits & some to day but tis much feared that the Ld Ch: Justice Sanders will not be able to pforme Languishing under ye severity of his distemper but is somewhat better then the latter pte of the weeke his Diabetes falling off +This day Joshua Bowes who I told yow in Last was Convicted for bringing his tranpaning papers to Mr Dubois stood his first time in the pillory before the Exchange & was Extreamly pelted with Rotten egges &c +This day sevrall Hawking women were seized for dispersing Tomsons Intelligence & sent to Bridewell & both ye secretaryes have sent to him to forbeare wch he disobeys. 2 Bankers more in Lumbard streete (viz) Mr Row & Mr Ben Hinton make a halt in yr payment to morrow the Bancker Temple acquaints his Creditors of his Condicon & Proposalls L. c. 1344 London the 1st March 1682 +Wee have for severall dayes been buzd with a discourse of a ffresh discovery that the ffrench has a designe to attaque the Kingdome of Ireland I have been Curious to make a strict scrutiny into the Report before I would Comunicate anything of that Tendency & finde that one Capt Kelly aldr Sheldon an Irishman arriveing from ffrance sent hither by the Ld Preston he refuseing to take his Deposicons there has been at White hall declareing some Circumstances places and names but of what Credit & probability he brings along with him I cannot determine or heare that there is anything of weight given to his Declaracon but rather beleived some intreague to be mannaged to the Nations disadvantage. The Justices of peace of Middx haveing at their last sessions discovered some undue practises by Sr Cl: Ar: one of the Justices in Conjunction with Hilton the Grand Informer to the Scandall of his Office by granting Warrts for distresses upon Conventicles & Compounding them without Certifieing the proceedings to the sessions have drawne up the matter & prsented it to the Ld Keeper yesterday who has promised to put the said Justice out of Comission for ye same Yesterday arrived one Mr Barton who was sent Minister to the English ffactory of Port O Port in Portugall as by Capitulacons were agreed that Governmt not suffering him to remaine among them but Ordering him away being Extreamly displeased at the English since they have discovered them transporting their Coyne from Lisbon & has declared the late seizure of the English shipps in that Port to be a Lawfull Act ripping them up & are makeing process agt the Merchts they have in Custody his Matie & the Queene have wrote letters in yr favour together wth the ambassadr and Sr John Berry in the Henrietta is sayled to that port Carrying Duplicates of the letters in Order to Compose that affaire I acquainted yow the last weeke that the great Banker Mr Temple & his partner in Lumbard streete were gone off appointing yesterday afternoone at an adjacent taverne to make proposalls to their Creditors A great number of them mett & were given to understand that their Creditt was 100 and one Thousand pound and their debts 4000 above that summe and offered 10 s in the pound 15 Monthes hence & the other Moyety the Expiracon of that Terme after without preposeing any security wch greatly offended them whereupon the Creditors have Ordered sevrall to discourse him to morrow who talkes to them out of a window in his house & to meete againe on ffriday. Benjamine Hinton who made A Halt or stopp of paymt is reinforced appearing upon the Exchange Sr John Moore being his Bayle for 30000 L but Mr Row will scarce recover & there are others who are feared will fall under the like ill Circumstances And the same has had an Influence on divers Cittizens for yesterday one Deputy Long A fflaxman in Breadstreete is said to be wounded togeather with noe lesse then 5 other Considerable traders who at prsent playes least in sight: Yesterday the Ld Major Aldrmen & Sheriffs Attended his Matie in Councell in Order to defend themselves against a Markett to sell Cattle &c Granted to the Earle of Clarendon & Councell were admitted on both sides who fo[ur?] howers argued pro & Contra but noe Determinacon had in the affaire & this day the Court of Aldermen have resolved on A peticon to be prsented to his Matie to morrow to stopp the proceeding thereof. The Ld Cheife Justice sanders Continues still under his Indisposicon of which it is feared he will scarce recover. This day the Kings Carriages departed for newmarkett the Court intending to follow on satturday Last night arrived a ffrench post wch gives us only the news that his Matie & ye Court departed on the 4 March for Campagne but give noe pticuler of his Intentions the Marquis de Grana feareing an Attaque on the Spanish Netherlands has pvided all the ffrontiere townes with Considerable Garrisons reserveing A good body of men to give an enemy some Enterta[in]ment. +Letters from Cadiz say that an English Shipp arriveing from Argeires in 5 dayes reporte that those Rovers had brought into their port sevrall french shipps one of 18 Guns & 100 men that they had launched 2 new shipps & would suddenly 4 more & Expecting the ffrench to visit them in ye Tower had built a ffloate of timber whereon they have planted sevrall Great Guns to Endeavour to hinder the ffrench Bombes from being throwne into yr City. L. c. 1345 London the 3d March 1682 +Yesterday morneing betweene the howers of 5 and 6 A fire broke forth in one ffitzgerrards Tavern the signe of the Queens head by Temple Barr wch putt the whole neighbourhood into a Consternation by reason that it could not possibly have Enkindled in a more dangerous place about Towne being all Timber or paper buildings & many to narrow passages not to be come att by Engines but through the great Industry of Dr Barebones insurance firemen the same was wonderfully Extinguished without any more damage then the back part thereof though unhappily 2 men were killed with the fall of a stack of Chimmneys and some wounded Thursday night one Mr Herne A young Gentleman was run through by one of his Associates att the Morrocco Taverne in the Strand and a Young Scholler of Westminster killed one of his Schoole fellowes the same day: The late Lady Ogle now the Dutchesse of Somerset was Thursday Evening last to the great Joy of yt ffamily deliverd of an heir or Earl of Hartford wch by the Capitulations of Marriage is to assume the Name of Peircy instead of Seamore The late Earl of Shaftsbury being one of the Governors of Sutton alias Charter house hospitall vacant by his death a New Election was held this weeke in Wt hall where the Candidates were the Marquis Hallifax the Earl of Rochester To wch Choice the Duke of Buckingham obtained leave to be prsented the Majority fell upon the Marquis The Earl of Conway the late Secretary of state on Thursday last treated his Matie Royall Highnesse & most of the Court at a sumptuous dinner butt the Marquis Hallifax was either not Invited or his occasions [not?] pmitting him to be prsent This morneing Early his Matie & Royall Highnesse & Duke of Grafton In one Coach went for newmarket the Queen with her Ladyes followed & intend to stay till Easter Yesterday those Creditors appointed to discourse Mr Temple made yr report to ye Rest that hee will pay the whole summe 101000 L upon ye severall paymts 26 s [?] in the L [?] each 4 Months & to bee allowed 6 d [?] every 20 s [?] wch most have accepted Mr Row another Bankers Estate wil but make 14 s [?] p pound The East India Company Actions are ffalne to 231 L they have desired his maties Liberty to dispose of 40 or 50 to[n?] of yr Salt peter but not one Bagg thereof cannot be allowed on for his Matie has occasion for the whole quantity Capt Kelly of whom I told you had made a discovery of the ffrench Kings intentions to seize the Kingdome of Ireland proves to bee an Irish ffiction for the sd: pson being in ffrance & makeing ym beleive yt hee was of a great ffamily was advanced to yt Comand of a Capt but they understanding yt hee was onely a Runagate footman Turned him out of Comission & thereupon though to be revenged wch upon his Information to the Counsell was found in many falcetyes Improbabilityes & Contradictions the Duke of ormond knowinge many things different from what he related them whereby hee Came of wth reproch [?] Wee have Recd 2 Holland [mails?] most remarkable shall transmit ym viz That the Dutch hath reassumed the debate of raising 15000 men & Imediatly orderd Breda Naerden & all places on yt side to be mightily fortifyed praying the Prince to see them forward yt work & has appointed Mynn here Hensaims to goe Ambassador to the ffrench king in Conjunction with Mounsieur Hunenburg already there not onely upon the affair of the principalty of Orange but alsoe to endeavour to induce the King to agree a generall peace & not Imbrue Christendome any more in Bloud Letters from Vienna say that the ffrench Ambassadr has declared yt at the request of the Duke of Brandenburg hee is Contented to reassume the negotiation of peace at Ratisbon to cease in the time his reunions [?] u[n]till matters be brought to some Issue the Emperor is dayly in Consultation for Carrying on the warr & intends to act offensively with the Turks 6 Bashawes are Come to Belgrade & more summond where the Turks hold a great counsell of warr & sent for the Mufti or Chief Judge and orderd an encampment for 2240000 men Count Tekeley seems to encline to apeare to wch end has released 200 prisoners ransome ffree together with Collonell Cohairs & Carl Haberstein & pmits the Emperor to fortifye his Townes in Hungary & to supply them with provisions paying for them L. c. 1346 London 6th March 1682 Letters from Tangier of the 2d Ultimo say yt the Emperor of Morocco & his Nephew haveing Come to an agreement without engageing their forces that Garrison was in great expectation that the Emperor would ratifye the peace Concluded by his Ambassador here some overtures being made in this affair Though the Moores Keep in their trenches & forts before itt not suffering any fortifications to be repaired neither has the Mole been in the least forwarded since the late warr &c And the same letters add that the Spaniards being possessed of Centa A Garrison in the Moroccoes Countray not far from Tangier 3 Soul- giers therein had promised to betray the same for a Certain reward to the Alcade of Alcasor who sending a Considerable strength att the time appointed to surprize the same, found two of the said 3 persons hanging upon the Walls one of them haveing discovered the designe whereby meeting with disappointment they were forced to retire without effect Sr Edward Cartwright usher of the Black Rod is lately deceased in the Island of Jersey where he was vice Comer for his life the aforesaid place is bestowd on Mr Thomas Duppa the Kings Gent. Usher & mr Henry Bulstrode is made Gent Usher yesterday morneing the Dutchesse of yorke Accompanied with the Lady Anne went for newmarket the formers Indisposition not pmitting her to goe on saturday Saturday Night last one King a notorious highwayman in the late proclamation was brought into Newgate The Assizes at Croyden for the County of Surrey are over where 12 were Condemned to suffer death little of remarke passed relatinge to dissenters the Ld Ch: Justice Pemberton being very moderate in that Case The ship Greyhound of 300 Tons Capt Blake Comander being by Mr Salway & the rest of her owners ffreighted with a designe as tis beleived for an Interloper to Guiney & to Carry Negroes to the Spanish west Indias, & haveing procured her Cockets for her dispatch was fallen downe to Graves end but a Warrant from the Court of Admiralty Attached her from psueing her voyage by especiall Comand from his Matie, & the Court has orderd her sayles to be taken from the yards +yesterday Sr Wm Warrens ship wch Escaped the late fire at Shadwell being about 700 Tons & designd for the E: Indies was Launched of his dock & Named the loyall James & Sr James Wettwang goes her Comander This day began the E: India Company saile for the goods wch Came in the last 5 ships & the 1st Comodity they putt up was peper wch sold at a great rate vizt 7 1/2 7 3/4 & 8 d to the value of 80000 L & the Company makes good yr promise of takeing yr Bonds wch are become due instead of ready Cash & they proceed now to the selling of Druggs Silks & Calicoes. Roger Le estrange alias observator the Close of last weeke was taken with an Appoplectick fitt in Sams Coffee house and was Imediatly lett Bloud & since remains under an Indisposition whereby his booke was not published these 3 dayes The Irish Testimonies are all discharged from further Attendance & sallaryes & David ffitz Gerrard the Capt of them has got himself into the Kings Bench & there like a true Irishman begins to Raile agt: the Goverment Att wch Authority is much offended +Wee have had for some dayes a great discourse as that there was granted by his Matie a relaxation or superseeding as upon the severall Writts of Excomunicato Capiendo that all processe of yt Nature should be stayed agt dissenters but upon enquiry into yt affair find that the Ld: Keeper granted a super seede as onely upon 4 upon a Motion that some proceedings in that Matter was defective but denyed the same upon severall others +The Duke of Grafton vice Admirall of England goes himself to Sea with a ffleet of some light ships appointed for a summer Guard. L. c. 1347 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 8 March 1682 +The Company of Salters who have the Right of prsentation of St Sweethins parish mett on Tuesday last & the Master Wardens & Assistants declareing that Councell learned in the Law had given it under their hands that the Election Lay in them & not either in the Livery or ffreemen. Conjunctly they Extendeing the rest haveing the Peticons of 14 Ministers before them proceeded to the Choyce & the Majority fell upon one Mr Meriton Minister of Old fish streete but the rest of the body of the Company have entred A Caveat in the Bishops Court that the said Mr Meriton be not admitted till such time the Right of that Election be determined by Law. The Ld Major has promised to hold A Common Councell to morrow in Case the East India Companyes sale doe not impeede severall Members from Attending There haveing been a great Cause Depending in Chancery betweene his Grace the Duke of Buckingham & Sr Robert Cleyton Major Wildman and other Trustees Mortgagees and Creditors relateing to the title of the Dukes Estate of 28000 L P Ann which is infinitly intreagued into soe many Branches of Variation that I cannot possibly in this paper render A State of the Case but yesterday the Ld Keeper came to A decree that each Creditor shall have his propriety the same being to be sold haveing Ordered 2 masters of Chancery to take receive & state their severall accompts & then will make a ffinall Decree as to pticulers & the Duke overplus but tis thought that by reason such vast Summes have been taken up upon the Estate very little will accrue unto his Lordshipp: Our fforraigne Letters from Vienna of the 28 ffebruary say that A Considerable body of Turks had found meanes to gett into ye Island Stutz and burnt 4 villages killing all the Old men Carrying away above 300 young persons & pformed this soe suddenly that they made their retreate to new Hawsell before the Emperors forces could be in A Capicity to repell them The same Letters Mention that the Emperor received A Letter from his Ambassador the Count Caprara now arrived at Adrianople that he had Audience of the Prime vizier upon accompt of prolonging the truce but the Turks Demandes were soe Extravagant that twas not in the least possible to come to an accomodation without a warr the said ambassadr telling the vizier that he had not Instruccons to agree such unreasonable things whereupon the Vizier replyed that then they would with their swords in their hands Carve out their owne sattisfaccon whereby though Count Teckley offers his further mediation yett in all appearance it will come to A Rupture Letters from Ratisbon informe us that the Curriere sent by Marquis Crequi to the ffrench King was returned with the Answere that his Matie gave him Orders to psue the Treaty with ye Emper[ors] Empire without Limitacon of time till he receives advise to ye Contrary upon wch the Spaniards are in some apprehension that ye Emperor would agree seperatly wth ffrance & desired Audience of the Emperor upon this subject who replyed that whoever of his Councell did but Motion such A Matter to him he would banish him his prsence forever & tooke God to Witnesse of his promise that he would never conclude a peace with ffrance without all his Allyes be included. The King of Denmark haveing receid some slight from the ffrench King is about deserting his Allyance and is said will Confederate with the house of Lunenburgh & other Princes of ye Empire which the ffrench understanding has assured the King by his ambassadr that his Master will Annually pay him 600000 Crownes for ever provided he will be firme to his Masters intrest The East India Companyes sale Continues still & to morrow ends in ye disposall [of] 700000 L worth of goods all but Druggs & Calicoes to Considerable advantage. This day Mr Val: Duncombe brother to mr Charles Duncomb the great Banker stopt his paymts alias went aside for a Considerable sume of Money & tis beleived will not be ye Last This Morning early the Earle of Yarmouth Ld Leiftent of the County of Norfolke departed this life after Languishing distempers of the Leathergy & Dropsey & tis Genrally reported that his Matie will Conferr yt Leivetenancy vacant by his death on the Earle of Arundell Governor of Windsor Castle. L. c. 1348 London the 10th March 1682 +The East India Company have Carryed on their Sale till Thursday then adjournd to Compleate that worke on Monday next when they dispose of their Diamonds they discount for their Bonds which are become due & pay some of their Obligacons in Money have sold noe Salt peeter the King haveing Occasion for ye whole quantaty which they are to be payd for out of ye Customes arriseing due upon them. Mr Sands the Owner of the East India Interloper wch by ye Court of Admiralty is retarded her voyage has made a reentry of the Shipp Commerce to Persia by vertue of his being one of the Muscovy Company who has full power to trade in that sea & thereupon the Custome house Officers have signed him Cocketts for her dispatch but the great Expectacon is whether the Admiralty Court will further Concerne themselves under the prsant Circumstances or quiettly suffer her to depart The Ld Major on ffriday designd to have Called A Common Councell but for some reason wch did Occurr has deferred ye same till Tuesday when Considerable matters are Expected to be transacted relateing to the Charter &c. +yesterday the Ld Major had an Adjournd sessions at ye Old Baly where 48 Condemned Prisonrs whereof Mr Lashly who Killed Mr Glover Mr ffowler the Vintner who Killed his servant with A Tobacco pipe &c pleaded his Maties Gratious pardon wch being read they all Kneeled in the Court dureing the time it was allowed & they discharged One Mr Lumbard A Merchant who returnd much money from Ireland this weeke went aside for A Considerable summe which Mr Valentine Duncombe Banker in Lumbard streete sayes was the Occasion of his pforming the like & discourses are of the same nature upon others but till it appeares a Certainty not proper to relate Thursday morning the Earle of Yarmouth departed this life & the same time George Dashwood Esqr one of the prsent ffarmers of his Maties Revenue of Excise in wch kinde of business he has been Concernd for 20 yeares pforming his Contracts ffaithfully yett acquired A greate Estate of above 200000 L And the next day Mr Mountney the late receiver & treasurer of ye Custom house Came to ye same fate dyeing Extreamly wealthy Alsoe Mr Baron Crawley of the Excheqr departed this Life & his place is succeeded by Sr Richd May Recorder of Chichester The ffrench King has Conferrd the honor of ye Ordr of the wholy Ghost on Mr Bernard Howard who lately went into ffrance with his race horses with other marks of his Esteeme & has taken his sonne to be his page One Mr ffrancis Howard A Brother of that family wee heare is dead in fflandrs Holland Letters of the 12 March say that there is advise that ye Assembly which was held at Soest is broken up A League being concluded between the King of Denmark Electors of Brandenburgh Cullogne Mettz & Triar Togeather with the Bishop of Munster for the Conservacon of each others Countryes agt any that shall molest or disquiett them Alsoe Letters from the ffrench Conquest speak that the Kings designe to attacque Leige but the Spaniards are great[ly] apprehensive that he will visit them the rather for that his Matie has appointed his forces to forme 3 Armyes One to be Comanded by the Dauphine Marshall Schomburgh the Leiftent Genrall & the 2d by the Duke of Orleans Duke of Luxemburgh the Leiftent the 3d by the Duke of Engyne [?] and Marshall Lorge the Leiftent besides A fflying Army wch the King they say will Comand himselfe The Chancellor of Polands sonne has had audience of the ffrench King & in the name of his Master offers his Mediation betweene the Emperor & his Matie the King returned him A kinde but noe positive Answere. +Wee heare that ye Grand Jury for ye County of Essex have delivered the Ld Ch: Justice Pemberton A peticon to be prsented to his Matie wherein they desire the Lawes may not only be put in full execucon agt dissenters but alsoe cause them to be disarmd as dangerous to ye Governmt Wee have a great discourse that the ffrench ambassadr delivered his Matie A Memoriall wherein he Claymes the factory of Hudsons Bay in the West Indies neare his Collony of Canada to belong of right to his Master as the first d[isc]overer thereof but I have strictly Enquired into ye truth & finde that the same was only dis[cours]ed by the ffrench ambassadr but however it be it hath Caused Actions of yt Company wch were advanced to 500 L to abate from that to 230 L but some of the Company have repaired to his R Highness who was Chosen their last Governor to interest himselfe in this affaire The Actions of the East India Company were this morning notwth standing their sale sold for 220 L & by reason they Cannot possibly make A Dividend will abate much lesse L. c. 1349 [Handwriting changes here.] London ye 13th March 1682 A councell is appointed to meete to morrow att Whitehall where Robert Stephens messenger of the Press is sumoned to attend to Answere to sevrall Complaints exhibited against him by Mr Mearne master of the Stationrs Company. Alsoe Nathaniell Thompson is orderd to give an accompt for Publishing his Intelligence there being false & scandalous newes Inserted therein. Yesterday the E: India Company pursuant to theire late Adjournmt proceeded to the selling of silke and Diamonds the Latter was put up att 30 p Cent less than formerly but some advanced very brisk Lotts which were put up att 700 L sold for 1100 and one entire stone was sold for 1750 L amounting in all to 24000 L and 120 Bayles of Silke to 9000 & odd hundred pounds the Totall of the sale was 340 & odd thousand pounds which Concluded that worke and then adjournd to the second of May following. Mrs Bridgett Hide alias Emerton alias Dunblayne who has given soe often occasion to be mentioned by reason of the long depending cause before the Delegates as yett undetermined was on Satterday last brought to bedd of a sonn which administers the subject of discourse by reason it admitts of various Interpretacons as to the nature of the thing in case the Judges Delegates on ye 30 of next moneth give sentence for Mr Emerton & ye Learned in the Law sayes that then Mr Emerton notwithstanding tis apparent to be ye Child of the Ld Dunblayne must ffather the same will thereby become Tenant by ye Curtesy: The Bishopp of Eley is not dead as some unintelligible Persons have wrote ye Duke of Somersett who lately married the Lady Ogle is very sick as alsoe the Earle of Bath. yesterday arrived a dutch Male from which I shall touch att the cheife Remarkes transmitted by ye same vizt--- That Monsr de Avaux the French Ambassadour haveing reced an Express from his Master had a long Conferrence with the Prince of Orange assureing his Highness that his Matie had noe designe to attaque any Part of the Spanish Netherlands nor ye Empire but was ready to agree as speedily as hee could desire to ye Conservacon of ye Peace of Xtendome &c. To which end the Dutch has sent an Ambassadour to Ratisbon & wee have an accompt of his Arriveall. +This day was held a Common Councell but nothing relateing to ye Charter Transacted as was expected theire first business was to nominate & appoint sevrall Comittees. Afterwards a mocon being made that Sheriff Rich should 400 L [sic] which hee formerly gave as a fine for that office being Customary to them that hold which was agreed too. Then a Bill for regulateing & asserting ye number of hackney Coaches was read the third tyme & Past there to be 400 & upon any other then shall be by the Court Lycenced that enters the City shall pay 40 s each tyme. They proceded to debate ye divideing ye Ward of Bishopsgate which was ordered that a bill shall be brought in for that purpose. The Court was in an houres debate to have laid aside one Mr Hackshaw from being a Member as that hee could not sufficiently prove his being baptized but lett it fall. Last of all they Considered his Maties late Gracious Concession in not suffering the Pattent to pass for a beast markett by 3 Aldermen & 6 Commoners vizt Sr Willm Turner Sr James Edwards & Sr John Moore Sr Benjamin Newland Sr Wm Dodson Mr Charleton Deputy Langham Mr Hawes & Mr Paravicino which said Address was formed & agreed to & will be carried away to morrow. L. c. 1350 London ye 15th March 1682/3 Yesterday Nath: Thompson who lately stood in ye Pillory for Publishing his Lying & Impudent Shamm's Insinuateing yt Sr Edmd-Bury- Godfrey was not murthered by ye Papists but felo dese appeared before ye Councell yn sitting in White hall where was charged upon in his new edition of Intelligences yt hee not only Published false & Scandalous newes agat ye Governmt but alsoe many other scurrilous & reflecting paps especially one entituled 24 Articles agat ye Dutchess of Portsmouth all or most of wch being proved upon him yr Lordshipps Committed him Prisoner to ye Gatehouse. Robert Stephens the Messenger of the Press being likewise summoned upon some Complaint of the Master of Stationers Company appeared but the Master not attending Stephens was dismist to a further opertunity. The Court continues att Newmarkett but his Matie being extreamely displeased wth the Countrey people not only for some Indignity offered but alsoe that the Game of partridge hare &c is quite destroyed that tis sd his Matie will returned there from next weeke and not soe frequently goe thither as usuall and has turned out his Game keeper for being soe negligent in his office as that his Matie was forced to returne sevrall tymes without when as formerly it was in as much Plenty as most places besides: This morning early the 3 Aldermen & 6 Commonrs appointed by the Court of Common Councell to attend his Matie with an Address of thanks for his Gracious Concessions in not suffering a markett for Cattle & 2 faires yearely by Clarendon house to goe forward which otherwise would redound much to the Prejudice of the City sett forwards in sevrall [sic] Mr Calvert Turner & some other Persons have made proposealls to the Lords of the Treasury to give 530000 L p ann to ffarme his Maties Revenue of Excize now expireing wth the old ffarmers att Midsomer & to advance 150000 L att 6 p Cent which is 50000 L p ann more then those now in the Farme have anually paid which said proposealls was hearkned too with some dilligence and the Ld Rochester gon to Newmarkett upon ye same togeather with some of the Proposrs wch tis beleeved will be accepted. The Letters from India left ye City of Bantum in Ashes ye king of yt Country & his sonn being in Warr the Father setting ye same on fire & beseiged his sonn in the Castle. And this day arriveing the Amoy Merchant Captaine Nicholson Comandr from that Country brings ye East India Company dreadfull newes from thence vizt: That ye young king has sent for the Dutch to his assistance who with 8 or 10 men of warr well Provided Anchored before Bantum & Landing yr men became Master of ye Place & Drove ye old Gentleman from thence who retired to his Fortress att Taltiassa. And ye Dutch haveing freed ye sonn from ye danger of his Father they began to fall upon ye English Factory the young king being of a revengefull nature would have destroyed ym all but ye Dutch by noe meanes pmitted ye same Transpo[rted] yr Persons & goods to Battavia. The sd Amoy Merchant sayleing a long with them from Bantum & then tooke most of her Ladeing in att Battavia which is Pepper China silke 300 Chests of Copper &c. And Mr Griffith ye second of ye Factory of Bantum with some others are come home. That Factory for ye future being entirely lost to ye English. Which said newes this day caused ye pepper that was sold last sale to advance 50 L in a lott more yn yesterday & ye Auctions of ye Company are extreamely abated being sold this afternoone for only 185 L. And this bad newes is not come alone but accompanyed with the said disaster of ye Companyes shipp ye Joanna Capt Browne Commander which was cast away goeing to India last May makeing the Cape bona esperanza 3 Leagues from Cape De Gull value 100000 L & 7 men drowned those that escaped Travelled sevrall dayes without victualls & were stript by ye Natives Att Length arriveing to ye Cape where is a Dutch Factory they Transporting them to Battavia from which place Capt Browne & 10 of his seamen came home in ye shipp now arrived which disaster causes noe Little Consternacon in ye Company It could never have arrived att a more unlucky season L. c. 1351 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 17 March 1682 +Thursday and ffriday were 2 Duells successively fought the one with the sword and pistoll on horse back the latter on foote for the first severall Gentlemen as one Capt Sarsfeild of Ireland Mr Stiles whose brother was lately Killd in a Taverne Capt Vaughan & Kirke of the Guards being in Company a Quarell arose betweene the 2 first some blowes ensud & then appointmt made to fight over the water on horse back Mr Vaughan became second to Mr Stiles & Kirke to Sarsfeild Three of the said Gentlemen being come by what accident I Cannot say Mr Stiles one of the principalls disapeared whereupon disreputable words falling from Capt Sarsfeild Capt vaughan Mr Stiles his second fought him instead & Mr Kirke the other second withdrew Their horses came upon the full Carriere they each discharged their pistolls one at the other Capt Vaughans Bullett past thro the Brim & Crowne of Sarsfeilds hatt & Sarsfeild fastned a dangerous wound thro Vaughans shoulder they drew forth their second Pistolls & Capt Sarsfeild received A wound in his side but Mr Vaughans horse being shott in the head fell & then they prpareing to use their swords Capt Kirke came in & made them forbeare. The next day the Ld Lumley and one Mr Condam A yorkesheire Gentleman fought in high parke upon Occasion of some difference relateing to his Ldpps Kindswoman the second to his Lordshipp was Collonel Rumsey-- and to the latter one Mr Skipwith principalls & seconds fought all at a time Mr Skipwith disarming the Collonel then forced the Lord Lumley to deliver his sword there being then 2 against one which ended the ffray without much Effusion of blood. One Mr Verdon the late undersherriffe of Norfolk was tryed at Thetford Assizes upon an appeale of Murder by the widdow of the deceased person but the Jury brought him in Not Guilty Our Holland Letters of the 18th say that the states Genrall were Extraordinarily assembled the Prince of Orange prsent & were Considering upon weighty affaires the Brandenburgh & Danish Ministers haveing had a long Conference with them & they write as if they had some disposicon to Espouse the Common Interest Monsr van Binningham was arived & made his reporte of his negotiation in England for wch the states returned him thanks The states were debateing how hardly the Protestants were used in Popish Countrys therefore think to make some Order to hold the Papists with them to some harder restriccons Our fflanders Letters bring the great Newes wch we hope may Come Confirmd from other places that a League was actually Concluded betweene the King of Poland & ye Emperor Confirmd by the Dyett by vertue of wch the Polandrs are obleiged to breake with ye Turks in Case they invade Hungary And I have Letters from A great hand in Germany that the Turk begins to be apprehensive the ffrench Intreagues upon them for his advantage being [seal spoils five letters] that they have offered ye Emperor to assist him with 50000 men in Case of a peace as to retaine Stratsburgh & 12 Townes in Alsatia and thereby brought him in only to work his owne designes upon wch Consideracon there is some prospect of peace with the Emperor and Turk wch the ffrench being apprehensive of houlds togeather a body of 40000 men on the Soan to make head agt ye Emperor in case a peace be Concluded betweene the Germans & Turks well knowing the Emperors forces would then directly March for Alsace. The Emperor has appointed Rendevouze of his forces the 28 ditto & Ordered Raad to be better fortifyed & has receid advice from Croatia that 10000 of those people were on ye March the Pope has remitted to ye Emperor 100000 Ducketts & the King of Spaine has sent word he will remitt 375000 Ryalls Count Teckley has received Ordrs from the Vizier to prepare his troopes for a march & the Turkish forces in Asia are Comeing for Hungary I have to add to what I [wr]ote Last of the takeing of Bantam in the East Indies by the Dutch that the old King thinkeing his strength sufficient suffered them to Land but the Dutch soe vigorously Attaqued him in his first post as made him retire & then the young King opening the Castle Gates the Dutch entred in & Imediatly broug[ht] out Dutch Colours & keeps the young King out the young King would have Murtherd the English but the Dutch prvailed to give them 2 dayes time to part up & be gon as alsoe ye ffrench Agent & took away all yr powder & Amunition 2 days after the old King had a fight with a pty of the Duch & Killd about 1000 White men & is with an Army of 20000 Invoyes not far from Bantam the young King has given the towne & Castle to the Dutch & the Old King has sent dispatches to England & they say in the Country that he will give it to ye King of England wch if he s[e]nd shipping he will with his Army Attaque them by Land at the same time to reGaine the place L. c. 1352 London the 20th March 1682 +The Ld Cheife Justice Saunders is soe well recovered of his late sicknesse as on Sonday Last to goe to his pish Church where thanks were returned to the Almighty for his wonderfull recovery. Thomson the Intelligencer who Continues still in ye Gatehouse was on Satturday Last brought before the Lord Cheife Justice by habeas Corpus in Order to be bayled But his Ldpp was pleased to remand him as that his Bayle was insufficient & gave him many hard words. Thursday last the 9 Gentlemen appointed by ye Court of Common Councell to attend his Matie wth the City addresse of thanks for giveing A stop to ye forwarding of A Markett went to newmarkett & on Satturday night returned by whome we have an accot that they arrived there ffriday 10 of ye Clock & stayed some howers for his Matie who receid them withall possible demonstracon of Grace & favour & was pleased to tell them that he alwayes lookt upon his City of London as the most Considerablest & best among them were truely Loyall & that he should not be wanting at all times to shew his kindnesse to them & whereas there had been a discourse at London of an Intended Indulgence to dissenters did assure them the Contrary for as he would himselfe governe by Law soe the Lawes should be put in full Execucon against them Ordering them to be Dilligent in that point & then referrd them to Sr Stephen ffox &c to entertaine which he did very Splendidly they returnd pte of yr way that evening & arrived in London as above One Mr Wallestone of the Guards and Mr Gardner who keeps the Prince of Oranges head neare St Jameses Quarrelled togeather at newmarkett appointed to fight on horseback & dischargeing yr pistolls at each other Mr Wollestones bullet took place in Gardners head who imediatly fell to the Ground ye other Escaped One Bennet A Jessuit who yow have been formerly told was seized by the Ld Beaumont wth his papers & Trinketts was this Darby Assizes upon full evidence Convicted of high Treason but since repreived among the many evidence brought agt him was Mr Busbyes book ye Jessuits procurator wherein he was pticulerly menconed in divers Circumstances & summes of money. yesterday the Corps of the Earle of yarmouth & one Sr John Pintler was attended out of Towne wth A Numerous Trayne of Coaches in Ordr to be deterred [sic] the former in the County of Norfolke & the latter in Hartfordsheire Letters from Bristoll tell us that Last week Sr John Churchill their new Recordr held A Goale Delivery for that City & was very moderate towards the many dissenters under prosecucon The Ld Bishop of London has sent his Ordr to sevrall pishes in the out parts some whereof were read last sonday in the Churches that all psons from the age of 16 to 60 pcipitate of ye blessed Sacramt of the Lds Supper this Ensueing Easter Wee have a farther accot from the East Indies that A shipp the Elephant being a Coaster vallue 20000 L was Cast away in those seas but the freight was not Imediatly belonging to the Company but the ffactors & Natives sent in accot to the King of 5 sheets of paper of the whole pticuler of the takeing of Bantam the Actions of the Company since the last Post rather advance being this day sold for 150 L L. c. 1353 London the 22th March 1682 +The 3 Aldermen & 6 Comoners being returnd from Newmarkett the former have made their Reporte to the Court of Aldermen of the delivery of ye City addresse togeather wth his Maties Answere especially that pte of it that he designes noe Indulgence to dissenters as was industriously spread abroad his Matie would but that the Lawes be put in full Execucon against them Upon which the Court of Aldermen Tuesday held a long debate how to accomplish a totall supression of ye Conventicles in and about London & came to A result as to the forming of a new warrant which they Ordered to be printed in Order to be distributed among ye severall Aldermen to deliver to the Constables & others Concernd in yt worke The City began this day to Licence Hackney Coachmen psuant to their late Act of Common Councell to pmitt only 400 And to Lay a forfeiture of 40 s upon any other that shall stand and take up ffares in ye City for which they have Mr Recorder Mr Pollexfen & divers other Learned Councellors in the Law hands that they may restrayne & fine those who shall be Contemners thereof The Gentlemen who went to newmarket with advantagious proposalls to farme his Maties Revenue of Excise from Midsomer next are returned his Matie telling them his pleasure not to make any bargaines there but referrd them to his Comeing to towne when there shall be faire & equall proceedings on both sides in the Treasury Chamber Letters from Norwich say that the Last Monday the Weavers & other handicraft trades men were in a great body in an uproare Occasioned by ye ffrench Protestants who Came from Ipswich to settle there which disorder was Carryed to that height that the Posse Comitatus was forced to be raised upon them Constreyning them to depart with little hurt tho they threaten to pforme the like or worse if the Cause be not prvented Our Bristoll Letters say that A Guard of horse was arrived in yt City to Convoy his Maties money received upon the Customes &c being above 20000 L to his Excheqr at London wch is the rather taken notice of by reason they alwayes before remitted the same by Bills of Exchange Sr John Churchill their new Recorder discharged 120 dissenters from out of Newgate who had a long time been Imprisoned paying only 5 s a head Yesterday the Bishop of London & Sr Leoline Jenkins were looking upon a peice of ground whereon to build A Nursery for Navigators designeing ye same for ye Children of those parents who have lost their lives in his Maties service & to be founded upon ye benevolence of Divers worthy Benefactors who have & will give subscripcons thereto whereof his Ldpp has made ye first Example They alsoe were Considering that the parish of Stepney being of an Imens bigness 50000 Comunicants Comprized therein soe the Church not sufficient to Conteyne them to build 2 new Chapells of Ease the one in or about Spittle feilds where lately are Erected many buildings as also in the Well Close & that the same be Carried on by subscriptions alsoe yesterday a Councell sett at Whitehall & took notice how Natt Thomson Continued to publish his print & Ordrd yt ye same should be stopt from Comeing out to day & before he be discharged yt he give good security not to publish it for the future The Actions of ye E India Company were sold to day for 155 L yesterday the Commee of that Company voted that they will make noe Dividend till after Michas & not then if all yr Obligacons be not paid or at least the psons intressed desire a Continuance of yr Bonds This day Warrts for distress of twice 80 L was brought agt Jno & James Bolton Goldsmiths in Lumbard streete for nonconformity but they foreknowing thereof hurryed all things of vallue out of the way whereby not a Quarter of the summe was Leavyed.