<&>Wellington Corpus of Spoken New Zealand English Version One <&>Copyright 1998 School of Linguistics & Applied Language Studies <&>Victoria University of Wellington <&>side one <&>5:00 what days are you working THEN um i <.>work i work saturdays sundays mondays and tuesdays <.>so so you know good person so i'm there for the monday and the tuesday? when i'm working yep <{><[>laughs <[>yeah quite supremely timed i know um <,> can't you come up <,> on the thirteenth wednesday the thirteenth i thought about that um <,> <{><[><.>but <[>thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen <,> we were going to come back on the sunday but we can come back on the saturday no the thing is <{><[>if i go up on <.>the <[>that way you'd just have the saturday off if i go on the <,> twenty second mm i'd just get longer that's all yeah get about <{><[>eight days <[>can't you do both um <,> well i don't know not really laughs no i suppose it's a long way to go mm three times laughs yeah laughs i don't know mm so you're a pooh laughs <&>6:00 but um what day are we coming back <,> thursday fifteenth <,> oh god so you're working the MONDAY mhm cos um i think we're going to be in hamilton on the <.>seven the night of the seventeenth which <{><[>is a sunday night <[>that's a sunday saturday night yeah so never mind cos we were going to go to waitomo the next day but brian wants to do all these expensive things like just tag a towel hole <{><[>abseil down water <.>front waterfalls for four hours for eighty dollars <[>i know i know laughs and i mean yeah yeah fun and everything but eighty dollars i know but <.>he yeah he's incredible he just astounds me all the time <{><[>with what he wants to do with his money he astounded me last night but never mind <[>yes doesn't make sense with his money why what did yous do last night i went to pick him up and he was saying oh look at this wind surfer isn't it great oh yeah <{><[>god <[>the thing kept falling to bits but anyway inhales <&>7:00 mm but um yeah he said to me um oh no darlene's just <.>worried she just wants to make enough money you know <.>she's <.>that's she's just REALLY preoccupied with <,> making enough money mm and i said well so she should be <{><[>you know and he goes oh yeah but it seems silly i mean when you're going to have to get a student loan anyway <[>mm laughs and i said yeah well that's exactly the reason why you should make money so you don't have to get too much of your student <{><[>loan whereas it seems to him like oh there's a whole lot there i'll have that <[>mm laughs he doesn't think about ever having to pay it back yeah <{><[><.>well <[>and he has some of yours too i know you know a little bit of mine but um one of the reasons i do need the money is because i am gonna buy a stereo yeah <{><[>well <[>and um so i basically <{><[>i do want to get a student loan <[>yeah that's the other thing i thought when i got off the phone and you'd told me you were going to buy this stereo and i thought how can you go on about how much you worry about money and you're gonna <{><[>buy a stereo <[>laughs yeah mm so tut <,> that was a really good deal and i'd <{1><[1>been wanting one <{2><[2>inhales <[1>yeah <[2>yeah and so voc yeah but <.>i yeah <{><[><.>i <&>8:00 <[>be worth it mm that's another good stereo for our flat laughs yeah <&>yawns um i want to know what kind of duvet covers you have <&>sighs we <.>have have you got the plain coloured ones yep like your one <.>they like mine we've got navy my colour red um probably what else do we have there's no dark green no <{><[>no dark green word <[><.>there's there should be shouldn't there i don't think they have dark green in <.>that in that range in that range no at all see we don't even sell the voc one coloured duvet covers we only have ugly pattern yeah but <.>appa um <.>s the person who's the manchester person mm was telling me that um they make them in all the colours that they make the sheets is that right <{1><[1>so it's the same colours as the <{2><[2>sheets what does the navy have on the other side of it <[1>yep <[2>yep probably light blue <{><[>i think <[>oh yeah and how much are they do you know <&>9:00 mine was about <,> i think with the discount it was forty four i got a queen size well that's pretty good eh mm cos i think it was forty nine or something and it came down to forty four i <{><[>can't even remember exactly it was about that <[>mm well do you think you could buy me one yep i <{1><[1>could do that what colour <{2><[2>the blue <[1>please <[2>navy queen size one a navy queen size mhm mm thank you <{><[>and it's twenty percent after that <[>okay private? mm do you get a discount on top of that i don't think so no WE don't but it's better than staff discount eh yep so and we don't <{><[>have it at all <[>is <.>it is it twenty percent off THAT range yeah twenty percent off all manchester and bedding oh is it <{><[>i don't even know what we're doing today <[>mm well i worked yesterday so i know <{><[>laughs <[>yeah and that's up here as well oh i hope so if it's not i'll <.>ju do you still want me to get it with er discount um <,> if it's fifteen percent it's just five percent difference <&>10:00 well no don't cos then i can come up and look <,> <{><[>if it's not twenty percent off <[>okay <{><[>don't bother cos then i'll come and <.>ha and when i'm in hamilton i'll have a look and get you to buy me one <[>if it's not <.>twe i'll leave it okay yeah okay if that's all right yep just comPLETEly using you laughs well maybe i should get some sheets if that's the case mm hope it is the case you'd think it would be cos i've been sort of waiting for a word special on this stuff <.>and what sheets do <.>y oh fitted sheet and stuff yeah fitted sheet oh i don't know how much word sort <.>of they're eighteen dollars for fitted sheets yeah no i don't want to um no i've got <.>to i need my money for inhales my stereo so think i better leave it till later on laughs mm are you going to try and get a job at the warehouse in dunedin yep same i reckon mm hope they want perhaps we should both work the same day yeah that would be good eh that would be better eh mm if <.>we if they wanted people mm just to do a saturday or a sunday eh yep we'd make enough money that way <&>11:00 <&>yawns <{><[>yeah <[>only they'd cut your wages down to fucking six twenty right would they well if you're in wellington and you are nineteen and you work there all the time you get six twenty an hour oh isn't that inCREDible yes <{><[>laughs <[>six twenty from seven fifty it's a <.>bit they're generous aren't they yes they are yeah incredible mm <,> okay coughs well i'll have a look <{><[>see what they're coming out at <[>thank you hey guess what what i've got a tape recorder on you what i've got this tape recorder on you know how i have to tape phone conversations no oh did you not know about that no oh well um will you give permission for your voice to be used what are you going to use it for <{><[>laughs <[>they're doing an accents study oh really who are some um linguistics people laughs you don't have to i can wipe it no i haven't said anything both laugh i don't mind both laugh that's really funny i <{><[>can say that <&>12:00 <[>i thought i'd i thought i'd already talked to you about <{><[>that and that at sometime i'd just record it <[>no no laughs oh <{><[>sorry that's a mean thing to spring on you <[>so how's my accent anyway laughs i don't know <{><[>i don't know how mine is either you know <[>mm mm no doubt we'll find out eventually laughs oh that's quite funny yeah well i'll fax you some information forms when you're working tonight or something oh do i have to word yes oh that's exciting laughs um are you going out tonight or are you going to be home i'll be home well maybe we should go out and then i can ring you up tomorrow laughs i was so pissed off last night cos i rang YOU mm and um you were out picking up brian yep and um your dad was going to give you the message he did but brian was on the phone yeah to ring me back and brian had already rung me back yeah laughs he just got on the phone and started telling me about his new years i was just going <{><[>mm mm mm and i wanted to watch madonna on t v <[>okay i just like <{><[><.>go <[>and he got pissed off that i wanted to watch t v <&>13:00 yeah <.>i i'd just got home and um <,> oh no then we watched a bit of t v and and then i was just about to go to bed and then he rang laughs word everybody else was all in bed or <,> changed to go to bed and <{><[>then i had to go and get him <[>yeah mm right mm well okay so yeah maybe <{><[>i <.>don't laughs <[>what time are you working today ten till six yeah mm i'm doing bloody nine thirty till six do you open at nine thirty no but we have to tidy the store oh do you it's a mess do you know how many people they have on like yesterday we had margaret who's a manager mm we had charlotte who's a supervisor mhm we had one two three four checkout operators and two store detectives you're joking <,> you know what <.>w well lately every morning mm we go in and we have a little meeting <{><[>and there's <.>about <[>do you have meetings every morning yeah that's incredible we don't <&>14:00 and then we have there's about fifty people there fifty red shirts standing there really yeah <{1><[1>that's why we've got <.>to no no <{2><[2>don't know everybody <,> but um yeah so there's a few people <{3><[3>that's why they had <.>to had to cut back <[1>do you know everyone <[2>god <[3>it'd be so much better yeah how many have they <{><[>got now <[>oh <.>that that's just then and then later they have the night fill people who come in and work at night and tidy up the shop yeah um oh they've cut back to twelve of us students and <.>sh oh <.>they've haven't changed the stockroom people yet so there's still all the stockroom people there mm and um then they've got all the fulltimers i'm not sure how many they have of them poor people laughs i reckon imagine laughs laughs i know it'd be like hell <{><[>laughs <[>mm um they'll probably keep you on about last though won't they i don't know word <{><[>cos you're the longest serving <[>yeah not really no? megan who worked there <.>ev like on weekends during the year mm and who has <&>15:00 worked there for about two or three years she's not on the list REALLY it's really absurd <.>how what he's done i don't know it's <{><[>word <[>maybe she didn't want work NO she DID mm and um and she word works behind the service desk <{1><[1>and stuff where you make all the refunds and everything like this which is sort of yeah higher up well a <{2><[2>little way yeah she wasn't even on it it's so <{3><[3>RUDE <[1>mm <[2>yeah <[3>is that right mm did he just make a list did he not ask people or anything just no he just made <.>it well he had this original list of about twenty names on it and <.>he oh no maybe not that many but i wasn't on it and i went and saw him clears throat and he said you're on that list aren't you and i go no and he goes tut oh well just turn up then but then he turned round and made aNOTHer list yeah and a lot of those people that WERE on that list AREN'T on that list now <&>15:51