L. c. 101 [Handwriting changes here.] October 31 1674 +Letters from france & flanders say that noe action has yet past between the french & Confederates in Germany ye former of wch Continued posted at Deisweiler abt a League from Saverne where Monsr Turene intends to Expect Monsr Genlis wth ye recruites wch would arive wth him ye 30th. The Confederates (they say) after haveing for 3 days batterd ye Castle of Wassenheim it was surrendred to them ye 25, they incampt neare ye sd Castle there was that day a report at Stratsburg that ye Confederates intended to beseige Hagenaw & that they would sit downe before ye next day. The Prince of Lobcowitz, fir[s]t minister of ye Empr has bene put out of his Employment & banisht to a house of his in Bohemia, severall matters haveing bene discoverd agst him since ye arest of his secretary, tis sd there is nothing farther of ye Prince of ffurstenburg, +Tis said Count Mounterey Certainly leaves his Governmt in flanders, & is prepareing for his departure wch much satsifyes ye french, who are glad of his removall, his onely Daughter is lately dead. The Imperilists are betwixt Deist & Ruremond, & are Expected to march suddenly to Collogne to take their Winter quarters, ye Spanish Troops are allready gone into theirs, ye french are fortifying Marcheim. Our Letters from Stratzburg of ye 29 insst say that ye Confederates finding that Turene had soe advantageously posted himselfe that they could not attaque him wthout very great disadvantage, had given over all thoughts of it, & were lookeing out for Winter quarters. wch they will take in alsatia. Thus this great army thro ye Irresolution & discord amongst ye Genells will part wthout doeing any thing. in ye meane tyme Turene keeps his quarters abt Saverne & dayly grows stronger by ye succours hee Receives from flanders. from Brussells of Novem ye 6 they write that after ye takeing of Grave, the Prince of Orange went to Conferr wth Genell Sporke who Comands ye Imperiall army (Count Souches being gone to Vienna) wch done hee returnd to ye Hague, wee are told there is a designe to attaque Maestreicht or Treaves. ffrench Letters say that notthstanding ye probabillity & great Endeavours used for a genll peace yet that King is still intent upon preparations for Warr haveing besides ye Comissions hee has granted for new Leavies in his owne Country, sent to his Residt in Swisserland to use his uttmost Endeavrs wth ye Cantons for raiseing 25000 men there, they say ye forces sent from ye Prince of Conde would bee wth Turene ye 27, but some say twould be 4 dayes longer, in ye meane tyme they looke upon their army so advantageously posted, that instead of being in any apprehension from them, they expect an advantage of falling upon them Especially their Reere if they shall attaque Hagenau or Saverne +They write from Algiers that ye Governmt there is very inclinable to preserve the peace & are very Earnest for ye Redemption of ye Captives there L. c. 102 [Handwriting changes here.] Novemb 2 [?] 1674 +This Morning the 3 Troups of Guards drew out to exercise in Hide Parke in the prsence of the Duke of Munmouth & others from the Isle of Madera, of the 12 instant we heare that some dayes before Sir Jonathan Atkins Govenor of Barbadoes arrived there & after haveing bin most nobly treated by the Governor The 14th went out on Board the St David & proceeded on his voyage leaveing all that love him extreamely satisfyed with his person & behaviour, so that there is noe doubt, but he will find all ymmaginable Civility & reception there. From the Bouy of the Nore, we heare that yesterday Morning my Lord Arlington with the Earle of Ossory & Monsr Odike in severall ships were Wind bound there wch continued ever since in that same Corner. its thought they are not yet got farther Monsr Carehew comes not yet from Brandenburgh as was expected Haveing received other o[r]ders, Wee dayly expect to heare of Monsr Renguilles arrived at the Hague comeing thither from Spaine +ffrom the Hague of the 20th instant that [sic] tell us that the States had written a Letter to his Maty giveing him account the Emperor & the Crowne of Spaine haveing accepted of his Matyes Mediation, they were willing to doe the like & also were desirous to lett him know how forward they were to embrace any Overtures for peace The prince since he [sic] comeing to the Hague has reformed 100 [?] Companyes of foot, but given out Comissions to raise a great many to be ready agst spring ffrom Vienna we heare that the Sweedish Ambr there pressed very hard for the liberty of the Prince of ffurstemburg as also that his Imperiall Maty will accept of his Masters Mediation but he has little hopes to succeed in either ffrom Stratburg of the 12 instant we are told that the Confederates keep the fort still & been resolved to doe soe, till the ffrench are retyred into theire Winter quarters & have therefore quartered theire horses round about them Monsr Turene does the like & neither seeme Willing to give ground, first the Lorrainers have defeated a party of the Arryon [?] Arrier Ban of Noblety & 1000 servants killed most of of them & tooke the rest prisoners with inestimable rich prize in theire baggage Monsr Crequi baggage is alsoe said to be fallen into theire hands with the other 2 [?] body of the Arreer Ban comeing from Turen & all taken a party of Brandenburgers have also defeated a party of french in Alsatia Monsr ffarrio with the Duch Troops for Treves was the 16 instant 56 Leagues off Collogne. L. c. 103 [Handwriting changes here.] November 4 1674 Wednesday 7/ Yesterday at Councell his Maty was pleased to appointe the Sherriffs for the Inssueing yeare, after wch a Peti[ti]on was read of the Marchants trading to Guinye, upon wch his Maty was pleased to order a proclama[tion] be drawn up forbidding any to trade thither but those of ye Corporation wch will suddainly [be passed?] Purcell that was comitted to the tower for threating the Duke of Ordmond & into Bethlem Hospitall for refuseing to provide security for his good Behaviour was ordered this day to be comitted to Newgate till he shall be delivered by due Course of law, My Lord Chamberlaine hath resolved with his wife sister and family to accompany Monsr Odyke to Holland for a Month Divertismt. The Earle and Countess of Ossory have also resolved to goe wth ym, & accordingly next Saturday they all Intend to goe thither, a yatch or 2 being ordered to attend theire Comand for that purpose Capt Davis wth whome my Lord Vaughan goes to Jamaica is ordered to goe round to Portsmouthe to take in his Ldp there whether hee Intends to goe ye latter end of next weeke wth Coll Morgan Lord Genll to Increase that Colony, wch is now looked upon to be the Thriveingest in those parts, Thursday./ The Dutch Ltrs Just now arrived bring not a word of Newes the season being past for all Action and accordingly the Armyes all retired into theire winter Quaters The Prince of Orange Continues at the Hague and has been highly treated by the States who unanimously Express great satisfaction in his Managemt of the late Campagne they have resolved to Equipp a Great fleet Next springe, and Make theire land army More uniforme and better officerd +from the Hague of the 2 we heare yt yt Morning ye Pre of orange came thither, & in the afternoone Sr Wm Temple had an audience of him yt C. Nassau with 1000 horse & Mr Farrio with 3000 foot are gone towards Bonny to joyne another body under the Marquess d Grana wch are designed to make a diversion of the french forces on this side whilste the D: of Lorraine does the same in french Comte ye Confedts aboute Strasbourgh are Marching into theire winter Quarters in Alsatia, but yt Mr Tureen having reced all his recruits was resolved to fight them or at least make theire subsistance theire very anguisht, L. c. 104 [Handwriting changes here.] November 5th 1674 +Sir John Narborough is still Wind Bound at Spithead and these late Briske Winds has been very fatall to many English & other vessells in divers parts +There is yet noe Governor named for Tangier but now dayly expected. There is come into ffalmouth divers ffrench men of Warr driven in by stresse of Weather +The Earle of Pembroke is to be married to my Lady Dutchess of Portsmouths Sister at wch theire Matys & Court will be present +His Maty has given Command about to renew the late Order of Councell about prohibiting of Roman Catholiques access to his presence Court & precincts thereof and accordingly tabbletts of it are affixed in all avenues to it with injunction to be faithfully performd +From Paris we heare that it was Confidently reported that the Brandenburghers upon some Jealousy and disgust weare about to leave the Confederates Army, but its scarce Creditted here Count Sparr is got thither +And had a private Audience from his Most Christan Maty, the ffrench at Messina have lately made with the Assistance of the Townes men a Briske assault upon the Castle of St Salvador but had bin beaten of by the Spaniards with great loss The ffrench are ffitting out 20 men of Warr and 12 gallyes more for theire assistances and Trump with his squadron is alsoe there about & is joyned with all the fforces the Spaniards power can procure there, so that its like to be a place of a Considerable action The Dutchess of Modena is on her way hither to be present at Her Royall Highnesses Lying in wch is now God be thanked shortly expected +The Paris Letters say little but the great stirr ye Conspiracy of the Chevalier de Rohan has made; the Bastille being full of delinquents and divers Gallowes are erecting for theire Execution The Chevalyer is not yet putt to death but has bin putt to the question; and being desperate they have placed him in a Chaire and with a funnell putt sustenance downe his throate with which they intend to preserve him for publique Example L. c. 105 Novemb 7 1674 ffryday 6./ From Portsmouth we heare sd that the Wind comeing faire yesterday Sir John Narborrough was setting sayle for Algire whether he was goeing with all possible dilligence There are also at Cowes 200 sayle of Merchants ships outward bound that will take the benefitt of the same Wind. A Swedish Ship from Virginia was this weeke cast away of Portland laden with tobacco 2 or 3 Virginia ships are arrived at ffalmouth & divers Vessells goeing for the Western parts has bin by these Contrary Winds forct backe into Pendennis & other places, but will sayle when the Wind permitts This Evening the Earle of Middlesex proceeding from his Lordships house in Drury Lane to Westminster Abbey accompanied by the Coaches of Divers of the Nobility & persons of quality was interred in the Vaulte belonging to his ffamily On Tuesday next the Parliment meett in order to the prorogation according to his Matys proclamation. ffrom Germany we heare that Monsr Turene being reinforct with 20 squadrons of Horse under Monsr De Genlis & another of 44 squadrons & 13 Batallions under the Count de Saults was still posted at Ditwyler upon the seage That the Confederates intending theire quarters within a League of Stratburgh 500 ffrench horse mett 80 Croats slew and disperst the rest pursueing them to theire Army, theire was found among Prince Lebcovikes papers confiscated Coffers & 2 Millions of money the better part of it in Louis D'or of ffrance & all his Estate vallued at 7 millions had bin also seized and forfeited The Swedish Ambassador at Vienna has had Audience of the Emperor & offered the Mediation of his Master for a peace proposeing there for a truce to doe it in and among other things solicited very hard the Liberty of the Prince of ffurstenburgh Count Souches being gone to Vienna Generall Sporke Comands in his Roome he was the 7th between Dyest & Huslett & the 6th he drew out 2000 horse who marched that day within 9 Leagues of Leige & forces the Castle of Dinante to receive againe an Imperiall Garrison They say the Swede offers Marshall [illegible name of about eight letters] the Governmt of Bremen and Verdon if he will come into theire service +The Dutch Letters say the Prince Lebrovikes plot was to invite the Emperor to a Comedy & blow it up with Gunpowder Many preists & amongst them the Empress confessor appeared as gulty, the Count Montery being now settled for some longer tyme in his Goverment He has peremtory orders to Ostend for those people to restore the ships they have unjustly take[n] from divers Nutrall Princes under the panice of open Rebellion perceiveing they delayed meerely of an expectation that he was suddenly to be gon herein also pursuant to the States placarts withdrawen & recalled his placart about prohibiting the importance of ffrench Commodyes wch will be great advantage to theire Nutrall shipping [Handwriting changes here.] +Mr Hinton is gon off from being High Sherriff & Mr Roy [?] of Latchbrooke put in. L. c. 106 Novemb ye 10th 1674 +The Swedish minister at Vienna presses very hard for a peace & in Order to it the liberty of ye Prince of furstemburg, as alsoe for a Cessation of armes. Spanish letters say that his Maty haveing written to ye Queen of Spaine that hee had accepted of ye mediation of the King of Engld for a genell peace, her Maty Orderd Our Ambr there to bee acquainted therewth as alsoe that shee was contented to doe ye like, soe that wee dayly expect ye Other partys will follow their Example & a tyme & place be nominated for it They are very apprehensive least ye Swedes should declare for france. & ye Electr of Brande is very Jealous of him & that hee may in ye absence of his person & army fall into his Country as some letters say hee is abt to doe, some affirmeing that Genll Wrangle wth ye Swedish forces is marching directly to Berlin wth Resolution to attaque it wch occation much talke & if soe will make a great alteration in ye posture of affaires. Count Koningsmarke who has servd some tyme in ye french service is gone to be Leuit Genll to Genll Wrangle. tis alsoe said that Genll Wurtz who has bene in ye states service is now goeing into that of ye Swedes & to bee made Governour of ye Duchys of Bremen & Verdon for ye Crowne of Sweden Paris Letters Confirme ye loss of ye Arrier Bann of Anjou under ye Marqss de Sables who being 200 in a Village wthin 6 miles of Nancy were surprised by a party of Lorrainers Some of them got into a Church & made a brave defence till the loss of abt 30 of their number & ye fireing ye place by ye Lorrainers forcet them to surrender them selves prisonr. Their servants were all stript & sent away but all of any quallity kept & a ransome of 100 Pistolls sett upon each head. They Kept alsoe 400 Horses. The Marqss de Crussells sonne was taken wthout any hurt but ye 2 Captains who tooke him disputeing whose prisoner hee should bee One of them kild him to prevent the other from ye benefit of his Ransome, his body was sent to Turene, & tis said the Capt that kild him was Imediately hang'd Tis said the Arrier Ban of Auvergne had ye same ill fortune wth those of anjou, by a party of ye Duke of Lorraines men who kild 80 of them, tooke many prisoners, & great Booty, Marshall Crequi himselfe Escapeing narrowly, being forcet to leave all his Baggage except one Coach & 6 Horses soe that his perticular loss is vallued at 30000 Crownes. ffrom Brussells they write that to preserve good Order the souldrs were Comanded to bee in their quarters by 6 at night on paine of Death, & that an Order was publisht that Whoever should apprehend a souldr after that tyme should have 500 Crownes for a reward L. c. 107 Novemb ye 14 1674 [Written upside down in upper left margin of first recto and in another contemporary hand:] Judge of fforest +ffrom Portsmouth wee heare that Sr John Norburrow saild thence Thursday last wth sevell other ships at Cowes, wth a very good wind wch has Ever since Continued in ye same Corner This morning The Ld Chamberlain his Lady & Sister, the Ld ossory wth his attendants together wth the Ld Lattimer, went aboard the Greyhound to accompany the Heer O Dyke into Holland, there to stay some weekes for their divertisemts O Dyke goes on board a man of Warr sent him from ye states. This morning The Parliamt according to ye former proroguation where the Lds after haveing placed my Ld Powis as Earle of Powis, my Ld Treasurer as Earle of Danby my Ld D of Lauderdale as Earle of Guilford sent for ye Comissions to their Barr, wch being read they were accordingly prorogued till ye 13 of aprill next according to his Maties proclamation there was a very good appearance as well of Lds as Comons +To morrow being her Maties birth day the Court are prepareing to appeare in their greatest Splendr a Ball being intended which shall Comprehend all ye principall persons of ye Court, & the day to bee Concluded wth most Excellt [sic] +ffrom Marseilles wee heare that his Maties gally being at sea, was by Contrary Winds forcet back to shoare wth some Damage, but is now ready to saile againe wth ye first Wind for Tangeir +The Dukes ministers haveing represented to ye Grand Visier that it was ye aime of ye french King to make himselfe sole Monarch of Xtendome & then wth united force to fall upon the grand seignr desired that hee would not divert ye Emprs armes by giveing assistance to ye Rebells in Hungary of wch those Rebbells already boasted [small tear] to wch ye Visier answered that the peace wth ye Empr should be preserved Inviolable, that hee Wisht a good success to his armes & that the Vantings of those Rebbells, of his Masters assistance were but meer forgerys +The Imperiall ministers at ye Hague have bene given to understand that his Imperiall Maty could not wth any reason wave ye mediation of England & since it was Evidt that ye states had bene at ye expence of severall millions for aides in this Warr, they should suddenly bee necessitated to hearken to proposalls of peace [On outside of letter appears this note in a very similar hand to that of "Judge of fforest" at start of letter:] My Master saies that being in Bedworth Lane yesterday to encourage & advise those Men, severall loads of Coales came by, & one man who seemd old enough to have more Witt told him wth a great deal of Passion That the Child who is Unborn would bee bound to curse him, & added for streightening ye Highway. My Master hears yt you are ye Man, & because hee had not time yesterday orderd mee to day yt I should as I went to Wiken, discourse ye businesse wth you, who if you have any reason in you & will consider it seriously, will find you did him wrong in those Expressions. But because hee beleeves your Ignorance occationd your Passion, hee therefores condescends to inform you of ye Design of his Present Undertaking in Griff Lane. +Whereas ye Lane was as every body knows very nought, so yt noe Coach nor horse man or woman could passe wthout much Danger and Difficulty, yt the Kings Subjects lives & Limbs are of much more value then the carts & waggons wch carry Coales the only ruin of that way, and of whose going there is no necesisitty for in the Winter Coales may bee carried on Horsback well enough & then there Danger was cheifly occationd by the deep Ruts, wch by reason of the much water in the Lane were not to bee known from the Pad, nor to bee avoided when two Horses met but [?] now by the Ditch in the Middle the water is drawn away yt the Rutts on both sides may bee better seen & avoided & one side is much better then ever twas so that Saddle Horses Pack Horses or Coaches may freely passe, & Coal carts too if they who spoil the way will help to mend it, yt is if when any team comes empty, they will go into a close next the Lane where a tumbrill is always ready & a man who for three [?] halfpence will help to fill it, and carry that one load where they shall bee directed to some hole in the Lane, they shall for carrying that one load of stone have free liberty to carry one load of Coal or else any of them will (as most chuse to do) send in a team some one whole day, for as many load of stone as they then carry so many Ticketts they shall receive that they may go through wth as many horses & loads of Coal as they did Carry of Stone. This is to help mend the ways at the present, but hereafter or at any dry time my Master designes to leave the Chains quite open (if too much railing prevent not) & to mend both sides that one may bee usd always while tother is mending. Now hee would have y[ou] consider how much this work is or is at least intended for ye Countrys benefit, & how little tis to his own advantage. & if you or anyone can tell him a better way then this wch hee takes to mend highwayes hee'l give you thanks for telling him. He would not take all this paines to satisfy each Country fellow but that hee feares you should hurt your selves by those Curses wch cant hurt him nor dos hee value them more then the barking of a Dog. but hee wishes well to all his Country in generall & every man in particular or else could take another course to silence you.] L. c. 108 [Handwriting changes here.] Novemb 18 1674 +From Dover we heare that on Saturday last the Catherine Yatch putt a shore the Marquess de Cenappe who is come thence for London From ffalmouth we heare of the 11 [in]stant yt that day came in there the Blessing of London from Cadiz from Wence they came the 1st instant in Trumps Squadron being Men of Warr and in all 18 sayle & left him that Morning 6 Leagues of that Harbour with three Men of Warr & Dismallers [?] in his Company, seperated by the weather & waites for the Conjunction of his ships in the Channells & so goe all home together there came that day 200 sayle of Merchant men outward bound, who presently went againe for theire Voyage Yesterday went hence his Royall Highness with his Grace the Duke of Munnmouth & divers persons of quality accompanying them before hunting to Chichester This day the Court solempnized the day of Her Matyes Birth & did it with the greatest Glory ymmaginable yesterday not being fitt for it Her Royall Highness continues very Well thanks be to God & lookes not till the Middle of January next +Madrid Letters of 12th [?] instant say that the Obstinacy of Messinae Heightned with hopes of the ffrench protection has obliged the Spanish Armado of about 20 Sayle to goe thither in order to theire reducement the arrivall of the flotilla from New Spaine is also subjects of much rejoyceing among those people & will infinitely revive the Comoes [?] they are about 20 Ships & richly laden +ffrom portugall we heare that King Alphonsus was ymmedeately upon his arrivall landed at Casrad by the Duke of Cadavall & Secretary of State to Cintra where he is to be kept with a constant Guard of 200 foot & a Troup of Horse The Windowes of the pallace where he lives that have a veiw upon the Towne are all seiled up, he is in good health and eates & sleepes well & is very submissive to those that are sett over him since his being there severall persons that attended him are brought prisoners but theire Crimes not yet knowne The Wind comeing faire Sunday and yesterday for the Lord Chamberlaynes voyage for Holland we hope they are safely landed there They are sayling out of the Bouy of the Nore as soon as ever the Wind turnes about Noe fforraigne Letters since Sunday nor as yet any Governr for Tangyer named L. c. 109 [Handwriting changes here.] Novemb ye 21 1674 His Royall Hss wth severall of the Nobillity haveing bene all this Weeke a fox hunting abt Chichester, is expected home this night or to morrow, her Rll Hss continues very Well. The Earle of Arlington, Earle of Ossory &c haveing bene some tyme Wind bound at ye Buoy in the Nore on Saterday last they past by ye North foreland, but ye winds have bene soe high & contrary since that wee have had noe farther account of them The states have sent a Letter to his Maty to acquaint him that theire allyes as well as themselves had agreed to his mediation, The states have given their answer to ye Swedes Ambrs memoriall, letting him know that they have alwayes bene Well inclined to a peace, & had done their utmost to prevent a warr, but that france forcet them to it notwthstanding ye Just satisfaction they offerd, & that they had made noe allyance till france offerd such hard termes as could by noe meanes bee accepted & that they should still pursue ye Warr how Ruinous soever rather then submitt themselves to a Conquest, that haveing Entred into an allyance they Could now doe nothing wthout their allyes. As to ye buisness of the Prince of ffurstenb they could not by any meanes intercede for him, hee haveing had the confidence to tell one of their Ambrs that for 15 yeares hee had made it his buisness to destroy them, & boasted himselfe ye author of all ye miseries that had befallen them, as for the place for a Treaty they told him they were content wth either franckfort or Hamburg. But the whole discourse in Holland is of a peace wth wch they much please themselves and talke as if they were already assured of it. & that ye Prince of Orange would suddenly come over for England to further it. The Empr Spaine, & Brandenb, the grand allyes haveing already agreed as well as ye states for the carrying it on. Genll Rabenhaupt has left Grave, & was disposeing severall of his Regemts in ffreizland & Groningen, but those of ffreizland would not obey his orders, upon wch hee has given an account of ye same to the Prince, & ye states desireing to know how hee should demeane himselfe therein. ffrom ffrance wee heare that tho peace bee the genll discourse there, yet that King is makeing all possible Leavies for warr, dayly Issueing out new Comissions & is Continueing all possible wayes & projects for rayseing money to Carry on ye same for wch many proposealls are now depending. The Prince of Conde is very much indisposed of ye Gout at Chantilly Turene keeps his old post haveing sent his Horse to quarter at a distance round him for more conveniency of provision +The Chevalier de Rohan is not yet put to death tho dayly Expected, there are in the Bastile 52 prisoners on ye same accot The Citty of Palermo have sent deputies to france to desire that Kings protection as those of Messina did before, The Chevallier Valbell, is much Comended for his service there Especially for haveing forct ye Castle of St Salvador, who haveing made a floateing Castle upon 3 ships soe Batterd ye other yt they were not in a condition to hold out longer The assistance ye Genoeses gave to ye discont[ent]ed people of Messina has soe far displeasd the Court of Spaine that they talke of requireing a speedy account of them for it, & as is said orders are given out for that purpose. The Duke of Lorraine is said to have 8000 men in & on ye fronteirs of that Country, wth a designe as is said to surprize Nancy, hee haveing held a correspondency wth some in yt towne, but upon discovery of it severall of note are arested by ye french Kings order They still affirme from france that ye Swede will Certainly cut in favour of that King & that they are already soe farr on their march, that they Will bee before Berlin ere ye Elector of Bradenb can give Reliefe tis certaine ye Swedes are makeing new Leavies when [?] they march toward ye provence of Schonen, & talke of Equipping a Considerable fleet to bee ready agst next Spring, but there is a talke of a new treaty betwt ye Empr King of Denmarke Elector of Saxony Duke of Lunenb &c: by wch they stand obligd to make new Leavies to assist each other agst any attempt of ye Swede L. c. 110 Novemb ye 21 1674 +My Ld Cheife Justice Hales has bene very ill of late, but is now hopet in a Way of recovery. from Dover wee heare that Van Trumps Squadron past by there on Tewsday morning wth 18 saile of Mercht men & as ye Duch merchts say, to make up ye loss of their tyme they are freighted wth Bullion to a very Considerable vallue. Our Merchts have againe recd advice from their factors in Italy of ye Injuries done lately by ye privateers of Majorca (an Island belonging to ye Spaniard in the Mediterranean) to severall of their small ships tradeing to & from Barbary who upon pretense of searching for Jews goods have seizd & carried into Port the Affrican Pink, as not long since another English Vessell, selling part of ye ladeing, & deteyneing them soe that they are petitioning his Maty for redress in yt point that ye Barbary trade may not be Interupted &c: Count Monterey has alsoe Writt an answere to his Maty, giveing him an account of his proceedings abt ye Insolencys of ye Ostend privateers, telling him hee had sent for all ye Causes & Complaints of ye English Merchts in that perticuler, to be brought before him, & would by an extraordnary process, & speedy Course of Justice have them dispatcht wth all Imaginable dilligence, & Endeavour to prevent ye same for ye future. Noe foreigne packetts are yet Come in L. c. 111 [Handwriting changes here.] Novembr 26 1674 +Wee yesterday Eagerly suspected [sic] Letters from abroad but the Winds did not favour, but last night Comeing Northerly we are in hopes to have some this Night +Next weeke My Lord Pembrooke is to be married to my Lady Ariett Quarell sister to her Grace the Dutchess of Portsmouth all things being now prepared for it My Lord Vaughan has deferred his journey till next Weeke, the Weather being soe Bad but that day senitt he hopes to sayle from Dover with all his Company for Jemaica ffrom Barbadoes we have the Confirmacon of the last hurricane wch hapened there some Moneths since, it did great mischeife to that place but most of all at Meevis [sic], wch is very much injured by itt The Governour was expected every day when this ship that brought the Newes came from thence The Treaty we heare goes on still on all sides soe that there is some hopes this Winter may produce a Generall peace & his Maty the sole Mediatr +Its yet uncertaine whether the Sweedes are marcht to Berlin or no But noe doubt theire intentions to enter action, severall signes of it preparing every where by theire makeing Leagues in divers Countreys The Dane has alsoe a very good Army on foot to oppose them so that if Warr breake out betweene those Northerne Crownes we must not expect reconsiliation soe suddenly From Dover we heare yt they begin there to feare the Harbour may be spoyled with stormes, doeing dayly mischeife to it so that his Maty does hasten his Surveyours to go & repaire it with all Speed and least Imaginable Complaynt in Councell of the prejudice done to English shipping by Makeing forreigne Botto[m]es free by giveing them Sea breifes partculerly at Dover his Maty to discountenance the same was yesterday pleased to Committ the Mayor and his officers to Custody for doeing the same (it being Contrary to his Royall pleasure &c:[)] L. c. 112 November the 26 1674 +As yett wee have noe Dutch Letters and know nothing further of my Lord Chamberlayne but what a Dutch Skipper is said to relate thus, That on Munday Morning last he saw them upon the Coast of Zealand so that thankes be to God they are escaped the last weeke Dreadfull storme the like of wch has not been seene of late The Latter end of this Weeke my Lord Vaughan goes hence to Dover whither his ships are already Gon to take him in there; for his voyage to Jamaica On Saturday last the Duke of Yorke mett the King at Hampton (where they dined wth ye D: of Lauderdale &c.[)] So both returnd to Towne that Evening, Some Letters from Paris say that ye Marquess de Vitrys son a person of great Witt & accomplishment, being in Drinke & unruly in attempting to breake the Lanthorne of the Palace Royall One of the Swisses Guards minded not his quality & distemper shott him in the head of wch he presently dyed to the great regreate of the King & court The sad effects of the late storme appeare in divers places But perticulerly in the River above [?] Bridge where 7 persons were cast a way and as many more narrowly escapeing & severall Leighters & small ships sunk below Bridge also From Deale of 22 we heare that the day before happened a very sad storme at N W wch forced severall ships from there Anchors & Cables & drove them upon the Coast of ffrance where tis feared they will be lost, theire sayles being blowne to peices, That they had there also ye ill news from the Isle of Chanet of a Virginia man homeward Bound yt was cast a way on the Backe of the Sandes yt one of his Matys Yatchs was seen to be over sett & a sand wch they foundred at sea [?] & another Boate ashore both laden and a dover ship of 120 Tuns from Bourdeaux laden wch came a shore in Sandwch Bay, onely 40 hogsheads of wine saved ffrom Lyme of the 21 we are tould that there was come in there a ship of that place from Bourdeaux in Company of 30 sayle wch she lost sight of in the storme She sayes there are severall ffrench men of Warr in the Channell some of 60 Guns & the least 30 in all about 20 sayle He mett 6 sayle of them together who were waiting for dutch fleet in Torbay about 38 sayle 3 of wch men of Warr for Convoy the vintage in ffrance has not hitt & wine & Brandy much dearer then formerly From Dover we heare the weather is so bad that noe mailes can goe of till it cleare & none arrive hence wch is the reason of our want of newes L. c. 113 [Handwriting changes here.] Novemb ye 28 1674 ffrom all places wee still continue to heare of ye sad effects of ye late storme, they tell us that 14 ships have bene lost betweene ye Downes & Margate, in wch they suppose 300 men to have perrished, besides sevell other ships in other places. ffrom Southampton they tell us that a vessell arived there from ye Canarys Informes that Capt Eaton who Comanded a Pink of Dover wth 6 guns, met in his passage a salley man of warr who Came thrice on board him & was as often beaten off at last leaveing 2 Turkes behind him who were soe much wounded that the Capt seeing noe hopes of recovery Causd them to be throwne over board, & soe Came safe into ye Canarys Madam Boynton being lately marryed to the Earle of Roscommon, Mrs Treavor Daughter to ye late secretary of state is made a maid of Honr to ye Duchess in her Roome. On Saterday last a french man of warr of abt 40 guns Came to Spitthead & soone after a Duch man of warr of 30 or 40 guns Came to an anchor but a small distance from him, but ye Duch man sayleing downe toward Cowes the french man went out againe to sea to Cruise, there being severall french men of Warr Cruiseing abt the Isle of Wight ffrom Vienna Wee heare that Count Oxensterne had soe Continued his Instances wth ye Emprs ministers in ye affaire of ye Prince of ffurstemburg that at last hee had gaind this answere, that in favour of ye peace they would put a stop to his process, & allow him a greater liberty then was formerly given him in prison wch hee might make use of till a peace should bee concluded & then ye Empr would grant a Genll act of pardon upon wch hee may Come out wth Honr to ye Empr. ffrench Letters speake somewt Incertainly of Turenes army. Some say they are still at their old post, others that they are decampt, for wch the greatest reason they give is that severall Emint officers of ye army are Come to paris, But tis Certaine ye Gentlemen of ye Ban & ye arier Ban are seperated from ye rest of ye army to make a body under de Crequi for the defence of Lorraine if ye Enimy should attempt it. The french King is giveing out Comissions for 12000 Horse & 20000 foot, all his Guards are to be augmented & some Companys doubled. The Swedes are accounted 15000 men in Pomerania, & 8000 in ye Bpprick of Bremen both wch bodys are to joyne the Duke of Hannover The Chevallier de Rohans process is not like to bee Concluded soe soone as was Expected tis said hee swooned ye last tyme hee was brought before ye Judges. The Chapter of Leige has its said declared absolutely in favour of ffrance The Chevallyer Valbelle is returned from Messina haveing left the Castle of St Salvador in ye hands of ye french. His most Xtian Maty has Granted to ye Duke de Vermandoiz that hee shall take place as a sonne of france of all ye princes of ye Blood. ffrench Letters newly Come in say that ye 27 the Chevalier de Rohan, Madam de Villars, & a nephew to Truamont & Vander Eiden a Duch being Convicted by their Owne Confession of haveing promised to deliver Normandy into ye hands of ye Spaniard by Causing that provence to revolt, were all Condemnd to dye, wch was yt day accordingly Executed, ye 3 first beheaded, ye other hangd, Turene is Encampt at Ingweiler 2 Leagues from his former post in his removall thither 7 squadrons of ye Enimy attaqut his Reare, but finding ym in a condition to Recieve them soone Retyred. The Elector of Brandenburg resolves to give Turene a disturbance if hee can from this soe convenient post, Turene is fortifying Saverne & Hagenau, The Confederates have closely beleaguered Treves, ye Elector of Treves forces have beseigd Blicastle a french garison, ye Imperialists have reposest themselves of Dinant, from whence ye french are marcht upon articles [?], & designe next upon Rochfort. L. c. 114 [Handwriting changes here.] Decemb 1 1674 +On Saturday last my Lord Treasures Daughter Anne was Married to Mr Cookes sonne of Norfolke (a person of vast Estate) at Wellingford in the presence of divers persons of Honr From the Hague of the 30 instant we heare that the Prince of Orange is dayly present in the Councell of State makeing of a ffund for the expenses of Next Spring & hopes to gett 15 Millions for it There is publisht an order of his Hiss that all officers of the Army repaire presently to theire Quarters and upon report of Arming of the Swedes the States have resolved to send a body of 12000 or 15000 men & the Bpp of Munster now perfecly reconsiled to the States has offered ffree passage for those Troups through his Country to watch the Motion of the Swedes in Pomerania They also speake of a squadron of men of Warr to joyne with those of the Dane in the Sound to give them a diversion also by sea Upon all those resolutions Monsr Ernstein the Sweedish Ambr has putt in a Memoriall in wch he indeavours to convince the States of the untruth of the report of his Masters march; who he sayes desires to live in perfect ffreindship with all his neighbours & therefore hopes they will not Make those preparations till they are certaine of his Masters intention My Lord Arlington & Ossory landed safe in Zealand the 20th instant ffrom whence they went towards the Hague but the ill weather forced them to take in at William Stadt & weare that day expected at Roterdam where they would make noe stay but hasten to the Prince, who as well as all the people expected the opening of theire business +ffrom Brussells of the 20th say that a party from St Omar & Agre in goeing to raise Contributions mett 400 ffrench & brought to St Omar 200 prisoners The Germans have taken severall posts about Phillipsburg. The Governor would raise money but the poverty of the Countrey is soe great that its scarce possible to gett much The Swedes have now declared in favour of ffrance & have appoynted Pomerania ffrom Phillipsburg the ffrench have some dayes past made a great incursion into the Pallatinate burnt & pillaged many villages that refused Contribution & taken 2000 head of Cattle +The Deputyes of Lunenburg have acquainted Generall Sporke that they have granted him his way through theire Countrey and will furnish him with all necessarys From Paris they say that the Duke de Enguien is ordered to come into the new Conquest of fflanders upon wch he is marcht wth some Troups towards Brussells & the ffrench are gathering together also about Ipre upon wch Count Montery has ordered all his officers to repaire to theire Comands & is himselfe goeing into fflanders to see how the Troups are there & has also hastned the Subsides Treves is blockt up & the Dutch Troups are posted neere Navis [?] The Elector of Brandenburg fforces have taken a very good passage in Lorraine The Lunenburg Troups the 15 sat downe before Overbergen. This Evening Generall Mariures [?] Treaty for all the World was agreed before his Maty between his Commissioners & those of Holland & the Terme of 3 Moneths prescribed by the late Treaty wch expires that night prolonged for the ffinall adjusting the treaty of Commerce East Indyes [Note in different hand at end of letter:] Mr Hope/Pray peruse this, & make sence of it if you can wthout the amendments above, & hereafter pray seal all the letters wch you send to/Your freind RN./De: 4 L. c. 115 [Handwriting changes here.] Decemb ye 3d 1674 +ffrom ye Hague of ye 7th inst wee heare yt Monsr Ernstein ye Swedes Ambr had given ye States another memoriall wherein hee thankes them for their speedy answere to his last, & hopes they will not misinterpret his masters intentions, since they were declared to bee onely to oblige all parties to a Cessation in order to a treaty for a genell peace, that hee hopes since ye most Xtian King is resolved to restore ye D of Lorraine that they will not stand upon niceties in ye manner of it &c: Duch Letters also say that Count Oxenstern at Vienna had proposed to that Court a Cessation & Hamburg for ye Congress, & yt if ye Empr will release ye Prince of ffurstemburg the french King will admitt ye Lorraine deputies soe wt ye effect will bee wee shall soone know, the seige of Treves is given over, & ye Confederates goeing by degrees to winter in alsatia +The french have sent their Baggage into Lorraine & will themselves sudenly follow, Berlin is reinforct wth 1500 men & 8000 swedes to be left in Pomerania & 17000 to enter Brandenburg Ct Braher is sent to Denmark from Sweden to desire that King not to medle in ye Contest now in hand, ye Confederates Endeavr to make ymselves masters of Liege +ffrom Brussells of ye 7th wee heare that Ct Monterey wth ye M: Bourgouene, & My Ld Castlehaven went Wendsday last for flanders to adjust ye Subsidies for ye yeare Ensueing, that day severall Troupes went thence for flanders, & those of Lorraine were alsoe marched toward Leige to Joyne wth Monsr Lovigny they being resolved to make themselves masters of Leige in order whereunto the Imperiall army have posest themselves of all ye Eminient posts abt ye Towne His Maty being informed that some ships of Tripoly had lately seizd some English ships & taken out strangers merchants & their goods, has sent to demand satisfaction The french are giveing out Comissions for 80000 men & ye Imperiallists for 60000 Monsr De la Hay has signifyed from the Indies that hee maintaines a good defence agst ye King of Golconda who is agst him wth 40000 men, Monsr Tonamont & ye Duch man that sufferd were that morning put to ye question wch soe weakened them that they were Carryed in Carts to Execution. The Duch man was soe tortured that hee was not able to stand & being directed to ask pardon of god & the King answered of god hee did, but not of ye King The Messineses are Endeavouring to make up a small body of an army to take ye feild inviteing all ye rest to Joyne wth them upon promise of freedome of their Citty, those of Cattania seeme resolvd to follow their example haveing already raised tumults in ye Citty, that which obligeth them ye more is that ye french hither to have refused to take possession of any of their forts telling ym that ye King their Mr intends ym assytance agst ye opresion of ye Spaniard & not to make a prey of ym, soe now they talk of makeing themselves a Comon wealth & ye french K their protector [Note in same hand as rest of letter:] I am much sorry, & humbly begg yo[u]r Wor[shi]ps pardon for ye faults of my last wch was thro my servts neglect, but ye like for ye future shall bee endeav[our]ed to be prevented by yo[u]r Worsps most humble servt/R Hope L. c. 116 Decembr ye 5 1674 His Maty being informed in Councell that severall persons have notwthstanding ye care that has bene taken for necessary change, taken a a liberty to disperse & utter farthings & halfepence other then those provided by his Maty, has Orderd a proclamation to bee Issued forth stricktly forbidding any such kind of change for ye future under ye severest penalty ye Law can inflict The Popes Nuncio in ffrance strongly sollicites yt that Kings Ambr at Rome may be directed to wthdraw himselfe from ye interest of ye Other Ambrs Concerned in ye present dispute wth ye Cardinall Patron for priveledges, offering on that Condition to pass ye affaire relateing to ye Land of St Lazer now in dispute, an Indulgence for all ye Kings naturall children to hold Ecclesiasticall prefermts wch has bene hitherto denyde, & a Liberty for ye King to pres[en]t to all abbys & dignitys that are de la nominacon Royale, the Princes & states of Italaly [sic] are Entring into a new League & Confederation for ye preservation of ye peace of that Country & a mutuall defence in case of any attaque, in wch respect is to bee had to ye affaires of Messina +The Elector of Brandenb continues still in alsatia where hee pretends to take up winter quarters, great sums of money have bene lately sent to Count Wrangell, soe yt some action is sudenly expected, some say ye Czarr of Muscouvy has offrd ye Empr to give the Swede a Powerfull diversion in Livonia in case hee shall invade ye Empire or any part of it, tis Certaine ye Prince of Orange intends wth a Considerable body to Joyne the Elector of Brandenb to Oppose ye Swede, wth whom ye States, notwthstanding ye specious pretences of their Ambr, seeme very ill satisfyed wth for their not observeing the treaty of Elben, & their desireing them to treat on very unequall termes, the Swedish Ambr pretends his Master designes nothing agst Brandenb upon any other accot but onely ye adjusting private differences betwixt ym, however, ye States have given him this positive that they would assist ye Elector of Brandenb agst any attempt made upon any of his territorys on what account soever, upon wch ye Ambr has sent 2 Expresses to Sweden to give notice of this their Resolution +Tis said the Imperiallists have possest themselves of Brisack a very Considerable place lately in ye french hands, & of much Import to them, by ye Corruption of ye french Governr, +The States to give the Swedes a more Considerable diversion talke of prepareing a fleet to joyne wth ye Dane for that purpose, The Duke of Lorraine wth a body of 8 or 9000 men is Endeavouring to reduce Burgundy, Genll Sporke since ye takeing of ye Castle of Hay, has made himselfe master of severall other townes & places thereabt, & was goeing toward Chimay to attaque that place, & seize ye Cittadell of Leige L. c. 117 [Handwriting changes here.] Decemb 8th 1674 Fryday last the Earle of Stratford was by his Matyes perticuler Grace & favour Sworn and admitted into his honorable privy Councell Sr John Chichley is made Master of the Ordinance of all England with the usuall allowance to succeed in that great Employment after his ffathers decease The Lady Harrietta Querrowell Sister to the Dutchess of Portsmouth is made a denison of England & is on Thursday Next to be married to the Earle of Pembroke ffrom ffalmouth we heare that 4 french men of Warr are gon out thence to seeke purchase, and had sent in 2 or 3 Vessells and are expecting the Holland Streights fleet wch are very richly laden & dayly expected Sunday Embargued Mr Lawrence Hide Sir Charles Scarborrough &c for Rohan where the Earle of Clarenden lyes dangerously sicke if not allready dead +ffrom the Hague of the 14th instant we heare that my Lord Arlington and Ossory were then at Amsterdam, but intended to be theire as [sic] yesterday in order to theire Embarcations for England. So that they are expected here the latter end of this weeke On Wednesday last the Sweedish Ambr gave in a Memoriall to the State in wch he acquaintted them that the King of ffrance could not consent to any place with in the Empire for the Treaty of Peace but that he propounded Breda for that purpose & is ready to send his plenepotentiary thither assoon as Satisfaction shall be given in the prince of ffurstenburg concerns & for the money seized by the Emperors order at Collogne an[d] this is observable that noe mention is made of the Duke of Lorraine and if that place pickt was disliked by Spaine & the Emperor That Ambr still gives them hopes that his master will not engage in any action but continue his offices of peace, as long as they may have hopes of prevailing, on the other side theire Ambr in Denmarke informes that great endeavrs are acted by Sweden to take of that Crowne from theire allyance with the States to wch purpose that King desires the King of Denmarkes sister in Marriage and the King of ffrance offers a portion of 2 Millions, upon wch they know not how those offers may prevaile L. c. 118 December 12 1674 +Mr Felton Groom of the Bed chamber to his Maty now owns his Marriage with my Lady Elizabeth Howard Younger Daughter & Coheirre [?] to the Earle of Suffolke and all perfect endeavours are used to make it pleaseing to the Earle without Whose privaty it was done This Morning Early my Lord Cheife Justice Vaughan died at his lodging in Towne after an indisposition of few houres he will be interred according to his quality, who will succeed him we know not yet some say Mr Montague, Others, my Lord Cheife Justice Turner; and if the latter carryes it the first will be made Cheife Barron in his roome but a few dayes will Cleare this doubt +ffrom Spaine they say they will pay the Prince of Orange part of what they owe him for wch it was thought they would give him the Dukedome of Lunenburgh, and quiet theire pretentions to Maestricht Noe resolution is yet taken there about a new Governour of fflanders, but it was thought Don Juan after his haveing the Duke de Villa Hermosa Comands in his place +From paris of the 16th instant we heare that the Duke of Lorraine in his retreate ffrom Espinall mett 5000 of horse sent to him by the Elector of Brandenburg That upon the removall of the ffrench Troups to that place it was reported that they were goeing into Winter Quarters But that Generall has ordered all his officers that they may not expect any rest whilst the Enemy rest on this of that Rhyn [sic] & has assured his Most Xtian Maty that he is able to Subsist 6 weekes longer, wch the Germans he does beleive will not be able to doe The Imperiall and brandenburgh Troups Continues theire Quarters in Alsatia and Mount Belliard That Letters from Basle in Sweitzerland say that the Cantons have had a Meeting wherein he has bin resolved that by reason of the neare approach of the severall Armyes That it is necessary for them to have a force on foot least any thing may be attempted to theire prejudice and that accordingly they have in readiness 18000 men +Monsr Chamilly late Governor of Grave is made Marshall de Campe with The Command of 4 Regiments and a pension of 2000 Crownes setled on him during life, and tis told he shall be Governor of Brisack There is publisht all foreigne Coynes [?] throughout the ffrench Dominions The Spaniards are reputed to have received some late defeate The Messinasses & Severall Companyes of Swisses are ordered to march towards Lorraine They say Sir Francis North Attorney Generall to his Maty is to be made Lord Cheife Justice of the Common pleas in my Lord Vauhans roome. L. c. 119 [Handwriting changes here.] Decembr ye 13 '74 +Mr Balthazar St Michell is by his Maties order sent to ye tower of London Capt Eaton who in a ship of 6 guns & 11 men fought a sallee man of Warr & kild abt 60 of his men haveing bene thrice boarded by him, as an Encouragemt of such Bravery is presented by his Maty wth a gold Chayne & Medall, two Rich Scanderoone ships are safely Come in. The french King has Issued forth a declaration prohibiting all his privateers to put into any Port of his Matys of great Brittaine, unless forcet in for their Owne preservation & in that case not to stay above 24 houres under penalty of Confiscation ye forfeiture to go to ye use of ye Hospitall that King is now building neare paris hee has Wrott a letter of Condoleance to ye Chevalier de Rohans mother, Causeing the Queen & Dauphin to doe ye like protesting his great respect for ye family, notwthstanding ye Mis Carriage of ye Chevalier [Handwriting changes here.] +The King has bin pleased to make Sir Francis North his Attorney Generall Lord Cheife Justice of the Comon pleas in my Lord Cheife Justice Vaughans roome upon whose removall Sir William Jones the present Solicitor Generall is made Attorney Generall Sir Francis Winington Attorney Generall to the Duke is made Solicitor Generall to his Maty Sir John Chirchill Attorney Generall and Mr King of the Temple made Solicitor to his Royall Highness +My Lord Vaughan & Traine was Tuesday last Windbound at Deliles, but we beleive he is since sayled, the Wind comeing yesterday faire with a fresh Gale. +Last Night his Maty & divers persons of quality supped at Sir Robert Parrs Chancellor of the Dutchy where they were Nobly entertained. +ffrom Falmouth we heare that theire was come in there a ship from Barbadoes wch said that before they came a way there happened a very great Hurricane which did them much hurt both by loss of ships and houses but that they had a very good hope this yeare +This day Letters from Holland of the 18/8 instant say that the next day wch was on Wednesday last The Earles of Ossory and Arlington intended to Imbarque for England. That the States have caused an Answer to bee returnd. The Sweedes Ambr who by his Memoriall acquaintted them that they [sic] Most Xtian King thought Breda a proper place for the Treaty, that Hamburgh was more Convenient, The Swedes doe not yet begin to march; and the Dutch seeme to thinke that the Brisk Answer wch the States made to the Swedes Ambr on that subject, vizt That they would be forced to declare against them when they attacked. The Elector of Brandenburg has bin the Occation of theire not haveing heard of the March of the Sweedes +The Admiralty in Holland begin to be Imployed in the next yeares Equipage by sea +It proves a Mistake what was said of Mr ffelton Marriage with my Lad[y] Eliz. Howard is being quite disowned. L. c. 120 [Handwriting changes here.] Decembr 15 1674 +Saterday Dr Burnett the Popish Priest being convicted of high treason by ye Statutes for perverting his Matys subjects, was condemned to be drawn hangd & quartered at ye usuall place of Execution Wee heare from Deale that on friday the Ld Vaughan & his Company sailed from ye Downes wth an Indifferent good gale as yet wee heare nothing of ye arivall of ye Lds Arlington & ossory On Twelfe day the Principallest abt ye Court divert their Matys wth a Play & Opera wherein ye Splendor & Grandeur of the English Monarchy will bee seene +Letters from Brussells of ye 18th say that they had there a warme report that ye Imperialists are Entred Burgundy wth 12000 Horse under ye Conduct of ye Prince of Baden Durlack, whilst the Duke of Lorraine on ye other hand is Entred his owne Teritorys wth a Considerable body, where his subjects take up armes wth him They say alsoe that Brisack is soe streightned & soe many people in it that they will quickly be forcet to great necessity, part of ye Imperialists are at Hay, & ye rest under Genll Spork gone to quarter in Juliers Berg, Collogne, & wthin The Teritorys of Aix la Chappelle wch gives great disatisfaction to those Countrys, Maiestreicht is very much streightned. +Mr Gibson of Comb [Cumb?] is now Sr Isaak L. c. 121 Decemb ye 17 1674 yesterday 4 of ye 9 men Condemned to dye last sessions for divers offences were executed at Tyburn ye old woman for Clipping of money is to be burnt on fryday in Smythfeild The Preist is repreived by his Maty from present Execution till hee shall recieve a full Information of the state of his Case, some thing haveing bene alleaged in his favour wch seemes to mittigate his offence One Monsr St Peirre haveing acquainted his Maty that hee hopes hee hath found out ye Longitude, a Comittee of ye Royall Society are appoynted to make a tryall, it being of very great Concerne to this nation if it could bee done Effectually This day Came ye news of ye Death of ye Earle of Clarendon at Rohan, his body is to be brought over into England for interrmt wth ye rest of his family ffrom Vienna wee heare ye Empr has acquainted ye Swedish Ambr that hee is very willing to admitte of a Cessation provided ye french Imediately quitts ye Empire & Lorraine & franch Compte as members of it, & proposes Lubeck as ye place of Treaty, but the Prince of furstembergs concernes continue in ye same uncertainty Turene wee heare is resolvd to make the Imperalists repass ye Rhyne or fight him & is therefore marcht toward them, The Duch have beseigd St Thome in ye East Indies, & very much distresst it, The french Governr of ye place haveing bene unfortunately killd in a salley by a shott from ye towne. from Madrid wee heare that ye Queen Regent was begining to forme the young Kings household in order to his takeing ye Governmt into his Owne hands. That ye first the Ct de Molina late Amb in England dyed there. The Spaniards are said to be raiseing 15000 foot & 25000 horse for the reduction of Messina +ffrom The Hague wee heare that ye Prince is dayly present in Councell abt ye preparation for next spring, The forces for East freizland are as yet retarded by reason the Swedes are not yet Entred into action, 3 Regimts of Duch are gone into Wesell & Leipstat to give leave for the Brandenburgers to march toward Minden The Elector of Collogne is saide to have streightly forbidden all his relation & domesticks from Corresponding wth the Bp of Stratzburg. They say the D of Lorraine has Certainly possest himselfe of some places in his Country, The Imperialists designe if they can to take up their winter quarters in Burgundy that soe they may begin their Campaigne in the Enimies Country. +Our Lds are not yet arived from Holland Tis feard Sr Tho. Norton will bee dead. L. c. 122 Decemb ye 19 1674 His Maty haveing bene pleasd to honr ye Citty of London by being made free of ye same this day the Ld Mayor & Court of alderm came in their formallitys to returne him their humble thankes, & presented him wth a Coppy of his freedome in a Very Large Box of gold, the seales of wch were alsoe inclosed in a gold Box set wth precious stones wch his Maty most graciously recd, & sent them away Extreamely satisfyed with their Reception The poore old woman that should have bene burnt in Smythfeild, is by his Matyes repreived & ordred to be transported. My Ld Vaughn Continues Wind bound in ye Downes nor are ye Earles of Ossory & arlington yet arived ffrom Brussells of ye 25 wee heare that ye Confederates have streightly blokt up Brisack & phillipsburg soe that noe succours can come to them neither are ye french like to Endeavr it Monsr Turenes Army being soe broken that his horse is gone into france fresh troups being to come in their roome Genll Waldeck who was to march to ye Elector of Brandenbs assistance is now goeing on another Errant from ye Prince of Orange to Vienna. They say ye Messinois being driven to great streights are like to make an accomodation wth Spaine wch ye french endeavour to hinder, the Spaniards have lately taken 3 ships laden wth provisions goeing to them. ffrom the Hague wee heare the Swedish Amb has put in another memoriall, wherein hee desires them to alter their minds abt Breda but has litle hopes to succeed, the states haveing publisht their answere to it in print, the Prince of Orange has in a Councell of Warr resolvd to have a genll Rendezvouz before hee disbands ye 333 Companys in whose roome hee proposes to raise 120 Companies in 10 Regimts +The Empr has put Prince Lobcowitz Secretary to ye question who has confest soe much that fresh guards are put upon that Prince The states Genll have Resolved to Equipp 30 men of Warr to bee an ExtraOrdnary squadron to attend ye motion of ye swede, they have resolvd to make ye same sea preparations as in 1672, & are sending out 2 squadrons of 12 fregatts each to secure their merchants ships. Don Juan is made absolute Governr of flanders. The King of Spaine has taken upon him ye Governmt of his Kingdome, The Duch forces are still in ye Electorate of Collogne & will not stirr thence till that Elector has paid 60000 Crownes for Over Issell & 29000 for arears of Contribution It seemes the Earle of Pembroke was not marryed till this day. when ye Bp of Durham marryed them +sunday last one of ye sheep Killers was taken in Strettenfeilds [?] & was by Sr Hillwarr Skipwith sent to Warrwick Goale L. c. 123 [Handwriting changes here.] Decemb 22 1674 +By a Ship come from Cadiz we heare that Sir John Norborough & mr Brisbane haveing taken in theire the money for the redemption of the Captives was sayled for Algire from whence we expect sudainely a good account of that business to the content of his Maty and those people. This day the Wind comeing a little Northerly we hope my Lord Vaughan wth his Company is sayled from the Downes We still impatiently expect my Lord Chamberlayn & Earle of Ossory, The tyme of 2 Moneths being agreed for Continueing the Marine Treaty between us & Holland The States have sent back a Ratifycation of it Mr Cranfield & Captaine George thinke of departing sudainly for Surriam to adjust the Affaires The Baron de Bergyke arrived here from fflanders on thursday last he continues yet incognito & is to take on him the Charrector of the Envoy from the Court of Spaine and is to reside here till Ranguillo arrives This day my Lord Cheife Justice Vaughans body is to be buryed wth All ye publique Solemnity befitting his degree to wch it will be attended by the persons & Coaches of divers of great quality as well as the Long Robes, he being a person very much beloved. +My Lord Duras is dayly expected here from Paris where he has bin serving the most Xtian King all the last summer His Maty talkes already of goeing next spring to Winsor where The Castle is begun to be altered & made more fitt for his Residence every Summer ffrom Paris we heare that King is about to make 3 Marshalls of ffrance, and the Duke de Luxemburg the Duke de Duras & the Marquis de Rochforts are said to be the persons intended The Marshall Turene is expected at paris very shortly haveing they say resolved to give his men some rest this winter & sent them into quarters, tho some advices say he is gon into Burgundy to impede the Imperalists entring into it The Danish Letters say that King is makeing great preparations for warr as much as he could were the Swedes really in action They give out that he is to assist the Elector of Brandenburg in case he should be disturbed by them, all theire Army is ready to march upon the first Notice The ffrench Ambr continues there in expectation of a Marriage between the King of Sweden and that Kings Sister wch the ffrench would helpe forward. L. c. 124 Decemb 24 1674 +With our Letters from Jamaica by the last Ships came Copyes of Commissions & instrucons sent to the ViceRoy of New Spaine the Marquess de Maistern from ye Queen Regt by wch she gives direction, takeing notice of the Warr between ffrance and them and the dayly pyra[cies] Comitted by severall Nations on theire Coasts, upon pretense of Cutting Loogwood and other fruites & Commodityes peculiarly belonging to Spaine to issue out private Commissions to all that would take them against whomsoever they would find doeing acts of Hostility agt that Crown, but with a Caution not to doe any thing repugnant to any League with princes in amity with them. ffrom Messina we heare the Spanish Viceroy has ordered all the inhabitants of Sycilly to send in theire Money or men for the Reduceing of Messina & has Entertained a ffamous Captaine of the Bandits with all his Men whom he has pardoned on this occation ffrom Germany we heare that the Dutch troops under Mr ffarrio have past by Collogne much weakned by sickness and deserters Mr Turene at the head of his Army is marching by little Journeys towards Besart with intentions to winter in ye upper Alsatia A party of 250 of his men meeting with a party of the Enemy skermized so long till they kild 200 of them & so retyred, but lost theire Comander The Count de Bourlemont & others prisoners The Imperiallists & confederate Troops Oblige all places even free Cittys to admitt of Garrisons to theire great Trouble The Swedish Ambr att Vienna waites still for an answer to his Memoriall about a Suspension of Armes and the Prince of ffustenburgs liberty wch he will have when the Currier sent about it returns from Spaine, the approach of this festivall has made all business bee adjourned till after the 12th dayes The Last advices from Suratt april 1st give us an account of the Care & endeavours used there for the liberty of our Countrey men who were taken in ye English East India ships by the Dutch, who tho they shown some Kindnesses to the officers & sett severall of them on shoare yet they have been as severe to the private men keeping many of them in yrons to force them by that meanes to accept theire pay & enter upon theire service, as some of them have already done, St Thome continued beseiged tho little action past The Dutch lying onely entrenched in expectation of theire Generall who was bringing a fleet from Ceylon with all the force Could well be made to joyne them Victualls grow very scarce in St Thome there being not then far about 2 Moneths left insomuch that they had turnd out the Blackes & Musteeses & many of theire Owne people ran dayly to the Moores soe that at the Arrival of the Dutch Generall it was expected that place would surrender L. c. 125 [Handwriting changes here.] Decemb ye 26 1674 +Letters from Monsr Turene of ye 22d say that hee was Encampt wth all his army at Remiremont, but intended to march thence ye next day wth a resolution to fight ye Enimy or make them quitt ye feild, tho they are much ye stronger, hee haveing but 20000 men Effective besides Cavalry The Cantons of Swisserland have bene acquainted by the Elector of Brandemb that the approach of ye Confederate army toward french Compte Shant prejudice them, but they however resolve to stand upon their guard Wednesday last Came to towne my Ld Duras, Coll Churchill & some french Noblemen from ye army, whom they say left in a very good Condition from Harwich of ye 24th Wee heare that ye yacht full of souldrs mentioned in ye Gazett was Come on shoare, ye Day before the souldrs in it mutinyd agst their officers, & abt 30 or 40 of them got to land & are gone to their homes ffrom Brussels of ye 28th wee heare that the states of Leige have Recd his Impell Maties finall answere by the Baron de Isola, that his Impell Maty will not admitt of their Neutrallity in this Warr, but that they must declare themselves for the Confederates or Else his Impll Maty will bee forcet to take other measures then hither to hee has, wch answere has put them into great Confusions neither have they yet resolvd uppon any thing abt it. ffrom Stratsburg of the 21th wee heare that Monsr Turene is unexpecedly advancet wth fresh troups to hinder the Imperiallists from Entring into Burgundy as alsoe for Releife of Befort Lanscroone & Brisack, but ye greatness of ye snow has put a stop bothe to ye march of the Confederates & him, & that ye passages of those places were soe guarded that its thought Impossible for Monsr Turene to force them. Here is come an Express from argier sent presently from thence after Sr John Narbrow's arivall wth advice that hee finds those people very much inclined to Continue their amity & peace wth his Maty, & accordingly promise to adjust the matter of the Captives out of hand wch hee is therefore goeing uppon. [Handwriting changes here. Next paragraph is practically the same as the last paragraph of L. c. 124, except that in that letter the Dutch general expected to bring a fleet from Ceylon is not named; his name in this letter is "Rooklast (?)."] +The Count de Chamilly is declared Governor of Oudenard The Commander Valbelle & the Marquess de Valvoir are embarqued at Toulon and gon out of the Haven with 6 great men of Warr & severall vessells of provisions & Ammunition for Messina & shall be followed with 6 other men of Warr on January 15th at farthest +The Marselles Letters Dat 18th tell us the Spaniards had taken a Tartan bound for Messina with the Kings pacquett and that Prince Monteserchio laid about the Island 20 sayle of ships to hinder provisions goeing to them of wch they were in great want The Hague Letters dat 15th say the English Lords were on theire return thence on the Morrow for England L. c. 126 [Handwriting changes here.] Decemb ye 29 1674 ffrom Holland wee heare that the 28th instant ye Prince of Orange treated the Earles of Ossory & Arlington at Sheveling where they lay Expecting a wind to Embarque for England ffrom Brussells Janry ye 2d wee heare that by an Express from the Duke of Lorraine to ye Prince Vaudemont they had an account of a late Engagemt neare Maries Mines upon the borders of ffranche Compte betwixt some Lorraine Troops & 1200 of Monsr Turenes army wherein ye latter were defeated 200 being kild, & ye rest disperst ffrom Hamburg of ye 28 wee heare yt ye Swedes are Countermanded & those that were departed from Wismar are returnd thither all ye rest are still in their quarters in Mecklenburg & Pomeren, because Count Oxensterne is said to have written in his last letters that there was now more hopes of peace then Ever +an English vesell laden wth Pilchards for the Streights was lately taken by a sallee man of Warr This is all, by the last, [Letter ends; first verso and second recto are blank.] L. c. 127 Decemb ye 31 1674 +ffrom Paris Jan ye 5th wee heare yt Monsr Sourdis & 2000 Horse haveing bene drawn out by Turene mett at ye passage of a small River in the fforrette 2 squadrons of the Enimy wch hee Easily Chased, but was surprised by 22 squadrons more wch by the advantage of a wood lay undiscoverd, soe that hee was obliged to a disorderly retreat till assistance came up from ye body of the army by wch he gave ye Enimy a fresh defeat & remayned masters of ye passage Monsr Turene being advised of wt had past came up & Encampt in ye same place where this Encounter had bene the perticulars of wch are expected, this report being brought onely by Monsr Brouly['s?] valet de Chambre who came for a surgeon for his master who was wounded in ye Encounter +The Ld Clarendons body is come into ye River his Maty has given leave that it shall be privately interrd +ffrom ffrance wee heare that ye Marshall de Crequi Continues Indisposed at Metz, The guardes du Corps are put into Winter quarters abt Paris, Orders are sent into Languedock to make Considerable Leavies there, & Deputies Come up from the said provence to Complaine of their being obligd to quarter Souldiers notwthstanding 2 millions granted by ym to his Maty in Consideration of being exempted, Marshall D' Albrett alsoe is sent into Guiene to make Leavies wch wth those of Languedoc are to bee sent into Bousillon The King has Comanded Madame de Blois his naturall Daughter to take upon her the title of Madame de Vanjour her mother haveing sent her Resignation of it to his Maty +The King has given 2000 frankes to Every Capt of Horse to provide them a fresh [sic], & 900 to each Capt of foot to cloath his men. +ffrench Letters speake ye demands of ye Confederates soe unreasonable yt they cannot Expect much from a treaty at present & are therefore wth ye greatest Eagerness Carrying on their Leavies & warlike preparations, for ye Encouragemt of those that goe to sea the King will allow a 10th part of ye prizes more yn formerly Could bee pretended to & for furnishing ye army at land Comissions are dayly given out & they talke of a project of granting Letters of Nobillity to 10000 men who shall upon that account serve 3 yeares at their owne charge wee dayly expect to heare of another Engagemt the armys lyeing wthin sight of each other & onely parted by a litle river soe yt they cannot avoid fighting L. c. 128 [Handwriting changes here.] January 2d 1674 +Last Night dyed my Lady Vyner [?] wife to my Lord Mayor at his house in Lumberdstreet to the great greife of his Lordship she will be interred publiquely and with very much solemnity His Maty has been pleased to order Mr Burnett the Convicted Romish preist to be transported without any pardon Leaveing the sentence in force to be putt in execution against him if ever he returns into any of his Matyes dominions and accordingly he is departing forth with Two dayes agoe came hither the Baron de Bande and is this Night to see his Maty he tooke this Court in his way from Sweden whence he comes in the quality of Envoy extraordnary to reside at Paris who is ordered to returne home. +On Wednesday last the King and Court put on mourneing upon advice from the Elector of Brandenburg of the death of his Eldest Sonne The Brussells Letters of the 5th instant say that the Letters from the Hague of the 1st instant advise them that the Prince of Orange returnd thither & that day dyned with the Earles of Ossory and Arlington and went that Evening to his house at Honn [?] Cordake, The Count de Horne was sent to Gorcam to adjust some differences and ten Companyes of the Marine Regiments ordered to the Brill where some English Companyes upon report of theire being to be disbanded caused some disorder and seizeing a vessell of 6 guns Embarqued for Dunquerke ffrom Germany of the 28 past they say that Major Generall Schutz is sett downe before Brisacke and hopes to be master of in 8 dayes, if Marshall Turens succours hourely expected prevent him not ffrom Brussells of the 8th instant we have Letters wch speake not of the Engagement between Monsr Turen and the Confederates who are drawing together to fight ye ffrench in case they attempt to releife Brisach wch is much streighted In Holland theire preparations goe on very effectually for the Next Campagne a considerable progress being made therein and so also in Germany Count Montery has not yet orders to returne but his Lady parts the latter end of this Moneth The Emperors young Daughter the Dutchess of 2 Moneths old is lately dead to the great greife of that Royall ffamily, being yet without an heir +Madam Hopkins of Stoake was this day brought to bed of a Sonne & heire, L. c. 129 January 5 1674 +From ye Barbadoes we heare that his Excellency Sir Jonathan Atkins the Governor landed there ye last of October past and was very kindly received by the Councell and people who have great hopes of his happy Govermt ffrom Leghorne we heare that theire is very lately come in a very rich ship from Allexandria who upon her comeing to that place in order to open a Trade wch has for these many yeares been kept from us ye Basha of Egypt sent for them and kindly used them with proffers of a free trade for the future there was then noe Ship in that port of Leghorne But the English soe great is our Trade at prsent. They say we shall suddenly have a Governor named for Tangyer and it will be my Lord Inchequin We expect my Lord Ossory and Arlington the Winds comeing yesterday faire ffrom Paris of the 9th instant we heare that they had advice by the Courier ye 7th that Monsr Turene haveing a designe to succour Brisach wch was very much preposted by the Enemy and in great want of men marched with the Maine Body of his Army to the River Sennay with resolution to force the passage where 4000 of the Enemey had posted themselves wch effected with such success yt with a Considerable Number of prisoners he has made himself master of theire Baggage & Cannon & haveing advice that they were retreated towards Newbourg in great confusion was marched all night after them in hopes to expect some of them from Colmar and Stratburg of 3d instant we heare that the 19/29 past there hapened an Ingagemt between ye two Armyes was [near?] Malhausen where a body of 4000 ffrench horse most of the Kings household under the Command of Lt Generall Montauben fell upon 4 Regiments of the Confederates posted at the River Ile to secure the passage to that place and defeated them with Considerable advantage but being pressed by a farr greater body under the Command of the Marquss de Raden & Caprara they were forced to returne to the River with very great loss on both sides but most on the ffrench men of whose [sic] Command were taken prisoner L. c. 130 Janary 8 1674 +To Morrow severall pirates lately taken at Sherness under the Command of Capt Cusacke with divers others, some for refuseing to strike to his Matyes fflage, others for takeing our ships, and 10 are to by [sic] tryed in all 25 of the Old Bayly, by a speciall Comission directed to the Judge of the Admiralty and divers Judges and Justices of the Gaole delivery where will be a very great thronge of all sortes of people, the like have not happened this many yeares The principall of them Captaine Cusacke yesterday Morning broke prisson and as yet is not heard of But dillegently pursued to be brought to Justice for the many offences of that Kind said to be done by him This Morning my Lord Ossory and Arlington arrived here & were graciously received by theire Matyes and Royall Highness and the Whole Court His Maty they say is about to issue out his proclamation to prohibbitt all his Seamen for serving in forreigne Bottomes, wch thing has bene tooke notice of by the Algerins & others & desired by them for preventing his Matyes Subjects being made slaves in actuall service agst them +Who my Lord Chamberlaine [?] the ffamous Dutch Commander Van Trumpe, who has begged leave of his Matyes & Royall Highness to lett him have the Honour to Kiss theire hands +His Maty receiveing intimation of the Bpp of Stratburg intention to come to see this Court he has ordered a Yatch for his Transportation From Leghorne of the 29 past we heare that the Marquess de Villavoyess the ffrench Governor of Messina was arrived there with 7 men of Warr & other ships with provision to the great joy of those people who began to be discontented upon 2 or 3 little defeates they had received The march of the Swedes into Brandenburg causes much trouble in Germany, we heare they have certainely seized upon Leichnetts a passage 4 Leagues from Stetin and intended to Winter theire whole Army in Brunslow but as yet make noe violent attempt, but pay for all they take, yet this March is looked upon as a breach of peace, entring in to another princes terrotoryes without any reason Brelin [sic] has 8000 men in it 300 peices of Cannon, where they have seized on a ffrench Gentleman as a Spie whom they pretend came to gett that Citty putt into the hand of the Swede L. c. 131 January 9 1974 From Stratburg of the 7 they say that the Electorice of Brandenburg is arrived there with all the Baggage from Colmar wch confirmes the people in the beleife of the Common report that the Germans have been beaten, as also do the advises from Brandenburg yt ye Swedes are Entred into that electorate with a great Army and Traine of Artillary wch they thinke come not to be Idle and hereupon the Electr of Brandenburg write to the Prince of Orange to hasten those forces ye States promise upon this occation to send to his Assistance himselfe resolveing to returne home with all his Army very suddainely +The Imperiallists Wintering in Julyers fortifie themselves to prevent the courses dayly made from Maiestricht Yesterday at the Old Bayly was also tryed Capt Cuisacke for pyracy being retaken that Morning with severall of his accomplices and found Guilty upon wch the Court adjourned till to Morrow +ffrom Brussells of the 25th they write that it was there acknowledged that the 5th instant the ffrench [and?] Confederates fought that the latter were worsted Colmar taken & Brisach releived upon wch they said 12000 Dutch were Imbarqued at Bergen upon Zoon to come towards those partes & ye officers commanded to theire Garrisons +From Copenhagen they write that at the pressing instances of the Elector of Brandenburg yt King was prepareing to send him succours as well by sea as Land & was prepareing the ffleet to blocke up the Sound +ffrom Brussells of the 26 they say that the Stratburg Letters of 10 then arrived said that the Confederates had there passed the Rhyn that the Troops of Munster are disbanded & those of the Elector of Brandenburg hast home and the Confederates retreating towards Wirtingburg. [Handwriting changes here for just this sentence:] +Madame Ann Norton, 2d Daughter to Sr Thomas is deliverd of a Daughter in London, haveing (as is said) bene marryed above a yeare to one Capt Russell, now in Holland, a private mariage tho to advantage L. c. 132 January 11 1674 +On Saturday last the Commission of Oyer and Terminer at the Old Bayly ended where Capt Cuisacke one Harber & 6 other pyratts were commanded [above this word "condemned" is written in another hand] to dye for severall offences in that kind The 2 first are onely to dye & the other 6 have received his Matyes gratious reprive in order to theire transportation & Bartholott the ostender fined 400 L and his Left & master 50 [?] L each and is to remaine in prisson till this fine is paid Last Night Her Royall Highness fell into Labor & about 8 was delivered of a dau to the great satisfaction of his Maty and Royall Highness & the whole Court who have been this Morning to give her joy and are very Glad to find her in so good health as thanks be to God she is +His Maty has they say been lately pleased to dissolve his Councell of Trade & plantacon and orders are issued out for it accordingly +My Lord Incheqin the new Governor of Tangyer intends within a Moneth to goe to Ireland from whence he will Imbarque for his Goverment +ffrom paris of the 16 they say that one of Monsr Turens Genells was arrived there with standarts taken from the Enemey in the last fight with the whole relations of that action wch is to be published very sudainely the sd Genll has excused himselfe from waiteing upon his Maty, designeing this winter to take up his quarters for the remaineing part of it, in the Enemeys Countrey, They theyre say that Stratburg has shut theire Gates against the Confederates since theire defeates and doe demand of them the forts that command that Bridge, but they say the D of Lorraine was there himselfe, all ye Governors and other officers are Orderd to theire severall Commands by the 15th of the Next Moneth his Maty haveing declared he will in person begin the Campagne very early this Spring great recruites are sent To Monsr Turen to assist him in pursueing his advantage he has obtained against the Enemey and the King has sent to the Chapter of Leige to pay Contributions proportionable to what they have already payd the Confederates resolved to treat them noe longer as Neuter +Dr Neill Deane of Rippon being dead his Maty has gave it Dr Tully L. c. 133 [Handwriting changes here.] Jan: ye 14 1674 +Wee have from Sweden a transcript of ye heads of ye late treaty wth france by vertue of wch they now Enter into the Electorate of Brandenb wch are that in Consideration of a subsidy of 800000 Crownes to be paid by france to them for 10 yeares whither in peace or Warr, they are to furnish an army of 20000 men to be brought into ye Electorate of Brandenb by ye last of Novemb to act Joyntly wth france agst that Elector & his allyes for haveing forsooke his former treaty wth france in the begining of the warr & all they shall suffer on this account france is obligd to make good to them. ffrom Paris of the 19 wee heare yt notwthstanding the Resolution of Turene to pass ye Rhyne & quarter his troups in the Enimies Country, it has pleasd his Maty to direct him to Returne to Court to take a litle Ease after such a labourious summer & winter, & alsoe to Consult wth him abt next Campaigne, & accordingly hee is Expected there in 6 dayes. tis said the Confederates have alsoe past ye Rhyne & the Magistrates of Stratzburg in possesion of the bridg & ye 2 forts neare it, wch Monsr Turene has demanded may be put into his hands till ye End of ye warr wch they of ye Towne desired since ye returne of the Confederates. They speake there very much of a peace in Order to wch tis said his Most Xtian Maty is Willing to grant a genll passport to all ye Plenepotentiaryes of the interested Princes under wch those of ye Duke of Loraine are to be Comprehended, the Prince of ffurstenb to be put into the Popes hands till matters be decided, & as to ye place, hee referrs it to ye mediators provided they choose noe towne depending on ye house of austria, tis said the severall Genlls of the Confederates have dispatcht Couriers to Vienna wth Complaints one agst ye other of ye miscarriages of the last action, Monsr Turenes Troops are Ordered to be quarterd neare Mell & Meaux, its beleived there yt ye Crownes of Sweden & Denmarke have a present understanding between ym by ye interposition of france +Some letters attribute the Cheife success of the last action to the Duke of Munmths Regimt who Received the Enimies shot till they came up to their very faces & then haveing powred their owne shott upon them, fell in upon them wth Butt End of Muskett & forcet them from their Post. +Mr James Churchill lately Come [from] france is made Lieut Coll to the Duke of yorkes Regimt, & Mr Grayham, Capt of ye foot Company that was Mr Churchills Van Trump Continues here still haveing bene nobly treated by most of ye principal persons of ye Court +The Duchess of yorke Continues very well L. c. 134 Jan: ye 17 1674 +Letters from Holland will not yet owne that ye Confederates in the late action betwixt ye french & them on ye 5th instant were at all worsted, but on ye Contrary say that ye french were repulsed, However that Monsr Turene moveing wth his army as if hee intended to get betweene them & Stratzburg from whence they were supplyed wth provisions, to prevent that they Retreated, but afterward found their mistake, that ye 11 The Confederates repassed ye Rhyne at Stratzburg wch ye Duch Confess themselves extreamely surprised at & know not what to Impute it to except to ye great desire of ye Elector of Brandenburg to goe homeward to looke after his owne Countrey, or to some great disagreement among ye Genlls +The Swedes in Pomerania have divided their army into three bodyes wth wch they are marcht into ye Territorys of the Elector of Brandenb. Tis said they forbeare any Hostillity till they receive ye Electors answere to a proposeall made by ye Swedes that if hee will leave ye interest of The Confederates they will returne home wth their troups The States Genll upon ye news of the march of the Swedes have declared yt ye Empr, ye King of Spaine & themselves will assist ye Elector of Brand. wth their whole force, & that Denmarke shall be Cald upon to put the treaty not long since Concluded betweene him & ye allyes in Execution The said allyes faithfully promiseing that they will punctually pay the subsidies according to ye obligation of that treaty, The genll opinion is that ye Duch will forthwth cause some of their troops to march into ye Duchy of Bremen to give the Swedes a diversion on that side, & then wee shall see wt ye Duke of Hanover will doe who tis said has taken upon him ye Guarranty of ye said Duchy +Our letters from france doe not say much more than that on ye 19th Te Deum was sung at Paris for ye late victory in alsatia, but they give us noe account how Monsr Turene has disposed of his army since the Confederates passed ye Rhyne: at Stratzburg, Its said his most Xtian Maty has declared to ye Swedish Amb that notwthstanding ye great success it pleases god to bless the Justice of his armes wth yet hee Continues ye same great disposition to a peace & to Witness it seeing Breda has not bene accepted of by ye allies [?] wch his Maty had proposed for [the] place of Congress, hee is content they shall Choose any other place wthin ye united proviences except Nimegen & Groningen wch are to farr off, that his Maty will grant passports to all ye ministers of ye interested parties, & to ye ministers of their allyes &c: but his Maty still insists to have ye money restored seized at Collogne, & that hee will agree to a genll Cessation of armes +Two East India ships are come into Plymth richly laden bound for London His Maty has for ye present reprieved Cuisack & ye other pyrate, till his farther pleasure shall be Knowne. L. c. 135 Jan: ye 19 1674 +On Saterday night the old Countess Dowager of Devonshire mother to ye present Earle dyed here leaveing a vast Estate amongst her relations, & will bee interrd wth publique Ceremony. +Last Weeke Coll Lovelace ye late Governr of New yorke was sent to ye Tower upon account of his rendition of that place. +This day is to be interrd The Lady Mayoress wth much publick Ceremony +Mr Charles Bertie secretary to my Ld treasurer is to succeed Mr Wharton in ye office of Treasurer, Paymaster & Receiver of ye Ordnance +Yesterday ye 2 Pyrates were hangd at Execution Dock ye usuall place on such Occations [Letter ends; first verso and second recto are blank.] L. c. 136 Jan ye 21 1674 +The states Genll haveing by their Amb here acquainted his Maty wth their acceptance of his mediation for themselves & their allyes, as alsoe yt they thought Meurs wthin their Territorys might bee a safe place for the interrested Princes or States to send their Ambrs to meet at in Order to a genell peace, his Maty has given his Most Xtian Maty an account of it & acquainted ye states therewth as alsoe of his great desire to see ye treaty begin. its not doubted but his Maty of france will consent to all yt ye States propose as to ye place & treaty & of his Maties mediation soe that tis hopet things may be suddenly brought to a good Issue. +Wednsday morning his Maty accompanyd by many persons of quallity walkd on foot to Hampton Court where hee was treated by a Housekeeper & returnd at night +ffrom Paris of ye 26 wee heare that there was advice there that ye towne of Stratzburg had put their Bridge & forts into ye hands of ye Swisses who had accordingly taken possession of the same wth Resolution to let neither french nor Germains pass till ye End of the warr, but since its said Monsr Turene has made himselfe master of ye Bridge & forts & had desired of ye towne that they would themselves breake ye Bridge & his most Xtian Maty would give them 500000 Crownes to rebuild it when ye warr should be Ended, they say that Genll is arived as farr as Nancy on his way to Paris haveing ye Marqs de Vanbrun to Comand in Cheife in his absence, they speake much there of a Cessation of armes & seeme very well disposed to peace, there is lately laid a great Imposition on Corne, at the sollemnizeing the late Advantage agst their Emimies in alsatia there happned a great scuffle between the Popes Nuncio & ye Parliamt in their procession to Nostre Dame, in wch ye former got the better treading over the others backes &c: a party from Maestricht have lately surprised severall Regimts of ye Enimy, they seeme Confident that ye Dane will not molest ye Swedes in their inroad upon Brande +The Countess Dowager of Devonshire before her Death Orderd that her son Coll Charles Cavendish who was slaine at Newarke in ye Kings Service & there buryed should be brought from thence & interrd wth her & ye family at Darby +Upon ye Surrender of Sr Edward Brett Mr Slingsby has ye Comand of his troup in ye Earle of Oxfords Regimt & Mr Price is made his Leiut +Tis Orderd in Councell that letters bee sent to ye magistrates, mayors Bayliffs &c of severall Citties & townes to warne them to take Care that noe Certificates bee allowed in prejudice of his Maties Revenues ariseing by Hearth mony & dilligently to examine ye same, & where they find persons offending in that Kind to bind them to their good behaviour L. c. 137 Jan ye 23 1674 +From Ratisbon they say ye act for ye Elector of Brandenburgs Guarranty is past in that dyet agst all persons whatever & though there bee none named in it, yet ye Swedes are principally meant by it, & tis thought hee will bee at last declared an Enimy to ye Empire & the Empr has writt to ye Elector of Bavaria to have a Cattegoricall answere from him what he meanes to doe by raiseing soe many men. ffrom Germany wee heare that ye Duke of Burnonville wth ye rest of ye Confederates are marcht up into ye Empire into their Winter quarters & some of them as high as ye Danube ffrom Brussells of ye 19 wee heare ye french intend to bee in ye field this next Campaigne very Early & in all likelihood press upon those provinces, they have caused all ye foot & squadrons of Horse to march at Ease, On Saterday night the Governour haveing intimated his desire to take his leave of all the principall persons of quallity Ere hee parts, all ye Lds & Ladyes Came to Court, & accordingly the Countess de Monterey begins her Journey on Thursday next, & the Munday following his Excellency follows post, The Duke de Villa Hermosa haveing received a Comission from Spaine to Comand in his roome till the arivall of Don Juan, the states are resolved to fitt out 2 fleets one for ye Baltick, the other for ye Ocean, they have there advice that the Duke of Bavaria (if not already) will Certainely declare for ye french. Leige is in a sad Condition the Whole Country being ruind in that manner that ye poore in yt Citty are soe numerous that they dayly feare a Tumult amongst them. they have resolved ye Rhinegrave shall march wth 7000 men towards Bremen agst ye swedes & that 4000 Munster troopes are there to Joyne wth him besides 12000 Imperialists +This day Sr ffrancis North was sworn Ld Cheife Justice of the Common Pleas by My Ld Keeper wth ye usuall Ceremonys L. c. 138 [Handwriting changes here.] Jan ye 26 1674 +The Letters arrived this day from Germany bring little of News, onely say that the Confederates were all marching towards theire Winter quarters The Brandenburgers towards ffranconia, The Lunenburgs into Suabia The Imperiallists to theire quarters about Friburg and the Lorrainers in the Marquisat of Baden Though it is thought the Princes of the Empire will not bee contented with it And the Bpp of Writsburg hath sollemly refused the Brandenburgers either quarters in or passage through his Countrey Tureen haveing putt Garrisons into all the places in Alsatia, is himselfe gone for Paris and the rest of his Troops marched towards Lorraine except those wch are drest to beseige Duchstein not farr from Stratburg The Emperor has already ordered severall Regiments to march towards Silesia to be ready to assist The Elector of Brandenburg Generall Cops is to Command the Emperors forces in that Country +It is said that upon the Continued Complants of the Spaniards and the Prince of Orange against Souches, he hath bin arested a prisoner at Vienna by the Emperors order The Swedes have allready stopt some Holland ships in the Sound ffrom Copenhagen they write that there is not any discourse at that Court of breakeing with Sweden L. c. 139 [Handwriting changes here.] Jan ye 28 1674 Dr Lang Bp of Ely being dead Dr Gunning Bp of Chichester is made Bpp of Ely, Dr Bridock Deane of Salesbury, made Bp of Chichester & Dr Peirce Deane of Salesbury. Dr Bridock is to hold all his other preferrmts in Commendum. Van Trump haveing bene nobly treated here went hence on Saterday to Windsor where hee was treated by ye Princes direction & from thence went on Munday to see Oxford where haveing made some short stay hee returnes back to towne & soe Home for Holland from Vienna Wee heare that the Swedish Amb haveing examind one of ye assassinates taken in ye late attempt upon him could discover litle of ye Cause of it, However ye Empr seems much Concernd at it, & has wrott to ye King of Sweden upon it & deliverd the persons that did it to be disposed as hee should think fitt +fflanders letters say that ye new Governr of fllanders waited onely for ye departure of ye old, to take upon him ye Governmt intending sudenly upon it to send an Envoy hither to Complemt his Maty & to assure him of his ready Complyance in all things that might by [sic] desired +ffrom Tournay of ye 23 wee heare that Mareshall de Humiers was arived there ye day before upon advice that the Spaniards were bringing a body of men together neare Valencienes for what designe they could not Imagine unless to attempt somewt upon oudenard +The Swedish Envoy lately heare is arived at paris & was suddenly expected to make his publique Entry upon wch Baron Sparr was to leave ye Court being designed to goe to ye place for ye Genll treaty. The Prince of Newburg is arived at paris & from thence Comes to this Court. +ffrom Paris of ye 2d of feb they write that ye Duke of Hannover had sent 15000 men to Joyne ye Swede who had begun to take all ye places They Could Come at in ye Electorate of Brandenb that ye Elector of Bavaria has quitted his Neutrallity that hee may declare in favour of france. The Swisses have ye Bridge of Stratzburg in their possession suffering neither freind nor foe to pass. +ffrom ye Barbadoes Wee heare that ye Pearle was come in there from Guiney & wth her two Duch prizes, ye One a privateer ye Other a Zealand merchtman in wch were many Negroes & other rich goods which being taken before the peace tooke date in those parts are lawfull prize L. c. 140 Jan ye 30 1674 +ffrom Plymouth Wee heare there was put in there ye great fleet of Duch Merchts under Convoy of 6 men of Warr Comanded by young De Ruyter, bound for ye Streights & other parts, in all abt 100 saile, in their Way thither they met 3 or 4 french Capers, wth whom they Enterchangd some guns but noe mischeife Wee heare done on Either side Two men of Warr & one Merchtman of ye same fleet put into falmth by ill Weather, The deputy Governr of Plymth treated ye Duch Admirall very Nobly in ye Castle +ffrom Paris feb ye 5th Wee heare that a Certaine number of men had Entred ye Lodgings of Turene's Intendant in Expectation to find ye 100000 Crownes lately given that Genll, but found not above 1000 wch haveing taken they murdred ye said Intendant in his Closet Wee heare from Copenhagen that ye K: of Denmarke at ye instance of ye Duch Amb had stopt severall Duch Vessells in ye Sound bound for Sweden to prevent their falling into ye Swedes hands Wee heare from ye Hague that ye 30th past the provence of Zealand had offerd the Prince of Orange the Soveraignty of their Country by a deputation of 4 of their body at his house, wch his Highness seemd to Receive wth some Coldness, & has Wrote to ye rest of ye provences abt it L. c. 141 ffeb ye 2d 1674 Capt Buckly is by his Maties order Comitted to ye Tower upon his Challenging ye Earle of Ossory. Capt Read being dismist his Company in his Maties Guards, it is given to Mr Berkley Brother to ye late Earle of fallmouth The Countess of Devonshires body is exposed in state at her house & is to be shortly interred in Derbyshire +The Prince de Salmes being nominated by Spaine for the Governmt of the Netherlands is suddenly expected upon whose arivall the Duke de Villa Hermosa is to Resigne The States of Holland haveing Ratifyed & sent over the treaty of Comerce Concluded here december last it will bee suddenly Interchangd according to Custome. +My Ld Buckhurst is made Earle of Midlesex & Baron Cranfeild for wch a pattent is passing Van Trump is returnd to Towne from Oxford where hee has bene very handsomely treated & is now prepareing for his returne home, & they say his Maty will Conferr on him the Honr Either of a Knight or Barrt as a perticuler marke of his Esteeme of him His Maty on fryday last was pleasd to Order his atturney Genell to draw up a Proclamation to bee sudenly Issued for the Banishmt of all Seminarys priests & Jesuites, & all other that haveing taken orders from ye See of Roome are his Maties naturall Borne subjects, who are to depart ye Realme by ye 10 of March next under severe penalties The Winds haveing bene Contrary all this Weeke noe forreigne letters are Come in L. c. 142 ffeb ye 4th 1674 +ffrom Paris of the 7th wee heare that my Ld Amb Lockhart had delivered his memoriall abt ye accepting meours for the place to treat at but had recd for answere that his Maty Could not by any meanes admitt of that place because it had a dependency on ye Empire desireing rather that ye States would name some place in their owne Territorys where themselves might be Guarranty for ye persons of ye Ambs that should come thither, & yt hee Could not but thinke their pitching upon that towne was onely to delay tyme &c: great preparations for Warr are makeing there for the next Campaigne wch its thought Will begin in flanders where at present is litle defense, & not much prepared for Warr by reason of ye change of Governrs Tewsday night after Councell their Maties & Court were present at the Rehearsall of the great maske wch is to be publiquely acted on Shrove Tewsday, by wch tyme her Royall Highness will be able to be present at it, being already very well after her Lying in, as is also ye young Princess +ffrom Brussells of ye 8th instant wee heare that Count Monterey after a sollemne takeing his leave of all ye Principall persons of Quallity of that place went away that morning accompanyd a litle way by the D: de Villa Hermosa ye new Governr who presently tooke upon him ye Governmt +ffrom Copenhagen of ye 4th wee heare yt upon ye news of the Swedes takeing quarters in ye Electorate of Brandenb preparations continue both by sea & land, though ye french seeme Confident they yet remaine neuter ffrom france wee heare that King has publisht a new arest by wch hee dispenses wth ye attendants of ye Nobillity of ye arrier ban provided they pay one fifth of ye Vallue of theyr Tennures, they are sending 10000 men to the assitance of ye Swedes to Joyne wth ye Duke of Hannovers troops, the provence of Langedoc has profferd the King to raise him 10000 men. The towne of Stratzburg haveing refused passage to ye succours ye Marquis d Bade was bringing to Dachstein ye King has declared himselfe pleasd wth it & is sending a publique minister to remaine amongst them The 3 Ostenders lately tryed at ye old Bayly for not strykeing to his Maties flagg &c & fined, ye one 400 L ye other 2,50 L each & since kept prisoners in Newgate for ye payment of the money, upon their humble petition & submision to his Maty representing their miserable Condition, his Maty has bene graciously pleasd to Order their fines to be remitted, & that ye atturney Genll shall cause their discharge accordingly Wednesday The Proclamation Comanding all Popish Preists & Jesuites to depart the Kingdome by ye 10th of March was read & approved, alsoe a declaration for the more effectuall Conviction of Papists suppressing masse recalling his Maties subjects from forraigne seminarys &c removeing all native Romish Ecclesiasticks hindring the resort of Papists to Court, preventing the growth of Popery & for ye Effectuall proceeding to ye suppressing Conventicles, & for ye recalling & makeing void all lycences granted to NonConformists, Mr Hudleston is excepted in ye Proclamation Comanding ye departure of all Romish preists hee haveing bene soe Eminent an instrument in ye Kings soe happy Escape from Worcester +Munday last ye Guards being drawne up in Scotland yard, The Oaths of alleagiance & supremacy were administered to ye officers & souldrs L. c. 143 ffeb ye 6th 1674 +ffrom Mayence of ye 2d instant wee heare that ye Elector of Brandenb has presented his Complaints of ye invasion of ye Swedes in a memoriall to ye Dyet at Ratisbone demanding ye assistance of the Empire wch its supposed will bee Easily granted & may perhaps alter ye Resolutions of that Crowne. all ye Confederates are wholly retyred into their Winter quarters ffrom Vienna of ye 31 past Wee are told that Count Montecuculy has beene prevaild wth by the Empr to Comand his army this Spring & is accordingly prepareing for it & great quantities of amunition & artillery are sending to Genll Cops in Silesia whither hee is gone to joyne ye Brandenburgers to Oppose ye Swede ffrom Hamburg of ye 22 past Wee heare that ye Swedes had seizd ye pass of ffrederiksb & are since marching farther toward Ruppia & Havelberg the rest lyes still in ye Ukkar & Newmarke their former quarters, but not in soe good Order as formerly, The shift [?] of Bremen is put into a good posture of defence & all the provisions brought into the strong places, in the meane tyme the Swedish army marches nearer toward Silesia, reinforct by some Hungarians that are persecuted for their Religion whom ye Grand Seignr has permitted the Prince of Transilvania to succour +ffrom Brussells of ye 9th they write that ye french make great preparations in ye Conquerd Countries agst ye Spring giveing strickt orders to all persons to bee ready to march by ye 1st of aprill, That ye discourse Continues still hot there of Don Juans coming thither, upon ye Receipt of letters from Saragoza (where hee keeps his Court) wch said that his goods were all packt up to be sent away upon ye first orders & yt ye Conditions of his acceptance of that Govrnmt were perfectly adjusted +ffrom Collogne of the 1st inst Wee heare yt ye Elector of Brandenb was advancet wth his army toward ye Neckar betweene Mosback & Boxberg neare franconia where hee will leave ye maine body of his army & wth ye rest goe to Berlin The Ratification of ye treaty of Commerce is to be enterchangd this day betweene our Comissers & those of Holland L. c. 144 feb ye 9 1674 +His Maty has bene pleasd to grant the dignity of a Barrt of England to the Heer Cornelius Martinus Trump Lt Admll of Holland & West freizland after his decease to descend to his heires males lawfully begotten & for default of such to his Bro: Harpier Martinus Trump, presdt & Burgomaster of Delft in Holland & his heires males & after that to John Trump 2d Bro: & after that to adrian Martin his 3d Brother Capt of a troope of Horse in ye Prince of Oranges Regimt & to his Heires males & as a farther adition of Honnr his Maty will alsoe grauntt him a Coat of armes a pattant for all wch is now passing All ye Marcht shipps are sailed out of the Downes, & some Letters to Merchants speake of an Engagemt between some french & Duch men of Warr in ye Channell but soe Darkley that litle of it is beleived On Thursday the Lady Devonshires body is to bee Carryed out of Towne in great State wth the attendance of most of the persons of quallitys Coaches abt ye Court +ffrom ye hague of ye 15 Wee heare yt ye states Genll after haveing Considered the Prince of Oranges letters wherein hee desired their advice as to the proposition made him by the states of Guelderland to take on him the Dukedome & Soveraignty of that Country returnd him answer that they left it wholly to his Highness himselfe They have alsoe finally resolvd upon a Warr wth Sweden at ye pressing instances of Brandenb +ffrom Collogne wee heare that ye Monsieur Coutery that killd himself presently after ye Surrender of Dachstein, for wch it seemes hee had made a very ill Composition, & yeilded that place wthout any necesity had beene interred in the Common Burying place of malefactors, that ye rest of ye officers Concernd in that surrender had bene seizd & sent to fryburg to be tryed by a Councell of Warr for it, the Duke of Zell being upon his march to succour it Just as it was given up, the Swedish Amb is parted from Vienna from whence hee is gone to the Elector of Bavaria L. c. 145 ffeb ye 11th 1674 +ffrom Tunis of ye 5th Wee heare that Mr Baker his Maties Consull wth that King was arived there some dayes before & had bene ExtraOrdinarily Recd by the King & people who gave him all Imaginable assurances of Continueing ye freindship yt has bene betweene his Maty & that Governmt these many yeares, they dayly Expect there Sr John Narburrow wth 6 men of Warr from Algier where hee has finisht that affaire, haveing on board him his Maties present to yt Governr, from thence hee proceeds to Tripoly to Call those people to account for some affronts they have lately offerd to our merchants, by Carrying them into yt port & makeing prize of all Jews & Strangers goods on board, The Bassa of that place has chastised some of the offenders feareing a warr wth this Crowne Sr John Narburrow has Redeemed all the Captives at Argier 120 of them are Come to Mallaga in the Bristoll & one ship more ye rest Sr John divided upon other ships +ffrom paris of ye 16 wee heare yt ye troups of the Kings family have Recd order to March by the 28th instant & that ye King himselfe will goe in person into ye feild, that King has transmitted great summs of money to Monsr D Estree his Amb at Roome, upon the hopes hee gives him of 3 or 4 other townes in Sicily revolting by the Example of Messina, wch is now able to defend it selfe till Monsr Vivonne arives wth his other succours, +ffrom Brussells of ye 16 Wee heare yt the new Governr is now dispatching Envoyes to severall Princes to Complemt them upon his advancemt, that Don francisco de Velasco was parted thence on ye same Errand for England wth severall persons of quallity wth him. The same day went One to Holland to doe ye like to ye Prince of Orange. The Governr has Ordered all ye Peasants to thresh out all their Corne & graine wth all speed & bring it into ye fortifyed places upon paine of haveing it done for them. they tell us of an arest laid upon ye vessells that were laden wth the goods of Count Monterey. for 40000 florins for wch hee Engaged his word, the Count threatened them very highly, but they told him they knew their priviledges, & had done noe more to him than they had done to ye Arch Duke Albertus, Don Juan &c: The Comunalty expected the Issue, & had broke out into Tumult if some of ye Grandees had not bene sent to appease them. The souldrs frequently disert the service in soe much that 5000 are found wanting since 9ber as appeares by a [seal spoils about four letters] ye new Governr has made ffrom Tangier they write that some moores were arived there wth a flagg of truce from Te Huan, proferring their desire of peace wth that Garrison. The people of those parts of affrica begin to bee weary of their King whose army dayly diserts him, in so much that his Owne Brother has left him wth 800 Horse to Joyne Muly Hamet their Nephew who heads a strong party upon ye adjacent Borders of Tassaletta. L. c. 146 feb ye 16 1674 His Maty last weeke Recd a very obligeing & respectfull letter from argier wherein that Governmt gives him a full account of Sr John Narburroughs & Mr Brisbanes haveing Completed that affaire, redeemd all ye Captives paid ye money for them & carryed them away, to their great satisfaction, wth all possible assurances of Continueing on their part the peace & amity wth him Inviolably This day the great maske at Court is publiquly acted wch is intended to exceed all other of that nature, the 2 young Princesses, The Duke of Munmouth & all ye principall persons of quallity abt ye Court haveing parts in it +Don ffrancisco Mario de Vellasio is arived here from the new Governr of flanders, but continues incognito Capt Bulkley is this Weeke dischargd from his Confinemt in ye Tower where hee has Continued some tyme upon the account of his Challenging the Earle of Ossory. Letters from Jamaica say Major Genll Banister had bene lately kild in an unfortunate quarrell wth an English Gent newly arived there. ffrom ye Hague wee heare that our Amb there has by his memoriall to ye states in the name of his Maty offerd Nimegen for the place of treaty wch tis beleeved his Most Xtian Maty will not refuse being wthin ye districts of his first proposition The Prince of Orange finding the states not very unanimously to approve of his takeing upon him of the Dukedome of Guelderland had Civilly refused it, the states of Zealand it seemes advised him agst it as being a violation of ye union therefore of noe good Consequence to ye publique or himselfe The states have sent a letter to ye Empr tell[ing] him they hopet the King of Sweden haveing pretend[ed] to the good office of a mediator would not have given disturbance to any of their allyes, but that his forces haveing taken quarters in ye Electorate of Brand: they thinke themselves obliged by their treaty wth that Elector to assist him wth all their power that they were prepareing for that purpose & hopet ye other allyes would doe ye like, in ye meane tyme they desire his Imperiall Maty to get a declaration from the diett at Rattisbone that this invasion of the Swedes is not onely a breach wth that Elector but wth ye whole Empire, & yt Consequently ye neighbouring Circles ought to oppose them as ye Common Enemie, that all Subjects of ye Empire bee calld out of their service & all persons prohibited to give them any succour upon paine of the utmost rigour of ye Imperiall Constitutions in yt behalfe from Vienna wee heare that the Swedish Amb before his goeing thence had obtaind yt ye Prince of furstenburg should be put into a 3d hand till ye Conclusion of a peace. L. c. 147 ffeb ye 18th 1674 +yesterday landed at Deale my Ld Douglass from ffrance; Coming hither to recruit ye Regiment hee Comands in that Kings service, wth him came 2 french Noblemen to see this Court Paris Letters of ye 20th tell us that Count Monterey before his departure from Paris made his Complemt to little Madammoisella, telling her hee should Esteeme himselfe Extreamely happy if hee might be instrumentall in makeing up a match betweene her & his Master ye King of Spaine, as Dom Louis de Charo had bene in makeing that betweene ye infanta of Spaine (ye present queene of france) & Louis of Bourbon ye greatest of Kings The Nobillity of Normandy being assembled upon Occation of ye late Order for excuseing their personall appearances upon their paying of a Certaine summ. doe insist upon their personall service, & tis said some other provences seeme of ye same opinion +tis beleived the Elector of Bavaria may send some part of his forces hee has on foot to ye Duke of Savoy to serve him in his present designes. There are letters from Hannover wch say the Swedes have made themselves Masters of Marken an Important post for Silesia, haveing prevented a body of Imperalists who went out on ye same designe onely by ye space of 3 houres, they adde that 15 Battalions of Swedes were arived at Wolgast on their march to Joyne Genll Wrangell & that his Imperiall Maty was drawing wth [those?] forces hee Could on ye Coast of Schonen. The Circulatory Letters to all the Countries mentiond in ye late Order for hastening ye Conviction of papists has bene read in Councell, approved & signed & will be suddenly sent downe. +The 9th of ye next moneth his Maty has pitcht on for his goeing to new markett for some few dayes. Our advices from Poland tell us that K still Continues prosperous in his armes, & yet ye Constantinople letters say the Turkish preparations are soe great agst Poland that unless that Kingdome doth Comply very Effectually & ye Muscovite Joyne their forces this next Compaigne there is noe other prospect then that they may bee as great loosers as they have bene lately gainers The deputies whom ye King of Poland sent to dorosensko have acquainted his Maty that ye Genll of ye Cossacks whome they thought to have found very melinable [?] for treaty had changd his mind upon information that Muscovite & Polish Comissioners had parted wthout any agreemt, & that Sultan Muradin was on his march wth 40000 Tartars to his succour +Tis said ye french King will begin ye Campaigne wth some Considerable seige & then returne to fountaine Bleau there to spend ye Summer L. c. 148 ffeb ye 20 1674 ffrom Paris of ye 23 wee heare yt ye assembly of the Clergy ordred by yt King to meet at St Germains ye 17 of May, are to take an exact account of the Vallue of all Ecclesiasticall liveings that their lands may be rated accordingly, that his Maty has declared that his armyes shall Consist of none but old souldrs & has accordingly given Order that all those yt were lately raised shall bee put into garrison, & those now there drawne out for present service, they further tell us that it was there hopet yt ye King of Poland may after ye peace wth ye Turkes, Turne his armes on yt side, in Order to wch they speake of a Treaty betweene ye King of Sweden & that King, by wch they oblige themselves Joyntly to make warr in Prussia Ducale, & that his Polish Maty has by way of advance demanded of the Elector of Brandenb some places in that Dukedome, & offerd to lay downe ye moneys for wch they were Engaged but that ye Queen Dowager to Crosse those designes has formd a party of very Considerable persons who would have his Maty desire ye King of Sweden to forbeare to undertake anything against the Elector of Brandenb in that Country or bordering upon Poland, & yt in case hee refuse that ye approaching diett may Consider of Wayes to oppose such Conquests. [Note on outside of letter in a different hand:] Qu. Did King pay you the 50 L. Ben: Kelsy L. c. 149 ffeb ye 23 1674 +Last night arived from Holland Alderman Backwell where hee has bene to receive the money the states are to pay his Maty the articles of peace, part of which hee has recd & setled ye rest to his satisfaction, hee left the Prince of Orange then in Gelderland where hee resolvd to stay 14 dayes to setle things as hee had done in other provences They are there at present at a stand waiteing to know wt ye Empr & Sweeden [will do?] as to ye Iruption into Brandenb His Maty in Councell reflecting upon ye great quantitys of Cordage & Cables made here & of ye great benefit it would be to ye poore artificers if all forraigne Cordage were prohibited, was pleased to Order a proclamation to Issue to prohibit the Importation of all forreigne Cables & Cable yarne from ye 1st of May next wch will suddenly Issue +Last night ye mask at Court was publiquely acted in ye presence of their Maties Rll Hsses & ye whole Court & will be once more acted before his Maties [sic] goes to New Market Upon the digging downe an Old wall & staire Case in ye Tower 2 bodyes haveing bene lately found wch in all probabillity appeare to bee those of King Edward ye 5th & his Brother ye Duke of Yorke who were murdred in ye Tower 192 yeares since by their Unkle King Richard ye 3d; his Maty has bene pleasd to veiw them & as the Reall Corps of those Princes has Orderd a white marble tomb to be prepared to put them in & Comanded that they shall bee decently interrd in Hen: ye 7ths Chappell among ye Kings & Princes of this Isle. wch will be suddenly done. from Deale wee heare there was driven on shoare much of a wreck of a great Swedish Ship broaken on ye Coasts of flandrs they tell us of 2 East India ships Come in there from ye Thames more being to follow +severall of ye English Preists are in Obedience to his Maties Commands goeing beyond seas & more following wth all speed. The Circulatory letters for hastning the Conviction of Recusants are sent downe into ye severall Countreys, & Comissrs Ordering to look after ye penaltys accrewing by them L. c. 150 ffeb ye 25th 1674 ffrom Paris of ye 27th of feb wee heare yt ye King had Comanded all ye peasants in Campaigne & Piccardy to bee in a readyness wth their Carriages to Conduct ye amunition & provision to ye frontiers, that it was said there his Maty would part thence for ye army ye 23d of the next moneth haveing nominated four Lt Genlls who are ye Duke de Vittry, The Marquess de Resnell Monsr Choisevill, & Monsr de Montuban hee has alsoe ordered a genell reveiw of his household, on ye 5th of ye next month, intending to remove to Versailles ye 15th that they speake there as if ye Duke of Lorraine would submitt to his Maty & quitt all his pretensions for a Continuall pension of 500000 franks to descend to his heires, The report of ye Duke of Savoys arming is now Confirmd & its thought hee may make a divertion in ye Duchy of Millan. hee being furnisht wth very Considerable summs by ye grand Duke of Tuscany +His Maty has sent Orders to ye Leuit Civill in Normandy to Oblige ye Nobillity to pay ye taxation according to ye Orders of Councell & to Omitt noe personall service except they be content to Enter themselves into regular troups, that ye [sic] They tell us alsoe that Monsr Vivonne is presently his arivall [sic] from Messina to Conduct a new succour to ye said place wch is prepareing at Thoulon, that severall of ye guards du Corps had bene lately Imprisond there for robberys Comitted by them, Monsr Verjus is to be dispatcht in great hast to ye Elector of Brandenb who seemes to incline to an accomodation wth yt Court, that they have advice there that ye Messinois haveing sallyed out of ye towne wth 6000 men under Comand of Monsr de Villavoir in wch they chaced ye Spaniard from many very Considerable posts thereby opening ye way to Catania, that ye day before arived there a Courier wth advice that Monsr de Vivonne was safely arived at Messina ye 10th of feb, & yt some of ye Spanish galleys were Cast away in a late storme, wch has quite disabled ye rest of ye fleet, that its beleevd ye portugueses will this Summer act in favour of france agst Spaine, that they begin there to apprehend his Danish Matie will not accept ye offers made him by yt King Procurator Sagredo is made & Crownd Duke of Venice haveing more voices than all his Compettitors. On ye 20th Van Trump went hence for Holland being present[ed] by his Maty at his departure, wth his Maties picture set wth Diamonds, of a Considerable Vallue Don fransciso de Vellasco haveing had his audience & paid his Maty his Complemts from ye Duke de Villa Hermosa upon his Entring upon his Governmt of the Spanish Netherlands, his Maty returns ye Complemt by Mr Thomas Porter On ye 17th a french ship of abt 48 guns was by accident burnt at Rye L. c. 151 [Handwriting changes here.] Mar: 1st 1674 +His Maty desireing to improve the Trade of Newfound Land & the fishing there & make it more beneficiall to the whole Nation, has been plesed to referr the Consideracon & managemt of it to a select Comitee of Severall of his privy Councell who accordingly mett on Wed: last & ordered that Letters should be writ to divers of the Maritime towards & Corporacons directing the head Magistrate to Call to gether the Inhabitants & Consider of it, & transmit such their Conceptions as to the Number of Inhabitants there, what forts Castles, Harbours Comodytyes &c: to their Lds: by persons here who are to attend their Lds: with them upon all occasions His Maty being desirous to have an account how New Yorke came into the hands of the Dutch in the late Warr has been pleased to Ordr a Comision to Issue to his grace the Duke of Monmouth & divers other Lords & officers of his armyes to examine Coll Lovelace the late Governr there of, now in the Tower & accordingly to morow they are to doe it att the Cockepitt upon which the Kings pleasure will be further knowne, Van Trump haveing seen Sherness & the fortifications there went this weeke aboard severall of the men of Warr & was received with the usuall Martiall ceremonyes, & return suddanely to Holland, This Morning Early his Maty goes to Windsor to see his Buildings there & returnes att Night Noe Judgmt, can as yet be made of the Intention of the Swedes who have still their Quarters in Brandenbourg where they eat up the Countrey though with out Committing any hostility, in the mean that Elector Continues in franconia & seemes not to goe about to put himselfe into a posture to remove them leiveing it perhappes to the Empiorur who its said has Certainly promised the Electour to secure his Countryes & has therefore sent a good army into Silesia to act aganst the Swedes in case they come to an open rupture [On outside of letter and in a different hand this list appears:] 188 Head of seile 2 2 2 30 Joam 4f 2 0 0 7 62 Joam 3f 10 0 5 7 30 Jam 3f 3X 88 transom 0 8 4 70 Jamms 3f X 140 Caymes [?] 1 4 0 146 Jamms for doores 0 6 1 2 foot long L. c. 152 [Handwriting changes here.] March ye 2d 1674 On Saturday last Coll Lovelace was examind by ye comissers appoynted for yt purpose where hee gave ym ye reason of his absence when ye place was taken, but they being not well satisfyed therewth have adjournd themselves till Thursday, & in ye meane tyme will peruse his instructions & Comission for further light into yt buisness ffrom paris of ye 6th instant wee heare yt Monsr Verjus was gone in all hast to ye Elector of Brandenb who by Letter desired his Maty to send him to him, hee being willing to renew a good Correspondence wth france. They pretend alsoe to have separated other Princes from ye Confederacy & hope therefore propositions of peace may bee acceptable in a litle tyme at Vienna. +Duch Letters of ye 8th instant say yt ye States have notifyed by their deputies to our Amb at ye Hague their acceptance of Nimegen that day, & yt ye next day ye Sollemne Resolution of ye States was to be brought him uppon that matter wch news was Imediately Comunicated to Monsr Ruvigny ye french minister here, by his Maties order ffrom Brussells of ye 8th wee heare yt ye Marqs d'averr came wth 2000 Horse as farr as Halle wch gave a great alarm to yt place as alsoe round ye Country, many peasants coming wth their horses & goods but However ye french carryed away 500 Horses, wch they pretend they will returne after this expedition, but when yt is wee cannot tell. That Monsr Crequi is expected at Maestricht wth a great army & intended to Dismantle Maeseyke as alsoe other townes in ye Spanish Netherlands wch are ill manned & worse fortifyed The 10th instant ye King Certainly goes to New Market where he will spend 12 or 14 dayes in ye sports of that place & yn returne to meet ye Parliamt ye 13 of aprill His Maty has Ordered ye Ld Inchequin ye new Governr of Tangier to part Imediately wthout allowing him tyme to setle his affaires in Ireland & to yt end Orderd a vessell to Transport him streight to his Governmt. [A few figures appear in a different hand on outside of letter.] L. c. 153 March ye 4th 1674 Severall Returns are made into ye Exchequer of Roman Catholiques, & ye Conventi[c]les are looket after, one being taken at Dr Mantons house in Covent garden Sunday last & prosecution made according to law, at great yarmth where there has bene a very great Conventicle ye Bayliffs of ye place sent for some of ye cheife of them & forewarned them from meeting any more who promised them to forbeare & accordingly they did, there being none on Sunday last neither afore noone nor after noone. Mr Alexander Burnett ye preist who had his tryall at ye old Bayly for endeavring to pervert his Maties subjects, is sent in Custody to Dover to be shipt beyond seas. from whence the Ld Marshall embarket on ye 26 past in the pacquet boat for flanders Tis thought his Matys will suddenly name his mediators for ye treaty wch advances considerably Every day +ffrom Paris wee heare that his Maty has Ordered all his officers to repaire to their severall Garrisons & given directions for Considerable Convoyes to bee sent to all ye Distant places & is sending an Intendant to Messina & wth 6 great ships a Considerable number of lesser vessells for ye further succours of yt place. others of ye same name nature [sic] toward french Country & Cattalonia, that hee has agreed that his plenepotentiaries shall meet at Nemegen as his Maty of England proposes, that ye Queen of france is wth child to ye great rejoiceing of that Court from Hanover they write that its now feared that Duke may bee drawne by the Dukes of Zell & Lunenburg to Espouse their interests & quitt ye french, They alsoe speake as if there were some Jealousy that ye Elector of Bavaria would after all Joyne wth ye Confederates. +ffrom messina of ye 13 past wee heare from an English hand there, that they were in soe great an Extreamity before ye arivall of Monsr Vivonne yt all provisions for sustenance were at an End, and ye towne quite dreyned of all liquors for Support of Nature & alsoe cleared of all Horses Mules Dogs Catts &c: & that ye Hides that had laine 6 moneths in ye Tanfatts had bene taken & accomodated for ye table & dispersed at an Ounce and halfe a daye, a head, wch made ye french not know what to doe to satisfy ye Messineses, & had not ye arivall of ye D de Vivonne brought plenty of Every Thing for 3 moneths they had bene in great Confusion long ere this, at ye first appearance all ye passages of ye towne were in a Confused manner diserted, the people beleiveing ym to bee ye Spanish fleet, who lay along the Coast of Calabria, & upon it Weighed gently & fell downe to meet ym & coming to them began a very feirce fight wch held 8 houres & had Continued longer had not Monsr Valbelle wth 6 frygatts & five fire ships from thence Come upon ye backs of ye Spaniards & forcet them to retreat toward Naples miserably shatterd, This succour Consisted of 18 stout ships besides fireships & had a board 8000 land men & dayly fresh succours expected, they speake as if there were some feare of Naples it selfe, & severall places. L. c. 154 March ye 6 1674 from fallmouth wee heare that there was come in there a great fleet of Mercht men among wch came some ships from Barbadoes in 8 Weekes who left that place in a very quiet & florishing Condition, & from Maryland is also Imported a ship which sayes yt some Indians had falln upon ye English there & destroyd severall familyes wch that Governr was Endeavouring to returne & therefore raiseing a Considerable force Coll Lovelace was this day examined againe at the Cockpit, & haveing deliverd in all hee had to say a report of ye whole is drawing up to be presented to his Maty that hee may declare his farther pleasure thereupon. Capt Roosh is Ordred wth 3 ships to Convey my Lord Inchequin to Tangier Wee dayly expect Sr John Narbrow & ye streights fleet wth ye Redeemd Captives from Argiers His Maty in Consequence of ye states & their allyes haveing accepted Nimegen for the place of Congress has sent to ye severall parties Concernd to press them forth wth to name their Ambrs & plenepotientiarys, to ye End ye necessary passports may be provided for them. & that the assembly may be begun wthout any further loss of Tyme. his Maty Resolveing in the meane tyme to make Choise of his owne Ambrs & to send them away with all speed. Who they may bee is not yet knowne But tis said his Maty will declare them before hee goes to New Market. The great buisness of the Treaty of Commerce depending betwixt ye two India Companys of both nations is not yet agreed, nor is yet like to bee the partys being soe different & Each Company soe obstinate in their demands & Conditions, all that is likely to bee done is that leaveing all matters in difference in ye same state they were in before this negotiation, The Comissioners will make a rule or article for the amicable decision of all Complaints that shall from tyme to tyme arise wthout sending such Complaints to ye Ordnary Course of Justice, all ye matters hitherto in debate being to bee left wholly as they were, & an act to bee passed betweene ye King & ye states that ye 9th article in ye late Treaty at London wch relates to ye matter of ye East Indies & ye Treaty marine bee Executed & that noe further proceeding shall bee had upon it, so as its expected when this is done the Duch Comissrs will take their leaves of his Maty before hee parts to New Market in order to their Returne home by ye Convoy that waites them in ye River yesterday morning dyed here the Marquess of Winchester leaveing my Ld St John his sonne Heire to his Estate & Honnr L. c. 155 March ye 9th 1674 Sunday last Don ffrancisco Mario de Vellasco tooke his leave of his Maty & yesterday of his Royall Hss, & ye rest of the Court & is prepareing for his departure in a day or 2 Mr Tho Porter is prepareing to follow him to returne ye Complemt from his Maty +yesterday the Duch Comissrs mett ours & finally setled ye affaires of ye East Indies in ye manner as has bene here to fore said & are to take their leaves of his Maty & Duke this day & on Thursday are to be treated by Our East India Company, & after haveing returnd ye Civillity will depart hence in ye ships that are here for that purpose. The Baron de Sweren is arived as Envoy ExtraOrdnary from the Elector of Branden but on what Errand not Knowne To morrow ye King, Duke, Prince &c goe to new market & Continue theire till ye 27th inst The Councell is to meet but Every freyday in Each Weeke dureing ye Kings absence His Maty has recd a letter from ye Empr dated in feb last abt ye buisness of ye Prince of ffurstenb in wch his Imperiall Maty says that all he can condescend to is that hee will suspend ye process agst ye Prince till ye Conclusion of a peace. His Maty has bene pleasd to name his Ambrs for the Treaty at Nimegen, who tis said are my Lord John Berckley of stretton here to fore Ld Leut of Ireland, Sr Leoline Jenkins, & Sr Wm Temple, his Maties Ambr now at ye Hague, who will depart on that Errant wth all possible speed. +Sr Wm Temple has orders from his Maty to press ye states to adjust ye preliminarys in order to ye speedy begining of ye treaty & has sent to take up convenciencys for our Ambs accordingly Our last letters from Holland say yt ye states genell have resolvd to send 10 Regimts to ye assystance of ye Spaniards who seeme to be very much unprovided to resist soe great a force as seemes ready to attaque them. The Prince of Orange & ye Elector of Brandenb are in a few dayes to have a conferrence at Cleaves L. c. 156 March ye 11 1674 Wednsday morning his Maty Royall Highness, Prince &c went to new market & this day are to be present at a great Horse match, & severall others are made for his Maties further diversion His Maty unwilling that any gentlemen of good hopes should beare ye reproach of his fathers miscarriage has bene pleasd to restore The son of [space for about six letters left blank] Dacres, to ye Honnr of his family, & Confirme him Vict Purbeck His Maty has bene pleasd to make francis Ld Newport Treasurer of his Maties Houshold Vict Newport of Bradford in ye County of Salop ffrom Paris wee heare that his Maty has directed Monsr Gaumont to goe to ye Princes of Italy to assure them of his good intention to maintaine ye peace, & to desire them not to bee apprehensive of any thing upon his sending succours to Messina, that ye 13 instant ye Danish Envoy had an audience of his Maty to signify ye great desire his master had of Continueing ye auncient allyance betweene ye Two Crownes, & his readyness to use all Endeavours for restoreing peace to Xtendome, to wch his Maty answered hee was glad to find his Danish Maty in such resolutions, & that his ministers were soe prudent as to advise him to Continue in peace rather than Embroyle himselfe in a disadvantageous Warr. They talke of in france that ye state of Venice intended to declare themselves in favour of Spaine, & that they have given leave to raise 7000 men wthin their Territoryes for that purpose, & that ye Catholique Cantons have agreed to furnish yt K wth 9000 men yt ye great quantities of Corne wch has bene sent to messina has cause[d] it to be soe deare that ye K has Comanded all ye Granaryes to be opend upon a severe penalty to supply his people They talke ye accomodation wth the Elector of Brandenb is as good as done & that that Elector will put Magdeburg into ye hands of ye Swedes +from Tangier wee heare that Major fitzGerald is dead there & much lamented, that by reason of Coll alsops great age & infirmity that place is in great want of a Supreame Governr wch has caused his Maty to hasten The Earle of Inchequins voyage thither L. c. 157 March ye 15 1674 +ffrom Paris wee heare yt King intends to pass ye Rhyne in person & yt hee does designe a seige where it was thought & is therefore selling ye great stores hee had provided in some fronteir places, that ye Venetian Amb had, Contrary to what was before said of that republique haveing declared for ye Confederates assured his Maty that on ye Contrary his master had denyed ships for ye Transportation of 15000 men sent by his Imperiall Maty to assist the Spanish in Sicilly who are therefore forcet to attend ye Spanish ships to transport them & yt a body of 3000 Spanish horse lately appeared in Rousillon, upon wch Monsr Schomberg had sent to sevll Intended [?] to draw together what troops they can & had dispatcht a Courier to acquaint his Maty therewth, the greatest part of ye Regimt of Burgogne is designd to bee sent to Oudenard Mounser Chamilly Governr of wch place is to be maistre du Camp, that his Maty had declared to his new maistre du Camp that he will expect an account of them & not of Every perticuler Captaine, The young Duke de Guise aged 5 years dyed ye 16 inst ffrom Brisach wee heare that Monsr Vanbrun wth a body of 3500 foot & 500 horse & 2 peices of Cannon had taken by storme Newburg, a Citty belonging to ye Empr in wch were 100 foot & 500 horse, wch were put all to ye Sword ye towne pillaged & burnt They adde that ye said Marquess had since taken derfelt a neibouring Castle haveing laid all ye Country under Contribution, Letters from Holland tell us that ye 6 Regimts wch ye states had promised to send to ye assistance of ye Spanish Netherlands were on their march toward Brabant & yt his Highness presently after his returne from Cleves would follow wth ye rest of his forces who have all orders to march ye 1st of aprill, The Danish ambr at ye Hague Continues to assure the allyes that his master will breake wth Sweden whenever they designe, provided they punctually pay ye promised Subsidies. The deputies of ye admiralty have resolvd to fitt out 4 men of Warr ye greatest whereof will be Employd in ye Baltick under ye Comand of de Rutyer, The rest in ye mediterranean under Trump wch will be ready by ye latter End of ye next moneth, Its reported yt ye Duke of Lorraine is Certainly makeing his accomodation wth france by ye Consent of ye allyes & perticulerly of ye Crowne of Spaine, Things seeme to looke more & more like a rupture wth Sweden, & tis said ye Swedes have directed all their ships not to put into any port of Denmark or Holland L. c. 158 March ye 18 1674 +Letters from New Markett say his Maty &c were in good health there, that severall races had bene run, that on Thursday was a race betwixt a Horse of Mr Mays & one of Mr Bensons for a great deale of mony, Mr ffelton rode Mr Mays Horse & had Certainly Won but that a gentleman on Horseback Ignorantly Crossing ye way before Mr ffelton they both Tumbled over Each other & ye other wonne ye Race +Count Oxensterne Envoy from Sweden is arived here & waites for his Maties returne from New Market +The agent of ye Duke of Curland has lately given his Maty a memoriall accompanyd wth a letter from that Duke desireing his Maty to recomend his pretensions to ye Island of Tobago to ye states Genell for restitution, & reserves his pretensions to Gamboa now in the hands of ye East India Company. +Since ye seizure made in Covent garden of ye Conventicle there for wch ye teacher paid his mony &c: they have forborne farther meeting & from yarmth they tell us that hitherto ye Conventicles there have kept their word haveing not met since, & now the Constables make distresses upon their Warrants formally recd for Convicted persons, perticulerly one Mr Sheldrack their teacher of whom after distress made they recd 20 L +Receivers are appoynted for receiveing ye penalties upon Romish Recusants in ye severall Counties +upon proclaiming his maties declaration agst non Conformists at Canterbury, ye Mayor & Justices did Imediately Issue out Warrants to ye Constables of ye respective wards to surpress ye meetings, wch proved soe effectuall that none but ye Quakers presumed to disobey +ffrom Paris wee heare that Mr Gramont is returnd thither from England that ye Popes Nuncio refuses to be at Nimegen dislikeing ye place, that a fire has happend in Montecute Colledge wch consumed ye best part of it wth ye magazine of the stationers the loss is Judgd at above 800000 livres his most Xtian Maty being advisd that ye Messineses have not provisions to last longer then Easter has sent post to Tholon to fitt out 6 ships of Warr forthwth & as many other vessells as may carry 3000 men & 40000 measures of Corne for their releife. Monsr Vallevoir is said to be dead there some say that Callabria & Catania have sent in provisions to Messina at Naples severall papers have bene found scattered adviseing ye Spaniards to retyre out of ye Kingdome, The french have put 200 Spaniards whom they tooke in ye late Engagemt, to ye Oares, haveing formerly recd the same usage from them The Garrison from Phillipsburg dayly obtaine fresh advantages haveing lately taken severall places & Castles, some belonging to ye marquess of Baden tis said ye french King has declared hee will not proceed to a treaty wthout ye liberty of ye Prince of furstemburg +Duch letters tell us that Monsr Rabenhaup have sent a Challenge to ye Prince of Nassaw by an Ensigne ye Councell of Warr soe highly resented it that they resolvd to set ye Ensignes name yt brought it on ye Gallows but Rabenhaup sent them word yt if they did hee would set all theirs in the same place L. c. 159 [Handwriting changes here.] March ye 18th 1674 ffryday 27/ Capt Wetwags Duch East India priz is come at last into ye River and When shee comes to Woollage his Maty intends to goe see her Shee was of 1200 Tunn and 36 Gunns butt Outwards bound and was taken the 4th Instant This day at Councell the Mayor of Windsor and Mr Stockdale appeared about indeacent words spoken by them Concerneng state affairs and were after there Calling in discharged His Maty haveing the 17th Instant granted Liberty to ye Inhabitants of Cornwall to Traid to all parts wthout Controule of any Company, upon their pretending a Charter given them by ye Late King, upon the Petition of the affrican Company, this day hee was pleasd to recall it, and Order that the dispute between them should be h[e]ard the first thing after Easter On Thursday Next his Maty goes to New Market for 7 or 8 dayes This Night went the Revocation of our Ambassadors from Collogne his Maty haveing all this While Continued them there in hopes there might be some Overtures of a Generall Peace but finding Nothing tending that way but the Newtrallity of ye Place Violated he feerd to Comply wth ye Present Conjuncture, yet will not Cease his good ofices and Interposision to restore Euerope to its former Quiett +saterday 28/ ffrom Ostend wee heare that the Duke De Villa Hermosa was Come on his way to Newport wth 600 Horse where he is to be posted it being fered the french may have a designe upon that place which Makes the Country people fly into the Townes of strenght wth theire provitions and to Bruges is Com the Marquis De Assertara wth 7000 men for the security of thoes places +Count Montery himselfe removes to Dermond and from thence to Meet the Prince of Orange at Sas Van Gent ffrom Paris wee heare that King has Comanded all the Troops of his houshold to be in a readiness to March by Aprill ye 15 and has deClared hee will himselfe sett forth ye 25th, Some say the Generall Rendevous will be at Compeign others at Tourney the[y] expect to be 180000 foot and 50000 Hors in 3 Armyes but according to some Calculations Less, the Princes Army will serve as a defence to ye King and its thought Monsr de Turene will not pass the Rhyne The Army under Monsr Schomberg in Catalonia will be only upon there defence, they say the Spaniards have 6000 Horse in thoes parts and its said that 6000 German Horse had passed to this side the Rhyne and that by the Intreaty of the Swisse ye most Xtian King would wthdrawe his forces from the french Comptee which is to stand Newter L. c. 160 [Handwriting changes here.] March ye 20 1674 From Weymth of ye 27th wee heare that there was Come in there a small vessell from Newhaven in france that sayes that on Munday last 2 men of warr were there to Convoy their newfoundland fleet who were to call in at St Maloes for their fishing ships, & are to have 8 men of warr more from Brest to attend ye fishermen who will bee very numerous this summer ffrom Pendennis of ye 15th wee heare that ye day before Came in there a Duch Mercht from france laden wth french goods who 4 Leagues to ye Eastward of yt place mett 3 french men of Warr one of 60 & 2 of 40 guns who Came on board him, but understanding shee was laden wth french goods & bound for amsterdam chargd yt noe man should take a farthing from her The Ostend Capers Continue to Comitt many violences on English Ships that they meet at Sea +The Ct de Coningsmarke hee that has soe long servd in ye army's of france is arived here in his way from france to Sweden in order to serveing in his Masters armyes under Genll Wrangell in some Considerable charge. his Maty is pleasd for his greater Conveniency to favour him wth a yacht to Carry him to Hamburg Its observable that in ye declaration his Most Xtian Maty has lately given of his accepting Nimegens hee addes that hee has given Comunication of it to ye Crowne of Sweden, as a Prince wthout whose Knowledge & Consent hee is not to make any one step in all these Workes, & where hee declares his ambrs are ready to part for the Congress Hee Expressly sayes it is wth powers & orders to treat of a peace Joyntly wth ye ambrs of ye Crowne of Sweden But that onely when the Empr shall have first given him satisfaction in the point of ye Prince of ffurstemb, & of ye money seized at Collogne. +ffrom Brussells of ye 22d wee heare yt they had advice there of Montecuculis' departure toward ye Rhyne to draw together the army hee is to Command that the Empr will have 3 great armys on foot, one toward the Countrys under that Genll, a 2d in alsatia under ye Duke of Lorraine & ye Genell of ye Empr, a 3d in Silesia agst ye Swedes besides they talke of a Considerable army the Empr will have in Hungaria. Letters from Ratisbonne of ye 12 say that ye diet is abt to declare the swede an Enimy to the Empire The Duch officers find great difficulty in filling up their Regimts in Westphalia & some are Come home Empty by reason of their ill usage in ye last Campaigne, The Prince of Orange hopes to be moveing wth his troups suddenly after Easter sevll of ye Officers have quitted their Regimts wch are reformd, & severall are to be reducet to recruit the rest ffrom Mons wee heare yt 33 of ye Irish Regimt goeing upon a party mett 47 mesters (as they call ym) under ye Comand of Monsr Montall betweene Beaumont & avesnes wch they routed killing many & putting ye rest to flight. The Chevalier Montall wounded wth 3 Bullets was made prisoner but afterward Exchangd for 2 officers & carryed to Beamont where hee is since dead. Genll Sparke is dead in Bohemia & ye Empr has sent to Leavy 10000 men in that Kingdome L. c. 161 March ye 23d 1674 From New Market wee heare that ye King & Court on Sat next remove thence The Bp of Landoff is lately dead & Dr Lloyd is they say to succeed in that See ffrom fflanders they write that Governour begins now in Earnest to put those Countrys in a posture of defence, recruiting ye old Regimts, but will raise noe new The weather proveing so good that ye Enimy will its feard bee sooner in ye feild & they apprehend will in ye first place attaque Namur wch haveing mastred they will Cleare Leige land of the Imperialists & then Endeavour to reduce Luxemburg by wch they will have a Comunication from thence to Conquest in Burgundy, Easily Compast by reason ye Confederates its thought will not appeare in ye feild till June or July. and then to play an aftergame when ye french are Wearyed & their provisions Consumed. +The Prince of Orange is onely forward in his preparations & its beleived will bee in ye feild as soone as ye french. hee is at present at Cleves wth The Elector of Brandenb The Imperialists in Collogne will draw neare to ye Meuse to assist their Companions in Leige +ffrom Stratsburg wee heare that ye Marquiss de Baden Dourlack had lost 3000 men in ye towne, that ye treaty betweene ye Swedes & Duke of Hannover is looket upon as Concluded, they tell from paris that ye Peace is Concluded betwixt ye Swedes and ye poles that Monsr Verjus was goeing to meet ye Elector of Branden That ye Swedes have extended their quarters wthin 6 Leagues of Danzig That ye Inhabitants of Pomerania have written to his Electorall Highness yt unless they bee speedily succoured they shall be necessitated to deliver up themselves to ye Swedes, That there is to bee suddenly an assembly at Zell of ye severall ministers to Endeavour to [get?] The Duke of Hannover to Embrace [?] ye Confederates interest, that they speake much of a proposition pretended to have bene made in ye Councell of Spaine for ye Exchangeing his Catholique Maties Estates in flanders wth ye most Xtian King for Rousillon, ye french County, & alsatia, that at Bourdeux there had bene some disturbance occationd by ye last Imposition upon tobacco L. c. 162 March ye 25 1675 His Maty continues his good Endeavours to revive ye Trade of newfound Land, & in order to it the Councell for Trade & plantations meet frequently & Consult wth ye meritts of this Citty & have sent to know ye opinions of those in severall parts where yt Trade was most used, the question being whether to manage it formerly by sending yearely Ships who after that to returne to ye Charge of the undertakers, or Whether it bee best to make a Collony & appoint a Governr there by wch its hopet wee may be able to carry that Trade from ye french who now possess most of it & in a few yeares would carry it all. What it will come too wee shall suddenly see ye King & Lords being very Instant upon it The Collogne Gazetteer haveing bene not long since too free in his discourses of ye Transactions of this Court his Maty has writt sharply to yt towne & last Weeke had their answere upon it, in wch they tell him they have suspended him from Writeing & fined him 300 florins proffering his Maty to doe anything farther in it that hee shall thinke fitt, hee aledgeth ye Gazette of Germany for his author from whence hee transcribed ye parragraph yt gave ye offence +Our plenepotentiarys as yet make but litle hast in their preparations for Nimegen expecting to heare what his most Xtian Maty will doe if his Imperiall Maty Consent not to his proposalls abt ye Prince of ffurstemb & ye mony taken at Collogne. His Maty they say resolves to deferr his Journey to Windsor till ye beginning of June & orderd preparations to then accordingly made. On Saterday his Maty comes from New Market from whence wee heare that on Munday the Spoones were run for & wonne by Sr Robert Howards Horse that on Tuesday the great plate was run for by his Maty Mr Griffin & Mr Mildmay wch his Maty wonne being a Guilt Cup & Salver wch the King gave to Mr Pope who sold him ye Horse yt wonne it, That night the Duke of Munmouth Matcht the Kings horse Blew Cap agst Mr Mayes Thumper for 900 L to run 12 stone Each on Tuesday in Easter Weeke, his Maty & the Duke intending to Come downe againe to see it. The Duch Comissrs & those of their East India Company saild yesterday out of ye River +Don ffranscisco Mario de Velasco who has bene long wind bound in ye River upon the wind changing saild on Tuesday to flanders & by ye same opertunity went Mr Porter as Envoy from his Maty ffrom Tunis wee heare that Sr John Norbrow had dispatcht all his buisness there, & ye Kings present of cloth to that Dey Recd wth very great expressions of Kindness, soe that hee is shortly expected here, his buisness at Tripoly being not like to hold him many dayes. ffrom Chattam wee heare that money is Come downe thither for payment of all arrears due from his Maty to ye yard & Navy wch was told out & to bee paid the morrow. Millford Letters say ye 13th ye sea flowed & Ebbd 5 or 6 tymes in 2 houres that ye boats within ye Harbour of Milford were on floate & on ground severall tymes, a thing not remembred before On ye 22d the Earle of Ossory left New Market in Order to ye meeting ye Duke of Ormond at his landing from Ireland who is suddenly expected L. c. 163 March ye 27 1675 +The treaty continues at the old point, of frances refuseing to send their ambrs, till ye preliminarys & Especially the two points of ye Prince of ffurstemburg & ye money be restored, which his Maty as mediator has orderd his amb at ye hague to represent to ye states, & to press them to use their Endeavours wth his Imperiall Matey that the peace soe much desired by all this part of the world may not bee retarded upon that account & in ye meane tyme has ordered his ambs to bee ready to part Imediately upon ye first notice of these points being adjusted +The Comissioners for Surrinam are now to part in a day or two, advice being Come from Holland that ye Orders abt permitting the English to Come off are sent thither, & will bee there before ym Mr Brisbane is arived from algiers haveing finisht his buisness there, who says our Trade is like to grow very great in those parts, Especially at Tangier & that we have a very Considerable Concern thro out ye mediteraneanen +ffrom Paris they write that made great hast in their preparation for ye Campaigne wch they intend should begin in 11 dayes after, & yt ye abbott de Strades sonne to ye Governr of Maiestrecht was goeing in all hast to Venice as Amb. +ffrom Brussells of ye 29 wee heare that morning his Excellency had advice by express that ye french had made themselves masters of the Cittadell of Leige & Entred 17 companys into it by ye townes Consent, that ye Marshall Crequi had ye like designe upon Chiviett but was prevented by ye Governr of Charlemont, +Sr Thomas Beverly one of the masters of ye Requests, being dead Mr Povey has kist the Kings hand to succeed him. his Maty & Court are safely arived from New market, the great match betwixt the Duke of Munmouth & ye Earle of Suffolk is broke of, his Matys horse Boucher Beat ye Earle of Oxfords horse, on wch was Considerable wagers, & Mr fframptons horse beat Mr Mayes. L. c. 164 March ye 30 1675 +ffrom Barnstable we heare that Tewsday last was cast away neare Ilford Comb ye armes of Bristoll bound from yt place for ye Barbadoes wth 16 persons all drownd, That ye 25th put into fallmouth ye recovery of ffoy who abt a moneth since being bound from Plimouth to Topsham was driven by storme upon ye Coast of france & neare ye Green Island mett wth an Ostend Caper of 4 or 5 guns who tooke from them 2 hogsheads of sugar, 5 halfe hogsheads of spiritts, broke open ye seamens chests wherein were severall rundletts of Canary & cloath wth they carried away, & besides beate the master & men soe soarely that one of ym 3 dayes after dyed ffrom Lyme wee heare that ye Samuell of that place was arived there from the Texell who was mett in his way by 3 Ostend Capers of 10 guns a peice who tooke severall goods out of ye hold & very much plundred ye master & seamen although they had a Sea Briefe +ffrom Paris wee heare that ye Most Xtian King has recd advice from Bourdeaux of great disturbances arisen there by reason of the new Imposition on Pewter in wch the people have killd some of ye officers, pillaged & Burnt some of ye principall Magistrates houses & chased ye ordnary guards soe that ye Governr of ye Cittadell was forcet to draw out ye garrison upon them, who killd 20 and tooke severall prisoners. Orders are given for the takeing off one halfe of ye artillery, wch gives them great hopes of peace notwithstanding wch his Maty parts ye 5 of next moneth for ye Campaigne all ye Bridges on ye Soame are ordered to bee broke downe for ye security of picardy Tis said ye Elector of Pallatine has declared warr agst ye Elector of Mayence ffrom ye Hague wee heare that ye Prince of Orange has bene of late Indisposed, & on wednsday the Small pox appeard which came out soe kindly that there is great hopes hee may doe well This has causd the states to continue their sessions till they see what God will be pleasd to doe with him, They have resolved to fitt out but 24 men this yeare leaveing ye Swedish warr to ye Dane. +Wee have a flying report that the Earle of Meath, his two sonnes, & severll persons of quallity in their passage from Ireland to England are Cast away but we hope the Contrary & expect a further account of it, The Duke of Ormond its said was not in the vessell as was feard. [At end of letter this note apparently to Newdigate from the scribe:] I humbly beg your worsps pardon for my failure of ye last L. c. 165 Aprill ye 1st 1675 ffrom Chester of ye 29 wee heare that on Wednsday before the mary yacht Capt Burslow Commander came from Dublin wth a faire Wind, haveing on board the Earles of Arglass, Meath, & many other persons of good note bound for England, but by what unhappy accident not yet knowne shee sunk, Shee was about 2 a clock on Thursday morning last on ye north side of ye Skerries that lye East Ward of Hollyhead, a Welsh vessell saw ye vessell under Water, but abt 40 persons on ye Skerryes, wch is an Island abt a League from shoare, some part of wch is never Overflowd. by ye next wee expect more perticulers of this unhappy accident. His Maty being much troubled at the illness of ye Prince of Orange, has ordered Mr Skelton one of ye Groomes of ye Bedchamber to part forthwth in a yacht for Holland to take an account of his sickness & bring it to him wth all Speed. +ffrom Brussells of ye 5th wee heare that on Wednsday last arivd there the Barron de ffue from Leigeland, & reported to his Excellency that after hee had putt the marquess montains Regimt into Namur hee went to Conferr wth Count Chargniack whom hee found Emcampt on ye other side of ye Meuse, very neare the Citty of Leige wth abt 3000 horse & 2000 foot the Spanish troops from Luxemburg being Joynd wth them upon hopes of being admitted into Leige, that whilest hee was wth ym they had a Conferrence wth a Confident of the Cardinall de Baden. & some of the principall of ye chapter & states of Leige who came out to Conferre wth them. but they found noe good was to be done upon ye Citty who would by noe arguments bee induced to admitt any forces into it, upon wch they retyred & disperset their troups into severall quarters, They say ye french upon ye first Opening of ye Campaigne will fall upon Huy & Dinant, & then Limbourg & Lunenburg is intirely cut off & Namur soe Blockt up that it must neccessarily follow & than noe place will be left upon ye Meuse but Charlemont. L. c. 166 [Handwriting and size of paper change here.] Aprill 3d 1675 friday 2d/From Paris of the 6th we heare that ye disorders at Bourdeax have growne to a great height, but are at present Composed those people haveing extorted from that Parliament an arrest for the Revocation of the Severall Imposicons on paper Tobacco Corns Flesh plaster [?] &c as alsoe ye Restitution of the prisoners made dureing the Mutiny by the Governr of ye Cittadel together with a Genll amnesty both wch are Confirmed by his Maty and all things quieted againe. That the thursday before the Chr de Gonge and Monsr Chavaux two guardes de Corps were broke on ye wheel for robbing on the highway Madame is in a fair way [of] recovery That the day before the Prince de Tremonville marryed Madame de Crequy. His Matie has given the office of Councellor of the Parliament of Boredeax killed by the Mutineers there to the said Councellor Sonne & a good pension to the widdow +The lres from Madrid say that the Count Monterey has had but an ill reception there That the Venetians are admitted in ye Mediation They here assure themselves that ye Princes of ye house of Saxony have deserted the Confederates and imbraced a Neutrallity The Empr refuses to heare of a treaty without a suspension of Armes. Satturday 3/ Yesterdays Ltres from Chester say yt on Lady day past the Mary Yacht struck upon ye Skerries, and preseently after splitt, the master and some passengers and sailors in all 35 amongst whom ye Earle of Meath were drowned the rest 39 gott on Shoare, and continued there till Saturday when a Welsh Vessell tooke them up and brought them to Beaumaris they were susteined whilst on ye Rock by some flesh and usquebagh cast a shoare amongst whom is ye Earle of Arglass and ye now Earle of Meath &c. +This nights lres from Holland of the 9th say that the Prince Continued as well as Could bee expected and that being the 8th day of his distemper they hoped very well however the States Continue their assembly L. c. 167 [Handwriting changes here.] Aprill ye 6th 1675 yesterday Capt Rooth tooke his leave of his Maty & Recd from him the Honnr of Knighthood upon his voyage to the Streights, & this Weeke parts alsoe ye Earle of Inchequin to his Governmt of Tangier, & wth him goes the Prince of Tetuan who has bene Travelling in many Countreys & at last is come hither to take this Opertunity to returne home for Barbery where hee has hopes to find a party yt will assist him to recover a part of his Owne Right from his unkle ye now Empr who has it seemes kild all his Brothers & now usurps. Last Councell day was heard before his Maty a Petition of ye Citty, & society of ye Temple agst one Dr Barebones who has Erected new buildings in Essex house to ye prejudice of ye Trade of ye Citty & great Incomodation of that society upon wch his Maty after a full heareing ordered his atturney Genll to draw up an Information agst him, & yt ye Surveyer Genll order ye workemen to desist +It seemes those of Brandenb beleiving there would Certainly bee a warr wth Sweden gave out letters of Marke to severall Duch & Zealanders agst them who by vertue of that have lately brought severall Swedish ships into ye states dominions & 2 into Dover, upon wch ye Envoy of Sweden has addresst himselfe to his Maty in Councell, telling him yt ye states have freed those in their dominions & hope ye King will follow their example. It seemes ye yacht that Carryed Mr Porter to fflanders mett on ye Banks of fflanders a Spanish man of warre who (as is usuall) hee fired at to make him strike to his Maties flagg, wch ye man of warr refuseing hee fired againe & soe 5 or 6 tymes through & through his Rigging upon wch shee returnd one shott wth a Bullet & went away, wch his Maty is soe dissatifyed at that hee has caused it to be examind that hee may demand satisfaction The Spanish Envoy has audience of his Maty to acquaint him with the Queen of Spaines acceptance of his Mediation, but added that it was Joyntly wth Denmarke, Venice & ye Pope & that ye forme of it should bee as that at Munster ffrom Milan they write that besides Religious of St Bernard they have imprisond ye Marquess de Arragon & ye Count D' arrabee for having designed to fire the magazine of ye Castle & raise a sedition &c: The advices from Poland speake of ye Death of Dorosensko & ye retreat of ye Tartars L. c. 168 Aprill ye 8th 1675 The States Genll have this Weke sent his Maty a draught of the Conditions on wch they said they were Contented at his Maties instance to make a peace, The summ of wch was that as to ye Empr the Electors, Princes, & States of ye Empire that ye treaty of Munster bee republisht, all spoiles & depredations made by france in it to bee made good & securety given for its being kept inviolable for the future that ye Duke of Lorraine have his Country Restored to him againe &c: That as to Spaine, that the treaty of ye Pyreneans bee put in force againe & things setled according to it, that as to Holland, that Maestricht & ye outre Meuse shall bee restored to them againe wth intent that they be put into ye hands of Spaine &c: This is what they propose to his Maty as to ye principall mediator, all wch they Conclude wth a Wish that if these Conditions doe not please his Maty or bee by him thought reasonable they should be glad to Know his Opinion wt would, wch paper his Maty Ordred Imediately to bee put into ye hands of ye french Envoy, & sent ye like to Our Amb at Paris to know his most Xtian Maties mind abt it, & in ye meane tyme Continues to press ye States to Come more forward to ye great & wisht for worke of ye peace. & ye other for that the season of ye yeare is soe farr advancet that they might some expect dayly alterations in their affaires, the most Xtian King Resolveing to bee in ye feild in person the 2d of May next [?] & seemes to intend to fall upon Ipre & ye places on ye Scheld Letters from Holland of ye 12th instant say that ye Prince of Orange was soe well that it was thought hee would in few dayes bee abroad, The states of Holland are thereupon separated, The preparations for sea are at a stand till a Conferrence can bee held wth his Highness concerning them. Tis said that ye Confederates will act this Campaigne wth 5 armys (not reckoning ye forces of Denmarke) who tis not doubted but will now suddenly declare agst ye Swede. The Subsidies to bee paid him lyeing ready for him at Hamburg) [sic] One army to bee Comanded by Count Montecuculy in alsatia, another by ye Duke of Lorraine betwixt ye Moselle & ye Meuse the third by ye Prince of Orange in flanders The fourth by the Elector of Brandenb agst ye Swedes, his forces & those of they Emperours now in Silesia to Joyne to that purpose, agst a 5th under the Duke of Lunenburg: +The Elector of Brandenb has written a long letter to ye states upon their haveing releast certaine swedes ships taken by his Comission & brought into there ports. +Mr Bedford the teacher at ye Conventicle in Covent garden was this last Weeke summond to appeare before the King & Councell for words hee had utterd to this Effect, that his Maty notwithstanding his Declaration did not intend the [seal spoils about four letters] cut should be put in prosecution & wch was [?] being proved by good Evidence hee was Comitted to ye gate house. +from Paris of ye 13 they write that ye Wednsday & Thursday before, the King retyred wholly from all other buisness than that of Religion, & other Company than that of his Confessor & severall Eminent persons of ye Church wth whom hee held a Conferrence of Conscience 8 houres, on Thursday evening was sent a Retyremt to Madam Montespan by Monsr de Pompone Comanding her to her fathers house whence tis thought she will goe to some Religious house, tis sd now that ye Queene is not wth child, that ye King will take ye feild sooner then expected, there is a report that many of ye Impositions will bee taken of all over ye Kingdome. L. c. 169 Aprill ye 10 1675 The last letters from the Hague on Thursday last say yt there was great Joy to see his Highness soe well yt yt day hee had changd his linnen & ye next intended to Come out of his Bed chamber hopeing to goe abroad ye fryday following wch was yesterday. That Mr Skelton & Mr Aston were arived there ye one from his Maty the other from his Rll Highness, but at ye Comeing away of those letters they had not seene ye Prince hee desireing to bee Excused for a day or 2 longer before hee saw any body. The states Will have onely 18 men of warr at sea this Summer to serve for ye Guard of their Coasts agst french Capers wch much disturbed them That last Weeke was a Genll reveiw of ye Princes army wch would this Campaigne Consist of 36000 men, The states it seemes have releast ye 12 swedish ships taken by the Elector of Brandenburgs Comision & brought into their ports. since wch 12 more are brought in, wch ye Elector by his letters desires may have ye Benefitt of their Ports & free liberty to goe where they please, what they will doe in it is not yet Knowne. One Mr Godfrey is arived here wth letters from Elector of Pallatine to his Maty Complementing him upon ye matter of the mediation &c: & to recomend to his Maties favour & protection ye interest of ye Elector in ye future negotiation of ye peace. as to the business of the prizes taken from ye swedes by Brandenburg Comisions & brought into Our Ports, ye swedish Envoy has not yet proceeded any further in ye matter on his part, but in ye interim comes a letter from ye Elector of Brandenb wch was one Wednesday delivered to his Maty by ye swedish Envoy ye Baron de swerin wherein ye Elector Ownes to have licencet Certaine Ships with Comision to take ye goods & ships of swedes & french in returne as hee sayes of ye Hostillities Comitted by those 2 Princes upon his Country, & subjects, praying that what prizes by Vertue of those Comisions, are, or may hereafter be brought into any of his Maties Ports his Maty will be pleasd that they be left to their free liberty to proceed & dispose off as his Envoy now in his Court shall think fitt, & that from tyme to tyme the ships soe Comissioned may wth their prizes have ye free Ordnary & Genell liberty of his ports as is practised toward Other princes & states his Maties good freinds & allyes This memoriall was presented but on Wednesday soe yt noe resolution has hither to bene taken upon it The buisness of ye Ostenders refuseing to strike to his Maties yacht off of Ostend is still under Examination in ye admiralty according to ye Legall forme & will bee proceeded upon in ye Ordnary Course of law as a Crime of high misdemeanor & at all times punishable accordingly by ye laws of this Kingdome [This paragraph appears at the bottom of second verso of letter and is apparently a personal note to Newdigate from the scribe:] Sr Wm Noells man is now with mee, who gives mee ye unpleasing account of the desperate Condition of his Master by a most violent feavor of whose life they seeme to have too litle hope hee haveing laine for some dayes wthout ye right use of his senses, & at present knows not any. Dr Higgs is wth him & much feares him L. c. 170 (1) Aprill ye 13th 1675 This morning the Parliament was Ordered where both houses being sate. The King (attended as usually wth his Rll: Hss: Pr: Rupert & most of the great Officers of state) came in his robes to the Lds house where after the accustomed Ceremonys the Black [Rod] went for the House of Commons to attend his Maty who all in a body presently repaired to the Lds house where his Maty spoke to this Effect, That hee had done his part as to ye Establishing of the Protestant Religion in wch hee is Resolved to Continue firme, That the property of ye subject should be preserved & to that purpose hee had Calld the Parliamt together at this tyme That hee did it not intending any dissolution of this Parliamt notwthstanding the reports to ye Contrary but did intend they should meet againe in Winter not doubting but they would Improve their tyme of sitting, that they would take Care abt shipping that wee might be Equall to Our Neighbours &c: all wch was fully Enlarged by the Ld Keeper in a Very Eloquent Speech, uppon wch ye Commons returnd to their house, & tooke ye same into Consideration, & at last resolved that the Humble & Hearty thanks of that house bee returnd to his Maty for his gracious promisses & assurances exprest in this Speech to preserve & maintaine as in ye Establisht Religion & our properties according to law & for Calling us together at this tyme for that purpose & the house to goe in a body to Returne their thankes to him accordingly +Then read they a Bill for augmentation of small Vicaridges & Orderd it a 2d reading, Issued Orders for new writts to Supply the Vacancys & appointed the Grand Committee for Religion to sitt on Munday for greivancies Wedns: for Election & privlidges Tuesdays Thursdays & Satterdays The Comittee of Privilidge to sitt this afternoone & then adjourned till to morrow The Lds alsoe tooke into debate his Maties speech & ordered some of their members alsoe to returne his Maty their humble thankes & soe adjournd alsoe till to morrow There was a Very Full Appearance both of Lds & Commons L. c. 170 (2) [Handwriting changes here.] Aprill ye 13 1675 My Lds & Gentlemen I told you last meeting that ye Winter was ye fittest time of a business, & in truth I thought it soe till my Ld Tresr assured me that ye spring is ye fittest tyme for salletts & subsidies, I hope therefore this Aprill will not prove soe unnaturall as not to afford plenty of both, some of you may perhaps think it dangerous to make mee to rich, but doe not feare it, I promise you faithfully (what ever you give) I will take care to want, for ye truth of wch you may relye on ye word of a King. My Lds & Gentlemen +I can leave my owne streights wth patience, but my Ld treasurer doth protest yt ye revenue as it now stands is to little for us both, one of us must pinch for it, if you doe not helpe us out, I must speake freely to you I am under incumbrances for besides my wheres [?] in service, my reformado ones lye heard upon me, I have a pretty good estate, I must confess, but ods ffish here is my Ld Treasurer can tell you that all ye moneys designed for ye summers Guards must of necessity be applyed for ye next yeares Cradles & Swadling Cloaths, what then shall we doe for ships, I only hint that to you, thats your business & not mine I know by experience I can live without them, I lived 10 yeares abroad without ships and was never in better health in my Life, but how well you can live with out them you had best trye, I leave it to your selves to Judge, & therefore only mention it, I do not intend to insist upon that. +There is another thing which I must press more earnestly wch is this, it seemes a good parte of my Revenue will faile in 2 or 3 yeares except you will please to continue it, now I have this to say for it, why did you give me soe much except you resolve to give [three illegible letters]? The nation hates you allready for giveing soe much, I will hate you now if you do not give me more, soe that your Intrest obleiges you to stick to me, or you will not have a freind left in England, on ye other side if you continue ye revenue as I desired, I shall be able to performe those great things for you religion and liberty, wch I have long had in my thoughts but can not effect it wth out this establishment, wherefore looke to it, if you doe not make me rich enough to undoe you it shall be at your doore, for my parte I can wth a cleare conscience say, I have done my best, & shall leave ye rest to my successours, but yt I may gaine your good opinion ye best way is to acquiant you, what I have done to deserve it, out of my Royall care for your religion & property, for ye first my late proclaimation is ye true picture of my minde, hee yt cannot (as in a Glass) see my Zeale for ye Church of England doth not deserve any other satisfaction, for I declare him willfull abominable, & not good, you may perhaps crye how comes this suddain change, to that I reply in a word, I am a Changeling, that I think a full answer, but to convince men yet further that I meane as I say there are these arguments, yt I tell you soe & you know I never broake my word, 2ly my Ld Treasurer says soe, and hee never told lye in his life, 3dly my Ld Lauderdale will undertake for me, & I should be loath to any act of mine to forfeit ye Credit hee has wth you, if you desire more Instances of my Zeale, I have them for you, for example I have converted all my naturall sonns from Popery (and I may say wthout vanity) it was more my worke, & much more peculier to me then ye getting of them, It would do our hearts good to heare how prettily little George can reade allready ye Psaltery, they are all fine Childeren, god bless them, & soe like me in their understanding but (as I was saying) I have to please you given a pension to the favorite my Ld Lauderdale, not so much yt I thought hee wanted it, as I knew you would take it kindely, I have made Carwell a Dutchess, & married her sister to my Ld Pembrooke, I have made Crew Bp of Durham, I have at my Brothers request sent my Ld Inchequin to settle ye Protestant religion at Tangeir, & at ye first word of my Lady Portsmouth I have preferred Bradcock to be Bp Chichister, I doe not knowe what factions men would have, but this I am sure of yt none of my predecessors did ever any thing like this to gaine ye good will of their subjects, so much for religion. Now as to property my beheaviour to ye Bankers & letting of ye Customes to my Ld St John & partners take for publique Instances, & ye proceeding about Mrs Hyde & Emerson for a private one, & such convincing Evidences yt it will be needless to mention any thing more of it, I must now acquaint you that by my Ld Treasurers advice I have made a Considerable retrenchment on my Expences in Candles & Charecoale, & doe not intend to stick there but wth your helpe to looke into ye like embezelments of my Kitching staff, of wch (by ye way) on my conscience neither my Ld Treasurer nor Lord Lauderdale are guilty, but if you should finde them dableing in that business I tell you plainly I leave them to you for I would not have ye would thinke I am a man to be cheated. +My Lds & Gentlemen +I will have you beleive of me as you allway founde me, and I do solemnly protest that what ever you give me it shall be managed ye same thrift, trust, conduct, prudence & sincerity that I have ever practisd since my happy restauracon [Another note to Newdigate in the same hand as L. c. 170 (1):] I presume yo[u]r Worpp may have heard ye unwelcome news of ye death of Sr Wm Noell who dyed on Tewsday. L. c.171 Aprill ye 15 1675 +Wednsday morning both houses meeting againe the Lds read an act regulating ye Tryall of ye Peeres, The Commons resolved that a Committee Should bee appoynted to Veiw the Bills wch were depending last sessions & see wch of them are usefull, & represent such as are most necesary wth their Opinions to ye house & ordered another to reinforce ye laws for repaireing high wayes & to prepare & bring in a Bill for ye Effectuall repaireing & maintaineing thereof &c Then read they ye Bill for augmentation of Small vicarages a 2d tyme & Comitted it after wch some Copies of records of Parliamts in ye raignes of severall preciedt Kings being tendred Concerning their priviliedges they adjourned ye further debate thereof till next day. & ordered ye Keeper of ye records to attend them therewth, upon wch they fell on ye debate of their former vote agst ye Duke of Lauderdale, & after a long dispute at last resolved that an address bee presented to remove the Duke of Lauderdale from all his Employmts & from his Matys presence & and Councell for Ever being Obnoxious & dangerous to the Governmt & appointed a Comittee to meet this a afternoone to draw up their reasons & grounds for the address, then next they in a body to Whitehall to returne their thankes to his Maty for his gracious Speech, who was pleasd to receive them in the Banquetting house at 3 a clock, The Lds alsoe gave him their Thankes by ye members departed for that purpose This morning both houses mett againe the Lds read ye act for the better tryall of the Peeres & Comitted it, & then read another for a Test or Oath to bee taken by all in Publique offices, ye first tyme, The Commons were acquainted by ye Speaker that he had attended his Maty yesterday with their vote of thankes to wch hee was pleasd to returne this answer that had a great Confidence of that house of Commons & that they might be assured that hee would alwayes preserve them in their libertys & properties &c: Then gave they leave to bring in a bill for Erecting Courts of Conscience in Westmr & Southwark after wch they went upon the debate of yesterday abt the Records of former Parliamts, & ye Originalls being tendred & perused & a debate ariseing thereupon it was at last resolved that ye further Considerations of them should bee adjourned till this day sennight, & in ye meane tyme appoynted a Committee to translate them into English & search whether ye same bee upon the statute Rolls or not, then gave they leave to bring in a Bill for takeing affidavits in the Country to bee returnd to ye Exchequer & all other Countyes where there is noe provision already for the same purpose & Ordered the Comittee abt The Duke of Lauderdale should bee Impowered to send for persons, papers & records & meet againe abt it in the afternoone. The Earle of Holland dyed this last Weeke leaveing his Sonne & heire not above 2 yeares old On ye 12 his Grace the Duke of Ormond came to Whitehall where hee was very kindly recd by his Maty ffryday last the Prince of Orange went to Church to give god publique Thankes for his Recovery, & after his returne gave audience to Mr Skelton & Mr Aston sent from The King & Duke of Yorke L. c. 172 Apll 17 1675 +ffryday morning the Commons appoynted a Comittee to bring in a Bill to regulate the abuses of hundreds & County Courts to lessen their Number & prevent the abuses of atturneys & sollicitors their vexatious and extravagant proceedings Then read a Bill to prevent the Exportation of Wooll into forreigne parts & then Went into a grand Comittee of ye Whole house to Consider of some Effectuall way for suppressing the growth of popery, & at last resolvd that the house bee moved to direct some members to bring in a Bill to hinder Papists sitting in Either house of Parliamt, & another for ye more Easy & speedy Conviction of Papists, & that in such Bills bee inserted a Clause that ye penalities laid upon ye papists Convicts, shall bee applyed to ye buying in of Impropriations or some other good & pious use & a Clause alsoe to bee inserted to distinguish Papists in their Conviction from other nonConformists, & ye Comittee to sitt abt it this afternoone +last night Mr Skelton & Mr Aston returned from Holland, leaveing his Highness the Prince of Orange very well received & abroad This day the Commons went into a Comittee of ye whole house to Consider of some Effectuall way to suppress the growth of Popery, & resolved that in such Bills bee inserted a clause for ye paymt of a very Considerable Reward to any person that shall discover a Popish Preist who uppon tryall shall bee proved to have said Mass Either in this Realme or in any forreigne Country if such Preists bee not Reconciled to ye Church of England, That those votes shall not prejudice ye Laws now in being agst Popish preists, & that these penalties shall bee inflicted on them where any Popish preist was saying mass accordingly to ye Rites of ye Church of Rome. L. c. 173 Aprill ye 22 1675 yesterday the Commons Comitted the Bill agst Exportation of Leather & that for the opening the passage betweene Chancery lane & Lincolns Inne feilds, & then went into a Comittee of the Whole house to proceed upon the further Consideration of ye wayes to suppress Popery. & resolved that a clause bee inserted in ye Bill, to Regulate & Restraine The atturney Genll in Entring Non Proseguis, That another bee inserted for ye more Effectuall Leavying the Penalties upon Popish Recusants, & that ye house be moved to appoynte a Comittee to draw up a Bill upon the heads allready reported, & then went all in a body to attend his Maty wth theire address abt Calling the Kings subjects from ffrench service his Maty was pleasd to Receive them in the Banquetting house at 4 in ye Afternoone where he was pleasd to returne them an answer to this Effect That hee would Consider of it, it being a Weighty buisness, & Returne them a speedy answer. This day the Commons read a Bill for the Preservation of a Piscary in Thames Severne Avon &c: read a Petition of ye Woollen drapers agst ye officers of ye Aulnage & referred it to ye Comittee allready appoynted in that buisness & ordered ym to Consider of a way to take off ye Duty, & give a Compensation to ye persons Concernd. +Then read they a Bill for ye better assurance of such as Claime under ancient fines & Recoveries & another to prevent any member of the house of Commons from takeing upon them any Publique office The translations of the records of Parliamts were then read but ye debate of them put off till the Comittee have made their Report abt ye Statute Rolles, Mr Pepis was then ordered to bring in a State of ye fleet & stores thereunto belonging on Saturday, a Comittee was appoynted to inspect ye lawes touching the Malitia & to see wherein ye same are defective & how they may bee Remedyed, & of ye abuses that have bene Comitted in ye severall Countyss in ye Execution thereof, then Comitted they ye Bill to prevent ye Illegall exa[c]tion of mony from ye subject, & yt abt Imprisonmt of subjects, & ordred a bill to bee brought in to prevent abuses in the disposition of monys belonging to Hospitalls &c: On ye 16 was launcht at Chattam the Mountague being rebuilt & made as good as ever. they are repaireing the St Michaell wch will bee quickly finisht & are Rebuilding the defence wch was Casually burnt some yeares since Duch letters of ye 23rd tell us that the giveing out Comissions against ye Swede will bee forbidden to prevent as long as possible a rupture wth yt Crowne, & to yt purpose the ships that were to have gone out agst ye Swede are Countermanded But in Case there should bee Occasion to deale [with?] ye Swede they looke upon him sufficiently provided agst by the Dane, besides the others haveing perticularly on yt account 20000 men & 25 men of Warr in a readyness, The Prince of Orange is now of health fitt for buisness hee was lately at the English Ambrs house at Dinner, where hee publiquely acknowlegd the great Care of the Ambrs Lady to him in his sickness, wch [seal causes large tear that spoils eight to twelve letters at ends of manuscript lines for rest of paragraph]tinued attendance on him was bey[tear] hee was pleasd among other discou[tear] them an account of his sickness & [tear] that for ye first 9 Nights of his s[ickness it] had bene much worse wth him they [tear] for that in that tyme hee had noe [tear] such was his Patience that hee Cou[tear] of his Condition Even from those that [tear] wth him who Concluded hee had tak[tear] The[y] write from Paris of another Riseing at Reims abt ye Collecting Customes, where the Women rose & by violence possest themselves of ye tobacco office & severall other offices, & the tumult growing higher the Citty gates Were shut up, the King has Comanded all Governrs or Deputies to repaire Imediately to their Comands by whose presence & ye Kings clemency a speedy stop may be put to all further mischeifs of that kind, they tell us the troops of ye Kings houshold march made ye 3 & ye King himselfe ye 10th & yt ye armys will Rendezvouz ye 24th a Courrier is arived at Paris from Vienna wth ye Emprs Resolution Concerning the Prince that hee would allow Vienna or Newstadt for his prison till it bee decided at Nimegen whether hee ought to Enjoy any farther liberty, wth wch that Court seemes not Well satisfyed L. c. 174 Aprill ye 24 1675 yesterday the Lds were againe on the debate of ye Bill for the Test The Commons Comitted ye Bill for the better assurance of such as Claime under ancient fines & Recoverys, & that for ye preservation of ye Piscary, read another for regulating the Election of Members to serve in Parliamt & then went againe upon the debate abt the Duke of Lauderdale & concluded on ye same & ordered ye members of ye privy Councell to know when his Maty would bee attended therewth, & adjournd ye debate of part of the reasons till Thursday next This day ye Lds past ye Bill abt the Tryall of peeres & sent it to ye Commons read a Bill to revive & perpetuate an act for avoiding unnecessary lawsuites & delayes, & another abt Charitable uses Then Mr Pepis brought in an account of ye state of ye fleet and ye stores thereof and adjournd ye debate thereof till Tewsday next after wch they ordered an address to be presented to his Maty to prevent any further anticipation or Charge on ye Customes of England & Ireland, it being a disservice to ye King and Kingdome. +On Munday next they are to goe wth their address to his Maty agst the Duke of Lauderdale, his Maty signifying to ym hee would then receive it Thursday night dyed in towne Dr ffuller Bpp of Lincoln, & tis said Dr Barlow, head of Queens Colledge Oxford is to suceed him Dr Merle Dean of Rippon is at last dead in Earnest, & will be suceeded by Dr Tully as was formerly said. L. c. 175 [Handwriting changes here.] Aprill ye 28 1675 This morning both houses mett, the Commons gave leave to bring in a Bill for encreaseing & encourageing ye Coale trade & read another for regulateing the measures, & soe prevent ye abuses in the saile of Coale & wood, they read also the Bill for settling the duty of the hearth money, & Comitted the Bill to prevent ye Illegall exaction of mony from the subject, after wch 7 articles of impeachment against my Ld High Treasurer bein presented, read & debated in the house, they resolved yt they would tomorrow morning proceede head by head & hear such proofs, Instances, & circumstances regulateing to Each article as are requisite for an Impeachmt & ye matter of ye Navy was therefore putt off till Wednesday, & ye Chancellour of the Exchequer (if in health) ordered to be presented or send his secretary to give his attendance on ye house upon yt account On saturday night his Maty was pleasd to send for ye Key from ye Earle of Clarendon as Chamberlain to her Maty, & as yet has not namd anybody to succeed him in yt office On saturday night my Ld Howard of Esrick dyed here leaveing his Honr & Estate to his Eldest sonn Capt Thomas Howard On Tuesday night the Lds satt till 9, at last ordered the Bill for the Test should be Comitted to a Comittee of ye house to Consider on it on Thursday morning next & soe adjourned till that time. The Commons this day satt & Committed a bill for the setling the hearth mony as also that to revive & perpetuate an act for avoiding unnecessary suits & delays at law, they read also the Bill from the Lords for regulateing the tryall of Peeres & a generall Bill of Naturallizacon, after Mr Speaker reported that hee had yesterday with the whole house attended his Maty wth ye address Concerning the Duke of Lauderdale, to wch hee was pleasd to return this answer that it was long & of great Importance soe that hee would not return them prsent answer but would consider of it & in a short tyme give them one then appoynted they a Comittee to peruse such temporary acts as were made absolute by ye 17th of Caroli primi & report wch are fitt to be continued & revived & wch not then gave they duty upon rough Juells West India Comodities of the growth of our own Plantations, & another to bring in a Bill for the remedying defects & asserting measures & then proceeded upon the debate of the articles abt my Ld Treasurer & haveing perusd some pattents & heard some wittnesses referred the further debate till tomorrow morning. L. c. 176 [Handwriting changes here.] Aprill ye 29 1675 +yesterday the Commons read a Bill for the better recovery of debts due upon Bills & bonds then ye house reasumed ye debate of ye matter of ye pattent of Excise wch held them till almost 5 & at last they Resolved that the Pattent was not illegall or Contrary to ye Constitutions of the Excheqr, & that in ye 1st article there appeared noe fitt matter to Impeach ye Ld High Treasurer, Mr Secry Coventry then reported to ye house that his Maty had appointed the House to attend him at 3 a Clock this day in ye Banquetting house wth their address to prevent ye anticipation of the Customes &c This day ye Comons gave leave to bring in a bill for dreyneing Lindsey Levell read a Bill agst moore Burning in severall Countys, after wch they resolvd they would to morrow morning proceed on ye farther Consideration of ye articles of Impeachmt agst the Ld High Treasurer, & that My Ld Major & divers others be ordred to attend, & that ye further debate of ye matter Concerning ye Duke of Lauderdale bee adjournd till this day sennight, +Then read they a Bill for releife of prisoners deteyned for Criminall Matters & Comitted it, & read yt to prevent ye members of ye house of Commons from takeing upon ym any publique office, & putting it to ye question it was Carryed in ye Negative & soe was rejected The Lds read an act for ye better paymt of small tythes Church dutys &c: alsoe an act to prevent ye spoyling highways by Carts & Carriages that goe upon 4 Wheeles &c Then Calld they ye house over & read ye rolls of standing Orders, & are to morrow to goe into a grand Comittee upon ye Consideration of ye Bill for a Test. +This afternoone ye Comons Waited on his Maty wth their address agst ye anticipation of ye Customes. from Paris wee heare yt ye march & Rendezvouz of ye Army are Changed, The first being now resolvd on toward Luxemburg, & ye other sedan neare wch place ye Enimies have lately appeared & burnt 2 or 3 villages ye Commonalty of Mons have tumultuosly assassinated severall Comissarys & burnt & pillaged severall houses, in Brittaine & severall places the disorders increase L. c. 177 May ye 1st 1675 +yesterday the Commons read a Bill for Erecting a Court of Conscience in Westmr, & orderd another to bee brought in on Munday to ye same Effect for Southwark, then ye house proceeded in ye further debate of ye Articles agst my Ld Treas & the 2d Article being read my Ld Mayor was Cald in & ye Question being put whether any fitt matter doe appeare in ye examination of the said Article to Impeach ye said Treasr it was Resolvd in ye Negative, & ye Rest Referrd till Munday next & soe they adjournd till that day. +The Lds read ye Petition of Robert Villiers who claimes ye title of Visct Purbeck & Baron of Stoke as sonne of Robert sonne & heire of John Villers Viscount Purbeck &c. and then in a Grand Comittee proceeded upon the Bill for the Test & agreed upon a vote wch was afterward reported to ye house to this Effect that noe oath shall bee Imposed by any Bill or otherwise upon ye peeres wth a penalty in case of Refuseall to loose their places & votes in Parliamt or liberty of debate therein, & then ordered it to bee added to ye standing Orders of ye house ffrom Brussells of ye 4th wee heare that there had bene a renCounter between a party of french & Spanish horse not farr from Cambray but ye latter got ye better, tho overpowerd, last Tewsday the Horse & foot marcht from thence, Mr. Porter has taken his leave of that Court & was very Richly presented by ye Duke & Duchess de Villa Hermosa ffrom ffrancfort of ye 28 they say that ye Imperiall army abt Bon are marching that way & they are to have their head quarters not above a league from thence, Genell Sparke is at Obernsell & has bene lately Consulting wth Genll Captiers On WednsDay the Earle of Inchequin & Prince Tussalett went to Portsmth where they take shipping for Tangier Dr Haughton Chaplaine to secretary Williamson succeeds Dr Barlow in ye Provostship of Queens Colledge in Oxford. The Key of Chamberlaine to ye Queene is not yet disposed of L. c. 178 [Handwriting changes here.] May ye 4 1675 This day the houses satt, ye Comons read a Bill for Erecting a Court of Conscience in Southwark, & also another for preventing & suppressing Hawkers Pedlars & Petty Chapmen & another for ye better Encourageing of ye English Manufactors of Glass plates & then went upon ye debates of the articles of Impeachmt against my Ld Treasurer, & ye remaineing articles being read & Considerd & severall putt to ye question whether there did appear upon ye whole examination of them any fitt matter for an Impeachmt, it past in ye negative & soe laid asside, Mr Speaker then reported his Maties answere to theire address abt ye anticipation of ye Customes & then adjournd till tomorrow resolveing then to goe upon ye buisness of ye Navy +The Lds after some private buisness resolved into a Grand Comittee to proceede upon ye Bill for ye Test & aggreed upon another head & are tomorrow to goe on it againe. The Duke of Sommersett is said to be dead in ye Country &c. This day both houses satt, ye Comons went upon ye debate of ye Navy, & resolved yt a Bill be brought into appropriate That part of ye revenue riseing by ye act of tunage & pondage putt in ye 12th yeare of this King to ye use of ye Navy for 3 yeares if ye duties granted by yt act shall be Continued soe long & a Comittee appoynted to bring in a Bill for that purpose. The Lds this morning resolved into a Grand Comittee upon ye Bill for ye Test & debated whether ye members of both houses shall be intended in ye Clause agreed on yesterday & at last resolved upon it & yt those words have or shall have right to sitt & vote in either house of parliamt should be added to ye former clause & upon it ye house agreed wth the Comittee & soe adjournd ye buisness till Thursday morning. +ffrom Paris wee heare of ye 8th Instant yt his most Excelent Maty is marched & yt hee intends to redeeme all the Xtian Slaves Except Spaniards for succour of Messina. L. c. 179 [Handwriting changes here.] May 6 1675 Wednsday ye Commons read a Bill for preservation of ye Wood & timber in ye forest of Deane, & another to prevent thefts & rapine in ye Northerne Borders & then went upon ye debate of their priviledges in ye case of Sr John ffagg a memb of their house who is summond to answer a suite depending betwixt him & one Shirly, before ye Lds on fryday & sent a message to ye Lds to desire them to have a regard to their priviledges &c The Lds sent downe a Bill for explanation of an act to prevent dangers that may happen from Popish recusants The Bill to prevent illegall imprisonmt of ye subject was ordered to be Engrost Then went they on ye Consideration of their former debate abt ye french forces & resolvd yt an address bee made to his Maty that hee would be pleasd to Issue out a proclamation for ye speedy recalling his Matys subjects yt are now in ye french service & ye members yt are of ye privy Councell to know of his Maty when hee will be attended therewth a further address was alsoe ordered to be drawne up to bee presented to his Maty Concerning ye Duke of Lauderdale +The Lds in a Grand Comittee fell upon a Bill for secureing ye protestant Religion & agreed yt that one head thereof ye disarming of popish Recusants, & were proceeding to remove all ye Queenes servants but adjournd to another day. Thursday ye Lds in grand Comittee debated ye buisness of their priviledges as to ye case of Sr John ffagg, & at last resolved & Reported to ye house to this Effect that it is ye undoubted right of ye Lds in Judicature to receive & determine in tyme of Parliamt appeales from Inferiour Courts & yt a member of either house bee Concernd that there may bee noe failure of Justice in ye land, & this answer is said to bee intended to ye Comons, that they need not doubt but that ye Lds will have as great a regard to ye house of Comons as to their owne. +The Comons read ye Bill abt poore prisoners past yt abt illegall Imprisonmts, as alsoe yt for ye better assurance of such as claime under ancient fines & recovery The house then Resumd ye debate abt ye Duke of Lauderdale upon ye Testimony of Dr Burnet but adjournd it to fryday sevennight, onely ordereing their members of ye privy Councell to know his Maties pleasure abt ye farther address Concerning ye Duke of Lauderdale L. c. 180 May ye 8th 1675 +ffryday the Commons comitted ye Bill to prevent Hawkers Pedlars & petty Chapmen as alsoe that for recovery of Debts upon bills & bonds Then Came ye Lds answer in Sr John ffaggs case, wch was, that they need not Doubt but ye Lds would bee regardfull of ye priviledges of ye house of Commons as of their owne, then went they to attend his Maty wth their address for recalling his subjects out of ye french Kings service & preventing ye goeing over of anymore for ye future Saterday ye Lds in a grand Comittee for secureing ye Protestant Religion Resolved that noe Romish preists doe attend her Maty but forreigners except Mr Hudlestone & after her decease noe lay servts bee admitted to attend any future Queen but Protestants or forreignrs +The Comons read his Maties answere to their address abt recalling his subjects from ye french service, wch was to this Effect that such Troops as were in his most Xtian Maties service were Inconsiderable in number, & alsoe Could not bee recalld wthout derogation to his honnr, & prejudice to ye peace hee has publiquely professed, but as for ye goeing over of anymore, his Maty will remove his proclamation to hinder & forbid it L. c. 181 May ye 11th 1675 +yesterday the Comons read ye Bill for preservation of timber in ye forest of Deane & Comitted it & then Went into a grand Comittee to consider of his Maties answere to their address abt recalling the English from ye french service, wch they long debated, and at last rose wthout any Resolution The Lds read ye Bill to prevent frauds & perjuries & ordered it to be Engrost & then in a grand Comittee abt ye Test read ye 2d part of ye declaration & at last agreed it should be worded after this manner, Or agst those that are Commissionated by him according to law in tyme of Rebellion or Warr acting in pursuance of such Commissions after wch ye oath was proposed to run thus, +J.A.B. does swear that I will not Endeavour to subvert ye Protestant Religion now establisht in ye Church of England, or to subvert the Government Either in Church or state, but put off ye further Consideration till Wednesday. This day the Comons Comitted ye Bill for ye Encouragement of the glass manufacture, as alsoe a Bill for Encourageing & reveiwing a former act for ye exportation of leather, & yn resumed their dabate of yesterday abt the forces in the french service, & at last after a division of the house came to this Resolution That a farther address bee presented to his Maty to recall his subjects from ffrance The Lds in a grand Comittee for heads for the Bill for secureing the protestant Religion agreed that ye next head should bee how to suppress Atheisme, Prophaness, & Blasphemy, for wch they appoynted a Comittee to prepare a Bill to bee presented to ye house, & that ye children of those of the Romish Religion shall be Educated in ye Protestant dureing their fathers lives & for ye takeing care of ye Education of such Children in ye Protestant Religion the further debate whereof was adjournd till fryday: when one Taylor now a prisoner in Guilford is orderd to be brought to ye Barr of that house abt horrid Blasplemies utterd by him for wch hee was Comitted to prison, & is to answer ye same. +The Earle of Pembroke is made Ld Leuit of Wilts upon ye Death of ye $Duke% of Somerset, whose Dukedome is now descended to my Ld Seymor of Trowbridge On Thursday Divers of his Maties troops of Horse & Regiments of foot are to bee drawne up for a generall reveiw in Hide parke in great gallantry and Equipage before his Maties, Royall Highness & all ye great persons of ye Court They write from Legorne Ap: ye 15th that Capt Wettwang in ye new Castle, knowing not of any Breach went directly to Tripoly and sent his Boat wth his Leuit & a flagg of Truce, whom they wth faire words persuaded a shoare & Carryed him Imediately before ye King, who told him his Genll had beene there taken off ye Consull & declared warr, but that hee was Willing to make peace againe on his Owne termes & put to Death such as had been the Cause of ye warr but that they were not able to make restitution all being divided among the souldiers, hee told ye Leuit that as hee came soe hee might goe in peace, & if he would might stay 5 or 6 dayes to provide necessarys for ye ship & soe dismist him wth a present to his Capt, & bad him have a care of meeting wth his men of Warr, when the Leuit was comeing away their Admirall told him there were 5 men of Warr ready (aboard which [?] hee saw provision Carryeing) who would goe out to give his Capt a vissit to whom hee answered his Capt wanted not guns & powder to bid them welcome, They cald a Councell of Warr & consulted their marabott or cheife preist abt their fortune, but ye Capt haveing Cruised to & againe 2 dayes & seeing none Come out to him Came away L. c. 182 May ye 13 1675 On ye 12 the Comons Comitted ye Bill for releife of poore prisoners, & orderd ye Bill for appropriateing ye Customes to ye use of ye Navy to be read on ye 14, a Bill was sent downe from the Lds to prevent frauds & perjuries, & yn ye house taking ye buisness of Sr John ffagg into debate Orderd Dr Thomas Shirley being ye party for whom ye appeale was brought to ye Lds to be taken into Custody by ye sergt at armes, & that Sr John ffagg proceed not any further wthout leave of ye house. His Maties answere to ye Commons address concerning ye Duke of Lauderdale wch they recd from his Maty in Writeing, was to this effect, that as to ye acts of Parliamt mentiond to have bene past in Scotland his Matie observes that ye 1st of those acts was in ye yeare 1663 wch was long before the Duke of Lauderdale was his Maties Comissr of that Kingdome, the latter was in persuance to ye former, As to ye words said to have bene spoke, by ye tyme of Mr Pennington Whaleys Case, his Maty perceives that if they had bene spoken they must have bene spoken before ye last act of Genll pardon, & his Maty being sencible how great a satisfaction & security the Inviolable preservation of the former act of Indemmpnity & oblivion has bene to all his subjects cannot but apprehend ye dangerous Consequence of Enquireing into any thing that has bene pardond, by a Genll act of pardon, least ye example of that might give men Cause to feare their security under ye first act of Oblivion The Comons have againe read a Bill for abollishing ye Writt de Herettico Comburendo, On WednDay the Prince of Newburgh who has lately bene in france Came hither. The perticulers of ye late designe for rendring Messina in ye hands of ye Spaniards wee have thus, a Gentleman of Reputation in ye Citty had assured himselfe of 400 men wth whom hee was to seize the fort Royall & to deliver it into ye hands of ye ViceRoy of Sicily who was to march in ye night & bring wth him 6000 & send ye Galleys at ye same tyme to ye ffare the appearance of ye Galleys being ye Signal when ye Gentleman should attaque ye fort The ViceRoy disposed all things accordingly & advised ye Gentleman by letter that hee would in 4 dayes hee would march from Mallaga [?] at ye head of his troups, The letter was delrd to a Woman who for secresy tyed it about her thigh, but Comeing to ye first gate & being examind shee was in such Confusion & soe varied in her Story that shee was sent to prison wth threats to bee Whipt & searcht, upon wch shee gave ye letter, & those of ye designe were seizd some beheaded & some hangd, & all ye Jesuits of ye towne (ye Correspondence being Carryed on Cheifely by that Society there & ye ViceRoys Confessor who is of ye same Order) turned out of ye place Naples Letters speake of a Warme report that ye Spaniards were by appoyntmt to give a Genll assult on ye 21 to ye Citty not wthout hope of good effect, that being ye day where on those Cittisens choose new Jurats for ye Government of ye Citty when usually there happens great heats among ye people & wch at this tyme may rather bee Encreast by ye different factions of ye french & Spanish parties +Paris letters say ye King parted ye 11th in ye afternoone haveing dureing dinner discourst ye Bp of Stratzburg, whom hee tooke by ye hand at parting & told him hee was goeing to Endeavour his brothers liberty, ye King designd to stay two or 3 dayes at ham [?] but how hee would move thence was not knowne his troupes marching divers Wayes, the affairs of Brittaigne are not yet well settled, there is some apprehension as if ye Plague were broke out at Port L'Evesque, & some parts of france, The french King has sent mony for Redemption of Captives of all Nations (except Spaniards) to bee Employd in ye Service of Messina his Most Xtian Maty presented ye Swedish Amb at his audience of Conge wth a Considerable Vallue ye Ambr assured his Maty ye Swedes were 24000 in ye Electorate of Brandenb, & 10000 in ye Duchy of Bremen L. c. 183 May ye 15th 1675 +yesterday the Commons read a Bill for repaireing of high Wayes, & another for encouragemt of acts & manufactures then was report made of ye Entryes of ye Lds house in Sr John ffaggs Case upon wch ye house resolved that ye appeale brought in by Dr Shirley agst Sr John ffagg was a breach of ye undoubted priviledges of their house. & being informed that ye warrant for attacking ye said Dr was forcibly taken & detained from ye Deputy Sergeant at armes, they sent a Complaint of it to ye Lds, and then appoynted a Comittee to prepare a further address abt ye English forces in france & adjournd my Ld Lauderdales buisness till munday +The Lds ye same day falling uppon the debate of Dr Shirleys arest at their doore &c: sent this message to ye house of Commons, that, they haveing a Warrant brought before them for apprehending ye said Dr signed by ye speaker of their house, doe send ye same back to know if it were Orderd by them & the Comons complaineing my ldpps for forcibly takeing away & detaineing from ye Deputy Sergt ye warrant of their house for apprehending Dr Shirley, & demanding Justice of their Ldpps agst ye Ld Mohun The Lds replyed that they had considered of ye Complaint & found ye said Ld had noe thing but his duty in it, & soe ordered ye Dr to attend them. The Lds this day in a Grand Comittee read ye head to be taken abt perverters & perverted from ye Protestant Religion, & resolved as to ye first yt ye lawes shall stand as it does, onely ye rigour taken of if they will adjure ye Realme, That an addition of pecuniary penalty be laid on ye perverted wthout referrence to former lawes, & yt provisions bee made for poore papists as become Protestants, & that a stock bee Erected & maintained for buying impropriations [?] for ye better maintaining Worthy Ministers in great townes +The Commons this day resolved Dr Shirleys proceedings in ye Lds house a breach of their priviledges & desired a Conferrence wth ye Lds abt it & then upon a message from ye Lds to know if they would owne ye Warrant, ye house Considered of it & resolved it an unparliamentary message & that Whoever appears at ye Lds Barr agst any of that house shall bee deemd an Infringer of ye priviledges Thereof L. c. 184 May ye 20 1675 +On ye 17th the Comons comitted ye Bill for laying an Imposition on meale & other comodities Imported, a report was made that ye Lds had agreed a Conferrence on the Case of Sr John ffagg & severall reasons were agreed to bee used at a Conferrence wth ye Lds about ye Warrant to take Dr Shirley into Custody Two Bills were Orderd to bee read Concerning Religion The house then Resolved that noe Bill bee brought in or Read but such as are already or shall be sent from ye Lds till after they Recess mentiond in his Maties speech, that noe member of ye house goe out of towne wthout Leave, & yt ye house be cald over Wednesday in Whitsun Weeke. On ye 18 ye Bill for explanation of ye act to prevent dangers yt may happen from Popish Recussants & to abollish ye Writt de Herettico Comburendo was Comitted ye Bill to hinder Papists from sitting in Either house was orderd a 2d reading, then recd they a message from ye Lds that it is ye undoubted Rt of ye Lds in Judicature to receive & determine in time of Parliamt appeales from inferiour Courts tho members of either house bee Concernd &c: & from yt Rt & exercise their Ldpps will not depart, wch being debated ye Comons resolved that it is ye undoubted Rt that none of their members be summond to attend ye house of Lds dureing ye session & priviledge of Parliamt & a Conferrence desired upon it On ye 19 ye house of Commons reasons Concerning ye matter of Dr Shirley were deliverd at a Conferrence wth ye Lds, ye Bill for ye timely preventing ye growth of popery was orderd a 2d reading & ye Bill for appropriateing ye Customes to ye use of ye Navy Comitted On ye 20th ye Bill to prevent moore burning was Comitted, ye Bill to preserve ye Piscary past & reasons reported to be offerd at ye Conferrence wth ye Lds concerning ye priviledge of Mr Anslow a member of ye house of Comons The Lds have appoynted a Comittee to draw up reasons in answere to ye Comons abt Dr Shirley &c: his Maty has Orderd his proclamation to Issue for recalling his subjects from the french service, Vizt. such as have gone over since ye last peace wth ye Duch. his Maty being informed yt Mr Taylor is not mad as was pretended, but Continues in his Blasphemys has orderd the Judges to Consider how to proceed agst him. +Sr Tho Clutterbroock is goeing to ye Streights as his Maties agent for ye Navy in ye Mediterranean & will have his Residence at Legorne. +his Maty being informed that there is now soe Considerable a summ of mony in Bank, raised out of that part of ye Impositions upon Coales wch was assignd for ye rebuilding of St Paules, as wth ye materialls & other assistances yt may bee expected will give a good beginning to that great Worke, has bene pleasd to signify his approbation of a designe wch has bene offerd to him for a moddell drawne by Sr Christopher Wrenne his Maties Surveyor Genll & has orderd Comissrs for rebuilding that Cathedrall, to fall presently to worke on ye most necessary part of it, beginning at ye East end or quire therof L. c. 185 May ye 22d 1675 +yesterday the Lds agreed ye Oath should run thus J A B doe sweare that I will not Endeavour to alter ye protestant Religion now Establisht by law in ye Church of England nor ye Governmt either in Church or state & adjournd till Thursday, next as did ye Comons after they had Comitted ye Bill to hinder Papists to sit in either house of Parliamt & resolvd to desire a free Conferrence wth ye Lds abt priviledges &c: [Next paragraph is a briefer version of the last paragraph in L. c. 184.] Teusday her Royall Hss after a sudden ill fitt, miscaryed, but is since pretty Well upon it. Sr John Baptist Duveile his Maties Comander of his galley at Tangeir is lately dead, who shall suceed him is not knowne. Baron Sparre is arived here in quallity of Ambr from the Crowne of Sweden & has had audience of his Matie. +They write from Paris that on ye 19 happend a quarrell at Charrenton between some of ye Religious & ye Souldiers quarterd in ye towne in wch severall were killd on either side, ye souldrs disarmed & throwne into ye River nor are affaires yet fully setled at Rennes & Nantz, The designs of the french king they onely Guesse at, some fancying Mons, some Namur, & other Brussells ye place hee will first attaque, Namur has recd a reinforcemt of 3000 men & 200 Carriages wth store of amunition & provision, They say ye divisions run very high at Messina about Choice of Juratts, ye Towne being for Electing new & ye french for Continueing ye old, as men expouseing their interest, The ViceRoy of Sicily was gone thither upon this occation wth his Whole strength soe yt they were not wthout apprehension it might goe hard enough wth them if the french men of Warr & galleys that were Waiteing at Villa ffranca for a Convenient Wind appeared not ye sooner to fortify ye Courage of ye french party +Their last advices told them Matecuculy was wthin a League of Stratzburg, & Turene at Nancy, They say a treaty is Certeinly concluded betwixt ye Swede, the Elector of Bavaria & Duke of Hannover, & that ye Bpp of Munster is againe turned to ye french party +Duch Letters of ye 22d say as much of Munster that he has uppon that account handled french mony of wch ffreezland is soe apprehensive that they will not part wth their troups +The tyme agreed by ye Confederates to declare Warr agst Sweden if they recall not their forces out of ye Elector of Brandenbs Country was ye 28th instant, but its thought ye tyme may be yet prolongd, ye Duch being unwilling to engage in a further Warr if by any meanes they can prevent it. They Write from Brussells of ye 21 [?] that Marshall Crequi had attaquet Givet & burnt most part of it, ye soulders retyreing to ye Castle of Charlemont & that hee was then Battering Dinant on one side Whilest Monsr Rochfort Watcheth on ye other to prevent succours, that place being rendred they will attaque Huys & soe Endeavr to cleare ye Country of Leige The Prince of Orange his army Consists of 32000 foot & 10000 Horse who intended to bee that night or ye next day at Dussell neare Mallines L. c. 186 May ye 25th 1675 +yesterday his Maty went to Windsor to see his buildings there & this day treates ye Prince of Newburg at Hampton Court, who goes this Weeke to Oxford to see that University where hee will be recd wth ye same Ceremonys as ye Duke of Tuscany & other fforreigne Princes have bene. from thence hee goes to Cambridge, Andley End, & those parts, his Maty Ordring that hee may have all respect Imaginable payd him Every where, ffrom Paris of ye 29 wee heare that ye Cardinall de Retz, a Prelate, that has benefices of ye yearely Vallue of 3000 L sterling has Writt to ye Pope to desire leave to resigne to him his Cap, & that his successr may be nominated by his Most Xtian Maty, himselfe resolveing to returne to an abby that he has in Lorraine & wth him onely 5 or 6 servts They give these farther perticulers of ye Conspiracy of ye Messineses vizt, that March ye 30th they seized on Don Carlos de Caselli wth his sonnes & Brothers as alsoe ye Barons Civelli & Toppeblanck, who had divided their Partizans into severall Companys, each of 150 men, to whom were assigned their perticuler Taskes of serveing on ye D: de Vivonne, ye Marquess de Villavous & ye Imperiall gate by wch ye Spaniards were to be let in who were on their way 5000 strong under the Comand of ye Duke de fferrandino & appelbane, wch was ye 4th past exposed wthout his head ye rest not yet executed +The Comonalty of Stratzburg talke of nothing but giving up their Bridge to Montecuculy who waited for their answere as does alsoe Monsr Turene The Spaniards have raised their arrier ban to oppose Monsr Schomberg who is much prejudicet by the Country people who kill his men dayly in ye Woods L. c. 187 May ye 27 1675 Mr George Kirke Housekeper of White Hall & father to ye Countess of Oxford being dead & My Ld Gerrard of Brandon haveing ye Reversion has taken possession of ye same & has bene Complimented uppon it yesterday both houses sate, The Commons read a Bill sent from ye Lds to prevent frauds & perjuries, engrossed the Bill for ye better assurance of such as claime under ancient fines & Recoverys & passt it then ye house being Calld over & after that ye defaulters, they Orderd ye house should be Cald over againe on Wednsday come senight, Mr speaker is Orderd in ye meane tyme to send his letters to ye sheriffs of such Countys where any Knight of ye Shire is a defaulter in attendance, yt notice may bee given of ye faileur of their dutyes to such places for wch they serve. The Lds read an act to revive & perputuate an act to prevent unnessary [sic] suites & delays in law, another to preserve & regulate ye fishing in severall Rivers of this Kingdome & another enjoyneing ye teaching of Cambdens & Lilleys grammer in all free schooles &c: +This day the Lds recd a message from ye Commons to desire a Conferrence touching their priviledges in Mr Onslows Case to wch they answered ye Lds did agree to a Conferrence on ye message of ye 21 inst because it was desired upon ye answere sent by ye Lds in Mr Onslows Case on ye 17th inst wherein ye whole matter Concernes ye Lds Judicature upon wch they can admitt noe debate or Conferrence but this desired at present being the Priv[il]edges of ye Comon they resolved it should bee to morrow morning provided nothing bee there offerd Concerning their Ldps priviledges +The Commons Committed ye Bill for dreyning Linsey Lovell & voted Coll Werden for a member for Chester, betwixt whom & Mr Williams has bene soe great a Contest abt it, Then sent they a message to ye Lds to remind them of a Conferrence abt their priviledges, Comitted a Bill & an additionall proviso to prevent ye Growth of Popery, & orderd ye matter of ye Lds Jurisdiction in Cases of appeales to be Considered to morrow morning. Sr Christopher Turner one of ye Barrons of ye Exchequer being dead, Mr Vere Bertue Brother to ye Earle of Lindsey tis said shall succeed him. +Some french men of Warr lately meeting the Cambridge, not onely refused their duty to his Maties flagg but returnd their guns uppon the frigatt The Baron de Bergeyke has had his audience of Conge, & will suddenly part. +flanders letters tell us that Dinant after 10 dayes defense surrendred to ye french, ye Garrisons being made prisoners of Warr but had afterward leave to march into Germany wth armes & Baggage. Conditionally ye Spanish Governr will release ye like number of ye like quallity L. c. 188 May ye 29 1675 +yesterday the Lds Comitted ye act for the Better Governmt of the Watermen rowing on ye Thames, & for Encrease of their number, & agreed Concerning ye Test that ye Ld Chancellour or Ld Keeper for ye tyme being should Issue out Comissions under ye great Seale of England to such persons as hee shall think fitt to tender it who shall make returne thereof to ye quarter sessions in Each County, & that in this & future Parliamts the Commons shall have it tendred them by ye Ld Steward or his deputies, & that all persons that shall hereafter Come into Employmt Eccleasticall millitary or Civill or bee a privy Councellr or Justice of peace shall have the said Oathes tendred to them by ye same persons who tender ye other Oathes &c: The same day the Commons resolvd that there lyes noe appeale to ye Judicature of ye Lds in Parliamt from Courts of Equity. +The french Letters say there is a great scarsity of provision in ye Camp, that ye Parish Clark of Seneff reported to his Matie at his being there that hee had buryed 8000 bodyes in his parish of those slaine in that memorable batle, ye King hath drawne out 6000 horse as a Recruite for Mounsr Turene who was wthin 3/4 of a League of Stratzburg wth his Whole army, & Count Montecuculy at two Leagues distance on ye other side, that ye magistrates of that place had advised ye french of ye Willingness of the Common people to give passage to ye Germaines, uppon wch Turene intends to Keep his post, The french Consell they say has beene thrust out of Argiers at two houres Warning, & those people are armeing out 25 vessells agst ye Christains at the Grand Seignrs instance because some of them have taken some great quantitys of provisions in vessells bound for Constantinople +Berlin is blockt up & Luhnetts taken by ye Swede, & they say ye Bpp of Munster will furnish his Most Xtian Maty wth 15000 men, that King has Orderd a Cittadell to bee built under Charleroy & is expected at Paris ye 25 of June. L. c. 189 June ye 1 1675 +yesterday the [House of Commons] Comitted ye Bill for ye better recovery of Small Tythes, & for repaire of Churches, as alsoe that to prevent thefts & rapines on ye northerne borders & then agreed to ye Draught of a letter orderd to bee sent to ye places where there are any defaulters, & then resumed ye debate of his Maties answere to ye address abt the Duke of Lauderdale & resolvd that a further address bee presented to his Maty & ye same Comittee yt prepared ye last to draw up this alsoe, after wch Sr Leoline Jenkins Went up to ye house of Lds to desire a Conferrence upon ye subject matter of ye Lds answere to ye last message in ye Case of Mr Onslow, wch haveing done, reported that they would themselves returne an answere & thereupon came a message from ye Lds to desire a Conferrence upon ye houses not Coming to ye Conferrence on fryday wch they agreed to & after reported & debated ye matter & appoynted a Comittee to drawe up reasons to bee offerd at ye Conferrence to be had wth upon ye Subject matter of ye last Conferrence. +at ye Conferrence the Lds desired wth ye Comons they told them they appoynted this Conferrence out of ye Constant desire & resolutions yt they have to Continue a faire Correspondence betweene both houses wch they Conceive the Essence of Parliamentary proceedings & for this end they cannot but take notice of ye Commons faileing to bee on fryday at ye Conferrence desired by themselves, that they Conceive it tends to an interruption of Parliamentary proceedings, & to Evade ye right of ye Lds to appoynt tyme & place for a Conferrence &c & then went into a Comittee uppon ye Bill for ye Test & resolvd that all persons who after ye 1st of September shall bee in any office or Employmt & all members of Either house of Parliamt who shall after that tyme neglect or refuse to take ye same & bee thereof Convicted shall bee disabled from thence forth to hold any such office & shall forfeit 500 L to his Maty, provided that noe member of Parliamt bee obliged to take this Oath above once in a Parliamt. The Commons heard this day ye Report of ye Lds Journalls in ye Case of Mr Delmahoy & orderd yt ye 4 Councellrs that appeard agst him at ye Lds Barr, Vizt Mr Pemberton Mr Peck Sr John Churchill & Mr Porter be taken into Custody, & Sr John ffagg to be sent to ye Tower for appeareing at ye Lds Barr contrary to ye Opinion of ye house Then they appoynted a Comittee to examine ye Lds Journalls in ye Case of Sr William Bassett & Sr Nicholas Crisp & others orderd to attend ye house abt prosecuteing the buisness agst Mr Delmahoy &c: Then past they ye bill for such as claime under ancient fines & recoverys & orderd all ye defaulters to bee Cald over to morrow L. c. 190 [Handwriting changes here.] June the 3 1675 +Yesterday in the afternoone the Lords House being informed that the 4 Lawyers were Committed by the Commons made a Warrant Commanding the black rodd to sett them att liberty wherever he could find them & bring them to the Barr, & this day were accordingly brought & had the protection of the Lords against all arrests for that cause & desired a Conference wth the Commons to morrow upon matters of high importance concerning the dignity of the King & safety of the Governmt wch was agreed to then the Commons in a Conference delivered the Lds [?] their reason for not Coming to the Conference on friday last wch was to this Effect that the Proviso & limitation of the Lords thire upon the Commons lookt upon as a denyall of a Conference & thire fore desired another upon the same matter the Commons ordered an addresse to be prsented to his Maty for a further Proclamation for recalling his subjects from the french Kings service expressing the time of the Conclusion of the Treaty & the limitation of the time to return & that the officers of the ports do hinder any more from goeing over & orderd their Sergt at armes to be sent to the tower & the other to apprehend him for betraying his trust in not executing his office in bringing the persons orders to be Commited yesterday & an addresse to be presented to his Maty to desire a new Sergt, to attend their House & Sr John Churchill & the others orderd to be taken into Custody againe by the other Sergt att armes This day the Lords haveing proposed the reson to be offerd att the Conference wth the Commons went to it & deliverd them [?] according to ordder & then weare ready to heare the cause abt the Title of viscount Purbeck but noe Councell appearing for the Earle of Denbigh or Duke of Buckes the Peticon of the Earle was dismist & the Duke is to put in his Bill agt it if hee please The Commons this day after a Conference wth the Lds resolved that another be desired upon the Subject matter of the case & a committee appointed to draw up reasons to be offerd att it & then read & past the Bill for preservation of the liberty of the Kings Subjects & upon Sr John faggs peticon to the House they discharged him from his Imprisonmt & appointed a Committee to Inspect the Lords Journalls in the matter of Sr Humphrey winch [?] & Sr John Napper to examm the matter of the legislative power alledged to be assured by the Lds thirein The next weeke his Maty & Court removes to Windsor for this summers residence & some of the goods are gone thither L. c. 191 [Handwriting changes here.] June ye 5 1675 +yesterday ye speaker in his passing thro ye Hall to ye house spyeing Mr Pemberton Comanded ye sergeant to seize him & presently after sent for ye other 3 who were brought from ye Chancery Barr into ye Speakers Chamber, & after a long division of ye house sent to ye tower for their breach of priviledges & the speaker thankt for his Care in this buisness & gave ye sergt ye protection of ye house agst all molestation, & then drew up reasons for a Conferrence to be desired wth ye Lds upon ye matter +The Lds being informed that ye 4 lawyers were seizd by ye sergt of ye Comons house at ye Chancery Barr & sent to ye tower, after a debate & examining ye matters of fact Orderd ye Black Rodd to take sergt Topham into Custody for his high misdemeanor & sent ye Black Rodd to ye tower to free ye persons wch ye Leuit Refused wthout Order from ye house of Commons upon wch ye house orderd that an address bee made to his Maty to remove ye Leuit of ye Tower from yt place of Trust & appoynt another in his roome. & then resolvd that they will proceed upon noe other buisness except wt shall be recommended by his Maty till they receive full satisfaction & have vindicated themselves in this breach of Priviledge +This morning both houses being mett each were acquainted that his Maty desired they would meet him in ye Banquetting house at 4 in ye afternoone & that they would adjourne till that tyme wch they accordingly did, & yn in ye afternoone attending his Maty hee tooke notice of ye differences betwixt them & desired them as the best expedient to Compose matters to admitt of frequent Conferrences among themselves or enable him to judge ye Cause betweene them wch hee assured them should bee Impartially adding that hee must not let these differences grow to disorder, & whilest they are in doubt of their Owne priviledges let his bee invaded then both houses returned, ye Comons voted him thankes for his speech & alsoe voted yt it did not appeare that any of their house had bene Contrivers or fomenters of this difference The Lds were told from his Maty that hee had Considered of their address agst ye Leuit of ye Tower & is not satisfyed how hee can wth Justice remove him. My Ld Amb Lockhart is lately dead at Compeigne whither hee was gone to attend his Most Xtian Maty this Campaigne. L. c. 192 June ye 8th 1675 +yesterday the Lds uppon Consideration of his Maties speech declared that they are of Opinion that Noe Member of their house hath done any thing Contrary to his duty, or any Wayes Contributed to ye Contriveing or Widening the differences betweene ye 2 houses, & that Sr John Rolinson Leuit of ye Tower his deteyneing of ye lawyers Contrary to ye Orders of their house is agst ye duty of his place & ye law of ye land, ye said persons not being Comitted according to law, & uppon it Orderd Writts of Habeas Corpus to Issue, returnable into ye House of Peeres, for bringing ye said persons to ye Barr of their house & renewed their Orders for seizeing Mr Topham sergt to ye house of Commons, +The Commons Resolvd that Mr Topham Comitted ye 4 lawyers according to his Duty & ye Order of their house & resolvd yt if any person be assistant in puting in execution any sentence or Judgment of ye Lds agst Sr John ffagg they shall bee adjudged betrayers of ye priviledges of ye Commons of England, & orderd those votes to be fixed uppon ye severall doores abt their house & Westminster Hall. The Lds this day being informed by their sergt at armes that hee had Carryed ye Writt of Habeas Corpus to ye Tower, Orderd them to bee Cald in ye Hall but not appeareing they Orderd ye Clerke of ye Crowne to Issue out 4 alias Habeas Corpusses to ye same Effect The Commons have Resolvd that any person Committed by Order of their house Ought not to bee discharged wthout their Order, & Orderd ye Leuit of ye Tower if hee should receive any Writt or Warrant to bring ye 4 lawyers to ye Lds hee should not make returne there of wthout their directions, & hee haveing recd Writts last night to bring ye sd 4 before ye King in Parliamt, acquainted them that hee had received them for wch ye house returnd him their thankes, & orderd him not to returne them. & then appoynted a Committee haveing read ye said Writts to search what hath bene done abt such writts in precedent tymes. [On outside of letter (and in a different hand) appear these lines of poetry; some lines and even stanzas do not seem in order here:] 1. My Sins are like the haires upon my head And raise their Audit to as high a Skore In this they differ, these do daily shed But oh, my Sins grow daily more and more 2 [?] If by my haires, thou numbreth but my Sins Heaven make mee bad before the day begins. Why did you then unto our Eyes appeare? Shine Sun of Glory, and my Sins are gone, Like twinkling Stars, before the Morning Sun. 3. My Sins are like the Stars wthin the Skyes But more in Number, even as bright as great. In this they differ, they do set and rise But oh! my Sins do rise, but never set. L. c. 193 [Handwriting changes here.] [no date] [This seems only a fragment of a letter.] +Jealous yt ye Pope was makeing a promotion of Cardinalls wthout any reguard of ye Crowne, desired an extraordinary audience, in wch haveing pressed yt buisness hee ffell into dispute abt ye Cardinall Action [?] and ye Ambr, to wch ye Pope answered, hee had approved what ye Cardinall had done, and yt hee had Comunicated Each perticuler, & there upon ariseing up rung his Bell, wch was to oblige ye Ambr to retire, but hee unwilling to be cut short in his discourse tooke ye Pope by ye hand and placed him againe in his Chaire, upon wch the people told him they perceived hee thought an Ambr had lost respect to ye holy Seate by offering violence to him, & yt hee deserved to be Excommunicated. Tis said ye ffrench King avows this action of ye Duke de Estree, They say ye Marshall Crequi on his march along ye Mosell to observe ye Duke of Lorraine, yt ye Envoy of Messina at Paris published yt ye ffrench King is proclaimed by his Messinois King of Sicily & yt ye Jurats there submitt to ye Duke de Vivonne as ViceRoy. The Brussells letters of ye 10th say yt ye Ld Howard, late Allmoner to ye Queen had recd notice of his promotion to ye dignity of a Cardinall The Spanish Minister at ye Hague has [pay?]ed downe at prsent to ye Admiralty 200000 [crow?]nes for some ships to be sent to Messina [On ye?] 5th dyed ye Ld Vicount Mordant. L. c. 194 [Handwriting changes here.] June ye 15 1675 +His Maty intends not for Windsor this Weeke but goes first to Portsmth to see a very gallt ship hee has there built Launcht Shee is said to carry 120 guns & to bee ye biggest ship in England, 6 frigatts wth ye yacht they say are to attend him, & yt hee will not bee at Windsor till ye latter end of next Weeke at soonest last night his Maty supt wth ye Prince of Newburg wth many of ye Court & now yt Pr intends to part hence in a few days The Holland Lers of ye 18th say ye Swedish Amb ownes his Masters forces have taken 2 small places in ye Elector of Brandenbs dominions by one of wch lyeing on ye river Havell they have gained entrance into Havelland wch being a rich & beautifull Country affords plentifull subsistance for ye army, & now wee dayly expect to heare of ye Danes declaring &c, wch was to bee ye 19th, that being ye day agreed on by all ye Confederates & on wch ye declaration of ye states was accordingly Resolvd, wee cannot yet heare yt ye Prince of Orange has relieved Limburg as hee designd, two flanders Posts being wanting wch are dayly & Impatiently expected +Duch Letters of ye 21st say yt Limburgh makes still a Vigourous Resistance & had held out two assaults in wch ye beseigers were repulsed wth ye loss of 700 men amongst them many persons of quallity but his Most Xtian Maty they say makes account to be Master of it by ye 25th Inst & will then returne to Paris, & in ye meane tyme hee was marcht to Dalbem, The Prince of Orange was Come to Ruremond ye 18th, but his army remaind as yet on ye other side of ye Maies [?] in hopes sudenly to Joyne wth ye Lorraine & Lunenburgh troops to goe to releive Limburg wch hee assures ye Prince of Nassaw hee Will doe in 5 or 6 dayes. & therefore desires him to hold out soe long, there is noe further news from ye armys in Germany except that they are very neare each other & its expected they will not part wthout a Batle. +from Stratzburg of ye 14 they say Monsr Turene & Montecuculy Continued at their old post at Wildstat, & Reenham, yt ye former haveing sent Monsr Vabrun wth a good body of horse & foot to beseige offenburg ye Prince of Lorraine had met him & defeited him takeing his Cannon & baggage, kild 700 horse & tooke 200 & put ye rest to flight of wch Wee dayly expect to heare further these letters adde that ye magistrateates [sic] of yt Towne had seized on ye Comander of ye foot Kelke & Committed him to prison for haveing had a Conferrence wth a french Comander sent to him from Turene His Maty had named Mr Bernard Granvill to goe in his name to Complemt ye young Prince & Duchess of Savoy upon ye death of ye Duke, his Royall Highness intending to name one suddenly to goe on his part L. c. 195 [Handwritng changes here.] June ye 17th 1675 The Spanish Envoy Don de Renguillo [?] haveing made a complainte to his Maty yt many English merchants & others of his Matys subjects have sent provision into Messina and divers other wayes Countenanced those Rebells, Contrary to ye Treaty between his Maty & the Catholique King, His Maty was this day pleased in Councell to Ordr his proclamacon to Issue out streitly forbidding & prohibiting all his subjects of what Quality soever from assisting or ffavouring the said Rebells upon paine of his high displeasure & of being punished by Lawes as infringers of his Leagues & Treatyes wth his neighbour Princes and allyes His Maty has not yet pitcht upon ye day of his departure to Portsmouth but it will be some day next weeke, & accordingly prparacons are makeing both there & at Windsor for him, The Court is suddainly to put on mourning for ye Death of ye duke of Savoy a Cousin Germaine of his Maty Dr Halton is made Archdeacon of Oxford voide by ye promotion of Dr Barlow to ye Bppricks of Lincolne The ffrench letters say yt ye disturbances in Britagne are of late very much increased in soe much yt all ye Custome houses are shutt up at Rennes & ye people refused to pay ye ancient dues & rights & ye Peasant[s] are noe less troublesome in yt neighbourhood, severall thousands of whome haveing taken up Armes Comitt great disordrs soe yt they speake of calling ye States, by whom they will pray his Maty to dispense wth ye said province, as to ye late imposicons, and ye Procurer Genell is very ill of a bruise hee recd from the people. That the Letters from Monsr Turene of ye 17th say that he had removed towards Altrevon to seize on a Post, the Enemy would have possest and that Montecuculy has taken possession of ye Campe, wch hee had quitted, yt it was thought ye 4 Armyes (notwithstanding all theire shew of a desire to fight) would not come to a Battle soe early in the yeare that Limbourg holds out bravely still, that ye Prince of Lorraine on ye one side and ye Prince of Orange on ye other threaten its releife, the latter of wch is said to be 40000 strong, whom his Maty has resolved to attend to give him Battle in Case he advances towards ye Leagure, that the affront offered ye ffrench Ambr at Rome is soe farr from being Composed yet yt He would not receive ye Cardinall Legats Breviate according to Custome but said hee would hold noe Correspondency wth the holy see, till he had received Satisfaction for what was past and had therefore Orderd his Ambr to retire, wch he had accordingly done. L. c. 196 [Handwriting changes here.] June ye 19 1675 ffrom Copenhagen of ye 21st inst wee heare yt ye day before 800 men were shipt for Holsteyn, & ye next weeke 2000 more to follow, as alsoe ye King & Chancellr where they will stay wth ye army most part of ye summer, & will have an army toward ye borders of Sweden of 26000 men 2 ships were arived from Holland wth guns for ye Kings fleet wch will be alsoe sudenly Equipt ffrom Hamburg of ye 4th wee are told yt ye Swedes yt are under ye Command of ye Mayor Genll Dellwigg had possest themselves of Keimpe &c: carrying away all ye Cannon to Spandall & that all ye ships are stopt in Sweden in Order to transport more men into Pomerania ffrom Collogne of ye 18th we have advice yt ye Duke of Lorraine with his own & Lunenburg forces (being acquainted by letters from ye Prince of Orange yt he had past ye Meuse at Ruremond) was marcht toward him & past ye River at Mulheim designeing to Joyne him Imediately The Prince of Orange is said to be Certainly 16000 horse & 30000 foot from Stratzburg wee heare that they yn heard shooting wch they Judged to have bene some action happend betweene ye two great armys of Turene and Montecuculy who had layne wthin veiw a good while watching to take ye advantage to Engage. ffrom Brussells of ye 22 wee heare yt ye Prince of Nassaw Continues to defend Lymburg soe bravely yt it has caused a report yt ye french had quitted it, The 18 inst they assaulted a worke before ye Bridge Where was a very hott Engagemt for severall houres, but they were beaten off wth ye loss of 1000 men, amongst whom a sonn of Marshall Crequis, ye 21 inst a genll assault was to bee made & accordingly by ye passengers from Lovaine heard great shooting at that tyme but wee yet heare not ye Effect The Spanish letters arived there brought news of ye raiseing ye seige of Gironne by a sally in wch ye french lost above 1000 men, besides prisoners, & that at ye same tyme ye Governr of Rosa attaquet another place where were 400 french whom they put all to ye sword. The french King hearing that ye Prince of Orange had past ye Meuse, past it himselfe alsoe with his whole army & Encampt at Trembleur neare Dabeme, The Prince of Conde is alsoe lodgd at Hierne ye better to favour the seige of Lymburg +french letters say ye Kings Comissrs had ye Clergy assembled at St Germains en lay to whom they prest ye Kings extraordnary occations for mony & therefore desired ye supply might be proportionable, they made much use of a terme which was taken much notice of as a thing new there (viz) that they should do well to Consider ye King as their temporall father & head &c +The King haveing bene advised that ye abby of St Marcell in Paris was become vacant & yt ye Religious were proceeding to a new Election according to ye priviledges granted to ym by ye Pope, has sent a prohibition wth notice that ye nomination of all abbeys shall absolutely depend on him wch was one of ye 3 demands lately made in his name at Rome, The assembly of ye Clergy have sent ye Abbot of Gramont to acquaint ye King that they had resolvd to give him 4 millions & a half to bee paid at 3 paymts. The Earle of Northhampton is made Constable of ye Tower of London an ancient Honrable place Sr John Robinson Continues Leuit. The day of his Maties goeing to Windsor is yet uncertaine. +The assizes are ye 3d of August at Warwick where they end, The judges, Windham & Thurland L. c. 197 June ye 22 1675 +The last Paris letters speake of a treaty on foot betwixt his Most Ch: Maty & ye Duke of Newburg like yt formerly wth ye Prince of Monaco by wch ye sd Duke shall put Juliers into ye hands of his Most Xtian Maty in Consideration of 400000 frankes pension & provision to be made for his Children, They tell us ye discontented in Brittaigne have laid downe their armes on assureance given them yt ye Edicts & Impositions shall all Cease till ye meeting of ye states wch are to be suddenly Cald for ye setling ye Provence wch has bene soe disorderd that ye Duke of Chaulsy [?] was faire [?] to have a guard of ye Burgers dureing ye Ceremony of ye Church upon the festivalls, The King has directed ye Duke de Estree his Ambr at Rome to deferr his departure a litle tyme but to doe noe publique buisness in that Court They say yt Prussia=Ducale has agreed to pay Contribution to ye Swede & that ye turke has demanded leave for his army to pass thro Hungary to Poland, & that ye treaty betweene france & Bavaria is neare its Ratification +from Jamaica of ye 27 of March past wee heare that his Excellency the Ld Vaughn was safely arived there & Recd wth much publique demonstrations of Esteeme respect of ye Whole Island who came all in a very sollemne manner to offer him their service & Imediately his Matys powers being read hee was invested in ye Governmt by the Leuit Governr & Councell & there is all Imaginable hopes that that Island will prove a very prosperous plantation +On fryday his Maty &c: goes to Portsmth by sea attended by severall vessells, & intends to bee back againe on Tewsday or Wednsday following. A Parliamt is appoynted to meet in Ireland by ye first of Septemb next & in ye meane tyme ye Ld Leuit has his Maties leave to make a short returne into Engl: for some Weekes upon his owne Instance & desire +Sr Wm Temple is prepareing to returne into Holland, his Maty desireing that hee may bee upon ye place in this great Conjuncture to take all Occations to further ye great Worke of ye peace if by any meanes ye parties can bee brought to it The Prince of Newburg parts hence this Next Weeke haveing taken leave of his Maty & Whole Court wth Whose great respects hee is infinitely satisfyed +Last Weeke dyed My Ld Gray of Warke L. c. 198 June ye 24 1675 His Maty haveing had advice of some great severetys Comitted by ye Governor of Antego uppon his Brother & some Indians after they had assisted him agst ye Windward Indians of antego has sent Orders to Sr Jonathan Atkins stricktly to examine ye matter & to proceed soe yt ye Indians who hold in friendship may be made sencible of his Maties Justice & Kindness to them. His Maty has made Sr Wm Gore a privy Councellr in his Kingdome of Ireland. The Content of fallmouth laden wth salt from St Martins met a Biscay Caper of 10 guns & 100 men who held him & would have forcet ye Mr to Confess ye ship & goods belonging to ye french by severall Blows & burning ye Ends of his fingers, & alsoe beat severall of ye men & being able to extort nothing from them to their purpose plundred them of their provision & Cloaths On ye 23d the Prince of Newburgh went hence in One of his Maties Coaches accompanyd by severall of ye Nobillity, haveing at his departure bene presented by his Maty wth a Jewell of 1200 L Vallue. +They write from Dover that ye 16 arived in a french vessel from Callais Count Oxensterne late Ambr from ye Crowne of Sweden to ye Empr from Portsmth yt ye new ship building there is now quite ready to be lancht from Boston that a vessell arived there from Norway reports that they were there fortifyeing all their ports & were raiseing Horse & foot wth all dilligence Imaginable. all Letters aggree ye Surrender of Leymburgh 7 dayes after ye Opening the trenches & that ye garrison marcht out ye 22 wth Bagg & Baggage 2 feild peices &c: to ye Prince of Orange to Ruremond the french have lost many men & some of good note before it when ye place was first summond by ye Prince of Conde ye Prince of Nassaw is said to have returnd in answere that if he were assured of noe succours wch yet hee expect hee would fight it out to ye last man. but hee finding noe releife indeed come wch hee might well have hopet for, it seemes hee thought it most adviseable to abate that resolution & accept of Honerble Conditions wch ye french were ye more Easily inducet to grant for that tho ye towne Could noe longer hold out yet ye Cittadell might have made a Considerable resistance The Marshall Crequi since ye takeing Lymburg has taken by assault Visburg a small Citty belonging to ye Luxenburg +They write from Copenhagen of ye 8th of June that ye night before ye marriage was concluded & agreed on betwixt ye Kings sister & ye King of Sweden, & that Count Brahe [?] ye Swedes Amb was gone that morning in ye Kings Charriot to Carry ye news to ye Princess & queene Mother who were then abt 50 miles distant, & yet ye Genll treaty wth Sweden was then unsignd The Kings troupes marcht to their Rendezvous in Holstein & in few days ye King & most of ye Court would follow tho ye King would not be above 14 dayes absent haveing onely designe to see ye Muster french Letters say that King has sent to ye Inhabitants that Excercise any trade in ye suburbs of St German for such a proportion of Mony as amounts to 400000 franckes in Consideration of wch they are to Enjoy all ye freedom & libertys of the Citty The french Comander that lately refused ye sallute to his Maties flagg has recd order from ye french King to Come into England & make his submission at his Matis feet The french talke of great success the Duke of Schomberg has had against ye Spaniards in Cattalonia, but ye Spaniards report it to ye Contrary. +Brussells letters say that Lymburg being taken the King upon Consideration whether to keep that & Maestreicht both or Order One to be demolisht has given Order that Lymburg be demolisht The Loss is Cheifely Imputed to ye slowness of ye Princes of Lorraine & Lunenb in Joyning ye Prince of Orange who at last sent him but 8000 Horse, ye Princes staying at Collogne & Bon wth their foot, from Treves they write that Ld Douglas going out wth ye Governr as Vollunteer to attaque ye place had recd a shott thro his body wch was feard was mortall. 2 Capts 2 Leiuts & 40 of his souldrs were alsoe kild at ye same tyme. L. c. 199 June ye 26 1675 +This morning his Maty Royall Hss & the Prince went by Water to Portsmouth & if the Weather permitt may see Plymth & soe Will bee Out Longer then Was at first intended, his Maty has Orderd that dureing his absence from the towne the Councell shall meet Wednsdays onely To morrow ye Bp of Lincolne is to be Consecrated at Lambeth wth ye usuall Ceremonys at wch will bee many persons of quallity His Maty has directed the Ld Keeper to Issue out a Comission for ye vissiting all Hospitalls to prevent ye Great abuses therein +Mr Grenvill is prepareing to goe on his Complemt of Condoleance to ye young Duke of Saxony to whom his Most Xtian Maty is become Guardian, & will take his person & Estate into his Care & charge. +Paris letters say that since his Most Xtian Matys being recd as guardian to ye young Duke of Savoy, hee has appoynted the Cardinall D'Estree as Principall minister & Cheife of ye Councell of state. The states of Brittagne are to be assembled on ye 21st of ye next moneth in Order to ye setlemt of yt Provence, Monsr de Costre is dead of his Wound hee recd at Chasteaulin neare Brest where hee was Endeavouring to have reestablisht ye Custome houses, The King has given ye Governmt of Lymburg to Monsr Loureine his Maties Leuit at Aoth & that Leiutenancy to Monsr Choisy, who has orders to repaire ye fortifications & to build a Cittadell in one of ye hills neare yt place wch shall Command ye towne & ye other Riseing. They say that ye Prince of Orange & Duke of Lorraine were Joyned & that the King was resolvd to give them Batle it was discourst at Paris that Ipre was beseigd but it was Judged to be without grounds +The last letters from Turene say he had throwne 5 Bridges over the River but uppon what designe not knowne. +The Citty of Collogne are raiseing forces for their owne defence, but have denyed to receive any that ye Imperiallists offered to them tho' at present they have not above 300 souldiers in ye place +The Messinois have made 3 Regimts, amongst themselves Consisting of abt 4000 men who Joyneing wth ye french shall make a body of 9 or 10000 men in ye head of whom Monsr de Vivonne will put himselfe & make some attempt upon ye Spaniards. +The french pretend to give a perticuler of ye success of the Duke of Schomberg agst ye Spaniards in Cattalonia & mention above 30 townes & villages he is possest of & that he is advancet wthin 4 leagues of Barcelona, tho' ye Spaniards report those Affaires as much to ye Contrary L. c. 200 July ye 1st 1675 On Wednesday the Duke of yorke & Duke of Munmouth Went into Portsmouth, but his Maty was then on ye Back of ye Isle of Wight haveing overshot ye Port soe that it was thought hee could hardly get in that night, the great ship to be lancht there is to be Cald ye Royall James from Plymth they write that an express was arived there from ye Earle of Bath acquainting them that his Maty intended to Come thither from Portsmth & that there was great preparations makeing there for his reception, tis said his Maty will goe directly from thence to Windsor, whither her Maty, & her Royall Highness intended to goe to morrow, most of ye household alsoe being removeing thither An Excellent new frigat was lancht this Weeke at Harwich Cald the Saphire Carrying betwixt 30 & 40 guns who promises to be an very good sailer The Ostend Capers Continue their Irregularities One of them this last Weeke fell upon a vessell from Rye & Plunderd the passengers both of their mony & Cloathes The Writts for knights of ye shire for Dureson being Issued out the Election began there ye 21st past & lasted till ye 23d where was chosen Coll Tempest & Mr Vane son to ye late Sr Henry Vane who lay then ill, & on ye 25 dyed of ye small pox Twelve Swedes ships haveing bene at Colwater some tyme not dareing to adventure abroad wthout Convoy & seeing noe hopes of any from their owne Country, dischargd, & sold their goods there. +Duch letters of ye 2d tell us that tho ye King of Denmarke had by ye Importunity of ye Swedish Amb yeilded a Match betweene ye King of Sweden & his sister, yet hee Neither gave Dowry nor agreed that ye Marriage should bee Consummated till a peace, nor would bee obligd agst Declareing a Warr & does not onely give fresh assurances of ye performance of all his obligations to ye allyes, but presses wth great earnestness ye subsidies wch hee is to receive for his Leavies being very Considerable both by sea & land, But for all this the states are not a litle surprised & ye rather for that they recd noe letter from their minister at Copenhagen as usuall wch makes them Jealous they may bee intercepted nor doe they find yt ye King of Denmarke has as yet declared Warr wch they expected to have bene done upon ye day designd +french letters speake of fresh disturbances broke out againe in Brittaine, the dispute abt precedency betwixt ye Parliamt & ye Clergy is at last given for ye Clergy, tis said the french King gives a million of Livres to ye King of Sweden upon his marriage wth ye King of Denmarkes sister, the report of ye Demolishing Lymburg is Contradicted Monsr D Estrailes being to Comand that place Joyntly wth Maestricht, severall of ye Nobless of france among whom ye Duke of Soisons is one are gone to Charvill & Charleroy to serve ye King as vollunteers. ye King has sent to Monsr Schomberg & his army in Catalonia 100000 Louis D'or, his Most Xtian Matys march toward Charleroy appeares now to have bene onely to meet a Convoy of 8000 men which haveing Joynd hee past back againe to ye Maies on wt designe not knowne. +Letters from Morlaix tell us they are in a most dangerous & confused Condition, yt neare yt place above 30 parishes are risen who make upward of 16000 men who are unanimous & well armed They have taken ye Gabells for their pretext & tho doubtless they were ye first motive of their rebellion yet being now in strength they begin now to revenge themselves of past injuries done by the Gentry of whom they have slaine many & hunted most of ye rest from their habitations, whomever they meet & suspect to be or to have bene an officer of ye kings for ye Gabells they kild wthout further inquiry. They threaten all townes Corporations &c. to burne & plunder them if they come not & Joyne them, soe that they are in Continuall feare & fortifieing to preserve themselves The Merchts were ladeing all their Draperies in ye ships to goe Downe under ye Castle in ye River, a messenger being Come to give notice yt ye Mutineers were Coming thither L. c. 201 July ye 3d 1675 +thursdays letters from Portsmth dated at noone say his Maty & the other ships were not then Come in there, soe that his Rll Hss & Duke of MunMouth Imaginning his Maty was gone on for Plymth put to sea againe to follow him, but this days letters say his Maty Came in to Portsmth early yesterday morning in very good health the Queene who intended to have set forward for Windsor on fryday morning retarded her remove till shee should heare of his Maties landing. from Jamaica of ye 13 of aprill wee heare yt his excellency my Ld Vaughan since his arivall & noble reception has Issued out orders for recalling all privateers belonging to yt place wth a propose of pardon for what is past if they shall tymely surrender, & is resolved to do all things that may tend to a good understanding wth all his Neighbours Tis said ye armies on ye Rhyne have bene soe incomoded by ye Raines that they were forcet to leave each other wthout action, the Dukes of Luxemburg & Penilade [?] are joynd ye french King who have burnt Dalem for refuseing Contribution +ffrom Tangier wee heare that they had news there from Salley that Mulet hamet that Kings nephew had taken Morocco, rout$ed?% part of ye Kings forces Comanded by ye Governr of Salley who was then kild, upon wch the King was getting to gether all ye forces hee Could to Oppose his Nephew but found the people more inclinable to ye latter, wch is like to Cause some alteration in that Governmt, Our Garrison of Tangier was in a very good Condition & ye New Governr ye Earle of Inchequin dayly expected Holland letters Confirme ye news of ye defeate of ye swedish army but disagree in ye perticulars, some say ye swedes had drawne their forces together neare folinberlin haveing 8000 foot & 3000 Horse, & yt ye Elector of Brandenb who had wth him onely his Horse & Dragoones engaged them there & totally routed them, others say ye swedes were surprizd in their quarters, but all agree yt ye swedish army has bene put into great disorder, yt ye Elector of Brandenb has obtaind a great victory, kild 6000 & tooke all their artillery +tis said the marriage is agreed upon betwixt the Dauphine & ye Daughter of Bavaria L. c. 202 [Handwriting changes here.] July 7th 1675 +The Letters arrived this Morning dated the 9th instant bring very little News They say that the Most Xtian King after haveing layn some dayes encamped between St Tron & Tongres was broken up and marched toward Charleroy. The Prince of Orange & the Spanish troopes had still theire Quarters neare Areschot & expected a reinforcmt of ffresh Troops The Armyes in Germany come not to any action but that it was beleived Monsr Turene would ere long [be?] obliged to remove. The defeate of the Swedes by the Brandenburghs is confirmed by our Letters from Hamburgh and say that it wholly happened through the Negligence of Coll Vangelin who suffered himselfe to be surprized in Datenare [?]. Its said that the Swedes have lost above 6000 men & the Brandenburgs about 2000 with many officers of Note. The Lunenburg and Osnaburg Troops continue between the Rhyn & the Meuse They expect the Conjunction of 3000 Munster men & then some thinke they may attempt to retake Lymburg before the ruines that were made during the seige are quite repaired The Election of the Elector of Mayence hath been made according to the desire of ye Imperiallists The new Elector being wholly addicted to the Interests of the house of Austria and especially since his Brother the Elector of Treves hath suffered soe much by the ffrench L. c. 203 [Handwriting changes here.] July ye 8 1675 +Wee have this account of his Maties voyage, his Maty went on board on ye 26 abt 1 [7?] & fell downe below ye Buoy of ye Nore, where they anchored that night, on ye 27th they weighd & sayld thro ye Downes where ye men of Warr were ready to saile wth them & yt night Went to anchor before ffokston the weather being very foule, on ye 28 they weighd & stood to Windward 2 or 3 houres, but ye weather was soe yt they were forcet to beare backe for ye Downes againe, on ye 29 2 a clock they set saile againe the Wind blowing very hard Northerly but soe yt they could not make ye Isle of Wight till they were to ye Leeward of it when Night Coming in a storme separated the King from his Royall Highness, on ye 30th they got to anchor under the Highland of ye Isle of Wight Cald Dunness his Maty went a shore on ye Island in his shallop & arived that night at Portsmth abt 1 a clock on ye 3d his Matie dined wth Mr Noell at Tochfeild [?], On ye 6th in ye Evening his Maty returnd by sea & arived at Whitehall, on ye 7th in ye morning his Maty went for windsor Coll Titus haveing Resignd his place Mr Henry Guy is made one of ye Groomes of his Maties Bedchamber +A ship arived at Whitbay from Marryland tells of a scarcity they have had there, that they have bene troubled wth an infinite number of squirells from ye woods wch devoured soe much of their small stock of Corne that they were forcet to Watch them & had shot wth a birding peice above 30 at a shoot Brussells lettrs of ye 9th say ye french King was still wth his army abt St Tron & Tongres but yt hee Could not subsist there for want of forrage & provision, ye Countries haveing bene Eaten up wth in 3 leagues round soe that tis sd a double loafe was sold for 3 Guilders in ye Camp, The Prince of Oranges army was to march yt day from Arschot toward Malines to pass ye River deiner at Werchden, a placaert was set out ye day before prohibiting anyone on paine of death to speake of ye Prince of Orange. ffrom Brussells of ye 12th they tell us that ye Prince of Orange was encampt wth his army neare Lovaine in ye same place hee was before hee marcht to guelderland, that ye french King moved toward Charleroy haveing sent a Considerable body of Cavalry to surround Charlemont wch gave suspition hee intended a seige to yt place, Montecuculy they say was gone wth his army toward Phillipsburg, possessing all ye place, by wch Turene might have got thither, that ye Rhine was soe over flowed that hee Could not get to his bridge soe yt upon Montecuculys remove hee had decampt alsoe, intending to force a Batle, & ye Stratzburg letters say they heard ye Cannon soe yt they Judgd ye armies were Engaged The paris letters of ye 13 tell us yt ye Inhabitants of Rennes Cannot Conceale their disposition to breake out into new disorders soe yt Guards are set in severall parts of ye towne, The Marshall de Albret had Caused Chevalier de Landangen to be apprehended as an accomplice in ye Sedition of Bourdeaux & who will speedily bee made an example, as to ye Lower Brittaigne they give this account, that ye seditious were now formed into Companys & Regimts under officers wth millitary discipline, & that they are Leagued together in manner of a Republique for defence of their Common liberty, & have Composed an Establishmt wch they Calld ye armorick Confederation they have agreed to send Ambrs to ye King to informe him of their proceedings, & to demand a Confirmation of ye sd Establishmt, wch provides they shall have ye Comission of Justice wthin themselves that they shall live free from all Impositions except such as are very ancient & inconsiderable on salt & Wine that they be not obligd to pay tythes to ye Clergy, that all Acts wch have bene made on ye markt paper be transcribd on ye Common paper & ye Other Burnt & abolisht for Ever They have plunderd & burnt most of ye Gentlemens houses haveing hangd many of them & forcet others to serve in their troups +A Rencounter happend this Weeke betwixt the Earle of Mulgrave & Mr Kirke in wch ye later was Wounded L. c. 204 [Handwriting changes here.] July 13 1675 +His Maty has they say bene pleasd to nominate my Lord John Berkely to goe his Ambr Exterordinary to Paris and accordingly he is makeing preparations and hopes to be despatcht in few weekes +His Maty has bene pleased to conferre on his Naturall Son Charles Fitzcharles the tytles of Earle of Plymouth Viscount Totnes and Darmouth for wch a pattent is passing and his Lordship at prsent in travill but suddenly expected to returne. ffrom the Court at Windsor we heare nothing of moments, there Matyes & Royall Highness spending theire tyme onely in the diversions of the season The Count de St Mearice Envoy Extraordinary from the Duke of Savoy went the 15th instant to the ffrench Armyes to give his Most Xtian Maty advice of the death of the late Duke & is directed afterwards to carry the same Message to his Maty of England Mr Greenville doth not begin his Journey for that place nor the Court putt on Mourning as is expected ffrom Paris of the 20th instant we heare that his Maty was expected at Versaillyes, on Munday all necessary Orders being given for his reception & Monsr Colbert gone to meet him his returne is reported to be occationed by the disturbances in Brittany those discontented being growne soe numerous that they require a speedy and Considerable strength to reduce them The Duke of Orleanes has upon his newes also deferred his Journey to the Campe They write from the ffrench Army in Ilands that there was 12000 of them to be drawne out to be sent towards the Rhyne And that Monsr de Tureens Men had defeated 12 Regiments of the Enemey with Considerable loss to themselves & that the said Governour escaped narrowly passing the Rhyne to there Islands Monsr Scomburge is said to have received some checke in Catalonia and on his returne to this place, they have at Bourdeaux posted up Menacessing [sic] placcarts in case theire Amnesty & Comissions be not preserved inviolably The Duke de Estreee is dead at Rome from whence the seige of the Mellazzo is confirmed They begin to entertaine severall thoughts of the Swede who they say made a good retreate to Wilscocke where they Killed a great Number of the Brandenburg fforces & tooke Mayor Golo [?] Prisoner They say also that Generall Wrangle has offered to resigne his Constable Staffe and the Command of the army upon some discontent [Note on outside of letter in another hand:] From whence? / From the Enchanted Islands / Where Lye they? /Alas to ye Region of the Moon Somes [?] L. c. 205 [Handwriting changes here.] July ye 15 1675 A proclamation is orderd to be Issued to Command officers to be assistant to ye due Collection of ye excise according to law Upon ye death of Dr Blandford Bp of Worcester Dr ffleetwood Provost of Kings Colledge in Cambridg is to be Bp ye Bp of Durham Deane of ye Chappell & ye Bp of Oxford Clerk of ye Closet. A vessel arived at Weymouth from Rochell Complaines that in her voyage thether as alsoe in her way home shee met a Biscay man of Warr who both tymes tooke severall goods & mens cloathes from them ffrom Portsmth of ye 10th they write that ye fryday before abt 7 in ye morning came to Spithead ye Harwick & yarmouth wth ye Anne & Christopher & Holmes fire ships bound for ye Streights ffrom Hull they tell us yt 3 ships were arived there from Virginia who left a great want of Corne & scarcity of Tobacco but hope a plentifull Crop Coming ffrom ffowey [?] they write ye Elizabeth of that place from Rochell informes that 4 french men of Warr of Considerable strength were ready there designed for Messina, & yt off I'shant 5 Duch men of War of each 40 guns waited for them ffrom ye Streights wee heare yt ye Dartmth from Mallaga ye Swallow from Tangier & ye Drumond from Cadiz were all gone to Joyne Sr John Norburrow +Brussells letters of ye 16 tell that ye Van guard of ye Prince of Orange were wthin 2 leagues & a halfe of them betwixt Lovaine & Warre & would Encamp yt night at Ische & soe march forward toward Hall & Sobize where they may find some dayes forrage for their army His Highness ye Prince has Issued out an Order for Regulating ye prizes of Bread beare & other provisions in ye army wch before were sold at excessive rates, severall of ye peasants & poore people are fled from ye parts thereabouts & come to ye gates of Brussells being much affrighted wth ye discourses of ye disorders Comitted by ye army, perticulerly in ye Village of Haren neare Dighem where ye Hollanders are sd to have entred ye Church by violence plundred it & taken away ye Challice, & haveing Cut of ye head of ye Blessed Virgin hung yt of St Anne upon a tree, & wounded ye Pastor & kild & wounded some of ye Boares that defended ye Church & yt they would have done ye like at Diyhem but it being a large village many Boares gatherd together resolving to defend their Church wth their lives +Paris letters of ye 20th say ye number of ye seditious in Brittaigne encrease still, that they Could find noe better for a Cheife then a Miller That they Comitt many outrages in ye Country upon all that oppose them & that it was feared it might prove of dangerous Consequence, & not easily to be queld. +They write from Holland that the Denmarke [sic] has not yet made any espress declaration of Warr, yet Monsr Clinquenberg their minister affirmeth yt there is an actuall breach & instanceth ye Kings proceeding agst tha Duke of Holstein of whose cheife places hee has taken possession & forcet him to renounce his allyance wth Sweden, & that hee has sent out his fleet to hinder ye supplyes yt might Come from Sweden to ye armies in Pomerania They speake of letters intercepted betwixt Hamburg & Genell Wrangell by wch it appeares that Citty was in treaty wth that King & would have admitted a Swedish garrison wch had inclined ye King of Denmarke to be revanged of it, but it was thought ye States would interpose. L. c. 206 [Handwriting changes here. ] July 22d 1675 +His Maty out of an especiall regard to the good of his subjects, and to give encouragement to the Industrious of his owne Kingdome, has been gratiously pleased to declare in Councell that after Miclimas next noe subject of any of his Kingdomes shall be permitted to come to Court who shall weare any forreigne lace or point and the Lord Chamberlaine of his Magistes Houshold has charge to see this putt in effectuall Execution. +The Hague Letters of the 23d tell us the States of Holland have set out a placart forbidding upon paine of death & Confiscation of Estates all combinations to beat downe the value of the publick ffarmes, the Elector of Bdburgh was on the 19 with his Army about Kurwitz 4 Leagues from Wismar marching towards that place, as was beleived to beseige it, 6000 Imperalists are come to ffrankfort on the Ouder to Joyne them, the Electrice of Bdburgh goeing to the Elector had occasion to passe the Duke of Hanovers territories who sent for a convoy of 200 horse & tis said that he will remaine Neuter though others write that he observes the Elector of Bdburgh motions & will hinder him entring the Duchy of Bremen, the Emperors Planipotentiaries have sent to Nimeguen to provide Lodgings, the Swedes army is within 3 or 4 Leagues of Stralsond. Montecuculi on designe removed & Turenne haveing noe notice wither he intended marcht with his Army Leaving only 2000 horse to guard the Bridge towards Stratsburgh, Montecuculi sent 6000 to attaique the Bridge the ffrench Leiut Generall then in a streight drew up his men only 2 deep on a ground soe advantageious that the Imperialists by theire front Judged all Turennes horse there & so went off, otherwise had beaten them taken the Bridge & Endangered the french Army. +They write from Roome that the Duke de Estree the ffrench Amb had been dangerously ill there of a feaver, prayers had been made for him in severall Churches & he had been visited by most of the principall persons in the towne, but had not Received the Popes blessing as is usuall in such occasions the Pope has sent a breife to the Cardinall de Retz to dissuade him from persueing his designe in Laying downe his cap, the ffrench King since his Returne to Paris has refused to admitt the Cardinall Legat to his presence +The Naples letters say that the ffrench have fortifyed themselves in strongholds betwixt the Scaletta & Melazzo which gives great impediment to the Spaniards in their Communicacon betwt the 2 places, 4 ffrench men of Warr entred into the port at Prindess & tooke from under the Castle a Raguse [?] ship Laden with Corne, the Castle gave them about 50 shot but hit them not, which gives suspition that there is an understanding betwt them upon which the Governor of the Castle & all the Gunners are imprisoned +They write from Bische dat 16 that the Ld Hamilton was that night Commanded out with a pty of 2000 foot and 500 horse to force a passage posest by the Germans on a River betwt the ffrench army & the Imperists so that Bridges might be made to passe the french army & force the Emeny if possible out of their camp Monsr de Plessis Joyned Turenne with 30000 men & Mounsr Crequi advances to doe the same by way of Phillipsburgh, Montecuculies Army consisted of 14000 horse & 14500 foot to whome Mounsr de Lorraine was marching with his forces to those the Elector of Bdburgh left behind him makeing an Army of 10000 men +The Paris Letters dat July 24 tell us that 5000 prisoners are sent to the Prince of Conde upon some Considerable designe & that those forces who attended the King as his Guard, to Paris be sent to Turenne the Prince of Conde Judgeing himselfe strong enough with the forces left him to deale with the Enemy, the Parlt of Louvies [?] have sent a Deputy to the King to advice him of the disturbances in Brettagne that body representing their inability to bring any Remedy to so numerous discontents especially since they were freshly allarmd by the Inhabitants of that Citty, who on the 18 forced & plundred the Custome house for the pewter in wch action the more considerable Cittizens were mixt with the other & they began to grow apprehensive that those disorders are supported by some psons of power, In Lower Brettagne the Rebellion growes formidable & Requires an Army to Quiet it they speake of sending Mounsr thither [sic]. +They write from Stockholme dat June 30 that the King of Sweden had declared Warr both by sea & Land against the states in Consequence of which all Holland Merchants there with their goods Bookes of Accompts & ships were seized & ordour sent to all the Ports to doe the same, by which meanes there may arise to the King in effects reall moneyes & depts 200m L sterling, the War was noe sooner Resolved on but the King sent a Gentl to the states Residt forbidding him; the Court or to visit any of his Ministers but with all assureing him of his protection & telling him, that after he had heard from his Ambassadours at the Hague he should heare form him againe, the ffrench Amb: upon this sent also to him offering to employ his enterest at Court for his stay there not withstanding the War. +With this the Holland Letters of the 20 so far agree that they say they doubted their residt: was made prisoner in Sweden for yt the States had received noe accomt of him, & that upon their Advice of the arrest of their ships 2 states Men of War were sent to Lay on ye Droge to hinder any more goeing toward Sweden, the states of Holland issued out a proclamacon forbidding the Carrying on of any provisions to Liege or the Countrey of Julyers to cut of what subsistance they may from the ffrench Army +The Prince of Oranges Army is about Hall, the Prince of Condes Advance to Lentz neer him haveing sent some forces to Aoth on which it was thought the Prince of Orange had any eye. Mounsr Montall had a designe to Attacque the Duch army but was prevented in it. +Turennes & Montecuculies Armies by the Paris Letters dat 27 are in the same place though greater wants [sic] the ffrench posest themselves of a Bridge over the Raucheim wch the Imperists would have broke downe & have seized Orlaffe which renders the Germans Communicacon with Offenburgh of much difficulty. +The Duke of Lorraine past the Moselle at Coblentz & the Lunenburgh troopes were following the Marshall Crequi, was at Metz with 12000 either to assist Turenne or Treves upon occ[asi]on if Lorraine should attempt it. +The Earle of Euston son to the Duchesse of Clevland who was married to the Earle of Arlingtons Daughter is Created Duke of Crafton the publique Ministers with the King of Denmarke thinke themselves assured of that Kings ordering his Army to March with in the month in which time the Corne may be Ripe & before conveniently they cannot bee: the Magazines are not pared [?] & yet there is a great confidence of the Marriage betwt the King of Sweden & the Princess of Denmarke the persons designed to buy things necessary for that solemity being not only gone to Paris but the Princesse her selfe has wrote a kind letter to ye King upon wch hee talkes of her wth much passion [On outside of letter evidently in the same hand as the note in L. c. 204 appears this epitaph:] Here a Lump of Sorrow lyes / A Heap of Sin and Miserys Who if hee sometime went astray / Yet aimed to keep the way. L. c. 207 [Handwriting changes here.] July ye 26 1675 +I had noe publique letter last night but out of a private one I have this account. Just now (vizt 9 a clock Saterday night) is newes come that Turene is kild by a cannon shott in a great fight in wch ye french were defeated & 7000 of them kild, The french King bemoaning himself as left a fatherless King [This is almost surely the shortest letter in the whole series.] L. c. 208 [Handwriting changes here.] July 29 1675 +On the 21 Cornall Gyles Strangways lately made of his Majest new [?] honourable Privy Councell died. On the 22 at a Councell held at Hampton Court the Lord Bp: of Winchester Prelate of the Garter was sworn, & tooke the place of Privy Councellour. They write from Holland that the Sonne of De Witt Ruwaert Van Putten aged 23 died lately at Vienna in whom that ffamily is lost. The Paris letters tell us that on the 26 in the Morning an Inhabitant of the Parish of St Marcell in that place on occasion of the new Impossision laid on the Suburbs, fell into soe great desperation, & rage that he kild 5 of his own Children, & afterward went & rendred himselfe at the Chastellet. The Reveilers of lower Bretagne doe rather encrease then lessen, beeing of that Strength, that the Duke of Chaulnes, with several of the Gentry for their Security had betaken themselves to Port Lewis, & yet notwithstanding their so high carriage, & the ruine they have already caused the King willingly rather to reduce them by Clemency, then use the severity of his Armes, Tis said sends a Master of Requests [?] to them with a Generall Act of Oblivion, upon returne to their duty. +The Paris letters dat ye 31 tell us of daily Action betwixt the Armys in gaining passes neer Stratsburgh, in one of wch Mounsr fforquincourt leut Generel of Dragoons was kild, Mounsr Van Brunn hurt on the foot, & Monsr de Trass Major Genel: taken prisoner, but the greatest loss was that of Mounsr Turen who following on the 29 Arrier Guard of the Imperiall Army which drew off & were [?] in a wood, with 13 field pieces was kild by a shott on the brest from a Cannon, the same shot takeing of the Sieur de St Hillaire Leut of the Artillary. Upon news of this the ffrench King tis said to have ordered Marll Crequi to Command, put of his Journey to ffontanbleau, & Countermand the troops ordered for Bretagne. The Patent is now passing to make the Earl of Northampton Constable of the Tower of London, as alsoe another patent to make him Leut of the Hamlets. +The Right Honrable the Lady Dianna Verney eldest Daughter to the Earl of Bedford beeing lately married to William Led Alington Baron of Killard in Ireland. His Majesty to prevent any Disputes that might be pretended about perceedency, has bene pleased with regard to that great ffamily from wch shee is descended, & her worthy choyce of a person of soe great Merit by a grant to continue unto her the preceedency of her Birth, ordering the same to be regestred in the Office of Armes &c. They write from Venice dat 19 that the ffrench notwithstanding their former Repulse intended once more to attacque the Scaletta, & in order whereunto were gone with an Army of 7000 Men, the most part ffrench, the rest Messineses it beeing very difficult to conceive how the poorer sort of the people of Mesinia shall live, provision & money though vast supplys have been sent, being yet scarce with them, unlesse they cann make themselves Masters of some part of the Country; The ffrench Galleys have lately taken 2 Shipps with in the Gulfe neer to Brandusium in Naples whereat the Republick is not a litle conserned, but would be more if it should prove true which some have related that they had taken a Venecian. The Popes Nuntio on the 18 was in the Colledge to give advice of the difference betwt the Austrean Amb, & the Cardinal Patron was now perfectly adjusted & some thinke it was done before the late promotion though they have not declared it, till now of late. The Hague Letters dat 30 say the states of Holland were to meet about the Swedish Business particularly relateing to their Ambr upon whose request they affirm to have made the Exception in their late declaration of Warr in favour of the Merchants agt whom Sweden, nevertheless proved with such severity. The Swedes are still upon the Heath of Leits soe well disposed that they cannot without great difficulty be Attacqued, where they expect recruites from Sweden with which some vessells are arrived at Stralssond & Wolgase [?] The Elector of Bradenburgh, was in the County of Mecklenburgh though there is no expectation of Actions till the Harvest be in. +The Sampson of London Capt: Windsor Commandour arrived at ffalmouth on the 19 whoo affirmeth in the soundings he was Chased by a Ship of 20 Guns who left when he got into Scilley, but ffolowed soe neer that he perceived the Turkey Couloures. On the 21 arrived the Elizabeth of that Place from the port Lewis, who in sundry passages met 5 fflushing Men of Warr, who put a Board him 100 ffrench Men whoo had been taken in a Man of Warr of 30 Guns, Convoy to a ffly boat Laden with Tymber for that Kings Shipping. They report the Governour of Bretagne in yt place full of Souldiers that the Mutineers lay not the blame on their Gabells, & breach of priviledges on the King, but the Gentry of the Country Emplyed in them agt. whome they excercise the greatest severity, but such of the Gentrey as had no hand in them they required only to keep themselves & ffamilys in their houses & doe declare a readyness to give the King a Supply provided they may Enjoy their ancient privilidges. The Prince of Vaudemont naturall sone to the Duke of Lorraine haveing in his passage from Spain Landed in England was by the Spanish Envoy Dom Pedro de Ronquilles introduced to his Maty when haveing paid his Complements his Maty ordered him a Yatch for his Transportation into fflanders. The Count de St Maurice who was lately in ffrance to give that King notice of the death of the Duke of Savoy is come hither upon the same Errand, & upon yt account tis beleived the Court will goe into Mourning on Sunday next. A Warrant is passed to make the eldest Sonne of the Duchess of Clevland Baron of Newbury Earle of Chychester & Duke of Southampton. The ffrench letters August 3d say that since the exprese of Turenns death noe Accont was come from the Army but give some farther particulers. The King it seems not 3 houres before that express had received one dispached by Marshall Turenn. himselfe which acquinted him with the death of Mounsr Horquincour yt the E[n]emy was decamped & they resolved to give them Battle, & accordingly he devided the Army into 2 Bodys ye one to stay in the place where they Encamped till further order, the other was commanded by himselfe in the head who haveing forced the Enemy from their port Monsr de Lorge leading the Van ffollowed, noe Morasse, nor River parting them whilst Marshall Turenne with a small party went up a Mountain directing Monsr de St Hillaire to raise Battery to prevent the Enemy from the Annoying them when the shot came that tooke him off he spoake not one word after the blood gushing out of his Mouth Nose & Eares, And thus dyed the great general of whome the King after some pause sufficiently expressed this sense in saying he had rather have lost 2 Battles then have lost him alone, some Add that the Count de Lorge & Chevalier de Plessis, found the officers & souldiers soe eager to lay downe their lives in revenge of their Generalle, that they resolved to make use of the occasion & Persue the Battle. The Kings voyage to ffountainbleau is put of till the midle of the month & Chevalier de ffouurbin gone with the Kings Musqueteers & other Troops of Guards whoo are to Joyne other Horse from Gascogne to reduce the Rebells, in Bretagne, in case the [sic] lay not hold on the Kings Pardon which is sent to them by Monsr de Boutherat & will be offerd, at the opening of the States at Bretagn, wch will be on the 21 of this Month. Monsr Scombergh wanting shipps at sea, to beseige Roses, has beseiged Bellegard haveing taken an halfe Moone, & lodged his Men in it, & might be Master of the Town 6 dayes. L. c. 209 August 5 1675 +Her Majesty has been pleased at length to give the Key of Chamberlaine, formerly held by the Earle of Clarendon to Dom ffrancisco de Melo Amb from the Crowne of Portugall, Upon the promotion of Dr ffleetwood to ye Bpprick of Worcester Mr Page fellow of the Kings colledge in Cambridge formerly Secretary to his Grace the Duke of Ormond when Ld Leiut of Ireland is made provost & upon the death of Dr Wells Mr James is made, Mr of Queens Colledge in Cambridge. +The sonne of the Duchesse of Portsmouth is made Baron of [space for about six letters left blank] Earle of March & Duke of Richmond. +The Duch letters dat 2d tell us that the Resident of Hamburg had presented a Memoriall to the states in Justification of the late treaty Concluded betwt the Crowne of Sweden & then the Danish Amb has demanded of the Assembly of the generality the equipping 30 Men of War more besides those 9 which are with them already, in the Maas next ships ready for the departure with ye [?] Elector of Brandenburgh Comission, who have on board a Marine Regimt raised in Holland +The[y] write from Brussells dat 3d that the Emperor has commanded the Swedes Resident from Vienna & from his owne Territoryes, of the Empire, Prasty the Prince Transilvania is on the ffrontiers of Hungary with 20M men The Protestants in ffrance are greatly rejoyced to see so much favour showne to Count Schombergh of their Religion as to be made Marshall of ffrance & say that the 1st of Ranke of the last promotion, which however in fformer times might not have been soe much regarded wn the Marshalls in the feild Commanded by Turene is [?] now particularly looked upon since it is ordered that ye elder shall command & the younger shall obey. +His Maty has been pleased to make Mr Sergeant Pemberton one of his Sergeants at Law +They write from Hamburgh dat 23 that the Swedes talke of sending 10M Recruits under the Conduct of the Senator Benthorme & yt their fleet will speedily be set out. The Danish Army lay quartered in Holstein under good discipline & might march with in a fortnight, by which time they judged their Corne may be ripe, their fleet was ready to sayle whose designe is said to be blockt up, the Swedes ports in Pomerania whilst the Brandenburgh beseiges them by land Some passengrs come from Bremen report that the Bp of Munsters forces had plundered a towne called Woldhausen belonging to the Swedes, which being the 1st act of Hostility is the more taken notice of. The french letters dat 7 say that the Prince of Conde being on his way to the Rhine the Duke de Eugen his sonne had been at Versailles with the King to receive his instructions, Sarbally powder Mill was blown up at Amiens which destroyed 3 streets & uncovered 500 Houses & killed 10 persons part of the Kings troopes designed for Bretagne are marched the rest follow in a few dayes in ye meane time the King has received advise from the Duke of Chamberlines that the Rebells were resisted in 2 small places, in lower Bretagne who upon the attacque killed 20 & tooke 20 prisoners whome the[y] hangd as haveing declared Trators by the Duke their Governour, Of their Army in Germany, since the death of Marshall Turenne they give acct that upon debate of a Councill of War finding that Montecuculy would attacque, Wilstadt they quitted it haveing 1st fired there provisions & Magazines that upon their removall to Altenheim to passe the Rhine the Imperialists engaged them & were repulsed leaveing 1500 men & some Cannon on the place though not without Considerable losse on their side. The Marquesse of Vanbrun who was wounded on ye 23d the 1st action being killed in this the Count d' l'Orges the Count de Roy Chevalier d' Hondosine Marquesse de La' fforte, Messieurs de La' Motte d' St Loupe & d' Lareaux wounded, of the English in this Action they only say that they would neither give nor receive quarter The Bruxells Letters dat 6 tell the story to the Germans advantage that the ffrench haveing burnt at Wilstadt 20 sacks of Corne &c & marching to passe the Rhine ye Imperialists engaged ym & after a stout fight worsted them & tooke all their Artillery to 7 pieces & yt now ye had the communication & conveniency of Stratsburgh, And to this Dom Pedro de Ronquilles ye Spanish Envoy gave such Credit yt he caused Te Deum to be sung in his Chappell on Sunday last for the Victory. +Bellegard in Catalonia surrendred it self into the hands of the ffrench after 6 dayes opposition & now tis said Rosas will be besieged. +The party that went from Maastricht leige & Lymburgh returned with the plunder they got at St Vith & other places in Luxenburgh some forces are gone from Namuir to Leew to put the Leigois under Contribution who have already carryed in Considerable summs. The Prince of Orange his Army is still about Hall & yet suddenly to remove. There haveing fallen so much raine that there is noe travelling with Carriages & Artillary. A ship arrived at Southampton from St Mallo reports 2 duch ships Carryed in thither prizes ye one of 22 guns from Lisbon ye other retaken from the Turkes who are to be pretended to be of Salle, there arrived also a vessell from Morlaix who gives account of the Rebells that ye now keep themselves not in any continued Body, but upon ringing their parish Bells great numbers flock together with Armys Carriages &c talke much of maintening their priveleges & Comitt all sorts of Outrage on those yt gather the gabells. The[y] write from Naples dat 16 that they were makeing all hast possible to get ready ye 16 men of war agt the arrivall of young d'Ruyter who was expected there to joyne them, & block up the Ware at Messina wch if they could accomplish they promisse themselves a good successe by the [space for about five letters left blank] misunderstanding yt is already betwt that people & the ffrench which is growne to that height yt some of them had begun a Mine under the Chappell where the ffrench Officers were at Masse with designe to blow then up, upon discovery of which the cheife of the Conspirators were apprehended & this had such an Influence upon the English that they haveing the Affrican Pinke, there they sent away their Wollen goods doubting their security with a people so devided. +Three of the Duke of Tuscanyes Gallyes have lately had a fight with 3 Turkes Galleyes in ye Channell of Piombino in which they tooke the Turkes Admirall & put the other 2 to flight +A ffrench Barke arrived from Tripoly in 12 dayes at Marsailles reports that Sr John Norborough was there & mist little of 4 of their ships who got in not 2 houres before him, All the Corsaires were laid up theire Masts & all rigging put a shoare, 2 vessells sunck & many Anchors cast out to hinder the English going in. They were then in treaty with him & offered wtever he demanded except satisfaction, for what had been taken, A ffrench Bargue touching at Tunis had 4 of the Knights of Moltha aboard, was searched there & ye 4 Knights taken out on pretense of some Slaves taken out of their vessells by the ffrench A vessell arrived ye day before from Messina said that they had no want there of any thing but wine & flesh but would not say that they had advanced on the Spanyard. +On ye 28 the Lancaster arrived from the Coast in the East Indies & is the 4th lately come from those parts They write from ushent of the [?] dat July 31. that there sayled thence that weeke about 300 sayle & more had gone out that day but that a storme of Wind at West hindered them however that Month they had cleared 800 sayle of Laden Colli[e]rs. +On ye 4 a Councill was held at Hampton Court where they adjourned their farther meeting to the 2 Wednesday The Duch letters say by the Advise from Stratsburgh dat 2 that the ffrench removed to a wood neer Allemham [?] where the Imperialists had engaged them from ye day before that 13000 had been killed on both sides & that they still continued fighting & that of the Imperialists Dumwalt & Capraror were wounded & the Marquesse Baret killed. L. c. 210 August 7 1675 +yesterday & this day wee receive the fflanders letters of the 9 & 13 instant, & the ffrench letters of the 14 from which wee may gather this Impartiall relation that after the death of Monseir de Turenne the ffrench Army, though in much trouble & consternation for the death of the Generall, whom the soldiers bewayled with great lamentations, called him their ffather, the 29 in the night the ffrench retreated towards Bischeim, Wilstadt, & altenheim; the Imperiall Army followed them, & the 31 July attacqued Wilstadt, which the following night the ffrench forsook, setting fire to part of the towne & the provisions they had there, which done the Germans marched after the ffrench, & the next day the two armies came to an engagement, which begun about 10 a clock in the morneing & continued till night, dureing which time both parties behaved themselves with great bravery, & on the part of the ffrench especially Monmouth & Hamiltons Regimt who bore the first strock of the enimie, though with the losse of 250 of Monmouth & 450 with all the Officers, except ye Coll, & 2 inferiur officers, of Hamiltons Regiment, The Count de Lorge comeing up to the charge was slightly wounded & the Marquesse de vanbrun killed, the Regiment of Turenne, Champagne, Vendosme was most cutt in pieces, & on the part of the Imperialists the Regiments of Montecuculi, Loraine, Souches, Chavigniac & Trotsmondorf, were wholly ruined, & by this means Colors & Standarts were taken on both sides, the night ended the action, when certainely neither party could boast of any advantage in the fight, It is impossible to know the true number of men that were killed, the Germans say that they have about 3000 killed & wounded & that the ffrench have lost 5000, & on the other side the ffrench reckon their owne losse at 1200 & the Germans of 6000. The 2 & 3 of august noe great action passed, the Germans were with drawne from the place where the fight had been the day before; about halfe a Muskett shott, intrenched themselves there raised severall bateries, & from them continued playing into the ffrench Camp, who on the other side had the advantage of a wood, & likewise raised two small bateries, but sent the greatest part of their Cannon bagage & the Body of Turenne over their bridge at Altenheim The whole ffrench Army followed, without any disturbance, not haveing lost any on[e] piece of Cannon. Upon advice of which Montecaculi marched back to Stratsburgh to refresh his souldiers, & haveing received a reinforcment of 6 or 7000 men of the 6roopes of the Circles passed on the 7 the Bridge at Strasburgh & so following the ffrench into Alsatia, where it is likely farther Action will happen between them. The Germans pretend to a victory in the they have forced the Enemy to passe the Rhine & still follow them. The ffrench glory they have made a brave retreat notwithstanding the great disadvantage they lay under & that as to the Engagement on the 1 August they repulsed the Germans with great losse. The fflanders letters tell us likewise of the defeat of Mareschall Crequi who they say came with 10000 men to raise the seige of Treves beseiged by Lunenburgh & Lorraines troops, who upon the approch of Crequi went out, fought & beat him & took 10 pieces of Cannon, we must expect the farther particulars by our next.