E_S or . | sentence-final punctuation |
, | sentence-internal punctuation |
' | single quote |
" | double quote |
Final punctuation indicates the end of a token. Note, however, that tokens can terminate without any punctuation.
In the PPCME2, final punctuation is tagged E_S in the parsed files and with a period in the POS and text files. In the PPCEME, a period is used throughout.
For_CONJ I_PRO have_HVP bene_BEN at_P kynge_NPR Royns_NPR$ ,_. CMMALORY,45.25_ID for_CONJ hit_PRO was_BED tolde_VAN me_PRO there_EX were_BED passyng_ADV good_ADJ knyghtes_NS ;_. CMMALORY,45.26_ID and_CONJ he_PRO and_CONJ all_Q his_PRO$ knyghtes_NS hath_HVP assayde_VBN CMMALORY,45.27_ID and_CONJ none_Q can_MD spede_VB ._. '_' CMMALORY,45.28_ID
Ne_NEG mei_MD na_Q .Mon._MAN cume_VB in_RP to_P godes_NPR$ riche_N bote_P he_PRO beo_BEP ifulhted_VAN ._. CMLAMB1.73.17_ID +Tis_D word_N .credo._NPR Mon_MAN mei_MD understonden_VB ._, on_P +tro_NUM wise_N ._. CMLAMB1.75.43_ID +Te_D .v._NUM is_BEP dunt_N ._, CMANCRIW,II.150.2043_ID ant_CONJ segge+d_VBI In_FW nomine_FW Patris_FW ,_, etc._FW ,_. CMANCRIW,I.54.128_ID
All other sentence punctuation (except quotes) that does not coincide with the end of a token is tagged with a comma.
+tet_D an_ONE is_BEP rihte_ADJ ileue_N ._, +tet_D o+der_OTHER ;_, fulluht_N ._, +tet_D +dridde_ADJ ;_, feir_ADJ lif_N to_TO leden_VB on_P +tisse_D liue_N ._. CMLAMB1,73.7_ID
'_' Thys_D ys_BEP a_D grete_ADJ mervayle_N ,_, '_' seyde_VBD Arthure_NPR ._. CMMALORY,45.29_ID and_CONJ seyde_VBD ,_, '_' "_" For_P thy_PRO$ love_N I_PRO leffte_VBD my_PRO$ contrey_N ,_. CMMALORY,641.3990_ID and_CONJ syth_P ye_PRO sholl_MD departe_VB frome_P me_PRO oute_RP of_P thys_D worlde_N ,_, leve_VBI me_PRO som_Q $tokyn_N that_C I_PRO may_MD thynke_VB on_P you_PRO ._. "_" '_' CMMALORY,641.3991_ID