Information on cmkentse.m2

PPCME2 information

Text name Kentish Sermons
File name cmkentser.m1
Manuscript Laud Misc. 471 (SC 1053)
Date c1275 (Wells: date of composition pre-1250)
Dialect Kentish
Genre Homilies
Edition Hall, Joseph. 1963. Selections from Early Middle English 1130-1250. Part I. Oxford: Clarendon. Second edition (first edition 1920).
Sample Pp. 214-222, exhaustive

These five sermons are translated from a French version of the Latin sermons by Maurice de Sully (bishop of Paris 1160-1196). The translation is not from the French sermons included in the same manuscript, but rather from an (unknown) manuscript very similar to MS. Douce 270, Bodleian Library (D). The translation is quite literal, influencing, according to Hall, p. 669, the translator's "idiom, order and choice of words, even to the borrowing of an occasional inflection."

Click on the link for the French and English versions of one of the Kentish homilies.

Helsinki Corpus information

File name CMKENTSE
Text identifier M2 IR HOM KSERM
Author X
Period M2
Date of original 1250-1350
Date of manuscript 1250-1350
Contemporaneity CONTEMP
Dialect KL
Verse or prose PROSE
Text type HOMILY
Relationship to foreign original X
Foreign original X
Relationship to spoken language WRITTEN
Sex of author X
Age of author X
Social rank of author X
Audience description X
Participant relationship X
Interaction X
Setting X
Prototypical text category INSTR REL