L. c. 1354 London March 24 1682 Letters from New Markett gives an Accot of a Dreadfull ffire on Thursday evening in that Towne under written will give you some pticulars Severall young Lords of Kildare Kingsale Ossory & Willoughby being in Compy a quarrell arose betweene them & appointment made to ffight but a Gent whom some of them would have engaged to Second ye quarrell gave such notice of their intent that they were Seized by the Guards brot before the King who reconciled their Difference The Earle of Rochester is return'd from Newmarkett & twas said yt ye Marquess Hallifax who has stayd in Towne all the Season design'd to goe thether on Monday but the disaster of the ffire has prevented his Journey his Matie comeing to Towne that day tho not intended till Satturday 7 night. Our holland Letters give an Accot yt Van Buninghen makeing his Report to the States of his Negotiation in England deliver'd their Ldpp the Letters of Recredence he recd from his Matie and Royall highnesse and as a token of their good will shew'd them a Rose of Diamonds wch was presented him by his Matie and that in his Audience of Congee his Matie tooke notice wthout doubt the Turk would vigorously attack ye Empire and therefore since the peace was not concluded in Christendome twas Justly to be Suspected that ffrance would break with the confederates to which point his Matie was pleased to assure them that his good Offices should not be wanting to hinder ffrance from attempting any thing against the Allyes, but could wish that the States by their good Councell would oblige Spaine to accept of his Arbitrge as ffrance had proposed that then his Xtian Matie may be w[ithou?]tt pretence from disturbing ye Peace of those Countrys Letters from ye Bavarian Court say that the Chancellor and Grand Marshall of that Court were in Disgrace being dismist from their employments through the influences of the ffrench which ffaction prevailes the former is above forbidd ye Councell the latter to retire to Ingoldstadt They write from Madrid that ye Court makeing retrenchments in diverse publick charges, the Citty of Tolledo wth severall others are in an insurrection thereon which obliged the King to send the Regiments of Guards wth other fforces to reduce them to their Duty. This day was advice brot upon ye Exchange that a considerable Shipp was by Stress of Weather driven upon ye Goodwyn Sands & lost but cannot discover her name only yt she was ffreighted wth Wine and Brandy. Some uni[n]telligible Writers have amused [?] ye Country of a greate ffight betw Sr Jo: Berry & 3 ffrenchmen of Warr relateing to particlars wch is altogether fictious. The East India Compas Auctions are this day at 160 L & 165 L. The Ld Howard of Escreek was last night knocked downe in ye Streete but ye person escaped. 2 persons went some days since to Newmarkett to Sweare high Treason agt the Earle of Clare, but are said to returne as not credited. Letters from Vienna of ye 14th Say yt by express from Hungaria in 4 daies ye Turks have made a farther attack upon ye Island Lentz the particlars are too long to insert therefore shall only tell you the result vizt The Turks to ye number of 2000 & upwards found means to gett againe into ye Island, Plundered a Village Seized 400 People, together wth a greate head of Cattle & were retireing there wth but being encountred wth 800 horse & Dragoons of ye Emperors they were put to fflight and forced to leave their Prisoners & Booty behinde them in this Skirmish 140 Turks were killd, 37 taken Prisoners, One being ye Bassa of Osseris sonne A rich Booty of ye Turks taken worth 80000 Guilders, & 300 Turks are sd to be drown'd passing ye Wavy & only [some digits smeared] [Imp]erialists slaine besides wounded. Wee h[ave] it confirm'd on all hand[s] ye ffire at Newmarkett begining at 9 in the Evening continuing most part of ye night, it broke forth in a Stable said to belong to ye Earle of Sunderland & there being noe water it most impetuously destroyd near 1/2 of ye Towne one side of ye Ways & ye most considerable Inns are consumed together wth ye Markett place sevrall horses Coaches &c burnt & sevrall men sd to be killed but his Mats house being on ye other Side of ye Way is untouched but his Maty removed his Lodgings to Suffolk house, & tis said will be in London on Monday, tis generally discoursed to have been kindled by one of ye black Guard & is of Lamentable circumstances to that place. L. c. 1355 27th March 1683 [First two paragraphs below are badly faded.] Yesterday by 2 a clocke afternoone their Matys & Royall Highnesses return'd from Newmarkett by whose arrivall wee understand that ye late dreadfull fire has [about eight letters faded] consumed above 1/2 of [the structures?] especially the tradeing part one of ye Dutchesses & other Nobillitys coaches & horses were burnt in the fflames the ffire being soe vehemently fire [?] the houses generally of thatch that it was in the space of an houre wholly consumed his Matie was pleased before his departure to promise them [about seven letters faded] and vissitt them again if they would use his security [?] kindly and some hundreds of Pounds [?] are gathered among the Courtiers [about twelve letters faded] to the poorest sort that consumd [?] Less [?] and were not ffired. Yesterday the [about twelve letters faded] our Letters from Constantinople dated [one or two digits faded] Janry wch gives an accot that the Dutch Ambassador there is Dead that a greate [about six letters faded] was layd agst the Secretary upon pretence that some Turks were slaine by them in Dalmatia that ye Venetian Apollo [?] was seized & that 4 ships [about ten letters faded] rectory [?] freighted [?] were forced to unload [?] to carry soldiers to Salonica but then left for Dutch Sally wch were taken up into that Citty for that horses were released on peticon of Mercy [?]. Tis generally sd that ye Earle of Manchester who went into ffrance for his health sake after is Dead there; Tho Dangerfeild the late Evidence has Marryed the daughter of Dr Ansloe the Nonconformist Preacher agst her Parents consent. Satturday last the Lady Herbert of Cherbery widow of the Elder Brother of ye now Lord of that Title was hurryed away in a Coach in like maner as the Lady Sinderfin and tis generally said by one of ye persons vizt Cap Sr [?] who was acting in her concerne that the Lady is since released & has been wth the Lord cheife Justice for a Warrant to apprehend the said persons I lately told you of a Duell fought betweene Capt Vaughan & Capt Sarsfield The former Engageing the latter in his Principalls absence wch was one Mr Stiles since wch such words were given out against the sd Mr Stiles as to the revenged of him, that ye sd Gent has poyson'd himselfe to prevent other disastrous ffate. I lately inform'd you that advice was brot from Brussells of a League concluded betweene the King of Poland and Emperor of Germany wch wee have now confirm'd from severall other places of virtue of wch the Polanders are to Assist the Emperor wth 30000 Men by way of Mutuall defence. The Bishop of Verona has Interdicted and forbidden the Jesuitts from preaching by reason they maintained that it is absolutely necessary at this Juncture to make a peace in ffrance Considering that these Subjects may be of Dangerous Consequence in Case ye Dyett doe not agree to ye ffrench proposalls. This morning ye Ld Mayor & Court of Aldermen congratulated his Mats & Royall highnesses Returne hence & were Readily recd. Yesterday ye Magistrate of ye Citty of Winchester Layd ye first stone of his Mats house there wch goes forward very Expeditiously. This was day [sic] was brot ye unhappy news upon ye Exchange of ye losse of a ship of 300 tonns from Carolina & all save 3 drowned, and alsoe a ship blowne up upon ye Coast of Gurnsy Capt Greene Comandr haveing 120 Negroes on board. The East India Compas Auctions stand at 160 L they designe to attend his Matie to know his pleasure & resolution concerning Bantam. Advice from Norfolke says that ye Earle of Yarmths Corps was interred in a Vault at Durneed [?], the Pall was borne up by 6 Depty Lefts, & ye Corps carryed by 20 strong Men his funerall sermon was preached by Dr Hilliard who sett forth his Discours herty [?] Loyalty & Learning wch sermon is desired to be printed. L. c. 1356 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 29 March 1683 To the end that yow may know ye Turkish Dialect [I] have sent yow a true Coppy of A letter transmitted from the Bassa of Newwarden to the City of ffriestadt In Hungary dated the 25 ffebruary last I the mighty Hassan Bassa Ibrahim Begg Tyhaia Greete Yow +Yee Majestrates & Cittizens of ffriestadt (Impudent doggs worthy to be Impailed) whats the reason of your disobedience (yee doggs) why did yow not send mee the money I demanded of yee (yee doggs worthy to be impailed) I Comand yow to bring mee within the space of 4 dayes 4000 Chequeens together with 10 Roules [?] of Hungarian Cloath & a Chest of Gunpowder otherwise I sweare by ye faith of my Lord that I will Constrayne (yee doggs) to pay homage agt your Wills if yee Contemne my demands I want [?] Imediatly yee Impudent doggs to sett your City on fire & Dragg yee away in Chaynes into ppetuall slavery when you may have Leisure to repent yo[u]r stubbornenesse Signed Ibrahim Tyhaia the mighty Hassan Bassa +The Lord Castlehaven has given over his thoughts from goeing agt the Turks but sevrall of the young Nobility designe speedily to sett forward & Last night ye Ld Lansdowne the Earle of Balts Eldest sone Craved his Maties leave to accompany the rest of the Gentlemen wch was Granted Yesterday sevrall Citizens were seized by the Writt Excomunicato Capiendo & hurryed to the Compter & there are many more of that trade abroad wch if they doe not forthwith make themselves (rectus in Curia) will Lay them Close for Nonconformity Sr Henry Goodrick his Maties ambassadr at Madrid who at that Court has been much disgusted at not suffereing him to stay within the Kingdome is now returned thence & made Reporte to his Matie of his Negotiacon but we cannot yett Learne who shall succeed him. Don Pedro Ronguillo the Spanish ambassadr here is prpareing for his departure home & will be succeeded by Don Emanuel de Lyra. I told yow in my Last that the Lady Herbert widdow of the now Ld Herbert of Cherburys Elder brother was by Capt Sarsfeild hurryed away in a Coach in like manner was the Late Madam Synderfin the Circumstances are that [the] said Lady being in A Hackney Coach the persons designeing this Adventure Cutt the traces & haveing one Sr John Parsons Coach ready behinde desired the said Lady since she mett with that disaster to take ye benefitt thereof wch the Lady Innocently doeing they hurryed her away into the Countrey & kept her all night & would have Obleiged her to Marriage wch she resolutely denyeing they returnd her back to London & sett her downe who Imediately gott the Ld Cheife Justice Warrant for Sr John Parsons sarsfeild &c Which the said Capt Sarsfeild understanding went to her Lodgeing & either dissembling Love or ffrenzy took forth A Penknife opening his brest slasht his Skin & then stabbed himselfe therewith at wch the blood Gushed out Extreamly before her presence he was Carryed away but is not yet dead but tis thought he will scarce recover hee refuseing to have his wounds drest I lately told yow that 2 psons went to Newmarkett to sweare high Treason agt the Earle of Clare I now find that one ffox a blacksmith his Ldpps [word of about nine letters faded] was ye accuser who relates an Improbable storey thereof as that his Ldpp would have hired him to Kill ye King giveing halfe a Crowne in earnest that his Ldpp was soe familliar with him to take him often into his Coach & [about ten letters faded] Lye at his house the other Witnesse could only sweare that the Blacksmith told him the relacon & soe noe evidence in Treason since ye Court returned from Newmarkett this fellow has been at Whitehall but there being noe proceed upon it we Conclude tis altogeather disbeleaved This day the King & R Highnesse went downe ye River intend a weeke after Easter for Windsor On Monday next the great affaire of refarming his Maties duty of Excise will be transacted in the Treasury Chamber & I am Credibly informd that a day will be assigned to heare & Consider of ye great proposalls made by the Marquis Hallifax & others for farmeing his Maties whole Revenue of the Kingdome of England & Ireland 1700000 L being said to be offered for ye same together with a great advance of money by way of Security Some of the Cheife of the E India Company have attended his Matie since his returne & I am assured that his Matie has promised Effectually to interest himselfe wth the states of Holland relateing to ye affaire of ye seizeing of Bantam +Yesterday Mr Sands Owner of ye E India Interloper prsented his Matie a peticon humbly to desire him to Ordr the Admiralty Court to stay yr proceedings agt him that he may pceed on his voyage setting forth that he is Cleared by ye Customehouse & at Gravesend & that being of the Muscovy Company There is an act of Pliament in his favour wch being read was referrd to Mr Attorney & Solicitor Genrall to make reporte L. c. 1357 London March 31st 1683 Yesterday sevrall trageck efforts noe less fatall then propence [?] were transacted among us the first was an unhappy Duell between 2 young Gent Ensignes of his Matys Guard occasioned through some misunderstanding at Play, tho other wise Country Men and Intimate ffriends, the one Mrs Conway a Ladys Sonne the other Mr Griffeth a Gent of a Considerable ffamily in Wales, they fought behinde Montague house wth that Impornesse [?] that ye latter was killed on ye Spott and ye former soe desperately Wounded as to be carryed from ye place & since said to be Dead each haveing recd diverse Wounds At noone 4 Gent sallying out of a Coach at Temple Barr upon some Drovers of Cattle a ffray ensued wch before it could be Suppressed, some Mortall Wounds were given & ye Gents secured In ye after noone a Constable in ye Tower upon some slight words given him by one of his fellow Soldiers Shott him Dead wth his Musquett In ye evening 3 sparks wth Naked swords valourously [?] killed an innocent Apprentice neare ye May Pole in the Strand upon litle or noe Provocations & were secured The Irish Testimony being Disbanded agt ffitz Gerards divests [?] himselfe in the Kings bench, Mr Dugdale tooke occasion to dye. Eustace Commons makes application to ye Parish for Subsistance Machnamarra & one Ivey have procured themselves a stone Doublett & ye rest non inventi Sunt The Earle of Salisbury Continues under soe virulent an indisposition that his life is dispaired of The Gents who formerly had ye Grant of a Royall ffishery who mett wth misfortunes are now reentering upon that designe Some whereof have already priscribed hereto but upon a more probable adventure. The Holland Letters say that upon advice of ye takeing of Bantam ye Auctions of their East India Company are somewhat advanced together wth the Comodity of Copper, but are since both abated the Commonalty are extreamly concerned fearing it should occasion new differences betweene his Matie & States. The same Letters add that the Emperors and Spanish Minister resideing at ye Hague had delivered the state another Memoriall wherein they reciprocally assure their Laprs [?] that their Ma[ste]rs would not make any Alliance but what should be by Common concern [?] of the Allies & that in Case any of them should be attacked the rest would Assist the Defendants and therefore prayed the states resolution to joyne in the [?] undertakeing wth said [?] Memoriall was referred to the committee of forraigne Affaires to Examine and Reporte. The States have at Length agreed to this Summers Guard to be 16 Capitall shipps 8 of ym 1st [?] rate of 82 Guns the other[s] 2d Rate of 74 Guns to be equipt wth all expedicon. Monsr de Lorre Comdr of a french Man of Warr met wth 2 Algerines haveing 2 prizes & bearing upon one of them wth 400 [?] Turks & gave them such a broad side as forced for to back & become [about fifteen letters faded] soe damaged as that she was Constrayned to run ashoare on the Spanish Coast and tooke 72 Turks wch he went [sent?] to Thoulon & himselfe lost 15 [?] Men. Letters from Constantinople say that ye Prime Vizier had sent to yr Cahier [?] late Governor of that Citty to make Proclamation that his Masr the Sultan was goeing wth a powerfull Army agt Hungaria, therefore if there were any Ambassador at that Court who pretended Amity to the Grand Seignior but should suffer their subjects in Fight agt him he would avenge himselfe upon their psons and Estates wch tis said was done to hinder the ffrench from Assisting the Emperor from Vienna tis wrote that the Emperor had sent an Ambassador wth a Secret Comission to Count Teckly to know [?] his Cathegoricall answer offering him Pardon to ye first of May. Yesterday was heard before the Lord Cheife Justice Pemberton being transmitted by the Counsell the affaire of sweareing Treason agt the Earle of Clare by one foxx a Blacksmith his Tennant but I am Credibly informed that his Ldpp gave Little Creditt thereto. Yesterday the East India Compa in a Body went to Whitehall & told his Maty a Peticon setting forth ye late Action of ye Dutch in Assisting The young King of Bantam against his ffather whereby the English are driven out of that factory humbly beseeching his Matie to use Royall Authority to gett them reinstated therein wch said Peticon his Matie will speedily take into consideracon & I am credibly Assured that Orders are or will be sent to his Maties Resident in Holland to demand restitution since which the Auctions of ye Company are mightily advanced to 220 L L. c. 1358 London the 3d Aprill 1683 +Sonday last was Read in most of the churches in London the Bishops Letter or prcept being an Admonition for all persons above the age of 16 yeares to receive the blessed Sacrament this Enseuing Easter & whereas sevrall Church wardens have been remiss in makeing prsentments of the defaulters the Minister is Required to signify unto the Bishops Court the names of all those under his Care that neglect to participate thereof to the End that such meanes may be used as may prvaile with them to be Conformable to yr duty And there is appointed a Sacrament on Good ffriday Easter day & the following Sonday Letters from Ratisbon of the 25th March advise that ye Brandenburgh agent at that dyett doe abate much of his former Earnestness of accepting ye ffrench proposalls for settleing of the peace whereby tis beleived that his Ellectorall Highnesse [is?] not soe farr Engaged in the Allyance of ffrance but that he may be wrought upon to Espouse the Comon Interest which ye Emperor Understanding [is?] dispatching Count Stamburgh [?] to the Brandenburgh Court wth sevrall advantagious proposalls wch the Emperor has signifyed to Baron Swevin the Brandenburghs resident at Vienna & great hopes had therein. Letters from Brussells [sic] tell us that last ffriday was held a Comon Councell in that City Sr John Churchill their new Record[er] prsent where the Question being put for the surrendering of their Charter or words to yt effect it was Carryed in the Negative by (6) Tis wrote from the Bavarian Court that that Elector has written to the states of ye Circle of Swabia that to prvent the danger wch threaten ye Empire as well from ye ffrench as the Turk it is indispensably necessary that all ye Members of ye Empire at this Juncture Joyne together in a Common defence & therefore proposes to them togeather with the Circle of franconia and upper Rhyne to enter into a strict Allyance with the Emperor wch if they think it Convenient and meete the 7 ditto at Anspurgh he will send a Minister thither to Consult with them on this Undertakeing. Yesterday his Matie & the Lds of the Treasury assisted by ye Ld president Marquis Hallifax & with divers other of ye privey Councill heard & debated the great affaire of refarmeing his Maties duty of Excise wch tho Considerable offers were made more then those already in yt undertakeing his Matie was rather Enclyned to have the same Mannaged by Commisioners of his owne & thereupon noe determinacon as to the ffarmeing made thereon. Lres from Constantinople say yt the first of january a ffire happned in ye City wch Consumed about 300 houses wth 5 Pallaces one whereof was ye Tefterdars or Grand Treasurer of ye port founded by Bajazet &c The shipp Diamond of about 300 tons Prtending to be victualled for Tangiere was discharged by ye Custome house & Gravesend but being discovered that she took in Capt Sandses Cargo & designed an E India Interloper the Lds of ye Admiralty sent an arrest after her to hinder her voyage whose officers Comeing on board ye Mr thereof [?] notwithstanding psued his intent & would Certainly have Carryed those officers to India but upon yr Intreaty were sett on shoare in ye Hope & since we heare yt ye Admiralty have sent a Yaught after her to bring her back & great is ye Expectacon of the successe There has been a discourse on the Exchange of the old King retakeing of Bantam but I find noe foundation for yt Report being Judgd to be spread abroad to Cause ye Auctions of ye Company to advance wch they did to 220 & since abated to 180 Yesterday his Matie sent for Capt Nicholson Comandr of the Amoy Merchant who came lately from India & had above an howers discourse wth him touching the Actions of ye Dutch upon Bantam together with the relacon of ye Scituation of yt Country with many other pticulers relateing thereto & I am Credibly informed that his Matie will send an Ambassadr to Holland on this pticuler subject +This day was held a speciall Court of Aldermen who resolved in a body to attend his Matie to morrow to be prsent at ye Rehearing of the Intended markett neare Clarendon house wch will bee debated in Councell whether ye same should goe forward or not. L. c. 1359 [Handwriting changes here.] London Aprill 5th 1683 Yesterday was heard before his Matie in Councill the Lord Major & Court of Aldermen being present the affaire of erecting a Beast Markett in Conduit ffields behinde Albemarle house wch was managed by Councill on both sides, Mr Attorney Mr Ward Mr North &c for ye Pattentees Sr Geo: Treby Mr Holt Mr Common Sergeant for ye Citty ye Arguements are to prove [?] to rehear [?] the former pleadings that a strict and prod [?] Dominion [?] being executed by the party of ye Vicarage, they had given them A verdict that it was noe Damage that ye Place was comodious and that there being such contiguous buildings it was necessary for that end of ye Towne and for ye Western & Northern Roades and twas a penance [?] of a former grant from his Matie and that his Prerogative was greatly concerned wth diverse other Arguments. To all wch Mr Recorder obviated all ye seeming Difficutye that by grant of ye 1st of Edward ye 3d wch was confirmed by Act of Parliament the Citty had ye sole right of holding a Markett and that none should be within 7 miles wthout their Licence that ye verdict of ye Jury upon and [?] your Dominion was Surreptitously obtained and must be of Damage that it would disable St Bartholomews hospitall who has the Property of ye Tolls together wth ye ffee ffarme Rent of 300 L P Ann wch the Sheriffes Pay to ye Crowne that it would obstruct the Water from the Conduits that his Maties Prerogative was as greate in maintaining what he had granted as in makeing of new that ye Offall stench of ye slaughter houses would much offend his Matie pallace and ye Blood and other nastinesse runn into St James Parke after 3 houres Debate pro et Contra they wthdrew and his Matie will please to give his judgment in somme convenient time. 8 Comrs are nominated to Manage his Maties Duty of Excise and each to be allowed 800 L P Ann for their service, as not to be ffarmed as formerly but since there may be variation in the psons before ye Affaire be fully concluded shall forbeare to mention their names till I receive a certaine Accot. One Mr Poole a Gent who has been much employed in fforraigne Embassies stands fairest to succeed Mr Warwick lately decd to be Resident at ye Court of Sweden. A Declaracon sent by the Emperor of the Turks to the Emperor of Germany +Mahomett ye 4th[,] Sonne of Emperors and Sonne of ye famous and Renowned God Emperor of ye Turkes King of Greece, Macedonia, Moldavia, Samatia and Heglia [?] King of ye Greate and Lesser Egypt, King of all the inhabitants of ye Earth and Prince of ye Earthly Paradise acknowledged Prince and Sonne of Mahomett prserver of yt Citty of Hungaria, possessor of ye Sepulcher of your God Lord of all the Emperors of ye World from the Riseing of Sun to ye going downe thereof, King of all Kings, Lord of the Root [?] of Life, Conqueror of ye Mellonian horse and ye Citty of Prokema [?], the greate persecutor of ye Christians and all wicked people, Joy of ye fflourishing World Commander and Guardian of your Crucifyed God, Lord of ye multitudes of ye heathens Wee Command you to greete the Empr Leopold in Case he desire it, if you are a ffriend to our Matie whose power we will have extended very farr, you have for some time past acted to our prejudice and violated our ffreindship, tho' wee have not offended you either by Deed [?] or otherwise, yett you have taken Secrett advice [about ten letters faded] and your Councells how to shake of your Yoke [in that?] you have proceeded very indiscreetly and thereby you have exposed your People to feare and Danger, who have nothing to expect now but Death wch you have brot upon yourselves for I declare I will make my selfe your Masr & pursue you from ye East to ye West and extend [about twelve letters faded] of ye Earth in ye proceedure of all wch you shall finde my power exerted to your prejudice & shall feel the dreadfull effects of my Wrath and since you have put your hope in ye Strength of some Townes and Castles, I have given Comand to overthrow them and trample under my horses feete all that is delightfull to you, leaveing noe roome hereafter to make a freindship wth me or suffer you any fortifyed place to Remaine to put your trust in for I am resolved forthwith to destroy you and your people and to despoyl you of ye German Empire after my Will leaving ye Empire a remembrance of my Dreadfull swords that it may publickly appeare that I will Establish my Religion therein and pursue your Crucifyed God whose wrath I feare not nor his Comeing to defend or deliver you out of my hands but will condemn your sacred Preists to ye Plow and suffer the Breasts of your Wives to be sucked by Doggs and Beasts; you will doe well to forsake your Religion otherwise I will give Order to Consume you wth ffire this is enough to Lett you understand my Will if you will be soe wise as to know it. L. c. 1360 [Handwriting changes here.] London ye 7th Aprill 1683 That which administers soe much discourse of a Jesuite Landing att dover & had Confessed great matters before the king relateing to some french designe upon this Kingdome Centers in this that noe such Jesuit has as yett prsented himselfe att Whitehall more then one Morgan a Jesuit lately discharged ye Country has given Informacon that in case his Matie will send him a Pardon hee will come over and make a discovery of considerable matters but has received for Answer that if hee will first discover [that?] which he shall be worthy a Pardon hee shall be assured thereof but it is thought Convenient to grant noe more Pardons before hand since which noe farther proceedings have been had thereon. Yesterday about the hour of 4 in the morning broake forth a fire in the Bennetts Inn by Leaden Hall Markett to wch through the great assistance that was applyed thereto extended noe farther then some stableing and out houses thereof. His Matie haveing heard Councill on both sides upon the Intended Markett in Conduit feilds as Intimated in my last has declared that soe long as his City of Lond shall Continue Loyall will deny them nothing and for that they have Chose good officers &c his Matie will Gratiously order a supersedeas upon the Pattent to stay the farther proceedings thereof. The Ld Salisbury remaines still extreame bad att his house in Hatfeild but yesterday Letters came that there was some hopes of his Recovery. The East India Companys Auctions vary every day like the wind and being this day advanced againe from 180 to 220 some of the Members of the Company yesterday attended his Matie & am Credibly Informed that his Matie gave them assureance that there would use his Utmost endeavours to have them reinstated into the factory of Bantam This day wee reced the Dutch Post by which wee see divers accompts ye most materiall of them are ffrom Collogne of ye 9th Instant which sayes that ye great difference so long depending betweene the Prince of Leige & those Magistrates are in a likely hood of accomodacon being now agitateing ye project is that things remaine in ye Present Condicon for ye Princes life but not to be brought in President for the future Monsr Virjus ye ffrench Ambr att ye dyett of Ratisbon has declared that unless they speedily come to a conclusion his Master will be soe Impatient as to begin his Revnions. The Paris Letters that his Matie has made knowne to ye Envoy of Genoa that hee was mightily surprized that that state was Augmenting their forces especially building of 7 new Gallies which if they did not Imediately desist there for in Lookeing upon it as against his Interest that hee would give order to his shipps to fight & seize any of theirs where ever hee meets them. Letters from Warsaw of the 26th say that a Turkish Chief being arrived had audience desireing passage for 50000 Tartars through their Country to Silesia that were answered that they were too great a body att this Juncture to be suffered in the heart of the Kingdome The Grand Seignor has appointed a Genrall Rendevous att Buda on ye 15 of next Moneth and ye Emperor much about that tyme and a dreadfull warr is expected betweene them. L. c. 1361 [Handwriting changes here.] London Aprill 10 1683 We have had a weeks discourse yt Edward Whittacre who lies under a Conviction of the Kings bench tho not seized will to merit his pardon make a discovery of wt he knowes agt ye people called Whigs haveing already taken at Court as tis Judged upon yee accompt but I have made the straightest scrutiny possible into ye affair & Cannot discover any matter more than his endeavouring to purchase his pardon upon submission & and a promise never hereafter to concerne himself in State affaires Sonday Last a fire broke out in Sackville Street in ye Picadelly but was happily extinguished with the loss only of 3 houses & 2 damaged Easter tearm now approacheing Goodenough the Attorney is prepareing to take out writts the second time agt the Ld Mayor & Court of Aldermen since [about seven letters faded] Last serving of them the last of their return was expired before he could obtain any appearances of them grounded upon ye writ of Mandamus to swear Mr Papillion & Dubois sheriffes in ordr to try ye Issue of yt affair Mr Attorney Generall is Prepareing a Learned Argument wch he intends to make the next Tearm before ye Court of Kings bench of the Citty have forfeited their Charter & Councellr Pollixfen is to argue at the same pro & Contra Thursday next is to be consumated yt so long depending marriage between Sr Dudley North one of our sherifes & the daughter of Sr Robt Conn of Bristoll a young widow of extraodinary fortune Saturday Last at 3 oclock in the afternoon the Chamber [Charter?] of the Citty of Norwich was mett out of town by some hundreds of horse & with great pomp conducted therein one of the Late sherifes fflourishing it in the air in manner of an ensign & with multitudes of people to ecchoing through ye streets they marched to the marcat Cross where after the publication thereof haveing kindeled bonefires they had ringing of bells with other demonstracons of Joy it being sd to be granted as they desired viz yt neither Aldm Comon Councell men &c should be chosen but by the approbacon of the Court & Continue durante beneplacito & one Thomson a waterman to shew his loyalty affixed his boat & a frame of wheels wth full Canvas wch sailing over land in the place designed he Committed ye same to ye flames One Sr Clement Arunsger [?] a justice of peace for the County of Middsx who was Complained of by the rest of the justices for granting & compounding distresses agt Conventicles is left out of Comission The East India Companies actions Containe at 200 L or thereabouts the Company has had Capt Brown Mr of the Joanna wch was cast away near Cape bona Esperanza under examinacon & discover yt the sd Capt took a Considerable sum of money upon bottom ree [?] whereby together with the evidence of severall of ye seamen yt escaped they are strongly of opinion yt ye ship & Cargo were designedly Lost On munday next the Company bring in their votes for the charge of a new governor in the room of Sr Josiah Child who is to be declared on tuesday following which [?] being done they bring in their votes on Wednesday & Thursday for the choice of a Deputy & 24 Comitteemen wch they declare on friday & none is admitted to vote unless they have 500 L in the Company Sr John Banks tis judged will be their Govr & Sr Jeremy Samburg their Deputy wch being over tis affirmed his Matie will send an Envoy to Holland & Sr John Sherdan a Native of ffrance but a Genll Naturalized & has been at India haveing a considerable stock in the Company is sd to be ye person designed to go over thither to Enquire of the States yt the Company is [?] reinstated in their factory at Bantam +His Matie & the Cort goes on Munday or saturday to Windsor +The Duke of Monmouth is gone this day to Northampton a horseraceing +The Earl of Salisbury is fallen into a relapse & given over by his physicians L. c. 1362 London Aprill 12 1683 The Arcania merchant being arrived from Guiney Atwill the Masr Landed 6000 L worth of ye Companyes Gold at Deale Leaveing it wth one Mr Wilson who be stept to London to consult how to trick [?] the Company in Order to Release himselfe from 900 L Mulct wch yt Company Factors in Barbados and upon him for contrary to his Capitulacon haveing [?] of ye Negroes those Islanders adviseing him to put himselfe wth the Gold into ye Kings Bench wch would oblige the Company to compound to him but being directed to returne wth the Gold aboard for otherwise it might be ffelony for breaking of Both wch he thinking to do the aforesaid Wilson mistrusted some ill designe refused to deliver him the Gold & imediatly sent the Company notice and this Atwell endeavouring to evade his designe the Company has arrested him in a considerable accon where he remains in the Compter to repent him of his unjust indiscretion Yesterday morning the hamborough Company together wth some Interlopeing Traders Upon them were at Whitehall where they discust their Affaires p et Contra wch after a full hearing it was referred to a Comittee of Trade who is to consider and finde out a way to bring in or incorporate the Interlopers upon reasonable termes. Letters from Paris tell us that two eminent partners Bankers in that Citty were gone asside for above 600000 Crownes. Tuesday afternoone the purser of the shipp Golden ffleece from Scanderoone came to London and brought the East India Company Letters wch they tooke in at Aleppo brought overland from Bossora in Persia written by one Mr Gibbs who gives an accompt that he had been according to the Companys Order at Moncha in the Red sea and settled a ffactory there & now was on his way to Gammeroone & then will proceed as his Mats Agent to the Emperor of Persia at his cheife seat at Ispahan The said ship gives an Accompt of the mighty preparations of the Turke for Warr in that quarter that ye Bassa of Alleppo was gone wth above 20000 Soldiers for that Grand Seigniors Camp but had above 1000 miles to march before he reached Hungaria Yesterday the Portugall Merchts recd Letters from Lisbone wch gave an Accot that upon the Receipt of ye King of Englands Letter to that Prince wch was very Smart in behalfe of his subjects who were Imprisoned there upon pretence of carrying away the coyne of that Country & in greate danger of Looseing their Lives were forthwith discharged & ye decision of the matter left to the Engl Salavadore or Conservator whereby tis believed that all the money not properly of that product may be redelivered to them. Yesterday arrived one Capt Nichols Expresse to his Matie from Tangire who has been wth the Emperor of Morocco & brot from him a letter as alsoe from the late Morrocco Ambassador in Engl the Latter gives Assurances that his Matie will Ratify the Peace both by Sea & Land & that he is in as much favour as ever, but the Emperor is said to be of a different tenour in a stile strange and Arrogant that ye peace wch his Ambassador made at Land he is willing to confirme but had noe Instructions from him to agree that by sea but for the sake of Colonll Kirke and his Wife Christendome should fare the better & talks of bringing Ships before the Towne as thick as fforests & such like Mr Corby the English Merch was gone up the Country to the Emperor The difference betweene the Emperor and his Nephew is still on foote the Nephew keeping a pass at certaine Mountains wch he cannot be disposest off L. c. 1363 London 14th Aprill 1683 Some unadvised Writers gave an Account that the shipp Diamond a designed Interloper to the East Indies wch passed forward notwithstanding the Admiralty officers came aboard below Gravesend to have obstructed her voyage was by 2 Men of Warr wch were sent after her overtaken & brought back into Portsmouth wch I am credibly assured is the contrary for the takeing her way Northwards is gott away as yett undiscovered. Thursday last the Marryage which I intimated was on foote betweene Sr Dudly North and the Lady Gurney [?] Daughter of Sr Robt Cain of Bristoll was consumated at the Lord Keepers house wth a greate deale of Joy. The 23rd Instant will be pformed upon the Water before Whitehall certaine ffireworks when his Matie will be present said to be beyond whatever were yett seen being prepared by a Siletian who desires to shew what strange things he can doe in that Art whereupon his Matie findes him Materialls to perfect the same. I lately told you that one ffox a Gunsmith who swore Treason against the Earle of Clare and others of a designe to kill the King I have to add that his Matie was soe Sensibly possest of the inconsistency thereof that he would not goe from Councell before he has done my Lord that Justice as to have a Warrant drawne and sealed to apprehend the said ffox who upon notice thereof disappeared but yesterday was taken thereon and Committed prisoner to the Marshalsea to be pceeded against wth the utmost vigour of the Law for designedly and falsely endeavouring to take away a Noble Peers Life. [Handwriting changes here.] This Morning Early their Matys went for Windsor accompan[i]ed with the great Lords of the Courte I gave you an accompt in my last That an Express was arrived from Tangiere brought by one Capt Nicholas signifying that the Emperor of morocco was willing to ratify the peace att Land but not att sea Since wch Letters are Come from Mr Onby the Barbary Mercht who accompanid the Ambassador ffrom here in ordr to endeavour to procure satisfaction for a shipp and goods taken by the P of Salley worth 7000 L about 7 yeares ago notwithstanding the [sic] had the Emperors passporte who arriveing after 10 dayes Travill in ye Emperors Camp the Ambassador introduced him into ye Emperors presence and signifying how serviceable he had been to him when in England as that he was his Interpreter &c the Emperor gave Mr Onby the complement (that God Almighty had granted him what he desired) and that after the Emperor had an houres discourse with him about the Affaires of Tangiere & gave order that the value of his ship and cargo should bee redelivered to him wch accordingly was punctually performed and that 20 head of Oxen be given him to supply him wth provision in his way homeward Whereupon Mr Onby sent them to Tangiere and was gon to Salley where he had bought him a shipp and was freighting her [?] with ye Country Commodities her and will Come forthwith for England. The Ld Preston his maties Extraordinary Envoy att Paris is expected here the Middle of next weeke Whether it is to bee wholy recalled or to bee instructed in some weighty Affaire I cannot say as yett Last night was a greate heareing before his Matie in Councill with Councellors on both sides between the two distinctions of men from out of Cumberland those people Tearmed Whiggs being accused of a Riotous proceeding in the Choyce of Conservator for the Estrayning of the Moss [?] Troopers or scotch Borderers wch were [?] to infest those parts but after a Long debate they were dismist without any appearance of Trouble or obstruction in the procedure of that choyce. +This day att a sessions held att Westminster an overseer of the poore appealed thereto being Convicted in 5 & distress made upon him for the Neglect of his duty pursuant to ye Conventicle Act where the Informers Wilton &c appeared against him but being fully opened to the Court by a Learned Councellor they declared itt in favour of the overseer +Wee want 4 foreigne post whereby I cannot transmitt fresh newes from abroade Only a Gentleman arriveing in a shipp from france declares that the french King to Gratify his Clergy has published a severer edict then ever hitherto viz that if any Hugenott goe about to perswade a Roman Catholique from his Religion or entertayne any that fall into a Relapse shall bee condemned to the Gallies and the Church of his society pulled downe in Case he doe not himselfe abjure his Religion. L. c. 1364 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 17 Aprill 1683 +Our fforraigne Advice brings A Certayne accompt from Warsaw of ye 2 Aprill that ye Allyance betweene that Crowne & his Imperiall Matie was finally agreed to and signed by the King of Poland with full approbation of the Genrall dyett and forthwith dispatched to the Emperor to bee Ratifyed by wch his Imperiall Matie was obleidged to pay downe 120000 Guilders promiseing to quitt the pretention which Queene Ellenor the Duke of Lorraines wife has upon salt [?] as pte of her dowry that the Emperor bring actually in the feild 60000 & relinquish some prtentions of places a long time in dispute in Compensation of wch & that King will rayse 40000 men wch shall be Employed as shall be Judgd to most annoy the Turke. Ltrs from Vienna say that the Duke of Bavaria who is now wholy inclined to the Emperors Interest haveing discharged many of his great Officers who favoured the ffrench as alsoe purged his Guards & [?] Country of all yt nation will with severall other princes be present with the Emperor at the Genll Randevous wch is now appointed at Presburgh the 3d of May & yt ye Imperiall Army will act offensively the Generall of Croatia with 15000 of his Nation being already Ordered to make an Inroade into the Turkish Territoryes to Ravage and dispoyle all they meete with the better to hinder ye Turks from findeing subsistance On the other hand tis wrote from Belgrade that this being ye greatest Turkish Expedition in some ages their Army will Consist of 260000 men that 300 Camells laden with the Baggage of the Court was arrived there and 40000 others Carrying powder fireworks & mettall to Cast Cannon & that ye Randevous will be at Offen the 15 then to be devided into 4 Armyes to act sepately And Count Teckly not being able to Obteyne the Liberty to remaine Newtrall in the warr has Ordrd his Randevous the 20 at Espires & then Marches for Lenscham where he is to be Joyned with 12000 Turks & the Army to be Comanded by his Lieftent Peluosi & to make their first attaque upon Elick Letters from Madrid speak that his Matie has transmitted the Emperor to be Made use of to Expedite the present Campagne agt the Turks 220000 Crownes & will soe Continue by every Ordinary till it amounts to A Million. Letters from Sweeden intimate that the whole Country is apprehensive & prpareing as Certaine of warr with Denmarke animated & assisted by the ffrench King but relye upon the valour & Conduct of their prince who will mainteyne his Ground with arms. The State of Genoa being Extreemely Jealous of the ffrench by reason of a late Memoriall to Order them to desist from recruiteing their forces & Gallies have sent to Spaine for Assistance who has promised to Equipp 25 sale to Cruise in the Medeteranean and succour them of Occations The ffrench Intendent of Province has sent a List of the shipps fitting as they gave out agt Argeires (vizt) 18 men of warr 12 Gallyes 11 ffly boates 3 fire shipps 7 Galliots wch Carryes yee Bombes 9 shallops to throw out stink potts & 6 shipps for Amunition & provision The states of Holland Equipping a ffleete wch tis beleeved shall assist the King of sweeden if attaqued by ye Dane the ffrench ambassador her[e] yesterday declared by way of Determent that the time the states ffleete put to sea his Master will advance with his Army in the Neather lands Lres from Oxford tell us that sevrall of the schollers & townesmen being togeather the latter dranke the Duke of Monmouths health wch soe Enraged ye schollers that they fell by the Eares & some of them were since Comitted wch has occasioned noe little trouble among them To morrow A new Shipp at Debtford will be Launched of the 2d Rate & tis Judged his Matie will be prsent His Matie will keepe St Georges day being ye 23d at Whitehall where a Chapter will be held & ye Guarter vacant by ye death of prince Rupert Conferrd on the Earle of Burford Madam Gwinns Eldest sonne or the Marquis Hallifax +This day ye East India Company declared ye votes for the Election of a Governor & Deputy wch according as I Guessed sometime since fell upon Sr John Banks & Sr Jeremy Sambrooke some people talks that Mr Justice Dolbin of the Kings bench will receive a Quietus & Sr ffrancis Withins succeed in [his] place. +yesterday at a session of peace at Guildhall the Grand Jury found A Bill of Indictment agt ye publisher of ye Observator as alsoe the paquett from Rome. L. c. 1365 London Aprill 19 1683 The Affaire of his Maties Duty of Excise wch expires to the ffarmers on Midsomer next is now fully determined to be managed by ye 7 Comisioners formerly named vizt Sr David Achburnham Major Huntington Doctor Davenant Colonell ffreind Mr Carry Philiv [?] Colvert and Thomas Hornby the 3 first present Comissionrs to decide controversy betw the King & the Subject the 2 next in the present ffarme Mr Philiv Colvert formerly concerned and this Last an able Goldsmith and the Pattent is now under the seales & they are to be allowed 700 L each P itin [?] His Excellency the Dutch ambassador deld his Matie a Memoriall on ffriday last relateing to the affaires of Bantam complaining of the stoppage of Sevrall Dutch Letters from Bantam brot from thence by the Amoy Merchant whereby they were ignorant of the procedure of that affair & hopeing his Matie will not censure that Concerne in prejudice to them till he heard their defence or to that effect. Bills of Indictment being found by the Grand Jury at Guild hall agt Joanna Broomes [?] Publisher of the Observator & Attwood of ye Paquett of advice from Rome, Robt Stephens Messenger of ye Press procured Warrants against them who being severally brot before a Magistrate gave each two Suretyes to abide a tryall for ye same. The discourse for some dayes haveing bin that Mr Justice Dolbin of the Kings Bench would receive a Writt of Quietus and Sr ffrancis Withins one of the Kings Councell advanced in his Roome upon the opening of the Tearme, I have made a strict enquiry into ye affaire and finde that tis very probable that twill centre therein by reason the latter has read a Writt to call him to ye Degree of a Serjeant Tho as yett Mr Justice Dolbin remaynes in his station. Since ye writeing of wch I have just now an accot that ye Lord Keeprs secretary delivered to Mr Justice Dolbyn a Writt of supersedeas to vacate his Pattent of a Judge and Mr ffrancis Withins has bespoke ye usuall rings given away upon his takeing the degree of a sergeant. And I am credibly informed that ye Earle of Dunblayne who marryed Mrs hide als Emerton is now upon treaty wth Mr Emerton to compromise and agree that soe long depending Cause wch if ffame may be creditted to give the sd Gent 20000 L to quitt his pretensions to ye Lady and Estate wch otherwise will come to a Judgmt to morrow & considering that Mr Justice Dolbyn one of ye Comrs may peradventure not be in Court to morrow tis believed that Mr Emerton may embrace the aforesaid proposall wch then to make the Estate Sure to my Ld a Judgmt agreed to pass in his favour Yesterday was a quarter session in Southwick for ye County of surry where many Dissenters were indicted upon ye sevrall Acts most of them pleaded or promised conformity & were discharged and traversd till the next and Mr Vincent the Non Con Preachers being indicted upon ye 25 Eliz brot a Certiorari to remove the Tryall to ye Kings Bench wch after an houres debate wth Councell on both sides it was at length allowed. The Sessions being likewise at hicks hall at same instant many dissenters were Convicted & ye names of 300 pclaimed to appeare the next sessions or answer ye Default of ye non attendance Yesterday and this day ye East India Compa brot in ye Votes for ye new Election of 24 Comittee Men to manage that businesse for ye yeare ensueing wch are to be Declared to morrow & tis generally said that all those termed Whiggs will be left out of that choyce. Letters of ye 14th from Copenhagen say that ye Danish fleete in Number 27 saile were already into ye Roade & will suddenly putt to sea that their land Army is to Randevous ye 26th and that Count de Roy a greate ffrench Comdr was arrived to be Generall of their fforces upon wch the Swedes are not in much less [?] forwardness their Agent at the hague presents ye states speedy assistance & yr Envoy at Copenhagen has deld that King a Memoriall in very ffreindly tearmes intimating the necesity at this season to accomodate affaires and Assist ye Emperor against ye Turks wth their fforces but as yett wee know not the answer. Capt Nicholls who brot the Express Tangiere is prepareing for his returne wth an answer to ye Emperor of Morocco till wch Arrives the Emperor has sent Orders to Sally and other his Ports not to attack any English shipp. L. c. 1366 London 21 Aprill 1683 The East India Company haveing brot in their Votes for the choyce of 24 Committee Men on Wednesday and Thursday and they were yesterday declared by wch it appeares that the Alteration was leaveing out of 9 and Supplying their Vacancys wth these following-- those left out The Earle of Worcester Sr Sam: Barnadiston Sr Joshua Child Sr Jo: Laurance Sr Bem Bathurst Sr Jo: Banks Sr Hen: Johnson Mr Hump Edwyn Mr Garrett Tho Papillon Esqr Mr Caleb Banks Mr Jon: Mordea Mr Tho: Cooke Mr Cudworth Mr Tho: Canham Mr Mountery Mr Page Note that Sr John Banks and Sr Jeremy Sambrookes of the last Councell are left out as being pre Elected governr and Deputy and Sr Joshua Child their late Governor now Chosen of their Committee their auctions are somewhat advanced being now worth 230 L The Lords of the Admiralty have attended his Matie to render an accot of the stores wch they have in Banck for the Equipping of a Navy if occasion should require wch after they had signified together wth the Mony requested to furnish a Supply they were referred to the Lords of the Treary who will consigne them a present summe and that affaire will be further taken into Consideration. The Duke of Grafton the 15th of May goes to sea in the Grafton ffriggt wth sevrall other Sayle appoynted to be equiped for a Summer Guard. This day the sessions at hicks hall for ye County of Middx was concluded where diverse Inhabitant of ye Citty of London were convicted on ye Statute of ye 20 a month for not comeing to Church and there is such a confluence of businesse of that kind that ye Justices designe one day next Weeke to hold a petty Session on purpose to finish that worke when Mr Attorney Genrall will be present espetially Since sevrall of the Dissenters have deld in appeales wch will then be argued & this day was affixed at ye Sessions house Gate a ffresh list of 124 Psons of both sexes to give their appearancees this Easter Tearme to Writts taken out of ye Crowne Office against them otherwise They will be proceded agt by Outla[w?]ry. I gave you an Accot in my last that ye affaire betw Mrs Bridgett Hide at Dunblayne and Mr Emerton was upon ye poynt of being compromized & agreed wch accordingly tooke affect vizt that Mr Emerton would for ever acquitt his pretentions both to ye Lady and Estate and in consideration thereof receive the Summe of 20000 Guinys together wth reasonable charge he has beene at in that Case wch tis said will Amount to 5000 More and be indemenifyd from ye Devastation and ravage he has made by selling Timber upon the Estate & on thursday last had ye 20000 Guinys paid him wth security for ye rest and ye Judges Delegates meeting yesterday after a short stay is subscribed the Sentence who are Dukes of Ormond & Albemarle Lord Maynard Bishopps of Ely and Peterborow Judges Charlton and Raymond together wth Doctor Littleton & 2 other Civilians and entered the sentence in the name of Mrs Bridgett Hide to vacate ye Marryage takeing noe cognizance of ye Lord Dunblayne as not being before them. But the Marquess Hallifax secretary Jenkins bishop of London Deans Stillingfleete and tillottson Baron Atkins & 3 other Civilians who were present refused to signe the said sentence. Last night one Scrimpshaw a Banker in fleetstreet removed his effects into Alsatia or other strong hold and stands Debtor to sevrall Credittors abt 70000 L. The sevrall Merchts upon the Exchange have advice from abroade that ye ffrench ffleete given out to be designed agt Argiers will in all probability by the circumstances wch doe occur attack ye State of Genoa. Sr ffrancis Withins is soe certaine to Succeed justice Dolbyn who has recd a quietus that his Robes are already prepareing for that Station. L. c. 1367 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 24 Aprill 1673 +Sonday morneing in ye time of devine service one Lewis a plott Evidencer haveing Knowledge that Arthur Jones a popish priest was to Officiate Mass at an Apothecaries in Long Acre procured A warrant from one Sr Tho Orbe & takeing the Assistance of A constable Beadle &c mett Jones in ye streete who being seized they Carryed him with them to search his Lodging but he took God to witnesse he did not live there as alsoe the people in ye house but being threatned to break upon the doores a woman opened ye same where the constable & Attendance repaireing to his study gathered his papers togather sealed them up & brought them with him before the sd Justice Sr Tho Orbe wch being p[er]used A letter subscribed wth 2 letters was found among them wch being read was of very dangerous high Treason not fitting to be published only the scope thereof was that all things went as they would have them that the City was Comeing apace towards us if ye ffanaticks rise they are ready for them if they Lye still the Lawes in Execucon agt them will be ye Ruine that their lives are not to pretious to loose in soe good a Cause Enclosed was a scheme of their intended proceedings wch was desired to be Carryed to P & A in the Tower bee assured of our approaching Happines Postscript if R L Libell be finished he let it be published for nothing can Contribute more to our future designes then the rediculeing our last +Which sd paper Jones denyed to have any knowledge off saying alsoe that some ye Company had shuffled it in among ye rest but the Constable being Examined swoare as alsoe ye Beadle & Watchman that that paper was taken among the others & thereupon the Justice tendred Jones the Oathes of Alleidgance & supremacy wch he refuseing to take made his Mittimus to ye Gate[house?] Satturday last was held a Court of Leiuetenancy in ye City where it being motioned to save ye City the unnecessary Expense every night of keeping up the Trayned Bands it was soe far Ordred that when the white Regiment had finished their Course they should for the future desist every night goeing forth save only on Satturday night & Sonday following Wee have an accot from the sessions at Hickses hall that Peter Kidd who Keeps ye Amsterdam Coffee house in Bartholomew Lane London was Convicted for not Comeing to Church upon the Statute of 20 L A Month & Divers others And one John Mabley A Constable being sumoned to attend the Justices at Mile end Greene in ye prambulation agt Conventicles disappeared & being sent for to shew reason replyed that in his opinion the Act agt Conventicles was agt the Lawes of Jesus Christ whereupon the Justices fined him 100 L & Committed him to New prison. And another Constable & overseer of the poore neglecting or refuseing to make a distress by breaking open of doores for 5 L their worshipps have fined them 50 L each The Merchants yesterday received Letters from Holland that the Du[tch] East India Auctions were abated to 393 [?] [&?[ advise they had [sic] of the March of ye ffrench Army not knowing wch way designd. Joanna Broome who publishes the Observator being indicted for ye same was this day to have been tryed at an Adjournd sessions of peace but twas removed by Certiorari into the Kings Bench Wee had yesterday A Genll Allarum that a great fire had hapned At Windsor wch Consumed most of peasnod [?] streete but upon a more Certaine advice it appeares altogeather groundlesse more then a Chimney on fire there Noe Installation of Knight of ye Guarter was yesterday as Expected but in the Evening Extraordinary fireworks wch was very divertizeing +This day was held A Court of Aldermen where Sr John Shorter who was sometimes since suspended yt Court as Convicted for being prsent at A Conventicle appeared desireing to be Reinstated thereon but Mr Recorder had some time allowed him to Consider & make report of ye matter. L. c. 1368 London the 26 Aprill 1683 Yow have lately had an accot that the Earle of Clare his steward &c were accused by one ffox a Blacksmith of high treason wch the ffreind of the Earle have soe Industriously searched into ye bussiness as to have discovered ye bottome of yt Intreague togeather with a knowledge of the sevrall psons who promoted & prompted the Blacksmith to ye villanous Act yesterday Affidavitts being made before a Judge Relateing to yt affaire. Sr ffrancis Withins the late steward of Westminster held his last Court on Monday last & was soe Generous upon his promotion to remitt all manner of ffines sett in ye Court yt day the duke of Ormond who has the right of yt Grant has Conferred it on one Mr Bonisha a Grayes Inn Gentleman Yesterday being the first of the Terme the late Justice Dolbin disappeared on the Kings Bench noe transaccons of very remarkable note was moved at Barr Sr ffrancis Withins in the Usuall manner with ye Coif on his head was Called to the degree of A serjeant & made his Motion at Comon Pleas Barr Afterwards treated ye Nobility Judges & other great Lawyers at a Most splendid Dinner at Serjeants Inne ffleetestreete in ye afternoone was sworne at ye Ld Keepers one of the Judges of ye Kings bench but takes not his seate till Satturday or Monday Tuesday next is appointed a further Argumt before ye Judges of the Kings Bench pro & Contra upon the Quo warranto brought agt the Charter of London Mannaged by Mr Attorney Genll for the King & Mr Pollexfen for the City. Yesterday Jones the popish preist taken on Sonday was Examined before a Commee of Councell who stands in ye denyeing the Treasonable paper found in his Chamber to be anywayes his afterwards Lewis who Caused him to be seized togeather with the Constable Beadle &c were alsoe under Examinacon & declares in ye affirmative. This day his Maties Comes from Windsor to Hampton Court where is held a great Councell Yesterday afternoone the Ld Major held A Court of Conservis for ye river of Thames at Westminster wch Occasioned most people to Judge that his goeing yt way was to Complaine at Whitehall of ye pceedings agt him in the City on Tuesday The Terme being approached Richard Goodenough an Attorney took out a second time writts agt the Ld Major & Court of Aldermen Grounded upon the Mandamus to sweare Mr Papillion & Dubois sheriffs &c wch being returnable yesterday Tuesday afternoone Mr Broome ye Coroner of the City to whome in such like Cases writts are directed Came to the Ld Majors house & acquainting him therewith refused to give appearance upon wch he arrested him & brought him prisonr to his house at Skinners hall being Clard [?] thereof Whereupon the Alarme being that the Ld Major was in Custody 7 of ye Aldrmen repaired Imediatly to see him wch when they were there Mr Broome arrested them alsoe and kept them above 4 houres Night approaching the Leiutenancy Imediatly satt and Considering that their Cheife Majestrate was in prison forthwith Ordrd A Redgiment of trayned Bands to be raised whose Drumers upon paine of death with powder Match & Bullet & put everybody to an affrightment the Kings Guards both horse & foote drew neare to Assist if Occation should prsent about the hower of 12 at night A sergeant Came from ye Compter and arrested Mr Broome and hurryed him therein upon suspition of debt who being gone & none left to secure the Ld Major & Court of Aldermen or take recognizances of them they each went to their owne homes. Next day Mr Broome being Bayled Came to the Ld Major to demand his prisonrs but the soldjers kept him from Comeing in This day Mr Broome ye Coroner haveing an affidavit On ye whole transaccon on tuesday moved ye Court [of] Kings bench by Mr Williams that ffletcher the serjeant who arrested him as alsoe ye City Marshall & others who the next day drew their swords upon him & thereby obstructed his Legall proceeding might by ye Court be brought up by an Attachmt as alsoe another affidavit by one Wilson a Mercht was read yt he being in Broomes house by his Ordr proffered to be Broomes Bayle was by ye Ld Major Comitted to ye Compter for being abroad at yt time of night & much Argument Was had thereon being defended by Sr Geo Jeoffreys who did not insist but yt A Ld Major might be arrested & alsoe that he sent his Ldpp word to give appearance but said Mr Broome proceeded very rudely & yt Mr Dubois had disclaymed his Consent to ye proceeding in fine the Court made a Rule that ye affaire on both sides be heard on Tuesday next This day Mr Sands the E India Interloper moved for a prohibition in Ordr to proceed with his shipp but the Court will take time to advise the rest of the Judges thereon. L. c. 1369 [Handwriting changes here.] London 30th Aprill 1683 I gave you last Tuesday a transcript how one arthur Jones was seized and a treasonable Letter found in his Custody and by Sr Thomas Erbe Committed to ye Gatehouse since wch ye intrigue of that affaire is discovered to actuate in a Counterfeit sham reversing on Lewis ye discoverer and his Associate judged to be calculated either to Ridicule ye Popish Plott by insinuateing yt it might be of ye like dpendency or to create a disbeliefe of what ye papists might really practice upon us hereafter Let us first as ye discovery occurs in my knowledge take I fall [?] Tho [?] Mansfeild a Romanist Sonne of ye Lady ancram [?] confedarateing wth aforesd Lewis deld him a Coppy of a treasonable paper of a Popish designe wth instructions to clear ye same to ye London Whiggs makeing them believe that it would suddainly be putt in execucon against them & that he was able to discover 12 Jesuitts newly arrived to Complott and arry on ye same evidence wch if he would seize Jones ye Preist in Long Acre he might assuredly finde ye Originall Letter in his Chamber wch according to ye Contrivance was efected but this Lewis tricks his comerade by carrying ye Paper Manfeild gave him to ye Secretarys Office wch being compared wth that found in Jones Chambers twas exactly the same word for word & hand Writing and thereupon Lewis discovers that Manfeild was ye authour who being seized has bin under examinacon & tis believed that all will prove farr worse than wee conceive. Since ye writeing of wch ye aforesd Manfeild has binn remitted over to be examined by ye Lord Cheife Justice Sandrs by him Comitted Prisoner to ye Kings bench Yesterday was a debate before ye Lord Keeper in Chancery moved by Mr Attorney Generall relateing to ye returne of a scire facias directed to ye Corporation of Nottingham in Order to reverse their new Charter that ye sd returne might be made by ye sheriffs of ye new Charter and not by those of ye Old butt his Ldpp would not declare his oppinion till some further time The Earls of Sunderland and Peterborow are sworne at ye Chancery Barr ye first as secretary ye latter as Privy Councellor Little observable was transacted in ye Kings Bench Jones a dissenting preacher was brot up by habeas Corpus being taken upon ye Writt Excomunicato Capiendo and his Councell moved that there was a defect in ye significavitt and thereupon desired to be discharged therefrom, upon which ye Court will further Search into that matter, and if ye Law be on his side shall reape ye benefit of ye same A Gent in ye Common Pleas moved for a new tryall for excess of damages haveing 1000 L value passed against him at Bedford Assizes for lying wth another Mans wife makeing his exception that all ye Jury were marryed Men, but ye Court affirmed ye Judgment. This day Sr francis Withins tooke his Seate as a judge of ye Kings bench but little of moment occurd Thomas Player moved in arrest of judgmnt agt ye verdict obtained against him of 100 L by sheriffe Rich arguing ye bill of exceptions that they challenged the whole array as being returned by Sr Dudly North and thereby not a Compleate returne but ye Court gave then a Weeks time to heare farther presidents in ye Case. Monday next is now appoynted to heare the farther argument upon ye Citty Charter ye Kings Councell is very possitive that they shall cary ye poynt and ye other as much on tuesday senight ye Citty Riottrs be a 2d time brot to tryall. Yesterday wee had advice that ye shipp East India Merchant was arrived from Battavia into ye Downes setting sayle from thence on ye 5th of 9br last that Capt Conyers her Comdr dyed in ye Country he has brot back all ye powder & Gunn wch she carryed for a present to ye King of Bantam the Dutch not sufffring her to Land any of them for feare of wch they convoyed her wth 2 Men of Warr 100 Leagues homeward, ye sd shipp brings back ye rest of ye Bantam ffactors together wth effects vizt 1500 baggs of Paper tho she is but 1/2 ffreighted and give an accot that ye Dutch was still in possession of ye Castle & were fortyfying hemplines [?] stronger in Bantam where ye Young King remaines ye Dutch sent 1000 White Men from Battavia to their further assistance and made 2 attempts to beate ye Old King from ye port he maintaines but did not efect it The auctions of ye East India Company are advanced to 250 L. L. c. 1370 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 1st of May 1683 +Satturday last Capt Sarsfeild who was lately Engaged in the Attempt upon the Lady Herbert assisted therein by one Sr John Parsons his intimate acquaintance made a Challenge to Sr John tho upon a very slight Occation of not returning Back a writeing wch the said Capt Sarsfeild in the time of his being wounded gave him for his Indempnificacon & they faught without seconds behinde Mountague house Sr John had ye advantage in the feild but they were both Carryed of soe dangerously wounded being each run thro ye body that their lives are both in danger. Yestrday Mr Sacherevelle & others of the Corporation of Nottingham putt in an Answere to the plea upon the Quo Warranto brought agt the old Charter of ye Corporation notwithstanding they gave a new Charter Yesterday was brought on the further Argumt Mannaged by Mr Attorney Genll agt the City Charter & was Continued therein from 8 of ye Clock in ye morning till past 2 in ye afternoone the length of wch tooke by the whole bussiness of yt day & tis Impossible to give yow a transcript more then in Genll tho he Endeavoured to answer sevrall matters affirmd by Mr Recorder in his Case [?] Argumt reciteing presidents that a Charter was forfeitable & then would pro[ve] that the City had forfeited theirs & that in ye most bold & dareing affronts agt his Matie & Governmt Especially Laying the greatest stress agt the Petition that it was taxing the Kings Justice in doubting his Mercy & insinuated him a Tyrant not fitt to Governe & then to rayse money by way of Marketts arbitrary & Illegall was such an Aggrivacon of their Guilt that it was high time to reduce you to obedience that his Matie did not designe this.in ye least to make A totall deprivacon of their privil[edge] but to amend them & was very sever[ely] agt Mr Recorder as to severall of his Argumts especially yt a Corporacon was [?] invisible wch Mr Attorney said was quite otherwise but it must be invisible to the Recorder he being ye mouth and not the eyes of A Corporacon & in ye Close of his discourse with all possible Rhetoric pressed the seizure of their liberty & that there was nothing soe playne to any Intelligent Pson as yt they had forfeited & lost them & then Excuseing the length of time Concluded ye same whereupon some in ye Court made a hum [?] The Ld Ch: Justice Saunders then stood up & replyed that indeed it was long but did not think it soe being pleased therewith & that he made A good Argumt & nothing of it could well be left out which being then late Mr Pollexfen was Ordrd to make his Argumt this morning & Contra This morning Mr Pollexfen began his Argumt in defence of the City Charter reduceing ye same to 6 heads first alledging that ye Quo warranto was not well brought being agt a body politique when it should have been only agt ye pticular psons who were Culpable & yt those presidents Quoted by Mr Attorney of Cityes forfeiting yr Charters not ptinent to this matter for when this City Charter was taken away it was in the time of ye Barons wares & not wholy taken away either for that ye King appointed a Custos of the City instead of ye Major yet ye Aldrman were Continued then Mr Pollexfen Endeavoured to Justify ye peticon setting forth ye danger of ye popish plott & yt Mr Attorney streyned the words of yt peticon to farr & set forth what Infinite Conveniencyes would follow the takeing away of the Charter for ye same might be done to all ye Corporations in England Adding he should be sorry to see the Governmt destroyed in his time for if so one pte of the Constitucon of the Governmt vizt the house of Comons might be intended & Concluded wth this that if what was alledged agt ye City was true it would not be a forteiture of their Charter wholy but in pte & that only where they were Culpable & said that as the Quo warranto was brought the Court could not give Judgmt against ye City. +Then Mr Attorney prayed Imediate Judgmt but the Court said it was a weighty Cause & referrd it to be moved again the last day of ye Terme The Complaint of ye City Coroner relateing to the Ld Major was put off till Thursday morning next. [Handwriting changes here.] Sr I returne my humble acknowledgmt for yo[u]r Constant remitteing Quarterly of my Intelligence under the Candour of yo[u]r goodness I take the Liberty to acquaint you that the sum [?] now due is not Come to hand as usuall & therefore presume that their is some mistake wch [?] I doe not tend in the Least to Misdoubt yo[u]r sincerity but truly to [about twelve letters illegible] to occation no misunderstanding betweene Sr yr must humble servt G H Aprill 28th 83 L. c. l37l [Handwriting changes here.] London 3d May 1683 Letters from an English shipp in the Streights say that the Algerines have built a new ffort upon their Mole and planted thereon 41 Great Cannons and that they had 4 shipps upon ye stocks ready to Lanch to carry 36 & 40 Gunns each ffrom Vienna ye 25 of Aprill they write yt the Turkish Army began to move and prpare for some greate seige & ye Bassas of ye frontiers are joyning Count Teckly to prevent the Imperiall Army from falling on him, ye difference between ye Muscovite and Ye Turk still increases ye Dyett of Poland was broken up ye 24 Aprill to great satisfaction, the Turkish Chiaux [?] is confined by reason ye Emperors ambassadr to ye Turk is undr restraynt and ye Agent from Teckly in Poland has a Guard of soldiers sett over him & not suffered to have any Communication wth the ffrench Nation ye 25th ye Earle Borson [?] brot to Vienna ye Ratification of ye alliance betweene ye Court of Poland and ye king has summoned the Arierban of the Kingdome. The Duke of Lorraine wth all ye head Officrs were come to Vienna and were going to ye Genrall Randezvous and ye Imperiallistes are execiseing the horse [?] of artillery to be made expert. Hamburgh ye 4 of May the King of Denmark has ordered 4 daies of ffasting to be kept throughout his Country ye lst ye 8th [?] ye 2d ye 14, & ye last on ye 21 and then intends to march his army his designe as yett unknowne +The Magistrates of Bremen have recd 400 Lunenburghes into their Townes and pmitted 700 more undr their Walles the Populacy fearing to be Stratsburghised tooke Armes drove ye 400 therout seized upon ye Magistrates & Demanded an Accot how they have expended ye publick Treasure haveing raysed more taxes ye last 20 yeares than 100 before The Paris Lettres of same Date say that ye King was taken ill of a Vomitting wch at ye first ye Court was affraid that his Maty had been poysoned but since is somewt better. The State of Genoa are soe far from desisting putting their Gallyes to sea upon ye Command of ye ffrench that they will doubl ye number and order of ye building of 10 new ones and has made a League wth Spaine for mutuall defence and sent to other princes. A Declaration is comeing out in ffrance forbidding all protestant Ministres from Marrying or Baptiseing. Sr Wm Smith a Justice of Peace of Middx sumoning a Church Warden in Stepny P[ar]ish before him demanding out of his hands certain summes of Mony being better able how to judge of ye distributing it to ye poore, which ye Church Warden refuseing to deliver him his Worpp comitted him to Goale who being freed by habeas corpus moved the Kings Bench against the Justice which upon a heareing before ye Judges it was looked upon Arbitrary and illegall whereupon Sr Wm asked ye Church Warden Pardon in ye fforce [?] of ye Court. +The Charter of ye Citty of Norwich being brot up againe to be amended I have strictly enquired into the Defects & finde that one John ffawsett who was entrusted in ye management thereof gave a wrong information of ye Xtian Names of Sevrall who were inserted in ye Charter as alsoe ye Stewardes [about eight letters smeared] neither was ye Earl of Yarmouth impowered to make a Deputy and some were put in who had not recd a sacrament for Common Councell Men upon wch tis judged that ye sd Charter must repass ye Seales again before it can be perfected The affaire of Broome ye Coronr against the Lord Mayor is farther deffered to be heard to morrow This day was a tryall at Kings Bench barr upon an action of Scandalum Magnatum brot by his Grace ye Duke of Ormond agst Wm Hetherington formerly much discoursed of as manager of ye Irish Evidencer & Mr Justice Warcup and Narrative Smith who has reassumed ye Secular habitt gave severally the Evidence that ye sd Hetherington declared, that his Grace was a Traytor and a Papist, & concerned in the Irish Popish Plott Hetherington brot some psons to Evade ye same and to declare that Mr Smith would have had them joyne in swearing of a Plott &c but the Jury without going from ye Barr deld their Verdict for ye Plt and gave him 10000 damages whereupon Hetherington being in Court was turned over to ye Kings Bench in Execucon for the same. L. c. l372 London May 5th l683 I haveing mett wth some farther Accot of Mr. Pollexfens Argument for the Charter of London send you some of ye heads vizt-- That he affirmes yr Attorney Generall has not and cannot produce one single president that ever ye Charter had Judgment agst it to be totally void but only Quo Warranto ended richer either in ffines, Imprisonment or Noli Prosequi that Mr Attornys Presidents were obsolete in Richd ye 2d time when ye 2 houses of Yorke and Lancaster were in Warr, & such presidents were brot in ye time of Ship Mony, but pray Remember ye sadd Consequences even to the Judges themselves. Then Mr Pollexfen argued poyntes of Law that as if Quo Warranto was brot ye Court could not give Judgment on it [?] And then spoke to ye 2 benches [?] assigned Markett and Peticoning they being charged to oppress ye Kings subjects & tax [?] ye King of Injustice yett he does say that not one Markett Man or Woman ever yett complained but Mr Attorney Genll that before ye ffire they stood in ye open Streets where ye Sunshine and dust prejudiced their Meat and payed the Shopkeeper before whose Doores they stood and now pay not the Amount and have all pleasurable Conveniencyes and that they have a power to regulate Marketting by prescripcon. Then Mr Attorny charges them by takeing Such unreasonable Tolles [?] to have actually forfeited ye Charter, and therefore since ye time of Common Councell being 7 yeares Since continue to act which is a usurpation now then if by takeing ye Tolles [?] has forfeited their Charter, ye Peticon wch was but 2 yeares Since cannot affect ye Charter being as Mr. Attorny alleadges destroyed ye Citty are not Guilty of ye 2d Act but ye psons who did usurp ye Citty Title & may be personally questiond, but otherwise ye Elections chuse their representatives to doe nothing but what is Lawfull, therefore if their representatives doe any thing contrary to Law as treason &c their Psons and Estates are lyable to punishment and forfeiture & that ye Charter wch is invisible and ye Common councell cannot doe any other Act to forfeit ye Charter, neither have they power of tho' will to Surrender it, upon wch Depends ye Revenue of ye Citty, ye Charters of pticlar Corporations Prisons and hospitalles, noe more than ye heads of ye Universityes and Colledges can doe any thing to forfeit or deliver up any of their Land or Revenues in like manner cannot ye Bishopes forfeit their Lands and Proffittes belonging to ye Sees, if they could I don't know what tricks in this Age might be found to bring all their Revenues into one hand. The Cittys Peticon was in a time of a popish Plott just after a prorogation, if a terme be prorogued either by ffire or Plague has [?] an Interruption of Justice if ye Lords in ye Tower had petition'd them might they not call it soe one haveing had Justice already & they not yett brot to in their Tryalls & [about six letters illegible] but hard to give Judgment agst ye Charter confirmed by many Actes of Parliament for ye Error of a Word. If ye Charter be forfeited all ye Acts of Parliament directing use of ye Corporations will Totally fall for they can noe wayes affect a new Charter; The Charter is not an Estate for Life nor to ye Heires of ye Body, but is granted to ye Cittizens & their Successors whoever they be therefore John haveing an Estate for Life and after [his?] Decease to Thomas how can any Act of Treason in John take away ye right of Thomas who has no right till Johns Death soe consequently ye Cittizens that are to come have not forfeited their their right altho' many of their Ancestores were hanged for Treason. If ye Cittyes Charter be dissolved all their Lands and what they hold by Prescription will be Lost, and it would not only concerne London in pticlar but ye whole Kingdome in Generall, as all ye Colledges hospitalles & any Episcopal See & Dependency on ye prelacy soe ye Govrnmt it selfe would be subject to an Alteration. ffor tho [?] one of ye Actes of this Realme Increase Ye House of Commons a 3d part of wch consists of ye members of Corporations and Barronyes & if in a new Charter no Magistrate or otherwise be Chosen but by approbation of ye Prince & his Successors, why then if in a 100 yeares a Popish Prince should reigne, & would he d'yee think approve of any but papists & would such papists chuse any other Parliamt Men but papists and would Such Parliamt Men make any other Law but in favour of Papists to destroy ye protestants Religion for ye Prince makeing ye Lords 1/3 [?] of meanes [?] 2.3ds of ye House of Commons would not this make out my Assertions that if Judgment pass agt ye Charter twould tend to ye change of Govrmnt both in Church and State. But Mr Attorny foreseeing ye Mischeife would now have it farr lesse than is layed in ye Information not to make it Dead or wholly Anihilate it but only to seize their Libertyes and ffranchises and restore it againe tis wth ye Body Politique as wth ye Body Naturall can I say of ye Body Naturall I want Law for [?] Man Dead God forbid, but only have his Meate, Drink, Sleep, and Aire he rather in [?] taken away whats ye end of this but Death +Soe Mr. Attorny would not have ye Parchmt undr ye Great Seale taken away but only his profittes & Priviledges are not these ye Life of Body Politique as bread and Aire to ye Body Naturall This is only a Transcript of excellent Arguments on this Subject. L. c. 1373 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 8 May l683 Yesterday ye Ld Chiefe Justice Saunders after 3 days of indisposicon Came into ye Court of Kings bench dureing his absence little of remark Occurd being pticuler Tryalls at Barr & ye Complaint of Broome the Coroner agt the late proceedings of the Ld Major every day procrastinated that worthy of remark was that yesterday it being moved by ye Councell for ye severall psons of the Corporacon of Worcester who ye last Terme had a verdict agt them by Default upon a Quo Warranto That they had attended the offices for A Record but could not obteyne it Soe prayed longer time but the Court finding that they had little to offer by way of Assigneing of Error Ordrd Judgmt to be Entered agt them wch tho Imediatly it does not affect ye Charter yet Consequently it will for those psons being disincorporated there will not be enough left to form a Court or proceed upon any City affaire Capt Sands the East India Interloper wch has Occasiond much discourse about procureing a prohibition to stay proceedings in ye Admiralty Court & to bring it to Common Law whereby he by yt means by giveing Security might proceed on his voyage Came yesterday to be further argued but the Court findeing that he not haveing [?] laid his suggestion arright absolutely denied a prohibition there being noe Suite Comenced agt him by ye Company whereby he is now like to Lye by ye walls Yesterday we had advise by a Ship from Jamaica wch brought ye Manifesto from yt Island that a Ship the Owners Respect Joshua Spencer Master in her way to yt Island was met & attaqued by a ffrench privateere of 26 guns wch haveing killd ye boatswaine purser &c & wounded others made themselves Masters & Carryed her into Hispaniola where keeping her 2 Months & Rifleing her of all her Cargo worth neare 20000 L they gave the Mr Liberty with his Shipp to depart who in 5 dayes afterwards arrived at Jamaica all wch transcripcon is at Large sent to his Matie Yesterday we had ye Certaine Accot of the great News that a Match is fully Concluded between Prince George Brother to ye King of Denmark & The Lady his Royall Highnesses only unmarryed Daughter wch I am Credibly assured that his Matie signifyed to ye Councell the same & ffriday last propounded itt to the Lady & instruccons given to the King of Denmarkes Envoy to dispatch an express for his speedy Comeing over hither wch I am told will be Consummated in July & afterwards to reside for the most pte in his Kingdome the Articles as yt not Come to my Knowledge Our ffrench Letters Genelly say that his Maties preparations by sea are certainly designd to attaque the state of Genoa and that wch gives the most suspition thereof is that his Matie refused to read the Genoas Agents Letters & bad him to Depart ye Court. Yesterday Sr Patients Ward pleaded to the Informacon of Perjury agt [him?] wch will be tryed some time this Terme 5 small men of warr is orderd forthwith to be Equiped to Cruise agt Salley & releive Admirall Herbert now before yt Harbour the Emperor of Morocco refuseing to agree ye peace att sea the Governor of Tangeire has dismised ye Jewes from thence findeing it disadvantious to suffer them in the City by reason of the Intelligence they hold with ye Moores This Day was a great tryall at the Kings bench barr brought by the Unfree forraigine Merchts agt ye City of London by way of Quo Warranto upon the issue that they exacted a Duty Called water Balledge of them to ye value of 7 or 8000 L p Ann & had a Jury out of Kent there being 10 Knights in ye panell wch after 5 howers pleading they gave a verdict for the King on behalfe of ye Merchts agt ye City without stirring from ye Barr. +This afternoone was brought on at Guild hall the Tryall agt the City Rioters upon the Choyce of the late Sheriffs wch after 5 howers Debate 14 of them were found Guilty viz the Ld Grey Pilkington Shute Bethell Swinock Sr Tho player Jekell Cornish &c & the attorney Genll intendes to bring Informations agt Millcally [?] L. c. 1374 [Handwriting changes here.] 10th May 1683 +What may be added to what I wrote you Thursday last relating to the verdict obteyned agt those Tearmed Whiggs for Committeing ye Ryott by Continuing togeather to Poll for Sherriffes after The Ld Major had adjourned them on ye 24 June last will have a great Influence on the the future Choyce of Sherriffes of London and Middx in case the Quo Warranto should not bee adjudgd agt the City Charter as also itt will much abate by the same proceedings [about ten words illegible] Mr Papillion and Dubois Sheriffs wch tis said mr Attorny Genll will pursue with all vigour haveing allready ordrd [about twenty words illegible] The 2 late Sheriffs Mr Pilkington and Shute [?] Alderman Cornish the Ld Gray Sr Tho Player Mr Jenks Mr Jeckell Mr Key [?] Mr Goodenough and Attorny Mr Wickham Mr ffreeman Mr Deagle Mr Synock [?] the late Sheriff Bethell who will receive [?] the Jury the Close of the Tearm in case the Ld Cheife Justice refuses to signe their bill of exceptions and they do not obteyne an Arrest of Judgmt wch they intend tomorrow the Kings Bench Ba[rr?] His Royall Highness has brought his action of Scandalum Magnatum agt an Apothecary and other Scandalums all abroad on accompt of the Duke of Beauford wch tis said Mr Wilkes the late sheriffe [?] concluded therein but I have strictly Inquired & finde Errour that itt is agt one Sr Jerome Williams a late Member of Parliamt for Monmuthshiere The Match concluded betweene Prince George of Denmarke and the Lady wch I gave an account of in my last is soe nearly [?] concluded that there are sevrall yauches by wch to bring him over with Expedition and some specall Persons were a takeing Albemarle House for their Residence but have since pretend [?] upon Berkshiere house by St Jameses where they will live in great state and the Princes' made an English Duke the title said to bee either Cumberland or Glocester and that Booner Rayner [?] Quarter Title bee likewise conferred on him the Prince has no Present considerable Estates but by the Articles the King of Denmarke is to settle a valuable one upon him and his Royall Higness as much. [Handwriting changes here.] Yesterday afternoon Lewis the Evidence whome you have lately heaard of for Seizing one James a preist upon a sham pretension was tried before ye Lord cheife Justice at Westminister upon an Information for laying and coomplotting a new invented Sham to bring his Maty into hatred of his Subjectes and affirming that he was a Papist and that ye Papres found in ye Earle of Shafteburys Closett was by direction put there in Order to take him off the Evidence against him were those of his Owne Gang wch fform the Jew [?] Members and some others of that Crew who Deposed what Plotts and Contrivances they had together to gett Money but being turned out of his Matys fathers [?] Pay they declared how this [?] Lewis in Revenge resolved to ruine ye Court, but defend himselfe brot diverse Wittnesses to depose how and by whome they were Suborned to swear falsely in sevrall Relation they had given upon oathes that What zeale deposed relateing to ye burning of ye Navy was purely an invention of theirs when abedd together that what Mowbray swore at Oxford he owned to severall was false, that Faria a Jew being arrested for it [?] swore treason agt his Creditor Lewiss reputation being inquired into twas proved that he forged Mens hande and bye sevrall summes of Mony and had twice stood in ye Pillory in fine there was such an impeaching one another for Ragusives [?] that ye Ld Ch Justice Suming up ye Evidence, said that they were all such a pack of Villaines as the like number was not to be found on this side hell the Jury wthdrew and tho ye Evidence were soe Naught yett a rogue might be best to detect a Rogue and he brot him in Guilty of ye Wordes. Our fforaigne Lettres say yt ye Duke of Brandenburgh has declared that in Case ye ffrench attacque any pte of ye Empire during ye Warr wth ye Turkes he will break his Neutralty wth him and join wth ye Emperor L. c. 1375 [Handwriting changes here.] London May 12 1683 Yesterday the soe famed proceeding between Verdon the late Under Sheriffe of Norfolk and one Smith a Deputy to Topham Sergeant to the House of Commons was tryed at the Kings bench barre; the Lord Cheife Justice absent after haveing been heard already satt aside for excesse of Dammages and undue procedure of 2 verdicts of 500 at Cambridgeshire Assizes agt the Defendt the meritt of whose Cause in breife stands (vizt) That the aforesaid Smith haveing a Warrant from the Speakr to bring Mr Verdon to the House of Commons seized him on the 11th of January above 100 miles from London And they being onwards their way heard in someplaces a report that the parlt was prorogued the 10th wch the Messenger not giveing Creditt unto continued to bring him for London, but when he was assured of the truth discharged him The Queen [?] lay whether flyeing reports of persons and News papers were a Legall and Sufficient notice to have discharged him in the Country which if they had mistaken a prorogacon for an adjournment and he lett him goe; Then the Messenger would have been punished by the House of Commons for being remisse in his duty, And then secondly if Smith might have had a Sufficient assurance of the prorogacon Sooner upon the road, whether in such cases it ought not to be construed favourably for an Officer where it does appear it was not malitiously intended And then thirdly what damages if any ought to be given for a days detainure for twas impossible at that distance to have notice of a prorogacon sooner than the poste could bring it; Many other arguments were had in the Cause to long to insert; So the Court directing the Jury in the points of Law they withdrew & brought in their Verdict this day for the pet[itioner] it [?] being a third Cambridgeshire Jury. Yesterday morning were two Duells fought the one by Mr Talbot and Chudley two Officers of the Custome House on Tower-hill; The second by four Gentlemen Officers of Souldiers at Barne-Elmes and not one of the 6 slaine though some dangerously and the rest sleightly wounded. Yesterday one Mr Hugh Speake a Gentleman of Sommersett shire now in Towne gave bayle before one Justice Parry to answer an Indictment next Sessions being charged by a man and his wife for sayeing That ye words which the late Alderman Pilkington was found guilty of were true (viz) That the Duke of Y. was a papist & had a hand in burning the Citty &c. But the Said Mr Speake affirmed that it is done purely out of malice & that he can certainly make it out soe. Yesterday afternoon the Lord Grey of Warke was Seized by two Sergeants at Armes and carried Prisoner before a Councill at Whitehall being accused as I am credibly informed for haveing a great quantity of ffire armes found upon search by the Deputy Lieutenants in a garrett of his House in the Charter=house Yard being 80 Musketts packed up in Matts To which his Lordship replyes That just after the breaking out of the Plott he bought them Designeing to furnish his Severall Seats in the Country but generally rejoiceing in Towne all the time since he forbore to send them and soe they remained as they were at first packed up. And being examined by the Councill thereon declard that by an Act of Parlt. in Hen. 8 time every Peer was obliged to keep Sufficient Armes for 100 men and that they were bought after Christmas in 1678, produceing the Gunsmith who brought his booke which did ascertaine the time, & Likewise there was a vote in the House of Lords that all Protestants should be armed and that the severall parcells had particular direccons on them to be sent into the Countrey, which being considered of by the Councill, the Lord Privy Seale would have taken his Lordships word but some of the rest overruled That his Lordship entered into 3000 L recognizance and the Lord Brandon his Security the like to appeare next Wednesday before the Councill at Hampton Court. This day by mocon it was ordered That Sr Patience Ward one of our Alderman should be brought to his Tryall upon the Informacon of Perjury agt him this day sennight at the Kings bench barre The proceedings of Broome the Coroner agt the Lord Mayor will be brought further on in the Kings bench the Lord Mayor and the rest of the Aldermen yesterday giveing in appearance to the Accon of Papillon and Dubois in order to laye the issue of that affaire. The Earle of Danby moved by Councell for a habeas Corpus to be brought to the Kings bench barre in order to endeavor to be bayled, Which was granted. On Thursday Sr John Jorden appointed to goe Envoy to Holland tooke his leave of the East India Company and has since departed to demand restitucon of the States for their Accon at Bantham his Instruccons being very sharp and positive to know whether they will owne that Concerne and how & what Satisfaccon they will make that his Matye may know what measures to take in that soe great affaire, being peticoned to by the East India Company. L. c. 1376 [Handwriting changes here.] London May l5th l683 Yesterday Capt Sands the Designd Interloper to ye East Indies moved the Court of Kings Bench afresh haveing mended his Suggestion praying a Prohibition to bring ye meritt of the Cause betw him & the East India Company to be tryed at Common Law, & yt he giveing of bayle soe to doe to proceed on his intended voyage which after Some Debate ye Court allowed unless ye East India Company show Cause by Satturday next to the Contrary. A motion was made in favour of the late Citty Riotters that ye first proceeding against them wherein they challenged the whole array as not haveing a Knt on the Councill and was allowed might be Recorded wch ye Clarke refused to Enter, but ye Court considering that then ye last Judgment might be erroneous as there not being l5 dayes from the Teste [?] to ye Distringnam [?] soe would not Ordr but said if ye Clarke had not done the Duty there was a Remedy to be taken against him. Satturday last Mr Samll Nearne Mess of the Stationrs Company after sevrall dayes indisposicon of a virulent feavour departed this Life wch he was very loath to leave at this Season because ye Whiggs he said would impute it a Judgment as being a zealous Prosecutor of them. +Yesterday one Millet a Life Guard man attended the Comeing through the Meuse [?] of One Wm Tindall a late Woolen Draper, whome he conceived the day before had affronted him in Order to force him to ffight wch the sd Mr Tindall declineing Miller drew Cutt & prickt him then Mr Tindall in his owne defence unsheathed his Sword & at ye first home pass brot Miller Dead to ye Ground & then went to a Tapicer who upon hearing ye Circumstances admitted him to Bayle. yesterday Mr Atty Genll Moved ye Court of Kings Bench for Judgment against the Citty Charter but Mr Pollexfen on behalfe of ye Citty prayed their Lopps to take a long day to Considr of it being an affaire of Mighty Consequence wch the Court likewise declared and yt it was not possible to doe any thing therein this Tearme soe assign'd the day on ye first Tuesday in Trinity Tearme being this day Month and within one of ye longest days in the yeare. Yesterday alsoe Some psons keeping the possession of a house in Westminster Sevrall broake in upon them killed one & Wounded ye rest and were themselves Comitted to ye Gatehouse Last night Some Councellors attended ye Lord Chancellr [?] on behalfe of ye Citty Riotters to endeavour to prevaile upon him to Signe their Bill of Exception but his Lopp would not then admitt them to him being taken ill. Our Lettres from Holland say yt Aldrm Backwell the late Bancker who had resided there Some Considerable time dyed ye midle of ye last weeke and we heare that Doctr Witchcott ye famous London Divine Left this World the Close of the same Weeke in ye Countrey near Cambridge. This day wee had Lettres from Vi[enna] of the 7th instant wch Gives us ye Circum[stances] of ye Rendezvous of ye Imperial army on the 6th Ditto Some Miles from presbourg they being drawne up in Battalia Invaded above 2 English Miles and were [?] Mustered 50 odd Thousand Soldrs Effective wth a trayne of 95 peeces of Cannon. The Emperor accompayed with ye Duke of Bavaria and other Electors and Greate Personnages arrived at ye Camp on horsback at 10 of ye Clock in ye Morning where they heard Mass Some by the Arch Bishop of Grann who afterward published an Indulgence to Soldrs and then kneeling before ye army Gave them a Blessing 3 sevrall times wch they as often thanked him wth Vollyes of Shottes and when ye Emperor had Viewed the whole body Ordered a Months Pay and ye next day ye Duke of Lorraine as Generallissimo broake up ye army and Marched for Raab but dureing ye Randezvous Sevrall Turkes were Seized for Spyes ffarther advice sayes that a Greate body of Turks and Tartars from Newhausell went on ye Scoute supposeing the Imperiallists were still at their Randezvous but were encountred by some German and hungarian Troops who killed above 700 Turks Sevrall Regiments more are on their March to joyne ye head Army whereby the Emperor will be in a good posture of Defence & ye King of Poland is ready to depart for ye Hungarian ffrontier & will by ye last of June Comand ye army himselfe. L. c. 1377 London May l7th l683 Yesterday was nothing transacted at ye Kings Bench Barr save only a long Tryall betweene ye King and some Relations on behalfe of one Mr Ayliffe of Wilts to prove whether he was Lunatic or not being a a Gent of 2200 L P Ann & by a Comission of Lunacy directed to Sevrall Gent of yt County found soe to be but ye Ld Grandison on behalfe of his Relations espoused ye Interest as to endeavour to vacate the said Comission, but upon ye Proofe yt was brot into Court it plainly appeare[d] by ye Many extravagent actions he had Comitted that he was altogether out of his wits, whereupon ye Jury brot in their Verdict for ye King ye Estate to be managed by Sr Walter St John & Colonnel Strangewayes of Dorsettshire for ye use of his children & Mr Ayliffe only to have a certaine allowance who was at present confined in A house at Hogedon for ye Cure of his Distemper. Letters from ffrance say yt ye ffrench ffleete has put to sea being above 70 sayle & will first goe before argire ye peace being in a maner concluded betw his Matty and that Governmt but dare [?] not be published for feare of ye Common People who have now scarce any Nations left to Prey upon, therefore by some of that Governmt are desired to come before that place, yt ye people then forseeing the Danger may be Contented to have it agreed and Satisfyed wch as soone as perfected ye ffleete will bend their Course agt ye State of Genoa haveing 10000 Land Soldrs on board and they Write yt ye ffirst attaque will be at Savone, a port belonging to yt Republick. Which that state being apprehensive of are at Work on ye ffortifications at Savona and 2 Batteryes makeing at ye haven wch wth ye Castle is thought Sufficient to defend ye Same, the Italian German & Switzeres Companyes are recruiteing and all maner of preparation are makeing to Withstand and attacque whch that State is now assured will be made upon them by ye ffrench. Letters from Warsaw of ye 29th of Aprill say that last ffryday ye Senatus Consilium broake up after haveing concluded Sevrall Weighty affaires and now ye Consilium Bellicum is assembled and continues with great Zeale to carry on ye Warr against ye Turk but tis thought that this yeare they cannot be able to act offensive, but send their fforces as a supply to ye Emperor in Hungaria and tis affirmed that ye king of Poland has treated wth ye Tartare for a considerable Summe not to take part wth ye Turkes but contrarywise have promised & Sworne to engage wth ye Poles against them as also ye Cossacke haveing recd what Satisfaction from ye King they required have assured that they will assist ye Crowne of Poland against ye Turkes. Great preparations are makeing to receive their Royall Highnesses at Oxford who goe thither the Close of this or beginning of ye next Weeke. This being holy thursday nothing done at Westminster hall. Yesterday one Sr William [name of about four letters faded] of ye County of Surry and Mr Dorrington being in a Taverne a quarrell arose to that hight that they drew forth their Weapons & encountred each other ye first was Slightly and ye latter mortally Wounded upon wch Sr William is Comitted to ye Gatehouse. Yesterday was held a Counsell at Hampton Court his Maty present where was brot a Great Complaint that one of ye Spanish ambassadrs retinue was arrested and put into ye Comptr of London by One Smith of ye New Exchange and prayd to be discharged but ye Counsell would order nothing more than that ye ambassador should take ye Remedy against Smith. At ye Same time ye Lord Gray appeared upon ye bussinesse of ye armes found in his house of which I have given a former accot & upon heareing of ye whole his Lopp was acquitted from any intentionall design wth them. But was ordered to enter into 10000 L Recognizance to keep 12 Monthes the Kings Peace and 5000 L each his 2 Suretyes being Mr Ralph Gray his Brother and Mr. Nevell his Brother in Law but I doe not Learn that ye Musketts were ordered to be redelivered to him. +The Ld Keeper on Tuesday was pleased to Reverse a Decree in Chancery which ye late Ld Chancellor Sometime before his Death made in favour of Charles Howard for a Moyety of an Estate belonging to ye Duke of Norfolke his Brother the Ld Keepers opinion wth ye other judges being formerly of ye Same opinion as now reverst. L. c. 1378 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 19 May 1683 +Yesterday the Earle of Danby accompanied with Divers other Peeres was by Habeas Corpus brought into ye Court of Kings Bench wch after his Comittment with ye returned were read his Ldpp began to speak & offer new mater but the Court would then admitt of noe Debate declareing that they being to meet ye rest of ye Judges in ye vacation would Consider altogeather about it & that his Ldpp by a Rule of Court should attend them againe ye first of next Terme & then know their Determinate oppinions in ye Case. One Manfield who was lately Comitted for the Sham letter found in ye Custody of Jones the Popish priest seized by Louis the Evidencer pleaded not Guilty to an Informacon & will be tryed next Terme thereon A person being Convicted in 100 L last Wiltsheire Assizes for saying that they were other knaves of fools that addressed mooved in arrest of judgment but ye Court deferrd ye debate thereof till next Terme Thursday afternoone Mr Williams and Thomson Councellors for ye City Rioters attended ye Ld Ch: Justice Saunders he endeavord to gett ye Bill of Excepcons signed but could by noe means prevaile his Ldpp bidding them moove it in Court wch they refused saying they went in a due method then his Ldpp being in yt case only to be addrest to Upon refusal of wch they yesterday mooved in arrest of judgmt & Mr Atty opposed their Motion as to have it argued on Monday because then they might Evade sentence this Terme soe was Ordrd to be debated to day. Yesterday the Spanish Ambassadrs Nephew who was deteyned prisoner in ye Comptor was discharged Mrs Smith of ye Exchange who arrested him being taken up by one of ye Kings Messingers whereby shee was Obleidged to agree his Enlargmnt Lres from Paris say that the ffrench King was on last Wedensday to depart to his army wch they write will direct yr March towards Itally some great designe being on foote that his Matie takes wth him ye Genll & other officers of his Hospitall for wounded sol[d]iers which confirmes the discourse of some Considerable Effort for they never goe to ye Army unless in times of Eminent Action The same Lres alsoe give an accot that the Doctors of ye Sorbon to whome the Censure of ye Bishop of Tirgonia were referrd are Come to a result in their opinion (Viz) that ye Pope is not infallible that his Holyness has not Jurisdiccon over a temporall prince that all ye usurpacon Contrary to ye gallican Church ought to be Condemned that ye Articles wch ye Assembly of ye Clergy a yeare since agreed to ought to be Embraced & mainteyned wth divers other heads the same being carryed by a great Majority for out of 171 wch Composed the number of ye sd Doctors (iii) voted in ye affirmative Tis farther added that ye great disturbance & Insurreccon of ye Protectorats supposed to be in Langue dock protestants appeares only a small disturbance yt 5 Catholicks made by forcibly Comeing into one of ye protestants temples who takeing A suddain alaram feareing some designe put themselves in Armes but ye next day laid them downe againe but they write the ffrench King resents it ill & would not admitt yr Deputyes wch ye Protestants sent to give a true accot of the same to his Matie to come into his prsence. Last night broake forth a fire at Holbourne wch Consumed about 6 houses before it could be Extinguished Thursday next is appointed a Common Councell where tis thought some Considerable affaire relateing to ye Charter will be transacted +This day was brought on ye tryall of sr Patients Ward in ye Court of Kings bench for perjury wch Continued from 9 in ye morning til 3 in ye afternoone wch obstructed all other businesse the wittnesses for ye King were sr Henry Tulse sr Wm Hooker & divers others who deposed that sr Patients swore that in ye discourse wch Alderman Pilkington made there was noe mention made of ye Duke of Yorke wch they declared there was divers witnesses alsoe appeared on his behalfe who declared yt sr Patients mentioned to ye best of his Memory & Mr Blaney a Barrister who took it in short hand gave upon Oath yt what he took in his book at Pilkingtons tryall was true wch being read was much in favor of sr Patients & Mr William Pollexfen Mr Recorder & mr Wallop his Councellor pleaded very strenuously in his case that it Could not were the words admitted possibly be interpreted a perjury as not soe designd but Mr Attorny Solicitor & sr Geo Jeoffreys were very sharpe upon him as yt Justice must be had & yt greater ye Psons soe bigger the offence ye Ld Ch. Justice left it faire to ye Jury being all Gent of Middx [word of four letters illegible] give not in their verdict till Monday L.c. 1379 [Handwriting changes here.] London 22th May l683 The Letters from Oxford Give an accompt that their Royall Highnesses [&?] Lady Anne attended wth a numerous trayne arrived in Oxford fryday afternoone being mett by a Greate many Gentry of the County and conducted through the East Gate by the Mayor and Aldermen in their formalityes who presented the Duke wth a paire of Golde fringe Gloves and the Dutchess and Lady Anne wth 12 paire of Kidd and afterward the whole University attended them unto St Maryes where the Oratour deld a well accepted Speech and then conducted them to Christs Church Colledge where they Lodged that Evening & the next day went to ye Ld Clarendons at Cornebury house. the Conduit of ye City run wth wine upon the inportunity of the Lord Norris tho' ye City a long time opposed it saying that it never did soe Before but upon a Coronation. Yesterday being the last of ye Tearme these following remarks are chiefly to be transmitted vizt the jury impannelled to try ye Information of Perjury brought against Sr Patience Ward haveing on Satterday heard the Tryall wch lasted to 3 in the afternoone were 2 houres afterwards considering their Verdict and gave it privately to one of ye judges and yesterday morning deld in open Court wch was Guilty and one ffoster of the jury shewd the Court a scandalous Letter sent him wch the Court was much incensed at The Jury Mens Names are vizt Henry Rynell Richd Pagett Tho Eglesfield James Suple Tho: Harryott Nehemiah Arnold Edwd Napesden [?] Jn auger Tho Earle [?] John ffoster John Sharp Richd ffisher +Sr Patients was not yesterday in Court but called for soe cannot be fined till next Tearme it will be a Meanes to force him to lay downe his Aldermans Gowne if not absent. Sevrall of the persons of the Corporation of Worcester who this Tearme had Judgement entered up against them upon the Quo Warranto for exerciseing Jurisdiction in the Citty appeared in the Court and will together wth the others under the Same Circumstances receive their sentence next Tearme. Sevrall Papists who were accused at ye breaking out of ye Plott and Since continued from time to time upon their Recognizances appeared and Mr attorney being asked what he had to say against them declared he had Nothing whereby they were all Discharged. Capt Sands ye East India Interloper who had promise of a Prohibition in Case ye East India Company did not shew Cause by Satterday last to ye Contrary moved for ye same but ye Companyes Councell declared that they were surprised in the time and Soe obtained a favour of ye Court as to have Liberty to ye first Satterday in the next Tearme at wch Capt Sands expectation is quite frustrated. A Bill of Exceptions being put in last Assizes in Herefordshire that ye Statute of 20 L a month for not comeing to Church extended to Papist Recusants & not to Protestant Dissenters the Court over ruled the Same in judgement Ordered to be entered against Sevrall Dissenters convicted thereof and the Court would by noe means heare ye arguments which sevrall Councell declared they were ready to make to ye Contrary. Sevrall of ye Citty Ry[otters?] as Alderman Cornish Mr Deagle Mr Jenks &c apeared in the court ye Councell moved in arrest of Judgment but the Court not thinking it convenient to enter upon ye Debate as that it might be tedious tooke 500 L [?] Recognizance of those that were present to appeare ye first day of next Tearme and that a Proces of ye Court goe out for ye rest to appeare the same time When ye Court will Determine that Affaire either to Grant an arrest of Judgmt or proceed to give Sentence upon them. One Manfeild whome you have heard to be in Custody for the Sham Letter left in Jones ye Preists Chamber yesterday was brot into Court and pleaded Guilty to ye Information brought against him for ye the Same, whereupon ye Court fined him a 1000 L and to Give Security to be for 7 yeares of ye good behaviour and not to be discharged till paid. This day was held a Court of Common Councell but nothing Done as was expected relateing to ye charter they passed an act for Devideing Bishop Gate Ward afterward they Disclaimed ye last arresting of ye Lord Mayor by Papillion and Dubois, then enq[uir]ed into ye Misdemeanour of Broome ye Coroner alledging him not capable of his place appoynting a Commee of 4 Aldermen & Commnrs to examine and Reporte and referred to ye Same Comittee the rayseing of Mony to pay off some necessitated Orphans. Lastly to search ye Acts of Common Councell in ye late Rebellious times and since that are fitt to be repealed by [?] City Businesse not Materiall. L.c. l380 [Handwriting changes here.] Lond the 24th of May l683 Our Holland letters say that the gennerall Thanksgiving wch the States Appoynted on the 16th ditto through all the Domminions was religiously deserved their prayers Running to Returne the Allmighty thanks ffor the Mercy they have Received as Alsoe that he would be pleased to Continue the same to them in the preservation of the true protestant Religion and that he would moove the Hearts of Kings and Princes to give a free toleration in their Countryes The same Letters say that the Prince of Orange is Returned ffrom Antwerp whence he had some dayes Conference with ye Marquesse De Grana The subject matter of the Debates were how to prserve their Countryes ffrom the Incroachment off ffrance wch they promise mutually to defend and imediatly to ffrance Leguir [?] neare Breda of 40000 men off Each other fforces and in Case the ffrench should seize any place by way of dependance or allarmes to oppose them with fforce All wch the Prince promised to gett Confirmed by the States and fforthwith their Ratification Sr John Jardin who his Matie was pleasd to send Envoy to Holland to demand Restitution of the States ffor the action of Bantam is their Arrived and had his Audience and Delivered the states at the Hague his ffirst Memoriall wherein he Demands a Speedy Answer as Alsoe Ascertaind The Letter [date blurred] Instant to the East India Company 300 Thousand pounds wch said memoriall was seconded by the agent of Denmark and are both Referrd to the Committee of fforraigne affaires to Examine and report The States have Augmented the number of their shippes Togeather with severall ffi[about four letters blotted] wch will be Ready to saile the last of this month and Take their courses for the Sound Yesterday Severall warrants of distresse were made upon one Jackson a pewterer in the old Jewry ffor the value of 320 L Being severall Times Convicted as Being an owner of a Conventicle in Crosby Square whereupon the Constable made a seizure of his shopp goods the loading Severall Carts therewith The Same day severall Dissenters were seized upon the writt Excommunicato Capiendo ffor nonconformity and Committed Prisoner to the Compter And severale writts are Issued [?] out of the Kings Exchequer to make distresse upon many dissenters of the Citty of Bristol wch tis discoursed will Amount to an Immense summe Tuesday Morning the Ld Chiefe Justice Saundrs holding nisi Prius in the Courte of Kings Bench Affter the Tearme ffor the County of Midx was before halfe the Buisnesse perfected taken Sick with a Convulsion and carryed out of Court and since Continues undr the Malignancy of his Indisposition butt this day are some hopes of his Amendment Yesterday began our Sessions of Peace att Guild Hall and this day att the Old Baily and end Tommorrow att the former, Dangarfield was indicted for Wounded [sic] 2 Booksellers Apprentices, Pleaded Guilty & was onely ffined 6 s 8 d att the Latter Mr Tyndale who killed lately one Miller a Life Guard man in the Male was Tryed and the Jury Brought in their verdict Se Defe[n]dendo Sr Patiense Ward since the verdict of Guilty brought in against him Absents himselfe and some say gone for Holland +Yesterday was a Great Hearing before the Ld Keeper Relateing to the Duke of Buckinghams Estate wch lyes undr Trustees Hands for the Payment of Debt Butt Came not to a Decision Butt his Ldshipp ordd his Grace to Receive 1000 for his Prsent supply, wee heare ffrom Windsor that the Emperor Dutch Spanish and other Ambassadrs delivered his Majte Memoriales to pray his Mediatorship betweene ym and the ffrench King that a Common Place might be assigned to negotiate a Gennerall Peace in order to settle the Tranquility in Europe The Emperialists Army is Decamped from Raab and tis wrote that they design to besiege Gran a Turkish Garrison on the ffrontier and hope to Carry the same before they Can Advance with their Army to itts Releife, Advise ffrom fflandrs say that the ffrench is Building a Bridge over the Rhine near the weasell by wch tis feared they have some Design on Holland L.c. 1381 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 26 May l683 +I gave you an accoumpt in my last that the Ld Cheife Justice Saundrs was taken ill in ye Court at Westminster on Tuesday last with a paralyticke or some other Chronicall Distemper since which has continued under soe much Indisposicon as not to be able to Officiate at the Severall Sittings after the Tearme in Guild Hall London but Confind to his Bedd which I am told has brought a reflux of the Diabetes upon his Ldpp attended with virulent paines of the head but his Phisitians are not without hopes of Abateing ye Malady and once more Thro ye Devine assistance to recover his Ldpp from ye Malignancy of his Infirmityes Yesterday the Ld Lansdowne Eldest Sonne of the Earle of Bathe pursuant to his heroick inclination of Signalizing his valour in the Imperiall Campaigne agt the Enemy of Christianity the Turke sett forward on that Expedition being attended some Miles out of Towne with his Noble father ye Earle and other Relacons and ffriends wishing him and the Cause a Prosperous Event: Collonell W-- late ffarmer of the Generell Postoffice is at prsent soe far under the Displeasure of his Royall highness as that either an Action of Scandulum Magnatum will be Commenced agt him or some other Legall process but as yett the Occation is not Certainly knowne therefore shall forbeare conjectures. I am given to understand that the Magistracy of the City are Considering (if by law it may be effected) to reduce the Choyce of Major Sherriffs Chamberlayne & other City Officers to the Suffrages of A Common Councell and not as Usuall by a Comon hall which are composed of the Livery of the Severall Companies now far more numerous then at ye first Constitucon by reason 40 Companies were since comprised wch tis said if at all may be pformed by repealeing those acts of Comon Councell now in force for ye same & Enacteing others wch may settle the poynt A writt ne Exeat Regno is taken out agt Sr. Patients Ward This day the Effigies of King Charles the first of blessed memory most richly Embellished with Gold was affixed wthin side of the Royall Exchange Yesterday was spread abroad a Reporte that ye D of Albemarle was dead in ye Country but upon exact Enquiryes beleive ye contrary Lres dated Wedensday last gave an accot yt his Grace was Imbarqued on a Yaught at Topsam in Devonshire in Ordr to returne home & it being Genllly sayd the King of Spaine was deceased I find in this dayes Lres from Madrid on ye l5 May otherwise On the 5th his Matie at Aranjuez was seized wth a Tertian ague upon which his phisitians advised him to change ye aire and then upon ye l0th his Matie returned to Madrid and was let blood & tho he continued weak yet in all appearance perfectly out of Danger The states of Holland were much alarmd at the Demand of ye English relateing to Bantam have Ordrd their East India Company to meet them on ye 2l June touching the English memorialle in Ordr to consider of some Compensation. Yesterday one John Cullivant was seized & charged before Ld Major for handing a treasonable paper to the press Entitled the 2d part of the Growth of popery & his pocket being also searched there were found divers Unaccomptable papers whereupon his Ldpp committed him close prisoner to Newgate without haveing pen ink & paper Tis wrote from Vienna of ye [date removed by seal] May yt 2 Polish ambassadrs will remaine there One at Court the other in ye army & the Persian ambassadr at Mosco had declared that his Master will joyne wth ye Emperor & Poland agt ye Turk provided they will do ye same & wth 200000 men Imediately Lay Seidge to Babylon This day the E India Company received lres by way of Alleppo from the E Indies wch sayes a shipp the Merchants Delight an Inloper to those pts Capt Alburson Comandr was Cast away but most of ye men saved Further advise from Vienna Confirme ye designe of ye Imperialst Designeing to beseidge ye Gran & Berban 2 Turkish Garrisons the latter of wch if they Carry itt before ye body of Turks can releive itt they will cutt off ye Communicacon betweene Newhawsell & Budda wch will then mightily Contribute to yr prservation. L. c. l382 [Handwriting changes here.] London May ye 29 l683 I gave you some intimacon in my last as yt collonell Whittle late ffarmer of ye generall Post Office was undr his Royuall highnesses Displeasure & supposed yt a Scandalum Magnatum would be ye effect thereof but have strictly enquired thereon & find it to Centre in a Writt out of ye Excheqr to call ye said Collonell to a Retrospiccon of his Accompts relateing to ye Post House &c. Our Lres from Holland say yt ye Dutch upon ye late demand of ye English Ambassidors for Restitucon of Bantam togeather wth the Damages they have reced thereby are in great Paine for a safe arrival of their E India ffleet now expected and therefore have ordered their men of Warr to meet them upon their way to convoy them home least they should be attacqued by England ffrance or Denmark by way of reprizeall for ye damage at Bantam. Sunday last one Colins an Anabaptist preacher at Shadwell was taken preaching in a Conventicle and Committed to Newgate In my last I told you yt one John Culliford was by my Ld Major committed for treason to Newgate for handing to ye Ruesse [?] a Booke intituled ye Second Part of Ye Growth of Popery since wch ye Printer is seized & Comitted for ye like Crimes to ye sd place and yt wch is observable ffrancis Smith Junior whoo a long season has published those sort of Bookes without Authorityes being able to find out ye Author is now become ye Evidence agt them and tis believed will impeach divers others. Yesterday arrived 2 shipps from ye Straights aboard of whome is come Mr Oneby the Barbary Mercht from Tangeire who accompanyed ye late Morrocco Ambassidor thithr & directly took his way to Windsor Castle to give his Matie an Accot of ye posture of Affaire in that Garrison as alsoe that of ye Emperor wth pticulares I cannot transmit you till my next. The Ld Preston his Maties extraordinary Envoy at ye ffrench Court haveing been sometime in England returns againe tomorrow on his Embassy His Matie wee hear has laid asside his intentions of going to sea this Sumer The E India Lres gives a furthr Accot yt a Second Interlopr being driven to Selene [?] belonging to the dutch was deserted by all her men save 2 & thereby incapable of makeing a voyage home Wee have an Accot from St Ives in Cornwall that about a weeke since there happened ye most dreadfullest Storme as evr they saw and those pts two of his Maties ffriggottes narrowly escaped shipwrack one haveing spent her maine Mast ye other forced from h[er] Anchors & Drove to sea two Mercht men were quite lost & they observed afterwards a ffleet Sayling by ye Lands end wch was most insparably Shattered Scarce one of them without Some considerable Damage Saturday being finished the Effigies of ye late King Charles ye inscription to satisfy ye curious is (Vizt) EIKON BASILIKH [This line is in Greek letters, Serenissimi et religiosissimi the only such letters Principis Caroli primi in all the Newdigate Anglia Scotia ffrancia & Hibernia series.] Regiis fidie defensores [?] Bies Martyries in Corpore & Effigie Impies Rebellium Manibus Ex Hoc Loco Deturbata et confracta A:D:MDC:XLVIII Restituta & hic domum Collacata [?] A:D:DC:LXXXIII L. c. l383 London May 3l l683. Yesterday ye Ld high Chamberlaine of England gave directions of ye Scaffolds in Westmr hall on wch was tryed ye late Ld Stafford forthwth to be taken down there being no prospect at prsent of any further pceeding in yt kind wch when ye same is cleared ye loyall Aprentices of Westmntr will be magnificiently treated therein The Duke of Albemarles alias Clarendon House built by ye Ld Chancellor adjacent to St Jameses in ye way to Hide Parke being sometime since sold to ffrith ye buildr for 32000 L whoe designes to make thereof a Square has been stopt from pceeding therein but ffriday last yt ffamous Structure began to be pull'd downe Yesterday l0 of ye judges had a private meeting to consider to sevrall weighty affaires agt ye Approching tearm As ye Argumt of ye Citty Charter ye bayleing of ye Earle of Danby &c but ye Ld Chief Justice and Cheif Baron were absent as both of them lyeing undr a severe indisposicon of health ye result of their debates I cannot say The Earle of Danby ye beginning of this weeke was taken very ill and his Physicones feare that he will scarce live to be brought to Westmr Hall Our Holland Lres say yt Sr Wm Waller who is retyred from England to yt Country is in great likelyhood to Command a Redgemt in ye service of ye King of Sweeden The fflandrs Lres say yt ye Marquis De Grana being in some Apprehention of a surprize by ye ffrench has shifted all his Garrisones & strengthned ye ffronteeres & sent a Strong Convoy of Provision and ammunicon into Luxenburgh wch allmost on all sides is blocked up by ye ffrench Troopes [Handwriting changes here.] Letters from Vienna by this days Post say that Count Tasse [?] redgemt wch was marching for hungary is Countermanded there being some Apprehention of ye french attacque upon ye Empror Count Teckl[y] still keeps ye Emperor under suspence tretyes now offering to adhere & joine wth his Matie Provided ye Emperour will grant him full Soveraine authority in hungary wth ye free Exercise of their Relidgon. But tis farther advised yt ye Cham of Tartary is Arrived at Zouemburgh [?] wth 80000 to joyne yt Prince who both are March to offer whose Vizier has likewise 40000 Turks The Emarke [?] in Gran Haveing Intelligence yt ye Imperiallist Designes to Beseidge ym have taken down all ye tops of ye houses to make defense against the Bombs. The Duke of Lorraine being decamped from Raab and Marched into ye Turks Territoryes has taken 150 villages into His Protection. The Bassaw of Caminecque [?] has sent to ye Great Turks for a supply to make Opposition against ye Poles 200 Turks Ravaging neare Lowinth [?] wherby ye Emperors forces Cut them to Peices. ffrom Lubeck tis Advised that a great quantety of Carts Spades Matocks &c were there prepared for Denmarke 16 of their Shippes already put to sea & are Night & Day Hard att Worke prparing Bombes and ffireworks & have a traine of l8 Pei[ces?] of Cannon and about 30000 land soldier[s] haveing pro[s]peckt of some great undertaking, ffrom Ratisbone tis advised yt ye Debates of ye Publique Security of ye Empire are at a Stand Nothing of Tempermt [?] being found Between ye 2 Colledges. The East India Companyes sale wch was to Have bin this Day supposing ye Surrat Shipps would have been Arrived wch Not Happening the same is farther adjourned till Michalmas next +Mr Onby ye Barbary Mercht who I acquainted you Last Post was arrived from Tangeire and Gon for Windsor is now Returned by whome is advised yt ye Emperor will make good ye Peace Agreed att Land but Not at sea without a New Treaty but has Promised that in Case our men of Warr will Not Attaque any of theres our Merchants shall be ffree from Mollestation untill an Express carryer Come from England, that Jonas the Renegado is in favor as alsoe ye Ambassador as much as Ever that the report of killing his Wife & Receiving 100 Blowes are altogether ffictious but Certaine that he was Tyed to a Mules Tayle to be Draged to peices but ye Emperors Displesur was cheifly agt him for Vissiting His Wife Befor he Came to ye Emperor yt ye Emperor is like to get ye Better of his Nephew Muly Ish Mall haveing bought of a great man of his party and beat some of his forces in a ffight L. c. l384 London 2d June l683 The Ld Ch: Justice Saundrs is so far Recovered as to admitt of a Removall to his Country House att Parsons Greene ye Ld Ch: Barons distempr Centers onely into an Ague Ye E: of Danby Continues his Violent indispicon and Ye E: of Salisbury is fallen into a Relapse. Thursday night ye Dukes of Grafton and Albemarle Returnd from Devonsheire ye first is Prparing to goe to sea to Comand a Squadron for ye Sumers Guard. The same Day their Royall hignesses Came from windsor dined wth ye E: of Kildare in ye afternoone Countenanced a new play wth their prsence and yesterday Morning Returned Capt Arnold of Monmouth Sheire who formerly was Barberously wounded has a declaration deliverd him upon an accon of Scandalum Magnatum brought by ye Duke of Beauford wch will be tryed this next terme. Tis said Sr Robt Clayton will be proceeded againe by way of Extortion Hilton ye Grand Informer has prferred many Informations in ye Crowne Office agt Divers Constables & Overseers of the Poore for Neglecting of thire Duty upon ye Conventicle Act. Yesterday on[e] Bolton a Goldsmith & Quaker in Lumbard Street had his goods seized upon distresse upon divers Convictions of ye Conventicle Act. The Scaffolds in Westmr Hall begin to be taken down in wch place will be ye greatest feast at some ages cannot paralel forty stewards will be appointed ffoure Ranges of Tables from on[e] End to ye other affixed, most of ye Nobility and Gentery about Towne invited the loyal youth of ye outpts will participate thereof and be to agrandise ye Entertainmt Ye Ld Mayor Alderman and Leiftenancy be desired to be prsent but ye time as yet not appointed. In ye Artillery by Read Lyon feilds is prparing a great Number of Scaffoldes in wch place will be prformed scarce ever befor in England ye Spanish way of Worying of Bulls wth men on a Horse back and ffoote wch Pastime thy tell us will Continue for a ffortnight. Upon Mr Onbys accot of ye posture of affaires between ye garrison of tangeire and ye Emperour of Morrocco an Express is Ordered forthwith to be dispatched thither. Sr John Berry Comandr of his Maties shipp ye Heneretta is arrived in ye West from Cadis with Divers Mercht men under her Convoy. Thursday Night a Person Landing at Deptford Came to a House Praying ye woman to Lodge him yt season haveing suficent to pay her demands wch after some scruples granted Prcautiously advertising not to Discourse amongst her Nightbours of haveing a Lodger gave her Cause of suspiscion & when her Guist was in bead brought ye Constable who Rousing Him his Language was altered into Dutch, yt Night his Portmantua being secured he was yesterday befor Sr Wm Hickes a Justice of Peace in those parts His portmantua being opened were found 37 Letters in divers Caractars but None Present Could understand a Line a Dutchman his Interpreter said he was Not of theire Nation but believed ffrench upon wch Sr Wm Orderd Him to be kept safe and sent to Courte for Directions how farther to Proceede whither this will Prove sham or Not [sic] Yesterday ye Duke of Monmouths Coachman being in a shoppe in ye strand & one Lane a Light Guard man accosted him wth How Long will you were yt Whigg Livery and upon Answr thereto declared ye Duke His Master to be a sonn of a W-- a Traytor & other foule Language wch the Coachman Resenting Returned him An Answr wch with his fist who Drawing his sword was Disappointed disarmed & Cryed pecanay [?] but ye Coachman Continuing still in ye shop was afterwards most grosly handled by Divers Persons said to be Officers who wth a Great Pare of Sheires gave him divers Blows with some Hurts wch ye being advertised of Imediatly Dispatched His page to Windsor to Give His Matie a full Account of this Proceeding & to pray justice thereon. +This day Came a forraigne male & advertises one from Holland yt 16 ffrench men of Warr & 4 fire shipps were ffitting out at Brest being Designed to Join ye Danish ffleet, that King was Preparing a splendid Ambassy for England ye french King Presses them not to suffer His Army to be Idle but to Renew His Pretenttions to Hamburrough & Bremen and Raise ye Antient Glory of ye Goths a[n]d Vandalls Not withstanding our late advises gave an account yt ye Duke of Brandenburg was Entred into New Engagmts wth ye french I have it wrote ye contrary (Viz) yt His Highness has absolutly Refused ye Lodgmt of 10000 in his Contryes or so much to admit ym to Retreat therein wch Incenses ye french Letters from Vienna of ye 27th say yt ye Duke of Loraigne was Encamped at Romorra [?] and Not Entred any design till he Can be Certainly asshured of ye Posture of ye Enemy & ye Vizier of Offen has sent to him to be a Cessation for 14 Dayes which he refused ffrom Colloingne tis wrote yt ye Majestrates and Burghers being at Variance the Latter Demanded Enterance Into ye Towne hall but was denyed by ye souldiers whose officers orderd ym to fire upon ym Instead of which they threw Downe there Armes and Departed as not being willing to Ingage aganst ye Cittyzens upon which ye Burghers seized ye Officers and Committed ym to prison and Tooke ye Citty into There Possesion. L. c. l385 [Handwriting changes here.] London June 5 l683 I informed you lately that one Jackson a pewterer had 500 L worth of his goods seized by way of distresse being convicted severall times as the owner of a Conventicle since which Jackson arrested Sr James Smith the Justice before whome such Conviccon was made as also the severall persons who assisted in the Seizure; judging that they had done contrary to Law but upon what ground I cannot say; The said goods so seized were on Saturday night brought home and sett before his doore Which at first he scrupled to take in, but being better advised tooke possession of them. Tomorrow will be held a Common Councill when the affaire of Broome the Coroner will be reassumed with some other considerable matter. 'Tis generally said that the Lord Cheife Justices indisposicon will not admitt him to sitt upon the Bench the approaching Terme at leastwise the opening thereof. Some pretend to know how the affaire of the Charter will be carried on this day Sennight, Sayeing that the Lord Cheife Justice will send his opinion in writeing And that in Case the Cort adjudge the Charter to be forfeited a Lord Mayor will the next Day be constituted by Commission but a weekes time will give us the result. Yesterday morning the Earle of Salisbury departed this Life at his seate of St Albans The Earle of Danby continued his indisposicon which is soe prevalent upon him That his Life is in Danger, Sunday his Lpp was prayed for in most Churches in and about London. Fryday last her Matie was in Towne and prsent at the Consecracon of her Chappell at St Jameses which was much defaced by the late ffire in the adjacent ffryery. The Royall ffishery which formerly received interrupcon by the ffrench seizeing their Busses under pretence that they were Dutch bottomes when he was at variance with those people is now established againe 20 persons haveing already subscribed 500 L each and the Company taken a great house in Arundell buildings where they dayly sitt to carry On that worke. Yesterday was held 2 Corts of Aldermen The one in the fforenoone the latter in the affternoone. At the former was a long dispute between Christs and St. Bartholomewes hospitall the latter demanding 500 marks yearly from the other but could not make out the pretencon. In the Afternoone the Cort heard a Controversy between the Steward and Bayliffe of Southwarke the said Bayliffe chargeing the Steward in diverse Articles in order to out him of his place, That he favoured the Whiggish party and thought to make himselfe popular in order to be chosen a Burgesse for the Burrough, but the Steward soe well acquitted himselfe from all objeccons, that the Cort will Scarce turne him out but have deferred it further till ffryday. A Writt, ne exeat regno, is Said to be taken out agt Sr Thomas Player our Chamberlaine. The Leiutenancy of the Citty have appointed Commissioners of their owne in diverse wards to assesse the Tax of Trophey money and not the Common Councillmen who usually performed that worke. Three Souldiers in St Jameses Parke [?] [endeavour?]ing to extort money from 3 Gentlemen there late were upon Complaint turned out of the Guards. A noted Papist haveing since the time of Doctor Lloyds being Rector of St Martyns in the ffeild publiquely renounced the Romish ffaith but has now declar'd to Doctor Tenneson Minister of the said parrish that he is extreamly sorry for his Apostasy and therefore finds himselfe obliged to returne to his Mother Church the See of Rome upon which the Doctor has appointed one day next weeke to argue with him for the protestant Religion against that of the papists. Lres from Vienna of the 30th May advise that upon the March of the Emperors fforces the Turkish Peeres [?] have prayed Sanctuary with their good in Raab and Comorra. Yesterday a Courier arrived here with advise That the Duke of Lorraine had invested Gran a Turkish garrison and was by this time playeing agt it with his Cannon and that the 4000 horse That Duke sent out had attaqued and carried the bridge of Eleck over the Danube and had 700 Turkes in that garrison. Lres from Ratisbonne of 31st of May bring newes that the ffrench plenipotentiaries have declared to ye Deputyes of the Empire that they should sett forward & promote the Treaty of peace otherwise their Master would be forced to take other measures, And the Lres from Brussells of the 6th of June say that the Chamber of Metz have declared great part of the Citty of Luxemburgh & some villages thereto belonging to appertaine to the ffrench King which does not a little disturb this Court who are resolved to preserve the Citty though with hazard of all. L.c. 1386 [Handwriting changes here.] Lond the 7th June l683 +Yesterday the Ld Major held a Court of Common Councell in Guildhall where Considerable matter was Transacted Vizt Affter the proceedings of the last Common Councell were read over, the Committee to whom the inspection of the Acts of Common Councell sett to be repeald as past in the Late time of usurpation made their Report Bringing in a List of Above 100 ffrom the yeare of forty to sixty upon wch some Debates arose as yr ought to be Time to Consider whither some of ym might not to be of use Butt in ffine the question was putt for all of ym in grosse and Carryed it in the Affirmetive A gate demanded but no members going out twas Recorded pro Confesso Among those Acts is Repealed one that Tooke Away the Ld Majors and Court of Aldermens prerogatives in nominating Citty officers ffor the Choice of Chamberlain Bridgmaster &c. Whereby those officers wch before were lately nominated & Elected by the Common Hall must now Be nominated by the Ld Major out of whom the Common Hall must Choose for those offices Afterwards the Said Committee recomended to the Court how Essentially necessary it was to the prerogative of the Chaire that the Ld Major & Aldermen have a negative voyce vizt That they shall not be bound to putt a question wch they Conceive shall Tend to the discrace of the Citty Bringing the Hands of Divers Councells of Law given Sometime since vizt Sr ffrancis Pemberton Meynard Winnington Jeofferies wch being putt to the vote was Carryed in ye Affirmative. Then an explicatory Act to that in ye Marallty of Sr Robt duey in ye year 30 was read the first & second time being to Settle ye Choyce of one of ye Sheiriffs to prevent further ryotts and other disturbances in the Citty wch runs that the person dranke to by Lord Mayor at the Bridge house shall be in nominacon of one of the Sherriffs and soe confirmed by the Commons in Case any hands be for him The same likewise admitted of Considerable debates but the question putt to whether itt should be past or recommitted a pole was demanded but carryed in the affirmative yeas 113 noes 78 Last of all the Comittee to whose managemt ye defense of ye Citty Charter was referred made their report but no debate arose to desire a noli prosequi or otherwise about itt but thanks returned to the Comittee for their care and dilligence of the prosecution of that affaire Noe report made by the Comittee relateing to the Coroner The Earle of Danby continues his indisposition and his Phisitians have given itt under their hands that itt is necessary for his health to take ye Aire in order to incli[ne ye?] judges to admitt him liberty upon bai[l in the?] Terme begining to morrow which if [his Ld?]shipp succeeds in ye other lords in the Tower intend to move the Court upon ye same account. The scaffolds in Westminster Hall are intirely taken downe and all the materialls cleaared away. Yesterday letters from Newcastle gave advice that 2 Scotchman being in a watermans boate in order to take shipping for Holland discoursed of some unwarrantable proceedings whereby the said waterman gave such notice as to have them secured wch as ye same was perfecting one of them flunge into ye water a wooden box wch being recovered & searched some by men wth [?] most dangerouse and treasonable papers were founde therein in order to carry on a rebellion in Scotland & itt is wrote that 2 Commissions were allsoe inclosed one said to be directed to Capt Hamilton in Holland the persons who headed ye ["persons" and "Rebells" come next but are cancelled] at Bothwell bridge upon which the 2 persons were comitted & itt is said will be brought up for London in order to search into the death of that [illegible word of seven letters] Wee have a discourse that Mr Papillion & duboise since ye tryall of the Ryoters & the Common Councell disclaiming their accons upon the Ld Mayor would have discontinued ye same but I finde they have delivered their declaracons to the ld Mayor & Aldermen in order this Terme if they can to be the Issue of that Affaire. L.c. 1387 Handwriting changes here.] London the 9 June 1683 +Notwithstanding some unintelligible writers have declared that the Earle of Salisbury is not deceased as I intimated to yow yet without any scruple of doubt I am assured thereof & yt his Ldpp has Constituted the Earles of Bedford & Essex togeather wth ye Lord Ch Barron Mountague the Trustees of his Estate which he has bequeathed very bountifully among his children & his eldest sone of l7 yeares of age the Paternall Estate of 12000 L p Annu Cleare to 4 younger sonnes 500 L p Annu each & his 5 daughters 10000 L sevrall in ready money at day of Marriage or 2l yeares of age & all his servants and benefactors Considerable Annuityes I Omitted to acquaint yow in my last that ye Ld Major on Thursday held the Bridghouse feaste & past ye Ceremony of ye Cupp & drank to Mr Aldrman Daniell whereby psuant to Wedensday proceedings of ye Common Councell he will be one of our Sheriffs Little of Certainty haveing been lately knowne of the time of Comeing of Prince George from Denmarke I now am very Credibly advised that on Wedensday last 2 Buckes were Killd in St Jameses Parke wch are putting up with other Choyce provision to bee sent aboard of sevrall Yaughts wch within a day or 2 setts sayle for Gluestadt on ye River Elbe where they take on ye prince to transport him for England I am likewise by credible hands informed that ye ffrench Ambassdr has signifyed to his Matie that his Master designes to send a ffleete of shipps into ye Baltick sea now Equipping at Brest Craveing leave to sayle thro our Channell &c but I cannot undertake to inform yow of ye result The Holland ffleete will in 10 days put to sea being most Capitall shippes & well furnished wth warlike provision & ye most ablest Comandrs they have who will likewise take yr Course for ye Sound wch in probability may occasion some Action Yesterday being ye first day of the Terme little of Moment occurrd by reason ye Ld Ch Justice Saunders & Mr Justice Raymond were absent from ye Kings bench ye former still Continuing his Indisposicon the latter afflicted wth violent ffitts of ye stone & the Ld Ch Baron Mountague of ye Exchange was alsoe absent being not fully recovered of his late feavour & ague Most of ye City Ryotters appeared psuant to yr Recognizances & involved againe in arrest of Judgmt wch by reason the Courts not being full that point was referrd to be argued next ffriday in ye meantime they are to acquaint Mr Attorney Genll wth what heads they intend to debate that the King may know how to defend agt them A Country Rustick had an Informacon prferred agt him to which he pleaded not Guilty the Court takeing his owne Recognizance of 1000 L to appeare the words being that he should say that the people made ye Lawes & ye King was only to put them into Exec[ution] or to yt Effect Whereas mr Verdon the last Terme had a verdict of 46 [?] agst Tophams messengers of the house of Commons for a 3d Cambridgesheire jury and the said messengrs obtained a writt of Error and gave ye ptl notice yet ye said Verdon Contrary to practice posted to Norwich and upon a Market daye seized dispoiled and carryed away the said messengrs good[s] breaking their Loomes. Which Exhorbitante & Illegall proceedings being yesterday by Councill moved in ye Court of Kings Bench ye judges ordrd a rule of Court that ye said Goods Illegally taken away should forthwith be restored & mr Verdon together with ye Sheiriffe that made the seisure be sent for up to answere the Contempt. +The Ld Keeper has supseded the Statute of Bankrupt wch was lately taken out agt ye late Aldrman Backwell. +The Yaughts designed to fetch over prince George departed last night sevrall Noblemen on ye pte of ye King & R Highness are Ordrd to attend him hither & I heare yt 10000 L is remitted to our London Merchants for ye use of ye Prince & ye sport of Joquo de Tauro or ye fighting of Bulls proceeds the Millitary Ground being a prpareing for yt purpose +Capt Sands the E India Interloper this daye againe involved by Councell for a prohibition which ye Court absolutely denyed whereupon he will bring his Cause into ye Comon Pleas to be tryed there Yesterday was a further heareing by ye Court of Aldrmen by Councell on both sides between ye steward & Balliffe of Southwark Court for Irregularityes charged upon ye steward by ye balliffe wch after 5 howers debate the steward was by ye Court adjudgd to lose his place but not any nominated to succeed him L.c. l388 [Handwriting changes here.] London June 14 l683 Tuesday being ye time yt Judgemt was given agt ye Chartr of London I had well nigh finished my Lettr wn an ordr came from ye Ld Mayor into my house & seized all ye sd Lres togeathr wth myselfe & servt is [?] anything done but die & others besides wch prventd yt party transmitting you ye pceeds of ye Day wch you must excuse as alsoe this slendr informacion at prsent The subject Mattr of ye Judgemt agt ye Chartr was deliverd by Mr Justice Jones declareing yt he had attended ye Ld Ch: Justice wth his othr 2 Bretheren of ye bench & found him to agree in evry pticular wth ym Vizt That a Corporacon might be seized & forfeited & yt ye levying may wthout legall authority was a [about five letters illegible] cause of forfeiture and alsoe ye scandalous petioning his Matie That these actes were ye actes of ye Corporacon & yt ye enjoyndr does not justify any of them & yt ye Informacon was well brought & yt upon ye whole judgmt ought to be given for ye King yt ye Cittys libertyes [?] & ffranchises be seized into ye Kings hand but Mr Attorney Genll moved yt Judgment might not be entred till his Maties pleasure be furthr known upon wch ye Ld Mayor held yestrday a Court of Aldrmen & this day a Court of Common Councill where Mr Recordr acquainted ym yt ye City Comtte had done wt End ym lay to defend ye Chartr but ye Judges had given Judgemt for ye King nothing more therefore remaynes [but?] to implore his Maties grace & favor acknowledgeing to prserve ye Corpacon from being desolved wch ye Court immeadiately asserted to the King 6 loyall Aldrmen and 12 Comonrs who forthwith drew up a very submissive consice & well worded peticon to cast themselves at his Maties ffeet & praying his Grace & favor preferring it to be deliverd by ye Ld Mayor and such othrs hee should nominate wn his Maties pleasure should [be?] knowne [about fifteen letters illegible] L.c. 1389 [Handwriting changes here.] London the l6 June l683 The Court of Kings bench haveing on Tuesday given Judgmt upon ye Quo Warranto that ye City Libertyes & ffranchises be seized into ye kings hands but suspended the Recording thereof till his Maties pleasure be further knowne psuant thereto yesterdayes Comon Councell agreed a petitionary address wch as yet does not Come to hand but in substance that they acknowledge for some yeares past to have misgoverned ye City promiseing a future amendmt & in most humble manner left themselves at his Maties feete Imploreing his grace and favour wthout Expressing any pticuler request the Ld Mayor wth whome els he shall think fitt to take wth him goes this day to Windsor the Common serjeant haveing been already there to know when his Matie will be attended therewith Severall on account of the City Ryoters moved the Ld Keeper for a writt out of Chancery to be directed to ye Court of King's bench to receive their Bill of Excepcons but it was oposed by Mr Attorney Genll alledgeing that if ye same should be Granted Noe Malefactor but would then Evade his Sentence. And the Ryoters appearering this day in Court twas Expected they should have been fined but by reason of ye Indisposicon of the Ld Ch Justice & Mr Justice Raymond both absent they were referrd till Tuesday next Dr Darell Deane of Windsor dyed there on Sonday last & we are informed that Dr Turner one of his Royall Highnesses Chaplaines & Residentiary of St Pauls will succeed in yt promotion And this weeke the parish of Aldermanbury in this City made a Choyce of Dr Stratford Deane of Bangor to supply the vacancy of Dr Callamy who is removed to St Laurence upon ye death of Dr Whitchott The yaughts appointed to fetch over Prince George from Gluestadt being fallen downe ye river the Lds Arran & Churchill togeather wth Collonel Sunderland & others yesterday followed after to accompany ye Prince Over a parlment being already prpared for him in Windsor Castle. Severall of ye foraigne Ministers viz the Emperors Spaine Sweeden Holland &c have delivered at Windsor A 2d Memoriall to desire his Matie to take upon him ye Mediatorshipp to adjust & settle ye Tranquility of Europe now in Danger to be disturbed by ye ffrench One of ye persons Convicted last Terme upon ye Quo warranto brought for Exerciseing Majestracy in the City of Worcester appeareing in ye Court of Kings bench was only fined 6 s 8 d the rest being Ordrd to attend on Monday Lres from Holland say that Sr John Chardin his Maties Speciall Envoy to demand restitucon of the states for damage at Bantam has had Divers Conferences with the East India Company who Inclynes to repossess ye English in yt factory but as for ye money demanded for sattisfaccon they hope will not be insisted on. This day ye Justices of peace of Middx most at Miles end Greene where after much debate among them wee are told agreed upon an Adress to be prsented to his Matie on behalfe of yt County that he would be Gratiously pleased to sepate ye County of Middx from yt of London & yt he would Nominate a Sheriffe for ym out of themselves As his Matie does in all other Countyes. The Ld Major has reced his Maties Ordr to be attended at Windsor wth ye City peticon on Monday whereupon his Ldpp has sent summons to most of ye Commee who drew up ye sd peticon to attend him thither very early wth ye same. +Wee are Credibly Informed that his Matie inclynes to accept of ye Mediatorshipp beforemenconed wch if Continued then a Comon place will be ye next point agreed on to Compose ye prsent Misunderstanding betweene [ye] ffrench & his Neighbors L.c. l390 [Handwriting changes here.] London June l9 l683 Yesterday morning early ye Ld Mayor accompanyed by Mr Recordr & most of ye Loyall Comtte of Aldremen & Comonrs who drew up ye Cittyes peticon in 10 Coaches repaired to Windsor where in a full Councill prsented the same upon yr knees wch being read ovr were ordrd to withdraw & after some short stay being called in were by ye Ld Kepr in his Maties name made acquainted yt his Matie expected an earlier peticon from them wch might have prvented ye prcedings agt yr Chartr to have come to a Judgemt yt his Matie tooke notice yre many Libells & pamphletts ye Citty suffered to goe abroad unpunished in Coffee houses &c but his Matie past by there indignities till they have such officrs as were not acceptable to him wch occasioned his Matie to have recourse to Law & yt Judgemt being now given for him he would make some use of it as yt Wee expected to have ye approbacon of ye Ld Mayor vizt yt after yr choise of him if his Matie did not aprove they should pceed to chuse a new & if ye 2d were not by his Matie approved then to nominate one himselfe as alsoe to approve of ye Sherriffs Recordr Common sergt Comon Cryr Towne Clerke Coronr & ye steward of ye Burrough of Southwarke & yt ye Court of Aldrmen have a powr to expell any one of these membrs upon due considracon had all wch they are to advise amongst themselves & which by reason of ye approaching choice of Sherriffs are on Sunday next his Matie expects to heare from ym on these points on Saturday othrwise Mr Attorney Genll will have ordr to enter Judgemt agt them They were afterwards most noblely entertained & about 5 in ye afternoone left Windsor & returned hither by 9 Saturday last was held a long Tryall agt one Mr Tromey [?] of ye Corporacon of Roy in Sussex by informacon out of ye Crowne office for a Ryott by disturbeing the Mayor de facto & not delivering him ye effigies of Authority when demanded the pticulars to long to incert but ye Jury yesterday gave yr verdict for ye King A new Sett of Citty Ryottrs are brought on foot yesterday a peremptory Rule was ordrd by ye Cort of Kings bench to plead today by wch pceeding yr tryalls will comence ye Sitting after ye Terme The prceedings of ye Quo Warranto agt ye City of Bristoll were argued & they ordrd to plead ye Close of ye Terme Yesterday 5 of ye prsons [of ye] corporacon of Worcester convic[t]ed last terme for exerciseing Magestracy wthout legall Authority was fined 8 d each This day ye Ld Mayor held a Cort of Aldrmen where they agreed yt a Comon Councell be called tomorrow to considr of ye aforesd peticons The Ld Ch: Justice Saundrs lyes at ye point of death & Mr Justice Raymond tis feared will scarce recovr This day was argued in ye Cort of Kings Bench by Councell on both Sides ye Affaire of ye City Ryotts wch tooke some houres whethr an arrest of Judgemt should be granted in yt Case but in Conclusion ye Court seemed to ovrrule ye same but deferred ye giveing of Judgemt till tomorrow Noe fforreigne Mayle come The Ld C Justice Sanders departed [this life] this afternoone L.c. 1391 London 2l June l683 Yesterday Mr Attorney Genll demanded Judgemt agt ye City Ryottrs but Mr Justice Jones hopeing yt he might have ye Assistance of Mr Justice Raymond by Monday deferred ye furthr sentenceing of ym to that time Yestrday morning advise was brought yt ye Shipp Crowne Capt Dotrell Comandr an Interlopr from ye E: Indies was arrived and past ye Downes haveing on board her Mr Vincent & his ffamaly ye Companyes Cheife at Hensley up ye Rivr Gangis in wch place he has left Mr Hodges whome ye Company sent to take his place And ye sd Interlopr bringes bad News That ye Lancaster Capt Goodlade Comandr one of ye Companyes Shipps was by Stresse of weathr upon ye breakeing up of Masoons at high watr marke drove on Shore by ye Bay of Bengall above a Mile into ye Land but ye men and goods saved The said E: India Interlopr yesterday entered her ladeing at ye Egstrome horse [?] and is comeing up ye Rivr but some think shee will [illegible word of about twelve letters] be seized by ye Authority Sevrall Shippes from Barbadoes yesterday arrived on board of one of wch is Sr Richard Dutton ye Govnour of yt Island whoe is come over to answr some Complaints agt ym at ye Councell board Yesterday ye Ld Mayor had a Common Councill to Considr upon his Maties prposalls to submitt to ye regulacons of eleccon of City Officrs wch before they met was published in their Sheets togeathr wth ye Citty peticon and ye Ld Keeprs report to ye Ld Mayor At ye opening of ye Cort Mr Recordr gave an Accot of ye Pceedings agt ye Chartr as alsoe acquainted them of ye nature of ye prsent Judgemt and consequences thereof in case his Matie should enter it upon Record wch occasioned 4 houres debate p et contra ye one pty affirmeing yt it would be agt yr oathes to give any pt of yr Charter away. The othr denying yt peticon for yt ye Law had given it away allready therefore it was much bettr to save a Moiety then to lose all upon wch ye Question was put whether they should submitt to those Regulacons menconed in ye print & a Vote was demanded and carryed in ye Affirmative yeas (l04) Noes (86) And ye Cort ordrd yt ye Ld Mayor and Cort of Aldrmen attend his Matie at Windsor to give Accot of yr pceedings And considring yt Midsomr day was to neare ye Cort Voted yt ye Eleccon of Sherriffs for this yeare should be on ye Eighteenth July next And Mr Common Serjt went this morning Early to Windsor to know his Maties pleasure when he will be attended wth all For these 2 dayes wee have bin allarmed wth a Treasonable Conspiracy agt ye King & Royall Brothr wch I am told is to this Effect yt on Palme Sunday Eve wn his Matie was supposed to returne from new markett this treason was to have been putt in Execucon in a narrow lane by Hodsdon a Cart being designed to be overturned wn ye Conspirator[s] wth divers Blundrbusses should ffire into his Maties coach and then with a certaine number Mastr ye Guards wch wn this treasonsable designe had been ppetrated then wth an Army to have seized ye Towr being headed wth great men and they tell us that there is pregnant and undenyable proof thereof by 4 Witnesses upon wch there are many Warrts a broad Mr Go[about seven letters frayed] Mr Worth Mr Holthrope [are] searched after and their paprs seized wch administrs ye subject of Discourse ye furthr discovry whereof wee must leave to tyme Capt Sands ye E: India Interloper this day moved in ye Cort of Common Pleas for a p[?]hibicon as formerly in ye Kings bench and ye Cort ordrd to be one Councill on both sides thereon on Monday L.c. l392 [Handwriting changes here.] London June 23th 83 Lettrs from Vienna of ye l3th Instant advise yt ye Dk of Loraine ye 6th & 7th haveing prepared his Batteryes agt Neuheusell the 8th & 9th plaid thereon wth his Cannon and Mortars wch destroyd most of their houses dureing wch tyme the Turks made a vigorous sally But were as Briskly repulsed wth the loss of l20 of their men and ye Imperialists 30 among ym severall officrs sham [?] & Coll Hamburgh Adjutant to Generall Caprara was taken Prisoner by ye Turks and an Imperiall Gunner & Trooper rann to ye Enemy and instructed them bettr how to traverse their Cannon they shooting too high but on ye l0th a surprizeing express arrived in ye Campe bringing an Ordr written with ye Emprors owne hand to breake upp ye Seige wch ye Duke did wth much Regrett being advanced undr ye Enemyes Cannon and in greate prospect to be Mastrs thereof The reason yt induced the Emperor to this designe is variously told some write yt there are hopes of a prolongacon of ye Truce But others say, yt his Councill Judged itt to be a Worke of too long tyme to accomplish and yt the Ottoman Army was advanceing wth all Expedicon And yt ye Grand Seignior had Countermanded ye Tartars to act agst Poland as alsoe sent ye Bashaw of Caminieck a greate supply of Horse & foote together wth a large summ of money to Raise an Army of Cossacks to make Head agst ye Polish Army The french Lettrs from Carcisin [?] in Languedock advise yt ye King hath ordred his forces to march towards Savoy wch they tell us are to assist ye Dk in his prsences to Genoa and from Brest they write yt Monsr Priully wth l6 men of warr 3 fireshipps & 6 flyboats was put to sea takeing his Cruise Northwards & was nott to open his Comission till hee had sailed 30 Leagues and att Thoulon and ordr was come to fitt out ll other shipps with ye greatest expedicon and att Marseills 60 Barques were getting ready to carry 60 men each the designe nott knowne Lettrs from Dover say that 20 french Shipps were discouvred off yt Port wch is believed are ye aforemenconed fleete from Brest From Amsterdam of ye 23th tis wrote yt ye Shipp Hollandia wch carryes ye Admiralls flagg was ye day before gott over ye Pampus where itt joyned most of ye fleete in the Texell wch are ready alsoe to put to sea This day ye East India Interlopr wch lately arrived haveing Entered her Cargoe pd 3000 L for her Custom and will on Monday pay 2000 L more being extreamely rich & by reason ye Ld Lumbley & other Considerable persons are pte Owners therof she may escape from being seized wch Newes together wth ye Loss of ye East India Shipp Lancaster the Auctions of ye Company doe abate being now but 220 L, Lettrs yesterday from Yorke tell yt ye ArchBishopp of yt place dyed ye beginning of this weeke This Weeke ye Company of Skinnrs who last yeare chos ye late Aldrman Pilkington their Master has now made a Reneme [?] by electing ye Loyall sr Wm Russell into yt Chaire. The treasonable Conspiracy lately discovered agst his Matie and Royall Highness every day since admitts of new discourse greate pursuit being made agt those prsons said to bee Concerned wch are nott a few but most of them as yett abscond But yestrday Mr West's Clarke who is accused to bee one of them was undr examinacon and in Custody and diligent Search every where made and wee are told the Ports are all stopt and Instructions sent to ye Leiutenancys in diverrs parts to have their Militia in a readiness in case of danger and a List goes abroade of 30 names of Principalls therin and tis discoursed yt by the Evidences wch depose ye Circumstances therof itt apeares even to Ballance ye Popish Plott itt Self. +Since wch mr west has Surrendred himself in [?] to Sr George Jeffryes aftrwards transmitted to ye Councill held att hampton Court where tis sd hee has made a large Discovery of yr formall proceeds But by next I may give you a Certain Acctt. +The 2 Sheriffs on Thursday by ordr of the Ld Mayor attended his Matie att Windsor to rendr an acctt of ye Common Councills proceedings ye day before yt they agreed to submitt to his Maties proposalls for Regulacon of Citty Officrs Upon wch his Matie exprest his greate Satisfaction & afection for his Loyall Citty of London giveing imediate ordr to Mr Attorney Generall to enter a Noli prosequi to stop proceedings uppon ye Judgmt agt ye Charter as alsoe to draw upp an Instrument to settle yt greate worke of his Maties approbacon of ye Ld Mayor Sheriffe &c for ye future. L.c. 1393 [no date] My Men haveing sent away yre Lettr before Capt Wallcott tryall was over I therfore send ym a 2d to acquaint ym ye proceeds therof wch tooke upp ye whole tyme ye other 3 arraigned will bee brought on too morrow togethr wth some others the Grand Jurys haveing found 21 Indictmts of treason [vizt] agt ye Dk of Monmouth Ld Gray Sr Thomas Armstrong fferguson and ye rest of ye Conspirators. The Capt Challenged Severall of the Jury 4 Substantiall Evidence (vizt) Coll Rumsey mr West Keiling & Bourne severally deposed his being prsent wth ym in divers menconed Consults for ye killing of ye King and Royall Highness wch appeared to bee very barbarous mr West for 2 howers gave a whole Scheme of ye plott ye Capt. Could nott deny his being in Company wth ym but sd yt itt was only uppon business &c But 2 Lettrs undr his owne hand being produced was very positive & undeniable proofe agt him. The 1st being wrote to mr Secretary Jenkins since ye discovery of ye plott to intrceed wth his Matie for a pardon & if his Matie would vouchsafe to suffer him to come privately to him & the Secretary hee would make such a discovery as should doe his Matie more service yn ye takeing away his Life would doe him & alsoe goe privately to holland where many of ye Conspirattrs were fledd & hold secrett Correspondence wth ym &c. The other Lettr was to mr West to desire him to bee favourable in his Evidence agt him imploying itt agt others in ye Conspiracy Both wch hee denyed to bee his hand writeing But being proved ye charge was given & ye Jury wthdrew in a short tyme & brought him in guilty of high treason. L. c. 1394 London June 26th 83 Every day discovers a great aspect [?] into ye treasonable Conspiracy agt the life of his Matie & Royall Highness wch appeares soe villanously to bee perpetrated as scarse to bee deciphered being attended wth such proofe as not in ye least by any scrupulous prson to bee doubted on Saturday mr West's Clarke being detected in concealeing of Armes was Comitted to Newgate among the aforesd Gent papers found a Journall of ye king's head Clubb from ye yeare l678 to this tyme wth ye Characters of men his Chests of Armes (vizt) 30 pr of pistolls and as many musquetoones were fetched from on Shippboard now in ye porters Lodge wch are told mr West ownes to have been bought for ye aforesd designe wch was to have been put in Execution from out of ye house of Romball ye Malster in Hogsdon One menconed in ye proclamacon and ye bettr to Colour ye intended traiterous Conspiracy the Ruffians Desperadoes where to have been habited in like manner as his Maties Guards in Redd Coates and yt ye sd mr West & Richard Goodenough were to have given Out ye Ordrs, uppon wch many other Warrtts went abroade And as ye Messengr was Searching for ye Conspirattrs found Sr Patient Ward in a garrett But haveing noe Instructions agt him passed him by Mr West hath since been reexamined & Wee are told Confesed much since which Coll Rumsey who marryed the Lady Smith and late Collector of ye Custom in Bristoll another menconed in the proclamacton On Sunday night Surrendred himself and was greate part of yesterday under examinacon and wee are told has outdone mr West in his discovery & Impeached some Considerable prsons as Actors therin some wherof are seized & others sent for and tis beleived will bee fattall to many Coll Algernon Sidney Second Brother to ye Earle of Leicester & was brought before ye Councill & Comitted to ye Tower for high Treason Major Wildman was brought alsoe before them att present undr the Custody of a Messengr and last Night his Royall Highness returned from Windsor and this day his Matie intending to stay some tyme in Towne till a full enquiry bee made into this treasonable designe. The late Interlopr haveing pd his Custom is takeing upp his goods But this day ye East India Company Entered Accon agt most of her owners being resolved to try ye Issue by Law, To morrow beginns ye first Essay of fighting wth Bulls on horse back on the military ground. This day ye Leiutenancy of the Citty take and had before ym divers prsons whom they inspected to bee ill affected to ye governmt & severall of ye Militia officrs went to many houses to search & see wt Armes they had. This morning his Matie wth a Guard of 200 horse came to Whitehall after whose arrivall a Councill was called where Keiling the Pyleman [?] who first discovered ye Plott was examined before his Matie afterwards Mr West & Coll Rumsey And Major Wildman was called in Severall tymes But ye Mattr nott yett determined abtt him therefore cannott send you ye Results till our next. This day Mr Attorney Generall demanded Judgment agts the Citty Ryottrs that they might bee largely fined acquainteing the Court that Goodenough one of the Cheif of ye Ryottrs was ye head of the Conspirators And tho Severall Councill pleaded on behalfe of ye Ryottrs yett ye court proceeded first. The Ld Gray l000 marke Deagle 400 marke Pilkington 500 L Wickham l00 marke Shute l000 marke Arran 300 marke Bethell l000 marke Jenkett 200 marke Cornish l000 marke Jenks 300 marke Sr Tho Playr 500 marke Goodenough 500 marke Swynock 500 marke Key l00 marke And comitted them all in Execution till ye same bee pd All being in Court save Ld Gray Pilkington Goodenough and Key [Handwriting changes here for just the next paragraph.] +Since ye writeing of wch ye Ld Russell is Committed yo ye Tower for high treason & others had before ye Councell L.c. l395 London June 28th 83 Wee have every houre fresh Instances of ye late treasonable Conspiracy a Councill being held both fore and afternoone his Matie prsent to examine persons and papers and the Ld Keepr is soe industrious in pursueing the knowledge therof as for some dayes last past has not attended ye bussiness of ye Terme The proceed of ye Councill is kept soe secret from us that I cannot give you a full Scheem of ye discove[ry] more then in generall yt ye Ld Russell on Tuesday being comitted to ye Tower for high treason warrtts were sent abroad for divers peeres & Commonrs and ye Ld Gray ye same Evening being brought before the Councill his Ldshipp was for ye same Crime Comitted to ye sd place & Serjeant Deerham ordred to guard his Ldshipp to ye Tower whom his Ldshipp was waiteing uppon to drink they continued doeing the same till next morning early When Mr Deerham Called for a Hackney Coach drove to the Towr wthout any guard but himself being there arrived Mr Deerham fast asleep his Ldshipp left him in ye Coach tooke water and escaped and is not since heard off. Wch his Matie haveing notice was soe displeased att ye Negligence of ye officr yt hee caused him to bee Committed to ye Towr and wee are told is put in ye hole where hee may have leisure to repent his Indiscretion. Major Wildman is undr the Custody of a messengr and the discourse now is of a new Discoverer yt is come in who speakes much A great many [illegible seven-letter word] Armes were yesterday seized Yesterday was the last of the Terme but nothing of any Considerable moment passed mr Tournay the late Mayor of Rye was found guilty of a Ryott & fined two hundred markes & pd the same. Severall Citty Ryottrs fined last Tuesday some 1000 Markes paid the same and are at Liberty. One Hine a Joyner said to bee Colledges man menconed in the proclamacon wee heare is taken neare Cambridge haveing purposely gott himself into prison to avoid his being seized Our forreigne Lettrs from Vienna say yt ye Duke of Loraine since his breakeing upp ye seige of Newheusell came to the Emperour Incognito they speake wth much Regrett abtt itt That itt will hindr the Emperour from acteing now effectively And ye Army is att Prsent put into ye Island of Schutz. And ye Caravan [?] sent to Raab and Leopoldstadt Prince Lubomirska has Joyned tho' wth much difficul[ty] Generall Scultz 9000 Poles wherby they compose a body of 15000 and designe to hindr ye Tartr from entering Moravia But Count Teckley would remaine Neutrall But ye Turks would nott grant itt Three Scotch knights yesterday fledd from yt Country and being seized were carryed to Whitehall are very well knowne there and are undr examinacon +One Major Holmes was taken wth Lettrs from divers parts in Characters & the key therto found wch being read are of dangerous import and Hee secured +Greate Search is made after the Ld Gray and One Mr Meade a NonConformist Minister And this morning one Mr Trenchard a late Member of Parliament taken Out of his Lodging and undr Examinacon. +I am told yt a proclamacon is comeing forth for ye seizing of ye Duke of Monmonth Ld Gray Sr Thomas Armstrong & Mr ffergison a Scotch Nonconformist Minister wth a great reward to those [?] yt shall apprehend ym I am told yt ye Bishopp of Rochester will succeed in the Arch Bishopprick of Yorke and Dr. Patrick in yt of Rochester. L. c. 1396 London June 30th 83 Yesterday morning as I intimated in my Last was published a proclamacon for ye aprehending of James Duke of Monmouth fford [?] Ld Gray Sr Thomas Armestrong and Robert ffergrson uppon oath recd that they have traitorously Conspired together to Compass ye death & destruction of his Matie & Duke of yorke requireing them to render themselves to Justice Commanding all mayors Sheriffs &c to make Diligent search after ym & not harbour or Conceale any of ym uppon penalty to bee proceeded agt wth all severity and in ye Close thereof offers a reward of 500 L for ye apprehending any of ye sd persons Which and other Prceedings of ye discovered Conspiracy fille ye Towne wth horrour and Amazement & wee are told his Matie wth extreame sorrow expresses his resentment of this traitorous designe as nott deserving ye least [?] ill treatement from ye worst of his Subjects to endeavour to interrupt his goeing to ye grave in peace. This affaire where in soe many falsityes yt itt is some difficulty to transmitt you ye true proceeds which shall bee our diligent care to abjeure [?] thro' the Course thereof and find yt Major Wildman who since ye first discoverys has been undr ye Custody of a Messengr is now Comitted to ye Towr As alsoe Mr John Trenchard a late Member of Parliamt for Taunton agt whom we are told there is Considerable Evidence And Wee are Credibly informed yt severall of ye Conspiratrs will be tryed on Thursday by Comision of Oyer & Terminier att ye Old Bailey the denialls [?] being already draweing upp for yt end. Mr Blaney who usually tooke tryalls in Short hand hearing yt hee was accused surrendred himself and has since been examined and Confronted by Coll Rumsey and Confesses yt att a Certaine tyme in Company of ye Coll and severall others divers reflecting if nott treasonable discourses were then had But yt hee disapproved thereof publickly and was sorry hee had nott divulged them hee was ordred to put ym in writeing wch being done hee was dismissed uppon security, and tis beleived that his Testimoney will bee made use of when ye tryalls Commence. And Mr Shepphard a Considerable Merchant who usually returnd the Ld Shaftesburyes money into Holland and att whose house att Hackney [?] were Severall Consults was taken into Custody but since at Liberty uppon good security and Wee are told will give Evidence to yt he knowes. Wee are Alsoe Informed that Lettrs were Intercepted att the Posthouse from ffergison in Holland to severall Eminent persons in this Kingdom wth their answers therto relateing to some Alteration in ye Governmt And in ye late Intercepted Lettrs of Major Holmes a greate deale of designe was diciphered there as appeares by the Key His Matie being exprest under the word Merchandize and when they spoke of any designe agt him itt was termed Cotten Woollen Last Thursday night the Corps of the Late Ld Chief Justice Saundrs was interred in ye Temple Church The Ld Keepr The Judges Serjeants at Law and ye gents of ye Inns of Court attended him thither. His Matie has ordred Mr Roger Lestrange to bee put into ye Comission of ye peace for ye County of Middlesex. This day mr Umphrevill a Gent of Middlesex who formerly stood for knight of ye shire for that County was seized & since two others whose names I cannot yett Learne. Noe fforeigne Post come This afternoon Hine ye Joynr mencioned in the first proclamacon was brought from Cambridge wth a Troop of horse & carryed to ye Councill One Lee a Dyer accused to be in ye Conspiracy was in ye Citty seized two feild peices found in ye house of Major Wildman wch are now in Whitehall yard L. c. 1397 [Handwriting changes here.] London July 3d 1683 All o[u]r discourse now is whoe are seized and whoe are comitted wch to of [?] pticularize would be too tedious Hearne ye Joyner brought from Cambridge on Saturday has been undr divers examinacons & confesses the intreague of ye designe & and is remanded to Newgate Mr Humphrevile taken on Saturday since att Libtie upon security Lee ye Dyer seized ye same day disburthens himselfe & impeaches divrs others whoe were fetched up & declares yt Goodenough had been sevrall times wth him at first discoursed him if he would assist in case of an invasion wch he pmissed but ye second time explained himselfe that their libertyes were invaded & required his and others Assistance A Barbr Razor Maker Brewr are since taken and undr examinacon Councellor West after reexaminacon was committed from the Messengrs hands to Newgate on Sunday night and we are told will be tryed wth the others next Wednesday Seavenight Mrs Trenchard can't yet obtaine ye libtie of seeing her husband in ye Towr Advice from Chichester sayes yt a small vessell in a neighboring Creeke put to Sea wth 7 Passengrs some suppose ye Ld Gray and others White Hall and ye Towr are doubly guarded in the lattr & all ye Cannon on ye Batterryes and Plattformes ready charged the D of Monmouthes Armes & Sr Tho: Armestrongs taken away their psones not yet heard on Yesterday morning was held a Common Councill whoe considrd ye affaire of Broome ye Coronr abt ye arresting the Ld Mayor ye two psons in his Warrt (vizt) Keeleing & Jefferyes appeared to be both in the Conspiracy ye lst whoe made ye discovery ye lattr seized for it therefore supposed Broome alsoe an Actor therein he pleaded he knew them not but were incerted by direccons of Goodenough the Cort upon debate suspended him from being a membr of that Cort and yn from his place ordring ye Ld Mayor to appoint one to officiate in his Roome & yt Broome stand Comitted to be furthr exa[m]i[n]ed in yt mattr Afterwards they voted & drew up a Congratulatory Addresse to be prsented to his Matie for his happy deliverance from that Phanattick Conspiracy declareing yr abhorrence thereof as alsoe of all Assotiacons that he [they?] would stand by him wth their lives and fortunes And ordrs yt his Maties leave be desired to congratulate his Royall Highness alsoe and send the sword bearer to know when his Matie would be attended therewth whoe appointed 4 a Clock afternoone in the Banquetting house wth a whole Councill Whoe in 40 Coaches wth yr Gownes repaired thithr and ye Addresse read by Mr Common sergt His Matie thanked ye City for their Loyalty towards him & sd yt he would not be wanting at all times to expresse his kindnesses to them acknowledged yt he had escaped many dangrs but this surpassed them all for wch his Matie designed a Publicke thanksgiveing throughout ye season His Royall Highnesse declared yt his endeavours should be allwaies to pmote yr good acquainted them yt not onely his Maties & his owne life were to be lost but ye Ld Mayors Sherriffs & most of ye loyall Citizenes besides L. c. 1398 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 5 July l683 +Not a day scarce an houre but pduces new discovery of the late traytorous Conspiracy One Mr Bateman A Chururgion at whose house in search after ye plotters was found Sr Patients Ward is seized & Charged wth high treason & comitted close prisoner to the Marshalsea & tis sd the late Earle of Shaftesbury Lodged at the said Mr Batemans house some Considerable time before he went for Holland & knowes much of ye plott Our Holland Lres say that ye Dutch ffleete were to sayle out of ye Texell as yesterday & bend yr course for ye sound Yesterday the Duke of Grafton went downe ye river of Thames in a yaught to goe aboard ye Grafton ffrigott to put to sea wth 6 or 7 other men of warr to cruise in ye Channell to secure those seas. Tis advised from Colchester that mr Mathew Mead a Nonconformist Minister with one Mr Bourne a Brewer & 4 other suspected persons were seized & Comitted to Chelmsford Goale. +Lres from Hamburgh say that 3 English yaughts wth divers noble psons on board of them were arrived at Gluckstadt to embarque Prince George of Denmarke for England who is lookt for in few dayes. Yesterday morning the house of one Mr Combes a coffee man in Bartholomew Lane was searched therein found Don Lewis late Clerke to Mr Secretary Pepys of the Admiralty who turned Renegado & Joyned himselfe with those de[s]parate villaines in the late Conspiracy as appeares by a letter sent from him to Justice Warcupp March last from Holland Intimateing the great discovery should make of an Intended Design agt the Kings life provided he might first have his pardon wch said Letter was shewed to ye King but by reason of soe many shams already of yt kinde his Matie was not willing to grant any pardon without he first made a discovery to deserve itt But this Lewis being since come over & now taken tis greatly hoped that further light into yt Conspiracy may be now detected. The Ld Russell Coll Algernon Sidney Mr Trenchard & some say Mr West have notice given to prpare themselves for Tryall on Wedensday next If fame may be Credited an Originall paper of an Altercation signed by above 200 Gent is in Authorityes hands. Tis further discoursed that ffergison the Scotch nonconformist preacher made the first motion of Killing ye King & Royll Highnesse in Company of nigh 20 others wch tis said will be proved. This afternoonne Mr Mathew Mead wth those others taken wth him near Colchester were brought to Towne Guarded by one of the Earle of Oxfords troopes & are now before ye Councill Charged wth high treason And alsoe one Aaron Smith Colledges Solicitor who Sometime since was found Guilty upon an Informacon for delivering papers to Colledge was taken last night & is charged for haveing a hand in the plott This day the Gent of the Temple prsented his Matie a Congratulatory Addresse signed by all the Benches in substance of yt wch the City delivered to declare agt all Associacons & abhorr ye traytorous designs now on foote by dissenting Conventicles many psons are seized some discharged Others at this time before ye Councill L. c. 1399 London the 7 July l683 +Yesterday the East India Company had ye newes of the arrivall of their Shipp the China Merchant Capt Uttbur Commandr in ye Downes departing with 2 other of ye Companyes shippes from ffort St George ye 20 of January last wch are alsoe daily expected & ye sd China merchant brings advise which before theire departure had received by shipp from Chocheene that ye old King of Bantam wth the assistance of the Matran or Emperor of Java had retaken Bantam from his sonne & ye Dutch afterwards with a powerfull army had marched before and had laid seidge to Battavia ye Cheife ffactory of ye Dutch in ye Indies wch news caused the auctions of ye Company wch were abated to 200 to advance to 250 but there are some other Merchts will not believe this news to be Authenick Yesterday Mr Aaron Smith Colledges solicitor whome I told you in my last was taken after Examinacon was Comitted to ye Tower for upon score of ye plott Mr Goodenoughs house has been researched & found between ye seiling and Tyles divers unwarrantable papers togeather wth a suite of Armour wch very much Confirmes the plott. Advise from Exeter sayes that Rumball ye Maltster menconed in ye first proclamacon from whose house at Hodgdon the intended assassinateing the King & Royll highness was to have been perpetrated is supposed to be taken One being seized & in yt Goale haveing but one eye and ye other discriptions menconed in ye Gazette he be[ing] soe sullen as not to discover his name The sonne of Sr: Tho Baker & the daughter of one Sr Tho: Draper of Berksheire was brought before the Councell Yesterday Sr Thomas Complaining that the Gent deteyned his daughter from him but ye young Lady declareing herselfe to be of age and yt she was marryed to him they were dismisst ye Boarde The Templers since ye delivery of their Congratulatory Address to his Matie have held another Pliamt and expelled yr society the sevrall Councellors as Mr West Trenchard and Wade accused to be in the Conspiracy togeather wth some others whome they suspect to be of the like principalls. And made a motion in yr Pliamt to expell all yr members wch ffrequented the Kings Head Clubb but yt being overruld they sent to some of ym that were Whiggishly Inclyned to forbeare resorting to yt Clubb for ye future & some whereof doe publickly acknowledge yr Error & pmise Conformity & in ye Pliamt made a recantacon that they were brought up in Evill principles but would abandon them for ye future Two Gent of ye Inns of Court speaking to Mr Trenchard in ye Tower as he was looking out at a window were secured but discharged One Capt Black & his Leiuetenant late Commandr of one of his Maties ffriggo[tts] are seized & by sevrall Witnesses charged for high treason wch his Matie highly resents & they remaine yet in ye Custody of a Messenger One Rous who was formerly acquitted by an Ignoramus Jury is againe in Custody and Confesses & Impeaches many Mr Mead ye Nonconformist Minister wth those other taken in his Company is strictly confined in ye Messengrs hands Bourne ye Brewer one of them has made a large discovery of sevrall things wch occurrd to his knowledge transacted in ye Caballs of ye Conspirators Don Lewis who some dayes agoe was seized is a writeing divers sheets of paper containing the whole scheme of ye plott the sevrall Branches that were to issue from itt & ye psons concerned wch tis thought will outdoe any discovery yett made. +The Earle of Bedford has Petitioned his Matie relateing to some affaire of his sonne the Ld Russell who is to be tryed on Wedensday or Thursday next & has Mr Pollexfen Mr Holt & a 3rd as Councell assigned him in points of Law. +Mr Trenchard will be tryd afterwards his Lady has procured admittance to him on Condicon she will be Contented to be Confined wth him wch she accepted The Leiuetenancy of this City met and have Ordrd a congratulatory Address to be prsented to his Matie on Monday. L. c. l400 the l0th July l683 +Scarce an houre but affords surprizeing Instances of the discovered Conspiracy the first provided since our last was the seizing 2 a Clock sonday morning in a private house in Kent Streete Lentgrove [?] & Capt Walcott menconed in the first proclamacon one of the psons in a former plott wch Blood who stole ye Crowne who being brought before his Matie in Councell & Demand made of him whether he was one of the designed Ruffians to kill ye King replyed he scornd to pforme such A Cowardly act but owned that he intended to attaque his Guards that had weapons in yr hands was after Examinacon Comitted to Newgate Most of ye forraigne ambassadrs have Complimented his Matie for his happy deliverance from ye Conspiracy agt his pson & R highness declareing that they will write to yr Masters to apprehend any of the sd Traytors if they happen to come into yr Territoryes & the ffrench ambassdr informed his Matie that his Master had Ordrd a declaracon wth reward of 500 pistolls to any his subjects that should apprehend any ye 4 menconed in ye last proclamacon Yesterday morning the Ld Howard of Estrick was seized at his house in Knightsbridge & Comitted to ye Tower in ye afternoone the Ld Brandon a sonne of the Earle Macclesfeild togeather wth one Hampden were Comitted to ye same place for high treason A Confluence of Addresses were brought to Court yesterday one from the Justices of Middx wherein they pray that all dissenters may bee displaced from all manner of places of Trust Mr Roger Le Estrange tooke his seate on ye Bench his first time they have a Loyall Grand Jury & Matters of great Import are Expected from them Divers Papers of Moment are Come into authorityes hands of dangerous Consequences one of them being a now scheme or Moddell of Governmt togeather wth ye names of a Commee wch were to manage ye affaires dureing the Inter Regnum or Intervall in the Governmt Warrants are abroad in great abundance but the Councill pceeds wth yt Justice that divers being found Innocent are acquitted without ffees but ye Guilty will receave yr due punishmnt Yesterday Mr Jenks a Lynnen draper & divers booksellers were before ye Councell but are acquitted The Earle of Essex has b[een?] under Examinacon great pte of this morning & Generally said to be Comitted to ye Tower. This day the Company of Salters made a rechoyce of all yr assistance yeomandry Liverymen & one Mr Meriton Minister of St Swithins being lookt upon to be Whiggishly inclyned they chose Mr Bassett L. c. 1401 London the l2th July l683 +Yesterday Capt Durrell & Capt Pitty the first ye Commandr and the Latter the Supercargoe of ye Shipp Crowne [?] the late Interloper from ye East Indies appeared by summons in Councell where the Councell of the East India Company Charged them with very Sharpe allegations that they underhand held Correspondence with ye Dutch in India & sought as much as in them Lay to destroy the Companyes trade & designed to reduce the trade of ye River Gangis in like manner as that of Bantam that they Came in a Hostile manner ashoare with drums trumpets & 20 Armed men togeather with divers other Complaints especially agt Mr Vincent the late Companyes Cheife in those parts who brought home his estate in the said Interloper And that they had reported in India that ye Company was broak whereby they could not have Credit for 10000 Rupes to all which they made A negative Answere & Recharged ye Company with some Irregularityes but by reason Mr Vincent was absent they are Ordrd all to attend againe on ffriday with Councell on both sides & a Messinger sent to Tunbridge for ye said Mr Vincent The Ld Howard of Estrick is not wth ye other Lords Comitted to the Towre but remaines in Whitehall where Lodgings are prpareing for him and his Ldshpp is writeing a Large Discovery of what he knowes Yesterday divers were before ye Councell & Examined One Mr ffreeke a Barrister taken at Tunbridge gave his Matie such sattisfaccon to those Questions he was asked as yt he was discharged as alsoe one Mr Percefull an Attorney who Lent Home ye Conspirator his horse to Cambridge he declareing that after he knew of his accusation was ye Cause of his apprehension. But one Mr Gibbons the Duke of Monmouths Page being found as an Assistant to his Graces Escape was Comitted to ye Gatehouse Sr John Burlace was sevrall times Examined & as yet remaines in the Custody of a Messinger as alsoe Sr Robert Peyton from whome is Expected some discovery Divers Gentlemen are sent for from Tunbridge & other parts and some ptyes of horse gon abroade as tis supposed to Conduct hither some of them being persons of Note whose names till ye Certainty appeares are not propper to incert Yesterday Mr West ye Councellrs Pardon was ordered to be sealed. This morning the Ld Lovelace was brought from his seate In Oxfordsheire & is now before ye Councell Don Lewis has been reexamined before ye Councell & by reason his relacon found to be of noe validity was discharged wth Ordrs to depart the Kingdome 4 Companyes of his Maties Guards are on duty in smithfeild & 6 Companyes of ye Trayned bands This day began A sessions a[t] the old Baly in ye morning the Court pceeded to try ye Common ffellons while ye Grand Jury found Bills agt some of ye Conspirators & 4 were arraigned viz Capt Walcott Rous Home & one Capt Blake who are now upon yr tryalls & tis Judged will be all found Guilty. To morrow the Ld Russell & others are to be tryed at the same place. L. c. 1402 [Handwriting changes here.] Lond the l4th July l683 +Wee have the dreadfull newes ffrom Vienna as Can possibly be Expressed The Prime vizier and vizier off Offen with 20000 Each Besides a great Body of Hungarians Bore upon the Imperiall Army Caused them Aftter Divers skirmishes to Retreet had Besieged and Taken the outworks of Real Burnt and Destroyed all before them Divided themselves into 3 Bodyes one Marching Direct[l]y ffor Vienna and was Come within 4 miles Thereoff the other to Act in Croatia and the 3d to Invade the Emperours hereditary Countryes and tis wrote that Gennerall Scatti [?] and the 6000 Poles Marching Joyne the Imperiall Army were Intirely Routed by the Turkes That the Citty Edenburgh not ffarr ffrom Vienna Togeather with Presburgh has surrendred to Count Teckly Generall Caprara with Coll Montecuculy was Come to Vienna Desireing the Emperour fforthwith to depart ffrom thence ffor in 3 Dayes The Turkes would Be before itt with 150000 men That they had Taken ye Imperiall Baggage and Cutt to peeces the Dragoons that Guarded them that ye Emperour[s] ffoot could not Joine the horse Butt is in Danger to be Ruined by the Enemy That the horses were now posted before Vienna and the Emperour Retreated to Lintz from whence he has sent to the Dukes of Saxony and Bavaria to send speedy Assistance as alsoe one to the King of Poland who tis said will Come in person with his Army with many other particulars too Long to Insert Wee have no Lesse Tragecall and Astonishing Circumstances att Home with us since the Conviction of Captaine Wolcott ffor high treason on Thursday wch was done On as unquestionable and cleare proofe as Ever in the world wherein appeares the most Barbarous Villainy as Could Bee Invented Affter the death of the King and R Highness the Kingdom made despoticall Sr John Moore to bee fflayd and his skinn hang in Guildhall And the Judges in Westminster Hall Severall brought on yr Tryalls yesterday The ffirst Hone the Joiner the Conspiracy made out Against him very Apparent and wch himselfe Confessed in part and the Rest Did but ffrivalously Evade, was found Guilty Affterwards the Ld Russells Tryall Commenced Being brought from the Tower by a strong Guard wch tooke most part of the Day His Ldshipp Returning [?] above 30 of the jury and yn his Councell argued some points in Law wch were over Ruled and twas a long time before his Ldshpp would plead but at Length The Jury being Impannelld 3 witnesses vizt the Ld Howard of Escreek Coll Rumsey and one Mr Sheapard a merchant deposed Against him that his Ldshpp was privy and Consenting to the project of Asserting the Grievances of the native and to have the same Redressed by Armes and was to ffurnish and head a considerable number of ym and that he was present at the Consult for seizing the Guards wch Mr Sheapard said he owned Afterwards was a thinge as able and much other treasonable matter wch was Expedited by the Kings Councell his Ldshipp Denyed the whole And brought divers worthy persons to testify his principles and behaviour But the jury in the Affternoone brought him in Guilty of the treasonable Conspiracy & was carryed to Newgate wch being over the Cort proceeded To Try Rous ffor the Like Crime wch being very cloasely proceed upon was ffound Guilty, But Capt Blagg ffor went of state Evidence was Acquitted. +yesterday his Matie and R Highness went to the Tower to inspect the ffortifications and while there the Earle of Essex who was committed thither on Tuesday for high treason, To the Astonishment of all Cut his owne throat with a Razour wch his man procured to Cutt his nailes and was Immediatly ffound dead weltring in his Blood and as [?] ye surmise of yt sad Occassion The Ld Lovelace who was before the Councill was discharged upon Baile [The next words do not seem to connect with any near them:] ...suspected persons and Sr John Barlow without in midx ye Deputy Lieftenants disarmed all This morning the Sessions proceeded upon yr ordinary buisnesse of the Goale when Mr Att Gennerall appeared and Demanded Judgment Against the Ld Russell Capt Wallcott Rous and Hone who were all Brought to the Barr and Affter an Excellent speech made by Mr Recorder they were sentenced to be hangd drawn & quarterd & yn Remanded to Newgate In the Affternoone they ffinished the work of the time & then Adjournd till next Sessions L. c. 1403 [Handwriting changes here.] London July ye l7th 83 Satterday morning mr justice Raymond in the Kings Bench departed this Life after a long afflicted distemper of the Stone Thursday next is to bee a ffeast in Westminster Hall for above 400 of the Loyall gentlemen of those parts, 20 Stewards appointed and many of the Nobility invited, his Majtie bestowing on them foure Brace of bucks to aggrandize the entertainement Letters from Toulon and other parts of France say, that Monsr de Quesne wth his ffleete before Argieres, has soe successfully played his Bombes into that Cittie, and doe such considerable damage, that the Govermt hung out a white fflagg to treate of Peace, but ye Admirall returned answerr, that he would not discourse any thing aout itt till such tyme, they had sent aboard all the ffrench Slaves together with all other Nations taken in ffrench shipps, pursuant to which in 3 dayes they brought to the ffrench ffleete 542 slaves and they are now agreeing the Articles of Peace. On Sunday were brought to Towne 7 suspected Scots seized in Yorkshire, after examination 6 of them were acquitted, the seaventh being a preacher is detained; ye Person seized for Rumball ye Malster is discharged as being a mistake Monday morning ye East India Company received the good newes of the Arrivall of three of theire Shipps, vizt ye Barnadiscant the Resolution, and the Eagle, very richly laden from the Coast and Bay and expect others suddenly and they bring the Company the newes, that they have very greate effects there, more then shipps to bring them home, they doe not bring the Confirmation of the retakeing of Bantam, but have many Circumstances to inforce the beleife thereof, as that the old King and Emperour of Java joyned forces and were resolved to effect itt. A Person come from Holland credibly sayes; that hee saw the Duke of Monmonth, Sr Thomas Armstrong, and a third Person att Middleburg in Sealand, landing there Satterday was 7 night, and that they designed for Germany. Itt is credibly said yt Captaine Wallcott Rouse and Hone will suffer for theire Traiterous Conspiracy att Tyborne on ffryday next, and Ld Russell Satterday morning in Lincolns Inn ffeild, his Matie being graciously pleased to remitt the severitie of his Sentence, and to grant him there to bee beheaded Yesterday afternoone was a greate hearing before his Matie and Councell betweene the East India Comapny and ye Interloper, the latter being charged wth severall misdemeanours, after the Councell on both sides had argued the Point, his Matie was pleased to express his ressentment against the Interloper, that they should presume to Treade to India contrary to his Maties Proclamation that the same was the Read[i?]est way to destroy the most flourishing Trade of England, and lett itt fall to the Dutch but his Matie was resolved to prevent itt, and pursue ye Law to the full against them, they beeing ordered to give 3000 L security to Answerr the damage to the Company. Though many Reports said, the Dutchess of Monmonth had miscarryed, and since dead, yet the same appeares otherwise for yesterday morning shee was brought to bedd of a Daughterr in a hopefull Condition of health. Severall Merchants yesterday petitioned his Matie to order some vessells agst the Rovers of Salley, they beeing abroad, and beginn to take our Shipps. His Matie designes within a weeke to goe againe for some time to windsorr Itt is ffurther told, yt his Majestie intends to make a Regulation in ye officers of his howshold, some of them beeing whiggishly inclined and hath allready begunn wth his Cooks. The young lord of Sallisbury was last weeke marryed to Mr Bennits Daughter of Buckinghamshire, beeing a Fortune of 3000 L per annum, and 20000 L in money. Severall Loyall young Nobles and Gentlemen have offered his Matie, wch I am told will be accepted, to fforme themselves into a Troope of Horse, consisting of hundred and twenty besides double ye number of Servants, to bee att all times ready for his Maties service att theire owne Cost and Charges, Tenn of them each day to attend his Maties Person. +Satterday Mr Booth sonne of ye Ld De la mere, and yesterday Major Bremen of Chichester was committed to ye Tower. This day was held a Common Councell who upon his Maties letters to them deferred the ffurther choice of Sherriffes, which should have been to morrow, till ye 5th of Septembr. The Emperours Envoy this day received an Express, that part of ye Duke of Lorraines Army had encountred a greate body of Turkes and Tartars, putting them to flight, killing l6000. L. c. 1404 London July l9th 83 Our french lettrs of ye l4th Confirme ye newes yt Monsr De Quesne had forced the Algireens to a Complyance haveing flung above 100 Banshees into yt Citty one of ym falling into a Court of Guards killed 78 Soldiers & hurt divers others wheruppon ye Government hath rendred [?] all yr slaves yett ye Admirall will nott make a peace wth ym before he sends to his Master to know his pleasure what Condicons he will require. The french King has nominated the Marquiss De Villadell Capt of his Switz guards to goe to England in quality of Envoy Extraordinary to Compliment or Congratulate ye King for his & ye Duke of Yorks happy deliverance from ye bloody Conspiracy of Desperate villains to take away their lives. The french King hath published a Placart forbidding all Nacons Shipps except English to carry on board ym any effects [?] of Genoa being resolved to search their shipps for ye same and if any of yr goods bee found on board to Confiscate ym to his owne [?] use & lay a claime [?] uppon their vessells. yesterday a Waterman was Comitted Close prisoner to Newgate for being Instrumentall in ye Conveying & carrying away ye Ld Gray Severall Cittizens were yesterday seized uppon accot of ye Conspiracy and Comitted one Pettis [?] a Linnen draper one Noy of ye same trade & one of his men & divers others all undr examinacon. Lettrs from Vienna of ye 8th wch tis feared will bee ye last from yt place gives various advices first that ye Prince Palatin of Hungary was there arrived only wth l9 men his whole Army of l4000 revolting to Count Teckely and yt severall strong holds were alsoe surrendred to him and yt ye prime Vizier would crowne ye Count in four dayes king of Hungary. The Imperiall foote wch before were seperated have fought yr way thro' the Enemy and on ye l0th Joyned Lorraines horse and are encamped att Vienna the duke sending a strong party abroade encountred a Considerable Body of Turkes and Tartars & entirely routed them. The Turkish Army haveing beseiged Raab stormed itt twice but were repulsed wth ye loss of 2 or 3000 men and were retired from before itt and all of a full march for Vienna only halt for ye comeing upp of yr Cannon uppon wch ye Duke of Lorraine has himselfe set fire to ye Sub[u]rbs. The Bores are all run away. And the Burghers are forced to worke on ye fortifications. They had stoned to death some Jesuitts chargeing ym to be the Cause of yr misery. The Emprour arrived att Lintz 80 Myles from Vienna ye 8th ditto but in such hast as was forced to leave all his Moveables behind him. The Tartars have sett all ye villages between Raab & Vienna on fire wch are above l50. The Dukes of Bavaria Lunenburg & Saxony & some write Brandenburgh are forthwith sending a considerable force to ye Emperours relief. To morrow ye 3 person Condemned for ye late traiterous Conspiracy suffer at ye Common place of Execution tho' some discourse yt they would have been executed in divers prts of ye Citty a strong guard both of horse and foot besides ye County [?] Watch from ye severall hundreds will guard ym thither Capt Walcott is writeing a long Narrative of what hee knowes Rouse has sent to an Eminent Person to disburthen himself in pri[son?] Hone ye Joynr does nott att all deny how full hee was concerned in ye Conspiracy & seems very reluctant Tis ye Genll discourse of ye Towne yt the Ld Russell has a months repreive all possible Sollicitacons being made on his behalfe But I haveing strictly enquiry them find yt l4 Compa of foote & 200 horse are appointed to keep guard on Saturday in Lincolns Inn feilds wch wth other occurrent reasons induces mee to beleive ye formr discourse. Last night Prince George of Denmarke arrived att Woolwich & lay on board the yacht & this morning their Maties & R: Highness were in their Barges thither & 2 a Clock afternoon brought him upp wth ym to Whiteha[ll] being saluted in their passage with ye gunns of ye Tower Shipps &c. L. c. 1405 [Handwriting changes here.] London July 21 1683 After the Arrivall of Prince George on Thursday hee went and complemented the King and Queen in whose prsence a Chaire was placed in wch for some short time he sate downe afterwards went to St Jameses to performe the like to their Royall Highnesses and Lady Anne with whome he played at Cards discoursing in the ffrench Language; next day he dined with his Matie and is made extreamely welcome And yesterday afternoon a new Danish Ambassdour had his Audience of ye King wherein the marriage wth the Lady Anne was proposed together wth the Settlement of a Considerable Estate which was assented to and I am told that the marriage will be consummated to morrow & they with the whole Court goe to Windsor on Monday or Tuesday where their stay will be some considerable time. The Widdow of the late executed Coleman out of some discontent hath cutt her owne throat, 'tis judged because her prsent Condicon did not equalize that of her former. Our Letters from Scotland give us ye advice that one Airbin and John Guillan were arraigned and condemned for the murther of the Archbpp of St Andrews, the first only to be hanged on the 20th instant, the latter to have his right hand cutt off, afterwards to be hanged, then his hand and head fixed on a pole and sett on one of the Gates and his body to be hung in Chaines where the Murther was perpetrated. The Discourse at Edinburgh was that the Lord Provost had recd order to make ready the Parliamt house for their speedy assembling and that the Earle of Perth is to be made Lord High Commissioner in the rooms of his Royall Highnesse The Archbpp of Glasgow is made one of his Maties most honourable privy Councill Above twenty of the Officers of the Custome=house London are impeached for defrauding the King, holding in Combinacon for to suffer Shipps to be runn without payeing the Kings duty for which Sixteen are and a narrow Scrutiny made therein in order to bring them likewise to punishment. Yesterday being appointed the Execucon of the 3 condemned persons for the Traiterous Conspiracy agt his Maties Life, (viz[)] Capt Walcot, Rous & Hone they accordingly were drawne by Nine in the morning the Capt on one Sledge and the 2 others on another to the Common place of Execucon, where after they had severally made theire speeches and performed their necessary devotion the Execuconer did his Office according to the tenure of their Sentence to be drawne hang'd and quartered. Evry one of them more or lesse confessed their ffault of being accessary in the Traiterous Conspiracy. The Capt spake for above halfe an houre and bore hard upon some of the Witnesses in severall perticulars and that he did not actually know or design the killing of the King more than one of the witnesses told him of itt, that he was drawne in by Rumsey & West to assert the priviledges of the people, Rous extenuated some thing of his Charge though confessed himself to have been in the Consul[t] and knew of the carryeing on of the design Hone positively declared that he was to have been one of the 80 to attaque the King comeing from Newmarkett; The 2 first delivered papers to the Sherriffs, which as soone as published shall send you them. Yesterday afternoone the Earle of Bedford, the Lady Russell her Son wth other of the relacons went to Newgate, finding all hopes of repreive to be ineffectuall, and tooke their solemne & last ffarewell of the Lord Russell. Afterwards Deane Tillotson and Doctr Burnet asssisted him wth their prayers, from whose hands his Lordshp tooke the Blessed Sacrament, and if ffame may be credited declared upon it that he never had any designe to kill the King or alter the Government. And this morning in his owne Coach wth a strong Guard he was brought in to Lincolnes Inne ffeilds and mounted the Scaffold wth undaunted resolucon and unconcernednesse, walking some times about it, spake some few words that he came not there to make Speeches but say his Prayers for had left wth the 2 aforemenconed Doctors a paper of his last Declaracon wch was read on the Scaffold among them but wee cannot learne the Contents more than his disowning to have hand in designeing the Kings death went to his private prayers then arose and pull'd off his do[uble]t and without changing Countenance laid himselfe downe on the blocke giveing the Signe to the Execuconer who most unskillfully & barbarously used him giveing him one stroke not halfe through, then at the second mist the first wound & did not perfect it, upon which the body heaved and one person was forced to hold down his head while a third blow wth the Ax was given and then a knife made an end of the Worke Which was a dreadfull exit, his body immediatly was putt in a Coffin then conveyed into a Hearse and carryed home to his Lordshps house. L. c. 1406 London July 24th 1683 ffryday last Sr Richard How one of our Aldermen was seized wth an Apopletick fitt wch continued so severe upon him notwithstanding all possible Applicacons Sonday morning he departed this life. A Confluence of Addresses was brought up to White Hall from all ptes among ym one entituled an Adresse from ye dissenting Bretheren wch was rejected The Earles of Maxfeild & Suffolke togeathr wth Sr Henry Capell brothr to ye unfortunate E; of Essex have kissed his Maties Hand & reced into ffavour The Court continues in Towne a weeke longr & ye marriage wch was intended to have been consumated between Prince Geo. & Lady Anne on Sunday last is deferred till Thursday next yestrday ye sd Prince went to a play Satureday night was published a speech of ye deced Ld Russell by ordr of his Lady wch being p[er]used by Authority Dr Tillottson & Dr. Burnet ye Divines whoe attended his Ldpp before & at ye place of Execucon was summoned to Councill & interrogated as to what knowledge they had relateing thereto ye formr di[d?] absolutely disclayme it Dr Burnett gave his Matie accot of his Ldpps behaviour in his imprisonmt yt ye sd speech was wrote by himselfe yt he incerting nothing save onely he comended his Ldpp of speakeing something about ye Witnesses in ye Popish Plott The Dr alsoe shewed ye sevrall notes he had taken by desire of ye Ld Russells Lady of ye discourse they had wth each othr in ye Prison as alsoe a Coppy of a speech wch his Ldpp intended to speake at his tryall but was diswaded therefrom by his Councill wch after an houres tyme they were dismissed Collonell Russell Uncle to ye late executed Ld Russell delivred his Maties a lettr wch his Ldpp obleiged him to doe ye Contents unknowne Admirall Herbert in one of Maties ffrigottes is arrived from Tangeir whoe has brought Lres of ye 26 June wch give an Accot yt ye Garrison is in a good Condicon yt ye Governor had an intrveiw at ye end of ye line wth ye Alcade of Alcazar & settled wth him divrs Agreemts of Comerse ye same Lres add yt ye Empr of Morocco had by a Strattagem forced ye pass of ye Mountaines wch his nephew Mulyishmale kept agt him & defeated his fforces killing his Genll Alcade Echyacos & beseiged him in ye City Tamdent in the Latitude of 29 & tis added yt ye [illegible word of about four letters] Ambassidor here commanded ye Emperors forces & yt Jonas ye Runagade was killed in ye ffight Lres from ye Groyne on ye Coast of Galitia say yt 5 Algeriene men of Warr ye 5th of this month seized 8 shipps laden wth Corne being Hamburgrs & Lubeckrs & landed on ye Coast & tooke away 20 of ye Country people Satterday wee had severall fforeigne Mayles but noe ffreshe lres from Vienna yn those of ye llth wch causes apprhencon yt ye City is beseiged by ye Turkes ye same being advised from Ratisbonne of ye 19 yt ye Turkes have sett before itt wth 90000 & yt ye D: of Lorreigne did not thinke fit to engage ye Enemy till ye Succours of ye sevrall Princes have Joyned him The Duke of Brandenburgh has dispatched l2000 undr Commands of Genll Dafling & othr Princes pportionable wch will amo[un]t to 60000 ffresh men besides ye King of Poland has brought his Army as farr as Cracow & willl march directly to Hungary to ye Emprrs Releife The Empror dispatched a Coreir to ye ffrench King to pray his Assistance agt ye Turkes The States of Holland have wrote to ye Deputyes of ye Admiralty to augmt yr ffleet wth l2 other men of Warr [for?] ffeare there will be occasion to make use of them Lres from Madrid yt ye Inquisiticon of Tolledo & all other ptes of ye Kin[g]dome have declared agt ye 4 pposicones of ye ffre[n]ch Clergy yt they are Skismatticall mormons & tending to Heresy This morning ye Ld Mayr & Court of Aldreman went to White Hall & Complemented Prince George upon his arrivall to England This morning alsoe Monsr Tilladett Envoy Extraordinary from ye ffrench King had his audience from his Matie and Royall highnesse rendring ym ye Commplemt from his Mr from yt happy delivance from ye traitorous Conspiracy. Ye same time alsoe ye Earles of Macklesfeild Suffolke & Kent togeathr with one Lacy Gower Esqr a late membr of Parliamt kissed his Royall Highnesses hand & were [sentence ends] [Note in another hand in left margin of first recto:] Sr pray make a volume of this last Quarter L. c. 1407 [Handwriting changes here.] London July 26 1683 Tuesday all ye fforeigne Ministeres Complemented Prince Geo: upon his arrivall except ye Spaniard designeing to pforme yt Ceremony another Season by reason he would not be prsent wth ye ffrench Ambassidor to occasion disputes Sr John Jardin his Maties Envoy to ye Stes of Holland upon ye affaire of ye E: India Company relateing to Bantam is returennd & given his Matie a pticular Accot of his negotiacon in yt mattr yt after divers Conferrences wth ye States they had in some measure Complyed to his Maties demands but yt his Instruccons not being full to agree any thing of a Rebate in yt Affaire at prsent stood wthout a Conclusion till his Maties pleasure be further knowne in yt Concerne Yesterday 3 Clipprs 4 Malefactors Condemned last Sessions were executed at Tyburne Yesterday Lres from Paris on ye 3l brought advise yt ye day before Maria Teresia of Austria Queene of ffrance dyed at Versales in ye 45 yeare of her Age & 4 day of her Sicknes being an Imposthume or Boile in her Neck wch occasioned her physicones to lett her blood sevrall times, put a period to her life. The late arrived E India Interloper Tuesday & Wednesday began & ended ye Sale of yr goods wch mett wth a good Markett & was in Vallue neare l30000 L & his Matie bought all ye Salt Petr This day 7 night is appointed an Adje Sessions at ye Old Bayly at wch tyme ye Ld Ch: Justice Pemberton will returne from ye home Circuitt when divrs of ye Conspirators will be furthr brought up on yr Tryalls & alsoe those who are ffled will be pceeded agt to an Outlawry Lres from Calis informe yt Capt Clowdesly Shovell in his Maties ffriggott ye James Galley came to an Anchor in yt Roade and was by 12 Spanish men of Warr ordered to salute wch ye Capt refused unlesse they would returne as many Gunnes upon wch they nott complying layd him on Board and shott through him killing some of his men wch then he was obliged to pforme but ye same comeing to his Maties Knowlege very much Resents ye indignity of ye Spaniards & will write to Madrid about it By a Shipp passing by Argeires wee have an accot of Monsr De Quesne since ye receipt of all ye ffrench slaves hee Comanded of yt Governmt l200000 Dollars to be given to his Mr as alsoe all ye Gunnes taken formerly at Gugiry to be restored wthout wch he cannot agree a peace but to alleviate ye Paymt of ye sd money he is contented to accept of all Christian slaves wth ym being about 5000 at l00 Dollars a head in pte of Paymt wch pointes they have taken time to considr This day Prince George was marryed to Lady Anne And ye Ld Mayor and leiftennancy went to Complimt Prince George The french King has returend Answr to ye Dyett of Rattisbone to forbeare his Prtentions dureing ye Warr wth ye Turke yt he will take his advantage publishing ye manefesto yt if ye Empror & Spaine doe not agree his demands by ye end of August he will carve out his owne. L. c. 1408 [Handwriting changes here.] London July ye 23th 83 Our letters from Northampton give an Accompt, that ye Grand Jury for that County had presented 52 Gentl: of those [parts?] by name for Associating themselves in Clubbs and Caballs, tending to ye Diquiet of ye Govermt and for presenting formerly to ye Knights of the Shire an Address for altering the succession out of itts lineall Course of descent by disabling James Duke of Yorke from inheriting the Imperiall Crowne of this Realme Which presentment is brought to Whitehall, and said will bee printed and seconded by ye grand Juryes of divers other Counties and ye said Towne of Northampton made A surrender of their Charter yesterday into ye hand of the King, as did some dayes agoe the Citizens of Newbury and sevrall other places. Yesterday his Grace ye Duke of Buckingham kissed his Maties and Royall Highnesses hand, and was received into Grace and favour, as did alsoe ye Lord Delamere with other Gentl: [First verso is blank.] [Handwriting changes here.] The Emprors Envoy heare has his advice yt ye Polish Army has taken ye Citty Caserta from Count Teckley & yt Count Teckley was himselfe wounded if not slaine in attempting to receive it and yt ye Poles are in a full march towards Vienna Sr extraordinary buisnes hath caused me to omitt you this lettr, for wch I crave yo[u]r pardon & doe assure you this is ye last I shall faile you off. L. c. 1409 London July 31st 1683 The E: India Company has appointed a sale on ye 7 of August & will pay such bills as shall become due by ye 30 of 7br out of ye sd money His Matie has made ye Ld Howard of Effingham Governour of Virginia in ye roome of ye Ld Culppr. On Saturday night Prince George was marryed to ye Lady Anne & his Matie was pleased to pforme ye Ceremoney of putting on ye Princes shirt and ye Queene ye Ladyes Shift just before they bedded The Prince continues covered in ye prsence & ye Danish Ambassidor has agreed ye Articles of marriage his Matie giveing ye Prince l0000 L p ann & his Royall Highness as much & ye King of Denmarke double ye value & one way or othr he will be worth 50000 L p ann And ye prince made his Lady a prsent of jewells worth 20000 L Their Maties this day went for Windsor & tomorrow yr R Highnesses goe thither where ye Prince will be installed Knight of ye Garter & wee are told will be Created Duke of Glocestr or Cumberland & have ye place of Lord high Admirall of England Conferred on him Sonday last 2 Nonconformeing Ministers, ffrancklyn & Long being taken in a Conventicle were Committed to Newgate upon ye 5 mile Act Yesterday ye Lds of ye Councill Complemented Prince George upon his Marriage wth Ye Lady Anne Its advised from Berlin yt ye D: of Brandenburgh has consented to a League wth ye Empror and relinquished yt of ffrance Paris Lres say yt ye ptestants of Langue docke meet 3 or 4000 in ye ffeilds to heare preaching &c & haveing sent to ye Chancellor had answere yt by this they declared a Warr & yt Gallowses should be erected to punish those Rebells yt sent them ordrs being dispatched to ye Intendt to take force & seized those Conventicles & send them to ye Gallyes The Ld Mayor and Cort of Aldrmen went this day to White Hall to receive his Maties ordrs before he left ye Towne and Complemted Prince George upon his Marriage This day writts of ne exeat Regno were served on divers Merchts & Mastrs of Shippes who are Interloprs to ye Indies & gave 20000 L security but not to do yt [?] to ye Kingdome Bills in Chancery as alsoe pceedings at Common Law & Accons in ye Crowne office being agt them for Tradeing to India contrary to ye Companyes Patent Lres from Passau [seal spoils about five letters] yt ye D: of Lorreigne had sent a ffishrman whoe swame into Vienna & returned safe to informe Count Starenburgh yt he would raise ye seige in less then a month ye Count engaged to defend it till then Accordingly he estened [?] his souldrs wth money Bread & Wine to yr Satisfaccon & ye Turkes after 3 Stormes sumoned them to surrendr The Prime Vizier declareing yt if he tooke it by Assault he would not spare a Child in ye Cradle The Governour made answer yt he would not surrendr whatevr happened but agreed to a Cessacon to bury ye dead aftr wch ye Turkes played furiously wth yr Cannon ye Sultans sending ye Vizier either to take ye City or else be strangled whereupon ye Vizier sent to Offen & Gran to bring all necessaryes resolveing to make a Genll Storm before ye Imperiall supplyes arrived Just now tis advised yt ?0000 [first digit blotted] Bavarians have joyned the Duke of Lorreigne Genll Dunwalt has surprised 800 Tartars taken l4 Coulours & released 3000 Christian slaves L. c. 1410 London August 2d 1683 Wee receive an Accot from ye Court of ye Elector of Brandenburgh yt upon his highnesses declareing a dispatch of 1000 souldrs for ye Emprors releife ye ffrench Ambassadour imediately repaired to him & would have disuaded ye D: therefrom but alsoe told him his Mr would resent ye Indignitye in being done contrary to league lately concluded for not aggrandizeing ye house of Austrea but ye Duke as smartly replyed as well by word of mouth as by writeing yt at evr[y] allyance he had made wth his Mr for not rayseing yt house to a highr pitch he was sure he had agreed nowe to bring it lowr & therefore being Sov[r]eigne in his owne Dominions his Mr must be satisfied in wt he had done for his desire was to expell ye Ottoman Army tho' there were some in Europe yt he thought were Instrumentall in bringing them in & now well pleased wth ye pgress they had made upon ye Empire Yesterday was brougt to ye Kings printing house & since printed ye State of ye late Traitorous Conspiracy agt ye King & Royall Highness being drawne up by ye Privy Councill give a Scheme wth ye names of many of ye psons menconed in yt Conspiracy togeathr wth an ordr for a genll Thankesgiveing for ye delivrance therefrom wch is appointed to be on ye 9 of Septembr next & ye sd State to be read in all ye inslies [?] & Chappells ye Sunday before & at ye day of Publicke thankesgiveing Tuesday last was pformed ye long Expected Joquo de Torme or ffighting wth bulls on horsebacke after ye Spanish mannr wch p[r]oved very ineffectuall & much disliked ye Spaniards useing all possible meanes of Gunpowder & othrwise to pvoke ye Cowes to ffight but could not wch soe much incensed ye spectators whoe gave some l8 & othrs 20 d for ye seates yt ye Booth was well nigh pulled downe to the Ground The E: India Company have now prvailed wth his Matie to signe a Comicon wch before was obstructed to constitute Sr Jno Wetwang Admll & Sr Tho Grantam vice Admirll of a ffleet of ll saile of Shippes wch ye Company is sending to India Sr Jno on bord ye Royall James & Sr Tho in Charles ye 2d being ye Companyes shippes of 60 gunns a peice to carry 220 men each besides souldrs & have ye Kings Jacke & will be ready to depart in 3 weekes for India ye Company designeing not only to ffight and seize ye Interloprs but to endeavor to take Banta[m] if it be not allready done & I am told intend to settle a Royall in India where they will determine affairs relateing to ye Company About 2 of ye Clocke this morning casually broake forth a dreadfull [fire] in yt range in ye Innr Temple of buildings adjacent to White ffryrs wch in some howers consumed 30 Apartmts & was of yt impetuosity yt divers Gent were burnt in yr bedds & one Sr Tho Robinson Treasurr of yt place & Prosecutr of ye Common pleas threw himselfe out of a window but was soe bruised yt an hower after he dyed his place being worth 7000 L falls to ye Ld Ch: Justice Pembrton The Sessions at ye old Bayly being adjd to this day ye Cort only pceeded to make pclamacon for those Conspirators who are fled to surrendr themselves will be [sic] pceeded agt to Outlawry & yn adjd to ye 29 Instant when they intend to try those others in Custody L. c. 1411 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 2d August 83 His Matie has appointed the E of Dumbarton to goe on his pte and his Royall Highnesse has nominated Mr Nickolas from him to goe and wait uppon the ffrench King and condole with him uppon the losse of his late Queene On ye 27th ye D: of Buckingham waited uppon his Maty and kissd his hand The same day the Declaration of the late cursed Conspiracy was read in Councill and approved and ordered to be sent to the Presse It is first to be read in all Churches uppon the 2d of 7br next that all his Matyes good Subjects being made sensible of the truth and horrour of it may prepare themselves and give God Thankes for his great deliverance on ye 9th which will be observed throughout all ye Kingdome as a publick and solemne day of thankesgiveing Wee have not yett heard what is become of Sr Thomas Armstrong fferguson or any of the other traytors fled from Justice but Holland must noe more be a Receptacle for ym the States Genll haveing given ordr to seize any that should be soe hardy to goe thither and forbid all their subjects to give them ye least aid or comfort The Dutch ffleet now goeing out is comanded by Admirall Bastvens [?] who has taken his leave of the States and is gone aboard tis Apprehended by most that as when they shall meete the ffrench and Danish fleete they will be hardly able soe to deport themselves as not to give an occasion of a Rupture The Marseilles lres dat July 23 say that a strict Guard is put uppon ye Slaves brought to Toulon from Algiers many of them being said to have brought plague sores with them there gave not Mounsr d'Quesne his [?] action who they say has refused 500 peices of 8 and demands a farr greater summe. Tis strange that they should soe easily be brought to such Termes (but it was ye affright at the Bombes to which they had not beene used [?] more than the hurt[)] soe tis well assured by lres from Algier that not above 7 houses were spoyled and 9 psons killed On ye 28 in ye evening the Articles of marriage haveing been fully concluded George Prince of Denmarke and Princess Anne were married by the Lord Bishop of London at St James's All that night the Bells &c loudly proclaimed the peoples joy and the next day the whole Court app[ear?]ed very splendid and the Nobility &c paid their Complements of congratulation On the 28 the Queene went to Windsor and this day his Maty His Royall Highness Prince George and the Princess goe thither too morrow where they may cede [?] the Traditions [?] of yt place and the Prince be admitted into ye most happy order of the Garter on Thursday. It has beene ye Towne Talke that mr Bateman a Chirurgeon and Mr Noyes a Linnen Draper who are both Prisonrs on Acct of the Conspiracy were carried to Kingston to receive their tryalls which haveing gained genll beleife I thought fitt to give notice that it were a false Report You had formrly accot of ye apprhending of Lock who transported the lord Gray to Middleburgh since which tis advised that 2 of the seamen who belonged then to him are seized at Yarmouth in ye Isle of Wight The Paris Lres dated Augu the ll tell us Mounsr de Quesne remaines before Algier till he has an answer to the Courier and knows whether besides l200 livres to the Merchants and 500 to the King he shall insist upon haveing one of their ports as an obligation uppon those Pirates to keep the peace In ye meane time 60 of his shalloupes are employed to ply along the Coast and undr the very walls which receive all the Slaves of what Nation soever who can escape to them their Mastrs not dareing to grumble at it for feare of the Bombes The Spanish Armada consisting of l0 great shipps and 4 fire shipps sett saile July the l2th from Cadiz but by contrary winds were put into Rota 3 leagues from thence and as yet noe notice of their second setting out On ye 30 one Weekes was brought in by arresting and discharged uppon 2000 L baile Mr Meade the great Non=conformist Preacher has gained his liberty uppon giveing 2000 L bond for himselfe and two suretyes each one of a l000 L to answer what shall be objected agt him at Terme and in the meane time to be of the good behaviour On ye 3l of ye last a liberty was granted to the Spanish Cavalier to show the dexterity of his exercise agt the Bull. The place for ye spectators had been sometime since erected and now ye Horses haveing beene led about Streets like the Beares to draw in Company about 3 in ye afternoone they began the shew the Cavalier appeared well mounted in a carelesse posture with a cloak about him and a short speare in his hande and then the bulle was let loose the Bull not soe fierce as those in Spayne was yet sufficiently taught neglected the Don who thereuppon provoaked him Severall times with his speare The Bulle did not yet turne to account and soe the Don with his speare gave little satisfaction but then Springes a nimble Portuguez who on foote attacques the Bulle vaults upon his back and bestrides him and the Bulle could not sooner acquitt himselfe of him then he was up againe and this indeed gave some Diversion But this was not the thing the people lookt for They thought to have seene at least an horse or a man sorely wounded if not killed outright but being bereft of their Expectation as haveing not mischeife enough for their money the rabble grew enraged and fell uppon pulling downe the scaffolding haveing destroyed a great part of itt Carried away ye Bulle and so the shewe ended By the Marseilles lres dated July the 30 tis said that the Courier dispatcht from Mounsier d' Quesne embarqued at Toulon 3 dayes before uppon his returne they were fitting some men of War to goe before Salley who had ye Corsairs aboard and had lately taken some ffrench shipps The Holland men of warr had beene at Tripoli where the[y] had cut off the late Kings head and made Peace with them on the same termes they did with Tunis Those of Algiers have not complied with their promise in delivring up all their Captives and seeme to seeke a pretext to breake with them +There is nothing new from Vienna only an hope from their gallant deportmt that they will be yet able to maintayne it till succor come Sr Phill Loyd one of the Che[if?] of his Matyes most Honrab Privy Councill is made secretary to Prince George The Chapter for the Garter is putt off till Monday +This morning about 3 a fire broak out in ye Temple where ye Kings B. office was formerly kept and destroyed many houses Sr Tho Robinson ye pothecary leapeing out of his window is since dead by his fall Walcots head is sett up at Aldrsgate Rous's at Guild Hall and Hones at Aldrgate and these examples worke not uppon perverse men There are yett some that frequent Conventicles of which one eminent one was this weeke disturbed and their Preacher sent to Newgate [Note in another hand on outside of letter:] 2 Aug: 83 Muddimans Letters. 1 Caret [?]. to 20 Dec. inclusive L. c. 1412 [Handwriting changes here.] London Augt 4th 83 A Councill sitts every day at White Hall to make a further inspection into the Plott there being someone or other continually before them but they proceed wth that Justice as to acquitt wthout ffees those they find innocent and yesterday divers were discharged One Mr Johnson the late Ld Russells chaplaine being before them and charged to be the Author of divers unwarrantable books especially that of Julian the Apostate as alsoe a 2d part therof wch was printed and ready to bee published and since ye discovery of the plott remained from the press both wch bookes hee owned himself to bee authour of but would nott surrendr upp the lattr uppon which the printeres and booksellers were discharged but he comitted to ye Gate house. Yesterday uppon some Informacons given of Rumball ye Arch Conspiratr in Bishopsgate Streete divers houses were broken open and the place besett wth Soldiers but he found money to escape for the prsent. The Late dreadful fire wch hapned Thursday morning in the inner Temple has done mighty damage for itt being ye Remembrance Office most of ye Records of Convicted papists and dissentrs were consumed but some think they may be recovered out of the pipe office yesterday was found 4000 L in ye Rubbish in an iron Chest ye money of ye deceased Sr Tho Robinson who leapt out of ye window and Mr Williams had ye misfortune to come yt Evening late out of ye Country who lodgeing in his Chamber was consumed in the flames itts supposed to beginn thro the meanes of one Mr Glide in ye office who sitting upp all night to prepare bussiness for ye assizes might fall asleepe and his candle sett fire to his paprs hee being found alsoe burnt On Wednesday last two Execrable villaines convicted Last Hertford assizes for Ravishing Robbing and Murdering a mealmans wife of Barnett was there hanged in Chaines and while ye Executionr was busy in fastning the Rope in ye Gibbett Bungg one of the malefactors unlooseing his hands wth his teeth tooke of the noose from his owne & dextrously putt itt over ye Executionrs head gott astride on the Gibbett thrust away the Laddr and had certainly hanged him had nott the Rope been somewhat entangled in part of his hatt wch occassioned him to dropp thro' and itt was well nigh an houre hee defending himselfe from yt assault before hee could bee gott downe & Executed. Advice from Oxford gives an Accompt that one ffrancis Charlton Esqr whose sonn marryed Sr Robt Chivestons daughter being a greate fortune was thro' ye means of the Bishopp of yt place seized there this weeke being menconed in his Maties declaracon published Thursday last for a generall day of Thanksgiveing on ye 9th of octob [?] and I am told is charged to have a deep hand in the Conspiracy as yt he was paymastr thereof & did actually give Mr West 8 L [?] to buy Armes wth hee is a Gent of a [about four words cut off] & remarkeable as haveing [paragraph ends] +This weeke ye agents from new England were at Whitehall to acquaint yt a Quo Warrto is brought agt yt Charter directed to ye Gouvrnr & Inhabitants & is delivered into ye hands of one Randall to carry thither in ordr to try yt affaire his Matie declareing he has noe designe of infringe[ing] their Libertys but yt they acknowledg him their Sovereigne expecting yr conformity for the future or els to abide ye due course of Law. L. c. 1413 London Augt 7th 83 Lettrs from the Court of Brandenburgh of ye 29th of July say yt Monsr Rodenack ye french Ambassadr in a greate huff tooke his Audience of of Congere of yt Duke to returne home since his highness had publickly declared to adhere intirely to the Emperors interest the Duke nott only speeding away l2000 Veteran soldiers to the releife of Vienna but added 6000 more and for a readier dispatch sent Away ye foote in Carts & Waggons. ffom Dantzick tis advised that ye King of Poland has sent his ordrs thither to command away Monsr Vernay the french Envoy haveing finished his bussiness nott being willing to have a person soe dangerous to his State to remaine on his frontiers. Our hamburgh Lettrs tell us of two plotts discovered in the Citty of Lubeck to put itt into the hands of ye King of Denmarke ye one was an agreemt between the King and some of ye Burghers Masters The latter that when they should have occassion to make use of their Cannon their Bulletts are made to Bigg which being advertized to ye Dukes of Lunenburgh and Zell they sent 5000 who lye in the Suburbs wch has hindred the projects and the Burghers have sworne to be true to ye Emperour those of Colloigne have arrested the high Court of justice for being to partiall in the process of ye Sieur Mussleman but upon intercession and promise that they will expedite yt affaire are since att Liberty. The Dutch ffleete Lye now on ye Dogger Banks between England and Holland whence Bastianez ye Admirall is to open his Comission and to pursue ye intents all are men of warr that are and can be gott ready are forthwth ordrd to sea undr conduct of some experienced Commander the designe nott as yett knowne Francis Charleton Esqr seized att Oxford was carryed to Windsor & brought here last night and remaines in ye hand of a messengr where hee is writeing what he knowes of the traiterous conspiracy to meritt his pardon. The Ld Dartmouth is appointed Admirall to command ye Aforesd fleete. this day Prince George was to have been installed knight of the Garter but tis deferred the reason is sd to send itt to Denmarke ye Prince being of ye order of the Elephant wearing a Starr whither hee discontinue that to take uppon him yt order of England. Their Maties are in mourning for ye decease of the french Queen. Yesterday one Mayne a linnen drapr was seized on acct of ye plott and will [be] carryed too morrow wth Mr Charlton to Hampton Court to be examined before ye Councill Wee want 2 Dutch posts But tis advised from fflandrs yt at Vienna ye Turks forbear assaulting but intend to mine and storme itt The beseiged broke into & tooke an Aga who confesses yt ye Prime Vizier had nott attacqued Vienna had not Count Lerini assured him ye Citty might bee easily taken. The Emperor gave a Gent a gold chaine for acquainting him ye Poles were on a full march to Joyne Lorrane L. c. 1414 [Handwriting changes here.] London August ye 9th 83 Tuesday and yesterday we have generall and grand Reports about Towne, the first that ye ffrench King beeing infected with ye plague (of which tis said his Queene dyed) was himself deceased, the latter, that one Mr. Alderman ffoote a merchant received in a postscript of a letter from Holland that on the 3lth ultima Vienna was surrendred to the Turkes, but for want of further confirmation I suspect ye truth of either. Yesterday was held a Councell att Hampton Court where ye affaire betweene ye East India Company and the Interlopers was expected to bee debated by Councell on both sides but his Matie not comeing from Windsor, ye matter was differred, as alsoe some other buisinesse. The Lord Dartmouth who is appointed to command the ffleete now att Anchor att ye Spit head neare Portsmouth beeing made up 20 sayle and well manned came on Tuesday to Windsor from on board, beeing supposed for new orders, and is since returned to them and will putt to sea with all expedition, the designe is kept secret. Our Scotch Letters of ye 3lth say, that Hammilton of Maikland, who was one of those seized att New Castle, goeing with letters to Holland in order to consult ye raising an insurrection in the Kingdome, beeing a branch of the Conspiracy detected here was upon full evidence of l4 witnesses some time since convicted and now sentenced to loose his head on the Markett Crosse his Estate reall and personall to bee forfeited to the Kings use, his armes reversed by sound of Trumpett and by the Herauld of Armes proclaimed Traytor; ye Kings Advocate has undertaken to make itt Treason for refuseing to take the Test, and divers will be tryed thereon. This morning ye East India Company received good newes, that two Shipps vizt ye Samson, C[apt] Legon Commander and the ffan[seal spoils about three letters] Captaine Brestrigg Commander was arrived at ye Downes from Surat richly loaden, but brings no advise as to Bantam, or Accompt of divers others of the companyes shipps, wch were before them sett sayle for England, theire auction remaines att 245 This afternoone sitts a Committee of Councell att Whitehall, where divers of ye Plottrs will bee examined. One Starkey Clarke to Aaron Smith in ye Tower is committed to ye Gate house for that hee under the pretence of seizing Conspiractors take up persons without warrants One Sr Richard Corbett a late Member of Parliament is this weeke deceased, the Lord Convay is said to bee very ill, Collonell Birch another member sick if not dead. The Court designes for Winchester towards ye end of this Moneth. L. c. 1415 [Handwriting changes here.[ Whitehall 9 Aug 83 May it please ye Honor From Ireland they tell us dated July 25 of one Gideon Finch ye great Belle weather of Wexford who at ye Assizes ye weeke before was found guilty of Subornation and Perjury and fined 40 L This was a great Mortification to ye Party that so eminent a leader should be found in soe foule a fault but the best of men have theire failings and this did not hinder but that on ye 24 he with some fellow labour[e]rs held forth in Dublin from 9 in ye morning till 4 afternoone Itt being kept as a day of humiliation among them wch wholly bodes mischeife this by fasting haveing as is well observed beene comonly made use of to whet their appetite to Rebellion The best of it is ye Govrmt is well provided for them there and soe ye Danger ye lesse The greatest care is taken that noe suspected pson should land in any port without being secured and none are to goe to Scotland or come from thence without Passes Mr Francis Charleton being lately discovered neare Oxford was apprhended and sent thither to be secured upon notice of which a Messenger was ordered hence with a Party of Horse to bring him up He is one named in his Matyes late declaration of the Conspiracy and was so gratious in ye Eyes of Goodenough that upon pticular occasion hee made choice of him to be fforeman of a middlx jury He is a man of 2000 L p ann and may be able to doe greate service by a Discovery being said to be Treas to the Conspiracy and who was to have laid downe the money for the Armes With him was one who denyes [?] his Name is Walter Vaughan but being found in such Company he is duly suspected and therefore to be brought up with him to answer for himselfe Mr Vaughan who was taken with Mr Charleton is discharged Mr Charleton haveing on ye 5 been examined by his Maty in Councell was comitted to ye Custody of his Messengers and is now here with him. And we are in hope suddenly to see an other of the Conspiracy mentioned in ye Declaration Casteen a Non conformist Teacher [sic] there being notice given yt ye Mayor of Tonderton [?] in Kent had taken one in custody upon that account who answrs those Charactrs he acknowledgeth himself to be a Scotchman a servant [?] to hobbs [?] and well acquainted with fferguson but being askt what he knew of ye Conspiracy he said ye times were dangerous and must consider before he answred such questions To these I may Joyne Ben Harris ye Pillory bookseller to whome his Matie upon promise of better behaviour remitted a fine which held him Prisonr in ye kings Bench This ungratefull wretch makes this use of his Liberty that he carryes downe ye seditious Libells which he was shy in vending here to put them off at Bristoll ffaire These were what he traded in but being askt for Animadversions on my Ld Russells speech he said he sold no such popish bookes The magistrate of ye Citty carried out a warrant to apprhend him but these people haveing long eares and many spyes he gained notice and Escap'd The villanous Pamphlets are seized as he may phaps himself suddenly haveing been seene since walking in disguise neare the Towne And of ye same Bunch are the obstinate Conventiclers who though they finde ye Conspiracy at ye Doores will still enter ye Meeting Houses of these same this weeke have been routed and ye speakers sent to Newgate the Hearers indeed are mostly women and therefore not soe roughly handled But yet they are of great danger when [about twelve consecutive words illegible] are to be lookt uppon as those who have ye foule disease for besides that they spoyle most men that keep them Company they generally taint their husbands Twere better for them and ye whole Kingdome that they all would doe as about 40 or 50 did on ye 4 at Southampton sett Saile for Pensylvania there they may finde those like themselves and exercise one with another with ye greatest freedome The Installation at Windsor is put off till further ordr The Reason 'tis said is for that Prince George wearing now ye Ordr of ye Elephant expects an answer to ye Complement He sent to the King his brother about takeing this of ye Garter Capt Bascall who hath remained sometime in ye messengrs hand for want of Bayle hath now his liberty upon giveing l000 L bond himselfe and 2 suretyes bound each in 500 L that when called to it he shall answer all such Mattrs as shall be objected against him Mr Johnson ye Author of Julian ye ["Apostate" is cancelled or smeared] haveing been formerly in Custody was discharged uppon Bayle but is now againe taken upp Hee is not yett wred of the itch of scribbling and is said to be the Author of another as villanous a Libell as the former which goes under the name of Lucians Arts and that to have engrossed the whole impression to himselfe reserveing it as a dose only for ye use of the Bretheren whose Stomachs by often takeing poyson are prepared for it Admll Herbert uppon his returne from ye Straights of was recd with all kindnesse by his Matie who a marke of the Satisfaction and good Esteeme he hath of his services hath been pleased to make him one of the Comissioners of the Admiralty +The Coffee houses about Towne have for 2 or 3 dayes maintained a discourse that the ffrench king is dead though there is not the least Symptome of any distemper taken notice of in ye ffrench lres which might give Colour to such Report It was phaps scattered abroad in favour of one Halsway who had printed this in a paper with many idle predictions and stands now bound in l000 L to answer for them at ye next Sessions +Tis writ from Cowes dated the 6 that by a vessell arrived there from Bourdeaux in 6 daies 'tis advised that their vintage is likely to fall short this yeare by reason of Extraordinary Thunder and haile His Matie intends uppon ye 25 to goe to Winchester +To what the Gazette of 2 [?] ultima I have only to adde that by some lres tis said that ye Poles doe not answer Expectacon in comeing downe early to ye releife of the ["Turks" is cancelled]] but however Count Naremburgh defends ye place with the greatest Courage although the Turks are said to have made their approaches with l0 waves of ye Counterscarpe The Bassa of Cadiz they say was killed and an Aga taken Prisonr in a sally with a losse of many Turks however the D of Lorraine had by one who by swimming the River in ye night given ordr that they should make no more Sallyes L. c. 1416 [Handwriting changes here.] London August 11 l683 Yesterday two Holland Mayles brought Lres from Lintz of the 31 ultimo and Passaw the lst instant That Vienna notwithstanding the report that they had surrendred still makes a Vigorous defence haveing suffered 8 Severall Assaults upon evr'y Quarter of the City, the last being a generall Storme with all the Turkish fforce for 8 houres but were repulsed wth above 20000 losses many being drowned in the Grafh [?] Notwithstanding which discouragemt the Prime Vizier whose life depends upon the Successe redoubled his fury, wrote a Letter to the Sultan for a further Supply with promise that he will continue the Seige yet 40 dayes longer and was reinforced with 60000 from Belgrade &c and then resummoned it but was as couragiously answered in the negative Since which the Turkes brought their approaches within l0 paces of the Counterscarp, began to mine againe the Scotch and Newport Gates, made a Bridge to take it from the Dona=side and raised double lines agt the City which hindred all accesse thereinto. Count Staremburgh with a Choise party of the beseiged, sallied and and ruined the Bridge afterwards beat the Turkes out and filled up their Trenches by the Counterscarp and prevented some of their Mines from takeing effect, the Cannon is heard to play day and night. A Souldier in the Imperiall Camp at Crombs undertooke to goe into Vienna which he effected and as a Signall thereof affixed a Lighted Torch on a Steeple and afterwards another that all was well therein, returned safe backe and had by the Duke of Lorraine l00 Rix Dollars as a reward, brought an account of the State of the City and that the Governour expected to be releived in l0 but l5 dayes at furthest otherwise they should bee in danger. On the other hand the Auxiliary Troopes march day and night to reach the Imperiall Army, Some are already joyned The Poles are impatiently expected which when they are come up the perticulars make l08000 effective. Count Teckleys fforces are in a great Body and does much dammage in Silesia and Moravia and now make an Inrode into Poland have surprized, sacked the City of Budimiski cutt the Garrison into peeces, the Earle Budiani revolted from the Emperour and made great devastation in Steremarke but being mett by some Imperiall Regiments was entirely routed together with those Turks and MaleContents with him; The Tartars most miserably cutt off the hands noses and eares of those X[ti]ans they cannot carry away but some hundred of them being taken were served after the like kind. His Maties fleet at the Spitthead setts Saile this day or to morrow with a Doctor of the Civile Law on [board] them to satisfye the Spaniards a[s to?] the right of Saluteing they haveing found one of our Ships to give 9 Gunns and answered but wth 5 [?] when they should have given as many Thursday Mr Sam Maynd was examined but nothing being found agt him only some words spoken some yeares since he was sett at Liberty upon ye Baile Yesterday ffrancis Charleton Esqr was examined and not makeing an ingenious Confession was committed to the Tower for conspireing his Maties death &c By a holland Mayle this morning wth Lers of 7 August wee are advised that the Turkes are now planting their heavy Cannon for Battery agt Vienna, but wanting provision and a high ffeaver being in their Army there's hopes of raising the Seige the Auxiliaries being now joyned and the 60000 Poles on their march to releive Vienna The Duke of Lorraine has encountred Count Teckleys fforces and taken 300 waggons and killed a considerable number [Note in another hand on outside of letter:] 2 ounces of the Syrupp of the 5 opening Pantry [?] wch my Lady had formerly L. c. 1417 London August l4 l683 Saturday last ye lord Conway Vicount Killingworth late Secretary of State after a Short indisposicon departed this life at his house in Towne leaveing a great Estate behind him both real and psonall most of which being 8 or 9000 L p ann he has left his wife a Lady not yet 20 yeares of age ye Daughter of one Sr ffrancis Stoell The Managers of ye Kings Theater intend wthin Short time to pforme an Opera in like manner of yt of ffrance Mr Batterton wth other Actors are gone ovr to fetch yt designe Saturday night one Richards a Player in Company at a Taverne wth some Gentlemen told ym he might take his leave and last farewell for said I shall dye within halfe an houre which he accordingly went home and pformed One Mr Addenby Clarke of the Peace [?] for Middx has bought of the Ld Cheife Justice Pemberton for 6000 ye place of Prothonitor of ye Common Pleas vacant by the death of Sr Thomas Robinson whoe was killed at ye late ffire at the Temple Saturday last a Gentleman receiveing some Hundreds of Guineas in Lombarde Street was way laid by divrs Pickpocketts which to effect yr designe one knocked him downe while another runne him through and a 3d tooke away his money but swift psuit being made after ym sevrall were taken and committed Yesterday was offered upon ye Spire of St Petrs Church in Cornehill a large guilded Key only an Embleme to reprsent ye Introduccon of ye Xstian Religon into this Country yt church being lst built as some say by ancient Records in England aftr Paganisme tho' some dissatisfied people thinke it an illusion to popery One Mr Westlocke being [?] of ye Templrs discribed in a late Gazett as concerned in ye Plott was seized neare Exeter attending yt Circuitt Yesterday in an ordr of Councill published concerneing a Writt of Quo warranto agt ye Chartr of Massachusetts Bay in New England was signified yt his Matie declared yt he will only regulate yr Chartr for ye best [?] support of his Governmt wthout any prjudice to any in yt Colony in case of submicon and resignacon Yesterday a fflandrs Mayle brought lres of ye 8 Instant from Passaw vizt That ye Turkes haveing on ye 3l July made a genll Storme & gott upon ye Ramparts ready to affix yr Standard thereon were repulsed by Count Staremburgh wth ye losse of l2000 Turkes & 300 of ye beseidged The King of Poland haveing wth his Army pted from Cracow ye 29 ultimo is hoped will come in time as alsoe ye D of Brandenbrughs fforces to ye beseidgeds releife Count Serim [?] is found guilty of high Treason [Words and names written in another hand on outside of letter:] Ox Close Hamet Job Hampstd. Randle Jo: Smith her D Foster y Nolmy [?] Fr. Smith her Daugh her Daughter Alice Ringl Nan Watre [?] L. c. 1418 [Handwriting changes here.] London August 10 1683 Lettrs from Scotland say yt on ye 7 Instant ye Privy Councill ordered a Proclamacon, that a Genll thankesgiveing throughout the Kingdome shall be on the same day, which is appointed in England, being the 9 of September to returne the Allmighty thankes for ye discovery of ye Hellish Conspiracy to take away his Matie and Royall Highness from life The Councill has given a Command to Collonell Graham Uquhart & some others empowereing them to make a strict inquiry of all disafected to his Maties Governmt in yt Kingdome of what degrees and quallityes soevr and report them to ye Councell whoe will immediately ordr ye Kings advocate to psecute ym Wee are advised yt Castrs a Nonconformist Preacher menconed in his Maties late Declaracon concerned in ye Plott is seized in Company of two other Nonconformists at Tentenden in Kent A Quo Warranto is ordrd agt ye City of Chestr One Mr Bartlett late Partner wth Mr Charles Dunkam the great banker in Lombard Street dyed at Empsome drinkeing those waters the close of last weeke The Scotch lettrs further say yt Justice Air is now wholly finished and yt ye Lords of ye Councill had examined their pceedings and approved them sending their thankes to the Lords of ye Justiciary for their great Services done, & declared that their ordr (which some had questioned) was to ye Clarke a Sufficient warrant for his Actinges Sr Patricke Lyon Judge of ye Court of Admiraltyes is made one of ye Lords of the Session, or Senators of ye Colledge Justice in Lord Mainnes place deceased and Sr David Norris advocate succeeds Sr Patricke The Difference between the L high Chancellour and ye Earle of Lauderdale is agreed At ye Comeing away of these lettrs arrived from England at Edingburgh the Archbipp of St. Andrewes who tis said has brought an ordr wth him yt ye Common Prayr not yet read in that Kingdome shall be established in like mannr as yt in England Ltrs from ye English Consell at Marseiles of ye 9 of August give an accot retturneing home wthout effecting a [?] Peace of ye ffrench before Algieire ere ye Con Dey Major Morto [?] defying what they could doe unto them and to show yt greatr animossity tooke away ye ffrench Consull & tyeing him to ye Muzzle of ye Cannon that him [?] came away as they did alsoe five othr ffrenchmen they tooke in a Barque yt Governmt wch they disported [illegible word of about nine letters] ye ffrench had massacred divrs of ye agents [?] of Bassa Hassans wife ye former Dey to m[ake] her confesse where her husbands [illegible word of about eight letters] was hid wch shee not doeing they burnt her Our ffleet at ye Spitthead composed of 16 Men of Warr 12 ffire shippes and 10 Tendrs is againe put to Sea and they aboard them 2000 Tunne of Lime sevrall Mortrs and Granadoes Tis judged that the designe is when they arrive at Tangeire to attaque ye port of Salley wch has done o[u]r Mrtrs much damage and alsoe to take the opportunity of ye troubles in the Empire of Morocco to make a Cutt a Mile from Tangeire from ye Jewes River and thereby bring Tangeir into an Island for ye bettr security thereof Tis advised from Antwerpe yt ye Ld Grey wth a Gentlewoman and a 3d pson in Company was in yt Citty incognito but notice being given thereof to ye Marquis DeGrana has sent ordr to seize all ye English going out of ye Citty wth an intent to apprhend them That country is in great apprhencons yt ye ffrench will attaque Luxemburgh and Mones of the [?] end of this month in case [?] ye Spaniards doe not in yt time agree to ye pposal wch tis beleived they will not L. c. 1419 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 16 Aug 83 With his Maty goe down to Winchestr ye Queene his Royall Highnesse and ye Dutchesse Prince George and Princesse Anne Some will have the day not till ye 27th and that they will stay there a fortnight if not 3 weekes and then come to Whitehall. They write from Portsmouth dated the 8 that ye Mary Rose and Bonadventure had joyned the fleete under Comand of the Lord Darmth and were in readyness to sett sayle Mr Wilkins a Linnen Draper in Friday Street was on ye l0th taken into Custody by a Messengr Mr Meine the Linnen Draper is discharged on bayle Mr Charleton is sent to ye Tower The E of Conway dyed on ye llth about 9 in ye morning at St. James's Square The Algerines hold still out agst ye ffrench and in revenge and defiance of their bombes shot Mounseiur Vacher a Jesuit and ffrench Consul from ye mouth of a Canon among them The Conventicles findeing ye Magistrates resolute in their Suppression doe now moulder away and are dwindled almost to nothing They doe not now meete in such great partyes but sulke and seeke out new places to nestle in and yet these are insecure for now the boyes as the lesser birds follow the owles and discover them by their noise This new thankes [?] should be a faire warning as what does predict that if they continue the Stones of ye Street may shortly rise up in judgment against them His Maty hath beene pleased to take into his Royall Consideration the service of Sr John More late Ld Mayor of ye Citty of London He is a Gentl that held ye Chaire with the greatest Justice and Equity and maintained the sword with as much conduct and Courage In his Majoralty the Dissenters mustered theire legions in vaine their mutinous Elections were defeited and in them ye measures and confidence of ye factions broken Twas he that dared to make opposition to the then rampant party delivered the Governmt out of yre hands and restored the Citty to theire Soveraign With regard to these such public and loyall services his Maty has Beene pleased to recomend him as an example to posterity and ordred that he shall bear on a Canton Gules one of ye Lyons of England as an Addition to his armes Tis writ from ye Streights that ye Spanish Armada were on ye 23 of ye last at Malaga where haveing taken aboard a Regiment of foot and some Provisions sett sayle the day following to the Levant They require salutes from all they meete [?] +The Pirates of Salle were all at home and had carried in 10 dutch Prizes The Lisbon lres dated the 27th say the Queene of Portugall was soe ill of a consumption and feaver as that there was little hopes of her recovery On ye 31 ye fleete under Comand of the Lord Dartmonth sett saile but ye wind blowing contrary they came to anchor ye same day in St Hellens Road where they have safe ryding We may expect suddenly to have an acct of soe many of ye Auxiliary fforces joyned to ye army of ye D. of Lorraine as may enable him to march to Vienna and if ye Turkes shall not be drawne of before to give to them battle and of these Auxiliaryes the Elector of Brandenburgh is said to have sent a very Considerable Number How farr these may be on theire way we cannot well tell but tis advised that ye ffrench Kings Minister has endeavoured to put a stop to them and roundly reminded [?] the Elector of Brandburgh of his obligations to his Master And that unlesse he shall withdraw his fforces from that Service that he must expect it will be highly resented and that his Master may send some of the fforces into ye Dutchy of Genoa [?] How farr hee may prevaile a little time may shew and very visable [?] it is that from ye state of Vienna the French King takes his measures and that though he has sett the Emperor and Empire a perimptory day, the last of this month to accept his proposalls yet if it shall please God in ye meane time to deliver that Citty soe that the Infidells shall be forced to returne with Reproach tis thought that he then may become more mercifull and not stand soe strictly on ye forfeiture of a day while he shall find them in a Conduct [?] off doeing him right [?] The towne newes runs that ye Turkes had made a genrall assault and lost at least 10m men uppon which they retreated a league and a halfe and turned their Seige into a Blocade but I find nothing of this in lres. +He who I told you was apprehended in Kent proved to be ye same Casteen the non=conformist Teacher mentioned in ye Declaration and stands Comitted to a Messengr the one eyed man taken at York proves not to be Rumbold though indeed more have beene saved by his Character but who are undr a violent suspition of being great villaines but is a sevt and is very sturdy in deneying his being at ye murdr of the Archbpp of St Andrewes and offers to produce wittnesses where he was at that time but was very tender in his answer about being at Bothwell Bridge Loyalty is now growne soe much in fashion that we have 2 addresses from one Towne The Loyall Clergy the officers of the Militia and ye Gentry of ye Citty of Chester first presented one and among other hearty expressions of theire duty tooke notice with due respect and Submission of his Matyes writt of Quo Warrto agt their Charter and this was gratiously accepted by his Maty This same daye after was followed by an other address from ye same Citty sent upp by Wm Williams speakr to the late house of Comons and offerred by him and his Matyes Servant Mr Tapham to give it its due though it seemed [?] ye bussinesse [?] of ye Charter the address was as full of good words as ye best Peticons in vox publica but ye other haveing already obtained place with his Maty there was noe roome for it and soe it was laid aside This day the Ceremony of confirmeing ye Archbpp of York was pformed at Lambeth L. c. 1420 [Handwriting changes here.] London Augt 18th 83 Thursday night a fire broke out att ye Bell in a victualling house in Carter Lane and was happily extinguished wthout further damage to ye neighbourhood but ye family lost everything save yr Lives. Casteen ye Non Conformist Preacher menconed in his Maties declaracon as concernd in the plott being on Thursday brought to Towne was after examinacon comitted to Newgate and one Lobb of ye like faculty & crime being seized yesterday was alsoe sent to ye same place Thursday Last Dr Dolbin Bishopp of Rochester was wth a great Solemnity in ye Archbishop of Canterburyes Palace translated to ye Arch Bishoprick of York & afterwards gave a Splendid Entertainment A Constable undrstanding a discourse by some designeing people yt an aparition was seen abtt the house of ye late Ld Russell & being desirous to discover the intrigue afixed his Stands of Watchmen in ye Adjacent part accordingly a Seeming white Ghost wth his hideous groanes approached neare one of the Watchmen who demanding in ye name of God what itt was replyed ye Ghost of ye Executed Ld Russell for could not bee att Rest till he had revealed yt ye Speech delivered on ye Scaffold was nott his owne but Dr Burnetts and draweing nearer ye watchman knockt ye Spiritt downe & calling to his followers to relate the exploit found itt to bee corporall and transferred into ye Shape of a neighbouring vintner att the point of death who tho' after hee had recovered his Spiritts would have made itt a jest but was nott farr from being a Corps to have frighted them in Earnest The Scotch lettrs say yt Sr Wm Scott of Hardin is fined 3500 L for divers forfeitures his Lady has made in helping Conventicles tho' him self a prisonr in Edinburgh Castle. The East India Company have published a further ordr Resolved-- This Court doth declare yt they adjourne ye Eagles goods untill yr generall Sale wch is apointed to beginne ye l8th of 7ber next att which time they will alsoe sell ye goods unsold ye last sale & continue ye said Sale by adjournments untill they have sold what goods shall come on 2 shipps expected from ye Coast and Bay and Such goods as shall come from China and Tongueen whenever they arrive Pepper excepted. The Company this weeke has received an additional Charter & undr ye broade Seale all oweing them great Immunityes that they shall carry in yr shipps ye Kings Jack and have power to seize all Intrloprs and to Constitute a Court of Admiralty in India where they shall proceed to Sentence and Confiscation and are further Impowered to make warr or peace wth any Indian Prince or Ki[ng] Pursuant to wch Sr Thomas Grantham wth ye kings Comision yesterday cleared all ye Customhouse & goes beforehand to India ye rest of the Companys Shippes will speedily follow and have Authority to fight any nacons Subjects yt shall oppose the old King of Bantam and they are to cary abord ym 500 of his Maties Guards Advice from fflandrs say that all ye french Conquests fill wth Soldiers & yt ordrs are come to Doway to prepare an Encampment for 50000 men yt king declareing yt Country to belong to him in the right of the Dauphin as Duke of Burgundy & tis believed will endeavour to possess himself thereof. +The Emperors Envoy here has desired his Maties assistance agt ye Turk but was advised att this Juncture to close wth ye proposalls of france who then promises to assist wth great force. +No Holland Post since this day 7 night with [?] not now and it [?] is not opened till Munday, it tells us, yt Vienna still makes a vigorous defence [Note in another hand on outside of letter:] 5 yds of Hard [?] of Robt Gill out at -- 13 - 4 L. c. 1421 London August 21 1683 Wee haveing a recesse of Domesticke and a Confluence of fforreigne Intelligence shall pticularize ye lattr in what ye Gazette omitts beginning wth lres from ye Hague of ye 23d That Don ffluen Mayor had audience of ye States and acquainted ym yt by expresses recei[v]ed advice yt ye ffrench King intended ye misdoing [?] of fflandrs for yt Monsr Villaroy Marshall De Campe genll was prpareing quartrs for l00 Companyes at Leisser ye like at Dornicke & Manbergh & yt ye 4 Guardes of ye Kings horse had togeathr wth ye Dragoone had ordrs to march this thitherwards & to begin his prtencon hee demanded ye Castellance [?] of Alost Gramant Ninova and Luxemburgh by way of dependence therefore desired ye States assistance as equally concerned Those places being within ye Burrow agreed to by Treaty of Nimeghen ffrom Ratisbone of ye l8 is advice yt Monsr de Crequi ye ffrench Ambassadour has signified to ye Dyett vnles ye Emperor by ye end of this month did settle ye peace of ye Empire according to his Maties pposalls he had order to returne home & acquaint ym yt his Mastr would loose noe furthr measures Monsr Campricht ye Emperors Envoy haveing desired ye States as by treaty to furnish his Mastr agt ye Turkes wth l0000 men has for answere yt should they speed them away they would come to late as alsoe ye Sultane would deprive them of ye trade in ye Levant especially yt of Smirna therefore they would in lieu thereof Remit ye vallue in mony The States fleet and Admirall Battinck have ordrs after they have conveyed ye E. India ffleet into Holland to stand for ye sound [?] and continue in those seas soe long as ye ffrench Our last advice from Germany are from Passaw of ye l5 & ffrankffort of ye l8 wch say that 10000 Turkeish Waggons wth pvison and amunicon were arrivd in yt Campe but fforage was scarce, yt ye grand Seignior was sending a furthr supply of men yt they were still l50000 before Vienna and have raised l5 Batteryes & upon each planted 24 heavy Cannon wth wch they battr ye Citty day and night & throw in Bombes one of which had ruined ye Jesuits Church & Cloystr yr they had made divers furious assaults and passed themselves of ye Counterscarps wch ye beseidged afterward blew up wth l500 Turkes therein but ye Enemy springing divrs Mines one did ye beseidged much damage as to overthrow a point of ye Raveling & to fill ye Graft wth Enough ovr wch ye beseidgrs made an Assault on ye very wall but were valiantly repulsed Count Staremburgh haveing taken an Iron from evry pticular window & Shot ym agt ye Enemy Just as ye Papr was goeing away advice was brought yt both [?] in ye Danube being extreame course [?] ye Turkes had from ye [about eight words illegible] attaqued a Counterscarpe & Raveling neare ye Redd Gate And made themselves Masters thereof wch will put ye City in dangr of being lost if not releived in 8 or l0 dayes ye enemy being soe neare it on all sides yt Musquettes ffrom each othr doe execucon Upon wch ye Emperor himselfe in pson is comeing to ye Rendezvous at Crombes there to meet ye King of Poland on ye [about twelve letters illegible] resolved to ffight haveing before his departure from Poland made his will The Brandenburgh fforces made a hault and would not march forwards unles ye Emperor would pmise to cease his psecuson of ye Ptestants in Siletia wch ye Popish Clergy diswaded him from saying all ye Judgemts came upon his Matie for not makeing a total distruccon of ym but since ye same was agreed to and ratified ye Brandenburgh Troopes on a march [sentence ends] The Bipp of Worcestr is dead and ye Bipp of St Davids said will succeed him +Tomorrow 7 night ye King goes to Winchestr whoe resides about 3 weekes and aftr yt some time at New Markett A Troope of ye new raised Granadeers have ordrs to accompany ye rest of ye Guards. +One Hoskeins a reteiner to ye E of Shaftsbury is brought to Towne in ye Custody of a Messengr as concerning ye Plott ye sessions at ye Old Bayly wch begins ye 29 Instant will be furthr adjourned till ye Judges returne from ye Curcuitts L. c. 1422 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 23 Augt 83 ffrom Sussex wee have an acctt of the finding of Lobb the othr non conformist Preacher mentioned in the Declaracon He was discoverd by Sr Henry Goring and taken in the house of a non-conner [?] in that County they that will find a fox must goe to the Kenell and the sure place to find an arch=Reble is the house of Conventicles Another being askt why he harboured Such ill men [?] he knew him not to be such no doubt he had thought he had Entrtaind an Angle but if soe the Brothern that prtend soe much to the spirit have litle of that discerning els could not take him for a Good man who flying undr the Tenour of his Punishmt must carry the marke of Traytor in his face But he went habitted gentlm like tis true the Children like the fa. of Rebellion may Slide themselves into any shap[e] But for a Non con Teacher to turn Gentlm is noe way Suiteable though he acts for his life, he will betray himselfe instead of speakeing obleidgeingly He fawns and flattrs when he would look pleasantly he fleers in yo[u]r face and cannot make a legg wthout shewing his fa[ther's?] foote He should have gone about him them a bedlam [?] for ranteing and raveing he was well versd in by his long practize that way in his Pulpits agt the Governmt But the surest way had been to have had an Hoop and Shortsticke and some boxes that would have been soe naturall that none but the Devill could have discovred him for he has been all his lifelong a most Damnable Jugler a writt of h[abe]as Corpus is sent for the bringing of him up hither. We have now notice of another taken uppon the late Conspiracy agt his matie and the Govrmt one Mr Hoskins is said to be a very great confident if not some way related to the late Earle of Shaftsbury He had betook himselfe to one Mr Hodges House in Norwich where a messenger by a Warrt from hence apprhended him and is bringeing him up hither to take his Examinacons On ye l9 in the morning the fleete undr Command of the Ld Dartmouth weig[h]ed from St Hellens and set sayle for Plymouth the wind being N:N:W to joyne the Shipps that waited of them there Tis writt from Germany that the Count D Evers discovrs his resentmts for the Emperour instead of giveing a positive answer to his memoriall of the 29 of this last wch gave tyme [?] till the end of this month for accepting the french proposalls hee onely said that he would come to Ratisbonne and confer wth ye Electr Princes and States of the Empire concerning theire genral security and considr of the best means how to defend themselves agt the Turkes and re-establish a peace with france and uppon this he was soe farr rendered [?] that he was makeing nearly to be gave [?] and said this was onely an artifice to prolong tyme and that after the Expiracon of the Terme his mat would Doe himselfe right The Spanish Netherlands are not without theire apprhensions of trouble from the french motions and therefore have sent Express to the Spanish minister at the Hague to oblidge the States to furnish them wth supplyes according to theire Treaty being apprhensive that the french may Endeavour to make themselves Ma[ste]rs of the Chastellans of Alost Ninove and Gramond undr pretence of Dependencyes though wthin the Barreire Granted by the Peace of Nimeghen His Maties Declaracon of the Conspiracy reached Ireland soe early that they tell us [illegible word of about five letters] the Declaracon will be read there the same Daye it will be read in England and ye Thanksgiveing kept at the same tyme and to prevent the seeds of Rebellion they are proceeding severely both in Towne and Contry agst Conventicles of which many are already Dissolved and the rest not likely to subsist long onely in Ulster there may be some Difficulty that Countrey being possest by scots and the sturdiest [?] sort of Whiggs some teachers were lately sent or at least heard out of Scotland who Comeing wthout passes are imprison'd till a good account can be taken of them On the 2l the Lords Comrs for Ecclesiasticall affaires sate and appointed Dr Spart [Sprat?] to succeed in the Deanery of Westmr They tell us from Winsor that the 29th stands the Da[ye?] set [?] for his Matyes removeall wth the Court to Winchester where they thinke he may spend away 3 weekes and after that say [?] to newmarkett and spend some tyme in the Divertmts of that place Of late there has been sevral reportes againe about the Duke of monmouth and the Ld Gray the Groome of the Towne talke [illegible word of about seven letters] Daye was of the Ld Grays being taken at Antwerpe others saye that the Duke of Monmouth and two others wth him were seen not long since to have gone Post from Paris and Certaine it is that the fingalhain a Contrey people in Ireland not farr from Dublin thought themselves soe sure of them both that they sent for a Party of horse to convey them but the Duke Proved an Uphouldstorer and the Ld Grey another sabby fellow of another Profession +Whilest the princes of germany are joyneing theire forces to the Imperiall Army the Elec of Brandenburg is said to have put a stopp to his and still to instance the converteing [?] of the tyme wth ffrance and though some give out that the Prince of Anhalt is gon to Passau to put the last hand to a Treaty lately made betwixt the Emperour and this Elector Others will have his errand onely to use a farther pressing his formr Councells and that he will not send any succors till the Peace wth france be concluded And that then he will not accept the Dukedomes of Drigg Vigiule Olaw [?] and Jagernsdroff in Silesia to wch he prtends untill he put into his hand besides a good sume of money +Which the Emperour Confers [?] are not at prsent able to furnish the advice of the Empr reconcileing himselfe to france is said to be the buisness alsoe of the Count of Castell who is sent to Passau as Chiefe minister from the Electr Palatine in the mean tyme noe thing is Don at Ratisbone where the Minstr of mayenne whose office it is to propose to the Diet the pointes on wch they ought to deliberate offers only the memoriall lately put in by the french and the Directr of the Princes Colledge refuseth to doe anything in it untill the sevrall allyes shall have sent in theire instruccons lookeing upon the consequences of such a true Equal to a Treaty Wee have lres from fflandrs dated the 27th but noe more news but that after ye Turkes were beaten from ye Counsterscarp in wch action Count Starembregh was lightly wounded on ye Shoulder Count Souches on ye head and young Count Lesly killed the Governor sent 2 men whch from ye River to ye D. of Lorraine and desired him not to prciptate the Succors but that all the fforces might bee come up that ye Towne was in noe prsent Danger +On ye 20 ye Diamond Pearle and Swan sett saile from ye Downes and on ye 21 the Mermaid The shipps at Plymth were ordered to be ready without ye harbour yt ye fleet might make noe stay L. c. 1423 [Handwriting changes here.] London Aug 25th 1683 Our Scotch Letters say that on ye 16th Instant ye Parliamt of yt kingdome was pclaimed att ye Markett Cross to be held on ye 6th next And that his Royall Highness is continued his Mats high Comrs that the same Members yt Composed ye former Parliamt doe continue in this His Matie has bin pleased as a marke of his favour to grant to Sr John Moore our Late Lord Mayor that the office of Heraldry affix in his Armes (a Lyon passant Guardint sol [?]) and that Lyon King of Armes incert in his Bookes the occasion of that Honor by withstanding a Multitude of factious Cittizens who endeavour'd to overthrow ye governmt One Mr Wm Goldsborough Clerke of the House of Commons Rideing from the Waters on Wednesday last was seized wth an apoplectick Fitt and Fell from his horse and dyed forthwith and one Mr Goodrich a Sollicitor in Chancery is Since Sworne into his place. Dr Owen a famous Nonconformist preacher departed this life yesterday morning One Mr Murrell who was some yeares ago a very meane pson, but now a very wealthy merchant [?] dyed this weeke, left his whole estate to Charitable uses 1000 L towards ye building ye new Church in St Jameses &c +Last Night their Royall Highnesses, prince and princesses returned from Windsor, the Duke designes this afternoone to goe back, But the others intend to take the divertismts of Bartholomew ffaire Our Paris Letters of the 24th Aug say that 6 hoaggone [?] of money were dispatcht away for fflanders, where are alsoe sent much pvision & amunicon & Soldjers continually march into his Conquests In order to some considerable designes wch the Neighbourhood is very apprehensive of Espetially the Dutch who have Mustered their fforces and finde them to Compose 18 Regimts of ffoote 6 of Cavalry and 4 of Dragoone besides those in Garrisons And the States are Extraordinarily assembled to Consider of some Expedient Amicably to Compose the ffrench pretentions that he would not stand upon the time limitted [?] considering the troubles already in Christendome but oppose a Comon plott to treat of a Generall peace The same letters tell us of a Deffeccon in diverse provinces of ffrance, where the protestants are in Some Numbers in Armes but a considerable number of them are routed by 400 Gentl But those about Valence had taken the Castle Disse belonging to a Councillor of the Parliamt of Grinople & had appointed themselves a Capt And att the Markett att Buckery [?] some Protestants had bought 3000 Musketts powder &c soe that 6 Regimts are on their March to Joyne Monseir Bonfleiurs & Monseir De Rult [?] to disperse them +Last night arrived a Holland, & this day a fflandrs and ffrench post but relate a very different acct from Vienna, the first prtends to tell us the Circumstances of its being taken & the Garrison putt to the Sword Except some students on ye 20th But the fflandrs the contrary that the Poles being joyned with the rest of the Auxiliaryes had defeated the Turkes and raised ye Seige But the Duke of Lorraine slaine, both of wch I neither believe, by reason the ffrench Ambassador has noe Such advice, but on the contrary are still intent upon it, since the Generall Storme on the l6 made another on the l9th and after great disputes Lodged themselves in the Graft, tho att first 700 that enterd therein were all killed Except 5 [seal spoils about three letters] that Count Lesly was Slaine, and the Bur[rows?] begun to loose Courage, But Count Starenburgh has againe declared that lett him be Coll Soldjer or Burgher that shall speake of a Surrender shall be hanged, And has wrote the Emperour word that he will yet hold out l2 dayes if he can be assured off releife in that time, but the Turks have sent them in word once more to Capitulate threatning them with ye consequences to the contrary, and that he will from ye 22th to the 29th make genrall assaults upon them ye first being the day before the Emperour has orderd a Humiliation, the latter the ffeast of ye Turks concerning the beheading of St John Baptist upon wch they usually shew [?] the Extent of their Courage, on the Same day Empr has ordered to raise the Seige The poles being now wthin l8 Hungarian Miles of ye Imperiall Campe L. c. 1424 [Handwriting changes here.] London the 28th Agust 1683 The scotch Lettrs of the 21 say that the Councell yt day sate upon ffresh Questions ffrom severall Persons some of wch taking the Test were discharged Then the honorable Board, ordered 2 Letters to be written to his Majtie the ffirst Imparting yt his Majtie will be pleased to Allow time ffor the Commons to Come in to Take the Test the Second that those who had Taken the Test might not be molested for anything done att Bothwell Bridge In the Affternoone the Lds of the Justiciary sate where they passed sentence of Death upon Alexander Gourden formerly mentiond to be Reprieved, his head to be severed ffrom his body the 29th of September for Conspiring the Death of the King and the Execution to be performd in the Markett at Edenburgh our sessions being Adjournd to the 29th Instant Commences to morrow but not the Tryalls of the state Criminalls as yett none of ym haveing notice to prepare ffor the same & tis Concluded that they will be deferred till Michelmas Terme Satturday one Starkey Aaron Smiths Clarke who was Comitted to the gate house for Robbing Sr Roger Hill & other Gentlemen under Colour of searching for Treasonable papers Broke thereinto [?] But was Affterwards taken & Recomitted and the gentlemen will prosecute him to the utmost I omitted in my Last to informe you that Mr Hugh Speak Brother in Law to Mr John Trenchard in the Tower was seized and his Chamber sealed up to be searched into and since Examind some Correspondence of Lettrs being discovered betweene him and Mr Braden a Barester of the Temple who pretends to make it Appeare yt the Late unfortunate Earle of Essex did not Cutt his owne throat Lettrs ffrom Genoa of the l6th ffrom on board his Majties shipp the Tyger in 9 [?] dayes ffrom Argiers give Accompt that they had brought to yt government one Mr Rezub [?] a Consull for the English and Brought away mr Marlyn the other The Lettrs add yt they Received him with great Respect and they would invirtably [?] Keepe the peace with us butt defye the ffrench for what they Can doe with yr Bombes they haveing as yett done noe Considerable Dammage and have sent Monsr De Quesne word that Every Bombe he shall farther shoot they will Returne to him a ffrench mans head Coll Whitly late ffarmer of the Gennerall Post office who was under Disfavour at Court has kissed his Majtes & Royall Highnesses hand and was well Received Yesterday morning the Ld Major & Aldermen went to Windsor to Receive his Majtes orders during his stay att Winchester and Touching the new Charter wch will be signed in fowr dayes and yn they will proceed to the Choyce of sheriffes Satturday last was a farther hearing betweene the E India Comp[any] and Interlopers before his Majtie att Windsor where the Latter orderd to give in ffresh Beyle to Appeare next Michelmas Terme The Reports of the Death of Mr serjeant Maynard & Duke of Monmouth writing a Letter to his Majtie for Pardon and that the Ld Brandon Gerrard Endeavoured to Escape out of the Tower are Altogeather fictitious +noe forraigne Post yett Come Butt pasengers ffrom fflandrs say that the ffrench were on a full march and yt the Marquesse De Grana had orderd the Lower parts to be putt under water and the Dutch Assistance desired and a warr declared +one Mr Grant a Brewer & How a [scri?]vener without Bishopsgate were both this day seized on Accompt of the plott L. c. 1425 [Handwriting changes here.] London August ye 30th= 83 We received Tuesday a ffrench and Holland male the former confirmed that in Languedocke l4000 Protestants were in defection and fortifyed themselves in a Castle they tooke as alsoe in the Hills and increase every day On the Second of September the King had a dangerous fall from his horse hunting of a stag but proved only a dislocation of his Arme which is the more remarkable for that Holwell in an Appendix to his Catastrophe mundi predicts the like misfortune to befall him A Gentleman leaving Paris three houres after the Post brings advice that Monsr Colbert that great Minister of State through whose hands the burthen of affaires passed after a short indisposition departed this life In the latter by letters from Lintz of the 24th tell us that the Emperour was in his way for Krombs to meet there the King of Poland who in pson with 40000 was advanced to Amitz in Moravia, and from him the Emperour received expresse that the Turkes made two assaults on Vienna since the generall storme and were possessed of the Counterscarpe & Ravelin and other letters add that the beseiged had hung out a Signall of distresse that for two daies noe Cannon was heard to play whereby some feare the worst The Turkes have quitted the Seige of Tolne [?] but continue that of Cloyster Newburgh 36000 Turkes have been slaine and the bloody fflux is in their Camp The Garrison of Raab seized a Chiaux going from the Sultan to the Vizier and about him was found a Letter to command him to proceed to generall Assaults which if they proved unsuccessfull then to breake up the Seige The Brandenburgh fforces doe not yet stirr, and those of Saxony near Passau refuse to march forwards for want of Provision which is since Ordered them The Colledge Princes as well as those of Electors doe now incline to adhere to the ffrench Proposalls but want instructions and desire a prorogatio[n] of the time ye ffrench limited to treat thereon but have resolved to raise 60000 to secure the Empire and the Duke of Lorraine praies them in their Treatment with ffrance to bee restored to his Country The Turks ffeast is approaching whereby tis hoped they will not act against Vienna during that time Our fflanders letters speake of the Generall Consternation in yt Country upon the moving of ye ffrench being 60000 strong & marche in 3 bodies having made a bridge over Scheld one taking their way towards Beaumont, the other towards Ghent & the third in the land of Ipres but declare that they will committ no Acts of hostility if they bee not opposed in possessing themselves of their pretensions But the Marquesse de Grana replied that these Provinces were put into his hands to defend & not to deliver up & thereupon is gathering his forces, sent a Regiment to reinforce the Garrison of Oudenard & other places nearest the Enemy & fortify Gaunt & by our next wee may probably informe you of some action which said newes soe Alarmes the Dutch that their East India auctions which some daies agoe were 390 are abated under 300 L. c. 1426 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 30 Aug 83 On ye 23 Mr Grange who has for some time beene continued in Custody was sent for to ye Lords who granted him his Liberty uppon his owne bond of 2000 L and suretyes in each bound in l000 L for his appeare ye ffirst day of ye next Terme at ye Court of Kings Bench The same day Mr Hessian [?] who was brought up by a Messengr from Norwich was discharged uppon giveing his owne bond of l000 L and suretyes bound each in 500 L But I doe not yet hear that Lobb is brought up which makes me more than halfe afraid 'tis not ye Declaration Lobb [sic] and that they who took him for a Gentlm finde themselves undr a mistake On ye 24 major Gladman Mr Hugh Speake and Mr Hawes a Scrivener in Bppsgate street were taken by a Messenger and examined by ye Lds Casteen was alsoe examined and remanded to ye Gatehouse On ye 26 in ye afternoone a genll Councill was held at Windsor where a Proclamaccon was ordered for reviveing a former Proclamaccon made relateing to ye Matter of ye Generall Post Office The bussinesse concerning the East India Company and ye Interloper was ordered be heard at the next Councell which shall be held in Michas Terme next On ye 27th a 2 youngsters one Starkey and one Hartshorne were carried to ye Gatehouse They were both tied [?] up toward ye Law ye former undr Aaron Smyth who is prisoner in ye Tower and ye other Under Goodenough one in ye first Proclamacon Those become now masterlesse more contriveing to scrap [?] for themselves and finde a ready way to gett money among other projects one payes wth [?] ye searching of houses and for this he produces a Precedent wch [?] advantage was made of it in ye time the Popish plott and that they might as well profit on account of ye Conspiracy This they lookt uppon as was feasible and accordingly with p[r]offers of their Service made their application and being by their Conversation to be thought Such as might have a Competent knowledge of those who associated with their masters after some p[r]oofe given of their ability that way they recvd [?] a warrt to search By Virtue of ye Warrt they gott assurance of ye Lewtncy [?] and this was they had projected they mde use of to protect them in sevll enormityes this foule practice of ye young Lawyer quickly come to Mr Secty Janekins eare who findeing they had procur'd a warrt and misused it to an high Degree sent a Messenger to apprhend them who took Starkey but Hartshorne hid Starkey after Examacon was comitted to ye Gatehouse where he was Sevll dayes dureing wch time continued Sollicitations were made to the Secrty for his enlargmt but without all hope of Effect Dispair[ing] of any successe this way they bethought themselves of other meanes and by the help of a shee Confident who often visited him in ye Gatehouse slily conveyed him away the Keepr of the Gatehouse missing his Prisoner made fresh pursuit and at last found out ye Ladyes Lodgings where he took him and his Partner [illegible word of about ten letters] and hath them now both in safe Custody Wee are told of severall psons tryed at ye Assizes of Somersett for treasonable cawses and Such as give more than Suspition that Some people there had been tamperd wth for an Insurection One thing they give us as very remarkable that which these people were in Court uppon Tryall a peice of timber fell downe from ye Roofe of ye Hall and knockt ye Cheifest of them on ye head He was carried off for dead and though there apped some small symptomes of life the Chirurgeons opinion was that he could not recover I leave this to the Godly Party to make remarkes on On the 22 in ye afternoone ye ffleet under Comand of ye Lord Dartmouth went into Plym and the wind being faire sett saile the 23 in the forenoone and on ye 24 in ye morning the Diamond Pearle and other two ffregots past by On ye 29th his Maty the Queene his Royal Highnessse &c removed from Windsor to Winchester A shipp lately arrived att Hull from the Sound the Master reports that on ye l7th instant the Danish ffleete past for the Baltrick Consisting of 24 men of warr The same day the ffrench ffleet of warr followed them The admirall ran ashore and was forced to take out his Provisions and his guns in hopes to save his Shipp +Since the Confirmation of the Archbpp of York a warrant is passed for Doctor Turner Deane of Windsor to be Bishopp of Rochester +A Comission is now passing ye Seale for the Earle of Sunderland be Lord Leiut of the County of Warwick dureing the minority of the Earle of Northampton L. c. 1427 [Handwriting changes here.] London Sept 1st 83 The East India Shipps are now arrived in ye Downes ye defence and Society from ye Bay of Bengall the Nathaniell & Williamson from ye Coast and Bay ye Dragon from Suratt and ye Tonqueen Merchtt from ye South Sea Capt Heath Commandr in ye first dyes in his passage ye lattr in her way from Chinay touched att Bantam and brings advice yt the young king thro' ye assistance of ye Dutch had totally beaten ye old king his father and constrayned him to retire into ye remotest parts of the Country and had taken into his possession ye cheifest places especially those lyeing uppon the Sea & had therby fortifyed Bantam and yt ye Dutch were sole masters therof and told ye said Tonqueen Merchtt yt it should bee ye last tyme ye English should have any Traffique from thence & further sayes yt the Powder and Gunns his Matie had sent as a presnt to ye King of Bantam along wth those Ambasadrs ye Dutch at Batavia had soe farr prevailed as yt they were delivered into the possession of the young King and made use of att Bantam the Company expects divers other Shipps and they doe further say yt the Dutch had sent home this yeare 9 rich Shipps wch are now alsoe expected in Holland Our Company's Auctions uppon ye first newes advanced to 300 But uppon ye lattr are abated 50 L Since my Last ye Earle of Pembrook is dead Thursday Last Mr Bradford a Gent of Cliffords Inn killed a waterman att Barne Elms uppon some provocation & has made his escape His Matie has been pleased to grant ye King of Denmarke the Liberty of raiseing 3 English Regiments and yt ye Collonells are already appointed of wch one is Coll Macharty who had formerly a Regiment in ye french Service. Yesterday was held a councell At Whitehall where divers of the Plotters were examined but one How a Scrivener and Holman who was accused for harbouring Rumball the Arch Traytour were discharged Lettrs from Ireland sayes that a proclamacon was published for a day of Thanksgiveing for his Maties deliverance from ye late Conspiracy on ye same tyme as in England Tis advised from Copenhagen yt the french Admirall as hee was passeing ye Sound wth ye Danish fleet runn ashore and tho' ye Gunns were taken out of her tis believed she cannott bee gott off Yesterday was held a Sessions of ye Peace where abtt twenty Quakers were tryed & Convicted of a Ryott in holding a Conventicle in ye streets. Last Thursday were seized in Wapping 500 of Seditious & treasonable Books entituled ye Earle of Argiles Case being each 2 quires of Paper consigned from Rotterdam uppon whch ye shippers was seized & after examinaccon was Comitted This day arrived a flandrs Mayle But wee want a Dutch & french itt gave a large acctt of ye french procedure in those parts & ye alarum they were in but on a sudden ye french made a halt some say occasioned by an Espress from England tho' others concluded y[t] they will nott actually attempt any seizure before they heare ye success of Vienna Lettrs of ye 25th from Passaw say yt Count Staremburgh was ill of the Bloody fflux That Vienna was yett safe that they made twenty [?] 2000 weight of Gunpowdr in ye Citty that ye Vizier of Buda held Raab blocked upp to secure Turkish Convoys that ye Bassa of Neuhassell & County Teckly were Commanded to quitt ye wagg [?] & reinforce ye Viziers Army before Vienna. The King of Poland was wthin 2 dayes march of ye Imperiall Campe & had sent before him a draught of ye marmen [?] hee intends for ye releife of Vienna. L. c. 1428 [Handwriting changes here.] Lond the 4th Sept 1683 Yesterday Lettrs ffrom Lintz of the 28th by the Holland and fflandrs Post give an Accompt of 2 victories Christian successes obtained by the Imperialists that the Duke of Lorraine had intirely defeated a body of l5000 Turkes and Tartars who Endeavored to hinder the Conjunction of the Poles as Alsoe that the infidells on ye 25th [?] ultimo had made Consecutive Assaults on Vienna being as offten Repulsed with the Losse of above 20000 and 5000 on the part of ye besiegid with other ffavourable Advantages mentiond in the Gasett wch would bee of great Import should they be held Confirmed Butt Lettrs ffrom the Same place & date to Count Thuna the Emperours Extraordinary Envoy gives a Rebate thereto being noe mention of the 6 Attaques not Certainly would have beene if the same had beene True and ye said Lettrs Add yt the King of Poland was not yett Joined Lorraine being soe Impeded as not to Arrive att Crombs till the 2d Instant and yn not with force as gennerally Reported But Accompanyed onely with 16000 Commanded Souldiers and followed with 10000 Gentlemen volantiers and yt it was Agreed his Polonian Mejte should Command in Chiefe yt ye Emperour was not departed from Lintz Expecting Every day ye delivery of the Empresse and there were prepared great numbers of vessells whose sides should be musquett proofe to be filled with souldiers to fface downe the Danube and thereby Endeavor the Reliefe of Vienna on ye side while the other Auxiliary Attaque the Turks in yr Campe our Last Holland Lettrs tell us that they had Advice ffrom Arnhem in Guildersland yt the Duke of Monmonth with ffive other persons of Quality of the English nation new passed that place for Cleeves and soe forwards ffor Germany ffrom Cologne of ye 3d 7ber give an Accompt that the Chapter of the head Church of munster had proceeded to the Election of A Bishopp and made Choyce of the Elector of Cologne to succeed in yt promotion to the great disapointmint of Prince Comt [?] of ffurstemburgh This weeke arrived a Polish Ambassdr who intends to take his way for Winchestr to Represent to his Majte the ill usage he Received ffrom the ffrench King in not admitting him to audience and other Bad Treatment His Majte intends this weeke ffor Portsmouth and Take a small voyage by sea Our Holland Lettrs say that the Dutch are still resolved to send 16 shipps with 5000 souldiers to India to Reinforce those parts and yt the Company has obteined an order from the states to preserve their Trade and maintaine their Conquests by all Lawfull wayes whatever Yett our English East India Company are still Resolved notwithstanding the late ill newes ffrom Bantam that the old King was Routed by the young and the ffeeling fortifyed to speed away 9 shipps with souldiers into those parts as be sure [?] to gett thither sooner yn the Dutch and perfect their designes Tomorrow our Common Hall meets. The Precepts to Assemble the Leavy [?] Runn to Confirme Peter Daniell Esqr whom the Ld major has elected one of the sheriffes of London by Ancient Custome and Act of Common Councell and to Choose Another The young Earle of Northumberland is gone beyond sea tis said into the ffrench Camp in fflandrs. The sonn and Heir of the Duke of Somersett wch his Grace had by the Lady ogle his wife is deceased. yesterday one Major Midleton arrived Expresse ffrom Holland & brought an Accompt that the siege att Vienna was Raised. the Turks Routed their Baggage &c Taken wch tho' itt Runns for Current yett I disbelieve the whole. And this Evening A Dutch Post arrived wch Confirmes the defeat of l5000 Turkes but Contradicts the Rest that the Turkes were Lodged in the ditch and possessed themselves of the Scotch Gate and blew up part of the Pallace But were forced to Retreat The vizier has sworne to take the Citty or to Lay his or his Armys bones before it. The ffrench in fflanders have put all undr Contribution demanding a great summ L. c. 1429 [Handwriting changes here.] London Septembr 6th 1683 +Yesterday being apointed for the Election of our sherriffs & other Citty Officers at Guildhall, Peter Daniell Esqr was confirmed one of ye Sherriffs and Samll Dashwood Esqr was chose ye other and sent into ye Chamber of London 420 L as a ffine to be exempted from yt office but they would not give him a Receipt for it and this day ye Court of Aldermen Sate and would not receive ye ffine till his Majestys pleasure were first knowne therein One Peter Aleworth Esqr was Elected Chamberlaine in ye roome of Sr Tho Player and one Mr Topham was made Bridge Master in ye vacancy of Deputy Sexton deceased. One Samll Packer (formerly in trouble for ye first part of ye growth of Popery and an Assistant to Richd Goodenough the Conspirator during his being under Sherriff of Midlesex, is seized and Committed to Newgate for high treason And one Turner Painter (accused by Mr Lee ye Dyer for Complotting wth him in ye late Conspiracy) was Committed to ye Marshallsea for ye like crime Yesterday one Cullivant (Convicted last Sessions for printing ye 2d part of ye growth of Popery) stood his first time in ye Pillory by Leadenhall Markett and to day at the Royll Exchange The house of Mr ffrancis Charleton at Totteridge was Searched and under Hay in a Stable a compleate Suite of Armes was found upon wch divers of his Servants were seized The sd Charleton is now in ye Tower on acctt of ye late Plott This day wee have advice on ye Exchange yt two East India Interlopers viztt the Susan & Rebeckah arrived in ye River of Thames The Shipps in the Downes have all Sett Saile for ye East Indies except Charles the R of wch Captt Grantham is Commandr who Stayes for ye other Shipps yt are to goe thither along wth him This day arrived a fflanders Post wch sayes yt ye Poles doe not joyne the Duke of Lorraine till the 4th Instant; That Vienna is still closely Beseiged, but by a vigorous Sally drove ye Turkes out of ye Ditch and ruined their Galleries and other Defences whereby all ye Newes of the Seige being raised is a pfect Shamme Just now came advice from fflanders of ye proceedings of ye ffrench there being in divers Bodyes and plundered Severall Townes as Theilt, Intrenghen &c and drove away 9000 oxen and done ye like in 30 Parrishes of Alost and pillaged ye Cloysters of Elseghen & Vellex and are come to Bruges committing all manner of disorders; Many people flyeing from them were drowned in a River and ye ffrench have sent to ye County of Alost to take an Oath of ffealty to ye King as their Sovereigne and have brought their greate Cannon to Grinsburgh by which it is beleeved yt Montz or Bruxells will be Beseiged; The troops are on a march and only Stay for ye Dauphin who is now at Lisle & tis said will be declared Duke of Brabant; Marreshall H[er?]neers is wth 20000 at Lossines and hath sent a Detachment to pass ye River near Bruges; Couriers are sent to England & else where for assistance and the Dutch have ordered l5000 men to ye ffrontiers L. c. 1430 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 6th 7bris 83 On ye 27th the Lady [space for about four letters left blank] eldest daughter to the Rt Honrbl ye E of Gainesborough was married to ye Rt Honrbl ye Lord Digby of Warwicksheire On ye 29th about 6 in ye Evening theire Matyes reached Winchester They were met by that loyall Personage the E of Gainesborough Ld Leiut of ye County with a great Number of ye most Considerable Gentry of those partes 4 miles from ye Towne where afterwards they were recd by the Mayor and Aldrmn in their fformalityes who had the honour of their hands His Maty hath taken a veiw of his new buildings and is very well pleased wth the forwardnesse of it On 29 in ye morning dyed ye E of Pembrooke of a feavor haveing layne sick from ye saturday before The Diamond Pearle Mirmaid and Swan fregotts which were supposed to have past bye Plymo on ye 24 and the winde being contrary put in there The ffirst wch went out wth the Lord Dartmoutn tis said kept out at Sea The Sessions at ye old Baily are now ended but none of ye Traytors uppon acct of ye Conspiracy brought to Tryall nor intended to be soe though some of our newer writers [?] had falsely spread it Abroad in ye Countrey that a Jury was sumoned to that purpose the same Dithons [?] I prsume who forgd ye stay of the Ld Brandon in ye Tower and the D. of Monmouth's lrs to his Maty Major Gladman is discharged uppon l000 L bond and 2 Suretyes each in 500 L and Hawes uppon his bond of 200 L and [2?] Suretyes each l00 L Mr Hugh Speake is ordred his Liberty uppon his bond of 8000 L [?] and 2 Suretyes each in 4000 L for his appance at ye Kings Bch ye first day of Terme Sr Wm J Moore his Son and Mr fforbes his son in law and Mr Crawford who came from Holland with Sr Hugh Campbell uppon reexamon are remanded to ye Messengr in close custody as alsoe Mr Samuel Barkr Goodenough's Deputy and one Horne lately taken They write from Portsmth that a master of a shipp arrived there the day before gave an acct that on ye 26 of ye last about 3 in ye afternoone he met the Ld Dartmth with ll shipps undr his Command about l5 leagues off Ushant and ye next day he met 5 other of his Maties shipps but did not speak wth them You were told of some of his Matyes ffregotts that Sett Saile from Plymo on ye 28 of ye last and though ye winde was contrary the Diamond Mirmaid and Swan gott off that night and the Pearle ye next day the Luckin [?] and another ffregott were in ye harbour The Genova lres dat. Aug: 25 tell that Capt Alemore Comandr of ye Tyger being in that Port and hearing that the Spanish fffleet was seene off Crescia plying thither & though indeed they proved to be only the Spanish pticular Gallyes bound for harbr went thence before he intended on ye 20th to avoid giveing them a salute which they had expected from him before This haughty and wayward Deportmnt of the Spanyards for they have not heretofore attempted to require a salute from a Man of Warr of England gives occasion [?] of much discource in those portes though say the lres they seeme to excuse ye Actions prtending they were mercts shipps or bound for Genoa and Legorne The Bruxells lres dat the 5 make noe mention of any blow yet cract [?] though they say the ffrench Army goe round the Caps D'Alost and had taken many head of Chattle for ye use of the Campe though with p[r]omise of paymt. Tis said the ffrench King's Demands now are of ye same places hee formrly claim'd and allieageth are reserved to him by ye Treaty of Nimeghen that Comrs on both sides met at Courtrey for ye adjusting them or granting an Equivalent Parted without any determination that he had thereuppon referred ye mattr to the Arbitrage of ye King of Engld which choyce [?] had not in all this time accepted and was therefore now resolved to doe himselfe right The ffrench Army is soe powerfull that nothing but ruine can be expected by resistance soe that tis thought the Marquesse d'Grana may have ordrs to comply with them and rather parte with another share than hazard ye losse of yeres of ye Loafe Mr Cocker Goodenoughs Deputy and Noma [?] the Painter [?] who as I formerly acquainted you were taken into Custody are now disposd of the former to Newgate the other to the Marshalsea since which Lewis Butler to Mr Charleton in ye Tower and Hugh Baxter his Groome were taken into Custody and examined the former comitted to the Close Custody of a Messengr In mr Charletons Stable was found a very compleat shute of Armour backlett yet [?] and Gauntlet lodged in a private place made for that purpose betwixt the Rack and the Manger On ye 5 Culliford stood ye first time in ye Pillory and is to stand a second His crime was for correcting and manageing ye printing of 2 seditious and Treasonable Pamphlets the Second parte of ye growth of Popery and ye 2d parte of Ignoramus Justice for wch he is fined 200 L and to give Security for his behaviour for 2 yeares Tis writ from Winchestr dat. 4 that his Maty intended early ye next morning for Southpton and thence to Portsmth where is to be a Tryall of sailing betwixt his Matyes Yatch and one that belongs to Coll Wyndham It was not certaine whether his Maty before his returne would goe to ye Isle of Wight but it was said he intended to bee at Winchestr uppon Saturday On the 5 was the choice of Officers for the Citty of London when accding to ordr the Ld Mayor put up two for the office of Chamberlaine lately held by Sr Thomas Player The psons proposed were Deputy Aleworth and Mr Loades of whome ye former was chosen Aldrm Daniel whome the Lord Mayor by [Illegible word of five letters] of drinking to made choice of as Sherriffe was unanimously then confirmed in Comon Hall and Sr Ben Newland Sr Wm Dodson and ffrancis Dashwood Esqr put up for ye other Sherriffe of whome ye last was chosen there as ye other officers of Bridgecrafters &c prop[o]sed by the Ld Mayor are Citizens of app[r]ovd loyalty and Integrity and were elected with the greatest decency and ordr Mr Friend and Mr Bradon are brought up in ye Custody of Messengrs the former is of Taunton and was taken at Sherbourne the other was by haes Corpus brought out of Salisbury Goale and is ye same Bradon who I formerly told you had caused ye story of ye bloudy Razor throwne out of ye E. of Essex his window in ye Tower and though undr vacq [?] Security to answer to an Indictmt for it this next Terme was found disprsing the paper to ye same purpose in ye Countreyes The fflandrs lres confirme the D of Lorraines defeating 15 of the Enemy and a greate parte of ye Auxiliary fforces of ye Empire were passed ye Danube in Succor of Vienna L. c. 1431 [Handwriting changes here.] London September 8 1683 Yesterday arrived a Dutch Post & brought a Coppy of a 2d lettr from Count Staremburgh in Vienna to ye Duke of Lorraine dated ye 27 August 83 wch by reason of its length only send you ye cheife heads vizt that since his last ye Enemy has sprung 6 or 7 Mines undr ye Raveling and wch aftrwards wee repaired ye Enemy gaineing but one Lodgemt uppon ye pointes [?] haveing given Aire to 3 of yr mines & sprung 2 more to good succes o[u]r Minrs being people got togeathr from all ptes ye Deveil cant make ym reenter a mine wn once they heare ye Enemy at worke I have sprung 3 mines in ye Countrscarpe But ye Pallisadoes being in some places reversed by last mine & o[u]r people maintaine ye Post wth sword in hand till they were amended ye Enemy has made 2 descents into ye ditch but o[u]rs dislodged [&] unfilled yr workes burnt yr Galions & Galleryes But my Ld tis time to succour us wee loose more by ye bloody fflux then fury of ye Enemy 60 psons dying dayly of yt distempr wee have noe more Granadoes left wch was o[u]r best defence in dislodgeing ye Enemy o[u]r Cannons are eithr most dismounted or burst through often fireing ye Mettle being bad and ye Enemy seeing that wth a few they cannot lodge in ye ditch they make great Lodgemts in ye Counterscarpe to have a great mouth [?] to make an extraordinary Assault upon us speedily Tis certaine ye Enemyes losse is great & ye Bloody fflux reignes wth them whereby they are not above 60000 Campes men & yr Campes soe distant from each othr that they may certainly be worsted by yo[u]r Highnesse before they can releeve each othr & wee impatiently expect yo[u]r comeing to o[u]r reliefe Postscript Just now my Minrs informe me yt they heare ye Enemy working undr ym they have passed yee Ditch and undr ye Bastion wch is a time for aide. And Letters from Lyntz of ye lst of Septembr say that ye Turkes made a furious assault upon Vienna ye 27 but ye succes not knowne the beseidged hanged ye Sonn of an Itallian upon ye Ramparts discovering that he had 5 times bin wth ye Enemy & acquainted them wth ye state of ye City The King of Poland was not then Aryved but dayly expected The States Genll have after a long debate from 9 in the morning to 3 afternoone voted that ye ffrench invasion is a breach of ye Peace and that they ought to assist them wth yr fforces as by agreemt The ffrench lres from ye Province of Daulphine say yt 800 Protestants whoe were in ye woods come in a body to heare preaching in an Interdicted Church but ye Sieur de Ruth wth a detachmt of Dragoones killed 200 upon ye spot & burnt above l00 yt were fled to a barne reserveing 5 makeing one hang ye othr 4 & lost but 20 Dragoones Yesterday one Wm Thompson menconed in his Maties 1st Pclamacon as one of ye Conspirators lookeing out of a Garret window at Hamersmith was discovered and seized Thursday ye Court of Aldrmen called upon ye two elected Sherriffes & required ym to seale a Bond of l000 L to take upon ym yt Office before ye vigill of St Michael Aldrman Viner [?] complied but Mr Dashwood obtained a weekes liberty for ye same and is since gone to Winchester to desire to be excused The Dutch Ambassadour gave ye E: India Company a visit where they in private discoursed the Affaire of Bantam and I am Credibly assured yt ye Ambassadour pr[o]ffered to Joyne Comissionrs wth as many of yrs amicably to treat in London ye Composure of yt Affaire is since gone to Winchestr as likewise ye Spanish Ambassadour to sollisit assistance The ffrench being in all yr Dominions and have drove away above 30000 head of Cattle but as yet attaque noe walled Towne