L. c. 1432 [Handwriting changes here.] London Septembr 11th 83 Last night wee recd Lettrs from Ratisbon of ye 9th by way of Holland wch say yt Count Staremburgh had wrote to ye Duke of Lorrain dated the first of Septembr from out of Vienna that hee had discovered ye Turkes grand mine undr the Bastian of ye Pallace and had taken therout 4000 weight of Powder and had burnt ye Bations wch the Turks ye night before had filled ye Ditch wthall in ordr for an assault But desired his highness to hasten ye Succour many of ye garrison being deceased and ye rest quite wearied out That ye grand Vizier undrstanding ye Approach of ye Auxiliarys had drawne his severall Campes into an entire body made great retrenchments to obstruct ye Xtians passage and drew a Line of Contravallation to hinder the Beseiged from Sallyeing forth & had Commanded Count Teckley A basti[on of?] Moldavians and Wallachians uppon pain of death to Joyne his head army being wthout them 70000 And Lettrs from Stunbeau 3 Leagues from Vienna of the 1st ditto give great hopes of ye Xtian Success for yt the Janizarie by their priviledge are nott to remaine before a Citty longer than 40 dayes But ye Vizier has prevailed uppon them to stay one day for ye Sultan another for himself a third for their Aga and a 4th for money & tis supposed they will exceed noe further The Duke of Lorraine Prince Waldeck and ye other Generalls on ye 3l paid their visitt to ye King of Poland who was arrived at Krembs wth his avantguard being ye Compleatest troops in ye world most of them wth their horses cladd in armour ye next day ye king returned the Compliment to the Duke. And on ye 3d the king and all ye Genneralls held a Councill of Warr att Sheldorp but by reason some of ye Auxiliaryes were nott arrived they could nott take those measures as att first designed but in Conclusion ye Troops being abtt 70000 twas unanimously resolved that the king and Duke should leade ye main body the Elector of Bavaria and Prince Waldeck ye avant guard and the Duke of Saxony and another Prince the arreare guard. And ye army begann to pass ye Danube over divers Bridges on ye 3d & would bee in Battalia on ye 7th & on ye l0th advance towards the Enemy who tis sd already beginns to send their baggage to Hungary & tis Judged ye Turkes will of themselves raise ye Seige And there bee Lettrs from Ruremond in fflandrs wch say yt on ye 29th the Turks made such a Breach in Vienna walls as to enter them but by ye shott from 50 Cannon placed before itt wth Muskett shott ye Turks were forced to retire wth great Loss But Count Staremburgh mentioning nothing therof in his Lettr of ye lst of Septembr wee beleive itt altogether fabulous tho' some will have itt otherwise. The french in fflandrs still Continue their Ravageing & driveing away Cattle & has given ye Inhabitants l4 dayes longr to bring in yr Contribution wch they have assessed amounteing to above 60000 L ye Marquis de Grana has had a Conference wth ye Prince of Orange att Bredagh Monsr Van Benninghen who serves for ye Towne of Amsterdam opposeing ye vote to assist fflandrs but rather referr ye mattr to ye arbitration of ye king of England or deliver upp Luxenburgh or an Equivalent was [?] he merely reprehended as a french Pentioner and an Enemy to ye States wch resolve[d] runns thus That ye Invasion of ye french in fflandrs in ye hostile manner is a manifold breach of ye peace of Nimeghen and highly derogatory to ye methods his most Xtian Matie ought to pursue in setting the tranquillity of Europe especially att a Tyme when Xtendom is invaded by ye Pagan Enemy But formed a Memoriall to be prsented to Monsr de Avaux the french Ambassadr to pray his Master to wthdraw his Troops from out of fflandrs & rather Jyne agst the Common Enemy & assigne a place where ye Differences may bee amicably composed. This day ye Court of Aldrmen debated ye affaire of ye Charter to signe ye Instrument Mr Attorney has prepared to settle ye restriction granted to his Matie & ordred a Comittee to examine ye same & make report. One Mr Broom Whorwood a late Membr for Oxford is brought to Towne being seized uppon acctt of ye plott. +Sr Thomas Grantham has now ordrs to sayle for India ye rest of ye Company's Shipps nott departing till this fortnight & have ordrs if they cannot retake Bantam to settle in an Adjacent Island they carrieing Materialls to build a ffort. The Cadiz Lettrs say yt the Tyger ffrigatt has taken ye Admirall of Sally & released 2 Mercht Prizes. Their Maties & Court are returned to Winchester & come to London too morrow Sennight. L. c. 1433 [Handwriting changes here.] London September 18 1683 The Spanish Ambassadour has delivered since ye 1st a 2d and 3d Memoriall to his Matie at Winchester wherein he setts forth ye Infraccon of ye peace of Nimeghen by ye ffrench Invasion into fflandrs togeather wth his Maties will give speedy direcciones for since ye doeing of it will tend as much to the benefitt of his Master Upon delivery of which I am Credibly informed his Matie has Pmised to take some speedy resolucon in yt Affaire eithr to influence ffrance to withdraw his Troopes or otherwise psue those measures as may oblige him thereto. [In margin at left of the two paragraphs above are these words:] *. obligacons by virtue in yt behalfe & made ye assistance of them wth 8000 men wch he earnestly pressed his Matie to pforme or at least wise according to ye 4[th] article eithr in vallue in money or amunicon of warr wth ye hopes of his Matie [end marginal words] And I am furthr advised yt in case ye ffrench pceedes to attaque eny Towne a Parliamt will be called in Novembr or at ffurthest in ffebruary or March next. I omitted in my last to informe you yt ye Ward of Aldrsgate pceeded to ye pteccon of psons in ordr to prsent ym to ye Court of Aldrmen in ye vacancy of Sr Richard How deced and chuse Peter Rich Esqr one of our prsent Sherriffes & Mr. Samuell Dashwood Sherriffe Elect whoe being recalled to ye Court of Aldermen they declared Mr Rich Aldrman called him in tooke his Lease [?] sworne accordingly One Mr Cole a Brewr taken upon ye accot of ye plott is admitted to Baile The beginning of this weeke some farther intimacon was that Rumbull ye Arch Traytor was in Bishoppsgate Street upon wch dilligent search was made after him but missed by an houre but ye man of ye house acknowledgeing yt such a like man had been there but he knew not his name to be Rumbull soe he was seized for ye same Noe fforeigne Post come save ye ffrench wch gives an accot by lettrs of ye 8 of 7ber yt ye Imperiall Army was ye day before in Battalia and marching before ye Turkes & yt great Shooteing heard some houres but gives noe Perticulars where pte of ye whole Army were engaged by ye next I may probably informe you some accon The Cort has deferred yr comeing to Towne to Saturday 7 night & then tis sd will goe to Portsmouth & pbably returne by sea This day ye Court of Aldrmen met and called upon Sam: Dashwood Esqr whoe was by ye Common Hall chose one of ye Sherriffs to seale his bond but he made his formr excuses that he had divers Censorshipps upon him wch would rendr his Affaire to be very prjudiciall but ye Court would not admitt of yt his Allegacon but constrained him to seale a Bond of 1000 L to take upon him ye Office of Sherriffe The Cort of Aldrmen afterwards heared ye report of ye Comittee to wch ye Instrumt relateing to ye Charter was referred and held considrable debates thereon but by reason t'was a mattr of great weight they comitted it wth ordr to take it into furthr considracon on Tuesday next The Corronrs Inquest has sate upon ye Corpes of one Mr Walsh killed on Tuesday night by one Mr Ruth at ye Horseshoe Taverne in Chance lane ry and it appeareing before ym yt Ruth drew his sword and on a suddain runne him through upon some words relateing to a factr [?] they brought in yr virdict willfull murdr Our Scotch lres say that one John Bond seized in a widdowes house at Edinburgh where he had many yeares lived obscurely & exam[in]ed by ye Commiccon ye 1st Instant to whome he owned yt he was concerned as well in the Rebellion at Pont Hall as yt at Bothwell Bridge & subscribed his exaccon since wch he hath been tryed before ye Lds of ye Justiciary and ye Jury brought him in guilty of High Treason L. c. 1434 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 13 7br 83 Mr Dashwood who was elected one of the Sherriffes of London and Midlx hath denied that his ffine may bee accepted being Executor to Severall great Estates and Particularly to Captn Breckely who was buried on the 6 at night but I doe not hear yet whether it is complied with some time being taken for the consideration of it Since the translation of Doctor Thomas from the Bprick of St Davids to that of Worcester the Sevll Comrs for Ecclesiasticall affaires have met and nominated Doctor Wommack Archdeacon of Norfolke [?] for [the] Bishoprick of St. Davids Turkind [?] of Taunton [?] who was fetcht out of the Country by a messenger is after Examination ordered to be sent Buisenes to the Marshallsea but at present is not soe well to be removed Bradon continues in the Messengers hand for want of baile From Winchester wee have an account of his Maties safe Returne and how hee was pleased to diverte himselfe in his absence On the Saturday [?] morning hee went to Southampton and sinew [?] after 7 embarqued aboard the ffubbs Yatch his Royall Highness the Prince of Denmarke and the Duke of Grafton and severall other persons of quality attending him as soone as his Maty went aboard the winde blewe contrary however they wrought downe Southampton River and putt into Portsmouth Harbour before that daye His Maty dyned aboard spent the afternoone in viewing the ffortifications of Portsmouth and Gosport and slept that night on Shoare On the 6 he was very nobly treated by the Rt Honnbl the E of Gainesborough and then went to take a veiw of the South Sea Castle Dockyard and severall new buildings and Supt aboard On the 7 his Maty sett sail about 8 of the Clock in the morning and arrived at Southampton before one the ffubbs yatch built by a draught drawne by his Matyes own hand outsailing all the rest There his Maty was Recd by the Mayor &c in their fformalityes and the Militia in their Armes and thence went for Winchester where he arrived about 4 that afternoone The 9th the day of Thankesgiveing appointed by his Matyes declaration for discovery of the Treasonable Conspiracy was observed in ye severall Churches wth due solemnity that service ended the other publ demonstrations of [illegible six-letter word] Joy followed The Bells of all the Churches rang and enlightened the streets that wee might read in ye peoples faces theire thankfulnesse for the deliverance The bonfires were indeed many kindled by the most loyall heartes and might have outnumbered even those of his Matye most happy restauration could the ffanaticks have beene wrought upon by a miracle of Providence or learned theire Duty soe farr as to have showne a zeale for soe wonderfull an act of mercy equall to what they did at the Returne of the D of Monmouth from Holland though contrary to his Matyes expresse will and pleasure Dr Hicks one of the Prebendaryes of Worcestr a loyall and well deserving Gentl is made Deane of Worcester They write from Marseilles dat the l0 that Mounsr de Gragnan the Governor of Province had caused a declaration to be read 3 dayes before that the Protestants might assemble and reassume theire Devotions in all Churches allowed by the King and strictly forbiding all Persons to give them the least Disturbance They tell us that some dayes before a rabble as gott togeather in Dauphine who defended themselves against 600 Dragoones but that all late [?] was well pacified Theire latest advice from Algiers was on the 23 of ye last when Mounsr d' Quesne still continued shooting of Bombes into ye Towne but all had nott yett prvailed uppon them but that they provided in theire barbarous way of defiance searching after those of the ffrench Nation of whome they had found at times about l00 and used them all as they did Father Vacher the Consull shoot them among them from ye Mouthes of Canon There was a discourse that the ffrench would sett ffire to the Grand Machine which if neare the mole or in [?] any Tower that had powder or combustible materialls might doe great Execution The Holland lres tell us ye Cheife Bussinesse of the States is to consider how they might soe deport themselves in this conjuncture that they might give theire due assistance to ye Spanyard yet the ffrench knowe just cause of offence The Prince of Orange was active in ordering and disposeing the fforces but if any Expedient can bee found out the States seeme wholly averse to a Warr and will not enter into Action till they shall finde that the ffrench lay seige to a Towne or by some other open hostility shall declare their breach of peace with the same caution they instruct theire ffleete which though they may make strong enough for some notable enterprize they doe strictly obleige not to engage unlesse they shall finde that the Swedes shall be first attacqued Mr Dashwood what Interest soever he has made cannot get off from the Merioaltry [?] he being a pson of that ability and loyalty and soe every waye adopted for that employmnt that the Citty cannot mend themselves in theire Choyce On the l2 [?] was the ob[j]ection of an Aldrm for Aldrsgate Ward in the place of Sr Richard Howe decd where Peter Rich Esqr one of ye Sherriffes of London and Midlx was fairely chosen The Generll Discourse at Winchester I knowe not how certaine is that his Matye will bee at Whitehall on Saturday five [?] night and then take a turne to Newmarket +A Com[missi]on is passing for makeing ffrancis Lord Howard of Effingham Leiut and Governor Genll of his Matyes Colony and Dominion of virginia in place of ye Ld Culpeper A Pardon is passing to Mr Keeling the Oylman who was ye first discoverer of ye Conspiracy Wee have noe farther newes of Vienna than the conjunction of ye succour and that the Turkes seeme to be draweing off L. c. 1435 [Handwriting changes here.] London September 15th 83 Our Last Lettrs from Winchester left ye Court in perfect health continuing their disposition to returne hither this day Sennight. Some dayes agoe the Polish Ambassadr had a private audience of ye king and his Lettrs of Credence [?] arriveing since required a publick one tho wee are told desired his Maties assistance agst the Common enemy and in ye Close [?] represented ye misproceedure of ffrance in this Conjuncture nott only through the encouragement given ye Male Contents in Hungary But alsoe ye artifices hee has used among ye neighbouring Princes and States as to hinder ye Supplyes they would otherwise have afforded for ye repressing of ye Turks being themselves Jealous of his Armes. The Spanish Ambassadr Since his third memoriall has had a long Conference wth the king and yesterday returned hither and an express will bee forthwith dispatched to fflandrs uppon the Subject matter of ye answer given him Yesterday 300 Oxen and neare ye like number of Porkers were Slaughtered to bee sent after ye fleetes under ye Command of ye Earle of Dartmouth by wch wee Conjecture they have further designes then touching att Tangire. The Ld Keeper is come to Towne and Mr Broom Whorwood late member for Oxford taken into Custody admitted to Bayle ye allegations being for words spoken wthin ye heareing of his Servant. Wee are filled wth discourse thet his Gentlemen some will have ym to bee of ye Inns of Court others of Scotland have made a further discovery of ye late traitorous Conspiracy as yet divers warrants are abroade for ye seizeing of ye persons concerned therein. We reassume the Discourse of a Parliament and as soon as the Court returne may bee able to give you the Certainty. One Baynes now Bailiff of the Dutchy Liberty menconed in Capt Wilkinsons narrative was seized in the Temple on Thursday Last being accused for a Coyner & by Mr Recorder comitted to Newgate. Divers wealthy persons have given intimation to the Lords of his Maties Treasury yt they are desirous to farme his Revenue of Customs and yt they will advance 600000 L and give a greater Summ yearly then has been yett offered. The Committee of 6 Aldrmen appointed to consider of ye late Instrumt of the Charter sate yesterday att the Temple to have ye assistance of some Lawyers being a matter of weight importeing ye Surendr undr ye Citty Seale the office of mayor Sheriffe Aldermen Chamberlain &c to settle ye restrictions the Common Councill granted to his Matie to make them firme and Legall wch being then nott understood to imply a Surrender gives ye occasion of difficulty to performe itt. Wheras there was an act of Parliament of ye 25 Caro 2d entituled an act for ye raiseing l238750 L for supply of his Maties extraordinary occasions to bee assessed from ye 4th day of ffeby (72) by an l8 months Tax Warrants are issued out undr ye hands of 5 of ye Comissionrs mentioned in ye act vizt Major Parry Major Arnold Coll Warcupp Sr Thomas Row and Justice Smith to ye Liberty of Westminster for ye reassessing 23 L as alsoe other warrants to Chelsea The assessors of wch places have advised wth Councill who informes ym yt in case any part of ye aforesd Summ were nott att first Collected or paid into ye Exchequr his Matie may pursue this method and itt will bee att their perill to refuse. I am Credibly informed yt ye Instrument of the Charter will bee brought to a Common Councill the Court of Aldrmen adjudgeing it to difficult to performe of themselves Wheras ye wealthiest persons merchtts abtt London have refused to bee free of ye Citty to Keep themselves from being cal[led] to ye office of Sherriff itt will for ye future bee ye Citty Custom to call one unfreeman to yt office for a Sherriff of Middlesex & ye freeman for London. [Some figures in another hand appear on outside of letter.] L. c. 1436 London Septembr 18th 83 Lettrs from ffrance Holland and ffflandrs as well by express on Sunday brought ye Certain Joyfull advice of ye releife of Vienna in as signall a victory over the Turkes as could possibly bee desired wch to ye best informacon from a Lettr dated on Munday ye l3 Septembr in Vienna ye day after ye fight stands vizt That on Saturday ye llth the Signall of distress being discovered on St Stephens Steeple a second Councill of Warr was held some Imperiall Officrs would have declined attacqueing ye Turks in their Trenches for if the Success proved contrary itt might endanger ye loss of ye Empire. The King of Poland replied that hee came to fight yt those Gent wth him were of ye same opinion and ye Empire might bee sooner lost for want of itt & that itt was full tyme accordingly, twas resolved yt on ye morrow they advance & force their Trenches in divers places. By breake of day Sonday morning the Xtian Army full 80000 halfe horse in Battalia on Colemburgh Plain advanced to the enemy's Trenches the Prime Vizier confident of his force att the same tyme caused an assault on Vienna But ye Regiment of Souches and Mansfeild repulsed them tho' wth greate Loss. The King of Poland caused his Dragoones to alight descend their Trenches wth Spade and Mattock while hee fought some advanced Bodyes of ye Turks who wthin an houre & a quarter opened a passage 200 yards defeated those forlorne entered Their Campe and wth his Troops of Curiasiers charged thro' ye main body of the Turkish horse wth yt Success yt being amazed and disordered made a perfect flight leaveing their Infantry to ye number of 26000 to bee cut to peices besides 10000 Janizaries before Vienna of whom came nott a man off. The pursuite Continued till night when yt king knoweing ye Turkish Stratagem to fall uppon them when they were plundering commanded uppon pain of death that nott one soldier should take ye least thing keeping his army in Battallia all Sunday night & ye next day wth his light horse repursued the Enemy att noone gave Soldiers liberty to plundr & stripp the dead. Vienna Gates on Monday to ye unexpressible Joy of ye Inhabitants were opened & ye Enemy's workes throwne down and the Emperour is expected too morrow to sing Te deum Laudamus tis Judged that ye Turks Lost in this action 40000 and ye Imperialist 2000 tho' some will have them but 400 above 300 Cannon taken all their Baggage Tents Amunition & provisions seized among them the Pavillion of ye Prime Vizier his horse a million of Chequers each l0 L [?] two horse Tayles ye Ensignes of Warr his Standard and above all his Cabinett of Lettrs & other writeings Postscript Just now is brought into the Camp 2000 Turkish horse & tis beleived a good accompt will bee had of the rest tis beleived ye vizier is slaine Count Teckley was nott come upp Some say yt a secrett Correspondence was between him and the King of Poland Vienna was in a miserable Condition nott one third of ye Garrison alive & could nott have held out 5 day's longer This day came a holland Post & brought a Confirmation of the great Victory over ye Turks but varies something in ye prticulars of ye fight yt itt continued in one place or other almost all night & was very obstinate And an Eminent Merchtt has this day a Lettr yt on ye l5th was a Battaile ye Turks rallyeing uppon ye King of Poland but were alsoe defeated Itt is wrote yt amongst the Viziers Lettrs was found one to him from ye french Ambassadr Wee are filled wth discourse of a greate discovery att Winchester to have assasinated ye King But I haveing an acctt of some Robbrs there seized doe Conjecture yt itt might afford the Occasion of this discourse +The East India Company's Sale begann this day. Lettrs from a Gentl att ye french Court sayes yt being in the King's prescence when the newes of this victory was brought to his Matie hee tore one Corner of the Lettr wth his teeth & said itt was too great to be true L. c. 1437 [Handwriting changes here.] London ye 20th of Sept 83 Yesterday wee had a French post wch though theire Gazett made slight of the Victory over the Turks yett private Letters fully confirme the worke of that great day which they Judg' will be soe fatall on the Ottoman Empire as scarce this age to recover it they add that upon this defeate the Venetians and other Princes will breake with them and that Count Teckley will be glad to make Tearmes that the King of Poland was not returned from the pursuite whereby tis beleived that hee will destroy most of the Turkish Horse that Escaped they being to fly 100 Myles before they arrive att Grann theire neerest Garrison and by the way will alsoe be attaques by the Emperors Garrisons of Raab and Comorra tis wrote that Count Teckley Joyned them in theire retreate which gave them the Courage to Rally and stand a second fight but were defeated yett some question the reallity of this, by ye next wee may expect ye perticulars of the whole The Earle of Bath reced from his sonn the Lord Lansdowne a Letter written upon a drum head in the viziers Tent The Turks upon theire retreate Left Lighted Match in their magazine of powder which blew up, tis affirmed that of 30000 Turkish Infantry, not l00 escaped the plunder of theire Camp is Judged to bee worth three millions sterling that the King of Poland Complemented the Duke of Lorraine yt hee and his Troopes should be att his service to reinstate him into his Dominions, surreptitiously wrested from him by the French sayeing that his Warr was Influenced by that King since the fight sung te Deum in Vienna The Court returnes not from Winchester till Wednesday next and within few dayes after his Maties designes for Newmarkett The Spanish Ambassador presses hard for an Answer to his third Memoriall relateing to Flanders and is promised that when his Matie returnes hee will advise with his Councell about it and a parliamt is againe much talked off. The East India Company Sollicitted his Matie for 7 of his men of Warr to accompany theire shipps to India in order to the retakeing of Bantam since they understand the Dutch are alsoe sending a fleete thither they offering to beare the charge themselves. Some new Instructions are sent after the Fleete under the Command of the Earle of Dartmouth but theire designe soe secrett wee cannot Informe your theire Intent. This day the Court of Aldermen mett and tooke under their Consideracon the paying of orphans money being very pressive upon them but came to noe determinacon till such tyme as they have fully settled the restrictions of ye Charter granted to his Matie by a late Common Councell Which being now alsoe before them they are in great debate to settle the same the further Consideracon of which they have referred till his Matie returnes they Intend to make some Applicacon about them since they Imply a Surrender which they say they did not understand When they granted them: His Matie haveing beene gratiously pleased to publish a late proclamacon in favour of the Hamborough Company against the Interlopers upon ym they in returne have ordered to present his Matie with his Statue on Horse back value 500 L which is to be affixed in the middle of ye Royall Exchange. Letters from Oxford tell us that on Monday last 7 in ye morning an Earthquake was felt for a quarter of an hour in that City soe as some people left their houses but wee heare of noe Damage done thereby. L. c. 1438 [Handwriting changes here.] White hall Sept 20 83 On the l4 some persons agt whome information had been given upon Oath were sent for out of Essex by a Messenger and after exam[inati]on were discharged upon their own bonds to appeare when notice should be given to them Mr Sheppard a Merchant at whose house the D of Monmouth Ld Russell &c, held their meetings and Consults about the late Conspiracy as he made out at the Tryall of the Ld Russell has gain'd a Warrant for a Pardon of all Treasons misprisions of Treason &c The like has been granted to the Ld Howard of Escrick The place of Charter of the Cathedrall Church of York being become void his Matie hath been pleased to grant it to D Cumber[land?] The States Genll though they try all wayes to prevent engaging in a War wth ffrance and are not wthout hope that since the ffrench hold their hands from prsent hostility they may be inclinable to accept some fair Termes of accomodation yet They are not wthout their apprehension of a [illegible seven-letter word] and to that course they begin already to talk of the raising of money of wch after all they look upon twice [?] the 200 penny with an addition of 10 p Cent Custom to be the most practicable They have also thought of putting the ffortifications of Breda in a good condition wch yet they will not goe about till they see further by reason of the greatness of the charge Cole the Brewer who was sent prisoner to the Marshalsea upon misprision of Treason has obtein'd his liberty upon baile There has been a blinde report discovered about the Towne of a new Conspiracy agt the life of his Maty and yt 8 were apprehended on that account at Winchester but having recd Letters thence from good hands wch mention not the least tending toward it we can give it noe credit although we may well believe Conspiracies will never be quite laid down whilst Conventicles the seminaries of sedition & Rebellion are still kept up The day of his Maties returne to Whitehall is not given as wth that assurance as formerly and perhapps there is noe reason to define [?] a day publickly The prsent E of Pembroke as he is heir to the honr to his Maty tis said hath made him of the Trusts confer'd on his brother by the Crowne and appointed him Ld Lieut of the County of Wilts They write from Bristoll dated 15 yt that day Aldrman Stiffe Aldrman of That Citty was chosen Mayor and Mr Prior & Mr Arenden Sherriffs persons of very great Loyalty and recommended to them from his Maty by Ltter to wch they paid soe generall an obedience that there was scarsly found above one Dissenter A small ship of that Port arrived from Stockholme in 3 weeks reports that the ffrench ffleet lay before Copenhagen wthout their fflag and that the Danish ffleet being aboute 26 saile of Men of War were somewt off wth their fflagg as hee [?] met wth a Dutch fflyboat upon the Coast of Norway who told him The 16 saile of Dutch men of War wth ffireships and tenders wch came out of the Texell stood off to the North sea as was supposd to meet their East India ffleet What the fflanders Letters on Sunday brought and our Gazette gave us as to the totall defeat of the Turks Army the cutting away of all their horse the cutting off all their foot and the taking all their Cannon amunition tents &c is fully confirm'd by the Holland Letters dated 23 These tell us that the Turks did at first defend themselves very obstinately and that it was some hours before they betook themselves to flight and whilst they were engaged the Janizaries attacqued the Towne and had carried it in prospect of their deliverance if Count Staremberg had not himself showr'd them in the head of 3 Regiments of wch Souches the Coll of one was wounded and of Count Mansfeld's Regimt almost every officer lost They go so far as to give account wt was done in the pursuit We must allow more time for more perticulars in the mean time let us pay our Thanks for so great Deliverance for wch all Christendome will joyne wth us unless perhapps the ffrench and our Dissenters who how distant soever they pretend to be in other things doe agree in their wishes for the Turks success The choise that was made of sherriffs for the Citty of London is of such worthy success [?] and so well approved by his Maty that now all thought is laid asside of another election The ffrench fforces in fflanders are daily encreased by the accession of new Troops wch dayly come to them who though they collect contribution in such places as they lay claime to they do forbear all publick Acts of hostility wch is justly to be attributed to the good offices of his Maty who prvail'd [?] upon them for further time when had they taken the advantage of a surprize they might have possest themselves of a great pt of the Countrey whilst they were in a manner wholy unprovided [?] to give them resistance The same Letters bring an account of another defeat given to the Turkish horse by the pioneers [?] who had half [?] taken the great Cannon wch the Turkes had sent away before wth intention it seemes to quit the seige and yet one Mohamaton Peoterlasti [?] had pleasd themselves wth a story that the Turkish horse who fled had joyn'd Count Teckely and beaten the Poles Tis strange were it not that they are always obstinate in the wrong that our ffanaticks should show themselves so much intressed in the loss of the Turks had Count Teckely indeed been routed they might have been more excused [?] then being servants [?] of brotherhood in the the case and very neer Relation by the Rebell side The ffrench tho one would think are much concern'd in the fate of the Turks in [sic] any of our people are yet for Christianities more modest then to declare themselves so They in their account though not so simply as they might acknowledge a totall route the Cannon &c lost and the Turks fled wthout keeping Count Teckely for a reserve to repeat [?] The Poles and Germans who rescued them Tis not to be immagin'd to be matter [?] that Party had it pleased God to have sufferd a victory on their side would have been run We may take some measures by the hight they were already come to Count Teckely had sent to the D of Lorrain a Messenger to get [?] him to order the Governour of Presburgh to surrender the Citty to him by wch he told him he might save a great deal of Christian bloud and preserve the people from slavery to wch upon refusall his Army must force them and Count Nadesky's son had made his Addresse to the Grand Visier for Justice agt the Emperor for takeing away his ffather's life though a traitor and seizing his Estate upon the forfeiture +On the 17 Hiren [?] of Taunton was deliver'd by a Messenger to the Marshalsea A patent is passing to make George Prince of Denmark a free Denizen of England There is now passing the seale a grant of his Maty to the Lady Rachel Russell of all the personal Estate forfeited by the Attainder of her husband and that in consideration of the Loyalty and eminent services of her deceased ffather the late E. of Southampton L. c. 1439 [Handwriting changes here.] London Septembr 22th 83 I have been more prticularly advised by an Eye witness of the late Trepedaccon or Earthquake wch last Monday morning hapned in Buckinghamshire and Edge of Oxfordshire especially att Hampden house the Seate of yt ffamily to ye great afrightment of ye neighburhood shooke [?] ye whole frame of buildings accompanyed wth an unusuall noise overturneing divers vessells and other things in ye houses and Crackt some of ye walls But I cannott Learne of any eruption that itt made A Gent comeing from Holland sayes yt the States in case the french King doe nott withdraw his troops uppon reasonable Conditions from out of fflandrs will assist the Spaniards with their whole force haveing ordered ye raising of 20000 additionall Soldiers to bee in a Capacity to make resistance The sd Gent affirmes that like their former abusive Pictures hee beheld exposed in Amsterdam the Potracture of the Globe saweing in two by the grand Vizier and his most Xtian Matie & a third Crowned head pouring oyle into the Cutt to make it glide ye easier and dureing this Service ye Jesuitts were tuneing the Emperours fiddle for their divertizement But ye King of Poland comeing to see what they were a doeing the two former runn from their worke leaveing yr materialls behind ye third spilt his Liquour or oyle and ye Emperour had ye Courage to approach to his owne Citty Vienna to sing Te Deum for yr absence The East India Company has Compleated ye Sale of 8 Shipps haveing 6 more to vend to wch end they have adjourned their further sale to ye 2d day of Octobr Our sessions at ye Old Bailey Commencing next Monday Sennight the discourse is renewed who is likely to bee tryed wch I am credibly informed will bee Mr Hampden Collonell Sidney Mr Charlton Major Wildman & Bremen and that Mr West the evidence will probably bee one of ye number being closely confined Sr Thomas Jones or Sr George Jeffreyes stand fairest to bee Ld Cheife Justice. Mr Hugh Speake sometyme since taken upp for sending a Lettr to Sr Robert Atkins of Recommendacon for Mr Bradon who pretends to make Out yt the Earle of Essex did not Cut his owne throat is admitted Bayle. Yesterday Dr Spratt was Installed a Prebend of Westminster Our Holland Lettrs give an accompt yt ye french King still Continues his troops in fflandrs but Since the advice of raiseing ye Siege of Vienna they are nott soe positive in their demands the Dukes of Lueneburgh and Zell uppon application to them by the Spaniards are sending l0000 men for ye assistance of fflandrs The same Lettrs add yt three Dutch East India Shipps from Cuilon were arrived in the Texell & more expected wthin a month they are extraordinary richly Laden bringing l08770 L of Persian Silke 456000 L of Cinamon 647353 L of Pepper l3l5480 L of Salt Peter & much other Commodityes wch our Company has from thence. Wherby their Auctions which were before abated to 300 are now advanced to 350 and our Company's auctions wch were 250 are sold for 225. Their Royall Highnesses came to Towne Munday Their Maties Tuesday or Wednesday This day wee had a Holland Post but only of ye l5th ditto 2 dayes after the fight they bring noe further action then yt ye King of Poland was still in pursuite had overtaken the 6 greate Gunns the Turkes had sent away before Some speake of a second fight but of this noe Certainty ye Duke of Bavaria was misseing two dayes & twas thought hee was killed but is returned haveing in his quarter pursued a body of Turkes which hee overtooke and defeated The Emperour on ye Monday morning Complimented the King of Poland ascribeing ye Victory to bee obteyned by him & as ye Army stood in Battallia his Matie salutes all ye Princes of ye head of their Troops a pound of flesh was sold for 2 L [?] In Vienna & an Egg for 8 d & of all Sorts yt dyed in ye Citty were 20000 tis wrote yt Soe Soone as this Victory cann be Secured Prince Waldeck wth 20000 will bee sent to ye Rhine to observe ye french. L. c. 1440 [Handwriting changes here.] London ye 29th of Sept: 83 Sunday last in white Chappell Church 5 inhabitants were pronounced excommunicato by a process one of ye Ecclesiasticall Comrs [?] for Nonconformity and writts de Excommunicato capiendo will speedily issue forth against them, in like manner there will speedily bee ye same method observed in most other parishes many Citations being allready delivered by ye Surrogate to appeare and receive admonition on that point. The Pattent is now past ye Seales for creating ye present Lord Keeper Baron of Guildford and I am credibly informed that an order is past for constituting him Lord High Chancellor. A Parliament is much talked of and soe farr judged to bee in view, that interests are allready makeing in divers places and Sr Hugh Middleton, who was a former candidate wth Sr Robert Peyton, Robert Raniton and others for the County of Middl has this last weeke bespoke ye Read Lyon Inn in Brandford, where they usually entertayned ye freeholders att ye time of Election The Ann Yaught arriving from Calais to Plymouth had fresh orderes to returne back forthwith as express to ye Earle of Dartmouth Commandr of his Maties fleete in those seas upon Some extraordinary occasion I am credibly advised yt an order to come from the Lords of ye Admiralty to ye Commissioners of ye Navy to prepare and equippe 30 new sayle of Shipps with all Convenient Speed. The East India Company pursues theire design of sending theire Shipps to India, and now more than att first intended Resolveing upon 20 Sayle together with 5 or 6 of his Maties Men of warr, which they desire may bee sent them and if fame may be credited, ye ffrench will joyne a Squadron as alsoe ye Danes, who were both driven out of Bantam with us, this day ye Company ordered Captaine Nicholas in ye Beauford Capt Rikey in ye amoy merchant and Captaine Dike in the Rochester to sayle into ye Downes, they have seaven Shipps more in ye Dock prepareing and the rest will bee brought in next spring tyde to bee fitted with Expedition Last night theire Royall Highnesses and Princesses returned from Winchester to St Jameses and this evening theire Maties, and ye rest of ye Court are expected. This day ye Court of Alderme[n] mett to consider of ye approaching choise of a Lord Mayr who is to bee by ye Common hall elected on Saturday, and I am credibly assured that ye Court intends to restraine ye Canditates to 4 of ye next Loyalists to ye Chaire and tis probable to fall on Sr Henry Tulse being his right in succession. The East India Companys Auctions were this day sold but for 215 they have taken up or hired severall Mercht Ships of greate burthen to employ in theire Service. This day wee had a ffrench Post brought letters from Tangier, that ye Emperour of Morocco still continues beseiging his Nephew Muly Ismaell in the City Taradant, whereby that Empire is att present under a Convulsion. The ffleet under Command of ye Lord Dartmouth was not arrived, and ye discourse wch some wrote, that ye Spaniards will deliver Gibralterr, and Centa to them is altogetherr fictitious, there being not ye least foundation for any such discourse The same post brings no fresh advice from Vienna, but that ye Christian Army haveing marched all Saturday night fought Sunday morning, and continued in Battalia till Monday. That day was allowed them to plunder the Turks Camp, and refresh themselves, and pursued not the Enemy till Tuesday morning, and then only l7000 horse takeing with ym 4 dayes provision and then wrought [?] a 2d battell was fought, some will have ye Grand Vizier taken others dead and that they were againe defeated but of this no positive but they confirme ye former victory, though wth much abatement of ye Slaine Turks, and that those of ye Christians were more then has as yet been advised L. c. 1441 [Handwriting changes here.] London 7br ye 27th 1683 I omitted in my last to informe you yt this day 7th night in yee Citty of Bristoll was yee Choice of a Mayor and Sherriff where Alderman Olive being Elected for ye former Mr Drover and Mr Arnold for yee latter psons of knowne Loyalty The next day a Common Councill was held where it was resolved to deliver up their Charter and not defend it against yee Quo Warranto as it was at first intended. Tuesday night ye wholl Court returned to London and it being also ye Birthday of her Royll Highness greate rejoycings were made by Bonefires and other expressions Advice from Scotland say's yt yee Malefactors in ye Talbooth Prison to ye number of 3 or foure and Twenty divers of ym for high Treason and 3 under Sentence of Condemnation to be Executed this week, broke Gole and all made their escapes and I doe not yet heare yt any of them are retaken The Justices of yee Peace of Essex have sent orders to yee severall Constables to take an acctt in all their Parrishes of those psons who were in Armes against King Charles yee first as also those during yee present King's Exile together wth such as frequent Conventicles +Yesterday yee Ld Mayor and Court of Aldermen attended his Majesty and Royll Hs to Congratulate their safe and happy returne from Winchester and I am credibly assured yt they were discourst upon yee point of yee Restrictions granted to his Majesty relating to their Charter, they attending afterwards Mr Attorny Genll upon wch a Common Councill is Summoned to meet this Afternoon. Last Tuesday Mr Sergeant Holloway was sworne before ye Ld Keeper to be one of ye Justices of yee King's Bench vacant by ye death of Mr Justice Raymond Wee have Lres from Scotland wch more pticularly confirme ye escape of 23 Malefactors from out of yee Talbooth in Edinburgh last Sunday 7th night being most of them in ye Rebellion at Bothwell Bridge, Confederating together, those 3 paire of Staires high cutt ye Joyce and lett ymselves downe to those underneath who had prepared a way by cutting ye Iron barrs and soe one after another slidd downe by a Rope unperceived by 2 Sentinells as also severall Robbers in ye Prison who were assleep and toke their way through ye West gate ye next day ye councill issues forth a Proclamation after ym that ye Citty gates made dilligent search in every individuall house but as yet Seizing none It is advised from Chester yt ye Grand Jury of yt County Sr Geo Jefferyes sitting Cheife Justice, have presented an Adress in like manner wth those of Southampton against 40 or 50 Genll of those Parts affixing ye Earle of Mackilsfield in ye ffront, as psons disaffected to ye Governmtt and ought to give Security for their good behaviour, and wee are told yt ye afforesd Earle immediately rode [?] Post to informe his Majesty of this transaction It is generally said at Court ye Princess Ann is wth Child, yt ye Prince designes to make a stepp to Denmark but to returne speedily. Mr Attorney Genll has sent notice to sevll of ye Plotters in ye Tower as also to Some in ye Marshalsea to prepare to take their Tryalls next Sessions which commences next Wednesday 7th night This Afternoon ye Common Councill being mett ye Ld Major delivered a Message to ye Court from his Majesty wch being read imported yt hee expected ye Citty should pfect wt they agreed on before in relation to ye Charter Then his Ldship also deliverd Instruments from Mr Attorney Genll ye first being a draught of a Surrender of ye severall Offices of Mayor, Sherriffs &c and ye 2d a Draught of ye new Charter or Regrant of his Majesty wch holding considerable debates pro et contra it came to ye question whether they should choose a Commitee to consider and advise thereof or not and twas carryed in ye Affirmative; ordered--That they make Report by Tuesday morning taking advice of such Councill as they shall please and yt Mr Chamberlaine supply ym wth wt money they want; Resolved--That tis En[act]ed yt ye Election of our Ld Mayor wch should have been on Saturday be deferred till Saturday 7th night L. c. 1442 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 27 7bris 83 May it please yr Honour The French are not soe brisk in their accounts from Algiers as formerly Their advises are still ye same that Mounsr duquesne omitts nothing of the most prudent and valiant Comander that he every day batters downe more of their Towne burnes their shipps by the last has killed their choicest men for it seemes these people keep their best men till laste soe that God knowes when there may be an end of it They are not like Christians to proceed by Chastisemt The beating them is but beating on an Anvill it hardens them ye more The ffrench by this have had Experience of them and what from that and ye Season that is now comeing on tis thought they may ere long draw off and give ye Pirates time to consider from their late harmes how to demeane themselves in future The lres advise the ffrench recd from their fleete with ye Danes as by Lettrs dated Paris 27 was that they were at Anchor near ye Isle of Bornholme with designe to hinder ye Swede [?] from passing over any of his Troopes into Remoren and they talke as if the King of Denmarke uppon notice of ye ffrench troopes being entered into ye Spanish Netherlands would dispose his fforces for action The ffrench in fflanders goe yett noe farther than exacting Contribution What they doe is incertaine the Governor of all places in fflandrs haveing recd orders to goe forthwith to their respective Comands Tis whispered that his Maty hath signed a Warrt for makeing the Lord Keeper North Baron of Guilford and 'tis not doubted that his Maty will let such very eminent Services passe without some signall marke of honour. There was last Sunday noe visible Conventicles that I can [h]ear of among us the Magistrates diligence haveing at length conquer'd them Twas a mattr of noe small difficulty to weane such frowd people but at last they dealt with them as Nurses doe with peevish Children clapt Something uppon ye breast that might scare them The Constables and some Billmen had forestall'd the meeting Houses soe that though they hancher'd about ye place they were affrighted with ye vision and streaked home contenting themselves that they had beene there to tender their services His Maty hath beene pleased to authorise the Lds Comrs of ye Admiralty to give out Com[missi]ons to such Comandrs as ye Governrs and Company of Mercts tradeing in ye East Indies shall contend [?] to them wth his Matyes approbation and to impower ye said Comandr in ye East Indies within ye Limits of ye Companyes Charter to aid them and such fforces as shall be levied by them agst ye young King of Bantam and agst all others that shall assist him in makeing Warr agst his Matyes subjects by which meanes 'tis not doubted but ye Company may re=establish themselves and recover ye former Priviledges wch they enjoyed there Tis said that Sr Rd Halloway is appointed to supply ye place of one of ye Judges of the Kings Bench become void by ye death of Judge Raymond Who shall be Lord Ch: Justice is not said but ye generall discourse still news that it will either bee Sr Tho: Jones or Sr George Jeofferies and if ye later then Mr. Jones of his Matyes Councill son to Sr Thomas to succeede Sr George in ye place of Lord Ch: Justice of Chester On Thursday last the Mayor of Winchester waited uppon his Maty and humbly prsented him an Instrument Signed and sealed with ye Citty Seale being a Confirmation of ye Grant of ye Castle and land where his Maty is now building a new Palace The Paris lres dated 29 confirme ye victory obtained agst ye Turkes uppon raiseing ye Seige of Vienna and speake of [four letters illegible] wherein they talk of l0m Turkish Horse routed by ye Poles but in regard they give noe pticulars we can only look on it as discourse needing Confirmation they say ye french King was goeing himselfe into fflandrs uppon a Returne from ye Court of Spayne that they would not yeild farther to his demands and that there were ordrs for new Levyes His Royall Highness came from Winchester to St Jameses on ye 29 about 6 and ye next day his Maty both God be praised in very good health His Matyes returne was welcomed by ye ringing of Belles and at night by bonfires and as ye Comon people expressed their Joy by such publ, demonstrations soe those of quality waited on his Maty and Royall Highness to congratulate their safe arrival and on ye 26 the Lord Mayor and Aldermen in a body paid theire duty every one in theire severall stations pforming their due reverence to his Maty Tis thought that their stay here will be but of few dayes before they will remove to Newmarket and the Generall opinion is that they will goe on Wednesday next The ffrench doe now act wth great Severity in ye Spanish netherlands soe that nothing lesse than Warr can be expected theire owne Lettrs tell us that for default of paying Contribution money they are already at Military Exeuction have burnt Severall Villages and one not far distant from Bruxells they are nowe actually uppon the Levies of 27m foot and l3m Horse and their fforces in Lorraine and those partes have ordrs to march to fflandrs which looks as if they intended to swallow up that Countrey However it may bee the Spaniard stands resolved to hold his owne as long as he can and will not parte with any thing without the approbation of his Allies which doth but answer what ye Empr did before who would not yeild to the ffrench Proposalls unlesse by consent of his Confederates though under ye greatest Exigency theire Gallyes and Galliotts they say are come from before Algiers but theire shipps still continue there and tis said have orders to doe soe till November to try if they can weary them into a Submission They write from Madrid dated l6 that upon the Express sent to the court by ye Marquess d' Grana giving an account of the demands made by the ffrench of the surrender of Alost and their motions and their further designe upon Namur and Luxemburgh There were held frequent Consults of state and a resolution was taken to send to the Marquess wth all speed 300m Crownes The Patent for creating the Ld Keeper Baron of Guilford is now passing On the 27 mr Centenell was taken into the Custody of a Messenger hee is a man of noe small note among the Brotherhood being an Upper Glover [?] of Spittalffields The Winds hold soe contrary that we have recd noe last [?] advises from Germany so must stay Nigh [?] in expectation of an account of the Request of the Christian Army L. c. 1443 [Handwriting changes here.] London Septembr ye 29th 83 What I have to add relating to ye proceed of Thursdays Common Councill in Reference to the Charter, is, that the Instrument of Surrender, as also that of a Regrant, a new Charter being read imported the delivery up of many of their franchises, wch Mr Recorder told them could not bee done without a deprivation of the whole instancing some particulars, as also those, who signed the surrender thereof were lyable to bee sued by every orphan in like manner, as ye Creditors of ye woodmongers Company obtained their debts by law of those individuall Members of ye Company who subscribed their Charters Surrender, ye question at lenght being put, wheither they should advice with learned Councill, or agree ye purport of his Maties Message, it was carryed in the former; 4 Aldermen and 8 Commoners being appointed vizt Sr Wm Turner Sr John Lawrence Sr James Edwards Aldrm Sr. John Morris Sr Edmond Wiseman Esqr Ayley Mr Loades John Molrus [?] Mr Jones Commonrs Capt: Griffith Mr Hackshaw Edw: Charleton Ordd That they make theire Reports Tuesday morning, and take their advise of whom they please, and Mr Chamberlaine to allow that Money Resolved that ye Choice of Lord Mayor, which should have beene on this day shall bee deferred till Saturday next, & usages, Rights and priviledges of ye City in any wise to ye Contrary notwithstanding Pursuant to which ye Commee met yesterday morning to consider, what Councill is requisite to bee advised within this affaire and would not admitt of Sergeant Maynard Mr Williams, ye late Justice Dolbin, but Mr. Attorney and Sollicitr Generall, Mr Recorder Mr. Holt, and some say Mr. Polixfen. Which dispute does not a little trouble his Matie and Royall Highness being to dine in the Citty yesterday witnin the Militia refused to come, till they had perfected this grand worke, and 'tis said will retard his Maties journey to Newmarkett, wch was designed on Wednesday next, and that in case ye Citty doe not comply herein, judgment will bee entered against their Charter forthwith. One John Canterell knowne by ye appellation of ye Protestant Glover is seized by one of his Maties Messengers being accused of some dangerous practices. Yesterday being Mickellmas Eve, ye customery sweering of ye new Sherifs Mr Alderman Daniell, and Samwell Dashwood Esqr. upon ye Court of Hustings performed the Ceremony in presence of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen and tooke upon ym that office accordingly, and by a letter from his Matie one Mr. Rouse an Attorney was likewise Sworne undersherrife of Middlesex Yesterday morning ye Lord Cheife Justice Pemberton received a wryt of Quietus from that troublesome seate of the Common pleas, and Mr. Justice Jones of the Kings Bench ordered to supply that vacancy and his filled up by Mr. Serjeant Walcott a Judge in wales, and that Mr. Serjeant Holloway is sworne Puisne [?] Judge in the roome of Mr. Justice Raymond deceased, and that Mr. Serjeant Jeffryes has kissed his Maties hand for the Honorable and high promotion of Lord Cheife Justice of England in place of Sr. Edmond Sawnders deceased, and Sr. Georges place of Cheife Justice of Chester given either to Chancellor North or Mr. Jones Sonne of ye Lord Cheife Justice of ye Common pleas Elect. +The East India Company considering, yt theire designe of retakeing Bantam might prove of ill consequence by fomenting a Warr betweene ye Dutch and us, and alsoe setting forth such a number of Shipps to effect that enterprize would bee to chargeable to ym, and that their Auctions beginn considerably to abate, they have chosen rather to end that affaire amicably and send theire Shipps uppon trade as usually. +The Citty Commee have drawne up Severall heads to propose to ye Councill in reference to the Charter--lst. whr. ye Instrument of Resignation bee according to his Maties demands of them and ye Common Councill agreed to==2dly wheither it should not bee of equall prejudice to seale yt Instrument or to have his Matie enter up Judgment against them==3dly whr by surrendring ye office of Mayor doe not loose all other dependencies thereon==4th wr. makeing a Surrender in part doe not include a forfeiture of ye whole. L. c. 1444 [Handwriting changes here.] London ye 2d Octob 1683 Yesterday Flanders post brought advice from Cologne of ye 29th yt those Citizens were in as great disorder as ever for last Satturday night ye populacy who favoured ye Imprisoned Magistrates broake open ye prison doores setting the Sieur Judendouk and Coll Sherberick wth all others att Liberty who Imediately fled therefrom they Continnued all Sunday under this Comocon breakeing downe ye Scaffold whereon the Sieur Hugleman was beheaded. The Burghers att Length gott to Armes turned ye scale & plundered those Riottrs houses ye magistrates interposed but little regarded. The French Continues their Taxacon & Ravageing in ye Spanish Territories & a party under ye Walls Mons [?] driveing away Cattell the Governour sent some of ye Garrison who brought ym in demanding of ym if warr was proclaymed which they Answered in ye Negative ye Governour yn replyed that in case it were hee would admitt ym for prisoners of warr but since they came as Theeves & Robbers hee would hang them for yt service and accordingly 5 of the party were executed upon ye walls. Yesterday our 2 new Sheriffs accompanyed by ye Ld Mayor Aldermen & Recorder & attended wth yr Companyes in yr Barges went to Westminster approached by ye Excheqr Court in order for his Maties approbacon whene Mr Baron May acquainted ym that it was his Maties pleasure to adjourne the Ceremony to the day fortnight but proceed to sweare the late sheriffs togeather with the under sheriff of Middx to make a true accompt in ye Excheqr of the profitts of yr Sheriffdomes which affaire was a surprize upon ye City but Mr Recorder replyed that they would not likewise adjourne yr Intended Feast soe prayed Mr Baron & ye officers of the Court to participate thereof notwithstanding. Sunday last arived a french post & brought Letters to divers great personages from Germany of a second fight betweene ye Xtian Army & Turkes neare Oldenburgh & yt ye Latter were entirely defeated with greater Loss yn before Vienna all yr Cannon &c taken & a Councill of warr held to beseidg either Newhawsell or Grann which is alsoe incerted in yesterdayes Gazett. But Count Thunn ye Emperors Extraordinary Envoy reced Letters by yesterdayes Flanders post of ye 25 ultimo from Lintz subscribed by ye Emperor which has not ye Least syllable of ye aforementioned advise that the Turkish Army was gon off The King of Poland returned from ye pursuit & that ye Xtian Army was now marching into Hungary to reduce ye Teckolites [?] and intend to winter in that Country that ye Poles were to continue but ye King returned all possible workmen are getting togeather to repaire ye fortifications of Vienna they designeing to make it stronger than ever to suffer no suburbs about it. Advice was brought to Vienna that ye Prime Vizier had strangled the Bassa of Buda attributeing yr late defeate to his ill Conduct. The Emperor has ordered his Envoy home further to pray his Maties assistance against ye Infidells as alsoe to deliver him a Letter found subscribed by many Hungarian Lords to assist the Turkes against him Therefore desires his Matie not to interprett his falling upon ye Hungarians to proceed from their Religion but purely as Rebells & sworne Enemyes to his Crowne which ye Count prsented this morning as alsoe to his Royall Highness & designes in few dayes to publish it to ye World. Satturday arrived an East India Shipp ye Oakelander from Surat being soe long missed that 50 p Cent Insurance was given for her ye Auctions are now 225. [A few figures in another hand appear on outside of letter.] L. c. 1445 [Handwriting changes here.] London 8br ye 4th 1683 +Our Common Councill continuing sitting till after 11 Tuesday night could not transmit you the proceed and must now be briefe tho ye summary of ye whole ye Committee reported to ym yt Mr Attorney Genll Mr Solicitor and Mr Holt were of opinion yt it would be worse for ye Citty to have Judgemtt entered up then to agree to ye regulations demanded, Mr Pollexfen and others excused giving theire opinions for want of time to subjoine theire reasons, Mr Recorder was of a contrary judgement to ye former but not having his reasons in faire writing ye Court was dissolved and met anew 4 afternoon when Mr Recordr reported his opinion declaring ye Judgement entered agst ym would not be soe fatall as a voluntary surrender giving ye nature thereof as yt it might be retreivable by a Writt of Error &c but ye latter would be conclusive upon ym (volunti non fit injuria) and would loose all theire Customes and Prescriptions wch noe regrant from ye Crowne could restore wch after 5 houres of high & sharpe debate came to ye question Whether they would have ye seale of this Corporation affixed to ye Instrumtt of Surrendr wth ye aditional clause to save to ym theire Prescriptions or not and it past in the negative noes (103) yeas (85) ye names on both sides being taken in writing They afterwards debated an address & pray his Majesty not to enter up Judgement but some replied yt he would be taken ye highest affront since they addrest his Majesty at Windsor to submit to his regulations whereupon it was left to ye Ld Mayor to send whome he pleased to acquaint his Majesty wth this vote and to know his pleasure whether hee will be attended wth an Address The Sherriffs went to Whitehall yesterday morning ye Ld Mayor afternoon and we are assured yt his Majesty signed a Warrant to Mr Attorney Genll to enter Judgemtt as of last Terme being extreamly displeased wth ye Citty's proceedings, a Custos in a few dayes will be appointed and those Magistrates who remaine to act by Commission and already its affirmed yt 8 Aldermen vizt Sr Tho Allyn Sr Jno ffrederick, Laurence, Shorter, Gould, Cornish Clayton & Ward are ordered to be displaced as alsoe ye Recorder & one Councellor Jenner in his roome & every day will afford some novelty of this. His Majesty has put off his journey to Newmarket ye soldiers being recalled; The Councill sits dayly upon examining of Plotters & other weighty affaires but none of ye Conspirators have yet notice for Tryall against ye next sessions it being judged yt they will be tryed at ye Kings Bench barr this approaching Terme The affaire of Bantam is in a way of composure 4 Commissioners from Holland wth as many of our East India Company sitt dayly in London to compromize yt greate worke The imprisond King of Portugall brother to queen Katherine is dead for whose departure our Court will continue in mourning +ffrom Bristoll its wrote yt they have elected Alderman Ollive (by ordr) for a succeeding Mayor imediately fell sick yet they brought him in a Sedan to ye Guildhall and swore him Saturday 7th night & ye next day hee departed this life wch obstructs ye present affaires of yt Citty A shipp from ye Streights left ye ffleet under command of ye Ld Dartmouth neare ye Bay of Cadiz and it is ye most probably said theire designe is to take Mamora a late Spanish garrison in Barbary now possessed by ye Moores being a farr more commodious Haven than Ti[about three letters smeared] and of greater import Last night Judgement was actually entered up in ye Crowne Office agst ye Citty & 5 Commissions for ye future Governmt of ye same ordered to be drawne & this morning were accordingly sealed ye Ld Mayor Sherriffs & Mr Jenner ye new Recorder sworne in Councill each to act by a separate Commission ye latter has ye honour of Knighthood conferred on him & Sr Geo Jefferyes Ld Cheife Justice elect sworne Privy Councellor ye Sherriffs had also a Writt of assistance relating to ye Posse after wch ye Grand Jury of Midle[sex] were sworne, ye Justices for London are ye Judges & ye Warrant for constituting the Sherriffs are in these words viztt C Rex Wee doe appoint Peter Danll & Samll Dashwood Esqrs to hold ye Office of Sherriffs for our Citty & County of London & County of Midlesex during our pleasure dated from Whitehall ye 3d of 8br +And ye Ld Mayor wth ye rest have theire Commissions under ye same forme and his Ldshipp returned wth yee sword held up as before it being declared by Mr Attorney Genll yt entering of Judgement does not actually dissolve ye Corporation from being of a Citty but invest ye King into all the governing thereof wch they before had in ymselves L. c. 1446 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 4 8bris 1683 They write from Bristoll dated ye 26 that ye Mayor and Aldmn of that Citty were returned from Winchester very highly satisfied with his Matyes most gratious acceptance of their address It conteined under the Citty seale an entire surrender of all ye governing parte to his Matyes good pleasure and craveing his confirmation of the Priviledges and Immunityes which the Citty enjoyed His Maty was pleased to tell them that it was not from any anger to the Citty that he had sent downe his Quo Warranto thither for that they had eminently approved their loyalty in times of Tryall but from a care of theire preservation that they might not in future be mooved by ffaction and that he would give ordrs to his attrny Generall accordingly On ye 25 a Comon Councill of the Citty was called and ye substance of ye Matyes most gratious pleasure imparted to them at which they unanimously declared a Generall joy and made choice of severall worthy psons to manage the bussinesse according to his Matyes direction and wth certaine assurance of Advantage may every Corporation lay downe their Charter at his Matyes feete who genrlly adds to theire Priviledges and Immunityes and only corrects those excepcons upon wch otherwise would to their ruine propagate factions and sedition On ye 27 the Comon Councill of London had a long debate about the Concernes of their Charter and at last referred it to a Comtee of Aldrm and 8 Comoners to adjust the matter and make their report and till that done they have put off the election of Ld Mayor which usually was uppon Michal day and adjourned it to the 6 instant They begin now to goe uppon ye establishing ye officers of the Houshold of George Prince of Denmarke and have already granted Warrts to severall of wch the most considerable are the E of Scarsdale Gentl of the Bedchamber Sr Phill Loyd Secrty the Lord Cornbury Master of the Horse Mr Aldworth Auditor and Sr Ben Bathurst Trear and Receiver Genll On the 29 in the afternoone the Lord Keeper administered the oathes of their office to the two new Lords Cheife Justices The Bruxelles lres dated the 6 give a more sad prospect of ye affaires of that Countrey Noe parte of the Spanish Netherlands is now exempt from their Contributions and uppon failer imediately follows military execution By this meanes they amasse a vast Treasure as well in money as Corne which the Soldjers thresh out and the King buyes of them at easy rates and layes them up in stores Those only who bring in their money escape plunder soe that at Lisle there is sometime brought in 100m Crownes in a day To avoid this some abandon their houses and in that Case if Timber Houses they saw downe the maine supporters and tumble them downe if brick or stone they cap them and undermine the foundations Corne wch they cannot carry away they burne in the barnes and will suffer none to be sold but in the ffrench Dominions This course if continued they say will bring a genll desolation and the ground will be left untilled the next yeare Such cruelty they exercise that the soldjer is weary of it and desert the service 50 or 60 in a day that they may avoid being made the Instrumts of such barbarity On the 2d a Comon Councill was held about the matter of subscribeing ye Instrumt drawne up by his Matyes Councill relateing to ye Charter where they read ye opinion offerred to them by the Comtee of ye Attorney Genll Sollr Genll and Mr Holt who all agreed that the signeing the Instrumt was noe giveing up their Charter and that if ye King should enter Judgment their Charter would be lost Mr Recordr was the only man of a contrary opinion and profferred his reasons but the other opinions being undr their hands they desired he would give his soe too which he promised to doe by 4 of the Clock uppon wch that Court was dissolved and an other by Consent to meete at that time in ye afternoone On the 2d in the afternoone the Comon Councill met againe and haveing heard what the Recorder offerred they bandied ye bussinesse for some houres the Contest lasting till near 10 of the Clock till at last they undid whatever they had done before tending to an accomodation retracted from their Solemne Resolutions broke their promises and rose in a desparate obstinacy of looseing the whole rather than submitt to a just regulation This was done by a majority of 18 voices in the whole Soe great an affront is beyond ye bearing of Maty and the best of Kings when his Mercy is soe insolently rejected is forced to make use of his Justice His Maty therefore haveing fully informed himselfe of their deportment sent on the 3d in the morning for his Attorney Generall and ordered him to enter Judgment against them His Maty who expected a better returne to his kindnesse in remitting their forfeiture uppon their reformation was now intended for Newmarket and the Wagons were on the 2d in ye morning come to Whitehall to carry the Necessaryes for his entertainmt there but were uppon this occasion all dismissd The lres from Marseilles dated 7ber the 27 tell us that most of the Shipps and Barkes wch carried ye provisions for the Shipps and Gallies before Algiers are returned The bombes wch were last sent did but little Service being old and of lesse force The Gallies are arrived at the Islands where the Intendants of the health are bussy in informeing themselves whether they be soe free of any Contagion that they may be admitted to Port Mounsr duquesne was daily expected at Toulon leaveing only 3 or 4 Shipps before Algiers from whence it was said that the Pirates had already sent 4 of their shipps abroad Mounsr de Cray [?] was arrived at Toulon wth 3 light Shipps who were careering to goe out to cruise uppon the Coast of Barbary This day in Councill Sr Wm Pritchard by Com[missi]on under the greate Seale was made Ld Mayor of London and Mr Daniell and Mr Dashwood by like Comon Sherriffes. All the Judges the Atturney Genll Sollr Genll and Sevll of the late Aldrm are to be made Justices of ye Peace in London The Ld Ch. Justice Jeoffries is Sworne of the Privy Councill Tho: Jenner Esqr is knighted and made Recordr L. c. 1447 [Handwriting changes here.] London Octbre 6 1683 What I have to adde to the proceedure of entring up ye judgment against our City Chartr is, That Sr Wm Pritchard our late Lord Mayor is only entituled by his new Commission under his Matie (Major durante beneplacito) & his power restrained much haveing a Writt of Dedimus potestatem to officiate in some things; All our Aldermen are ceased together wth the Court, 16 of the Loyallest out of the 24 being only commissioned justices of peace And this day being appointed by a late Common Councill to choose a Lord Mayor for the yeare ensuing there appeared nothing of yt Ceremony Sr Wm Pritchard now in Common [sic] is probable to continue some time, The Chamberlaines Office is at present at a stand but the Courts of justice proceed in their Customary way. It is confidently affirmed that Sr Harbottle Grimston Ma[ste]r of the Rolls is contented to resigne that great place being advanced to the dignity of a Baron and Viscount Virulam And that Sr Robert Sawyer Attorney Generall be constituted in his place and Sollicitor Generall in his being already complemented thereon. Our Holland Lres say that all the Provinces except Leyden and Amsterdam have consented to the raiseing of 16000 addiconal fforces foreseeing a Warre indubitably in fflanders upon returne of a Courier from Madrid who brings expresse account to the Marquesse de Grana that the King will not recede from a foot of land that is his due. The East India Company have reordered their Souldrs to goe on board their Ships which gives occasion to beleive that they are not soe neare compromiseing the affaire of Bantam as was hoped they were. His Matie since he has settled the affaires of the City has altered his intencons from continueing in Towne haveing given fresh Orders to the Souldrs to march to their severall Stations towards Newmarkett intending on Monday morning early to sett forwards thither and may continue a ffortnight A Gentleman yesterday arrived from fflanders gives a dismall account of the proceedure of the ffrench in the open Countrey they having by their extravagant Taxacons forced the people to run their Countrey leaving all as a prey behind them and pretending not to infringe the peace doe not actually burne their habitacons but sawe the Guirders and other Supporters asunder whereby the house falls to the Ground and in other places they undermine the foundacons and destroy them by that meanes and ravish all the women they come neare. There is a 2d Commission come downe into the City to constitute 8 Loyall Cittizens justices of the peace; Sr John Buckworth, Sr Edmd Wiseman Capt Griffith &c but some will have them for Aldermen to fill up the Vacancy of the 8 formerly menconed to be displaced but their Commission respects no such word. This afternoone arrived a holland Mayle wth Lres from Vienna of 26 ulto wch give an accot of ye proceedure of the X[ti]an Army in Hungary that the King of Poland wth the rest were marched over a Ship=bridge below Presburgh designeing som[e] notable undertaking being at prsent in the Island [of] Scultz which was miserably harassed by Count Teckley's fforces but now he is retired into ye Townes of the Hills The Prime Vizier sent for him to appeare before him but he excused the matter. A rebellion has been in the Turkish Army whereupon the Prime Vizier has executed 300. It is now too sadly knowne what mischeife the Turks have done in Austria 3000 Townes Castles & Villages being totally destroyed by them and above 20000 persons carried into Slavery besides those killed; 50000 Polish recruits are comeing into Hungary to compleat the Conquest of that Countrey; Advice from Poland says that the Cossacks have made an Incursion on the Turks by the blacke Sea tooke severall Townes & done many other considerable dammages L. c. 1448 [Handwriting changes here.] London October 9 1683 On ye 7 in ye morning the Ld Mayor was attended to ye Chappell by ye 2 Sherriffes in yr formalityes but ye late Aldermen in yr Common habit wch appeared a Novelty to ye Curious In ye afternoone his Ldpp and Sherriffes were summoned to ye Councill where his Matie acquainted ym with his intended Journey to New Markett on ye morrow giveing him ye necessary instruccones to governe ye City in his absence Accordingly by 3 in ye morning on ye 8 his Matie went for New Markett accompanied wth ye Prince &c & this daye his Royall Highnesse set forwards thither but her Matie being afflicted with ye death of her brother ye King of Portugall continues in Towne as also her Royall Highnesse and Princesse ye lattr being wth Child Letters from Cadiz of ye 24 September left his Maties ffleet undr Comand of ye Earle of Dartmouth at Cape St Vincent but give no certainty as to ye designe. I have been curious to know the Certainty of ye Judgemt entred agt the City & find that ye same is inserted upon ye Docquet or Roll of ye pceedings relateing to ye Charter & that ye same is not a conclusive Record but will be compleated upon mature Deliberacon by ye next Terme soe as ye words will be affixed upon the Record they being now as followes Judicium pro Domine Rege quod libertates et ffranchesia seceantur in manibus Dicti Domine Regis Yesterday being ye Customary time to hold Sessions of the peace sr Thomas Jenner our new Recordr came into Guildhall where a Comission undr ye Broad Seale was read impowreing Sr Wm Pritchard under the title of Lord Mayor & Custos Rotulorum togeathr with all ye Judges and 16 of the late Aldrmen to hold pleas of ye Crowne in ye City accordingly a Court was convened the late Aldrmen sitting as Justices Mr Recordr made an excellent speech signifying first to ye Ld Mayor that he was called by expresse Command of the King to hold that Station but said that he would serve ye King and City equally as if chosen by ye lattr &c. Then applying himselfe to ye Grand Jury said that he had something to impart to them not by way of Charge but Command from his Matie The King retaines the greatest love and affection for ye City of London as possibly could being resolved to doe his utmost to establish it on ye same foundacon as before yt noe pson in Office or place of ye City should by this Judgemt be deprived therefrom nor any one lose one penny that had the least prtence to Loyalty After wch he pceeded to give ye Charge usuall in like cases & was very briske agt ye Dissentrs the Bipp of Londones Officrs were in Court to call over ye psones summoned to appeare for Nonconformity & to lay a ffine of 10 L upon neglect thereof The Sessiones at ye same time held at Hickes hall for ye County of Middx where they were very buisy in trying appeales a Message came to ye Justices from ye Lds of ye Treasury complayneing that the money which had upon distresse agt Dissentrs was in a great measure not returned into the Excheqr therefore ordered them to bring into Court all ye Conviccones that ye King might have his right according to Lawe. Saturday last ye Duke of Albemarle being Steward of the City of Colchester held ye Quarter Sessiones in his owne pson & the grand Jury delivered him a Loyall addresse to be prsented to his Matie This day began the adjourned Sale of the East India Company Their Auctiones at prsent are 230. Yesterday ye Vestre of St Olives Southwarke displeased [sic] Mr Marston lately inflected upon by ye Observator being ye Lecturer of that p[ar]ish & made choice of Mr Lucas of Coleman Street. Yesterday Dr Turner newly promoted Bipp of Rochester tooke ye Oathes of Allegience &c at o[u]r City Sessiones. There is expected to come down a Comicon to constitute a Court of Aldrmen but yr Membrs will be much altered. A new call of serjtes will be made agt ye Termes. +A Gent yesterday arriveing from fflandrs declared that ye Chamber of Metz has declared ye City of Luxemburgh & that Province to belong to the Duke of that Title & makes claime thereon Noe fforeigne Post come. L. c. 1449 [Handwriting changes here.] London Octobr 11 1683 Tuesday ended our Sessiones of Peace att Guildhall wthout any remarkeable affaire more then ye fineing of divers persons 20 Marteres being Convicted of Riotous Conventicleing In ye same manner ye Justices proceeded att Hixe's hall and Sentenced Severall for ye like Crime and one Dr Hatcher a Quack Phisitian being indicted for a Ryott and abetting people to hinder a distress [?] He [?] was makeing the Conventicle that [sic] fined 100 L [?] and Comitted to new prison in Execution for ye same. [Handwriting changes here.] And yesterday Our Sessions att ye old Bailey Comenced where his Maties Comission was read to hold Pleas of ye Crowne of Oyer and Terminer and Goale Delivery Constituteing the Ld Mayor as Judge of that Court as before assisted wth all ye Judges and many of ye late Aldermn & Cittizens. accordingly ye Rt honoble Sr George Jeffryes tooke his Seate on ye right hand of the Lord Mayor Lord Cheife Justice of England in the usuall Robes or Ensignes of yt high Authority carryeing on ye affaire of ye Court wth Universall applause but as yett proceeded only on ye bussiness of ye Goale noe appearance of any of the State Plotters this Sessions before them one Mr Ruth as Principall and two other Gentlemn as accessory to ye murder of mr Walsh tooke their tryalls ye first brought in Manslaughter ye two others acquitted Three Criminals in ye Gate house found meanes before they were removed to Newgate to Breake therout but one of them in his descent breakeing his Legg was Seized ye others escaped. Wee have a fleete of Streights Merchantmen arrived in the Downes The Shipps from Jamaica bring as add [?] accompt of almost an irreparable Loss wch many Plantations have sustained thro' the prodigious raines that have hapened wch soe encreased the Land floods to that height yt those Plantacons which lay below were totally destroyed & insoemuch that the shipps from thence are nott arrived halfe freighted Severall Shipps from the Bay of Cadiz left the Earle of Dartmouth wth his fleete in Tangire roade on ye 17th of Septembr and that the day after a Councell of Warr was held But ye result kept soe private they could nott informe. Lres from Coventry advise that on Saturday the 6th att 11 att night hapned a terrible Earthquake wch shooke the whole City and all the adjacent parts & was accompanyed wth a dreadfull noise but continued only some minutes wthout doeing any Considerable damage Letters from Leicestershire and severall other parts speake of ye same disaster much abt ye tyme Too morrow mr Van de Putt and divers other Merchants have agreed to demand their freedom of the Turkey Company pursuant to a Clause in ye Company's Patent that they shall bee first free of the Citty of London before they are received Judgeing that since they cannot att present bee made free of London ye Company must grant their Suite but tis beleived ye Company will looke only uppon this [as?] evasive and Clamp [?] The East India Company pursues in their sale wch meets wth a bettr markett then expected since they discovered that ye vast quantity of holland goods printed in their Bills of Ladeing from India and sent over Just before the Sale are nott arrived wth them one of their richest shipps being cast away & most of the others nott yett in Port but only expected. Lettrs from Newmarkett say yt ye Gentry from all ye adjacent Countyes are in a Confluence Come thither to Congratulate his Maties happy deliverance from ye traitorous Conspiracy to take away his Life in his passage from those parts as alsoe his Royall Highness ye greate horse race betwixt Rider & Dragon was to bee performed as this day & next shall informe you the success The next weeke mr Attorney Genll is to bring to ye Councill a List of ye Severall Conspiratrs together with ye nature of yr Crime & ye Evidence agst each of them in ordr to bring them to tryall next Terme att ye Kings Bench Barr. L. c. 1450 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 11 Octob 83 His Maty haveing already made soe great a progresse in disposeing the cheife places of Trust in London and the Com[missi]ons of the Peace being disposed to many worthy persons and among those to severall of the late Aldermen without any denomination of such office he now lookes upon the Towne in such sort of present settlemt that he hath reassumed his thoughts of goeing to Newmarket. Uppon ye promotion of Dr Spratt to ye Deanery Dr De L'Angle [?] is made one of ye Prebendaryes of Westmr The Grand Jury for the County of Chestr haveing taken notice of 8 [?] dissatisfied and dangerous psons such as not only showed their defection by addresses openly made to Henry Booth Esqr and Sr Rt Cotton at the last election of Knights of the shire tending to alter the succession of ye Crowne but have since met and cabaled many of them being provided wth Stores of Armes and unanimously assembled wth this malady &c [?] in the public reception of the D. of Monmouth did prsent the principall psons who promoted the addresse and those who were notorious in ye riotous reception of the said Duke and his associates and those who harbour and countenance any nonconformist Ministers and then pticularly mentioned the Earle of Macclesfeild Ld Colchester Ld Brandon Henry Booth Esqr Sr Rt Cotton Coll Roger Whitley &c They farther prsented all psons not frequenting the Church it being impossible for them to know their reasons as Recusants and all connivance and indulgence in that Case the ready road to Rebellion Popery and Arbitrary Power On the 6 besides those to the Judges ye Attny and Soll Genll 17 Com[missi]ons were delivered to the Lord Mayor and severall of his late Bretheren Constituteing them Justices of the Peace in ye Citty of London for soe ye Style still [illegible word of about nine letters] their Com[missi]ons as that of ye Lord Mayor dureing pleasure On ye 8 his Maty went about 5 in the morning from Whitehall to Newmarket and on ye 10 his Royall Highnesse followed Her Maty haveing heard of the death of her Brother the King of Portugall hath at present retired and refused to herselfe the divertisment of the Season Two shipps arrived at Falmouth from Zant report that comeing out of the Streights they met one of his Matyes fregotts who told them that all the Salley men of Warr were abroad and had lately taken 4 dutchmen one of 24 Guns and carried them into Mamora The Paris lres dated 12 tell us that notwthstanding ye great preparations of Warr made by that King tis now said for certaine that the ffrench Troopes have ordrs to return to their new districts upon ye 20 instant though goe when they will they have left such marks of their Fallouts [?] behinde them as cannot in a long time be worne out Whatever it is of vast [?] that these miserable people view or they owe to his Matyes mediating on their behalfe though those are not working who would derogate from that good office Every day furnisheth us with some little remarkes of the great action of which one is that the Grand Vizier when he saw he could not carry off his Treasure destroyed his Seraglia and cutt off 5 of his womens heades that they might fall into the Christians hands Wee are got this farr to the occasion of ye report of the 2d battle that ye Polishe and German Horse takeing advantage of ye disendon [?] of the Turkes retreit had indeed falne uppon ye Rere destroyed 2000 took 8 peice of Canon and sevll Wagons with plate and other rich Utinsells but thought it not safe to adventure farther without the rest of ye Army Notwithstanding ye discourse about Towne I doe not finde that any more of the Conspiracy are to be brought to account this Sessions but tis more than probable that the Terme will bring some of them and those of ye most eminent uppon ye Stage By the Madrid lres dated 7ber 30 wee are told of a Courier from ye Capt Genll of Andalusia at Port Santa Maria with the newes of our ffleets arrivall on that Coast The Courier parted on ye 28 at midnight when they were standing off before Gibralter The newes of the arrivall of our ffleete was the generall subject of discourse among the Spanyards and that which past as the most probable among them was that they were come to demand satisfaction for the affronts put by the Spanish Armada on our 2 fregotts in point of Salutes A full Councill of State was held the evening that the Courier arrived but what Comands they sent to the Capt Generall or their result was as yet as darke as the Lord Dartmouth's designe The Spanish Armada was at Naples where it was thought it might stay some time till ye new Spayne ffleete draw near home which they expected about March next The Allicant lres dated 7br 30 tell us the ffrench ffleete was come from before Algeirs to Yena near Majorca haveing spent their bombes in vaine uppon those obstinate pirates who after all their losse refuse any peace with them There appeared on ye 29 before that Port 4 Tuniseenes of 40 odde Guns each and a small English vessell who spoke with the Captns and said they were in quest of ffrench and Dutch Shipps They tell us of his Matyes fregotts haveing sunck and burnt and sunck 3 Sallymen The Paris lres dated the 16 have nothing of their owne newes more than that ye ffrench Troopes were to be drawne into their Winter Quarters by the 20 instant It was said that Count Teckely had refused to goe to the Grand Vizier and was with what force he had into the Cittyes of the Mountaines which lookt uppon a stepp to the returne to his duty Her Royall Highnesse and Princesse Anne stay here yet tis said in complement to the Queene to condole uppon the death of the King of Portugall who died on the 12 of the last in the 40 yeare of his age the 27 of his reigne and the 16 of his being deposed from his Goverment and Imprisonmt. It was observed on Sunday last when the Ld Mayor went to Chapple those of his Bretheren who accompanied him were then in Comissions only as Justices of the Peace but being since restored to their Title they may appoint sessions in their fformalityes L. c. 1451 [Handwriting changes here.] London October 13 1683 Mr Attorney Genll has made a List of ye sevrall Conspirators now in Custody wch exceed 30 togeathr wth yr Crimes & ye witnesses agt each pticular pson in ordr to deliver it next Wednesday to ye Council to knowe agt whome they have sufficient evidence to bring to speedy Tryalls They are very busy in ye Comm Office in drawing Comicones for to impower ye City Chamberlayn Towne Clerke Counsel Serjt [about twelve letters illegible] to act in ye sevrall stacons undr the same forme of Governmt as before Judgemt entered save only ye Authority is Lodged in ye King wch was then in ye City A Comicon is alsoe formed for Constituteing a New Court of Aldermen & I am credibly informed allready sealed & sent to Newmarket for approbacon & only varies from ye Old by displaceing 8 of ye former members & inserting ye like number following in yr Roomes Sr John Buckworth Sr Ben: Bathurst Peter Paravicino Sr Ben: Newland Jacob Lucy Esqr Sam: Dashwood Esqr Mr Ben: Thorogood Mr Wm Gosleing Merch [Brackets separate the groups of names.] The Polish Ambassadour haveing reced his answere of his Matie has had his audience of Conge & will suddainly depart Paris lettrs say that ye dislocaccon in ye Kings Laws is now obscured insoemuch that there has been debates of a 2d marriage for him ye Pictures of divrs princesses being prsented to his veiw his Matie seemes most to incline to ye 2d daughter of ye Duke of Newbergh sister to ye Empresse declareing yt ye princesse he marryes shall not only be of ye Roman Catholicke ffaith but soe educated from her infancy Wee have farther Lettrs from Tangeire wch give a certain acct that ye Earle of Dartmouth wth his ffleet consisting upwards of 20 sayle was in that Bay where his Comission being opened he was styled his Maties Governor Genll of Tangeire & Admirall in those seas That a Councill of Warr was held on board ye Admiralles Shipp ye 18 ultimo Some notable undrtakeing on foot but report soe Various yt I cant fix ye certainty The Magistrates of the City of Coventry are in towne to lay yr Charter at his Maties ffeet Wee are farther advised from ye North of ye Terrible Earthquake wch was felt in those ptes Wee are told from Antwerpe that ye studentes for ye Victory before Vienna dressed a peice of pageantry reprsenting ye most Christian & Pagan Turke supported by ye Devill which most sollemn wise they carryed in Procession & in ye conclusion made ye lattr throwe him into fflames Our German Lettrs this day give an Accot that ye Magestrates of Vienna have prsented Count Starembergh with ye vallue of 2000 L & ye Empire has pmised to make him a Prince of ye Empire at prsent he is gon to Comand ye Army in Hungary upon wch Genll Caprara Dunvalt & othrs will act in ye Emperors Service The Imperiall fforces have taken Pappa Vesprin & Totis [?] and ye Turkish souldrs are kept prisoners of Warr in Presbur[gh] The Polish Army have invested New Hewsell The Turkeish Army at Stole Wissingburgh are restricted with 50000 men whereby anothr batle is expected before ye Campaine be ended The Holland Lres say they are very apprhensive of a ffrench warr The ffrench Troopes ravidge upon yr Guarriccons [?] neare Mastreect as much as in ye Spanish Countrey The States are extraordinaryly assembled from Morning to Night On this subject to endeavour to avert ye dangr Our sessions ended this day where 17 Malefactrs reced sentence of death 4 dissenting Ministers have bills of indictmt of Premunire found by ye Grand Jury for refuseing ye Oathes of Allegeance & Suprmacy ffarther lettrs from Tangeire say that ye Earle of Dartmouthe reced 4 Mules wth refreshmtes from ye Alcade of Alcazor & his Ldpp Complemted him with ye vallue againe afterwards appointed Comiconrs to inspect ye ffortificaccons of Tangeire tis sd in ordr to reduce them to a bettr regulaccon & will depart from thence in few weekes L. c. 1452 London Octobr 16 1683 Sunday last one Mr Richard ffaringdon Merchant with 6 other dissenting Cityzens were pnounced excommunicate The late Grand Jury at the Old Bayly found many bills of Indictmt agt Conventicleres than [?] there appeared noe preaching they haveing assembled in ordr to it [and have?] found a meanes to pceed agt them by way of New lawe Saturday night his Maties Comicon to constitute a new Court of Aldrmen came downe to ye Ld Mayor and on Sunday morning ye same was read in Guild hall 16 of ye late Aldrmen being mentioned & displaced (vizt) Sr Thomas Allen Sr Robert Clayton Sr John ffreddrick Sr John Shorter [A bracket appears after Sr John Lawsone Sr Patience Ward each group; only eight Sr Thomas Gould Mr Corneish names are given.] The Comicon ran durante bene placito & nominated 8 new ones which I wrote you in ye last save only Mr Gosleing has got himselfe out & Mr Charles Duncombe Banker inserted in his Roome Most of ye 16 fformer ones appeared ye other not haveing as yet taken ye Oathes disappeared but yesterday a writ came downe to ye Ld Mayor to sweare them One Cotton whoe has been observed to write and disperse Scandalous & Treasonable Lybelles agt ye Governmt was seized on Saturday and Comitted to ye Gate house This morning arrived a Dutch Post wch sayes yt on ye 5 instant ye King of Poland had an expresse from Cracow that ye Turkes in Cominiecke had cut to peices some Regimtes of Cossackes designe[d] for Hungary afterwards laid ye lower Rokheine [?] in Ashes & that ye Cossackes in Creer [?] advanceing too farr into ye Enemyes Countreyes were intercepted with ye losse of 20000 slayne & 4000 drowned in ye Nyeper Vienna ye 10 300 forrageing Poles cut in peices & from ffrankfort tis wrote yt one expresse passing thro this place gives accot that on ye 8 a bloody battle was fought neere Gran between ye Turkes and Poles Teckley being Joyned to ye formr which lasted about 6 houres tho went knoweing whoe had ye losse [?] ye Poles gave way ye King encompassed [?] wounded in Legg and nigh being taken but ye comeing in of ye German Dragoones turned the Scale The Poles were in poss[ess]ion of ye ffort of Berkam [?] but driven out 10000 Turkes slayne & 7000 Poles Our fflandrs lres [report?] yt ye Governour of Luxemburgh had new ordrs to repell ye ffrench with fforce wch they in divrs places have done & those of Audenard ffought the ffrench [about six letters illegible] Guard & brought ym Prisoners & publicacon is made at Gent & else where to make reprizall on ye ffrench in ye same manner they have acted to them Marshall Humeires has sent to Paris to knowe how further he must pceed This day 4 new Aldrmen were Sworne vizt Sr Ben: Newland Mr Jacob Lucy Mr Dashwood and Mr Paravicino ye othr 4 disappeared Mr Rich his 400 L to have it either ye 1st money that comes into ye Chamber on ye Colemeelers [?] place sould Mr Allen Apsley his Royall Highnesses Treasurer dyed yesterday This day her Royall Highness miscarried L. c. 1453 [Handwriting changes here.] London Octobr 18th 83 I omitted in my Last to informe you that att our late Sessions the names of the Duke of Monmouth Ld Grey Sr Thomas Armestrong fferguson Goodenough Melthropp wth other of ye Conspiratrs to ye Number of 21 were a second tyme proclaimed by way of Exigent in order to proceed to outlawry agts them which after ye 3d calleing will bee severally had uppon them The Dutchesse of Yorke haveing been extreame ill since the Court att Newmarkett & Tuesday Morning miscarried an expresse was imediately sent to his Royall Highness who is lookt for this Evening in Towne & ye King in few dayes I am advised from a great forreigne hand yt the Emperour has wrote a most afectionate Lettr to the Prince of Orange returneing him all possible acknowledgements for his firme adherence to the States agts ye french Interest declareing him a Prince of the Empire under ye title of Prince of Mewres and given him a greate debt ye States Generall owes his Imperiall Matie for subsidies since the last warr & promises him yt when ye States of ye Empire next assemble his Matie will att his owne Charge gett his Highness established Prince and Generall of all his forces on this side the Rhine. And the same hand afirmes that the king of Spain in Confirmacon therof has declared the Prince Generall of his forces in ye Spanish Low Countryes even to give Command to the Marquis De Grana who tis wrote was himself one of ye Principall Promoters of this great worke wherby notable action may bee suddenly expected in those parts. The Accompts of the Chamber of London have been examined and Stated and found yt they exceed Six hundred Thirty thousand Pounds and yt att prsent only 18 L appeares in Cash tis hoped yt some expedient will bee found to recover ye said fund to assist many wanteing Orphans. Wee have now ye Certain advice of ye second greate defeate of the Turks neare Gran wch is att large prticularized in this day's Gazett. Our flandrs Lettrs wch came yesterday in a Confluence give the various proceedings of ye french and Spaniards accons in those parts wherby Mareschall Humieres who before was wthdraweing his Troops has made a halt expecting ye King's answer from Paris wch wee are credibly told is a declaracon of warr agts Spain & Holland wch will aford much Novelty. This day a 2d Court of Aldrmen mett where the Ld Mayor prsuant to a Writt of dedimus potestatem swore three other of ye new Aldrmen vizt Sr Jno Buckworth Charles Duncomb Esqr and mr Thorowgood & proceeded uppon bussiness of ye Citty. I am Credibly assured yt his Matie will grant his Comission on ye 29th Instant ye annuall day for sweareing of ye Ld Mayor to Sr Henry Tulse next in Course for ye succeeding yeare as alsoe yt there will be a Ld Mayor's show & yt his Matie ye Citty Government being in his hands will treate ye Citty of London in Guildhall in like manner as they used to doe him. Sr Allen Apsley his Royall Highnesses Treasurer being dead his Son Sr Roten and Sr Ben. Bathurst will succeed equally in yt place I have itt Confirmed yt the Emperour has made the Prince of Orange a Prince of ye Empire and writes to him in ye style of deronissimus as greate as to any of ye Electors. Lettrs yesterday of ye 26th of August from Sancta Cruce in Barbary give an acctt yt ye Emperour Muli Ishmaell has made a peace wth his Nephew Muli Hamet ye latter to ye maine King of Suz [?] in Confirmacon therof ye Emperour has given to his Eldest Sonn ye Government of Haha [sic] lyeing from Mugidore to Cape de Gure in latitude 30 1/2 Southwards of Tangire and to his Nephewe's Second Sonn that of Seculam where there is a rich Silver Mine and yt ye passage of the Mountains from before Taradant were Cleared. Revolters on all sides pardoned & ye Tuesday before the peace proclaimed wherby provisions in each others Camp was one halfe as cheape as before which sd Newes tis beleived will alter ye Ld Dartmouth's Measure att Tangire 3000 Moores are before the Towne but offer noe acts of hostility. L. c. 1454 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 18 8bris 83 The french Ambd at Madrid hath lately by his Masters Comands given in a Memoriall demanding satisfaction and exemplary punishmt against ye Governour and Garison of the Towne and Castle of Denze [?] uppon ye ffrontier of Arragon who on ye 13 of may last had seized uppon 120 ffrenchmen of severall Trades and mecanick callinges who were returning into their Countrey Guienne treated them ill Stript them naked and tooke from them the Tooles and materialls of their Trade as ripping hookes &c and then rumaged their gutts by forceing them to take certaine purgative potions to force them to vomit up and discharge if any Golden Jewells had beene concealed thereof wch 3 or 4 dyed and the major parte fell sick wch very ill usage doth in a great measure excuse the severityes used by the ffrench toward the subjects of the Spanish Netherlands Wee have now severall lres from ye Garison of Tangire wch give an acct of ye safe arrivall of ye Ld. Dartmouth and all the ffleet under his Comand at that Port The lres bear date the 21 of the last by wch it seemes his Ldsp reached thither on ye 14 and after 3 dayes stay went ashoare and sent Mr Sheeves to complement the Alcaid of Alcazar The Alcaid treated him wth all manner of respect and civility showed him the Sport of hunting the wild Boare and after they had killed him the Alcaid sent it and 3 mules laden wth all sort of fresh provisions as a Present to the Ld. Dartmouth. The Alcaid was at his Ldsps arrivall within 2 miles of the Garison with a considerable Army On the 13 Sr Thomas Walcot had his Comon and took ye Oath of one of the Judges of the Kings Bench The Ambdr from the King of Denmarke the Chancellr of Denmarkes son the Envoye from the King of Poland and the Envoye from the D of Hannover haveing taken their leaves of his Maty the Ambdr is presented with a Jewell with the Kings picture of 1000 L the Chancellrs son with a Jewell of Diamonds of the vallue of 500 L the Envoye from Poland with a diamond Ring of 3 large stones vallued 350 L and the Envoye from Hannover with a Diamond Ring vallue 220 L The Sessions of the old Baily ended on ye 13 but none of the Conspiracy brought to Tryall one Clarke was tryed for words importing that there was noe such thing as ye late Conspiracy and that it was only a contriveance to render ye Protest[ant?]s as guilty as ye Papists which being plainly proved against him he was condemned to stand in ye Pillory and fined 500 Markes The Dutch lres dated ye 19 say that the French Troopes had demanded Contribution of some villages within the Jurisdiction of Maastricht and though the Governor there had by order from the States acquainted the ffrench Intendant that they belonged to ye States he caused them for non payment to be pillaged wch the States have highly resented and made complaint of The ffleete which was sent to observe ye motions of the ffrench and Danes tis said will be speedily ordered home and paid off to prvent ye charge of a winter maintenance They tell us their German advises doe speake of the beseiging Newhausell which notwithstanding some did oppose for that the Turke was not yet so despicable that hee might make a considerable Army and after they had battered [?] themselves before the place might come to its releife They speake with new assurance of Count Teckleyes comeing in and submitting to the Empr but say that he adviseth that they should take the advantage of this time to make a Peace with the Turkes and tell them that if they should neglect this opportunity the Turke will certainly the next yeare bring down an Army of 400m [?] Men to revenge himselfe for ye disgrace received before Vienna Count Lambergh writes that on his way to the Imperiall Army he met this advise that ye Poles engadged a Body of 10000 Turkes neare Barkan where at first the Poles were soe ill handled that they were beat back with the losse of 15000 but being seconded by some German Dragoones they rallied and charged wth such fury that they totally defeited the Turkes most of those whome the sword mist being drowned in the Danube uppon wch the ffortresse of Barkan rendered on discretion There are 800 Prisonrs among whome the Bassa of Silistria and among the dead were the Bassas of Buda and Alepo On ye 15 her Royall Highnesse miscarried of a Prince but God be praised is very well for that condicon that evening dyed Sr Allen Appesley Treas to his Royall Highnesse The Comon being past the great seale on the 16 the Aldn and other officers formerly mentioned took their oathes at Guildhall and now first appeared againe in their gownes The office of Treasurer to his Royall Highnesse since the death of Sr Allen Appesley is managed by Sr Peter Appesley and Sr Ben: Bathurst the Son and Son in Law of ye deceased That the Spanyards prest by the ffrench beyond their bearing had begun to give the same measure that they had received in forceing Contributions from the ffrench Territoryes is now in every ones mouth as alsoe that the Prince of Chimoy the Governor of Luxemburgh had not proceeded farther and taken in the Castle of Bortrauge and other Garrisons This the Paris lres dated 20 tell us is interpreted there as a Warr made by the Spanyard and that the Garison of Oudenard did apparently begin it when they attacqued a Party of ffrench Horse and that the Count of Montalto was very near being surprized by 6000 Dutch horse if he had not tymely retired under the Canon of Philipsburgh What resolution will be taken thereuppon is not said but nothing lesse was spoke of than an open Warr They say that when Mounsr duquesne was at Tripoli whether his ordrs obleige him to goe for ratification of a Peace and to demand the reasons why he broake articles he will returne againe before Algier and stay there till he be releived by the Chevalier de Levy and then return to Toulon and thence to the King to give him a pticular account of his expedicon The Harlem Gazete gives an acct of the fight betwixt the Christians and the Turkes near Barkan and grants the Xtians the victory though at a very deare rate for when the King of Poland prest soe forward to the battle that the Germans were some miles behinde him the Turkes had disposed their Janizaries soe secretly that they fell uppon them with the greatest advantage killed states the Gazete 7000 Poles adding with all that the King of Poland had recd an hurt on his left thigh It sayes farther that there were joyned to ye Grand Vizier 50m fresh men from Belgrade with whome he had resolved if the late defeat doth not alter his purpose to face ye Christians and give them battle A short tyme will give us the Truth and I encline to beleive the best This day his Royall Highnesse arrived safe at St James's and it still holds that we may expect his Maty on Saturday L. c. 1455 [Handwriting changes here] London: Ye 20th Octob 1683 This morning early happened a terrible fire in the farther part of Rosemary Lane but was extinguished with the Loss of six houses and as many blowne up and defaced: Last night a fire was perceived to begin in Cheapside The Shopkeeper having carried away his goods whereby neighbours judged that he had purposely enkindled it the better to compound with his Creditors which being broke open was after some assistance put out His Royall Highness returned from Newmarkett on Thursday last and this day the King and Court are expected. One Mr Henry Dickinson Sonn to Mr Dickinson one of his Maties prsant Commissionrs of his Customes in Ireland was lately had before a Councell for writeing and publishing a scandalous paper entituled queries to the Deane of Canterbury for which hee was obliged in 1000 L to appeare the first day of the Terme to Answer an Informacon which should be exhibited against him as alsoe 500 L to be of ye good behaviour. Which said Gentleman belonging to Doctors Commons and walking yesterday that Court Yard spied a freind of his in Company which [?] one Scarlett who hee advised to depart from as being a sharper and other such words which this Scarlett understanding tooke his oportunity to run Mr Dickinson through and make his escape of which wound hee within a houre after dyed. One Mr John Canterell who was lately taken into Custody of a Messenger upon his examinacon found to be guiltless and discharged. None of the State plotters have yett notice of a Tryall nor any Bills found against them, but by the middle of next weeke I shall be able to acquaint you what proceed the Councell makes upon them after the Report of the Attorney Generall relateing to the Evidence against them and we are told that some persons are come out of Somersetshire to attest their knowledge of the Traitorous Conspiracy as being Listed for Souldiers in that intended villanous action. Yesterday the East India Company completed their sale which by reason ye Dutch East India ffleete are not yett arrived had a great markett and sale in the totall for 6 hundred fifty odd thousand pounds which will goe neere to discharge yr obligacons and put them into as full Creditt as before The late Common Councell men of each ward of this City have Complemented theire new Aldermen and passed reciprocal treats to each other and it Continues that wee shall have a new Lord Mayor in the usuall course Sr Henry Tulse haveing already Notice to prepare his Equipage and that if tyme will permitt, the usuall formalityes will be performed on that Ceremony and his Maty treate the City in Guildhall. Severall of the City officers have beene sent for above to know if they will be Contented to hold their places of his Matie durante bene placito or otherwise stand it out but most have agreed to the former. An Eminent Widdow whose husband dyed since Judgmt entred up against the City Charter hath resorted to divers Councellors of the highest Ranke to know whether shee may Clayme the thirds of her late husbands estate as by ye Custom of the City is due in that case, Some have given their opinions that ye Charter is still in being as the said Judgmt is entred and therefore the prescripcons hold good but others say that Judgmt cannot be entred in part but in whole soe null whereby ye Custome held by prescripcon ceases to be. L. c. 1456 [Handwriting changes here.] London Octobr 23th [sic] 83 Flanders Letters yesterday of the 27th are of high Import as pursuant to the Marquis De Grana's mandatory orders to repell the french wth force there hapned various and sharpe renCounters but how Marechall Humieres will proceed since hostility begun is the subject of Expectation for the Unexpectedness of ye Spanish Courage does nott a little perplex the french Councells being in honour obliged to maintaine their aggressive proceedings but att ye same time Involved into a neighbouring warr when since (the happy success agts the Turkes) their Armes are in prospect called for to defend their German acquisitions Prince Waldeck being ordered with the Circular troopes of the Empire to march for the Rhine and therfore the french necessitated to wthdraw out of flanders and observe his Motions. The same Lettrs Confirme the Victory obtained by ye Poles and Germans neare Barkam for which the Emperour sang Te Deum att Lintz on the 12th ye advantage they say is greater then att first discovered for the Turkish Ambuscade did att first surprize and disorder the Poles yett after the German forces were Joyned they soe defeated the Body of 13000 Turks that Scarce 3000 escaped for those who saved themselves in ye Counterscarp and Ditch of Barkam were by Count Staremburgh who Commanded ye Dragoones and Infantry Stormed and Cut to peices the fort taken Gran beseiged the Prisoners brought to Vienna the Elector of Bavaria returned to the Army which Campaigne they hope will terminate in ye takeing of Buda. The Lettrs alsoe Confirme that ye Emperour has Constituted ye Prince of Orange who was before but Count de Mewres neare Rhyn burgh Prince of that title sending him a Patent thereof in ye style of Serenissimo Principi. Yesterday the Lord Mayor and Our New Court of Aldermen in their formalityes went to Whitehall to performe their Congratulaton Ceremony to his Maty for his safe and happy returne from Newmarkett. On Sunday a Councill was held att Whitehall where divers afaires of Moment were under Consideracon severall persons examined in relation to ye plott & a Barrister of Law who lived att Bristoll Committed Prisoner to Newgate An expresse the same day arived from the Ld Dartmouth from the Bay of Tangire but wee cannot yett learne what measures his Ldshipp pursues whither to demolish all or part of ye fortifications of yt Garrison but on ye other hand five greate flyboates are ordered thither wth provisions for ye Citty & victualling for ye Navy 6 months Longer. Friday Last ye Justices of ye Peace for Middlesex mett at Hixes Hall by way of adjournment to heare and Consider divers irregular proceedings used by some of ye Justices in their office especially relateing to Conviction of Conventiclers 150 L being found to be in ye hands of Justice Sabbs and Sr Clement Armigon whereuppon the Bench framed an address agts them yt his Matie would be pleased to put them out of Comission of peace for ye future. Last night abtt ye houre of 5: 6 Gentlemen fought in St Jamese's Square 2 vizt Mr Terrett and foster were killed uppon the Spott 2 other vixt Coney and Deane mortally wounded ye 2 last made their escapes. wch sd quarrell is sd to arise from ye refusall in ye first to divide his wifes Portion among them wch they had promised each other to doe when any of them had mett wth a fortune This day being ye first of the Terme Sr George Jeffreyes ye new Cheife Justice of England appeared uppon the Bench but made noe Speech as some expected ye two new other Justices vizt Serjeant Richard Holloway & Serjeant Walcott tooke alsoe their seats ye Court proceeded uppon ye usuall business of the day as heareing of Motions and to Record appearances of those bound over wch were nott a few as Parson Meade Lobb ye NonConformist Minister as alsoe one Johnson who wrote Julian the Apostate the Brother of Trenchard mr Umphrevill & others too long to incert. A fellow was indicted for saying opprobrious words of his Royall Highness as yt hee was a Sonn of W-- One Mr Westlock Barrister of the Temple seized att Exeter discharged Nothing being had agts him. Aaron Smith prisoner in ye Tower for high Treason was brought to ye Court to recd [sic] sentence uppon a former Conviction for handing Scurrilous papers to Colledge att Oxford in ye tyme of his Tryall hee desired a Coppy of ye Record as alsoe Councill the first was granted and hee to Come againe on Thursday next. Sr ffrancis Pemberton Late Cheife Justice of ye Common Pleas appeared att ye Barr as Councill & made Mocons accordingly L. c. 1457 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 25th Octr 1683 His Maty have been pleased to grant to mr Wm Trulock ye sole benefitt of a new invention of a haul back to be supplied to any vessell that will show how many Leagues yt vessell hath sailed The Hamburgh lres dated ye 5/15 tell us one Dutch ffrigot arrived lately at Gottembergh who told them their ffleet was ready to obey the King of Swedens Comands and yt it was generally beleived som Troops would be put aboard them to bee transported into fflanders and those parts The King of Denmarke though hee has already 24m men effective in Holsteyn whereof 17m are foot has given ordrs for ye raiseing 8000 more and whereas hitherto hee hath recd of ye ffrench onely 200m Crownes subsidy tis said now they are made up 600m [?] Crownes The Electr of Brandenburgh appeares very backward in ioineing many Acts of War in those parts The Electr of Saxony was goin to Berlin to Confer wth him and it was said Count Lambergh and Mounsr Greffenthall ye Emperour & ye Swedish ministers would speedily meet him there Tis writt from Barbary yt ye Emperor of Moroco findeing himselfe soe koopt up by his Nephew that hee could noe way get well off had at last agreed & granted to him the Kingdom of Sus [?] soe yt now they stood in good Terms wth one another On the 20th his matye (God bee praised) returned safe from Newmarket about 3 in ye afternoon In his matyes returne from Newmarket the Guards who did use to receive at Hogsden did it now at ye Rye House to prevent all Mischeife from ye place soe fitted for ye perpetration of ye most horrid assasination for ye Howse still stands although our litle Boutefois ye seditious Newswriters had sent it abroad into ye Countries all in flames upon his matyes passing by it His matyes returne was Congratulated by ye Lds of ye Councill and the other persons of severall qualities wth due reverence On ye 21th [sic] his matye & ye Court went into mourning for ye death of ye King of Portugall wch was soe genll and more solemnly observed yn usually on ye like occassion The Paris lres dated ye 27th speake of new Levies & great Threats of what shall bee don in revenge of ye affronts given ym in ye Spanish Netherlands but mention not any thing of Ordrs issued out to that purpose wch some would attribute to the expectation of the returne of one sent into England The Dutch lres dated ye 26th notwithstanding those Embroiles say yt though all others have Consented to ye new Levies Amsterdam cannot yet bee brought to it The last Victory against ye Turks is given wth greater advantage On the 23d ye first of ye Terme Aaron Smith prisonr in ye Tower for High Treason as being Internuncio betwixt the Conspiratrs of England and Scotland was brought to the Kings Bar to receive Sentence for a former Crime Hee was employed as Agitatr for ye ffaction to uphold College in his Tryall at Oxford where in open Court hee flew out into these words Tis time for us to look about us since our lives & fortunes are beset here ffor this Information was brought in against him and when hee saw himselfe ripe for Judgment hee dropt out of Court and was taken againe among ye Conspirrs but how fowle soever his practise was at his request hee had time given him till this day to show why Judgmt should not bee given On the 21th ye Rochester & Beaufort 2 East India ships went to ye Downes outward bound & will bee suddenly followed by others Sr John Wetwang haveing taken his leave in ordr to his departure They tell us from Cowes that 2 ffrench men of War one of 60 & ye other of 50 guns anchored off St Hellens road who say they were sepperated from 12 others 3 days before who came out of the Sound and were Bound for Brest By lres from Hamburgh dated the 18th tis said ye King of Denmark will continue at Coppenhagen this winter and that hee had ordered most of ye Troops to quarter in Holsteyn soe yt they had now for awhile laid aside all apprehension of trouble severall Princesses are proposed in Marriage to ye Electoral Prince of Brandenburgh but ye Princess of Hannover seems to stand ye fairest wch if it prove a Match may bee a great meanes to settle a good correspondence betwixt ye Howses of Brandenburgh and Lunenburgh They write from Madrid that ye Court was soe well satisfied with the Resolutions the States Genell had taken for ye defense of fflanders that ye Secretary of State had complemented the Ambr and given him thanks upon that subject The Arrivall of ye ffleet under Ld Dartmouth was ye occasion of severall conditures [?] but the English Merchants they tell us doe now trouble their heads noe more about it since his Ldp was pleased to acquaint Consull Westhambe that there was noe cause why they should give themselves ye least disturbance On the 21th his matye was informed in Councill of a seditious Pamphlet of ye Case of ye E. of Argill wch was ordered to bee burnt by ye Comon Hangman The office of Ld Cheife Justice of Chester become void by the advancement of Sr George Jeoffries is disposed to [space for about seven letters left blank] Herbert Esqr Algrnon Sidney ye Ld Brandon & mr Booth have moved for Heas Corpus to bee brought to ye Bar One Packer now Prisoner in Newgate was indicted for villanous words upon wch hee desired to bee admited to Baile but the Court being informed that hee was also charged wth Treason hee was remanded to Newgate Aaron Smith upon farther motion has time granted him till ye 27th L. c. 1458 Whitehall 1st Novr 83 From Portland dated 23d wee have an acct of 2 ffrench men of War the Precious and the Arrogant in yt road Tis probable they are the same formerly mentioned for they say they came out from ye Baltick wth ye rest of the ffleet & put into Havre de Grace expecting to bee laid up there but had receaved Ordrs to follow the rest of ye ffleet to Brest His matye haveing declared his pleasure to ye Ld Mayor & Court of Aldrmen that Sr Henry Tulse a Worthy Loyall Cittizen and who in former ordrs stood next to ye Chaire should execute the office of Ld Mayor for ye yeare ensueing & to that purpose was sworne at Westmr on ye 29th They imediatly issued out as usually precepts to ye severall Companies to attend in their formalityes soe yt nothing was wanting at ye Ceremony but Pageants wch in soe short a time could not bee fitted up On the 25th ye Recorder ye Sheriffe & sword bearer went to wait upon ye Lds of ye Councill & desire their Company at dinner and their invitations had proceeded could they have been able soe soon to made [sic] preparations suitable to a Royall Entertainmt The people are highly sensible of his matyes favr & will omit nothing of respect to a Mayor of his appointmt On the 29th Sr Henry Tulse haveing a Comissn from his matye to that purpose was sworne at ye Excheqr Bar Westmr as usually Ld Mayor of London As they past downe to Westmr his matye was pleased from Whitehall to take a view of them wch ye severall Barges acknowledged with lowd Huzzas On the 27th Aaron Smith was brought to Judgmt his behavr to ye Court was all along as audacious as when hee spoke ye words for wch hee stod indicted and though indeed ye whole ffaction is peculiarly guifted wth a more yn convenient boldness this man is of soe prodigious a talent yt way yt there is a necessity of a Pillory to qualifie him for ye Gallowes Hee was fined 500 L sentenced to give security for ye behavr for a year to stand twice in ye Pillory & to continue in prison till all bee performed Mr Hambden Moses Wildman Mr Charleton &c have put in their prayers for Tryall. On the 30th Aaron Smith according to his sentence stood in ye Pillory in New Pallace Yeard before Westmr Hall where hee suffered ye Lawe & noe more for how bad soever ye man tis certainly a great barbarity to ad to his affliction & showes the spirits of our modern fanaticks who never satisfied wth wt punishmt ye law inflicted could not appease their Mallice unless they ymselves enlarged it and as if ye hangmans hand was too light made themselves iointe Executor On ye 26th ye Mary & Elizabeth arrived at Cowes in 5 weeks from Virginia wth new tobacco They say all things are quiet in those parts The Dutches of Grafton was the last week safely delivered of a son Upon ye advancemt of Dr Hicks to ye Deanry Dr John Jophioet is made Prebend of Worcester Robt Lock who caryed ye Ld Gray over ye seas was brought up by Heas Corpus where his discharge was prayed wch though ye Court could not grant they were willing to take baile but for want of it hee was remanded They write from Marseilles dated Octr 22d yt severall Men of War were arrived from before Argeire wth their Machines wch they thought not fitt to prove [?] the Weather it seemes being not soe proper some of ye ships were very leaky & were in danger of founding in the sea Monsr Duquesne was gone wth 6 Men of War to Tunis to Confirme a Peace wth yt Govermt and Monsr de Lery wth his squadron of 4 ships was ready to depart from Toulon to Cruise for Algerines of whome severall were abroad & it was feared yt some of their New Found Land men might fall into their hands Sr Wm Scroggs some times Ld Cheife Justice Of England dyed on ye 25th at Night On the 30th a motion was made at ye Kings Bench Bar in behalfe of ye Earle of Danby yt hee might by Heas Corpus bee brought to ye Bar wch was granted On ye 30th ye D. of Graftons son was Christned his matye and ye Prince of Orange were Godfathers & Princes Anne Godmother Wee have severall reports of ye ffrench attempts in fflandrs but as far as ye newes showes domes [?] yet wee know not of any seige undertaken though there are yt say that the ffrench King has given Ordrs for breaking Ground before Courtrey upon ye 3rd of Novr their style the certainty of wch wee are to expect by ye Next Post As to ye German affairs there are severall discourses some of beseiging Gran others off Newhausell some of Camisa to none of wch I can finde any reason to give creditt more probable it is yt if they intend a seige it may bee against Pest wch stands opposit to Buda by ye takeing of wch they might secure their Winter Quarters on yt side ye Danube wthout any feare of Interception On the 31st the charge given ye Grand Jury at ye Kings Bench Bar prevented all businesse of Publick concerne Sr Thomas Linch Governr of Jamaica haveing signified his indisposition of health his matye was pleased on ye 30th in Councill to Ordr that Henry Mouldsworth Esqr one of ye Councills there should in his absence or sickness take ye Comande as deputy Governour The same day ye former patent granted to Dr Walker for freshning Salt Water was by consent of partyes surrendered soe that now the Honble Robt ffitzGerrald Esqr is the Proprietr and it is certainly of yt benefitt at sea as well as land that nothing except ye Loadstone could bee of greater use to Navigation By an Expresse from fflanders wee are advised that the ffrench Troops after a seige of 5 dayes had wth ye loss onely of 300 L and 200 wounded had made themselves masters of Courtrey on Tuesday sennight Hee says farther that in his way to Dunkirk hee heard of ye takeing the Citadell on Sunday last L. c. 1459 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall Nov 8th 83 The houshould is suddenly to be set up for George Prince of Denmarke at St James' soe that tis thought his Royall highness may in a few Dayes remove to Whitehall They begin now to hear the Goalls [?] of prisoners taken upon the Conspiracy sent all of the Scotish nation who were pickt up here are sent in the Ketibren [?] yacht to their own Contrey for Tryall vizt Sr Hugh Campbell Sr wm moor and moor his son mr Crawford mr ffairly and murray who are now in the Custody of a messenger and from other prisons Mr Robt Harley moure Spence Casheer Jr and mr Webone who broke his leg by a fall Endeavouring to make his Escape out of the Gatehouse is under ye hand of a Chirurgeon There are accts from severall Corporacons of ther resolution to surrender their Charters into the hands of his Maty this being found the best Expedient to free themselves from men of faction and sedition that have crept into the Govermt besides that tis a known hath [?] that none ever gave any into his matys hand but who have had them retard wth great advantage his maty never taking any from theire ancient rights and privileges but only putting them under the regulation of such men who may best preserve them Masr Reman [?] anothr man in Chichester and was taken into custody and Comitted prisoner to the Tower since the Discovery of the Conspiracy did by humble peticon lay himselfe at his Matys feet imploreing his grace and favr wch submission his Maty was pleased so to accept soe that he was ordered to be discharged The masr thereupon forbearing to return to his habittacon in Chichester where his residence might administer any cause of Jelousy and betakeing himselfe to an House in Hampshire wth resolution to abide there Dureing his Matyes pleasure Those who are now prisoners as psons concernd in the late Conspiracy are now called upon to give an Acct to the Law and to this purpose severall Bills were prefering to the Grand Jury agt severall of them On the 6th mr Hugh Speak was brought to the Kings Bench Barr and was to go yre again on the 7th to give baile he being to answer an Informacon brought agt mr Breaden and him about the forgery relating to the Death of the late Earle of Essex In lres from Marseilles dated the first tis advised that the 4 ships appointed to cruise before Algires departed 2 dayes before from Toulon severall of those Coursaires being abrod of whome some have latly mett a ffrench ship wch by good wind and a great sea found an oportunity to escape Wth the ffrench ships from Algiers came 2 Captives who gained their Liberty by swimeing to them They had no advice from Monsr Duquesne since he left Enissa to goe for Tunis On the 7th the Earle of Sunderland tooke in Councill the oath of Ld Leiut in the County of [xx]anuke [manuscript torn] and the Earle of Pemb[roke that?] of Ld Leiut of Wiltshire +A proclamation is alsoe issued forth to prvent the makeing of bonefires and throwing of Squibbs and Crackers and to seize all offendrs wch was don according to Complaint made of an afront offered to the Coach of monsr Van Cyttars on Gun powder Treason Day ye have in the Gazett the takeing of Gran by the Duke of Loraine and Courtrey by the ffrench as fully as any lres have yett given it The further particulars are Expected On the 7th Colonell Sydny was brought prisoner from the Tower of London to the Kings Bench Barr where he was arrained for high treason where bogled [?] some tymes at his Indictment but wt he offered being frivolus and overrated he at last pleaded and was orderd to be brought to his Tryall that Day fornight Mr Johnson who wrote the book called the Julian the Apostate was indicted for it and Derby who printed the paper called the Ld Russells Speech Mrs Celliers is admitted to Baile to make out a writt of errour upon a Judgment formerly brought agt her L. c. 1460 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 10 Novr 83 His Maty hath been pleased to grant to Mr William Palin and Mr William Luggins [?] the benifit of a new Invention of makeing severall thinges of Iron by Millworke onelye which were & are now done by hand & hammer as Stroake Tire on Wheeles half rounds of Iron for Kettles &c wth much less chardge and more expedition The Lord Howard of Effingham hath taken leave of his Maty and will the next week take Shipping for his Government in Virginia The Holland Lres are so thin [?] which tell us of severall Conferences held among the foraine Ministers of the Alliance upon the late proceedings of the ffrench in fflandrs The Spanish Minister proposeth them they will seriouslye examine the pretensions of ffrance & if they finde them iust that his Master would be very ready to pass over what they should judge fitt but if they shall finde them otherwise they would give their promised assistance The ffrench Minister offers termes of accomodacon and tis sd seems at present content with Courtrey as an equivalent for farther pretensions but whatever the termes offered are they are such as the others doe not complye with. And yet soe active has ye ffrench Ambr been in his Applications yt Amsterdam hath not yet consented to the new Levies of 10m men though tis generally given out that they withhold it cheifelye upon the account that the Marquis of Grana is not in the posture of defense which he promised and that he would have in 5 monthes tyme 40m men effective from Germanye they have the good newes of the surrender of Gran confirmed and that Neuhausell findeing themselves now cutt off from all communication with ye Turkes had designed to capitulate and offered to surrender on Conditions that the Garrison might march out &c which the Christians had refused His Maty was pleased to appoint Sr Richard Haddock Mr Sturt Mr Towre and Mr Parsons Comissioners for victualing the Navy L. c. 1461 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 13th Nor 83 [The first two paragraphs of this letter are almost identical with paragraphs 1 and 2 of L. c. 1460; the third paragraph of this letter is very similar to the fourth of L. c. 1460 except that "mr ffenne" appears in 1461 in place of the last two names in 1460.] On the 9th was an heareing in Councill betwixt the East India Company and Capt. Dorrell who formerly went in an Interloper to ye East Indies and was now goeing out again as was supposed to ye same parts upon wch a stop was put to his ship the issue was that the ship should bee discharged the Capt. giveing security that shee should not goe into any place belonging to ye territories of ye East India Company The case betwixt the East India Company and Capt. Sandys is still depending in the Kings Bench and hath been argued by mr Holt for ye East India Company and Sr George Treby for Capt. Sandys the mean point in question being whether a Charter conteining a grant for sole tradeing with Infidells bee a Monopoly or not It is to bee argued further and then wee may expect ye Judgmt of ye Court Among the many honest and Loyall Presentmts of ye Grand Juryes in ye severall Countyes the last of Middx is very remarkable for one thing wch is serteinly of absolute Necessity for establishing a posterity on the same Grounds of Religion & Loyalty vizt. yt an acctt bee taken of all schole Masters & Mistresses and yt none bee suffered to teach schole but those who are Licensed & yt none bee Licensed but such as receive ye Sacrement according to ye Church of England & that they bee enioined to teach ye Youth ye Church Catechisme & noe other The Holland lers dated ye 16th say that the states are upon the Consideration of an answere to bee returned to the ffrench Ambr concerning the Proposalls made by his Master in consideration of Pretentions The Citty of Amsterdam cannot yet bee prevaild upon to give their Consent to ye New Levies of 16m men upon wch the rest of ye Townes hav[e decid?]ed upon a Grand Deputation to bee sent to them at ye head of whome the Prince of Orange will appeare to try what may bee don by Argumt to induce them to a ioint [?] Concurrence in soe great an affaire The League betwixt ye Howses of Saxony Brandenburgh & Bronswick are completed the substance not said more then that it is wth a regard to publick good and ye Maintenance of ye Protestant Religion The ffrench at ye present desist haveing taken Courtrey & Dinumyd [?] as the Christians may doe after ye takeing Pest and Buda On the 13th mr Bateman the Chirurgeon and one Armiges [?] prisoners in the Marshalsea on acctt of the Conspiracy were by ye Court of Kings Bench admitted to Bayle On the 14th the Ld Mayor & Aldermen of ye Citty of London went to Westmr & there tooke ye oathes of Allegiance & Suppremacy in Conformity to ye Act of Parliamt wch enioines all persons at the entering into such publick that [?] office of Trust to take ye said Oathes The same day mr Deerham in whose Custody when hee was Sergeant at Armes the Ld Grey was comitted for High Treason wth order to cary him forthwth to ye Tower but hee Neglecting gave the Ld Grey an opportunity to escape was thereupon arraigned at the Kings Bench Bar hee pleaded not Guilty & offered security to abide his Tryall upon wch the Court ordered yt ye Attorney Genll should have an acctt given him of the security & if hee approve them baile should bee admitted in ye Meane time hee was remanded to ye Tower where hee hath been hitherto kept prisoner There are lately arrived some from Tangeire wch give this acctt of the place that when ye Earle of Dartmouth had opened his Comn there & found his Orders for ye demolishing it hee tooke care that it might bee soe managed as might give the greatest satisfaction to ye Inhabitants as well as ye souldiers The Inhabitants being of severall Countries had Liberty to dispose themselves to ye best advantage an Estimate was taken of what they could not cary away Those had ye Liberty too of transporting themselves first for the Moores were gathered in great numbers about the place At their comeing away they were onely laying their Mines but had plaid none soe yt wee are yet to expect a farther acctt of yt affaire The German advises are big wth ye successe of ye Christians against the Turkes The Croats had lately taken 3 castles from ym Bresmitz Porgatz and Segert neare Canisha besides wch Caschan Esperies & other places in Hungaria had submited and had the ffree Exercise of their Religion granted The King of Polland had devested the Turkish Duke & setled another & let Count Teckely know the Emperors finall Resolutions that if hee came not to an accomodation wthin 14 dayes hee would not onely not admitt of any farther Medeation but persecute as a Capitall Enemy L. c. 1462 Whitehall 22 Nor 1683 On the 16th Gibbons who was servant to the Duke of monmouth moved for a Heas Corpus to bee brought to the Kings Bench Bar wch was Granted The Plimouth lers dated ye 13th tell us their Newfounland men except such as went for a Market are all returned safe home but Complaine of bad Voyages On the 17th the St David arrived from Tangeire wth 117 Inhabitants of yt place who left it on the 28th of ye last when they were makeing Mines to demolish the Mole wch was soe strongly built that it would bee a worke of noe small difficulty And whilest I mention Tangeire I cannot but take notice of ye implacable mallice of ye ffanaticks who even home would raise Argumts against the Government as evil treating that people whereas nothing could ever bee more gratefull to them The surest acctt will bee from themselves the Governour ffeild officers and Comanders there speake--they in their Addresse Wee cannot but applaud and admire the wisdome of yo[u]r matyes Councill in this affaire adding those immense summs wch have been expended on the Mole and other works of ye place as well as o[u]r maintenance have in noe measure answered your matyes Royall Expectations and wee are sufficiently sensible by a long and neare veiw of Tangeire that though yo[u]r matye should yearly exhaust more treasure that were posible then hitherto it would bee wth ye same unsuccessfullness and dispaire of rendering either the Harbour secure or Towne safe The Mayor and Cittizens in their Addresse say thus [?]; wee thinke ourselves bound in Duty to expresse the deep sence wee have of your Matyes most seasonable Compassion in rescuing us from our present feares and future Calamities in recalling us from scarcity to plenty from danger to security &c. Thus our people and for the stronger take ye words of ye Addresse of ye Deane and Chapter of ye Portugueze Church Wee cannot but wthout the utmost ingratitude but acknowledge your Matyes favour dureing our whole time here and particularly on occasion of being recalled hence All wch under their severall hands will bee sufficient to convince any but a ffanatick that they leave the please [sic] wth entire satisfaction On the 17 Gibbons was discharged on baile [By the?] last German lers wee receaved a Coppy of a paper found among the Grand Viziers being a particular acctt of all the forces brought to the seige of Vienna and of all such as were lost the totall is that they brought before it 168m and there lost 48544 and among them 3 Bassas The King of Polland is to quarter in uper Hungary where severall Townes falter [?] from Count Teckely will entertaine his Troops The D of Loraines Army is to quarter in Lower Hungary but tis said not before the takeing Pest and Buda and then a consultation is to be held at Vienna about Recruits and makeing both Armies up 80m men A grant is passing to Sr Henry Capell of all the Chattells real and personal Estate of the late Earle of Essex forfeited to his Matye by his being felo desse [?] in Trust for ye Countesse of Essex On the 20th in ye afternoon Darby the Printer was tryed at Guildhall upon an Information brought against him for printing ye Paper entituled Ld Russell's speech of wch hee was found Guilty There was alsoe ye tryall of mr Johnson for being the author of ye booke called Julian the Apostate wch being fully proved against him hee also was found Guilty Their sentence will bee given the latter end of ye Terme What wth the ffrench on one side & ye Spaniards on ye other ye poor people are most miserably harassed parties every day makeing incursions & plundering the Inhabitants of each others Territories and this they are like to lye under all the Winter both parties in the meane time prepareing for Action against the spring The Marquis of Grana has laid their conditions fairely before the Court of Spaine and proposed to them wt forces hee judgeth necessary for their defence upon wch after debate it was resolved that hee should have 54m foot & 6000 [?] horse effective wch wth the fforces to bee sent by those of ye Alliance they judge sufficient to cary on ye war in ye spring On the 21th was a tryall at ye Comon Pleas Bar upon an Action of Scandalum Magnatum brought by the Duke of Beaufort against Sr Trevor Williams The Jury found for ye Duke and gave him 10000 L Damages The same day at ye Kings Bench Bar was the tryall of mr Algernon Sidney for High Treason Hee excepted against above 30 of his Jury but notwthstanding that and all his other Artifices wch tooke up about 8 howres the matter was fully made out & hee by ye Jury brought in Guilty The Jury staid not above halfe a qr of an howre ere they gave their verdict it being plainly proved that a treasonable book under his own hand writeing was found in his Closett that hee was at ye Consults & that hee was the person proposed Aaron Smith to goe into Scotland and get money for him The Citty of Amsterdam though they have agreed to ye New Levies of 16m men have yet consented to the augmenting soe many recruits as will make up ye Number On the 22d the Duke of Beaufort had a tryall at ye Kings Bench against mr Arnold upon a Scandalum Magnatum wt damages hee will have wee must expect tomorrow A ship arrived from Cadiz at Cowes in 23 dayes sayes the Mole at Tangeire was blown up and the Towne &c was to bee blowne up on ye 5th instant L. c. 1463 Whitehall 29th Nor 83 On the 23d the Jury brought in their verdict in the Case of the Scandalum Magnatum brought by the Duke of Beaufort against mr Arnold for the Court has sate the Call [?] the afternoon before that the Jury could give in onely a private verdict The matter was very fully proved against mr Arnold soe that the Jury could doe noe lesse then wt the other before had don in the case of Sr Trevor Willyams give his Grace 10m L damages The same day the Case of Capt. shales for a moiety upon a discovery made about the fforme of ye surplusage of ye Duty of Hearth mony was heard before the Barrons of his Matyes Excheqr It was a Cause of very great expectation but upon the Tryall Capt. Shales suffered a Nonsuit Wee may now in few dayes with a good winde expect the arrivall of ye ffleet under Ld Dartmouth of whose subsistence his Maty is pleased to take such care that after long severe foreine service they may not bee exposed to seek for their bread Those who served there as Horsemen are to bee entertained here as Dragoones & to make up 3 Troops of a Regimt to bee Comanded by the Ld. Churchill as Coll. the Ld Cornbury as Leiut. Coll. & Capt. Sunderland (a Capt. of his Matyes Regimt of foot Gaurds) as Major On the 24th the Duke of Monmouth came privatly betwixt 4 & 6 in ye Evning in a Chaire to Whitehall and surrendered himselfe to Sr Leoline Jenkins Hee was an howre wth his Maty and Royall Highness after wch hee was sent in his Chaire to the Cockpitt attended by Sr Roger Harsenet a Sargeant at Armes On the 25th an Extraordinary Councill was sumoned where his Matye was pleased to impart to them the Duke of Monmouths surrender of himselfe his humble submission his deep sense of his Crime & his ample declaration of ye Conspiracy yt upon his Royall Highnesses intercession his Matye stood reconciled to him And to make this the More eminent his Royall Highness the same day brought the Duke to his Matye where in pblick hee kissed his Matyes hand that done his Matye and ye Duke went wth him to ye Queen where publickly hee kissed her Matyes hand & thence the Duke went wth him to her Royall Highness where hee publickly kissed her hand & then the Duke of Monmouth returning attended his Matye & ye Queen all the time dureing supper His Matye has given Order to stop all proceedings agt & ytt his pardon shall bee speedily dispatched but all ye rest of ye Conspiracy to bee prosecuted Upon the advancmt of Dr Turnour to the Bpprick of Rochester mr Henry Godolphin is made Prebend Residentiary of St Paul His Matye has been pleased to grant to mr John Booth Mercht the benefitt of a New Invention for sawing [all sorts?] of Timber [?] boards & staves [?] or things of that kinde wherein disabled seamen & others wounded in his Matyes service may bee employed On the 25th mr Algernon Sydney was brought to ye Kings Bench Bar where hee recd ye sentence of a Traytor to bee hanged drawn & Quartered Hee made many frivolous exceptions none that bore weight one was that his Jury were mean men when as hee himselfe had excepted agt 5 knts & Esqrs & called out Tradsmen who yet are of good estates & reputation & every way qualified by Law for that affaire On the 27th an Indictmt for High misdemeanrs was preferrd agt mr Hampden now prisoner in the Tower of them who praid for Tryall On the 27th was a Tryall at Guildhall upon a Scandalum Magnatum brought on behalfe of his Royall Highness agt one Cullovane where the Jury gave 10m L damages The 28th being the last of the Terme there was a Genrll Goale delivery the Lord Brandon mr Booth mr Charleton mr Trenchard and Major Wildman were discharged giveing in their own bound of 2000 L & each of them 4 sureties each of 500 L Mr Hampden pleaded to an Indictmt of High misdemeanr & was admitted to baile himselfe in 10m L & sureties each in 2000 L Mr Mead mr Henry Trenchard Umfree ville ffrench Baxter [?] Lewis Pascall Mr Anthony Shepeard & Gibbons were discharged mr James Wood & Maior Holmes bailed & mr James fforbes Bateman Bradon Sergeant Deerham & Robt Lock continued upon Recognizance Wee have now recd Lers from Tangeire dated Novr ye 5th wch tell us that they had blowne up one Chest of ye Mole wth very good successe and were proceeding farther but that by the care of mr Sheers it was made soe very strong that it proves a worke of great difficulty to destroy it in soe much that it was thought they must stay at least a month before they could accomplish their bussinesse The Moores in the meane time had been soe kind to them as to send in 50 head of Cattle and other fresh provissions Severall Protestant Princes of the Empire have addressed to the Empire on behalfe of the Protestants of Hungary the Emperor seems enclineable to their favr Newhausell is not soe closely blockt but that a Party of them fell upon 700 Poles goeing to their Winter Quarters & killed & tooke most of them. They write from Stockholme that the King of Sweden has solemnly ratified a Peace wth the Muscovite though the Danes had caryed on severall intrigues to hinder it and that an Ambr was come thither from Polland to setle a good understanding wth them soe that they may bee at leisure to prosecute their designes in the spring The brotherhood doe now prick up their ears and are as confident as before the discovery of the Conspiracy their whole discourse is of the delivery of the prisoners and to make up their stories they will tell you in the Coffee Houses the Ld Howard has a double gaurd upon him & mr Sydney a Pardon the former of wch I am sure is false and the other I cannot finde to bee true L. c. 1464 Whitehall 6th Decr 83 On the 26th the Pardon for the D of Monmouth past the great seale of England & now I mention his Grace I cannot but take notice of a story that passeth currant about Towne that hee was soe offended at the Gazettier for wt hee mentioned concerning him in the Munday Gazette that hee gave him a severe Reprimand for it wch yet hath noe more of truth in yn ye rest of their forgeries I must not omitt to give you a ffart[her] acct of some things offered by the Grand Jury of Middx in their Presentmts this last Terme as worthy to bee followed by other Countries They lay it down as their oppinions that it is not safe that any bee entrusted in any Employment Military or Civill who are not perfectly Loyall and truly Confirmable to the Church yt all psons bee throughly inspected wt they have been as well as wt they seem to bee that his Matye bee humbly beseiched to take care that all places belonging to him bee supplyed wth persons of knowne Loyalty that they doe not esteem them Protestants who separate from the Church and yt none but Protestants ought to serve as Representatives in Parlt for yt it cannot bee hoped that those who are not of that Church will endeavoure to preserve it that none but such as have recd ye Sacramt 3 times in ye yeare bee made Church Wardens licensed to teach schole or suffered to keep al howres [?] presenting those who will not receive the Sacramt. as persons dangerous to ye peace of ye Kingdome & yt they ought to bee disarmed according to statute On the 30th one Ede who has lain skulking since the first discovery was taken into Custody by a Messenger on acct of ye Conspiracy The discontented Party have of late taken to themselves an extraordinary license in discourse that Authority has been forced to take notice of it One Wynne speaking of the tryall of mr Sydney tooke upon him to reproach his Jury as ill men and of noe understanding and that they found him Guilty where there was not sufficient Evidence wch the Ld Cheife Justice being made acquainted wth rebuked him & Comitted him prisoner to the Marshalsea One of the Horse Gaurd who one would think should have understood better talking of the passage printed in the Gazette of the Duke of Monmouths submission & declaration of ye Conspiracy said that it was false for that the Duke had made noe declaration of any Conspiracy & was angry at it for wch hee was discharged the Troop Severall stories have been raised to lessen the reputation of the Ld Howard wch designe to render his Evidence suspected as if his Matye were not fully satisfied in it but these can now noe longer give Creditt since his Matye has been pleased in the most effectuall manner to express his sence of him in giveing order that hee should bee fully discharged soe yt now his Ldp is in entire Liberty What is the discourse of the Towne may now bee given as certaine yt his Matye had signed 2 warrts the one to the sherriffs of London for the beheading him ["mr Sydney"is inserted here] on Tower Hill to morrow & ye other to ye Leiut. of the Tower to deliver him up to ye sherriffs his Matye haveing been pleased to remitt the more severe part of his sentence and longer it could not well bee forborne since the time wch his Matye granted him for repentance was by the ffanaticks improved to arraigne the nations Justice they malitiously spreading abroad that his Matye had lately receaved a fuller acct of the Conspiracy where in hee was not satisfied at the unrighteousness of the Evidence the innocence of mr Sydney and upon that acct would not suffer him to dye but in convenient time grant him his pardon Could his Matyes mercy have been soe extended to ye stilling [?] soe manifest and notorious a Criminall this must certainly have diverted Those wicked spiritts have soe possest the weaker people wth such forgeries that nothing lesse then his bread could exercise them And that when Justice had pronounced his sentence they may bee said to call him out to Execution The Brussells lers dated the 7th speake of continuall Acts of hostility on both sides but that they are encouraged to defend their owne and that the Elector of Bavaria has already entered into Alliance with them and the King of Polland has by Lers signified hee will doe the same L. c. 1465 Whitehall 13 Decr 83 On the 7th mr Sydney paid his debt to the Law Hee went sturdily to the scaffold & there gave a seald paper to the sheriffe The sheriffe asked him wt hee would have done wth it Hee said that if hee did not like it hee should give it him againe Hee kneeld soe long as one might fancy hee said the Lds Prayer then arose pulld off his Coat and disposed it and haveing fixed his neck to the block bid the sheriffe see his office performed This is the length of wt hee said on ye scaffold The Executionr tooke off his head at one stroake One Edes an Apothecary at Redriffe formerly mentioned to have been taken into custody by a Messenger has been since comited by ye Ld Cheife Justice for High Treason On the 7th his Matye was assaulted by one Johnston in ye Parke who meeting him said hee had often sent to him but recd noe answere & soe challenged him Hee was seized and sent to ye Gaurds and is lookt on as Madman wch I mention to prevent ill reports On ye 7th mr Vice Chamberlaine by order from his Matye did forbid the Duke of Monmouth comeing any more to Court Upon his promotion of Dr Womack to the Bpprick of St Davids mr Godfrey King is made Archdeacon of Suffolk Last week was the day for Electing a new Mayor for the Towne & port of Sandwich when at the same time it was soe Ordered that a Quo Warranto was served on the Old Mayor most of ye Jurats &c The worthy men were soe surprised at it that they staggered in their resolutions and instead of the Old Mayor wch had served the turne for 3 yeares last past they made Choice of a worthy Loyall Gentleman Aldmn Mayor [?] Elwood for the yeare ensuing and wth their old Mayor they lost an old ill Custome of holding their election in St Clements Church wch upon yt occasion they had profaned wth sweareing and drinking to yt degree yt ye good Vicar unable to beare it besought his Grace of Canterbury for Redresse His Grace acquainted his Matye and his Matye by his Ler sent his Royall Comand under ye utmost severity of ye Law to prohibit it wch being timely published they made their Choise in the Towne hall and this I the rathur mencon that if any other bee oppressed wth such horrid profanations they may know where to finde releife On the 7th arrived at Plimouth ye Diamond one of his Matyes ships wch brought severall Passengers from Tangeire And from Marseilles dated Decr ye 6th they tell us of ye Swan another of his Matyes ffrigots arrived there wth severall ffamilies of yt place and Genova who reported that they thought by yt time the Towne might bee de[m]olished On the 10th Sr Samuell Bernardiston and Polatia Bernardiston his Cousin and 2 apprentices were seized by a Messenger (the 2 former in ye Exchange) for spreading most false and seditious News wtever else may bee laid to their Charge and proved agt them The old way of canting [?] is now come in fashion They say grace to a lye and though it is soe great that it would Choake another man when it is Carded wth some fetches from Scripture and served up wth 3 or 4 ejaculations the wide mouthed Greedy Brethern swallow it down Glibly and somewt of this method as I am Credibly informed our Knt used in one of his Papers where haveing given a Layer of ye one and a Layer of the other hee ends his Paper wth thanks to god who gave him Grace to stick to ye Old Cause in wch hee had been engaged from his youth & in wch God had soe long & soe wonderfully showed himselfe I thought this old Passe had been quiet [sic] lost and rotten but it seems shee has been Cherished in some such mens bosoms & now begins to Catterwaule againe With the spreaders of false News I may couple the seditious Libells against 3 of whome the Grand Jury of London have found the Bills vizt Ralphson as the Author of an Apology for Gods Worship and Worshipers Delawne for his Plea agt NonConformists and Langley Curtis for the Bloomsberry Ghost And whilest the Pen and the Presse are thus employed to give the Alarum noe doubt but other hands are ready for Armes whilest the Constable was searching for the Landlord of a Howse in London hee found 7 Scotchmen there the Constable caryed them to ye Ld Mayor who tendered them the Oath wch they refuseing hee sent them to the Compter and the next day sent for them againe and they againe refuseing hee sent them to Newgate On the 12th the Ld Mayor of Yorke appeared before the Councill to answere to some words wch hee had spoken at the Election of Sheriffes ye result was yt hee shoulde give security to answere wt shoulde bee obiected agt him by ye Attorney Genrll The same day his Maty signed the Bill for the Pardon of ye Ld Howard of Escrick wch is now passing the seales L. c. 1466 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 20th December 1683 Tis the Generall Enquiry of ye Towne since yt Mr Sidney spoake soe litle on ye scaffold what hee said in his paper wch whatever others may give out I can find to be noe more yn some sentimts he fancies [?] of hardships in ye pceedings agst him but one word whether Guilty or not Guilty so yt to doe ye dead noe wrong if he did not come upp to ye height of that wch some call Christian to make a full & satisfactory Confession he must be said to have dyed like a Gentleman in yt he would not Justifie himselfe in an ill action The Duke of Monmouth haveing now noe more access to Court tis said is retired to Moor Parke Twas well hoped yt when he had made an Ingenious Confession to his Matie of the whole Conspiracy and own'd his owne share therein, that his Matie upon his humble Submission, had not onely receiv'd him into his mercy but also into his favr soe yt noe thing would have been able ever after to have interrupted so happy a reconciliation, But now pe[r]sons of Discord sett their Mallice on worke, forged tyes to stain ye Conspiracy and made use of his name to give ym Authority Twas necessary now in Vendication of Truth, that what he had declared wth his Mouth he should Confirme wth his hand, which wn his Matie had required of him upon a refusall it could not be expected but his Matie should withdraw his favr and thus that for wch he was Commanded to depart ye Court John Richardson of Bristoll who stands Committed there for words upon his humble peticon and submission to his Matie on ye 14 in Councill was orderd to be dischargd giveing security for his Good behaviour for a year. Raphson, Delawne and Langley Courtis haveing been found by ye Grand Jury were Called to Tryall, but alledging that they had Witnesses to make use of who at present were in ye Country, They gain'd time till ye next sessions, but however Curtis has at prsent escaped, he must lye under ye Mellancholy Apprehension of his Condicon since one of his Hawkers (who are a sort of people that raced [?] about streets wth Pamphletts) who used to put off his trash, for fogeing [?] aboute ye Libell wch he stands indicted for ye Bloomsberry Night Walker or Ld Russell's Ghost was whip'd about Bloomsberry markett for itt wch is but a sadd forerunner of a heavier Judgmt The Scotchmen mention'd to have been Comitted by ye Ld Mayor were brought to ye Barr where the oaths of Allegiance and Suppreamacy were tendred to them, one who tooke them was acquitted uppon security of his behaviour till ye next quartr Sessions the others refuseing the oaths were recomitted to Newgate Upon the death of George Porter Esqr Thomas Killigrew Esqr the ffirst of the Reversioners is made Groome of his Maties bed Chamber and Capn Buckeley added to ye rest in reversion The Holland Letrs dat ye 20th say that Delft Scherdam [?] and Brill are gon over to Amsterdam in opposeing ye Levyes, that wch occasions such obstinacy in sure [?] advantage the ffrench embr has promissed to trade and not withdraweing ye ffrench forces from fflandrs was given out On ye 10th the Councill sett about private Causes and adjournd thiere further sitting till after twelfth tyde Mrs Petalia Bernardiston and 2 apprentices mentiond formerly to have been taken into Custody by a Messenger were after examination discharg'd and Sr Samuell upon his petition to his Matie was admitted to bayle he himselfe giveing a bond of 2000 L and foure suretys each a bond of a 1000 L to appeare first day of ye next tearme to Answere what shall be objected agst him by ye Attorney Genell one servt Sr Samuell had [word of about five letters illegible] upon ye apprehension of ye other, made his Escape and is sought after This proceeding has marvel'd the Fanaticks soe that now there is not such opening against the late Conspiracy, not but that they are still bigg with lye and tis pleasant to observe what paine and in what labour they sitt in and yett dare not deliver itt They keepp their Shams more wthin their teeth though yow may easily smell them in other savory expressions, I fancy ym to be like those who smother a fart, though yow cannott discover them by the lewd report, they raise such a stincke as would poison the Company [This note follows in another hand:] Sr I acknowledge the favr of 25th recd this is [?] for a quarter ended Octr 26 [?] L. c. 1467 [Handwriting changes here.] London 22d Decembr 1683 Yesterday being the feast of St Thomas the day for Annuall Choyce of Ward officers in each Precinct of the Citty Especially members of the Common Councill for the year Ensuing The Aldermen Appeared in their severall Ward motes, Elected deputies themselves and gave the Inhabitants the Liberty of Chooseing their subordinate officers but Chose not Common Councill men haveing noe Instructions from the King to Intermeddle with that affaire Don Pedro de Ronquille the Spanish Ambr since he acquainted the King with his Masters declaration of Warr Agt ffrance did this weeke in A memoriall Renew his Request of Assistance setting forth the miserable devastation & Cruelties done by the ffrench in fflanders & Van Zitters the Dutch Ambr has also been at Whitehall on that subject but tis said our Court has greater disposition to Accomodate differences then suffer those Countries to hazzard the Uncertain Events of Warr A Gentleman arrived from fflanders sayes that the ffrench neer Bruges made An Attempt over the Ice & did Considderable dammage & that the whole Country is in Allarme & will in probability be swallowed up if timely assistance Come not from the Allies Two Regements of ffoot permitted by his Matye to be raised for the service of the K: of Denmarke are in greate forwardnesse (some Companies being already Compleated) & will be transported to that Kingdome the ffirst of the spring Sr Wm Waller who went to Holland to seeke preferment is now by the Maiestrates of the Hans or ffree towne of Bremen in Germany Elected governr over their Militia & upon stipulated Conditions is in Actuall posession which will be worth above 1000 L p Ann to him Wee heare from Monmothshire that Sr Trevor Williams who the last Terme was Cast in 10000 L damages on a scandalum Magnatum by the Duke of Beaufort was Arrested upon An Action of debt Grounded upon the said Judgment & is in that Goale Tis said that Captain Arnold taken upon the like Account is Agreeing that affaire Langley Curtis Continues still in Newgate haveing An Action of 200 L layd on him at the suite of the King for breach of his Recognizance to be of the Good behaivor One Norise a Chirurgeon of this Citty Accused by Lee the dier as Concerned in the late Conspiracy & had before the Councill is after Examination left At liberty Againe The Countesse of Clare mother to the present Earle of Clare died last Thursday Evening Whereas there was a halfe moone Affixed in the spire of St Stephens steephull in Vienna in the seige of that Citty by Soliman the Magnificent to preserve it from the Battery of the Cannon, it is now by the Emperors order to be taken downe in defiance of the Turks & A Triumphant Piramid ordered to be Raised with A lattin Inscription giveing the severall heroes their due Applause & Concludes that they performed the Atcheivement of that Cittyes deliverance without the Assistance & Against the Councills of ffrance [Note in another hand on outside of letter:] 16 foote for Piers 120 foote of Paveing L. c. 1468 London 25th Decembr 1683 +Yesterday wee had letters from fflanders which give a lamentable Account of the barbarous proceedings of the ffrench in that Country dureing this ffrosty season That they are in full action with 3 Armies The first under Marshall de Crequi have layd seige to Luxemburgh on the 10/20 opened their Trenches & on the 17/27 planted A Battery & were playing Agt it with Cannon & 40 Mortarpeeces & hope to be masters of it in few dayes The beseiged sallyed out & had A sharpe Encounter wherein many were killed & wounded The 2d Army under Marshall Humieres passed the River Lise on the 20th Instant & marched for the Cannal of Ghent & Attacqued the 3 passages That of Marykirke the Hollanders guarded & vigourously Repulsed them but they forced the other 2 & broke Into the Country, Invaded the Bridg over the Canall & burnt above 30 villages & Exceeded the Turks & Tartars in all sorts of Cruelty & devastation & have done the like to the Canall of Bruges & made A miserable Country nothing but fires being Every where to be seen The 3d Army under Mounsr Montall fell Into Brabant & Intirely Ruined divers villages & seized upon some Castles Just now Arrived A Holland Post which sayes that In 6 houres the ffrench threw 500 Bombes Into Luxemburgh but the Inhabitants untileing their houses & unpaveing the streets they only Burnt 4 Cloysters & some houses That upon Arrivall of this newes the States Genll were in full Assembly from morning till night & Its Exspected they will Come to some sudden Resolution or be forced to see the best of fflanders lost & being since Reassembled Mounsr de Avaux the ffrench Ambr presented them A memoriall wherein he gives his masters Inclinations for peace & that to show his sincere Intentions he has Enlarged the time from the first till the last of January & to show his desire thereof will beseige noe Towne dureing that time & bidds them Improve the season allowed & that he has made this Rigorous proceeding Agt the Spaniards to shew them what to Exspect if they are obstinate Our German letters say that the K of Poland is still In Hungary & that Count Teckley was Retired to Waradin haveing sufficiently discovered the little Inclination he has to submit to the Emperor That severall Expresses had Passed betweeen him & the Grand Vizier who Assures him of A Powerful Assistance in the spring but that many of the Hungarians have deserted Teckley & obtained the Emperors Pardon That the Maiestrates of Cracovia had Resolved to build severall Triumphant Arches & make other Preparations for the Reception of their King in his Return from Hungary but Its Reported his Maty is Resolved to Passe the winter at Esperies that he may be neer his troops & have A quicker Eye on affaires on that side L. c. 1469 London 27th Decembr 1683 Our Holland letters say that all Satureday & Sunday last the States Generall were in full Assembly Abt the Memoriall delivered them by the ffrench Ambr made up of Wheadles threats & Accusements A Gentleman Arriveing from fflanders out of the ffrench Campe sayes that divers of the Court sparks were killed before Luxemburgh & that one Captain Rigby touching at Paris in his way for England Accompanied the E: of Northumberland to the ffrench Leagure & had his head shott off with A Cannon Bullett. The ffrench Army is Retired Againe to their Winter quarters The Dutch Major Genll was Killed neer Ghent Our letters from Vienna say that the Emperors Councill Considering the progresse of the ffrench drew up A project of peace to be sent to the Turks thereby to be at leasure to Assist the Spaniard but the Polish Ambassadr protesting Agt it the same was layd aside Old Dr Chamberlan is dead as also the Lady Inchequeen & they say her Lord is also dead in Ireland where the Ld Lanisbrough is also dead The E: of Burford son to Madam Gwin hath the small pox & some say is dead Prince George of Denmarke has by his Agents discharged most of the Prisoners in & Abt London whose debts did not Exceed 50 s Last Munday night 3 scotch Gentlemen Comeing late out of a Taverne without Newgate mett An Innocent Northerner going to his dwelling & upon little or noe provocation Run him through & he Instantly died They were seized & Comitted to the Compter but the Coroners Enquest finding it wilfull murther they are Transmitted to Newgate, A Captain of the queens Guards in the Strand mett with the like disaster & the person secured Letters from Tangier of the 4th Instant say that the E: of Dartmouth had nigh finished the demolishing of that Garrison most of the Inner part thereof being Intirely Burnt & blowne up save only the outmost wall least the Moores who are in A body of 6000 before it should breake in upon them before they had totally demolished the Mould wherein they had hear found A greate deale of dificulty to Effect Especially soe to performe it as to Render that Part to any other Nation that should Attempt to settle therein unnavigable & dangerous to their shipping, his Lordship Intends to depart thence Abt the middle of this month They write from Cadiz that 3000 of the Country Militia Attended on that Coast to secure that haven from any Attempt that they vainly conceived [?] the English might make upon them & that upon Advice of their Kings declaration of Warr Agt ffrance the Majestrates were Extreamly busy in seizing the ffrench effects but most of the ships in Harbour haveing some preknowledg thereof put to sea & Escaped His Matye is Gone to Windsor & is Exspected back on Satureday Some Report the D of Monmoth has been at Whitehall but others say he Continues at his Country seate L. c. 1470 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 27th Xbr 83 Lers from Cadize tell us yt on ye 28th of ye last a ffrigott arrived here from Tangire who sayd that noe thing was yett don more yn towards ye demolishing of ye moule wch in few days would be destroyd and yn the houses and Castle should be raysed The Lers from Madrid dated ye 9th say they were in some feare thier New Spaine ffleet might Come to some misfortune there being severall reports abroad yt it had been attacqued by Pyrates at Vera Cruse and yt some Considerable shipps were Carried away wch yett amount to noe more yn what we had lately a Publicke acct off in ye Gazett The Warr wth ffrance is Carryed on in great earnest a proclamation is sett fourth Comanding all souldiers of what degree soever to repaire to ye office of ye Comissary Genll in 8 days there to receive a supply to march to thier severall Ports and Imploymts for whither els they shall be Comanded anew there will be come [?] for ye exercise of ye ancient animosityes of Fuentarrabia & the Basque Frontier wch some say is begun already and yt ye ffort of Fuentarrabia has suncke a small ffrench ffriggott her setting [?] in the least negligent [about nine letters illegible] all is if for ye discovery of ffrench effects wch are said yey have don to yr advantage that they have already seized to ye valew of a million and a halfe of Dollars The ffrench are makeing new Levys and meditateing their advantages upon fflanders. The places they threaten most are Luxembourgh Bruges and Oudenard Count Teckleys last proposalls are rejected not onely as too unreasonable but yt ye Empr can give noe Creditt haveing at ye same time intercepted a leter of his to ye Grand Seignr wherein he Craves his ptection against ye Poles & pmittes to Continue in his service and makes noe doubt of recovering Hungary the next Spring The Sequestrations layd upon ye English Mertts at Lisbon as by Lers thence dat Novr 23rd are at lenght by sentence taken off and onely those who keep publicke houses and ye Master of ye Shipps have a small fine layd upon ym The Conans [?] and other Portugueses are come thither from Tangier being brought by Capn [last nine words appear in margin in a clearer hand] Wenn Comander of ye Centurion who landed there a week before who Expressed themselves highly sensible of his Maties [word missing] to them and was well Contented wth thier removeall. He went in Triumphant wth a Sallyman wch he had taken upon that Coast +Tis writt from Bremen that Sr Wm Waller is made Govr of that place upon his intent [?] of bringing severall familys to Comence [?] a trade in Woollen Manufactury [a?] project that gives full proofe of his profession and ye great zeale he has had for his Country. Lers from ffalmouth of ye 20th tell us of great stormes many shipps driven in and one much batterd but none lost The Spanish Privateers are already so bussy yt 2 ffrench shipps yn in port durst not stirr out One of those Privateers Came into Bowes [sic] road where he apply'd himselfe to ye masters of 2 ffrench shipps yn there pretending he had order (produceing ye ffrench Kings Pass) to Convey home such of his subjects he should meet wth and soe haveing decoy'd ym out seized ym as Prizes and Carried ym to Ostend Pray excuse the shortness of ye Lers these hollydayes L. c. 1471 [Handwriting changes here.] London 29th Decembr 1683 +A Parliament is now Credably discoursed of to be Convened in March: Great Aspiration is made to his Matye for a Pardon for the absent Ld Gray & some say they are Confident it will be Effected Its affirmed that the Orthodox Clergie of this Nation Intend at the Next Convocation to Passe a Canon for the granting A supply to his Matye of the 10ths of their Benefitts The D: of Monmoth Continues at his seate in Moore Parke & Remaines still in disfaivor his house in Hodge Lane is Refitting & that in So Ho: Square which was Building for his Grace is Returned to the Workemen the Duke looseing 500 L on that Condition The Thames begin to be frozen over to that degree that some Attempts have been made to ffoot it over, A Wherry with some Passengers upon urgent occasion Endeavouring to get over & Advanced to the middle meres [?] there by the fflakes of Ice that drove one upon another overwhelmed & lost The faimous Dr Goade who delivers his Matye A Monthly observation of the weather sayes that the ffrost will yet Continue A fortnight which is in Generall healthier then the Contrary as Appeares by this weeks bill of Mortallity haveing decreased 56 +mr Roger Le Estrange haveing Continued his almost dayly observatr for neer 12 Months A greate subscription is Carrying on by the Loyallists to make him a New yeares Guift of some thousands of Guyneys by way of Acknowledgment for his greate Paines This morning A fire happened in A Jewes house in St Mary Axe occasioned through A Merriment the night before upon the Circumsizeing of A Child which was Put out with the losse only of that and two Adjacent Buildings It was observeable that the same happened on the Jewes Sabeth yet they Put their helping hand thereto The Comptroller of the Temple Continues the Revelling & Intends on Tuesday next to have A splendid Entertainment haveing Invited his R: Highs Prince George &c His Matye haveing (by vertue of the late Judgment agt the Citty Charter) all the lands Liberties & ffranchises of the Citty seized Into his hands has been Graciously pleased to Re=deliver in a Comission the Lands unto the Court of Aldermen who are only mentioned therein as Concerned for the Citty who have set Let & Received & on the other hand have already paid Interest to the most necesitous Orphans & will so proceed as the said Rents & Profitts shall Come in being at prsent in Ground Rents Market houses & other Advantages above 12000 L p Ann & will every yeare Increase as their leases shall become voyde & ffines Received One Twist A Gentleman Abt towne was had before the Ld Cheife Justice for speakeing Reflecting words Agt the Goverment & is Comitted severall New Proposalls have been made to his Matye for ffarmeing the hearth money as also the Revenue of Ireland which will be Considdered soon after the holy dayes Dr Godolphin one of the ffellows of Eaton Colledg was this weeke made Prebend Residentary of St Paulls vacant by dr Turners being made Bishop of Rochester Tis said the K: of Spaine seemes now Inclined to hear to Termes of Peace finding his Allies unwilling to Joyne with him he being not sure of the Hollanders who are much divided Among themselves Wee have Arrived the Articles proffered to Count Teckley by the Emperor vizt That Teckley should be made Prince of Hungary That the Protestants should have ffree Exercize of their Religion & their Churches &c but Teckley would not Accept of them & is Retired to Greate Waradin They write from Ireland that they have had very stormy weather on that Coast & that many ships are lost L. c. 1472 London 1st January 1683 +The ffrosty season Continues that on the Thames some thousands of people walke in A Beaten Path from neer the Bridge though few Attempt to ffoot it Cross, being forewarned by the losse of divers ladds who Perished in that undertaking, severall Poor watermen have Erected on the Ice Booths & stalls in Nature of a faire where the people flock through the vanity to discourse in future of it This day A Chapter of the Knights of the Garter was held in Whitehall where Prince George was Elected & Introduced therein & Invested with the George & Garter & An Instalment is designed to be held on ffriday next at Windsor to present that promotion Last Sunday mr Montgomery Treasurer of the Middle Temple dureing the time of the Revelling went to Church in greate Pompe with his Trayne held up by A Page & the Minister prayed for him as A man of Austerity & Yesterday mr Worrell the Comptroller of the Inner Temple Attended with the Rest of the officers & Gent of that society went to Whitehall in greate state (his Matye sending 4 of his Coaches to bring them thither) where they prsented A Loyall Address wherein they promise to Maintain the Right of succession in the Lineall Course of descent & delivered their Abhorrance of all Phanaticall & Republican designes whatsoever who were Graciously Recd & Attended back with neer 20 of the Nobilities Coaches Yong Sr Robt Carr son to the late Chancellr of the dutchy is dead of the small pox & An Estate of 4000 L p Ann fell to A yong lady who tis said will Marry the Duke of Northumberland Severall Comissioners are Constituted in London in place of Comon Councill men by order of the Lieutenancy to Assess Trophy money &c They write from Chester That mr Williams Recorder of that Towne made A speech to that Corporation at A sessions Adviseing them not to part with their Charter & other Expressions therein which tis said have given offence Letters from Ireland say that A man of warr from Tangier was by stress of Weather forced to Put in there & Informes that the Ld Dartmouth was set sayle from thence with the Rest of the ffleet & had sunke the Greate Hulke with other vessells in that Harbour to Render it Unnavigable Wee have Advice from Madrid that the Spanish fleet Composed of 7 sayle was Arrived at Cadiz from Vera Cruce in New Spaine being the Port that was lately Plundered by the Buckaneers or Piratts & that the fleet is very rich Notwithstanding that loss & that the K of Spaine will Receive but little damage by that disaster most that was lost belonging to perticular persons +his Matye hath given the Place of Capt Rigby in the E of Cravens Regement who was lately slaine before Luxemburgh to one mr Brock +tis said the D: of Monmoth is Indisposed at Moore Parke & hath sent A letter to his Matye & another to Prince George to be delivered to his Matye but neither of them would be Accepted +Tis affirmed A ffrench man of warr hath mett one of his Matyes ships & boarded her &c and Complaint being made to the ffrench Ambr here he Replyes it is without his Masters Consent & Reparation shall be made to the full L. c. 1473 London 3d January 1683 Its discoursed wee shall have A Parliamt & that A proclamation will be Issued out & that the Clerke of the Crowne is Coppying out the writts Yesterday died the E of St Albans & this day the Ld Peters one of the Popish Lds in the Tower died This day Came out the Tryall of Coll Sidney The small Buildings Abt the Dukes Lodgings in Whitehall are pulling downe in order to his R: Highs Resideing Constantly there This night Came An order from the Ld Mayor to Every Alderman to take order that Every house be searched to see what strangers lodge there & to give Account of their Names +Wee have it Confirmed that 2 ffrench privateers meting one of his Matyes ships Capt Powell Comander demanded him to strike sayle & he Refuseing they powred out A Broade side Killed 4 of his men Then boarded her & Killed the Captain & Carryed her Into Callis The ffrench have Raised the seige of Luxemburgh & are gone Into their winter quarters Wee have some letters from Italy which say that the Governr of Milan hath beseiged Cassall with About 20000 men Our Holland letters of the 8th say that Abt the 15th Instant the Ministers of all the German princes were Exspected at the Hague & Among the Rest Prince Waldeck on the behalfe of the Emperor to Consider of the proposalls made by the ffrench K for A generall peace & to take such measures as shall be thought best for the Comon Cause The Burgomasters of Amsterdam being Apprehensive of being forced to Comply Abt the new Levyes shutt their gates 4 houres sooner then ordinary & open them 2 houres later in the morning They are busy in Repaireing their ffortifications & Cause the Ice to be broke Round the Citty Every morning They write that the D of Brandenburgh only waites for the Resolution of the States of Holland to joyne in the League with the Emperor &c for the security of the Empire They write from Germany that the Alliance between the Emperor & the 2 Czars of Muscovy is said to be Concluded & that the D of Bavaria will have 20000 men in the feild next Campaigne The K of Poland has sent to Acquaint those of Casham that in Case they make one dayes Resistance he will not (if he take the place) sparre the Child in the mothers belly but notwithstanding those threats they have Recd more ffresh Troops frtom Count Teckley The Emperor has Nominated An Ambr to treate with the Turkes Abt A peace There is greate want of men in the Emperors Hereditary Countries which Causes noe good opinion of the Next Campaigne L. c. 1474 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall Jan 3d 1683 At London wee have nott such bustle as in former years since his Majestey has eased [?] ym of a Comon Councell ye fudes & animosityes in makeing partys are laid aside & an honest man may eat his minst pye wth Content & nott be called to ye Pole from his Diner Ye Magistrates whome his Majesty appointed hould ye Rains steady without those assistants & if any pragmattical Brother finde himselfe agreived yt he is nott Raised halfe an inch high & put in a place whear he may vent his passion lett him thank ye ffaction for itt though when his Majesty made inquirey into ye abuser of Corporations & sumones ym to act he was pleased to accept of an early submission as an attonemt & nott only to pardon ym all their Misdeeds butt Confirme & even add to all their antient privelidgeis itt could nott be imageined yt they should have an equall share of ffavor who opposd themselves to his Quo Waranto & tugg'd & Wrastled wth his Majesty tell they ware quite out of breath & Judgemt had throwne ym on their backs One lately arived from ye Strates Reports yt ye buisness of Tangeir was over & yt some of his Majestys ships under ye Ld Dartmoth war att Gibralter butt we must have better athority before we can give full Creaditt to itt The hard weather has bound up all hands in Hungary soe yt we cannott expect any acct of Considerable actions though ever now & anon one place or other is surprizd & quarters beaten up att which exercize ye Turks are nott altogether idle & begin to make ye Poles much more uneasy yn they thought ye Emper[o]r in certain prospect of a war next year is very intent upon his preparations & takes great care in ffortefying & ffurnishing Viana as if itt were to bear ye Distress of another Seige Our accts from ye sessions abroad are nott soe full of Desenters as heartofore, ye Plague of Conventicles is Generally abated throughout ye Kingdome & though their are too many still infected & some Corporations nott free from ye Taint ye Disease is almost spent & neither soe desparate nor spreading. Att Yarmoth 12 persons indicted last sessions & now Traversing were upon Tryall upon ye act of 23d of Eliz: for 20 L a month for nott coming to church found Guilty some of whome submitted & promised to goe to church ye Rest ware fined 260 L among ym one of ym an Anabaptist Teacher being found among 5 indictmts. this course would quickly clear ye Kingdom of ye Distempr & surely ye Magestrates will nott be wanting in ye application & lett it grow to a head again when without a supine neglect they cannott butt make a thorough fare [?] [Thei]r has been a Discourse of some proposalls lately offered for ffarming ye Revinue of his Majestys Kingdom of Ireland wth offer of 10M L p An more yn hath hitherto been made of itt butt itt is already settled undr such an improveing Mannageary yt ye Lds Comrs of ye Treasury will take time to consider well of itt before any thoughts of Alteration The Common Please Bar being growne very thin their have been some Considerations of makeing more sarjants att Law & severall worthy Gentlemen proposed as Deserving ye Coife butt itt is beleived itt will nott be Determined soe soon butt yt itt may be Easter Tearme before any promotion The Pariss lettrs dated ye 5th Talke of a Blockade of Luxenburge since ye Bombarding did nott succede & yt in ye meane time ye Pillageing &c went on they are in some aprehension of a peace ye Empr may make with ye Turks & Comfort themselves with an expected Neuterallity from ye Hollanders, ye Queen of Portugall is Desparately ill & a ffrench phisitian is sent for to try whatt his skill may Doe On New Years day a Chaptr was Called att Whitehall whear Geo Prince of Denmark was elected one of ye Companions of ye most Honrbl order of ye Garter Jan 2d about noon Dyed ye Right Honrbl ye Earle of St Albans in his house att Pal mell being betwixt 82 & 83 years of age We have Recd Cadiz lettrs one ye 12 of ye last butt noe farther advice thence of Tangeir yn only telling us yt no ships had lately arived from thence & yt ye Demollishing of ye Mould proves a work of very great Diffeculty These lettrs tell us ye occation of ye Dispute betwixt ye Conception & ye Spanish man of war yt was blowne up & a ffrench man of war of Alicant ye Spand Demanding of him a salute & upon Refuseall sending him 3 shotts, att ye same time a ffrench man of war of 60 guns & 15 or 16 Marcht men being att Anchor in ye Road & seing ye passage were off without any ffarther Mischeife ye Spaniard being ignorant of whatt had past Recd order yn for seizure They speake of great stormes which had forced severall ffrench vessells into Cadiz who lay off yt port to anoye ye Embargo & many others a satia [?] with peeces of 8 Designed for ye Redemtion of Captives L. c. 1475 [Handwriting changes here.] London 5th Jan: 1683 +This day A Coach & 6 horses drove over the Thames for A Wager The Lords of the Treasury & Admiralty have been Consulted in order to Equipp forth A fleet in the spring One of the Goodenoughs desires to merritt his pardon by makeing Confession of what he knowes of the Plott His R: Highs hath been somewhat Indisposed but is Amended The order for takeing Account of the Lodgers Came on Thursday from Whitehall to the Ld Mayor forthwith to take Account of all the Inhabitants & their Inmates with their trades & occupations & to make Report thereof by Munday Our Citty trayned bands will be Suddenly layd downe Except on Sundays This weeke divers wealthy dissenting Cittizens were seized in a Conventicle though they mett with all the privacy Imaginable by haveing Ticketts & were Comitted to Newgate but are since bayled Tis said many dissenters will joyne in An Addresse to his Matye to desire A Mittigation of the Lawes now in force Agt them promiseing that if they may Enjoy the liberty of their way they will not Intermeddle with anything in the Goverment nor preach nor write or discourse anything that shall tend to the disquiett thereof Prince George haveing Recd the Honr of the Garter will be made An English Peer & Its Confidently said will be Made A privy Councillor & that the Lord Churchill will have the Honr of the Elephant Conferred on him which Prince George had before he had the Honr of the Garter being not much diferent from oures haveing A blew Ribbon A starr & An Elephant The Ld Arran from his Matye & mr ffinch from his R: Highs are sent to the ffrench K. to Complement him upon the birth of the D of Anjou Our Holland letters say that Amsterdam will not Agree to the new Levyes of 16000 whereby that state are Kept in dubious Circumstances by the ffrench Artifice whose Ambr omitts noe opportunity to Embrayce them & to Carry it on vissitting each perticular member at their dwelling & some Report that if money will be Received there is none of it wanting The same letters say that Admirall Van Trumpe is dead & Confirme that sr Wm Waller is made governr of Bremen & that A ffactory is Agreed to be Established in that Citty for English Cloth & Manufactures & that A Church be Allowed with A minister also of o[u]r Countrey +Just now An Expresse Come from Holland Adviseth that Amsterdam was in An Uproar being Incensed that the P. of Orange designes to Invade their hearthes [?] & therefore keep their Gates shutt Count Teckley will not Agree with the Emperor upon Assurance of A great summe of money which the ffrench Agent promiseth them upon which he hath wrote to 13 Hungarian Counties to Remaine faithfull to the Turks promiseing greate Assistance in the spring Some Report the d of Monmoth hath been sent for to Whitehall but others affirme that he is Gone for Holland L. c. 1476 8th January 1683 +The Canary ffleet & other shipps are arrived in the downes but Cannot Come up further for the Ice which obstructs trade Whole streets of Booths are built on the Thames & Thousands of people are Continually walkeing thereon On Sunday his Matyes to the Ld Bishop of London was read in all our Churches Importing that the sharpness of the Weather being severe to poor people his Matye out of his Compassionate Care Considdering the hardship they undergoe has given order to the Lds of the Treasury to pay out such summs of Money for their Relefe as shall be Convenient & desires this good Example may be followed by the Rest of his subjects & Collections to be made both that & the following Sunday in all the Churches in & About this Citty & the money to be distributed by the Churchwardens & overseers & other officers Its generally said the D of Monmoth was sent for to Whitehall but being Retired from Moore Parke Its not knowne where he at prsent is On Sunday & Monday Evening the Lds Misrule of the Temple Gathered the Rents of the Adjacent parts & tooke double of all the Tavernes & Alehouses & seized the goods of those who Refused to pay & one in the Bell yard standing upon his Guard with A Laden Musquett they broke his doores open & he endeavouring to fire upon them his Musquett only fflashed in the pan upon which they knocked him downe & finding the said Musquett Charged with A Brace of Bulletts They Carried him to the Temple put him all night in the stocke & the next morning pumped him On Sunday between 5 & 6 in the morning A ffire Broke forth in A Wooden Range of Buildings in Grayes Inn at the west End of the Chappell Court which looks backwards into the Walks being 3 whole staire Cases which in 3 houres were totally Consumed & the flaime stopped at the Range of New brick Buildings on Each side it began by the Neglegence of A servant The library of the said place was Consumed but most of the books saved & 3 persons who Came to assist were killed by the Timber The Garter of the E of St Albans (whose Corps for these 3 dayes layne in state in St James Square) will be Certainly bestowed on the D of Somerset & the E of Burford (Madam Gwyns son) will be made Duke of St Albans The D of Norfolke & Ld Arrundell of Terise both Continue very ill The Spanish Ambr hath put in A 3d Memoriall to his Matye to pray his Assistance declareing that his Masters allies are very backward since they doe not see England Effectually Concerne her selfe Our Holland letters say that nothing is as yet Concluded as to the New Levyes the states being desirous first to see whether An Accomodation Can be made & desire ffrance to give A further Prolongation of the time to know Spaines determinative Resolution & are in hopes of the greate meeting of the ministers of the Allies that the King of England in Cheife being Guarantee of the Peace of Nimeghen will with glory & Honr soe Compose affaires as may Terminate in A happy Conjunction +The Dutch East India Company are sending Comissioners to treate with ours to Compose the affaire of Bantam +4 Troops of dragoons who Come from Tangier are to be Added to those 4 here to Compleate the Regement L. c. 1477 London 10th Jan: 1683 The Ld Petre before his death sent his Matye A letter which follows +May it Please yo[u]r Matye./ I give myselfe the hope that yo[u]r Matye will pardon the presumption of A dyeing but dutifull subject in giveing you the trouble of this short Account & declaration of myselfe & in the first place I offer to god my hearty prayers for yo[u]r Matyes long life & happy Reigne with all the blessings of the world & Eternall happinese in the next I have been now above 5 yeares in prison & under A false Injurious Calumny of A Horrid plott & designe Agt yo[u]r Matyes person & Goverment & I am now by Gods providence Called Into Another world before I Could by publick tryall make my Innocency Appear & therefore Conceive it Necessary for mee as An Incumbent duty I owe to the Truth & my owne Innocency to make this Ensuing protestation to yo[u]r Matye & the whole world That whereas one Titus Oates hath Maliciously & falsely sworne that hee saw me Receive A Comission directed to mee from James Paulne [?] de Olive Constituting mee Lieutenant Genll of An Army which he pretended was to Come Into England I declare in the presence of the All seeing god before whose Tribunall I Am shortly to Appear That I never saw any such Comission directed to mee or any other person whatsoever & doe firmly beleive that there was never any such But of the folly aswell as the falsehood of that Information the sober part of mankind is I Conceive sufficiently Convinced & as for those Aspersions as the Ignorant aswell as the Malicious have throwne upon the Roman Catholick Church of which I am one & by the Grace of God doe dye A member as if murthering of Kings & takeing up of Armes Agt o[u]r soveraignes were A principle of that Religion I doe knowingly affirme That there is nothing with more horror detested by the Catholick Church & Christian doctrine as being Expressly Contrary to the Comand of o[u]r saviour & as such I Renounce & detest it as I doe all Plotts & Conspiracies Agt your sacred person, haveing thus briefly & with all sincerity of A dyeing man discharged my Conscience I shall as I began & with my last breath beg of god to protect & defend yo[u]r Maty from all your Enemies & to forgive those who by their Perjuries have Endeavoured to make mee Appear to be one who am Liveing & dyeing as in duty bound, yo[u]r Matyes most dutifull subject & most obedient servant William Petre On Thursday the Corps of the E of St Albans was Attended through the Citty with 56 Coaches & then Attended with some mourning Coaches to St Edmundbury to be Interred with his Ancestors This day A Chapter of the Garter was held in Whitehall where the D of Somerset was Elected & Invested with the George & Garter The Pattent for Creating the E of B[ur]ford D of St Albans is passing the seales & the Reversion of all the ground Rents which the deceased Earle leased of his Matye when he built the square is given to the duke & his heires The D: of Norfolke is despaired of by his Phisitians The list of all the Inhabitants in & Abt London is Returned & there are found the Names of above 100 dissenting ministers who Harboured in & Abt the Citty Yesterday the Ld Makeland of Scotland was seized by A Messenger & Carried to Whitehall The Councill of Scotland giveing Intimation that they had seized some letters between him & the E of Argile L. c. 1478 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall 10th Jany 83/4 The Lds Comrs of ye Treasy for ye better secureing of his Maties Revenue arriseing from his Customes have thought fitt yt an Inspection be made into ye severall offices of ye Ports & thier deportment to which purpose Sr Richard Temple one of ye Comrs of ye Customes wth Mr fford & Mr Lucas surveyers begin thier Circuite on Munday next into ye Westerne Coasts. The Scotch Prisoners who were taken here upon ye Acct of ye Conspiracy & sent into thier owne Countrey will suddenly be brought to Tryall there Casteen who was pursued by Proclamation is one of ym & haveing desir'd yt his wife might be admitted to see him in Presence of a Keeper itt was granted to him The Countess of Aequi [?] uppon some Lettrs taken wch gave ye Cause of Jealousy was examined whether she had received any Lettrs from her Ld relateing to ye Conspiracy wch she denied and noe farther proceeding was at yt time against her There has been a discovery among som [?] The Society of London arrived on ye 5th at Cowes from Cadiz in 22 dayes ye master reports yt at his Comeing thence ye Ld Darthmouth was still at Tangier haveing not fully demolished itt but would finish itt in a short time, ye buissiness yt detein'd him soe long being to Choake up ye Harbour with the ruines of ye Mole as to render itt wholy useless, and that in ye meane time a friendly Correspondence was prserved betwixt his Ldpp and ye Moors who lay ready wth a body of 5000 men to possess themselves of itt as soone as ye English should quitt itt and prevent any other from settg foot there And yett there are some who pretend on acct of ye arrivall of 4 ffrigotts under ye Ld Darthmouth wth soldrs at Kingsaile in Ireland wch if true must be forerunner of thier ffleet The Title of St Albans being become void by ye Death of ye late Earle a Patent is passing to create ye Earle of Burford Duke of St Albans ye Garter that became vacant to ye Duke of Sommersett The[y] write from Scotland of great news of a Conventicle discoverd lately not far from Glascow wch uppon ye first notice was order'd by ye Govermt to be suppressed twas thought they had throughly extirpated ye whole stock of ym but when a land is Generally overrunne wth such weeds though they roote upp all yt show the heads, some will still lye Concealed and in thier owne time shoot up here and there a patch and require a farther Care ere they be utterly destroyed +Enquirey has been made in sevll houses in and about London of Lodgers and Inmates wch whatevr Cause some may attribut it to is onely ye usuall effect of the Magistrates dilligence to discover Idle persons as oft as Roberys are soe frequent among us On ye 6th Ld Petre after a long & tedious sicknes dyed prisonr in the Tower The Duke of Norfolke has layd some time sicke and is soe ill that there is but litle hope of his recovery Tis writt from Dover that the Ostend Privateers have ben very busy aboute the ffrench Coasts and made prize of severall of thier Vessells pillaging ye small and takeing others wth them The Ld Mateland who Married ye Earle of arguiles Daughter is under the Custody of a Messenger tis said is uppon acct of letter said to be sent by the Earle of Arguile he hath been twice under Examination and is still in ye hands of a Messenger during his Maties pleasure It has been on ye slye Enquirey among some people whether ye Duke of Monmouth has been lately at Whitehall of which I can find noe other ground then what they might have taken for an Idle newspaper yt said that he was sent for to Court upon Saturday last which yett is soe farr from truth that I cannot find they know where he is L. c. 1479 [Handwriting changes here.] London 12th January 1683 +The Duke of Monmoth since his Retirement which Its generally said is Into Holland hath wrote his Matye A letter The Contents whereof is variously discoursed & some will have it That after his Grace gives Account of his dangerous passage narrowly Escapeing shipwrack sayes that he Intends to goe Into the Spanish Army, which letter was sent to his dutchesse The Councill at Whitehall have been Extraordinarily Assembled upon divers weighty affaires Especially Relateing to the Conduct (of his Matyes being Guarrantee of the peace of Nimeghen) at the Ensuing meeting of the Ambrs of the severall Allies to be held at the Hague which is put off to the End of the month & Its affirmed Instructions are drawing up for mr Chudleigh his Matyes Envoy in Holland Effectually to pursue that great worke in order to bring the differing Crownes to An Accomodation The states of Venice have sent 20 New Gallies to sea & are building more & dayly presse seamen to Arme them & the Rest of the fleet they Intend to put to sea this summer & are raiseing 10000 Landmen to put aboard them & have all the disposition possible to break with the Turks & are only retarded from ffinishing their League with the Emperor for fear the ffrench should give them disquiett on the other side which Could they be Assured of They have promised to give the Turke A great diversion & Endeavor the Retakeing of the Isle of Candia This day it was Reported by the Merchants on the Exchange That the Spanish Armada sayling for Cadiz mett with 2 ffrench men of warr & seized them both The Spanish Ambr oweing Considderable summs to divers persons many of them have been sent for to his Excellency & paid Yesterday the D: of Norfolke after A Languishing sickness departed this life his Honor & Estates fall to his son the Ld Howard of Arrundell Governor of Windsor Castle The Ld Mountague of Boughton is dead at his house in Northamptonshire Severall persons going over the Ice in the night from Westminster market were set upon & Robbed neer Lambeth & 2 Gentlemen quarrelling thereon fought A duell & one was dangerously wounded The Ld Bishop of London finding A scurrillous paper Entituled The Pacquett of Advice from Geneva to walke the streets weekly & searching after the Authr discovered him to be A Papist soe his Lordship had him secured & ordered it to be suppressed Yesterday Coll Oglethorpe by order of the Comissioners that Inspect the Accounts of the guards tooke A view of all that were that day on duty Comanding all those that were badly wounded or Equipped to be better furnished his Matye intending in A short time to goe to Newmarket & Exspects as Their pay is somewhat Advanced & punctually paid they should Appear in Compleate Habiliments L. c. 1480 London 15th January 1683 +Last Sunday 21 dissenters were seized at A Conventicle at one Mr Bretts A Linnen draper in Gracechurch street & had before my Ld Mayor Assisted by mr Recorder who made A strict Examination & found one mr Weekes Clerke of the Kitchin to her Matye to be one amonge them whome mr Recorder very severely Reprimanded & in Conclusion 19 of them were Comitted to Newgate for want of sureties But in the Evening they found bayle & were bound to Appear the next Sessions of peace which began yesterday In the Evening another Conventicle was disturbed in black ffryars & divers seized who were obliged to the like Appearance & all the proceed posible by Law will be had Against them Yesterday o[u]r sessions of peace began where mr Recorder gave A Learned & sharpe Charge to the jury That the practices which the dissenters Carryed on shewed them to have A hand in the Conspiracy & therefore Effectual Course ought to be taken to Crush unlawfull assemblies takeing notice how dangerous it might be to the Goverment to meet with Ticketts as some lately did by which meanes many thousands might be got togather & that they did it early in the morning &c There were divers dissenters tryed & all found guilty of A Ryott & fined some Ten Marks & others at the discretion of the Court Those 21 of which 19 sent to Newgate on Sunday had A Ryottous Bill found Agt them by the Grandjury & are to be tryed next Munday to which time the sessions is Adjourned divers who were taken at A Conventicle A month since are bound to Appear at the Kings Bench barr the first day of the Next Terme & Its said that though they be Convicted of A Ryott will be proceeded Agt also upon the Conventicle Act Last ffriday the Wind shifting Northerly wee had A kind Gentle Thaw which Continued till Sunday which Constrained all the Booths &c to be pulled downe from off the Ice in the Thames where Coaches drove to & Againe over the River & people Gave Considderably to Ride in them On Sunday morning Returning to Its Cold Corner wee had A ffrost which Rendred o[u]r streets Extreame slippery & yesterday the people Returned to their Sports on the Thames though severall paid their Lives for their Curiosity frequently dropping in, A woman fell in to the arme pitts behind A Watermans Hutt who makeing A sport of it Cryed out shee had Robbed his seller of Liquor Last weeke the Citty of Oxford agreed by the Majority of their Comon Councill to surrender their Charter & divers of their members to bring it to Whitehall Last Satureday Sr Hen Hibart & mr Wharton quarrelling in A Coffee house the former Recd 2 wounds which Its feared will prove mortall The Lds of the Admiralty & Comrs of the Navy have brought in Accounts of the stoores for shipping in order to Equip forth 20 men of warr in the spring which with those under the Ld Dartmouth will Compose 50 sayle This Evening one of the Conspirators surrendered himselfe & is now under Examination he is generally said to be Richd Goodenough, The Ld Maitland is still in Custody of A messenger L. c. 1481 [Handwriting changes here.] Whitehall Janry 17th 83/4 Severall Applications has been made to the Duke of Beaufort on behalfe of Mr arnold who lyes Prisonr for 10m L given agt him upon a Scandalum Magnatum offering all sort of Submission with wch his grace has been pvailed upon that he would forgive him ye whole upon his paying 1000 L towards ye building of Chelsea Colledge a condescension of a very great Mercy and wch ought to be acknowledged wth all thankfullness itt being not to be Imagined that when a man hath spitt out ye Venom of his Malice against a Peer of that high rancke he should Come off soe Easily as to lick himselfe whole wth his Tongue On ye 8th ye Charter of Sandwich and on ye 9th yt of Oxford was agreed to be surrender'd and the like we heare will be don by others who beginn to smell ye Tearme & find it safer to submitt yn to Contend at Law against ye Quo Warranto Among other prizes taken from the ffrench the Dover Letters of ye 8th tell us of one loaden wth Tobaco and Sugar from the West Indies wth 16 guns and 4 paderas [?] by small ostender But these are but light loses Compared to those ye Spaniards suffer by land They write from Bruges dated ye 16 yt ye ffrench doe every day burne 10 or 12 Townes and villages and that on ye 15 they were fireing places between Newport and Ostend whilst ye poore miserable Inhabitants fled and starved under ye rigor of ye Season they have not indeed layd Siedge to any place wch Monsr d'avaux promissed ye states they should not doe this moneth but they forbeare noe other act of hostillity and demand from ye Garrisons mony to redeem them selves from fire [?], particularly they sent to Bruges for 500m guilders for nonpaymt of wch they every houre expect ym wth thier bombs but that wch declares thier designe for other desolation is that they have sent order to ye Paisants to turn upp all thiere Corne grounds and they burne all ye plowes wherever they find ym On ye 11th dyed ye Duke of Norfolke whose body will be layd in state in ye house of ye Earle of Arundell eldest son and now heire to ye Estate & honr The Ld Montague of Bowden died last weeke at his house in Northamptonshire whose hiere and onely son is Mr Ralph Montague whoe maried the Countess of Northumbrland The Call of sergeants tis now agreed will be ye next Tearme ye writts being already prepared for 15 of whome Sr Thomas Jenner Recorder of London is to have ye first place as being to be made one of his Maties Sergeants at Law On ye 14th by agreement of ye Magistrates there was a Generall driving of ye Remainder of ye Conventicles in this Towne many of whom may be prosecuted at ye sessions to be holden this weeke itt being looked upon as an unparalelld Impudence whilst those of the Conspiracy were passing thier Tryall for men of such debauched principles to herd [?] when it is more yn probable yt of ye severall sects of Dessenters there are very few if any yt eithr were not, or had the Conspiracy mett wth success would not have engadged in the Rebellion The Pacquett of advice from Geneva (in imitation of yt from Room) discovering the rise and Growth of presbitarys after haveing been Carry'd on 6 weeks was thought fit by order to be layd downe The Ld Mateland upon his humble Peticon to his Matie was admitted to liberty giveing 500 L bayle. This sessions there were 19 who were picked upp last Sunday in Conventicles indicted in one bill and all found guilty that wch caused so strict an Enquiery and prosecution was that in ye Genll search made after Lodgers and Inmates for ye Discovery of Idle and desolate psons they found that there were above twice as many Nonconformist ministers as there were Parishes in London Wee begin already to talke of his Majestys goeing hence to divert himselfe and though there is not yett any day prefixed his Matie has been pleasd to declare yt he intends to goe to New Markett in March next and in April to Winchester They write from Paris dated Janry ye 19 that that Crowne was arming very Considerably at sea and thiere preparations did double those of ye last yeare They write it as certaine yt ye King of Poland was returned with his army into his owne Country very ill satisfied wth the Empers late proceedings as to his winter quarters and his offering to treat wth ye Turks underhand and Make ye Losse of ye Poles in their returne to have been much greater then we had itt affirming that the Lithu[a]nians who brought upp ye rere and had putt themselves out of order by lookeing after Pillage and plunder there were noe less than 1500 Killed besides a great Number that were taken prisoners L. c. 1482 [Handwriting changes here.] London 17th January 1683 The Report wee had of one of the Conspirators surrendring himselfe proves only that the wife of Richard Goodenough Attended the Councill with A letter from her husband wherein he desires A pardon & would make A discovery of the Plott but Its said unless he doe it Effectually it will not be granted The meeting house of one Reade A Nonconformist minister in St Giles is ordered to be built for A Chappell of Ease to that parish The Ld Keeper giveing Considderably towards it Last Tuesday the D of Yorke Came to the Royall Affrican Company in the Citty being Governor thereof where they elected Sr Dudley North deputy Governor and Alderman Lucy sub=Governor Sr Ben: Bathurst the precedeing deputy in a speech gave his R: Highs an Account that they had not lately made any devidend by reason they had Recd greate depredations on the Coast of Guyney by piratts to the vallue of 30 or 40000 L yet they Compute their stock more now then last year by 15000 L & had 22 ships at sea The product of which they hoped would Advance the Company much Their Auctions being at prsent 210 L p Cent His R Highs gave them all the Assurances posible of his protection & would Effectually take Care they should alwayes have A Convoy to Attend them The Ld Makeland is Bayled The Thames Continues soe hard ffrozen that people passe & Repasse & Its Covered with booths & all things sold there like A faire Letters from Lintz say that the Spanish Ambr declared to the Empr his Masters Reasons for the declaration of warr Agt ffrance who being Asked by the Emperor if they were in A Condition to defend themselves Replyed That they knew at Madrid that it was Imposible without the Assistance of England & Holland which did they not Concurr better then hitherto fflanders would be lost & his Master would have the Advantage by it to be ffreed from Excessive Expence in preserveing it & he in A better Condition to maintaine his other Countries & if he would sell it to the ffrench (for he did not know what might be done if Abandoned by his Allies) he was offered A larger Equivalent Elsewhere Upon which the Emperor the Popes Nuncio & the Venetian Ambr Concurred with his Resolutions the former declareing he would awaite the successe of the meeting at the Hague & if it did not end in A peace would Carry on the warr Agt the Turke without the Assistance of the forces of the Empire & Employ them to give ffrance A diversion Yesterday the Spanish Ambr weas sent for to Whitehall & was 2 houres in the Privy Councill Abt fflanders & A person of quality will be forthwith dispatched Into Holland to Assist mr Chudleigh at the meeting at the Hague +The D of Northumberland who went in the ffrench service is by Expresse ordered to Returne home Yesterday the sessions began at the old Bayly where mr Scarlet was found Guilty of Manslaughter for Killing mr Dickenson & An Appeale was Entred by mr Dickensons brother & allowed Yesterday A Caveat was Entred in the Prerogative Court Agt the Will of the late D: of Norfolke In Relation to the Bequeathing 2000 L p An to his Dutchess judging that if shee Cannot prove her marriage any other way then by the Church of Rome the Estate will fall to the brothers L. c. 1483 London 19th January 1683 +Our Sessions at the old Bayly ended on Wednesday where 4 Nonconformist preachers vizt mr Griffith mr Bampfeild mr Warner & another with 5 other said to be scotchmen were Convicted for a Premunire to be out of his Matyes Protection & to forfeitt all their lands & Estates & Imprisonment dureing his Matyes Pleasure Also 2 persons were ffined 100 Marks Each for publishing seditious books one the dissenters Plea & the other Abt the purity of Gods worship & to give security for their Good behavior & yesterday 8 Received sentence of death 3 to be transported &c mr scarlet & mr Johnson Convicted of Manslaughter desired benefitt of Clergie but Appeales of Murther being brought Agt them it was not allowed Sr Hen: Herbart who lately Recd A wound in A ffray with Sr Hen: Wharton is Reported to be dead His Matye Considdering the loss of his subjects by duelling has declared hee will hereafter pardon none on that account Tis said the D of Northumberland is sent for out of ffrance in order to A marriage to the daughter of the late Sr Robt Carr who has an Estate of 6 or 7000 L p Ann but Entangled with 40000 L debt but if his Maty give it to the duke the Estate will be Clear Its Affirmed that those Peers & Cittizens who formerly desired to ffarme his Matyes Revenue have Renewed their desires to ffarme it Conjunctly or Apart & tis said they offer for the whole 2 Millions p Ann & to Advance 500000 L & when any Emergency happens to lay downe Considderable summes at 6 L p Cent which Affaire some think will be brought to an Ishue The E: of Anglesea hath been Examined in Councill Abt the duke of Monmoth but tis said would not give direct Answers to the questions demanded of him Some here Report that this ffrost will hold till march & one hath undertaken for A wager to build A house 2 or 3 stories high on the Ice & lye A night in it & pull it downe againe himselfe before the ffrost be gone The New Sergeants who are next Terme Called to the barr Intend to passe in greate Splendor from the Temple to Westminster Hall on the Ice Sr Thomas Jenner o[u]r New Recorder is to be the first who will be one of his Matyes Councill at Law His Matye hath surceased his Charity to the poor & given in all above 2000 L his R Highs 500 L &c Coales are by the bushell A 4th part the price of meale for bread +Our letters yesterday from the Hague say that the states being made acquainted that some did Endeavor to Insinuate that the P: of Orange out of A sinister designe Aimed to Carry on the warr Contrary to the quiett of Europe but they being sencible of his Highs sincerity have ordered those that soe Report to be punished also that some published that the Emperor was underhand Treating A peace with the Turks without the privity or Consent of the K: of Poland since the said King had drawne his forces out of Hungary which mr Mole the Polish Agent at the hague Complained of to the states & shewed his last letters from Cracow which Imported that his Master had left one halfe of his Army in Hungary & Carryed the Rest with him to the ffrontiers of Poland intending to hold A diett on the 14th of ffebruary L. c. 1484 London 22d January 1683 This weeke the Earle of Anglesea Ld Privy seale was sumoned before his Matye In Councill where his Lordship was Charged with uttering divers Reflecting speeches in Reference to the lately Executed Coll Sidney where after divers Interrogatories & his Lordships Answers thereto he was dismissed without entring into any Recognizance The 12 Judges Assisted by the Ld Keeper have mett in A body & Consulted some greate point but its kept private but some will have it to Relate to the Triennial Act in Relation to A Parliamt Last Sunday A Conventicle was disturbed at Barking & Abt 14 of the Auditors seized & afterwards Comitted to Newgate Yesterday was an Adjourned sessions of the peace at Guildhall where 16 of those 19 seized at A Conventicle in Gracechurch street were found Guilty of A Ryott & ffined each 10 L & bound in A Recognizance of 100 L & 2 sureties each 50 L to be of good behaivor till the sessions after Michaelmas, some quakers & others found guilty of the like Crime Chose Rather to goe to Newgate then pay their ffines One mr Bradon A Barrister of the Law who was sometime since Comitted for pretending to make it Appear that the late E of Essex did not Cut his owne throate & was Admitted to bayle on 2000 L security had notice sent him yesterday by the Attorney Genll to prepare to take his tryall at the Kings bench barr on the 1st of ffebr Yesterday was A Chapter at Whitehall of the Knights of the Garter the soveraigne prsent where the D of St Albans was Invested with the George & Garter & will with the other Peers lately Advanced be suddenly installed at Windsor Sr Hen: Hubbart who was wounded in A ffray by mr Wharton is perfectly Recovered the said Gentleman behaived himselfe with much Gallantry for though he Recd A dangerous wound in his brest from mr Wharton & had him afterwards at his mercy he tooke not the Advantage +Yesterday severall of the Majestrates of Oxford surrendred that Cittyes Charter into the hands of the King Tis said his Matye hath ordered A Landskip to be drawne of the Thames as at prsent frozen over with the booths people & Coaches thereon, some watermen have moved for A faire there which for severall Reasons is denyed On Sunday wee had an Expresse of the P: of Oranges Arrivall haveing escaped greate danger of shipwrack on o[u]r Coast A greate flake of Ice lyeing over Agt deale 7 miles long & one mile broade. Its uncertain what he Comes Abt but most Conclude its in Relation to the dismall Condition of the Spanish netherlands by the ffrench & the sharpeness of the season thousands of them starveing & more would if they were not Cloathed & Releived by the dutch L. c. 1485 London 24th January 1683 +Yesterday being the first of the Terme the severall persons Called by writt to be sergeants Appeared in the Chancery Court & tooke the oath which the Law Requires upon any promotion & Intend to Come on Satureday in their Coifs & Robes greate preparation being made at sergeants Inn for An Entertainment Its observed that above halfe of them are Recorders of Cittyes or Corporations vizt Sr Tho: Jenner o[u]r Recorder Sr Paull Barrett Sr George Pudley mr Edwin Wyatt mr Henry Selby mr Heath mr Bircher mr ffarington mr Suttage mr Powell mr Stringer mr Windham mr Wyn mr Lehunt mr Jefferson &c The Ld Brandon Gerrard Major Wildman mr Hambden mr Trenchard & others bayled last Terme as Concerned in the late Conspiracy made their Appearances but wee hear nothing when they will be brought to tryall but that suppenas are left at the D: of Monmoths house for him to Appear at Westminster at their tryalls mr Scarlet who the last sessions was Convicted of Manslaughter for Killing mr Dickenson appeared & was Charged with an Appeale of Murther by mr dickensons brother & Recomitted Two Gentlemen of the Temple Concerned in the late Revelling vizt mr Richd Montgomery & mr donadad Richardson were Charged with 2 Informations for Ryottous behaiveing themselves in time of their Government & pleaded not Guilty. mr Johnson Author of the booke Called Julyan the Apostate & mr darby who printed the speech of the late Ld Russell appeared & are to Attend againe on ffriday to Receive judgment for the same Nine or 10 dissenters Appeareing in Court Especially mr King & diverse seized at A Conventicle where they mett with Ticketts were made to plead to Informations Exhibitted Agt them & will be tryed the sitting after the Terme Affidavit being made that Sr Samll Bernardiston who was bound to Appear the first day of the Terme was sick in his bed it was allowed but mr Attorney Acquainted his Councill there was an Information in Court Agt him & the Ld Cheife Justice said he might take A Coppie On Satureday next is ordered to be argued A greate pointe between his Matye & the East India Interlopers to be mannaged by mr Solicittor for his Matye & mr Polexfen for the Interlopers upon the head whether his Matye by his Prerogative Can grant Charters to some of his subjects Exclusive of the Rest to trade with Infidells upon which point much depends Yesterday was A Bull baited on the Thames & on it are many streets Erected with severall names & many sorts of Comodities & Coaches Ply as frequently as boates did before +noe fforeign post Can Come in wee have 5 behind from Holland & the like from ffrance, on the 12th Instant o[u]r Holland Pacquett went off from Harwich & staying 5 dayes in sight of Holland were forced to Returne back soe wee have 6 not gone L. c. 1486 [Handwriting changes here.] Janry 24th 83/4 His Matie wth regard to ye weather has given to the Parish of St Martin in ye field 200 L to Westmr a 100 L and sevll other summs to other parishes wch wth ye Collections that are made at the houses doe in a very great Measure defend the poorer sort from ye Injuries of soe hard and severe a winter +Yow have been lately acquainted yt wn Sr Samuell Barnardiston was taken for sending a seditious news leter one of his Servts made an escape at his apprehension and was sought after was one Oscland [?] who was taken on ye 17th at night being he that transcribed ye fictious news wch ye Knt writt and sent to Ipswich and other parts wn he found himselfe penched he squeaked Confessed and Cryed Peccare [?] ye originall itt seems was of the Knts owne handwriteing which to prvent dscovery was burnt as ye lewdest of wretches destroy thier owne Issue wm they know to be spurious and Illegittimate Zachary Ralphson & Delawne agst wm ye Grand Jury in a late sessions found 2 bills for seditious libells the fformer being Indicted for ye apology for gods Worshippe and Worshippers and the other for the Nonconformists Plea were both tryed this sessions and found Guilty Most of ye Nonconformists that were fined have payd thier mony and are discharged, there remaines in Newgate for nonpayment only some Quakers and others who have been Teachers and upon that acct lye under great fines There has been some alterations made in ye Sergeants at Law to be Called this Tearme Some have refused and others have been added, those who have refused are Sr Tho: ffarrar of ye Inner Temple Mr Tho: Powell and Mr Wm Rawlesson of Gray's Inne those who stand are 14 Sr Thomas Jenner Edward Wyatt Esqr [These names are bracketed and Edward Heath Esqr labeled "of ye Inr Temple."] Hen: Shelby Esqr Anthony Farrington Edward Birch Esqr [Names are bracketed and Sr George Pudley labeled "of ye Midle Temple."] Jno Wyndham Esqr [Names are bracketed and Hen: Beddingfield Esqr labeled "of Lincolns Inne."] Owen Wynn [?] Esqr Jno Norris Esqr Jno Millington Esqr Wm Lehunt Esqr Sr Edward Nevell [Names are bracketed and Edward Lutwich Esqr labeled "of Gray's Inne.] Jno Jeffryson Esqr Sr Paull Barrett +Mr Campden ye Ld Brandon Mr Booth Mr E Charlton Mr Trenchard Major Wildman and Mr Bradon &c: appeared ye first day of this Tearme at the Kings bench barr and thier severall appearences were recorded and thier recognizances Continued. Mr Hampden has notice upon tryall upon Fryday sennight and some time this Tearme tis said yt Mr Bradon Mr Speake and Sr Samuell Barnardiston and severall others will be brought to thier Tryalls Mr Johnson ye author of ye Julian ye appostate and mr Deerham from whom ye Ld Gray made his Escape and who pleaded last Tearme not Guilty to his Indictmt will have sentence passd upon ym on fryday next Capn Herbert who lately Comanded his Matie ffleet at the Streights as admirall haveing given many Signall proofs of his Courage and Conduct in the whole managery his Matie has been pleased in Consideration of his services to make him Rer Admirall of England +The Extreamity of the weather and failure of fforreigne posts occationed the shortness of ye Letter L. c. 1487 [Handwriting changes here.] London 26th January 1683 +A Motion being made by mr Attorney for tryall of mr Hambden for high Misdemeanors the Court Appointed the same on the 6th of ffebruary & that mr Bradons tryall in Reference to the E: of Essex be the day following & that also of mr Speake for words Agt the goverment Its affirmed that mr Atterbury the Messenger Carryed A Subpoena to Moor Parke to summon the D: of Monmoth to give his knowledg at mr Hambdens tryall but his grace was not there to be found This day A Habeas Corpus was granted to bring up the E: of danby Last Thursday A letter Came from mr secretary Jenkins to the Ld Mayor & by him delivered to the severall Aldermen & they Ishued out Precepts to their deputies to make A dilligent Re=search in all their precincts of the names & qualifications of all Lodgers & Inmates & if they find any Scotchmen to tender them the oaths of Alleigance & supremacy & in Case of Refusall to Transmitt them to the Councill & if they discover any Nonconformist preachers to prosecute them on the 5 mile act His Matye at the Request of the E: India Company has Appointed Esqr St John A Civillian Judge of his Admiralty Court to be Constituted at Bombay his Matye allowing him 200 L p Ann & the Company 400 L p Ann & he is now preparing for his voyage Complaints being made of divers persons who under pretence of deputations destroyed his Matyes game Abt this Citty, orders are sent to all the justices of the Adjacent Counties to seize such persons & send them to mr Chiffrige his Matyes Gamekeeper at Whitehall A ship Arrived from New England in the downes brings letters of the 26th octobr which give account That on the 24th at night A fire happened Amongst the Merchants Warehouses at Boston which in 5 houres Consumed neer A hundred with most of the goods to their greate loss That mr Randall who Carryed over the Quo Warranto Agt that government was Arrived & his Majestrates had Convened their Councill to Considder what proceed to make but Exspecting their 2 Agents from England Every day they will not Conclude anything before their Arrival Its Affirmed that one of Esqr Herberts family in Buckinghamshire did this ffrost shoot an Eagle preying upon A dove which is thought Rare in England Its published in Germany by Authority Earle suistick [?] that A Capuchin ffryar who Administered the sacrament to the K: of Poland before he Engaged battle with the Turks affirmes upon the word of A priest & faith of A Christian that he saw A white dove Hover over the Christian Army dureing the Conflict & that An Eagle proportioned her flight for 3 Leagues Right over the head of the King which noe doubt the papists believe to be true L. c. 1488 London 29th January 1683 +Yesterday morning one Captain Edwards of the Trayned bands Exercised his Company on the Ice of the Thames & Conducted them thereon from the 3 Cranes to the Temple stayres Our last Account from fforreign parts was by A gentleman from Hambrough who sayes that the Weather is faivourable with us to what it is there for that they Relieve their Centinells every houre & yet found 2 of their souldiers frozen stiffe Leaneing Agt the fortifications They tell us also of A ship in soe much distresse in the Ice that they Cast lotts which should be first sacrificed to Appease the others hunger & Its Certain that many ships will be in want as not being able to put into port & Its feared that Ld Dartmouths fleet from Tangier judged now to be not far from home will Receive much damage On Satureday one ffootman at St Jameses kild another & on Sunday An Irishman ran A Constable into the belly with his Rapier as he was Comeing to part A ffray On Sunday & Monday 2 Messengers & 4 Constables with A warrant from mr secretay Jenkins searched the houses of divers Gentlemen for some great person but would not discover his Name some suppose it the d: of M: Yesterday the E: of danby Came to the Kings bench by Habeas Corpus offering by his Councill to argue the point mr Attorney was asked whether he had the Kings Consent who Replyed that he should not oppose what the Court would adjudge The Ld Cheife Justice said in truth there was the liberty of the subject in dispute and also the power of A High Court and told my Lord he would Consult the Rest of the Judges by Satureday My Lord Replyed that he was to be determined by them & they had not yet heard his Case & therefore Could not Report it to the Rest of the Judges as it ought before they knew it, Then the Ld Cheife Justice granted it to be argued on Munday next & said he would act as his Conscience and the Law directed him In the afternoon mr Caldron steward to the Earle of Clare was brought to tryall on An Information for words Agt the goverment where 2 witnesses deposed That he should speake in praise of Olivers goverment That wee should not be well till the same were effected That whoever should kill the King would doe A good worke & that if mr Papillion & mr dubois had been sheriffs the thing might have been d[on]e The Ld Cheife Justice asked if mr Chaldron was in Court which he was who thereupon ordered the Tipstaff to take him giveing his judgment that the words were High Treason and thereupon withdrew the Information of misdemeanor & Comitted him to be tryed for his life +One Samll Barber Comitted to Newgate for publishing A most seditious booke Agt the goverment was found Guilty L. c. 1489 London 31st January 1683 +Yesterday being the 30th Instant it was most Religiously observed both seasons of the day in all our parish Churches dr Maggot preaching before his Matye in Whitehall, mr Pelling to the Judges in Westminster Abbey & dr Lake to the Ld Mayor & Aldermen in Bow Church The Judges mett in Westminster hall before they went to the Abbey where the Attorney Genll made A motion for A Special outlawry to seize the Estates goods & Chattells of the Ld Grey Sr Tho: Armstrong &c which was granted as being outlawed for Treason This day the 16 new sergeants mett in their Inns of Court & as by Custome had 5 L in A purse delivered them togather with A Speech Those of Graies Inn were told that their happiness was that noe Protestant dissenting Bretheren were amonge them Those of the Temple were told that Learning procured Riches but only Loyalty honor After which haveing their Coifs & Gownes put on them at sergeants Inn they marched along the streets to Westminster preceded by above 100 persons in party Coloured Coates & the students of their society, when they Came to Westminster all the Judges descended into the Common Pleas Court where they heard each sergeant Court and plead in ffrench & then Each delivered the Judges & other sergeants A gold Ringe with the motto a deo Rex a Rege Lex after which was A Splendid Entertainment This weeke one mr Parr A Considderable Attorney of ffurnivalls Inn Cut his owne Throate & is since dead Yesterday one Venables notorious for vending of Counterfet plate at Tunbridg wells &c stood his 2d time in the pillory mr Mountague who was the last sessions Convicted of Murther has obtained his Matyes most gracious pardon which is now under the seales This morning a fire happened in A flax shop on London Bridge but was put out with the destruction of only that house The necesitous Watermen Claime A prerogative above others to Erect their booths on the Thames but many tradesmen take the liberty to build them stalls where the streets are more Crouded then Bartholmew faire & the Roades as passable for Carts & Coaches as the firme land but mr Water bayliffe Exacts of them Toll & Ice Rent & forced them to pay but the Watermen opposed it as being free of the River saying though they Could not Row thereon they might build or Ride thereon & Its Adjudged for them One Coll Vernon was on the Ice Ran through the belly with A Rapier by A Brigadier of the Kings Guards but is in A way of Recovery +Wee are told from Guildford in Surrey That A postboy was brought to the stage between 2 Mayles ffrozen to death There are 15 Irish Mayles behind L. c. 1490 [Handwriting changes here.] White hall Jan 31 83/4 Severall Complaints having been lately made to his Matie in Councill of the [mis]chiefs arising by a sorte of people wandr[ing] about the Countries as Pedlers petty Chapmen and Scotch Cloath men &c who not only take away from the trade of shopkeepers but under that prtence may be imployd as fitt instruments to Convey and Carry about private Correspondances to the disturbance of ye peace of the Kingdome his Matye has been pleased to order that the Atturney Genll Consider of a way to suppresse them of which he made a report on the 25 when itt was ordered that the severall judges should be informed that itt was his Matie [about half a line illegible] they give itt in their Charge that in [?] that 39 Eliz[abe]th be putt in execution agt thirday [?] beggers by wch such persons the Scotch as well as english are punishable Upon enquirey after depositing the dead bodys in Charnall houses I can finde noe more then this that one or two being brought before the graves were quite ready they were sett by in such places till they were digged deeper wch takes up more than ordinary time as being wrought a great part wth a Chizell and not wthout a great deale of Labour and difficulty Butt though the weather be so overcomely [?] riggorous Clearly God be praised is not so Could as to suffer the more indigent to encrease the bills of mortality and though the last weeks bill had one in itt starved itt is to be admired that there were not more in so great and populous a Citty when the like acct has been found in a mild and moderate season The last weeke a conventicle was discovered on a week day where every one Carried a tickett for his admittance these are of the highest forme of desenters people of more substance than the ordinary sorte and are to be proceeded against as Rioters and may by that way be condemned in a great fine Sr Samuell Barnardiston having by his Councill pleaded his sicknesse has by that means gained farther time and prhapps will not come to tryall till next tearme The Sergants have proposed if they can gaine habitts enough to goe in their formalities to Westminster on thursday next The Earle of Danby having moved by Councill on the 26 for an habeas Corpus was on the 28 brought to the Kings bench bar where being heard the Court acquainted him yt they would consult all their Bretheren to see what might be done in his case the result of which they would declare to him in the meanetime he was remanded to the tower The same day one Packer [?] was tryed for high treason as having dispersed a treasonable booke and was found guilty there was likewise tryed for high misdemeanor one Cauldron steward to the Earle of Clare butt when the witnesses were giving evidence they proved [?] matter of a far more hainous nature upon which the Court putt a stop to the tryall discharged the Jurey and ordered a bill of indictmt to be drawne upp agt him for high treason The tryall of Mr Hampden is not till next monday his Matie has by a messenger sent a subpoena to the Duke of Munmouth to summon him to ye tryall the messenger could not speake wth him and so left itt wth the steward at More parke The Earle of danby is by rule of the Kings bench order'd to come thither againe on munday next to receive the opinion of ye Court whither they can admitt him his liberty upon Baile The Earle of Chesterfield having resigned his Command of ye Cornll of ye dutch or holland regimt his Matie has been pleased to restore itt to the Earle of Muggrave who some time was Conll of itt wee doe with great impatience expect an acct of ye fleet under ye Comand of the Ld Dartmouth and wt has been don att tangier wch yet wee are in hopes to receive as soone as the weather will prmitt for that the Marchants tell us that they have advice of a fleet wch they Endee [?] to be itt on the streights near [?] Sicily +tis noe wounder that wth the stopp of ships there is a stop of paymt of customes but there use to be some time a coming [?] such an acct as that in ye last week was never known of the duties where the receiver genll brought in nihil +this day the sergants att law went in ther formalities to Westmr and according to the Custome counted [?] at ye Comon Pleas bar a warme [?] purse [illegible six-letter word] the dyers Cutts [?] and made the watermen performe the things wch they thought to be impossible they went by land and not the way that some say by the thames that it [?] was so far spent wth respect to the Sergants that nothing in any court passed observable The hardness of the weather continues and yet this may be truly said that the peoples imitation of the two great examples of his Matie & royall highness continue their Charaty to that degree that the porer sorte suffer less in this extreamity than in mild winter L. c. 1491 [Handwriting changes here.] London 2d ffebruary 1683 +Nothwithstanding the tyde its now in most places frozen Cross below the Bridge & people begin to erect Booths adjacent to the Tower Wharfe & ffoot it over in like manner as above But A Gentleman yesterday adventureing too neer the starlings dropt into the water but his stick lyeing across 2 flakes of Ice Happily bore him up whilst divers over Planks with A Hooke fastned in his Cloaths drew him out This day an Oxe was Rosted on the Ice & A ffox trayled & Hunted by the Ld Mayors Beagles A Charriott was this day brought on the Ice which moved backwards & forwards without horses through the device of the turning of A Spindle within A gentleman of Cliffords Inn haveing the Curiosity to Experiment the Rideing in all the Chariotts on the Ice was in one of them overturned & broke his Collar bone which Its beleived will Cost him his life The ship formerly mentioned to be surrounded among the Ice in the downes still Continues without any succour & Its feared that her men are perished none of them for 3 dayes being perceived on the deck Its beleived the Ld Dartmouths fleet have put into Ireland The passengers at dover designed for ffrrance & those at Harwich for Holland are all Returned back there being noe possibility to get over yet A person at dover haveing Extraordinary occasions has agreed with 4 seamen to Adventure with A small open boate by Rowing where they find water & then draw it over the Ice but Its thought A Rash attempt & 100 to one if they doe not miscarry Yesterday mr darby the Printer of Ld Russells Speech was fined 20 Marks & to give 12 months security for the good behaivor which he presently did mr Johnson who wrote Julyan the Apostate also appeared & moved an Arrest of Judgment which was ordered to be argued on Munday next A motion was made that the late Revellers of the Temple might Attend the Court in order to be Charged with actions by those whome they affronted but the Court did not grant the motion One mr Charles Phillips of Kingston upon Thames moved Agt the Bayliffs of that Corporation for illegally seizing his goods by vertue of the Towne Attachment which being Considdered of by the Court they ordered them to stand Comitted to the Kings Bench & that mr Attorney Genll be desired to bring A quo Warranto Agt them This day was A greate Entertainment in the Temple where the judges New serjeants & many of the Nobility were prsent The Templers have at 2 Collections given neer 100 L to the Releife of the poor prisoners of the Kings bench The Ld Thanet is dangerously ill & many other greate personages L. c. 1492 London 5th ffebruary 1683 +Yesterday the E: of danby was brought to the Kings bench where many of the Nobility attended to offer themselves to be his bayle if occasion were his Councill were mr Wallop mr Polixfen & mr Holt who severally argued his Case Reviveing divers Cases how that Court in the Intervalls of Parliamt had proceeded upon Impeachments, They quote the Case of ffitzharris, also that the Ld Cheife Justice Hales had by Certiorari Removed an Appeale out of Parliamt & given judgment thereon. That some of the late Regicides being Attainted & Condemned in Parliamt the Kings bench in A Recesse had awarded Execution That not to set some bounds to his Lordships Imprisonment would make it Indefinite & be A failure of justice & offered something whether the Triennial Act to Call A Parliamt were obligation or not, That his Lordship had his Matyes Pardon which was Read in Court very Comprehensive of pardoning all Crimes Save Murther, which Arguments being handled by the Court his Lordship offered something himselfe strenuously desireing to be bayled mr Justice Walcott first delivered his opinion that the same being before argued in that Court & adjudged in the Negative he thought his Lordship would not take it amisse if he Considdered of it till next Tearme of the like opinion was mr Justice Holloway mr Justice Withens obliquely gave sentiment for the bayleing him But the Ld Chi Justice spoke fully his mind & Conscience that he ought & was of a Clear opinion to grant him bayle saying ffiat justicia velerunt [?] Coelum & delivered himselfe very full in Court The E: of danby mightily urged to have their opinions this Terme saying that though the Vacation was short yet An Alteration might be amonge the Judges as he has found often to his detriment The Ld Ch: Justice then told him that he might move the last of the Terme & that if his Brothers had Considdered his Case they would order him to be brought up againe This day Justice Stokes of Wiltshire was tryed by Information for seizing the Goods of divers Clippers before Conviction which Continued so long that the jury gave in A private Verdict & Its beleived for the King The watermen on the Ice prsented the Court of Aldermen with A petition agt the plying of Coaches thereon but yesterday we had A Welcome Thaw which has forced the Booths to be Removed & put an End to the aforesaid Controversy Yesterday we had 9 Irish Males by them we have An account of A lamentable accedent in the County of Antrim where 120 persons sporting upon the Ice with Musick &c were all drowned many of them persons of quality their wives & daughters Some dayes since A vessell ffreighted with wine & Brandy lyeing in Barking Creeke the seamen went Ashoar & left A Customhouse officer aboard who makeing too greate A fire set the ship in A flame which was Imediately Consumed Yesterday the dukes Guards mustered in St James Parke his R. Highs being prsent to see them in all their Accouterments L. c. 1493 London 7th ffebruary 1683 +The Wiltshire jury on Tuesday gave A private verdict & yesterday delivered their verdict in Court & found Justice Stoakes not Guilty Yesterday was the Tryall of mr Hambden for High Misdemeanor. mr Attorney Genll told the Court & jury whereof Sr Tho: Gerard was foreman That he was Indicted for Conspireing to Raise An Insurrection in this Kingdome & for sending to Scotland for Aide in order to which the d: of Mon: E: of Essex, Ld Russell Ld Howard mr Sidney & the prisoner mett at his house as A Councill of 6 & sent Aaron Smith into Scotland after which divers Scotch Gentlemen Came to London But after the breakeing out of the Plott Endeavoured to make their Escape The d of M: was first Called for witnesse but absent but mr Atterbury the messenger made Affidavitt of his leaveing supoenas at his severall houses The Ld Howard the only witnesse delivered his Evidence much as at mr Sidneys tryall After which the severall witnesses for the prisoner were Called vizt The E of Anglesea E of Clare Ld Pagett dr Burnet mr Howard &c The first was absent as being sick his depositions were desired to be Read but not granted. The Rest spoke to Invalidate the Testimony of the Ld Howard as at former Tryalls The jury withdrew & in A short time brought him in Guilty This day was the Tryall of mr Braydon & mr Speake by Information for Endeavouring to subborne witnesses to make it beleived that the E: of Essex was murthered which was of greate Lengh hardly posible to be Compozed [?] The Witnesses were one mr Brownes Boy A Customhouse officer who being in the Tower declared when at home he saw A bloody Razor flunge out of the Window & set his hand to A paper of the Contents But Againe denyed it The ffather Mother & sister of the said boy declared that Braydon Came to them Abt it Then A girle declared almost the same Abt the Razour Sr Hen: Capell witnessed that mr Braydon brought him the paper of the boy who Advised him to goe to the Secretary of State which Braydon did & it was Examined before the Councill where the boy denyed it Then A letter was Read of mr Speakes directed to Sr Robt Atkins Relateing to that Affaire full of Invectives Some persons out of the Country pretended to have heard the Report that he was murthered before that day which was Conceived Inconsistent The son of dr Hawkins being with the boy at that season said he saw noe such thing Then the Gent of the late E of Essex declared the manner of his Lordships Calling for A penknife which not Comeing he desired A Rasor The Warders &c declared how they found his Lordship with his throate Cut That there was noe window to fling out such A Rasor that Could be seen In fine the Ld Ch: Justice Agravated the offense as malicious Agt the goverment directing the jury very fully in the point Agt them whereof Sr Hugh Middleton was foreman who withdrew & brought in A private verdict Its beleived for the King The Ld Lumley is ordered to Remove his Lodgings out of Whitehall & is prepareing soe to doe the Reason is not fully said Its said that assoon as A dispatch Can be sent orders will goe to the Ld dartmouth to Continue at or Abt Cadiz till A supply of provision Can be sent 9 [5?] ships being ordered for that purpose & that none of the souldiers are to Come away but put aboard other ships that are prepareing to joyne, Sr Thomas Midleton of Wales is dead his Matye hath ordered the ffoot souldiers to be paid all their Arriers L. c. 1494 [Handwriting changes here.] White hall Feb 7th 83/4 They give us from Chatam an acct of the condition of the shipps stores in this hard season many of them they say having for some weeks been so frozen up that they wind neither up nor downe by fludd or ebb & where the river is not quite frozen up but that the broken ice is driven by the tide in such great flakes itt some times putts the ships either on drift cutts their cables or makes them dragg their anchors after ym On the first Judgment was to have been passed upon Mr Johnson the author of Julian the apostate butt his councill alledging error putt a delay to itt Darby for printing the Ld Russells speech submitted and so got of with a fine of 20 markes On the 2d there was the boldest attempt that yet has been made upon the Theame[s] an ox rosted there and having told you that I need not trouble you with their bull baitings and lesser froliques His Maties messenger having not been able to gaine speech wth the duke of munmouth besides the legall notis left att More Parke has don ye same att ye cock pitt and att Mrs Roos [?] house where he useth to resort To this I may add the sentence given att the qutr sessions at Northampton upon the prsentment of the grand Jurey of the post script of a booke entitled an Argumt for the Bus [?] right in Judging capitall cases in Parlmt by Tho: Hunt Esqr itt was prsented as treasonable and and condemned to be burnt by the hands of the hangman His Matie still to preserve the poorer people whilst the Charaty of the Inhabitants by so long a continuance may be exhausted has been pleased to send to the neighbouring bishops to order the Clergy to stir up the people in the severall parishes to a liberall contribucon for relief of the numerous poore within the lines of Comunicacon The Ld Major of London by order from his Matie has sent his prescript to the severall parishes to raise a six mounth rate to supply the necessities of the poore which is now collecting though god be praised there has since begun a Kinde and gentle thaw which still continues and may add much to their relief On the 4th the Earle of Danby was according to rule of Court brought from the tower to the Kings bench barr where Mr Wallop Mr Holt and Mr Pollexfen argued the hardness of the case and gave their reasons why he should be admitted to baile his Lordship himselfe also offering severall things on his owne behalf desiring the Judgmt of the Court sr Thos walliot speaking first as being youngest Judg of the Court said that till now he was wholly stranger to the Case which being of very great importance required time till next tearme to consider and weigh itt before he gave his opinion of itt Mr Justice Galloway for the same reason desired time Mr Justice Withings declared that he was ready to give his opinion butt his breatheren having not given theirs differd itt The Ld Cheif Justice declared freely that to what he had hitherto heard he was of the opinion he ought to be bailed reserving his diffinitive sentence the Earle of Danby pressing farther that there might be no delay of justice the result was that his Councill should moove for another habeas Corpus that he might be brought againe if possible before the end of ye tearme On the 5th [?] Coll Stoakes had his tryall upon an information exhibited agst him for misdemeanor seasing the goods of Persons accused for Cliping before examination the Case held long so wee are to expect the verdict to morrow On the 6 the Jurey gave in their verdict att the Kings bench barr upon the information against Coll Stoakes The Case made a great noise in the hall the last tearme and this butt after a full hearing he was found not guilty This week has brought in eleven Irish mailes but I doe not finde what we expected Some gave abroad an acct of the fleet under the Ld Dartmouth upon those Costes On the 6 Mr Hampden was brought upon his tryall att the Kings bench bar for high Misdemeanor after his Charge was worded [?] and the Case held open The witnesses were caled and amongst the Rest the Duke of Munmouth butt he apeared not the Messenger was caled who deposed that he was at More Parke and left notice with his steward and att the Cockpitt and att Mrs Roos and that he was told that the Duke should be acquainted with itt so that all was done on his Maties last [?] to have the matter fairely and truly laid open This non apearance of the Duke in a case where in he might more certainly have given the greatest satisfaction has given occation for severall discourses though those who could moste excuse itt cannot butt confess that could the Duke have cleared him there had been no scruple of honour or Conscience that could have detained him from Justifieing the Innocent butt how soever there was evedence enough to make that fully out which was now laid to his charge guilty of high misdemeanor Whilst the Jury went out Mr Hampden who could Judg the verdict by the proofs withdrew The same day the Earle of Danby mooved for an habeas Corpus The Court granted that he might appear the last day of ye tearme to receive yr diffinitive resolution On the 7th Mr Bradon & Mr Speake were tried for high misdemeanor endeavouring to make itt believed that the Earle of Essex was murthered in the tower and were both found guilty L. c. 1495 [Handwriting changes here.] London 9th ffebruary 1683 +Yesterday A motion was made in the Kings Bench Court for A Habeas Corpus for the Ld Bellasis & also for the Ld Arrundell & Ld Powis but the Ld Cheife Justice not being in Court the other Judges said the Terme was now almost Spent & much buisness to doe & therefore if they had it granted it must be Returneable next Terme The Jury gave their verdict in open Court & found mr Bradon Guilty of the Information & mr Speake also Guilty but not of subborning false witnesse This day A Habeas Corpus was granted for the Ld Bellasis & also for the Ld Arrundell & Ld Powis & they are to Come up on Munday +On Thursday night wee had 4 Holland posts who Advise that the Citty of Amsterdam persist in their Resolutions not to Consent to the Raiseing of the new Leavies but the states Genll have Resolved to Raise 4500 horse 1500 dragoons & 10000 foot & if the affaires of fflanders Require it to Add to each troope 22 men & to Each Company of ffoot 16 men but the deputies of Amsterdam protested Agt it as Contrary to their priveledges but the states alledg A president vizt when the states Genll tooke Resolution to succour Coppenhagen when beseiged by the King of Sweden The ffrench by the faivor of the Ice have burnt severall places about Ostend & Newport & made Considderable booties but in their Returne they were defeated by A party of Spaniards & their booty taken from them They have sumoned the Citty of Mons 4 severall times & Its beleived they will Actually beseige it but the governor hath sent them word that upon their throwing the first Bombe into the Towne he will hang up all the ffrench he hath in his Custody The Spaniards being in Motion in Cattalonia The ffrench King hath ordered his Intendants there to prepare Magazeens for 30000 men & in the meane time the Marshall Bellefonds is to march thither with 10000 men There is A new League Concluded between ffrance Brandenburgh & Cologne +The Cossacks have made an Irruption into Vallachia & Cut in peeces above 100000 people of all Ages & sexes & Totally defeated an Army of 30000 Turks & Tartars Among which were 3 of their principall Generalls one of which was Generall of the horse who offered 100000 Crownes for his Ransome but the Cossacks not Agreeing how to divide it Cut him in peeces they have taken Tokin & other Considderable places Tis said the Turks will Reinforce their Army in Hungary with 13000 ffresh men +On the 27th decembr the Queen of Portugall died Aged 38 +On the 13th January the duke of Venice died Aged 83 yeares & in the 8th year of his promotion L. c. 1496 London 12th ffebr 1683 +Yesterday at the Kings Bench barr mr Johnson Author of Julyan the Apostate had his Case smartly Argued for Arrest of Judgment which being overruled he was ffined 500 Marks & to give security for 12 months good behaivor The Attorney Genll Acquainted the Court that severall dissenters vizt mr Keys mr Godfrey mr Bird &c Agt whome the Information was prsented had submitted themselves & promised to desist soe were discharged upon Giveing A bond of 100 L Each not to offend in the like This day being the last of the Terme the E of danby with the 3 Popish Lds in the Tower & also the E: of Tyrone in the Gatehouse were brought into the Kings bench where the Judges delivered their opinions in A Concurrant Resolution to grant them bayle forasmuch as the Act for Treason was discretionary & the Parliamt not being to Releive them the power was Reverted unto them & therefore for the liberty of the subject & preserveing of their Lives they would now make use of that discretion to Admitt them to bayle to Appear in Parliamt the first day of the next sessions Their Lordships were bound in 10000 L Recognizance & their sureties each 5000 L mr Hambden Appeared & mr Justice Withens after A Speech of the Nature of his Crime & his Matyes goodness pronounced his sentence to pay 40000 L to the King & surety for his good behaivor dureing life & was Comitted till it be performed The Ld Brandon Gerrard mr Booth mr Trenchard mr Churlton &c were finally discharged Coll Mildmay was Continued on his good behaivor mr Braydon & mr Speake were Referred to be sentenced next Terme The King has Appointed his journey to Newmarket on the first of March & will spend some part of the summer at Winchester A quo Warranto is taken out Agt the Charter of the Citty of Yorke The Ld dartmouths fleet was by the last Advice in Tangier Road the powder in severall of their Mines dampt which put them to A great trouble in perfecting that worke Last Sunday the ship Persia Merchant Arrived in the downes from Suratt in India & left the President & suratt Merchant somewhat behind shee brings Account that the dutch were in sole possession of Bantam & that the old & yong King were both in their Custody & they were Carrying them as prisoners to Battavia, also that the President Merchant was Attacqued by Savage the Arch Rebell to the greate Mogull with 6 juncks [?] & divers other vessells full of Arabians who boarded her there & set the ship on fire in divers places yet were soe Couragiously withstood as to leave them sunke 2 of their ships blew up one & shattered the Rest killing them above 600 men & forced them to depart with the loss of scarce 20 English Yesterday arrived 3 fflanders Mayles who Advise that the Spanish Ambr at the Hague by memoriall demanded of the states to declare open warr Agt ffrance by vertue of A League obliged thereto after 3 months Hostillity now Expired since the takeing of Courtray which greate affaire has been 4 dayes under Considderation, The Congress is Assembled & Greate debates therein & the only Result at prsent is to desire ffrance to Agree to A Cessation of Armes for 3 months +Many Spanish souldiers are frozen to death & divers ships destroyed in the Ice L. c. 1497 London 14th ffebr 1683 +Yesterday the E: of danby waited upon his Matye & R: Highs & was well Recd & Complemented by most of the Nobility he Acquainted his Matye with his Intention of Retireing himselfe sometime into the Country for his health which was well approved This day at Guildhall was the Tryall of sr Samll Barnardiston upon An Information for malitiously writeing & disperseing divers letters of false newes Just after the surrender of the D: of M: directed to one Major Shippon [?] That there was now An End of the Sham Plott That the matters Contained in the Gazett Relateing to the d: of Monmoths Confession were false That they at Court were Crest fallen That sr Geo: would not last long, proved that the Ld Russell had hard measure That A Party had Prevented to get Sidney Executed with other matters of like Tendancy Three of which letters it was proved he Confest & one of his servants it was his hand In fine the Ld Ch: Justice gave A very sharpe Charge to the jury That noe words Posible Could be more Malicious That though it was not Treason yet it Bordered thereon That it was only for them to find Guilty or not Guilty but they would take Care for proportionable Punishment as being A leadeing man & the jury whereof mr Vernon Merchant was foreman after A short time brought him in Guilty & he will be sentenced next Terme Langley Curtis was tryed for Printing & Publishing A paper Entituled the night walker of Bloomesberry or the Ld Russells Ghost & was found Guilty One Wynn & fforth saying sometime since That Sidneys jury were Loggerheads & did not give A Right verdict are Continued upon Recognizance An Information being preferred Agt them mr Bridges Gent of the Bedchamber who marryed the Countesse of Shrewsbury is Suspended his place for speakeing words Tending to the not allowing Sidney A faire tryall His Matye hath declared that all ffines Recd upon Account of the late Conspiracy or for publishing seditious pamphletts shall goe towards the Building of Chelsey Colledg Yesterday the Towne of Bedford surrendred their Charter his Matye Intends the first of March for Newmarket & the 3d of Aprill for Winchester & the 23d for Windsor where the severall new knights of the garter will be Installed Wee have Account that the Ld Dartmouths fleet still Continue in or about Tangier bay but have been much dampnified through stresse of Weather & some of them forced to goe farther Into the straites severall ships with provisions are ordered to them Togather with money to supply their occasions This day Arrived A ffrench post with Advice That the ffrench K to shew his Inclinations to peace will Agree to A Cessation for 8 months & will be Contented to deliver up all he hath posest himselfe of since the treaty of Nimeguen Except Strasburgh leaveing the same to be decided by the K of England & the states of Holland &c which how it will be Recd A few posts will shew L. c. 1498 London 16th ffebr 1683 +Letters yesterday from Holston in Cornwall brought the lamentable newes that the ship President Capt Hyde Comander of 500 Tuns 36 guns & 80 men with pepper & Callico from India was on Satureday by stress of Weather Cast away neer that place all her men saved Except 2 seamen The loss above 80000 L The more Misfortune since shee soe valliantly Cleared herselfe in India from Rebell Savage The Auctions of the Company are hereupon abated from 215 L to 205 L p Cent Our letters from Penzance in Cornwall say that one Copping from the Canaries with 80 pipes of Canary was lost but the men saved +The William & Rebeckah Capt: ffoster Comander of 140 Tuns An East India Interloper is put Into ffalmouth shee was Exspected 9 months since which made Ensurance high upon her Sr Nath: Johnson is made Governor of the Leeward Islands in Roome of Sr Wm Stapleton & will depart in few Months The dutchesse of Portesmouth is made the dutchesse of Aubine in ffrance & her son the D: of Richmond is to succeed the duke of that Title mr Braydon Convicted upon Account of the E of Essex & Comitted to the Kings Bench is Againe bayled Last Thursday the E: of Maxfeild Arrested Sr Richd Grovener of Cheshire in An Action of scandalum Magnatum being fforeman of the Jury who prsented his Lordshipp as A dangerous person to the Goverment & will doe the same to the Rest of the Jury sr Richard is at liberty on 2000 L bayle but his Lordship Intends to declare for 50000 L The Ld Lumley who was lately ordered to Retire out of Whitehall is since displaced from being master of the horse to the queen & the Ld ffarriers is in his Roome Our letters yesterday from Lintz say that they had an Account by an Expresse from Poland that the Prime Vizier with 2 other Bashawes were strangled at Belgrade on the 24th of decembr & their heads sent to Constantinople to Appease the Tumultuous people Count Teckley has been underhand treated by the Emperor to desert the Turks but he Remaines firme to them The dutch post last night brought A memoriall prsented by the ffrench Ambr to the states offering A Truce for 20 yeares if Spain will yeild to any of the Equivalents proposed & the like for the Empire This Evening Arrived Another dutch post with Account That the M: de Grana haveing Intercepted the ffrench Ambrs letters for Paris Transmitted them to the P of Orange who Communicated them to the states Genll which being purused The deputies of Amsterdam were secured & Charged with Treason Agt the state Their principalls have published A Remonstrance Agt their proceedings keep their gates shutt & are in Armes L. c. 1499 London 19th ffebr 1683 +Yesterday his Matye dined with the d of Richmond at the late house of the d: of Monmoth in Hedge Lane it being now Appropriated to the Master of the horse A pattent is now passing the seals to Create Thomas E of danby Marquess of Carmarthen his Matye Intends to Raise 4 Troops of horse more & 2 of dragoons which are to be sent into Ireland The latter Comanded by Capt: Hamilton An Information is brought Agt Alderman Wright of Oxford for seditious papers Agt the goverment found in his Closett under his owne hand Last Satureday died mr Bampfeild A dissenting minister in Newgate in A premunire for not taking the oaths Yesterday 30 persons who had been slaves in Algeirs & got away by swimming when the ffrench fleet blockt up that place petitioned at Whitehall for some subsistance & orders were made in their favor Letters from the West give Account That the Adventure from Barbados mett in the soundings the Hambrough ffrigot of London from Jamaica A perfect wreck & sending his boate aboard tooke off the Captain & 12 of his men But before they could reach her a 2d time shee sunke & they Could not posibly save the Rest The suratt Merchant from India which Accompanied the Persia Merchant to the Lands End not being yet heard of makes 25 p Cent given for Ensurance on her & some fear her to be lost By the 2 men saved out of the late E: India ship the president that was Cast away Its Advised that Rebell Savage with A powerfull force has blockt up Suratt & should he take it he would damnify or destroy o[u]r English ffactory there The Turkey Companies ship the shandois is now Arrived from scanderoon in her passage shee lost the Captain Master & Boatswaine & the mate takeing the Charge of her Conduct Ran her ashoar at Ciprus But being got off the saylors Refused to obey him any longer makeing one mr Balaam A Merchant the Captain which being Resented by the mate Conspired his death But being discovered & meeting with An English ffriggott mr Balaam sent the Mate & his Accomplices in Chaines Aboard her who Returneing them An Experienced Mariner brought her in safety The said ship on the 26th Janry Came by Tangier & brought A pacquett from the Ld Dartmouth & sayes the Castle was then standing the demolishing of it being not then perfected & his Lordship Resolved not to depart of A month after That his fleet had very bad weather & it was Reported that 2 of his victuallers were Cast away Letters from Rome of the 27th January say that Venetian Ambr acquainted the pope with the Resolution of that state to Engage in A warr Agt the Turks & it was Resolved to signe the League with Venice under the Title of the holy Church in perpetuum & not in the name of the Pope The Apostolic Chamber is to furnish Venice with 50000 Crownes A month & 6 gallies dureing the warr +his Matye since the judgment Agt the Citty upon the quo Warranto haveing granted the Collection of the Toll in the Marketts to mr Craddock the late mercer The Court of Aldermen Considdering that it will be A detriment to the Orphans have been in Consult to Endeavor to supersede the same L. c. 1500 London 21st ffebr 1683 +The E of danby still Remaines in Towne & Its Confidently said That his Lordship will joyne with those persons of Honor & others who proffer to ffarme his Revenue of England & Ireland giveing 2 Millions p Ann & to Advance 500000 L besides other Considderable summs at 6 L p Cent when urgent affaires Require it The judges are Prepareing for their severall Circuitts haveing been at Whitehall & Recd their Charge which Its said was more perticularly to take Cognizance of dissenters & Conventicles mr Bampfeild the dissenting Minister who lately died in Newgate being Carryed to his place of Interment It was observed that above 150 people of that perswasion Accompanied his Corps thither which Its said is soe far taken notice of That Considdering the sending of Ticketts & proceeding Contrary to the Church of England severall of them will be Indicted for A Ryott The E: India ship Suratt Merchant being not as yet heard of last night 45 L p C was given on her & Its feared shee is lost 4 ships are now falling the River with provisions for the Ld Dartmouths fleet & some new orders are sent his Lordship The Castle of Tangier is undermined in 100 places & Its designed on this day to give fire to the severall traynes at once The whole garrison being on shipboard & forthwith to defeat the same The Moores in A greate body lye before it to Watch their Motion assoon as posible to take posession thereof Yesterday divers Clippers & Coyners were seized & Comitted to Newgate Yesterday Came A dutch Post & brought us nothing further of the diference in Holand by Reason the states are Adjourned only gives Account how the same stands & is Resented [sic] vizt That the P of Orange haveing Recd the ffrench Ambrs Intercepted letter brought it to the states Genll & the pensionary ffagell ordered the doores of the Councill Chamber to be shutt & at the desire of the Prince the deputies of Amsterdam were desired to withdraw & the letter being Read gave A Circumstantiall Relation of the Correspondance with the ffrench his Highs declared those 2 deputies had betrayed their state & the deputies were Called in & would have quite purged themselves on the spott But were ordered to Withdraw A 2d time which they Refused saying that the same was Contrary to their Constitution soe the Assembly ordered the letters of Van Benningham to be seized & the Coppies of their proceed to be sent to the provinces & broke up in disorder & the deputies of Amsterdam Acquainted their principalls who have published A Remonstrance Chargeing them to Act illegally & Arbitrarily being Taxed with Treasonable Correspondance only by the ffrench Ambrs letter which they did not know but it was A Trick on purpose to discompose affaires & Charge them with Injustice for seizing the Burgomasters letter upon which greate & small are not Exempted from keeping Guard & the Ishue is Exspected +one mr Burrell Comptroller of the Inner Temple dureing the Revelling died yesterday of the small pox which is very Epidemicall in these parts L. c. 1501 London 23d ffebr 1683 +This day the Ld Mayor & Court of Aldermen Attended his Matye in Councill with A Petition humbly to pray his Matye to Recall his grant to one mr Craddock Relateing to the Marketts as being A greate diminution to the Citty Incombe whereby to supply Necesitous Orphans & had A favourable answer The Ld Bishop of London & other Charitable Persons have Raised A stock to Employ the ffrench Protestants at Ipswich both ordinary & Extraordinary & Linnen Cloth hath been by them soe Manufactured which Could never before in England be effected That its now Exposed to sale at mr Papillions in ffenchurch street This morning the Ld Ch: Justice Jeffries set forward on his Circuitt & was attended by above 100 gent voluntiers on horseback Major Parry A justice of Middlesex has unfortunately kild A Bayliffe & is in Custody This morning Arrived A dutch Post with Account That on the 19th the ffrench Ambr prsented the states A memoriall demanding his Intercepted letter & had for Answer they had it not, on the 22d he gave A 2d Memoriall for the same & that it was in the hands of severall Principle members of state, In the Interim the states ordered it to be Printed which is full of Intregue Then the ffrench Ambr prsented A 3d Memoriall Complaining that they had not deciphered his letter in the Genuine sense On Thursday the states Genll Re-Assembled but there were none of the deputies of Amsterdam but 2 secretaries from the Citty who demanded all the papers they had seized of their Burgher master Benninghens as also A ffree Pasport for their deputies otherwise they would send none, Mounsr Patos one of the Councellors of Rotterdam is also Charged with the ffrench Correspondance but by letter declares That he hath neither seen nor had any Communication with the ffrench Ambr these 4 yeares. Yesterday wee Recd letters from Smirna of the 31st decembr which Confirme the Prime viziers death The Emperor first sent A message for him to Come to Court but the vizier Cut of his hand which soe Incensed the Emperor that he sent the Aga of the Janizaries to strangle him who being Arrived at Belgrade the viziers domesticks made soe greate Resistance that 4000 were slaine & among them the vizier whose skin was stuft with Cotton & sent to the Emperor, also that there was found in the viziers Treasury 120000 purses of money Each purse 500 dollars or 100 L sterling & that the Kagraman of Adrinople is made Prime vizier in his place, Also that the Turks are makeing greate preparations Agt spring but are forced to give A 100 dollars & A horse for A spalis [?] who before gave 300 dollars for their Places & to give 50 dollars to any that will Enter themselves A janizary who before gave 100 dollars for A place Our letters from Lintz say the K of Poland Advised the Emperor that the late Report of the defeate of 6000 Cossacks was false & on the other hand they had obtained A signall victory haveing fought A greate body of Turks & Tartars for 3 dayes togather & at Lengh gave them A greate defeate killing 15000 on the spott & tooke the New Prince of Moldavia A man of greate Esteeme amonge the Turks L. c. 1502 London 26th ffebr 1683 +Yesterday began A sessions at Guildhall where severall disenters were Convicted as Ryotters This day at Hicks hall A Bill was prsented Agt Major Parry A justice of Middlesex for killing A Bayliffe & the jury Returned it Ignoramus Many writts out of the Exchequer are sent to Bristoll to proceed Agt dissenters on the statute of 20 L p month On Satureday his Matye designes for Newmarket His Matye haveing delivered the Noble George to the Prince of denmarke The said prince hath given his Elephant to the Ld Churchill Yesterday drums beate for voluntiers for the service of the P: of Orange under the Comand of Capt Cullombine +Our Holland letters give Account That the diference between the states Genll & those of Amsterdam are Rather Widened The other Cittyes difering in their sentiments The deputies of Rotterdam Charge those of Amsterdam with perjury in Discloseing their private debates by sending their Circular letter to the other Cittyes & that the papers sealed up ought to be Examined without delay But some others are for the delivery of them to the Respective persons Concerned & they write from Paris That this was done by their Ambrs on purpose to discompose affaires that the states should be Necesitated to Agree to the ffrench proposalls Letters from England at the Hague say that Mounsr Zitters their Ambr haveing audience of the King Required his Matye to Concert the meanes to Adjust the diference between ffrance & Spaine & to procure A Cessation for 3 months & had for Answer That unless Spaine would agree to one of the Equivalents proposed by ffrance it would be an unproffitable worke wishing the states to Advise Spaine thereto & then his Matye would Engage A Cessation without delay The Coppie of which letter is delivered to the deputies of fforreign affaires to Examine & Report Yesterday the dutch Ambr was at Whitehall & delivered an Expresse he had Recd from his Masters of very greate Import some pretend to know that it has Reference to their Inclination to agree with the ffrench K upon some points proposed +They write from Ireland that A ffoot Company under Capt Bellamy haveing orders to Remove from Kingsale to Galloway mett with A storme & were Cast away but the Captain & some of his men got Ashoar They write from Windsor that mr Powney Captain of A ffoot Company in that Castle being in Company with severall officers A quarrell arose between Captain Potts & his Ensigne & they withdrew to fight but Capt Powney Comanded them to desist as their Captain upon which the Ensigne drew & Cowardly Ran him through & wounded Capt Potts Endeavouring to make his Escape but was seized, Capt Powney was Carried away alive but dyed on Sunday L. c. 1503 London 28th ffebr 1683 +There being this sessions 3 Maide servants & 2 Apprentices Convicted for being at A Conventicle The Court ffined them & Comitted them to Bridewell where they are kept at hard labour in Beateing of Hempe The E of danbyes pattent to Create him Marquess of Carmarthen is now past the seales & though it Comences 5 yeares since yet the M: of Hallifax is to have the precedency mr Craddock the late mercer Notwithstanding the Cittyes opposition has his pattent sealed to Collect the duty ariseing upon the Citty Marketts & is to have 600 L p Ann & to account for the overplus into the Exchequer Also the E of Clarendon has A grant for the Conservatorship of the River Thames before Invested in the Ld Mayor Letters yesterday from the Isle of Wight say That the ship Dragon from Jamaica Capt Bills Comander was on the 22d Cast away The seamen all saved but the passengers drowned Another vessell Arrived from Jamaica sayes that A Guyney ship with Negroes was Cast away on that Coast: Also that one Capt Morgan in Coniunction with the Buckaneers was sayled for Panama & Porto Bello to plunder the Spaniards A Generall thanksgiveing was in Jamaica for the preservation of his Matye from the late Horrid Conspiracy & yesterday an Addresse was prsented to the King from that Goverment on the same Account A scotch pedlar was this weeke seized for fferguson & Carried to Whitehall but discharged But the seizer for his Ready Loyalty to have him Apprehended though it proved A mistake had A Reward of 10 L 50 prisoners are now discharged out of the Kings Bench by the Charitable Collections of the severall Inns of Court The Ld Ch: Justice sending 100 L for that worke The dutch Ambr delivered the King An Answer to A memoriall prsented the states by mr Chudleigh & ffixed thereto A project for the future setling of affaires That the Barrier might begin at Newport & End at the Maas That all on the one side of the River should belong to the ffrench & on the other side to the Spaniards That his Matye would dispose ffrance to Agree thereto & they would Endeavour to Incline Spaine to it Our Holland letters yesterday say That the Spanish Ambr delivered the states A 2d Memoriall to demand of them by vertue of A League to declare open warr both by land & sea Agt Spaine who have Referred it to the Comittee of fforreign affaires That the P: of Orange has propounded That since the purse of Amsterdam will be shutt as to the new Leavyes he will supply the defect out of his owne pocketts upon which divers Collonells who attend for Regemts are sent for to the Hague & the states will send A deputation of their body to Amsterdam to Compose the misunderstanding That the Congress of the Ambrs from the severall Allies have had divers projects of peace or A truce with ffrance for 20 yeares under Considderation & it was moved that they all Come for London to Endeavor there to perfect that Worke L. c. 1504 London 1st March 1683 +This morning his Matye went for Newmarket his R: Highs goes on Munday The queen & her R: Highs keep in Towne The Returne of the Court will be abt passion Weeke A suite being Comenced in this Citty by some Necesitous Orphans & for Non=Appearance A distring [?] as upon their lands awarded The sheriffs have made A Returne thereto A Citty not in being or to that effect On Tuesday began A sale at the East India house & on the 11th is another but the want of the Suratt Merchant makes their Actions now not 200 L p Cent. A Considderable quantity of the Presidents goods lost at Lands End are preserved +They write from Tangier That the Ld Dartmouth had Appointed A Rendevous of his fleet in Cadiz Bay on the 3d March That the Moores had sent to his Lordship to spare the Castle of Tangier offering Considderably for it which is Refused But Its feared that if they Could see An Advantage they would Rush in upon them They write from the Assizes at Reading That Ensigne fflower who killed Capt Powney at Windsor was tryed & Condemned & desired till the 8th Instant to prepare himselfe for death which is granted On Tuesday one Sr Wm queriston A Lieutenant of A ffoot Company being on the Roade & Conceiveing An affront from A Grenadier ffired A Pistoll at him & before he Could make use of his 2d the Grenadier shott him through his head & he Imediately died Letters yesterday from the Hague say that mr Chudleigh the English Agent omitts nothing to oblige Spaine & the Empire to Embrace the ffrench proposalls as the only meanes to prevent A warr Rather then A Negotiation of peace which will Consume too much time & the states are much of this sentiment But ffrance declares that if the Emperor & Spaine will Relinquish Strasburgh he will then Grant A Cessation & Enter upon soe Reasonable A Treaty of peace that the K of England & states of Holland shall be Arbitrators therein To which the Emperors Envoy declares That his Master will never yeild that ffrance should Enjoy Strasburgh ffor he Aspireing to be K of the Romans he may Easily maintaine 50000 men at Strasburgh which would over Awe the Neibouring Princes But the Congress of Ambrs at the Hague have Agreed to propose A Generall truce with ffrance for 8 yeares & he for that time to keep Strasburgh but Redeliver whatever he hath seized since the treaty of Nimeguen & this is sent both into England & ffrance Tis said there will be 2 New Barons Created also that the M. of Carmarthen will be made Ld Treasurer of England They write from Vienna that those states Resolve with assistance of other Princes to set out A powerfull Armada & brave the Turke before his Imperiall Citty of Constantinople & that the Turke is soe Enraged at them that he hath Caused A spear to be driven up their Ambrs fundament & out at his mouth L. c. 1505 London 4th March 1683 +On Satureday the E: of Northumberland Returned from ffrance & is prepareing for Newmarket Last sunday Abt 40 dissenters of both sexes were seized at A Conventicle neer Moor feilds & divers Comitted to Newgate On Satureday ffrancis Smith Senior who was outlawed for disperseing seditious books & absconded was seized in the house of Rouse the late traytor This day was A sale for pepper at the E: India house which was put up for 7 d & sold for 10 3/4 p pound The Credittors of Sr Robt Viner not Agreeing to his proposalls have taken out a statute of Bankrupt Agt him & tis said he is Retired into Whitehall Its Generally discourst that quo Warrantoes are bringing Agt 4 of o[u]r Citty Companies They write from the Assizes at Winchester that sr Wm Kingswell High sheriffe of Hampshire who killed Esqr Haslewood his Cosen had A bill of Murther found Agt him by the Grand jury but his tryall is Referred till next assizes mr ffaringdons Coachman who was Concerned in the death of Habius the Informer was Convicted for a High Way man but Repreived pretending to make A discovery of that buisness They write from Cadiz that the Ld dartmouth has fully demolished the Mold & Castle of Tangier & Rendred them forever unserviseable & stayes at Cadiz for severall shipps dispersed in the late storme & then Returnes for England An Express from Portugall sayes That the King is soe much Afflicted for the loss of his Queen that he is desperately sick & should he decease her Matye of England would be Compettitor with the Infanta for the Crowne They also write that A ffrench man of warr of 48 guns who Carryed off the ffrench Merchants & Effects from Cadiz just before the publication of the warr by Spaine was Cast away on that Coast & only 3 persons saved The Ld Preston his Matyes Extrary Envoy in ffrance desires to be Recalled & Its Affirmed that mr Somes who was Envoy at Savoy will be in his Roome +Letters from Mosco of the 24th Jany say That the Eldest Czar was marryed to A lady of an Illustrious family allyed to divers greate persons in Poland which will much Contribute to the Advancement of the Treaty with Poland Agt the Turkes The Czars have promised to enter Into the Association with the Emperor K of Poland &c Agt the Turks soe soon as Poland will settle the Limitts Relinquishing his pretensions to Livonia & Smolenske Its further Advised that the Emperor of Persia has already Agreed the League Agt the Turks & that his forces are Marched to beseige Babilon formerly taken from them by the Turks L. c. 1506 London 6th March 1683 +Yesterday his R: Highs & the duke of Northumberland went for Newmarket & found the Court in perfect health A yatcht is dispatching to fflanders to bring over the dutchesse of Modena mother to her R: Highs who hath signified her Intention to Reside in this Kingdome & A house is Already taken for her in St James Square The D of Ormond has been for some time seized with A feavor but being let blood &c is in A hopefull way of Recovery The Mother of Ensigne fflower who killed Capt Powney was with powerfull Arguments of A Considderable summe Entreateing her sons life but has Recd A positive denyall & has wrote to her son to prepare himselfe for death which will be next Satureday at Windsor ffrancis smith who was seized last Satureday has been Examined before the Councill & Charged with divers seditious books as the Raree show &c besides the speech of A Noble peer for which he stands Convicted & has little to say in Extenuation of his Crime soe was Recomitted in order to Receive judgment next Terme This day the Court of Lieutenancy mett at Guildhall & had in Considderation the laying downe of the trayned bands but deferred it till his Matyes pleasure be further knowne This afternoon mr Blany Clerke of the Habberdashers Company desired leave to surrender his place & the Company Chose one Capt Mold to succeed him Our ffrench letters say That their Councills are upon the stretch how to proceed with their Armes in the prsent Conjuncture & Its Affirmed they Intend to Carry soe greate A force Into the body of Spaine under the Conduct of Marshall Bellefonds &c as to put that Monarchy into A full Consternation Marching over the Pirenian Mountaines directly to Madrid To which End they have drayned the Inland Garrisons & made Considderable detachments from all parts & hired all the Mules posible to Carry their provisions mr Pirckle An English Courrier is Arrived from fflanders & gives A miserable Account of the state of that Country That the ffrench had lately burnt above 30 villages destroying the whole Campaigne That money Comes very slowly from Spaine of which they were in very greate Want That A Convoy was Exspected from Cadiz with A greate summe & that the ffrench had dispatched divers men of warr to Endeavor to Intercept it & Ostend had sent out severall ships to secure their passage +Wee have noe dutch Post Come but one from fflanders which say that A Generall peace for 8 yeares will in all probality be Concluded Its Reported the Janizaries have mutinied & strangled the Grand Seignior & some say they will set up his son others say his brother [In another handwriting appear two canceled lists on the outside of letter:] Into Sten [?] behind the barn 19 [219?] bream 5 carp 1 tench [?] Dog meat 2 good jacks 2 tench 6 bream 1 great roach [?] 1 small carp L. c. 1507 London 8th March 1683 +Yesterday A fire happened in Southwarke but was put out with the losse of the Cockpitt & An Adjacent Building One of the Grandjury of Berkshire made A very Loyall motion to prsent the King with 100000 L But the Rest of the jury desired him to make the first subscription promiseing to Equallize it which he not Consenting to performe that greate peece of service ceased Some Grenadiers quarrelling in their quarters neer Newmarket fought & 3 were killed on the spott & the Rest Escaped severall ffrench factors haveing bought Abt 60 English horses Transported them from dover But in their passage 2 Ostend privateers seized them & Carried them to fflanders Last night & this morning Arrived 2 dutch posts with Account That Amsterdam Remaines still very stubborne not Agreeing to the new Levyes of 16000 men & the states of ffreizland understanding that A deputation was Comeing to them by the states Genll broke up in disorder saying they would not Recede from their Resolution of not Agreeing to the said Levyes & Middlebrough is of the same mind But the states Genll have Resolved to goe forward with them as A thing Indispensibly necesary & Considdered of Raiseing the money to maintaine them & have given out most of the Comissions to Collonells who are departed to Raise them The P: of Orange promiseing to supply A greate part of the money The states have Cited the deputies of Amsterdam to Appear that the papers sealed up may be Examined in their presence But the 2 secretaries from that Citty still demand A Restitution of those papers & A safe Conduct for their deputies or else they shall not Come The ministers of the severall Allies at the Congress have formed A project of A Generall truce for 8 yeares & Agreed to send it first to England & ffrance & then to the Emperor & Spaine The Contents being That ffrance keep Strasburgh with those other places on that side the Rhine & Restore to the Emperor Brisack & ffriburgh & all other places on the other side the Rhine & Render to Spaine dixmunde & Courtray To which the ffrench have Answered that they will Consent to Redeliver ffriburgh & Brisach provided the Emperor & Empire will grant him Strasburgh & that the Generall Truce be Altered into A firme & perpetuall peace Notwithstanding which Negotiations the forces from all quarters Increase in the Conquered places that if the Negotiation doe not take effect to Attempt some greate Enterprize before the beginning of Aprill there being ovens prepared at Phillipville to bake for 50000 men A day L. c. 1508 London 11th March 1683/4 +Last Satureday Ensigne fflower who killed Captain Powney at Windsor was Executed at that Towne Last weeke the E of Thanett died at his house in St James square Wee hear from the Assizes at Ailesbury That the 2 Clerks of Aaron Smith & Goodenough who under pretense of searching for Treasonable Papers in Sr Roger Hills house stole away money &c were Convicted to be hanged Wee have now Certain Advice That the Ld Dartmouth left Tangier the 20th of ffebr haveing quite demolished it & is Exspected here in few dayes mr Randall who Carryed the quo Warranto over to New England is Returned & brought his Matye An Addresse from 2 of those Countries But the pattentee of Boston Continues to withstand the same & ordered A Gentleman in London to defend the suite & have Remitted him money Accordingly On Satureday the dutch Ambr haveing Recd An Extrary Expresse from his Masters went with greate Speed to Newmarket & the ffrench Ambr went thither at the same time This day Arrived A dutch & A Spanish post By the former wee are Advised That Middlebrough now Consents to the New Levyes & Holland soe far Agree to it as that they shall only be Employed defensively The states Genll have ordered 8000 men more for fflanders & voted 40 men of warr for this year By the other wee are Advised That the Cabinet Councill at Madrid had sent to the M: de Grana An Expresse of Extraordinary weight & also greate summs of money That the d: of Hannover has sent 10000 men who are on their March to the Assistance of the Low Countries & the d of Bavaria has sent them word That if there be not An Accomodation with ffrance he will with 20000 & the like number of the Empire Come downe to the Rhine They write from Constantinople that the Comotions of the people begin to be Extreame That their Levyes for the next Campaigne goe but slowly forward That the Grand viziers head was publickly Carryed Round that Citty thrice to Appease the discontented That the Grand Seignior did not thinke fit to trust himselfe Amonge those people That the Turk are prepareing to put 60 ships of warr to sea But the Venetians Intend to block up the Dardenells & stop the passage to Constantinople & also prevent the Turks from Transporting souldiers from Egipt to Salvonia The Grand Seignior has strangled 2 Bashaws of the late viziers Creatures & has proclaimed at Belgrade that he will Comand in person the next Campaigne The Morlacks 20000 strong Ravage 200 Leagues into the Turkish dominions L. c. 1509 London 13th March 1683 +His R: Highs Comes to towne to morrow on some buisness of moment but the Court Returne not till the 22d Instant Last Munday the d of Beaufort treated her Matye with A splendid dinner & the Next day her R: Highs & the princesse The d of Grafton is made governor of the Isle of Wight & Capt Sackvile Lieften of Tilbury fort & Gravesend This weeke mr Alfeild Rector of St Leonards Shoredish died which place is in the Gift of the deane of St Paulls Wee heare from the Assizes at Cambridg That the Kings druggist in Bucklers Bury was tryed being Charged with attempting to Robb A Gent upon the High way on Michaelmas last But proveing that he was in Towne all that day Especially by the Token that he was Arrested the jury brought him in not Guilty Wee heare from Portesmouth that the viadore Generall at fflanders who Arrived at Cowes in the Isle of Wight in a dutch man of warr brings 1250000 dollars from Cadiz for the service of the Spanish Netherlands Our Holland letters say That 3 of the Regements of the 16000 new Levyes are Compleate That A person had delivered the prince A project to pay these 16000 men without Costing them A peny which is delivered to the Councill of state mr Chudleigh his Matyes Envoy at the Hague haveing Recd his Matyes Answer to the project of A Generall truce for 8 yeares delivered the states A Memoriall with the Contents thereof which is Rather to Agree A Generall peace on some Reasonable Conditions That Spaine & the Empire Render to ffrance something of his demands & that ffrance mittigate his propositions & his Matye shall use what Endeavrs posible he Can to Induce him to it Yesterday wee had from Lintz the Coppie of A letter wrote to Teckly from ffrance assureing him of soe greate A warr in fflanders &c That the Emperor will not be able to bring any greate force Agt him & the Turks next Campaigne, Exhorts him to Continue firme to the Turks & that for his Encouragemt the Sieur Himall [?] had Considderable Returnes of money for him The Originall of which letter Teckly has sent to the Grand Seignior & disperst Coppies Amonge the Hungarian Lds one of which brought it to Presburgh This day by A ffrench post wee have Advice from Constantinople that the Grand Seignior understanding that the Morlacks had joyned with the Venetians Agt him Caused their deputies to be put to death which soe Enraged them that they have burnt the Turks standart Ruined all their Mosques & Renounced any obedience to him The Georgians are also in armes to throw off the Turkish yoake & sent to Persia to dispose that sophy [?] to A warr Agt the Turks promiseing their utmost assistance Also the Cossack subjects of Muscovy have made Inroads upon the Imeropen [?] Tartars under the Turke & killed many thousands of them. L. c. 1510 London 15th March 1683 +Wee heare from the Assizes at Yorke That the quo Warranto brought Agt that Corporation was served upon them in open Court Baron Gregory Sitting judge of the Assize for the Crowne Its now Confirmed that the quo Warrantoes will be brought Agt divers of o[u]r Citty Companies & Among them the vintners who by their Charter are Exempt from takeing Lycences to Retayle wines & soe are ffree from that Charge which should their Charter be vacated would bring A greate Revenue to the Crowne An Extent [?] is now taken out Agt the Goods Chattells Lands & Tennants of the Ld Gray of Warke by vertue of an outlawry of Treason being accused of the late treasonable Conspiracy & absenting himselfe after 3 times proclamation Tis said his Brother hath an order to ffarme the Estate being above 8000 L p An in Cumberland Sussex Essex & Wilts One mr John Thomas A Coffee man in Aldersgate street was this weeke served with A writt Excommunicato Capiendo & is in prison Madam Godolphin lyes sick of the small pox in Whitehall & the Countesse dowager of Pembroke hath the same disease which Its feared will prove mortall The Turkey merchants have Advice That all the English ships in the port of Smirna are taken up to Transport souldiers & provisions from Egipt to supply the next Campaigne & An Embargo is layd on other fforreigners that are or shall Come into that Haven for the like use This afternoone Arrived A dutch post which sayes That the diference between the states Genll & Amsterdam Rather Widens but the Levyes goe briskly on to be Raised That the Bayly of Baucon was Arrested at Amsterdam & Examined severall times by the Councill of that Citty being Charged with A designe to Assasinate the Burgermaster Benningham but Confessed nothing as yet The next day they tooke his Landlord in Custody & were from 9 at night till 3 in the morning Assembled The P: of Orange is gone for Zealand the better by his presence to Establish that province to promote the Levy & then make A stepp to Sas van Gent to Conferr on the Confines with M: de Grana for the better preserveing the Remaining part of fflanders The K of Englands Answer to Mounsier Zitters Memoriall is Arrived in Holland being to Induce the states to Agree to A Truce Rather then A Treaty of peace which would spend much time & A generall Truce is now the subject of debate & soe far in prospect to be Agreed as that ffrance has yeilded thereto &c at prsent only the house of Austria dissents The souldiers who are Raised here for the service of the states under the P: of Orange are Habitted &c and will sayle the first wind but are not very Numerous mr dutton who is ordered Governor of Barbados in Roome of sr Tho Linch is prepareing to depart, his Matye Returnes from Newmarket on Satureday haveing little pleasure there the snow being A ffoot deep L. c. 1511 London 18th March 1683 +Yesterday Madam Godolphin one of the Ladyes of Honor to the Queen died of the small pox The dutchesse of Portesmouth was Indisposed at Newmarket which it was feared would have turned to the small pox but is Recovered The Greate Race between his Matyes horse Named Dragon & with mr Riders horse Named Whynott was Run at Newmarket & wonne by Whynott A Considderable space & Its said 20000 L wonne & lost Major Oglethorpe who Executes the place of Master of the horse by Comission for the d of Richmond is said to be in disfaivor at Court but will be permitted to sell his places in which tis said mr Rider will succeed On Satureday the Court Returnes hither & after some short stay his Matye goes to Winchester to see the building which is already in soe great forwardnesse that the first ffloor is layd His Matye haveing Caused judgment to be Entred Agt the Citty of London upon the Quo Warranto A writt of Habere posessionem was tis said Intended to be brought thereon but tis said his Matye will be graciously pleased to suspend the same & that the Marketts & all other proffitts & Revenues shall Continue to the sole use & Benefit of the Citty +On Satureday the Assizes for Surrey Ended where one Edward Mathews of Epsom was found Guilty of High misdemeanor in saying that his Matye would dye be killed or poysoned in 6 Months & that if the d of Yorke should Come to the Crowne he would be one of the first to take up Armes Agt him Its Affirmed that the P of Orange & the M: of Grana solicitt the d of Monmoth to take upon him the Comand of Generall of their horse in fflanders in Roome of Prince Vaudemont who will be preferred to the Goverment of Sardinia The Councill of the Citty of Amsterdam have published That since it Appeared by good Information that on the 16th seaven wicked men or more mett at night Abt the house of their Burgermaster Van Benninghen with A designe to take away his life & since some villaines of that Citty have published that it should be yet Accomplished To devert therefore this bloody Enterprize they promise 100 ducatoons to any that should discover one or more of the persons & in Case he himselfe be A party his name shall be kept secrett & shall Receive the said Recompense Chargeing all the Innkeepers &c upon arbi[t]rary Correction & payment of 1000 Gilders to give every day the names & qualifications of all their Lodgers & that every body use their greatest Circumspection in Receiving persons that may be suspected thereof The Ld dartmouth was by o[u]r last Advice at Cadiz staying for provisions & therefore will not Arrive soe soon as Exspected L. c. 1512 London 20 March 1683/4 +The dutchesse of Portesmouth is Againe fell sick & Its now feared will have the small pox Last night Madam Godolphin who dyed of the small pox was Buryed at the Queens Charge her Corps being Attended by 4 of the Queens Coaches, Madam Yarbrough daughter of Sr Thomas Yarbrough is put in her place Madam Wall the late woman to the dutchesse of Portesmouth & now wife to Major Oglethorpe is soe much in disfaivor at Court as that shee will be displaced togather with her husband but as yet none is Nominated to succeed in her place of Laundress to the King +Sr Cornwall Bradshaw is by his Matyes order added to the Comissioners of the Excise & hearth money The E: of danby hath taken A house in So Ho Square but his pattent of Marquess is stopt upon some affaire which occurred to his Matyes knowledg Yesterday the yong E: of Essex was marryed to Esqr Grimstons daughter the Grandson of Sr Harbottle Grimston which will occurr to be A greate fortune Wee heare that the Citty of Yorke since the delivery of the Quo Warranto have by Majority Agreed the surrender of their Charter as also the Corporation of Truro in Cornwall A scire ffacies instead of A Quo Warranto is now taken out & will be speedily served upon the Company of vintners as will be the like to many of the other Companies of London There being severall dissenting ministers in Newgate who on Sundayes preached to the prisoners, There lies among them for debt one of the Hiltons the greate Informer who has given Information thereof soe as that Its said Capt Richardson will be proceeded Agt for 80 L for severall times keepng A Conventicle in his house But he Replyes that they were all of his family & soe beleives he shall Evade the same divers Jewes on behalfe of the state of Venice have hired 9 English merchants ships Carrying each Abt 40 Guns to be Employed in the warr Agt the Turks This weeke Coll Charles Porter Arrived from his Regemt in fflanders & is gone for Newmarket he gives A dismall Account of the ffrench Barbarity in that Country That they are now drawing A formidable body togather to Attack some Important places & were in sight of Oudenard Its supposed to Attack the same The Spanish souldiers Extreamly want their pay & the aforesaid Colonell had Already found divers of his mens Habitt in this Citty whome he lately Cloathed in fflanders The d: of Grafton E: of Shrewsbury Ld Bruerton [?] with divers other greate personages & Gent are prepareing for their speedy departure to the ffrench Campe L. c. 1513 London 22d March 1683 +This afternoon his Matye (praysed be the Almighty) is Returned safe to Whitehall Their R: Highnesses have quitted their Lodgings in Whitehall & Continue at St James by Reason madam Godolphin died of the small pox there Most of the Aldermen have been with his R: Highs & Congratulated his safe Returne from Newmarket Major Oglethorpe who is selling his places demands 2400 L for that of Lieutenant of horse & is to leave his house in St James Parke which was built for the Kings Laundress his wife being also displaced from that office & what overplus he hath layd out Abt it will be allowed him Some Complaints haveing been made to his Matye in Councill in Relation to mr Vaughan Lieutenant to the Queens Troope of Grenadiers his Matye hath ordered him to sell his place To morrow ffran Smith will be Examined before his Matye in Councill The Company of vintners Intend to surrender their Charter upon the scire ffacies To morrow the Venetian Agent designes to waite upon his Matye to desire his Leave for 15 merchants ships to serve Agt the Turks but the Turkey merchants Intend to Appear Agt it His Matyes portraiture given by the Hamburgh Company is now Ready to be set upon the Royall Exchange A pattent being under the seale to Ishue out A Comission for the Regulateing some Estates in Ireland the d of Bucks & the Ld Mount Alexander have put in A Caveat thereto One mr Ralphson A dissenting minister in Newgate died last Thursday of A Burneing feavor which is very predominate Amonge those prisoners A Reforme is goeing to be made of the Clerke of the severall Companies of this Citty that are Whiggishly Inclined & mr Brome the Clarke of the skinners Company who Arrested the late Ld Mayor is Already displaced & one mr Hacsemandell A Kentish Attorney & A very Loyall person put in his stead +Wee want 3 fflanders 2 dutch & one ffrench post but A gent Arrived from fflanders sayes that those of Oudenard understanding that the ffrench were Comeing before them sent away their women & Children & Recd A Reinforcement of 2000 souldiers but the ffrench with their Bombes had destroyed divers Churches monasteries & houses [Note in another hand on outside of letter:] I have perused this bundle & few are wanting. It conteins 4 years 1680 1681 1682 1683. beginning March 25 1680 Inclusive. J. S. L. c. 1514 London 25 March 1684 +Wee have now A Confluence of fforreign posts They write from Holland that the Mareshall Humieres Invested Oudenard with 22000 men & on the 21st began to Bombard it whereby one halfe was Burned The Citty of Amsterdam have again sent Circular letters to all the Townes of Holland to Express ther good Intentions for the publick & Againe to demand their papers The Prince of Nassau Governor of ffreizland Conveyes the like designe upon him as that on Van Beninghen & stirrs not without A greate Guard On the 19th the P of Orange Arrived at Middleburgh & stayd there till the 23rd & showed the states of that Citty the Reasons for the new Levy upon which they passed A vote for it On the 24th the Prince went for Antwerpe & Conferred with the M: de Grana & that it was Necesary to treate with ffrance upon the propositions in whole or in part But Spaine still insists not to Recede anything to ffrance Come what will The Prince is Returned to the Hague & since only 5 of the 7 United Provinces have Consented to the New Levy the states have determined to Raise 2000 less The succours promised to the M: de Grana have now orders to march but are only to act defensive in the Townes that they shall be Garrisoned The Ambrs mett at the Congress at the Hague dayly debate meanes for Accomodation but as yet there is no Certain prospect The English Continue still of opinion that Spaine ought to Comply to something either peace or Truce upon the Alternatives saying Its not just to Embarrasse his Allies in A warr of which the Event is soe uncertain & as Its true Spaine ought not to be Abandoned by his Allies but if their Neibors house be on fire they are obliged to Endeavor to quench it soe if Spaine can preserve his Neibors house by putting out his owne that is Already on fire Its not Necesary to Come to his Assistance thereby Exposeing their owne to fflames They write from Lintz in Germany that the Assembly is broke up at Presburgh where 14 Earles & 12 Royall Cittyes of the hills have sworne Alleigance to the Emperor +Teckley has published A Counterpardon & being Reinforced with some 1000 Turks hath taken & Burnt Zendre & Cut in peeces 5 Companies of Polanders therein The Christians Intend to be Early in the feild & Attack Newhassell & Camisa The K of Poland is gone to the Confines of Russia to settle that worke & will have 80000 of his owne men in the feild & 10000 Wallachians & 50000 Cossacks & Intends to Attack Canimer [?] They write from Constantinople that A Bashaw with 30000 Turks was Revolted & Gone for Persia & that the Turks offer to all that will serve in the Warrs to be Exempt from Taxes severall yeares