restore last file=YES
Internet Browser=
; eg. c:\netscape\netscape.exe
File Manager=
; eg. c:\progra~1\powerd~1\pdexplo.exe
; (note: see line above for Win 95 long file name example)
in colour=YES
confirm printing=YES
; if yes, it will show numbers of lines that have been printed
tags to ignore=<*>
; to ignore anything between <> brackets
; You can put several with commas, eg. <*>,[*],{*}
tags to ignore activated=YES
character set=1252
; DOS code-page, default=437 (USA, UK)
; DOS code-page, default=850 (most European languages)
; Windows code-page, default=1252
; 1252 for Western European
; choose the default you most often use. If you only analyse English
; it doesn't make much difference except for £ signs.
hyphen separates words=YES
numbers included=NO
acceptable letters within word='
; start of sentence marker=
; end of sentence marker=
; start of heading marker=
; end of heading marker=
; start of paragraph marker=
end of paragraph marker=
default text file specifications=*.*
; could be *.TXT, *.DOC, INDEP.*, M*.T??, etc.
text format=ASCII
; alternatives are ASCII,HTML,SGML
;network-read/write directory=e:\wsmith
; remove semi-colon in line above if running on network
; and change directory to one that users can write to
;limited directory=n:\wsmith\texts
; edit line above if running on network & it's desirable
; to restrict access to this drive with texts on it
; because the drive has lots of irrelevant sub-directories
default extension=.CNC
search word=
; any word(s) to ignore
context word=
; any word(s) required
max. concordance entries wanted=16000
; 1 to 16000 (max.)
concordance sort=file,file
; default is file,file as this shows results unsorted first
; options are 5L,4L,3L,2L,1L,Centre,1R,2R,3R,4R,5R,File.
; Separate with commas.
show set column=YES
show tag column=YES
show word no. column=YES
show file column=YES
show % column=YES
; these concern what will be by default shown or hidden
concordance blanking=NO
; NO or YES. blanking is useful for teachers
compute collocates too=YES
; NO or YES. Quicker without
min. collocate length=3
min. collocate frequency=5
collocate horizons=5,5
; 5,5=5 to left & 5 to right
context horizons=5,5
characters in save as text=80
default keywords extension=.KWS
matching words filename=
max. keywords=500
min. keywords frequency=3
max. p value=0.000001
show keyness column=YES
show p value column=YES
keywords procedure=log likelihood
default database extension=.KDB
min. database frequency=1
min. associates frequency=5
default extension=.LST
matching words filename=
min. word length=1
max. word length=14
min. word frequency=1
max. word frequency=2147483647
type/token basis=1000
; see type/token help in Wordlist.
store capitalised words only=NO
; when making a word list -- process only the Capitalised Words (YES)
; or all the words (NO)
compute word clusters=NO
; default is single-word lists;
; to do clusters is expensive in RAM
cluster size=2
; only effective if line above says YES
compute Log2=YES
ignore sentence,para,head breaks=NO
minimum frequency=5
minimum mutual info=3
maximum percent=0.5
end of text marker=[FF]
; These are Red,Green,Blue colours, following a similar
; system to that used in the "colors" section of WIN.INI.
; Here the foreground colours, separated by commas, are
; followed by the background.
; Examples: 0,0,0 on 255,255,255 is black on white
; 255,0,0 on 0,0,0 is red on a black background
; The default highlight colour is whatever the colour is of
; the caption of your active window. To see available colours, go
; into Control Panel, choose Color, click on Color Palette, then
; on Define Custom Colors. Note British spelling of colour!
; Note: The set of [ORIGINAL DEFAULT COLOURS] below is saved
; in case you screw up.
text=0,0,0 on 255,255,255
highlight=192,192,192 on 0,0,128
search word=128,128,0 on 255,255,255
main sort word=128,0,0 on 255,255,255
second sort word=0,0,255 on 255,255,255
context word=0,128,0 on 255,255,255
deleted=128,128,128 on 255,255,255
not numbered=128,128,128 on 255,255,255
centre highlighted word=255,255,0 on 0,0,128
main sort highlighted=255,0,0 on 0,0,128
second sort highlighted=0,255,255 on 0,0,128
context word highlighted=0,255,0 on 0,0,128
most frequent collocate=255,0,0 on 255,255,255
viewing texts=0,0,128 on 255,255,255
text=0,0,0 on 255,255,255
highlight=192,192,192 on 0,0,128
search word=128,128,0 on 255,255,255
main sort word=128,0,0 on 255,255,255
second sort word=0,0,255 on 255,255,255
context word=0,128,0 on 255,255,255
deleted=128,128,128 on 255,255,255
not numbered=128,128,128 on 255,255,255
centre highlighted word=255,255,0 on 0,0,128
main sort highlighted=255,0,0 on 0,0,128
second sort highlighted=0,255,255 on 0,0,128
context word highlighted=0,255,0 on 0,0,128
most frequent collocate=255,0,0 on 255,255,255
viewing texts=0,0,128 on 255,255,255